
Family Tree Diagram : All Generations

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(a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) Other or Unknown (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (four children) (a child) (a child) (two children) (two children) (two children) (a child) (two children) Marriage (three children) Divorce Marriage (a child) Divorce Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) (two children) (a child) (two children) (two children) (three children) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) 1883 - 1960 Anna Cecilie Theodstr Eia 77 77 m. Dec. 10, 1912 Sogndal, Norway 1872 - 1957 Adolph Andreasson Brandsberg 85 85 m.16-10-1912 Sogndal, Norway, he was 40 1/2 when he married for the first time. Traveled to the US in 1887, 1892, 1894, most of the time passing through Ellis Island. Came to the US the October 6, 1901 on the ship Umbria from Liverpool to New York, October 16, 1906 on the ship Oscar II, on the SS Bergensfjord, December 26, 1923 from Stavanger to New York, and again on the SS Stavangerfjord, March 24, 1930 Andreas Brandsberg lived in his father's home in Sogndalatrand, built around 1840, constructed as a one floor home, bought by his father Adolf Brandsberg. He was the second owner. When  times were good he constructed another story on the home and used the first floor as a store selling clothing and food to the miners who worked the Blue Mountain Mine, run by an English company about 10 km from Sogndal. When the mines were closed business fell off, ships discontinued coming to Sogndal and in order to support his family he moved to America to send money home to support his family. He  lived in the US for about thirty years before he returned to Norway for good  when he was 64/65 years old. He made several trips home through the years. His wife, Anna Cecilie stayed in Sogndal with her sick mother who could not make the trip and who had moved in with them. He worked for Pierpont Morgan and The Jennings in New York City, two multi-millionaires big in industry as a gentleman's gentleman, during the best times in America. These two families were badly impacted by the 1929 crash. He moved back to Norway in 1938 for good. _________________ United States Census, 1930 for Adolph Brandsberg Name:     Adolph Brandsberg Event:     Census Event Date:     1930 Event Place:     Fairfield, Fairfield, Connecticut Age:     58 Marital Status:     Married Race:     White Birthplace:     Norway Estimated Birth Year: 1872 Immigration Year:     1888 Relationship to Head of Household:     Servant Father's Birthplace:     Norway Mother's Birthplace:     Norway Enumeration District Number:     123 Family Number:     365 Sheet Number and Letter:     16B Line Number:     58 NARA Publication:     T626, roll 256 Film Number:     2339991 Digital Folder Number:     4531860 Image Number:     01001      Household    Gender    Age     Oliver G Jennings     M     64     Mary B Jennings     F     58     Susan H Urquhart     F     37     Magne S Sunde     M     25       Adolph Brandsberg     M     58     Thora Lund     F     66     Clara Thompson     F     60     Gedrun Neshus     F     27     Alfred S Severence     M     57     Bridget J Egan     F     22     Albert G Cox     M     41     Suzanne Etienne     F     28 1921 - 2004 Birger Brandsberg 82 82 lived in Egersund in later years 1914 - 2008 Thorleif Adolfson Brandsberg 94 94 Owned the Brandsberg Department Sore in Hauge. 1843 - 1920 Rakel Gunnarsdtr Lauland 77 77 m. Stranden, Norway  April 15,1869 1807 - 1883 Anne Elisabet Salvesdtr Barstad 76 76 m. (2)  Lauland, Norway  (Løveland) Children: a. Gabriel f. 1834, d 2836 fisker b. Gabriel Elias b. 1837 c. Salve f. 1838 fisker d. Rakel f. 1842 e. Ola Henrik f. 1846 sjømann i. 1865 1797 - 1882 Gunnar Sakarias Gundersen Berglyd 85 85 known as Bussen pa Lauvland lospensjonist i 1865 1764 - 1854 Helene Omundsdtr Barstad 90 90 m. Feb.29, 1788 Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Tønnes f. 1788  b. Anne Serine f. 1791 d. 1812 c. Anne Tolene f. 1794 d. 1812 (Anne Malene) d. Helene f. 1797 gift på Bjelland  e. Omund Andreas f. 1800 f. Marte Serine f. 1803 gift på Kvievåg g. Anne Elisabet f. 1806 gift på Lauland  Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1803 Marte Serine Salvesdtr Barstad gift på Kvievåg 1797 Ealane Salvesdtr Barstad Gravlen i Kvivag Gravelen is a slang word in Norwegian. Amund at Bjelland 1858 - 1936 Berthe Gurie Pedersdtr Egeland (Heskestad) 77 77 m. Nov. 11, 1882 Heskestad, Norway, cf. (no.5) 1861 - 1919 Teodor Olsson Helleren (Eia) 58 58 b. in Resland, changed name to Olsen when he lived with Aunt at farm "Eia" after father died in a mining accident. Lived in Sokndalstrand, as per records received from Oslo archives In 1865 census for Sokndal he was at the farm Eia. The census tells that Theodor was the foster child to Siri Tønnesdatter and Tobias Larsen.  In 1900 census he was in Sokndal. He lived at some point in Sogndalstrand #40 Strandgaten Theodor Refsland Eia  Ekteskap Barn  - - Berthe Egeland 17 Apr 1900 - Adelaide Magdalena Eia However, we have made some research, and in the local history book or “bygdebok” by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad: “Hetland skipreide i 450 år”, volume 1 (1971), we have found information on the farm Helleren in Heskestad in Lund municipality (kommune), Rogaland county (fylke).  According to the “bygdebok” Ole Toresen Helleren was born on 12 December 1824, and he came from the farm Revsland. On 27 June 1853 he married the widow Anne Tønnesdatter Helleren, cf. the marriage rercord in parish register for Lund/Heskestad (no 3)  Anne Tønnesdatter’s first husband was Asbjørn Børildsen Helleren, and according to the “bygdebok” they married in Sokndal. They had three children: Børild, Tønnes and Lisabeth. Anne Tønnesdatter was born 11 June 1820 in Sokndal (former: Sogndal), cf. (no 28) Her parents were Tønnes Jakobsen and Anne Sofie Jonsdatter Hetleskog (former: Hetleskou).  We have found the birth and baptism record for Theodor Olsen Helleren from 1861 in the digitised parish register for Lund/Heskestad, cf. (no 5) Theodor Olsen had two elder sisters, Ingeborg Tobine, born 1854 in Heskestad, cf. (no 7):, and Alette Johanne, born 1856, cf. (no 2): There were also two elder brothers called Theodor, born in 1857 and 1859, but they both died as very small.  Here is the death record for Ole Toresen Helleren from 1861, which tells that he was killed by a blasting shot (“Dræbt ved en Mineskud” – written in Danish), cf. and the digitised parish register (no 6) In 1865 census for Sokndal we have found Theodor Olsen on the farm Eia, cf.: The census tells that Theodor was the foster child to Siri Tønnesdatter and Tobias Larsen. Siri Tønnesdatter was 47 years old in 1865, and in the parish register for Sokndal we have found the birth and baptism record for Siri, born on 21 June 1818, cf. Siri’s father was Tønnes Jakobsen Hetleskog. The mother’s patronymic is written Iversdatter, but we suggest that Siri is the sister to Anne Tønnesdatter, born 1820, since the farm name “Hetleskou” is the same in the birth and baptism records.  Theodor Olsen married Berte Guri Pedersdatter in Heskestad in 1882, cf. (no 5) We have found the butcher (slakteren) Theodor Eia in the 1900 census for Sokndal, cf.:  We enclose scanned copies of the “bygdebok” with information on the farms  Helleren and Revsland, including the ancestry of Ole Toresen / Torsen Helleren.    Yours sincerely, Grethe Flood, by authority Archivist  However, we have made some research, and in the local history book or “bygdebok” by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad: “Hetland skipreide i 450 år”, volume 1 (1971), we have found information on the farm Helleren in Heskestad in Lund municipality (kommune), Rogaland county (fylke).  According to the “bygdebok” Ole Toresen Helleren was born on 12 December 1824, and he came from the farm Revsland. On 27 June 1853 he married the widow Anne Tønnesdatter Helleren, cf. the marriage rercord in parish register for Lund/Heskestad (no 3)  Anne Tønnesdatter’s first husband was Asbjørn Børildsen Helleren, and according to the “bygdebok” they married in Sokndal. They had three children: Børild, Tønnes and Lisabeth. Anne Tønnesdatter was born 11 June 1820 in Sokndal (former: Sogndal), cf. (no 28) Her parents were Tønnes Jakobsen and Anne Sofie Jonsdatter Hetleskog (former: Hetleskou).  We have found the birth and baptism record for Theodor Olsen Helleren from 1861 in the digitised parish register for Lund/Heskestad, cf. (no 5) Theodor Olsen had two elder sisters, Ingeborg Tobine, born 1854 in Heskestad, cf. (no 7):, and Alette Johanne, born 1856, cf. (no 2): There were also two elder brothers called Theodor, born in 1857 and 1859, but they both died as very small.  Here is the death record for Ole Toresen Helleren from 1861, which tells that he was killed by a blasting shot (“Dræbt ved en Mineskud” – written in Danish), cf. and the digitised parish register (no 6) In 1865 census for Sokndal we have found Theodor Olsen on the farm Eia, cf.: The census tells that Theodor was the foster child to Siri Tønnesdatter and Tobias Larsen. Siri Tønnesdatter was 47 years old in 1865, and in the parish register for Sokndal we have found the birth and baptism record for Siri, born on 21 June 1818, cf. Siri’s father was Tønnes Jakobsen Hetleskog. The mother’s patronymic is written Iversdatter, but we suggest that Siri is the sister to Anne Tønnesdatter, born 1820, since the farm name “Hetleskou” is the same in the birth and baptism records.  Theodor Olsen married Berte Guri Pedersdatter in Heskestad in 1882, cf. (no 5) We have found the butcher (slakteren) Theodor Eia in the 1900 census for Sokndal, cf.:  We enclose scanned copies of the “bygdebok” with information on the farms  Helleren and Revsland, including the ancestry of Ole Toresen / Torsen Helleren.    Yours sincerely, Grethe Flood, by authority Archivist  Enclosure.     Norma Brandsberg    Your ref.    Our ref.    Date E-mail 04.12.2007    2007/23762 GRFL    05.12.2007   Genelogical informtion - Teodor Olsen Helleran born 22.02.1861 and Ole Toresen Helleren We refer to the Digital Archives website where you can search in transcribed source material such as the censuses of 1801, 1865, and 1900, parish registers, lists of emigrants, as well as the article ”How to trace your ancestors in Norway”: The Digital Archives also contains digitised parish registers from all over Norway, cf.  Digital Archives also hosts a user’s forum where you may post genealogical enquiries, e.g. information on persons, and receive replies from other users:  However, we have made some research, and in the local history book or “bygdebok” by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad: “Hetland skipreide i 450 år”, volume 1 (1971), we have found information on the farm Helleren in Heskestad in Lund municipality (kommune), Rogaland county (fylke).  According to the “bygdebok” Ole Toresen Helleren was born on 12 December 1824, and he came from the farm Revsland. On 27 June 1853 he married the widow Anne Tønnesdatter Helleren, cf. the marriage rercord in parish register for Lund/Heskestad (no 3)  Anne Tønnesdatter’s first husband was Asbjørn Børildsen Helleren, and according to the “bygdebok” they married in Sokndal. They had three children: Børild, Tønnes and Lisabeth. Anne Tønnesdatter was born 11 June 1820 in Sokndal (former: Sogndal), cf. (no 28) Her parents were Tønnes Jakobsen and Anne Sofie Jonsdatter Hetleskog (former: Hetleskou).  We have found the birth and baptism record for Theodor Olsen Helleren from 1861 in the digitised parish register for Lund/Heskestad, cf. (no 5) Theodor Olsen had two elder sisters, Ingeborg Tobine, born 1854 in Heskestad, cf. (no 7):, and Alette Johanne, born 1856, cf. (no 2): There were also two elder brothers called Theodor, born in 1857 and 1859, but they both died as very small.  Here is the death record for Ole Toresen Helleren from 1861, which tells that he was killed by a blasting shot (“Dræbt ved en Mineskud” – written in Danish), cf. and the digitised parish register (no 6) In 1865 census for Sokndal we have found Theodor Olsen on the farm Eia, cf.: The census tells that Theodor was the foster child to Siri Tønnesdatter and Tobias Larsen. Siri Tønnesdatter was 47 years old in 1865, and in the parish register for Sokndal we have found the birth and baptism record for Siri, born on 21 June 1818, cf. Siri’s father was Tønnes Jakobsen Hetleskog. The mother’s patronymic is written Iversdatter, but we suggest that Siri is the sister to Anne Tønnesdatter, born 1820, since the farm name “Hetleskou” is the same in the birth and baptism records.  Theodor Olsen married Berte Guri Pedersdatter in Heskestad in 1882, cf. (no 5) We have found the butcher (slakteren) Theodor Eia in the 1900 census for Sokndal, cf.:  We enclose scanned copies of the “bygdebok” with information on the farms  Helleren and Revsland, including the ancestry of Ole Toresen / Torsen Helleren.    1870 Ane Elise Andreasdtr Brandsberg In 1900 they lived at Time, Rogaland, Norway Probable second marriage for Heinrich 1875 - 1952 Rense Alvilde Marie Andreasen Brandsberg 76 76 Went to America in 1891, came home to Norway, then left again after WWI, was married to Hartley who died. Later married John Fielding, policeman in Longwood. They had one son John m. (1) Fielding summer 1900 in Asbury Park, New Jersey,  to John Fielding of Paterson, New Jersey m. (2) by 1930 census Hartley John Fielding 1901 - 1977 John Charles Fielding 75 75 worked as a sailor for many years, shows up in 1930 census of Merchant seaman as radio operator, address of next of kin 195 Ege Ave, Jersey City, NJ(parents) died with no children or wife 1876 John Hartley 1930 census reports mother and father from England m(1) 1900 1843 Johan Heinrich Disch Living in Arendal in 1900 census Valbourg Disch, b. 1878 listed as living with them in 1900 census.  He stayed in Norway as a Dairy Manager at various places in Southern Norway. He received The King's Silver Medal for introducing Jarlsberg Cheese to Norway (at Jarlsberg Dairy near Toensberg) between 1871 and 1900. He started the dairy in Ostre Toten near Gjoevik in 1870/1871 as shown in a history of the dairy. Adolf Brandsberg Disch Ragna Elebeth Disch 1900 - 1984 Adelaide Magdelena Eia 83 83 m. Nov. 10. 1929 Had farm near Rostad, next to the farm of her brother Olav  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 17 Apr 1900 Sogndalstrand -  Døpt : - Sokndal kirke, Egersund -  Død : 01 Mar 1984 Våle -  Begravet : 06 Mar 1984 Våle k.g. -  Far Mor  Theodor Refsland Eia Berthe Egeland  Ekteskap Barn  10 Nov 1929 - Johan Bugge - - Lars Kristian Bugge  - - Thor Brede Rostad  - - Asbjørn Joacim Bugge Rostad   Aunt Adelaide went to Rostad to see her brother, Olav and met Johan Bugge. They married and became neighbours with Olav at Rostad.  1930 Lars Kristian Bugge Far Mor  Johan Bugge Adelaide Magdalena Eia  Ekteskap Barn  - - Unni Kittilsen - - John Arne Bugge   1828 - 1915 Ane Gurie Nilsdtr Roydland 87 87 m. 6-28-1848 Lund, Rogaland, Norway, bk. 1, pg 149 Children: 1. Marta b. Apr. 6, 1849, m. June 6, 1870 Ola Olson Messing 2. Vilhelm b. June 6, 1851, m. Ane Reidersdtr, from Stolen 3. Gemalia b. May 5, 1854, m. Dec. 3, 1873 Rasmus Pedersen Helvik 4. Berte Guria see below 5. Jonas b. Sept. 9, 1867, died in America ved ai ulukkehending 6. Nils Mikel sja nedenfor (see below) 7. Berte Guria b. Jan. 1, 1857 Ingeborg Marie b. Jan. 1, 1865, m. Dec. 12, 1897 Godfredt J. Skailand 8. Jonas b. Sept. 8, 1867, died in America ved en ulykke 1823 - 1907 Peder Villassen Eikeland (GrosFjell) 84 84 1820 Anne Tonnesdtr Hatleskog m. (2) 6-27-1853, parish record for Lund/Heskestad(no.3) was a widow, Page 292 Heskestad Sogn Book by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad 1971 source: "Helleren", Hetland Shipreide I 450 Heskestad Sogn Gard AETT og Folk, Bind ll, pg. 292 Children: 1. Ingeborg Tobibe b. 1854 in Heskestad, cf. (7) 2. Alette Johanne b. 1856, cf. (no.2) 3. Theodor b. 1857, died young 4. Theodor b. 1859, died young 5. Theodor Olsen Helleren Eia b. 1861 First husband was Asbjørn Børildsen Helleren, married in Sokndal, children: 1.  Borild Asbjørnsen b. Sept. 9, 1846 2. Tonnes b. May 3, 1849, m. Berte Marie Atlasdtr Eilekand 3. Lisabeth b. Oct. 9, 1851 1824 - 1861 Ola Torsen Helleren (Revsland ) 36 36 d. in a mining accident from a blasting shot, lived in Sogndal 1922 - 2009 Åsta Harrisdtr Svendsen Hauge 86 86 m. 29-7-1944 Lives in Egersund, Norway Harold Brandsberg Anne Marie Brandsberg Reidar Brandsberg Unni Kittilsdtr Unni Kittilsen  Far Mor  J. M. Kittilsen K. Kittilsen  Ekteskap Barn  - - Lars Kristian Bugge - - John Arne Bugge   John Arne Bugge 1874 Anne Marie Andreasdtr Brandsberg Moved to somewhere near Trondheim, don't think she ever married 1894 - 1895 Peder Antoni Teodorsen Eia 1 1 1895 - 1896 Peder Anfin Teodorsen Eia 1 1 1885 - 1892 Peder Teodorsen Eia 6 6 1918 - 1996 Helene Severinsdtr Mellgren 78 78 m. 1943 from family letter 1920 - 1996 Liev Hansen Myhre 76 76  was divorced from first husband Gunnar Bernhard Myhre (Brandsberg) Tonnes Berntson Kvivag m. 17-5-1825 1803 Marte Serine Gravlesdtr m. 1825 1728 - 1807 Anna Sorensdtr Regeland 79 79 m.  1755      Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: 1. Marte Omundsen b.1758      Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 2. Anne Omundsen b. 1760      Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 3. Haavard Omundsen b. 1763  Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway d. 1764       4. Helene Omundsen b. 1764  Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 5. Soren Omundsen b. 1767      Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway d. 1768       6. Rakel Omundsen b. 1769      Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 7. Malene Omundsen b. 1756  Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway, m. Rasmus Osmundsen Barstad 1751-1822 1727 - 1806 Aamund Havardsen Barstad 79 79 1769 - 1852 Rakel Aamundsdtr Barstad 83 83 m.  1793 Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Anne Frøchen Gunnarsdtr f. 1793 gift på Berglyd , d. bef. 1865 b. Anne Marie f. 1796 d. 1796 c. Gunnar Sakarias f. 1797  d. Ola f. 1800 d. 1800 e. Anne Marie f. 1802 d. 1805 f. Ola Smith f. 1804 d. 1804 g. Rakel Guria f. 1805 h. Anne Marie f. 1806 d. 1808 i. Omund f. 1808 j. Ester f. 1816 1751 - 1827 Gunnar Olsen Lovland 76 76  los og bonde, kaltes Løvik i 1793 1800 Omund Andreas Salvesen Barstad 1794 - 1812 Anne Malene Salvesdtr Barstad 18 18 1791 - 1812 Anna Serine Salvesdtr Barstad 21 21 1788 Tonnes Salvesen Barstad M. Anne Barbe Svendad from Orsland 1784 - 1830 Marta Torsteinsdtr Grosfjell (Hestad) 45 45 m. (1) Per Larsson Grosfjell m. June 18, 1816 Grosfjell Children: 1. ekteskap 2. Ingeborg f. Dec. 9, 1819, m. Jonas Torjeson Svinland 3. Peder sja nedanfor 4. Marta Guria b. Feb. 16,1826, m. Viljan Viljenson Hetland Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1790 - 1866 Villas Mattiassen Eikeland 76 76 m. (2) Berte Jakobad Evje Norway Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Torstein Aslaksen Bjelland 1804 Berte Jakobsdtr Evje Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1842 - 1921 Andreas Andreassen Brandsberg (Stranden) 78 78 Was a twin to Bernt Andreas left the Brandsberg farm and moved to Sogndal, had a general store, was a partner in several sailing ships, hiring people to work them for him. kveghandler i 1865, fiskehandler i 1900, bodde da i Elvegaten 19 m. (2?) Pauline Pedersdtr, may have married a second time and has a daughter Selma Marie b. 1877 Lived at 19 Elvegaden in 1900 census kveghandler i 1865, fiskehandler i 1900, bodde da i Elvegaten 19 Brandsberg Farm Name: Brandsberg. Udt. bra1nnsbårr, [ogsaa opgivet -bærr]. -- Brattebøe under Skjevraas 1616. Braxbøe St. S. 372. Bradtzberrig 1668. Bradsberg 1723. Efter de ældre Skriftformer synes man her at have et Exempel paa, at et Sted (dog maaske ikke samtidig) har havt to forskjellige, i Lyd nær- staaende Betegnelser; jfr. hermed de vaklende Former af Heskestad GN. 34. Den ældste Benævnelse, Brattebø, kjendes ellers som Gaardnavn; se Bjerkreim GN. 17. Derimod er Navnet i den Form, som det har i den nuv. Udtale, enestaaende. O. R. (StK. S. 148) opfører Brandsberg blandt Exempler paa Indskud i Udtalen af n foran s sammen med bl. a. Sigfridstorpet i N. Odalen (udt. se2frinstørpe) og Østenstad i Jølster (udt. eu2nsteinsta); jfr. Bd. XI S. 65. Med Støtte i Formerne fra 1668 og 1723 opfatter han saaledes Navnet som opstaaet af en Udtaleform *Brassberg, for opr. Bratsberg. Det bliver da det samme som Gaardnavnet Bratsberg i Strinden, udt. bra1ssbér, skr. Brotz- bergh c. 1520, Brasberg OE. 72. Da Bratsberg ogsaa forekommer paa ad- skillige andre Steder (i Gjerpen, skr. Brattsberg i Kongesagaerne; i Hegre, skr. Bradtzberg 1664; i Gildeskaal, skr. Bradtzbierigh 1614, nu tabt), kan 1ste Led ikke være det alm. Mandsnavn Brattr, men maa paa en eller anden Maade høre sammen med Adj. brattr, brat; jfr. det beslægtede Navn Bratzfjoll AB. 97 i Buksnes. S. B. (Bd. IV, 2 S. 16) tænker sig, at Brattsberg kan betyde: det bratte Berg, og at s er overført fra Genitiv i en Forbindelse som til bratts bergs, ligesom han er tilbøielig til paa tilsvarende Maade at forklare s i mange andre sammensatte Steds- navne, t. Ex. Flatsrud i Biri, Sléttsruð (Bd. I S. 13), Svartseimr (Bd. IV, 1 S. 204) o. fl. Herimod kan dog indvendes, at Brattsberg efter denne Forklaring maa skilles fra det ovenfor nævnte Bratzfjoll, idet, som K. Rygh (Bd. XVI S. 341) gjør opmærksom paa, S. B.'s Forklaring ikke slaar til ved dette Flertalsord. Videre kan mærkes, at man ikke venter en Stedsbetegnelse *Bratt-berg, Gen. *Bratts-bergs, men kun Bratta- berg, Gen. Brattabergs (nu Bratberg, Bratteberg). Rimeligere synes derfor O. R.'s Gjetning (PnSt. S. 51), at der til Grund for Bratsberg kan ligge "et Fjeld eller en Fjeldvæg kaldet Brattrinn?" Eller mulig er Navnet sms. med *bratt n., noget brat, Fjeldvæg, der kan være dannet til Adj. brattr som t. Ex. djúp n. til djúpr, full n. til fullr, sár n. til sárr, o. s. v. Maaske er det ikke udelukket, at Bratsberg tildels ved Vokal- assimilation (Indl. S. 22) kan komme af *Brotsbjarg-, sms. af brot n., Brink (Indl. S. 45), og bj&bmaapeno;rg f. (Indl. S. 43); jfr. Brosshaug i Fering (i Brozhaughe RB. 432) og Brotshaug i Herlø (skr. Bradtshoug 1667, Brats- houg 1723). Jeg vover dog ikke at finde en bestemt Antydning af denne Oprindelse i den ældste Skriftform af Navnet i Strinden (Brotz- c. 1520). 1809 - 1902 Anne Marie Tollaksdtr Store Egeli 92 92 m. Nov. 12, 1828 Brandsberg Farm, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: 1. Kristoffer Beer Andreasen Brandsberg  b.27 FEB 1831       cr. 06 MAR 1831      Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway d. 26 NOV 1886       2. Anne Marthine Andreasen Brandsberg b. 28 JUN 1834       cr. 06 JUL 1834  Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 3. Birthe Malene Andreasen Brandsberg  b. 03 JUN 1837       cr. 11 JUN 1837  Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 4. Tobias Andreasen Brandsberg  b. 03 JAN 1839       cr. 13 JAN 1839      Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 5. Andreas Andreasen Brandsberg b. 31 OCT 1842       cr. 13 NOV 1842      Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 6. Bernth Mathias Andreasen Brandsberg b. 31 OCT 1842       cr. 13 NOV 1842      Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 7. Anton Marius Andreasen Brandsberg 08 AUG 1845       cr. 10 AUG 1845      Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 8. Ane Bertine Malene Andreasen Brandsberg b. 06 NOV 1849           1831 - 1886 Kristoffer Beer Andreason Brandsberg 55 55 1834 - 1925 Anne Marthine Andreasdtr Brandsberg 90 90 ugift 1900 bodde på Lindland-unmarried Not married and was a farmer 1837 - 1838 Berte Malene Andreasen Brandsberg 8m 8m 1839 - 1909 Tobias Andreasen Berg 70 70 i Stavanger 1865, senere til USA Children: 1. ANNA ALVIDA MARIE2 BERG 2.  AMELIA CORNEDINA BERG  3. THELMA ANNA MARIE SCHREUDER 4. TURVA BERG 5.. MARTINE BERG  Norway. She died on 28 Jul 1907 in Camp Alkai Point South, Seattle Washington. She married Louis (Ludwig) Solomon Schreuder on 18 Aug 1888 in Our Savior 1842 Bernt Matias Andreasen Brandsberg ( Stranden) Was a twin to Andreas 1848 NN 1848 NN 1849 - 1870 Anne Bertine Malene Andreasdtr Brandsberg 20 20  unmarried 1772 - 1822 Kristine Tollaksdtr 50 50 m. (1) 1814 Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 1801 - 1859 Andreas Kjetilsen Brandsberg (Bakke) 57 57 One brother changed his last name to Berg, another to Brandsborg Tonnes and his brother married sisters from a farm named Refsland. 1776 - 1861 Berte Marie Malene Alfsdtr Maal 85 85 m. at Brandsberg 26-11-1799 from: Aanasira Children: a. Tønnes Bakke f. 1800  b. Andreas f. 1801 c. Grete Sofie f. 1803 gift på Bakke  d. Konrad f. 1805 e. Berte Malene f. 1807 d. 1848 Frøyland f. Sivert Tobias f. 1808 d. 1809 g. Tobias f. 1810 h. Anne Birgitte f. 1812 d. 1831 i. Lars Berg f. 1814 Frøyland  j. Kjell f. 1817 Ørsland  k. Elias f. 1819 l. Olene f. 1821 g.1852.m. Ola Ådnesen, Stavanger 1770 - 1829 Kield Tonnessen Brandsberg (Bakke) 59 59 Moved from Bakke and bought Brandsberg farm from the church, which at that time was owner of most of the land in Sogndal. The Brandsberg Farm was divided into two almost equal parts and his sons Tonnes and Andreas Brandsberg each inherited a part of the farm. Kjeld's son Andreas git the part which Sigbjorn Brandsberg still works. 1803 Grete Sofie Kjeldsdtr Brandsberg m. at Bakke, married enkemann, Tonnes Jakobsen Bakke Children a. Tønnes Bakke f. 1800 nr. 13 b. Andreas f. 1801 nr. 14 c. Grete Sofie f. 1803 gift på Bakke nr. 15 d. Konrad f. 1805 kallte seg Konrad Dahl og bodde som kobbersmed i Flekkefjord i 1865 e. Berte Malene f. 1807 d. 1848 Frøyland f. Sivert Tobias f. 1808 d. 1809 g. Tobias f. 1810 h. Anne Birgitte f. 1812 d. 1831 i. Lars Berg f. 1814 Frøyland nr. 50 j. Kjell f. 1817 Ørsland nr. 28 k. Elias f. 1819 bodde i Kristiansand i 1865, kallte seg Elias Kjetilsen Dahl l. Olene f. 1821 g.1852.m. Ola Ådnesen, Stavanger 1805 Konrad Brandsberg (Dahl) Moved to Flekkefjord and took the last name Dahl kallte seg Konrad Dahl og bodde som kobbersmed i Flekkefjord i 1865 1807 - 1848 Berte Malene Kjetilsdtr Brandsberg 41 41 1808 - 1809 Sivert Tobias Kjetilsen Brandsberg 6m 6m 1810 Sivert Tobias Kjetilsen Brandsberg He left Norway and went to the US. 1812 - 1831 Anne Birgitte Kjetilsdtr Brandsberg 19 19 1814 - 1893 Lars Berg Froyland (Dahl) 79 79 b.  Brandsberg , skomaker, Buried at Bøe i 1849 – 1854 Had a farm in the center of Sogndal, Froiland. g.1848.m. GRETE OLSEN  from Farsund, f. 1827 d. 1864 Farsund Barn : a. Kjell Bertinus f. 1849 b. Hasine Teodora f. 1852 gift på Kirkebø nr. 58 c. Ludvig Gustav f. 1854 Frøyland, husmenn nr. 31 d. Anne Matilde f. 1858 tv. ugift i 1900 Frøyland e. Oline Gustava f. 1858 tv. ugift i 1900 Frøyland f. Henrik f. 1861 g. Adolf Gerhard f. 1863 d. 1865 1817 - 1900 Kjell Kjetilsen Ørsland 83 83 Had a farm near Brandsberg .m. Nov. 23, 1854,  INGER TONETTE ANDREASDTR Myrstol from Arrestad. f. 1831 d. 1885 Årrestad nr. nr. 35h Barn : a. Kristian Beer f. 1855 nr. 29 b. Anne Bertine f. 1857 c. Andreas f. 1860 d. Karl Johan f. 1863 e. Albrigt Teodor f. 1866 d. 1892 ugift f. Bine Marie f. 1869 g. Inga Sofie Amalie f. 1872 h. Josefine Konradine Elida f. 1875 1819 Elias Kjetilsen Brandsberg (Dahl) Went to Farsund and took the last name Dahl. bodde i Kristiansand i 1865, kallte seg Elias Kjetilsen Dahl Lived in Kristiansand in 1865 1821 Olene Kjetilsdtr Brandsberg m. May 25, 1852  Stavanger, Ole Adnes A descendant of Olene, Andrew Eddison lived in Brewster, New York. g.1852.m. Ola Ådnesen, Stavanger 1803 Elisabet Torgersdtr m, (2)1834  Children: a. Kristian Beer f. 1829  1732 - 1790 Tonnes Svendsen Bakke 58 58 1745 - 1818 Guri Kjetilsdtr Kirseborn (Bakke) 73 73 from Egersund m..(2) March 12, 1766 Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: f. Marte f. 1766 gift på Skjevrås  g. Anne Marie f. 1769 d. 1769 h. Kjetil f. 1770 Brandsberg  i. Peder f. 1774  j. Tønnes f. 1778 d. 1793 k. Anne f. 1782 Skarås, husmenn 1689 - 1769 Helga Torkildsdtr Bakke 80 80 m.  at Bakke, Norway  Children: a. Else f. 1716 d. 1773 b. Guri f. 1720 d. 1773 Svanu, Egersund c. Torkel f. 1725 d. Peder f. 1728 k. 1744 d. 1774 e. Elisabet f. 1729, ikke n. 1758 f. Anne f. 1730 m. at Ørsland g. Tønnes f. 1732  h. Bernt f. 1733  1689 - 1766 Sven Torkelsen Bakke 77 77 var soldat i Heiermanns kompani 1709, brukte 2 pnd 18 mk i 1755, samt 12 mk i Portell 1742 - 1841 Sissel Larsdtr Solbjørg (Lund) 99 99 m. Nov. 1, 1775 Lund, Rogaland, Norway Children:  a. Berte Malene f. 1776 m. at Brandsberg  b. Ingeborg f. 1779 g.m.  c. Ola f. 1782 Mål, husmenn d. Lars f. 1785 e. Anne Sesilie f. 1789 m. at Fitje f. Ellen Katrine f. 1796 m. Fitje  1735 - 1864 Alf Olsen Maal 129 129 1828 Sigrid Olsdtr Refsland m. Oct. 28, 1853 Brandsberg farm at Sogndal Children: a. Andreas f. 1854 b. Anne Olava f. 1857 d. 1859 c. Anne Olava f. 1860 d. Ola f. 1862 e. Anton Marius f. 1864 Living with son Anton in 1900 census at Brandsberg farm. 1865 - 1948 Anton Marius Kristoffersen Brandsberg 82 82 Brandsberg farm went to Anton, had a twin who had a daughter Marie, She married Petter Tranberg In 1900 census, mother living with him at Brandsberg farm along with Jokobine Tollaksdtr 1765 - 1843 Anne Marie Larsdtr Toks 78 78 m..Jun. 8, 1791 Y. Mydland  Children: a. Aslak f. 1792 d. 1810 b. Inger f. 1794 gift på S. Ålgård  c. hjemmedøpt datter f. 1796 d. 1796 d. Kristine (Kirsten) f. 1797  e. Lars f. 1799  f. Berte Margrete f. 1801 d. 1802 g. Berte Malene f. Feb. 28, 1804, Egeli, Norway, m. at Brandsberg Farm h. Anne Marie f. 1806 d. 1806 i. Tollak f. 1807 d. 1807 j. Anne Marie f. 1809 m. at Brandsberg 1765 - 1852 Tollak Atlakson Store Egeli 87 87 1721 - 1805 Kirsten Knudsdtr Tjellesvik (Lund) 84 84 m. Mar. 3, 1746 Children: a. Berte f. 1747  b. Siri f. 1750 m. at Gurslie, Lund c. Kristine Marie f. 1753 m. at S. Ålgård  d. Tollak f. 1765  1707 - 1801 Atlak Tollaksen Egeli 94 94 brukte 1 pnd i 1755 1729 - 1769 Inger Ellefsdtr Indre Mydland 40 40 m.1750 (knogebrev) Children:: a. Anne f. 1751 d. 1760 b. Ellef f. 1752  c. Anne Marie f. 1753 d. 1760 d. Guri f. 1755 gift på Eie  e. Inger f. 1756 gift på Eie f. Ellen f. 1757 d. 1772 g. Ellef d.y. f. 1760 d.f. 1804 I. Mydland  h. Anne f. 1764 gift på Kvievåg  i. Anne Marie f. 1765 gift på S. Egeli  1728 - 1769 Lars Ellefsen Ytre Mydland 41 41 skattet som odelsbonde i 1764, hadde oppsett på Toks i 1823, brukte 1 pnd 15 mk, skjøtet datert 2. nov. 1750 1746 Berte Toresen m.  (2) 1770. 1698 - 1793 Anne Pedersdtr Steinberg (Lund) 95 95 Children: a. sønn f. 1728 d. 1741 b. Inger f. 1729 gift på Y. Mydland c. Lars f. 1732  d. Ellen f. 1734  e. Hans f. 1737 Tothhammer  f. Salve f. 1739, Bergen g. Pernille f. 1740 gift på Svindland h. Anne f. 1743 gift på Skarås  i. Elken f. 1747 1698 - 1759 Dnmd Ellef Larssen Indre Mydland 61 61 Gro Jakobsdtr Barstad m.  1688 Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Norway Children: 1.  Helga f. 1689 Barstad, m. Bakke , d. 1769 Bakke, Hun giftet seg med Sven Torkelsen Bakke, født 1689 i Bakke, Sokndal, (sønn av Torkel Bjørnsen Bakke og Else Svensdtr) død 1766 i Bakke, Sokndal. 2.  Ingeborgb. Barstad, m. Netland, d. after 1782,  Hun giftet seg med Anders Andersen Netland, født 1691 i Netland, Sokndal, (sønn av Anders Pedersen Netland og Anbjørg Rasmusdtr) død 1764 i Netland, Sokndal. 3.  Jakob .b 1702 Hatleskog, d. 1741 Hatleskog, Bodde på Barstad i 1718 - 1728 og i 1735. Han giftet seg med Guri Jakobsdtr, født 1695 i Bakke, Sokndal, (datter av Jakob Bjørnsen Bakke og Anne Svensdtr) død 1773 i Hatleskog, Sokndal søsterbarn  a. Kristen Larsen b. 1689 b. Ola Larsen b. 1695 Ant. Barbro's barn. Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area 1658 - 1720 Torkel Larsen Barstad 62 62 See duplicate entry Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area 1632 Ingebord Taraldsen Vegaarshei m.(1) . sk. 1696 +  Children:  a. Ola Jakobsen Netland  b. Tarald  Jakobsen f. 1661  c. Torstein  Jakobsen d. Lars  Jakobsen b. 1663  e. Gro Jakobsdtr m. Barstad  Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area 1635 - 1709 Jakob Olsen Barstad 74 74  d. I. Mydland , eide ½ løp (hele) i Netland i 1671 og ½ løp i Hatleskog i 1671 (konens arv) I 1659 var han stevnet for å ha gjort motstand mot lensmannen (Daniel Jakobsen Haneberg) og fogdens hjelper da de kom for å kreve inn kongens restskatt, og " gaff denem mange wbequems ord, Och tog i lomen effter kniffuen", noe som var et dårlig eksempel i denne farlige tid. "Och hand Var en Aff dj Rigeste bønder i Sognitt." Det nyttet ikke at han unskyldte seg det beste han kunne, han måtte ut med 8 ørtuger og 13 mark sølv, som eksempel til andre motvillige, som det står. I 1664 bøtet han 2 daler for knivslagsmål med drengen sin. Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area Karen Asbjornsdtr m. (2) 1580 - 1657 Ola Bjornsen Mydland 77 77 see duplicate entry d. at  grunn av at lensmannen Alf Frøyland ikke er oppkallt før 3. sønn, samt at Gro måtte ha vært minst født 1588 for å ha vært 20 år når hun fikk første datter (denne må ha vært født ca. 1608 for hun ble forlovet i 1629) , og ville da ha vært over 50 når Steffen ble født, har han mest sansynlig vært gift 2 ganger. Rikmann og bråkmaker OLA BJØRNSEN INDRE MYDLAND Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area Hans etterkommere i 4 generasjoner Her har leg lagt ut en oversikt over kjente (for meg) etterkommere i 4 genersjoner etter Ola Bjørnsen. Har du kommentarer eller tilleggsopplysninger, setter jeg pris på en mail. Ta helst med kildehenvisninger. Jeg har etterkommere i flere generasjoner, men har i denne omgang ikke lagt dem ut. Sist oppdatert : 05.03.2004  Ola Bjørnsen Indre Mydland var antakelig født i 1580-årene på Indre Mydland. Hans far var Bjørn Berulfsen Indre Mydland. Ola Bjørnsen døde i 1656. Han var gift med Gro Alfsdtr. fra Frøyland. Hun døde etter 1670. Han var antakelig gift en gang før. De fem første barna er sikkert fra første ekteskap, mens de fire siste er fra andre. En av grunnene til å tro at han var gift før, var at Gro Alfsdtr. må ha vært født ca. 1586 for å være mor til eldste datter. I så fall ville hun vært minst 52 år da Steffen ble født. Siden Alf er kalt opp etter hennes far (lensmannen), er det sansynlig at han er hennes første barn. De er dessverre ikke bevart noe skifte etter Ola Bjørnsen I. Mydland. Ola var en av de rikeste i bygden, og han var jevnt og trutt i klammeri med naboer og øvrigheten. Her følger det jeg har funnet i tingbøkene : I 1617 var han sammen med 3 mann fra Urdal stevnet av Sigvald Skjevrås for å ha stukket ham i ryggen med kniv.  I 1619 sonet han 3 daler etter i fylla ha hogget kniven i Jakob Åmodts bord.  I 1624 er han tiltalt for ulovlig kjøpmannsvirksomhet ved at "hand forstrecker fattige folk med penge till schat och anden deris nødtorffighed, saa betaller di hannem igien med smør, huder, schind och andet saadant som di kand komme affsted."  I 1626 var han stevnet for et "Mundslag" han hadde tildelt Jon Gudal, og for et knivstikk i armen på Orm Østbø.  I 1628 var han stevnet for "nogen Schieldz ord" han hadde kommet med til fogden på tingstuen.  I 1633 var han tiltalt for å ha tatt 11 skinn fra boet til avdøde Anders Kremmer som han mente han skylte ham. Han måtte nok levere dem tilbake, og vente på arveoppgjøret.  I 1635 ble han forlikt med Jakob Hauge om 2 knivstikk han hadde gitt ham for over enn 20 år siden.  Samme år var han stevnet av Jakob N. Mysse fordi "hand haffuer taget Jacobs hors och kiørt der med nogle dager foruden loff oc tilstand, deroffuer horset er bleffuen dødt." Han måtte ut med 4 daler, eller en ny hoppe verdt 4 daler.  I 1636 var han stevnet av Isak Rosseland for et knivstikk i låret. Ola forsvarte seg og mente "hannom iche At haffue stuchen, man hand [Isak] At haffue giort sig det Sielff."  I 1638 hadde Lars Brambo stevnet ham "fordj hand Offuerfalt hannom med hug og Slag" da denne kom til gårds for å lete etter hesten sin som han mente Ola hadde "lånt".  Videre var han i 1638 krevet 20 daler av Trond Tothammer, de var begge fulle og sto og skrek og bar seg på tinget, noe som fikk tinget til å utale at, "de bøer At miste dieres rett denne gangh."  I 1639 var han stevnet for å ha plaget Tarald Barstads kone mens hun lå i barselseng "med Stoer Bulder och klameri" Han og Kristen Barstad prøvde å lure fra henne gården.  Halvor Mysse hadde stevnet ham i 1640 for "hand offuerfalt hannom och Slaget hannom id blae slag j sitt Ansigt", mens de var på Løvås. Ola forsvarte seg med at Halvor hadde kommet til gårds, satt seg i høysete og bedt Ola "tag din Rompe med dig och gaa hiem til Myland". Da hadde han slått ham et slag i fjeset.  