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Family Subtree Diagram : Knowles

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Two families. One Weaver from Turton, other Yeoman from Tottington Alice Howarth, widow of Turton was buried 9 Feb 1772 (possible mother of some infants) Hannah Knowles of Turton married Richard Mather 8 Jan 1800, but which one? Another Hannah married Benjamin Livesey 30 Apr 1800. Also Hannah married Thomas Mayoh 29 Dec 1993 (the only 3 marriages +/- 10 years) Hannah, daughter of John and Hannah is the only birth about 1777 +/-5 at Turton (to match Richard) This is a likely Hannah Knowles that married Richard Mather in 1820 Hannah Mather died 1844, aged 64, and this is the best age match for a Hannah from Turton Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Marriage (ten children) 19 May 1768 (Turton, Blackrod, Turton. Haslingden after 1790) No more children Marriage (ten children) 24 May 1768 (St Peter, Abode: Turton) Marriage (nine children) 30 Dec 1755 (Bolton) Yeoman of Tottington Marriage (seven children) 28 Sep 1738 (Bolton) Abode: Turton No more children Marriage (six children) 3 Jun 1710 (Bolton) Abode: Turton Marriage (five children) 11 Apr 1779 (Bolton) Entwistle Marriage 22 Feb 1803 Marriage 16 Sep 1812 Marriage (seven children) 11 Jan 1802 (Bolton) Abode Turton No more children Marriage 2 Mar 1835 Neighbor: 2 or 3 John Knowles of Turton, two weavers marrying five days appart, and the other a yeoman. Neighbor: 2 or 3 John Knowles of Turton, two weavers marrying five days appart, and the other a yeoman. Neighbor: 2 or 3 John Knowles of Turton, two weavers marrying five days appart, and the other a yeoman. Neighbor: Neighbours in 1851 1780 - 1844 Hannah Knowles 64 64 If the 3 May 1777 baptism at Turton is correct, then Hannah had an older sister Peggy baptised 19 Mar 1775 as well as 4 other siblings 1769-1774.  10y later, there was a Mally Knowles, baptised 2 Sep 1787 (same parents), but this may be another family. ~1745 - >1799 John Knowles 54 54 1768-1772 John was in Bolton/Turton when married, and had James and Sally baptised.

1780-1786, the Abode was Horwich (for Hannah) and Blackrod (1784 for Samuel), then Howich again for Rachel (1786).  Baptisms were at Horwich Lee (independant).

, and died, but at Horwich when 1780-86 when Samuel, Hannah and Rachel baptised.
1747 Jane Thomason Janes parents were James and Jane Thomason

1784 Samuel Knowles Samuel baptised 9 June, son of John and Jane Knowles of Blackrod 1786 Rachel Knowles 1747 - 1801 John Knowles 54 54 John's parents confirmed as Benjamin and Christian as had a son Benjamin and daughter Christian. ~1745 Hannah (Anna) Mather For Benjamin's baptism, the St Ann records records the mother as Anna, not Hannah. 1777 - 1801 Hannah Knowles 24 24 Hannah Knowles of Turton died a spinster. 1770 Jennet Knowles 1774 - 1774 Jane Knowles 1775 Peggy Knowles 1787 Mally Knowles 1782 Christian Knowles 1769 Henry Knowles 1773 Alice Knowles 1791 Elizabeth Knowles 1777 Sally Knowles ~1735 - 1790 John Knowles 55 55 There are two John Knowles and Hannah marriages, in 1755 and 1768.

A John Knowels of Tottington, Drover was buried 22 Jun 1777.  This could be John's father.
~1735 Hannah (Annah) Lomax 1779 - 1791 Benjamin Knowles 12 12 1776 James Knowles 1784 John Knowles D. 1781 John Knowles D. 1772 Andrew Knowles D. 1771 Mary Knowles D. 1773 Mally Knowles D. 1776 Hannah (Anna) Knowles 1772 Sally Knowles Sally Daughter of John & Jane Knowles of Turton Weaver.

