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Family Subtree Diagram : GenoMap1

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? ~1465 Robert Wye Sarsdwen Verch Ddyfwal UNKNOWN 1908 - 1999 Glen Harold Gardner 91 91 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Bishop
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Phd
1998 Bc Gaodhal UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Red Sea Dinah Bint Barakiel 1686 Bc Heber Scuta UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia Marytaten UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Egypt
1905 Bc Asruth UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Red Sea 1800 Bc Sruth UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Red Sea 1556 Bc Baouman UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia 1847 - 1918 Julia A. Martin 71 71 Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardener ~1330 - 1383/1446 Mary Cromwell 1917 Norman Lewis Dufur Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend ~1443 Constance Audley Touchet ~1390 - 1416/1484 Anghard Medoc ap Jer Goch ~1387 - 1413/1477 Miss Ludlow 1494 - ~1541 Margaret Wye 47 47 ~1390 - 12 Mar 1440/1441 Robert II WHITNEY Name Suffix:<NSFX> Esquire Mary Mac Leod 1010 Bc Brigus OR Breoghan UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Spain
Rhoda UNKNOWN Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 0082 Bc - <0100 Criomthan- Niadh-Nar UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Monarch
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
940 Bc - 868 Bc Heremon Eochaid UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
368 Bc Ceasair Cruthach UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
815 Bc - <0100 Eanbotha UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~1180 - 1205/1274 Anne Viliers Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess 343 Bc Cobhthach Caol Breag UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~1846 William N. Bowin ~1806 John Layman Nutt Abt 1511 Bc - <0100 Fiachadh Labhraein UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~1180 - 1205/1271 Joice Eaton 1812 - 1887 Jane Emma Jackson Ball 74 74 Married Name:<_MARNM> Campbell 1369 Bc Agnon UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Caspian Sea 1201 Bc Febric Glas UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia
1748 - 1798 David Dufur 49 49 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr 1742 - 1804 Ruth Mc Gregory 61 61 Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 1717 - 1760/1800 Hepsibeh UNKNOWN Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor ~1241 - 1265/1332 Baldwin III WHITNEY 1701/1704 - 1748/1780 Gerrif Vandewerken Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor ~1260 - 1289/1354 Mary De Mortimer Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess 0630 - 0693 Entfidich King Of The Picts UNKNOWN 63 63 Abt 1479 Bc - <0100 Maion Maon UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Mary UNKNOWN Married Name:<_MARNM> Woolbright 1463 Bc - <0100 Rotheachta Rigderg UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1808 Samuel Jenkins Name Suffix:<NSFX> JR Samuel Jenkins Name Suffix:<NSFX> SR Francis Davis Married Name:<_MARNM> Fisher UNKNOWN Fisher ~1340 Malcolm Mac Alpin ~0905 MS. W. Van Egmond UNKNOWN ~1405 Eleanor De Holland Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baroness
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Audley
~1469 Jane Unknown 1491 - 1541 Robert I WHITNEY 50 50 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir ~1360 - 1414/1476 Joan Oldcastle Wenillian ~1307 - 1332/1398 Baldwin V WHITNEY ~1307 - 1332/1401 Jane Vaughn ~1435 - 1522 Simon Milbourne 87 87 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord 1878/1880 - 1915 Martha Dufur Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza ~1390 - 1413/1480 Thomas Trussell 1884 - 1915 Maggie Dufur 31 31 Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza ~1435 - 1466/1526 Robert WHITNEY 2920 Bc Bentenos Bint Barakiel UNKNOWN 2360 Bc Boath Ben Magog UNKNOWN 400 Bc - <0100 Eochaidh Buillaig Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0053 Bc - 0009 Bc Eochaidh Uchtleathan <0100 - <0100 Mugeth Mrlach UNKNOWN 1902 - 1934 Elsie Payne 31 31 590 Bc - <0100 Giallchadh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
456 Bc - <0100 Fiachadh Tolgrach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~1019 - 1033 Siegbert I UNKNOWN 14 14 Name Suffix:<NSFX> in Saargau <0100 - <0100 Cairche UNKNOWN Loch de Cruitheantuaidh 485 Bc - <0100 Muriadhach Bolgrach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0173 Ludhaidh UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland 393 Bc King Of France UNKNOWN 0201 Ulcheataigh (Blacksmith) UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland 565 Bc - <0100 Nuadha Fionn Fail Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0028 Bc - <0100 Cloth Fionn UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0116 Sgaile Balbh Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Britain
0004 Bc Cloethia Na Heireann Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
513 Bc - <0100 Simon Breac Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Fiacha Fionn Ola Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Britain
915 Bc - <0100 Irial Faidh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
936 Bc Tamar Tephi UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland, Princess Of Judah
790 Bc - <0100 Prince Smiorguil UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland 715 Bc Maoin Maon UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
740 Bc - <0100 Aongus Oilbhaugach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
890 Bc - <0100 Eithriall UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
690 Bc - <0100 Rotheachta UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1410 - ~1468 Eustace WHITNEY 58 58 ~1439 Jane Baskerville Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lady ~1307 - 1330/1338 Ralph Cromwell 1783 - 1810/1870 Silas Dufur 1785 - 1805/1860 Hepsibeth Dufur 1776 - 1818 David Dufur 42 42 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr. Theunis Dufoor 3316 Bc - 2347 Bc Methuselah Ben Enoch BIOGRAPHY: Oldest man who ever lived. Lived 965 years. 1402 Jeanne DE WAVRIN 1838 Dana Gardener 1844 Nathaniel Gardener 2382 Bc Gomer Ben Japheth Harold Gardener 1165 Bc Neuall UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia 986 Bc Bile UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Spain
1812 Rosa Unknown 1840 Elizabeth Keyes 1656 - Bet 1704 - 1740 Jannetje Van ESSELSTEIN Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor ~1220 - 1241/1300 Ralph Stafford Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord 1200 - 1242 Gerard VAN EGMOND 42 42 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer ~1241 - 1265/1335 Sibyl Stafford 1040 Bc Brath UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Spain
~1580 David La Paze Anne UNKNOWN Married Name:<_MARNM> La Paze 1701 - 1722/1780 Abraham [De Voe] DUFOOR America: Jan Jean and his wife Jannette came to America because they wanted freedom. Jan Jean fought in the Revolutionary war to help win freedom for all. 1221 - Abt Jan 1272/1273 Hugh De Mortimer 0088 Alba UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of Scotland ~1222 - 1246/1313 Baldwin II WHITNEY ~1260 - 1290/1351 Baldwin IV WHITNEY Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count 1681 - Bet 1710 and 1755 Margaret Dufoor 1688 - Bet 1710 and 1776 Ariente [Harriet] Dufoor ~1227 - 1262 Agatha De Ferrers 35 35 ~1285 - 1311/1376 Hugh WHITNEY ~1285 - 1311/1379 Isabel Croft Bet 1655 and 1660 - Bet 1680 and 1745 Mary Van Woglum ~1625 - Bet 1670 and 1705 Jeanne Francis ~1222 - 1246/1316 Anne Le Gross Bet 1664 and 1675 - Bet 1664 and 1750 Adrien Du Four 1655 - 1717 Jan Jean DUFOOR 62 62 Nickname:<NICK> Jean
Alias:<ALIA> /Jean/
[inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
John Devoor was born about 1655, married 2578 Jannetje Van Isselton
[Esselton, Ysselton] in 1676. by whom he had twelve children, when his
wife died. His second wife was Mary Van Woglum, of Albany, who left no
children. He died in about1720, and his will names his children as
follows: 57Mary, 58John, 59Margaret, 60David, 61Peter, 62Rachel,
63Arientie Harriet], 64Jannetje, 65Elizabeth, 66Teunis, 67William and
68Abraham. In his will he bequeaths..."To my eldest son, 58John Devoer,
three pounds currency, for his birthright; to my sons, 61Peter, 60David,
67William, 66 Teunis,and 68Abraham, each a milch cow or its value; to my
daughter Ariente, wife of 2580Jacobus Montayne, a milch cow; to my
daughter Elizabeth, my painted cubbard and a milch cow", but to his
daughter Rachel, he cuts her off with "one English Shilling, for her
undutifulness";then "I give unto my beloved wife Mary Devoer one-fourth
part of the crop ofWheat and Rye,&C; and the remainder of my estate to
be equally divided"; which also included his daughter 64Jannetje Devoer,
wife of 2581Andrew Bisset, and ye children of my daughter 57Mary
[deceased], wife of 2582Garrit Roelifson." She died before her father's
will was made,  as appears above children notnamed.

Alias:<ALIA> /Jean/
[inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
John Devoor was born about 1655, married 2578 Jannetje Van Isselton
[Esselton, Ysselton] in 1676. by whom he had twelve children, when his
wife died. His second wife was Mary Van Woglum, of Albany, who left no
children. He died in about1720, and his will names his children as
follows: 57Mary, 58John, 59Margaret, 60David, 61Peter, 62Rachel,
63Arientie Harriet], 64Jannetje, 65Elizabeth, 66Teunis, 67William and
68Abraham. In his will he bequeaths..."To my eldest son, 58John Devoer,
three pounds currency, for his birthright; to my sons, 61Peter, 60David,
67William, 66 Teunis,and 68Abraham, each a milch cow or its value; to my
daughter Ariente, wife of 2580Jacobus Montayne, a milch cow; to my
daughter Elizabeth, my painted cubbard and a milch cow", but to his
daughter Rachel, he cuts her off with "one English Shilling, for her
undutifulness";then "I give unto my beloved wife Mary Devoer one-fourth
part of the crop ofWheat and Rye,&C; and the remainder of my estate to
be equally divided"; which also included his daughter 64Jannetje Devoer,
wife of 2581Andrew Bisset, and ye children of my daughter 57Mary
[deceased], wife of 2582Garrit Roelifson." She died before her father's
will was made,  as appears above children notnamed.
0893 - 17 Dec 942 William I De Normandy Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "Longsword"
~1630 - 1699 David Du FOUR 69 69 [inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
From  Family Tree Maker, section. Book's name: "The Deveaux
Family" by Thos. F. De Voe
The next earliest arrival found here was 49David du Four, whose surname
appeared differently spelled from any other branch who had yet arrived
here, either before or after him; we find, however, that other and later
arrivals , whose surnames, though differently spelled, yet they were
attracted near where Du Four had settled. When their generations became
connected, and after after a period, the spelling of the name Du Four
ceased to exist, or at least it became unknown in the settlement.
Our esteemed friend 2575 James Riker, in his interesting "History of
Harlem" informs us that 49David du Four, whose posterity, which became
numerous in this country, changed the form of their name to Devoor and De
Voe". He was a native of Mons, in Hainault; upon this place being
threatened by the successes of the French in the Walloon districts
retired withothers of his family to Sedan, and afterwards to Amsterdam,
where du Four, though fitted by education for a better position, became
an 'opperman' or drayman. Left by the death of his wife, 2576Mary Boulen,
with a young child, 50Jean or John, born during their stay in Sedan, he
found another companion in 2577Jeanne Francis, a mature lady of
thirty-two years, from Queivran, a little east of Mons, to whom he was
married July 10, 1657. Then same year, with his new wife and his little
son aforesaid, he sailed for Manhattan Island , the present New York.
After du Four's arrival he settled at Harlem, where he obtained some ten
morgens of land in 1662, on which he was residing in 1674 when 51Nicholas
de Vaux arrived at that place. The surnames being so much alike, they
perhaps came to the conclusion they were kinsmen; which to no doubt led
du Four to change the letter F in his name to V, and afterwards his
generations altered it to De Vore and De Voe.
Du Four remained at Harlem until 1677, when he and his son obtained a
grant of some sixty acres of land near "Turtle Bay", on the East River,
where he resided until his death , which occurred about 1698, leaving his
children named in his will, proved in 1699, 52John, 53 David, 54Peter,
55Glaude, and 56Adrien, the last three of which there is no account.

[inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
From  Family Tree Maker, section. Book's name: "The Deveaux
Family" by Thos. F. De Voe
The next earliest arrival found here was 49David du Four, whose surname
appeared differently spelled from any other branch who had yet arrived
here, either before or after him; we find, however, that other and later
arrivals , whose surnames, though differently spelled, yet they were
attracted near where Du Four had settled. When their generations became
connected, and after after a period, the spelling of the name Du Four
ceased to exist, or at least it became unknown in the settlement.
Our esteemed friend 2575 James Riker, in his interesting "History of
Harlem" informs us that 49David du Four, whose posterity, which became
numerous in this country, changed the form of their name to Devoor and De
Voe". He was a native of Mons, in Hainault; upon this place being
threatened by the successes of the French in the Walloon districts
retired withothers of his family to Sedan, and afterwards to Amsterdam,
where du Four, though fitted by education for a better position, became
an 'opperman' or drayman. Left by the death of his wife, 2576Mary Boulen,
with a young child, 50Jean or John, born during their stay in Sedan, he
found another companion in 2577Jeanne Francis, a mature lady of
thirty-two years, from Queivran, a little east of Mons, to whom he was
married July 10, 1657. Then same year, with his new wife and his little
son aforesaid, he sailed for Manhattan Island , the present New York.
After du Four's arrival 
~1629 - 1655 Mary BOULEN 26 26 Married Name:<_MARNM> Du Four 1677 - <1720 Mary Marie Dufoor 43 43 1680 - ~1746 John Dufoor 66 66 [inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
John married [2583]Catharine Vander Werken, of Half Moon [near Albany NY]
in 1706, in which place he and two of his brothers were found in 1724. he
and his wife died about 1746, and his ancestors  were known as De Voe.
His children were born and baptized asfollows: 69 John, 70Geetruy,
71William, 72Marretje, 73 Isaac, 74Jannetje, [then twins 75Catharine and
76Ariaantie, born in 1725].