I 1642 var han stevnet av Gunnar Olsen Åros etter at Ola skulle oppbevare 40 riksdaler for ham. Da han leverte dem tilbake manglet det 6 daler. Ola prøvde seg med at "hand wiste iche det hand fich de 40 daler til fylde", men måtte likevel ut med de 6 dalerne til Gunnar.  I 1644 hadde fogden innkallt ham til tinget fordi han var skyldig rytterskatt for halvannet år, "at hand som en Aff de beste och formuendeste bønder j Sogendal Iche med det Sølff lann will komme Ko: Ma: och hans federe land j denne fahrlig krigstid til hielp, med nogen forstrechening." Ola kom og unnskylte seg med at "hand iche wiste At der wahr fliere skatter paabøden end som hand haffuer betalt."  I 1653 hadde Ola stevnet Lars Gudal for tre forhold : "at hand schall Jage och Slaae hand fæ, och driffue det hiem j Myelandz Agere og Eng, och thuende Studer er nu paa en Cort tid bliffuen borte, for det anden At hand BortJager dieres Øger med en skralle, aff deris Egen Støle, saa id Øgh haffuer brut sit been Synder." Videre mente han også at Lars hadde ødelagt merkesteinen mellom Mydland og Gudal, og satt opp en ny som han mente var grensen.  I 1655 lover sønnen Jakob på farens vegne 20 daler i ekstraskatt.  I 1656 hadde han stevnet Tarald Barstad angående en leieavtale om Barstad.  Ola holdt det altså gående like til det siste, og måtte ut med minst 38 riksdaler, 15,5 ørtruger og 26 mark sølv i forskjellige bøter. Var Ola Bjørnsen den kranglefanten det kan se ut som, eller var han et yndet mål for folk som ville yppe til bråk, for så å satse på å få en del av formuen hans via bøter ? Uansett bygde han antakelig opp deler av formuen på den måten som var vanlig på den tiden, nemlig å låne folk penger mot pant i gården, og når de ikke kunne betale, var gården hans. I så fall var det jo forståelig at folk bar nag til ham. Etterkommere 1. Ola Bjørnsen I. Mydland, født ca. 1580 i I. Mydland, Sokndal, (sønn av Bjørn Berulfsen I. Mydland og Ågot ? Steffensdtr) død 1656 i I. Mydland, Sokndal. Tok 1. bygsel på Mydland i 1604. Han var vel da ca. 25 år. På grunn av at lensmannen Alf Frøyland ikke er oppkallt før 3. sønn, samt at Gro måtte ha vært minst født 1588 for å ha vært 20 år når hun fikk første datter (denne må ha vært født ca. 1608 for hun ble forlovet i 1629) , og ville da ha vært over 50 når Steffen ble født, har han mest sansynlig vært gift 2 ganger. Etter oppkallingen av barna, er det mest sansynlig at første kona var en Larsdatter. Petrus Valand mente at han kanskje var gift med en datter til Gunnar Hetland, Bjerkreim (ÆH1966), men har senere ment at Gunnar Hetland heller var morfar til Ola Bjørnsen.1 Han giftet seg med (1) n.n. Larsdtr ?. n.n.: Det er en spekulasjon om Ola var gift første gang med en Larsdtr. Barn: i n.n. Olsdtr., født ca. 1608 i I. Mydland, Sokndal. Kanskje Ingeborg eller Inger. Hun ble i 1629 trolovet med Ellef Bjørnsen Fitje, født 1609 i Fitje, Sokndal, (sønn av Bjørn Ellefsen Fitje og Gunlaug Jakobsdtr) død 1669 i Fitje, Sokndal. Jeg vet ikke om de ble gift, han ble ihvertfall gift med Astrid Trondsdtr. Tothammer, og hadde barn med henne. 2. ii Bjørn Olsen I. Mydland født 1611. 3. iii Lars Olsen I. Mydland født 1612. Han giftet seg med (2) Gro Alfsdtr, gift etter 1620, født i Frøyland, Sokndal, (datter av Alf T. Frøyland) død etter 1670.4 Barn: 4. iv Berte Olsdtr født ca. 1625. 5. v Alf Olsen Gjersdal født 1628. 6. vi Ingeborg Olsdtr født ca. 1630. 7. vii Jakob Olsen V. Barstad født 1632. 8. viii Jon Olsen Ø. Barstad født 1634. 9. ix Steffen Olsen Midtbø født 1638.   2. Generasjon   2. Bjørn Olsen I. Mydland, født 1611 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,3 død 1690 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Han hadde odel i Mydland (1662-1663), Åmodt (1662-1663) og Bø (1663), eide 27 mark smør i I. Mydland i 1675. På tinget i 1653, iforbindelse med farens stevnemål, sa han til Lars Gudal at det ikke fantes verre skjelm (kjeltring) enn ham i hele Sokndal, noe både Fogden og Lars insisterte på å få skrevet inn i tingboken. I 1654 ba han om unnskyldning, og skyldte på at han hadde vært "overflødig fuld och druchen och iche viste sielff huad hand sagde".I 1654 hadde Bjørn hatt innbrudd i matboden. Det var to landstrykere som hadde brudt seg inn i "Biørn Mylandtz Madboe i sogendal, Imod Qu[e]lden, der folchen uar Inde och fich Mad och der udtog fem smaller lemmer och en stude bog, It halfft suin, en halffønde Miel och nogen med dertil, som dj størstedeelen haffde forterit och forød, och det som uar beholden, uar hos lensmanden i sogendal foruaret." De to ble tatt og Steffen Paulsen, som sa seg villig til å bli "Mestermand" i lenet, slapp unna med å påføre seg selv et tyvemerke i høyre øre ! "och der med Var k. May: Fougd tilfredtz, effterdj her nu Ingen Mestermand paa stedet." Det var antakelig ikke kø for å få den jobben. Ole Olsen, hans stesønn, derimot , ble dømt til "at miste sin hud, effter Norges loug, och bunden sine kaaster Igien, saa meget som kand findes i beholdingh". (Tingbok). Han giftet seg med Siri Bjørnsdtr. Barn: i Guri Bjørnsdtr, død i Dybing, Heskestad.4 Hun var ifølge farens skifte gift på Dybing, Heskestad, men det er usikkert med hvem. Det er 4-5 aktuelle brukere i perioden, men det er ikke registrert barn etter noen av dem. 10. ii Marte Bjørnsdtr. 11. iii Ingeborg Bjørnsdtr. 12. iv Ola Bjørnsen Orstad født 1650. v Bjørn Bjørnsen, død etter 1691.4 Nevnt i farens skifte, eller ukjent. 3. Lars Olsen I. Mydland, født 1612 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,3 død 1670 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Barn: 13. i Jakob Larsen I. Mydland født 1641. 14. ii Tore Larsen I. Mydland født 1651. 15. iii Ola Larsen I. Mydland født nevnt 1675. 16. iv Helga Larsdtr. 4. Berte Olsdtr, født ca. 1625 i I. Mydland, Sokndal. Hun er sikkert fra 2. ekteskap, siden hun har en datter som heter Gro. Hun giftet seg med Knud Torkelsen Kolestrand, gift 1645, født 1614 i Hellesmark, Heskestad.5 Barn: 17. i Peder Knudsen Kolestrand født 1649. 18. ii Ola Knudsen Kolestrand født 1655. 19. iii Gro Knudsdtr født 1661. 5. Alf Olsen Gjersdal, født 1628 i I. Mydland, Sokndal. Barn: 20. i Gunvor Alfsdtr født 1645. 21. ii Sigbjørn Alfsen Gjersdal født 1652. 22. iii Ola Alfsen Gjersdal født 1653. iv Ingeborg Alfsdtr. Hun giftet seg med Torger Tollaksen Gursli, født 1642 i Gursli, Lund, (sønn av Tollak Torgersen Gursli og Gitlaug Sveinungsdtr) død etter 1718 i Gursli, Lund.7 23. v Didrik Alfsen Skailand født 1654. 6. Ingeborg Olsdtr, født ca. 1630 i I. Mydland, Sokndal, død 1693 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Petrus Valand plasserer henne i første ekteskap for å være jevngamel med mannen, samt siden det ikke er en Gro i skiftet. For å være mor til Lars d.y. hvis han er født i 1672, må hun være født tidligst 1625. Randi Rostrup (Personlig kontakt) har påpekt at hun sansynligvis er født mellom Alf og Jakob, og derfor i andre ekteskap. Hun giftet seg med Nils Larsen Kjelland, født 1618 i Ø. Åmodt, Sokndal,3 (sønn av Lars Bjørnsen Ø. Åmodt og Guri Kjetilsdtr) død 1673 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Barn: 24. i Lars Nilsen Kjelland født 1652. 25. ii Ola Nilsen Nesvåg. iii Ellef Nilsen Stranden, død 1695 i Sokndalstrand.4 Han giftet seg med Elisabet Jakobsdtr Kirsebom, født i N. Løvås, Sokndal,4 (datter av Jakob Jochumsen Kirsebom og Karen Jakobsdtr) død 1694 i Sokndalstrand.4 26. iv Jakob Nilsen Kjelland født 1665. v Kjetil Nilsen, død før 1695.4 Nevnt i foreldrenes skifter, ellers ukjent. vi Guri Nilsdtr, født før 1673 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Nevnt i foreldrenes skifter, ellers ukjent. vii N.N. Nilsdtr, født før 1673 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Nevnt i foreldrenes skifter, ellers ukjent. viii Lars d.y. Nilsen, født 1672 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Nevnt i foreldrenes skifter, ellers ukjent. 7. Jakob Olsen V. Barstad, født 1632 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,3 død 1709 i V. Barstad, Sokndal.4 Eide ½ løp (hele) i Netland i 1671 og ½ løp i Hatleskog i 1671 (konens arv). I 1659 var han stevnet for å ha gjort motstand mot lensmannen (Daniel Jakobsen Haneberg) og fogdens hjelper da de kom for å kreve inn kongens restskatt, og " gaff denem mange wbequems ord, Och tog i lomen effter kniffuen", noe som var et dårlig eksempel i denne farlige tid. "Och hand Var en Aff dj Rigeste bønder i Sognitt." Det nyttet ikke at han unskyldte seg det beste han kunne, han måtte ut med 8 ørtuger og 13 mark sølv, som eksempel til andre motvillige, som det står. I 1664 bøtet han 2 daler for knivslagsmål med drengen sin.1,2 Han giftet seg med Ingeborg Taraldsdtr, født i V. Barstad, (datter av Tarald Bessesen V. Barstad og Gunlaug Torsteinsdtr) død 1696 i V. Barstad.4 Barn: 27. i Ola Jakobsen Netland. 28. ii Tarald Jakobsen V. Barstad født 1661. 29. iii Torstein Jakobsen V. Barstad. 30. iv Lars Jakobsen V. Barstad født 1663. 31. v Gro Jakobsdtr. 8. Jon Olsen Ø. Barstad, født 1634 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,3 død 1710 i Ø. Barstad, Sokndal.4 Han hadde odel i Østbø i 1662 - 1675. Ellers er lite kjent om ham. Han giftet seg med Gunlaug Knudsdtr. Gunlaug: Gift 1. med Omund Andersen Ø. Barstad, ellers ukjent. Barn: 32. i Omund Jonsen Ø. Barstad født 1651. 33. ii Ola Jonsen Østbø født 1653. 34. iii Jakob Jonsen Ø. Barstad født 1655. iv Nils Jonsen S. Rosland, født 1658 i Ø. Barstad, Sokndal, død 1713 i S. Rosland, Sokndal.4 Han giftet seg med Kristine Gundersdtr, født i Urdal, Sokndal.4 Kristine: Gift først med Rasmus Davidsen S. Rosland. 35. v Lars Jonsen Ø. Barstad født 1663. 36. vi Guri Jonsdtr. 37. vii Tora Jonsdtr. viii Gro Jonsdtr, død før 1710.4 Antakelig ugift. 9. Steffen Olsen Midtbø, født 1638 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,3 død 1695 i Midtbø, Sokndal.4 Han hadde odel i Midtbø og Mysse i 1662 - 1883, eide Midtbø på 2 1/3 løp smør i 1675. Bodde først på I. Mydland , fra 1669 på Midtbø, da huset hans brant ned like etter han hadde flyttet dit (Tingbok). I 1665, mens han bodde på Mydland, ble han dømt for å ha slått Torstein Mydland og hans kone med en staur. I 1675 ble han stevnet av "forpakteren" for å ha mishandlet dennes datter Asgerd og gitt henne "3 blodige sår og 3 kuler i hodet". Han giftet seg med Malene Trondsdtr, født i Narvestad, Lund,4 død 1719 i Midtbø, Sokndal.4 Barn: 38. i Ola Steffensen Midtbø født 1661. 39. ii Trond Steffensen Midtbø født 1665. iii Lars Steffensen, født 1681 i Midtbø, Sokndal.8 "Reist til Kiøbenhafn i Aar, og sis aa være i Kongens tieniste paa Holmen." (Manntall 1701). "Som ej viides hvor hand nu er at finde" (skifte 1709). 40. iv Gro Steffensdtr.   3. Generasjon   10. Marte Bjørnsdtr, født i I. Mydland, Sokndal,4 død 1680 i Langhus, Heskestad.4 Nevnt i farens skifte som Marte Langhus, og var vel derfor gift med Peder Bergesen Langhus. Hun giftet seg med Peder Bergesen Langhus, født 1636,3 død etter 1687 i Langhus, Heskestad.4 Barn: i Berg Pedersen, født før 1680 i Langhus, Heskestad.4 Nevnt i morens skifte, ellers ukjent. ii Rasmus Pedersen, født før 1680 i Langhus, Heskestad.4 Nevnt i morens skifte, ellers ukjent. iii Ingeborg Pedersdtr, født før 1680 i Langhus, Heskestad.4 Nevnt i morens skifte, ellers ukjent. 11. Ingeborg Bjørnsdtr, født i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Hun giftet seg med Omund Hoskuldsen I. Mydland, født 1637 i Hamre, Lund,6 død etter 1721 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.2 Barn: i Lars Omundsen I. Mydland, født 1669 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,8 død etter 1718 i I. Mydland, Sokndal. Han giftet seg med Ellen Ellefsdtr, (datter av Ellef Larsen Y. Mydland) død 1721 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 ii Hoskuld Omundsen Løvik, født 1673 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,8 død 1755 i Løvik, Sokndal. Var stående soldat i 1701. Senere skipper og handelsmann, ble kalt "velagtbare og fornemme". Han giftet seg med (1) Cornelske Pedersdtr Weiland, født i Bergen, (datter av Peder Karstensen Weiland og Kirsten Clemmetsdtr) død 1721 i Sokndal, Rogland.4 Han giftet seg med (2) Barbro Willumsdtr Smith, født 1689 i Løvik, Sokndal,4 (datter av Willum Jakobsen Smith og Gjertrud Larsdtr) død 1789 i Løvik, Sokndal.10 iii Siri Omundsdtr. Ellers ukjent. Hun giftet seg med Jakob Jakobsen Mydland. Jakob: Nevnt i konens skifte i 1713, ellers ukjent. Finnes ikke på Mydland i 1711 (skoskatten). iv Salve Omundsen, født 1691 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.8 Nevnt i manntall 1701, ellers ukjent. v Ola Omundsen Midtbø, født 1694 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,8 død etter 1732 i Midtbø, Sokndal.10 Bodde på Midtbø 1724 - 1732 (ihvertfall). Han giftet seg med Malene Olsdtr, gift 1722 i Sokndal (med kongl: bevilling), (datter av Ola Steffensen Midtbø og Mette Jakobsdtr). 12. Ola Bjørnsen Orstad, født 1650 i I. Mydland; Sokndal,8 død etter 1715 i Orstad, Klepp.4 Han giftet seg med Gro Ellefsdtr. Barn: i Bjørn Olsen, født før 1688.4 Nevnt i skifte i 1688, eller ukjent. ii Siri Olsdtr. Ellers ukjent. Hun giftet seg med Torger Knudsen I. Mydland, født i Konstali, Bakke.4 iii Marte Olsdtr, født før 1688 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Nevnt i skifte i 1688, ellers ukjent. iv Marte Olsdtr, født før 1688 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Nevnt i skifte i 1688, ellers ukjent. v Ellef Olsen Ø. Sørbø, født 1687 i Orstad, Klepp,8 død 1770 i Ø. Sørbø, Klepp. Han giftet seg med Anna Rasmusdtr, født 1697 i Kopervik.11 vi Ranveig Olsdtr, født i Orstad, Klepp.11 Hun giftet seg med Gullik Gulliksen Orstad, født 1694 i Åsen, Time,8 (sønn av Gullik Olsen Åsen) død 1741 i Orstad, Klepp.11 13. Jakob Larsen I. Mydland, født 1641 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,3 død etter 1711 i I. Mydland, Sokndal. Barn: i Lars Jakobsen I. Mydland, født 1671 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,8 død etter 1718.9 Han giftet seg med Astrid Larsdtr, død 1721 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 14. Tore Larsen I. Mydland, født 1651 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,8 død etter 1711 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.12 Barn: i Lars Toresen Urdal, født 1675 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,8 død 1759 i Urdal, Sokndal.10 Omtalt som "Dannemann". Nodde på Mysse 1701 - 1718. Han giftet seg med Guri Torgersdtr, gift 1695,4 født 1691,10 død 1751 i Urdal, Sokndal.10 15. Ola Larsen I. Mydland, født nevnt 1675,1 død 1693 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Ellers ukjent. Han giftet seg med Guri Torsteinsdtr, død etter 1693.4 Guri: Nevnt i skifte etter mannen, ellers ukjent. Barn: i Lars Olsen Wintersø, født 1693 i I. Mydland, Sokndal,10 død 1762 i Winterstø under Lie, Sokndal.10 Han giftet seg med Guri Olsdtr, født 1696,10 død 1775 i Winterstø under Lie, Sokndal.10 ii Astrid Olsdtr, død 1760 i Lauland, Sokndal.10 Hun giftet seg med Jakob Nilsen Lauland, født 1688 i Lauland, Sokndal,10 (sønn av Nils Jakobsen Hauge) død 1740 i Lauland, Sokndal.10 iii Berte Olsdtr, født før 1692 i I. Mydland, Sokndal.4 Nevnt i farens skifte, ellers ukjent. 16. Helga Larsdtr, født i I. Mydland, Sokndal,4 død etter 1711.12 Helga var Mikkels andre kone. Hun giftet seg med Mikkel Navarsen N. Mysse, født 1632 i N. Mysse, Sokndal,3 (sønn av Navar Fredriksen N. Mysse og Åse Sigbjørnsdtr) død etter 1675 i N. Mysse, Sokndal.1 Mikkel: Eide 12 mrk i N. Mysse i 1665 - 1675, ½ pund i N. Åmodt i 1673 - 1675 og 9 mrk smør i N. Åmodt i 1690-1693. Barn: i Abel Mikkelsdtr, født i N. Mysse, Sokndal,4 død 1717 i N. Mysse, Sokndal.4 Hun giftet seg med Asbjørn Larsen L. Omdal, født 1681,8 død 1732 i L. Omdal, Sokndal.10 Asbjørn: Bodde på N. Mysse i 1711. I manntall 1718 står han på L. Omdal "bøxlit Mysse 18 aar men Omdal 1 aar". ii Mikkel Mikkelsen Skogestad, født 1693 i N. Mysse, Sokndal,8 død 1749 i Skogestad, Sokndal.10 Han giftet seg med Inger Knudsdtr, født 1688 i Skogestad, Sokndal,10 (datter av Knut Olsen Skogestad og Helga Akselsdtr) død 1763 i Skogestad, Sokndal.10 17. Peder Knudsen Kolestrand, født 1649 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,5 død 1724 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 Han giftet seg med (1) ? (Astrid) Jonsdtr. (Astrid): Peder Knudsen var kanskje gift førstegang med en datter til Jon Assersen Sandsmark, Heskestad. Hun het kanskje Astrid, ref oppkalling i 2. ekteskap. Barn: i Guri Pedersdtr, født 1675 i Kolestrand, Heksestad,5 død 1727 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 Ugift "krøbling". ii Jon Pedersen Kolestrand, født 1686 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,5,8 død 1740 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 Han giftet seg med Berte Danielsdtr, født 1702 i Heskestad, Heskestad,5 (datter av Daniel Mikkelsen Heskestad og Ingrid Tollaksdtr) død etter 1745.5 iii Knud Pedersen Barstad, født 1689 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.8 Tjente kapellanen på Heskestad i 1701, skal senere ha bodd på Barstad, Sokndal, ellers ukjent. iv Asser Pedersen Refsland, født 1695 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.8 Skal ha bodd på Refsland, ellers ukjent. v Berte Pedersdtr, død 1753 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 Hun giftet seg med Jakob Kjervaldsen Kolestrand, født 1698 i Eikeland, Heskestad,5,8 (sønn av Kjervald Jonsen Eikeland) død 1774 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 vi Gunhild Pedersdtr, født 1680 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,4 død etter 1724.4 Nevnt i farens skifte i 1724, ellers ukjent. Han giftet seg med (2) Siri Torsteinsdtr, død 1709 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 Barn: vii Astrid Pedersdtr, født 1700 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,4 død etter 1724.4 Nenvt i farens skifte i 1724, ellers ukjent. viii Torstein Pedersen, født 1706 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,4 død 1724 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.4, ix Guri Pedersdtr, født 1707 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,4 død etter 1724.4 18. Ola Knudsen Kolestrand, født 1655 i Kolestrand, Heskestad,5 død etter 1717 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.5 Solgte sin part i Kolestrand i 1717. Flyttet kanskje til Sokndal. Kanskje gift med en Torsteinsdtr., ref barna. Barn: i Knud Olsen, født 1695 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.8 Nevnt i manntall 1701, ellers ukjent. ii Torstein Olsen, født 1698 i Kolestrand, Heskestad.8 Nevnt i manntall 1701, ellers ukjent. 19. Gro Knudsdtr, født 1661 i Kolestrand, Sokndal,5 død 1714 i Dybing, Heskestad.5 Hun giftet seg med Asser Jonsen Dybing, født 1655 i Sandsmark, Heskestad,5,8 (sønn av Jon Assersen Sandsmark) død 1727 i Dybing, Heskestad.5 Barn: i Jon Assersen Dybing, født 1688 i Dybing, Heskestad,8 død 1723 i Dybing, Heskestad.5 Han giftet seg med Marta Olsdtr, gift 1718 i Heskestad,13 født 1700 i Sandsmark, Heskestad,13 (datter av Ola Mikkelsen Sandsmark og Guri Asbjørnsdtr). ii Omund Assersen Refsland, født 1690 i Dybing, Heskestad,8 død 1767 i Refsland, Heskestad.13 Han giftet seg med Guri Ellingsdtr, gift 1717 i Heskestad,13 født 1698 i Refsland, Heskestad,13 død 1760 i Refsland, Heskestad.13 iii Ingeborg Assersdtr, født 1705 i Dybing, Heskestad,13 død 1764 i Terland, Heskestad.13 Hun giftet seg med (1) Sigvald Gulliksen Terland, gift 1720 i Heskestad,13 født 1694 i Terland, Heskestad,8 (sønn av Gullik Sigvaldsen Terland) død 1733 i Terland, Heskestad.13 Hun giftet seg med (2) Ståle Omundsen Terland, gift 1735 i Heskestad,13 født 1706 i Espetveit, Sirdal,5 død 1781 i Terland, Heskestad.13 iv Anne Assersdtr, født 1697 i Dybing, Heskestad,4 død etter 1727.4 Nevnt i farens skifte i 1727, ellers ukjent. v Berte Assersdtr, født 1699 i Dybing, Heskestad,4 død etter 1727.4 Nevnt i farens skifte i 1727, ellers ukjent. 20. Gunvor Alfsdtr, født 1645 i Gjersdal, Lund,4 død 1719 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal.4 Hun giftet seg med Hoskuld Salvesen S. Ålgård, født 1648 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal,6 (sønn av Salve Torkelsen S. Ålgård og Anne Bjørnsdtr) død 1709 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal.4 Barn: i Salve Hoskuldsen S. Ålgård, født 1677 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal,8 død etter 1718.9 Han giftet seg med (1) Inger Hansdtr, født 1679,10 død 1838 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal.10 Han giftet seg med (2) Anne Alfsdtr, gift 1739 i Sokndal,10 født i ? Ø. Åmodt, Sokndal, (datter av Alf Jakobsen Ø. Åmodt og Anne Torkelsdtr). ii Anne Hoskuldsdtr, født i S. Ålgård, Sokndal,4 død 1752 i N. Mysse, Sokndal.10 Hun giftet seg med Torkel Torgersen N. Mysse, født 1661 i N. Mysse, Sokndal,8 (sønn av Torger Larsen N. Mysse) død 1733 i N. Mysse, Sokndal.10 iii Peder Hoskuldsen S. Ålgård, født 1689 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal,8 død 1768 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal.10 Han giftet seg med Anne Olsdtr, født 1678,10 død 1768 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal.10 iv Gjøa Hoskuldsdtr, født i S. Ålgård, Sokndal,4 død 1725 i Løtoft, Sokndal.4 Hun giftet seg med Sivert Åvaldsen Løtoft, født 1692 i Løtoft, Sokndal,8 (sønn av Åvald Sivertsen Løtoft og Signe Jakobsdtr) død 1741 i Løtoft, Sokndal.10 v Alf Hoskuldsen, født 1695 i S. Ålgård, Sokndal,8 død etter 1711.12 Registrert hjemme hos sin mor i skoskatten 1711, ellers ukjent. 21. Sigbjørn Alfsen Gjersdal, født 1652 i Gjersdal, Lund,7 død ca. 1695 i Gjersdal, Lund.7 Han giftet seg med Anne Olsdtr, født i Finsnes, Sirdal,7 (datter av Ola Kjetilsen Finsnes). Anne: Enke etter Atlak Pedersen Steinberg, Lund. Barn: i Knud Sigbjørnsen Gjersdal, født 1677 i Gjersdal, Lund,8 død etter 1712.2 Flyttet til Årstad, Sokndal, hvor han er nevnt 1710 - 1712. ii Bjørn Sigbjørnsen Røyland, født 1681 i Gjersdal, Lund,8 død 1714.7 Han ble drept som utskrevet soldat i Den store nordiske krig (1700 - 1721). Han giftet seg med Bodil Larsdtr, født 1683,7 død 1768 i Røyland, Lund.7 iii Tollak Sigbjørnsen Y. Mydland, født 1686 i Gjersdal, Lund.8 Han giftet seg med (1) ? Karen Larsdtr, født i Y. Mydland, Sokndal,4 (datter av Lars Ellefsen Y. Mydland og Gunlaug Torsteinsdtr) død før 1727 i Y. Mydland, Sokndal. Han giftet seg med (2) Helga Rolfsdtr, født i Steinberg, Lund. iv N.N. Sigbjørnsdtr. Hun giftet seg med Aslak Brynjelsen Omdal. Aslak: Bodde på Omdal, Bakke. v Berit Sigbjørnsdtr. Ellers ukjent. 22. Ola Alfsen Gjersdal, født 1653 i Gjersdal, Lund,7 død etter 1701 i Gjersdal, Lund.7 Han kom ofte i klammeri med øvrigheten for unnlatelse av "comsumptions skatter". Han giftet seg med Ågot Aslaksdtr. Ågot: Enke etter Skule Sveinungsen Haukland, Lund. Barn: i Skule Olsen Gjersdal, født 1681 i Gjersdal, Lund,8 død 1728 i Gjersdal, Lund.7 Han giftet seg med Siri Aslaksdtr, født i Steinberg, Lund, (datter av Aslak Pedersen Steinberg og Anne Olsdtr). 23. Didrik Alfsen Skailand, født 1654 i Gjersdal, Lund,7 død etter 1723 i Skailand, Nes.7 Bodde på Skailand, Nes fra 1682. Han giftet seg med Birgitte Hansdtr, gift 1718. Birgitte: Enke etter Hans Stålesen Skailand, Nes. Barn: i Hans Didriksen Skailand, født i Skailand, Nes.7 De ble skilt etter at han hadde rømt hjemmefra i raseri i 1718. I skiftet hans kalles hun likevel hans enke. Han giftet seg med Anne Stålesdtr. ii Gjøa Didriksdtr, født i Skailand, Nes, død 1769 i Bakke, Bakke. Hun giftet seg med Ola Omundsen Bakke, født 1702 i Bakke, Bakke,14 (sønn av Omund Olsen Bakke og Ingrid Svensdtr) død etter 1772. 24. Lars Nilsen Kjelland, født 1652 i Kjelland, Sokndal,8 død 1723 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Han giftet seg med (1) Anne Jakobsdtr Kirsebom, født i N. Løvås, Sokndal,4 (datter av Jakob Jochumsen Kirsebom og Karen Jakobsdtr) død 1692 i Kjelland, Sokndal.4 Barn: i Nils Larsen Kjelland, født 1688 i Kjelland, Sokndal.8 Ellers lite kjent om ham. Han giftet seg med Ingeborg Pettersdtr Krag, født 1687 i N. Løvås, Sokndal,4 (datter av Petter Sakariassen Krag og Marie Jakobsdtr Kirsebom). Han giftet seg med (2) Guri Larsdtr, født 1677 i Løvik, Soknda,4 (datter av Lars Matiassen Løvik og Barbro Jakobsdtr) død 1762 i Kjelland, Sokndal.10 Barn: ii Anne Larsdtr, født 1697 i Kjelland, Sokndal,10 død 1771 i Ø. Løvås, Sokndal.10 Hun giftet seg med Jakob Halvorsen Ø. Løvås, gift 1735 i Sokndal,10 født 1686 i Årrestad, Sokndal,8 (sønn av Halvor Steffensen Årrestad og Anna Torsteinsdtr) død 1749 i Ø. Løvås, Sokndal.10 iii Ingeborg Larsdtr, født 1698 i Kjelland, Sokndal,10 død 1782 i Hauge, Sokndal.10 Hun giftet seg med Jakob Jensen Smith, gift 1732 i Sokndal,10 født 1699 i Frøyland, Sokndal,8 (sønn av Jens Korneliussen Smith og Karen Jakobsdtr Kirsebom) død 1750 i Hauge, Sokndal.10 iv Jakob Larsen Kjelland, født 1701 i Kjelland, Sokndal,9 død 1754 i Kjelland, Sokndal.10 Han giftet seg med Margrete Jensdtr Smith, født 1704 i Frøyland, Sokndal,4 (datter av Jens Korneliussen Smith og Karen Jakobsdtr Kirsebom) død 1795 i Kjelland, Sokndal.10 v Barbro Larsdtr, født 1704 i Kjelland, Sokndal,10, død 1784 i Hauge, Sokndal.10 Hun giftet seg med Hans Steffensen Åve, gift 1738 i Sokndal, født 1711,15 død 1766 i Hauge, Sokndal.10 vi Elken Larsdtr, født 1706 i Kjelland, Sokndal, død 1767. Hun giftet seg med Jens Jensen Smith, gift 1741 i Sokndal,10 født 1716 i Frøyland, Sokndal,15 (sønn av Jens Korneliussen Smith og Karen Jakobsdtr Kirsebom) død 1793 i Frøyland, Sokndal.10 vii Guri Larsdtr, født 1709 i Kjelland, Sokndal,15 død 1771 i Kjelland, Sokndal.10 Hun giftet seg med Eilert Jakobsen Kjelland, gift 1744 i Sokndal,10 født 1698 i Kjelland, Sokndal,8 (sønn av Jakob Nilsen Kjelland og Elken Jansdtr) død etter 1771.10 Eilert: I 1731 sto han "public absolverit Eilert Jacobsen Kielland, som hafer besvangret Helchie Anderdatter, og af hende udlagt til barnefader." Bodde på Stranden i 1758. viii Lars Larsen Kjelland, født 1712 i Kjelland, Sokndal, død 1753 i Bergen, gravlagt 25.4.1753 i Nykirken, "I Kircken under stolene, ringet med alle klovkene.".16 Han giftet seg med Katarina Hiort, gift 1745 i Nykirken, Bergen,16 født 14.8.1707 i Korskirken, Bergen, (datter av Jens Jensen Hiort og Divert van Høven) død 1768 i Bergen,16 gravlagt 31.8.1768 i Nykirken, kl. 12, ringet.16 ix Ola Larsen Kjelland, født 1714 i Kjelland, Sokndal,15 død 1776 i Kjelland, Sokndal.10 x Karen Larsdtr, født 1717 i Kjelland, Sokndal, død før 1746.4 Nevnt i farens skifte, ellers ukjent. xi Anne Marie Larsdtr, død før 1746.4 Nevnt i farens skifte, ellers ukjent. 25. Ola Nilsen Nesvåg, født i Kjelland, Sokndal,4 død 1699 i Nesvåg, Sokndal.4 Båtsmann, senere skipper. Han giftet seg med Bodil Hansdtr, død etter 1711. Bodil: Hun ble senere gift med Klaus Svensen Nesvåg, men han reiste fra landet ca. 1705. Hun flyttet til Lista i 1711. Tiltalt 1710 for leiermål "udi hennes ekteschab og mands fraværelse"; Kasper Jensen fra Risør "ofverfald hende udi hendis sæng" (Tingbok). Barn: i N.N. Olsdtr. gift på Lista, ellers ukjent. ii N.N. Olsdtr. gift på Lista, ellers ukjent. 26. Jakob Nilsen Kjelland, født 1665 i Kjelland, Sokndal,4 død 1726 1606 - 1670 Gro Alfsdtr Froyland 64 64 See duplicate entry m. abt 1617 Indre Mydland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: d. Berte b. abt. 1625 m.Kolestrand, Heskestad e. Alf b. 1628 Gjersdal, Lund f. Ingeborg b. abt.1630 m.Kjelland  g. Jakob b. 1632 V. Barstad  h. Jon b. 1634 Ø. Barstad  i. Steffen b. 1638 Midtbø b Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area Aagot Steffensdtr Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area 1563 - 1656 Bjorn Berulfsen Mydland 93 93 Lindland nr. 4b, "Biøren og Stehnn Myland giorde huer anden schade, Biøren slogh Stehnn medt et spuidt iij slagh, och Stehnn stak Biøren ij kniff Sting." - 1604   Most information from Stein Norem Wisteds slektsgranskingssider using bygdebok, census records and other information available in the Sokndal area NN Children: a. Bellest Y. Mydland nr. 7 b. Bjørn I. Mydland nr. 8 c. Stein I. Mydland nr. 6 d. Kjetil nr. 5 e. Nils nr. 4 1520 - 1593 Brynjulf Bellesten Mydland 73 73 b. between 1563+ Y. Mydland, buried at N. Mysse 1593 NN Barn : a. Rolf  b. Brynulf (Bergulf) Lindland  c. Navar  d. Gard Vigesdal, Bjerkreim ? e. Bjørn  2. m. ANLA MYDLAND  Bellest Halvorsen Mydland b. known to be alive between 1519  and 1563 Sønn til Halvor Svensen Øen, Helleland, se Kirkebø  Skattet 8 mark i 1519 som han betalte med 2½ mark 6 skilling mynt, ½ lodd sølv og 1 pund bronse. I 1521 betalte han 8 lodd sølv og ½ mark kontant i skatt. Skattet som jordeier i Mysse i 1563 for 5 vetter korn, som var halve landskylden hans. Han betalte med 2½ daler. Bellestsdtr Arstad Children:  a. Steinar, nevnt med flere søsken i 1469 b. Halvor Øen, Helleland, se Y. Mydland  D. 1469 Sven Toresen Gara mentioned in 1469 records Sigrid Olsdtr m. 1472 1454 - 1472 Belest Bjornsen 18 18 Nevnt som Lagrettemann i 1454 i D.N.  Children: a. datter g.m. Kirkebø nr. 1 Bind XVIII, side 89 Dato: 18 Juni 1472 Sted : Stavanger Sammendrag: Tore Torkelsen, lagmann i Stavanger, kungjør, at han etter fremlagte brev tilkjente Ånund Olafsen 1/2 Månedsmadsbol i Nordvedre i Vanse kirkesogn og Helgavik Skibrede fra (Søsteren?) Sigrid Olafsdatter og hennes mann Bileist (Bjørnssøn). Ollom monnom them som thetta bref se eller høra Sender Torer Torkelson logman j Stauangre Q. g. oc sina kunnikt gørande at kom a stempne for megh ok alla logretone j Arna(garde) j Stauangre tosdagen nest effter Botolsoko anno domini M cd lxx secundo Onund Olafson oc klagade pa Bileist j fullo oc loglige vmbode kono sinnar Siggrido Olafsdotter vm hl. mamataboll j Nordvedro som ligger j Vanskirkio songh ok Helgauik sk(ibrede) thede tha Onundh ford bref oc skell for oss at thet var honom vretliga fra gengit var oc thet min fuller domer med alla logretone samptykt at Onnundh tratnemder skal frel(s)liga fyllgia hlt. mamatabol nema annat sannare kan finnas en nu er for oss komet til sans hengia thesir goder men sin insigle med mino for thetta bref som sa heita Erik Erikson Tore Endridson Sigurd Tosteinn(son) Helge Haluardhson oc Trond Torkelson som giort var stad dagh oc ar som for segir Tillegg: på baksiden, senere : Bref om Vædre Gunlaug Tostensdtr m. datter til Tosten Tostensen Omland, Kvinesdal Children: a. datter m.Hatleskog  b. Ingeborg m. 1592 - 1670 Tarald Bessesen 78 78 hadde odel ½ løp (hele) der, som han hadde fått gjennom konen. Han ble i 1657 dømt til å miste gården han hadde bygslet på Barstad da han ikke hadde betalt landskylden på 3 år. Han ble tildømt å kunne bruke sin del i Hatleskog, som han hadde odel i. NN Tosen Tostensen Omland b. Kvinesdal 1897 - 1988 Tirza Marie Svendsen 91 91 1895 - 1979 Trygve Harris Svensen 84 84 1870 - 1922 Nils Mikal Pedersen Egeland 52 52 Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1877 - 1970 Elida Maria Gabrielsdtr Eia 93 93 Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 m. (2) Henrik Jacobsen Lygra, Hogaland, Norway Children: 1. Anna Godtfreda Egeland b. Mar. 3, 1898,, d. 1982,  m. Peder Helvik b. 1887 2. Per Egeland b. Sept. 29, 1899, d. 1974 3. Gabriel  Egeland b. Apr. 4, 1902, d. 1963, m. Harlip Williams, Granite Falls, OR 4. Helene  Egeland, b. July 28, 1905, d. 1984,  twin, m. Tom Hetland b. 1904, d. 1977, Sanra Ana, CA 5. Johan  Egeland, b. July 28, 1905, twin, d. Sept 30, 1944, m. Jan1, 6, 1934 Guri Olausd, Grosfjell b. 1902, d. 1993, Helleland 6. (Eline) Marie Egeland b. 1907, d. 1971, m. Carl August Kalborn Leidland b. 1904, d. 1977 of Egersund 7. Nora Mathilda Egeland b. 1909, d. 1997, m. Arne Skailand b. 1901, d. 1982 of Heskestad Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1797 - 1874 Helene Salvesdtr Barstad 77 77 m. June 16, 1819 Bjelland, Norway Children: 1. Else Marie, m. Enok Silvertson, b. Evje found here in another family 2. Tonnes Gabriel b. Nov. 30, 1821, probate Apr. 11, 1823 3. Helene b. Aug. 8, 1824, probate Feb.6, 1911, m. Nov. 8, 1849 Borild Olsen Grosfjell, b. Feb. 21, 1818, probate  Aug. 29, 1897 4. Elen Sofie b. Dec. 22, 1826, m. Nov. 8, 1849 med enkjemann Iver Tollaksen Gaudeland b. Sept. 21, 1812 5. Anne b. Oct. 7, 1829 6. Tonnes b. May 17, 1832 7. Hans Anton b. Jan. 19, 1835 8. Salve b. Aug. 20, 1837, drukna i Rapstadvatnet Nov. 23, 1864, drowned at Rapstad farm Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1820 - 1900 Else Marie Omundsdtr Bjelland 80 80 Nov. 23, 1843 Lauperak-atta, Skailand, Heskestad, Indre Evje. two husbands Children: 1. Silvert Bertinius b. Nov. 30, 1844, probate Oct. 31, 1846 2. Berte Marie b. Mar. 3, 1847, m. Ismar? Larsinius Vasehus, from Yjomo 3. Helene b. Oct. 21,1849, m. Gabriel Gunnersen Eia 4. Abigael b. 1852, probate Aug. 26, 1938, m. Nils Jakobsen Vasehus b. 1842, probate Oct. 26, 1915 5. Silvert b. 1855, m. Ingeborg Gurine Johansdtr b. Eia 1864 Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1814 - 1875 Enok Silvertsen Evje 61 61 m. (2) 1787 - 1855 Berte Jakobsdtr Hetleskog 68 68 m.21-11-1811 Children: a. Ingeborg f. 1812 b. Enok f. 1814  c. Jakob f. 1816 Hatleskog  d. Ola Andreas f. 1819 Y. Evje  e. Siri f. 1820 d. 1824 f. Jonas Tobias f. 1823  g. Sivert f. 1826 d. 1887 ugift h. Bernt f. 1828 i. Gabriel f. 1830 Stranden nr. 137 j. Peder f. 1833 ugift i 1900 Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1783 - 1859 Silvert Enoksen Evje 76 76 1807 - 1841 Borild 34 34 b. at Tjorn m. (1) 1849 - 1941 Helene Enoksdtr Evje 92 92 m. Oct. 18, 1872 Eie, Evje Norway Children: 1 Ingeborg Gurine b. 1873, probate July 15, 1937, m. Bernt  Tallaksen Tjorn 2. Gunnar  (Gunder)m. Anna Andersson in America 3. Elida, m. Lars Hetland 5. Hanna, m. Anders Sleveland 6. Godtfreda, m Martin Bakke 7. Kristine Maria, m. Johannes Roydland 8. Berta 9. Enok, m. Sine Jorgine Rosland. Har fargarden ps Eia Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1842 - 1932 Gabriel Gunnarsen Eia 90 90 Gabriel var som fedrene sine ein valvyrd mann, og han hadde mange tillittsyrke. M.A. var utskiftingamann, Ordforer 1884-87. Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Gabriel operated the Eia Farm  from 1875-1920. He was also a politician and chaired the Board of the Sokndal community for four years.  D. 1837 Sigrid Pedersdtr Barstad D. 1842 Jakob Torkellsen Hetleskog 1816 - 1892 Ingebord Knutsdtr Bjuland 76 76  m. June 23, 1836 Heskestad , Norway Children: 1. Johan Kristian Eia b. Nov. 17, 1837, d. 1910, m. Kristine Orsland b. 1939, d. 1919 2. Konradtr b. July 25, 1840, d. 1937, . Ugift. Lived in Heime. Hadde vori i America 2 gonger. Never married 3. Gabriel Eia see below 4. Kristofer Eia, b. Aug. 8, 1844, m. Dec. 2, 1875 Ane Bertine Borildsdtr Grossfjell. Kjopmann i Sokndal. Ordorer 1894. Varaordforer 1885, 1889 og 1895. 5. Anne Bertine Eia b. Oct. 29, 1846 d. 1943, m. Lars Eia, b. 1822, d. 1891 6. Martinius Eia b. Feb. 14, 1849, d. 1922, m.Louise Orsland Bakke i America, b. 1858, d. 1949 7. Ingeborg Bergine Eia, b. 1850, d. 1912,  m. Peder Larsen Hetleskog b. 1850, d. 1910 8. Ingeborg Eia b. 1851, d. 1856 9. Berthe Eia b. 1853, d. 1856 10. Maria Eia b. 1861, d. 1946, m. Omund (Amund Indre) Evje, b. 1848, d. 1912 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1829 - 1900 Christian Beer Tonnesen Brandsberg 71 71 He inherited the Brandsberg farm from his father. His oldest son Tonnes stayed in Norway. Brandsberg farm remains in the family and is used as a summer home. Christian was the last of the Brandsberg family to typically farm the farm. All the son's retained the last name of Brandsberg, and the daughters used Tonneson as a last name 1765 - 1843 Anne Marie Larsdtr Toks 77 77 m. 8-6-1791 Sogndal, Norway Children: a. Aslak f. 1792 d. 1810 b. Inger f. 1794 gift på S. Ålgård c. hjemmedøpt datter f. 1796 d. 1796 d. Kristine f. 1797  e. Lars f. 1799 nr. 21 f. Berte Margrete f. 1801 d. 1802 g. Berte Malene f. 1804 gift på Brandsberg h. Anne Marie f. 1806 d. 1806 i. Tollak f. 1807 d. 1807 j. Anne Marie f. 1809 gift på Brandsberg  1765 Tollak Aslaksen Egeli 1712 - 1801 Atlak Tollaksen Egeli 89 89 Gursli, Lund, brukte 1 pnd i 1755 see duplicate record 1721 - 1805 Kirsti Knudsdtr Tjellesvik 84 84 see duplicate record m. March 3, 1746 1836 - 1918 Anna Olene Olsdtr Raevland 81 81 m.7-7-1859 at Sokndal, Norway 1860 - 1948 Tonnes Christiansen Brandsberg (Brandsborg) 88 88 b. Sokndal Tonnes left the farm and joined the Army and then returned to Brandsberg Farm later about 1911 after he retired from the Army. He built a new house and barn. He was known for his prize honey and fruit samples. He had a horse, some cows, about 20 sheep and a couple of pigs. 1862 Anne Bertina (Tennyson) b. Sokndal Emigrated to America 1863 Bine Marie Christiansen Tonneson b. Sokndal Emigrated to America 1866 - 1948 Oline Talette Brandsberg (Tennyson) 82 82 Emigrated to Americaz m. Martin Viste 1868 Christina Olene Christiansdtr Brandsberg Emigrated to America 1870 - 1924 Olaf Christiansen Brandsberg 54 54 Emigrated to America to North Dakota, lived in Montana and Wyoming 1872 Martina Brandsberg (Tennyson) b. Sokndal Emigrated to America 1874 Ingeborg Bergina Brandsberg (Tennyson) b. Sokndal Emigrated to America 1877 Tobias Christian Brandsberg Emigrated to America m. Anna Alice Pearson Celtic Romance was written by a relative, Karl Johan Sehl's, who lived on the next farm over. We don't know how he is related at this time 1879 - 1963 Kristian Christiansen Brandsberg 83 83 Emigrated to America to North Dakota, lived in Montana and Wyoming and Fruitdale, SD Dad (Chris) and his brother, Toby were partners in the Johnston-Paul-Brandsberg Company, a cattle ranch located seven miles east of Belle Fourche, SD.  