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Male Harry Dittmer Click to view Harry Dittmer in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Harry was born on June 29th, 1920 in Upton.1  Harry's father was Harry (Harold) Dittmer and his mother was Elsie Brereton.  His paternal grandparents were Johann (Henry) Peter Heinrich Dittmer and Friedericke (Freda) Dorothee Westphal; his maternal grandparents were Richard Brereton and Lydia Timmis. He had a brother and a sister, named Cliff and Joan.  He was the oldest of the three children.  He died due to heart disease, Heart bypass surgery, at the age of 56 on September 24th, 1976 in the Wirral.  The funeral took place on September 29th, 1976 at St. Marys (Upton).  He was cremated on September 29th, 1976 at the Landican Cemetery.2 3 4 

Harry's family with Margaret (Peggy) Edith Hamer

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Harry and Peggy were married in a religious ceremony on April 1st, 1945 at St. Marys (Upton) by H Crabb.4   They had two biological sons named Colin and Roger.  They also had an adopted daughter named Lynda.  There are no more children.

1 GRO Reference
2 Funeral Card
3 Newspaper - Harry Dittmer
4 Individual - Mum & Dad
5 1939 Register Transcription
6 Certificate - Death
Further source/citation:
England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)

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