[inglis family.and Keith .4FBK.ged.FBK.FBK.FBK.FTW]
John married [2583]Catharine Vander Werken, of Half Moon [near Albany NY]
in 1706, in which place he and two of his brothers were found in 1724. he
and his wife died about 1746, and his ancestors  were known as De Voe.
His children were born and baptized asfollows: 69 John, 70Geetruy,
71William, 72Marretje, 73 Isaac, 74Jannetje, [then twins 75Catharine and
76Ariaantie, born in 1725].
1702 - Bet 1726 and 1780 David Dufoor 1687 - Bet 1720 and 1770 Rachel Dufoor 1690 - 1712/1780 Jannetje Jannetie Dufoor 1693 - Bet 1718 and 1790 Elizabeth Dufoor 1696 - Bet 1726 and 1770 Teunis Dufoor 1698 - Bef 1735/1736 William Dufoor 1686 - Bet 1736 and 1780 Peter Dufoor Aft 3870 Bc Azura Bint Adam >1659 - Bet 1659 and 1725 David Du Four Bet 1660 and 1665 - Bet 1665 and 1750 Peter Du Four Bet 1662 and 1670 - Bet 1670 and 1750 Glaude Du Four 1765/1772 - 1793/1860 Asa Dunbar Eager Rhoda UNKNOWN Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 1314 - 1377 Guyote VAN AMSTEL 63 63 1494 - 1556 James BASKERVILLE 62 62 1811 Phebe UNKNOWN Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 1310 - 1368 Jan I VAN EGMOND 58 58 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 1283 - 1321 Wouter II VAN EGMOND 38 38 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 1848 - 1896 Leanor Augusta Lancaster 48 48 Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur D. 1678 James Mac Donald Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir ~1360 - 1402 Robert I WHITNEY 42 42 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1872 - 1944 John Henry Dufur 71 71 ~0700 Queen Of Scotland UNKNOWN 1874/1876 - 1915 Wallace Dufur Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza 1876/1888 - 1915 Alford Dufur Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza 1877/1879 Albert L Dufur 541 Bc - <0100 Aodh Glas 1884 - 1915 Maggie Dufur 31 31 1886 - 1918 Lilly Dufur 32 32 Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza ~1469 - 1495/1563 Blanche Milbourne Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lady 1090 Bc - <0100 Arcadh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia, Lord Of Gothland
1918 Lena Elsie Dufur Also Known As:<_AKA> Boltol
Married Name:<_MARNM> Cornell
1920 - 1988 Ivon Rosella Dufur 68 68 Also Known As:<_AKA> Eaton
Married Name:<_MARNM> Almond
1913 - 1993 Leslie Wilson Gardner 79 79 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend 1922 - 1992 Freda Jewel 70 70 Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 1916 Jesse Martin Dufur Peggy Leona Thurman ~1398 - 1459 James Touchet 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baron
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Audley
~1465 - 1495/1556 James WHITNEY Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lord Of Icomb
1933 - 1991 Betty Hartley 57 57 ~1412 - 1440/1506 Jennet Trussell William Cope Nickname:<NICK> Bill Living Gardner 2146 Bc Phoeniusa Farsaidh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia
Living Clark 640 Bc - <0100 Siorna Saoghalch Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Living Gardner 1932 - 1973 Otto Richard Galler 41 41 Nickname:<NICK> Dick Living Dawson Living Gardner Living Clark Living Solverson 665 Bc - <0100 Dein UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1070 Bc Deag UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Spain, Lord Of Gothland
Living Syndergaard Living Gardner Living Theilen Living Hight Living Stone ~0375 Cynloup UNKNOWN Living Clark ~1200 - 1226/1280 Eustace Le Gross 1240 Bc Agnan Fionn UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia Living Gardner 775 Bc Zachariah UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah Living Theilen Living Knight Living Toddy Living Toddy ~1272 - 1327 Friedrich V UNKNOWN 55 55 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Leiningen 1871 - 1939 Lewis Edward Payne 68 68 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend 428 Bc - <0100 Duach Laighrach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1905 - 1905 Lewis Ether Payne King Of Denmark 1914 - 1960 Ralph Washington Payne 46 46 1920 - 1920 Baby Payne 1925 Donald Wayne Adams Nickname:<NICK> Donnie Alice Josephine Mazinjo Married Name:<_MARNM> Adams 1904 - 1959 Wayland Howard Moore 54 54 Nickname:<NICK> Sr. 740 Bc - 0698 Hezekiah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Living Good 1893 Frank Smith 1922 Elmer Lee Smith Living Smith Wayne Clutter 1918 - 1919 A. B Smith ? 1 1 Harry Carr 1928 Lavern Edgbert Etter ~1160 - 1235 Luitgarde Of Leiningen 75 75 Living Etter Living Groshart 755 Bc - 0726 Ahaz UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
~1245 - ~1316 Friedrich IV Of Leiningen 71 71 Living Payne Living Nickles Faustina Gutierez Living Payne 1844 - 1901 George Washington Payne 56 56 1432 Bc Tait UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia 372 Bc Ugaine Mor The Great UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1868 - 1868 Willis Leander Payne 1870 Francis Elizabeth Payne Married Name:<_MARNM> Edwards Gilbert Edwards 1873 - 1932 Willis Washington Payne 58 58 1891 - 1948 Lula Inez Cooley 56 56 Married Name:<_MARNM> Payne Antonio Garcia 1882 - 1965 Queen Victoria Payne 83 83 Nickname:<NICK> Vicky
Married Name:<_MARNM> Cardenas
Willie Edwards 1907 William Payne Margrett Siscners 1909 Margrett Payne Married Name:<_MARNM> Gonzalas 1911 Leroy Payne Rose Garcia 1916 Alice Payne Married Name:<_MARNM> Gallegos Lee O Gallegos Berlinda Padilla Alfanso Sanchez Joseph Albert Nickname:<NICK> Joe 1925 Lee Andrew Payne Juanita Turner 1908 Lillie May Payne Also Known As:<_AKA> Wood
Married Name:<_MARNM> Owens
1909 Willard Franklin Payne Mary Marel Haslam James Wood Robert Owens 1910 - 1943 Millard Leroy Payne 33 33 Jean Flora Mentoya Married Name:<_MARNM> Payne 1912 - 1934 Walter Payne 22 22 Dorothy Jean Jerome 1913 - 1964 Lula Florence Payne 50 50 Married Name:<_MARNM> Johnson Benjamin M Johnson 1915 Luther Earl Payne Madge Erumsey 1915 Cecil Edward Payne Mary M Miller 1919 - 1920 Sarah Elizabeth Payne 11m 11m 1921 Mildred Charlotte Payne Married Name:<_MARNM> Jakes Thomas C Jakes 1922 Willlie Elizabeth Payne Married Name:<_MARNM> Williams Richard D Williams 1921 Francis Clarabelle Payne Married Name:<_MARNM> Canty Alma Pete Canty 1927 George Avery Payne Carolee Wasson 1813 - >1848 John Payne 35 35 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr.
He was a Blacksmith
1814 - >1848 Sarah Paralee Walker 34 34 Married Name:<_MARNM> Payne 1831 Daniel W Payne 1834 Rachel Payne 1838 Thomas G Payne 1842 Moses Payne ~0980 Audoenus UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> in Saargau ~1180 - 1205/1271 Eustace II WHITNEY 865 Bc - <0100 Follam UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Adaiah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Priest
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Boscath
Susie UNKNOWN Marie UNKNOWN 1876 - 1884 Charles Lewis Nutt 8 8 1877 - 1942 John Washington Nutt 64 64 1328 - 1387 Jolanthe Of Julich 59 59 1881 - 1915 Mary Ida Nutt 34 34 Married Name:<_MARNM> Vigile
Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza
Daniel Vigile 1884 - 1968 Martha Elles Nutt 84 84 Nickname:<NICK> Ella
Married Name:<_MARNM> Selack
John Selack 1886 - 1886 Hanna Cora Nutt 2m 2m 765 Bc Fiachafh Labhruine Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Auther Rippon 840 Bc - <0100 Tighermas UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
<0100 - <0100 Moriat Unknown Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Living Adams Living Rowe Living Adams Living Adams Living Moore Living Lavender Living Moore Living Gorbet Living Adams Living Frank Living Frank Living Adams Living Washington 1884 - 1968 Jerome Ernest Moore 83 83 1886 - 1972 Pernina Clementine Tierce 85 85 Married Name:<_MARNM> Moore 1849 - 1914 Simpson W Moore 64 64 1859 - 1943 Lenora Caroline Stump 84 84 Married Name:<_MARNM> Moore 1856 - 1928 Michael Richerson Tierce 72 72 1848 - 1898 Mary Emile Olive 49 49 Married Name:<_MARNM> Tierce 3128 Bc - 2351 Bc Lamech Ben Methuselah 3609 Bc - 2714 Bc Mahaleleel Ben Canaan UNKNOWN 986 Bc Pharaoh Nectonobinus UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of Egypt Abt 2464 Bc Emzarah Naamah Bas Rakeel Harold Coe William Ray Ralph UNKNOWN Edna Bint Azrail Lilly Bliven Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardner 1874 Elizabeth A Gardner Nickname:<NICK> Lizzie 1876 - 1936 Frank E Gardner 59 59 1880 Rosella Louise Knerger Nickname:<NICK> Rosie
Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardner
2598 Bc - 1998 Bc Noah Ben Lamech Name Prefix:<NPFX> Priest
BIOGRAPHY: Lived 950 years.
Floyd Gardner Norbert Carl Mc Closkey 2146 Bc Belait Scota UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia , Princess Of Egypt
Spondana UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Pics
2087 Bc Niul UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia
1848 - 1893 Charles Trenton Blevins 45 45 Nickname:<NICK> Chas Rufus French 2400 Bc Magog Ben Japheth Frank Bliven Winnie UNKNOWN Rosa UNKNOWN 1796 John Gee Noam Bint Seth 1775 - 1831 Martha Adams 56 56 Married Name:<_MARNM> Woolbright Amy UNKNOWN ~0945 MS. Dodo UNKNOWN 1601 Phillippe Du FOUR 1603 Ester La Paze Married Name:<_MARNM> Du Four ~1590 Anne Unknown Bef 3870 Bc Cain Ben Adam 1679 Gerrit Roelofs Vanderwerken 1680/1746 Catharine Vandewerken Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor 1700/1710 - 1700/1775 Gerrtruy De Voe 1700/1710 - 1700/1790 William De Voe 1700/1710 - 1700/1780 Marretje De Voe 1707 - 1750/1780 John De Voe 1707 - 1750/1780 Fytie Vanderker Married Name:<_MARNM> De Voe 1725 - 1725/1800 Catherine De Voe 1725 - 1725/1800 Ariaante De Voe Nickname:<NICK> Harriet Bet. 1675 and 1681 - 1710/1750 Alexander Beets 1469 - 1539 Floris VAN EGMOND 70 70 1680/1687 - 1710/1760 UNKNOWN Hendricksen 1693 - 1761 Jacob De La Montanye 68 68 1680/1688 - 1710/1770 Conrad Vanderbeck 1685/1690 - 1712/1770 Andrew Bisset 1665/1693 - 1718/1780 Michael Cornelius 1696/1700 - 1731/1770 Sarah Van Oblenus Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor 1696/1708 - 1726/1770 Georga Barhout Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor 1695/1710 - 1728/1765 Charity Conklin Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor Bef 3870 Bc Abel Ben Adam 1722 - 1748 Abraham DUFOOR 26 26 Name Suffix:<NSFX> II 1717 - 1760/1800 Hepsibeh Unknown Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufoor ~1327 - >1368 Eustace WHITNEY 41 41 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1773 - 1835/1860 Eli Phillip (Eliphilet) DUFUR 1772 - 1793/1860 Lucille DUFUR Nickname:<NICK> Lucy 1777 - 1870 Able Harrison DUFUR 92 92 Name Suffix:<NSFX> I 1779 - 1782/1860 Elijah DUFUR 1781 - 1878 Calvin DUFUR 97 97 Eliza A Caldwell Anna DUFUR 1778 Rhoda Unknown Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 1799 Unknown DUFUR 1800 John DUFUR 1808 - <1890 William M DUFUR 82 82 In 1880 William Dufur was living in Williamson, Texas with his daughter Emeline and her husband Isaac Jackson. 1880 census 1811 - 1940 Phebe Unknown 129 129 1810 Luther DUFUR 1818 Celista DUFUR 1819 Unknown DUFUR 1821 Unknown DUFUR 1823 Unknown DUFUR ? 1833 - 1915 James Hollister DUFUR 82 82 Cicil War Record

11 Sept 1861 - Pvt. in E Company, 27th Reginebt, Ill Infantry             Voluteers.

19 Sept 1863 - Received a head injury in battle at Chickamauga, Ill.

20 Sept 1864 - Received discharge from the Service in Ill.
Received $30 a month Pension for serving in the Civil      War.
Sergeant in the Union Army.

20 June 1915 - Buried in Baxter Cemetary, 2 mi east of Catcher, AR.
~1866 - 1915 Charles DUFUR 49 49 Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza 1867/1871 - 1915 Henry DUFUR Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza 1873/1875 - 1915 Rosa DUFUR Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza 1874/1876 Willis DUFUR 1875/1877 Frank DUFUR 1878/1880 - 1915 Mary DUFUR Cause of Death:<CAUS> Influenza 1438 Maria VAN VIANEN 1879/1882 Jay DUFUR 1883 - 1959 Xaivier DUFUR 76 76 1896 - 1952 Annie Eliza PAYNE 56 56 Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur
Cause of Death:<CAUS> Car accident
1913 - 1985 Velva Amy DUFUR 71 71 Nickname:<NICK> Snooks
Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardner
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend
1915 Cloey Martha DUFUR Also Known As:<_AKA> Rowe, Keeling
Married Name:<_MARNM> Hatch
Foster Rowe Earl Keeling James Hatch Emily Secrest Opal Vest Jerri Roberts Gilbert Cornell Charles Bolton 1918 - 1978 James Shelby Almond 60 60 Richard Moore Eaton 1922 - 1966 James Xaivier DUFUR 44 44 Nickname:<NICK> Zay 1927 - 1966 Barbara Lester 38 38 1924 - 2002 Vern Lyle DUFUR 78 78 Evelyn Ruther Living Hunt Dionne Towell 1929 Jesse Marvin DUFUR Living Porter Living Pridemore 1928 - 1928 Lavern Oran DUFUR 1m 1m 1933 - 1989 Ralph Leonard DUFUR 55 55 1926 - 1965 Jewel Eileen DUFUR 38 38 Also Known As:<_AKA> Redford, Hunt
Married Name:<_MARNM> Cope, Redford, Hunt
Cause of Death:<CAUS> Murdered, shot
Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living Ostrom Living Ostrom Living Gardner 1424 - 1465 Marguerite DE ROUVEROY 41 41 Living Gardner 755 Bc Abijah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Living Galler ~1296 Jutte Of Limburg 1966 - 1966 Richard Allen Galler 1d 1d Living Galler Living Stone Living Theilen 0826 - 0756 Uzziah Azariah UNKNOWN 70 70 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Burdette Syndergaard Marylin Mumm ~1308 Elisabeth Of Kleve- Hulchrath Living Hildreth Living Clark Living Hildreth Living Hildreth Living Hildreth Living Navarro Living Knight Living Knight 1675/1681 - 1702/1750 Teunia Pier 1417 - 1494 Jean DE GLYMES 76 76 Living Knight Living Knight Living UNKNOWN 1625 - >1706 Jan Willemszen VAN YSSELSTEIN 81 81 1628 - >1669 Willemtje Jans 41 41 Married Name:<_MARNM> Ysselteyn 1595 - 1625/1675 Willem VAN IJSSELSTEIN Nickname:<NICK> Ponsen, Pons 1879 - 1918 Gilbert Harold Gardner 38 38 1883 - 1963 Eleanor Marie Blevins 80 80 Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardner 1840 - 1932 William Dana S Gardner 92 92 1791 - 1880 John Dana Gardner 89 89 1806 - 1879 Elizabeth Smith 73 73 Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardner 1808 Calvin Martin 691 Bc - 0641 Amon UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
1845 - 1910 Edna Ann Abbot 64 64 Married Name:<_MARNM> Bliven 1918 - 1975 Violet Edna Gardner 56 56 Married Name:<_MARNM> Coe 1879 - 1920 Cloey Eliza Nutt 40 40 Married Name:<_MARNM> Payne 1848 - 1940 Cynthia Elizabeth Gee 91 91 Married Name:<_MARNM> Payne 1827 - 1900 Walter Leander Gee 73 73 1829 - 1915 Francis Elizabeth Jenkins 86 86 Married Name:<_MARNM> Gee 1140 Bc Nuadhad UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia 1809 Melinda Fisher Married Name:<_MARNM> Jenkins 1115 Bc - <0100 Alladh UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia 1803 Emma (Amy) Ann Woolbright Nickname:<NICK> Amy
Married Name:<_MARNM> Gee
1752 - 1828 Barnabas Woolbright 76 76 ~1864 Oregon DUFUR ~0568 Nechtan Mac Gwyddno Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Picts
1832 - 1897 John Lewis Nutt 64 64 1849 - 1923 Mary Jane Campbell 73 73 Married Name:<_MARNM> Nutt 1813 - 1888 George Washington Campbell 75 75 1812 - 1887 Jane Emma Jackson 74 74 Also Known As:<_AKA> Ball
Married Name:<_MARNM> Campbell
1810 Isabell Woodard Married Name:<_MARNM> Nutt 1912 - 1919 Mabel Christine Jenkins 6 6 Married Name:<_MARNM> Gardner Living Gardner Living UNKNOWN Living Gardner Living UNKNOWN Elmer Eugene Jenkins Florence Smith Married Name:<_MARNM> Jenkins 1917 Delbert Jenkins 1908 Marian Jenkins Opal Jenkins 1865 Allen William Gardner Cingueris UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Pharaoh
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Egypt
1904 - 1982 Julia Sophia Gardner 78 78 Married Name:<_MARNM> Mc Closkey John Knerger Maria Ganz Ida Gardner 2470 Bc - Abt 1845 Bc Japheth Ben Noah 3378 Bc - 3006 Bc Enoch Ben Jared 1010 - 1074 Dodo II VAN EGMOND 64 64 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 1848 Mary Gardner 1898 - 1898 Fletcher Leroy PAYNE 1899 - 1899 Florence PAYNE 1900 - 1919 Mary Francis PAYNE 18 18 1902 - 1934 Elsie PAYNE 31 31 1906 - 1968 Amos Roe PAYNE 62 62 1908 Esther May PAYNE 1909 Velva Ellen PAYNE 1912 - 1979 Leonard Edward PAYNE 67 67 1867 - 1920 John Henry PAYNE 53 53 ~1040 - >1105 Siegbert II UNKNOWN 65 65 Name Suffix:<NSFX> of Saarbrucken ~1045 N. N. Von Eppenstein 1875 - 1947 Andrew Lee PAYNE 71 71 1877 - 1931 Millard PAYNE 53 53 1880 - 1964 Sarah Louida PAYNE 84 84 Married Name:<_MARNM> Garcia 1884 - 1899 Annie Leroy PAYNE 15 15 1887 - 1902 Samuel Luther PAYNE 14 14 Mertil Edwards 1886 Refugio Baylon Married Name:<_MARNM> Payne 1897 - 1974 Francis Madeline Garcia 77 77 Jose Cardenas 1704 - 1742/1802 Abraham MC Gregory 1707 - 1742/1805 Susanna Whitney 1672 - 1736 Daniel MacGregor 64 64 From Barbara Price descendant of Abraham Mc Gregory.

