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Family Subtree Diagram : Brereton, Thomas+Martha Hughes

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Red lower-right corner are those who emigrated to Australia Subordinate of: Recorded as a servant of William and Mary in 1851 Subordinate of: Recorded as a servant of William and Mary in 1851 Subordinate of Lives with: Samuel was living with his Daughter Jessie in Lake City, Florida, Columbia in 1930 Representative of: Samuel was a witness at Thomas Brereton's wedding Funding of: John returned to Wales, living with his brother Edward in 1891.  John Brereton of Is-y-Coed died 8-May-1896, aged 69, leaving his estate of £1,295 to Edward Brereton farmer. Relative of: Close brothers (and both families burried at Brown Knoll) Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Adopted Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Distrust Marriage (eleven children) 22 Jan 1827 (St Oswald's. Chester). Abode: Is-y-Coed, Sutton No more children Marriage (four children) 27 Feb 1872 (Tattenhall, Chester) Emigrated to NC, USA Marriage (nine children) 25 Dec 1860 (Harthill) Bickerton No more children Marriage (a child) 1884 (Fitzroy) No more children Divorce 1857 (Victoria) Widowed (two children) 1849 Melbourne No more children Marriage (two children) No more children Marriage 23 Nov 1903 (AU) +Possibly more children Marriage (six children) 8 Aug 1796 (Tilston) Marriage (seven children) 30 Oct 1852 (St John, Chester) Abode: Victoria, AU Marriage 1897 (B'head) No more children Marriage 1898 (B'head) No more children Marriage (seven children) 1868 (St Bartholomew, Barrow) Marriage (a child) 20 Mar 1872 (Victoria) No more children Marriage (nine children) 14 Nov 1900 (Tattenhall) Marriage (a child) 1927 +Possibly more children Marriage (five children) 10 Dec 1888 (Tattenhall) No more children Marriage (a child) 22 Dec 1920 (Bickerton) XTo be completed Marriage (six children) 16 Oct 1903 (Bickerton) Abode: Broxton No more children Marriage 4 Apr 1894 (Harthill) No more children Marriage (a child) 27 Mar 1922 (New York) No more children Marriage (three children) 19 Oct 1946 (NJ, USA) Marriage 1868 (Nantwich) Abode: Kansas, USA XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 31 May 1965 No more children Marriage (two children) 17 Jul 1971 (NJ, USA) Relative of: Although Alice was adopted, her son's DNA has matched with a member of the Brereton family descended from George Brereton, William Brereton's brother. Therefore, William adopted a family member, probably a daughter of Harry, son of George, or he was hiding the fact that he had an illegitimate daughter & Alice was actually William's daughter (and also probably Maria's)!! Other: Both Thomas Breretons of Harthill emigrated to South Australia Representative of: In 1862, Thomas and Elizabeth Lea were witness to the marriage of Edward Brereton and Frances Hopley Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA match Relative of: Shared DNA with me 1803 - 1872 Thomas Brereton 68 68 22 Jan 1827, Thomas Broughton (Brereton), Blacksmith married Martha Hughes at St Oswald's, Chester.

From census records it appears that Thomas didn't have his own farms.  His sons George and Edward worked for his brother William nearby in Broxton.

In 1841, Thomas and Martha are farming at Bronington, with all children present except for John who was helping at his grandparents.

"The Australian Brereton book describes Thomas Brereton  as "of Brown Knowl", which is where he is recorded in 1851.

Samuel Hughes.Martha's brother set off for Australia with  Thomas's three sons John, George & William Brereton. From there it goes from William & Sarah then to Ernest & Annie and then to Don & Ruby then Don & Val and to Richard's siblings brother Don and sisters Debbie and Shelley who all have children.  (Extracted from the www).
Some of this information, believed to originate from a book are incorrect.  Thomas and Martha's sons William and John came to Australia in 1852 and their other sons George and Thomas arrived in 1858.

