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Family Subtree Diagram : .Nancy Warren (1796)

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Are they the same? In that case, which parents are correct? Or which William does Agnes belong to as wife? 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    1. (Source manuscript "Into and Out of - Old Kentucky" by William T. Smith.)
    2. Src: 1790 Census SC:
    Ninety Six District, Greenville County, William Warren 1-2-4-0-0
    1 Male >16, 2 Males <16, 4 Females
    3. Hardin Warren, Sr. not listed in 1790 Census, possibly born after 1790?
    4. Listed on 1800 Kentucky Tax List.

State of Kentucky, Green County.
On this 14th day of January 1846 personally appeared before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in for the County aforesaid, Rhoda who being duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the Service Act of Congress Providing pensions for the widows of Revolutionary Soldiers. That she is now about eighty four or five years of age. That she was born as she verily believes about the year 1760-61. She had no record of her age however and has to rely upon her memory of past events to ascertain her age. That she was married to William Warren (who is now dead) in the County of Greenville in the State of South Carolina in the 14th year of her age to the best of her recollection. That her eldest child was born about 18 months after her marriage. Th at by said William Warren she had 13 children the youngest of' whom is now near about 40 years of age. That she removed with said husband William Warren to the County of Green and the state of Kentucky in the year 1796 according to the best of her recollection & there lived with the said William Warren as his wife until the 10th day of May 1842 upon which day the said William Warren departed this life in the said County of Green. That she has never intermarried since that time but sti ll continues the widow of the said William Warren Decd. She states that her said husband was a Revolutionary Soldier & performed service as such in that war but the particular dates of said service or length of said service or where rendered she is not now prepared to give an accurate account or a minute detail of. She states that this will however more fully appear by reference to the Declaration and proof filed by her said husband William Warren in the War Department at Washington City. Giving a full account of his said service which Declaration & proof referred to as a part of this petition.

She states that her husband said William Warren some years before his death, about the year 1833 or 4 made his application to the War Department for a Pension & was for some time inquiring his claim for it. That about the year 1839 the said Warren employed the Hon. Willis Green then a member of Congress to prosecute said claim & who did succeed in obtaining a certificate of Pension for said Warren, but that said Warren departed this life before said Green ever delivered the certificates over to him the said Warren. That said William Warren died on the 10th of May 1842 & that said Green obtained said certificate on the 15th of July of the proceeding year (1841). That said Green never delivered over to her the said Certificate until some time in the year 1845. Why it was that said Green failed to deliver over said Certificate sooner she is (illegible word) but supposes it (illegible word) to the (illegible word) of his (illegible word) in Congress and elsewhere.

She states that said William Warren her husband now deceased is the same identical person named in the certificate granted him of the above date. That he departed this life at the date above spoken of & without ever having drawn any thing for his services. That she has never since the death of said William drawn anything for the service of her said husband. That she has made application to the Pension agency at Washington for the purpose of drawing the arrears of pension due her said husband & refers to his application as part of this petition. And this said petition she files for the purpose of obtaining her own pension in right of the services of her deceased husband and placing herself upon a pension for life. She hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension except the present and arrears due her said husband. She states that she is unable from age and bodily infirmity to attend Court for the purpose of making her said declaration in Court. Sworn to and subscribed by the said Rhoda Warren who is personally known to me before me this day and year above written.

Rhoda (X) Warren
F. G. Graham, J. P.

State of Kentucky, Green County.
This day personally came James Warren a citizen of Green County, KY & made oath before me that he was personally acquainted with Rhoda Warren, the present widow of William Warren, deceased, and was also acquainted with said William Warren long before & since this said marriage & that said Rhoda & said deceased William was married in Greenville County, South Carolina he thinks about the year 1774 or about that to the best of his recollection & that they lived together as man and wife until said William departed this life in Green County KY some years ago leaving said Rhoda his widow who is still living in Green Co. That he lived within 2 miles from said Rhoda & William at the time of the wedding though he was not at their marriage. Subscribed & sworn before me on this 5th March 1846.

James (X) Warren
F. G. Graham, J. P.
NOTE: After several months Rhoda provided more information and again tried to claim her late husband's pension.

State of Kentucky, Green County.
Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the 3rd Section of the Act of Congress of the 4th July 1836. On this 29th day of September 1846 personally appeared before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for & of the Court of the County foresaid. Rhoda Warren, a resident of the said county of Green & State aforesaid aged 85 years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on her Oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Provisions made by the act of congress passed July 4, 1836. That she is the widow of William Warren, who is now dead, who was a private in the Revolution War. That she is now about 85 years of age. That she was born from the best information she can get about the year 1760- 61 in the County of (Blank) in the State of South Carolina. That she was married to the said William Warren in the summer of the year 1774 at about the age of 14 years in the county of Greenville in the State of Carolina & by said William Warren she had thirteen children the issue of their marriage. That her Eldest Child was born about eighteen months after her marriage a Daughter who is now about 69 years old and the youngest one of her children is now about 39 or 40 years of age. The names of her children above mentioned, the issue of her marriage with said William Warren are as follows beginning with the Eldest viz.: Polly, Hugh, Elizabeth, Sally, Hardin, Andrew, Fredrick, William, Nancy, Rhoda, John, Dodson, and Silas Warren. She was married to said Warren by a Baptist minister by the name of Webb by what was called Publication of Banns in the Church. She has made Enquiry & search for it but has been unable to find it & she supposes that no record was made of it or if it was she supposed it may have been destroyed from the early period of her said marriage & the loose manner of keeping records & the difficulty of preserving them in the Revolution. She thinks it uncertain whether she can procure a copy of said record if any was even ever made of her said marriage. She has no record of the date. That is of the particular month in which she was married nor any record of her age but has to rely upon her memory of past events to determine them.

She did keep or attempt to keep a record of the ages of her children but she cannot now find that, it is either lost or destroyed. She states that from her great age she is unable to give a detail of the services minutely and particularly of her said husband. Of the particular time he entered the Service of his Country or when he left it or how many Engagements he was in or the particular names of all the officers in command of the troops in which her husband served. She states that her husband said William Warren was in the Service of his Country & was out on duty often after the marriage with said William to her. She is not enabled to state the particular time he first entered the service. She states however that said William Warren to the best of her (illegible word) & recollection first entered the service in the County of Greenville, South Carolina. That said Warren had been & was engaged in his Country's Service at the time of her marriage with him. He (illegible word) and with her but a short time after her marriage before he said Warren was called to go in the army towards Charleston but she cannot recollect the Captain or any other officers names. She recollects however that General Green after this took command as she was informed & that said William Warren was out in Service under said Green. She states that her said husband William applied for a Pension for said service & filed his proof Declaration in the Pension office at Washington City and that on the 15th day of July 1841 he said Warren had granted to him a certificate for his Pension at the rate of $66.66 ct per annum. She states that said William Warren died in the said County of Green and State of Kentucky on the 10th day of May 1842 leaving her the said Rhoda his widow, That she never intermarried since the death of said William Warren but still continues his widow. She states that from her great age and bodily infirmity she is unable to attend Court for the purpose of making this declaration in Court. She refers to the proof declaration as well as her former proof in this Court of said William Warren now on file in the Pension office at Washington City for a full history of his service in the Revolution. She states that she is the identical person who was the wife of the same William Warren to whom a certificate of Pension was provided as above stated. I further certify that said Rhoda Warren is a person of undoubted veracity & her said statement entitled to full credit & belief.

Signed: Rhoda (X) Warren, F. G. Graham
1776 Polly Warren 1775 Joseph Pelce 1805 Rhoda Pelce 1778 William Warren 1764 Hugh Warren 1785 Sally Warrren 1787 Elizabeth Warren 1788 Hardin Warren 1793 - 1850 Frederick Warren 57 57 Voice call from Stephen Warren, descendant of Frederick Warren
states that Frederick Warren was listed as "Ben" on the death
certificate of son Jacob Warren.

Place of Birth was considered Boyle county, according to Marriage
Listing of Frederick's son, Dotson Warren and wife Parthena Skaggs.
This was written in the 1860's, at which time Boyle county was in
existence. However, when Frederick was born, this would have
been Lincoln County or Mercer County, as Boyle County was created
in 1842.

I find a Frederick Warren in the 1830 Greene County, Indiana census.
The info from the census indicates that this may be our Frederick.
1 white male between 30 and 40. Frederick's age was 37 (born 1793)

We would then know that his wife was younger, between 20 and 30.

Also listed is at least 6 others in his family, most likely his

Either from restlessness or from a burning pioneer spirit, some of the Warrens decided to move on to Indiana in the
1820's, (Indiana became a state in 1816). The names of the heads of the families that moved include *Hardin, Fredrick,
and William, who were all sons of William. The Johnsons and Pelts who became allied by marriage accompanied
these Warrens on their trek. The county to which they moved was also named Greene County. It was heavily forested
and mountainous terrain, similar to the land they-farmed back in Kentucky. Hardin owned some 40 acres and Fredrick,
his brother owned 80 acres.


Be it remembered than on the 22nd day of March 1834 that John Pelts filed the following deed to be made a matter of record
which is in the words and figures following to wit: This indenture made this twenty second day of March in the year of our
Lord on thousand eight hundred and thierty four between Fredrick Warren and Sarah Warren his wife of the County of Green
and State of Indiana of the one part and John Pelts of the County and State aforesaid of the other. Witnesseth tthat the said
Fredrick Warren and Sarah Warren his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to them in
hand paid the receipt wherof is hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold and by this presents do grant
bargained and sell to the said John Pelts a certain piece of parcel of land in the said county of Greene it being the East Half
of the North West Quarter of Section No. Twenty seven in Township seven North of Range No. Four West containing Eighty
Acres with the appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold. The said tract of land
under the incumberance of a certain mortgage on the said tract of land under the incumbeerance of a certain mortgage on the
said tract of land given by me saidd Fredrick Warren to Carpus Shaw School Commissioneer in and for the said County of
Green and his successor in office dated May the 25th 1833 to secure the payment of the sum of thirty three dollars to be
paid in one year form said 25 day of May with the appurtenances there unto belonging to him the said John Pelts his heirs
and assigns to his and their only proper use and benefit and behoof forever; and they the said Fredrick Warren and Sarah
his wife to and with the said John Pelts his heirs and assigns do convenant and agree that they will and their therein shall
(except the incumbrance of the above named mortgage) Warrant and Defend the said tract of land of 80 acres against the
claim of all manner of persons unknown. In witness wherof the said Fredrick Warren and Sarah his wife have hereunto
set their hand seals this 22 day of March, 1834 as above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered his
in presence of us Fredrick X Warren
Elisha P. Cushman her
Esther Cushman Sarah X Warren
State of Indiana, Greene County. On this 22 day of March 1834 personally appeared before me the undersigned Recorder in
and for said County the above mentioned Fredrick Warren who acknowledged the forgoing deed to be executed by him and
his free voluntary act. An also afterwards on the same day came Sarah wife of Fredrick who being by me examined
separated and apart from her husband and duly informed of the contents of said deed, acknowledged she executed the same
freely and voluntarily and without the coercion or comulsion of her said husband. Given under my hand and seal this the
said 22nd of March 1834
Thomas Warnick Recorder
1795 Andrew Warren 1800 Rhoda Warren 1805 John Warren 1806 Dodson Warren 1807 Silas Warren 1723 - 1800 Hugh Warren 77 77

    1. [Brøderbund Family Archive #310, Ed. 1, Census Index: Colonial America, 1607-1789, Date of Import: Sep 13, 1996, Internal Ref. #1.310.1.1835.100]

    Individual: Warren, Hugh
    County/State: Ninety-six Dist., SC
    Year: 1779
    2. Listed as a South Carolina Patriot in the American Revolution. "He served on horseback from 1 February 1783 to 15 July 1783 under Capt. Major Parson and Col. Roebuck." (Source manuscript "Into and Out of - Old Kentucky" by William T. Smith.)
    3. Died at age 69 after Feb 5, 1794, because on that date he was a Jury Member in Greenville County, SC. (Source ibid.)
    4. He sold property to Thomas Warren February 16, 1787 in District Ninety Six, Craven County, SC. The land was located on the west side of the Pacolet River. In 1791 Thomas Warren sold this land to Isaac Young. (Source ibid.)
    5. Hugh bought property from John Collins March 18, 1787 in 96 District, Spartanburg County, SC. He paid 100 pounds for 205 acres located on both sides of the South Tygar River.
    6. Hugh Warren: File No. 597; Bk 23, p. 123
    100 Acres on both sides of Buck Creek of Packlet......23 Jan 1773.....Jo Martin.
    Src: North Carolina Land Grants in South Carolina....Holcomb...Cat No. SCR 929.3756
    Src: S.C. Land Memorials, Vol XII, p. 517, gives year as 1773.
    7. Listed in 1790 Census as follows:
    Ninety Six District, Greenville County, Hugh Warren 1-0-2-0-0
    1 Male >16, 2 Females over 16.
    Src: 1790 Census SC
    8. Who was 2nd Female?
    9. Listed on 1800 Kentucky Tax List.[HughAncestors.ftw]

    Research to date, has proved our ancestry back to Virginia. What hasn't been proven, is where Hugh Warren Senior, and wife Sarah were born.

    Apparently a genealogical search on Capt. William Warren of this family, traces his lineage through a William Warren (immigrant) in 1653 in New Towne Hundred in Maryland. RE: Wilma Warren Raysin of Paragould, Arkansas.

    I have not substantiated any of the data for Matthew, John, or Levi, as it was provided by another researcher. At this point, I can neither prove it true, or false. The fact From Hugh Senior in the Family group referenced by Wilma Warren Raysin and passed along by Larry A. Warren and noted December 10th, 1997

    Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
    page 517
    Samuel,Spurwink, fisherman, 25 in 1653, 34 in 1664, took O. A. and sub. to Mass. in 1658. He m. Mary Boaden(1), ±43 in 1679, who m. 2d Walter Adams(20). She was frequenting the company of John Mayer in a suspicious manner in 1665. He had a gr. from Mr. Jocelyn in 1668 and 50 a. at Spurwink from Mr. Scottow in 1675. Selectman 1671, 1673, 1674, 1676; gr.j. 1673, 1674; j. 1664, 1666, 1672, 1673. Lists 111, 232, 236, 237ac, 239ab. Adm. 30 June 1676 to wid. Mary. The inv. showed 120 a. of land, 10 a. of `in-land' and 10 a. of marsh. Kn. ch: Samuel, in ct. in 1674 for sailing out of Cape Porpus harbor on the Lord's day, m. Grace (Briar 4) Chilson bef. 1677 when they deeded her 1st husb.'s farm to Hugh Warren of Boston. Selectman 1681. Lists 237ac. No kn. ch. Josiah. Susanna, b. ab. 1660, lived with (1) in her youth, m. 1st Edward Bennett(4), m. 2d Peter King. Tobias, b. ab. 1665. Mary `Hocman,' b. in Black Point, w. of Thomas Hoar or Whove and a prisoner in Canada (see Hocman), may have been a dan. or a gr. dau. of (5).
1720 - 1810 Sarah Pope 90 90 1749 James Warren 1764 Hugh Warren 1682 - 1749 Thomas Warren 67 67 Note:


    I recently came across a will of Thomas Warren who died April 13, 1749. His will was proved on December 4, 1750 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia.

    In this will he lists his wife Mary, and his sons Hackley and Lancelot. He also names his daughters Rachel Hasken and Roxanna More.

    Does anyone have any information on this family? I have a Hackley Warren whose daughter Mary Agnes Warren born 1753 married James Sams. Mary and James Sams named their sons Hackley and Lancelot and Warren. Sounds like the same family to me, but need proof. Can anyone help? Thanks, Kathy -

    Thomas was buried on the homeplace, Mattapon, St. George Parish, Spotsylvania County, Virginia.

    Sworn into the Colonial Army 5 August, 1729.

    Virginia County Records SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 1721-1800
    WILL BOOK B 1749-1759
    page 10
    WARREN, THOMAS, Planter, Spotsylvania Co., d. Apr. 13, 1749, p. Dec. 4, 1750. Wit. Robert Huddlestone, Abram Rogers, Barbara Rogers. Ex. wife, Mary and son, Hackley Warren. Leg. son, Hackley Warren, 95 acres of land which I formerly gave to my daughter Rachel Hasken. Daughter, Elizabeth Brook; daughter Mary Buford; daughter, Roxanna More; son, Lancelot Warren. To my wife, Mary Warren, all the rest of my estate during her life. (Page 56)

    WARING , Benjamin 1716 Colony, SC Petitioner No Twp. Listed
    WARING , Benjamin 1717 Colony, SC Petitioner No Twp Listed
    WARING , John 1772 Colony, SC Resident No Twp Listed
    WARING , Lott 1779 Colony, SC Resident Old 96th DISTRICT
    WARING , Thomas 1717 Colony, SC Petitioner No Twp Listed
    WARING , William 1779 Colony, SC Resident Old 96th DISTRICT
    WARING THOMAS , 1716 Colony, SC Petitioner No Twp. Listed
1684 - 1749 Mary Elizabeth Hackley 65 65 1722 William Warren 1719 Rosanna Warren Lancelot Warren 1637 - 1691 John R. Warren 54 54 Note:


    24 July 1635. Persons to be transported (from London) to Virginia by
    the Assurance of London, Mr. Isack Bromwell, after examination by the
    Minister of Gravesend:
    Robert Brian 27; Maudlin Jones 60; Ann Shawe 32; John Duncomb 46; Sith
    Haieward 30; Richard Hamdy (or Hamey) 38; William Holland 35; Henry
    Snowe 26; Marie Southwood 22; Francis Rowlson 29; Jane Sowthern 19;
    Margerie Baker 39; Sara Rayne 18; Andrew Underwood 22; Phillipp Johns
    ; Henrie Marshall 35; Henry Heiden 30; Elizabeth Sherlocke 29; Thomas
    Hurlock 40; Samuel Handy 25; John Gater 36; Joan Gater 23; William Lee
    36; Josua Titloe 19; John Middleton 23; Robert Haiward 22; Samuel
    Powell 19; Richard Glover 24; Thomas Pagitt 41; Mathew Holmes 21;
    Elias Harrington 22; Richard Smith 35; Thomas Robinson 24; Evan Ap
    Evan 19;
    John Browne 21; Robert Frith 23; Thomas Wilkinson 23; Dennis Hoggin
    24; John Friccar 25; Richard Ridges 19; Edward Davies 27; Theodorus
    Bakewell 21; John Dermot 21; John Morgan 27; Thomas Baycock 46;
    Richard Rogers 48; Richard Lockley 51; John Jakes 20; Thomas More 19;
    John Baker 22; Nehemiah Cason 21; Robert Mayes 28; Richard Barnes 38;
    John Buttler 50; William Rebbell 19; Robert Wyon 22; Mathew Dixon 18;
    John Wheeler 23; John North 24; Moutford Newman 27; Robert Steere 17;
    William Lake 35; Humfrey Wilkins 19; Antony Stilgo 21; Thomas Deacon
    19; Robert Rigglie 19; Benjamin Pillard 18; Robert Davies 28; John
    Smith 20; Walter Merridith 33; Thomas Phillips 24; James Kingswill (or
    Kingsmill) 18; John Bowton 20; Walter Chapman 44; James Arnold 37;
    Richard Leake 18; Thomas Edwynn 13; Handgate Baker 22; John Abrock 20;
    Thomas Hall 15; James Edwin 18; Edward Commins 28; John Gater 15;
    Nicolas Gibson 22; John Roberts 46; George Mosely 20; James Ravish 20;
    John Hales 21; Warram Tuck 20; John Jones 30; William Culture 19;
    Robert Silby 19; Richard Bruster 26; John Swanley 21; William Charles
    21; Anthony Lee 21; William Williams 28; Henry George 19; John Billins
    21; William Write 18; Robert Lovett 20; Job Jefferie 19; Henrie Haler
    22; Richard Symonds 33; James Sparks 57; Richard Kirbie 32; James
    Hingle 40; Thomas Saunderson 24; William Spicer 20; William Thomas 19;
    Henry Madin 30; Edward Ednall 21; Thomas Jefferies 22; Nicolas Jackson
    22; Thomas Spratt 23; Thomas Leonard 18; Thomas Beson 24; Christopher
    Dixon 24; Isack Kemp 23; Jeremie Slie 19; John O'Mullin 18; Antony
    Procter 16; Robert Handley 19; John Aymies 18; John Tayler 21; William
    Roffin 18; Richard Halsey 13; Antony Otland 18; Robert Oldrick 18;
    William Hall 21; JOHN COPELAND 19 ; John Goad 18; John Pooly 17;
    Francis Gayer 18; Thomas Craven 17; Richard Lucas 16; George Cullidge
    18; Lawrence Barker 26; John Bowes 20; John Woodbridge 32; John
    Johnson 20; John Chappell 38; George Whittaker 32; Richard Liversidge
    24; Henrie Wood 20; Robert Max 21; John Warren 18; Thomas Turner 18;
    John Garland
    19; John Humfrey 23; Isack Ambrose 18; William Huncote 35; Thomas
    Williams 19; Thomas Foxcrofte 19; Thomas Hobbs 22; Charles Collohon
    19; Henry Donn 23; Roger Quintin 21; William Small 18; William Coleman
    16; Antony Androwe 21; John Richardson 18; William Claddin 17; Thomas
    Gudderidge 17; Roger Burley 17; Thomas Bard 16; Henry Butler 14; John
    Budd 15; John Marshall 35; William Read 30; Edward Mitchell 18; Robert
    Drewrie 16; Richard Wells 17; John Cotes 17; John Stubber 17; Henry
    Lee 18; Richard Ball 17; John Cooke 17; Thomas Syer 14; John Partridge
    18; John Johnson 24; Isbell Davies 22; Isabell Hakesby 23; Joan
    Vallins 17;
    Marie Chambney 28; Elizabeth Allcott 20; Francis Bakewell 30;
    Elizabeth Payne 21; Elizabeth Hughson 22; Marie Averie 22; Sara Alport
    25; Marie Lee 22; Elizabeth Bateman 23; Thomazin Markcom 26; Ann
    Goldwell 17; Ann Griffinn 26; James Brookes 28 and his wife Alice
    Brookes 18; Dorcas Mercer 30; Ellin Davies 23; Alice Harris 21; Eedie
    Holloway 22; Sara Coggin 20; Elizabeth Baker 20; Dorothie Davies 17;
    Elizabeth Raynard 20; Marie Olliver 21; Alice Riall 18; Rabecca
    Parmeton 19; Marie Middleton 17; Katherine Fulder 17; Elizabeth Dicks
    18; Sara Greene 20; Margaret Rickord 20; Winnifredd Congrave 22;
    Mathew Plant 23; John More 28; Elizabeth Powell 17; Marie Shorter 26;
    Marie Lee 14 weeks; Mathew Clatworthy 25. (PRO:E157/20).
1636 - 1706 Rachel Sargent 70 70 1604 - 1677 Thomas Warren 73 73 Note:


    Thomas Warren secured passage to Virginia by becoming an indentured servant of the Greenleafes, as he is listed as such on one of the logs.

    Virginia Land Patent records of 1635, show that Thomas and Susan Warren, "RELICT OF ROBERT GREENLEAFE" were deeded 300 acres of land between them.
1596 - 1636 Susan Greenleaf 40 40 1563 - 1609 Edward Warren 46 46 Note:


    Knight of Poynton, Baron of Stockport, High Sheriff of Cheshire, England.
    Knighted in 1599, while serving in the Irish Wars.
1575 Susan Bothe 1553 - 1587 John Warren 34 34 Note:


    High Sheriff of Cheshire, England in 1577.
    Will dated October 1587.
    Buried at Stockport 14 December 1587.
1530 - 1617 Margaret Molineaux 87 87 D. 1568 Richard Molineaux (Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He was Knighted at the coronation of Queen Mary, and served the office of Sheriff of Lancashire 1556.
Eleanor Ratcliffe Alexander Ratcliffe 1498 - 1558 Edward Warren 60 60 Note:


    Edward was knighted at Leith, near Edinburgh, 11 May 1558.
1500 - 1584 Dorothy Booth 84 84 Note:


    Dorothy's will was dated 23 May 1584.
    Children not mentioned in will:
    It did not mention the two Edward Warren's, who died young.
    It did not mention Ellen, Joan, Ethelred, Anne, who died young.
1450 - 1519 William Bothe 69 69 Ellen Montgomery 1450 Margaret Asheton 1485 George Bothe 1481 - 1530 Laurence Warren 49 49 Note:


    Will made 18 November 1529.
Margaret Legh 1465 - 1517 John Warren 52 52 1462 Eleanor Gerard 1431 - 1490 Thomas Gerard 58 58 Sir Thomas Gerard, Knt., of Kingsley & Bryn, b. 15 July 1431, ward of Thomas Danyell 1449, proof of age 2 Aug 1452, pension from Edward IV, d. 27 Mar 1490; m. c 1440 as child (1) Douce, dau. of Sir Thomas Ashton; m. (2) Cecily, dau. of Sir Robert Foulshurst, made vow of chastity after death of husband, d. 24 Mar 1502. [Ancestral Roots]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131
Text: abt 1430
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 233b-38 
1434 Douce de Ashton 1433 - 1474 Laurence Warren 41 41 1414 - 1474 John Warren 60 60 1414 Isabel Stanley 1394 - 1443 Laurence Warren 49 49 1389 Margery Bulkeley 1368 - 1391 Richard Bulkeley 23 23 1369 - 1459 Margery Venables 90 90 1330 - 1383 Hugh de Venables 53 53 1335 - 1398 Margery de Cotton 63 63 1373 - 1413 Nicholas Warren 40 40 1375 - 1417 Agnes De Wynnington 42 42 1345 - 1422 Richard De Wynnington 77 77 Sources:

   1. Author: Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.
      Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain Americian Colonists, 7th Edition
      Publication: Name: Genealogical Publishing Company; Location: Baltimore; Date: 1992;
      Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., Ancestral Roots of Certain Americian Colonists, 7th Edition (Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Company, 1992).
      Page: 231-33
      Text: QUAY 3
   2. Title: Six, Wierschke Families & More.ged
      Six, Wierschke Families & More.ged, Source Medium: Other
      Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2009 
1354 Emma Mainwaring 1343 - 1386 John Warren 43 43 1345 - 1418 Margaret Stafford 73 73 1321 - 1369 Edward Warren 48 48 Note:


    3rd, but only surviving son of Edward De Warren.
1324 Cecily Eton 1300 - 1350 Nicholas De Eton 50 50 1289 - 1339 Joan Stockport 50 50 1281 Edward Warren Matild Nerford 1241 John De Warren Joan De Port 1201 John De Warren Alice De Townsand Roger De Townsand 1160 William De Warren Isabelle De Hayden William De Hayden Aldalia De Mowbray 1083 - 1138 William De Warren 55 55 # Note:

    WILLIAM (DE WARENNE) II, EARL OF SURREY, 1st son and heir by 1st wife, usually styled EARL DE WARENNE. In 1090 he fought in Normandy against Robert de Belléme (afterwards 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury), who was supported by Duke Robert. Shortly after 1093 he sought unsuccessfully to marry Maud, daughter of Malcolm III, King of Scotland. He was with Henry I at Windsor on 3 September 1101, but later in that autumn he went with Duke Robert to Normandy and supported him against the King, who confiscated his inheritance in England; however, in 1103 the Duke induced Henry to restore his English Earldom. In 1106 he commanded a division of the royal army at the battle of Tinchebrai. In 1109 he was at a Great Council at Nottingharn; and in 1110 he was a surety for the performance of the treaty with the Count of Flanders. In 1111 he was one of the nobles sitting in judgement in Normandy. He commanded a division of the royal army at the battle of Brémule in 1119 (l). In 1131 he attended the Council at Northampton. He was present at the death of Henry I on 1 December 1135 at Lyons-la-Foret; after which the councillors put him in charge of the district of Rouen and the pays de Caux. Later he went to England, and he was at Westminster with Stephen at Easter 1136. He was probably still living in June 1137. He was a benefactor, or confirmed previous benefactions, to the abbeys of St. Evroul and St. Amand (Rouen), and the priories of Lewes, Castle Acre, Wymondham, Longueville and Bellencombre. Henry I had proposed to marry William to one of his illegitimate daughters, but on Archbishop Anselm's objection this match was abandoned on the ground of affinity. William eventually married Isabel (or Elizabeth), widow of Robert (DE BEAUMONT), COUNT OF MEULAN and 1st EARL OF LEICESTER (died 5 June 1118) (c), daughter of Hugh DE CRÉPI (styled "the Great"), COUNT OF VERMANDOIS (younger son of HENRY I, KING OF FRANCE), by Adelaide, daughter and heir of Herbert, COUNT OF VERMANDOIS and VALOIS. He died probably 11 May 1138 and was buried at his father's feet in the chapter-house at Lewes. Isabel survived him and with the consent of her son the 3rd Earl gave the church of Dorking to Lewes priory (g). She died probably before July 1147 (h). [Complete Peerage XII/1:495-6

Note: According to Ancestral Roots, Isabel preceeded William in death in 13 Feb 1130/31--not July 1147.

# Note: (l) He had encouraged Henry to fight when William (de Tancarville) the Chamberlain urged him to retreat. His alleged speech to the King before the battle is given in "Chron. Men de Hida", pp. 316-7.

# Note: (c) According to Henry of Huntingdon [their daughter Ada's husband], the death of Isabel's 1st husband was hastened by an (unnamed) Earl carrying her off, by force or fraud. The truth of this is open to question.

# Note:

    (g) He left 3 sons: William - 3rd Earl, Ralph, and Rainald, ancestor of the Warennes of Wormegay; and 2 daughters: (1) Gundred, who m. 1st Roger de Beaumont, 2nd Earl of Warwick; 2ndly, (as his 2nd wife), William de Lancaster; (2) Ada, who m. Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, s. of David I, King of Scotland, by whom she was mother of Malcolm IV and William the Lion, Kings of Scotland.

# Note: (h) Before her son William, 3rd Earl, went on crusade in June 1147.
# Note:
# Note: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This nobleman, William de Warrenne (Earl of Warrenne), 2nd Earl of Surrey, joined Robert de Belesmé, Earl of Arundel and Shrewsbury, in favour of Robert Curthose against Henry I, and in consequence forfeited his English earldom and estates, but those were subsequently restored to him and he was ever afterwards a good and faithful subject to King Henry. His lordship m. Isabel, dau. of Hugh the Great, Earl of Vermandois, and widow of Robert, Earl of Mellent, by whom he had issue, William, Reginald, Ralph, Gundred, and Adeline. The earl d. 11 May, 1138, and was s. by his eldest son, William de Warrenne, 3rd Earl of Surrey. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 569, Warren, Earls of Surrey]

Title: Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 155-1

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 2944

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: XII/1:495-6

Title: The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
Page: 112
1055 - 1088 William de Warren 33 33 Note:


Seigneur De Varennes, Near Dieppe; Earl Of Surrey.

William de Warenne, Count, Earl of Surrey 1st
Acceded: 16 APR 1088
Interred: Chapter House, Lewes, Sussex
Ancestry shown differs from that shown by Cokayne in "The Complete
Peerage", and follows "Aspects of Robert of Torigny's genealogies
revisted"; "Nottingham Medieval Studies,xxxvii,1993,pp.21-27; as
cited by A.B.Wilson and S.Baldwin


# Note:

    WILLIAM DE WARENNE was 1st son of Rodulf II by Emma. At some time in or after 1054 Duke William gave him the castle of Mortemer, which had been forfeited by his kinsman, Roger de Mortimer, after the Battle of Mortemer in February of that year. Probably at the same time he acquired lands at Bellencombre, the castle of which became the caput of the Warenne barony in Normandy. In 1066 he was one of the Norman barons summoned by the Duke to a Council on hearing that Harold had been crowned King after the death of the Confessor. He took part in the invasion of England and was present at the Battle of Hastings. He was rewarded with lands in 13 counties (j), including most of the rape of Lewes in Sussex, the manor of Conisborough, co. York, and Castle Acre and a number of holdings in Norfolk. In 1067 he was one of the Norman nobles whom the Conqueror left in England to support his vice-regents, William FitzOsbern and the Bishop of Bayeux. In 1075 he was one of the two chief justiciars who were in charge of England when the Earls of Hereford and Norfolk rebelled and who summoned them to the King's court, and on their refusal crushed the rebellion (b). About 1083-85 he was fighting for the King in Maine (c). In the spring of 1088 he supported William II against the rebels led by the Bishop of Bayeux and the Count of Mortain, and to secure his loyalty he was created, shortly after Easter (16 April) 1088, EARL OF SURREY (e), his immediate successors being styled more usually EARLS DE WARENNE. He was mortally wounded at the siege of Pevensey before the end of May. He founded Lewes priory as a cell of Cluny abbey, about 1078-82. He married, 1stly, Gundred, sister of Gerbod the Fleming, EARL OF CHESTER, possibly daughter of Gerbod, hereditary advocate of the Abbey of St. Bertin at St. Omer. She died in child-birth, 27 May 1085, at Castle Acre, Norfolk, and was buried the chapter-house at Lewes. He married, 2ndly, [----], sister of Richard GUET (living 1098). He died 24 June 1088, apparently from the effect of his wound at Pevensey, at Lewes, and was buried there beside his wife. [Complete Peerage XII/1:493-5, XIV:604 (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

# Note:
# Note: (j) Bedford, Bucks, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Lincoln, Oxford, York, Berks, Essex, Hants, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Sussex.
# Note:
# Note: (b) William was one of those who occupied Norwich castle after its surrender.
# Note:
# Note: (c) He was one of the leaders of an unsuccessful attack on the castle of Ste Suzanne in Jan, year uncertain.
# Note:

    (e) The creation has been ascribed to the Conqueror, but certainly in error. This was the only earldom created before the reign of Stephen of which the holder did not take his title from the county in which lay his chief territorial strength. However, it is likely that with the Earldom he was given lands at Reigate in Surrey.

# Note:
# Note: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note:
# Note: [From "The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families"]
# Note:

    For this identification see Mr. Loyd's paper 'The Origin of the Family of Warenne' in Yorkshire Arch. Journal, vol. xxxi, pp. 97-113. The hamlet of Varenne lies on the river Varenne c. 2 miles S of Arques and c. 13 miles N of Bellencombre. The latter place, arr. Dieppe, cant. Bellencombre, where there was a castle, became the caput of the Warenne honour in Normandy.

# Note:
# Note: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note:

    William Warenne was one of those followers of William of Normandy who made their fortunes by the conquest of England. The younger son of Rudulf of Varenne in Normandy, he distinguished himself in ducal service as a very young man in the early 1050s. After the ducal victory at Mortemer (1054) he received estates in upper Normandy, but it was only after the English invasion that he attained the front rank. He fought at Hastings and was rewarded with lands which by 1086 extended into thirteen counties, most notably strategically important estates in Sussex centered round Lewes. By the end of William I's reign he was one of the dozen largest individual landowners in England. He repaid his debt with vigorous loyalty in both England and France. In 1075 he played a leading role in suppressing the revolt of the earls of Hereford and Norfolk. After the Conqueror's death, Warenne supported William Rufus in 1087-88 against Robert Curthose and Odo of Bayeux. Rufus encouraged his service by creating him earl of Surrey in 1088. The same year Warenne was seriously wounded by an arrow in his leg at the siege of Pevensey and died at his foundation of Lewes Priory on 24 June 1088.

# Note:

    Warenne's career was more than meteoric. A younger son of an obscure minor Norman nobleman, he had risen through conspicuous loyalty to his lord to become not only one of the richest men in one of the richest kingdoms of Europe but also the founder of a dynasty which, powerful, wealthy and influential, survived as earl of Surrey until 1347. Warenne's foundation at Lewes (1078/80) was the first Cluniac house in England, another sign of the Conquest's effect on establishing institutional as well as personal links across the Channel. Warenne's success depended on the traditional chivalric virtues of loyalty, bravery and prowess in arms. His life illustrates the stupendous prizes and the personal dangers on offer to those who joined the conquest of England. It was appropriate that Warenne's direct descendent, John De Warenne, Earl of Surrey (1231-1304), when challenged in 1278 by royal commissioners to produce title to his land, produced an old rusty sword declaring, 'Here, my Lord, is my warrant (warrantus: a pun which no doubt appealed to the somewhat intractable sense of honour of the time). My ancestors came with William the Bastard and won their lands with the sword, and by the sword I will hold them against all comers.' Earl John won his case. William of Warenne would have approved. [Who's Who in Early Medieval England, Christopher Tyerman, Shepheard-Walwyn, Ltd., London, 1996]

# Note:
# Note: ----------
# Note:

    William de Warrenne, Earl of Warrenne, in Normandy, a near kinsman of William the Conqueror, came into England with that prince and, having distinguished himself at the battle of Hastings, obtained an immense portion of the public spoliation. He had large grants of land in several counties, amongst which were the Barony of Lewes, in Sussex, and the manors of Carletune and Benington, in Lincolnshire. So extensive indeed were those grants that his possessions resembled more the dominions of a sovereign prince than the estates of a subject. He enjoyed, too, in the highest degree, the confidence of the king, and was appointed joint justice-general with Richard de Benefactis for administering justice throughout the whole realm. While in that office, some great disturbers of the public peace having refused to appear before him and his colleague in obedience to citation, the Earl took up arms and defeated the rebels in a battle at Fagadune, when he is said, for the purpose of striking terror, to have cut off the right foot of each of his prisoners. Of those rebels, Ralph Wahir or Guarder, Earl of Norfolk, and Roger, Earl of Hereford, were the ringleaders. His lordship was likewise highly esteemed by King William Rufus, and was created by that monarch Earl of Surrey. He m. Gundred, dau. of the Conqueror*, and had issue, William, Reginald, Gundred-Edith, and another dau. who m. Ernise de Colungis.