The story is Daniel was born in Scotland in 1672. He wes shanghaied, with his brother, when he was 8. They were gotten rid of by other members of the clan so they could obtain property that the boys were entitled to. The author of this story states that the story can be found in a book entitled, "History of Princeton, Massachutsetts." by Blake. It may be on microfilm.
1669 - 1749 Elizabeth Robinson 79 79 <0100 - <0100 Mugeth Mrlach 1676 - 1740 Mercy Robinson 64 64 1 Feb 1645/1646 - 7 Jan 1731/1732 Nathaniel Whitney Name Suffix:<NSFX> I
He: date of death is given as 7/17 Jan, 1732. Sources: F.C. Pierce, Whitney Genealogy [1895]; Finding Your Forefathers in America, Archibald F. Bennett, 1957, p. 186; J. Savage, Genealogical Dictionary 2. He and Sarah resided circa 1694 Weston, Middlesex, MA. He was owned the covenant.

His estate probated 30 Jan 1732/33 Weston, MA.;  Mr. Daniel Warrin, Mr. Daniel Carter, and Mr. John Walker sworn to take inventory; his estate was probated 1 Feb 1732/33 and inventory amounted to L422-18s-4d. Probated 17 Feb 1732/33, inventory exhibited by widow Sarah and her grandson William Whitney, the administrators. Probated 2 Mar 1732/33 administration granted to widow Sarah with George Hamilton and Oliver Livermore, both of Watertown, Yemen, sureties, on the estate of Nathl. Whitney late of Weston, husbandman, decd.; his estate probated 13 Jan 1734 Weston; heirs appeared before the commission, and Mr. Joseph Harrington [who married -----] moved for an adjustment; his estate probated on 25 Mar 1733/34 Weston, administration account exhibited; his estate was probated 15 Apr 1734 Weston; appointment of Dea. John Coollidge, Mr William Williams, both of Watertown, and Mr. Nathan Fisk of Weston, as a committee to apprize the real estate and divide it among the heirs; the estate probated 30 Sep 1734 Weston; added to the aforementioned names  included: Lt. Josiah Jones, Mr. Ebenezer Allen, and Mr. Fiske, all of Weston. amounting to L91; descriptions of parcels, his estate probated 18 Nov 1734 Weston,  widow and heirs appeared in court but were put off for a month citation to the widow and heirs to appear on 1 Dec 1734 Weston;  his estate was probated 2 Dec 1734 , account presented; present were William Whitney, a grandson, Mr. George Herington attorney for four of the heirs; Mr. Josiah Hobbs attorney for Samuel Whitney, and Nathl. Billins; Abraham Gregory, a grandchild [m. Susanna Whitney]; and Charles Chadwick; appeared in court but were continued until 16 Dec  1734; his estate was probated 13 Jan 1735 Weston ; assignment of the real estate to William Whitney of Weston, husbandman, son of William Whitney, decd, and grandson of Nathaniel Whitney, Sr., late of Weston, decd., intestate, [except for widow's dower third], value L348; he to pay widow Sarah Whitney L12; to his aunts and uncles [children of the said intestate], vizt. Nathaniel L14-15s-2/7d; Mercy Greaves L60-7s-11 1/7d; Sarah Chadwick L60-7s-11 1/7d; Hannah Billing L60s-7s-11 1/7; widow and heirs appeared in court, which decided that the estate was to be settled on the grandson  William, son of William, by agreement of the parties, the said Whitney to pay the rest of the heirs in 9 months from this day, and 6% interim; heirs named as Nathaniel [eldest]; Sarah Chadwick. William, Samuel; Hannah Billing, and Mercy Greaves; his estate was probated 10 Nov 1735, administration account presented, including payments to Josiah Hobbs, attn'y to Samuel Whitney of Stratford, and to George Harrington, attorney to Mercy Greaves, for service done by my husband and sons for the deceased in his lifetime.

Robert L. Ward Genealogy [Modified Register]

Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections.
1651 - 1746 Sarah Hagar 94 94 Sarah[--?--] was born 1658; calculated from age at death. She died 7 May 1746 Weston, Middlesex, MA "Mrs Sarah Whitney, wid. of Mr. Nathl. D. 7 May 1746 aged about 88yrs." Sarah Hagar was born 1 Sep 1651 Watertown, MA. She was born3 Sep 1651 Watertown, Ma. She died 1722 Weston, MA., "Sarah Whitney, widow of Nathl. Whitney Sr., d__ ___1722" She died 29 Jul 1722, at age 70.She died 7 May, 1746 Weston, Middlesex, MA., at  age 94; aged about 88 years.  [I guess they couldn't get it right.]

There were no children of Nathaniel Whitney and Sarah [--?--].  !!!!

Assuming 1651 birth date is correct, d. date 1746, she was 94.

Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections.
1621 - 1692 John Whitney 71 71 Name Suffix:<NSFX> II
[Broderbund Family Archive #354, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Date of Import: Nov 28, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.354.1.106882.10]

Individual: John Whitney
Place: Watertown, MA
Year: 1647

Primary Individual: Whitney, John

Source Code: 1936

Source Name:
FARMER, JOHN. A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New-England; Containing an Alphabetical List of the Governors, Deputy-Governors, Assistants or Counsellors, and Ministers of the Gospel in the Several Colonies, from 1620 to 1692; Graduates of Harvard College to 1662; Members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company to 1662; Freemen Admitted to the Massachusetts Colony from 1630 to 1662; With Many Other of the Early Inhabitants of New-England and Long-Island, NY from 1620 to the Year 1675.... Lancaster, Mass.: Carter, Andrews, & Co., 1829. 352p. Reprinted with additions and corrections by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1964. Repr. 1976, 1983.

Source Annotation:
Excellent directory of the first settlers of New England. Drake's additions and corrections (no. 1666) are found in the G.P.C. reprint and in no. 9151, Tepper, Passengers to America, PP. 468-470.

Source Page #: 315

His estate was probated 10-26-1692 and administration granted to widow Ruth and sons John and Benjamin; inventory taken by Elnathan Beers and Thomas Hammond, embraced 18 lots or parcels of land, amounting to about 210 acres, and prized at L197-15s, including one lot of 17 acres "purchased of father Arnold" his estate was probated after 10-26-1692 Watertown. Ruth Whitney, relict of John late of Watertown, sons John and Benjamin as principals, and Manning Sawin and Joseph Whitney as sureties, posted administration bond; Ruth Whitney made her mark "RW", John signed, Benjamin initialled "B". The inventory was attested to by the administrators the same day; his estate was filed for probate 12 Mar 1692/93 Watertown; agreement between relict Ruth and John, Nathanial, Samuel, Joseph, and Benjamin  sons of John Whitney, decd; also Enoch Lawrence, Daniel Harrington, and John Warren, his sons-in-law, and Mary and Hannah his daughters unmarried, concerning the settlement of his estate; that John Whitney, decd left at the at his death an imperfect will signifying how he wanted his estate disposed after his death, they all agreed that with alterations, the will should be the rule of the division of the estate. The daughters were each to receive L10 from John Whitney and L10 from Benjamin Whitney within 10 years of the widow's decease, and they would relinquish interest in the orchard, but instead they would be paid within 10 years from this date; sons Nathaniel, Samuel and Joseph were each to pay 50s  to each of their sisters within five years of the widow's decease, but instead they would be paid within 5 years  from this date; lands were to be given to sons without the entail specified in the will, Signed by Benjamin Whitney, Phillip Shattuck, [attorney to Enoch Lawrence]; Daniel Harrington and wife Sary; John Whitney; Joseph Whitney; Nathaniel Whitney; initialed by Ruth and daughter Mary. His estate was probated 13 Mar 1692/93 Watertown. Ruth, widow, sons John, Joseph, Nathaniel; Phillip Shattuck; Ruth Whitney, Mary Whitney, Danll. Harrington and his wife Sarah; and Hannah Whitney agreed to all articles and agreement to settling the estate. His estate was probated 27 Apr 1695 Watertown; joint receipt given to John  and Benjamin Whitney for their share of their father's estate, signed by John and Benjamin] by mark]; witnessed by Saml. Gookin, William Shattuck, and Pelatiak Whittemore; acknowledged by all the signers 6 May 1695; final probation 27 May 1695 Watertown; division of the estate by John and Joseph Whitney, L274-12s-10d; Ruth [relict] L143-14s-10d; John L22--5s-0d; Nathaniel L22-10s-0d; SamuelL22-5s-0d; Joseph L22-15s-0d; Daniel Harrington and wife Sarah, L10-10s-0d; Daniel Warrin and his wife Elizabeth, L10-10s-10d; Hannah Whi
1623 - <1706 Ruth Reynolds 83 83 Ruth was mentioned in her father's will on 20 Apr 1658 Boston, Suffolk, MA., She was granted administration, together with sons John and Benjamin, on the estate of her husband after 12 Oct 1692, Watertown.

Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections.
1592 - 1673 John Whitney 81 81 Name Suffix:<NSFX> I
[Broderbund Family Archive #354, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Date of Import: Nov 28, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.354.1.106882.8]

Individual: John Whitney
Place: Watertown, MA
Year: 1635

Primary Individual: Whitney, John

Source Code: 9448

Source Name:
VIRKUS, FREDERICK A., editor.  Immigrant Ancestors:  A List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750.  Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1964. 75p. Repr. 1986.

Source Page #: 73
[Broderbund Family Archive #354, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Date of Import: Nov 28, 1998, Internal Ref. #1.354.1.106882.9]

Individual: John Whitney
Place: Watertown, MA
Year: 1636

Primary Individual: Whitney, John

Source Code: 1936

Source Name:
FARMER, JOHN. A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New-England; Containing an Alphabetical List of the Governors, Deputy-Governors, Assistants or Counsellors, and Ministers of the Gospel in the Several Colonies, from 1620 to 1692; Graduates of Harvard College to 1662; Members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company to 1662; Freemen Admitted to the Massachusetts Colony from 1630 to 1662; With Many Other of the Early Inhabitants of New-England and Long-Island, NY from 1620 to the Year 1675.... Lancaster, Mass.: Carter, Andrews, & Co., 1829. 352p. Reprinted with additions and corrections by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1964. Repr. 1976, 1983.

Source Annotation:
Excellent directory of the first settlers of New England. Drake's additions and corrections (no. 1666) are found in the G.P.C. reprint and in no. 9151, Tepper, Passengers to America, PP. 468-470.

Source Name:
FARMER, JOHN. A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New-England; Containing an Alphabetical List of the Governors, Deputy-Governors, Assistants or Counsellors, and Ministers of the Gospel in the Several Colonies, from 1620 to 1692; Graduates of Harvard College to 1662; Members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company to 1662; Freemen Admitted to the Massachusetts Colony from 1630 to 1662; With Many Other of the Early Inhabitants of New-England and Long-Island, NY from 1620 to the Year 1675.... Lancaster, Mass.: Carter, Andrews, & Co., 1829. 352p. Reprinted with additions and corrections by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1964. Repr. 1976, 1983.

Source Annotation:
Excellent directory of the first settlers of New England. Drake's additions and corrections (no. 1666) are found in the G.P.C. reprint and in no. 9151, Tepper, Passengers to America, PP. 468-470.

Source Page #: 315

English Origins of New England Families: Series 1, Vol., p. 505 [CD Disk]

"Robert Daniel's widow, Reana Daniel of Cambridge, for a valuable sum of money paid by John Whitney Jr., of Watertown, confirmed unto John Whitney,
in 1556, 40 acres of land in Watertown ..."

His estate was probated 6-4-1673, Watertown; inventory of Mr. John Whitney, Sr. taken by Joseph Underwood, William Bond, and Nathan Fiske, Jr., includes 50 acres of individual land at 1.25,3 acres meadow ay Beaver Brook with a half of upland to it at 1.20, and 1acre of plain meadow at 10#, household goods and stock on the farm; his estate was probated 17 June, 1673 Watertown by William Bond and Sarah, his wife. Inventory was attested to.

His early admission as freeman, and his early election as Selectman, show that he held a respectable social position. Other sources: "The Ancestry of John Whitney", Henry Melville, NY. 1896; Frederick Clifton Pearce, "Whitney   Genealogy", Chicago, 1895; "Finding Forfathers in America" Archibald Bennett, 1957, page 245; will of Josua Whitney, 1704-1713; Parish records at St. Margaret's Westminister, held in the library of Westminister Abbey, says that John and Elinor lived in Isleworth, a 'suburb' of London, was apprenticed to William Pring of the Old Bailey,Feb.2, 1607 [record's of the Merchant Taylor's Company]. Freed of his bond Mar 13, 1614. Nov 8,1624 he too
1597 - 1659 Elinor Ellen Bray 62 62 1586 - 1659 Robert Reynolds 73 73 It is believed that Robert came to America from Nayland, Suffolk, Eng. in the fleet with Governor Winthrop in 1630. [1] Evidence is not given but Rev. Moses T. Runnels in his Runnels - Reynolds Family writes "from well authenticated  'private records of long ago', Robert is known to have been in Boston in 1632". [2/10] Speculations on these private records is that they were documents that have been taken from state records for someone's private collection and that Runnels was allowed to use them as long as he didn't reveal the source. Robert was certainly in Boston by 1634 as on August 10th of that year he was admitted in the First Church of Boston and was made a freeman September 13, 1634.