Thomas and Martha, married in Chester in 1827, but the name is miss-spelt, so the record was difficult to find.

Appears to have stayed in the UK after his father had ded, as father William BRERETON was living with them at Woodend farm till 1866, and was still at the farm in 1871, aged 67.  He probably never went to Australia.

Thomas left £50 advance each to Edward, Jane and Sarah. Later his estate was to be sold and divided equally to all 10 children after his wife Martha died.
1806 - 1884 William Brereton 78 78 Unlike older brothers John and Thomas, William and George did not make a Will.

In 1841, William (30) was still with his parents at Harthill, and with (assumed) son Samule (3 mo)

In 1851, Pheobe Tomlinson was a boarder at Fullers moor.

In 1861, William Brereton (53) and Mary (50) were at Fullers Moor (9 acres), with son Roger (16) and niece Emma Clarke (17).  In 1863 they were still there.  The niece must be on Mary's side of the family.

In 1881, William and Mary Brereton (74 & 70) were at Dutton Cacca with their son Roger (36, unmarried).  William was a retired farmer and local Methodist preacher.
1838 - 1914 Elizabeth Brereton 76 76 Elizabeth, daughter-in-law, aged 23 was recorded as living with William in 1861.  Was this her?

Her father was Thomas Brereton.
1806 - 1879 Martha Hughes 73 73 Martha had a brother Samuel, about 5 years older. 1830 - 1880 Mary Brereton 50 50 30 Oct 1852, Samuel Hughes (26) son of George married Mary Brereton (23) dau of Thomas Brereton at St John, Chester. There are no Cheshire births recorded as they emigrated to Australia as soon as they were married.

Soon after Mary and Samuel married, they emigrated to Australia.  Harriett was born there in 1855, and George and Annie Hughes both died as infants in 1862 and 1868.
1844 - 1926 Jane Brereton 81 81 In 1851, Jane Brereton (6, born Harthill) was with her parents Thomas and Martha.

In 1852, another Jane Brereton, aged 7 died.  This is a perfect age match, but must be the other Jane (MMN=AGAR) born the same year in Liverpool.

In 1861, Jane Brereton (16, born Harthill) was Living at Tattenhall with parents Thomas and Martha at her grandfathers home (William Brereton).

Mrs Darlington (sister) attended her brother John's funeral in 1896
1848 - 1933 Samuel Brereton 85 85 Samuel (and Ellen and son Thomas) arrived at Buffalo, New York on 23 Jan 1908, aged 60.  He was recorded as the son-in-law of G R Nevelle (assumed to be Joseph Nevelle, Jessie's husband).

Samuel (62), wife Ellen (57) and son Thomas (23) were recorded on the 1910 US census, farming at Trappe, Wicomico, Maryland.

Samuel moved to Florida to live with his daughter Jessie
1840 Sarah Brereton In 1861, Sarah (20) is with her parents and graddfather William Brereton (86) at the 100 acre Woodend Farm.

In 1880, Thomas and SArah Poole (50 & 40) were living at Parker, Morris, Kansas, USA with their daughter Jessie (1).

In 1910, Martha Jane Brereton (47) and Sarah Ann Brereton (62, Nurse) sailed to NY on the Carmania.  This may be Sarah and her niece Jane.
1854 - 1911 Ellen Humphreys 57 57 Emigrated to the US in 1908 1886 - 1960 Thomas Brereton 74 74 Emigrated to the US in 1908

THOMAS BRERETON:  HOWELL TOWNSHIP - Thomas Brereton, 73, of Yellow Brook Rd., died yesterday at his home.  Survivers are his wife, Mrs Elizabeth W Brereton; a son Thomas J. of Freehold, and two sisters Mrs Jessie Mebille and Mrs Minnie Shunton, both of Hendersonville, N.C.
1872 - 1940 Evan Brereton 67 67 1898, Even Brereton married Louisa Fleet at Birkenhead.  There are no UK births, and they were stillin Birkenhead in 1911. 1879 - 1971 Jessie Brereton 92 92 In 1891, Minnia and Jessie (15 & 13) were working at servants at Bickley Hall, Eddisbury, Whitchurch 1875 - 1962 Minnie Brereton 86 86 In 1891, Minnia and Jessie (15 & 13) were working at servants at Bickley Hall, Eddisbury, Whitchurch 1868 John Darlington In 1939, John (and Rosa) was a retired farmer at Morley Hall, Little Barrow 1832 - 1913 William Brereton 81 81 Recorded as a servant of William and Mary in 1851.

