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Family Subtree Diagram : Mather, John+Sarah

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Moved from Bingley to Tranmere between 1879 and 1886 Great Grandparents John Graham's tree, mainly extracted from Jean Day's tree of BC, Canada Jean is granddaughter of Jeanie A S Graham (1886-1965), the daughter of Alexander and Jeanie Sharp Neighbor: James and Mary Nugent were living at 284 St. Anne St, Birkenhead in 1911, next door to Joseph Mather at 282 Representative of: Richard was best man and witness at John and Sarah's marriage of 1901 Representative of: Mary was bridesmaid and witness at John and Sarah's marriage of 1901 Representative of: "R Mather (son)" was informant of Joseph's death. Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Adopted Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Adopted Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Marriage (eight children) Married 13-Aug-1901, Baptist Chapel, Grange Rd. Abode: Higher Tranmere No more children Marriage (a child) 7 July 1934 No more children Marriage 29-Dec-1979 No more children Marriage (a child) 24 Sep 1931 (Morton) No more children Divorce (four children) Q3 1960 (Blackpool) No more children Marriage (two children) 1947 (Birkenhead) No more children Marriage (two children) Q2 1978 No more children Marriage (eight children) 30-Jul-1865 (Bolton) Abode Bolton & Birkenhead >1872 No more children Legal cohabitation (a child) No more children Divorce 24-Jan-1975 No more children Marriage (seven children) 29-Mar-1873 (Bingley Independant) Abode: Bingley & Tranmere No more children Best Friends / Very Close: Pet African Grey Parrot.  We are very close! Named After: Both Joseph's known as Jow Relative of: DNA match:  11% Shared DNA.  788cM across 41 segments for a first cousin. Representative of: 1894, Dr Alexander Sharp Graham knew that his father had an affair when he was young and that he had a half-cousin John Graham.  He informed John's children (John and Julie) of this at John Graham Snr's funeral. 1916 - 2005 Walter (Wal) Mather 89 89 As the family were Methodists (and once Baptists), Walter went to Mount Tabor Primitive Methodist Sunday School.

Walter was great friends with William Harold Whieldon and his wife Violet (a.k.a. Bo and Vi). They were the local Butchers at Town Lane and dad would go and help out each Christmas, sorting the Turkeys and drinking Tea and Whisky. Sadly, Violet passed away 14 June 1989 and Bo passed away 29 June 1997.

During the war, Walter was in the 8th Army, Cheshire Regiment, (the Desert Rats) and served in Malta and North Africa. He lost half a finger to a German bullet.  After the war he went fishing, with a rod made from a german tank aerial.  He also kept so other german artifacts, including a sigma machine, a portable vice, and some german medals.

Like his brother Albert, he worked for Towers and Company (based at Knotty Ash, Liverpool) as a travelling salesman visiting the lancashire butchers shops.  His districts were Southport (Mon & Thu), Wigan (Wednesday, Market day), and Ormskirk and St Helens (Tue & Fri).  Much of the time was spent in the backs of the shops supping cups of tea.

He was promoted to office manager in his sixties, which he took reluctantly (as he enjoyed the travelling), but he did get a much improved salary and pension, and just as many cups of tea!

1922 - 2009 Dorothy (Joan) Joan Dittmer 87 87 My mum (Joan) was born 20-Jan-1922.  She went to school in Tollimash Road, Birkenhead.  They lived at 44 Upper Brassy St. until 1933, when they moved to 37 Devonshire Road, Upton.

When she married Walter, they moved to Town Lane, Bebington, which is where she lived for her entire married life.
1955 John Raymond Mather Born 29th July, a Friday, and owner of this tree 1877 - 1968 Sarah Stocks 90 90 In 1881, George and Sarah (2 and 4) were with their parents at Heather Bank, Bingley, Yorkshire.

In 1891 and 1901 Sarah Stocks was living at 5 Cobden St., Birkenhead. 

13 Aug 1901, Sarah Stocks married John Mather at the Baptist Chapel in Grange Road, Birkenhead.

In 1921, John (b.1873) and Sarah (b.Yorkshire, 1877) were living at 45 Thompson Street with Joseph, Albert, John (i.e. Jack), Ellen, Norah, Jessie, Eileer and Walter.