On Dec. 14,1635 a Robert Reynolds was allotted 25 acres of meadowland in Watertown near what is now the Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge. On May 29, 1635 he was dismissed from the church in Watertown to the new church at what became Wethersfield, CT. It is believed that this man was our ancestor Robert and that late 1635 or early in 1636 he returned to Boston where he spent the remainder of his life. His daughter Mary joined the First Church of Boston on Oct. 4, 1645, [1] There is also a John Reynolds who left Watertown to go to Wethersfield in 1635. He appears often in the records while there is only a minor mention of Robert at Wethersfield in April 26,1636. A Robert Reynolds died there in 1662. [2/17] It is posssible he was the Robert of the 1636 record but more likely another man. He was certainly not the ancestor as our Robert's later life was clearly documented in Boston up to his death in1659.

Robert was a cordwainger [or shoemaker]. His home lot was on what is now the SE corner of Milk and Washington Streets. He afterward divided this into several lots, one of which Benjamin Franklin was born Jan. 6, 1705, while the lot was still owned by the Reynolds. In 1638 and 1641 was granted land at Muddy River [now Brookline], and in 1640 he was granted land on Hogg Island. His name is often found in records of land transfers, as witness to legal papers, appraiser of estates, etc. On Aug. 18, 1653 he sold his original grant of 25 acres of land in Watertown. [1]

Under the date of Nov. 14,1653, Capt. Robert Keayne willed him 20 shillings for testifying for him for suits about a hog in 1636 and again in 1642, tried before the General Court. "This sow business" aroused such a hot contention within the dignified General Court that the Magistrates forthwith split apart from the Assistants [deputies] and sat separately. The two legislative houses never again consolidated and the Magistrates in time became the State Senate and the others, the Lower House of the Massachussets Legislature. Robert Reynolds was elected sealer of Leather in 1657 but did not serve. His will. dated April 20, 1658, was proved July 27, 1659. Inventory of the estate amounted to 336.19.10. [1]

Ref: [1] The Warner-Harrington Ancestry - Frederick Warner, 1949 [pg. 536]
[2]  The History of Robert Reynolds - Marion H. Reynolds, 1928

Reynolds - various explanations of the origin of surname "Reynolds": Common use of fox on Coat of Arms by Reynold families supports the belief that surname derived from the French-Norman word for "fox" , reynard, an old tombstone at Bristol, R.I.,  is a Coat of Arms described : Azure 3 foxes statant or Crest. In the English works of Heraldry we find a crest similar, viz: a fox statant proper. The Reynolds family of Somersetshire, England, bore: Azure a chevron between 3 foxes heads erased or, Crest: a fox's head as in arms. Other Reynolds family's have the fox's head in their Coat of Arms.

PP 2219-2220
Robert Reynolds, immigrant ancestor, sailed from Aylesford in 1632, and landed in Boston Mass. He was admitted freeman, 9-3-1634, and must have been a member of the 
1600 - 18 Jan 1662/1663 Mary Pulleyne Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1560 - 1637 Thomas Whitney 76 76 In 1611 it is recorded Thomas paid the subsidy tax, and Dec. 6, 1615, on the probate of the will for his father-in-law, John Bray, he was appointed executor. Feb.22, 1607, he apprenticed his son John, and Nov. 8, 1624, his son Robert. The record of the latter, like the marriage license, describes him as a "gentleman". Sept. 25, 1629 he buries his wife, and in Apr. 1637 he dies. Administration of his estate was, on May 8, 1637, given to his two sons, Francis and Robert, and mention is made of his widow Margaret [note: not Mary who died in 1629]. The accounts of the latter shows he was in comfortable circumstances.

The identity of Margaret, widow, is not known for sure, but attention is drawn to a marriage of a certain Thomas Whitney and a Margaret George on Jan. 31, 1632/33, St. Gregory's by St. Pauls, London.

Buttressing the identification of immigrant John Whitney with the son of Thomas of Westminister  is the following information from the records of the Company of Merchant Tailors, connecting Thomas of Westminister to his son John
, and John to his brother Robert. Furthermore, the social standing of Thomas as "gentleman" is consistent with John's status in Watertown.

Extracts from the books of the Merchant Tailors Company of London:

Feb. 22, 1607, John Whitney, son of Thomas Whitney of the city of Westminister, yeoman, apprenticed to William Pring of the Old Bailey.
March 13, 1614,, John Whitney made free by William Pring.
Mar. 8, 1624, Robert Whitney, son of Thomas Whitney of the city of Westminister, gentleman, apprenticed to John Whitney of Islesworth.
1632, Robert Whitney made free by his master John Whitney, upon the report of his master.

Source: John I Whitney's English Ancestry by Robert L. Ward

Thomas's lineage is under dispute. Melville ["Ancestry of John Whitney", Published by Henry Mellville, A.M., L.L.B., in 1896; DeVinne Press, N.Y.] claimed Thomas was the  son of Robert Whitney and Eizabeth ap Morgan ap Gwillims, who in turn was the 3rd son of Sir Robert Whitney of Whitney, Herefordshire. It is understood that several societies in which eligibility depends on baronial or royal ancestry have long accepted this Whitney line.

For refuted lineage, see: D.L. Jacobus [Jacobus, Donald Lines] "Pre- American Ancestories: John Whitney of Watertown, Mass.," the American Genealogist, Vol. 10 [1933-1934] pp. 84-88. Also:

It is primarily based on his Father's being only 20 years of age on an estimated birthdate for his father.
Draw your own conclusions.

