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Female Elsie Brereton Click to view Elsie Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Elsie was born on March 15th, 1894 in Birkenhead and her baptism took place on April 4th, 1894 at St. Mary (Birkenhead).1 2  Elsie's father was Richard Brereton and her mother was Lydia Timmis.  Her paternal grandparents were Richard Brereton and Esther Eddowes; her maternal grandparents were Richard Timmis Jnr and Lydia Woodward. She had three brothers and three sisters, named Richard, William, Frank, Ginnie, Ethel and Lillie.  She was the fourth oldest of the seven children.  She died due to heart disease at the age of 93 on November 12th, 1987 in Arrow Park Hospital.  The funeral took place on November 18th, 1987 at St. Marys (Upton).  She was cremated on November 18th, 1987 at the Landican Cemetery.3 3 

Elsie's family with Harry (Harold) Dittmer

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Elsie and Harold were married in a religious ceremony on July 3rd, 1919 at St. Paul's (Tranmere) by Curate Lancelot L H Sharples and witnessed by Harold Robinson & Richard Timmis Brereton.7  They had two sons and a daughter, named Harry, Cliff and Joan.  There are no more children.

1 England & Wales BMD Index (1984-Date)
2 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
3 Newspaper - Elsie Dittmer
4 1939 Register Transcription
5 1901 UK Census
6 Individual - Mum & Dad
7 Certificate - Marriage
8 GRO Reference
9 Funeral Card
10 Newspaper - Harry Dittmer
11 Certificate - Baptism
12 Certificate - Death
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