It started up in 1907 and dissolved in 1912 largely because the Homesteading movement occupied what had been open range that provided summer pasture for many sizable cattle outfits. When the company sold out, Dad and Toby bought the assets and then drew straws to determine who got the western portion with the buildings on it or the eastern part with more acres.  Dad won the western portion. 1883 - 1957 Ida Helene Amundsdtr Steinberg 74 74 Children: 1. Sigrid   b. Sept 5, 1905, m. Nov. 17, 1935 Thorlief Myhre from Toten 2. Engel b. Feb. 19, 1907, d. Mar. 16, 1997, m. Dec. 12, 1937 Olav Tonnesson Hellvik 3. Kristoffer b. Aug. 27, 1908, d. 1982, m. Borghild Tomine Hanssen 4. Amund Andreas b. Apr. 13, 1911, died unmarried June 14, 1957 5. Anna Helene b. Mar. 18, 1913, d. Jun. 23, 1985, m. Jul. 3, 1936 Richard Larsen 6. Solveig b. Apr. 25, 1915, d. Jan. 15, 1963, m. Sigurs Leiv Syvertson Drangeid from Flekkefjord 7. Klara Olava b. Sept. 22, 1917, m. Ole Sverreson Fjermestad 8. Sigbjorn b. May 14, 1919 unmarried, inherited Brandsberg Farm 9. Agnes b. Jun. 6, 1924, d. Sept. 30, 1995, m. Sverre Myhre from Toten, brother of Thorlief Myhre married to her sister Sigrid 1865 - 1946 Lette Marie Evje 80 80 Children: 1. Gabriel Brandsberg Brandsborg 2. Ingeborg Anne Brandsberg Brandsborg 3. Anne Brandsberg  Brandsborg 1893 - 1952 Grace Anna Hall 58 58 1854 Andreas Kristoffersen Brandsbourg Andreas’ last name is spelled Brandsborg in all entries.  He is listed as a Sergeant in the First Mountain Battalion.  He took his examination for Sergeant in February of 1876 (22 yoa) and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant on July 10, 1977.  At the time of this publication, he was posted in Christianssand. Source: Kalender for underofficerer af den norske hær 1890 Udgivet af Hans Johnsen, sergent Tjenstgjørende ved 3die brigades distirksintendantur Christianssand S. A. Steens bogtrykkeri 1890 This is a listing of Non-commissioned Officers in the Norwegian Army – 1890 published  by S. A. Steens Publishing and authored by Sgt. Hans Johnsen. 1857 - 1859 Anne Olava Kristoffersdtr Brandsberg 2 2 b. 1857 or 1860 Sokndal 1862 Ole Kristofffersen Brandsberg b. Sokndal 1869 - 1949 Sigrid Kristine Kristoffersdtr Brandsberg (Boe) 80 80 m. Sept. 9, 1887 Johan Kristian Hansson Boe Lived at Boe (Kirkeboe) Children: Kristoffer Boe b. 1889 1902 - 1986 Johan Bugge Bakken 84 84 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 30 Aug 1902 Bakken,Våle -  Døpt : 21 Sep 1902 Våle kirke -  Død : 06 Nov 1988 Våle -  Begravet : 11 Nov 1988 Våle k.g. -  Far Mor  Nils Johansen Hulda Margrethe Hansdt Skaug  Ekteskap Barn  10 Nov 1929 - Adelaide Magdalena Eia - - Lars Kristian Bugge  - - Thor Brede Rostad  - - Asbjørn Joacim Bugge Rostad   1693 - 1768 Soren Tollaksen Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 75 75  brukte 18 mk i 1755, brukte også Eghammer i 1722 1696 - 1764 Marte Omundsen Regeland 68 68 m. 1716 Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: 1. Tollak Sorensenb. About 1717  Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway     2. Aase Sorensenb. 1719  Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway     3. Marte Sorensenb. 1723  Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, d. 1784   4. Omund Sorensen b. 1734 Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway d. 1796           5. Tonnes Sorensen b. 1738      Ovre Regeland, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway       Ole Torkildsen Eia Anna Jacobsdtr Hetleskog 1728 Lars Ellefsen Mydland see duplicate record Inger Ellefsdtr Indre Mydland see duplicate record, wife #3 1675 - 1721 Elli Eilefsdtr Mydland 46 46 Children: a. Ingeborg f. 1698 m. at Brandsberg  ikke nevnt i moren skifte. Så hun hører nok ikke til her. b. Ellef f. 1700 d.f. 1711 c. Ellef f. 1705  d. Omund f. 1710, Skåre, Egersund e. Siri f. 1714 1669 - 1721 Lars Omundsen Mydland 52 52 D. 1692 Ingeborg Bjornsdtr Children: a. Lars f. 1669  b. Hoskuld b. 1673 Løvik  c. Salve b. 1691  d. Ola b. 1694  e. Siri sk. 1713 m. Jakob Jakobsen I. Mydland 1637 - 1721 Omund Hoskuldsen 84 84 Hamre, Lund, bodde her fra 1670, lagrettemann i 1691 1610 - 1651 Hoskuld Salvesen Hamre 41 41 D. 1683 Maria Svensdtr 1591 - 1617 Salve Tormodsen Hamre 26 26 D. 1651 Siri Toresdtr Ålgård 1563 - 1602 Tormod Torsteinsen Hamre 39 39 D. 1522 Torstein Tormodsen Hamre Tor Ålgård Gabriel Gunnarsen Salve Ola Gunnarsen Hugo Reiertsen Nina Reiertsen Audun Reiertsen (Brandsberg) Torunn Payne Ingjerd Brandsberg Torgrim Idland Tor Jan Idland Arnfred Brandsberg Madeline Deuss Thorleif Andreas Brandsberg Frederik Brandsberg Erik Brandsberg Ranveig Brandsberg Annlaug Helene Brandsberg Kjell Andreas Stormo Kjell Gunnar Stormo 1932 Thor Brede Rostad lives in Sandnes, Norway Lina Kirkemo Asbjorn Joacim Bugge Unni Berg Ane Olava Kristoffersdtr Brandsberg 1709 - 1786 Lars Staalesen Mydland 77 77 Berte Ingvardsdtr Bakke Staale Mydland 1718 - 1782 Ole Staalesen Setre 64 64 1720 - 1775 Magle Staalesdtr Brikland 55 55 m. abt. 1734 Staale Olsen 1682 - 1733 Staale Svensen Espelund 51 51 D. 1733 Birgitte m. abt. 1707 of Lund, Rogaland, Norway 1700 - 1762 Haarvard Omundsen Barstad 62 62 1688 Malene Bjørnsdtr Ørsland m.Barstad Children: a. Malene f. 1720  b. Omund f. 1727  c. Guri f. 1729 k. 1745 d. Inger f. 1733 1651 Omund Jonsen Guri Salvesdtr Hamre Gitlaug Taraldsdtr Hoyland 1634 - 1710 Jon Olsen Barstad 76 76 eide 1 ½ løp og 3 huder (hele) Østbø i 1671 D. 1693 Gunlaug Knudsdtr Children: a. Omund f. 1651  b. Ola f. 1653 Østbø c. Jakob f. 1655  d. Nils f. 1658 S. Rosseland  e. Lars f. 1663  f. Guri gift på Østbø  g. Tora f. 1666 gift på Berglyd  h. Gro død før 1710 m. (2) Omund Andersen 1580 - 1656 Ola Bjornsen Mydland 76 76 m. (1) ?  Kanskje en Larsdtr. og kanskje Berte på grunn av at svigerfar lensmannen Alf Frøyland ikke er oppkallt før 3. sønn, samt at Gro måtte ha vært minst født 1589 for å ha vært 20 år når hun fikk første datter (denne må ha vært født ca. 1609 for hun ble forlovet i 1629), og ville da ha vært over 50 når siste sønn Steffen ble født, har han mest sansynlig vært gift 2 ganger. g.1.m. ? Kanskje en Larsdtr. og kanskje Berte Her har jeg lagt ut en oversikt over kjente (for meg) etterkommere i 4 genersjoner etter Ola Bjørnsen. Har du kommentarer eller tilleggsopplysninger, setter jeg pris på en mail. Ta helst med kildehenvisninger. Jeg har etterkommere i flere generasjoner, men har i denne omgang ikke lagt dem ut. Sist oppdatert : 17.10.2007 Ola Bjørnsen Indre Mydland var antakelig født i 1580-årene på Indre Mydland. Hans far var Bjørn Berulfsen Indre Mydland. Ola Bjørnsen døde i 1656. Han var gift med Gro Alfsdtr. fra Frøyland. Hun døde etter 1670. Han var antakelig gift en gang før. De fem første barna er sikkert fra første ekteskap, mens de fire siste er fra andre. En av grunnene til å tro at han var gift før, var at Gro Alfsdtr. må ha vært født ca. 1586 for å være mor til eldste datter. I så fall ville hun vært minst 52 år da Steffen ble født. Siden Alf er kalt opp etter hennes far (lensmannen), er det sansynlig at han er hennes første barn. De er dessverre ikke bevart noe skifte etter Ola Bjørnsen I. Mydland. I 1617 hadde Ola ½ løp smørs odel i I. Mydland I 1624 hadde han 1 ½ løb smørs odel i I. Mydland og 7 spand korn i Hetland, Bjerkreim I 1634 hadde Ola følgende odel :     *       2 løp smør i Mydland,     *       7 spand korn i Hetland, Bjerkreim,     *       1 spand korn i Mysse,     *       2 pund (hele) i Kolestrand, Heskestad,     *       2 løp i Østbø,     *       2 løp i Midtbø,     *       ½ løp smør i Solbjør, Lund,     *       ½ pund i Egeli,     *       1 pund 3 mark i Saurdal,     *       2 pund i Moi     *       1 hud 4 mark i Arnstad i Lund  I 1639 hadde han følgende :     *       1 ½ løb 1 pund smør i I. Mydland,     *       ½ løb 1 pund i Mysse,     *       7 spand korn i Hetland, Bjerkreim,     *       2 pund i Kolestrand, Heskestad,     *       1 ½ løb i Østbø,     *       2 løb i Midtbø,     *       5 mk i Egeli,     *       1 pnd 3 mk i Saurdal,     *       2 pund i Moi, Lund     *       6 mk i Arnstad i Lund  Eierforhold på Mydland : 1617 Ola Bjørnsen ½ løp 1624 Ola Bjørnsen 1 ½ løb 1634 Ola Bjørnsen 2 løb 1639 Ola Bjørnsen 1 ½ løb 1 pnd Bjørn [Ellefsen] Fitje 18 mk 1661 Sal. Bjørn [Ellefsen] Fitjes arvinger 1 pnd Bjørn [Larsen] ½ løb 1 pnd 3 mk Lars [Olsen] 2 ½ pnd 4 mk 1674 Bjørn [Larsen] 1 løb Birgitte 3 ½ pnd Salve [Hoskuldsen] Ålgård 9 mk 1675 Bjørn [Larsen] 27 mk Ola [Bjørnsen] 27 mk Omund [Hoskuldsen g.m. Ingeborg Bjørnsdtr.] 27 mk Birgitte [enke etter Lars Olsen] 36 mk Jakob [Larsen] 27 mk Ola var en av de rikeste i bygden, og han var jevnt og trutt i klammeri med naboer og øvrigheten. Her følger det jeg har funnet i tingbøkene og i sakefallslister i lensregnskapene :     * I 1611 var Jakob på Hauge bøtelagt 7 daler for å ha stukket Ola Bjørnsen ett knivstikk.     * I 1611 sonet Jens Åros 1 daler for å ha slått Ola slik ”Att Bloditt Wdgick”.     * I 1617 var han sammen med 3 mann fra Urdal stevnet av Sigvald Skjevrås for å ha stukket ham i ryggen med kniv.     * I 1619 sonet han 3 daler etter i fylla ha hogget kniven i Jakob Åmodts bord.     * I 1624 er han tiltalt for ulovlig kjøpmannsvirksomhet ved at "hand forstrecker fattige folk med penge till schat och anden deris nødtorffighed, saa betaller di hannem igien med smør, huder, schind och andet saadant som di kand komme affsted."     * I 1626 var han stevnet for et "Mundslag" han hadde tildelt Jon Gudal, og for et knivstikk i armen på Orm Østbø.     * I 1628 var han stevnet for "nogen Schieldz ord" han hadde kommet med til fogden på tingstuen.     * I 1633 var han tiltalt for å ha tatt 11 skinn fra boet til avdøde Anders Kremmer som han mente han skylte ham. Han måtte nok levere dem tilbake, og vente på arveoppgjøret.     * I 1635 ble han forlikt med Jakob Hauge om 2 knivstikk han hadde gitt ham for over enn 20 år siden.     * Samme år var han stevnet av Jakob N. Mysse fordi "hand haffuer taget Jacobs hors och kiørt der med nogle dager foruden loff oc tilstand, deroffuer horset er bleffuen dødt." Han måtte ut med 4 daler, eller en ny hoppe verdt 4 daler.     * I 1636 var han stevnet av Isak Rosseland for et knivstikk i låret. Ola forsvarte seg og mente "hannom iche At haffue stuchen, man hand [Isak] At haffue giort sig det Sielff."     * I 1638 hadde Lars Brambo stevnet ham "fordj hand Offuerfalt hannom med hug og Slag" da denne kom til gårds for å lete etter hesten sin som han mente Ola hadde "lånt".     * Videre var han i 1638 krevet 20 daler av Trond Tothammer, de var begge fulle og sto og skrek og bar seg på tinget, noe som fikk tinget til å utale at, "de bøer At miste dieres rett denne gangh."     * I 1639 var han stevnet for å ha plaget Tarald Barstads kone mens hun lå i barselseng "med Stoer Bulder och klameri" Han og Kristen Barstad prøvde å lure fra henne gården.     * Halvor Mysse hadde stevnet ham i 1640 for "hand offuerfalt hannom och Slaget hannom id blae slag j sitt Ansigt", mens de var på Løvås. Ola forsvarte seg med at Halvor hadde kommet til gårds, satt seg i høysete og bedt Ola "tag din Rompe med dig och gaa hiem til Myland". Da hadde han slått ham et slag i fjeset.     * I 1642 var han stevnet av Gunnar Olsen Åros etter at Ola skulle oppbevare 40 riksdaler for ham. Da han leverte dem tilbake manglet det 6 daler. Ola prøvde seg med at "hand wiste iche det hand fich de 40 daler til fylde", men måtte likevel ut med de 6 dalerne til Gunnar.     * I 1644 hadde fogden innkallt ham til tinget fordi han var skyldig rytterskatt for halvannet år, "at hand som en Aff de beste och formuendeste bønder j Sogendal Iche med det Sølff lann will komme Ko: Ma: och hans federe land j denne fahrlig krigstid til hielp, med nogen forstrechening." Ola kom og unnskylte seg med at "hand iche wiste At der wahr fliere skatter paabøden end som hand haffuer betalt."     * I 1653 hadde Ola stevnet Lars Gudal for tre forhold : "at hand schall Jage och Slaae hand fæ, och driffue det hiem j Myelandz Agere og Eng, och thuende Studer er nu paa en Cort tid bliffuen borte, for det anden At hand BortJager dieres Øger med en skralle, aff deris Egen Støle, saa id Øgh haffuer brut sit been Synder." Videre mente han også at Lars hadde ødelagt merkesteinen mellom Mydland og Gudal, og satt opp en ny som han mente var grensen.     * I 1655 lovet sønnen Jakob på farens vegne 20 daler i ekstraskatt.     * I 1656 hadde han stevnet Tarald Barstad angående en leieavtale om Barstad. Ola holdt det altså gående like til det siste, og måtte ut med minst 38 riksdaler og 26 mark sølv i forskjellige bøter. Var Ola Bjørnsen den kranglefanten det kan se ut som, eller var han et yndet mål for folk som ville yppe til bråk, for så å satse på å få en del av formuen hans via bøter ? Uansett bygde han antakelig opp deler av formuen på den måten som var vanlig på den tiden, nemlig å låne folk penger mot pant i gården, og når de ikke kunne betale, var gården hans. I så fall var det jo forståelig at folk bar nag til ham. 1606 - 1670 Gro Alfsdtr Froyland 64 64 Children: d. Berte 1625 gift på Kolestrand, Heskestad e. Alf f. 1628 Gjersdal, Lund f. Ingeborg 1630 gift på Kjelland  g. Jakob f. 1632 V. Barstad  h. Jon f. 1634 Ø. Barstad  i. Steffen f. 1638 Midtbø  1525 - 1618 Bjorn Bergulfsen Lindland 93 93 Nevnt i skattemanntall 1606 - 1618. I 1604 var han i tottene med broren Stein : "Biøren og Stehnn Myland giorde huer anden schade, Biøren slogh Stehnn medt et spuidt iij slagh, och Stehnn stak Biøren ij kniff Sting." Han giftet seg med Ågot ? Steffensdtr. ______________ det er nevnt en Bjørn Mydland i 1618, men det er vel en annen. Skattet 4½ daler og 11 lodd sølv i leilendingskatt i 1603. "Biøren oc Steinn paa Mylland giorde huer andre schade. Biøren slogh Steinn medt itt Spiudt iij slagh oc Steinn stack Biørenn ij Kniffsting. Affβonnett oc gaff der fore viij daller" - 1604 1560 - 1632 Ågot Steffendtr Arrestad 72 72 født før 1560, død etter 1632. Nevnt i 1623 - 1632 Children: a. Ola 1580 nr. 20 b. Ågot gift på Log nr. 3 c. ? Ellef Bjørnsen (se Fitje nr. 6) n. 1593 d. ? Søren Fitje nr. 4 P. Valand har spekulert i om de to drengene på Mydland i 1606 Gunbjørn og Arnbjørn kanskje også er sønner til Bjørn Bergulfsen. Dette er ikke typiske Sokndalnavn, men snarere Bjerkreimsnavn. Det har han ment at så fall kunne tyde på (ekteskaps)kopling mot Bjerkreim og Egersund. Nå kan navnet Bergulf også tyde på slektskap tilbake til Bergulf Ormsen Årstad i Egersund n. 1438 - 1442 1535 - 1599 Steffen Tjorvardsen Arrestad 64 64 betalte 1 daler i skatt i 1563 Bøtet i 1567 7 daler "for hand stach Mortenn po Møllannd ij kniff sting". NN Children: a. Tjorvard n. 1599 b. Gullik c. ? Ågot gift på I. Mydland  d. datter g.m. Gunnar Anbjørnsen Hetland, Bjerkreim Tjorvard Steffensen? Arrestad Skattet 6 mark i 1519 som han betalte med 1 mark i penger og 5 lodd sølv Han betalte 1½ mark og 1½ pund bronse i 1521. NN Children: a. Gro gift på I. Mydland b. ? Jakob  c. Samuel f. 1608 Ø. Åmodt  d. ? Asser Sandbekk  e. ? Tollak  1575 - 1630 Alf T Froyland 55 55 T’en kan stå for Tollaksen, et vanlig navn i Heskestad hvor det kan se ut til at han var fra. Lensmann i Sokndal 1610 - 1615 Skattet 10 daler i leilendingskatt i 1603. Han var legdsmann i knektemanntall 1611 Eide følgende i 1617 ½ pnd smør i Mystrøl (pantegods), ½ løp smør 2 fåreskinn i Knubbedal, ½ løp smør 1 fåreskinn i Sollie I 1624 eide han følgende i Sokndal 1 pnd smør i Myrstøl, og 2 ½ pnd i Kylannd (kan være Kjelland, men vel helst Kydland) Eide følgende gårdparter i Hetland, ½ løp i Steine (1617), 10 mrk. i Hestad (1624) og ½ løp 9 mrk. i Kolestrand (1624) 1669 - 1747 Bjørn Jonsen Ørsland 78 78 hadde 4 barn hjemme i 1711, fikk skjøte på Portell fra sin far i 1700 Inger 1632 - 1713 Jon Olsen Ørsland 81 81 lagrettemann i 1674. Han må ha vært gift 2 ganger, da sønnen Bjørn, som er nevnt i 1700, ikke var nevnt i konens skifte i 1690. M. (2) Gyda Larsdtr Children: Barn 2: b. Jon Ørsland c. Ola f. 1679 stående soldat i 1696 – 1708, n. 1714 Fikk skjøte på Porthøll i 1714 d. Torborg gift på Urdal e. Siri gift på Toks nr. 14 f. Anne, ugift 1690 m. (1) Children: a. Bjørn f. 1669  1601 - 1673 Ola Pedersen Ørsland 72 72 hadde odel i Ø. Eikeland, Heskestad, Halleland og Egeli, løste første bygsel på 1 spann smør i 1625. Var lagrettemann i 1669 Signe Bjørnsdtr Children: a. Peder f. 1626  b. Jon f. 1632  c. Torborg gift på Stene, Heskestad d. Anne gift på Vatland  1602 - 1673 Peder Pedersen Ørsland 71 71 Han var legdsmann i knektemanntall 1611 Ga 2 daler i landskyld av 3 spann smør i 1603 Skattet 10 daler i leilendingskatt i 1603. Ga ½ ort for ½ spand smør i Portel i 1607 " Peder Ørisland for att hand schar Daigh Barrestad med en Kniff, Affsonidt for – j daller" – 1607 Ga 3 daler i tredje års byksel av 2 pund 6 mk smør i 1612 Kaltes Øreschoff i 1618. Eide i 1617 ½ løp i Ø. Eikeland, Heskestad NN Olsdtr Children: a. Ola f. 1601  b. Alf Ø. Eikeland, Heskestad n. 1628 - 1629 1645 - 1712 Omund Pedersen Regeland 67 67 Barstad nr. 25c, bodde på Eghammer 1701, mistet husene i storbrannen i 1710 1670 - 1730 Åse Larsdtr Regeland 60 60 10a Children: d. Marte f. 1697  e. Tore f. 1700 farer på Grønland fra Bergen - 1723 1645 - 1701 Lars Jonsen Regeland 56 56 Fikk kongebrev 15. juni 1670 "da han var beslektet i 2. og 3. ledd med sin tilkomnes avdøde mann Christen Regeland" Gitlaug Ivarsdtr m. O. Regeland Children: a. Åse f. 1670 g.m.  b. Kristen f. 1675 Hegdal, husmenn c. Willum f. 1679  1606 - 1677 Ivar Jakobsen Gauteland 71 71 var gift uten barn i 1645, lagrettemann 1668 – 1674, hadde odel sammen med Øyvind (Iffuer och Offuend) 1644 – 1671, i 1646 sammen med "moder og broder" D. 1677 Karen Tollaksdtr Children: a. Tollak  b. Halvor f. 1649 Urdal  c. Asser 1657 d. 1679 soldat 1677- 1679 d. Ingeborg gift på Netland  e. Siri, gift på Netland d.f. 1677, hadde da en gjenlevende datter f. Gitlaug g.m. Ø. Regeland  g. Åse nevnt gift i 1677 h. Siri nevnt gift i 1677 ant. gift på Ualand, Heskestad i. Marte nevnt ugift i 1677 D. 1645 Jakob Halvorsen Gauteland Kaltes bror til Eie nr. 7, men var vel svoger NN Children: a.? Ivar f. 1606  b. ?Øyvind f. 1608  1626 - 1695 Tollak Alfsen Lindland 69 69 kaltes Østbø i 1664, ant. født senere, ref barna.    Anne Andersdtr Midtbo 1630 - 1693 Anders Andersen Krone 63 63 Bror til konen på nr. 4, og Midtbø nr. 10, ga 1 ort i 3. års tage i 1659. Kaltes Larsen i 1693 1701 Elisabet Hansdtr Årsvold m. Krone (Krune), Norway Children: 1. Hans f. 1667 ugift, stående soldat 1690 - 1703 2. Anne 1670 3. ? Sissel f. 1675 Krone, d. 1734 Krone, Sokndal 4. Ellef f. 1687 N. Åmodt  1636 - 1697 Alf Tollaksen Midtbo 61 61 lagrettemann i 1668, ant samme som Midtbø  Ant. samme som Alf Lindland, isåfall stemmer det ikke at Tollak Alfsen er Alf Lindlands sønn, eller så er han (Tollak) født senere enn 1626. D. 1747 Anne Toresen Children: a. ? Tollak f. 1626 Midtbø  b. Hans f. 1671  c. Ingeborg, ugift 1697 d. Anne, ugift 1697 Tollak? Ormsen? Midtho? Gro? 1596 - 1657 Hans Larsen Årsvold 61 61 Sissel Olsdtr Children: a. Aksel f. 1630 b. Lars f. 1628 Krone  c. Ola f. 1646  d. Trond N. Surdal  e. Elisabet gift på Krone  f. Johanne 1602 - 1622 Ola Årsvold 20 20 Var i 1611 utskrevet soldat til Kalmarkrigen Children: 1. ?Sissel 1616 - 1699 Jon Larsen Rosseland 83 83 borger til Stavanger 1672- 1685 NN Isaksdtr m.  Rosseland  Children: a. Kristoffer f. 1644 Skarås  b. Lars f. 1645 Ø. Regeland  c. Brynjel 1649 d. 1680 soldat 1669 – 1680 d. Steinvor gift på Gauteland e. Ingeborg gift på Elvestrøm  f. Åse gift på L. Rosseland  g. Jakob f. 1657  h. Jofred Lindland  1590 - 1657 Lars Larsen Rosseland 67 67 Lensmann 1639 - 1647. I 1655 betalte han 4 riksdaler i ekstraskatt. 1590 Steinvor Oldsdtr Kirkebo Children: a. Jon f. 1616 S. Rosseland  b. Marte f. 1618 g.m. Tothammer  c. Ola f. 1620 Nesvåg d. Karen f. 1626  e. Jofred f. 1630 L. Rosseland  f. Omund n. 1664 1565 Lars Omundsen Rosseland Betalte 10 daler i leilendingskatt i 1603. Var lagrettemann i 1609 Jonsdtr Årstad Årstad  D. 1625 Jon Reiersen Sandsmark Skattet 2 daler og 16 lodd sølv i leilendingskatt i 1603. Johanne Mikkelsdtr m. Årstad, Norway Children: a. ?datter gift på Kirkebø nr. 21 Mikkel Tothammer Enken Tothammer 1560 - 1602 Ola Jakobsen Rosseland 42 42 Skattet 11 daler i leilendingskatt i 1603. Karen vitnet for Dorte Ribland i 1629 Children: a. Tore  b. Steinvor f. 1590 gift på Kirkebø  c. Guri ? gift på Ø. Regeland  d. Mette gift på Drageland Isak Niklausen Rosseland Karen Rosseland vitnet for Dorte Ribland i 1629 m. (2) S. Rosseland  Gunnar Elias 1722 - 1786 Anne Frochen Gundersdtr Lind 64 64 m.  1745 Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Jakob Smith f. 1745, utenlands fra 1762 b. Anne Frøchen f. 1747, ikke n. 1766 c. Gunhild Guria f. 1748 g.m.  d. Gunnar f. 1750 d. 1750 e. Gunnar f. 1751  f. Ester Marie f. 1754 g. Anne Frøchen f. 1757, ikke n. 1787 bodde hos broren Gunnar i 1801 - løsgjenger, svakelig h. Maren Lange f. 1761, ikke n. 1787 i. Ola f. 1765 d. 1765 1709 - 1765 Ola Jakobsen Lauland (Smith) 56 56 marin soldat i 1735, kaltes Åve i 1751 - 1757 D. 1760 Astrid Olsdtr Mydland m. Lauland, Loveland, Norway Children: a. Ola f. 1709  b. Nils f. 1715 Immerstein, husmenn  c. Lars f. 1720 d. 1766 på reise til Vest India d. Henrik f. 1726 d. 1766 bodde hos broren Ola e. Marit f. 1729 gift i Holland 1688 - 1740 Jakob Nilsen Lauland 52 52 NN Children: a. Jakob f. 1688 Lauland nr. 8 ? b. Kristen f. 1692 d. 1745 ? 1636 - 1714 Nils Jacobsen Lauland 78 78 d. Kaltes Lauland i 1709 og 1716 D. 1692 Ola Larsen Mydland Guri Torsteinsdtr m. Mydland, Norway Children: a. Lars f. 1693 Lie  b. Astrid g.m. Lauland c. Berte 1612 - 1670 Lars Olsen Mydland 58 58 sonet i 1655 for »nogen ubequembs Ord mod Lautitz Guedall», hadde odel 1665 - 1670 Birgitte hadde odel istedet for Lars i 1671 - 1677 Children: a. ? Bjørn  b. Jakob f. 1641 c. Tore f. 1657 ?  d. Ola nr. 28 e. Helga gift på N. Mysse  f. ? Gro gift på Ø. Støle  1580 - 1657 Ola Bjornsen Mydland 77 77  på grunn av at svigerfar lensmannen Alf Frøyland ikke er oppkallt før 3. sønn, samt at Gro måtte ha vært minst født 1589 for å ha vært 20 år når hun fikk første datter (denne må ha vært født ca. 1609 for hun ble forlovet i 1629), og ville da ha vært over 50 når siste sønn Steffen ble født, har han mest sansynlig vært gift 2 ganger. g.1.m. ? Kanskje en Larsdtr. og kanskje Berte Children: a. datter 1609 se Fitje  b. Bjørn f. 1611  c. Lars f. 1612   Bjorn Bergulfsen 1665 - 1708 Torger Torsteinsdtr Stole 43 43 D. 1752 Gro Larsdtr Mydland Children: a. Astrid f. 1688 b. Torstein f. 1690  c. Lars f. 1692 Skarås  d. Guri f. 1695 gift på I. Mydland e. Berte f. 1698 gift på Gyland  f. Inger f. 1700 ikke n. 1763 g. Jakob f. 1702 ikke n. 1763 h. Ola f. 1705 ikke n. 1763 1635 - 1679 Torstein Nilsen Stole 44 44 lagrettemann i 1674, han oplod for sin sønn Torger i 1700 ?. D. 1675 Astrid Torgersdtr m. Stole, Norway Children: a. Anne f. 1656 gift på Årrestad  b. Jakob c. Torger f. 1665  d. Guri g.m. I. Mydland  e. Inger gift på Y. Mydland  f. Marte gift på N. Mysse  g. Karen h. Siri Nils Gulliksen Children: b. ? Torstein f. 1635 nr. 3 c. Mikkel f. 1641, utskrevet soldat i 1661, men var "bortrømt" Torstein Stole 1604 - 1677 Torger Larsen Bakke 73 73 Etter oppkallingen av eldste sønn, var han vel g.1.m. en datter av forrige bruker. Marit m. Bakke, Norway Children: a. Tore f. 1634  b. Lars f. 1640 Frøytlog c. Lars d.y. 1646 Vatland d. Jakob e. Astrid gift på Ø. Støle  f. Guri gift på S. Ålgård  g. Siri gift på N. Støle ? h. Mette gift på Eie  i. Siri gift på Frøytlog ? 1624 - 1661 Bjorn 37 37 "Sal. Bjørn Fitjes arvinger hadde odel i Mydland og Egeli" - 1662/3 "Biørn Fidie en Egtemand, Var hidkaldet formedelst hand har j hans Egteschab besouffet id Quindfolch Ved Naffn Jngeborig Zigbiørnsdatter, och Aufflet barn med hende. Hand Var møtt och Sonnet hans forseelse, formedelst hans Boedtzloed som hand løste med fire och tiffue Rixdaler. Huilchet Vj bekiender och bekreffter At Vere hans Boedtzloedtz høigeste Effne och formue" - 1641 "Affsonnight mod Biørn Fiddie enn egtemand. Som haffuer forfart sig med leyermaall med sin thieniste pige 24 dlr." – 1641 På grunn av odel i Mydland (18 mk i 1639) og Egeli var vel Bjørn Ellefsen gift med en datter til Søren Bjørnsen, eller var Søren Bjørnsen en onkel, og den Ellef Bjørnsen som var lagrettemann i 1593 dennes bror og Bjørn Ellefsens far ? Children: a. Ellef f. 1609  b. Lars Bjørnsen 1st bygsel 1660 c. Marit gift på Bakke  Soren Bjornsen Fitje I. Mydland nr. 15d Skattet 11 daler i leilendingskatt i 1603. 3. års bygsel i 1604, hadde S.B. i bumerket, kaltes Tvedt i 1620 og 1630. Kan være en sønn til I. Mydland nr. 8, da både han og Ola Bjørnsen Mydland hadde odel i Mydland og Egeli. P. Valand har spekulert i om de to drengene på Mydland i 1606 Gunbjørn og Arnbjørn kanskje også er sønner til Bjørn Bergulfsen. Dette er ikke typiske Sokndalnavn, men snarere Bjerkreimsnavn. Det har han ment at så fall kunne tyde på (ekteskaps)kopling mot Bjerkreim og Egersund. Nå kan navnet Bergulf også tyde på slektskap tilbake til Bergulf Ormsen Årstad i Egersund n. 1438 - 1442 Bjorn Bergulfsen duplicate record Nils Jonsen Roydland Tollak Atlaksen Egeli Berit Andersdtr Children: 1. Tore Tollaksen  b. 1699 Store Egeli, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway d. 1735           2. Aslak Tollaksen b. 1707  Store Egeli, Sokndal, Rogaland,          1855 - 1918 Sivert Enoksen Indre Evje 63 63 Probably lived in Brooklyn, NY 1864 - 1934 Ingeborg Gurine Eia 70 70 see  Gunner Kristoffersen Eia b. 1817, d. 1906 for details of parents and grandparents 1903 - 1957 Anna Josefine Nilsen 54 54 m. May 13, 1944, Oslo, Akershus, Norway 1877 - 1952 Hulda Margrethe Hansdtr Skaug 75 75 Children: 1. 06 Feb 1898 - Marie Olava Bugge  2. 22 Jan 1900 - Nils Bugge  3. 30 Aug 1902 - Johan Bugge  4. 12 Mar 1904 - Wilhelm Bugge  5. 14 Aug 1906 - Ruth Julie Bugge  6. 08 Apr 1909 - Lars Bugge Johansen 7. 03 Okt 1910 - Neptun Henry Bugge Johansen Bakken  8. 03 Des 1912 - Hans Bugge Johansen 9. 08 Jan 1915 - Lorentz Bugge Johansen 10. 31 Jul  1917 -  Finn Bugge Johansen 11. 31 Jul  1917 - Halvdan Bugge Johansen 12. 30 Mar 1919 - Trond Rudolf Bugge Johansen Bakken Hulda Margrethe Hansdt Skaug   Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 10 Jul 1877 Skaug,Våle -  Døpt : 29 Jul 1877 Våle kirke -  Død : 28 Nov 1952 Kirkevoll,Våle -  Begravet : 05 Des 1952 Våle k.g. -  Far Mor  Hans Jakobsen Skaug Grethe Marthine Andersdt  Ekteskap Barn  06 Apr 1897 - Nils Johansen 06 Feb 1898 - Marie Olava Bugge  22 Jan 1900 - Nils Bugge  30 Aug 1902 - Johan Bugge  12 Mar 1904 - Wilhelm Bugge  - - Ruth Julie Bugge  08 Apr 1909 - Lars Bugge Johansen  03 Okt 1910 - Neptun Henry Bugge Johansen Bakken  03 Des 1912 - Hans Bugge Johansen  08 Jan 1915 - Lorentz Bugge Johansen  31 Jul 1917 - Finn Bugge Johansen  - - Halvdan Bugge Johansen  30 Mar 1919 - Trond Rudolf Bugge Johansen Bakken   1871 - 1954 Nils Johansen Johansen Bugge (Bakken) 82 82 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 18 Mai 1871 Bakken,Våle Kirkeboka for Våle.  Døpt : 11 Jun 1871 Hjemmedøbt af Skolelærer I. Fredriksen Kirkeboka for Våle.  Død : 25 Jan 1954 Kirkevoll,Våle Kirkeboka for Våle.  Begravet : 30 Jan 1954 Våle k.g. Kirkeboka for Våle.  Far Mor  Johan Christian Larsen Holst Olava Marie Larsdt Bugge  Ekteskap Barn  06 Apr 1897 - Hulda Margrethe Hansdt Skaug 06 Feb 1898 - Marie Olava Bugge  22 Jan 1900 - Nils Bugge  30 Aug 1902 - Johan Bugge  12 Mar 1904 - Wilhelm Bugge  - - Ruth Julie Bugge  08 Apr 1909 - Lars Bugge Johansen  03 Okt 1910 - Neptun Henry Bugge Johansen Bakken  03 Des 1912 - Hans Bugge Johansen  08 Jan 1915 - Lorentz Bugge Johansen  31 Jul 1917 - Finn Bugge Johansen  - - Halvdan Bugge Johansen  30 Mar 1919 - Trond Rudolf Bugge Johansen Bakken   1833 - 1920 Olava Marie Larsdtr 87 87 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 14 Mar 1833 Bakken,Våle Kirkeboka for Våle.  Døpt : 07 Apr 1833 Våle kirke Kirkeboka for Våle.  Død : 18 Sep 1920 Varløs, Botne Kirkeboka for Våle.  Begravet : 25 Sep 1920 Våle k.g. Kirkeboka for Våle.  Far Mor  Lars Nielsen Bugge Bodild Marie Pedersdt  Ekteskap Barn  18 Sep 1854 - Johan Christian Larsen Holst 24 Sep 1854 - Lise Bolette Johansdatter  16 Des 1856 - Lina Karense Johansdatter  08 Jan 1859 - Allette Mathilde Johansdatter  08 Nov 1861 - Lars Kristian Johansen  19 Okt 1864 - Carl Johan Johansen  22 Sep 1866 - Petter Alfan Johansen  16 Mar 1869 - Olaf Martinius Johansen  18 Mai 1871 - Nils Johansen  07 Jul 1873 - Ludvig Bernhard Johansen  26 Mai 1875 - Karoline Elise Johansdatter  02 Sep 1877 - Kristoffer Anton Johansen  27 Jan 1882 - Anna Marie Johansdatter   1826 - 1906 Johan Christian Larsen Holst 79 79 Johan Christian Larsen Holst født 09 Mar 1826 - død 05 Feb 1906 Children: 24 Sep 1854 - Lise Bolette Johansdatter  16 Des 1856 - Lina Karense Johansdatter  08 Jan 1859 - Allette Mathilde Johansdatter  08 Nov 1861 - Lars Kristian Johansen  19 Okt 1864 - Carl Johan Johansen  22 Sep 1866 - Petter Alfan Johansen  16 Mar 1869 - Olaf Martinius Johansen  18 Mai 1871 - Nils Johansen  07 Jul 1873 - Ludvig Bernhard Johansen  26 Mai 1875 - Karoline Elise Johansdatter  02 Sep 1877 - Kristoffer Anton Johansen  27 Jan 1882 - Anna Marie Johansdatter   Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 09 Mar 1826 Sø. Løvald, Botne Kirkeboka for Våle.  Døpt : 27 Mar 1826 Botne kirke Kirkeboka for Våle.  Død : 05 Feb 1906 Bakken,Våle Kirkeboka for Våle.  Begravet : 14 Feb 1906 Våle k.g. Kirkeboka for Våle.  1807 - 1865 Karen Olea Kristoffersdtr 57 57  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 09 Okt 1807 Løvald,Botne Kilde  Død : 13 Mar 1865 Tverdal, Botne -  Far Mor  Kristoffer Andersen Anne Kirstine Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1825 - Lars Johan Christoffersen Holst 09 Mar 1826 - Johan Christian Larsen Holst   1799 - 1884 Lars Johan Christoffersen Holst 85 85 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 20 Apr 1799 Åkerholt,Hof -  Død : 13 Des 1884 Tverdal,Botne -  Far Mor  Christoffer Larsen Holst Elen Jansdt  Ekteskap Barn  1825 - Karen Olea Kristoffersdt 09 Mar 1826 - Johan Christian Larsen Holst   1775 - 1836 Elen Jansdtr 61 61 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1775 Hærkieft, Ramnes (Fon) -  Død : 1836 Åkerholt, Hof -  Far Mor  Jan Henningsen Gunhild Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1797 - Christoffer Larsen Holst 20 Apr 1799 - Lars Johan Christoffersen Holst   - Lars Svensen Valle 1793 - Lars Larsen Gjessing   1769 - 1836 Christoffer Larsen Holst 67 67 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1769 Åkerholt, Hof Hof Bygdebok, bind I, annen del, side 900.  Døpt : 03 Mar 1769 - -  Død : 1836 Hærkieft, Ramnes (Fon) -  Far Mor  Lars Christoffersen Maren Jørgensdt Holst  Ekteskap Barn  1797 - Elen Jansdt 20 Apr 1799 - Lars Johan Christoffersen Holst   1739 - 1816 Maren Jørgensdtr Holst 77 77 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1739 Hesthammer,Hof -  Død : 1816 Teien, Sande -  Far Mor  Jørgen Danielsen Holst Goro Nilsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1758 - Lars Christoffersen 1769 - Christoffer Larsen Holst   1740 - 1824 Lars Christoffersen 84 84 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1740 Gretteberg, Hof Kilde  Døpt : 14 Des 1740 - -  Død : 1824 Teien, Sande -  Far Mor  Christoffer Willumsen Anne Hansdt  Ekteskap Barn  1758 - Maren Jørgensdt Holst 1769 - Christoffer Larsen Holst   1710 - 1786 Anne Eikenes 76 76 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1710 Eikenes,Hof -  Død : 1786 Haugestad,Hof -  Far Mor  Hans Olsen Else Andersdt  Ekteskap Children: 1. 1736 - Christoffer Willumsen 1740 - Lars Christoffersen   - Johannes Jahnsen Loug Haugestad 1744 - Kirsten Johannesdtr Loug Haugestad  2. 1746 - Jan Christoffer Johannesen Loug Haugestad  1748 - Thale Johannesdtr Loug Haugestad   1706 - 1743 Christoffer Willumsen 37 37 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1706 Ne. Åkerholt, Hof -  Død : 1743 Gretteberg, Hof -  Far Mor  Willum Christoffersen Mari Larsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1736 - Anne Hansdt 1740 - Lars Christoffersen   1671 - 1755 Mari 84 84  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : CA. 1671 - -  Død : 1755 No.Åkerholt,Hof -  Far Mor  Lars Eriksøn Kari Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1705 - Willum Christoffersen 1706 - Christoffer Willumsen  1716 - Johanne Willumsdt   1682 - 1757 Willum Christoffersen Åkerholt 75 75  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1682 No.Åkerholt,Hof -  Død : 1757 No.Åkerholt,Hof -  Far Mor  Christoffer Willumsøn Johanne Jahnsdt Loug  Ekteskap Barn  1705 - Mari Larsdt 1706 - Christoffer Willumsen  1716 - Johanne Willumsdt   1640 - 1690 Johanne Jahnsdtr Loug 50 50 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : CA. 1640 Herstad,Hof -  Død : PåSKEAFT. 1690 No.Åkerholt,Hof -  Far Mor  Jahn Jørgensøn Loug Kirsti Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1677 - Christoffer Willumsøn 1679 - Maren Christoffersdt  1682 - Willum Christoffersen   1640 - 1690 Christoffer Willumsen Åkerholt 50 50   Dato Sted Kilde  Født : CA. 1640 No.Åkerholt,Hof -  Død : PåSKEDAG 1690 No.Åkerholt,Hof -  Far Mor  Willum Mortensøn Mari Christoffersdt  Ekteskap Barn  1677 - Johanne Jahnsdt Loug 1679 - Maren Christoffersdt  1682 - Willum Christoffersen   Mari D. 1661 Willum Mortensen Dato Sted Kilde  Død : CA. 1661 Ne. Åkerholt, Hof, Vf -  Far Mor  Morten  Ukjent hustru til Morten  Ekteskap Barn  - Mari Christoffersdt CA. 1640 - Christoffer Willumsøn   D. 1635 Ukjent hustru til D. 1624 1730 - 1844 Anna Marie Borildsdtr Bjuland 114 114 dpt. May 21, 1780 D. 1851 Knut Olsen Bjuland Gitlaug m. Oct. 3, 1779 Children: 1. Anne Maris b. 1780, m. 1798 Knut Olsen b. Bjuland 2. Marta b. 1784, died young 3. Marta b. 1785, probate May 8, 1830 unmarried Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1756 - 1849 Borild Tollarsen Bjuland 93 93 1713 - 1800 Gitlaug Torgersdtr Bjuland 87 87 Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1721 Lars Eriksen Bjuland Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1719 Matra Borildsdtr Ollestad m.1740 Haug, Norway Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 D. 1801 Tollak Larssen Haug died at Ollestad Tjon Toresdtr aja ovafor Children: 1. Ingeborg b. ikr. 1741, m. Sigmund Tollaksen b. Sandmark 2. Tjon b. 1744, m. 1764 Jakob Tollaksen b. Sandmark 3. Lars b. 1748 died young 4. Marta b. 1750, m. 1766 Lars Svensen Bilstad 5. Lars b. 1753, m. 1776 Ingeborg Endread b. Hetland 6. Borild - see below 7. Barboro b. 1761, m. 1779 Jakob Knut son Sandmark Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Borild Svainsen Ingeborg Children: 1. Omund b. 1717 2. Marta b. 1722, probate 1778, m. 1740 Svein Borildsen Ollestad 3. Tollak - see below 4. Barboro b. 1729, probate 1820, m. 1751 Endre Taraldsen Hetland b. 1726, probate 1794 5. Gitlaug b. 1733 6. Gitlaug b. 1735 7. Ingeborg b. 1739, m. 1759 Ola Omundsen Omdal. Lived in Helleren Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1690 Lars Toresen Haug Had a farm in Omdal in 1710 to abt. 1725-26. D. 1733 Marit Botolvadtr Fornes Children: 1. Lars - see below 2. Ola Hauo 3. Omund, probate 1732, m. Elisabeth Hjellsdtr b. Eik 4. Tjorn, m. Borild Sveinson Ollestad 5. Helga, m. Asmund Ketilsen b. Ualand Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1660 Tore Larssen Haug Halga D. 1676 Lars Vasshus D. 1733 Tjon Grosfjell Botolv Fornes Had farm in Hauo in 1684 Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1817 - 1906 Gunnar Kristoffersen Eia 89 89 1789 - 1862 Marta Jakobsdtr Eia 73 73 m. 25-6-1810 Eia, Norway Children: 1 Berte b. Mar. 3, 1811 2. Anne Gurie b. May 5, 1813, d.liten 3.. Anne Gurie b. April 22, 1814 4. Gunnar see below 5. Gjertine b. Apr. 12, 1820 6. Kirstine b. Apr. 18, 1823 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1786 - 1863 Kristoffer Gunnarsen Eia 77 77 1741 - 1830 Berte Bjornsdtr Rokeland 88 88 m. 4-11-1766 Eia, Norway Children: 1. Anna b. 1767, m. Dec.12, 1790 Mikal Tillaksen b. Barstad 2. Berte b. 1770, m. Sept. 22, 1796 Ellef Gunnersen Svinland. Lived inRekeland in 1801 3. Jakob b. 1773, d Jan 1 1834 ugift 4. Dernt (Bernt) b. 1776, m. Oct. 31, 1806 Anna Katerina Homme 5. Enok b. 1779, probate date June 10, 1842, hanged himself, lived lower Rekeland, m. June 6, 1799 Gunild Enoksdtr 6. Gunnar b. 1782, probate Nov. 24, 1836, m. Dec. 12, 1811 Inger Marie Jakobsdtr, tenant farmer in Gronbakken under Hegdal 7. Kristoffer Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1744 - 1807 Gunnar Jakobsen Eia 63 63 1718 - 1752 Anna Enoksdtr Haastad 34 34 Children: 1. Gunnar Jakobsen 2. Torborg Jakobsdtr b. Jan. 1, 1776, m. Lars Jonsen Eia 3. Ingeborg Jakobsdtr 4. Simon Jakobsen Eia b. Nov. 11, 1776, m. Maria Danielsdtr, b. Amot 5. Tormund Jakobson Eia 6. Abba Jakobsdtr Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1713 - 1786 Jakob Gunnarsen Eia 73 73 married three times Ingeborg Tosteinsdr Eia Children: 1. Jakob Gunnarsen 2. Torstein Gunnarsen Eia m Dec.27, 1742 Guri Gunnersdtr b. Bjelland, a cousin of his 3. Ole Gunnerssen b. Nov. 23, 1752, m. (1) Barbro Olsdtr b. Reksland, (2) Siri Bjornsdtr 4. Ingrid Gunnarsdtr b, abt, 1742 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1682 - 1742 Gunnar Jakobsen Eia 60 60 Enok Gitlesen Haastad Inger Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 D. 1742 Tostein Eia Bjorn Olsen Rokaland Berthe Jakobsdtr 1744 - 1822 Ingeborg Helene Avaldsdtr Evje 78 78 m. 1767 Evje Children: a. Karen f. 1770 gift på Svindland, Asmund Gunnersen b. Svinland b. Gunhild b. Sept.. 24, 1775, probate May 14, 1823, m. June 6, 1799 Enok Gunnersen Rakeland d. Andreas b. Oct. 10, 1778  probate 1779 e. Inger Mar. 12, 1780 d. 1791 f. Silvert b. 1783  g. Ola Andreas b. Dec. 12,  1787 d. 1788 Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 D. 1669 Åsta Barstad Det or skifte etter Andres Sept. 26, 1669. Mellom dei 6 borna aonen. Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Kari Johnannead m.26-7-1669 Omund Andressen Barstad Children: 1. Jon Omundsen 2. Johannes Omundsen b. 1698, probate Feb. 7, 1722, m. Dec. 1, 1715  Joren Gullikdtr, Hetland pa Drange Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Jon Omundsen Roydland 1685 Dorti Mikkelad Roydland m.2-7-1713 Roydland Children: 1. Mils Jonson 2. Marit Jonsdtr  dp Mar. 3, 1720, m Apr. 19, 1745 Mildal Ivarsen Roydland 3. Eli Jonsdtr, dp. Jan. 1, 1725 4. Eli Jonsdtr Sept. 11, 1729, m Apr. 17, 1759 Syein Arnsteinsen Hoyland Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1716 - 1776 Nils Jonsen Roydland 60 60 1727 - 1766 Gunhild Ivarsdtr Roydland 39 39 Children: 1. Siri Nilsdtr dp. Mar. 26, 1744, m June 6, 1764 Helje Heljesen Drange 2. Jon Nilssen dp. Oct. 9, 1746 3. Jon Nilssen 4. Ivar Nilssen dp. 10-5-1751 lived in Egersund 5. Nils Nilssen dp. Aug. 8, 1755, m. Feb. 2 1779, m. Kirsti Olasdtr Struestad 6.Anna Nilsdtr dp. Mar. 23, 1760, m. June 12, 1788 Erik Olsen Hastad Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1748 Jon Nilssen Roydland Arnbjorg Torsteinsdtr m. Nov. 19, 1777 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1793 Nils Jonsen Roydland 1807 Gitlaung Torkildsdtr Hetland m. Apr. 6, 1825 Helleland, Rogaland, Norway, Kirkebøker, 1713-1925,Den Norske kirke. Lund prestegjeld (Rogaland)  Children: 1. Ane Guria b. Sept. 22, 1828, d. Dec. 29, 1915, m. Peder Villassen Eikeland, see duplicate entry for more information Gunhild Helgesdtr Drande m.29-10-1798 in Helleland They lived first in Gruning and then Drange 1773 - 1818 Tarald Rasmusson Hetland 45 45 1735 - 1801 Guri Hetland 66 66 m. 7-6-1761 at Hetland Children: 1. HansRasmussen b. 1768 wife born in Polden 2. Ingeborg Rasnusdtr b. Nov. 11, 1789, m. Omund Jonson Groning 3. Berit Rasmusdtr b. July 13, 1799, m. Lars Nilssen Grosfjell 4. Tarald Rasmussen 5. Guri Rasmusdtr b. 1772, m. Apr. 6, 1809, m. Borild Assersen Mysing 6. Rasmus Rasmussen b. 1775, grl June 7, 1791 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1735 Rasmus Hanssen Polden-Hetland 1706 - 1744 Berit Rasmusdtr Orrestad 38 38 Children: Torleiv Hanssen cr. May 18, 1730 2. Rasmus Hanssen Knut Hanssen cr. July 31, 1737, grl July 14, 1794, m. March 3, 1765 Siri Aslaksdtr Eikeland and Heskestad b 1727, grl Oct. 10, 1773 m. (2) Turid Kittelad Moen. Lived in Moen and Heskestad then died in Hetland 4. Hans Hanssen cr. Oct. 25, 1742 5. Berit Hansdtr cr. July 17, 1746 6. Vermund Hansson cr. Feb. 17, 1749  7. Lars Hanssen cr, Feb. 2, 1764, m. Astri Asbjornsdtr, Hevland Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1709 - 1726 Hans Torleivsen Hetland 17 17 buried at Lower Hetland Gitlaug Torleivsdtr Orrestas Children: 1. Anders Knutsen b. 1633, probate June 21, 1709, lived in Oygreid or Uygreid 2. Torstein Knutsen probate May 10, 1700, m. Inger Olasdtr. Lived in Eia and Sogndal 3. Jakob Knutsongrl. June 15, 1715. Lived in Oygreid 4. Jeremias Knutsen b. 1649, d. abt, 1709 5. Mikel Knutsen, b. 1652, died abr. 1709 6. Torleiv Knutsen 7. Anna Knutsdtr m. (1) Torleiv Olson Ramsland in Berge, then HeskuldOmundsen Lindland i Lund, then moved to Berge, Anna died abt. 1680 8. Guri Knutsdtr, m (1) brother of Torliev Berge, Borild OlsenRamsland who lived in Berge, M(2) Per Ivarsen Hetland b. 1665. He was a lensmann-sheriff in Hetland, shipbuilder when he lived in Ramsland 9. Eli Knutsdtr, d. before 1709 10. Astrid Knutsdtr, m. Kristen Tjerandsen Oygreid. Was alive in 1701, probate filed Jan.1, 1741 Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1595 Knut Oygreid D. 1735 Ingeborg Sigbjornsd 1500 Torleiv Siri Nilsdtr Roydland D. 1732 Heige Heigeson Drange m. (1) Ingeborg Sigbjornsdtr, probate filed Aug. 14, 1735, lived first in North Hetland, then Messingen D. 1744 Siri Nilsdtr Roydland D. 1691 Ingeborg Helge Klemetsen Helland Gunhild Avaldad D. 1774 Avald Bessesen Evje 1712 Kari Enoksdtr m. 15 OCT 1730 Helleland, Rogaland, Norway 1697 - 1768 Sigbjorn Knutsen Evje 71 71 Torborg Persdtr Children 1. Gitle Enoksen b. About 1710  Haestad,Jaeren, , Rogaland, Norway         2. Kari Enoksen b.     About 1712  Haestad,Jaeren, , Rogaland, Norway     3. Ingeborg Enoksen b. About 1715  Haestad,Jaeren, , Rogaland, Norway     4. Anna Enoksen b. 1718  Haestad,Jaeren, , Rogaland, Norway     5. Guraa Enoksen b. About 1721  Haestad,Jaeren, , Rogaland, Norway D. 1742 Enok Gitlesen Haastad Eli Sigbjornsdtr Evje m. 1694 1664 - 1694 Knut Mikkelsen Ytre Evje 30 30 D. 1694 Halgjerd Skulesdtr Eia 1635 Sigbjorn Torgersen Evje Siri Salvesdtr Grosfiell Mikkels Torkelisen Sandsmark Siri Torkel Nikolaussen Sandsmark Torliev Knutsen Hetland Helge Klemetsen Helland 1697 - 1709 Marit Helgesdtr Hetland 12 12 Children: 1. Klemet Helgesen b. 1697, m. July 5, 1720 Berit Torgersdtr Litle Svela, b. 1692 2. Helge Helgesen b. 1702, m. June 13, 1723 Joren Guilliksdtr of Hetland Gullik Kristensen Hetland Eli Torkellsdtr D. 1691 Klemet Heigesen Helland Ingeborg Endreasdtr 1748 - 1809 Enok Sigbjornsen Evje 61 61 1696 - 1767 Sigbjørn Knudsen Evje 71 71 bykslet gård i 1720, soldat 1725 – 1729, de hadde kongebrev og var vel derfor i slekt, ant. søskenbarn. 1664 - 1738 Knut Mikkelsen Evje 74 74 Kn ut fekk konegarden pa Evje Torkel Sandsmark Siri 1790 - 1860 Omund Eriksen Bjelland 70 70 m. (2) Salve Barstad kalla Amund Den gilde mannen ps Bjedland eller mannen etter Guds hjarta. 1745 - 1772 Siri Torgrimsdtr Malmeim 26 26 m. (1): 11 Jun 1763  Malmeim 1740 - 1813 Eirik Eriksen Maimeim 73 73 m. three times 1690 - 1749 Ingeborg Helgesedtr Bjerkreim 59 59 m. June 24, 1721 Lauperak, Norway  Children: 1. Margreta, m. Mar. 25, 1743 Gitle Eirikson b. Hastad 2. Sissel, m. 1748 Torleiv Asbjornsen b. Ramsland. Den kjende klokkarstta i Helleland er etta fra dei. 3. Trond - den kjende Trond Leuparsk 4. Ingeborg b. 1732, m. `1754 Bjorn Persen Kjorme, Laud 5. Helge b. May 20, 1736. Han vert gift til Ollestad og er ettefar til Helge-folket pa Ollestad. Til denne etta hoyrer m.a.ordforarane Helge E. Ollestad og Ola Bjuland, Ola Vasshus, ordforarene Helge og Omund Slettebo i Helleland, og Johannes, Eirik og Helge Ollestad i Egersund. 6. Anna b. June 6, 1738. He atte garden Teske. 7. Eirik - see below| Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Etter tradisjonen vart ho rekna for å vera den rikaste jenta i Bjerkreim, og ho skal ha komme ridande over fjellet til Lauperak med 3 spann reint sølv som ho hadde fått i heimafylgje då ho gifta seg. I buet etter Ingeborg og Erik var det m.a. fire bøker. Det var uvanleg med bøker i heimane på den tida. [Bjerkreimsboka I]   1697 - 1742 Eirik Trondsen Lauperak 45 45 Erik tok over heimegarden på Lauperak i 1718. Han var ein velståande mann, truleg ein av dei rikaste i Bjerkreim i si tid. Garden fødde 24 kyr i tillegg til ei mengd med sauer og geiter. Erik skal ha vore ein raus mann og godt likt av folk i bygda. Ei historie fortel at Erik reiste til Eigersund etter to tønner korn under uåra 1740-42. På heimvegen blei han stoppa fleire gonger av folk som bad om å få litt korn av han. Erik hadde ikkje hjarta til å seia nei, så dei fekk alle litt, og då han kom heim til Lauperak hadde han ikkje fullt ei skjeppa igjen sjølv. Erik og Ingeborg fekk 8 barn, og 6 av desse vaks opp og blei godt gift. [Salveson: Trond Lauperak] 1663 - 1724 Marit Olavsdtr Assheim 61 61 Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Children: 1. Brynild Trondsdtr. Lauperak 2. Torgerd Trondson Lauperak 3. Karen Trondsdtr. Lauperak 4. Marta Trondsdtr. Lauperak   1665 - 1718 Trond Hågensen Lauperak 53 53 Brynhild Aslaksdtr Odland 1631 - 1701 Hågen Gjermundsen Hetland 70 70 buried at Netland General Notes: Bodde på Odland etter de hadde giftet seg, bodde siden på Netland før han  flyttet til Lauperak  m. Haagen married Brynhild Atlaksdtr., daughter of Atlak Pederson Odland and Ingeborg Anbjørnsdtr. Ingvaldsdtr. , ? Ingvaldsdtr? m.Gjermund married ? daughter of Ingvald/Induor Austigard. (? Ingvaldsdtr. was born in Austigard i Åseral.) 1576 - 1665 Gjermund Toresen Hetland 89 89 I en rettsak fra 1656 står det at han var 80 år. Det kan ikke stemme. Han  må ha vært mye yngre.Hans søsken er født fra ca 1604 til 1614. Barna er født fra 1629-1632Han levde fortsatt i 1665.  Siri Sigmundsdtr Nordås m. 1639-1675  1626 - 1716 Olav Tormodsen Ivesdal 90 90 Born: 1626  Marriage: Siri** Sigmundstdr. Nordås WFT Est 1639-1675  Died: WFT Est 1649-1716, at age 23   Sissel Zidsella Mautrizsdtr Maudal m. Est 1622-1659  1604 - 1676 Tormod Toresen Ivesdal 72 72 Marriage: (1): Sissel* (Zidsella) Mautrizdtr. Maudal WFT Est 1622-1659  Marriage: (2): Marit* (Merete) Nndtr. Bef 1626  Died: 1676, at age 72  Marit Oldsdtr m. Bef 1626  Gyrid 1585 - 1668 Sigmund Olsen Madland 83 83 Marriage: Gyrid** Torgrimsdtr. Malmheim WFT Est 1601-1633  Ingeborg Anbjørnsdtr Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Aslak Persen Odland Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Sissel Einarsdtr Nerabo (Nedrebo) Navnet hennes er skrevet Ridsel i kildene. Helge Oddsdtr Else Omundsdtr Skjeveland m. (2) 16-10-1774 1770 Ingebord Pedersdtr Holman m. (3) 26-11-1802 NN m.: Unknown WFT Est 1564-1596  Children: 1.  Erik Toreson Lauperak 2.  Inglev Toresdtr. Lauperak 3. Asgaut Toreson Lauperak 4. Bjørn Toreson Lauperak 5. Bellest Toreson Lauperak 6. Gjermund Toreson Lauperak   1545 - 1624 Tore Eriksen Lauperak 79 79 Tore Erikson Lauperak Buried at Lauperak i Bjerkreim Nevnt på Lauperak i 1617 - 1645. I 1644 ble stortyven Jørgen Andersson  (født i Tønsberg) dømt i Stavanger fortyvery bl.a. fra Tore i Lauperak.  Children: 1. Gjermund Toreson Lauperak 2. Erik Toreson Lauperak 3. Inglev Toresdtr. Lauperak 4. Asgaut Toreson Laupera 5.  Bjørn Toreson Lauperak 6. Bellest Toreson Lauperak   D. 1591 Eirik Asgautsen Eikeland (Bjerkreim) Erik Asgautson Eikeland Died: Before 1617  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------    General Notes: Nevnt på Eikeland i 1563, 1591 og 1603  NN Marriage: Unknown WFT Est 1518-1565    1523 Asgaut Sveindsen Eikeland Arvet 4 mmtb. i Homlen (Trolig Eikeland under Holmen) av morfaren i 1469.  Nevnt på gården sammen med faren i 1521.  Svendsdtr m. Svend married ? Svendsdtr., daughter of Svend Toreson.  1497 Svein Asgautsen Eikeland Nevnt på Eikeland i 1519 og 1521. I 1519 betalte han den høyeste enkeltsum  på 30 mark i straffeskatt.Dette tyder på at han var velstående.    NN m. Unknown WFT Est 1440-1505  1470 - 1519 Sven Asgautsen Eikeland 49 49 Born: WFT Est 1416-1470  buried at Eikeland i Bjerkreim Betlesdtr D. 1469 Svend Toresen  General Notes: Skifte etter ham 8.11.1469. Sikftet opplyser at dottersønnen, søn til Svend  Asgautson arved 4 mmtb. i Holmen. P. Valand mener at han var sønn til Tore II Gardson. S. Austrumdal (1932) har en teori om at han var en slekting av Svend Holmen.  Sig. Engen har ikke nevnt Svend som en mulig sønn til Tore II Gardson.  Bjorn Persdtr Svala Arnbjorn Galand atte jordegods i Bjerkreim 1563 Ola Sigmundsen Madland Born: WFT Est 1534-1563  Marriage: Unknown WFT Est 1558-1605  1537 Sigmund Madland Born: WFT Est 1494-1537  Marriage: Unknown WFT Est 1518-1575    1641 - 1727 Einar Eiriksen d.e. Nedrebo 86 86 1636 - 1717 Gjoa Tormodsdtr 81 81 Children: 1. Sissel Einarsdtr 2. Tollef 3. Tore 4.  Lars 1746 - 1827 Ingeborg Gitlesdtr Hastad 81 81 m. 2-1-1764 Hastad, Norway 1708 - 1775 Asa Mikkeldsdtr Hestad 67 67 m. 1724 Children: 1.Torstein Hastad sja nedanfor 2. Gunnar Hastad dod ugift skifte  Mar. 18, 1767 3. Askel Hastad 4. Aslak Hastad 5. Karen b. 1726 Hestad, d. 1817 m. Torstein Ivarson Roydland 6. Asa m. Enok Gitleson Hastad Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1702 - 1764 Atlak Gunnarsen Hestad 62 62 Mikkel Mikkelsen Hestad D. 1709 Ingeborg Kristensdtr Øygrei Kristen Tjaerandsen Øygrei D. 1740 Astri Knudsdtr Øygrei Children    1.  Ingeborg KRISTENSDATTER, b: in Øygrei    2.  Mikkel KRISTENSON, b: in Øygrei    3.  Turi KRISTENSDATTER, b: in Øygrei    4.  Gitlaug KRISTENSDATTER, b: in Øygrei    5.  Anna KRISTENSDATTER, b: in Øygrei    6.  Eli KRISTENSDATTER, b: in Øygrei    7. Tjerand KRISTENSON, b: 1693 in Øygrei 1594 - 1670 Tjærand Larssen Oilestad 76 76 Øygrei m. Samliv Children    1.Kristen TJÆRANDSON, b: in Øygrei    2.  Lars TJÆRANDSON, b: in Øygrei    3.  Sivert TJÆRANDSON, b: in Øygrei 1595 - 1668 Knud Tostensen Øygrei (Hestad) 73 73 1595 Gitlaug Tolleivsdtr Stromstad (Oygrei) m. Samliv abt. 1633 Children    1.  Astri KNUDSDATTER, b: in Øygrei    2.  Torstein KNUDSON, b: in Eia,Evje    3.  Anders KNUDSON, b: in Hestad    4.  Hans KNUDSON, b: in Hestad    5.  Gjermund KNUDSON, b: in Hestad    6.  Mikkel KNUDSON, b: in Hestad    7. Tolleiv KNUDSON, b: in Hestad    8. Anne KNUDSDATTER, b: in Hestad    9.  Guri KNUDSDATTER, b: in Hestad   10. Elli KNUDSDATTER, b: in Hestad D. 1645 Tosten Anfinnsen Hestad see duplicate entry Sorvesdtr see duplicate entry m. Samliv Children    1. Knud TOSTENSON, b: 1595 in Hestad    2. Askild TOSTENSON, b: 1594 in Hestad    3. Tolleiv TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad    4. Elling TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad    5. Sørve TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad    6. Dirik TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad 1624 - 1692 Mikkel Mikkelsen Hestad 68 68 D. 1709 Åse Toresdtr Stromstad Children: 1. Mikkel MIKKELSON, b: 1671 in Hestad 2. Tore MIKKELSON, b: in Hestad 3.  Askild MIKKELSON, b: in Hestad 4.  Gitlaug MIKKELSDATTER, b: in Hestad D. 1663 Mikkel Askildsen Hestad Gitlaug Olsdtr Hetland Children: 1.   Mikkel MIKKELSON, b: 1624 in Hestad 2. Tolleiv MIKKELSON, b: in Hestad  3.  Elli MIKKELSDATTER, b: in Hestad  4.   Anbjørg MIKKELSDATTER, b: in Hestad  5.   Ingeborg MIKKELSDATTER, b: in Hestad  6.   Ågot MIKKELSDATTER, b: in Hestad 1594 - 1667 Askild Tostensen Hestad 73 73 D. 1638 Anbjørg Jorgensdtr m. Samliv Children    1. Mikkel ASKILDSON, b: in Hestad    2. Peder ASKILDSON, b: in Hestad    3. Ola ASKILDSON, b: in Hestad    4.  Marta ASKILDSDATTER, b: in Hestad    5.  Gunhild ASKILDSDATTER, b: in Hestad    6. Has No Children Anne ASKILDSDATTER, b: in Hestad    7.  Children Asbjørg ASKILDSDATTER, b: in Hestad    8. Children Anbjørg ASKILDSDATTER, b: in Hestad Tosten Anfinnsen Hestad Sorvesdtr Children    1.  Knud TOSTENSON, b: 1595 in Hestad    2.  Askild TOSTENSON, b: 1594 in Hestad    3.  Tolleiv TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad    4.  Elling TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad    5.  Sørve TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad    6. Dirik TOSTENSON, b: in Hestad Ola Sveinsen Hetland Ingebord D. 1636 Sven Torkildsen Hetland Olasdtr Children    1. Ola SVEINSON, b: in N. Hetland    2. Children Rasmus SVEINSON, b: in N. Hetland 1500 Torkel Hetland 1619 - 1699 Tore Borildssen Stromstad (Svalestad) 80 80 D. 1695 Berte Torkeivsdtr Stromstad m. Samliv Children    1. Hans TORSSON, b: in Strømstad    2.  Børild TORSSON, b: in Strømstad    3. Tolleiv TORSSON, b: in Strømstad    4.  Mikkel TORSSON, b: in Strømstad    5. Åse TORESDATTER, b: in Strømstad    6.  Elli TORESDATTER, b: in Strømstad    7.  Anbjørg TORESDATTER, b: in Strømstad    8. Maren TORESDATTER, b: in Strømstad D. 1645 Borild Olsssen Svalestad Maritte Toresdtr Heskestad Children    1. Tore BØRILDSSON, b: 1619 in Strømstad    2. Ole BØRILDSON, b: in Svalestad    3.  Nils BØRILDSON b: in Svalestad    4.  Eirik BØRILDSON, b: in Svalestad Ole B Svalestad Asgjerd Stromstad m. Samliv Children:    1.  Børild OLSSON, b: in Svalestad    2.  Jacob OLSSON, b: in Svalestad Tolleiv Ivarsen Stromstad Tolleiv bodde i 1614 på Helleland prestegård, der han ble dømt til å bøte hele 26 rd "for i sitt ekteskap hatt leiermål med Helge Heskestads datter". Han vant i 1626 sak om retten til å bygsle på Strømstad., men skattet i 1630- årene under ødegårdsmenn. Det ser ikke ut som om han hadde noen odel. Han hadde i 1645 kone, dreng og tjenestepike, men nevnes ikke mere. Maren Jacobsdtr Hindsholm m. 1629, Lund, Norway Children: 1. Berte TORLEIVSDATTER, b: in Strømstad 2.  Mikkel TOLLEVSON, b: in Strømstad 3.  Ivar TOLLEVSON, b: in Strømstad 4.  Elisabeth TOLLEVSDATTER, b: in Strømstad 5. Gitlaug TOLLEVSDATTER Anfinn Sorves 1688 - 1772 Karen Aslakadtr Bjelland 84 84 Children: a. Torstein f. 1701 , Bjellend, m. Ingeborg Tronsdtr, Kvivag b. Aslak f. 1703 Hestad, Helleland c. Ola f. 1705 Bjelland, husmenn  d. Anders f. 1708 , Gronfjell,, Nese, Helleland e. Inger f. 1712 gift på Gauteland, Tollak Iversen, Gaudland f. Jakob f. 1717 nr. 17 g. Guri f. 1718 gift på Eie , m. Totstein Gunnarson Eia h. Karen f. 1723 gift på Hestad, Helleland i. Ingeborg f. 1726 gift på Vigesdal, Bjerkreim Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1670 - 1742 Gunnar Torsteinsen Bjelland 72 72 eide 1 pd. 21 mk. i 1726 - 1733, samt 24 mk i Grøsfjeld i 1726 NN Children: a. datter g.m. Immerstein, husmenn nr. 8 b. Karen f. 1688 g.m. nr. 13 1649 - 1701 Aslak Olsen Bjelland 52 52 1630 - 1700 Torstein Knudsen Eia 70 70 Øgrei, Helleland, brukte 2 huder i 1668 1637 - 1714 Inger Olsdtr Tjorn 77 77 Children: a. Ola f. 1667 I. Evje  b. Gunnar f. 1670 Bjelland  c. Marte gift på Skeipstad, Helleland d. Astrid gift på Heskestad, Heskestad e. Karen  f. Ingeborg  g. Knud f. 1671 d. 1749 I. Evje ugift En Torstein Evje f. 1665 n. 1732 skal være bror til Ola Torsteinsen Evje 1595 - 1669 Knud Tostensen Øygrei 74 74 Gitlaug Tolleivsdtr Stromstaad Tosten Anfinnsen Hestad Sorvesdtr Anfinn Tollaksen Hestad Tolleiv Tvarsen Mareu Jacobsdtr 1581 Ola Ogvaldssen Tjorn Maritte Pedersdtr Klungland m. Ekteskap Children:    1. Has Children N.N. OLADATTER b: in Tjørn,Hetland    2. Has Children Karen OLSDATTER b: in Tjørn,Hetland    3. Has Children Inger OLSDATTER, b: in Tjørn 1560 - 1602 Ogvald Tjorn 42 42 Kari Borildsdtr Tjorn m. Ekteskap Children:    1. Has Children Børild OGVALDSSON b: in Tjørn,Hetland    2. Has Children Ola OGVALDSSON b: 1581 in Tjørn,Hetland Borild Paa Tjorn Peder Tordssen Klungland Tord Tvar Tollak Ols 1725 - 1753 Marit Eriksdtr Lauperak 28 28 m.(1)1743, Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Children: 1. Enok Gitlesen b. 1744, m. 1764 Asa Aslakdtr, Hadtad 2. Ingebord Gitledtr b. 1746., m. 1764 Tirstein Aslaksen Hastad 3. Torborg Gitlesdtr b. 1753, m. 1772 Lars Sorcesen Tekse Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1712 - 1763 Gitle Enoksen Hastad 51 51 Maria m. (2) 1758 Torborg Peradtr Grosfjell n. (1) Sorve Teske Children: 1 Gtile Enoksen 2. Kari Enoksdtr b. 1730, m. Sigbjorn Knutsen Evje 3. Ingeborg b. 1728, m. Samual Sorensen Vasshus 4. Anna Enoksdtr b. 1743, m. Jakob Gunnarsen Eia 4. Guro Enoksdtr b. 1743, m. Endre Rasmussen Orrestad Children: 1.Morten Gitleson var m. enjka etter Mikkel Hastad og budde fyrst pa Hastad, sidan pa Bjerkreim. 2. Enok Gitleson  3. Anna Gitlead m. Lars Gjermundsen Bjerkrein. Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Enok Gitlesen Hastad kom til Hastad da broren flytte attende til Bjerkreim. Det er skifte etter ham Sept. 20, 1742. Kona hans heitte Torborg Peradotter. Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 D. 1696 Kari Aslaksdtr Tengs lived in Bjerkrein. Children: 1.Morten Gitleson var m. enjka etter Mikkel Hastad og budde fyrst pa Hastad, sidan pa Bjerkreim. 2. Enok Gitleson  3. Anna Gitlead m. Lars Gjermundsen Bjerkrein. Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Gitle Enoksen Bjerkreim vert gift med enkja etter Mortan Bjerkreim, Kari Aslakad, og budde pa Bjerktain. Ho hadde 2 soner i !. esteskap og 3 born med Gitle. Det vart halde skifte etter Gitle Sept. 9, 1696. 1599 - 1683 Anna Gitesdtr Gitland 84 84 Children: 1. Klaus Enokson b. 1631, probarte May 5, 1710. Lived in Strangeland, m. Berit Pallesdtr, Trane in Soma 2. Gitle Enoksdtr 3. Peder Enoksen, m. Marit Omundsdtr, Laland, etter Pedar 1696 . Lived in Strangeland. 4. Ola Enoksdtr b. 1641, lived in 1683 Tu 5. Berit Enoksdtr, probate Oct. 3, 1691, m. Ola Oystre Bore 6. Kirsti Enoksdtr d. June 6, 1705, m. Pedar Samuelsen Vatne som ei stutt tid var lensmann i Gabd skipreide, b. 1618, probabte Mar. 12, 1677 7. Dortea Enoksdtr m. Lars Trulsson Sveinsvoll b. 1639, probabte Nov. 26, 1684, m(2) Lars Torsteinsen Heigre b. 1633, d. 1716 9. Marit Enoksdtr m. enkjemann Jens Todneim in Randaberg, m(2) Omund Larssen Jatun Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Enok Klaussen Stangeland Kari Enoksdtr 1697 - 1768 Sigbjorn Knutsen Evje 71 71 Siv Marielle Helen Stormo Isabel Stormo Helene Cecile Stormo Tonnes Jakobsen Hatleskog 1818 - 1913 Siri Tonnesdtr Helleren Hatleskog 95 95 m. Eia (Eie), Sokndal, Norway Children: a. Lars f. 1840 d. 1844 b. Tønnes Gabriel f. 1842 c. Anne Guria f. 1844 d. Elisabet Tomine f. 1846 g.1873.m. Torstein Eriksen, Førnes, Heskestad e. dødfødt barn 1848 f. Anne Sofie f. 1850 gift på Bjelland nr. 25 g. Jon f. 1853 nr. 48 h. Sine Tobine f. 1856 d. 1894 g.1877.m. Kristian Jakobsen, Egeland, Heskestad, bodde senere på Barstad i. dødfødt sønn 1860 j. Line (Eline) f. 1863 d. 1865 Fosterbarn(Fosterchild) : k. Teodor f. 1860 i Lund 1821 - 1882 Tobias Larsen Eia 61 61 1854 - 1894 Ingeborg Tobine Olsdtr Heskestad 40 40 Lived with Aunt Siri when yourng. Kristian Jakobsen, Egeland, Heskestad, lived later in Barstad  1857 Theodor Olsen 1859 Theodor Olsen 1792 - 1869 Tor Ivarsen Revsland 77 77 1791 - 1867 Ingeborg Omundsdtr Helleren 75 75 m. Aug. 23, 1812, Revsland, Norway, Page 417 Heskestad Sogn Book by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad 1971 Children: 1. Ivar Revsland bap. Sept. 19, 1813 m.  Oct. 24, 1844 Guri Torsjusdtr Bilstad b. Oct. 6, 1824 2. Ingeborg Kirstine bap. Jan. 29, 1815, m. June 20, 1834 Ola Nilssen Oen til Helleren or Revsland 3. Omund b. Feb. 12, 1818 til Teske 4. Ole Torson Helleren, see below 5. Jonas b. June 6, 1830, til Tekse 6. Lars Revsland  see below Page 418 Heskestad Sogn Book by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad 1971 1765 - 1853 Ivar Torssen Revsland 87 87 1770 - 1851 Ingeborg Torsteinsdtr Roydland 81 81 m. June 16, 1791 kongebrev Children: 1. Tor Ivarsen see below 2. Tosten Ivarsen Bjornerno bap. Jan. 4, 1795, m. Jan. 27, 1822 Anne Omundstr Botna 3. Johannes bap. Oct. 26, 1800, died 1803 4. Guri Karina bap. Oct. 13, 1805, m. Jan. 24, 1830 Sven Olson Bjornemo 5. Gunhild bap. Jan. 22, 1798, died little 6. Johannes Ivarsen bap. 1815, m. Feb. 21, 1844 Anne Kristine Larsdtr Helleren 1733 - 1781 Tor Johannessen Revsland 48 48 1732 - 1823 Gunhild Ivarsdtr Roydland 91 91 m. November 19, 1759, Page 416 Heskestad Sogn Book by Petrus Valand and Olav Heskestad 1971z Children: 1. Johannes bap. Dec. 26, 1762, died little 2. see below 3. Gunhild, bap. Oct. 21, 1770 3. Marta bap. Oct. 9, 1773 Refsland, m. May 17, 1796 Borild Eriksen Refsland, d. Dec. 15, 1828 Rapstad i Helleland 4. Anna Kirstine bap. Sept. 17, 1780, m. Oct. 28, 1801 Tosten Rapstad 1767 - 1842 Jakob Torkellsen Hatleskog 75 75 1762 - 1837 Siri Pedersdtr Barstad 75 75 m. 1786 Hatleskog,  Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Berte f. 1787 gift på I. Evje nr. 26 b. Peder f. 1789 husmenn nr. 14 c. Tønnes f. 1791 nr. 11 d. dødfødt sønn 1793 e. Jakob f. 1794 d. 1807 f. Ingeborg f. 1797, ikke n. 1801 g. Anne f. 1799 gift på Eie nr. 34 h. Serine f. 1801 d. 1801 i. Omund f. 1803 nr. 12 j. Serine f. 1806 d. 1806 k. Jakob f. 1816 UE – mor nr. 10a l. Gjertrud f. 1826 UE – mor Serine Salvesdtr. Skogenes 1724 - 1792 Torkel Jakobsen Hatleskog 68 68 kaltes Rosseland i 1761, Regeland i 1767, brukte 1 pnd 18 mk i 1755, kaltes "gammel og liden" i hovedlegdsrullen i 1751 1729 - 1817 Berte Omundsdtr Rosseland 88 88 m. 1748 Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Guri f. 1750 gift på Y. Evje  b. Omund f. 1753 d. 1753 c. Siri f. 1754 g.1789.m. Augustinus Jørgensen, Bergen             Barn : a. Judit f. 1784 UE, far I. Evje  d. Anne f. 1757 e. Abel Guria f. 1761 gift på Stranden  f. Ellen Guria f. 1765 d. 1772 g. Jakob f. 1767  h. Berte f. 1770 d. 1772 1703 - 1741 Jakob Torkelsen Hatleskog 38 38 1695 - 1773 Guri Jakodsdtr Bakke 78 78 Children: a. Guri f. 1722 g.m. Jon Jonsen Kydland, Egersund b. Torkel f. 1724 nr. 8 c. Bernt f. 1729 Stranden nr. 54 d. Anne f. 1732 Hatleskog, Norway e. Ingeborg f. 1735 Hatleskog, Norway- hennes pårørende Bernt Kristensen Barstad f. Valborg f. 1737 g. Jakob d. 1739 Hatleskog, Norway h. Anne f. 1741 Hatleskog, Norway, d. 1741 "hans svoger Anders Andersen Netland" - 1728 (gift med Ingeborg Torkelsdtr. Ø. Barstad nr. 21b) morbror Anders Netland 1658 - 1719 Torkel Larsen Barstad 61 61 Gro Jakobsdtr Barstad 1631 - 1696 Lars Endresen Barstad 65 65 Helga Bjornsdtr Barstad 1594 - 1690 Endre Larsen Gauteland 96 96 bodde på Svindland i 1631 – 1632, men byttet med Knud Jakobsen. Han var ifølge tingbok fjerde bruker etter Jørgen Elvestrøm. Hadde odel i Heskestad, Heskestad 1648 – 1663, som han må ha fått med konen. "Endre Elffuestrøm Beloff sin hustrues slegtt Wdj thredie leed sonit effter Ko: Ma: Naadig thilladelse Gaff aff sin yderste formue xxx Rdr." – 1630 Eide 1676 32 mk. Smør i Eie u/ Heskestad D. 1622 Magle Toresdtr Children: a. Lars f. 1631 Ø. Barstad  b. Tollak f. 1634, «hold suig» i 1664 d. før 1690         Barn : a. Asser 1664 soldat 1682 d.f. 1690 c. Ola f. 1637 Moi, Lund d. Jakob f. 1633 Eie  e. Nils f. 1644  f. Peder f. 1647 Skailand, Heskestad g. Kjetil Bjelland h. Anne g.m. Nesvåg i. Brabra gift på Bjelland  j. Ingeborg gift på Hamre, Lund 1617 - 1632 Lars Tollaksen Gauteland 15 15 eide 2 pd 5 mk smør i 1617 sammen med sine medeiere Var vel gift med en datter  NN 1560 - 1633 Tollak Jakonsen Eia 73 73 ybing, Heskestad, kaltes Gauteland i 1617, 1626 - 1632 NN 1710 - 1783 Johannes Torsen Revsland 73 73 1699 - 1784 Kirsti Torsdtr Oilestad 85 85 m. Apr. 2, 1720, Page 414 Heskestad Sogn Book by Petrus Valand and Olav Hes Children: Tor Johannessen, see below 2. Gunhild Johannesdtr b. 1722, m. Feb. 19, 1747 Tore Torjusson from Bilstad, she died in Revsland Dec. 1, 1781 3. Karen b. Aug 3, 1727, m. Asser Omundsen Revsland 4. Helga Johannesdtr cr. Dec. 27, 1743, m. Enok Ivarsen Roydland 5. Lars cr. Nov. 6, 1740, died little 1693 - 1767 Ivar Mikkelsen Roydland (Tekse) 74 74 1688 - 1769 Anna Torsdtr Ollestad 81 81 1720 - 1794 Torstein Ivarsen Roydland 74 74 see duplicate married to first wife Arnbjorg Olsdtr Stromstad 1726 - 1817 Kari Atlaksen Hestad 91 91 1761 - 1830 Omund Olsen Helleren 69 69 1767 - 1847 Ellen Tomasdtr Hestad 80 80 1671 - 1725 Jakob Bjornsen Bakke 54 54 stående soldat 1690 – 1696, er ført i fogdens kassabok 1723 - 1725 1680 - 1728 Anne Svensdtr Urdal 48 48 m. abt. 1694 Bakke, Norway Children: 1.Guri Jakobsen, see below     2. Bjorn Jakobsen b. 1702  Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway d. Before 1728       3. Sven Jakobsen b. 1707  Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway     4. Torger Jakobsen b. 1711Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 5. Jon Jakobsen b. 1714  Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 1628 - 1698 Bjorn Jakobsen Bakke 70 70  kaltes S. Ålgård i 1663 – 1667, han var forlovet med Ågot Olsdtr. Tjørn, men dette gikk vistnok faren hennes imot og fikk opphevet det. Han (Ola Tjørn) hadde gitt ut gårdparter i medgift i Tjørn i "druchenschab", men kona hans hadde gjort det om. Så det ble ikke noe av det giftermålet. Guri Torgersdtr Bakke Omund Asbjørn Børildsen Helleren Lisabeth Asbjornsdtr Helleren Borild Asbjornsen Helleren Tonnes Asbjornsen Helleren 1657 - 1727 Mikkel Ivarsen Roydland (Stromstad) 70 70 D. 1713 Gunhild Torsteinsdtr Tekse (Rodland) 1649 - 1732 Tore Jacobsen Ollestad 83 83 Botolvsdtr Førnes 1664 - 1711 Tore Larsen Revsland 46 46 m. Mette Larsdatter Heskestad (Revsland d. 1740 GoyeGouffle Johannesdtr Grosfjell 1731 - 1802 Ola Omundsen Helleren 71 71 1739 - 1826 Ingeborg Larsdtr Hauo 87 87 Anne Sofie Jonsdtr Lindland 1764 - 1810 Jon Svensen Lindland 46 46 1764 - 1840 Anne Kjetilsdtr Helleland 76 76 m. 1786 Children: a. Sven f. 1787  b. Berte Kristine f. 1791 g.m.  c. dødfødt sønn 1794 d. Anne Sofie f. 1794 gift på Hatleskog  e. Kjetil f. 1797 d. 1797 f. Kjetil f. 1798 Mål, husmenn  g. Anne Malene f. 1801 gift på Skibstad, Helleland h. Birgitte f. 1804 gift på Hestad, Helleland i. Jon f. 1808 1740 - 1809 Sven Jakobsen Lindland 69 69 was living in Overtok in 1761, Kaltes Ribland in 1769 1731 - 1799 Anne Jonsdtr Lindland 68 68 m. Nov. 29, 1759 Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Berte Svensdtr  f. July 5,1761 Lindland gift på Østbø b. Jon Svensen f. Sept 23, 1764 Lindland c. Barbroe Guria Svensdtr f. Nov. 20, 1769 Lindland d. 1769 1703 - 1732 Omund Toresen Omdal 29 29 Lisbeth Njeldsdtr Lund Nils Sorvesen Eik D. 1700 Siri Ommundsdtr Surdal 1658 - 1733 Tore Larssen Hauo (Houffuene) 75 75 1661 - 1733 Maritte Bodolvsdtr Fornes 72 72 1628 - 1676 Lars Omundsen Vasshus 48 48 1641 - 1732 Helga Larsdtr Bilstad 91 91 1608 - 1685 Omund Larssen Vasshus 77 77 1610 - 1628 Turid Toresdtr Bakke 18 18 1575 - 1634 Lars Olsen Ollestad 59 59 1575 - 1634 Gitlaug Hermannsdtr Ollestad 59 59 1519 - 1602 Hermann Ollestad 83 83 1560 - 1626 Randi Taraldsdtr Ollstad 66 66 married also to Lars Ollestad. 1519 - 1602 Tarald Botulvsen Ollestad 83 83 1520 - 1590 Domilde Tørresdtr Eidland (Gjesdal) 70 70 1555 - 1628 Tore Bakke (Tengs) 73 73 Skattet 4½ daler og 11 lodd sølv i leilendingskatt i 1603. I Sokndal prestearkiv nevnes en lagrettemann i Sokndal Tore Olsen i 1596. Det kan være Tore Bakke. Han (Tore Bakke) hadde ihvertfall 2 pd smørs odel i S. Tengesdal, kanskje etter sin far, isåfall var han kanskje sønn til Ola Nilsen Tengs, som var lensmann i Bjerkreim n. 1553 - 1622 NN m. 1629-1632 Children: a. Jakob Steinberg  b. Berge 1585 Birkeland, Bakke c. ? datter (Turid) g.m. Omund Larsen Ollestad/Vasshus, Heskestad 1621 - 1668 Botolv Lassesen Fornes 47 47 D. 1676 Tjorn Pedersdtr Torkelsdtr Eik 1696 - 1771 Lars Torsen Hauo 75 75 Ingeborg Tollaksdtr Omdal 1745 - 1800 Tollak Ivarsen Glypstad 55 55 1745 - 1798 Joren Rasmusdtr Dranga 53 53 1692 - 1763 Rasmus Reiarsen Dranga 71 71 D. 1763 Anna Guilliksdtr Ø. Hetland 1648 - 1732 Reiar Torbjørnsen Dranga 84 84 1643 - 1716 Berta Dranga 73 73 D. 1688 Torbjørn Asbjørnsen Dranga Arnbjorg Pedersdtr Rodland (Dranga) Children: 1. Anders Torbjørnson Eikeland+ 2. Peder Torbjørnson Dranga 3. Reidar Torbjørnson Dranga 4. Asbjørn Torbjørnson Dranga 5. Helga Torbjørnsdatter Gjeiterås 6. Marit Torbjørnsdatter Dranga 1612 - 1684 Asbjørn Torbjørnsen Dranga 72 72 Helga Sigbjornsdtr Rodland Sigbjorn Reiarsen Røydland Birgitte Villadsdtr Vikesdal 1753 Ingeborg Villasdtr Eikeland m. Oct. 28, 1789 probably Vestre Eikeland, Heskestad, Rogaland, Norway, bk. 1, pg 147 Children: 1. Villas  2. Hadvar Feb. 2, 1792, m. 1815  Berthe Askellsdtr Hoydland 3. Jakob Apr. 6, 1794 m. June 24, 1816 m. Anne Gurie Pedersdtr Skailand 4. Marta Krostine Sept. 25, 1796 5. Mattias b. Helleland Apr. 14, 1800, d. Sept. 30, 1844 Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1761 - 1828 Mattias Hadvarsen Eikeland (Dybing) 67 67 1723 Marta Tornsteinsdtr Bjelland (Eikeland) m. May 11, 1749, bk. 1, pg 147 1724 Villas Jakobsen Eikeland Asa m. 1750 Children: 1. Gunlaug f. 1750 dod ung. 2. Barbro f. 1752 3. Karen f. 1756, g. 1780 m. Jakob Sveinson Dybing. Son deirn var kjende lekpredikanten Sven Dybing. Om han fortel T.P.Rygh, Egersund. 4. Mattias sja nedenfor 5. Gunlaug f. 1764, g. Mar. 3, !791 m. Erik Sorensen Dybing Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1721 - 1800 Barbre? Sveinsdtr Eikeland 79 79 Had 5 children: 1.Gunlaug b. 1750 2. Barbare(o?) b.1752 3.Karen b.1756 m.Jakob Sveinson Dybing, son of Deira var den Kjende Lekpredikanten Sven Dybing and T.P. Rygh, Egersund 4.Mattias 5.Gunlaug b. 1764, m.5-3-1791 Erik Sorenson Dybing 4.Mattias 5.Gunlaug Tjerand Anderssen Heskestad from Ollestad D. 1777 Signy Jonasdtr Eikeland (Sandsmark) m.1722, Hetland Shipreide I 450 Heskestad Sogn Gard AETT og Folk, Bind l, pg 154 1701 Jakob Tollaksen Tjorn (Eikeland) d. buried at Eikeland Dreiv? Hansdtr Gard m.1698 at Tjorn Children: 1.Ola b.1699, m. Anna Jolad Drange 2. Jakob 1678 Tollak Villassen Tjorn D. 1697 Agot Olasdtr Tjørn Children: 1.Tollak 2.Marit 3.Eli m. Tollak Bjornson Tjorn sk.14-1-1697 4.Marit 5.Steinvor 6.Gitlaug Villas Gardsen Tjorn (Vikesdal) 1581 Ola Ogvaldsen Tjørn (Tjorn) 1722 - 1800 Hadvar 78 78 Hadvar hadde fyrst gard pa Heskestad i 1769 or han komen til Dybing, men da Mattias vert gift til Eikeland, flytter Hadvar og Asa med. Her doyr han 1805 Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Gunlaug Hadvarsdt m. 11-11-1714 Children: 1.Gunhilde b. 1715, m.1743 Svein Torjusson Helleren 2.Marta m.4-4-1745 Per Jonson (K?) Holestrand 3.Ingeborg m.1746 Tor Sigmundson Sandsmark at Fjelde 4.Jakob b. 1721, m. 27-10-1748 Joren Jonsd Fjelde at Eide 5.Hadvar 6.Elisabet b.1728,(1) m.1761 Asbjorn Glson Usland, (2) m. 1771 Arnfinn Svainson Heskestud 7. Aslak b.1730 8.Karen b.1733 Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1690 - 1775 Mattias Jakobsen Eide 85 85 moved to Eide in 1714 Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 D. 1668 Ingeborg Tolleivedtr Children: 1. Jacob 2. Magnus 3. Salve 4. Tolleiv 5. Hans 6. Siri 7. Asgjerd 8. Magle 9. Gunhild Source: Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 1600 Mattias Eide Lisbet Lassesdtr Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 m. Eikeland 1661 Jakob Jacobsen Eide var fodd ikring 1661 Dreiv Hansdtr Gard m. at Tjorn Children: 1. Ola b. 1699, m. Anna Joled Drange  2. Jakob Genealogy done by Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 1630 Jakob Mattiassen Eide sja nedenfer 1575 - 1625 Villads Gardsen Vikesdal 50 50 D. 1640 Eli Olsdtr Svele Ole Tolllefsen Svele Tollef Pedersen Svele Gard Mortensen Vikesdal Eldri Olsdtr Fotland Oluf Jonsen Helga Tollaksdtr Arstad Tollak Arstad Inglev Ormsdtr 1518 - 1567 Jon Guttormsen 49 49 1523 - 1608 Anna Eriksdtr Orm 85 85 Morten Nnson Fotland Ingeborg Toresdtr Underberge 1400 - 1451 Gard Toresen Berge 51 51 1392 - 1443 Ragnhild Eivindsdtr 51 51 Bjorn Omundsen Vikesdal Omund Kløgetvedt D. 1625 Torbjorn Rasmussen Dranga 1600 - 1639 Johannes Kolbeinsen Møgedal 39 39 Rasmus Olsen Møgedal Ola Møgedal 1697 - 1742 Eirik Trondsen Lauperak 45 45 duplicate record 1690 - 1749 Ingeborg Helene Helgesdtr Bjerkreim 59 59 duplicate record D. 1664 Atlak Isaksen Tengs 1612 - 1670 Kirsten Njeldsdtr Kvalbein 58 58 D. 1637 Njell Hvardsen Kvalbein Ingeborg Oldsdtr Havard Stokkeland 1582 - 1628 Isak Olavsen Tengs 46 46 Kari Larsdtr Store Ege D. 1622 Olav Njeldsen Slettb? Siri D. 1742 Ellef Larsen Ytre Mydland ikke ført som bruker 1723 - 1725 m. (2) Guri Avaldsdtr 1703 - 1731 Anne Jondsdtr Solberg 28 28 Children: a. Karen f. 1726 gift på Øyestad, Heskestad b. Lars f. 1728  Jon Hanssen Solbjorg D. 1728 Torborg Knutsdtr Ovedal 1671 - 1737 Pedar Jonsen Steinberg 66 66 Ingrid Salvesdtr Surdal m. 1696, Lund, Norway Children: 1. Marta Pedersdtr 2. Anne Pedersdtr 3. Salve P Steinberg b abt. 1695 Steinberg, Norway, d. Mar. 3, 1779 1634 - 1708 Jon Pedersen Skåland (Skaland) 74 74 Jon Pedersen Skåland First named in 1611 records. Was Juror at that time. Was alive in 1617, living on parcel 9 of Steinberg. In 1624, son, Sigbjørn, had taken over the land. 1648 Anna Oldsdtr Hammersmark Children: 1. Sigbjorn Jonsen 2. Peder Jonsen 1598 - 1672 Pedar Atlaksen Skåland (Skaland) 74 74 named in 1563records, in 1591 was juror. Owned 54 bm in Steinberg which went to Sven who owned it in 1617 Translated account of Sven Pedersen Skåland, from the Skåland Section, Br. nr. 1, III, page 184. 