# Note:

    This potent noble built the castle of Holt and founded the priory at Lewes, in Sussex. He resided principally at the castle of Lewes, and had besides Castle-Acre, in Norfolk, and noble castles at Coningsburg and Sandal. He d. 24 June, 1088, and Dugdale gives to following curious account of his parting hour. "It is reported that this Earl William did violently detain certain lands from the monks of Ely, for which, being often admonished by the abbot, and not making restitution, died miserably. And, though his death happened very far off the isle of Ely, the same night he died, the abbot lying quietly in his bed and meditating on heavenly things, heard the soul of this earl, in its carriage away by the devil, cry out loudly and with a known and distinct voice, Lord have mercy on me; Lord have mercy on me. And, moreover, that the next day after, the abbot acquainted all the monks in chapter therewith. And likewise, that about four days after, there came a messenger to them from the wife of this earl with 100 shillings for the good of his soul, who told them that he died the very hour that the abbot had heard the outcry. But that neither the abbot nor any of the monks would receive it, not thinking it safe for them to take the money of a damned person. If this part of the story as to the abbot's hearing the noise be no truer than the last, viz., that his lady sent them 100 shillings, I shall deem it to be a mere fiction, in regard the lady was certainly dead about three years before." The earl was s. by his elder son, William de Warenne. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 568, Warren, Earls of Surrey]

# Note:

    * At one time, it was thought that Gundred was the daughter of William the Conqueror. This has since been disproved. For details, see "Early Yorkshire Charters" by C. T. Clay, or "Études sur Quelques Points de l'Historie de Guillaume le Conquérant" by H. Prentout. [Brian Tompsett, Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, University of Hull, Hull, UK, "Electronic," royal01389]

# Note:
# Note: Title: Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
# Note: Page: 158-1
# Note:
# Note: Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
# Note: Page: XII/1:493-495
# Note:
# Note: Title: The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, by Lewis C Loyd, 1999
# Note: Page: 111
# Note: Text: location only - no dates.
1020 - 1074 Rudolf De Warren 54 54 Note:


    Acceded: 1074


# Note:

    RODULF DE WARENNE, 1st son and heir, is known only from his subscriptions to two charters of his father for the Holy Trinity of Rouen. As his father's lands near Rouen and in the pays de Caux did not pass to his son William or William's descendants, it is likely that Rodulf succeeded to them on his father's death; he married Emma, whose parentage is unknown.

# Note:
# Note: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
# Note:
# Note: [From "The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families"]
# Note:

    For this identification see Mr. Loyd's paper 'The Origin of the Family of Warenne' in Yorkshire Arch. Journal, vol. xxxi, pp. 97-113. The hamlet of Varenne lies on the river Varenne c. 2 miles S of Arques and c. 13 miles N of Bellencombre. The latter place, arr. Dieppe, cant. Bellencombre, where there was a castle, became the caput of the Warenne honour in Normandy.

# Note:
# Note: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
# Note: Curt Hofemann,, provided the
# Note: following additional information on Rodulf
# Note: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
# Note:
# Note: Rodulf (Ralph) I de Warenne
# Note:
# Note: K.S.B. Keats-Rohan "Poppa of Bayeux and her Family":
# Note:
# Note: 1027-35: first occurrence of Ralph de Warenne in a charter for Saint-Amand [p22]
# Note:
# Note: c1050: grant of land in Vascoeuil by Ralph de Warenne and wife Beatrice; charter mentions Ralph's brother Godfrey and was attested by Gotmund miles abbatis. Dateable to c1050 by a reference to Roger de Beaumont as Vicomte of Rouen [p22]
# Note:
# Note: 1050's: well known charters of early 1050s by which Ralph de Warenne and his wife Beatrice were associated with the lands of Roger fitz Bishop Hugh of Coutances and his sons. [p23]
# Note:

    Research note: K-R p22 contradicts CP (& Holloway & Wagner) by stating Rodulph/Ralph died before Beatrice. Beatrice is listed as living 1053 (CP XII/1:492 & ES III:698) & dead before 1059 (CP XII/1:492, K-R p22, Moriarty p184, Wagner p46]. K-R states a grant "made by widow Beatrice" to Preaux of land near Dozule, Eure was "dated during the time of William son of Count Robert, suggesting that William had not yet begun the series of military achievements that enabled him to be detached from his father in such references, i.e. before c1054-60". To do: check CP's source of the 1074 grant. Also is the term "widow" K-R's or stated in the grant of the land near Dozule?...

# Note:
# Note: Title: The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
# Note: Page: 112
# Note:
# Note: Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
# Note: Page: XII/1:493
# Note:
# Note: Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -
# Note: Page: Todd A. Farmerie, 3 Dec 1996
# Note: Text: father of William de Warenne by Emma
# Note:
# Note: Title: The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, by Lewis C Loyd, 1999
# Note: Page: 111
# Note: Text: location only - no dates
0998 - 1059 Rudolph Warren 61 61 # Note:

    RODULF (e) DE WARENNE derived his name from the hamlet of Varenne (dept. Seine-Inférieure) on the little river Varenne in Normandy. His parentage is unknown. He is said to have held land outside the walls of Rouen under Robert I, Duke of Normandy (died 1035), and the Cartulary of the abbey of the Holy Trinity on the Mont de Rouen proves that he held a considerable territory on both banks of the Seine upstream from Rouen. He also held land at Vascoeuil (dept. Eure), which he gave about 1053 to the abbey of St. Pierre de Préaux (b), and in the pays de Caux, north of Rouen, where he sold 4 churches with tithes to the Holy Trinity in 1059, and gave another church, also with tithes, in 1074. He married Beatrice, whose mother was almost certainly a sister of Gotmund Rufus DE VASCOEUIL, daughter of Tesselin, Vicomte of Rouen. She was living about 1053. [Complete Peerage XII/1:491-2, XIV:603, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

# Note:

    (e) His christian name is Latinised both as Rodulfus and as Radulfus (Ralph), This confusion occurs in other families (eg. the founder of the "Tancarvilles") and is probably due to two somewhat similar names having been assimilated into one; eg. Ranulf (from Hrabenwulf) and Randolf (from Randwulf). Scribes were then likely to change Rodulfus when copying early charters.

# Note:

    (b) Before May 1055 Rodulf sold to the monks land at Blosseville and Eauplet, on the right bank of the Seine, and Sotteville on the left bank. Subsequently he sold them all his rights in Blosseville, Mesnil-Esnard, Neuvillette, Lescure and Eauplet.

# Note:
# Note: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note:
# Note: [From "The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families"]
# Note:

    For this identification see Mr. Loyd's paper 'The Origin of the Family of Warenne' in Yorkshire Arch. Journal, vol. xxxi, pp. 97-113. The hamlet of Varenne lies on the river Varenne c. 2 miles S of Arques and c. 13 miles N of Bellencombre. The latter place, arr. Dieppe, cant. Bellencombre, where there was a castle, became the caput of the Warenne honour in Normandy.

# Note:
# Note: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: Curt Hofemann,, provided the
# Note: following additional information on Rodulf, in a post-em:
# Note: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note:
# Note: Rodulf (Ralph) I de Warenne
# Note:
# Note: K.S.B. Keats-Rohan "Poppa of Bayeux and her Family":
# Note:
# Note: 1027-35: first occurrence of Ralph de Warenne in a charter for Saint-Amand [p22]
# Note:
# Note: c1050: grant of land in Vascoeuil by Ralph de Warenne and wife Beatrice; charter mentions Ralph's brother Godfrey and was attested by Gotmund miles abbatis. Dateable to c1050 by a reference to Roger de Beaumont as Vicomte of Rouen [p22]
# Note:
# Note: 1050's: well known charters of early 1050s by which Ralph de Warenne and his wife Beatrice were associated with the lands of Roger fitz Bishop Hugh of Coutances and his sons. [p23]
# Note:

    Research note: K-R p22 contradicts CP (& Holloway & Wagner) by stating Rodulph/Ralph died before Beatrice. Beatrice is listed as living 1053 (CP XII/1:492 & ES III:698) & dead before 1059 (CP XII/1:492, K-R p22, Moriarty p184, Wagner p46]. K-R states a grant "made by widow Beatrice" to Preaux of land near Dozule, Eure was "dated during the time of William son of Count Robert, suggesting that William had not yet begun the series of military achievements that enabled him to be detached from his father in such references, i.e. before c1054-60". To do: check CP's source of the 1074 grant. Also is the term "widow" K-R's or stated in the grant of the land near Dozule?... Curt

# Note:
# Note: Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
# Note: Page: XII/1:491-492
# Note: Title: The Origins of Some Anglo-Norman Families, by Lewis C Loyd, 1999
# Note: Page: 111
# Note: Text: location only - no dates
1004 - 1059 Beatrice De Vascoeuil 55 55 # Note: He [Rodulf de Warenne] married Beatrice, whose mother was almost certainly a sister of Gotmund Rufus DE VASCOEUIL, daughter of Tesselin, Vicomte of Rouen. She was living about 1053.
# Note:
# Note: -------------------
# Note:
# Note:
# Note: From: Todd A. Farmerie (
# Note: Subject: Robert de Torigny and the family of Gunnor, Duchess of Normandy
# Note: Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.medieval
# Note: Date: 1996/12/03
# Note:

    It appears to be through this family that the relationship of two more Norman barons come into play, but not exactly as Torigny presents it. He shows yet another niece marrying Ranulph de Warenne, and by him having William de Warenne and Roger de Mortimer. This is clearly untrue, because Roger appears to have been a generation older than William. The solution appears to be that Torigny (as he had done with the Montgomerys) compressed into one individual a father and son of the same name. Ranulph de Warenne (I) appears to have married Beatrice, sister of Richard, vicomte of Rouen, and thus sister-in-law of one of Gunnor's nieces (thus it would appear that this family actually does not descend from a relative of Gunnor's, but is genealogically linked to some of her descendants) and had sons: Roger (de Mortimer) and Ranulph de Warenne (II), who in turn was father of another Ranulf (III) and of William de Warenne.

# Note:
# Note: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
# Note: Page: XII/1:492
0968 Hugh Of Normandy Gunmora 0970 Tesselin Rouen 0985 Beatrice De Bolbec Roger De Moulray Hugh De Port John Stafford 1357 - 1413 John Stanley 56 56 1364 - 1414 Isabel Harrington 50 50 D. 1413 John Stanley Isabel Lathom William De Stanleigh 1330 Thomas Lathom Piers Legh ~1556 - 1579 William Bothe 23 23 1560 Elizabeth Warburton 1521 - 1548 George Bothe 27 27 1501 - 1531 George Bothe 30 30 Elizabeth Trafford 1485 Elizabeth Boteler 1661 - 1698 John Hackley 37 37 1665 - 1756 Elizabeth Lambert 91 91 1175 - 1248 Warine de Vernon 73 73 # Note:

    Warine, succeeded his grandfather as Baron of Shipbrooke; married Auda, daughter and coheir of William Malbank, Baron of Wich-Malbank (later Nantwich), Co Palatine of Chester (holder of a similar dignity to that of the Barons of Shipbrooke), and had [Warine], with a younger son Ralph. [Burke's Peerage]

# Note:
# Note: Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
# Note: Page: 2884
1177 Auda de Malbank 1221 - 1270 Ralph de Vernon 49 49 Rector of Hanwell, wrested barony from his nieces, becoming de jure Baron of Shipbrook (magnate, not member of peerage).

---On Raph's elder brother, Warine:

# Note:

    Warine, Baron of Shipbrook; married Margaret, daughter of Ralph de Andeville and widow of Hugh de Altaribus, and had, with a son (Warine, dsp), three daughters (who, after a prolonged litigation with their maternal [I say paternal, since Burke's has already named Ralph a younger brother of Warine] uncle Ralph were obliged to give up to him half of the patrimony).

Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999 Page: 2884 
1212 Alice de Vernon 1210 Warine de Vernon 1082 Warine de Bussel Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 789

Title: Gentlemen of Courage~Forward, The Line of Myles Standish within a History of England
Author: Lawrence Hill
Publication: Magnolia Publishing Company, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, First published1987
Page: Page 222.
Ameira 1108 Warin Bussel 1105 Maud de Bussel 1020 Roger de Mortimer 1120 Reginald Warren 1081 - 1130 Isabel De Crepi 49 49 Note:


    3rd daughter of Hugh the Great.
    Countess Of Leicester, England.


# Note:

    Isabel (or Elizabeth), widow of Robert (DE BEAUMONT), COUNT OF MEULAN and 1st EARL OF LEICESTER (died 5 June 1118), daughter of Hugh DE CRÉPI (styled "the Great"), COUNT OF VERMANDOIS (younger son of HENRY I, KING OF FRANCE), by Adelaide, daughter and heir of Herbert, COUNT OF VERMANDOIS and VALOIS. Isabel survived him and with the consent of her son the 3rd Earl gave the church of Dorking to Lewes priory. She died probably before July 1147. [Complete Peerage XII/1:495-6

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 2944
Text: Roger de Beaumont m. Gundred dau of William de Warenne and Elizabeth/Isabel, widow of Roger's uncle (Robert de Beaumont).

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 53-24

Title: The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
Page: 88

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: XII/1:496
1104 - 1178 Ada De Warenne 74 74 Title: Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on
Page: United Kingdom-Ancestry of the British Royal House

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: XII/1:496 (g)

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 89-25
1110 - 1147 William de Warenne 37 37 # Note:

    WILLIAM (DE WARENNE) III, EARL OF SURREY, 1st son and heir, was born probably in 1119. In June 1137 he was one of the nobles who deserted Stephen's army in Normandy. The King pursued them to Pontaudemer, where he held William de Warenne junior and other youths and did his best to pacify them; but did not dare to make them fight. He was with his half-brother Waleran, Count of Meulan, at Rouen on 18 Dec. 113 8, and at Oxford in 1139 or early in 1140. On 2 February 1140/1 he was in Stephen's army at the battle of Lincoln, and with Waleran fled before the enemy's opening charge. However, the brothers soon rallied to the Queen and were with her in London about June 1141. After the King's release on 1 November he witnessed royal charters at Canterbury at Christmas 1141 and at Ipswich early in 1142. On Palm Sunday, 24 March 1145/6, he took the cross, and in June 1147 he set off on crusade. He was a benefactor to the priories of Lewes, Castle Acre, Nosteil and Thetford, the Templars and St. Mary's Abbey, York. He married Ela or Ala, daughter of William TALVAS, COUNT OF PONTHIEU (son of Robert DE BELLÊME, 3rd EARL OF SHREWSBURY), by Ela, widow of Bertrand, COUNT OF TOULOUSE, and daughter of Eudes BOREL, DUKE OF BURGUNDY. He died s.p.m. 19 January 1147/8, being slain when the rearguard of the French King's army was cut to pieces in the defiles of Laodicea (i). His widow married, probably in or before 1152, Patrick (DE SALISBURY), 1st EARL OF WILTSHIRE or SALISBURY (died 1168). She is said to have died 4 October 1174. [Complete Peerage XII/1:496-7, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

# Note:

(i) He left an only daughter and heir Isabel. He was probably the first to assume the checkered shield of gold and azure, differenced by the change of colour from the checkered shield borne by his half-brother Waleran, Count of Meulan.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

# Note:

    William de Warrenne (Earl of Warrenne), 3rd Earl of Surrey, zealously espoused the cause of King Stephen and had a chief command in the army of that monarch in the battle fought at Lincoln between him and the adherents of the Empress Maud. His lordship m. Adela, dau. of William Talvace, son of Robert de Belesmé, Earl of Shrewsbury, and had by her (who m. 2ndly, Patrick de Evreux, Earl of Salisbury) had an only dau. and heir, Isabel. In 1147, the Earl of Warrenne and Surrey assumed the cross and accompanoied Lewis, King of France, to the Holy Land against the Saracens. From this unfortunate enterprise the earl never returned, but whether he fell in battle or died in captivity has not been ascertained. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 569, Warren, Earls of Surrey]

Title: The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
Page: 112

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 108-26

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: XII/1:496-7
1075 - 1115 Reynold de Warenne 40 40 1084 Edith de Warenne # Note:

Title: Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 158-2
Text: no date, 2nd husband
1137 Reynold de Lucy 1287 Joan de Molyneux 1263 - 1298 William Molyneux 35 35 1267 - 1298 Isabella Scarebrick 31 31 1242 - 1320 Richard Molyneux 78 78 1232 - 1336 Emma Donne 104 104 Alice de Molyneux Agnes Molyneux D. 1289 William Molyneux Margaret Thornton D. 1247 Adam Molyneux The son of Richard. He was born in Little Crosby about 1185. He died in October 1246. In 1228 he had a commission for the perambulation of the forests of Lancaster county, and paid 40 marks to have 'seizin' of the inheritance from his father. This is the period when the title of Forester of Lancashire was still the hereditary right of the Gernet's. He married Lettice de Brenley (Brinley).
Letitia de Brinley 1212 Roger de Molyneux D. 1211 Richard Molyneux The son of Robert. Of Sefton, Little Crosby and Speke. He married first Edith de Boteler in 1184. Edith was the sister of Alinerice (or Emery) de Botiller of Warrington. They had two sons: Adam and Robert. Richard later married Emma Davis, and they had six children: William, Thomas, Peter, John, Agnes, and Alice. Alice married her cousin Robert, son of Simon.
1163 Edith Botiller Robert Molyneux 1135 Robert Molyneux The son of Adam and Annora. He was born in about 1135. Of Little Crosby. He married Beatrix (Beatrice) de Villers in about 1153. She was born in about 1138 in Little Crosby. She was the daughter and heiress of Sir Robert de Villiers, the son of Richard de Villiers, a crusader under Edward I, of Little. He became the Lord of Little Crosby. Beatrix had been ambitious to be a queen and was in love with King John. She was loath to leave him, but was given by the King in marriage in 1158 to Robert, one of his Barons. She bitterly cursed the House of Molyneux and all that bore the name, calling down maledictions of misery, blasting their loves with tragedy.
Descending from the issue of this marriage were the Earls of Sefton, Ireland, Teversall, and Nottinghamshire.
Beatrix was born about 1138.
Beatrice de Villiers 1107 Adam Molyneux Annora le Garnett Benedict de Gernet Lord of Speke. He may be the son of Ralph and brother to Vivian. Born in 1080 in Speke, which is near present-day Liverpool. His daughter was his sole heir.