Sarah lived most of her married life at 45 Thompson St, Birkenhead, where sh died in 1968, leaving £5097.
1873 - 1950 John Mather 77 77 John was a keen bowler, and a member of the North End bowling club for 5 years from 1897 to 1902, before he moved to Tranmere and the Birkenhead Park B.C.  At Birkenhead Park, he held all of the positions except Treasurer. John also enjoys other sports including rugby football in the winter and cricket in the summer, and also athletics.

13 Aug 1901 John married Sarah Stocks at the Baptist Chapel in Birkenhead.  Between 1902 and 1916 they had 8 children, and all births were registered at Tranmere.

In 1921, John (b.1873) and Sarah (b. Yorkshire, 1877) and their 8 children: Joseph, Albert, John (i.e. Jack), Ellen, Norah, Jessie, Eileen and Walter were living at 45 Thompson Street, Tranmere, Birkenhead.  This was a big 4-bed red-brick house on a corner plot, with living room, large front-aspect dining room (big enough for 20+), kitchen with a black-iron fireplace and ovens on either side, lower scullery and wash room. There were coal bunkers, WC and garage outside.  It had a large Victorian garden with raised flower beds, vegetable plot around the side and two large glass-houses.  There was rear access to a workshop-gaurage.  An amazing old house!  As well tomatoes and all kinds of vegetables they grew prize-winning Chrysanthemums.  This would be the family home until John and Sarah had died.

In 1928, John's uncle, also a John Mather died at 56 Church Road, Birkenhead, aged 75.  John (shown as nephew) reported his head.

In the 1950-60s Sarah had a dog, “Snowy”, a big golden Labrador.  It was a lovely dog but moulted a lot, so after visiting the house we would spend the next few days picking dog-hairs off our cloths.
1902 - 1983 Joseph (Joe) Mather 81 81 Joe, named after his grandfather, was the oldest of the Mather family.  Joe could never settle in one place for long.  Over the years, Jo, Evelyn and family must have lived in more than 20 places in the NW of England. 1908 - 1964 Ellen (Nellie) Mather 55 55 Loving mother of Les, died when I was only 9, so I never realy knew her. 1914 - 1999 Eileen (Lean) Mather 84 84 Eileen was in the WRAF during the war.  This is where she met her future husband, John Graham. 1910 - 1999 Jessie (Jess) Mather 89 89 Jessie never married.  She lived at Thompson Street, and was often found in the big Victorian kitchen, cooking or making cups of tea.  She spent many an evening knitting jumpers, which I would end up with for Christmas - Bless!
When there was only Norah and Jessie (No & Jess) left at big the house, it was getting too much for them, so they sold up and moved to a retirement bungalow at 9 Reade Close, Spital, where they continued to live together until their demise.
1909 - 1991 Norah (No) Mather 81 81 My favourite Aunt, Norah (know as "our No") was a jolly person.  She would collect all the mint stamps of each of the UK stamp issues to help my collection.  Known to the family as "No" never married. She lived at Thompson Street, and was often found in the big Victorian kitchen, cooking or making cups of tea.

Norah worked for the Coop in Birkenhead, and was  awarded a "Heart of Gold", a small gold medal for good service, which I will forever keep.

When there was only Norah and Jessie left at big the house, it was getting too much for them, so they sold up and moved to a retirement bungalow in Reade Close, Spital, where they continued to live together until their demise.
1904 - 1979 Albert (Ab) Mather 74 74 A heavey smoker and collector of Embasy coupons, who died of cancer!  He made his home 45 Thompson Street, where he continued to live with sisters Norah and Jessie after the death of both parents.  Every evening would be spent watching Corronation Street.

Like my father Walter, he worked for Towers & Co (Knotty Ash), as a travelling salesman and wholesaler of meat.

Was single all his life and enjoyed weekend breaks at the Royal Ship Hotel, Dolgelley, where they kept a room for him.
1906 - 1969 John (Jack) Mather 63 63 Worked in Salisbury as a manager of the Cooperative Superstore.  He never married.  He died at Thompson St, Birkenhead, in 1969, leaving £9,116.