1611 - 1668 Ågot Carlsdstr Hove 57 57 Children: 1. Jon Perersen Skaland 2. Sven "Hothead" Pedersen Skaland b. 1640, killed a relative, Gunnar in his youth, Sven Pedersen. Skåland First named in 1611 records. Owned 54 bm in Steinberg in 1617. Inherited from his father. In 1622 or 1623 he killed his uncle,Gunnar Steinberg, In 1623, struck his nephew, Peder Atlaksen. Most likely lost farm to pay fines and moved to Skåland. In 1639, killed Brynild Moi and was executed. 3. Stale Pedersen Navrestad/Jendal, Jon Pedersen Skåland First named in 1611 records. Was Juror at that time. Was  live in 1617, living on parcel 9 of Steinberg. In 1624, son, Sigbjørn, had taken over the land.  4. Atlak Pedersen  Steinberg, All we know is that he is the son of Peder and that he died young, before 1610. The following accounts come from the Lund History Book of Norway. They concern several incidents that happened during the 1600's in Norway. They all involve our Great Grandparents on the Sherpe/Østrem side. They have been translated from the Norwegian language by Bjarne Breilid of the Vesterheim Geneological Society in Madison, Wisconsin. Too often the only thing we know or can find out about our ancestors are birth or death dates and perhaps who their parents or children were. It is interesting to read accounts of their lives and try to imagine what they were like, how they lived and events that took place in their lives. The information found in these accounts certainly do that. However, it uncovers events that perhaps some people would feel better left uncovered. Specifically it tells of one of our Great Grandparents, Sven Pederson Skåland, being executed for the murder of another of our Great Grandparents, Brynild Nilsen Omdal (Moi). The sheriff of Lund at that time was Asbjørn Brynildsen Haukland/Hove, also one of our Great Grandfathers. His daughter, Randi Asbjørnsdatter, was married to Sven Pedersen Skåland. Asbjørn had to sentence and order the execution, most likely by beheading, of his own son-in-law. We can only try to imagine the drama and agony involved in this entire story. This was a small community where everyone knew each other and most were related in one way or another. Almost all of the people named in these accounts are our relatives. Many are our Great Grandparents. I think it is an important and fascinating piece of our family history. I will begin the story of Sven with an account of his ancestry. Very little is known about the earliest people known to be at Steinberg. We have been able to determine that his great grandfather was Ståle Steinberg, named in 1519 records. He had one son that is known. Atlak Steinberg. It is believed that a daughter was married to Tarald Steinberg. Both are named in 1563 records. Atlak was Sven’s grandfather. From studying all the sources, I believe Atlak had two sons that we know of. One is Peder Atlaksen Skåland, named in 1591 records. On his seal are the initials P.A. He had property in Steinberg. Peder is the father of Sven “Hothead” Pedersen Skåland. Atlak’s second son is Gunnar Steinberg. On page 566 of the Lund History it says he is the son of Atlak. This would make Gunnar, Sven’s uncle. As the first account will mention, Sven killed a relative, Gunnar, in his youth. There is also a Reier Steinberg named in 1591 records. He was dead before 1617. Reier was most likely a son of Tarald Steinberg. Tarald Steinberg, a son of Reier, then took over his father’s farm in 1624. Tarald then had a son also named Gunnar Steinberg, mentioned in 1645 Steinberg records. Now back to Peder Atlaksen Steinberg, listed above. In addition to his son, Sven, he had three other sons that are known. Jon Pedersen Skåland, Ståle Pedersen Navrestad/Jendal and Atlak Pedersen Steinberg. Atlak had a son, Peder Atlaksen Steinberg, who bought Tarald Reiersen’s farm in 1624. This all sounds confusing, and it is. You can see from the above names that there are duplicates from one generation to the next, and this was very confusing until all the information came together. This should give you a little background to some of the people involved in this story and their relationship to each other. They will all play a part in explaining why there was friction between the families, and led to Sven killing Gunnar Atlaksen and attacking Peder Atlaksen. Not knowing the deatails, we can only speculate that the fighting was over land. On the following pages you will find the translated text from the Lund History book, as it relates to the families and farms involved in this story. I also include a Steinberg/Skåland family chart to better explain what I beleive happened, after piecing together all the accounts. We will begin with the translated account of the Skaland farm history and on the following page you will find more information on Peder Atlaksen Skåland, father of “Hothead Sven”: 1 STEINBERG We know of a number of names from Steinberg around 1500-1600, but the trick is placing them in the right order. I am trying. The basis for the arrangement is the property circumstances on the farm and the names that are used. Tarald is probably Ståle’s son-in-law because he owned the smaller section in comparison to the other one. The family relationship between Steinberg and Skåland is an interesting one. Jon P. Skåland was a juror in 1610, and he was to seal and sign (documents), but he didn’t have a seal, and so he used his brother’s with the initials A.P. (This was most likely Atlak Pedersen). Atlak’s son, Gunnar, was killed by Sven Pedersen Skåland, and the latter paid a whopping fine and was set free. He would not have gotten away that easily if the court had not been made to believe that it was self-defense. What could these close relatives have to fight about? Questions about inheritance. Greed for land. These are at all times apt to provoke passionate feelings. (I believe the author of the Lund History book was right about the cause of the fight. –H.S.). Reier called (named) his oldest son Tarald, and Tarald follows with Gunnar. In 1617 Sven Skåland owned 54 bm, Gunnar Steinberg 54 bm and Reier’s widow 54 bm. Hove Farm information 1575 - 1634 Karl Aajotsen Hove 59 59 Hove Farm information 1575 - 1639 Siri Toresdtr Heskestad 64 64 1. Tyra Karlsdtr Hove b. ABT 1610 , m.  Lars Torjussen Ersdal  2. Anbjørg Karlsdtr Hove b. 1624, m. Peder Gundersen Mjåsund  (other spouses) 3. Reier Karlsen Hove b. 1616, m.  Berthe Sigbjørnsdtr, d. 1671  4. Ingeborg Karlsdtr Hove b. 1620  5. Mette Karlsdtr Hove  b.  ABT 1600, m. Anders Tollaksen Sandsmark  6. Gitlaug Karlsdtr Hove b.  ABT 1620, m. Bjørn Brynhildsen Skaar  7. Asbjørn Karlsen Hove b.  1618, m. NN Brynhildsdtr Skaar  d. 1672 8. Ågot Karlsdtr Hove b.  ABT 1610, m. Peder Aslaksen Steinberg  9. Ommund Karlsen Hove b.  1614 , Guri Brynhildsdtr Skaar  d. 1648 1550 - 1620 Tore Eriksen Heskestad 70 70 Mette Heskestad 1520 - 1600 Erik Helleren 80 80 1614 - 1673 Peder Andersen Barstad 59 59 Karen Andersdtr Lars Endresen Elvestrom Helga Bjornsdtr 1804 - 1804 Berte Malene Tollaksdtr Store Egeli 1800 - 1858 Tonnes Kjetilsen Bakke (Brandsborg) 58 58 While in the Norwegian army, an officer told Tonnes Brandsberg wasn't an elegant enough name for a soldier, so he changed it to Brandsborg, a surname that has survived for many years, but is slowly being changed back to Brandsberg by surviving family. 1519 Botolv Vinningland 1822 - 1822 Jon Tonnesen Helleren Ingeborg Tonnesdtr Helleren Johanne Kristine Tonnesdtr Helleren 1856 - 1890 Alette Johanne Olsdtr Heskestad 34 34 m. 1877 Heskestad, Norway, Ole Gabriel Omundson Ueland 1850 Eide, Heskestad-1917 Eide, Heskestad Children: 1. Omund Ueland 1878- 2. Oskar Ueland 1879- 3. Rakel Olsdtr. Eide 1881-1912 1664 - 1693 Lars Torssen Revsland 28 28 Siri Sorvesdtr Teske D. 1659 Tore Bodolvssen Revsland from Oilestad, skatter fra 1639. Han var dod for 1659, da enken levde Aajot Tjellesvik owned the whole farm Tjellesvik, by Amund Jacobsen of Hauge i Dalen in 1986  Sven Tjellesvik of Lund, mentioned in 1519, Amund Jacobsen of Hauge i Dalen in 1986  1616 - 1668 Ole Gundersen Fintland (Hammersmark) 52 52 NN Atlak Stalesen Steinberg mentioned in 1563 records Children: 1. Peder Atlaksen 2. Gunnar Steinberg, p.566 of Lund history, owned 54 bm in Steinberg in 1617. Killed by Sven pedersen Skaland between 1617 and 1623. Widow remarried in 1624. Stale Steinberg Children: 1. Atlak 2.  d. married to Tarald Steinberg, mentioned in 1563 records, son-in-law of Stale Halvor Øen Svensen Kirkebo Children: 1. Bellest Halvorsen 2. Steinar Halvorsen 1400 - 1451 Tore ll Gardsen Garå U.Berge 51 51 Bodde på Underberge i 1467. 1405 - 1443 Ragnhild Eyvindsdtr 38 38 m. abt. 1427 Children: 1. Svein Toreson Garå 2. Tore III Toreson Garå 3. Gunnar Toreson Garå 4. Gunnbjørn Toreson Garå 1373 - 1427 Gard l Toresen Gara of Talje 54 54 Nemnd som lagmann i Ryf (= Rogal.) i 1423 (då ca. 50 år som er høveleg alder for ein lagmann.) SOURCES 1) Lagmannsætta, Gard Toreson Ætta, Frå Sør-Talje i Rogaland Ramborg Knudsdtr 1346 - 1400 Tore Trondsen Benkestok 54 54 Children: 1. Gard l Toresen 2. Tore Benkestokk Toresen 1375 - 1416 Eyvin Ogmundsen Rømer 41 41     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). Brynhild Halvarsdtr 1328 - 1396 Knut lV Lejon Algotssen Folkunge 68 68 Knut var Ridder. 1319 - 1394 Märta Ulvsdtr 75 75 Gift to ganger. m. bef. 1355 CHILDREN    Name: Ramborg Knutsdtr    Born: ABT 1363         at: Sweden   Married: ABT 1400         at:       Died:                  at:    Spouses: Gard I Toreson   NOTES     Name: Katarina Knutsdtr    Born: ABT 1359         at: Sweden   Married:                  at:       Died: 1407             at: Vadstena, Sweden   Spouses: Ogmund Finnsson   NOTES     Name: Ingerid Knutsdtr    Born: ABT 1358         at: Vadstena, Sweden   Married:                  at:       Died:                  at:    Spouses:     Name: Ingegerd Knutsdtr    Born: ABT 1356         at: Vadstena, Sweden   Married:                  at:       Died: 15 SEP 1412      at: Vadstena, Sweden   Ulv Gudmarsen Birgitta Birgersdtr 1305 - 1332 Algot Brynjulfssen 27 27 Tolvesdtr Brynjulf Bengtson Ingegerd Svantepolksdtr 1238 - 1294 Bengt Magnussen Folkunga 56 56 Til Finstad. 1200 - 1263 Magnus Bengtssen Folkunga 63 63 Lagmann i Østergøtland. Children: Abt. 1274 - Ingeborg Bengtsdotter FOLKUNGA Abt. 1278 - Katarina Bengtsdotter FOLKUNGA 1165 - 1237 Bengt Magnussen 72 72 1130 - 1208 Magnus Bengtsen Folkunga 78 78 "Minneskøld " Ingrid Sunesdtr Bengt Folkesen Folkunga Ulfhilde Bjørnsdtr 1060 - 1134 Bjorn Haraldssen of Denmark 74 74 Prins av Danmark. Sønnesønn av kong Erik Eiegod. Known as "Jernside" Chn: (?)Ulfhilde Bjørnsdatter; Spouse: Bengt Folkeson Katarina Ingesdtr Folke Digre Folkunga Ingerid Knudsdtr 1043 - 1086 Knut IV Den Hellige 43 43 Jfr. Aschehoug Konversasjons Leksikon KH-KÅ side 344. Canute was the illegitimate son of Sweyn II Estridsson. Because of his "martyrdom" and advocacy of the Church, Canute quickly began to be considered a saint. Miracles were soon reported as taking place at his grave. In 1101, thanks to the persuasion of Eric III of Denmark's envoys, Pope Paschal II confirmed the "cult of Canute" that had arisen and King Canute IV was canonized as a saint. In 1300, his remains and those of his brother were interred in the new Saint Canute's Cathedral. His feast day is recognised by the Catholic Church as being on 19 January. However, in Sweden and Finland his feast day is celebrated on 13 January. This appears to be because he decreed that Christmas be celebrated for 20 days, and 13 January falls 20 days after Christmas day. Adele Robertsdtr av Flandern 1010 - 1086 Robert Baudewijnsen de Fries l 76 76 Friseren. Greve av Flandern. King of Denmark between 1080 and 1086, Count between 1071 and 1093     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). 0980 - 1067 Balduin V 87 87     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). 0958 - 1031 Robert ll Frankrike 73 73 Sources: Selvågætta II 0940 - 0996 Hugo Capet 56 56 SOURCES 1) Aschehougs Konversasjons Leksikon, Bind 9 Adele Av Guienne D. 0964 Vilhelm lll Av Guienne SOURCES Selvågætta II 0897 - 0962 Gerberge 65 65 SOURCES Selvågætta II Gange- Rolf Ragnvaldsen CHILDREN    Name:  Gerberge    Born: ABT 897          at: France   Married: 935              at:       Died: 14 OCT 962       at:    Spouses: Vilhelm III av Guienne      Name: Vilhjalm Langspyd Gange-Rolvson    Born: ABT 900          at: France   1030 - 1112 Inge l Steinkilsen 82 82 Sources:    1. Abbrev: The Saga Library       Title: The Saga Library       REFN: 61       TYPE: ROOTS III       _MASTER: Y    2. Abbrev: Heraldry       Title: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe       REFN: 61       TYPE: ROOTS III       _MASTER: Y    3. Abbrev: Hagen.GED       Title: GEDCOM file imported on 26 Jul 1999.       Author: Greg Hagen Helena Torildsdtr Blot-Sven 1075 - 1134 Harald Eriksen Kesja 59 59 Ragnhild Magnusdtr 1070 - 1103 Erik Knutsen Eiegod 33 33 He Frillesønn (172). He tidl.reg. som snn av Sven Estridson #1355 og Rannveig Tordsdatter#1356.Forsandboka sier han er sønn av Knut den Hellige #1347 og en frille #1694 1075 Bodil Torgautsdtr     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). 1000 - 1066 Steinkil l Ragnvaldsen 66 66 King of Sweden between 1060 and 1066 1023 Inga Edmundsdtr Queen of Sweden Children    1. Has Children Halsten STENKILSON b: ABT 1030    2. Has Children Inge I* STENKILSON b: ABT 1035 in Sweden 0970 - 1066 Ragnvald Den Gamle 96 96 Svensk høvding. Astrid Njålsdtr Njål Finnssen Finn Eyvindssen Skjålge Øyvind Lambe Sigrid Sigurdsdtr på* SANDNES Sigurd Berdla- Kåre CHILDREN    Name: Øyvind Lambe    Born: ABT 848          at: Norway   Married:                  at:       Died:                  at:    Spouses: Sigrid Sigurdsdtr      Name: Olve Nuva    Born: ABT 849          at:    Married:                  at:       Died:                  at:    Spouses:     Name: Salbjørg Kåresdtr    Born: ABT 840          at: Norway   Married:                  at:       Died:                  at:    Spouses: Kveldulv Bjålvesson   Magnus lll Olavsen Bethoc Gille- Abdomhansdtr Rannveig Tordsdtr Aurland Olav lll Haraldsen Kyrre 1015 - 1066 Harald lll Sigurdsen Hardade 51 51 Called "Harold the Hard". Killed in Battle of Stamford Bridge in England in 1066. Much of his life is detailed in the "Heimskringla", 0970 - 1020 Asta Gudbrandsdtr 50 50 Ragnvald Ulfssen see duplicate Astrid Njalsdtr see duplicate Torild Totilssen D. 1086 Rudolphe de Beaumont Lude Agate de Vendome 1316 - 1361 Thorer Tordsen of Benkestok 45 45 Benkestok - Opphavet til navnet for lavadelsslekten Benkestok 1325 - 1361 Steinor Eriksdtr 36 36 Children:          1. Gudrun Toresdatter Benkestok, b. 1370, Finnøy, Rogaland, Norway      2. Jon Toresen Mjølhus Benkestok, b. 1370, Strand, Rogaland, Norway      3. Tore Toresen til Talgje Benkestok, b. 1373      4. Gard I Toresen Garå, b. 1373 1287 - 1356 Tord Benkestok 69 69 Benkestok - Opphavet til navnet for lavadelsslekten Benkestok The Benkestok family (also known as Benkestokk, Benchestoch and similar spellings of the name) is one of the original noble families of Norway and one of the few to survive the Middle Ages. At the height of its power, the family ruled large estates in Bohuslän (now a part of Sweden), in Western Norway, in Northern Norway, and in the Faroe Islands. The earliest known person in the family is Tord Benkestok from Strand, Bohuslän. He was mentioned by the Bishop of Oslo, Øystein Aslaksson, in the Church Property Register from the end of the 14th century. Strand is in Forshelle (now Forshälla) parish, 11 km south west of Uddevalla in what used to be the Norwegian county of Båhuslen (Bohuslän). The estate is by the Svanesundet sound (Svanehals, now Havstens fjord, Brunnefjälls kile and Halsefjorden in Swedish) between the mainland and the island of Orust. The Benkestok family also lived in Ryfylke, Norway, where Talgøy in Sjørnarøyane and Haraldseid at Skjold were the family seats, as well as in Sogn, where Jordanger was the manor. Later members of the family moved north to Melø Gård in Meløy, Nordland, which marked the beginning of the expansion of the family's numerous descendants throughout the Northern parts of Norway. From Wikipedia Fru Tord Benkestok Gaut at Aenes Ommund Arnbjørnsen Byre - Aga Sigrid Arnesdtr 1331 - 1332 Arnbjorn Ogmundsen 1 1 Mlugnhild Ketilsdtr Hodne Ketil 1318 - 1331 Ogmund Petersen 13 13 Ragnhild Sigurdsdtr Aga 1240 - 1302 Ridder Sigurd Brynjulfssen Aga 62 62     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). Children (Unknown Mother) Bergljot Sigurdsdatter1301– Ragnhild Sigurdsdatter1301– Brynjulf Aga Brynulfsen 1226 - 1293 Peder Unge Augmundssen Sandven 67 67 Sunniva Brynjulvsdtr Children: 1. Ragnhild Pedersdtr   2. Jon Pedersen Sandven M abt 1210 in Vikoy, Kvam, Norway  3. Ogmund Pederson Byre M  1318 in Ryfylke, Norwqy,  1220 Brynjulv Aga Children: Knight Sigurd Brynjulvson      M      Aga, Hardanger, Norway        Edit Brynjulfsdtr     F     abt 1240 in Aga, Hardanger, Norway 1174 - 1230 Ogmund Sponheim 56 56 Chieftain took in the 5th crusade Ogmund Petersen Jorsalafarer 1165 - 1213 Peter Steyper Stefanssen Sponheim 48 48 1175 - 1210 Ingebjørg Magnusdtr 35 35 Children: Peter Den Unge      M      1185 in Sandven, [country]        Edit Ogmund Peterson Jorsalafarer     M     1217 in Sponheim, Norway 1156 - 1184 Magnus V Erlingssen 28 28  He was named king in 1161, and was the first Norwegian king to be crowned. His father Erling took the title of earl and held the real power while Magnus was a minor. Magnus' reign saw the arrival in Norway of Sverre Sigurdsson, who claimed the throne for himself. Several years of warfare ended with Magnus' defeat and death in the battle of Fimreite in 1184. The civil wars period of Norwegian history lasted from 1130 to 1217. During this period there were several interlocked conflicts of varying scale and intensity. The background for these conflicts were the unclear Norwegian succession laws, social conditions and the struggle between Church and King. There were then two main parties, firstly known by varying names or no names at all, but finally condensed into parties of Bagler and Birkebeiner. The rallying point regularly was a royal son, who was set up as the head figure of the party in question, to oppose the rule of the king from the contesting party. Eldrid Bjarnesdtr Bjorn Byardasvend Ragnhild Guthormsdtr 1120 - 1181 Guttorm Åsulfsen Rein 61 61 1120 - 1144 Eldrid Jonsdtr Blindheim 24 24 1080 - 1100 Jon Smjørbalte 20 20 1110 - 1150 Sigrid Torkelsdtr Nja 40 40 Children: Sigrid Torkildsdatter Sogn      F               Edit Eldrid Jonsdtr Blindheim     F     abt 1120 in Blindheim, [department], [region], France      Edit Hallkjell Jonson Huk     M     abt 1120 in Rein, Rissa, Sor Trondelag, Norway Torkjell Fugl 1070 - 1120 Hallkatla Sveinsdtr 50 50 1052 - 1070 Svein Brynjulfssen 18 18 1054 - 1093 Ingrid Svendsdtr 39 39 1019 - 1076 Svend Ulfssen 57 57 1026 - 1070 Rannveig Tordsdtr 44 44 Children: Knud Svendsson      M      abt 1021 in Roskilde, East Sja, Denmark        Edit Ingrid Svendsdatter     F     abt 1054 in Denmark      Edit Erik I Svendsson     M     abt 1055 in Slangerup, Frederiksborg, Denmark      Edit Erik I Evergood     M     1056 in Slangerup, Frederiksborg, Denmark      Edit Niels Svendsson     M     abt 1063 in Ribe, Ribe, Denmark 0980 - 1020 Tord Rannveigssen 40 40 Rannveig Tordsdtr 0895 - 0952 Tord Brynjulfssen 57 57 0850 - 0922 Brynulfsen Bjornsen 72 72 0810 - 0850 Bj Rn Buna 40 40 0775 - 0812 Velaug Vikingsdtr 37 37 Children      Sex      Birth Ketil Flatnev     M     abt 770 in Romsdal, Western, Norway      Edit Helge Bj Rnsson     M     abt 815 in Sogn 0770 - 0780 Viking Skaanoyskjelmer 10 10 0710 - 0740 Vifill Vemundarsen 30 30 Vemundar Av Norge Vedrar Grim Hjall Berserk 0720 - 0745 Hervor Helgadtr 25 25 Children      Sex      Birth Vedrar Grim De Songe     M     745 in Songe Og, Fjordane, Norway      Edit Grim Hjaldursson     M     abt 745 in Sogn Og Fjordane, Norway Helgi Av Norge Thorgerd Eylaugsdtr Eylaug Av Norge Vatnar Vikar Harald l Alrekssen Signy Alrek Geirhild Drivsdtr Eirik Av Alrekstad Alrek l Alrekstad Eirik Den Lspake Lod Anna Pendragon Heidrek Hjorvard Helge An Tune Svåva Hjorvard 1500 - 1518 Tormod Hamre 18 18 Jakob Idland Bjorg Hilde Agathe Brandsberg Gitle Enoksen Stangeland Kari Aslaksen Birkrem Sven Gundersen Urdal Valborg Hansdtr Regeland Gudbrand Kule 0960 - 1018 Sigurd Halvtansen Syr 58 58 1025 - 1066 Tora Torbergsdtr 41 41 0905 Halvdan Sigurdssen Rise Ranesdtr Rane Smalnese 0895 Sigurd Haraldsen Rise 0850 - 0943 Harald l Halvdanssen 93 93 Snøfrid Svåsesdtr Svase Finne 0797 - 0860 Halvdan Gudrødsen Svarte 63 63 0980 - 1035 Baldwin lV av Flandern 55 55     Baldwin IV of Flanders, known as the Bearded, was count of Flanders from 988 to 1037.     He was the son of Arnulf II of Flanders.     Baldwin turned his attentions to the east and north, leaving the southern part of his territory in the hands of his vassals the counts of Guines, Hesdin, and St. Pol.     To the east was Lotharingia, and here Baldwin took Valenciennes, the Cambresis, and Hainaut. It was not until 1056, during the minority of the Emperor Henry IV, then he fully secured this territory, which was then recognized as fier held of the emperor.     In the more central and northerly parts of Flanders, the counts supremacy was unchallenged. Here there was a great deal of internal colonization of marshland, all of which belonged to the counts of Flanders. Baldwin first married Ogive of Luxemburg, and was succeeded by their son Baldwin V. He later married Eleanor of Normandy, daughter of Richard II of Normandy, by whom he had a daughter Judith. She married first Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumberland, and then Duke Welf of Bavaria. These widespread family connections demonstrate the political interests of the Flemish counts, both in England to the west and in Germany to the east.     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). Eleanora av Normandy 0963 - 1027 Richard ll av Normandy 64 64 0982 - 1017 Judith av Bretagne 35 35 0961 - 0988 Arnolph II Boudewijnsen av Flandern 27 27     Arnulf II of Flanders (died 988) was count of Flanders from 964 to 988.     He was the son of Baldwin III of Flanders and Matilda of Saxony. Baldwin III died in 962, when Arnulf was just an infant, and with Arnulf's grandfather count Arnulf I of Flanders still alive. When Arnulf I died 2 years later (964), the regency was held by their kinsman Baldwin Balso.     By the time Arnulf attained his majority in 976, Flanders had lost some of the southern territory acquired by Arnulf I. The latter had given some parts of Picardy to King Lothar of France to help assure his grandson's succession, and gave Boulogne as a fief to another relative. Then early in Arnulf's minority Lothar had taken Ponthieu and given it to Hugh Capet, and the first counts of Guines had established themselves.     He married Rozala of Lombardy, daughter of Berengar II of Italy, and was succeeded by their son, Baldwin IV.     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). 0937 - 1003 Suzanna Rozela Berensagsdtr av Italia 66 66 0900 - 0966 Berenger II av Italia 66 66 ? - ? Willa av Toskany ? - 0923 Adalbert I av Ivrea 0845 - 0924 Berenger I av Italia 79 79 0860 - 0915 Bertila av Spoleto 55 55 ~0799 - 0867 St. Evrard av Friuli 68 68 ? - ? Gisela 0778 - 0840 Ludvig I “den Fromme” 62 62 0805 - 0843 Judith av Bayern 38 38 0742 - 0814 Karl I “den Store” 72 72 0758 - 0783 Hildegard 25 25 0714 - 0768 Pipin III “den Yngre” 54 54 0720 - 0783 Bertrada II av Laon 63 63 0686 - 0741 Karl Martell 55 55 0690 - 0724 Rotrude Austrasia 34 34 0635 - 0714 Pipin II de Heristel 79 79 ? - ? Alpais Saxonia 0607 - 0662 Ansigise Austrasia 55 55 0613 - 0698 St. Begga de Brabant 85 85 0582 - 0641 Arnold Metz 59 59 ~0586 - ? Dodo Heristal 0776 - 0825 Welf av Alemannia 49 49 ~0775 - >0833 Heilwig des Franken 58 58 ? - 0806 Isanbart des Franken ? - ? Thietrade des Franken 0774 - 0821 Bernhard des Franken 47 47 0725 - 0784 Bernhard des Franken 59 59 ~0690 - ? Chrothais 0940 - 0962 Baldwin III av Flandern 22 22 ? - 1008 Matilde Billung av Saksen ~0890 - 0965 Arnolph I “den Store” av Flandern 75 75 0910 - 0960 Alice av Vermandois 50 50 0863 - 0918 Baldwin II “den Skallede” av Flandern 55 55 0873 - 0929 Aefthryth 56 56 ~0830 - 0879 Baldwin I “Jernarm” av Flandern 49 49 0844 - 0870 Judith av Flandern 26 26 0823 - 0877 Karl II “den Skallede” 54 54 0823 - 0869 Ermentrude av Orleans 46 46 0849 - 0899 Alfred I “den Store” av Wessex 50 50 0852 - 0905 Athelswitha 53 53 0795 - 0858 Aethelwulf I av England 63 63 ? - ? Osburgh 0775 - 0839 Ecgbert III av Wessex 64 64 0788 - ? Redburga ? - ? Ealhmund av Kent 0730 - ? Eafa av Wessex av Kent 0706 - ? Eoppa av Wessex 0672 - 0718 Ingild av Wessex 46 46 ~0640 - ? Cenred av Wessex ? - ? Ceolwald av Wessex 0592 - ? Cutha Cathwulf ? - ? Cuthwine av Wessex ? - 0593 Ceawlin av Wessex 0495 - 0560 Cynric av Wessex 65 65 ? - 0534 Cerdic av Wessex 0884 - 0943 Herbert II av Vermandois 59 59 ? - ? Adela 0933 - 0966 Richard I “den Fryktløse” av Normandy 33 33 ? - ? Gunnor av Crêpon 0891 - 0942 William I Longsword 51 51 ? - ? Sprota av Senlis ~0846 - 0932 Gange- Rolf Ragnvaldsson 86 86 ? - ? Poppa av Valois 0805 - 0843 Judith av Bayern 38 38 ~0848 - 0907 Herbert I av Senlis 59 59 0817 - >0840 Pepin II Seigneur 23 23 0797 - 0818 Bernhard av Italia 21 21 ? - ? Kunigunda Cunegonde 0773 - 0810 Pipin I av Italia 37 37 ? - ? Berta av Toulouse 0927 - 0992 Conan I av Rennes 65 65 ? - ? Ermengarde av Anjou ? - 0987 Geoffrey I av Anjou ~0950 - ~0980 Adele av Meaux 30 30 ? - 0958 Fulk II av Anjou ? - ? Gerberga av Maine ~0870 - 0941 Fulk I “den Røde” av Anjou 71 71 ? - ? Rosalie de Loches 0845 - 0888 Ingelger av Anjou 43 43 Ingelger var kanskje en mytisk person.. ? - ? Tertullus av Anjou 0825 - ? Petronilla L'Abbe 0794 - 0844 Hugh L'Abbe 50 50 ~0910 - 0968 Robert av Vermandois 58 58 0884 - 0943 Herbert II av Vermandois 59 59 ? - ? Adela Gunnhild Halfdansdtr Halvdan Haraldsen Jarl Ingebjørg Haraldsdtr 0850 - 0933 Harald l Hårfagre Halfdansen 83 83 First King of Norway Little is known of the historical Harald. The only contemporary sources mentioning him are the two skaldic poems Haraldskvæði and Glymdrápa, by Þorbjörn Hornklofi. The first poem describes life at Harald's court, mentions that he took a Danish wife, and that he won a victory at Hafrsfjord. The second relates a series of battles Harald has won. He is not mentioned in any contemporary foreign sources. His life was described in several of the Kings' sagas, but the first of these were not written until the end of the 12th century, over 250 years after his death. Their accounts of Harald and his life differ on several points, and much of the content is clearly mythological. He is credited with having unified Norway into one kingdom. Modern historians assume that his rule was limited to the coastal areas of southern Norway. SOURCES Norges kongesagaer av Snorre Sturluson (1179 - 1241) Notes for Harald Hårfagre Konge ca år 870 til 933. Etterkommere av Harald Hårfagre er tatt ut av hefte til Ola Aurenes om "Selvåg-ætta II" fra juli 1938. 1. HARALD'S STRIFE WITH HAKE AND HIS FATHER GANDALF. Harald (1) was but ten years old when he succeeded his father (Halfdan the Black). He became a stout, strong, and comely man, and withal prudent and manly. His mother's brother, Guthorm, was leader of the hird, at the head of the government, and commander (`hertogi') of the army. After Halfdan the Black's death, many chiefs coveted the dominions he had left. Among these King Gandalf was the first; then Hogne and Frode, sons of Eystein, king of Hedemark; and also Hogne Karuson came from Ringerike. Hake, the son of Gandalf, began with an expedition of 300 men against Vestfold, marched by the main road through some valleys, and expected to come suddenly upon King Harald; while his father Gandalf sat at home with his army, and prepared to cross over the fiord into Vestfold. When Duke Guthorm heard of this he gathered an army, and marched up the country with King Harald against Hake. They met in a valley, in which they fought a great battle, and King Harald was victorious; and there fell King Hake and most of his people. The place has since been called Hakadale. Then King Harald and Duke Guthorm turned back, but they found King Gandalf had come to Vestfold. The two armies marched against each other, and met, and had a great battle; and it ended in King Gandalf flying, after leaving most of his men dead on the spot, and in that state he came back to his kingdom. Now when the sons of King Eystein in Hedemark heard the news, they expected the war would come upon them, and they sent a message to Hogne Karuson and to Herse Gudbrand, and appointed a meeting with them at Ringsaker in Hedemark. ENDNOTES: (1) The first twenty chapters of this saga refer to Harald's youth and his conquest of Norway. This portion of the saga is of great importance to the Icelanders, as the settlement of their Isle was a result of Harald's wars. The second part of the saga (chaps. 21-46) treats of the disputes between Harald's sons, of the jarls of Orkney, and of the jarls of More. With this saga we enter the domain of history. -- Ed. 2. KING HARALD OVERCOMES FIVE KINGS. After the battle King Harald and Guthorm turned back, and went with all the men they could gather through the forests towards the Uplands. They found out where the Upland kings had appointed their meeting-place, and came there about the time of midnight, without the watchmen observing them until their army was before the door of the house in which Hogne Karuson was, as well as that in which Gudbrand slept. They set fire to both houses; but King Eystein's two sons slipped out with their men, and fought for a while, until both Hogne and Frode fell. After the fall of these four chiefs, King Harald, by his relation Guthorm's success and powers, subdued Hedemark, Ringerike, Gudbrandsdal, Hadeland, Thoten, Raumarike, and the whole northern part of Vingulmark. King Harald and Guthorm had thereafter war with King Gandalf, and fought several battles with him; and in the last of them King Gandalf was slain, and King Harald took the whole of his kingdom as far south as the river Raum. 3. OF GYDA, DAUGHTER OF EIRIE. King Harald sent his men to a girl called Gyda, daughter of King Eirik of Hordaland, who was brought up as foster-child in the house of a great bonde in Valdres. The king wanted her for his concubine; for she was a remarkably handsome girl, but of high spirit withal. Now when the messengers came there, and delivered their errand to the girl, she answered, that she would not throw herself away even to take a king for her husband, who had no greater kingdom to rule over than a few districts. "And methinks," said she, "it is wonderful that no king here in Norway will make the whole country subject to him, in the same way as Gorm the Old did in Denmark, or Eirik at Upsala." The messengers thought her answer was dreadfully haughty, and asked what she thought would come of such an answer; for Harald was so mighty a man, that his invitation was good enough for her. But although she had replied to their errand differently from what they wished, they saw no chance, on this occasion, of taking her with them against her will; so they prepared to return. When they were ready, and the people followed them out, Gyda said to the messengers, "Now tell to King Harald these my words. I will only agree to be his 1awful wife upon the condition that he shall first, for my sake, subject to himself the whole of Norway, so that he may rule over that kingdom as freely and fully as King Eirik over the Swedish dominions, or King Gorm over Denmark; for only then, methinks, can he be called the king of a people." 4. KING HARALD'S VOW. Now came the messengers back to King Harald, bringing him the words of the girl, and saying she was so bold and foolish that she well deserved that the king should send a greater troop of people for her, and inflict on her some disgrace. Then answered the king, "This girl has not spoken or done so much amiss that she should be punished, but rather she should be thanked for her words. She has reminded me," said he, "of something which it appears to me wonderful I did not think of before. And now," added he, "I make the solemn vow, and take God to witness, who made me and rules over all things, that never shall I clip or comb my hair until I have subdued the whole of Norway, with scat (1), and duties, and domains; or if not, have died in the attempt." Guthorm thanked the king warmly for his vow; adding, that it was royal work to fulfil royal words. ENDNOTES: (1) Scat was a land-tax, paid to the king in money, malt, meal, or flesh-meat, from all lands, and was adjudged by the Thing to each king upon his accession, and being proposed and accepted as king. 5. THE BATTLE IN ORKADAL. After this the two relations gather together a great force, and prepare for an expedition to the Uplands, and northwards up the valley (Gudbrandsdal), and north over Dovrefjeld; and when the king came down to the inhabited land he ordered all the men to be killed, and everything wide around to be delivered to the flames. And when the people came to know this, they fled every one where he could; some down the country to Orkadal, some to Gaulardal, some to the forests. But some begged for peace, and obtained it, on condition of joining the king and becoming his men. He met no opposition until he came to Orkadal. There a crowd of people had assembled, and he had his first battle with a king called Gryting. Harald won the victory, and King Gryting was made prisoner, and most of his people killed. He took service himself under the king, and swore fidelity to him. Thereafer all the people in Orkadal district went under King Harald, and became his men. 6. KING HARALD S LAWS FOR LAND PROPERTY. King Harald made this law over all the lands he conquered, that all the udal property should belong to him; and that the bondes, both great and small, should pay him land dues for their possessions. Over every district he set an earl to judge according to the law of the land and to justice, and also to collect the land dues and the fines; and for this each earl received a third part of the dues, and services, and fines, for the support of his table and other expenses. Each earl had under him four or more herses, each of whom had an estate of twenty marks yearly income bestowed on him and was bound to support twenty men-at-arms, and the earl sixty men, at their own expenses. The king had increased the land dues and burdens so much, that each of his earls had greater power and income than the kings had before; and when that became known at Throndhjem, many great men joined the king and took his service. 