Sally is the only daughter to be recorded at St. Ann, Turton.
1769 - 1791 James Knowles 22 22 James son of John & Jane Knowles of Turton, Yeoman 1777 Hannah Knowles 1799 Bella Knowles 2/06/1816 Isabella Knowles of Walton-le-Dale married Edward Wooley at  Blackburn, Lancashire, England 1793 Thomas Knowles 10/04/1824 Thomas Knowles of Walton-le-Dale married Ann Calvert at  Walton-le-Dale 1794 Mathew Knowles There is another Mathew Knowles baptised in Leigh Feb 1794 1798 James Knowles 1796 William Knowles 1711 - 1791 Benjamin Knowles 79 79 Benkamin Knowles of Turton, Weaver died 1791.  carrie124421 has a 14cM DNA match to me and has John's father Benjamin in her tree, but not John.

Benjamin was the first child of James Knowles and Agnes Bertwistle..  There are DNA matches to some of their children, but none to Benjamin's
1716 - 1786 Christian Entwistle 70 70 Christian Knowles, wife of Banjamin died

June 1786, Christian wife of Benjamin Knowles of a Turton, weaver died and was buried at Turton St Ann's
1739 Hannah Knowles Hannah D of Benjamin and Christian Knowles of Turton 1742 Mary Knowles Mary D of Benjamin and Christian Knowles of Turton 1753 Elizabeth Knowles 1755 Jane Knowles 1752 Benjamin Knowles 1758 William Knowles 1681 - 1762 James Knowles 81 81 1696 - 1729 Agnes Bertwistle 33 33 1714 - 1790 Jane Knowles 76 76 30 Dec 1740, Jane Knowles of Turton married Christopher Mayoh

1719 Elizabeth Knowles 1716 John Knowles 1722 Alice Knowles 1725 - 1725 Agnes Knowles ~1760 - 1795 William Knowles 35 35 11 Apr 1779 William Knowles married Betty Allmon at Bolton St Peter by Banns.  John Entwistle was a witness

In 1794, Betty, wife of William Knowles of Turton, weaver died and is buried at Turton Chapel.  William died the following year.

11 Jan 1802, anotheer William married Betty Entwistle at Bolton St Peter.
~1760 - 1794 Betty Allmon 34 34 In 1794, Betty, wife of William Knowles of Turton, weaver died. 1784 Anna (Hannah) Knowles 1780 Harry Knowles 1782 John Knowles In 1805, John Knowles married Nancy Horrocks. This was another (widow & widower). 1787 Mary Knowles 1790 Alice Knowles 1804 Rachel Knowles In 1851, aged 46, living with mother Betty 1802 James Knowles James Knowles married Sarah Mayoh Elizabeth Tildesley Sarah Heywood 1816 - 1820 Sarah Knowles 4 4 1780 - 1847 William Knowles 67 67 William and Betty had their children baptised at Turton St. Ann except for Richard, who was baptised at Tottington.

In 1841, William and Elizabeth (both 55) were farmers at Nickadin, Turton with son Richard (30).  Neighbours were James and Mary Bridge (their daughter) and family.
1780 - >1851 Betty Entwistle 71 71 In 1841, William and Elizabeth (both 55) were farmers at Nickadin, Turton with aasumed son Richard (30).  Neighbours were James and Mary Bridge (their daughter) and family.

In 1851, Betty Knowles (71) was a farmer of 20 acres at Nycadean, Turton with her daughter Rachel (46)
1806 John Knowles 1809 - 1881 Mary Ann Knowles 72 72 1813 Joseph Knowles 1808 James Bridge In 1851, James and Mary Ann Bridge (43 & 41) had Phebe (21), Margaret (14), John (13), Peter (9), and James (1).  They were at Nycadean, neighbours of Betty Knowles. 1810 Richard Knowles In 1841, Richard (30) was with his parents at Nickadin, Turton
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