William (aged 19) and his older brother John emigrated to Australia in Aug 1852 arriving in Port Philip Bay on the Lady Head,.  Their other brothers arrived in 1858.  Times couldn't have been that great there as their younget brother Samuel later, who would have hardly known his older brothers, went to the USA instead of Australia.

Although William and Maria married in 1884, they were living together in 1872.  DNA tests suggest Alice Maude is probably Williams daughter, but not Maria's.

John was involved with the Salvation Army.  He was married by a Salvation Army Chaplin, and his headstone reads "Erected by the Salvation Army and his daughter".
1834 - 1907 Maria Clarke 73 73 Maria joined the Salvation Army (Australian) in 1863 after her second husband died.

26 Nov 1907, Maria Brereton of Pascoe Vale (Coburg), Victoria  died, aged 73. The funeral serviee was conducted by the Chief Secreta Cornel Hoskin, assisted by Lieutent-Cornel Birkshaw, Brigadier Hendyl and otther. The coffin was brought to the Salvation Army Hall for a short serice.
1881 - 1946 Alice Maud Mary Brereton 65 65 Katrina Wallwood's (Ancestry id=trinasw) great grandmother was Alice Maude Mary Brereton.

23 Nov 1903, Alice Maud Mary Brereton (22) married  James Alexander Marion at the Salvation Army Barracks, Daylesford.  Alice was from Pascoe Vale (West Coburg), born at Kynton.

Her father's Will shows that "Alice Maud Mary Marion" was the adopted daughter of William Brereton. However, DNA evidence suggests that Alice is a blood relative of her adoption father William, probably his son Harry.  She is probably Williams illegitimate daughter, or else a niece.  Why else would he adopt a child as a single man!

Between 1904 and 1901, Alice had four children; Grace, Muriel, Flor and Herbert
1838 - 1920 John Walter DeGruchy 82 82 John Walter DeGruchy was baptised in 1838, the son of Philippe DeGruchy and Marie Magdelaine Renaut.  There is another John W DeGruchy born the same year, but he was John William, son of John a farmer and Hannah.

In 1851, John W DeGruchi was 14, the son of John DeGruchi a Shipwright living in St Hellier, Channel Islands.

In 1852, John Walter went to sea as a boy aboard the Coroline of Arichat, Canada. He was next an Ordlnary Seaman on Lady Falkfandin L853, both of which vessels were engaged in the Foreign Trade.

1854 John Walter was serving aboard the Red Rover of Shields, in the Coastal Trade and 1854-L855 on a voyage to Adelaide, Australia aboard Evening Star of London.

In 1861, his parents John DeGruchy Shipwright and Harriet (62 & 56) were is St Helleir, Jersey.  (Another John Phillip DeGruchy of same age was married to Esther)

Did John die in 1863?  When Maria DeGrucha (nee Clark) married William Brereton in Fitzroy in 1844, she recorded she was widowed in 1863. However, this may not be the case (see below).  There was no death certificate.

31 May 1865, John Walter DeGruchy, Aged 26, Widower and Seaman married Adelina Esther Noël at  St Saviour, Jersey.

In 1867 John was certified as a First Mate.  Then on 12 Nov 1869, the Board of Trade awarded John Walter DeGruchy a Certificate of Competency as "Master" of the merchant service (i.e. seaman).

