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Family Subtree Diagram : Descendants of Hiram Underwood (1793)

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(four children) (two children) (six children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) (two children) Marriage Marriage (three children) (a child) (a child) Marriage (eight children) Marriage (seven children) (three children) (a child) (a child) (three children) (three children) Marriage Marriage 1793 - 1880 Hiram Underwood 87 87 1857 - 1935 Abel Gordon Warren 77 77 Moved to OK (source: David Warren)

Moved to OK (source: David Warren)
1836 Nancy Ann Gaddie 1916 Clarence Floyd Warren 1846 Henry Gaddie 1828 - 1902 Green Berry Underwood 74 74 1855 - 1937 Martha Jane Howell 82 82 1877 - 1934 Rosetta Underwood 56 56 1915 Raymond Monroe Cash 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1834 - 1910 John Tyler Skaggs 75 75 1880 Charles Matt Wise 1887 - 1978 Gertrude Bloyd 90 90 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996
2.  Listed on the Poplar Grove School roll as a student in Taylor Co., KY in 1897.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996
2.  Listed on the Poplar Grove School roll as a student in Taylor Co., KY in 1897.
1877 Sarah L. Beams 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.....listed on the Hickory Grove School roll as a student in Taylor Co. in 1897.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.....listed on the Hickory Grove School roll as a student in Taylor Co. in 1897.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.....listed on the Hickory Grove School roll as a student in Taylor Co. in 1897.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.....listed on the Hickory Grove School roll as a student in Taylor Co. in 1897.
1876 - 1905 Henry Washington Shofner 28 28 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1885 Johnnie Thomas Shofner 1911 - 1946 Luther Ernest Despain 34 34 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1914 - 1988 Gladys Underwood 74 74 1920 - 1978 Mary Geraldine Mulhall 58 58 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1909 - 1978 Verna Esther Underwood 69 69 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1911 - 2000 Estelle Underwood 88 88 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1916 - 1971 Robert Bloyd Underwood 54 54 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1911 - 1996 Lou Vina Brewer 84 84 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1916 - 1979 Willis MacArthur Fraze 62 62 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1862 James Isaac Warren 1876 Alice Price BET 1890 AND 1920 Lorena Warren BET 1890 AND 1920 Thomas Warren 1874 Della G. Price BET 1861 AND 1881 Elizabeth Warren 1898 Lois Ella Waldrip 1870 Molly Jordan 1821 Felix Grundy Warren 1925 - 1993 Grant Hardin Underwood 68 68 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1927 Marjorie Sprowls 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1923 Aileen Underwood 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1927 Russell Boone Underwood 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1923 - 1993 Lionel Carl Beams 70 70 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1919 Mattie Candice Underwood 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1921 - 1987 Mauda Underwood 66 66 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1925 - 1998 Roy Despain 72 72 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1892 Thurman Bayard Warren 1884 - 1959 Alfred Thomas Underwood 74 74 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
Addie Gertrude Gibson 1904 - 1971 Edmund Lee Gaddie 66 66 Living Shanahan 1811 - 1888 Elizabeth Ann Druin 76 76 1.  Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.

1.  Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.
1811 - 1887 Thomas E. Underwood 75 75 1.  Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.

1.  Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.
Living Gaddie 1811 Mariah J. Druin 1.  Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.

1.  Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.
1907 - 1967 Johnny Everett Underwood 60 60 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1826 - 1901 John C. Warren 75 75 1841 Mary Ann "Polly" Underwood Susan Arnal Helton 1881 Sudie Underwood 1879 Mary E. Underwood 1897 - 1972 Claudie Beatrice Warren 74 74 1822 - 1867 Jane Underwood 45 45 1821 - 1894 Henry C. Skaggs 73 73 1861 Leander Shope 1896 - 1923 Garrett Hobart Warren 26 26 1869 Robert Sprowls 1885 Herbert Howell 1854 - 1937 Nancy Jane Sprowls 83 83 1889 - 1913 Lulie Warren 23 23 1877 - 1961 Richard Archie Warren 83 83 [cingramwarren.FTW]

The family ran a Co. store in Green Co., KY.
They bought Tom Thompsons home, in Buffalo, after his
Widow died in 1950. Richard was the brother of Mary
Eliza Warren, who married Jack Thompson.

The family ran a Co. store in Green Co., KY.
They bought Tom Thompsons home, in Buffalo, after his
Widow died in 1950. Richard was the brother of Mary
Eliza Warren, who married Jack Thompson.
1876 - 1876 James E. Warren 3m 3m 1891 - 1920 Mertie M. Warren 29 29 1888 - 1960 Ella Thomas Reeves 71 71 1881 - 1962 Charles Matthew Warren 81 81 [cingramwarren.FTW]

Name of Deceased: Charles M. Warren
Date of Death: 18 Dec 1962
Co. of Death: Jefferson
Co. of Residence: LaRue
Age at Death: 81 Years
Volume: 62
Certificate: 29556