Arms: Gules, a lion rampant, argent, crowned or, a bordure of the last. These arms indicate an early relationship to the Mowbray family, whose arms these are. Perhaps the Gernet's were part of this family pre-conquest?
Ralph de Gernet Made a grant in 1094 to the abbey of St Martin de Sees in Normandy, of the church of St Mary, then newly erected in Lancaster by him.
Vivian de Gernet Vivian de Molyneux Sywarde Adam de Gernet Brian Gernet William de Molyneux Robert de Molyneux Of Moulon, France. The family came from Molineaux-sur-Seine.
Robert de Villiers The son of Richard de Villiers, a crusader under Edward I, of Little Crosby? Maria FitzSimon Alan de Villier Pagan de Villiers Ralph FitzSimon 1192 Allen de Thornton Alicia Bickerstaff 1162 - 1244 Randle de Thornton 82 82 This Randle de Torhaunt must have been Randle le Roter, Lord of Thornton, who became possessed of the Manor of Thornton and is stated by Collins to have been a son of David le Clerk, Secretary to Randle Blundeville, Earl of Chester. Randle assumed the name of le Roter, and also of Thornton from his place of residence, and is sometimes designated by both.
Randle Thornton died before the 28th of Henry III, having married Amicia, daughter of Richard Kingsley and his wife Joan, daughter and co-heiress of Alexander Sylvester, Lord of Stourton and Forester of Wirral.
I had him as son of Peter de Thronton, so in the light of that and the above, have made him son of Peter, son of David le Clerc.
1178 Amicia de Kingsley Margery de Thornton Randolph Roter de Thornton 1225 Alice de Thornton Cicely Roter de Thornton 1147 Peter de Malpas Agnes Thornton 1185 - 1252 David de Malpas 67 67 David le Clerc de Malpas, JP (Cheshire); Sheriff of Cheshire 1252; held three knight's fees in Cheshire, his 2nd son [Philip]. [Burke's Peerage]


David de Malpas, called David le Clerk, was Justice of Chester 34th Henry II, 1188. Three different references assign to each a different wife, but most likely he married Catherine, daughter of Owen Vaughan, Lord of Melior. He may have been married three times. He had William, eldest son, who died without legitimate issue, and left his brother Philip Gogh, surnamed de Egerton, as his legal heir.
Catherine Vaughan Owen Vaughan Lord of Melior Beatrice de Malpas Philip Goch de Egerton David Golborne 1115 William Belward William lived in the time of King Stephen, 1135-1154, and married Beatrix, daughter of Hugh de Bohun, alias Kyveliock, 5th Earl of Chester, and co-heir to her brother Randle, Earl of Chester. Arms: Gules three pheons argent, impaling three
garbs or. (Last are arms of Randle. Earl of Chester.)
1129 William le Belward 1138 Mabilia FitzHugh 1072 - 1120 Robert FitzHugh 48 48 Robert, the natural son of Hugh Lupus, 1st Earl of Chester, died without male issue, and it is agreed by all parties and the best authorities that he had two daughters: Letitia, who was the wife of Richard Patric, whose descendant carried one moiety of Malpus on down to Hugh Sutton. Mabilia,the other co-heiress, was wife of William Belward. From this period to the commencement of the inquisitions, the descent of the Malpus share of the Barony, is preserved by deeds and by pleas relative to the contest between the rightful heirs.
1135 - 1224 Richard de Kingsley 89 89 1140 - 1220 Joan de Sylvester 80 80 1184 Johanna de Kingsley 1105 Ranulph de Kingsley 1110 Leuca 1080 Ranulph de Kingsley 1110 Alexander de Stourton Some say he was son, not son in law of Ranulph Sylvester.
Amabilla de Silvester Agnes de Stourton Guy de Storeton 1145 Ranulph FitzAlan de Silvester 1120 Allan de Silvester Steward to Ranulph third Earl of Chester, who gave him the manor of Storuton, with the bailliewick of Wirral, and the government of the forest.
His hunting horn (given by Ranulph) is preserved at Hooton by the Stanley family. (History of the House of Stanly, 1737, John Seacombe)
1265 - 1318 William de Dacre 53 53 1240 - 1286 Randolph de Dacre 46 46 1240 Joanna de Lucy de Multon 1220 Thomas de Dacre 1220 Marley de Morley 1200 Humphrey de Dacre 1200 Harrington 1175 Thomas de Dacre 1175 Mowbray 1150 William de Dacre 1150 de Grey 1204 Alan de Multon 1204 - 1288 Alice de Lucy 84 84 1225 Thomas of Copeland 1222 John de Lucy 1175 - 1240 Thomas de Multon 65 65 1180 - 1204 Sarah de Flete 24 24 1199 Margaret de Multon 1200 - 1200 Lambert de Multon 1150 - 1201 Thomas de Multon 51 51 1152 Eleanor de Boston 1125 - 1169 Lambert de Multon 44 44 1143 Hawise de Briwere 1120 Robert de Briwere 1100 Thomas de Multon 1070 - 1100 Brictive de Multon 30 30 1175 Hawise de Multon 1155 Richard de Flete 1160 Juliana 1127 Josce de Flete 1104 de Flete 1075 Arnaud de Flotte 1075 Adelais de Comps 1050 - 1120 Henri de la Flotte 70 70 1170 - 1213 Richard de Lucy 43 43 1172 - 1230 Ada de Morville 58 58 1200 - 1276 Amabel de Lucy 76 76 1098 John le Belward 1110 Robert FitzHugh 1134 Robert FitzHugh 1117 Gundred de Warenne 1180 Ciceley de Kingsley 1168 Richard de Kingsley 1170 Ralph de Kingsley 1172 Emma de Kingsley 1174 Avice de Kingsley 1176 James de Kingsley 1210 Richard de Lucy 1212 John de Lucy 1184 Eleanor de Multon 1177 Margaret de Multon 1456 - 1512 Margaret Babington 56 56 1432 - 1503 John FitzHerbert 71 71 1400 - 1472 Nicholas FitzHerbert 72 72 1410 Alice Booth 1434 Robert FitzHerbert 1436 Johanna FitzHerbert 1438 Isabella FitzHerbert 1440 Roger FitzHerbert 1442 William FitzHerbert 1446 Anne FitzHerbert 1444 Douce FitzHerbert 1370 Henry FitzHerbert 1375 Downes 1343 William FitzHerbert 1352 Alice de Longford 1380 Nicholas FitzHerbert 1316 William FitzHerbert 1325 Jane Kniveton 1271 - >1350 John FitzHerbert 79 79 Name Suffix: Lord Of Norbury
Sir John FitzHerbert, of Norbury; living 1350; married Margaret, daughter of Sir Walter de Montgomery, of Marston Montgomery and Cubley, Derbys. [Burke's Peerage]
1286 Margaret de Montgomery 1254 - 1303 William de Montgomery 49 49 WILLIAM DE MONTGOMERY in 1284 was holding one fee and his son Ralph 2/3 fee in Ecton [VCH Northants, v. 4 p.123 cit ing Feudal Aids,iv, 14] of Avelina de Forz, Countess of Devon. The inquisition postmortem for Edmund the King's brother] 26 Edw I 1297, stated that in Derbyshire, William was holding 7 knights' fees in Sudbury, Cubley, Marston, Aston, Snelston, Somersal, Eyton, Seggeshale, Orleston and the manor of Ecton, co Northampton, with the advow sons of the churches of Sudbury, Cubley and Ecton. [CIPM v.3 ; no.423 ].Montgomery tenure subsequently transferred to Lancastrian overlordship. Summoned to serve against the Scots 7 Jul y 1297, from Staffordshire 25 May 1298 and again from Northants. Notts. and Derbys. 24 June 1300. In August 1300 he was involved in a suit against Urien St. Pierre. [C.Moor, Kni ghts of Edward I, v.III p.190]. This may have been over the manor of Eaton Dovedale, Derbyshire which descended to th e Cokeseys and which was held of Nicholas Montgomery 1407 [ CIPM v.XIX, no.175]. In 1301 William de Montgomery was named amongst those tenants holding lands in Staffordshire worth 40 pounds p.a. or more. [VCH Staffordshire v.1 p.230]. I n 1303 he was given a letter of protection for going to Scotland on the king's service and a writ to select 500 footmen from Derbyshire and conduct them to Scotland. Died in 1303. Married to Alice, probably the sameAlice de Monte Gomeri widow of Gawain le Botiler of Wem (d.s.p.1289aged 19-20 ), who in 1334 was holding a third part of Hynstoke manor, Shropshire in dower. [CIPM v.VII ; no. 593]. Alice presented to Cubley church in 1332. [Cox. Churches of Derbyshire v.3 p.92-4]. In1334, as "Alice formerly wife of William de Montgomery of Cubley" she sued Edmund Cheigny, husband of Joan de Grendon, for an illegal distress. [Pedigrees f rom the Plea Rolls, The Genealogist, v. 9 p.9].She was not mother of William's son and heir, Walter. 1260 Alice 1284 Ralph de Montgomery 1290 Adam de Montgomery 1229 Walter de Montgomery 1256 Philip de Montgomery 1208 - 1303 William de Montgomery 95 95 Sources:

   1. Title: Rosie Bevan - soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -
            Name: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -
      Page: 25 Nov 2002
      Text: 6.SIR WILLIAM DE MONTGOMERY was holding two fees in Ecton in 1242 according
      to Book of Fees, 934 [VCH Northants v.4 p.123].
      In 1249 an inquiry revealed that he had free warren in Cubley, Marchington
      and Sudbury [Calendarium Inquisitionem Post Mortem v.1 p. 8]. He was
      Commissioner of the Peace in Derbyshire and in 1252 William and William his
      son were chosen as knights to participate in a great assize. On 29 Nov 1254
      he was granted a weekly market and fair in Cubley on Wednesday. [Calendarium
      Rotulorum Chartarum p.84]. From a charter of a grant of alms to Tutbury
      priory dated 19 March 1252, it appears that his wife was called Matilda. [A
      Saltman, The Cartulary of Tutbury Priory, (HMSO, 1962) no.331] A licence for
      a market was regranted for a Thursday to William de Montgomery on 7 Apr
      1255. In 1256 named as William fil William he paid 10 L for having a charter
      the grant being renewed by the seal of England [CPR, 1247-58, p. 385].
      Mentioned in 1264 letter of protection granted for William de Montgomery
      "the elder" [CPR,1247-58 p.355].
      Issue of William:

      - William. See below 
1210 Matilda 1184 - 1249 William de Montgomery 65 65 1156 - 1205 William de Montgomery 49 49 1180 Walter de Montgomery 1132 - 1177 Walter de Montgomery 45 45 1296 Nicholas Kniveton 1330 Nicholas Kinveton 1334 Alice le Boteler 1325 Nicholas de Longford 1354 Nicholas de Longford 1265 John de Longford 1268 Joan Byron 1240 Oliver de Longford 1244 Agnes de Horbury 1218 - 1259 Ralph de Horbury 41 41 1245 - 1308 John Byron 63 63 1250 Alice 1266 Robert Byron 1274 Richard Byron Served in Parliament in 1322. Lord of Cadenay & Clayton  1220 - <1274 Robert Byron 54 54 Robert de Byron, the eldest son, was lord of the manor of Clayton, Robert de Heston releasing to him and his heirs all his right in the said manor, and in all his lands within these bounds; viz. from Hardene, ascending by the --------- the little brook next Drulsden, as far as the ditches, and from them to the little rill next to the land of Sinderland, so descending by the said rivulet as far as the demesne lands of Hardene; in consideration whereof, the said Robert gave him three marks and a half of silver: and, by another deed, he remises to Sir Richard, his brother (aforesaid) and to his heirs, all his right and title in Clayton, Failesworth, and Drylesden, in the country of Lancaster; also by another deed, all his right in the whole town of Drylesden.

King Richard I. in the first year of his reign, confirmed to the prior and monks of Royston, in Cambridgeshire (inter alia), the grant of this Robert de Byron to that convent, of two acres and a half of land in Burley.

This Robert was also a witness to a grant, made by Theobald Walter, of Pyling-Hay, in Lancashire, to the monks of Cockersand, for the souls of King Henry II. and Richard I.

Maud his wife, was living in the 2d year of the reign of Edward I. and had issue by him two sons, William and John. [Collins Peerage VII:92]
1248 Robert Byron 1182 - <1212 Robert de Byron 30 30 Robert de Byron, the eldest, is mentioned in a plea between him and the prior of Lenton, concerning two carrucates of land in Cotegrave, which by a fine (Ped. Fin. A. 1 R. I. Jo. in Scac.) levied at Westminster, in Michaelmas term, in the first year of the reign of King John, was settled on the said Robert and his heirs; who, in consideration thereof, gave to the said priory three bovates of land in Cotegrave, with his moiety of the plowed land called Gelderhrnor; and obliged himself to defend from scutage the whole land of the said priory in Cotegrave, of his fee. He had lands given to him and Cecilia his wife, by Aubert Grelli, in Barnby, to hold by the fourth part of a knight's fee; and had issue by the said Cecilia, daughter and heir of Richard Clayton (MS. St. George præd.), of Clayton, Lancashire. [Collins Peerage VII:91]
1195 Cecelia de Clayton ~1151 Richard de Clayton Sources:
Title: Collins' Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, Greatly Augmented, etc.; Sir Egerton Brydges {1812}
Page: VII:91
Title: The Judges of England with Sketches of Their Lives, etc.; Edward Foss {1848-1864}
Page: III:69
Title: Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire, 2nd ed; Robert Thoroton {1790-1797}
Page: II:284
~1124 - 1194 Roger de Byron 70 70 Which Sir Roger de Buron (who is by some writers deemed his brother), gave certain lands to the church of Swinsted, and the monks there, as appears by a confirmation thereof by Hen. II. in whose reign he paid 10l. scutage for ten knights fees in Nottingham and Derby shires. (Rot. Rip. A. 6. 6 R. I.) Also, in the sixth year of Richard I. on the aid of 20 s. for each knight's fee, for that King's redemption, he answered 10l. for ten knights fees in the beforementioned counties. Likewise, in the first year of King John, he answered for ten knights fees towards the scutage of Normandy, then assessed at two marks for each knight's fee. He married Nichola (Thoroton's Nott. p. 260), dauther of Roeland de Verdon, who survived him, and had for her second husband Anketin de Brkesard; but being married without the King's consent, her lands were seized, and for some of them she was fined in the second year of the reign of King John. By the said Roger de Buron she had issue two sons. [Complete Peerage VII:91]


Roger de Burun, son of Hugh de Burun d. 1155, and probably grandson of Ralph de Burun, lord of Horsley, Derbyshire. At his death in 1194 his barony was taken over by the king and subsequently given to Peter III de Sandiacre, although Roger left a son Robert. [Domesday Descendants p363]

Title: Collins' Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, Greatly Augmented, etc.; Sir Egerton Brydges {1812}
Page: VII:90-91
Title: Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire, 2nd ed; Robert Thoroton {1790-1797}
Page: II:284
~1159 Nichola de Verdun ~1099 - <1155 Hugh de Byron 56 56 To this Ralph succeeded Hugh de Buron, lord of the castle of Horestan, who, in the 9th year of King Stephen, together with Hugh, his son and heir, gave to the monastery of Lenton, the church of Oscinton, about which there was a dispute (Placita apud Westm. A. 7 R. I. Rot. II.), in the 7th of Richard I. with the prior of the hospital of St John of Jerusalem; when the prior of the hospital of St John of Jerusalem; when the prior of Lenton produced the grant of the said Hugh, and the prior of the hospital of St John, that of Roger de Buron, by which he gave to that house the town of Oscinton, with the appurtenances; whereupon no judgment was given by the court, because the prior of Lenton's attorney knew not whether he should put his cause to an issue, before he had his client's direction.

This Hugh de Buron gave likewise in the said reign, by his charter (wherein he is styled lord of Horstone-castle), the church of Horsley (Thoroton's Nott. p. 260.) to the then prior of Lenton, and his successors; which was confirmed by the Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, and ratified by the Pope. [Collins Peerage VII:90]


Hugo de Burun, successor by c 1135/40 of Ralph de Buron, a Domesday tenant-in-chief in Nottinghamshire. Hugh was dead by 1155, when his son Roger (d. 1194) owed 4 marks relief. He was probably also father of Adelina, wife of Robert de somerville; cf. Foulds, Thurgarton Cart. p. 685. [Domesday Descendants p362]

Title: Collins' Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, Greatly Augmented, etc.; Sir Egerton Brydges {1812}
Page: VII:90
Title: Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire, 2nd ed; Robert Thoroton {1790-1797}
Page: II:284
Title: Domesday Descendants, A Prosopography of People Occuring in English Documents 1066-1166; K B S Keats-Rohan {2002}
Page: 362
~1136 Ruellan de Verdun Ruellan de Verdun, held one fee de novo of Bertram II de Verdun, his kinsman. He was perhaps a brother of Bertram and father of the Rualon de Verdun 'iuniore' who was named in a charter of Henry de Clinton for Kenilworth abbey. In the cartulary of Avranches cathedral there is a charter by Beatrix daughter of Ruellan de Verdun, 'domina de Mestruil', widow of Richard Malherbe and richard Peilevilain, granting two fields at Saint-Martin-des -Champs. [Domesday Descendants p766]