In 1881, John W DeGruchy and Adelina E (42 and 40) were with Philip and Louisa Gaudin (52 & 42) at St Martin Jersey. John was now a baker and his wife a grocer.

In 1891, John W (a baker and grocer) and Adelina E (53 and 50) were with son John W (8) and daughter Olivia (10) and had a domestic servant Jane Le Breton (14) with them.

April 1920, John Walter DeGruchy died, aged 82 and was buried 10 April at St Martin, Jersey.
1817 - 1857 Thomas (Clee) Clay 40 40 1866 - 1939 Joseph Reginald Neville 73 73 According to the 1930 US census, His father was English and his mother French.  He had a sister Minnie.

Wife names "Jesse Mebille" (i.e. not Neville) on Thomas Brereton's obituary.
1879 James Alexander Marion 23 Nov 1903, Alexander Marion, bachelor of Dalesford, born in South Australia, to parents Charles Marion and Sarah Mott married Alice Maud Mary Brereton at the Salvation Army Barracks, Daylesford. 1827 - 1896 John Brereton 69 69 No christening record.  John (14) living with Mary and William in 1841, but Mary would be too old for John to be her child, and census divide indicates of another family. Now believed to be the John, the son of Thomas and Martha.

John and brother William emigrated to Port Philip, Victoria, Australia in Aug 1852 on the "Lady Head", and their other brothers arrived in 1858. There is a shipping record for a John Brereton in 1852 and in 1856 the electoral roll has a record for John Brereton and William Brereton in Kyneton Boroughs, Malsbury.

John Brereton of Australia was reported in the Chester Chronical (14 July 1866) attending the Festival of Broxton, where two large waterproof tents were erected next to the Roal Oak Inn at Broxton..

John returned to Wales, living with his brother Edward in 1891.  John Brereton of Is-y-Coed died 8-May-1896, aged 69, leaving his estate of £1,295 to his younger brother Edward Brereton farmer.

John was a member of the Wrexham Workhouse board of Guardians, and proposed giving older inmates 1oz of Tobacco each week.
1771 William Hughes William was a bricklayer at the time of his marriage in 1796. 1772 Mary Bennion Name recorded as Mary Bennion on the Marriage record (see image). 1804 Hannah Hughes 1807 Thomas Hughes 1798 Samuel Hughes Samuel was christened at Tarvin.  There are no other christenings for this family, so they must have moved from Tarvin to Hargrave (about 3 miles) between 1798 and 1804.

Samuel Hughes voyaged to Australia, bring with him his three nephews, John Brereton (b.1827), George (b.1828) and William. They settled on land in Victoria.
1802 Mary Hughes 1800 Elizabeth Hughes 1843 - 1845 Anne Brereton 2 2 Cant find any proof of birth for Anne (for any Brereton family), but death record (aged 2) ties in perfectly with this Brereton family at Harthill. 1825 - 1892 Samuel Hughes 67 67 Samuel was the son of George and Martha Hughes from Harthill.  His father was a farmer of 20 acres in 1851, and Samuel described as "Farmers Son & Labourer"

30 Oct 1852, Samuel Hughes (26) son of George married Mary Brereton (23) dau of Thomas Brereton at St John, Chester. There are no Cheshire births recorded as they emigrated to Austrania as soon as they were married.

Mary and Samuel Hughes arrived in Australia in 1853. There is an Electral roll record for a Samuel Hughes in 1856 in Malmsbury, Kyneton Boroughs Victoria. The same place where William Brereton had his farm.
1863 - 1928 John Shenton 64 64 Shenton (not Shunton)

In 1901, John and Minnie (38 & 25) were farming at Eddisbury, Egerton. Living with him was father-in-law Samuel Brereton (53) and Bro-in-law Thomas Brereton (14)..