Name of Deceased: Charles M. Warren
Date of Death: 18 Dec 1962
Co. of Death: Jefferson
Co. of Residence: LaRue
Age at Death: 81 Years
Volume: 62
Certificate: 29556
1834 Josiah H. Morris 1.  Census Place:   District 58, Green, Kentucky
     Source:   FHL Film 1254416  National Archives Film T9-0416     Page 685A    
     Relation  Sex  Marr Race Age  Birthplace
J. H. MORRIS   Self M    M    W    46   KY
     Occ: Farmer    Fa: TN    Mo: TN
Nancy J. MORRIS     Wife F    M    W    46   TN
     Occ: House Keeper   Fa: VA    Mo: TN
William MORRIS Son  M    S    W    20   KY
     Occ: Laborer   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
Charles W. MORRIS   Son  M         W    14   KY
     Occ: At Home   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
Alice MORRIS   Dau  F    S    W    10   KY
     Occ: At Home   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
Robert MORRIS  Son  M    S    W    8    KY
     Occ: At Home   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
James Anthony MORRIS     Son  M    S    W    6    KY
     Occ: At Home   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
1889 - 1973 Annie Vera Ward 83 83 1832 - 1911 William G. Sprowls 78 78 1885 - 1919 Mary Eliza Warren 34 34 1889 - 1913 Nora Ellen Warren 23 23 1879 - 1968 William Thomas Warren 88 88 [cingramwarren.FTW]

Name of Deceased: William T. Warren
Date of Death: 30 Mar 1968
Co. of Death: Green
Co. of Residence: Green
Age at Death: 88 Years
Volume: 68
Certificate: 08617


Name of Deceased: William T. Warren
Date of Death: 30 Mar 1968
Co. of Death: Green
Co. of Residence: Green
Age at Death: 88 Years
Volume: 68
Certificate: 08617
1857 G. Winfield Underwood 1832 - 1916 Sarah "Sally" Underwood 83 83 1834 Nancy J. Underwood 1848 - 1913 Lafayette Warren 65 65 1.  [cingramwarren.FTW]

Name of Deceased: Lafayette Warren
Date of Death: 03 Jun 1913
Co. of Death: Taylor
Co. of Residence:
Age at Death: 65 Years
Volume: 13
Certificate: 17077

2.   Census Place:  District 58, Green, Kentucky
     Source:   FHL Film 1254416  National Archives Film T9-0416     Page 692C    
     Relation  Sex  Marr Race Age  Birthplace
Lafe WARREN    Self M    M    W    35   KY
     Occ: Farmer    Fa: KY    Mo: KY
Nancy WARREN   Wife F    M    W    30   KY
     Occ: Keeping House  Fa: KY    Mo: KY
Dick Archy WARREN   Son  M    S    W    3    KY
     Occ: At Home   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
WARREN    Son  M    S    W    1    KY
     Occ: At Home   Fa: KY    Mo: KY
1837 - 1929 Hiram Underwood 91 91 1842 - 1854 Mariah J. Underwood 12 12 1843 - 1913 Thomas Underwood 70 70 1845 - 1863 Jesse Underwood 18 18 1849 - 1922 Ursula Underwood 73 73 1851 - 1938 William J. Underwood 86 86 1851 - 1887 Martha F. Underwood 36 36 1854 George W. Underwood 1840 Eliza C. Martin 1853 - 1921 Emily Jane Hedgespeth 68 68 1845 Lucinda Ratliff 1856 - 1926 Thomas Jefferson Shofner 69 69 1853 Julia Ann Gaddie 1889 - 1955 Lucy Elenor Thompson 65 65 1914 - 1915 Ann Mary Thompson 1m 1m 1911 Alvin Warren 1912 Marvin Warren 1884 - 1949 Emmitt Jackson Thompson 65 65 1917 - 1919 Otis Thompson 2 2 1912 Mattie Mae Howell Walter Miller 1866 William L. Sprowls 1838 - 1906 Celia Underwood 67 67 1813 Lewis Jones 1851 - 1918 James Marion Sprowls 67 67 1862 Mary Sprowls 1860 - 1889 Mariah Elizabeth Sprowls 28 28 1839 - 1913 James W. Sprowls 74 74 1872 - 1947 Robert Despain 75 75 1873 - 1946 Julia M. Warren 72 72 Bessie A. Despain Herman Skaggs 1901 - 1996 Stella B. Despain 94 94 1908 - 1987 Joe Mack Skaggs 78 78 1856 Calloway T. Underwood 1864 - 1938 Mary Jane Shofner 74 74 1926 Thomas Coolidge Shofner 1854 Charles A. Skaggs 1836 Jane Underwood 1813 - 1899 Calloway Underwood 85 85 1815 Mary Ann "Polly" Oaks 1834 - 1912 Jesse Johnson 77 77 1.  From Gene Perkins Website:

In the 1860 Taylor County census Jesse Johnson is family #46. He is 25 years of age, a farmer born in Kentucky. His wife is Jane, 23 and also born in Kentucky. The children are: Henry, 4; and Calloway, 3 months of age. Also living with them are two youngsters; Jackson Bell, age 13 and Sarah A. Branham, age 14 years. Jesse's father, Henry Johnson lived next door to him. A brother, William, age 23, lived nearby.