He loved the family, and every Christmas at Thompson St (the family home) he would dress up as father Christmas, with a big white beard (made of Sheep Skin) and hand out lots of presents to his brothers and sisters and  nephews and nieces from a big white bolster.  A great time was had by all.

In 1921, John Mather Jnr (aged 14y 11mo) had left school and was a Grocer's Help at Catherine Street Co-op, Birkenhead.
1908 - 1972 Arthur Cecil Bayley 64 64 Arthur was in charge of the First Aid depot at Mersey Park School during WW2. Leslie (Les) Bayley Jean Radford 1905 - 2004 Evelyn May Martin 99 99 Evelyn was a small and lovely lady.  She lived to the ripe old age of 99.

Her parents were Joseph and Beatrice Martin. Joseph was a warehouseman at the time of their marriage in 1931.
Joyce Mather Norman Richardson 1918 - 1984 John Graham 65 65 With 5 Johns in the family, John Graham Snr was known as "Big John" by the Mather Family.

The birth was registered as John Buist at St Rollox, Glasgow.  When 2, he was recorded on the census as John Buist Graham..

John was illigitimate, and his mother, Williamina Buist was believed to be a local barmaid. She died in 1918 just 3 days after John was born, so John was brought up by his father's grandparents (Alexander Graham and Christine S McFarlane).

His mothers family were unable to look after John. Williamina father was a single parent, a farm labourer. Her mother had died when she was 18.

John was brought up by Alexander Graham, his step-father (and grandfather). John's blood-father was probably George Sharp Graham.  He would have been 16 (and his mother Williamina 23) when he was consieved, so this may be a wrong information as George was young and also quite an age difference.  Perhaps more likely, his father was Duncan McFarnan Graham.  Duncan was killed in Action in WW1 so maybe his parents adopted John is memory of Duncan. However just look at the photos.  Surrley John is George's son.

In 1921, John Buist Graham, adopted son, aged 2, was living at 8 Fourth Street, Bonhill, Dunbartonshire with his adopted parents Alexander and Christina (48 & 45) and three of their children; Alexander, George and Jeanie (24, 19 & 14).  Their other son Duncan had died in the war.

After WW2 he lived at 50 Thompson St, Tranmere (by Eileen)
John McFarlane Graham Julie Christina Graham Andrew (Andy) John M Graham Catherine (Cath) Jane Graham Robert (Robbie) O Pierce Mark Robert Pierce Ian Christopher Pierce Rachel Richardson Mark Richardson Anne Richardson Jill Richardson 1880 - 1886 Elizabeth Mather 5 5 Born Birkenhead, Cheshire Megan C Jones Spikie Parrot 1952 - 1952 Kenneth John Mather Premilla (Prem) Unadkat Ken Clark 1842 - 1921 Ellen Tomlinson 78 78 In 1851, Ellen Tomlinson (8) was living in Great Bolton.

In 1861, living at 19 Shaw Street, Great Bolton with mother and siblings.

30 July 1865 Ellen married Joseph Mather

In 1881, living at 304 Beckwith St, Birkenhead.

In 1891, Joseph, Ellen and family (John, Richard, Mary and Elizabeth) were at 342 Beckwith St., Claughton, Birkenhead.  Note: Spelled “Mathen” on index.

In 1901, living at 282 & 284 St. Anne St., Birkenhead.
1840 - 1918 Joseph (Joe) Mather 78 78 Joseph (or Joe) is my great grandfather.

Joseph Mather (sometimes known as Joe) was born 7 Feb 1840 in Little Bolton.  His birth is missing from the BMD index because it is indexed as Buckley, not Mather.  However the birth certificate clearly shows him born a Mather, son of John Mather and Ellen Buckley.

In June 1841, Joseph was living with parents, John and Ellen Mather at Blackburn Street, Little Bolton.

In 1851, Joseph (11) was living with parents at 58 Chorley St., Bolton, Lancashire.  Family moved to 114 Chorley by 1856, which is where his father John was living at the time of his  death, and were still there in 1861.

In Oct 1865 there was a Joseph Mather who was alleged to have had a bastard child by Nancy Shaw (see Blackburn Burrough Petty Sessions).  This is hopefully another as our Joseph of Choirley Street, Bolton married Ellen Tomlinson in July year!

in 1871 (and later) another Joseph and Ellen Mather (26 & 36) lived in Halliwell with daughters Margaret and Ellen.