Title: Collins' Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, Greatly Augmented, etc.; Sir Egerton Brydges {1812}
Page: VII:91
Title: Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire, 2nd ed; Robert Thoroton {1790-1797}
Page: II:284
Title: Domesday Descendants, A Prosopography of People Occuring in English Documents 1066-1166; K B S Keats-Rohan {2002}
Page: 766
1386 Henry Booth 1390 Isabella Findern 1416 Catherine Booth 1356 - 1422 John Booth 66 66 1365 Joan de Trafford 1382 Margaret Booth 1384 Robert Booth 1388 Ralph Booth 1390 John Booth 1392 William Booth 1394 Thomas Booth 1396 Matthew Booth 1398 Johanna Booth 1400 Joan Booth 1402 Richard Booth 1404 Catherine Booth 1406 Roger Booth 1409 Lucy Booth 1412 Alice Booth 1330 - 1373 Thomas Booth 43 43 1339 Elena de Workesley 1360 Margaret Booth 1363 Elena Booth 1370 Thomas Booth 1380 William Booth 1383 Anne Booth 1300 John Booth The family was really a branch of the family of Booth of Boothstown, Worsley, the first Booth of Barton being John del Booth, who married Loretta, who was daughter and sole heiress of Agnes de Barton.
John del Booth, by marrying Loretta de Notten, became Lord of the Manor of Barton, the family becoming known as the Booths of Barton.
1305 Loretta de Notton 1270 Thomas Booth 1240 William Booth 1243 Sebilla Brereton 1210 Adam de Booth 1224 - 1280 Ralph de Brereton 56 56 Sir Ralph Brereton of Brereton, Knight, said in some pedigrees to marry Ada, daughter of David, Earl of Huntingdon, and his wife Maud or Matilda, daughter of Hugh de Keveliock, Earl of Chester. This gives t Breretons Royal Descent because she was great-granddaughter of David,
King of Scotland, and maternally the Earls of Chester were Royal Earl who possessed jura regalis in the Palatinate of Chester. They also la claim to royal descent from the Venables, who was a relation of Steph of Blois and William, the Conqueror. At first the descent of the Breretons from the royal blood of Scotland was mentioned as a mere claim,
which was found in Collins' Peerage and in Dugdale's British Peers, b a copy of the patent or grant of creation to Sir William Brereton, of the Barony of Brereton, has since been procured and in that instrument su royal descent in Scotland is expressly recited and recognized in the following terms: "We, considering with mature deliberation the free and
true services of Sir William Brereton, and that he is sprung from an ancient, noble and most renowned family, inasmuch as he is descended, through many illustrious ancestors, from Ada, sister of John, surnamed le Scot, 7th Earl of Chester, and daughter of David, Earl of Huntingdon, Lord of Galloway, within our kingdom of Scotland." (This quotation is found in Archaeologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, Vol. 33, p. 59.)
1225 Eleanor de Hastings 1240 Gilbert Brereton 1245 William Brereton 1125 Tanghurst de Chester 1149 Robert de Malpas 1151 Richard de Malpas 1093 Hugh d'Avranches Great-great grandson of Henry Beauclerc, King of England 1073 Hugh d'Avranches 1075 Matilda 1275 Gilbert de Notton 1277 Agnes de Barton 1245 Gilbert de Notton 1250 Edith de Gresley 1215 William de Notton 1220 Albert de Gresley 1232 Edith de Barton 1180 Albert de Gresley 1155 Margaret de Longchamps 1145 - 1230 Roger de Gresley 85 85 1122 Isabel Basset 1120 - 1174 Albert de Gresley 54 54 1090 - 1166 Agnes Fitznigell 76 76 1088 - 1128 Albert de Gresley 40 40 1110 Emma de Gresley 1050 - 1094 Albert d'Avranches 44 44 1070 Beatrix de Greseley 1030 Guillaume de Greseley 1067 Robert de Gresley 1093 Emma de Gresley 1066 Nigel de Greseley 1210 William de Barton 1244 - 1277 Gilbert de Barton 33 33 1180 Gilbert de Barton 1244 - 1277 Gilbert de Barton 33 33 1272 Amery de Barton 1305 Robert de Worsley 1310 Cecily Bromhall 1337 William de Workesley 1270 Richard de Worsley 1275 Joan 1295 Henry de Worsley 1307 Joan de Worsley 1309 Richard de Worsley 1240 - 1304 Henry de Worsley 64 64 1242 Margaret de Shoresworth 1210 Robert de Shoresworth 1217 - 1278 Richard de Worsley 61 61 1220 Maud de Wardley 1252 Richard de Worsley 1195 - 1254 Geoffrey de Worsley 59 59 1200 Agnes 1172 - 1203 Richard de Worsley 31 31 1175 Maud de Singleton 1145 Elias de Worsley 1115 Richard de Worsley 1140 Geoffrey de Worsley 1090 Roger de Worsley 1066 Richard de Worsley 1040 Elias de Worsley 1190 John de Wardley 1190 Alice de Eccles 1160 William de Eccles 1334 - 1386 Henry de Trafford 52 52 1340 - 1416 Margery Ince 76 76 1357 Margaret de Trafford 1363 Henry de Trafford 1369 Isabel de Trafford 1304 Robert Ince 1299 - 1370 Henry de Trafford 71 71 1302 Agnes Doterinde 1330 Margory de Trafford 1340 Isabel de Trafford 1264 - 1320 John de Trafford 56 56 1236 Henry de Trafford 1240 Margaret 1208 - 1288 Henry Trafford 80 80 1212 Loretta 1217 Margaret de Trafford 1175 Richard de Trafford 1215 Amibil de Trafford 1135 - 1221 Henry de Trafford 86 86 1140 Christina 1105 Richard de Trafford 1075 Henry de Trafford 1137 James de Trafford 1045 - 1135 Henry de Trafford 90 90 1050 Margery de Massey 1015 Robert de Trafford 0995 Randolphus de Trafford 0965 Randolphus de Trafford 1365 John Findhern 1372 Catherine 1410 - 1485 John Babington 75 75 1420 - 1456 Isabel Bradbourne 36 36 1442 Beatrice Babington 1444 Anne Babington 1446 Elizabeth Babington 1450 Isabel Babington 1452 Cicely Babington 1371 Thomas Babington 1380 - 1435 Isabel Dethick 55 55 1350 Robert Dethick 1390 Henry Bradbourne Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
      This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
      Page: Ancestry Family Trees
1398 - 1437 Margery Bagot 39 39 1418 - 1464 John Bradbourne 46 46 Ada de Warrene 1734 - 1791 James Forrester 57 57 Orange Co., North Carolina Deed Book 3, pg 625
18 Oct 1770
James Forrest & Elizabeth, his wife, of Orange County to Benjamin Forrest of same, forty five pounds - - 100 acres - - beginning at the mouth of Rocky Branch, west to the Mire Branch to Eno River - -down said
river to first station at corner adjoining Wm Browning Senr, his line devised to James Forrest by will of James Forrest deceased. Signed: JamesForrest
(^), Elizabeth (C) Forrest. Witness: Wm Johnson, Wm Hollums
Greenville Co., South Carolina Deed:
13 February 1789
James Forester to Solomon Forester, both of Greenville County - - 50 pounds sterling - - 200 acres on the fork of Mush Creek on the head branches of Tygar River - - adjacent to the lands of Baylis Earl - - said 200 acres being part of a tract of 269 acres granted to James Forester by letters of patent and recorded in Sec. Office Grant Book RRRR, page 110, 5 February 1787
Witnesses: Hugh Warren Jr., HUGH WARREN SR.
Signed: James F. Forester, Recorded 17 February 1789
Greenville Co., South Carolina Will Book A, Page 40
Will of James Forrester
Written 4 July 1790; Recorded 26 May 1791
Gives to wife Elizabeth, for her lifetime, the plantation, furniture, cattle, tools, etc, which at her death were to go to sons, Hardy, Richard and John Forrister. Hardy and Richard to receive shares of the plantation and John to receive 200 acres on Mush Creek. Appoints Jos. O. Bannon and Hardy Forrister as executors.
Witnesses: Mary Holder, Ede Johnson, Wm. Bradley
1790 Census of Greenville Co., South Carolina
Hardy Forest
2 white males over 16 (James Forrester and his son, Hardy)
2 white females

Elizabeth 1700 - 1755 James Forrester 55 55 1702 - 1775 Ann Ashley 73 73 1726 William Forrest 1730 John Forrest 1736 Benjamin Forrester 1737 Thomas Forrester 1662 Samuel Forrest 1666 Alison Thomson 1621 Williame Forrest Joanet Jardine 1598 Hew Forrest 1600 Janet Watt 1620 Alexander Forrest 1623 Margrett Forrest 1627 Jonet Forrest 1575 Thomas Forrest 1577 Jeane Weir 1596 Alexander Forrest 1597 Robert Forrest 1597 Walter Forrest 1550 William Forrest 1133 William le Botiller Michael de Storeton Mary William de Storeton Robert de Storeton 1210 Richard Donne Sources:
Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
1277 John de Eyton 1250 - 1312 Richard de Eyton 62 62 1255 - 1310 Cecily Huxleigh 55 55 1218 - 1290 Hamon de Eyton 72 72 1180 - 1230 Richard de Pulford 50 50 1190 Sybil de Eyton 1225 Peter de Eton 1155 Richard de Pulford 1125 Robert de Pulford 1145 Hugh de Pulford 1165 William de Eyton 1140 William de Eyton 1095 Robert de Pulford Sources:
Title: nichola de pulford.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 19 Mar 2005
1065 - 1100 Hugh Fitz Osberne 35 35 1035 Osberne Fitz Tezzon 1075 Avise Fitz Osberne 1230 Robert de Huxleigh 1200 William Huxleigh 1170 Dunninger Huxleigh 1140 Suane Huxleigh 1272 Robert de Radclyffe 1239 - 1326 Richard de Radclyffe 87 87 He was a gallant soldier of the Scottish wars and was given many honors by King Edward I.
1249 Margaret le Boteler 1274 John de Radclyffe 1276 Richard de Radclyffe 1281 Margery de Radclyffe 1283 Elizabeth de Radclyffe 1212 - 1290 Robert de Radclyffe 78 78 1242 Roger de Radclyffe 1244 Adam de Radclyffe 1188 Adam de Radclyffe 1190 Alice de Curwen 1217 William de Radclyffe 1220 John de Radclyffe 1164 - 1220 William de Radclyffe 56 56 1165 Cecilia de Montbegon 1190 Geoffrey de Radclyffe 1192 Hugh de Radclyffe 1144 - 1190 Henry de Radclyffe 46 46 [robert de radclyffe.ged]

Addendum to Clarence Ratcliff's genealogy by Donald Ratcliff

Dr. A. Wayne Ratcliff, M.D. (50 N. Liberty Street #1, Delaware, OH 43015) has extended the Ratcliff line
backwards to the earliest known ancestor, Ivo de Tailbois. He spent eleven years, made two trips to England, and
hired a professional genealogiest to secure this information. Most of this information is taken from The Book of
the Ratcliffs, while generations 17-21 were taken from wills located at the courthouse in Preston, Lancashire.
1162 Richard de Radclyffe 1166 John de Radclyffe 1124 Nicholas FitzGilbert de Taillebois A knight who was given the Manor of Radeclive from his lord, and may have built Radcliffe Tower, in the village of
Radcliffe in Lancashire, England. Nicholas took the name "de Radcliffe" meaning of or from Radcliffe. Eventually the last name Tailbois was dropped and Radcliffe took its place in the family lineage. Married a Saxon of the Booths.
Children included Mathew, Henry, and Simon.
1125 Booth 1146 Matthew de Radclyffe 1148 Simon de Radclyffe 1097 Gilbert de Frunesco de Taillebois Sources:
Title: robert de radclyffe.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 23 Mar 2005
1100 Goditha 1065 Aelfred de Taillebois Sources:
Title: Alice Des Meschines.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 10 Feb 2005
Title: Peter de Bruce.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 12 Feb 2005
Title: Christina de Stainton.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 15 Feb 2005
1160 Adam de Curwen 1215 Amibil de Trafford 1240 Robert de Shoresworth 1337 - 1372 William Molyneux 35 35 (Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He was made a Knight Banneret, 1367, after the battle of Navarrette, by Edward, the Black Prince, under whose standard he continued to serve during that gallant Prince's subsequent French and Spanish wars.



   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
1342 - 1390 Jane de Holand 48 48 1368 Thomas Molyneux 1310 - 1372 William Molyneux 62 62 Sir William succeeded his father in 1363. He distinguished himself at the battle of Navaret, in Spain, under Edward, the Black Prince, where he was made banneret in 1367, and continued to serve under that general in all his Spanish and French wars. On his return, he died at Canterbury, where he was entombed, on which is the inscription:
"Miles honorificus Molyneux subject intus;
Tertius Edwardus dilexit hunc ut amicus.
Fortia qui gessit, Gallos, Navarrosq, repressit,
Hinc cum recissit, morte ferente decessit,
Anno milleno trecento septugeno,
Atque bus junge duo, sic perit omnis homo."
1317 Johanna Ellall 1338 Thomas Molyneux 1340 Agnes Molyneux 1342 Richard Molyneux 1344 Edward Molyneux 1346 Peter Molyneux 1348 John Molyneux 1350 Christopher Molyneux 1352 Robert Molyneux 1354 Simon Molyneux 1285 - 1363 Richard Molyneux 78 78 1287 - 1361 Agatha Kyerton 74 74 1307 Roger Molyneux 1309 Richard Molyneux 1312 John Molyneux 1315 Robert Molyneux 1317 Peter Molyneux 1321 Margaret Molyneux 1323 Agatha Molyneux 1329 Ellen Molyneux 1293 Thomas Molyneux 1261 Roger Kyerton Sources:
Title: De Bruce.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 12 Feb 2005
1265 Alice de Thwenge 1225 - 1279 Marmaduke de Thwenge 54 54 Sir Marmaduke de Thwenge, Knt, b and bap at Kilton Castle, 1225; of Kilton and Kirkleatham; acquired the manor of Danby in right of his wife; in 1257 obtained a charter of free warren in his manors of Thwing, Kirkleatham, Kilton, and Moorsom, besides weekly markets at his manors of Lund, Thwing and Coatham, with yearly fairs there; d Dec 1279; bur in the chancel of Guisborough priory

Married to Lucia, dau, & coh of Peter de Brus II, lord of Skelton and Helewise, eldest dau of Peter Merley, sister & coh of her brother Peter de Brus III; mar 27 Sept. 1257(transcript says 1237) had Brotton, Danby, and other lands as her share d 1272 On the death of her brother Peter she obtained the patronage of Guisborough priory jointly with her sister Agnes, wife of Walter de Fauconbergh

1236 Lucia de Bruce 1256 Marmaduke de Thwenge 1258 Robert de Thwenge 1261 John de Thwenge 1263 Edmund de Thwenge 1267 Margery de Thwenge 1197 - 1247 Robert de Thwenge 50 50 Sir Robert de Thwenge, knt., b 1202 : active the name of Will Wither in harrying the Roman clergy who were farming the benefices granted to them by the Pope, his hostility being aroused by the intrusion of a papal nominee into his advowson of I of the ch of Kirkleatham In 1239, he was deputed by the barons to go to Rome on this matter, and succeeded in his mission as to the rights of lay patrons over their benefices In Oct 1240, he accompanied Richard Plantagenet, Earl of Cornwall, second son of King John, on a Crusade to the Holy Land : was back in England in May 1242 Through his wife he acquired the castle and manor of Kilton, and in 1242 gave the manors of Kilton and Kirkleatham to his Marmaduke to dower his bride Lucia de Brus; died at Thwing 1247, aged 45 years

Married to Matilda, dau of Roger de Kilton, niece & heir of William de Kilton, Rogers brother; wid of Sir Richard de Autrey (Alta Ripa); mar 1224 In Jan 1229 was granted by her uncle William the presentation to the ch of Kirkleatham, to which she presented a clerk in 1268; d. June 1279

1205 - 1279 Matilda de Kilton 74 74 1223 Cecilia de Thwenge 1232 Robert de Thwenge 1237 Lucia de Thwenge 1164 - 1234 Marmaduke de Thwenge 70 70 Sir Marmaduke de Thwenge, b 1164; in prison for homicide in 1205 gave 3 marks to recover seisin of lands in the manor of Lund, of which Hy de Pudsey had possessed himself on the occasion of de Thwenge's imprisonment : took the side barons against King John; in 1217 made his peace the king; in 1226 a Justice Itinerant in Yorkshire; 1230 a Coroner for Yorkshire : Osbert Wirfank released to him his right in the advowson of the Church of Hinderwell in 1234; d 1235


Title: Sir Robert Constable.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 17 Feb 2005
1174 Emma Darell 1135 - 1190 Robert de Thwenge 55 55 Robert de Thwenge, held half a knight's fee in Thwing in 1164; gave the Church of St. Thomas in Legsby to the Gilbertian priory of Sixhills, co Linc.; d c 1190


Title: Sir Robert Constable.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 17 Feb 2005
1140 Emma de Lund 1109 Robert de Thwenge Sources:
Title: Sir Robert Constable.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 17 Feb 2005
1110 Duncan de Lund Sources:
Title: Sir Robert Constable.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 17 Feb 2005
1080 Pagan Fitz-Walter de Thwenge 1050 Walter de Thwenge 1176 - 1255 Roger de Kilton 79 79 Sources:
Title: Sir Robert Constable.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 17 Feb 2005
1148 Duncan Darell Sources:
Title: Sir Robert Constable.ged
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 17 Feb 2005
1120 William Darell 1132 Ada de Percy 1150 Marmaduke Darell 1152 Geoffrey Darell 1154 Beatrix Darell 1090 William Darell 1060 Guillaume d'Ayrel 1092 Geoffrey Darrel 1312 - 1372 Robert de Holand 60 60 1315 - 1372 Elizabeth d'Avesnes 57 57 1334 Robert de Holand 1336 John de Holand 1338 Gilbert de Holand 1340 Maud de Holand 1344 Thomas de Holand 1125 Richard Dacre 1100 Humphrey Dacre 1100 Ann Bardolf 1055 - 1085 Gundrada de St. Omer 30 30 1080 Alicia de Warren 1030 - 1076 Emma de Torta 46 46 1054 Rodulf de Warenne 1122 Ralph de Warenne 0965 Gozelin de Rouen 0969 Emmeline de Normandie 0970 Gautier de Bolbec 0989 Josceline de Bolbec 0990 Osborne de Bolbec 1010 Walter Giffard 1015 Berenger Giffard 0942 Wevia de Crepon 0940 - 1027 Osbern de Bolbec 87 87 0970 Godfroi de Bolbec 0975 Avelina de Bolbec 0915 Gatier de Bolbec 0994 Rodolphe de Torta 0965 Rodolphe de Torta 0935 - 1010 Rodolphe de Torta 75 75 0961 Gundred de Torta 0960 Forta de Torta 0900 Herfastus de Torta 1025 - 1053 Gerbod de St. Omer 28 28 1031 - 1083 Matilda of Flanders 52 52 Matilda of Flanders (~1031 - 1083) was queen of England, the wife of William the Conqueror She was the daughter of count Baldwin V of Flanders, and Adela Capet (1000-1078/9), daughter of Robert II of France.

A spoiled young lady used to speaking her mind and getting her way, the 4'2"-tall Matilda (or "Maud") told the representative of William, Duke of Normandy (later king of England as William the Conqueror), who had come asking for her hand, that she was far too high-born (being descended from King Alfred the Great of England) to consider marrying a bastard. When that was repeated to him, William, all 5'10" of him, rode from Normandy to Bruges, found Matilda on her way to church, dragged her off her horse (some said by her long braids), threw her down in the street in front of her flabbergasted attendants, and then rode off. After that, she decided to marry him, and even a papal ban (on the grounds of consanguinity) did not dissuade her.

There were rumors that Matilda had been in love with the English ambassador to Flanders, a Saxon so pale he was nearly an albino, named Brihtric (but nicknamed "Snow"), who was already married. Whatever the truth of the matter, years later when she was acting as regent for William in England, she used her authority to confiscate Brihtric's lands (without even any formal charges, much less a trial) and throw him into prison, where he died under suspicious circumstances consistent with poisoning.

When William was preparing to invade England, Matilda outfitted a ship, the Mora, out of her own money and gave it to him. For many years it was thought that she had something to do with creating the Bayeux Tapestry, but historians no longer believe that; it seems to have been commissioned by William's half-brother Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, and made by Saxons in Kent.