In the 1870 Taylor County census, Saloma District, Jessee Johnson was family #67. He was 35 years old, a Farmer born on Kentucky. His wife was (Cynthia's name was erroneously given as Samantha), age 19. The children were Henry, 13; (from Jesse's first marriage) and Bettie J., age 2 years. They lived next door to Jesse's parents, Henry and Elizabeth Johnson. Jesse's other son from his first marriage, Jesse Calloway Johnson, age 10, was living with his grandparents, Henry and Elizabeth Johnson.

In the 1880 Taylor County Census for Oak Hill Precinct, Jessee Johnson, Jr was family 1. Hee was 45 years old and a Farmer. His wife, Cyntha, was 29. The children were: Elizabeth, 12; Lewis G., 10; John E., 6; and Nancy M., age 3 months. Also living in the household was William L. Hash, age 20 years. He was listed as a Servant.
1870 Taylor Co., Kentucky Census, Precinct 1, Post Office Saloma
Dwelling #67, Family #67
Jesse Johnson, 35, M, W, Farmer, None, $800, KY
Samantha Johnson, 19, F, W, Keep House, KY
Henry Johnson, 13, M, W, Farm Labor, KY
Bettie J. Johnson, 2, F, W, KY
Taylor County Deed Book 8, Page 385
This indenture made and entered into this the 21st day of November 1873 between Lewis Johnston and Elizabeth Johnson his wife of the county of Taylor & state of Kentucky of the first part and Jesse Johnson of same county and state of the second part, Witnesseth that the party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of of Four Hundred Dollars in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold and do by these presents Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the party of the second part all our right, title and interest in and to a tract of land that we purchased from Zachariah Morris jointly, lying in the County of Taylor and State of Kentucky on the waters of Pitman Creek and contains one hundred and twenty six acres our interest being one half of said farm. To have and to hold the land hereby conveyed with all the appurtenaces thereto belonging unto the party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever with Covenants of General Warranty.
Witness Our Signatures this day and date above written.
Lewis Johnston
Elizabeth A. Johnson
State of Kentucky
Taylor County
I Chas. Wright clerk of Taylor County Court Certify on the 21st day of November 1873 the foregoing deed was produced to me in Taylor County and acknowledged and delivered by Lewis Johnson and Elizabeth Johnson his wife parties hereto file this act and deed on the day the smae was lodged in my office for record whereupon I have recorded the same and this certificate in my office this 10th day of December 1873
C. W. Wright, Clerk
By Jno. A. Marshall, D. C.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
1874 Taxlist of Taylor Co., Kentucky
Jesse Johnson, 125 acres - nearest neighbor - Jacob Shofner - $200, 2 horses - $120, 3 mules - $150, 2 cattle, value of gold, silver and other metallic watches and clocks - $5, total value - $475, 1 white male over 21, 1 legal voter, enrolled in militia, 1 child between 6 and 20, 12 hogs over 6 months old, 2500 pounds of tobacco, 300 bushels of corn, 10 bushels of wheat.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
The Lebanon Weekly Standard
Wednesday, October 3, 1877 page 4 col 2
Taylor County
A Chapter of Accidents
Mr. Jesse Johnson, who resides on Big Pitman's Creek was, on the 28th ult., at his home, kicked in the mouth by a vicious horse. Several of his teeth were knocked out, and his face and lips badly bruised. Mr. Johnson was in town today.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
1880 Taylor Co., Kentucky Census, Oak Hill Precinct
Family #1
Jesse Johnson Sr., W, M, 45, Farmer, KY, KY, KY
Cyntha Johnson, W, F, 29, Wife, Kp. House, KY, KY, KY
Elizabeth Johnson, W, F, 12, Daughter, At Home, KY, KY, KY
Lewis G. Johnson, W, M, 10, Son, Farmer, KY, KY, KY
John E. Johnson, W, M, 6, Son, KY, KY, KY
Nancy M. Johnson, W, F, 3 months, Daughter, KY, KY, KY
William L. Hash, W, M, 20, KY, KY, KY
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
The News Journal, April 3, 1912
From Pitman:
Mr. Jesse Johnson passed quietly away Saturday, March 30. He was 77 years of age. Leaves a wife, four sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. They are Messrs. John, Louis, and Henry Johnson. Mesdames Bettie Sprowles, Mrs. John Spratt and Belle Risen. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. James French at his home. We wish to extend our deepest heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones.
Jesse was a member of Company F, Fourth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry CSA, (the Orphan Brigade) and he fought at Baton Rouge.
From the Lebanon Paper, October 3, 1877: "Jesse Johnson, who resides on Big Pitman Creek was kicked in the mouth by a vicious horse. Several of his teeth were knocked out and his face and lips badly bruised."
From the Orphan Brigade Website:
JOHNSON, Jesse. Born 1 November 1834 in Taylor Co.; son of Henry and Elizabeth (Morris) Johnson. Enlisted 25 October 1861 at Bowling Green. Fought at Baton Rouge. Reported as deserted during the battle of Murfreesboro, 2 January 1863. Possibly captured and took the Oath of Allegiance. Married Jane Underwood, then Synthia White Gaddie. Died 30 March 1912; buried in Brookside Cemetery, Campbellsville, KY. Kentucky Confederate pension file number 4616.