7. BATTLE IN GAULARDAL. It is told that Earl Hakon Grjotgardson came to King Harald from Yrjar, and brought a great crowd of men to his service. Then King Harald went into Gaulardal, and had a great battle, in which he slew two kings, and conquered their dominions; and these were Gaulardal district and Strind district. He gave Earl Hakon Strind district to rule over as earl. King Harald then proceeded to Stjoradal, and had a third battle, in which he gained the victory, and took that district also. There upon the Throndhjem people assembled, and four kings met together with their troops. The one ruled over Veradal, the second over Skaun, third over the Sparbyggja district, and the fourth over Eyin Idre (Inderoen); and this latter had also Eyna district. These four kings marched with their men against King Harald, but he won the battle; and some of these kings fell, and some fled. In all, King Harald fought at the least eight battles, and slew eight kings, in the Throndhjem district, and laid the whole of it under him. 8. HARALD SEIZES NAUMUDAL DISTRICT. North in Naumudal were two brothers, kings, -- Herlaug and Hrollaug; and they had been for three summers raising a mound or tomb of stone and lime and of wood. Just as the work was finished, the brothers got the news that King Harald was coming upon them with his army. Then King Herlaug had a great quantity of meat and drink brought into the mound, and went into it himself, with eleven companions, and ordered the mound to be covered up. King Hrollaug, on the contrary, went upon the summit of the mound, on which the kings were wont to sit, and made a throne to be erected, upon which he seated himself. Then he ordered feather-beds to be laid upon the bench below, on which the earls were wont to be seated, and threw himself down from his high seat or throne into the earl's seat, giving himself the title of earl. Now Hrollaug went to meet King Harald, gave up to him his whole kingdom, offered to enter into his service, and told him his whole proceeding. Then took King Harald a sword, fastened it to Hrollaug's belt, bound a shield to his neck, and made him thereupon an earl, and led him to his earl's seat; and therewith gave him the district Naumudal, and set him as earl over it ((A.D. 866)). (1) ENDNOTES: (1) Before writing was in general use, this symbolical way of performing all important legal acts appears to have entered into the jurisprudence of all savage nations; and according to Gibbon, chap. 44, "the jurisprudence of the first Romans exhibited the scenes of a pantomime; the words were adapted to the gestures, and the slightest error or neglect in the forms of proceeding was sufficient to annul the substance of the fairest claims." -- Ed. 9. KING HARALD'S HOME AFFAIRS. King Harald then returned to Throndhjem, where he dwelt during the winter, and always afterwards called it his home. He fixed here his head residence, which is called Lade. This winter he took to wife Asa, a daughter of Earl Hakon Grjotgardson, who then stood in great favour and honour with the king. In spring the king fitted out his ships. In winter he had caused a great frigate (a dragon) to be built, and had it fitted-out in the most splendid way, and brought his house-troops and his berserks on board. The forecastle men were picked men, for they had the king's banner. From the stem to the mid-hold was called rausn, or the fore-defence; and there were the berserks. Such men only were received into King Harald's house-troop as were remarkable for strength, courage, and all kinds of dexterity; and they alone got place in his ship, for he had a good choice of house-troops from the best men of every district. King Harald had a great army, many large ships, and many men of might followed him. Hornklofe, in his poem called "Glymdrapa", tells of this; and also that King Harald had a battle with the people of Orkadal, at Opdal forest, before he went upon this expedition. "O'er the broad heath the bowstrings twang, While high in air the arrows sang. The iron shower drives to flight The foeman from the bloody fight. The warder of great Odin's shrine, The fair-haired son of Odin's line, Raises the voice which gives the cheer, First in the track of wolf or bear. His master voice drives them along To Hel -- a destined, trembling throng; And Nokve's ship, with glancing sides, Must fly to the wild ocean's tides. -- Must fly before the king who leads Norse axe-men on their ocean steeds." 10. BATTLE AT SOLSKEL King Harald moved out with his army from Throndhjem, and went southwards to More. Hunthiof was the name of the king who ruled over the district of More. Solve Klofe was the name of his son, and both were great warriors. King Nokve, who ruled over Raumsdal, was the brother of Solve's mother. Those chiefs gathered a great force when they heard of King Harald, and came against him. They met at Solskel, and there was a great battle, which was gained by King Harald (A.D. 867). Hornklofe tells of this battle: -- "Thus did the hero known to fame, The leader of the shields, whose name Strikes every heart with dire dismay, Launch forth his war-ships to the fray. Two kings he fought; but little strife Was needed to cut short their life. A clang of arms by the sea-shore, -- And the shields' sound was heard no more." The two kings were slain, but Solve escaped by flight; and King Harald laid both districts under his power. He stayed here long in summer to establish law and order for the country people, and set men to rule them, and keep them faithful to him; and in autumn he prepared to return northwards to Throndhjem. Ragnvald Earl of More, a son of Eystein Glumra, had the summer before become one of Harald's men; and the king set him as chief over these two districts, North More and Raumsdal; strengthened him both with men of might and bondes, and gave him the help of ships to defend the coast against enemies. He was called Ragnvald the Mighty, or the Wise; and people say both names suited him well. King Harald came back to Throndhjem about winter. 11. FALL OF KINGS ARNVID AND AUDBJORN. The following spring (A.D. 868) King Harald raised a great force in Throndhjem, and gave out that he would proceed to South More. Solve Klofe had passed the winter in his ships of war, plundering in North More, and had killed many of King Harald's men; pillaging some places, burning others, and making great ravage; but sometimes he had been, during the winter, with his friend King Arnvid in South More. Now when he heard that King Harald was come with ships and a great army, he gathered people, and was strong in men-at-arms; for many thought they had to take vengeance of King Harald. Solve Klofe went southwards to Firdafylke (the Fjord district), which King Audbjorn ruled over, to ask him to help, and join his force to King Arnvid's and his own. "For," said he, "it is now clear that we all have but one course to take; and that is to rise, all as one man, against King Harald, for we have strength enough, and fate must decide the victory; for as to the other condition of becoming his servants, that is no condition for us, who are not less noble than Harald. My father thought it better to fall in battle for his kingdom, than to go willingly into King Harald's service, or not to abide the chance of weapons like the Naumudal kings." King Solve's speech was such that King Audbjorn promised his help, and gathered a great force together and went with it to King Arnvid, and they had a great army. Now, they got news that King Harald was come from the north, and they met within Solskel. And it was the custom to lash the ships together, stem to stem; so it was done now. King Harald laid his ship against King Arnvid's, and there was the sharpest fight, and many men fell on both sides. At last King Harald was raging with anger, and went forward to the fore-deck, and slew so dreadfully that all the forecastle men of Arnvid's ship were driven aft of the mast, and some fell. Thereupon Harald boarded the ship, and King Arnvid's men tried to save themselves by flight, and he himself was slain in his ship. King Audbjorn also fell; but Solve fled. So says Hornklofe: -- "Against the hero's shield in vain The arrow-storm fierce pours its rain. The king stands on the blood-stained deck, Trampling on many a stout foe's neck; And high above the dinning stound Of helm and axe, and ringing sound Of blade and shield, and raven's cry, Is heard his shout of `Victory!'" Of King Harald's men, fell his earls Asgaut and Asbjorn, together with his brothers-in-law, Grjotgard and Herlaug, the sons of Earl Hakon of Lade. Solve became afterwards a great sea-king, and often did great damage in King Harald's dominions. 12. KING VEMUND BURNT TO DEATH. After this battle (A.D. 868) King Harald subdued South More; but Vemund, King Audbjorn's brother, still had Firdafylke. It was now late in harvest, and King Harald's men gave him the counsel not to proceed south-wards round Stad. Then King Harald set Earl Ragnvald over South and North More and also Raumsdal, and he had many people about him. King Harald returned to Throndhjem. The same winter (A.D. 869) Ragnvald went over Eid, and southwards to the Fjord district. There he heard news of King Vemund, and came by night to a place called Naustdal, where King Vemund was living in guest-quarters. Earl Ragnvald surrounded the house in which they were quartered, and burnt the king in it, together with ninety men. The came Berdlukare to Earl Ragnvald with a complete armed long-ship, and they both returned to More. The earl took all the ships Vemund had, and all the goods he could get hold of. Berdlukare proceeded north to Throndhjem to King Harald, and became his man; and dreadful berserk he was. 13. DEATH OF EARLS HAKON, AND ATLE MJOVE. The following spring (A.D. 869) King Harald went southwards with his fleet along the coast, and subdued Firdafylke. Then he sailed eastward along the land until he came to Vik; but he left Earl Hakon Grjotgardson behind, and set him over the Fjord district. Earl Hakon sent word to Earl Atle Mjove that he should leave Sogn district, and be earl over Gaular district, as he had been before, alleging that King Harald had given Sogn district to him. Earl Atle sent word that he would keep both Sogn district and Gaular district, until he met King Harald. The two earls quarreled about this so long, that both gathered troops. They met at Fialar, in Stavanger fiord, and had a great battle, in which Earl Hakon fell, and Earl Atle got a mortal wound, and his men carried him to the island of Atley, where he died. So says Eyvind Skaldaspiller: -- "He who stood a rooted oak, Unshaken by the swordsman's stroke, Amidst the whiz of arrows slain, Has fallen upon Fjalar's plain. There, by the ocean's rocky shore, The waves are stained with the red gore Of stout Earl Hakon Grjotgard's son, And of brave warriors many a one." 14. HARALD AND THE SWEDISH KING EIRIK. King Harald came with his fleet eastward to Viken and landed at Tunsberg, which was then a trading town. He had then been four years in Throndhjem, and in all that time had not been in Viken. Here he heard the news that Eirik Eymundson, king of Sweden, had laid under him Vermaland, and was taking scat or land-tax from all the forest settlers; and also that he called the whole country north to Svinasund, and west along the sea, West Gautland; and which altogether he reckoned to his kingdom, and took land-tax from it. Over this country he had set an earl, by name Hrane Gauzke, who had the earldom between Svinasund and the Gaut river, and was a mighty earl. And it was told to King Harald that the Swedish king said he would not rest until he had as great a kingdom in Viken as Sigurd Hring, or his son Ragnar Lodbrok, had possessed; and that was Raumarike and Vestfold, all the way to the isle Grenmar, and also Vingulmark, and all that lay south of it. In all these districts many chiefs, and many other people, had given obedience to the Swedish king. King Harald was very angry at this, and summoned the bondes to a Thing at Fold, where he laid an accusation against them for treason towards him. Some bondes defended themselves from the accusation, some paid fines, some were punished. He went thus through the whole district during the summer, and in harvest he did the same in Raumarike, and laid the two districts under his power. Towards winter he heard that Eirik king of Sweden was, with his court, going about in Vermaland in guest-quarters. 15. HARALD AT A FEAST OF THE PEASANT AKE. King Harald takes his way across the Eid forest eastward, and comes out in Vermaland, where he also orders feasts to be prepared for himself. There was a man by name Ake, who was the greatest of the bondes of Vermaland, very rich, and at that time very aged. He sent men to King Harald, and invited him to a feast, and the king promised to come on the day appointed. Ake invited also King Eirik to a feast, and appointed the same day. Ake had a great feasting hall, but it was old; and he made a new hall, not less than the old one, and had it ornamented in the most splendid way. The new hall he had hung with new hangings, but the old had only its old ornaments. Now when the kings came to the feast, King Eirik with his court was taken into the old hall; but Harald with his followers into the new. The same difference was in all the table furniture, and King Eirik and his men had the old-fashioned vessels and horns, but all gilded and splendid; while King Harald and his men had entirely new vessels and horns adorned with gold, all with carved figures, and shining like glass; and both companies had the best of liquor. Ake the bonde had formerly been King Halfdan the Black s man. Now when daylight came, and the feast was quite ended, and the kings made themselves ready for their journey, and the horses were saddled, came Ake before King Harald, leading in his hand his son Ubbe, a boy of twelve years of age, and said, "If the goodwill I have shown to thee, sire, in my feast, be worth thy friendship, show it hereafter to my son. I give him to thee now for thy service." The king thanked him with many agreeable words for his friendly entertainment, and promised him his full friendship in return. Then Ake brought out great presents, which he gave to the king, and they gave each other thereafter the parting kiss. Ake went next to the Swedish king, who was dressed and ready for the road, but not in the best humour. Ake gave to him also good and valuable gifts; but the king answered only with few words, and mounted his horse. Ake followed the king on the road and talked with him. The road led through a wood which was near to the house; and when Ake came to the wood, the king said to him, "How was it that thou madest such a difference between me and King Harald as to give him the best of everything, although thou knowest thou art my man?" "I think" answered Ake, "that there failed in it nothing, king, either to you or to your attendants, in friendly entertainment at this feast. But that all the utensils for your drinking were old, was because you are now old; but King Harald is in the bloom of youth, and therefore I gave him the new things. And as to my being thy man, thou art just as much my man." On this the king out with his sword, and gave Ake his deathwound. King Harald was ready now also to mount his horse, and desired that Ake should be called. The people went to seek him; and some ran up the road that King Eirik had taken, and found Ake there dead. They came back, and told the news to King Harald, and he bids his men to be up, and avenge Ake the bonde. And away rode he and his men the way King Eirik had taken, until they came in sight of each other. Each for himself rode as hard as he could, until Eirik came into the wood which divides Gautland and Vermaland. There King Harald wheels about, and returns to Vermaland, and lays the country under him, and kills King Eirik's men wheresoever he can find them. In winter King Harald returned to Raumarike, and dwelt there a while. 16. HARALD'S JOURNEY TO TUNSBERG. King Harald went out in winter to his ships at Tunsberg, rigged them, and sailed away eastward over the fiord, and subjected all Vingulmark to his dominion. All winter he was out with his ships, and marauded in Ranrike; so says Thorbjorn Hornklofe: -- "The Norseman's king is on the sea, Tho' bitter wintry cold it be. -- On the wild waves his Yule keeps he. When our brisk king can get his way, He'll no more by the fireside stay Than the young sun; he makes us play The game of the bright sun-god Frey. But the soft Swede loves well the fire The well-stuffed couch, the doway glove, And from the hearth-seat will not move." The Gautlanders gathered people together all over the country. 17. THE BATTLE IN GAUTLAND. In spring, when the ice was breaking up, the Gautlanders drove stakes into the Gaut river to hinder King Harald with his ships from coming to the land. But King Harald laid his ships alongside the stakes, and plundered the country, and burnt all around; so says Horn klofe: -- "The king who finds a dainty feast, For battle-bird and prowling beast, Has won in war the southern land That lies along the ocean's strand. The leader of the helmets, he Who leads his ships o'er the dark sea, Harald, whose high-rigged masts appear Like antlered fronts of the wild deer, Has laid his ships close alongside Of the foe's piles with daring pride." Afterwards the Gautlanders came down to the strand with a great army, and gave battle to King Harald, and great was the fall of men. But it was King Harald who gained the day. Thus says Hornklofe: -- "Whistles the battle-axe in its swing O'er head the whizzing javelins sing, Helmet and shield and hauberk ring; The air-song of the lance is loud, The arrows pipe in darkening cloud; Through helm and mail the foemen feel The blue edge of our king's good steel Who can withstand our gallant king? The Gautland men their flight must wing." 18. HRANE GAUZKE'S DEATH. King Harald went far and wide through Gautland, and many were the battles he fought there on both sides of the river, and in general he was victorious. In one of these battles fell Hrane Gauzke; and then the king took his whole land north of the river and west of the Veneren, and also Vermaland. And after he turned back there-from, he set Duke Guthorm as chief to defend the country, and left a great force with him. King Harald himself went first to the Uplands, where he remained a while, and then proceeded northwards over the Dovrefjeld to Trondhjem, where he dwelt for a long time. Harald began to have children. By Asa he had four sons. The eldest was Guthorm. Halfdan the Black and Halfdan the White were twins. Sigfrod was the fourth. They were all brought up in Trondhjem with all honour. 19. BATTLE IN HAFRSFJORD. News came in from the south land that the people of Hordaland and Rogaland, Agder and Telemark, were gathering, and bringing together ships and weapons, and a great body of men. The leaders of this were Eirik king of Hordaland; Sulke king of Rogaland, and his brother Earl Sote: Kjotve the Rich, king of Agder, and his son Thor Haklang; and from Telemark two brothers, Hroald Hryg and Had the Hard. Now when Harald got certain news of this, he assembled his forces, set his ships on the water, made himself ready with his men, and set out southwards along the coast, gathering many people from every district. King Eirik heard of this when he same south of Stad; and having assembled all the men he could expect, he proceeded southwards to meet the force which he knew was coming to his help from the east. The whole met together north of Jadar, and went into Hafersfjord, where King Harald was waiting with his forces. A great battle began, which was both hard and long; but at last King Harald gained the day. There King Eirik fell, and King Sulke, with his brother Earl Sote. Thor Haklang, who was a great berserk, had laid his ship against King Harald's, and there was above all measure a desperate attack, until Thor Haklang fell, and his whole ship was cleared of men. Then King Kjotve fled to a little isle outside, on which there was a good place of strength. Thereafter all his men fled, some to their ships, some up to the land; and the latter ran southwards over the country of Jadar. So says Hornklove, viz.: -- "Has the news reached you? -- have you heard Of the great fight at Hafersfjord, Between our noble king brave Harald And King Kjotve rich in gold? The foeman came from out the East, Keen for the fray as for a feast. A gallant sight it was to see Their fleet sweep o'er the dark-blue sea: Each war-ship, with its threatening throat Of dragon fierce or ravenous brute (1) Grim gaping from the prow; its wales Glittering with burnished shields, (2) like scales Its crew of udal men of war, Whose snow-white targets shone from far And many a mailed spearman stout From the West countries round about, English and Scotch, a foreign host, And swordamen from the far French coast. # Abbrev: The Saga Library Title: The Saga Library REFN: 61 TYPE: ROOTS III _MASTER: Y # Abbrev: Norwegian Encyclopedia Title: Aschehougs Konversasjons Leksikon REFN: 61 TYPE: ROOTS III _MASTER: Y # Abbrev: History of the Vikings Title: A History of the Vikings # Abbrev: Hagen.GED Title: GEDCOM file imported on 26 Jul 1999. Author: Greg Hagen     Harold I (ca. 840-933), the first king of Norway, reigned from 860 to 930. He became the ideal for unification at the time of his great-grandson Olaf I Tryggvason. Harold Haarfarer ("Fairhair") was a catalyst in his day and place. On the death of his father, Halfdan the Black in 860, Harold succeeded to the sovereignty of several small and somewhat scattered kingdoms which had come into his father's hands through conquest and inheritance. After his father's accidental death by drowning, his mother's brother, Guthorm, held his father's enemies at bay. Harold was a man of legends. His mother, Ragnhild, perceived his rise to power from a thorn. The daughter of a neighboring king induced Harold to take a vow not to cut or comb his hair until he was the sole ruler of Norway. Two years later he was justified in trimming it, and henceforth he was known as "Fairhair" rather than "Shockhead." From his ancestral lands in southeast Norway, Harold began in 866 a series of conquests over the many petty kingdoms which Norway then comprised. A smashing victory in 872 at Hafrisfjord near Stavanger made him king of the entire country. That battle was one of the most decisive battles in medieval Scandinavian history. There Harold met enemies from Iceland, the Orkneys, Shetlands, Hebrides, and Faeroes and from Scotland who were aided by malcontents who opposed Harold's land taxes. As Snorri Sturluson pointed out, Hafrisfjord did not make it possible for Harold to trim his hair with royal ease. Norway was not accustomed to one-man rule. When Harold gained power, he appropriated hereditary estates, and all farmers were taxed. He appointed a jarl in each shire (fylki) to administer law and justice and to collect fines, one-third reserved for the Crown. Actually Harold's policies in some ways added to the power of the jarls. Landlords who supported him held their hereditary rights, and he used assemblies of the strong to confirm his position and his authority. Thus the power of the assembled congregations was enhanced. Wealthy in his own right, Harold adopted measures to strengthen coastal defenses by increasing ship service. During his reign the Scottish islands came under Norwegian rule. The latter part of Harold's reign was troubled by strife among his sons, who numbered between 16 and 20. One, Haakon the Good, was fostered in England under Athelstan. To all Harold assigned titles, lands, and rights of governing in designated areas. Toward the end of his life, he bestowed supreme authority upon a child of his old age, Erik "Bloody Axe." Harold was the greatest Viking warrior chief of the 9th century. He controlled trade and collected gifts from traders. He confiscated estates but recognized the rights of legislative assemblies. He withdrew support from the Vikings in Northumbria, England, and was the only heathen able to claim kingship of all Norway. Under him the old Viking civilization of the 9th century reached a climax. His ideal for a united Norway became imperishable. MorTil Ingebjørg ~0895 - ? Hugo “den Store” Capet ? - 0946 Edhilda ? - 0923 Robert I av Frankrike 0880 - 0931 Beatrice de Vermandois 51 51 0986 - 1034 Constance de Provence 48 48 1009 - 1079 Countess Adélaide de Contenance 70 70 ~1028 - 1113 Gertrud Billung av Saksen 85 85 1018 - 1076 Svend II Ulvssenn Estridsen 58 58 0998 - 1027 Ulf Torgilsen 29 29 0996 - ? Estrid Margrethe 0963 - 1014 Sweyn I Forkbeard 51 51 ~0950 - 1014 Sigrid Storråde 64 64 ~0910 - >0969 Skoglar- Toste 59 59 Jarl Ulvsen Torgaut Fagerskinna     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). Torgunna Vagnsdtr     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). D. 1062 Jarl Ulv? Galiciefarer     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). D. 1062 Bothild Håkonsd Håkonsdtr 0996 - 1030 Jarl Eriksen Håkon 34 34     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). Gunnhild Briaczeslavsdtr     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). 0963 - 1023 Jarl Erik Håkonsen Lade 60 60     Ruled Norway from 970 - 995 with his uncle Harald Blietooth.     Description: murder by the hand of a peasant named Kark. Gyda Svensdtr Danmark   Konge Svein I. ("Forkbeard") Haraldsen Tjugeskjegg Danmark [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 before 985 in Denmark. He died 4 on 2 Feb 1014 in England. He was buried 5 in Roeskild Cathedral, Denmark. He married 6 Dronning Gunhild ? about 995.   1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     3Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501).     4Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501). D. 0995 Håkan Sigurdsen den mektige     1Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans (SEZ), Ahnentafel of Karen Kristine Fredriksdtr Nuland (73501), Signe Elisabeth Zijdemans, Åsnes 4400 Flekkefjord.     Sent to Ken Larson in an Email on 15 Mar 2002. Source noted as from the Flekkefjord History group.     2Rupert Alen, Anne Marie Dahlquist, Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders and Kiev, King River Publications, p.14, LOC # 96-80004. 0845 - 0892 Ragnvald Mørejarl 47 47 Ble norsk høvding i år 900 over Mørefylkene. Hild Rolvsdtr Rolv Nerja Øystein Glumra  Name: Ragnvald Mørejarl    Born: ABT 845          at: Norway   Married:                  at:       Died: ABT 892          at: Norway   Spouses: Hild Rolvsdtr   NOTES     Name: Sigurd Øysteinsson    Born: ABT 847          at: Norway   Married:                  at:       Died:                  at:    Halvard Skjalgs D. 1350 Ølversdatter Rømer 1300 - 1350 Ølver Rømer 50 50 0820 - 0860 Halfdan Gudrødssen 40 40 Halfdan was a year old when his father was killed, and his mother Aase set off immediately with him westwards to Agder, and set herself there in the kingdom which her father Harald had possessed. Halfdan grew up there, and soon became stout and strong; and, by reason of his black hair, was called Halfdan the Black. About 800 ad. Norwegian, local king, according to the sagas son of Gudrrd Veidekonge (traveling king), who was of the Ynglinge-clan. Halfdan inherited the northern part of Vestfold and conquered Opplandene and Viken (inner part of Oslofjord). Drowned after falling through the ice in the Lake Randsfjorden. Halfdan was the father of Harald Fair-hair. The story about Halfdan is historically uncertain. The encyclopedia "Kunnskapsforlaget" estimates that Halfdan must have drowned before 850. This does not match their own record on his son, Harald, who they estimate to have been born around 865. The battle of Hafrsfjord supposedly took place about 872, according to the celebration and the monument by Hafrsfjord. Harald must then have been an adult, so he was probably born before 850. Halfdan the Black got a wife called Ragnhild, a daughter of Sigurd Hjort, a strong and handsome King in Ringerike and his wife Thorney, who was a daughter of a king in Jutland.. They had a son, to whom Harald gave his own name; and the boy was brought up in Sogn, by his mother's father, King Harald. Now when this Harald had lived out his days nearly, and was becoming weak, having no son, he gave his dominions to his daughter's son Harald, and gave him his title of king; and he died soon after. The same winter his daughter Ragnhild died; and the following spring the young Harald fell sick and died at ten years of age. As soon as Halfdan the Black heard of his son's death, he took the road northwards to Sogn with a great force, and was well received. He claimed the heritage and dominion after his son; and no opposition being made, he took the whole kingdom. Sigurd Hjort was the name of a king in Ringerike, who was stouter and stronger than any other man, and his equal could not be seen for a handsome appearance. His father was Helge Hvasse (the Sharp); and his mother was Aslaug, a daughter of Sigurd the worm-eyed, who again was a son of Ragnar Lodbrok. It is told of Sigurd that when he was only twelve years old he killed in single combat the berserk Hildebrand, and eleven others of his comrades; and many are the deeds of manhood told of him in a long saga about his feats. Sigurd had two children, one of whom was a daughter, called Ragnhild, then twenty years of age, and an excellent brisk girl. Her brother Guthorm was a youth. It is related in regard to Sigurd's death that he had a custom of riding out quite alone in the uninhabited forest to hunt the wild beasts that are hurtful to man, and he was always very eager at this sport. One day he rode out into the forest as usual, and when he had ridden a long way he came out at a piece of cleared land near to Hadeland. There the berserk Hake came against him with thirty men, and they fought. Sigurd Hjort fell there, after killing twelve of Hake's men; and Hake himself lost one hand, and had three other wounds. Then Hake and his men rode to Sigurd's house, where they took his daughter Ragnhild and her brother Guthorm, and carried them, with much property and valuable articles, home to Hadeland, where Hake had many great farms. He ordered a feast to be prepared, intending to hold his wedding with Ragnhild; but the time passed on account of his wounds, which healed slowly; and the berserk Hake of Hadeland had to keep his bed, on account of his wounds, all the autumn and beginning of winter. Now King Halfdan was in Hedemark at the Yule entertainments when he heard this news; and one morning early, when the king was dressed, he called to him Harek Gand, and told him to go over to Hadeland, and bring him Ragnhild, Sigurd Hjort's daughter. Harek got ready with a hundred men, and made his journey so that they came over the lake to Hake's house in the grey of the morning, and beset all the doors and stairs of the places where the house-servants slept. Then they broke into the sleeping-room where Hake slept, took Ragnhild, with her brother Guthorm, and all the goods that were there, and set fire to the house-servants' place, and burnt all the people in it. Then they covered over a magnificent wagon, placed Ragnhild and Guthorm in it, and drove down upon the ice. Hake got up and went after them a while; but when he came to the ice on the lake, he turned his sword-hilt to the ground and let himself fall upon the point, so that the sword went through him. He was buried under a mound on the banks of the lake. When King Halfdan, who was very quick of sight, saw the party returning over the frozen lake, and with a covered wagon, he knew that their errand was accomplished according to his desire. Thereupon he ordered the tables to be set out, and sent people all round in the neighborhood to invite plenty of guests; and the same day there was a good feast which was also Halfdan's marriage-feast with Ragnhild, who became a great queen. King Halfdan was a wise man, a man of truth and uprightness -- who made laws, observed them himself, and obliged others to observe them. And that violence should not come in place of the laws, he himself fixed the number of criminal acts in law, and the compensations, mulcts, or penalties, for each case, according to every one's birth and dignity (1). Queen Ragnhild gave birth to a son, and water was poured over him, and the name of Harald given him, and he soon grew stout and remarkably handsome. As he grew up he became very expert at all feats, and showed also a good understanding. He was much beloved by his mother, but less so by his father. Halfdan the Black was driving from a feast in Hadeland during the great thaw in the spring of about 860, and it so happened that his road lay over the lake called Rand. It was in spring, and there was a great thaw. They drove across the bight called Rykinsvik (Randsfjord), where in winter there had been a pond broken in the ice for cattle to drink at, and where the dung had fallen upon the ice the thaw had eaten it into holes. Now as the king drove over it the ice broke, and King Halfdan and many with him perished. He was then forty years old. He had been one of the most fortunate kings in respect of good seasons. The people thought so much of him, that when his death was known and his body was floated to Ringerike to bury it there, the people of most consequence from Raumarike, Vestfold, and Hedemark came to meet it. All desired to take the body with them to bury it in their own district, and they thought that those who got it would have good crops to expect. At last it was agreed to divide the body into four parts. The head was laid in a mound at Stein in Ringerike, and each of the others took his part home and laid it in a mound; and these have since been called Halfdan's Mounds. (Note: It is believed that Halfdan’s half-brother, Olav Gierstad Alv, is the Viking King who was buried in his ship at Godstad. This ship was excavated in 1890 and can be seen at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo.) Halfdan Svarte was King of Norway from 839-860 when he died. In the 800's the bloody conflicts between tribal kingdoms, as well as a craving for adventure, prompted Norwegians to leave their lands in what are known as Viking voyages. Warriors from the Viks, or fjords, raided throughout western Europe and into the Mediterranean. Another version: Halfdan Svarte married Ragnhild whose father was Sigurt Hjort. Sigurd Hjort was a king in Ringerike. He was bigger and stronger than any man. He was also more handsome than most others. His father was Helge the bright, and his mother, Cslaug, daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-eye, son of Ragnar Lodbrok. They say that when he was 12 years old, he singlehandedly killed Hildebrand Berserk and 11 men of the same kind. He performed many other manly deeds, and the story of him is long. He had two children: the daughter, Ragnhild, an extraordinarily beautiful woman, she was in her twenties at the time, and her brother, Guttorm, was in his teens. About how Sigurd Died , this is said; He rode alone into the wild forest as he used to, chasing large and dangerous animals, something he liked to do and did often. When he had ridden far, he reached a clearing some place near Hadeland, and Hake Berserk came towards him with 30 men. They fought, and there fell Sigurd Hjort and 12 of Hake's men. And Hake himself lost an arm and had three other wounds. Afterwards he rode to Sigurd's farm and took Ragnhild, his daughter, and Guttorm, her brother, away and looted a lot of gold and silver and many expensive things and took them home to Hadeland, where he had large farms. Then he threw a party and wanted to marry Ragnhild, but it was put off, as his wounds got worse. Hake Haldingberserk's wounds kept him in bed the whole fall and the first part of winter.  Source: Ragnhild Sigurdsdtr Hjort 0775 - 0821 Gudrød 46 46 0810 - 0840 Åsa Haraldsdtr 30 30 Gudrod was King of Vestfold and Romerike until he was killed in 821. When his first wife Alvhilde died , Gudrrd sent his men westward to Agder to the King who ruled there. His name was Harald Granraude (red beard). They were to ask for Harald's daughter, Aase to marry Gudrrd. But Harald refused. The representatives came back and told the king what had happened. After a while king Gudrrd launched his ships, and with a big fleet he sailed out west to Agder. He came totally unexpected upon them, landed his ships and came to Harald's place at night. When Harald noticed that an army was attacking him, he went out with all the people he had, and there was a fight. But Harald's men were outnumbered. Harald and his son, Gyrd, Died . King Gudrrd took a large amount of loot, brought Aase, king Harald's daughter, home, and married her. They had a son named Halvdan. The fall when Halvdan was about a year old, King Gudrrd went on a party-tour. His ships were in Stivlesund. There was a lot to drink there, and the king got loaded. In the evening, when it got dark, he wanted to go ashore. But when he came up on the gangway, a man ran up to him and ran a spear through the king, wounding him fatally. This man was killed immediately. In the morning, when there again was enough light, he was recognized as queen Aase's footman. In no way did she try to conceal that this was her idea. Aase ruled as Queen and is believed to have been buried in Oseberg Viking ship, excavated in 1904 and now is on exhibit in the Viking Ship Museum on Bygdoy in Oslo. Harald of Agder Halfdan         King of Vestfold about 780. He was also called the "Bad Entertainer" as he did not feed his men well. He married Liv, daughter of King Dag of Vestmare and lived at the Holte farm. He became ill and died in his bed. They had at least two sons; Oystein and Gudrod. 26 Gudrod "the Noble King" or "the Hunter" or "the Magnificent" Halvdansen  Liv Dagsdtr Eystein Halfdanssen House of Yngling  0710 - 0789 Hild Eiriksstr 79 79 D. 0740 Halfdan Olavsen Hvitbeinn Halfdan was brought up by his uncle Solve, the brother of Halfdan’s mother. Some of the Swedes decided it had been unfair to blame Halfdan’s father for the famine, and the real cause was overpopulation, so they sent a force against Solve, killed him, and brought Halfdan back as a prisoner. Halfdan was made a chieftain and later became a great king in Vestfold. He married Aase, daughter of Eystein the Severe, King of Hedmark and Upland. Halfdan died in his bed as an old man in 740.  