In 1871, Joseph Mather (31, Iron Moulder) had moved to 48 Brassey St, Birkenhead.

Was living at 304 Beckwith St, Birkenhead at 1881 Census

Joseph, Ellen and family (John, Richard, Mary and Elizabeth) at 342 Beckwith St., Claughton, Birkenhead in 1891.  Note: Spelled “Mathen” on index.

Living at 282 & 284 St. Anne St., Birkenhead in 1901, where he died in 1918, but not there in 1881 (John & Ellen Butler were).

In 1911, Joseph and Ellen (71 & 69) were still at 284 St Ann Street, Birkenhead with Elizabeth Alice Mather (24).  They had been married 24 years and had 8 children, with 6 still alive.

Joseph was a well-known North-end mad, who died on Friday at his residence, 282 St Anne-street, at the age of 78 years.  He came to Birkenhead in 1870 and was an active member of the community.  He was an ardent Liberal, and Vice-president of the North End Liberal Club.  He was a Nonconformist and a member of the Laird-street Baptist Church.  He was 58 years in the Iron Moulders’ Society. A staunch follower of the Birkenhead Park Rugby Club he was also for 23 years a member of the Birkenhead Park Bowling Club.  He was for over 60 years a member of the Oddfellows Society.  
1851 - 1928 Jane Smith 76 76 Born: Bingley, Yorkshire in 1851.

In 1861, Jane living at Lime Kiln, Micklethwaite, Bingley,  probably in a house next to the Leeds-Liverpool Cannel in a village now known as Cross Flatts.

Staying with uncle Robert Pickles (48) his wife Hannah (40) and family at (Eldon St., Bingley) in 1871 and married Albert 2 years later.

In 1873, Jane Smith of Eldon Street married Samuel Stocks.

Married and living at Heather Bank, Bingley, Yorkshire in 1881

Living at 5 Cobden St., Birkenhead in 1891 and 1901.  She recorded the death of her mother.Sarah Amy Foulds in Tranmere in 1907.

In 1921, Albert and Jane (born Bingley) were living in Birkenhead

Jane's mothers maiden name was recorded as Pighills on Jane's birth certificate, which was confirmed by Bradford Reg Office and by reference to Mary's Birth certificate.
1889 - 1920 Minnie (Lilly) Stocks 31 31 Living at 5 Cobden St., Birkenhead in 1891 and 1901.

She was with Albert, Jane and brother Walter in 1911 at 45 Thompson Street, Tranmer, Birkenhead.

Died young, aged only 31.
1853 - 1922 Albert Stocks 69 69 Albert Stocks is my Great grandfather, born 4th Jan 1853 at Cocker Hill, Hartshead, Stalybridge, Ashton, Yorkshire (Vol 8d, p 457).

In 1861, the family had moved North and where living at 128 Pousy (?) Street, Haslingden, Accrington.

In 1871 Albert (18, a Slater) and his father George (48, a Mason) were lodging with Joseph and Hannah Smith and their two children at Gilstead, Bingley.

Mr Stocks, who was born at Stalybridge, joined the West Riding Yeomanry at an early ago and came to Birkenhead about 40 years ago.  Taking up, his quarters with the Cheshire Engineers, he was soon advanced to the rank of Company Seargent Major and became one of the regiments crack shots. In 1891 he joined the King’s Liverpool’s, and in 1893 won the Queens Bronze and Silver medals. 

Albert was in the last 100 of the Queen’s in 1890, 1892, 1893, 1895 and 1896 and won the third prize in 1892.

In 1871, Albert was lodging with father George and Smith family (Joseph and Martha Smith) at Bingley, Yorkshire.  Possibly a relation to his future wife Jane Smith, 2 years hence, but I cant find a link.

Married 29 March 1873, just 4 months before his father George died at Oxford Street, Bingley.

In 1880, Albert Stocks (28), a mason was acquitted of stealing a pick, of the value of 2s the property of William Foulds and others at Bingley in Feb 1880. He was however found guilty of stealing 4 planks of the value of 6s from Joseph Metcalf of Bingley. He got 3 months.