Jesse is listed in the 1897 Taylor County school census with three children attending Oak Hill school. They live in the Pitman post office area of Taylor County. The 3 children are:
Mahala, Female, b. 5 Oct 1880
E. B. Female, b. 14 Feb 1883
J. L. Male b. 10 Jan 1887
In 1910 when the federal census was taken, they are family #38, living in the Oak Hill district of Taylor County. Three children are still at home; Lewis, Lizzie, and Jeff L. - Jesse and Cynthia have been married 43 years and she is listed as being the mother of 6 children, all living.
In 1920 Cinthia is living with her son, Lewis G. Johnson. Family #34 in the Oak Hill district.
1880 - 1965 Martha Susan Pickerell 85 85 1879 - 1948 Jesse Milton Shofner 68 68 1844 - 1921 George Washington Pickerell 76 76 1895 Fred Morris 1910 - 1997 Benjamin McCoy Morris 86 86 Evelyn Marie Allen 1909 - 1980 Edna Lee Pickerell 71 71 1900 - 1957 Samuel Walter Sprowls 57 57 1870 - 1942 William Burton Sprowls 72 72 1899 - 1930 William Franklin Shofner 31 31 1901 - 1908 Lula Jane Shofner 7 7 Eva Mae Underwood 1885 - 1944 Ova C. Underwood 59 59 1871 Lucretia A. Howell 1932 - 1932 Albert Morris 1913 - 1997 Estelle Beard 84 84 1860 William Morris 1866 Charles W. Morris 1870 Alice Morris 1872 Robert Morris 1874 James Anthony Morris 1866 - 1880 Mary Ann Skaggs 14 14 1879 Flora Warren Bessie Catherine Sprowls 1920 - 1961 Homer Lee Bradley 40 40 1850 - 1934 James Price 84 84 1855 - 1855 Celia Skaggs 1857 - 1907 Susan Elizabeth Skaggs 49 49 1851 - 1935 Samuel Dennis Miles 84 84 1843 Nancy Skaggs 1844 Jane Skaggs 1847 Celia Skaggs 1848 Polly A. Skaggs 1794 - 1880 Celia Buley 86 86 1810 - 1881 William C. Underwood 70 70 1816 - 1852 Nancy Jennie Underwood 36 36 1819 - 1880 Anderson Underwood 61 61 1821 - 1907 Mason Underwood 86 86 1824 - 1898 Lafayette Underwood 74 74 1830 - 1900 Celia Underwood 70 70 1833 - 1914 Hiram Underwood 80 80 1836 - 1916 Mary Jane Underwood 79 79 1817 Priscilla Milby Amelia Schultz Troutunie 1846 Lucy M. Moore 1825 Chelnissa Scott 1828 Eleanor Scott David Straus 1856 Nancy Jane Skaggs 1862 - 1926 Lewis Byron Skaggs 64 64 1865 Mary Skaggs 1867 - 1936 John Hamilton Skaggs 68 68 1839 - 1914 James Franklin Underwood 74 74 1837 William A. Underwood 1843 Susan Underwood 1847 - 1900 William B. Underwood 53 53 1849 Sarah "Sally" N. Underwood 1832 - 1923 William Thomas Underwood 90 90 1836 John Underwood 1838 - 1920 Catharine A. Underwood 82 82 1840 - 1889 Andrew Jackson Underwood 49 49 1841 - 1901 Clarissa Underwood 59 59 1843 - 1934 Samuel Druin Underwood 91 91 1844 - 1889 Jane Underwood 45 45 1848 - 1912 George Durrett Underwood 64 64 1834 - 1859 Celia Underwood 25 25 1.  From Jeremy Johnson's website:

Taylor County Commonwealth Case #120

20 July 1859

Commonwealth vs. John M. Wright - - Felony

John M. Wright acused of murder of his wife and child in Taylor County.

His plea was not guilty.

C. Underwood states that John M. Wright's wife came to his house on 25th of June last. She was sick. She said that Wright had burnt some of her clothing and other things and threatened to burn her and threatened to whip her. She said John had been the cause of her death. Wright never came to see her after she came to his house until she died which was about July 2. She stated that Wright didn't strike her, but his threats scared her.

Polly Underwood stated the same substance as C. Underwood.

Jane Johnson was called and corobrates what has been stated before.

Mourning Bell called and states the same.

Nancy Read called and states that she heard Wright say some 4-6 weeks ago that his wife was in a low state of health and if she died, he'd be accused of her murder.

Polly A. Underwood agreed with the first witness.

There was not enough evidence to hold Wright, so he was discharged.