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1564 - 1629 Mary Bray 64 64 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1543 - 1612 Robert Whitney 69 69 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> III
1544 - 1567/1634 Elizabeth Guillims Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1534 - 1615 John Bray 81 81 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1536 - Bet. 1566 - 1628 Margaret Haslonden Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1620/1630 Unknown Jans Unknown Unknown 1678/1684 Unknown Vandewerken ~1120 - 1182 Simon I Of Saarbrucken 62 62 1645 Elizabeth Cutter 1630 Donald MacGregor 1640 - 1693 William Robinson 53 53 Name Suffix:<NSFX> II 1704 Isaac MC Gregory 1835 Emeline DUFUR 1835 Isaac Jackson Living Cope Lawrence Redford 1905 - 1982 Walter Francis Hunt 76 76 Living DUFUR Living DUFUR 1937 - 1971 Nadean Rowe 34 34 Living Keeling Living Keeling Living Cornell Living DUFUR Living Almond Living Almond Living Almond Living Almond Living Almond Living DUFUR Living DUFUR 1952 - 1979 John DUFUR 27 27 Living DUFUR 1800 Nancy Unknown 1773/1775 - <1792 Malinda Dimick 1773 - 1830/1860 Dorcas Whitcomb 1780 - 1859 Hanna Hale Whitcomb 78 78 1775/1785 - 1805/1865 Phoebe Unknown 1776/1779 - ~1795 Patty Unknown 1717 - <1860 Sarah Tady 143 143 1783/1790 - 1810/1870 Abigail Maxwell 1780/1785 - 1805/1860 Ebenezer Danforth 1898 - 1940 Paul Pickline Adams 42 42 1920 - 1970 Ralph Herbert Adams 50 50 Alice Mainjo 1922 Wanda Paulene Adams Married Name:<_MARNM> Moore Living Moore 3675 Bc - 2765 Bc Canaan Ben Enosh Alberta May Thompson 1927 Paloma Phillis Adams Nickname:<NICK> Poni
Also Known As:<_AKA> Harrington
Married Name:<_MARNM> Frank
Bob Harrington Nickname:<NICK> Bob 1926 James Frank 1930 Robert James Adams Nickname:<NICK> Bobbie 1893 Smith Frank 1922 Elmer Lee Frank Lorane Fontilla Gulf Living Frank 1918 A B Frank ? 1900 M J Oliver Etter Living Ratliff 1929 - 1962 Keneth Etter 33 33 Mary Martha Mc Gee Living Etter Living Buhr ~0615 Miss Mac Eanfrith UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Strathclyde
Living Etter Living Baine Living Etter Living Buhr Elmer Taylor 749 Bc Hephzibah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Marvil Sprot Living PAYNE Living PAYNE 0956 Zedekiah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
~1088 - 1114 Gisele Von Lothringen Abbesse LORRAINE 26 26 ~1274 Sofia Of Freiburg Emio Gonzales 1913 Bessie PAYNE Married Name:<_MARNM> Choury Moris Choury 1917 Pattrick PAYNE 1919 Eddnia PAYNE 1921 Mary PAYNE Married Name:<_MARNM> Sanchez 1320 - 1379 Freidrich VII UNKNOWN 59 59 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Leiningen
1923 Ruby PAYNE Married Name:<_MARNM> Albert 0920 Wolbrand VAN EGMOND Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer Jeremiah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prophet
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
1832 Letty PAYNE 1836 John PAYNE ~1005 - 1033 Adalbert II UNKNOWN 28 28 Name Suffix:<NSFX> in Saargau 1840 Emily PAYNE 1846 Amanda Jane PAYNE 1848 Sarah PAYNE Anna Wakefield Annatje Bisset Able Harrison DUFUR Name Suffix:<NSFX> II Phoebe Jane Harris Married Name:<_MARNM> Dufur 1498 - 1525/1591 Elizabeth Breynton 1891 - 1972 Chancy Caylob DUFUR 81 81 1899 - 1946 Alonzo Maine DUFUR 47 47 >1899 Louise Munerva DUFUR >1899 Arieta Phoebe DUFUR Grace Purl Tyler Donald Lee DUFUR Wilton DUFUR Luita DUFUR Unknown Mumma Willie Rosaline Rippy Agness Elizabeth Jones Agnes Wigglefworth Freda Ryder John Henerson Borden Dodds Ed Fischer Albert Kendall Yingling Raymond Hayes Baraka Bint Rashujal 1872 Harold U Gardner Nickname:<NICK> Harry
Name Suffix:<NSFX> I
Harold Gardner Name Suffix:<NSFX> II Ida Blevins Winnie Unknown A F Abbot Knoll Abbot Anthony Du FOUR ~1541 - 1606 Johann Lapaeus 65 65 ~1546 - ~1610 Barbara Kerner 64 64 ~1515 - 1579 Tilemann Lapaeus 64 64 1695 Daniel Mac Gregor Name Suffix:<NSFX> II 1699 William Mac Gregor 1701 John S. Mac Gregor 1621 - 1693 Richard Cutter 71 71 1626 - 1662 Elizabeth Williams 36 36 1575 - <1637 Samuel Cutter 62 62 1574 - 10 Jan 1663/1664 Elizabeth Leatherhead 1608 - 1693 Robert Williams 84 84 1608 - 1674 Elizabeth Stalham 65 65 1616 - 1668 William Robinson 52 52 Name Suffix:<NSFX> I 1619 - 1679 Ursula Adams 59 59 1570/1580 Joannis Du FOUR 1819/1828 Unknown Lancaster 1600/1609 Unknown BOULEN 1751 - 1813 Nathaniel Gardner 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Captain
BIOGRAPHY: Nathaniel was a Captain in the Revolutionary War. He moved to Stephentown, New York in 1787 where he bought a farm.
1677 - 1717 John Gardiner 40 40 1630 John Gardiner ~0508 Cawrdar Caurdar UNKNOWN 1592 - 1649 Richard Gardiner 57 57 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Major 1564 - 1632 Thomas Gariner 68 68 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1564 - 1617 Ellyn Smyth 53 53 D. 1576 Frances LUCE 1488 - 1549 William Gardiner 61 61 0699 Spondana UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scots & Picts
1876 Martha DUFUR 1630 Bc Merytaten Scota I UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Egypt
~0418 Cinuit Of Annandale UNKNOWN Meshech Ben Japheth 1622 - 1674 Luke Gardiner 52 52 1628 Julianna Gardiner Elizabeth Worthington 1662 William Barton Name Prefix:<NPFX> Captain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> III
Mary Unknown 1706 - 1743 John Gardiner 37 37 ~1080 - 1200/1204 Eustace I WHITNEY 1710 Mary Gardiner ~0538 Gwyddno Garuntur 3540 Bc - 2478 Bc Jared Ben Mahaleleel 1673 - 1734 Nathaniel Gardiner 61 61 1723 Job Gardiner 1308 Bc Lamhfionn UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia 1599 - 1677 George Gardiner 78 78 BIOGRAPHY: He sailed in the "Fellowship" of Bristol with his wifw and three sons (of whom the two elder, Edward and Robert, died during the voyage)and his son Benoni servied, and they arrived at Boston Massachusetts on 29 June 1637.He settled at Newport, Rhode Island 1 Sept 1638, buying six square miles of land from the Narragansett Indians. His first wife, whome he married at St. James Church, Clerkenwell, 29 March 1630, was Sara Slaughter, who died on the voyage to America. He married his second wife, Herodias Hicks, nee Long about 1640,they had 4 sons and 2 daughters. His third wife was Lydia Ballou and they had 3 sons and 2 daughters. In 1640 he was Senior Sergeant, 1641.2. Ensign, 1644 Commissioner, 1662 of Kingston 1671. Delegate to the General Court of
Rhode Island in 1662.
1637 - 1729 Benoni Gardiner 92 92 1444 - 1471 Aleida VAN CULEMBORG 27 27 1710 Mary Gardner 1389 - 1415 Maria VAN ARKEL 26 26 Unknown Unknown 1616 - ~1694 Richard Gardiner 78 78 Margaret Mainwaring ~0550 Irv Of The Picts UNKNOWN 1595 - 1649 Elizabeth Hame 54 54 Khedebnitferbone UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Egypt
1458 - 1508 Cornelis VAN BERGEN 50 50 Name Suffix:<NSFX> De Glymes <0100 - <0100 Buan Of Gothia UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Spain
1496 Elizabeth Mitchell 1495 Bc Ogaman UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia 1455 Helen TUDOR 1431 Jasper TUDOR Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl Of Pembroke 1440 Catherine WYDEVILLE Jerusha UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Queen Catherine Of Valois King Charles VI UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of France King Henry V UNKNOWN 1486 Richard Gardiner 1490 Steven Gardiner 1520 - 1548/1557 Richard Gardiner 1563 Christopher Gardiner 1565 Anne Gardiner 1566 Katherine Gardiner 1569 Richard Gardiner 1570 William Gardiner 2 Feb 1586/1587 Margaret Gardiner 1589 William Gardiner 1595 Frances Gardiner 1596 Catherine Gardiner 1598 Mary Gardiner 1603 Thomas Gardiner 1605 Fortune Gardiner Johis Hame Otto Lewis Galler Lewis Galler 1654 - 1676 Juliana Gardiner 22 22 1275 Bc Heber Glufionn UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gothia ~0478 Garwynwyn Gervinion UNKNOWN 1460 Maria Magdalena VAN ZEVENBERGEN ~0400 Coroticus Of Strathclyde Ceretic King UNKNOWN 1362 Bc Akenkheres UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Pharaoh
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Egypt
0450 Dyfnwal Hen UNKNOWN Nickname:<NICK> The Old
Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Dunbarton Of Strathclyde
1716 Ann Gardiner Madai Ben Japheth 1704/1705 Susanna Gardiner Edni Bint Daniel 1615 - 1694 Mary Gardiner 79 79 1617 Jone (Joan) Gardiner Unknown Son Ben Seth Nectonobinus UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Pharaoh
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Egypt
1687 - >1717 John Gardiner 29 29 1688/1689 - 1720 Luke Gardiner 1709 - 1760 Anne Gardiner 51 51 1711 - <1777 Ignatius Gardiner 66 66 1710 - >1777 Anne Edelen 66 66 ~1732 - 1777 Luke Gardiner 45 45 ~1733 - <1806 John Gardiner 73 73 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Captain 1735 - 1813 Susanna Gardiner 78 78 ~1737 - ~1795 Richard Gardiner 58 58 ~1739 Catherine Gardiner ~1743 - 1762 Jean Gardiner 19 19 ~1746 Anne Gardiner ~1748 - 1817 Clement Gardiner 69 69 1750 - <1814 Thomas Gardiner 64 64 ~1755 - 1839 Ignatius Francis Gardiner 84 84 Name Suffix:<NSFX> II 1712 - 1782 Richard Gardiner 70 70 Catherine Boarman Mary Ann Neale 1720 - <1793 Jane Gardiner 73 73 1717 Mary Gardiner Elizabeth Hussen 1668 - 1733 Elizabeth Slye 65 65 Daniel Ben Mahaleleel 3839 Bc Azrail Ben Jared ~1050 - >1086 Turstin The Fleming De Wigmore 36 36 1130 - 1168 Aelbrecht VAN EGMOND 38 38 1745 Elizabeth Gardiner Unknown Daughter Bint Seth Mary Bond 1738 Clement Gardiner 1740 John Gardiner 1698 Susanna Gardiner 1700 Eleanor Gardiner Javan Ben Japheth 1665 - ~1694 Thomas Gardiner 29 29 Daughter bint Ham D. 1744 Mary Boarman 1711 - 1744 Wilfred Gardiner 33 33 1712 - <1743 Richard Gardiner 31 31 James Gardiner 1677 - 1711 Susanna Barton 34 34 1790 Susanna Gardiner Egypt bar Ham 1707 Elizabeth Gardiner 1709 - <1743 Clement Gardiner 34 34 1618 - 1648 Elizabeth Gardner 30 30 Eliakim Ben Methuselah 1633 John Gardner 1623 - <1702 Elizabeth Hatton 79 79 1651 - 1687 Richard Gardner 36 36 1655 - 1683 John Gardner 28 28 1658 - 1703 Luke Gardner 45 45 Elizabeth Gardner Susanna Gardner D. <1679 Elizabeth Hill 1655 Elizabeth Weire Neelata-mek (Egyptus) Bint Eliakim Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Mesopotamia Monica Turner 1686 - 1746 Clement Gardner 60 60 1685 Elizabeth Gardner ~1294 - 1342 Friedrich VI UNKNOWN 48 48 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Leiningen
1702 - 1748 Monica Gardner 46 46 1692 - 1754 Luke Gardner 62 62 1695 - 1763 Thomas Gardner 68 68 1690 - >1734 Mary Gardner 44 44 Ann Pyle 1698 - 1777 Ignatius Gardner 79 79 Richard Gardner 1615 - 1694 Mary Gardner 79 79 Jean Gardner 1689 - 1765 Ann Craycroft 76 76 Susannah Vanswearingen Mary Gardner 1717 - 1743 Henrietta Maria Gardner 26 26 1702 John Gardner Clement Gardner Richard Gardner Eleanor Brooke D. 1768 Mary Gardner D. 1772 Monica Gardner Eleanor Gardner Ann Gardner Jean Gardner George Boarman Richard Brooke Henry Queen Richard Basil Boarman Jane Unknown Mary Boarman D. 1765 John Gardner Rashujal Bint Enos Jane Gardner Richard Mudd Susannah Gardner Tubal Ben Japheth William Boarman 1743 Luke Gardner Joseph Thomas Gardner 1747 - 1829 Richard Gardner 82 82 William Bennet Richard Luslick Egyptus bint Ham Thomas Mudd Elizabeth Bussey 17 Mar 1563/1564 - 1632 Thomas Gardiner Gardner Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1398 Woutier DE ROUVEROY 1537 - 1597 William Gardner 60 60 God UNKNOWN 965 Bc Milesius Galamh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland & Spain
~1450 - ~1495 Wyllyam Gardynyr 45 45 1878 Douglass S. DUFUR 0737 Queen Of The Picts UNKNOWN 4004 Bc - Bef 3074 Bc Eve Matriarch 1400 - 4 Feb 1460/1461 Owen Tudor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1401 - 1437 Catherine De Valois 35 35 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England 1430 - 1456 Edmund Tudor 26 26 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl Of Richmond 1429 Thomas Tudor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Brother
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Monk At Westminster
1387 - 1422 Henry V Planegenet 35 35 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prince Of Wales, Duke Of Cornwall, Earl Of Chester, Prince Of Aquitaine
1421 Henry VI UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England 1432/1434 Tacinda Tudor 1433/1435 Daughter Tudor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Nun 1437 Margaret (Catherine) Tudor 1438/1440 David Owen Tudor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1368 Charles VI De Valois Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France 1369 - 1435 Isabelle Wittelsbach 66 66 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Bavaria
1338 - 1380 Charles De Valois 42 42 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Wise"
1337 Jeanne De Bourbon 1319 - 1364 John II De Valois 44 44 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Good"
Bonne Of Luxembourg 1293 - 1350 Philippe VI De Valois 57 57 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France Joan Of Burgundy ~1337 Steven Wittelsbach Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of Bavaria Thaddia Visconti 1270 - 1325 Charles III De Valois 55 55 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Valois & Of Anjou And Maine
Marguerite De Anjou-Naples de Anjou 1254 Charles II De Anjou- Naples Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of Naples Maria Theresa Arpa'd Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Naples
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Hungary
1245 - 1285 Philip III Capet 40 40 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Bold"
1243 - 1271 Isabella Alfonsez Of Aragon 28 28 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of Aragon
1208 James I Of Aragon Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of Aragon 1213 Yolande Arpa'd Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Aragon
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Hungary
1214 - 1270 Louise IX Capet 56 56 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France 1221 - 1295 Margaret Berenger 74 74 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Provence
1198 - 1245 Raymond V Berenger 47 47 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Provence
1198 Beatrice De Savoy 1187 - 1226 Louis VIII Capet 39 39 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Lion"
1185 - 1252 Blanche Alfonsez 67 67 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Castile
1155 Alfonso VIII Alfonsez Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of Castile 1162 Eleanor Plantagenet Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Castile 1165 - 1223 Philip Augustus II Capet 57 57 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France 1166 Isabella De Flanders Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Hainaut
1120 - 1180 Louis VII Capet 60 60 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France 1140 Adele De Blois Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Champagne
1122 Eleanor De Aquitaine Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duchess Of Aquitaine
1081 - 1137 Louis VI Capet 56 56 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Fat"
1092 Adelaide Savoy de Maurienne Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France 1052 - 1108 Philip I Capet 56 56 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France D. 1093 Bertha De Holland Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France 1035 Floris De Holland 1036 Geertruid Sachsen 1008 - 1060 Henry I Capet 52 52 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France 1036 - 1076 Anna Yaroslavich 40 40 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Kiev
0980 Yaroslavich Vladimirich Name Prefix:<NPFX> Grand Prince Of Kiev
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Wise"
1001 Ingigerth UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Grand Princess Of Kiev
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Sweden
0970 - 1031 Robert II Capet 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Pious"
0980 - 1032 Constance D' Arles 52 52 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France 0947 - 0992 William De Provence 45 45 0948 - 1002 Blanche D' Anjou 54 54 0938 - 14 Oct 996 Hugh Capet Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of France 0952 - 1004 Adelaide De Poitiers 52 52 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> De Aquitaine
0915 - 0963 William III De Poitiers 48 48 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke De Aquitaine 0910 Adela Norman Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duchess Of Aquitaine Rollo Robert Norman Name Suffix:<NSFX> Ist Duke Of Normandy 0895 - 16 Jun 956 Hugh Capet Nickname:<NICK> The Great, The White
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count Of Paris & Duke Of Franks
0910 Hedwiga De Saxony Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of Germany 0875 - 0936 Henrich I De Saxony 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of Germany 0877 - 14 Mar 968 Mathilda Of Germany Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Germany 0865 - 15 Jun 923 Robert I Capet Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of West Franks
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke De France
0880 Beatrice De Vermandois Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of West Franks 0848 Herbert I De Vermandois 0862 Bertha Capet de Marvois 0820 - 15 Sep 866 Robert Capet de Neustria Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count Of Anjou & Blois 0819 - 0866 Adelaide Caroling 47 47 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Franks 0765 - 0836 Hugh II De Tours 71 71 Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Pious" 0779 Beva Unknown <0812 - 0834 Robert III De Wormgau 22 22 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count Wialdruth D' Orleans Robert II De Wormgau Theodorata Unknown Robert Luce Meredith ap Tudor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir Margaret Vychan Tudor Fychan ap Grono Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Pemmynydd
Margaret Llewelyn 1367 - 20 Mar 1412/1413 Henry IV Planegenet Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl Of Derby & Northampton & Hereford, Duke Of Hereford & Lancaster
1368 - 1394 Mary De Bohun 26 26 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of England
Mar 1339/1340 - 3 Feb 1398/1399 John Planegenet Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke Of Lancaster
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Gaunt
1345 - 1369 Blanche UNKNOWN 24 24 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duchess Of Lancaster 1312 - 1377 Edward III Plantagenet 64 64 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England & France
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke De Aquitaine, Earl Of Chester, Count Of Ponthieu & Montreuil, Lord Of Ireland
1311 - 1369 Phillippa Of Hainaut 58 58 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England 1280 William III Of Hainaut Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count Of Hainault & Holland
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Good"
1294 Jeanne De Valois Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Hainaut & Holland
1284 - 1327 Edward II Plantagenet 43 43 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England 1292 - 1358 Isabella Of France 66 66 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of France
BURIAL: Isabella was burried next to the remains of her lover(1st husband)Mortimer, with Edward's heart on her breast.
D. 1314 Philip IV Of France Name Prefix:<NPFX> King ~1271 Jeanne Of Navarre Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of France 1342 - 1372 Humphrey IX De Bohun 29 29 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> 7th Earl Of Hereford & Essex
1344 - 1419 Joan Fitz Alan 75 75 1306 - 1360 Henry of Lancaster 54 54 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke ~1315 Isabell De Beaumont Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duchess Of Lancaster 1239 - 1307 Edward I Plantagenet 68 68 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> King Of Wales, Of Man, Of Scotland, Lord Of Ireland, Duke Of Gascony, Earl Of Chester
BIOGRAPHY: Noted for encouraging Parliamentary institutions at the expense of Feudalism and for subduing Wales on which he imposed the English system of administration.
1241 - 1290 Eleanor Of Castille 49 49 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of Castille
1201 - 1252 Ferdinand III Of Castille 50 50 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of Castille 1208 Joanna De Dammartin Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Castile 1207 - 1272 Henry III Planegenet 65 65 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of Normandy & Aquitaine
1219 - 1291 Eleanor Berenger 72 72 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> De Provence
BIOGRAPHY: In 1276 she became a Nun and stayed at Amesbury. She outlived all her children but Edward and Edmund.
1201 - 1266 Beatrice Of Savoy 65 65 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess 1166 - 1216 John Lackland 49 49 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England 1188 - 1246 Isabella De Taillefer 58 58 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lady Of Angouleme
1099 - 1137 William X Of Aquitaine 38 38 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord Duke
Name Suffix:<NSFX> The Toulousan
1103 - >1130 Eleanor De Chatellerault 27 27 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lady
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duchess Of Aquitaine
1132 - 1189 Henry II Plantagenet 57 57 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "Curtmantle"
~1122 - 1202 Eleanor De Aquitaine 80 80 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England 1099 - 1137 William X De Aquitaine 38 38 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke D. >1130 Eleanor De Aquitaine Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duchess Of Aquitaine ~1032 - 1083 Matilda De Flanders 51 51 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England 1024 - 1087 William I Planegenet 62 62 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> The Conqueror
1113 - 1151 Geoffrey V Planegenet 38 38 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Anjou
~1103 - 1167 Matilda Planegenet 64 64 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Empress Of Germany
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of England, Countess Of Anjou
1068 - 1135 Henry I Planegenet 67 67 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "Beauclerc"
1079 - 1118 Matilda of Scotland 39 39 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Princess Of Scotland
1092 - 1143 Foulques V Fulk 51 51 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of Jerusalem
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Young"
~1094 - 1126 Ermentrude De Maine 32 32 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of Jerusalem
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess Of Anjou
~1026 - 1110 Elias De Maine 84 84 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count Of Mans ~1070 - 1099 Matilde De Chateau- du-Loire 29 29 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess Of Mans 0986 - 1067 Robert D' Evereux 81 81 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Archbishop 1043 - 1109 Foulques IV Fulk 66 66 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Count Of Anjou, "The Rude"
~1059 - 1116 Bertrade De Montfort 57 57 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen Of England
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess Of Anjou
~1026 - 1087 Simon I De Montford 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count ~1039 - 1072/1125 Agnes D'Evereux Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess Of Montfort 1004 - 1046 Geoffrey II De Orleans 42 42 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count ~1018 - 1075 Ermangarde De Anjou 57 57 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess De Orleans 21 Jun 967 - 1040 Foulques III Fulk Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count Of Anjou
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Black"
~0964 - 1046 Hildegard De Metz 82 82 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess Of Anjou 0970 Geoffrey I De Orleans Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Duke Of Orleans
~0953 - >0990 Aubri I De Orleans 37 37 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count ~0828 Geoffrey de Orleans ~1004 - 1051 Adelaide Barcelonia 47 47 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess ~0973 Beatrice De Savoy Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess De Orleans
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Macon
~0940 - 1026 Otto William De Macon 86 86 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count ~0958 - 5 Mar 1004/1005 Ermentrade De Roucy Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess Of Macon 0794 - 0876 Bouchard II de Fezensac 82 82 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Prefect Of The Royal Hunt
0779 - 0839 Bava (Ava) De Tours 60 60 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Coutess Of Fezensac
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Countess De Tours
1759 - 1837 Mercy Mary Spencer 77 77 1732 - <1776 Nathan Spencer 43 43 1731 - ~1801 Susannah L. Briggs 70 70 1695 William Spencer 1648 Elizabeth Rice 1725 - 1764/1803 Anne Fry 1677 - Bet 1723- 1726 Mary Green ~1651 - 1719 William Benjamine Green 68 68 ~1652 Mary Unknown 1646 - 1712 Mary Eldred 65 65 1428/1430 Unknown Gardynyr 1620 - 1697 Samuel Eldred 77 77 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. 1622 - 1711 Elizabeth Miller 89 89 1598 - 1637 Sarah Slaughter 39 39 1576 John Slaughter ~1580 Unknown Unknown 1552 - 1630 Michael Gardiner 78 78 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend
BIOGRAPHY: Michael Gardiner became Rector of Holy Cross, Greenford, Middlesex, April 16, 1584 and remained there until his death in 1630. In the Chancel of his Church, his eldest son, Henry, erected a murial monument to his memory and that of his wife Margaret. The inscription is in Latin, translated it reads:

BIOGRAPHY:   Christ prayed for me. It is enough. He wished that where He is I also should be. This has come to pass.
Michael, rector of this church for fourtysix years, four months, six days, lived almost seventy nine years. He died the 22nd day of the month of August in the year of our humansalvation 1630, and his body buried here below awaits the resurrection of the faithful. Just as He blessed us on earth, so now may Christ in Heaven bless us with Him.
Margaret Browne, daughter of Thomas Browne, citizen and tax collector of Scis, London, wife of the same Michael lying next to him, lived in the bonds of matrimony about forty and one half years. She died on the 17th day of the month of March in the year of our Lord 1623, having almost completed the sixty second year of her life.
Henry their eldest son in pios memory of his parents made it his care to have this monument erected.