In 1881, George and Jane were married and living at Heather Bank, Bingley, Yorkshire.

In 1882 Albert, Jane and family moved from Bingley to Birkenmhead.  Annie's death was recorded there in 1882, and Walter's birth was the first to be registered in Birkenhead in 1886.

In 1891, living at 5 Cobden St., Birkenhead.

In 1901 ..?

In 1911, Albert and Jane (58 & 60) had been married 38 years and had a total of 7 children, three of whom had died (all 3 as infants).  Walter (24) and Minie (22) were still with parents at 6-bed house at 45 Thompson Street, Tranmere.

In 1921, Albert and Jane (born Bingley) were living in Birkenhead.

Saturday, 21 Jan 1922; a veteran marksman, Albert Stocks (70) passed away at 45 Thompson Street, Tranmere.
1878 - 1971 Mary (Polly) Mather 93 93 Born Birkenhead, Cheshire
Twin of Samuel

Was living at 304 Beckwith St, Birkenhead at 1881 Census (age 2)

Joseph, Ellen and family (John, Richard, Mary and Elizabeth) at 342 Beckwith St., Claughton, Birkenhead.  Note: Spelled “Mathen” on index.

In 1901, Living at 282 & 284 St. Anne St., Birkenhead with parents.

In 1904, Mary Mather married Alfred James Nugent at Birkenhead, Baptist Church (Laird Street).  Her brother Richard married there the same year.
1875 - 1954 Richard (Dick) Mather 79 79 Was living at 304 Beckwith St, Birkenhead at 1881 Census (age 6)

In 1901, living at 282 & 284 St. Anne St., Birkenhead with parents (aged 26)

23 May 1904, Richard Mather married Lily Mercer at Birkenhead, Baptist Church (Laird Street).  His sister Mary (Polly) married there a few months later.

Moved to Longsight (Levenshulme), Manchester later.  His main claim to fame, was that he helped to build the Titannic in Belfast.

He was in Belfast in 1911 (where Alice was born), so missed the census.

Story by Sue:  When Richard and Lily were living at Hemmons Rd, one year in Granddads retiring years I remember Mum saying about one year Grandad Richard Mather decided to keep Turkeys in a shed at the bottom of the garden with the idea he would fed them up then nearer to the Christmas he got lots of orders from Friends, neighbours, etc and was so pleased as it meant extra money for Christmas but sadly as the world is, some jealous sod one night broke in and rung all their necks, so left Grandad to find them all dead the next day.  It can be such a cruel world, he never did it again. 
1869 - 1962 Sarah Mather 93 93 In 1871, Sarah (2) was living at 48 Brassey St., Birkenhead with both parents, sister Ane E (5) and two lodgers..

In 1881, Sarah Mather was living at 304 Beckwith St, Birkenhead.

By 1891, Sarah had left home with sister Ann Ellen to work as a cook for George and Rachael Dalby and family at 40 Mather Road, Claughton, Birkenhead.

In 1901, Sarah was living in 278 Dean Church Lane, Deane, Bolton, Lancashire.

Was Sarah Mather on early census records, but Sarah J Mather in 1901.  Also only recorded as Sarah on Marriage, but Thomas Hibbert for husband, so inconsistant!

Moved to Manchester after 1901. John and his mother Sarah were at 6 Lincoln Avenue, Manchester in 1939.
1866 - 1954 Ann (Nell) Ellen Mather 88 88 Known as Ellen or Nell or Nellie.

In 1871, Ann E (5) was living at 48 Brassey St., Birkenhead with both parents, sister Sarah (2) and two lodgers..

Ann (Ellen) had possibly left home by 1881 (aged 15) as missing from census, but may have been an omission, as I cant trace her anywhere else.

Ann Ellen had left home with sister Sarah to work as a servant for George and Rachael Dalby and family at 40 Mather Road, Claughton, Birkenhead in 1891.  Pregnant, she married her first husband Tom Robinson, who was much older than her in Birkenhead, and moved to live in Rumworth, where son William was born 31-Jan 1892.  This may have been a big family secret (as Aunt Norah recalled).  They had returned to Birkenhead by 1901.

In 1901, living with William and two servants at 96 Greendale Road, New Ferry, Lower Bebington.

