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Male James Mather Click to view James Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

James was born in March 1850 in Sharples and his baptism took place on May 19th, 1850 at St. Peter's (Bolton).1 2  James' father was James Mather and his mother was Susanna (Susan) Whalley.  His paternal grandparents were Richard Mather and Hannah Knowles. He had six brothers and four sisters, named William, Giles, Richard, Nathaniel, Fred, Lewis, Hannah, Ellen, Alice and Rachel.  He was the fourth oldest of the eleven children.  He died at the age of 48 in December 1898 in Bolton.  He was buried on December 7th, 1898 at St. Peter (Halliwell).3 4 

James' family with Maria Hulme

‌James and Maria were married in a religious ceremony in 1874 at Bolton Emmanuel.1  They had two biological sons and five biological daughters, named Nathaniel, Joseph, Margaret, Martha, Mary, Polly and Emma.  They also had an adopted son named Walter.  There are no more children.

1 BMD-Lancashire
2 Manchester CoE Births & Baptisms
3 Ancestry Family Trees
4 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
5 1871 UK Census
6 1881 UK Census
7 1891 UK Census
8 Deceased Online
9 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
10 1901 UK Census
11 FindAGrave

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