Christ prayed for me. It is enough. He wished that where He is I also should be. This has come to pass.
Michael, rector of this church for fortysix years, four months, six days, lived almont seventynine years. He died the 22nd day of the month of August in the year of our human salvation 1630, and his bodyburied here awaits the resurrection of the faithful.
Just as he blessed us on earth, so now may Christ in Heaven bless us with Him.
Margaret Browne, daughter of Thomas Browne, citizen  & tax collector of Scis, London, wife of the same Michael, lying next to him, lived in the bonds of matrimony about fourty and one half years. She died on the 17th day of the month of March in the year of our Lord 1623, having almost completed the sixtysecond year of her life.
Henry, their eldest son in pious memory of his parents made it his care to have this monument erected.
1562 - 1623 Margaret Browne 61 61 1531 - 1600 Thomas Browne 69 69 Name Suffix:<NSFX> JR 1540 Alice Chapman 1525 - 1564 Henry Gardiner 39 39 Name Suffix:<NSFX> II 1528 - 1580 Mary Haward 52 52 1500 Michael Haward ~1504 Unknown Unknown 1503 - 1564 Henry Gardiner 61 61 Name Suffix:<NSFX> I 1503 - ~1559 Unknown Unknown 56 56 1475 - 1520 Thomas III Gardiner 45 45 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Knight Of Bath
~1478 - 1559 Joan Unknown 81 81 ~1449 - 1492 Thomas Gardiner 43 43 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> II
1457 - 1476/1509 Elizabeth Beaumont ~1431 - 1495 Thomas Beaumont 64 64 ~1432 - >1495 Elizabeth Neville 63 63 >1630 - 1637 Edward Gardiner 7 7 >1631 - 1637 Robert Gardiner 6 6 1584 Henry Gardiner 1589 Michael Gardiner Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr 1586 Thomas Gardiner Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1587 Anne Gardiner 1588 John Gardiner ~1410 - >1449 Thomas Gardiner 39 39 Name Suffix:<NSFX> I ~1385 Edmond Gardner ~1387 Barbara Radcliff ~1360 Thomas Gardner Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr ~1362 Isabel Lathom ~1325 Thomas Gardner Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr ~1328 Alice Gerrard ~1305 Edmond Gardner ~1307 Rose Worsley ~1285 Thomas Gardner ~1287 Faith Holland ~1260 John Gardner ~1262 Edith Stangwish ~1235 Anthony Gardner ~1237 Bridgett Entwysell ~1210 Theobold Gardner ~1212 Maud Nevell ~1185 Edmond Gardner ~1187 Unknown Laybourne ~1160 Theobald Gardner Unknown Laybourne ~1128 Osborne Gardner Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lord Of The Manor Of Oral, Lancaster
~1137 Unknown Unknown 1690 - 1782 Thomas Fry 92 92 1698 - 1739 Mary Greene 41 41 Thomas Gardiner George Gardiner Samuel Gardiner Augustus Gardiner Benjamine Gardiner Amy Gardiner Tiras Ben Japheth Hannah Gardiner 1749 Mary Gardiner 1763 William Gardiner 1707 - 1726 Mary Gardiner 18 18 1674 Stephen Gardiner 1670/1671 William Gardiner 1687 Isacc Gardiner 1687 Bridget Gardiner ~1529 Thomas Gardiner 1501 John Gardiner 1505 Edward Gardiner 1476 William Gardiner 1477 Edward Gardiner 1350/1360 Unknown Radcliff 1340/1345 Unknown Lathom 1282/1289 Unknown Worsley ~1308 John Gardner 1265/1270 Unknown Holland 1240/1245 Unknown Stangwish ~1217 Unknown Entwysell 1190/1195 Unknown Nevell Unknown Smith 1305/1325 Unknown Gerrard 1827 Job Gardner 1786 Dorcas Gardner ~1788 Job Gardner ~1790 Nathan Gardner ~1792 Charlotte Gardner 1793 Charles Gardner ~1794 Ann Gardner 1795 Richard Gardner ~1796 Eliza Gardner 1797 Ruth Gardner 1707 May Gardiner 1705 Benjamine Gardiner 1709 Penelope Gardiner 1712 Dorcus Gardiner 1714 Nathaniel Gardiner 1675 Ephraim Gardiner Bet 1689 - 1690 Jeremiah Gardiner 1665 Benjamine Gardiner ~1526 Henry III Gardiner ~1543 Elizabeth Gardiner ~1550 - 1624 James Gardiner 74 74 ~1550 Henry Gardiner 1551 John Gardiner 1554 George Gardiner 1779 - 1849 Thomas PAYNE 70 70 ~1780 - 1853 Sarah Riley 73 73 ~1745 - 1820 Barnabus PAYNE 75 75 1772 John PAYNE 1779 Polly PAYNE 1783 Rachel PAYNE ~1745 Unknown Unknown 1713 - 1801 Isacc I PAYNE 88 88 1716 - 1749/1812 Sarah Daulton 1696/1699 James Daulton 1733 Nehemiah PAYNE 1735 Jane PAYNE ~1735 Isaiah I PAYNE 1732 Thomas Jefferson PAYNE 1743 John PAYNE 1746 Isacc PAYNE <1755 Joshua PAYNE 1757 Charles PAYNE 1758 James PAYNE ~1670 - 1748 Thomas PAYNE 78 78 Elizabeth Taylor 1714/1719 Joseph PAYNE ~1720 Thomas PAYNE >1720 Diana PAYNE >1720 Elizabeth PAYNE >1720 Mary PAYNE >1720 John PAYNE 1650/1652 - 1713 Isacc PAYNE D. 1713 Sarah Smith Henry Smith Ann Authors ~1676 Hannah PAYNE ~1678 Sarah PAYNE ~1612 - 1673 Thomas PAYNE 61 61 BIOGRAPHY: Immigrated to America in 1664. He raised tobacco and was a prosperous farmer. D. 1675 Jane Smallpiece John Smallpiece Margaret Elliot <1664 Hannah PAINE <1664 Mary PAINE <1664 Sarah PAINE <1664 Elizabeth PAINE <1664 Joseph PAINE <1664 Rachel PAINE 1595 - 1635/1666 William PAYNE Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Jersey Or Devon Unknown Unknown <1612 William PAINE ~1615 John PAINE Unknown Walker Unknown Riley Unknown Unknown Unknown Taylor Living Cope 1780/1788 Unknown Nutt 1873 - 1944 Isabelle Emeline Nutt 71 71 Married Name:<_MARNM> Thomas 1875 - 1948 George Layman Nutt 73 73 1887 - 1887 Lucille Nutt Nickname:<NICK> Lucy 1888 - 1974 Virginia Ellener Nutt 86 86 Nickname:<NICK> Jennie
Married Name:<_MARNM> Bland
1891 Rebecca E. Nutt George W. Thomas ~1125 Mathilda Of Sponheim Susie Unknown Marie Unknown Elizabeth Salinki Hamutal UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
~1305 Gottfried Of Julich Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count David Francis Bland Lewis Sylvester Davis 0764 - 0819 Achalas UNKNOWN 55 55 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Argyllshire
Unknown Unknown Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living Cornell Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living DUFUR Living Cope Elizabeth Barnes 1862 William Thomas DUFUR Phoebe Jane Harris Joe Melvin DUFUR Walter Henry DUFUR William Jacob DUFUR Lottie Lavina DUFUR >1891 Elizabeth Bell DUFUR Nickname:<NICK> Lizzie <1899 Milford Mallory DUFUR >1899 Eliza Jane DUFUR >1899 Edwin Willis DUFUR >1899 John Delbert DUFUR 1825 Unknown DUFUR ~1577 Thomas PAYNE 1535 - <1597 George PAYNE 62 62 1540 - 1590 Alice Clarke 50 50 Thomas Clarke Katherine Unknown 1510 - <1555 Thomas II PAYNE 45 45 ~1515 - >1555 Cecily Turnor 40 40 ~1480 - <1555 Thomas I PAYNE 75 75 ~1490 - >1555 Margaret Unknown 65 65 ~1438 Edmund PAINE ~1465 Elizabeth Walton ~1400 Thomas II PAINE Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Knight Of Market Bosworth
~1420 Margaret Poultney, Pulteney ~1350 William Poultney Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl Of Bath 1372 Robert PAYNE ~1350 Thomas I PAINE Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir ~1325 Father Of Sir Thomas I PAINE ~1285 Grandpa Of Sir Thomas I PAINE ~1245 Great Grandpa Of SirThomas PAINE ~1200 Grandson Of 1st Sir Thomas PAINE ~1170 Son Of The 1st Sir Thomas Paine BIOGRAPHY: In 1118 Sir Hugh founded the Order of the Templars of the Cross.

BIOGRAPHY: Payen is the original Norman spelling of the family name.

BIOGRAPHY: Related to the family "Champagne" and the Saint Benard of Clairvaux.
<1145 Thomas I Paine Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Knight Of Market Bosworth
BIOGRAPHY: In 1118 Sir Hugh founded the Order of the Templars of the Cross.

BIOGRAPHY: He was an English General and Statesman.

BIOGRAPHY: He was in the first Crusade with Robert of Normandy in 1099.
Hugh de PAYEN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1035 - 1094 Tibaud De Payen 59 59 Name Suffix:<NSFX> "Pagen Of Domesday"
BIOGRAPHY: Pagen may be a shortened form of the Name 'Ap Angle-Bourne'(Welsh).

BIOGRAPHY: Related to the family "Champagne" and to St. Benard of Clairvaux.

BIOGRAPHY: He had lands in 16 Counties in Domesday.

BIOGRAPHY: In 1066 he went over to England from Normandy.
1070 - 1131 Hugh De DE PAYEN 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Knight Of The Order Of The Templars 0f The Cross, Knight De Champagne
BIOGRAPHY: In 1099 Hugh took part in the first Crusade with Robert of Normandy.

BIOGRAPHY: In 1118 Sir Hugh founded the Order of the Templars of the Cross.