Married at least twice (3 times ?).  Why did she marry Tom Robinson, a man almost twice her age in 1891?  Perhaps it was a bit of a rush job.

In 1911, Ann Ellen and Ephriam Hopwood (45 & 51) were shopkeepers living at 74 Patten Street, Birkenhead with Edith and Florence (8 & 5)

My father (Walter Mather) remembers visiting his old and excentric aunt Annie somewhere near Huddersfield (after he was married I think). This may have been her.
1886 - 1963 Walter Stocks 76 76 Walter may have been named after his uncle Walter, son of George who died aged 22 months when Albert was just a young boy (almost five).

In 1891 and 1901, Walter was living at 5 Cobden St., Birkenhead.

In April 1913 Walter married Annie Gerrard (or Jerrard) at the Baptist Tabernacle, Tranmere, Birkenhead.

In 1913, a Walter Stocks is recorded at 10 Hope Street, Low Moor, Shipley. This is probably another.

In 1916, Walter aged 29 (No. 34287) enlisted for WW1. The family were living at 4 Wellington Terrarce, Tranmere.

Walter built a house called Gilstead, Sparks Lane, Thingwall (with brother George and father). His father Albert Stocks lived in Gilstead, St Wilfrid, Bingley in 1871.

19 June 1916 Walter enlisted in the army when he was 29 and already married to Annie and had a child "Gladys Mary".  He was 5 feet 7.25 inches

In 1921, Walter Stock (b.1866) was with Annie, Charles Hugh Gerrard, Gladys Mary Gerrard and 3 others, living in Birkenhead.

When he died in 1963, his estate was left to his daughter Gladys Mary Hughes.
1886 - 1966 Elizabeth (Betty) Alice Mather 79 79 Joseph, Ellen and family (John, Richard, Mary and Elizabeth) at 342 Beckwith St., Claughton, Birkenhead in 1891.

Moved to 282 & 284 St. Ann Street, Birkenhead by 1901.

In 1918, Elizabeth (24) was still single (at the funeral of Joseph Mather) and was the only daughter remaining with Joseph and Ellen.

In 1911, Elizabeth Alice Mather (24) was still single and with her parents at 284 St Ann Street, Birkenhead.

In 1921, Elizabeth Ellen Mather was living in Birkenhead.
1879 - 1938 George Stocks 59 59 In 1881, George and Sarah (2 and 4) were with their parents at Heather Bank, Bingley, Yorkshire.

Living at 5 Cobden St., Birkenhead in 1891 and 33 Sidney St, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England  in 1901 with parents.

In 1911, George (32) was recorded as marrried to Emily.  They were living at Gilstead, Thingwall.

Minnie Hopkins, George's sister-in-law liked George and said he was a wonderful artist.

In 1921, George (b.Bingley, 1879), Emily Sophia (b.1878) and their son George (b.1919) were still living at Thingwall, Wirral.
1918 - 1984 John Graham 65 65 With 5 Johns in the family, John Graham Snr was known as "Big John" by the Mather Family.

The birth was registered as John Buist at St Rollox, Glasgow.  When 2, he was recorded on the census as John Buist Graham..

John was illigitimate, and his mother, Williamina Buist was believed to be a local barmaid. She died in 1918 just 3 days after John was born, so John was brought up by his father's grandparents (Alexander Graham and Christine S McFarlane).

His mothers family were unable to look after John. Williamina father was a single parent, a farm labourer. Her mother had died when she was 18.

John was brought up by Alexander Graham, his step-father (and grandfather). John's blood-father was probably George Sharp Graham.  He would have been 16 (and his mother Williamina 23) when he was consieved, so this may be a wrong information as George was young and also quite an age difference.  Perhaps more likely, his father was Duncan McFarnan Graham.  Duncan was killed in Action in WW1 so maybe his parents adopted John is memory of Duncan. However just look at the photos.  Surrley John is George's son.

In 1921, John Buist Graham, adopted son, aged 2, was living at 8 Fourth Street, Bonhill, Dunbartonshire with his adopted parents Alexander and Christina (48 & 45) and three of their children; Alexander, George and Jeanie (24, 19 & 14).  Their other son Duncan had died in the war.