Witnesses called: Calloway Underwood, James B. Beams, Sarah Beams, Mourning Bell, Patsy Oaks, Jane Johnson, Polly Underwood, Thomas A. Bell, W. L. Bell, Mary Hash, Nancy Read, Jane Wright, Wm. Burress Jr.
1840 - 1898 John R. Underwood 58 58 1842 - 1914 Hiram Calloway Underwood 72 72 1844 - 1919 Greenberry Underwood 75 75 1849 Nancy E. Underwood 1849 William Underwood 1846 - 1914 Mariah Jane Sprowls 68 68 1850 - 1926 Thomas M. Sprowls 75 75 1853 - 1931 Harriet Susan Underwood 78 78 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1843 - 1912 Elizabeth Mariah Gaddie 68 68 Dorothy Laverne Shofner Nellie M. Warren 1910 - 1981 Thomas Minor Bennett 71 71 Maxine Warren Bradley French Doneda Warren Richard Charles Peps 1909 - 1985 Glenn E. Warren 75 75 1913 - 1985 Lela Hinton 71 71 1912 - 1998 Elva Ray Warren 86 86 1912 - 1997 Harvey Wilson Allen 84 84 1919 - 1951 Dora Marie Warren 32 32 1924 - 2000 Vernon J. Warren 75 75 Geneva Fay Hinton Dorothy Warren James William Coakley Ruth Warren Talmadge A. Neagle ? Hobbs George Emery Hobbs George Pruitt Gusta William Tharp 1856 - 1934 Ursula Sprowls 78 78 1857 - 1899 Henry Wesley Brownfield 41 41 1888 - 1944 Jed Hayes Brownfield 55 55 1892 - 1970 Anna Lena Thompson 77 77 1873 Alice Sprowls 1876 Ellen Sprowls 1878 John Proctor Sprowls 1857 Margaret Jane Underwood 1859 Mariah Underwood 1861 - 1948 William Jackson Underwood 87 87 1865 Mary Ellen Davis 1886 - 1886 Astella Underwood 4m 4m 1887 Ernest Alvin Underwood 1884 Annie Helen Howard 1909 - 1977 Locae Elliot Underwood 67 67 1913 Rhea Margaret Monroe 1911 Orrin Howard Underwood 1866 - 1939 General Thomas Underwood 73 73 Mary Elizabeth Underwood Katie Underwood Oliver Underwood Garnet Underwood Leonard Underwood 1870 Nancy Ellen Underwood 1873 - 1926 John Hamilton Underwood 53 53 1878 Lizzie B. Underwood 1879 Celia M. Underwood 1880 Olley Moss Underwood 1881 - 1942 Wilson E. Underwood 61 61 1881 - 1967 Rosa Ellen Shofner 85 85 1901 - 1967 Katie May Underwood 66 66 1907 - 1967 Cora L. Underwood 60 60 ? Skaggs 1883 Sallie M. Underwood 1886 Elijah M. Underwood 1886 Henry E. Underwood 1859 Gracey O. Sprowls 1861 George A. Sprowls 1863 Jesse F. Sprowls 1865 - 1940 William A. Sprowls 75 75 1871 - 1949 Evalena Underwood 78 78 1890 Oma Sprowls 1892 Mildred Sprowls 1895 Fay Sprowls 1898 Maggie Sprowls 1909 Gladys Sprowls 1875 Henry S. Sprowls 1850 Malvina C. Hash 1867 Lewis Green Gaddie 1869 Louisa M. Gaddie 1877 William Ed Gaddie 1840 John W. Eastes 1871 Pierce Thomas Ratliff 1873 Alice Green Ratliff 1875 Katherine May Ratliff 1876 Ursula Mariah Ratliff 1878 Lillie Elmer Ratliff 1887 Dougan Ratliff 1875 Nancy J. Underwood 1880 - 1926 Waller Underwood 46 46 1885 - 1979 Samuel C. Underwood 93 93 1886 - 1962 Jessie E. Underwood 75 75 1852 Nancy Ann Scott 1873 Rosetta Underwood 1875 Mary Underwood 1877 James Underwood 1879 Georgia Ann Underwood 1885 Mattie Myrtle Underwood 1875 David Despain 1902 Mamie Despain 1855 Sarah Ann Morris 1878 George J. Underwood 1878 - 1975 Ellie May Underwood 97 97 1879 James Walter Coakley Harriett Ford 1834 Ellen Underwood 1835 