Matilda bore William ten children, and he was believed to have been faithful to her, at least up until the time their son Robert rebelled against his father and Matilda sided with Robert against William. After she died, in 1083 at the age of 51, William became tyrannical, and people blamed it on his having lost her. She was buried at St. Stephen's in Caen, Normandy (then, France now), and William was eventually buried there, too. Years later their graves were opened and their bones measured, which is how we know how tall they were.
1365 Robert Winnington Sources:

   1. Title: Six, Wierschke Families & More.ged
      Six, Wierschke Families & More.ged, Source Medium: Other
      Text: Date of Import: Jan 13, 2009
1320 Robert de Wynnington 1316 William Mainwaring 1318 - 1405 Elizabeth Leycester 87 87 1352 John Mainwaring 1365 Randle Mainwaring 1353 William Mainwaring 1286 - 1341 William Mainwaring 55 55 Sources:

   1. Title: Hamish Maclaren
      Hamish Maclaren,
      Text: Date of Import: 10-22-08 
1290 Margery de Davenport 1218 Christian de Birtles 1288 - 1349 Nicholas Leycester 61 61 Nicholas Leycester had to wife Mary, daughter of William Mobberley, and one of the sisters and co-heirs of Sir Raufe Mobberley. Married about 15 of Edward II, 1322. They had issue John, eldest son and heir, Raufe and Elizabeth, wife of William Mainwaring of Over Poever. Nicholas Leycester died 1349, for he survived his father very little, if he died not before him.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 313)
1284 Mary Mobberley John Leycester Ralph Leycester 1365 - 1403 Richard Venables 38 38 Hugh de Cotton Sources:

   1. Title: Hamish Maclaren
      Hamish Maclaren,
      Text: Date of Import: 10-22-08 
1296 - 1368 Hugh de Venables 72 72 1310 - 1368 Katherine de Houghton 58 58 Joan Venables 1276 - 1311 Hugh de Venables 35 35 1274 - 1350 Agatha de Vernon 76 76 1300 Alice Venables 1316 Ellen Venables 1302 Elizabeth de Venables 1310 Rose de Venables 1310 Isabella de Venables 1313 William de Venables 1258 Mary de Dacre 1251 Ralph Vernon 1274 Katherine Vernon 1424 - 1473 John de Forsyth 49 49 1425 Douglas 1390 - 1429 Robert de Forsyth 39 39 1392 Blank Leslie 1360 - 1399 William de Forsyth 39 39 1340 - 1379 John de Forsyth 39 39 1645 Robert Thomsone Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1667 - 1709 Isaac Ashley 42 42 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1670 - 1709 Elizabeth 39 39 1625 - 1671 John Ashley 46 46 Sources:

   1. Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
      Author: Yates Publishing
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv

      Page: Source number: 197.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: MG1.
      Text: Birth date: 1625Birth place: En
   2. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1627 - 1682 Jane Cooper 55 55 1592 - 1664 William Ashley 72 72 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
      This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
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1605 - 1650 Sarah Seward 45 45 1561 - 1627 Anthony Ashley 65 65 Ashley Coat of Arms



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      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1574 - 1628 Jane Okeover 54 54 1541 - 1651 Anthony Ashley 110 110 Ashley Coat of Arms



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      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1545 Dorothy Lyte 1515 - 1549 Henry Ashley 34 34 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1495 - 1538 Radegan Gilbert 43 43 1465 - 1493 Hugh Ashley 28 28 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1470 - 1493 Elizabeth Walwyn 23 23 1440 Raymold Walwyn Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
      This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
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1440 - 1469 Edmund Ashley 29 29 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1440 - 1469 Margaret Turgis 29 29 1415 - 1444 Robert Ashley 29 29 1415 - 1444 Egidia Hamelyn 29 29 1415 Robert Turgis Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1415 Vanora Wempel 1475 - 1546 John Gilbert 71 71 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1478 Joan Hackett 1450 - 1494 John Gilbert 44 44 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1416 - 1494 Otho Gilbert 77 77 Sources:

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OTHO GILBERT, of Compton, a ward of the Abbot of Torre till he came of age, Sheriff of Devon 15 EDWARD IV; b 1417
; m 1st, Alice, dau and co-heir of John Mules, of Ernsborough, Devon. He m 2nd, Elizabeth, dau of John Hill, of Shilston, Devon, and d 2 Feb 1494, leaving issue
1425 - 1456 Elizabeth Hill 31 31 1498 - 1566 John Lyte 68 68 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1520 - 1566 Edith Horsey 46 46 1468 - 1523 Thomas Lyte 55 55 Lyte-coat-of-arms
Margory Drew 1495 John Horsey 1527 - 1604 Philip Okeover 77 77 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1543 Margaret Elizabeth Dethick 1490 - 1536 Philip Okeover 46 46 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1492 Elizabeth Babington 1470 - 1538 Humphrey Okeover 68 68 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1472 - 1503 Isabel Aston 31 31 1440 - 1495 Ralph Okeover 55 55 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1452 Agnes Bradburn 1420 - 1473 Philip Okeover 53 53 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1412 Thomasine Basset 1454 - 1518 Thomas Babington 64 64 Sources:

   1. Title: Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Venn, J. A., comp.. Alumni Cantabrigienses. London, England: Cambridge University Press, 1922-1954.Original data: Venn, J. A., comp.. Alumni Cantabrigienses. London, E

      Text: Death date: Mar. 13, 1518Death place:
   2. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1430 - 1484 Ralph Radus FitzHerbert 54 54 # Note:

    Ralph Fitzherbert

# Note:


# Note:

    Norbury Manor and Hall



   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1457 - 1511 Edith Fitzherbert 54 54 1437 - 1490 Elizabeth Marshall 53 53 1411 - 1460 John Marshall 49 49 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1409 Elizabeth Bingham 1490 William Dethick Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1502 Anne Bradbourne 1465 Richard Lynn Dedic Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1469 Elizabeth Newport 1438 Richard Dethick Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1442 Sharon Ann Watson 1404 John Dethick Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1414 Jane Dethicke 1421 Martha L. Lance Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1465 - 1495 Humphrey Bradborne 30 30 Sources:

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1480 - 1495 Margaret Longford 15 15 1418 - 1464 John Bradbourne 46 46 1438 - 1439 Ann Vernon 1 1 1415 - 1434 Richard Vernon 19 19 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1415 - 1453 Elizabeth Pembridge 38 38 1438 - 1513 Ralph Longford 75 75 Sources:

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1440 Mabel Ferrars 1396 - 1431 Ralph Longford 35 35 Sources:

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1397 Margaret Melton 1395 - 1459 Thomas Ferrars 64 64 # Sources:

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1398 - 1468 Elizabeth Freville 70 70 1654 Seward 1598 - 1631 John Cooper 33 33 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1602 - 1628 Ann Ashley 26 26 1558 - 1610 John Cooper 52 52 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1550 - 1610 Martha Skutt 60 60 1538 - 1566 Richard Cooper 28 28 Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1500 - 1566 June Kingsmill 66 66 1520 Anthony Skutt Sources:

   1. Title: Ancestry Family Trees
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1602 - 1628 Ann Ashley 26 26 1639 - 1700 John Lambert 61 61 1631 - 1700 Sarah Lucas 69 69 1620 Richard Hackley 1623 - ~1700 Joane Clayden 77 77 1600 John Hackley 1605 Elizabeth Chickle 1555 John Hackley 1567 - 1615 Annis Granger 48 48 1535 Henry Hackley 1541 Margaret 1613 Thomas Warren D. 1548 William Molyneux (Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He distinguished himself at the battle of Flodden Field, 1513, and took, with his own hand, two standards, which are still preserved in the family.



   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
Jane Rugge Richard Rugge Sources:

   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
D. 1491 Thomas Molyneux # Sources:

   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book

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Anna Dutton Thomas Dutton Sources:

   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
D. 1459 Richard Molyneux # Military Service: on side of house of Lancaster during War of the Roses 1


(Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He was in such high favor at court, that in the act of resumption, passed 36th Henry 6th, we find this provisional clause: "Provied always that this act extend not , nor in anyways be prejudicial unto Richard Molyneux, of Sefton, one of the ushers of our privy-chamber, in the constableship of our castle of Liverpool, " ect., ect.



   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
Elizabeth Stanley 1396 - 1460 Richard Molyneux 64 64 (Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He signalized himself in the French wars of King Henry 5th, and particularly at Angincourt, in consideration of which services King Henry 6th granted to him and his son Richard, by patent, dated July 26, 1446, the Chief-Forestership of the Royal Forest and Parks in the wapentake of West Derbyshire, with the offices of Serjeant or Steward of that and the wapetake of Salford, and also the office of Constable of Liverpool.(Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He signalized himself in the French wars of King Henry 5th, and particularly at Angincourt, in consideration of which services King Henry 6th granted to him and his son Richard, by patent, dated July 26, 1446, the Chief-Forestership of the Royal Forest and Parks in the wapentake of West Derbyshire, with the offices of Serjeant or Steward of that and the wapetake of Salford, and also the office of Constable of Liverpool.



   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book
   2. Title: Wallace Penrose
      Media: Internet
   3. Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom
      Author: George E. Cokayne
      Publication: The St. Catherine Press, Limited, London, England
      Note: Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
1387 Joan Haydock Gilbert Haydock Sources:

   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
~1330 Ellen Ursewick ~1300 Thomas Ursewick Sources:

   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
1360 Richard Molyneux (Burke's Peerage Barontage and Knightage 1970 edition)
He was constituted High Sheriff of Lancashire for life, and was member of Parliament for the sire in 20th Richard 2nd.



   1. Title: Burke's Peerage Baronetage and Knightage 1970 edition
      Note: Madison Public Library, Madison, Wisconsin
      Media: Book 
Margery Coleville 1275 - 1330 Nicholas de Eyton 55 55 1290 - 1347 Robert de Wynnington 57 57 1263 Robert de Wynnington 1263 Annore Starkey 1233 - 1271 Richard Starkey 38 38 1225 - 1295 Robert de Twamlow 70 70 1230 - 1295 Margery de Wynnington 65 65 1190 Roger Mainwaring Henry de Birtles Christian John de Birtles 1258 - 1349 Roger Leycester 91 91 Roger Leycester, son and heir of Sir Nicholas, lived constantly at his manor of Wethale in Aston nigh Licmere, to whom Peter Dutton (brother of Margaret, who changed the family name to Warburton) released all rights and claim to Nether Tabley, Wethale and Heild in 1296. According to Ormerod's Hist. of Cheshire, Roger married Isabel ....., but according to Visitation of Cheshire he married Joice, daughter and heir to Roger Downes. His seal of arms was: a fesse between 3 flower de Luces, and inscribed aroundabout this was the motto, Sigillum Secretum. Roger Leycester died about 1349, survived his father 50 years. He had Nicholas, his heir, Roger and Margaret.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 313)
Joyce Roger Leycester Margaret Leycester D. 1295 Nicholas Leycester Sir Nicholas Leycester, Knight, was sometime Seneschal to Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, and Constable of Cheshire. He married about 1276 Margaret de Dutton, the widow of Robert de Denbigh, and daughter of Geoffrey Dutton, ancestor of Warburtons of Arley, who changed their name from Dutton to Warburton, the name of their estate. The village of Nether Tabley is sometimes in the old deeds styled Little Tabley. Geoffrey Dutton, son of Geoffrey, son of Adam Dutton, gave this township to Margaret, his daughter, and her heirs about the very end of the reign of Henry III, 1272. Nicholas Leycester, to whose succeeding progeny the manor of Nether Tabley still belongeth at this day (1660), had also by Margaret Dutton the manors of Wethale and Heild, both situate in Aston nigh Great Budworth, which his heirs also enjoy to the present day. He was afterwards Sir Nicholas Leycester, Knight, so styled in 1292, the 20th year of Edward I. He died 23rd of Edward I, 1295. He and Margaret had issue Roger, son and heir, and John, Vicar of Walleysey in Wirrall, Cheshire.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 313)
1238 - 1305 Margaret Dutton 67 67 Margaret Dutton married 1st Robert de Denbigh, 2nd Sir Nicholas de Leycester, to whom he gave Nether, Tabley, Wethale and Heild.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 273)

Margaret de Dutton, the widow of Robert de Denbigh, and daughter of Geoffrey Dutton, ancestor of Warburtons of Arley, who changed their name from Dutton to Warburton, the name of their estate.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 313)
John Leycester 1156 - 1248 Adam de Dutton 92 92 Lord of Warburton
Adam de Dutton, Lord of Warburton, time of Henry II, Richard II and John, married Agnes, daughter and heiress of Roger Fitz-Alured, who in a charter now in possession of the Warburton family, gives "meditate Warburton with his daughter in marriage with Adam de Dutton. Adam survived as late as King John and in addition to the preceding grants he had divers others from King John, Roger de Lacy and others. The other moiety which appears from the charters to also have been vested in Roger Fitz-Alured, and also passed to Adam de Dutton, as it is stated to be part of his fee for his grant to Warburton priory. They had Geoffrey, John and Agatha.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 273)

Adam de Dutton, by his marriage with Agnes Fitzalured, (dau. and hair of Roger Fitzalured) became proprietor of the manor of Warburton, as Lord, in the time of Henry II. One half he gave to the canons of Warburton, for the soul of his son John, (who was buried there,) among other reasons. The other half he gave to the Knights Hospitallers, who re-granted the same In 1187. Adam had issue; 1) Geoffry, his eldest son and successor; 2) John, buried at Warbarton; 3) Agatha. The older son, Sir Geoffry Dutton, reslded principally
at Sutton. He obtained Aston, near Budworth, in which Arley lies. The name of the lady he marrled does not appear, but Lysons suggests that Alice, the dau. of John Lacy, constable of Chester, Baron of Halton, may have been his wife; which said Alice, many heralds have given as a wife to Adam, his father. This conjecture reoeives a strong confirmation from a family Deed, by which John Lacy gives the manor of Clifton, to Geoffry Dutton, with the expression, SCILICET DE UXORE DESPONSATA. Adam de Dutton, as well as his cousln, the Baron of Halton, had emulated each other in donations to religious establishments, and
in this generation the representatives of both familles, John de Lacy and Geoffry.
(Genealogy of the Dutton Family of Pennsylvania, page 13)
1230 Idonia Alice de Lacy 1218 - 1296 Geoffrey Dutton 78 78 Sir Geoffrey Dutton, son and heir of Geoffrey, succeeded him about 1248 as appears by a charter by which the superior lord of the moiety of Warburton acknowledged having received his homage and the relief dues on the death of his father. He had a son, Peter, who assumed the name of Warburton, after having seated himself at Warburton, and his posterity have ever since retained the name. Sir Geoffrey had a son, Thomas. and a daughter, Margaret. He married Isabel.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 273)
1245 Thomas Dutton 1246 Peter of Warburton 1176 - 1248 Geoffrey Dutton 72 72 Sir Geoffrey Dutton, son and heir of Adam Dutton, served in the Crusades and died 1248. He succeeded to the estate at a period when religious enthusiasm was at its highest pitch. The Lord of Warburton, Adam de Dutton, had emulated the example of his paramount lords and kinsmen in donations to the monastic establishments, and his son Geoffrey followed up the pious zeal of their predecessors by enrolling under the banner of the cross. The crest, which is still borne by the Warburtons, refers to the Holy Land and was probably gained by some heroic exploit in this expedition.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 273)

The older son, Sir Geoffry Dutton, reslded principally at Sutton. He obtained Aston, near Budworth, in which Arley lies. The name of the lady he marrled does not appear, but Lysons suggests that Alice, the dau. of John Lacy, constable of Chester, Baron of Halton, may have been his wife.
(Genealogy of the Dutton Family of Pennsylvania, page 13)
1180 Alice de Lacy 1158 Agnes FitzRoger 1203 John Dutton 1204 Agatha Dutton 1200 Agnes Dutton Roger FitzAlured 1258 - 1327 William Mobberley 69 69 Lord of Mobberley
William Mobberley, Lord of Mobberley, married Maud Downes, daughter and heir of Robert Downes of Chorley, juxta Werford. He was Sheriff of Cheshire in 1319 and had issue Raufe, Cicely m. John Dumbill, Elizabeth m. Hugh Venables, Margaret m. Richard Bold, Emma m. Richard Grovenour, Mary m. Nicolas Leycester, Joan m. Wm. Arthurton, Ellen m. Richard Bromhale, and Agnes unmarried. William sealed usually with the coat of arms above. He died 1327 and his widow married John Dumbill, Sr.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 314)
1264 Maud Downes Margaret Moberley Raufe Mobberley Cicely Moberley Elizabeth Moberley Emma Moberley Joan Moberley Agnes Moberley Robert Downes Margery Fitton D. 1307 William Mobberley William Mobberley was lord of the moiety of Mobberley and patron of the Mobberley church. He bought the moiety of Nether Poever from Richard Bonstable in 1281. He had William, John, to whom his father gave all his lands in Nether Poever and Tatton, but John died sine prole and those lands reverted to William. Another son, Richard, was made parson of Mobberley by his father, but was slain by another Richard Mobberley. William Mobberley died about the beginning of reign of Edward II, 1307.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 314)
John Mobberley Richard Mobberley Raufe Mobberley Raufe Mobberley, lord of the moiety of Mobberley, lived in the reign of Henry III (1216-1272), but it cannot be proved that he was son of above John, son of Augustine. But he was succeeded by his son William.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 314)
John Mobberley Augustine de Brethmete Augustine de Brethmete, elder brother to Patrick de Mobberley, gave the half of Mobberley to Patrick for his life. This Patrick Mobberley founded here a priory of regular canons of the Order of St. Augustine about 1206. John, son and heir of Augustine, lived in the time of King John.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 314)
Patrick de Mobberley Hugh Fitton Hugh Phiton or Fyton or Fitton had a grant of Rushton and Eaton, with various privileges from John Scot, Earl of Chester. He had Edmund and a daughter Margery.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 315)
1234 Edmund Fitton D. 1246 Richard Fitton Sir Richard Fitton, son and heir of above, was justiciary of Chester 17-21 of Henry III (1216-1272). He died 30 of Henry III, 1246.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 315)
Richard Fitton Sir Richard de Phitum, grantee of Fallybrome from Hugh de Kevelioc, and not improbably (from the correspondence of the armorial bearings of the Fittons to the Earl of Chester) a kinsman of his local sovereign.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 315)
1391 Richard of Chedal Bulkeley 1347 - 1379 William de Bulkeley 32 32 D. 1386 Alice de Vernon D. 1350 Richard de Bulkeley Lord of Cheadle

Submitter: Medival Families Unit
(data as of 1995), 50 E North Temple St, Salt Lake City, UT 84150
1295 - 1350 Richard Bulkeley 55 55 1300 Agnes Chedle William Bulkeley 1275 - 1347 Robert de Bulkeley 72 72 D. 1347 Agnes Robert Bulkeley 1250 - 1302 William de Bulkeley 52 52 D. 1302 Maude Davenport 1340 Roger Bulkeley 1324 William Bulkeley 1190 - 1312 Robert de Bulkeley 122 122 1190 Jane Butler 1210 Matilda de Bulkeley 1220 Peter de Bulkeley 1225 Thomas de Bulkeley 1227 Robert de Bulkeley D. 1233 William de Bulkeley Felice Butler Robert de Bulkeley Lord of Bulkeley

Notes from
Robert de Bulkeley of Bulkeley, Eaton, etc (a temp John 1199-1216)
Thomas Butler 1160 - 1233 William Butler 73 73 1140 Richard le Boteler 1138 - 1165 Beatrice de Vilars 27 27 1116 Hamon le Boteler 1120 Bussel 1087 Warine Bussel 1108 Robert de Villiers Richard de Villiers 1281 - 1370 John Davenport 89 89 Margery Brereton 1313 Ralph Davenport 1309 Thomas Davenport 1311 John Davenport 1315 Richard Davenport 1317 Roger Davenport 1319 Arthur Davenport 1321 Isabel Davenport 1323 Margaret Davenport 1250 - 1320 Thomas de Davenport 70 70 Agnes de MacClesfield Thomas de MacClesfield 1284 John MacClesfield Hanmer 1226 - 1291 Roger de Davenport 65 65 1228 - 1300 Mary Salmon 72 72 1248 Peter de Davenport 1252 John de Davenport 1254 Ellen de Davenport 1256 Henry Davenport 1200 Robert Salemon 1204 - 1291 Vivian de Davenport 87 87 1208 Beatrix de Hulme 1234 Beatrix de Davenport 1238 Henry de Davenport 1236 Thomas de Davenport 1228 Edward de Davenport 1232 Robert de Davenport 1236 Peter de Davenport 1230 Richard de Davenport 1147 Amabilia de Venables 1136 Richard Davenport 1208 John de Davenport 1162 Thomas de Davenport 1212 Amice Davenport 1208 Walter Davenport 1210 Peter Davenport 1104 Ormus de Davenport 1108 1175 Bertrand de Hulme 1280 - 1322 Robert Dutton de Cheadle 42 42 D. 1326 Matilda de Mascy 1300 Clemence Cheadle 1235 Margaret 1217 - 1296 Geoffrey de Dutton 79 79 1343 - 1389 Nicholas Vernon 46 46 1345 - 1382 Joan Thornton Fitton 37 37 1325 Elizabeth de Thornton 1324 - 1374 Hamon Fitton 50 50 1347 Peter Fitton D. 1343 Richard Vernon Ralph Vernon 1218 - 1290 Nicholas de Vernon 72 72 1222 William de Vernon 1224 Robert de Vernon 1226 Richard de Vernon 1240 Matthew de Vernon 1298 Richard Fitton 1300 Joan Leigh 1235 William de Venables
Sir William Venables died 20 of Edward I (1292). His name appears on several deeds, the first of which bears the date of 1267. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Dutton. He restored to the monks of Chester the advowson of Astbury, of which his father had despoiled them, and died the year following. He was married in 1253 and had Hugh, Sir William and a daughter, Cecelia.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 307)



   1. Title: Public Member Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.
      This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
      Page: Ancestry Family Trees
1257 - 1292 Margaret Dutton 35 35 1214 - 1273 Thomas de Dutton 59 59 1220 - 1274 Philippa de Standon 54 54 1251 Hugh de Dutton 1253 Thomas Dutton 1255 Robert Dutton 1259 Katherine Dutton 1180 - 1250 Vivian de Standon 70 70 Sources:

   1. Title: Public Member Trees
      Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.
      This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
      Page: Ancestry Family Trees
1202 - 1279 Roese 77 77 1285 Richard Vernon 1289 Roesia de Vernon 1221 - 1270 Ralph de Vernon 49 49 Rector of Hanwell, wrested barony from his nieces, becoming de jure Baron of Shipbrook (magnate, not member of peerage).