After WW2 he lived at 50 Thompson St, Tranmere (by Eileen)
Marriage (two children) Q4 1978 No more children Marriage (a child) 10-Sep-1949 (St Mary's, Upton) No more children Marriage 1983 (Wirral) XTo be completed Marriage Divorce Marriage (two children) 22 Sep 2012 No more children Marriage (two children) 30-May-2015 No more children Marriage (a child) 16 Sep 2017 No more children Committed (long-term) relationship (a child) Not married No more children Marriage (six children) 7 Apr 1896 (Bonhill, Dunbartonshire, Scotland) No more children Marriage (a child) 29 Sep 1865 (Bonhill, Alexandria) XTo be completed Marriage (six children) 18 Jun 1872 (Bonhill, Dunbartonshire) +Possibly more children Widowed 14 Jul 1848 XTo be completed Marriage (two children) 1925 (Bonhill, Alexandria) No more children Marriage (six children) 1901 (Mains, Forfar) +Possibly more children Widowed (six children) 3 Dec 1886 (Mains, Forfar, Angus) No more children Engagement and cohabitation No more children Roger W Newman John 1891 - 1892 Lavinia Stocks 9m 9m The 1911 census tells us that Albert and Jane had three infant deaths, and Lucy is the only infant death for a Stocks found in Keighley while they were living there.  Therefore, Lavinia and Gladys must be the other two daughters who were born and died at Birkenhead.   Helen 1873 - 1873 Lucy Stocks The 1911 census tells us that Albert and Jane had three infant deaths, and Lucy is the only infant death for a Stocks found in Keighley while they were living there.  Therefore, Lucy was probably a daughter of Jane and Albert. 

She was born several months after their marriage and died at birth or soon after.  She may have been named after Jane's future sister-in-law Lucy Hill, although Lucy didnt marry brother William for another three years.

There was another Lucy Stocks who died as an infant in Q3-1880 in Birkenhead, but Albert and Jane were still in Bingley in 1881.
Adam Leslie Shippen Nicola Pushkarich Benjamin Shippen Patricia Costa Theo Pierce 1882 - 1882 Annie Stocks 9m 9m Imagen Shippen 1878 - 1880 Samuel Mather 2 2 Mary and Samuel were twins (same birth registration reference) Finley Graham Jack Graham 1901 - 1976 George Sharp Graham 74 74 George Sharp Graham and Elizabeth Thomason were married on the 11th (registered on the 12th) December 1925 at Bonhill, Dumbartonshire.

In 1921, George (19) was with his parents Alezander and Christina (both 48) and siblings (and possible son John aged 2) at Bonhill, Dumbartonshire.

In 1939, George, Elspeth and family were still in Scotland (as not in the 1939 England and Wales register)
1894 - 1918 Williamina Buist 23 23 Wilhelminia was born at then Mill of Downies, Monikie, Anges, Scotland

Wilhelminia Buist (unmarried died at the Maternity hospital, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland 3 days after giving birth to John.  She was 23 years old an recorded as a domestic servant.  Her sister Jane recorded the death.
1872 - 1952 Alexander Graham 79 79 Alexander was the oldest child, son of Alexander Graham of Alexandria, Dunbartonshire.

In 1901, Alexander and Christina (both 28) were living at 6 Victoria Road, Bonhill with sons Alexander and Duncan (4 & 2).

In 1911, Alexander lived at 8 Fourth Street, Alexandria.
1872 - 1951 Christina McFarlane 79 79 In 1881, "Catherine" (9) was with her grandfather Daniel Jardine (77), parents Duncan and Catherine (53 & 49) and 6 other siblings.

In 1891, Christina McFarlane (18) was with her parents Duncan and Katherine (63 & 59) and siblings George (23), Annie (15).  her grandfather Daniel Jardine (87) was also living with them at 1 Steven Street, Bonhill, Dunbartonshire.

In 1901, Alexander and Christina Graham (both 28) were living at 6 Victoria Road, Bonhill with sons Alexander and Duncan (4 & 2).
1861 - 1924 James Buist 62 62 In November 1900, James's wife Catherine died.

In 1901, James (39) was living at Strathmartine Cottar House, Angus with Mary (14), Jane (10), Jessie (6), Williamania (6) and Betty (2).