William D. Ford 1859 James F. Ford 1861 Betty E. Ford 1863 John William Ford 1866 Ambrose Y. Ford 1870 Harriet E. Ford 1873 Henry P. Ford 1875 Sally Ford 1878 Emily J. Ford 1880 George D. Ford 1845 Mary Elizabeth Coleman 1866 - 1955 Mary Belle Underwood 89 89 John Addison Wallace 1867 - 1950 Florence Underwood 82 82 1870 James Turner Dye 1890 William Jackson Dye 1891 Hagan Dye 1893 Adie Dye 1894 Lorena Turner Dye 1870 Charles Underwood 1876 William Clyde Underwood 1879 James Robert Underwood 1885 - 1960 George Conway Underwood 74 74 1891 Frankie Leona Chestnut 1911 - 1980 Harold Arthur Underwood 69 69 ? Freeman 1913 - 1999 Shirley Mary Underwood 85 85 Beauford A. Norris 1918 - 1990 James Adrian Underwood 71 71 ? Shearer 1886 Elijah M. Underwood 1886 - 1968 Henry Elliot Underwood 81 81 1888 Susan Arnold Nelson 1849 Nancy Elizabeth Thompson 1870 - 1931 James Edward Underwood 61 61 1878 Cora Swan Gutridge 1898 - 1968 Bernita Swan Underwood 70 70 Richard Gentry Long Horace Hurd Hubbard 1906 - 1947 Hubert Glenn Underwood 41 41 ? Barclay 1912 - 1936 Bernard Lucas Underwood 24 24 1873 Mary E. Underwood 1868 - 1899 John Thomas Underwood 31 31 1890 Anna Belle Underwood 1892 Mary J. Underwood 1893 Omie L. Underwood 1898 Bettie G. Underwood 1875 Lucy J. Underwood 1878 Malcolm L. Underwood Rose Underwood? 1880 Sallie M. Underwood 1881 William Druin Underwood 1886 Freddie Underwood 1888 Herbert Underwood 1891 Clara M. Underwood 1846 Howard Malcolm Thomas 1870 Florence G. Thomas 1875 Margaret E. Thomas 1848 Sarah Cummins 1870 William J. Underwood 1872 Dora B. Underwood 1874 Charles T. Underwood 1876 Turner S. Underwood 1880 Grace T. Underwood 1882 Clara May Underwood 1850 - 1898 James D. Underwood 48 48 1850 Mary E. Underwood 1855 - 1857 Benjamin Owens Underwood 2 2 1857 Sarah M. Underwood 1857 Henry T. Johnson 1859 Mary G. Purvis 1860 Jesse Calloway Johnson 1843 Delilah Ann Beams 1860 Jenkins Underwood 1861 L. F. Underwood 1865 Sallie Underwood 1868 Levinia Underwood 1884 Deborah G. Underwood 1885 George Underwood 1863 - 1947 Mary Elizabeth Underwood 83 83 1861 William Carlile 1903 Cora Edna Carlile 1865 Jerry B. Underwood 1867 - 1943 Lucy Ann Underwood 75 75 1866 - 1944 Aaron Underwood 78 78 1865 Jeremiah Bluford Hedgespeth 1893 Lucy J. Hedgespeth 1896 - 1977 Lillie M. Hedgespeth 80 80 1890 - 1975 Wesley Sherman Shofner 84 84 Nancy Ann Shofner Audrey Mae Shofner 1914 - 1979 John B. Shofner 64 64 1920 - 2001 Herman Shofner 81 81 1928 Nora Shofner 1923 - 1973 Roscoe Shofner 50 50 1934 - 1987 Mary Ann Shofner 52 52 Roy Hedgespeth 1889 - 1893 Enoch Sherman Hedgespeth 4 4 Bettie L. Hedgespeth 1872 Eliza Ann Thompson 1889 Henry T. Underwood 1871 Caroline M. Underwood 1867 Marion Thomas Bell 1887 Ada A. Bell 1890 Marion Thomas Bell 1873 - 1900 Joel D. Underwood 27 27 1878 Nannie White Underwood 1846 Malinda A. Ratliff 1866 Anna M. Underwood 1873 Nancy Jane Underwood 1870 John W. Warren 1852 - 1879 Caroline Underwood 27 27 1852 - 1905 Moses Sprowls 53 53 1855 - 1930 Thomas Jackson Shofner 74 74 1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.