Aase Eysteinsddtr Stefan Svina Astrid Unasdtr 1115 - 1179 Erling Skakke Ormssen 64 64  was a Norwegian strongman and earl during the 12th century. He earned his name crusading with the Earl of Orkney in the Mediterranean from 1152 to 1155. Erling first sailed for the Holy Land, then Constantinople, and lastly visited Rome. During a battle with Arab warriors on Sicily a sword-wielding Arab cut Erling in the neck. This caused him from then on to tilt his head to one side ("skakke" means slanted). He was married to Kristina, the daughter of Sigurd Jorsalfar and they had a son, Magnus Erlingsson, whom he managed to have elected king of Norway in 1161 and crowned in 1163, at the age of seven. When Sverre Sigurdsson became the leader of the Birkebeiner, Erling's position was compromised, and he fell at the battle of Kalvskinnet outside Nidaros in 1179. King Sverre honoured his fallen opponent by giving a speech at his funeral in the church. Erling was a talented man, but he was not known for noble qualities. He was ruthless, especially when it concerned his own position and that of his son. In 1164, he founded Halsnøy Abbey, a monastery of Augustinian Canons, at Halsnøy on the Hardangerfjord. Kristina Sigurdsdtr 1080 - 1142 Kyrpinga- Orm Sveinssen 62 62 Ragnhild Sveinkesdtr Svein Sveinssen Ragna Ormsdtr 0985 - 1055 Orm Eilivssen More 70 70 1030 - 1100 Sigrid Finnsdtr 70 70 1005 - 1062 Finn Arnessen Giske 57 57 Bergljot Halfdansdtr Halfdan Sigurdssen 0960 - 1018 Sigurd Halfdanssen 58 58 0965 - 1020 Åsta Gudbrandsdtr 55 55 m. (1): King Sigurd "Syr' Halfdansson of Norway about 996 in Norway m.  (2): Harald "The Greenlander" Grenske  Children:     * King Harald III Hardråde Sigurdsson of Norway+     * Ingerid Sigurdsdatter+     * Gunnhild Sigurdsdatter     * Halfdan Sigurdsson+ Gudbrand Olafssen Ulfhild Halvdan Sigurdssen 0912 - 0937 Sigurd Haraldssen 25 25 Snefrid Svåsesdtr 0960 Eiliv Ljotssen Møre Ragnhild Håkonsd Lade 0937 - 0995 Hakon Ladejarl Sigurdssen 58 58 0950 - 0990 Tora Skagesdtr av Møre 40 40 Children:     * Bergljot Håkonsdatter+     * Ivar Hvite Håkonsson+     * Ragnhild Håkonsdatter+ Skage Skoftessen 0881 - 0962 Sigurd Ladejarl Håkonssen 81 81 Bergljot Toresdtr Gyda Eriksdtr Thorir Ragnvaldssen 0881 Ålov Årbot Haraldsdtr Arne Arnmodssen Giske Tora Torsteinsdtr Galge 0945 - 0986 Arnmod Arnvidssen 41 41 Thorarin Finvidssen Finnvid Fundinn 1090 - 1130 Sigurd I Magnussen 40 40 m.  (1): Cecilia m.  (2): Malmfrid Mstislavsdatter of Kiev about 1125 m. (3): Borghild Olavsdatter about 1104 Malmfred 1075 - 1130 Margareta Fredkulla Ingesdtr 55 55 m.  (1): King Magnus III Barføt "the Bareleg" Olavsson of Norway in 1101 m. (2): King Niels I of Denmark in 1105 Ljot Bleik Maere Unås Kammaker Gunnild Asgautsdtr Kongsmor Asgaut Gudmundsen Sylte Children: 1. Kong Sverre I av Norge. Født omkring 1151. Død 09.03.1202 i Bergen. 2. Astrid Unåsdatter 0900 - 0973 Herman l Billung of Saxony 73 73 Hermann's parents are unknown. Hermann is generally counted as the first Billung Duke of Saxony, but his exact position is unclear. King Otto I appointed Hermann margrave in 936, granting him a march north of the Elbe between the Limes Saxoniae and Peene Rivers. Having more autonomy than his contemporary margrave Gero, Hermann exacted tribute from the Polabian Slavs inhabiting the March of the Billungs. He often fought against the West Slavic tribes of the Redarians, Abotrites, and Wagrians. By 953 Otto I, who was also Duke of Saxony, began entrusting more and more of his authority in Saxony to Hermann during his absences. However, Hermann was never named as duke in royal documents. Instead, he is named as a military leader, count, and margrave. His son Bernard inherited and strengthened his father's position and managed to be recognized as duke. Hermann had property around Lüneburg and founded the monastery of St. Michael in that city. He died in Quedlinburg. 1076 - 1132 Mstislav I Vladimirovich 55 55 Christine m. 1095 Children:    1. Ingebora of Kiev, married Canute Lavard of Jutland, and was mother to Valdemar I of Denmark    2. Malmfrid, married (1) Sigurd I of Norway; (2) Eric II of Denmark    3. Eupraxia, married Alexius Comnenus, son of John II Comnenus    4. Vsevolod of Novgorod and Pskov    5. Maria, married Vsevolod II of Kiev    6. Iziaslav II of Kiev    7. Rostislav of Kiev    8. Sviatopolk of Pskov    9. Rogneda, married Yaroslav of Volinya   10. Xenia, married Briachislav of Izyaslawl 1053 - 1125 Vladimir II Monomakh 72 72 Gytha of Wessex Children:     * Mstislav I of Kiev (1 June 1076 - 14 April 1172).     * Izyaslav Vladimirovich, Prince of Kursk (c. 1077 - 6 September 1096).     * Svyatoslav Vladimirovich, Prince of Smolensk and Pereyaslav (c. 1080 - 16 March 1114).     * Yaropolk II of Kiev (1082 - 18 February 1139).     * Viacheslav I of Kiev (1083 - 2 February 1154). 1030 - 1093 Vsevolod I of Kiev 63 63 D. 1067 Anastasia of Byzantium 0978 - 1054 Yaroslav I 76 76 1001 - 1049 Ingegerd Anna Olofsdtr 48 48 Olof Skötkonung Estrid of the Obotrites 1000 - 1055 Constantine IX Monomachos 55 55 Constantine Monomachos was married three times:    1. to a wife of unknown identity.    2. to Helena Sklerina, daughter of Basil Sklerus and niece of Emperor Romanus III    3. to the Empress Zoe After the death of his second wife, Constantine also took her niece Maria Skleraine as his mistress. He had no children with his first wife or with the aging Zoe. With either Helena or Maria Sklerina he had a daughter named Anastasia, who married Vsevolod I of Kiev in 1046. ? D. 1100 Inge l Helena Children: 1.Kristina, married Grand Duke Mstislav I of Kiev[2], and ancestress of several Kievan and Novgorod princes.[citation needed] 2. Ragnvald, who died before his father and who was the father of Ingrid who first was married to the Danish prince Eric Skatelar and later to the Norwegian king Harald Gille[2]. She was the mother of pretender (and alleged murderer) Magnus Henriksson[citation needed] 3. Margareta Fredkulla, married (1) Magnus Barefoot king of Norway, and later to king Niels of Denmark[2]; through her second marriage, she was the mother of King Magnus the Strong of Västergötland and claimant of Denmark[citation needed] 4. Katarina, married a Danish "Son of King", Björn Ironside Haraldsson[2] with whom she had a daughter Christina Bjornsdatter who married the future Eric IX of Sweden.[ 1022 - 1066 Harold ll Godwinsen 44 44 1025 - 1086 Ealdgyth 61 61 mistress or common law wife of King Harold ll 1001 - 1053 Godwin 52 52 Gytha Thorkelsdtr Children:    1. Sweyn Godwinson, Earl of Herefordshire, (c. 1023-1052). At some point he declared himself an illegitimate son of Canute the Great but this is considered to be a false claim.    2. Harold II of England, (c. 1022-October 14, 1066)    3. Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumbria (c. 1026-September 25, 1066)    4. Edith of Wessex, (c. 1030-December 19, 1075), queen consort of Edward the Confessor    5. Gyrth Godwinson, (c. 1030-October 14, 1066)    6. Gunhilda of Wessex, a nun (c. 1035-1080)    7. Ælfgifu of Wessex, (c. 1035)    8. Leofwine Godwinson, Earl of Kent (c. 1035-October 14, 1066)    9. Wulfnoth Godwinson, (c. 1040)   10. Marigard of Wessex, (February 6, 1033 - August 6, 1083) Torkel Styrbjörnssen Styrbjörn Starke The Strong 0970 - 0975 Olof ll Björnsson 5 5 Tyra Harold l Bluetooth Sigurt Hjort Helge Cslaug Sigurd Snake- in-eye Ragnar Lodbrok Dag of Vestmare Eirik Agnarsen Eystein Olaf Ingjaldsen King in Sweden from 623 to 640. After his father’s death, Olaf fled to Vermland. He was married to Solveig, a daughter of Halfdan Guldtand. When famine came to the land, the people burned Olaf’s house with him in it as a sacrifice to appease the gods.  Solveig Gultandsdtr Halfdan Guldtand Ingjald Omundsen Illraade Gauchild King in Sweden from 565 to 623. Ingjald was fed the roasted heart of a wolf when he was a young boy and from that time forward he was a ferocious person. On one occasion, Ingjald prepared a great feast to which he invited many of the important leaders in Sweden. Among others, six kings were present. When the guests became adequately drunk, Ingjald and his cohorts set fire to the house, burning all those inside. This strategy was used several times by Ingjald - the last time when he found himself facing defeat - and rather than face his enemies, he and all his party became dead drunk, set the hall on fire, consuming all within. His wife was Gauchild.  Onund Braut Yngvarsen King in Svitjod from 545 to 565. Onund was one of the most popular kings. He built roads, hence his name, cleared land and brought it into cultivation. As Onund was passing through a deep, narrow, valley following heavy rains, he and many of his party were buried by a landslide.  Yngvar Eysteinsen King in Sweden from 531 until 545, when he fell in a battle with men from the Baltic lands.  Eystein Adilsen D. 0505 Adils Ottarsen Adils was King in Svitjod from 460 to 505. A very rich king who went on many Viking expeditions during his long reign. On one expedition Adils and his men plundered a King’s house on the coast of Holstein and took a large herd of cattle as well as all of the people tending the herd, among them an especially attractive girl called Yrsa. She became the wife of Adils. As a result of an accident, Adils was killed in 505. His horse stumbled, fell, and threw Adils so that his head struck a stone, crushing his skull.  Yrsa Helgesdtr D. 0460 Ottar Egilsen Vendelcrow Ottar was King in Svitjod until he died in 460. After many encounters between Ottar of Svitjod and Frode of Denmark, Ottar was at last killed and his body left for the ravens and wild animals to consume. D. 0456 Egil Aunesen Aun Jaarunsen King of Sweden until 380 AD. Aun was not a warrior, but stayed "quietly at home". Several times he fled from attackers, always returning. In return for a long life, Aun sacrificed nine of his sons. At last the people of Sweden refused to let him sacrifice the tenth son. Aun died without pain at a very old age.  D. 0312 Jorund Yngvesen Jorund was King in Uppsala, Sweden from 302 until he was hanged in 312 AD. He went on many expeditions, which suddenly ended when he was captured and hanged in 312. D. 0306 Yngve Alrikssen King in Svitjod from 280 until killed by his brother in the year 306 AD. King Alf was very jealous of his brother Yngve. Alf’s wife taunted him by making flattering remarks about Yngve, and preferred the company of her brother-in-law to that of her husband. One night after a drinking bout where the guests were so drunk they did not see the King enter the room, he went to the high seat where his wife sat with Yngve. Alf stabbed Yngve to death, but not before Alf returned the favor and both fell dead.  0240 - 0280 Alrik Agnesen 40 40 Dageid Dagsdtr Agne Dagssen Agne was King from 220 to 260. Agne took an army to Finland where he defeated the chieftain Froste and took his daughter Skjalv and her brother Loge. He married Skjalv and prepared a great burial feast in honor of her father, Froste. Agne now was in possession of the gold ornament which Visbur had refused to return to his first wife. It was securely tied about Agne’s neck, when he fell in a drunken stupor after a great drinking bout at the burial feast. Skjalv, his wife, fastened a noose under the ornament while Agne slept, and with the help of her men threw the rope over a branch of the tree above and hanged Agne.  Skjalv Froste Dag Dygvesen Dag was King from 190 to 220. The Saga tells that Dag had a special gift and could communicate with the birds. He had a sparrow which he would send to other countries to gather information for him. On one of the sparrow’s visits to another country, a peasant killed the sparrow. When Dag heard about this he took a great plundering expedition to avenge the bird’s death. After plundering, raiding and killing many people, Dag was returning to his ship when a workman in the field threw a hay fork into the troop, striking the king in the head, killing him.  D. 0190 Dygve Domarsen Dygve was King of Sweden from 162 until he died in his bed in 190. D. 0162 Domar Donaldesen Domar was King of Sweden from 130 AD until his death in 162. Domar had a long and peaceful reign. He was married to Drott, daughter of King Danp and sister of King Dan Mikkillati, after whom Denmark was named.  Drott Danpsd Danp D. 0130 Domalde Visbursen Domalde was a Swedish King who died in 130 AD. During his reign, Sweden was ravaged by famine. No amount of sacrifice would appease the gods, so at last it was decided to offer the King as a human sacrifice. This was done and the country then had good crops and people lived in peace. D. 0130 Visbur Vanlandesen Visbur was a Swedish King who was killed by his sons from his first wife. After Visbur sent away his first wife and two sons in order to take another wife, the first wife sent the two sons back to Visbur to ask him to return their mother’s dowry - three large farms and a gold ornament. Visbur refused to return anything to them. During the night they gathered a group of men and went to Visbur’s house where they burned the house with Visbur in it. Driva Snesdtr Snow the Old Vinlande Svegdesen Vinlande was a Swedish king who married Driva, daughter of Snow the Old from Finland, where he spent one winter. Vinlande left Finland in the spring, promising to return within three years. When he had not returned after ten years, Driva sent the son she had by Vinlande to his father in Sweden and sought the help of a witch to either kill Vinlande or force him to return to Finland. During a nightmare, Vinlande was trampled to death by "Mara" (the nightmare or female ghost).  Aude 0001 - 0034 Svegde Fjalnesen 33 33 Svegde was the King of Svitjod as well as a place in Russia where he got his wife Vana. The Saga tells of his strange demise, also in a state of drunkenness like his father. One night when Svegde and his men had been drinking excessively and were about to retire for the night, Svegde looked out and saw a large stone with a dwarf sitting under it. He rushed to the stone where the dwarf opened a door and urged Svedge to enter in order to that he could see Odin. Svegde went in and never came out. Vana 32BC - 0014 Fjalne Froysen While on a visit to Frode, the King of Denmark, a great feast was prepared in Fjalne’s honor for which the King invited many guests from throughout the country. A great vat had been made in the floor of the loft to accommodate the preparation of mead (a strong alcoholic liquor) in the vat. Fjalne and his part had rooms on the level of the loft above the vat of mead. During the night Fjalne felt "nature’s call" and left his room to relieve himself. The saga states: "he was very sleepy and exceedingly drunk." On his return to his room he slipped from the gallery into the vat of mead and drowned.  65BC - 0010 Froy Ingvesen Yngve Frey - King of Svitjod, probably from Uppsala, Sweden, born about 65 B.C., and died about 10 A.D. Yngve was the son of Njorth. He was married to Gerd Gymnesdatter. Gerd Gymnesdtr Njorth The Family Line that goes back to the time of Viking Kings and 800 years before. . . . Some of the following information comes from "The Yngling Saga" of Heimskingla, The Saga of the Norse Kings, by Snorri Sturleson. Peder Jonsen Barstad Anne Jonsdtr Ørsland, Norway 1686 - 1742 Jon Pedersen Barstad 56 56 kaltes Elvestrøm i 1709 tiltalt "for leiermaal med sin hustru før deris brylupp, hand bad om moderation i bøderne for sin meget slette tilstands skyld, hvilcket og fougden considerede og derfore efftergav hannem bøderne for sig og sin hustrue Imod 2 Rd." - 1709 1693 - 1757 Siri Larsdtr Elvestrom 64 64 m. 1709 Barstad, Norway Children: 1. ANNA JONSDTR     b. About 1717      Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway     2. GURI JONSDTR b. About 1719      Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 3.           Unavailable     Pedigree 4. MALLENE JONSDTRb. About 1724      Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway 5. PEDAR JONSEN b. 1728 Peder Svensen Skåland 1655 - 1701 Lars Salvesen Ålgård 46 46 1650 - 1732 Guri Larsdtr Krone 82 82 m. Elvestrom Children: a. Astrid f. 1672 g.m.  b. Anne gift på Lindland c. Salve f. 1677  d. Siri g.m.  e. Lars f. 1693 bodde hos søsteren Astrid i 1711 f. Ingeborg f. 1696 g.m. Steinberg  1694 - 1764 Jon Bjornsen Ørsland 70 70 brukte 1 pnd 8 mk i 1755 1708 - 1784 Siri Navarsdtr Krone 76 76 m. Orsland Children: a. Inger f. 1728 g.m. Ola Ørsland b. Bernt f. 1729, ikke n. 1765 c. Anne f. 1731 gift på Ø. Barstad nr. 44 d. Bernt f. 1733 nr. 21 e. Jens f. 1736 f. Nathan f. 1738 Immerstein, husmenn nr. 15 g. Brynjel f. 1740 d. 1742 h. Guri f. 1743 tr. d. 1772 i. Brynjel f. 1743 tr., ikke n. 1765 i. Jon f. 1743 tr. Kirkebø, husmenn nr. 4 j. Ola f. 1746 k. Rakel f. 1749, ikke n. 1758 l. Tønnes f. 1749 d. 1765 1669 - 1747 Bjorn Jonsen Ørsland 78 78 hadde 4 barn hjemme i 1711, fikk skjøte på Portell fra sin far i 1700 Inger 1654 - 1738 Navar Brynjelsen Krone 84 84 kaltes Årrestad i 1693, Frøytlog i 1711 – 1725, Ørsland i 1738 1661 - 1738 Astrid Andersdtr Krone 77 77 Sven Pedersen Skåland Siri Jensdtr Hellesmark 1612 - 1675 Salve Torkelsen Ålgård 63 63 søskenbarn til nr. 11, hadde odel i Ålgård (3 pund i 1662), Mydland (9 mk i 1673) og Steinberg i Lund D. 1676 Anne Bjornsdtr Children: a. Sven var gift allerede i 1675 d. 1675 - 1676 kaltes Birkeland 1676, hans barn hadde 16 mk Smør i S. Ålgård i 1684 b. Peder c. Hoskuld f. 1648  d. Lars f. 1655 Elvestrøm  e. Torkel d. 1676 f. Siri g.m. Guddal  g. Inger f. 1658 gift på Aursland  h. Malene gift på S. Omdal  i. Inger gift på Steinberg, Lund Lars Ellefsen Krone Peder Svensen Skåland Jens Lauritzen Hellesmark Bodil Lauritzdtr D. 1645 Torkel Svensen Ålgård Known during the years between 1633-1645 D. 1651 Siri Toresdtr Ålgård see duplicate with other husband Salve Tormundsen Hamre Children: a. Salve f. 1612 nr. 6 Barn 2: b. Sven 1650 soldat 1671 – 1676 udyktig 1676 L. Rosseland nr. 11 ? Guri hadde i 1655 som enke etter Torkel i følge tingboka 2 små barn. Sven Pedersen Skåland Lauritz Knutsen Hellesmark Lauritz Lauritzen Bjerkreim Tore Rasmussen Algard 1632 - 1713 Jon Olsen Ørsland 81 81 Han må ha vært gift 2 ganger, da sønnen Bjørn, som er nevnt i 1700, ikke var nevnt i konens skifte i 1690. Gyda Larsdtr Brynjel Arrestad Karen Steffensdtr Arrestad Peder Svensen Skåland 1601 - 1671 Ola Pedersen Orsland 70 70 hadde odel i Ø. Eikeland, Heskestad, Halleland og Egeli, løste første bygsel på 1 spann smør i 1625. Signe Bjørnsdtr 1614 - 1673 Steffen Guilliksen Arrestad 59 59 Torborg Mikkelsdtr Anders Sven Pedersen Skåland Jensdtr Hellesmark Peder Pedersen Orsland Olsdtr Gullik Steffensen Arrestad 1563 - 1602 Peder Skåland 39 39 Jens Nilsen Royland, Norway Rasmus Toresen Ålgård Steffen Tjorvardsen Arrestad NN Tjorvard Arrestad Ola Orsland Jakob Olsen Barstad Ingeborg Taraldsdtr 1592 - 1670 Tarald Bessesen 78 78 Bodde på Hatleskog i 1657 – 1670, hadde odel ½ løp (hele) der, som han hadde fått gjennom konen. Han ble i 1657 dømt til å miste gården han hadde bygslet på Barstad da han ikke hadde betalt landskylden på 3 år. Han ble tildømt å kunne bruke sin del i Hatleskog, som han hadde odel i. Gunlag Tostensdtr Kvinesdal (Omland) 1628 - 1688 Salve Hoskuldsen Hamre 60 60 Children: a. Jon f. 1689 b. Salve f. 1691  c. Håvard f. 1700  1640 - 1680 Gitlaug? Østensdtr Konstali 40 40 Children: 1. Hoskuld Salvesen Hamre b.   1660 m. Barbro Olsdtr Elgjestraum d. 1746   -   2. Guri Salvesdtr Hamre b.  ABT 1660, m. Ommund Olsen Barstad  3. Gitlaug Salvesdtr Hamre b. ABT 1660 , m.  Lars Lauritzsen Gursli  m. (1) Håvar* TORJUSSON LINLAND 1694 - 1761 Jon Jakobsen Lindland 67 67 brukte 1 løp i 1755 Barbro Pedersdtr Children: a. Anne f. 1731  b. Åse f. 1734 d. 1795 c. Astrid f. 1740 fikk barn med Midtbø, husmenn nr. 8d, skal i følge formynderprotokollen ha vært gift etter det. d. Barbro f. 1743 gift på Stranden  e. Siri f. 1747 n. 1761 1664 - 1730 Jakob Sorensen Lindland 66 66 med kone og 2 barn i 1711, en av søstrene bodde også hos ham. 1632 Soren Tollaksen Lindland Barbro Pedersdtr Omdal 1588 - 1674 Tollak Ormsen Lindland 86 86 Bøtet i 1633 for han "slogs til Jens Årstad med en Korde". Han var stevnet i 1635 av Jens Ibsen for skyldig landskyld for 1633, men mente å kunne bevise at han hadde betalt. Hadde odel i Hovland, Egersund i 1674 Gro Sigbjornsdtr Children: a. Søren f. 1632 b. Alf nr. 16 c. Jakob Lauland  Fosterbarn : d. Bjørn 1584 - 1664 Peder Nilsen Omdal 80 80 Kaltes Støle i 1621, men skattet for Omdal, "leyde den Andell i Ombdall som Omund paaboede for penge viij dr." - 1621 oppgav i 1645 for Bertel Endresen Gunlaug Fredriksdtr 1604 - 1676 Jakob Bjornsen 72 72 gjestgiver, eide Bakke, 2 pund smør, i 1675  Anne Torgersdtr Bjorn Olsen NN 1662 - 1730 Lars Ellefsen Mydland 68 68 D. 1741 Gunlag Torsteinsdtr Children: a. Ellef  b. Barbro f. 1696 gift på Skåland, Lund c. Karen  d. Elli 1639 Ellef Larsen Mydland NN Children: a. Ellen 1675 g.m. I. Mydland  b. Lars f. 1662  c. Tollak f. 1664  1620 - 1673 Torstein Reiersen Mydland 53 53 Time, bror til Brambo  m. (2) Ellen Isaksdtr D. 1669 Helga Gjermundsdtr Children: a. Reidar b. Anne d.f 1769 uten livsarvinger c. Gunlaug  d. Marte d.f 1769 uten livsarvinger e. Barbro d.f 1769 uten livsarvinger 1608 - 1674 Lars Torgersen Mysse 66 66 hadde 2 pd odel i N. Mysse 1648 - 1669, 2 pd 18 mk i 1673, hadde 16 mk odel i Håland i 1668 - 1671 D. 1674 Gro Fredriksdtr Children: a. Torger f. 1634  b. Ellef f. 1639 Y. Mydland  c. Fredrik Mysse  Fredrik Navarsen Mysse skattet 10 daler i leilendingskatt i 1603. Eide 1617 3 pnd 1 hud sammen med sine medeiere, men kun 1 hud i 1624. Eide ½ løp 4 mk sammen med Navar i 1638 Bykslet Mydland i 1618 - 1623 NN Children: a. Navar f. 1606  b. Gro  Navar Bellestsen Mydland kalles Mysse i 1591 – 1599 Skattet som jordeier i 1563 for 3 vetter korn, som var halve landskylden hans. Han betalte med 1 ort. 1635 - 1668 Lars Ellefsen Krone 33 33 Lagrettemann i 1641. Bygslet Krone 10.12.1635, som da lå under Skjevrås. Han ble stevnet av Ole, Didrik, Jakob og Simon Skjevrås for dette bruket som han sådde 4 tønner korn på. Men det ble dømt at Lars skulle få bruke og beholde Krone som leilending, etter at Trond Tothammer hadde kastet ½ daler på bordet, reist seg opp, og sagt at i denne sak ville han ikke dømme (som lagrettemann) I en åseterettsak om Krone den 19. mai 1734, får vi mange interessante slektsopplysninger. Einar Stensen Sel vitnet at hans mor som døde i 1733 i sitt 90. år, var datter til Lars Ellefsen Krone. Ellef Andersen Åmodt vitnet at Rolf Sigbjørnsens første kones farfar var samme Lars Ellefsen, og at han (Lars Ellefsen) også var Ellef Andersens farfar. Jon Pedersen Barstad vitnet at hans svigermor Guri Larsdtr som døde i 1734, 83 år gammel, også var datter til Lars Ellefsen Krone. Videre får vi her vite at Lars Ellefsen bodde på Åmodt før han flyttet til Krone, og at han var den første som ryddet gården og oppførte hus her. NN 1845 Anton Marius Andreasen Brandsberg (Berg) m. Karoline Jensen and had nine children Children: 1. Johanne b.1876 2. Malmfrid b.1878 3. Lovise b.1880 4. Ludvig b. 1882 5.Andreas b. 1883 6. Martine b. 1886 7. Jenny b. 1888 8.Karoline b. 1891 9. Anton b. 1894. Christine Brandsberg 1761 - 1842 Salve Torchildsen Bakke 81 81 see duplicate record Marriage record shows hw came from Øksendal (Øxendahl) in Bakke (Bache) parish (sokn) Salve Barstad worked for a Danish King, one of the Fredricks in Copenhagen, as a leader of the "stall", which in Norwegian is the place where the horses are kept" He was the kings "stallkeeper". He then settled down and had three daughters, one of which was  married to "Bossen på Lauland", the "nice man at Bjedland" and the gravlen i kvivåg" Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Salve  worked for the king in , guarding his horses during a war, probably against Napoleon. He was there for 10 years. When the war was over and he needed to leave, the king gave him a nice saddle for good service.  This saddle burned with the rest of his farm many years later.The saddle was considered a huge loss along with the farm.  Salve was always well dressed going to church. Often he came in a uniform, and everybody respected him highly.  One time he was late for church. Afterwards outside, some guys wanted to hassle  him because he was well dressed.  Then he answered something like: "You don't take the words out of my mouth. I have been eating by the king  third board in 10 years. Then he left them.  Salve was considred to be was a nice resptable,nobleman in his small community.  1764 - 1854 Helene Omundsdtr Barstad 90 90 see duplicate record m. Feb.29, 1788 Ostre Barstad, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Sirdal bygdebok pg. 264 Children: a. Tønnes f. 1788  b. Anne Serine f. 1791 d. 1812 c. Anne Tolene f. 1794 d. 1812 (Anne Malene) d. Helene f. 1797 gift på Bjelland  e. Omund Andreas f. 1800 f. Marte Serine f. 1803 gift på Kvievåg g. Anne Elisabet f. 1806 gift på Lauland  Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Torkel Osmundsen Øksendal 1729 - 1806 Anna Pedersdtr Tonstad (Sirdal) 76 76 m. June 12, 1753 Ostre Tonstad Sirdal bygdebok pg. 264, pg. 554, volume lll Children: 1. Peder Torkelsen Oksendal b. June 23, 1754 2. Osmund Torkelsen Oksendal b. May 27, 1756 m. Dorothea Hansdtr Flekkefjord, then Rakel Borelsdtr, then Tora Larsdtr Nuland i Nes 3. Salve Torkelsen, see below 4. Siri Torkelsdtr b. Oct. 16, 1763, m. Eivind Pedersen y. Jendal i Bakke 5. Torjei Torkelsen Jodestol b. Sept. 29, 1766, m. Siri Johannesdtr Jodestol 6. Tora Torkelsdtr b. Apr., 1770 1710 - 1731 Peder Hansen Tonstad 21 21 from Ostre Tonstad, Sirdal bygdebok pg. 264 D. 1741 Tora Torjeisdtr Guddal (Seland) Sirdal bygdebok pg. 264 m. Oct. 22, 1724 Den Norske Kirke, Bakke, Vest-Agder, Norway Children: 1. Dorte Pedersdtr b. Feb. 23, 1727, m. 1. Sven Vermundsen, 2. Ole Torjussen Selend 2. Anna Pedersdtr, see below 3. Torbor Pedersdtr?, b. Mar 10, 1728 Sorce: Title: SIRDAL: Den Norske Kirke. 1724-1916 Author: Kirkebøker, 1724-1916 Den Norske kirke. Sirdal prestegjeld (Vest-Agder) Note: Norway, Vest-Agder, Sirdal - Church records Norway, Vest-Agder, Tonstad - Church records Norway, Vest-Agder, Øvre Sirdal - Church records Mikrofilm av mss. i statsarkivet i Kristiansand. Filmet sammen med Bakke prestegjeld og Lund prestegjeld i Rogaland flyke. Inneholder preste- og klokkerbøker fra sognene Tonstad og Øvre Sirdal (Lunde) i Sirdal prestegjeld. Ble utskilt fra Bakke prestegjeld i 1849. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contains priest and sexton records from the parishes Tonstad and Øvre Sirdal (Lunde) in Sirdal clerical district. They were separated from Bakke clerical district in 1849. Note: Original handwritten records. Can be transcription errors. Repository: Note: Salt Lake City : Filmet av the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1950, 1959, 1979, 1989, 1991 Media: Microfilm Page: Batch No. M425281 Osmund Anstensen Øksendal ll D. 1762 Siri Torkelsdtr Øksendal m. Dec. 26, 1726 Sirdal, Vest-Agder, Norway Children: 1. Torkel Omundsen Oksendal, see below 2. Torkel Osmundsen d.y.b. Nov. 29, 1739, I live 1760 3. Ansten Osmundsen b. Oct. 6, 1743. I live 1760 Sirdal bygdebok pg. 263 1657 - 1717 Torkel Trondsen Stulaug 60 60 Sirdal bygdebok pg. 263 Marta Evertsdtr Øksendal 1662 - 1728 Ansten Omundsen Øksendal 66 66 Siri Salvesdtr Fosdal 1618 - 1687 Osmund Anstensen Øksendal 69 69 1632 Asa Tollaksdtr Øksendal Children: 1. Ansten Osmundsen Oksendal, (later) 2. Ansten Osmundsen den yngre 32 ar i 1700 (younger than 32 in 1700?) 3. Gura Osmundsdtr 4. Anna Osmundsdtr Sirdal bygdebok pg. 262 Tollak Evertsdtr Øksendal 1570 - 1649 Ansten Olsen Ersdal 79 79 Sirdal bygdebok pg. 262 He nevnt Sirdal IV.263. Osmundsen Netland Olav Jerstad Evert Rolleivsen Øksendal 1530 - 1605 Rolleiv Tollaksen Øksendal 75 75 Tollak Rolleivsen Linland Salve Andersen Fosdal Gjoa Toresdtr Ersdal 1592 - 1664 Anders Atlaksen Eide (Hamre) 72 72 m. Kari Sigbjørnsdtr Eikeland   Gunvor Salvesdtr Hamre 1602 - 1682 Tore Nilsen Espetvedt 80 80 Tyra Karlsdtr Hove 1567 - 1620 Atlak Olsen Eide 53 53 Ole Torgersen Eidland Turid Andersdtr Eide Torger Svendsen Eidland Karine Taraldsdtr Andrs Marcussen Eide Markus Eide Markus Eide Salve Tormodsen Hamre Siri Torsdtr Ålgård D. 1709 Hans Pedersen Tonstad D. 1748 Anna Osmundsen Ovedal 1625 - 1708 Trond Torjeisen Stuhaug 83 83 1625 - 1712 Gitlaug Jonsdtr Sandsmark 87 87 1604 - 1669 Torjei Ommundsen Stuhaug 65 65 D. 1636 Ommund Eriksen Virak Asbjornsdtr Hove D. 1610 Asbjørn Karlsen Tjellesvik (Hove) Karl Ågot Tjellesvik 1592 - 1674 Jon Tollaksen Sandsmark 82 82 D. 1674 Todne Assersdtr Children:   Name: Gitlaug Jonsdatter Sandsmark,     Born: ABT 1625         at: Sandsmark ytre, Bakke vestre, Vest-Agder   Married: BEF 1649         at:       Died: 1712             at:    Spouses: Trond Torjeison Stuhaug,       Name: Ole Jonsen Sandsmark,     Born: ABT 1630         at: Sandsmark ytre, Bakke vestre, Vest-Agder   Married: ABT 1660         at:       Died: BET 1675 AND 1677at: Bakke, Bakke austre, Vest-Agder   Spouses: Gunvor Ellingsdatter Bakke,    1570 - 1658 Tollak Sigbjornsen Stordrange 88 88 Magle Jonsdtr D. 1570 Sigbjorn Torlaksen Drange D. 1547 Torlak Gunnarsen Drange D. 1547 Gunnar Asbjornsen Tengs 1440 - 1521 Asbjørn Leifsen Drange 81 81 Gunnbjornsdtr Tengs D. 1460 Leif Asbjørnsen Drange 1916 - 2005 Reidar Brandsberg 89 89 D. 1550 Torres Sveinsen Eidland Karin Eidland 1761 - 1842 Salve Torchildsen Bakke 81 81 see duplicate record Marriage record shows hw came from Øksendal (Øxendahl) in Bakke (Bache) parish (sokn) Salve Barstad worked for a Danish King, one of the Fredricks in Copenhagen, as a leader of the "stall", which in Norwegian is the place where the horses are kept" He was the kings "stallkeeper". He then settled down and had three daughters, one of which was  married to "Bossen på Lauland", the "nice man at Bjedland" and the gravlen i kvivåg" Ved Olav Heskestad September 1951 Salve  worked for the king in , guarding his horses during a war, probably against Napoleon. He was there for 10 years. When the war was over and he needed to leave, the king gave him a nice saddle for good service.  This saddle burned with the rest of his farm many years later.The saddle was considered a huge loss along with the farm.  Salve was always well dressed going to church. Often he came in a uniform, and everybody respected him highly.  One time he was late for church. Afterwards outside, some guys wanted to hassle  him because he was well dressed.  Then he answered something like: "You don't take the words out of my mouth. I have been eating by the king  third board in 10 years. Then he left them.  Salve was considred to be was a nice resptable,nobleman in his small community.  1835 - 1898 Lars Torssen Refsland 62 62 Sorve Tostensen Tekse Gunhild Jorgensdtr Tekse 1624 Omund Børildsen Surdal 1894 - 1960 Einar Disch 65 65 1834 - 1886 Guri Kristine Hansdtr Loyning 51 51 Children: 1. Hans 2. Gerhardine Jensen 1832 - 1860 Ane Larsdtr Fuglestad (Refsland) 28 28 Children: 1. Anton Laurits Refsland, b. May 21, 1860, d. 4-23-1871 Egersund, Norway Talette Oldstr Bilstad 1850 - 1899 Martha Maria Askildsdtr Refsland 49 49 Children: 1. Ludvig Magnus 2. Ingrid Gahre 1890 - 1953 Trygve Birger Teodorsen Eia 62 62 Lived at Tothemmer. 1893 - 1979 Bertha Olsdtr Roydland 86 86 1920 Olav Eia 1921 Betty Eia lived in Egersund 1921 Sara Eia 1926 Thordis Eia Married to a painter who ran a business in Flekkefjord 1929 Thormod Bjørn Eia 1932 Per Eia 1935 Steinar Robert Eia lived in Egersund, well known paino teacher 1937 Inger Marie Eia Trygva Eia 1888 Ola Teodorsen Eia He worked some years in the oil business in Texas, but Rockefeller and his gang smashed up the rig it was reported. He was in the US a number of times to work in the oil business.  His nose was broken and crooked after being hit by a piston. He worked some years in the oil business in Texas, but Rockefeller and his gang smashed up the rig he was working on,  it was reported. , Olaf went home and tried  going back to the USA, but failed because WWl broke out tin 1914. Instead he used the money he had saved to buy the farm, Rostad and settled there with Abigail.  They had six children. Claus Eia (deceased) - Born in 1915. He was the mining engineer in South Africa. Far to the Tor Eia, taken in November 36 that have been told little about his father. Claus was an adventurer. After he had a son out of wedlock and had held various jobs with varying success, he was with the help of Sun's mother and her family, the crew of a hvalbåt or was it a hvalkokeri. We drove to the Southern Ocean, and he was away, was known as home, raised again and jumped so on and stayed in South Africa where he eventually got a job in the gold mines (were it in Namibia or Rhodesia) and eventually took He trained as an engineer and eventually became head of a mining company. He held this position since they first met in 1959. When the Sun 23 years old and married with Reidun. They met him on a boat. Claus was also active in the war and was on several fronts. He was the driver of a tank or an armored vehicle and took Battle of El Alamein and Montgomery's raid on Rommel in North Africa. He was, and with and fought against Mussolini's people in Ethiopia and was also below the gangway in Salerno. Did he Bjarni and Uncle Andrew there?? Thorleif and Claus was even old and good friends. Claus mentioned in connection with Thorleif in a couple of letters. They exchanged letters apparently. Claus sounds like a very interesting character. One guy who did a lot of things and traveled widely around. Do you have to fill out more details about him had been a great Thor. Claus died?? Thorbjørn Eia - Born about 1916. Took over the farm after his father Olav Rostad. Married?? 5 children, all girls. Died in?? Berit Eia. Born about 1920. Was married to an admiral?? in Horten. He later took over the northern command of the navy. Odd Eia - Born about 1922/23. Worked as regional manager for Shell. Deliver continued. Living in Larvik. Bjarne Eia - Born about 1923/24. Was commander in the Navy and met Andrew during the war when he was severely wounded in a hospital in Naples. Gunnar Eia - Born about 1925/26. - Father to Harald Eia in NRK. Died in 2004 or 2005. His family is in the diary for Uncle Olaf. Abigail Klausdtr Mysing born Mysing on Helleland, near Eigersund ( Went to Rostad i Vale neat Holmestrand on the east coast of Norway) m. Dec 17, 1914 Klaus Olavsen Eia Claus was an adventurer. After he had a son, Tor out of wedlock and had held various jobs with varying success,. He traveled to South Africa where he eventually got a job in the gold mines (was it in Namibia or Rhodesia) and eventually trained as an engineer and eventually became head of a mining company. He held this position since 1959. Claus was also active in the war in Africa and fought  on several fronts. He was the driver of a tank or an armored vehicle and fought in the battle against El Alamein and Montgomery's raid on Rommel in North Africa. He fought against Mussolini's people in Ethiopia and was also in the battle for Salerno. Did he meet up with his uncle, Bjarni and Andrew Brandsberg there? Thorleif and Claus continued to be good friends and converse with each other. Claus was mentioned in connection with Thorleif in a couple of letters.  1916 Thorbjørn Olavsen Eia Took over the farm after his father Olav Rostad died. Had a bunch of girls. 1920 Berit Olavsdtr Eia 1922 Odd Olavsen Eia still alive in 2009 Born about 1922/23. Worked as regional manager for Shell. Deliver continued. Living in Larvik. 1923 - 2000 Bjarne Olavsen Eia 77 77 served as a marine during WW2 There is a Bjarne listed as part of the ship's crew in 1939 on the ship Tercero. Listed as being 16 Bjarne Eia (born 23 March 1923 in Våle, died 23 July 2000) was a Norwegian officer in the Navy and politician for the Conservative Party. Eia was from 1961 to 1973 deputy of Vestfold in Parliament. Eia participated in World War II and earned a number of war honors. In 1945 he was naval officer and served then as an officer and the chief of naval vessels. In the years 1956 to 1959 he worked in Ethiopia, where Norwegian expertise was engaged to build the country's navy. Eia was from 1962 to 1965 inspector of torpedo gun boats. He was educated in electronics, finance and law, and went in 1965 at the National Defence College. Eia served in the admiral's staff from 1969 to 1972 and was then in the Armed Forces High Command. Eia 1972 was promoted to commander. In 1977 he became defense attaché in London and Dublin, a post he held until 1980. He went to the Prime Minister's Office where he worked with emergency information. Eia finished his career as a county emergency manager of Vestfold from 1982 to 1990, when he retired. Eia was active in politics for the Conservative Party in local, county and national level. He was a member of Laksevåg municipal council in the years 1963 to 1965 and the Horten municipal council from 1967 to 1969. Eia was chairman of the Horten Right 1967 to 1969 and in the same period a member of the board of Vestfold Right. From 1967 to 1969 he was county representative in Vestfold. In the parliamentary period 1961 to 1965, 1965 to 1969 and 1969 to 1973, Eia deputy in Parliament for the county of Vestfold. 