---On Raph's elder brother, Warine:

# Note:

    Warine, Baron of Shipbrook; married Margaret, daughter of Ralph de Andeville and widow of Hugh de Altaribus, and had, with a son (Warine, dsp), three daughters (who, after a prolonged litigation with their maternal [I say paternal, since Burke's has already named Ralph a younger brother of Warine] uncle Ralph were obliged to give up to him half of the patrimony).

Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999 Page: 2884 
1231 Maude Grosvenor 1260 - 1340 Richard de Hoghton 80 80 1263 Sibyl de Lee 1260 - 1340 Adam Hoghton 80 80 1223 Aurelia Howick 1192 - 1283 Adam Hoghton 91 91 1196 Agnes Hocton Adam Hocton 1110 William Hocton Favarre 1084 Hamo Pincerna 1086 Maud Bussel 1237 William de Lee 1211 - 1288 Henry de Lee 77 77 1190 John de Lea 1171 Henry de Lea 1240 - 1298 Clemence de Banastre 58 58 1383 John Stanley 1386 Thomas Stanley 1392 George Stanley Robert Harrington Isabel Loring 1464 William Warren 1465 Richard Warren 1263 - 1300 William Venables 37 37 Sir William Veneables
2nd son was living in 1300 AD Venables (Venables)


   1. Title: Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith
      Page: 666 
Cecelia de Venables 1407 - 1447 Peter Gerard 40 40 Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 233b-36 
1415 - 1447 Isabella Strangeways 32 32 1386 - 1431 John Gerard 45 45 Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131
Text: No title given in source

Title: The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 116-7

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 233b-35 
1383 - 1441 Alice le Boteler 58 58 1360 - 1416 Thomas Gerard 56 56 Sir Thomas Gerard, of Kingsley and Bryn; MP Lancs 1384-94; knighted 1393. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131

Title: The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 116-7

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 233b-34 
1360 Isabel Strangeways 1335 - 1380 Peter Gerard 45 45 Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 233b-34
Text: father of Thomas 
1335 Katherine 1322 William Gerard William Gerrard, of Kingsley & Catenhall; living 1330; married Matilda, daughter of Henry de Glasshowse, of Kingsley, and died 1352. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131 
1315 Joan de Bryn 1275 - 1352 William Gerard 77 77 Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131 
1285 Matilda de Glasshowse 1260 Henry de Glasshowse 1235 - 1316 William Gerard 81 81 Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131 
1240 Margaret 1190 - 1260 William Gerard 70 70 William; Lord of half of Kingsley, Cheshire, through his wife Emma, 2nd daughter and coheir of Richard de Kingsley, Chief Forester of Delamere. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131 
1220 Emma de Kingsley 1145 William FitzWilliam de Carew Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1131 
1200 Richard de Kingsley 1200 Lettice 1180 Ralph de Kingsley 1185 Matilda Moston 1155 Ralph de Kingsley 1155 Ralph de Kingsley 1280 Peter de Bryn 1337 - 1385 Henry Strangeways 48 48 Sources:
Title: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Abbrev: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Author: Jim Weber
1340 Alice 1300 Thomas Strangeways 1300 Alice 1325 - 1385 John Strangeways 60 60 1270 - 1346 Geoffrey Strangeways 76 76 1275 Sibel 1397 - 1477 Katherine Neville 80 80 1393 - 1441 Thomas Strangeways 48 48 Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 233b-36

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 15 
1369 - 1429 Robert Henry Strangeways 60 60 1371 Matilda Cheswyk 1325 - 1385 John Strangeways 60 60 1325 Alice 1345 Patrick de Cheswyk 1350 Catherine 1320 Alexander de Cheswyk 1325 Juliana 1397 Thomas de Ashton 1398 Elizabeth Byron 1431 Elizabeth de Ashton 1365 - 1428 John de Ashton 63 63     Sir John de Assheton, KB (1399); Seneschal of Bayeux 1412; Governor of Hadupais and Bailiff of Coutances 1419, MP Lancs 1411 and 1413, commanded troops at Battle of Agincourt 1415; married 1st Jane, daughter of Sir John Savile, of Tankersleigh, and had issue (including Sir Thomas Assheton, alchemist, ancestor of the extinct Asshetons of Ashton-under-Lyne, Asshetons of Chadderton, and Ashtones of Shepley); married 2nd Margaret, daughter of Sir John Byron, of Clayton, and died 3 Sep 1428. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605
Text: no date given, 2nd wife 
1370 Jane Savile 1340 - 1403 John de Ashton 63 63 1345 Anne Standish 1372 Cecilia de Ashton 1382 Katherine Ashton 1376 Joan de Ashton 1300 John de Ashton     Sir John de Assheton; called to the Great Council at Westminster 1324; knighted 1324; married Margaret (married 2nd William de Radclyffe, of Todmorden), daughter of Robert Legh, of Adlington, and sister of Sir Perkyn de Legh, of Lyme, and died c1360. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605
Text: John de Assheton 
1322 Margaret Legh 1264 Thomas de Ashton 1284 - won a 10-year lawsuit with John de Kirkby over right to the Manor of Ashton.

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605
Text: Thomas de Assheton 
1270 Eleanor Buhmley 1244 Robert de Ashton Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605 
1245 Elizabeth 1225 John de Ashton 1227 Margery Byron 1195 Thomas de Ashton Thomas de Assheton; granted lands to Richard de Byron; had, with another son William. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605 
1165 Roger Wrightington de Ashton 1145 Orm FitzRoger de Ashton 1195 de Ashton 1120 Roger de Kirkby Roger de Kirkby, of Kirkby, Irelet; held Ashton under the feudal Lord of Manchester; had with another son (William, ancestor of the "Kirkby"s of Kirkby, Ireleth). [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605 
1090 Orm FitzAilward Ashton Orm; founder of market town of Ashton-under-Lyne, Salford Hundred, Lancashire; married c1115 Emma, daughter of Albert de Grelley; jt feudal Lord of the Hundred of Blackburn and later feudal Lord of Manchester. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605
Text: Orm (no last name) 
1102 Emma de Grelley 1060 Ailward Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605
Text: Ailward (no last name) 
1088 - 1128 Albert de Grelley 40 40 1088 Matilda FitzNeel 1120 Albert de Grelley 1067 Beatrice 1067 Robert de Gresley 1058 - 1134 William FitzNeel 76 76 1062 de Widness 1043 - 1092 Neel Cotentin 49 49 1040 - 1134 Yarfrid Widness 94 94 1245 John Buhmley 1307 - 1370 Robert of Legh 63 63 2nd sonSir Robert de Legh, eldest of the sons of Ellena de Corona, here named, succeeded to the Adlington estate under the settlement of his grandfather Corona, made in 1317, but by the inquisition Ellena was found to have held Adlington for life. He married Matilda, daughter and heiress of Adam de Worley. Adlington and Macclesfield appear from Domesday to have formed two great manors held in demesne by the Saxon Earls before the Conquest and Norman Earls after, and in one or the other of these, nearly all the unnamed districts of Prestbury, Cheadle and Wilmslow parishes seem to have been comprehended. Robert's eldest brother inherited the estates of Booth, which had been purchased by their father.
(Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, page 666)



    Robert Leigh, of Adlington; married 1st by 1330 Sybil, daughter of Henry de Honford or Hanford, of Hanford, Cheshire, and had a son (Robert, ancestor of the Leighs of Adlington); married 2nd Maud, daughter and heiress of Adam de Norley, and by
    her had [Sir Piers]. [Burke's Peerage, p. 1674]

Robert Leigh, of Addington, by Matilda, daughter of Sir Thomas de Norley. [Burke's Peerage, p. 2631]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1674, 605 
1305 - 1325 Sybil de Honford 20 20 1324 Robert Legh 1275 Henry de Honford Henry de Honford or Hanford, of Hanford, Cheshire. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1674 
1280 de Waleton 1235 - 1294 Henry de Honford 59 59 Note: vol 3, pg 644, 661 Ormerod's "History of Cheshire" 1205 - 1237 Henry de Honford 32 32 Note: vol 3, pg 644, 661 Ormerod's "History of Cheshire" 1260 John FitzWarin Waleton 1290 Margery Waleton 1235 Warin Waleton 1325 Robert de Standish 1374 Elizabeth de Standish 1286 John de Standish 1292 Margaret 1438 Isabel Legh 1256 - 1322 William de Standish 66 66 1264 Margaret de Euxton 1238 John de Euxton 1234 - 1290 Jordan de Standish 56 56 1238 Alianora 1208 Ralph de Standish 1185 - 1246 Richard de Standish 61 61 1190 Margaret de Hulton 1215 Thurstan Standish 1160 Ralph de Standish 1164 Julianna 1135 Leising de Standish 1140 de Spileman 1160 Robert de Hulton 1110 Richard de Spileman 1110 de Bussel 1342 John Savile Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 605
Text: Sir John Savile, of Tankersleigh
1348 Jane Bosco 1315 - 1385 John Savile 70 70 1318 Isabel Latham 1287 John Saville Sir John Savile, of Savile Hall, Yorks; married ?, daughter of Sir Simon de Rockley. [Burke's Peerage]

Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 1912 
1280 Agnes de Rockley 1245 Thomas Savile 1248 Joan de Tankersley 1225 Henry Savile 1225 Agnes Golcar 1200 John Golcar 1233 Richard de Tankersley 1233 Sarah de Thornhill 1255 Alice de Tankersley 1208 Henry de Tankersley 1183 Henry de Tankersley 1183 Poitevin 1143 Robert Poitevin 1158 Dolphin de Tankersley 1125 Enfulsus de Tankersley 1100 Jordan de Tankersley 1075 Enfulsus de Tankersley 1264 Simon de Rockley 1322 Matthew Wood Bosco 1376 John Byron Occupation: Isle of Man & Sheriff 1441-2

Sir John Byron, of Clayton; married Margery, daughter of John Booth, of Barton, Lancs. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 460, 605

Title: The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 88-12

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 59-38

Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: IX:336 
1329 - 1398 Richard Byron 69 69 Sir Richard Byron, of Byron and Clayton, Lancs. [Burke's Peerage]

Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Page: 460 
1355 Joan Colewick 1300 - 1350 James Byron 50 50 Died before 24th year of reign of Edward. Knighted in 1343 1330 Elizabeth Bernacke 1280 - 1346 Richard Byron 66 66 Served in Parliament in 1322. Lord of Cadenay & Clayton  1280 Agnes Elizabeth 1298 - 1361 William de Colewick 63 63 1328 Joan Peche 1281 - 1335 John de Colewick 54 54 1281 Joan de Staunton 1247 William de Colewick 1297 & 1301 Fought in Scotland, 1296 Knight of Shire for Nottingham  1209 - 1275 Philip de Colewick 66 66 In return for holding his land, he had to rendere 12 barbed arrows without feathers at each coming of the King to Nottingham.

# Note: 1275 A knight. 
1180 - 1252 Reginald de Colewick 72 72 1150 William de Colewick 1231 Robert de Staunton 1195 Geoffrey Staunton 1195 Alice 1160 William Staunton 1167 Athelina Musters 1130 Mauger Staunton 1100 Beatrice Muschamp 1100 Galfridus Staunton 1070 Malgerus Staunton 1290 - 1340 John Peche 50 50 John Peche, son and heir apparent, at the battle of Boroughbridge bore his father's arms, differenced by a label. He is stated to have died in the lifetime of his father, and another John Peche, his kinsman, succeeded to the title.  1310 Alice Hayward 1255 - 1335 John Peche 80 80 eldest son and heir, was in the King's service in Scotland almost continuously from Jan. 1297/8 till 1304. He served in various capacities in County Warwick from 1317 to 1321. He was summoned to Parliament 1321-1335, by writs directed to Johanni Pecche, whereby he is said to have become Lord Pecche. He served as Keeper of the town and castle of Warwick, in 1321, and later was ordered to raise forces in County Warwick and lend them to the King. He fought at Boroughbridge as a banneret, on the King's side, and in Scotland in 1322/3, and in Gascony in person 1324/5. In 1323 he was Constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports. As a knight of Counties Warwick and Gloucester he was summoned to the Great Council at Westminster 30 May, 1324, and in June, 1328, he was summoned to Council at York, and in 1329 to a conference at Windsor. He married 1st Unknown, and 2nd Eleanor, widow of Ralph de Gorges. 1218 John Peche 1226 Joan 1190 Richard Peche Richard was a knight in 1219, when he witnessed a deed executed in the court of the Bishop of Lichfield. He served in various capacities in Warwickshire: as joint commissioner, 1223, to sell windfall wood in the royal forests; juror upon a grand assize of novel disseizen, 1229; and one of the two knights to collect the aid, 1235. In 1235 he was holding one-half fee in (Fenny) Compton. By deeds Richard Peche had lands in Honiley, which had been Ralph de Grafton's, his mother's 2nd husband, and recorded that Pernel, mother of the said Richard, had quitclaimed all rights in the chattels of Ralph de Grafton. This Richard Peche by right of descent from Petronella, his mother, daughter and at length heir to Richard de Walensis, possessed that fair lordship Wormleighton, in County Warwick. 1200 - 1243 Hawise de Arden 43 43 1161 - 1199 Geoffrey Peche 38 38 Geoffrey Pecche was taking a wife about 1190. With Hugh de Chaucumbe he witnessed a grant to Hugh's foundation of Chacombe. In 1193-4 he successfully claimed a tenement in Lichfield against the Bishop. He m. Pernel, daughter of RIchard Waleys, by Hodierne (or Odierne) de Lucerne, his wife, and was dead in 1199, when his relict was wife of Ralph de Grafton, who d. 1203 or 1204. She was living 1235-6 and d. in or before 1238. [Complete Peerage X:339-40] 1170 Pernel de Waleys 1130 Robert Peche Robert was Bishop of Coventrie, in King Stephen's time. 1123 - 1152 Hawise d' Evreux 29 29 1090 Rautrou de Perche 1143 - 1190 Richard de Waleys 47 47 1151 Hodienre de Lucerne 1124 Giffard de Lucerne Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom; GE Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd {2000}
Page: X:339b 
1180 William de Arden Title: Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000
Page: X:340-1 
1160 Roger de Arden 1164 Alani de Turfine 1140 Ralph de Arden 1120 Roger de Arden 1090 Turchill de Warwick The Arden family, descended from Turchil de Eardene, whose father Aelfwine was sheriff of Warwickshire pre-1066.

Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups -
Page: Brice Clagett, 3 Jun 2003 
1119 Osbert de Arden 1050 Aelfwine Horne 1030 Erminhild Mercia 1010 Wigot de Warwick 0980 Wulgent de Warwick 0950 Ulfa de Warwick 0924 Weyth de Warwick 0900 Reynbourne de Warwick 0905 Edith Saxons 0878 Athelstan Saxons 0870 Guy Wallingford 0880 Felica de Warwick 0843 Siward Wallingford 0850 Rohand de Warwick 1283 William Hayward 1290 Joan Huntingfield 1268 Saire Huntingfield 1382 Margaret Booth 1328 Jane de Ince 1285 Richard Ince 1285 Elizabeth de Radcliffe 1265 Alfredus Ince 1265 Alesia 1245 - 1322 Matthew de Haydock 77 77 1225 - 1299 Gilbert de Haydock 74 74 1225 Alicia de Bold 1250 Gilbert Haydock 1190 - 1270 Hugh de Haydock 80 80 1195 Cecelia de Lauton 1170 Adam de Lauton 1165 - 1213 Orm de Haydock 48 48 1190 Matthew de Bold 1220 Robert de Bold 1160 Robert de Bold pg 41, Visitation of Lancashire by Sir William Dugdale, 1664/5

vol 3, pg 81, Burke's "Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland" 
1129 William de Bold pg 41, Visitation of Lancashire by Sir William Dugdale, 1664/5  1100 Adam Bold pg 41, Visitation of Lancashire by Sir William Dugdale, 1664/5 1075 Richard Bold pg 41, Visitation of Lancashire by Sir William Dugdale, 1664/5  1270 - 1333 William de Radclyffe 63 63     have 4 pedigrees for the Radclyffe families taken from various books here in the north of England. These show that Robert Radclyffe of Radclyffe Tower married first Mary de Bury whose son was 'Ralph de Radclyffe of Radclyffe Tower heir to his father who died without issue bef 5 Edw III (1331-2) leaving his manor of Radclyffe to his uncle William, second son of Richard de Radclyffe'. (This William was known as the Great William).

Provided by Pat 
1270 Margaret de Peasfurlong 1300 Richard Radcliffe 1316 William Radcliffe 1242 Adam Peasfurlong 1245 Elizabeth Culcheth 1210 Hugh de Hindley Note: Hugh de Hindley purchased the marriage of Gilbert's heiresses for his sons, including his heir Hugh de Hindley (not an ancestor).  1185 de Hindley 1158 de Hindley 1205 - 1246 Gilbert Culcheth 41 41 copied from Greater Manchester County Record Office at:


    This township or civil parish was in Lancashire. It was in Winwick ecclesiastical parish and in Leigh poor law Union. It should not be confused with the Culcheth area in Newton township, Manchester. It had four ancient, ill-defined quarters, called CULCHETH (in the north), HOLCROFT (in the east), PEASFURLONG (in the west) and RISLEY (in the south). In 1933 the civil parish was dissolved and its area divided between Golborne Urban District (Culcheth), Croft civil parish (Holcroft, Peasfurlong and part of Risley areas) and Woolston civil parish (remaining part of Risley area).