In 1920, John and Minnie (56 & 44) were at Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USA
1867 - 1942 Louisa Fleet 75 75 1836 - 1910 Thomas Lea 74 74 Thomas was the son of William Lea and Jane.  He was living in Harthill in 1841, a neighbour of William and Martha in 1841

In 1862, Thomas and Elizabeth Lea were witness to the marriage of Edward Brereton and Frances Hopley
1865 Charles Lea 1867 - 1939 John Lea 71 71 In 1891, John and Lizzie (both 23) were at Harthill 1869 - 1872 Sarah Lea 2 2 1873 - 1917 Emily Lea 44 44 4 Apr 1894 Emily of Buckerton married William Evans (1862-1927), farmer of Harthill

In 1901, William and Emily (36 & 29) were farming at Gatesheath, Golborne Bellow.  No children, and 4 servants.

In 1921, Emily was with Joseph Evans (b.1869) at Tattenhall, Cheshire with two illegitimate Evans children and one other person.
1877 - 1923 William Thomas Lea 46 46 1845 - 1909 Benjamin Darlington 64 64 1870 - 1871 Mary Darlington 4m 4m 1872 Annie Darlington 1873 - 1889 Martha Jane Darlington 16 16 1876 Benjamin Darlington Married Annie Shallcross  1878 Mary Darlington 1879 - 1881 Job Darlington 2 2 1880 - 1932 Arthur Lea 51 51 16 Oct 1903, Arthur Lea (23) married Mary Elizabeth Warburton (20).  They are buried with Arthur's parents at Harthill. 1834 - 1921 Thomas Brereton 87 87 Thomas and John Brereton were working as servants for Robert and Mary Broom.

Thomas born at Harthill married his second cousin, Ann Brereton (a twin).  There common great grandparents are William Brereton and Mary Ledsham.

George and Thomas (sons of Thomas and Martha) came out to Australia in 1858 on the Anglo Saxon ship.
1828 - 1880 George Brereton 52 52 Recorded as a servant of William and Mary in 1851.

George and Thomas (sons of Thomas and Martha) came out to Australia in 1858 on the Anglo Saxon ship.  They arrived 6 years after their two brothers (William & John).
1850 - 1922 William Henry Clee 71 71 1852 - 1936 Elizabeth Henrietta Turpin 84 84 Elizabeth's parents were James Turpin and Ann Weber 1861 - 1862 George Hughes 1 1 1867 - 1868 Annie Hughes 1 1 1855 - 1932 Harriett Hughes 77 77 1836 - 1909 Edward Brereton 72 72 Recorded as a servant of William and Mary in 1851.

John Brereton of Higher Hall, Isycoed, Wrexham, Denbighshire farmer died 9 May 1896. Probate St Asaph 17 July to Edward Brereton farmer. Effects £1,295 3s.  Who was this John.  His brother went to Austraila, so his he return?  His wealthy uncle John Brereton late of Bolesworth Hill has another probate, so cant be him.

5 Aug 1862 Marriage banns were read for Edward Brereton of Broxton, Malpas, a farmer and Frances Hopley, spinster of Broxton to me married at Malpas.

25 Aug 1862, Edward Brereton (25) son of Thomas married Frances Hopley (22) daughter of George Hopley a Wheelwright at Malpas, Cheshire.

Edward later (about 1872) became a farmer of 46.5 acres at Cacca Dutton, Denbyshire  They were living at the Nags Head Inn with other Brereton family members.

In 1889, when Martha married, Edward was a farmer at Higher Hall, Is-y-coed.

March 1909, Edward died at Higher Hall Farm, IsyCoed
1824 - 1900 Thomas Brereton 76 76 Thomas was a bastard child of Elizabeth Brereton, who died in childbirth.  No father was named on his baptism of 14 Jan 1824.

In 1841, Thomas was a Male Servant at Hurleston, Acton by Nantwich, serving James and Elizabeth Lee (60 & 65, farmers)

Thomas and Mary emigrated to Adelaide, Australia about 1852. Thier twins George and William were born there late 1852, and then Caleb in 1855 and so on.