BIOGRAPHY: Sir Hugh became an English General and Statesman.
<1145 Hugh DE PAYEN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir ~1430 William PAINE ~1435 Robert PAINE 1464 John PAINE ~1420 Robert Walton ~1070 Edward Paiene 1500 - 1568 William PAINE 68 68 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Manor Norton
1095 - 1158 Beerwout II VAN EGMOND 63 63 1820/1832 Unknown Blevins 1650 Gertrude Van Ysselteyn 1632 Helen Mc Chrofish 1587/1595 Unknown Robinson 1593 Agnes Unknown 1583 - 1646 Henry Adams 63 63 1587 - 1672 Edith Squire 84 84 1608/1609 Robert Aberach MacGregor Unknown Unknown 1564 - 1604 Duncan MacGregor 40 40 Name Prefix:<NPFX> 2nd Chieftain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Children Of The Mist
BIOGRAPHY: Outlawed with his brothers and 10 other Mac Gregors for murder in 1568. He was killed in a skirmish with the Campbells. The current Clan Chieftain has his sword, cut to a broad sword.
~1568 Margaret Mac Donald Nickname:<NICK> Christian ~1520 - 1552 Gregor MacGregor 32 32 Name Prefix:<NPFX> 1st Chieftain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Children Of The Mist, The Younger
DEATH: Beheaded with his Dad and brother Malcolm.
Isabel Cameron ~1490 - 1552 Duncan Ladafach MacGregor 62 62 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Chieftain
DEATH: Beheaded with his sons Gregor and Malcolm.
1495 Mary Campbell ~1460 - >1490 Gregor Patrickson MacGregor 30 30 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Tutor
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Glenstrae
Finvola Mac Arthur ~1430 - 1518 Patrick Mohr MacGregor 88 88 Name Suffix:<NSFX> The Big Unknown Unknown ~1400 - >1430 Gregor MacGregor 30 30 ~1400 - >1430 Iric Mac Alpin 30 30 1360 - 1415 Iain Dubh MacGregor 55 55 Name Prefix:<NPFX> 3rd Chieftain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Clan, Founder Of The House Of Glenstrae & Dowlagneir
D. 1424 Dervogill Mac Lachlan ~1350 Ewan Mac Lachlan Name Prefix:<NPFX> Chieftain 1340 - 1413 Gregarach MacGregor 73 73 Name Prefix:<NPFX> 1st Chieftain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Golden Bridles
1300 - 1374 Malcolm MacGregor 74 74 1318 - 1363 Mary Mac Alpin 45 45 1260 - 1300 Gregor MacGregor 40 40 ~1213 Marion Fileon De Gilchrist 1276 - 1318 Maltise Mac Alpin 42 42 ~1240 William MacGregor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Glenarcky
1200 - 1283 Margaret De Lindsay 83 83 1160 William De Lindsay Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lord Of Crawford 1175 - ~1202 Marjory Galithly 27 27 ~1002 Marjorie William Bishop Of Inverness MacGregor 1200 - 1250 Malcolm MacGregor 50 50 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1150 - 1220 Marjory Lindsay 70 70 William Lindsay 0996 - 1168 John MacGregor 172 172 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lord Of Glenorch
0974 - 0996 Gregor MacGregor 22 22 0970 - 0996 Mary Campbell 26 26 0944 - 1004 John (Eoin) MacGregor 60 60 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 0952 - 0977 Alpina Unknown 25 25 Angus Aenus Unknown ~0922 - 1 Jan 961 Gregor De Bhrattich Mac Gregor 0922 - 0947 Dorvigelda Of Galloway 25 25 0900 - 0990 Constatine III MacGregor 90 90 0860 - 0927 Malvina Of Scotland 67 67 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess 0844 Donald IV Of Scotland Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince Princess Of Scotland 0854 - 1 Jan 900 Dongallus MacGregor Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince 0842 - 0900 Spontana UNKNOWN 58 58 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess 0810 - 6 Feb 859 Gregor (Grioger) Mac Alpin Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Regent
0782 - 20 Jul 834 Dungal Thane UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Pictish Thane Of Fortrenn 0782 Daughter Of Achalas Of Picts' Kingdom Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scotland
0760 - 0822 Hugh IV King Of Dalriada 62 62 Name Suffix:<NSFX> The Poisonous 0724 - 0778 Aed Finn Of Dalriada 54 54 Nickname:<NICK> Ethafind
Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> The White
0695 - 0725 Eochaid III (Hugh III) UNKNOWN 30 30 Nickname:<NICK> Eugene IV
Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0670 - 0700 Hugh II Mac Domangart 30 30 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0642 - 0673 Domangart II Mac Domnail 31 31 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0617 - 0643 Domnal Brecc (The Speckled) Mac Eochaid 26 26 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0592 - 0629 Eochaid Buidhe Mac Aidan 37 37 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scots And Picts
0560 - 0608 Aidan Macgabhran 48 48 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0536 - 0560 Ghabhran Mac Domangart 24 24 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
520/525 Lieian Mac Brychan Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0498 - 0524 Domangart I Mac Fergus 26 26 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0476 - 0501 Fergus I Mor Mac Ercc 25 25 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0460 - 0502 Erc Mac Cartan 42 42 Duinfeach Unknown 0448 Cartan Mac Erc 0444 - 0474 Marca Earca UNKNOWN 30 30 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Lodham
0420 Erc Mac Eochaid 0392 Eochaid Mac Colla Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Roigheach Unknown 0363 Colla Uais Mac Eochaid 0367 Carthan Casduff Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Britain
0335 Eochaid Debhlen Mac Cairbre 0339 Aileach Nic Fubdaire Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Alba
0278 - 0304 Cairbre Riada Mac Cormac 26 26 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0250 - 0300 Cormac Ulfhada Mac Art 50 50 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
709 Bc Meshullemeth UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
0222 Art Ean-Fhear Mac Conn Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Art Aonfhir 0226 Eachtach (Mistress) UNKNOWN ~1180 - 1205/1271 Gilbert Talbot Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord 730 Bc - 0643 Manasseh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Fiedhlinhidh Teachman Ughna Unknown 0674 Garnard UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Picts' Kingdom
Baine Unknown 0109 - 0130 Fiachadf Fionohudh 21 21 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Cithne Unknown 0081 - 0036 Fioraidhach Fionfachtnach 45 45 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0052 Crimhthan Niadhnar Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0056 Nartath Chalock Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0024 Lughaidh Riebdearg Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Devorguilla Of Lochloinn UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0004 Bc Bias Fineamhnas Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0032 Bc - 130 Bc Eochaid Fiedhlioch Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0061 Bc - <0100 Fionn UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0057 Bc - <0100 Benia inghean Criomthan UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0089 Bc - <0100 Figligha UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
117 Bc - <0100 Roighneium Ruadh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Easanhuin Eamhna UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Blathachta Eanhna UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Labhra Luire UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
174 Bc Eande Aighnache UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
202 Bc Aongus Tuirmbeach UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland 230 Bc Eochaidh Folleatham UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
258 Bc Oiloilla Caisfhiachlach UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
287 Bc Colna Cruaich Cealgach UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Jaram Gleofathach UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
315 Bc Meilage Molghthach UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1130/1160 - 1180/1240 William Eaton Eochaidh Buillaig Unknown Duach Laighrach II Unknown Duach Laighrach I Unknown Fiachadf Tolgrach Unknown Muriadhach Bolgrach Unknown 1134 UNKNOWN VAN HENEGOUWEN ~1000 - 1061/1093 Alured De Merleberge Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baron
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Weias Castle
0428 Eochaid Loara UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
1434 Arend VAN STRIJEN Aongus Labhruine Unknown Smiorguil Unknown Eanbotha Unknown Tighernmas Unknown Follam Unknown Eithriall Irial Faidh Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Heremon Eochaid Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland Tea Tephi bint Judah Josiah ben Amon Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
28 Aug 933 - 20 Nov 996 Richard I De Normandy Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Fearless"
~0975 - >0994 Pope (Papie) Of Normandy D'Envermeu 19 19 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Dutchess Bile Of Galicia Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Brigus Breaghan Of Galicia Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Brath Of Galicia Deag Of Gothia Arcadh Of Gothia Alladh Of Gothia Nuadhad Of Gothia Neuall Of Gothia Febric Glas Of Gothia Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord Agnan Fienn Of Gothia Heber Glunfionn Of Gothia Lamhfionn Of Gothia Agnon Of The Caspian Sea Tait Of The Scythia Ogaman Of The Scythia Baouman Of The Scythia Heber Scuta Of The Scythia Sruth Of The Red Sea Asruth Of The Red Sea Gaodhal Of The Red Sea Nial UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia
Merytaten "Scota the 1st" Of Egypt Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess Phoeniusa Farsaidh Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scythia
Boath Ben Magog Magog Bar Japheth ~1089 Henri De St. Clair Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baron
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Roslin, "The Crusader"
Abt 2464 Bc Emzarah Naamah UNKNOWN ~1089 Rosebelle Forteith Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baroness
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Strathearn, Of Roslin
~1849 P. A. Bowin ? ~1868 Alonzo DUFUR Noam UNKNOWN 615 Bc - <0100 Oliolla Olchaoin Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
961 Bc Scota Of Egypt UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Amon ben Manasseh Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Hamatal Unknown Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jedidah Unknown Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Manasseh ben Hezekiah Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Hezekiah ben Ahaz Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Ahab ben Azariah Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Azariah ben Amaziah Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Amaziah ben Joash Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jecoliah Of Jerusalem Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Joash ben Ahaziah Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Ahaziah ben Jehoram Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Zibiah Of Beersheba Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jehoram ben Jehosaphat Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jehosaphat ben Asa Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Asa ben Abijam Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Abijam ben Rehoboam Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Rehoboam ben Solomon Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
Solomon ben David Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
David ben Jesse Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
Jesse ben Obed Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel Obed ben Boaz Abalit UNKNOWN Boaz ben Salmon Ruth Of Moab Salmon ben Nashon Rahab UNKNOWN Nashon ben Aminidab Simar UNKNOWN Aminidab ben Aram Thehara (Tara) UNKNOWN Aram Ram Arni ben Hezron Kiya- Tasherit UNKNOWN Hezron Ezrom ben Pharez Pharez ben Judah Tamar Of Er Abt 1799 Bc - 1670 Bc Judah ben Jacob- Israel Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Goshen
Tamar bint Epher Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Kadesh Abt 1877 Bc - 1730 Bc Jacob- Israel ben Isacc Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Goshen
Leah bint Leban Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Goshen
1922 Bc - 1742 Bc Isaac ben Abraham Abt 1920 Bc - Abt 1720 Bc Rebeckah bint Bethuel Bethuel ben Nahor Abt 2049 Bc - 1862 Bc Abraham (Abram) ben Terah Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Chaldea
1986 Bc - 1871 Bc Sarah (Sarai) bint Terah Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Chaldea
2052 Bc - 1917 Bc Haran ben Terah Abt 2137 Bc - Abt 1955 Bc Terah ben Nahor Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Agade
Abt 2045 Bc - Abt 1940 Bc Maria (Amthelo) Of Agade Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen 2151 Bc - 2003 Bc Nahor ben Serug Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Agade
Iyosaka (Ijosek) Of Agade Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen 2181 Bc - 1951 Bc Serug ben Reu Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Agade & Ur
Abt 2127 Bc Melka UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Agade & Ur
Abt 2248 Bc Kaber UNKNOWN Abt 2213 Bc - 1973 Bc Reu ben Peleg Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Lagash
Ora UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Lagash
Abt 2244 Bc - 2003 Bc Peleg ben Eber Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Babylon
Abt 2277 Bc - Abt 1417 Bc Eber ben Shelah Name Prefix:<NPFX> 3rd King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Babylon
Heber UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Babylon
Abt 2307 Bc - Abt 1874 Bc Shelah ben Arphaxad Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Babylon
Abt 2255 Bc Muak UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Babylon
Abt 2309 Bc Kesed UNKNOWN Abt 2342 Bc - 1903 Bc Arphaxad ben Shem Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Arrapachtis
Abt 2346 Bc Rasu'eja UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Arrapachtis
Abt 2340 Bc Elam ben Shem Sedegetelebab UNKNOWN Abt 2448 Bc - Abt 1843 Bc Shem ben Noah Abt 2378 Bc Sedegetelebab UNKNOWN Abt 3132 Bc Eliakim UNKNOWN ~1028 William De St. Clair Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baron
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Roslin, "The Seemly"
1024 - ~1080 Rolf Wy De Flandern 56 56 Nickname:<NICK> Rollo Abt 3134 Bc Rakeel Ben Methuselah ~1030 - >1070 Helena (Le Bon) Of Normandy 40 40 Edna UNKNOWN ~1058 Dorothy (Doratha) UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baroness
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Raby Dunbar
~1873 Mary E. Jackson Daniel UNKNOWN ~1070 Forteith UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Earl Of Strathearn Baraka UNKNOWN Rashujal UNKNOWN ~0997 - 1028 Richard III Of Normandy 31 31 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke Dinah UNKNOWN Abt 3319 Bc Barakiel Ben Enosh ~1015 - ~1047 Walderne De St. Clair 32 32 1152 - >1213 Marjory UNKNOWN 61 61 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scotland
800/822 High King Of Ireland UNKNOWN 1235 - 1304 Willem II VAN EGMOND 69 69 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer ~1040 - 1072 Gospatric I Of Dunbar 32 32 0906 Radbold I VAN EGMOND Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 0660 Spondana Princess Of Picts UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
~1042 Aethelreda Of England ~1003 - 8 Jan 1078/1079 Adelaide (Adela Alix) Of France Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess 1412 - 1483 Willem IV VAN EGMOND 70 70 1100/1115 Unknown Gardner Aft 2342 Bc Elam bar Shem Aft 2342 Bc Asshur bar Shem Aft 2342 Bc Lud ben Shem Aft 2342 Bc Aram bar Shem Abt 2224 Bc Ham bar Noah 2000 Bc Japheth bar Noah 1050 - >1093 Berwold I VAN EGMOND 43 43 Madai bar Japheth Javan bar Japheth Tubal bar Japheth Meshech bar Japheth Tiras bar Japheth Cush ben Ham Mizraim bar Ham Put bar Ham Canaan bar Ham ~1522 - Wft Est. 1547-1614 Sybil BASKERVILLE Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1600 - See Notes Mary Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1675 - 1730 Nathaniel Jr. WHITNEY 55 55 Died age 56. Probated 12-1-1730 ay Weston, Middlesex, MA.; inventory taken by John Parkhurst, James Stimson, and Ebenezer Allen,all of Weston, amounting to L340-10s-0d, death date given as 23 Sep 1730; inventory exhibited; his estate probated 26 Jul 1731 Weston, M., Ma; administration account exhibited by Mercy Whitney, administrator of the estate of her late husband Nathaniel Whitney Of Weston, list of debts recorded.

He was granted lot #73 [he "Jr", "of Weston"] on 11 May 1720 Lunenburg, Worcester, MA.

Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections.
~1005 Eldred, Prince Of England UNKNOWN ~1246 - <1296 Johanne Of Sponheim 50 50 Adatoneses Bint Eliakim UNKNOWN 1598 - 1643 Francis Whitney 45 45 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1543 - 1612 Sir Robert WHITNEY 69 69 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sir

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4004 Bc - 3070 Bc Adam Patriarch Bet. 1599 - 1602 - 1654 Elinor Bray [?] Elinor was also known as Ellen. In some places surname is listed as "Bray", same as John's mother's surname. Her birthplace is very doubtful as it is listed as St. Margaret's parish in Warwickshire, and there is no such place. On the other hand, St. Margret's Westminister in London, Middlesex, is a place many of the records of this family are kept, and at Westminister Abbey Library. The marriage is not recorded there. Check Warwickshire IGI for possible marriage. Much of this data is taken from the Ancestral File data base and the children are mostly wrong in this listing. The data for her birthplace is suspect. St. Margaret's is in Westminister in London, and her husband is recorded in that parish, [located in the archives/muniments room of Westminister Abbey], but she is not.

Elinor's surname found "Everton's Computerized Family File", File # 16511 Source:
C.A. Pierce   submitted Aug 20 1983
30 South Fillmore
Beverly Hills, Fla. 32665

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Wft Est. 1538-1564 - Bet. 1539 - 1655 Blanche Greyville Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Bet. 1538 - 1564 - Bet. 1558 - 1620 Elizabeth Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1544 - 1587 Sir James Whitney 43 43 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. >1544 - 1608 Eustace Whitney 64 64 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Bet. 1625 - 1627 - ~1647 Nathaniel Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 6 Jan 1623/1624 - 1719 Richard Whitney He was also known as Richard Whitney Sr. He and Martha Coldham resided in Concord, Middlesex, MA. He was mentioned in his father's will on 3 Apr 1673 Watertown. He and Martha resided in 1681 Stowe, Middlesex, MA., where he was a proprieter. He resided on 28 Aug 1688 Stowe, MA; taxed 4s 10d. He "being seventy years of age", was released from training by the Court on 7 Apr 1691 Stowe, MA.

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0630 Daughter Of Beli Mac Neithon UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Picts
<1629 - 1719 Thomas Whitney 89 89 He was mentioned in his father's will on 3 Apr 1673 Watertown. He began his military service as a soldier in King Phillip's War in 1675, Watertown. He ended his service on 24 Aug 1676, paid 4s-6d for service. Thomas purchased from John Hayward 45 acres of land in Pompasitticut on 16 Jan 1682.He was admitted freeman 4-18-1690 Watertown. Thomas sold to his children Elnathan and his sister Martha [spinster]  all his real and personal estate, especially his house and 1/4 acre land; recorded in 1721, sold on 25 Jun 1714, Watertown.

Bond has given father's death recrd to him.
Source: Robert L. Ward Genealogy Report [Modified Register]

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1634 - 1702 Jonathan Whitney 68 68 He took the Oath of Fidelity in 1652 Watertown. He resided in Watertown in 1653. John gave Jonathan 39 acres of land situated in the Little Plain purchased from Richard Woodward, cir 1659, Watertown. He resided in 1644 Marlborough, MA. Jonathan sold to Richard Child 5 acres of meadow situated on a branch of Stony Brook on 7 Nov 1664 Watertown, MA. Jonathan sold to Thomas Flagg for L40, 39 acres of land situated in the Little Plain on 7 Nov 1664 Watertown. He was admitted freeman on 29 Apr 1668 Watertown.  He was mentioned in his father's will on 3 Apr 1673 Watertown. He and Lydia Jones resided in Sherborn, Middlesex, MA. He left a will on 21 Dec 1702 Sherborn; will: children Jonathan; John; Josiah; Joseph; Benjamin; Lydia Adams and Abigail to share equally; grandchildren Benjamin and Ann Fisher, under 18; executors Jonathan and John Whitney; witnesses, Nathaniel Coolidg, Thomas Whitney and Munings Swain. Inventory taken by Benoni Larned and John Coolidg, amounting to L131-16s-0d. Final probation 1 Mar 1702/03 Sherborn; will proved.

Source: Robert L. Ward Genealogy Report [Modified Register]

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1635 - 1719 Joshua Whitney 84 84 Deacon
Called "John the son of John and Elinor Whitney born 15 [5] 1635;" born 13 Feb 1635/36 Watertown; m. Mary Buckmaster but he is called "Joseph Widney" in the marriage record; another source says he married Mary____ cir. 1669. His estate was probated 6 Oct 1719 Groton, Middlesex, MA. ; executors' bond posted by widow Abigail and William Whitney, yeoman, both of Groton.

He was the first of three children born in America, which occurred just a few months after the families arrival. Children after William are taken from Josua's will dated 17 Apr 1713. One source for children is James Savage, "A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England", showing three generations, originally published in 1860-62, Vol. 4, page 531. "Jothua whetmy and abigall Tarball Joyned in Maryage the laft of September" [page 72, 1673, Watertown Records}. Allen E. Green says, "Joshua, the first of the children born to John and Elinor in this country,,,married three times, the first time sometime in 1656 & 1665 to a Lydia_______, with two children, the first of which was born in 1666. The second marriage was in 1669, to a Mary, and this union apparently produced no children. The third wife was Abigail Tarbell on September 30, 1672, and I seem to have 8 children, born between 1688-90". Some of this is believed erroneous. He and Mary Buckmaster resided before 1666 Groton, Ma. Benjamin Whitney sold to Dea. Josua Whitney with the consent of his father, for L40, all rights to his father's homestead obyained 5 Apr 1670 on 9 Mar 1670/71 Watertown, Middlesex, MA. He was mentioned in his father's will on 3 Apr 1673 Watertown. He and Abigail resided after 1 Jul 1675 Watertown; began service military service on 17 Mar 1691/92 Groton, as "Joshua Whitting" and Joshua Whitting, Junr.", members of the garrison in the West Regiment of Middlesex. Dea. Joshua Whitney sold to Nathan Fiske grantor "of Groton", his father's homestall of 16 or 17 acres on 29 Oct 1697 Watertown, Ma. A list of frontier garrisons reviewed by order of the Governor, in Nov 1711, in Groton, includes' Deacon Whitney, four families, 8 inhabitants, 0 soldiers, and 32 souls. Reference is made to Mass. Archives, Vol 71, p. 874. He left a will on 17 Apr 1713 Groton: of Grotton, 'aged about 76 years', Abigail my now n[ ]ed wife; son William Whitney all housing and lands in Grotton; his mother above [i.e. Abigail] and he to be executors; son Joshua L30; son Cornelous; son David; my five daughters now living, Mary Pierce, Elenor Shepard, Sarah Juell, Martha Williams, and Elizabeth Farnsworth; eldest daughter Hutchin's children, her eldest son John Hutchins [under 21] ; her three daughters; eldest daughter, wife of Thomas Woods, having received her portion; witnesses, Jonathan Bowen, Abraham Moores, Samll. Cummings. He left a will which mentions several children whose births are not recorded, Cornelius, David, Martha, Elizabeth, daughter Hutchins, daughter Woods on 17 Apr 1713 Groton, Ma.