1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.1.  Info from "Into and Out of Old KY" manuscript, William T. Smith 1996.
1896 Oscar Underwood 1886 Walter Underwood 1835 William Jones 1837 Jefferson Jones 1839 Jane Jones 1841 Ann Jones 1843 Alfred Jones 1846 Jeremiah Jones 1848 Sally Jones 1849 Nancy A. Jones 1852 Sealy Jones 1836 - 1865 Mary Ann Underwood 29 29 1857 Anderson Underwood 1859 William Underwood 1861 Martha A. Brown 1861 Samuel A. Underwood 1837 - 1896 Mahala Skaggs 58 58 1867 Mahala Underwood 1869 - 1952 General Thomas Underwood 83 83 1865 - 1936 Ursula Susan Oaks 71 71 1894 Rosetta Underwood 1896 Sopha E. Underwood 1898 - 1969 Henry Edgar Underwood 71 71 1895 Maudie M. Jones 1903 - 1983 Mattie Underwood 79 79 1883 Harriet Harbin 1872 Sallie Underwood ? Skaggs 1899 - 1978 David Brewer 78 78 Ernest Underwood 1902 - 1981 Tenley Underwood 79 79 Lillie Caulk Evelyn Underwood ? Hedgespeth 1875 - 1957 Calloway Underwood 81 81 1889 Belle Ratliff 1907 - 1984 Milburn Ray Underwood 76 76 ? Koehler Dau Underwood Otto Hoback 1877 Priscilla D. Underwood Bert Hoback 1880 Julia A. Underwood 1864 Drucilla Underwood 1865 - 1869 Silas Underwood 4 4 1876 - 1924 Caroline B. Arnett 48 48 1897 - 1918 Maud Underwood 21 21 1899 - 1983 Ora Underwood 84 84 1901 Bessie Underwood 1902 Homer Wright 1906 - 1998 Theresa Underwood 92 92 ? Marcum 1907 - 1999 Flora Gaddie Underwood 92 92 1906 - 1956 Leo Herman Wright 49 49 1930 - 1930 Edgar Leo Wright 2d 2d Living Wright 1940 - 1989 Gary Morris Atkins 48 48 1918 - 1925 Sylvester G. Underwood 7 7 1868 Sarah Underwood 1870 - 1955 Bettie Underwood 85 85 1857 - 1921 James William Smith 63 63 1896 Ola Smith 1899 - 1970 Hattie Uvena Smith 71 71 1902 - 1978 Hugh Lawrence Smith 75 75 1908 - 1992 Ludie Beatrice Thompson 83 83 1872 Charles Underwood 1874 - 1939 Anderson Underwood 64 64 1876 Alice T. Wright 1899 Oscar Underwood 1877 - 1932 James Thomas Underwood 55 55 Josie Anna Wise 1881 Ella Mae Brewer 1850 - 1881 Milly Ann Roark 31 31 Thomas Price 1858 Matilda J. Wright 1860 Mary Louise Wright 1862 Martha Wright 1866 John F. Wright 1867 Arabella Wright 1828 - 1913 John Marshall Wright 84 84 1.  From Jeremy Johnson's website:

Taylor County Commonwealth Case #120

20 July 1859

Commonwealth vs. John M. Wright - - Felony

John M. Wright acused of murder of his wife and child in Taylor County.

His plea was not guilty.

C. Underwood states that John M. Wright's wife came to his house on 25th of June last. She was sick. She said that Wright had burnt some of her clothing and other things and threatened to burn her and threatened to whip her. She said John had been the cause of her death. Wright never came to see her after she came to his house until she died which was about July 2. She stated that Wright didn't strike her, but his threats scared her.

Polly Underwood stated the same substance as C. Underwood.

Jane Johnson was called and corobrates what has been stated before.

Mourning Bell called and states the same.

Nancy Read called and states that she heard Wright say some 4-6 weeks ago that his wife was in a low state of health and if she died, he'd be accused of her murder.

Polly A. Underwood agreed with the first witness.

There was not enough evidence to hold Wright, so he was discharged.

Witnesses called: Calloway Underwood, James B. Beams, Sarah Beams, Mourning Bell, Patsy Oaks, Jane Johnson, Polly Underwood, Thomas A. Bell, W. L. Bell, Mary Hash, Nancy Read, Jane Wright, Wm. Burress Jr.
1843 - 1864 Hiram Underwood 21 21 1849 William K. Underwood 1852 Mary Jane Underwood 1855 Matilda Underwood 1858 Ida Underwood 1850 - 1919 Mary Jane Underwood 69 69 1883 - 1963 Mary Thomas Sprowls 80 80 1887 - 1966 John Logan Underwood 79 79 Lou Ella Underwood Bruce Earl Underwood Garnet James Underwood 1852 - 1930 Celia Underwood 77 77 1855 John Underwood 1856 Nancy A. Underwood 1859 Lydia Underwood 1861 - 1903 Rousseau Underwood 42 42 1863 Sallie Underwood 1868 Thomas Underwood 1889 - 1981 Ernest Clifford Dohrer 92 92 1881 William J. Shofner 1882 Lona Bell Underwood Bernice Underwood Junior Oaks 1926 - 1994 James K. Lee 68 68 Carl Bloyd Underwood Kathryn Wright Teddy Underwood Virginia Underwood Calvin Hash 1929 - 1981 Goldie Underwood 52 52 Jack Lee 1910 - 1996 Esther Ellen Caulk 85 85 Tressie Despain 1943 Willis MacArthur Fraze D. 1989 F. T. Pepper 1950 - 1951 Roy Vaughn Despain 4m 4m 1890 - 1978 Grace Ann Underwood 88 88 1888 Milton Lee Howell 1915 Charles Russell Howell 1845 Jane Linville 1872 - 1960 Sarah Alice Underwood 88 88 1865 George A. Young John Wesley McCloud 1880 - 1974 Mary Ellen Underwood 93 93 1879 Alfred Riley Kirkham 1907 Ula Fern Kirkham 1884 - 1963 Arilda Ethel Underwood 79 79 1903 Henry Lambert 1886 - 1955 William Albert Underwood 69 69 1890 Eva B. Homes 1841 James M. Morrison 1850 - 1941 Eli "Pap" Underwood 91 91 1864 Elizabeth Sophronia Fenwick Eli Richard Underwood Edgar Underwood 1895 James Arthur Underwood 1897 Martha Ann Underwood 1899 Oscar Underwood 1905 - 1988 Gerald Martin Underwood 83 83 1910 - 1927 Maude Underwood 17 17 ? Duire 1843 Melvina Linville 1869 - 1961 Mary Elizabeth Underwood 92 92 1864 Henry Hamrick 1891 Nellie Victoria Hamrick 1894 Earl T. Hamrick 1896 Evan Hamrick 1871 - 1962 Barney Underwood 90 90 1873 Morgan D. Underwood 1877 - 1877 Virgil Underwood 9m 9m 1879 - 1970 Sarah Ada Underwood 91 91 1875 William Pierson Young 1898 Roy Virgil Young 1883 - 1970 Everett Underwood 87 87 1884 - 1966 Ida Underwood 82 82 1877 George Staples 1889 - 1971 Elmer W. Underwood 81 81 1852 Mary Jane Underwood 1878 William T. Price 1882 Logan Price 1890 Mary Oma Price 1887 - 1956 Alfred Brofford Underwood 68 68 1855 - 1919 Elizabeth Underwood 64 64 1851 John A. Wise 1856 Ursula Underwood 1859 - 1907 Celia Betty Underwood 48 48 1861 - 1951 Jane Underwood 90 90 1863 - 1870 Green Berry Underwood 7 7 1865 - 1913 Hiram Jackson Underwood 47 47 1888 Lulu H. Underwood 1892 Lee E. Underwood 1894 Annie Green Underwood 1899 Hattie Ethel Underwood 1901 - 1918 Mattie H. Underwood 17 17 L. N. Underwood 1850 Elizabeth Warren 1853 Hiram T. Warren 1855 - 1860 Nancy A. Warren 5 5 1857 Mary Elizabeth Warren 1862 Harriett Jeanette Warren 1865 - 1934 John L. Warren 69 69 1864 Dicey Pierce 1868 - 1952 Mary M. Walker 84 84 1900 - 1959 Yester Warren 59 59 Stella Thompson 1870 James C. Warren 1870 Emily Emma Wright 1896 - 1971 Anthony M. Warren 74 74 1898 Cora E. Warren 1899 Lucie Ann Warren 1871 Alice K. Warren Howard Despain Melvin E. Despain Gracy E. Despain Walter Howard Despain Ama Despain Carl Despain Earl Despain 1895 - 1925 John Bradley 30 30 Rhoda Kelly 1860 Cordelia Underwood 1860 John J. Smith 1866 - 1939 Clint Underwood 72 72 1867 Henry Underwood Jane Brown 1884 Jury C. Underwood 1887 Alford B. Underwood 1889 Luley B. Underwood 1869 Lorenzo Underwood Jim Duggins 1871 Eliza Ann Underwood W. J. Cook 1874 Julia Green Underwood 1876 Flora Underwood Will McCorkle ? King 1851 James Warren Thomas Jefferson Skaggs 1875 - 1960 Sarah Augusta Miles 84 84 1878 - 1938 James Mason Miles 60 60 1881 - 1923 John Eli Miles 41 41 1883 - 1965 Albert Rufus Miles 81 81 1886 - 1970 Edward Wood Miles 84 84 1891 - 1891 Rosa Eula Miles 4m 4m 1892 - 1952 Effie Florence Miles 60 60 1895 - 1968 Claudis Dewey Miles 72 72 Irene Skaggs? ? McCarty 1901 - 1908 Loley V. Shofner 7 7 1873 - 1951 Nancy Catherine Shofner 77 77 Elijah Douglas Beard 1879 - 1971 Louzenia V. Ratliff 91 91 1849 - 1913 Lewis James Ratliff 63 63 1855 Caroline Thompson 1916 - 1995 Lindsey Burlin Beard 79 79 1817 Thomas M. Wright 1870 - 1923 Edward Everett Nelson 53 53 1868 Bettie Sprowls 1877 William R. Shofner 1888 Maude Alice Underwood 1862 Robert T. Underwood 1865 Sally Fanny Chaney 1844 - 1878 Nancy Ann DeWitt 34 34 1903 Ranford Underwood BET 1895 AND 1920 Carl Underwood 1913 James David Underwood BET 1895 AND 1920 Alma Underwood 1923 Helen Marcum ? Catlett 1917 - 1982 William A. Catlett 64 64 Halley Cosbey 1830 - 1876 Mary Rachel "Polly" Sprowls 45 45 1839 - 1907 Henry Franklin Shofner 68 68 1868 Elizabeth J. Johnson 1873 Fielding Sprowls 1874 Nellie Sprowls 1876 Mary E. Sprowls 1879 John C. Sprowls 1878 - 1950 Emmett Shofner 72 72 1879 - 1969 Mattie Green Underwood 89 89 1883 - 1951 Jim Tom Sprowls 67 67 BET 1889 AND 1915 Bennie Sprowls 1849 - 1918 John S. Wright 68 68 1904 - 1997 Bennie Underwood 93 93 Nelly Wright Lucy Wright Living Underwood 1860 Jesse Calloway Johnson 1813 - 1899 Calloway Underwood 85 85 1865 - 1940 William A. Sprowls 75 75 1883 - 1963 Mary Thomas Sprowls 80 80 1843 - 1934 Samuel Druin Underwood 91 91 1854 - 1937 Nancy Jane Sprowls 83 83 1859 Theresa Warren
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