Mary died in 1881, and two years later, Thomas married Catherine Jane Crack and had one more boy and 7 girls by her.
1856 - 1886 Martha Hughes 30 30 1859 - 1890 Enoch Hughes 31 31 1862 - 1937 Thomas Brereton Hughes 75 75 1864 - 1942 Sarah Alice Hughes 78 78 1880 - 1956 Florence Gertrude Aldersey 76 76 1901 - 1911 William John Lea 10 10 1907 - 1995 Florence Emily Lea 87 87 1908 - 1994 Ethel Lea 85 85 1910 - 1976 Percy Lea 66 66 1912 - 1991 Ernest Lea 79 79 1915 - 2001 Marshall Lea 85 85 1916 - 1997 Stanley Aldersey Lea 80 80 1918 - 1978 Daisy Lea 59 59 1920 - 2012 Rose Lea 91 91 1934 - 2016 Robert Thomas Carr 81 81 July 1955, Thomas Robert Carr married Eileen Hughes.  Their son Nigel Carr has a 22cM DNA match with CKD and is a 5th cousin 1906 - 1980 Fred Carr 74 74 1863 - 1863 Jane Lea 6m 6m 1871 - 1872 Thomas Lea 3m 3m 1861 - 1863 William Lea 2 2 William and Jane Lea died at Harthill.  Thet were buried there, one week appart, aged 2 years and 6 months. 1868 - 1947 Lizzie Nield 79 79 1895 - 1956 Marshal Nield Lea 61 61 22 Dec 1920, Married at  Bickerton Holy Trinity 1899 Jennie Pickering 1922 - 2005 John Kenneth Lea 82 82 John Kenneth Lea is a 4th cousin 1x removed. 

John's son (Ancestry ID nieldcrow), a 5th cousin, has a 8cM DNA match with CKD.
1897 - 1977 Dorothy Lea 80 80 1892 - 1956 Elsie Ann Lea 64 64 1900 Charles Arthur Lea 1901 - 1975 Edgar Lea 74 74 1883 - 1951 Mary Elizabeth Warburton 68 68 1903 Arthur Lea 1905 Mary Elizabeth Lea 1906 - 1963 Thomas Lea 57 57 1909 - 1975 John Leslie Lea 66 66 1911 - 1911 Nancy Lea 1912 - 1912 Robert Arthur Lea 1860 - 1927 William Evans 67 67 William, son of John and Emma Evans

In 1901, William and Emily (36 & 29) were at Gatesheath, Goldborne Below, Tattanhall.  They had no children and 4 servants.
1881 - 1966 Elizabeth Wake 85 85 1922 - 1990 Thomas (Tommy) James Brereton 67 67 1923 - 2003 Joyce Helen Estelle 79 79 1951 - 1951 Joyce Susan Brereton 7d 7d Thomas Harry Brereton Susan Joy Brereton 1901 - 1986 Nellie May Karking (nee Neville) 85 85 1902 - 1992 Franklin (Frank) Reginald Neville 89 89 1844 - 1852 Jane Brereton 8 8 Jane was the daughter of Richard Brereton and Hannah Agar, baptised 22 May 1844 at Liverpool St Michael.  Jane's birth registration was at Liverpool in Q2/1844 anc confirms the MMN as AGAR. Her parents married at Guisborough, North Yorkshire in 1843.

In 1851, Jane Brereton (6), was living with Ann Eliza Agar (22) in Liverpool.
1830 Thomas Poole Bill Whatling <female> (mw5869) Walton Elizabeth Walley 1892 - 1974 Clifford Ballington Clee 82 82 1841 - 1922 Adelina Esther Noël 81 81 1880 - 1926 Olivia Adeline DeGruchy 46 46 1882 John Walter DeGruchy 1856 Charles Clay (Clee) Melissa Riddle Cynthia Jane Kercher 1973 - 2014 Thomas (Tommy) Paul Brereton 41 41 Traci Helen Soriano
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