In 1911, James Buist (49, a ploughman) was in Angus, now maried to Isabella (38) from Aberdeen. They has 6 children as well as Mary, James and Willmania Buist (24, 22 & 16) from his first marriage.
1864 - 1900 Catherine Ramsay 35 35 Catherine may have died in 1900, although there is a 1901 census record for Catherine (34) living with her sisters Elspeth (45) and Mary (41) at 262 St Clair Street, Sinclairtown, Fife. 1828 - 1921 Duncan McFarlane 92 92 In 1891, Duncan and Katherine McFarlane (63 & 59) and children George (23), Christina (18), Annie (15) and father-in-law Daniel Jardine (87) were living 1 Steven Street, Bonhill, Dunbartonshire. 1832 - 1915 Christina (Katherine) I Jardine 83 83 Christina Jardine married twice:  First to William Smith in 1848 with whom she had 6 children.  Then after William died, to Duncan McFarlane in 1865 and had 7 more children.

In 1891, Duncan and Katherine McFarlane (63 & 59) and children George (23), Christina (18), Annie (15) and father Daniel Jardine (87) were living 1 Steven Street, Bonhill, Dunbartonshire.
1896 - 1982 Alexander (Alex) Graham 86 86 8 Jun 1923, Alexander married Sarah (Sally) Ann Robinson Hillhouse (1901-1994). They had one son Alexander. 1899 - 1918 Duncan McFarlane Graham 19 19 1886 - 1951 Mary Ramsay (Buist) 64 64 In 1913, Mary married William Duthie.  They had a son James (1913-1995) 1890 - 1984 Jane Ann Milne Buist 94 94 26 Nov 1920, Jane married Henry Parson Paton (1889-1972) 1888 - 1957 James Buist 68 68 In 1911, James Buist married Isabella McNauchton.  They and a daughter Janetta McNaughtob Buist. 1892 - 1971 Jessie Buist 79 79 1899 - 1909 Betsy Buist 10 10 1904 - 1993 Kate Jardine Graham 89 89 1906 - 1991 Jeanie Sharp Graham 84 84 After arriving in the US in 1934 (aged 27) to visit her friend Kate McGuire, Jeanie married Charles McDaniel Stuart McNaull (1910-1982) 1843 - 1889 Alexander Graham 45 45 NOTE: There is another Alexander Graham of Bonhill of similar age who married Elizabeth.  They were still there with Thomas (9) and Elizabeth (7) in 1881.

Alexander and Jeanie had 8 children (5 sons).
1848 - 1911 Jeanie Alexander Sharp 63 63 In 1891, Jeannie was head (43). With her were Alexander (18), William (14), John (12), Margaret (10), Grace (8), Jeannie (4) and Thomas (2) 1886 - 1965 Jeannie Sharp Graham 79 79 14 Mar 1911, Jeannie married Adam Turnbull.  THey had a son John and daughter Jean. 1826 - 1864 William Smith 37 37 1874 - 1901 George Sharp Graham 27 27 1877 - 1954 William (Bill) Sharp Graham 77 77 1906, Biill (aged 29) came to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 1902 - 1988 Elizabeth (Elspeth) Greer Thompson 86 86 Elizabeth Thompson, born at Bonhill was the daughter of Joseph Thompson and Elizabeth Greer, both from Northern Ireland.

In 1921, Elizabeth (19) was living at Bonhill, Dunbarton with parents Joseph and Elizabeth (43 & 42) and 5 other siblings.

In 1925, Elizabeth (23) married George Sharp Graham (24) at Bonhill..
1931 - 2016 Dr Alexander Sharp Graham 84 84 Alexander married 3 times and had 3 children Keith (Karn) Graham, Robin Frkovic and Bradley Graham (from the same wife - tbc).

Alexander died in Dallas, Texas.
1927 - 1990 Margaret (Peggy) Elizabeth Greer Graham 63 63 1873 - 1953 Isabella Farquharson Mearns 80 80 1902 Richard Buist 1904 Annie Buist 1905 Magdaline Buist 1906 John Buist 1909 George Buist 1910 - 1962 David Wallace Buist 51 51 1879 John Graham 1881 Margaret Graham Chloe
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