Ref; Robert L. Ward Genealogy Report [Modified Register]

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1640 - 1640 Caleb Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1643 - 1723 Benjamin Whitney 79 79 Familt File 1. Everton Publishers, found in the Allen County Public Library shows his wife as Mary Poor. Also of York , Dover [1667/8], Shirborne [sic] [1670]. Primary Source, beyond AF &FF: Benjamin Savage, A Gen. Dict. of the Fst. Sett. of NE, orig. pub. 1860-62. Notes show another child, Benjamin, b. 22 or 27 May 1709, in Sherborn, child of the second wife. However, if she was indeed a sister to Jane Poor, the first wife, she was probably nearly 60 years old at that time, and Benjamin would have been 66. [Notes from Jeanne Muse: I show marriage date of 1695 to Jane Poor. Thus he would have been only 52 when he married and 62 when child was born in 1709. If Mary was young, this could easily have happened.} He: BIR-DEA: Research by Alyson Cobb of Green Cove Springs, Florida; migrated to Maine. He rsided between 1667 and 1668 Cocheco, NH; appears by th Registry of Deeds, Vol III, page 451-2. John Whitney sold to Benjamin Whitney the former's house, barn and all the land about the home [about 17 acres, bounded north by John Sherman; E. & S. by William Bond, and W. by Martin Underwood] on 5 Apr 1670 Watertoen. Benjamin sold his to Deacon Joshua Whitney with the consent of his father, for L40, all right to his father's homestead obtained % Apr 1670 and Mar 1670/71 Watertown. He was mentioned in his father's will on 3 Apr 1673 Watertown.

Source: Robert L. Ward Genealogy Report [Modified Register]

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Bet. 1562 - 1575 - Bet. 1563 - 1660 Nicholas Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Bet. 1562 - 1575 - Bet. 1562 - 1660 William Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Bet. 1564 - 1575 - Bet. 1563 - 1660 Richard Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Bet. 1562 - 1575 - Bet. 1563 - 1575 Margaret Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Bet. 1562 - 1575 - Bet. 1563 - 1660 Anne Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1517 - 1567 Robert II WHITNEY 50 50 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir

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~1212 - 1287 Friedrich III Of Leiningen 75 75 1643 - 4 Mar 1725/1726 John III Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1645 - Bet. 1688 - 1740 Ruth Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1648 - Bet. 1665 - 1698 Samuel Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1650 - >1693 Mary Whitney 43 43 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 15 Jan 1651/1652 - 1702 Joseph Whitney His estate was was probated 4 Nov 1702, Watertown; inventory taken by Thomas Straight, Richard Bloss, and Simon Tayntor; his estate was probated 30 Nov 1702 Watertown; administration granted to Marths Whitney, widow relict of Joseph, late of Watertown, decd., and John Whitney, son of Joseph, with Benjamin Pierce and SimonTaintor of Watertown, surities; and the inventory was exhibited by the administrators; his estate probated 19 May 1707 Watertown; administration account presented.

He was also known as Joseph Whitney Sr. He was naturalized in Dec 1677 Watertown; took the Oath of Fidelity.

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17 Mar 1653/1654 - Bet. 1686 - 1745 Sarah Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1656 - Bet. 1705 - 1751 Elizabeth Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1658 - >1693 Hannah Whitney 35 35 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1660 - Bet. 1710 - 1740 Benjamin Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 12 Feb 1678/1679 - Bet. 1714 - 1773 Sarah Whitney roman@@

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1683 - 24 Jan 1719/1720 William Whitney chose Lebbus Graves, husbandman, as guardian of daughter Amity, who later married him. Bond posted by Joan Greaves of Sudbury, house carpenter.

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17 Jan 1686/1687 - 1753 Samuel Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Mar 1687/1688 - Bet. 1702 - 1782 Hannah Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1692 - Bet. 1706 - 1786 Elizabeth Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1700 - 23 Mar 1719/1720 Grace Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1696 - Bet. 1726 - 1778 Mercy Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1584 - Jan 1603/1604 Margaret Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1587 - 1587 Thomas Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1588 Henry Whitney Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1589 - 1591 Arnwaye Whitney 2 2 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1594 - 1596 Nowell Whitney 2 2 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1605 - 1662 Robert Whitney 57 57 Apprenticed to brother John Mar. 8, 1624, made free 1632.

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~1628 - <1673 Judith Clement 45 45 widow of Robert Clement ,m 1642-1657, Haverhill, Essex, MA.

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1629 - <1635 Mary Whitney 6 6 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections.

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0229 Dunluing UNKNOWN Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland ~1625 - 1661 Tabitha Reynolds 36 36 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1627 - 1708 Nathanial Reynolds 81 81 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1629 - Bet. 1684 - 1706 Sarah Reynolds Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1630 - >1711 Mary Reynolds 81 81 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. 1555 - 1634 George REYNOLDS 79 79 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Living Church If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Bet. 1604 - 1611 - ~1699 Christopher Reynolds Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Living REYNOLDS If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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1567 - ~1570 Mary Reynolds 3 3 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1220 Adelheid Of Habsburg Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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~1190 - 1263 Agnes Of Eberstein 73 73 1560 William Reynolds Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~1186 - 1237 Friedrich II Of Saarbrucken 51 51 1505 - 1580 Robert Reynolds 75 75 Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. Living Reinolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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~1150 - 1207 Simon II Of Saarbrucken 57 57 Living Reinolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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~1200 - 1226/1291 Eustace III WHITNEY Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir Living Streeting If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Church If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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Living Reynolds If you want more information on a possible relationship, contact me and I will respond.

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1599/1632 - 10 Jan 1683/1684 William Hagar ~1624 - 1695 Mary Bemis 71 71 ~1500 - 1544/1551 Morgan Guillims Please e-mail me if you download. I may have new information or corrections. ~0598 - <0641 Beli Mac Neithon 43 43 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Strathclyde
0940 - 0977 Dodo I Otto VAN EGMOND 37 37 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 1160 Mabilia VAN EGMOND ~0949 Duncan Of Mormaer Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Lay Abbot Of Dunkeld
1022 Ealdgyth Of Northumberia Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> of Northumberia
1003 - 1045 Maldred Of Scotland 42 42 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Allerdale & Carlisle
~1469 Jane Mrs. Wye Unknown Of England 1440 - 1521 Frederik VAN EGMOND 81 81 1475 Margaretha VAN BERGEN Name Suffix:<NSFX> De Glymes 0976 - 1036 Walger VAN EGMOND 60 60 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 0920 - 0965 Duncan UNKNOWN 45 45 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lay Abbot
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dunkeld
Theobald DE PAYEN 1036 Adelaide De Payen 1204 - 1262 Mabilia VAN EGMOND 58 58 0921 - 26 May 946 Edmund I The Magnificant Of England Name Prefix:<NPFX> King 1012 - 1064 Tibaud De Payen 52 52 Name Suffix:<NSFX> The Moor Of Gardille ~1482 - 1523 John Howard 41 41 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Sir 1416 - 1459 Walpurge VAN MHORS 43 43 0978 - 1045 Crinan (Grimus) Of Atholl Of Mormaer 67 67 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lay Abbot
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Thane", Of Dunkeld
~1390 - 1416/1484 Anghard Medoc ~0984 - 1045 Bethoc (Beatrix) Of Scotland 61 61 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heiress Of Scone ~0922 - 0944 Elgira of England 22 22 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess 1180/1185 - 1244 Badeloch VAN EGMOND 1180 - 1234 Willem I VAN EGMOND 54 54 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer 0986 Elfleda Of Kent 1699 - 1775 Hannah Brown 76 76 ~0968 - 1010 Ethelred II Of England 42 42 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Unready"
1158 - 1208 Wouter I VAN EGMOND 50 50 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Heer ~0846 - 26 Oct 901 Alfred The Great Of England Name Prefix:<NPFX> King 1260 - 1300 Gerard VAN EGMOND 40 40 1262 - 1297 Elisabeth VAN STRIJEN 35 35 ~0852 - 5 Dec 905 Ealhsurth Of Mercia 1535 - >1561 Alexander VAN IJSSELSTEIN 26 26 1500 - 1548 Maximiliaan VAN EGMOND 48 48 1721 - 1756 Ebenezer Bigelow 35 35 1385 - 1451 Jan II VAN EGMOND 66 66 ~0968 - 1002 Elfflaed Elfreda Of Wessex 34 34 1561 - >1600 Maximiliaan VAN IJSSELSTEIN 39 39 Edmond DE PAYEN 1698 - >1740 Ebenezer Bigelow 42 42 Name Suffix:<NSFX> SR 0943 - 8 Jul 975 Edgar The Peaceful Of England Name Prefix:<NPFX> King 1350 - 1434 Jolanthe VAN LEININGEN 84 84 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess 1337 - 1409 Arend VAN EGMOND 72 72 0871 - 17 Jul 924 Edward The Elder Of England Name Prefix:<NPFX> King ~1160 - 1185/1254 Emma De La Hay 1239 - 1297 Ada UNKNOWN 58 58 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Italy ~0945 Elfida Of Ordgar UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of England
1290 - 1323 Beatrijs VAN DE DOORTOGE 33 33 ~1060 - 1089/1154 Agnes De Merlegerge ~0981 - ~1054 Rolf Wy De Flandern 73 73 1828 Rhoda A. Dufur Mary DUFUR 1839 William H. DUFUR Riley DUFUR 1564 John Stalham ~1544 Christopher Stalham ~1544 Joan Drake ~1588 Stephan Williams ~1490 Unknown Cameron Name Prefix:<NPFX> Chieftain
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Stronhead
1154 - <1280 Earl Of Angus Gilchrist 126 126 ~1122 Walter De Lindsay ~1126 Miss De Crawford ~1080 Gillespic Archibald Campbell Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lord
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Lochow
0755 Furgusa Mac Fergus UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Scotland
0733 - 0781 Furgus UNKNOWN 48 48 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of The Picts
0502 Feldelm Fohchain UNKNOWN Nickname:<NICK> Fedlim The Fair
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Dalriada
0477 Brion Mac Eochaid Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Fubdaire UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Alba
0292 Aine Nic Fionn Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0254 Eithne Thabfhoda Nic Cathair Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0194 - 0234 Conn Ceud Chadhach 40 40 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0198 Eithne UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0165 - 0202 Fedelmid Rechtmar 37 37 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Ughna Of Denmark Name Prefix:<NPFX> Princess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Queen Of Ireland
0137 - 0218 Tuathal Teachtmar 81 81 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
0141 Baine Balbh Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland, Princess Of Britain
0113 Eithne Of Alba Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland, Princess Of Scotland
~0458 Arthwys verch Ceneu UNKNOWN ~1200 - 1226/1294 Anne Talbot Loch de Cruitheantuaidh ~1070 - 1135 Friedrich I UNKNOWN 65 65 Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Saarbrucken 703 Bc Jedidah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
~0440 Ceneu ap Ceneu UNKNOWN ~1862 Laura A. Jackson 1847 Fannie Josephine Carpenter ~1871 Addie A. Jackson Abt 0079 Bc - <0100 Roighneium Ruadh Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 0095 Bc - <0100 Easanhuin Eamhna Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 111 Bc - <0100 Blathachta Eamhna Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 127 Bc - <0100 Labhra Luire Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 143 Bc - <0100 Eanda Aighnach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 159 Bc Aongus Tuirmbeach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 179 Bc Eochaid Fottleathan Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 191 Bc Oiloilla Caisfhiachlach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 207 Bc - <0100 Conla Cruaich Cealgach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 232 Bc - <0100 Jaram Gleofathach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 239 Bc - <0100 Meilage Molbthach Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Abt 255 Bc - <0100 Cobhthach Caolbreag Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
3874 Bc - 2962 Bc Seth Ben Adam <0100 - <0100 Ceasair Cruthach Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~0852 Daughter De Rennes Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess ~0350 Cinhil Quintillian UNKNOWN ~1140 - 1160/1230 Hugh De La Hay ~1160 - 1185/1251 Baldwinus I WHITNEY 3765 Bc - 2860 Bc Enosh Ben Seth Mualeleth Bint Enosh Merytaten Scota I, Of Egypt UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Catherine De St. Clair <0100 - <0100 Moriat UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~1886 Lilly Jackson Abt 463 Bc - <0100 Rotheachta Rigderg Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> 0f Ireland
Abt 479 Bc - <0100 Maoin Maon Name Prefix:<NPFX> Prince
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
Edna UNKNOWN Abt 511 Bc - <0100 Fiachafh Labhruine UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
~0963 - 1027 Richard II De Normandy 64 64 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Duke
Name Suffix:<NSFX> "The Good"
~1877 Evey O. Jackson Albert De Corbeil ~1860 William Jackson ~1872 James A. Jackson ~0862 Bertha (Beatrice) Of Morvois Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Senlis
~0990 - 1055 Mauger De Normandy 65 65 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Comte'
Name Suffix:<NSFX> De St. Clair
0699 Josiah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
~0847 - 0866 Berenger De Bayeaux 19 19 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Senlis
1870 Virginia DUFUR 840/850 - 900/908 Herbert (Hubert) I Of Vermandois Name Prefix:<NPFX> Count
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Senlis
~0911 Herbastus De Crepon ~0935 - 1031 Gunnora (Gonner) De Crepon 96 96 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Dutchess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Normandy
0870 - 0928 Robert (Rollo) Of Norway Ragnvaldsson 58 58 Name Prefix:<NPFX> First Duke
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Normandy
~0872 - 901/966 Poppa Of Normandy De Valois Name Prefix:<NPFX> Dutchess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Normandy
1872 Ida DUFUR 1874 Ellen DUFUR 0783 - 0742 Jotham UNKNOWN 41 41 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
~0990 Germaine De Corbeil Name Prefix:<NPFX> Countess ~0911 - <0945 Sproata (Adela) Of Senlis 34 34 Name Prefix:<NPFX> Dutchess
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Normandy
0864 - 0810 Amaziah UNKNOWN 54 54 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Joash UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jehoaddan Of Jerusalem Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
0906 - 0885 Ahaziah UNKNOWN 21 21 Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jehoram UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Athaliah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Jehosaphat UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Asa UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Azubuh UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Abijam UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
Moachah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Judah
1016 Rehoboam UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
Macah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
1033 Solomon UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
Naamah UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
David UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
Bathsheba UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Queen
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Israel
Jesse Ben Obed UNKNOWN Hablair UNKNOWN Unknown UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Britain
Fionn Mac Cumhall Fargall Of Lochloinn Name Prefix:<NPFX> King Rashujal Ben Cainan ~1886 Maggie Jackson Abt 1495 Bc - <0100 Aongus Ollam Amlongad Macailella Name Prefix:<NPFX> King
Name Suffix:<NSFX> Of Ireland
1877 John N. Shuler John D. Bowin ~0916 - 954/1038 Poppa UNKNOWN Name Prefix:<NPFX> Lady 1050 Eva O'Dwin
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