1925 - 2007 Gunnar Olavsen Eia 82 82 father of famous Norwegian comedian Harald Eia Ole Torkelsen Øksendal (Tonstad) 1634 - 1693 Pedar Karlsen Tonstad 59 59 Berte Tostensdtr Stordrange 1686 - 1735 Torjei Olsen Guddal (Seland) 49 49 parents confirmed by Sirdal bygdebok Volume lll, pg.554 Valborg Mauritsdtr Hompland 1698 - 1789 Karen Enoksdtr Evje 91 91 m. 1730 Ytre Evja, Sokndal, Norway Children: a. Knud f. 1731  b. Guri f. 1734 gift på Birkeland  c. Torborg f. 1741 gift på Nesvåg  d. Ellen f. 1743 g.1775.m. Jens Larsen Hetland, Helleland e. Enok f. 1748 I. Evje  D. 1758 Ellen Sigbjornsdtr m.  1694 Eli Sigbjornsdtr Children: a. Siri f. 1694 gift på L. Rosseland , Omund Amundsen Rosseland b. Sigbjørn f. 1697  c. Guri f. 1699 gift på I. Evje  d. Gjertrud, m. 1743 Amund Gunnersen Svinland, probate Nov. 21, 1766 1639 - 1711 Sigbjørn Torgersen Evje 72 72 brukte ½ pnd i 1668, kaltes Torbjørnsen i 1657, Torgrimsen i 1711 D. 1694 Halgjerd Skulesdtr Eia m. Ytre Evja, Norway Children: a. Ågot gift på I. Evje  b. Ellen gift med  Torger Jonsen Evje Jon Jakobsen Evje Children: a. ? Elling f. 1608  b. ? Torger nr. 3 1608 - 1668 Skule Borrildsen Eia 60 60  brukte 4 pnd 3 mk i 1668 I. Evje nr. 4d D. 1673 Ågot 1606 - 1652 Borild Larsen Evje 46 46 "På Evje bodde på samme tid som Børild Åvaldsen en annen Børild Evje, som var bror til Ogvald Evje" – Heskestad Ættesoge, side 533. Dette skriver seg fra en sak i 1732 hvor vitner sa at Børild og Ola Åvaldsønner makeskiftet, og at Ola flyttet til Tjørn og Åvald til Evje. Gjeitreim Children: a. Jon f. 1611  b. Åvald f. 1617  c. Mikkel d. Skule f. 1608 Eie  e. Mette eide 6 mrk i gården i 1667 - 1670 Enok Gitlesen Hastad Torborg Osmund Olsen Ovedal Tori Havardsstr Lindland (Lund) Tosten Olsen Stordrange Gjertrud Jensdtr 1604 Karl Einarsen Tonstad 1560 Einar Vermundsen Tonstad Hvard Torjussen Lindland Gitlaug Osteinsdtr Konstali D. 1678 Øystein Knutsen Konstali 1643 Ole Rolleivsen Regevik Inger Karlsdtr Virak 1612 - 1680 Rolleiv Åsulfsen Regevik (Skeie) 68 68 Rolleiv Åsulvsen is mentioned in Regevik during the years 1628-1648. His age in 1664 must have been at least 10 years too young. In 1661 or possibly some time earlier he took over his mother's inheritance in Skeie and moved there, bnr. 1-4-9. He owned half of Netland in Fjotland as late as in 1661, but prior to 1680 his descendants must have sold Netland to the tenant farmers there, for in the 1680's there arose an alodial property rights lawsuit on Netland where a multitude of Gunnleiv Kolbensen Josdals great-grandchild tried to retake Netland as their birthright (allodial ownership). Rolleiv arranged a division of the farm into 2 farms between his son Ole and daughter Siri which was married to Ånen Espeland from Bjerkreim. The next oldest son took over the farm at Skeie. [Sirdal gard og ætt, book 2, p. 405-406] ***** "In 1675 it states that Homstøl is owned of "Colben the Older and Colben the Younger" which must mean that there was 2 persons with the name Kolben here at the time. At least one of these was a great-grandchild to Gullik Kolbensen Josdal who in 1592 mortgaged Netland in Fjotland to Vermund Regevik in Sirdal. In 1682 and later there was a lawsuit on this, see book volume 1 of Fjotlandsboken, p. 120-122. One of the defendant descendants was Kolben Homstøl, mentioned without patronym." ...Fjotland Bygdebok, Homstøl. ***** Rolleiv lived at Regevik gard (number 37), "Der heima" bruk (number 11) and Skeie gard (number 24), "Slette" bruk (number 1-4-9). Inherited a half farm after his Grandfather. Sources: Rolleiv Åsulvson Regevig/Skeie Born: 1612 ? Reference: [Sirdal gard og ætt, bind 1, s.717. Bind2, s.405-406] *** Rolleiv Åsulvsen Regevik/Skeie, 52* years old in 1664 (*much too young!), married: 1) Adlaug Larsdatter Fintland, bnr. 1, daughter to Lars Ommundsen Fintland. Children: 1) Ole Rolleivsen Regevik, 20 years old in 1664, married (it is believed) with Inger Karlsdatter Virak from Bakke. Lived: Regevik, bnr. 11, "Der heima". 2) Halvard Rolleivsen Skeie, 12 years old in 1664, see later 3) Åsa Rolleivsdatter the eldest (den eldre), buried 20.4.1727, 90 years old, married to Peder Bjørnsen Osen, bnr. 2. 4) Siri Rolleivsdatter, married to Ånen Vedlesen Espeland from Bjerkreim. Lived: Regevik, bnr. 1. 5) Åsa Rolleivsdatter the younger (den yngre), married to Sigbjørn Tollaksen Rusdal in Lund. 6) Gunvor Rolleivsdatter, married to Ommund Tollaksen Rusdal in Lund. 7) Berte Rolleivsdatter, married to Bjørn Håversen Lunde, bnr. 6. 2) Todne Johannesdatter Children: 8) Åsulv Rolleivsen Mysing in Helleland, 36 years old in 1701, buried 3.7.1741, 79 years old. Lived first at Eikelandsdal in Heskestad. Married 2 times. His other wife was called Eli Jakobsdatter. Rolleiv Åsulvsen came here to Lunde about 1661-1662. He turned over the farm in Regevik to his eldest son Ole, while his son Halvard got Skeie. See more on Rolleiv under Regevik bnr. 11. [Sirdal gard og ætt, book 1, p.717] Adlaug Larsdtr Fintland Children:    1.  Åsa ROLLEIVSDTR. REGEVIK b: ABT 1637 in Regevik Gard, Sirdal, Vest-Agder, Norway    2. Gunvor ROLLEIVSDTR. REGEVIK b: ABT 1639 in Regevik, Sirdal, Norway    3.  Siri ROLLEIVSDTR. REGEVIK b: ABT 1639 in Regevik Gard, Sirdal, Vest-Agder, Norway    4. Ole* ROLLEIVSEN REGEVIK b: ABT 1643 in Regevik Gard, Sirdal, Vest-Agder, Norway    5.  Berte ROLLEIVSDTR. REGEVIK b: ABT 1645 1580 - 1664 Lars Ommundsen Fintland 84 84 Lived in Fintland Gard #36 Ommund Fintland Ommund Fintland died in Sirdal, Vest-Adger, Norway. Ommund lived at Fintland gard (Number 36), "Der nere" (The Near) bruk (number 1). Ommund was named in documents from 1599-1608. "Ommund was originally the sole tenant farmer at the farm. From 1604 his son was permitted to rent a part of Fintland, and from 1608 Hans Fintland was permitted to rent 1/2 hud (old land measurement). Thus it must be assumed that Hans Fintland was a son or son-in-law to Ommund. In 1609 Gunnar Halvardson Finsnes leased a part of the farm. He must then also be assumed to be Ommunds son-in-law. After Ommunds time there were thus 3 farms at Fintland. Regarding Ommund's ancestry little is known, but in a lawsuit from 1684 we learn that he was related to sheriff Asbjørn Karlsen Hove in Lund. It is also likely that Ommund was related to Maurits Fintland, for it was uncommon that people outside of the family could rent farms with tenant leases from the King. D. 1661 Karl Torjeisen Virak Mentioned in Liland (Formerly in Flekkefjord, now in Sirdal) 1640-1653 B. V, page 231. D. 1679 Joren Larsdtr Fintland Children:    1. Inger* KARLSDATTER VIRAK b: ABT 1646 in Virak Gard, Bakke, Flekkefjord, Vest-Agder, Norway    2.  Halvor KARLSEN VIRAK    3.Anne KARLSDATTER VIRAK    4. Berete KARLSDATTER VIRAK    5. Audløff KARLSDATTER VIRAK b: in Virak Gard, Bakke, Flekkefjord, Vest-Agder, Norway 1580 - 1661 Torjei Asbjørnsen Virak 81 81 Mentioned 1610-1635 B. V., page 231. ***** Believed to be related to Karl A. Hove from Lund, Sheriff. 1639 - 1718 Maurits Olsen Hompland 79 79 NN D. 1659 Ole Mauritsen Hompland (Maudal) Marta Oldsdtr Maurits Tolleivsen Osen (Maudal) 1550 - 1600 Tolleiv Kiddelsen Hompland 50 50 1510 - 1575 Kiddel Mauritsen Hompland 65 65 Ketil is not mentioned in the census of 1563, but in 1575 he is mentioned at Hompland. Two sons is known - Ljøde Ketilsen Espetveit and Tollef. Bjørn Ketilsen Osen may also be his son. " ...Thor S. Næsheim: Maudalsætten (Ætt og Heim 1965) Maurits Fintland Åsulv Vermundsen Regevik Jorun Rolleivsdtr Tveiten (Sirdal) Vermund Regevik Rolleiv Bjørnsen Tveiten (Sirdal) Birgit Såvesdtr Langeid 1510 - 1610 Bjørn Arnesen Nomeland (Lunde) 100 100 Bjørn Ådneson Lunde Reference: [Sirdal gard og ætt, Book 1. Page 659] Bjørn Ådnesen Lunde, mentioned 1563. He was brother to Torkel Ådnesen vestre Tonstad, bnr. 12. His parents were Ådne (Arne) Bjørnsen Nomeland in Valle in Setesdal, and Astrid Helgesdatter from Moland sub-parish in Fyresdal in Telemark. There is a further explanation prepared of these family relationships under vestre Tonstad, bnr. 12. Bjørn Ådnesen lived for some time at Tveiten in Valle. He came to Lunde before 1563. The wife's name is unknown, but it is not unreasonable to assume that it was through her ownership that he went to Lunde. It is uncertain how many children Bjørn Ådnesen Lunde had, but the following can probably be considered as certain: 1) Rolleiv Bjørnsen Tveiten in Sirdal, mentioned 1595-1602, died before 1603, married to Berit Salvesdatter Langeid from Bygland. See under Tveiten, farm unit number 1. 2) Tolleiv Bjørnsen Lunde, mentioned 1597-1606, died before 1610, married to Gunvor Gunnarsdatter from Viki from Valle in Setesdal. See later, bnr. 21. "Der oppe". 3) Torjei Bjørnsen Lunde, mentioned 1593-1603, died before 1606, married to Gjertrud Jørundsdatter Kvåle from Bygland in Setesdal. See later, bnr. 31, Der framme. 4) Tora Bjørnsdatter Nordland in Kolabygda in Forsand, married to a Gunnar, possibly identical to the Gunnar which lived at Skeie in 1563. We have very little information on Bjørn Ådnesen Lunde. Since 2 of their sons retained a half farm each is it natural to believe that Bjørn owned all of Lunde, and that thus the farm in his time was undivided. After Bjørns time there were 2 farms at Lunde. That alone would roughly be the same size as the farms "Der oppe" today, and possibly the other later called "Der nere", which is known today as the farm "Der framme". [Sirdal gard og ætt, Bind 1 s. 659] ***** Bjorn ADNESEN Sex: M Spouse: ANENSDATTER Marriage: Abt. 1541 Tveiten, Valle, , Norway Notater : Forsandboka I del I, Nordland 68.1. Sirdal I, Lunde 659.1 og Sirdal III, Tonstad 592. Nevnt 1563. Son til Ådne (Arne) Bjørnson Nomeland i Valle i Setesdal og kona Astri Helgesdtr. fra Moland sogn i Fyresdal i Telemark. Bjørn bodde en tid på Tveiten i Valle. Før 1563 var han kommet til Lunde. Konens navn er ukjent, men det er ikke usannsynlig at det var gjennom henne eiendomsretten til Lunde gikk. Det er usikkert hvor mange barn Bjørn hadde, men de som her er nevnt kan antagelig regnes som sikre. Det er meget sparsomme opplysninger man har om Bjørn Ådneson. Siden 2 av sønnene ble sittende med halve gården hver er det nærliggende å tro at Bjørn eide hele Lunde, og at gården således på hans tid var udelt. Born: a. Rolleiv (se denne) Bjørnson Tveiten i Sirdal, n. 1595-1602, død før 1603, g.m. Berit Salvesdtr. Langeid fra Bygland. b. Tolleiv Bjørnson Lunde, n.1597-1606, død før 1610. g.m. Gunvor Gunnarsdtr. fra Viki, Valle i Setesdal. c. Torjei (se denne) Bjørnson Lunde, n.1593-1603, død før 1606, g.m. Gjertrud Jørundsdtr Kvåle, Bygland i Setesdal. d. Tora Bjørnsdtr. (se denne) Nordland i Kolabygda i Forsand, g.m. en Gunnar, muligens identisk med den Gunnar som bodde på Skeie i 1563. Knutsdtr Uppstad 1480 - 1570 Arne Bjørnsen Nomeland 90 90 Reference: [Sirdal gard og ætt, book 3, pages 591-592 under T. Å. Tonstad.] Ådne Bjørnsen Nomeland had been married to Astrid Helgesdatter from Moland sub parish in Fyresdal in Telemark. With her he had 2 sons. Ådne is assumed to have been born about 1480, and he probably died about 1560. This Astrid Helgesdatter was, however, mad, and witnesses could relate that she had already been (mad) as far back as when she was a young girl, but after Ådne had married her "she became completely wild and crazy, ran into the woods and the field; sometimes when she returned home she wanted to set fire to their house and kill her own husband, so he by no means could live in the house with her". Ådne Bjørnsen later had 6 sons and 2 daughters with his servant girl by the name of Torborg Torulvsdatter. Now it was so at that time that the children born out of wedlock could not be the legal heirs of the parents. When Ådne Bjørnsen was older he therefore petitioned the clergy to be granted a divorce from his first wife and thereto become wed to his servant girl. This seemed to be somewhat in order as the vicar in Valle, the honorable Jakob Mikkelsen personally had not found anything objectionable with this, and he married them sometime between 1551 and 1557. However, the Vicar had failed to seek the bishop's sanction beforehand. After Ådne's death there were for many years feuding between the children of the 2 marriages regarding the inheritance from Ådne. As late as in 1596 this was not as yet decided. On 2. December 1593 the son Torkel Ådnesen Tonstad was in Stavanger and lay forth the issue before the Domkapitlet (Chapter house of the Cathedral), and his sister's son, Levor Ulvson was at the same place on 28. February 1596. The Domkapitlet's decision went out at that since the vicar had not had the bishop's sanction to the wedding between Ådne Bjørnsen and Torborg Torulvsdatter, so this marriage could not be regarded as legal, and therefore the children of Ådne and Torborg had the same distinction as being begotten "by whoredom". Ådne Bjørnsen Nomeland was a very well-to-do man in Setesdal, and he owned land in several farms. Several of his children were prominent people in Sirdal. The reason that Torkel Ådnesen Tonstad and his sister's son brought this issue up in the 1590's was that Ådne's children from the first marriage would not accept the children from the other marriage as legitimately born and therefore refused to let them inherit anything after Ådne died. It seems that the children of the first marriage won the case. Ådne had in his first marriage the sons Eivind Ådnesen Nomeland in Valle and Bjørn Ådnesen Lunde in Sirdal. With Tora Torulvsdatter he had 6 sons and 2 daughters. Of these children we know of the sons Askild Ådnesen Liland and Torkel Ådnesen Tonstad as well as two sons with the name of Salve and Knut. The last two sons names are not known, and we do not know either the names of the daughters, but one of them must have been married to an Ulv and was the mother to Torkel Ådnesen Tonstads sister's son (nephew) Levor Ulvson who appeared in Stavanger in 1596. [Sirdal gard og ætt, Book 3, P. 591-592 under Torkel Ådnesen Tonstad] 1490 Astrid Helgesdtr Moland Children: 1. Bjørn Arneson Nomeland b.  ABT 1510   - Valle, Setesdal m. NN Knutsdtr Uppstad d. ABT 1610   - Lunde , VA, Sirdal  2. Eivind Arneson Nomeland b. ABT 1515   - Valle, Setesdal Helge Bjørn Knut Uppstad Såve Tallaksen Holum NN Langeid Tallak Torgrimsen Holum Torgrim Jon Nilssen Royland Arnbjorg Torsteinsdtr Roydland Nils Jonsen Roydland Gunhild Ivarsdtr Roydland (Tekse) Jon Nilssen Royland Nils Endresen Elvestrom Siri Pedersdtr Roydland Peder Tolleivsen Roydland Tolleiv Terland (Eikelandsdal) Ivar Mikkelsen Roydland (Teske) Anna Torsdtr Ollestad Mikkel Ivarsen Oystad (Stromstad) 1632 - 1693 Ivar Tolleivsen Stromstad 61 61 Ivar ble nevnt som oppsitter i 1658 og var postbonde i 1666. Dorthe Enoksdtr Bjerkreim Tore Jakobsen Ollestad Jakob Atlaksen Ollestad (Ualand) D. 1602 Atlak Tollaksen Ualand Tollak Torstein Ivarsen Roydland Arnbjorg Olsdtr Stromstad Ola Pedersen Stromstad (Seland) Ingeborg Villasdtr Stromstad Peder Seland Adlov Olsdtr 1664 Villads Tolleivsen Strommstad Maren Torsdtr Stromstad Tosten Sorvessen Teske Jakob Atlaksen Bjuland (Ualand) Anna Larsdtr Ollestad Lars Olsen Ollestad Tomas Mathisen Lomeland (Hestad) Karen Gunnarsdtr Bjelland (Lomeland) Mathias Tomassen Lomeland Eli Oldsdtr Lomeland Tomas Jakobsen Lomeland Jakob Tomasson Lomeland Ingeborg Gardsdtr Kvale Tomas Viljensen Lomeland Ola Torgersen Lomeland Ingeborg Gregorius Svela D. 1677 Gregorius Lauritsen Svela Siri Svalesdtr Torger Torsen Lomeland Tore Hanssen Vinningland Hans E Vinningland Gunnar Torsteinsen Bjelland Kari Atlaksen Mari 1634 - 1634 Gitle Torresen Kleppe Marit Oldsdtr Kleppe 1563 - 1634 Torres Einarsen Kleppe 71 71 Sjur Monssen Oksusvad 1519 Einar Kleppe Mari Children: 1. Torres Gitlesen b. 1591 Lived in Vig abd Orre aand was lensmann in Hauglandskipreide 2.Rasmus Gitleson 3. Mogens Gitleson b. 1599, d 1683, m. Anna Tjolad from Orre. Lived in Oksnevad and was a lensmann stter faren. 4. Sivert eller Sjur Gitleson vert i 1675 kalla "Siffuer Grodem". 5. Nils Gitleson, lived  first in Orre and then Obrestad 6. Guri Gitlesd var gift til Sole 7. Kirsti Gitlesd, m. klokkar i Klepp, Tore Hauge 8. Anna Gitland  9. Barbro Gitland, m Ljude Re 10 Guri Gitland m lensmann Pedar Nortensen from Bjerkreim Gitle Oksnevad Ved Olav Heskestad genealogy 1951 Tarald Olsen Hoyland 1777 - 1811 Gunhild Kristensdtr Hetland 34 34 m. Nov. 11, 1806 O. Hetland, Norway Ola Taraldsen Hoyland Gitlaug Omundsdtr Hetland Tarald Olsen Hoyland Goro Omundsdtr Grosfjell Ola Taraldsen Hoyland Guri Halvorsdtr Kristen Gulliksen Hetland Randi Torsteinsdtr Hestad Gullik Torkellsen Hetland Barbro Eriksdtr Hetland 1682 - 1742 Erik Jonsen Hetland 60 60 Eli Tolleivedtr Hetland m. Ovre Hetland, Norway Jon Jørgensen Hetland Mari Eriksdtr Hetland Jorgen Asgutsen Hetland Tolleiv Knudsen Hetland (Øygrei) Guri Nilsdtr Hetland Nils Rasmussen Hetland (Møgedal) Gjertrud Pedersdtr lived until she was at least 88 Source: Hetland Shipreide I 450 Heskestad Sogn Gard AETT og Folk, Bind ll, pg. 321 Tolleiv Knudsen Øygrei Torkel Gulliksen Hetland Torstein Olsen Hestad Astrid Nildstr Oen Nils Torgersen Oen Kari Mauritsdtr Fjermedal Ola Torsteinsen Hestad ? Torstein Pedersen Hestad (Roydland) Gunhild Oldsdtr Hestad Source: Hetland Shipreide I 450 Heskestad Sogn Gard AETT og Folk, Bind ll, pg. 264 Peder Salvessen Grosfjell (Svalestad) Marite Nilsdtr Svalestad (Grosfjell) Nils Børildsen Svalestad Torstein Gunnarssen Bjelland Ingeborg Tronsdatter Dybing Gard Villadsen Vikesdal Ogvald Tjørn Kari Børildsdtr Tjorn Børild Tjørn Jon Tjervaldsen Eikeland Tjervald Rasmussen Eikeland Lasse Atlakssen Førnes Lasse Olavssen Bilstad Olav Torgersen Bilstad Torger Eik D. 1624 Mette Asbjørnsdtr Bilstad Asbjørn Bilstad Siri Bilstad Pedar Tolleivson Røydland (Terland) Maritte Askildsdtr Hestad Tolleiv Knudsen Terland (Eikelandsdal) Knud Halvorsen? Eikelandsdal D. 1624 Jakob Hansen Hindsholm Prest i Sokndal fra 1600 til 1623  Elisabeth Lauritzdtr Lind Hans Hindsholm Lauritz Christensdtr Lind D. 1617 Karen Hansdtr Tønsberg (Baad) Children: 1: Anna Jacobsdatter Hindsholm   2: Hans Jacobsen Hindsholm   3: Lauritz Jacobsen Hindsholm   4: Daniel Jacobsen Hindsholm  b. 1609  i Sokndal, Lensmann   5: Jacob Jacobsen Hindsholm   6: Maren Jacobsdatter Hindsholm       "Store" Maren    Ektefelle: Tolleiv Ivarsen Strømstad        7: Maren Jacobsdatter Hindsholm,   "Lille" Maren    8: Gitlaug Jacobsdatter Hindsholm   D. 1623 Anfinn Tollaksen Hestad Også kjent som kk  Ivar Erlandsen Eie Hans Baad Maren Clausdsdtr Nagell Claus Nagell 1599 - 1683 Enok Klassen 84 84 døde i en alder av 84  Enok er ført i skattemanntallet 1632 til 1638 sammen med sin mor, senere alene Han brukte i 1665 48 spd, og var lagrettemann 1626-1668. I 1652 brant husene på gården og da brant også hans odelsbrev opp. Anna Gitlesdtr Klas Pedersen Strangeland Klaus bodde på Stangeland hele livet. Ble valgt som utsending til hyldings- møtet i Kristiania i 1591, og er ført i skattemanntallet 1603-1631. Stevnet i 1613 Tørres Skjæveland, som hadde overfalt ham i kvernhuset og revet skjegget av ham. Dorthea Strangeland D. 1635 Gitle Tørresen Gitle var lensmann i Klepp 1610 - 1634, og er ført i skattemanntallet 1603-38. Brukte Nedre Øksnevad bnr 1. Marit Sjursdtr Tørres Einarsen Tørres er nevnt i skattemanntallet 1563-67, og er domsmann på Sele 1589. Sjur Monsen Sjur er nevnt som vitne i 1599 og ført i skattemanntallet 1563-67. 1607 - 1649 Gunnar Halvardsen Finsnes (Fintland) 42 42 NN Ommundsdtr Fintland 1602 - 1643 Halvard A Finsnes 41 41 NN Johan Kristian Hanssen Boe George T Brandsberg 1660 - 1755 Else Svendsdtr Bakke 95 95 1724 var hun stevnet av fogden for "hun haver sloss med enken Ane Backes børn og tieniste- eller arbeidsfolck". m. 1688 Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Sven f. 1689 Bakke  , d. 1766 b. Siri f. 1694 Bakke, gift på Stranden  c. Bjørn f. 1698, i Holland 1730, ikke n. 1769 d. Guri f. 1701 Bakke  m. at Immerstein, husmenn  e. Anne b. abt 1703 Bakke, m. Ø. Åmodt  1656 - 1730 Torkel Bjornsen Bakke 74 74 b. 1656 or 1656 sk. 1730  lagrettemann i 1693 The inheritance was shared  18-1-1730 after his death. D. 1651 Siri Torgersdtr m. (1)1655  Children: a. Salve  b. Sven L. Rosseland ?  Guri hadde i 1655 som enke etter Torkel i følge tingboka 2 små barn. 1628 - 1698 Bjorn Jakobsen Bakke Arres 70 70 He lived in Aalgaard in 1676. f. 1628 d.e. 1698 Åros nr. 6a, kaltes S. Ålgård i 1663 – 1667, han var forlovet med Ågot Olsdtr. Tjørn, men dette gikk vistnok faren hennes imot og fikk opphevet det. Han (Ola Tjørn) hadde gitt ut gårdparter i medgift i Tjørn i "druchenschab", men kona hans hadde gjort det om. Så det ble ikke noe av det giftermålet. 1630 - 1676 Anne Tørgersdtr 46 46 m. 1628 Aaros, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children a. Bjørn f. 1629 Bakke  b. Torger  c. Ola nr. 9 d. Inger 1631 gift på Straumsland, Lista, se  e. Barbro gift på Løvik  f. Aslak 1638, n. 1658 som soldat, reiste til Bergen. 1604 - 1676 Jakob Bjornsen Aares Bakke 72 72 b, Aares Bakke He had a boardinghouse and was an owner of "odels" ground in Aares and Bakke.  gjestgiver, eide Bakke, 2 pund smør, i 1675. "Jacob Aarhuus for hand hug Mickell Smed een Liden huoll i hoffudett med en øxe." - 1611 NN Skattet 1 daler i 1563. Lagrette mann 1568. "Biøren Aaraaß for et lurke slaug, hand sloug Torgier pa Amodt" – 1602 1613 - 1676 Bjorn Jørgensen Aros 63 63 NN 1602 Jorgen Aros NN 1563 Bjorn Aros (Aares) Guri Torgersdtr m. S. Ålgård 1655  Children: a. Torkel b. 1656  b. Jakob b. 1671  c. Anne m. Urdal  1607 - 1677 Marit Fitje 70 70 m. Bakke, Sokndal, Rogaland, Norway Children: a. Tore b. 1634  b. Lars b. 1640 Frøytlog  c. Lars d.y. 1646 Vatland  d. Jakob e. Astrid m. Ø. Støle  f. Guri m. S. Ålgård  g. Siri m. N. Støle ? h. Mette m.Eie  i. Siri m. Frøytlog ? 1604 - 1677 Torger 73 73 Etter oppkallingen av barna, var han vel g.1.m. en datter av forrige bruker. Margery May Brandsberg 1921 - 2008 Mary Ellen Brandsberg 87 87 1924 - 1943 James Christian Brandsberg 19 19 1928 - 2010 Robert Douglas Brandsberg 82 82 Robert Douglas Brandsberg, 82, (former resident of New Bern) passed peacefully from this world on Sat., Dec. 4, 2010, in Garner, NC. Robert was a devout Christian and an unwavering civil servant. Originally from South Dakota, Robert completed his education at the Univ. of Minnesota. From 1957 to 1989, Robert's outstanding accomplishments in computer science, navigation, radar and space technology, and digital communications contributed significantly to the technological development and defense of our nation. In 1989, Robert and has wife Frances sailed their 48-ft ketch from Ventura, CA, to their new home in New Bern, NC. He is survived by his loving children and their families: Deborah Janiece Brandsberg-Tomasi, Lisa Brandsberg-Livingston, Bruce Brandsberg, Heidi Brandsberg-Frank, Dale Brandsberg, and Robert Brandsberg Jr., Robin Geiger, Chris Atkiss, 12 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. 1932 - 1993 John Wilbert Brandsberg 61 61 Lise Husabø D. 1659 Bodlov Taraldsen Ollestad D. 1602 Tarald Ollestad Domilde Tørresdtr Eidland Tørres Sveinson Eidland Karen Eidland 1838 - 1904 Grethe Marthine Andersdtr 66 66 1829 - 1905 Hans Jakobsen Skaug 76 76  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 16 Jan 1829 Brekke, Våle -  Død : 1905 - -  Far Mor  Jakob Hansen Anne Marie Rasmusdt  Ekteskap Barn  30 Des 1859 - Grethe Marthine Andersdt 10 Jul 1877 - Hulda Margrethe Hansdt Skaug   1798 - 1891 Anne Marie Rasmusdtr 93 93  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1798 No. Dal, Våle -  Død : 1891 Frellumstad, Våle -  Far Mor  Rasmus Paulsen Marte Christensdt  Ekteskap Barn  26 Jun 1822 - Jakob Hansen 16 Jan 1829 - Hans Jakobsen Skaug   1791 - 1858 Jakob Hansen Brekke 67 67 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1791 V. Brekke, Våle, Vf. -  Død : 1858 Hornet, Våle, Vf. -  Far Mor  Hans Jørgensen Anna Jakobsdt  Ekteskap Barn  26 Jun 1822 - Anne Marie Rasmusdt 16 Jan 1829 - Hans Jakobsen Skaug   1764 - 1798 Anna Jakobsdtr Klavenes 34 34 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1764 Klavenes, Våle -  Død : 1798 V. Brekke, Våle -  Far Mor  Jakob Jørgensen Live Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1786 - Hans Jørgensen 1791 - Jakob Hansen   1748 - 1829 Hans Jørgensen Brekke 81 81  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1748 V. Brekke, Våle -  Død : 1829 V. Brekke, Våle -  Far Mor  Jørgen Gulliksen Maria Hansdt  Ekteskap Barn  1786 - Anna Jakobsdt 1791 - Jakob Hansen   Maria Jørgen Gulliksen 1814 - 1897 Johanne Marie Olsdtr 82 82  Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 02 Aug 1814 Øs. Kvån, Botne Gift 2 g.(2 m.Anders Olssen Hotvet,Våle)  Død : 19 Jan 1897 - -  Far Mor  Ole Olsen Kristine Pedersdt  Ekteskap Barn  18 Mar 1837 - Anders Olsen 16 Apr 1838 - Grethe Marthine Andersdt   1766 - 1854 Anders 88 88 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1766 - Ref.9627 L-H boka  Far Mor  Martin Ole Christensen Annichen Rasmusdt  Ekteskap Barn  18 Mar 1837 - Johanne Marie Olsdt 16 Apr 1838 - Grethe Marthine Andersdt   Annichen Far Mor  Rasmus Nilsen Margrete Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  - - Martin Ole Christensen 1766 - Anders Olsen   1726 - 1768 Martin Ole Christensen Kjær 42 42 Dato Sted Kilde  Født : 1726 Kjær, Ramnes -  Død : 1768 Ødegåren, Andebu -  Far Mor  Kristen Eriksøn Marte Olsdt  Ekteskap Barn  1762 - Annichen Rasmusdt 1766 - Anders Olsen   Marte Olsdtr Kristen Eriksdtr ? ? Anne Andersdtr Roervik children: 1. Karen Bertine Malene Tønnesen (Dahl) (1834 - 1894) 2. Anne Conradine Dahl (1841 - 1922) 3. Reinert Andreas Dahl b.January 8, 1846, Flekkefjord, Vest- Agder, Norge d.  April 5, 1886 4. Grete Birgethe Amalie Dahl 5. Henrik Dahl b.1842 - d. c.1895 6. Jens Dahl 1844 - 1895 Henrik Schnabel Theodor Dahl 51 51 Olene Solli M. 1867 Hes, Vest Agder, Norway. There were 10 siblings but only these three lived to adulthood. 1. Hartman Dahl 2. Kristian Andreas Dahl b. July 17, 1875 Flekkefjord, Vest-Agder, Norway d.  1965 in Flekkefjord, Vest-Agder, Norge 3. Helga Olivia Dahl 1875 - 1965 Kristian Andreas Dahl 90 90 He was educated as a watchmaker, and started his own shop in 1898..He was very active in politics and local industries.   He was a musician and  choir member.   He was active in the Good Templar movement. (His father was an alcoholic 1876 - 1876 Anna Regine Svensdatter Hegland Children: 1. Bergljot Dahl 2. Kjell Dahl 3. Sverre Dahl 1905 - 1972 Kjell Brandsberg Dahl 67 67 Randi Block Kristian Brandsberg- Dahl 1874 - 1892 Kristoffer Brandsberg 18 18 Knud Asbjornsdtr Tjellesvik Siri Oldsdtr Sandsmark (Heskestad) Atlak Egeli 1622 - 1670 Atlak Egeli 48 48 Guri Gjermundsdtr Gursli Children: 1. Brynild b. abt. 1645 2. Torkel b. abt. 1651 3. Gjermund b. 1660 4. En ukjent datter 5. Atlak fodt etter 1660 Tollak Torgersen Gursli (Lund) Gitlaug Sveinungsdtr Haukland (Lund) Laurits Ellefsen Ytre Mydland Gunlaug Thorsteinsdtr Ytre Mydland Thorstein Ytre Mydland Helge Gjermundsdtr 1639 Eilef Laursen Ytre Mydland Pauline Pedersdtr Thompson? Selma Marie Brandsberg Ida Helene Amundsdtr Steinberg Sigbjorn Brandsberg Knud Asbjørnsen Tjellesvik Siri Olsdtr Sandsmark (Heskestad) Tollak Atlaksen Berit Andersdtr Children: 1. Guri b. 1706 2. Torger b. 1707 3. Atlak 4. Anders 5. Peder b. 1718 6. Ingeborg b. 1726 Atlak Egeli Guri Tollaksdtr Gurali Children: 1. Tollak 2. Gitlaug 3. Datter? Atlak Egeli Guri Gjermundsdtr Tollak Torgersen Gursli (Lund) Gitlaug Sveinungsdtr Haukland (Lund) 1848 - 1942 Grethe Bergette Amalia Dahl 94 94 1868 29 May Vest-Agdir, Flekkefjord, Norway Children: 1. Anna Alvida Marie Berg 1869 – 1907, b. Stvanger. Rogaland, Norway 2. Amelia Cornedina Berg 1874 b. 1939, b. Illinois 3. Thora Birgette Berg 1879 b. Chicago, Illinois 4. Tobias (Toby) Berg 1881 b. Illinois 1892 5. Martine Berg b. Nov. 17, 1883, Cook, Illinois Tore Bjornsen Tornondsdtr Maurits Tolleivsen Valborg Ånensdtr 1603 - 1685 Erik Jennson Hoyland 82 82 D. 1686 Gitlaug Einarsdtr Vestly Children: 1.  Einar Erikson d.y. Lerbrek 2.  Lars Erikson Høyland 3. Jens Erikson Høyland 4. Siri Eriksdtr. Høyland 5. Anna Eriksdtr. Høyland 6. Kari Eriksdtr. Høyland 7. Gitlaug Eriksdtr. Høyland   D. 1635 Jens Children: 1. Erik 2. Knut 3. Gjøa D. 1650 Einar Ellingsen Vestly Siri Einardstr Children: 1.  Barbro 2. Gitlaug Einarsdtr. Elling Omundsen Vestly Children: 1. Einar Ellingsen 2. Orm Ellingsen 3. Amund Ellingsen 4. Ranveig Ellingsdatte 5.  Barbro Ellingsdatter 6.  Lars (Laurits) Omund Vestly Ramundt Bo Children: 1. Elling Omundson 2. Jon 3. Ivar Omundson Ivar Tolleivson Strømstad    Dorthe Enoksdtr Tolleiv Ivarson Strømstad Maren Jacobsdtr Hindsholm 0956 - 1015 St. Vladimir I "The Great" 59 59 Rogneda Sviatoslav I Igorevich Malusha, Igor of Kiev 0890 - 0969 Olga of Kiev 79 79 Rurik Efanda (Edvina Alfrind Ingrid) of Urman Rogvolod 0877 - 0934 Olaf Haraldsson 57 57 0877 - 0934 Harald I "Fairhair" King of Norway 57 57 Swanhild of Upplands Valborg Disch Ingeborg? Johanne? Oldsdtr? Balthazar? Disch Kjell Gabrielsen Kirseboom Berte Malene Helarius Disch Became a Merchant Marine 1900 census shows Helarius in the same household with Elise his step mother. Birgitte Paige Tone Jeanette Jansen Tore Hall Idland Marie Fugslet Dag Monsen Kristian Husabø Monsen Marius Husabø Monsen Kjell Baardsen Lived in Egersund Heggestad 1921 Valborg Eia Was born out of wedlock. Valborg was raised by his grandfather and his daughter Helen in Egersund. Valborg was musical, and was good at playing the piano. Helen was the sister of Berta and she lived with her ​​father Ole Rødland and raised Valborg. Helene probably did not thave her own children. She is also mentioned in the letter of Olav Eia - Born about 1921. Ole Rødland Marie Brandsberg Lived in Kristiansand Tranberg Sven Staalesen Hegland Ida Helene Hansdtr Sunde Harold Sven Hegland 1913 - 2003 Andreas Brandsberg 90 90 Sogn og Fjordane (Nordre Bergenhus),  Lived at Strandgaten 16, 4380 Hauge i Dalane The name Brandsberg comes from the farm Andrew Brandsberg was born in Sogndal, Norway, meaning "steep little mountain".His immediate family never lived on the farm but in a home in Sogndal on the river where they had a clothing and sundries store.  Andreas tried to repeat the business started by his Grandfather buying and exporting fish but had to give up the business when the fishing grounds dried up after WWI. Andreas moved to the US in 1923 when he was 16. Andrew was a WWII veteran in the famous 36th Texas Divison, fighting in Monte Cassino and Salerno, Italy with a hugh loss of life. Awarded a Purple Heart and two Oak Leaf Clusters for his service (the equivalent of three Purple Hearts). U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 about Andreas Brandsberg Name:     Andreas Brandsberg Birth Year:     1913 Race:     White, Citizen (White) Nativity State or Country:     Norway or Spitzbergen State of Residence:     New Jersey County or City:     Middlesex       Enlistment Date:     11 May 1942 Enlistment State:     New Jersey Enlistment City:     Newark Branch:     Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Branch Code:     Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Grade:     Private Grade Code:     Private Term of Enlistment:     Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law Component:     Selectees (Enlisted Men) Source:     Civil Life       Education:     Grammar school Civil Occupation:     Gardeners and grounds keepers, parks, cemetaries, etc. Marital Status:     Single, without dependents Height:     69 Weight:     127 Andrea Jean Brandsberg Steven Richard Brandsberg Timothy Andrew Brandsberg James Nagy Jr. Kristofer Nagy Andrew Nagy Patricia A Rau Jeanne D Campbell Susan Brandsberg Christina Joy Walter 1915 - 1987 Elsie Gertrude Goodwin 71 71 m. Oct. 31, 1943 North Plainfield, NJ Buried in Plainfield, Hillside Cemetary James Nagy Greg Anderson Norma Bailey 1971 Jennifer Kristin Brandsberg 1973 Erik Timothy Brandsberg Jakob Nagy Knut Engelmann Max Andreas Engelmann Till Johannes Engelmann Emma Anderson Benjamin Troy Anderson Jeanne Zamberlan m. Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 4, 2008 (date from mother-in-law) Kirstin Bergquist Chantal Khater 2000 Aleksander Nagy Noah Anderson Kristoffer Brandsberg Arne Brandsberg Thorbjørn Brandsberg Kjell Brandsberg Margunn Brandsberg Berit Brandsberg 2013 Layla Anne Nagy 1852 Johan Tobias Eia 1853 Helene Tobiasdtr Eia 1855 Its Tobine Tobiasdtr Eia 1874 - 1939 Amelia Cornedina Berg 65 65 m. (1)  Jospeh F Klock June 3, 1902 Chicago, Cook, Illinois Children: 1.  WILLARD EDWARD3 KLOCK m. (2) George Dippold Oct. 18, 1891 Chicago, Cook, Illinois Children: 1. MILDRED ESTER3 m. (3) Benjamin (Borgman) Bergman May 22, 1909 Chicago, Cook, Illinois 1.. RUTH L 2. THELMA A LUNDGREN (daughter of Thurl Lundgren and Thora Birgette Berg) was 3. . THURE ALFRED LUNDGREN (son of Thurl Lundgren and Thora Birgette Berg) was 4.  CLARABEL LUNDGREN (daughter of Thurl Lundgren and Thora Birgette Berg) was 5.  DOUGLAS LUNDGREN (son of Thurl Lundgren and Thora Birgette Berg). 1870 - 1948 Roelf Borgman 77 77 1912 - 1986 Mildred Ester Bergman 74 74 m. Aug 1, 1931 Children: 1. WILLIAM ANTON4 TOBER 2.. BERTRAM RALPH TOBER  3.. MARIAN ARLENE TOBER (daughter of William Anton  4.. ROBERT TOBER  5. NANCY LOUISE TOBER  1911 - 1991 William Anton Tober 80 80 1938 Marian Arlene Tober m. (1)  Phillip Blvens Jul 1, 1979 Asceola, Florida m. (2) Carlyle William Howard Sr. Apr. 1, 2010 Benton Harbor, Berrien, Michigan m. (3)  Rayford John (RJ) Farless Jul 7, 1965 North Park Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida  Marian Arlene Tober had the following child: 1.  SCOTT KEVIN5 GOLUB (son of Marian Arlene Tober) was born on 24 Sep 1963 in Orlando, Orange County, Florida, USA (Florida Sanitarian and Hospital). He married Ellyn Susan Klein (daughter of King Bernard Klein and Sabra June Goldfine) on 29 Oct 2008 in Collin, Texas, USA. She was born on 05 Jun 1966 in Dallas, Texas. Carlyle William Howard Sr. and Marian Arlene Tober had the following children: 1. . CINDI LEE5 HOWARD (daughter of Carlyle William Howard Sr. and Marian Arlene 2. . CARLYLE WILLIAM HOWARD JR (son of Carlyle William Howard Sr. and Marian Arlene Tober) was born on 08 Sep 1958 in Fort Lauderdale FL (Broward General Hospital). She married (1) BRIAN THOMAS CRAWFORD (son of James Ishmael Crawford and Mary Ann Miller). He was born on 02 Nov 1958. She married (2) STEPHEN ANTHONY ZONA (son of John Anthony Zona Jr and Therese Eva Mailly) on 21 Sep 1998 in Grassy Creek, Ashe, North Carolina, USA. He was born on 27 Jun 1949 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island, USA (Memorial Hospital). Tober) was born on 18 Oct 1959. He married Cindy Dawn Lovett (daughter of James Arron Lovett and Joanne McGee) on 26 Jun 1982 in Orange, Florida. She was born on 23 Feb 1963 in Union City TN. 1958 Cindi Lee Howard m. (1) Brian Thomas Crawford Children: 1. Jason Allen Crawford 2. Amy Lynn Crawford m. (2) Stephen Anthony Zona Sept. 21, 1998 Grassy Creek, Ashe, North Carolina 1958 Brian Thomas Crawford 1869 - 1907 Anna Alvida Marie Berg 38 38 m. Aug. 18, 1888,  Our Savior Luthern Church, Chicago, Illinois Children: 1. VIVIAN LUCILE3 SCHREUDER 2. THELMA ANNA MARIE SCHREUDER 3. OTIS BLAINE SCHREUDER 4. LUDWIG IBENFELDT SCHREUDER 1862 - 1952 Louis (Ludwig) Solomon Schreuder 89 89 1899 - 1993 Thelma Anna Marie Schreuder 94 94 m. (1) Don L. Lewis m. (2) John Claude Snider May 24, 1918 Olympia, Thurston,  Washington Child: 1. VIVIAN CAROL SNIDER Children with John Claude Snider 1. THELMA JEAN SNIDER 2. BLAINE LOUIS SNIDER 1888 - 1946 John Claude Snider 58 58 1919 - 2010 Vivian Carol Snider 91 91 1918 - 2009 Howard William Johnson 91 91 1942 Carol Ann Johnson m. Jul. 18, 1964 Alameda, California Children: 1. CYNTHIA CAROL6 MANDEL 2.  ANDREW ALLAN MANDEL 1935 Philip Newton Mandal 1949 Stephen Anthony Zona 1966 Cynthia Carol Mandael 1968 - 2005 Andrew Allan Mandel 36 36 m. (1) Deborah Elizabeth Powell m. (2) unkown spouse 7-29-2000 Seattle, King, Washington Created using GenoPro® Click for details.

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