In 1974, Croft, Woolston and the Culcheth and Newchurch wards of Golbourne Urban District, i.e. including the whole of the area of the former civil parish of Culcheth, became part of Warrington District, Cheshire. 
1222 Cecilia de Lathom 1175 - 1206 Henry Culcheth 31 31 1485 George Bothe John Bothe 1493 Edward Bothe 1500 Dowse Booth 1444 - 1507 Richard de Assheton 63 63 1454 - 1531 Elizabeth Talbot 77 77 1472 Richard de Assheton 1475 Alice de Assheton 1484 Edmund de Assheton 1488 Dorothy de Assheton 1491 Elizabeth de Assheton 1407 Ralph de Assheton 1421 - 1459 Margaret Barton 38 38 1442 Thomas de Assheton 1446 Anne de Assheton 1452 Edmund de Assheton 1454 Elizabeth de Assheton 1395 John Barton Sources:

   1. Title: William Hankford - Michael Neuman.ged
      Merged 10/02/2009 05:59
      Date: 1 MAR 2009
1402 Maude de Middleton 1380 John Middleton 1382 Alice Mauleverer 1400 William Middleton 1360 Nicholas de Middleton Sources:

   1. Title: thomas middleton.ged
      Record originated in...
      Date: 10 FEB 2009
      Text: Date of Import: 2 Jul 2005
   2. Title: William Hankford - Michael Neuman.ged
      Merged 10/02/2009 05:59
      Date: 1 MAR 2009
      Note: Record originated in... 
1362 Alice Middleton 1325 - 1414 Nicholas de Middleton 89 89 1326 Avicia de Stapleton 1350 John Middleton John Montgomery 1136 - 1220 Lucy fitz Miles 84 84 1165 Godwin fitz Herbert 1158 Herbert FitzHerbert 1167 - FEB 1230/31 Matthew fitz Herbert 1162 Agnes De Stretton 1160 William FitzHerbert ~1185 - >1228 John FitzHerbert 43 43 1166 - 1235 Piers fitz Herbert 69 69 Note: Peter Fitz-Herbert, Baron of Barnstable in Devonshire, the honorof which he obtained from King John with fifteen knight's fees,part of the lands of William de Braose, and he was made Governorof Pickering Castle in Yorkshire, and Sheriff of that county bythe same monarch. This Peter was one of the barons named inMagna Carta and, by his signature, fourth in rank amongst thebarons. He m. first, Alice, dau. of Robert Fitz Roger, a greatbaron in Northumberland, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering, andsister of John, to whom Edward I gave the surname of Clavering,Lord of Callaly in Northumberland. By this lady he had a son andheir, Reginald Fitz Peter. He m. secondly, Isabel, dau. andcoheir of William de Braose, and widow of David Llewellin,Prince of Wales, and by the alliance acquired the lordships andcastle of Blenlevenny and Talgarth in the county of Brecknock,with other possessions in Wales. He fortified his castle ofBlenlevenny, and, dying in 1235, was s. by his son, ReginaldFitzPeter, Lord of Blenlevenny, [John Burke, History of theCommoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. IV, R. Bentley,London, 1834, p. 728, Jones, of Llanarth]


Peter Fitz-Herbert, who, being very obsequious to King John, wasreputed one of that prince's evil counsellors. In 1214, he wasconstituted governor of Pykering Castle, co. York, and sheriffof the shire; but afterwards falling off in his allegiance, hislands at Alcester were seized by the crown, and given to Williamde Camvill. Returning, however, to his duty upon the accessionof Henry III, those lands were restored to him. He m. 1st,Alice, dau. of Roger Fitz-Roger, a great baron inNorthumberland, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly, the 3rd dau.and co-heir of William de Braose, Baron of Brecknock, and d.1235, leaving a son, Herbert Fitz-Peter. [Sir Bernard Burke,Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 206, Fitz-Herbert, BaronFitz-Herbert]

[de brus.ged]

Note: Peter Fitz-Herbert, Baron of Barnstable in Devonshire, the honorof which he obtained from King John with fifteen knight's fees,part of the lands of William de Braose, and he was made Governorof Pickering Castle in Yorkshire, and Sheriff of that county bythe same monarch. This Peter was one of the barons named inMagna Carta and, by his signature, fourth in rank amongst thebarons. He m. first, Alice, dau. of Robert Fitz Roger, a greatbaron in Northumberland, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering, andsister of John, to whom Edward I gave the surname of Clavering,Lord of Callaly in Northumberland. By this lady he had a son andheir, Reginald Fitz Peter. He m. secondly, Isabel, dau. andcoheir of William de Braose, and widow of David Llewellin,Prince of Wales, and by the alliance acquired the lordships andcastle of Blenlevenny and Talgarth in the county of Brecknock,with other possessions in Wales. He fortified his castle ofBlenlevenny, and, dying in 1235, was s. by his son, ReginaldFitzPeter, Lord of Blenlevenny, [John Burke, History of theCommoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. IV, R. Bentley,London, 1834, p. 728, Jones, of Llanarth]


Peter Fitz-Herbert, who, being very obsequious to King John, wasreputed one of that prince's evil counsellors. In 1214, he wasconstituted governor of Pykering Castle, co. York, and sheriffof the shire; but afterwards falling off in his allegiance, hislands at Alcester were seized by the crown, and given to Williamde Camvill. Returning, however, to his duty upon the accessionof Henry III, those lands were restored to him. He m. 1st,Alice, dau. of Roger Fitz-Roger, a great baron inNorthumberland, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly, the 3rd dau.and co-heir of William de Braose, Baron of Brecknock, and d.1235, leaving a son, Herbert Fitz-Peter. [Sir Bernard Burke,Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 206, Fitz-Herbert, BaronFitz-Herbert][Isabel de Ros.ged]

Note: Peter Fitz-Herbert, Baron of Barnstable in Devonshire, the honorof which he obtained from King John with fifteen knight's fees,part of the lands of William de Braose, and he was made Governorof Pickering Castle in Yorkshire, and Sheriff of that county bythe same monarch. This Peter was one of the barons named inMagna Carta and, by his signature, fourth in rank amongst thebarons. He m. first, Alice, dau. of Robert Fitz Roger, a greatbaron in Northumberland, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering, andsister of John, to whom Edward I gave the surname of Clavering,Lord of Callaly in Northumberland. By this lady he had a son andheir, Reginald Fitz Peter. He m. secondly, Isabel, dau. andcoheir of William de Braose, and widow of David Llewellin,Prince of Wales, and by the alliance acquired the lordships andcastle of Blenlevenny and Talgarth in the county of Brecknock,with other possessions in Wales. He fortified his castle ofBlenlevenny, and, dying in 1235, was s. by his son, ReginaldFitzPeter, Lord of Blenlevenny, [John Burke, History of theCommoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. IV, R. Bentley,London, 1834, p. 728, Jones, of Llanarth]


Peter Fitz-Herbert, who, being very obsequious to King John, wasreputed one of that prince's evil counsellors. In 1214, he wasconstituted governor of Pykering Castle, co. York, and sheriffof the shire; but afterwards falling off in his allegiance, hislands at Alcester were seized by the crown, and given to Williamde Camvill. Returning, however, to his duty upon the accessionof Henry III, those lands were restored to him. He m. 1st,Alice, dau. of Roger Fitz-Roger, a great baron inNorthumberland, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly, the 3rd dau.and co-heir of William de Braose, Baron of Brecknock, and d.1235, leaving a son, Herbert Fitz-Peter. [Sir Bernard Burke,Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 206, Fitz-Herbert, BaronFitz-Herbert][William de Trussell 2.ged]

Note: Peter Fitz-Herbert, Baron of Barnstable in Devonshire, the honorof which he obtained from King John with fifteen knight's fees,part of the lands of William de Braose, and he was made Governorof Pickering Castle in Yorkshire, and Sheriff of that county bythe same monarch. This Peter was one of the barons named inMagna Carta and, by his signature, fourth in rank amongst thebarons. He m. first, Alice, dau. of Robert Fitz Roger, a greatbaron in Northumberland, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering, andsister of John, to whom Edward I gave the surname of Clavering,Lord of Callaly in Northumberland. By this lady he had a son andheir, Reginald Fitz Peter. He m. secondly, Isabel, dau. andcoheir of William de Braose, and widow of David Llewellin,Prince of Wales, and by the alliance acquired the lordships andcastle of Blenlevenny and Talgarth in the county of Brecknock,with other possessions in Wales. He fortified his castle ofBlenlevenny, and, dying in 1235, was s. by his son, ReginaldFitzPeter, Lord of Blenlevenny, [John Burke, History of theCommoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. IV, R. Bentley,London, 1834, p. 728, Jones, of Llanarth]


Peter Fitz-Herbert, who, being very obsequious to King John, wasreputed one of that prince's evil counsellors. In 1214, he wasconstituted governor of Pykering Castle, co. York, and sheriffof the shire; but afterwards falling off in his allegiance, hislands at Alcester were seized by the crown, and given to Williamde Camvill. Returning, however, to his duty upon the accessionof Henry III, those lands were restored to him. He m. 1st,Alice, dau. of Roger Fitz-Roger, a great baron inNorthumberland, but by her had no issue; and 2ndly, the 3rd dau.and co-heir of William de Braose, Baron of Brecknock, and d.1235, leaving a son, Herbert Fitz-Peter. [Sir Bernard Burke,Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 206, Fitz-Herbert, BaronFitz-Herbert]
1240 - 1303 William Montgomery 63 63 1136 - 1204 Herbert FitzHerbert 68 68 1087 Henry de Say 1316 Margaret Champernoun 1177 - 1221 William De Boterell 44 44 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1175 - 1272 Reginald De Boterell 97 97 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1111 - 1166 Elias [Ellis\Ingram] de Say 55 55 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1305 HUGH DE VALLETORT 1130 - 1199 Isabel De Say 69 69 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1240 - 1295 John de Valletort 55 55 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1245 Miss de Columbers this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1210 - 1259 Philip de Valletort 49 49 1170 Joel de Valletort this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1175 Emma de Bottreaux this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1195 - 1244 Warine FitzJuhel 49 49 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1101 HELIUS INGELRAM DE SAYE this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1305 Engelina De VALLETORT 1090 Mrs Henry Say this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1314 - 1342 THOMAS CHAMPERNON 28 28 1284 - 1338 Richard Champernoun 54 54 1288 Elizabeth Joan Valletort 1310 RICHARD CHAMPERNON 1312 JOHN CHAMPERNON 1270 - 1310 HUGH DE VALLETORT 40 40 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1275 - 1310 LUCIA LE BRET 35 35 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1135 - 1220 William De Botreaux 85 85 this is for your use,please do not copy it to any data base used to make money. i am glad to share it with you Robert Lord KH 1362 - 1424 Robert Molyneux 62 62 1145 Amabilis Fitzwilliam 1324 de Venables 1170 Ralph de Gresley Title: Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999
Page: 116-3
Text: Ralph de Greasley

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 170-27



Father of Agnes who m. Hugh Fitz Ralph. [Magna Charta Sureties, p. 129]

m. Isabel de Muschamp; father of Agnes de Greasley who m. Hugh Fitz Ralph de
Levington. [GRS 3.03, Automated Archives, CD#100]
1570 Johne Watt Haistie, James, B., masone (hagbuite), as p. to umq. Johne Watt, masone, B. ( 14 Jan 1607 ) Roll of Burgesses 14 Jan 1607 Midlothian: Edinburgh


Title: Midlothian (Edinburgh), Scotland, Extracted Parish Records
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001.Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and probate records.Original data: Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and

Text: Marriage date: 14 Jan 1607 02 Apr 1617Marriage place: Midlothia, Scotland

Title: Midlothian (Edinburgh), Scotland, Extracted Parish Records
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001.Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and probate records.Original data: Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and

Text: Marriage date: 15 Jun 1608 20 Jan 1619Marriage place: Midlothia, Scotland

Title: Midlothian (Edinburgh), Scotland, Extracted Parish Records
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001.Original data - Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and probate records.Original data: Electronic databases created from various publications of parish and

Text: Marriage date: 04 Aug 1619Marriage place: Midlothia, Scotland

Title: Ancestry Family Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
1375 Willard G. Ashley 1340 Willard G. Ashley Donna 1300 Ashley 1260 Benedict Ashley 1410 - 1471 Thomas Walwyn 61 61 1422 - 1465 Elizabeth Leakes 43 43 1445 Alice Walwyn 1448 William Walwyn 1374 - 1470 William Walwyn 96 96 1376 - ~1461 Elizabeth Joan Greyndour 85 85 William Leeks 1425 Marian Hatway D. 1529 Thomas Gilbert 2a THOMAS; m Isabel, dau and heiress of John Reyneward, of St Minver, Cornwall, and d 5 Aug 1529, leaving issue
D. 1551 Geoffrey Gilbert ~1445 Elizabeth Gilbert 1a Elizabeth; m Sir Thomas Grenville, Kt Bachelor, of Stowe, Cornwall, and was great-grandmother of Sir Richard Grenville, the hero of the Revenge.
<1422 William Gilbert WILLIAM GILBERT, of Compton, who held a part of a Knight's fee is Luscombe, Devon 1428; m Isabel, dau of Walter Gambon, of Moreton, Devon, and had issue, with four daus., an only s
Isabel Gambon D. <1380 William Gilbert WILLIAM GILBERT, of Compton; m Elizabeth, dau and co-heir of Oliver Champernowne, of Clist Champernowne, Devon (by his wife Fgelin, dau and co-heir of Hugh Valetort, of Tamerton, Devon), to whom as his widow, grant of administration of his estate was made by Bishop Brantingham of Exeter, 6 July, 1380. He had issue

Author: Burke's Peerage Limited
Title: Burke's Landed Gentry
Publication: 18th Edition, Vols. I - III
Name: Not Given (See Notes)
Elizabeth Champernowne Robert Hill 1420 John Hill 1421 - 1493 Robert Hill 72 72 Downloaded from 1422 William Hill 1423 Thomas Hill Margaret Hill 1366 - 1423 Robert Hill 57 57 1370 Isabella Wadham 1338 - 1408 John Hill 70 70 ~1355 - 1387 Dionysia Durborough 32 32 ~1382 Elizabeth Hill ~1386 Johanna Hill ~1387 Margaret Hill ~1330 John Durborough 1344 - 1412 John Wadham 68 68 ~1350 Elizabeth Shilston 1320 Gilbert Wadham William Shilston 1450 - 1474 John Drew 24 24 1448 - 1512 John Lyte 64 64 1448 - 1468 Fauntelroy 20 20 1452 Agnes Bradburn 1385 Roger Bradburn
1390 Lucy Bradbourne 1359 William Bradburn 1330 Roger Bradburn 1335 Philippa 1395 - 1460 Thomas Okeover 65 65 ~1240 - >1291 Henry FitzHerbert 51 51 ~1250 de Chaddesdon ~1220 - >1274 William FitzHerbert 54 54 Name Suffix: Lord Of Norbury, Sir
Sir William FitzHerbert, of Norbury; Sheriff of Notts and Derbys 1272-74; married 1st ?; married 2nd ? and by her hadtwo daughters (Helen, married Walter de Ridware, of Staffs, and had issue; Jane); by his 1st wife he had [Sir Henry], with two younger sons (William, ancestor of the FitzHerberts of Somersal Herbert, Derbys (who died out in the male line 1803, following which their representation was continued by the Jacsons of Bebington, Cheshire, into whom a FitzHerbert heiress married) and the FitzHerbertBaronets; Richard, ancestor of the FitzHerberts of Twycross, Leics). [Burke'sPeerage, p. 2683]


Sir William FitzHerbert, of Norbury, Derbys; living temp. Henry III. [Burke's Peerage, p. 1066]

The ancestry extends through a son William to FitzHerberts of Tissington, eventually becoming Baronets.
~1222 Edeka ~1245 Ellen FitzHerbert ~1196 - >1228 Emmeline de Grendon 32 32 ~1160 William de Grendon ~1170 Ermentrude ~1188 Margaret de Grendon ~1200 Alina de Grendon ~1135 Serlo de Grendon ~1135 Mary FitzRalph ~1158 Serlo de Grendon Note: I notice that Susan Johanson has Isolda born to the elder Serlo de Grendon.  However I have a son William with descendants who would have inherited fromthe elder Serlo, and since Isolda was a co-heiress, she must be a daughter of the younger Serlo.  Also since she was living in 1259, a later birth date seem likely.
~1110 Ralph FitzGeremund ~1112 Hawise 1214 - 1274 Nigel de Longford 60 60 1218 Cecilia de Hathersage 1188 - 1248 Henry de Longford 60 60 1180 - 1230 Ralph de Horbury 50 50 1155 - 1230 Thomas de Horbury 75 75 ~1061 - <1140 Ralph de Byron 79 79 Sources:
Title: Collins' Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical, Greatly Augmented, etc.; Sir Egerton Brydges {1812}
Page: VII:89-90
Title: Thoroton's History of Nottinghamshire, 2nd ed; Robert Thoroton {1790-1797}
Page: II:284
Title: Domesday Descendants, A Prosopography of People Occuring in English Documents 1066-1166; K B S Keats-Rohan {2002}
Page: 362
1280 Richard Doterinde 1140 - 1172 Adam Montbegon 32 32 1145 - 1181 Maud Fitzswaine 36 36 1158 - 1212 Patrick Curwen 54 54 1134 Grace 1150 Gilbert de Culcheth 1490 - 1566 John Cooper 76 76 1450 Alice 1450 - 1495 John Cooper 45 45 Robert Cooper 1300 Simon Cooper 1550 - 1590 John Granger 40 40 1554 - 1575 Elizabeth Smith 21 21 ~1600 - ~1660 John Clayden 60 60 ~1603 - ~1660 Jane Thomas 57 57 1590 - 1646 John Lambert 56 56 ~1600 Sarah 1555 - 1625 Jeffrey Lambert 70 70 1558 - 1630 Elizabeth Hisloppe 72 72 1610 - 1669 Thomas Lucas 59 59 1610 - 1636 Francis 26 26 ~1517 John Bothe ~1519 Robert Bothe ~1520 Ellen Bothe ~1521 Anne Bothe 1522 Margaret Bothe 1520 Elizabeth Bothe ~1525 Dorothy Bothe ~1527 Alice Bothe ~1530 Cecilie Bothe 1461 - 1522 Thomas Boteler 61 61 Thomas Boteler, Knight, of Bewsey, b. 1461, d. 27 Apr 1522, knighted 1485, JP 1486, Baron of Warrington; m. Margaret Delves, daughter of John Delves of Doddington, Knight. [Ancestral Roots]

Note: CP does not recognize him as Baron, it must be a feudal barony.
~1467 Margaret Delves ~1500 Margery Boteler ~1505 Cicely Boteler ~1490 Thomas Boteler 1429 - 1462 John Boteler 32 32 Sir John Boteler, Knight, of Bewsey, b. 24 Aug 1429, d. 26 Feb 1463, Baron of Warrington, knighted 1447, Knight of the Shire 1449, MP 1449; m. 1460, Margaret Stanley, as his 3rd wife. [Ancestral Roots]

Note: CP does not recognize him as Baron, it must be a feudal barony.
~1436 - ~1481 Margaret Stanley 45 45 ~1462 Dorothy Boteler ~1463 - 1517 Margaret Boteler 54 54 1402 - 1430 John Boteler 28 28 Sir John Boteler, Knight, of Bewsey, b. Bewsey, 26 Feb 1402/4 [sic?]; d. 12 Sep 1430, Baron of Warrington, MP 1426. [Ancestral Roots]

Note: CP does not recognize him as Baron, it must be a feudal barony.

Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
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Date: 2000
Date: 18 APR 2009
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Quality: 3
Title: Anchetil de Harcourt - emsuggs.ged
Merged 18/04/2009 06:31
Date: 19 APR 2009
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Title: Anchetil de Harcourt - emsuggs.ged
Merged 18/04/2009 06:31
Date: 19 APR 2009
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Record originated in...
Date: 2000
Date: 18 APR 2009
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~1404 - 1441 Isabel Harington 37 37 ~1428 Joan Boteler ~1421 Ellen Boteler 1374 William le Boteler 1376 - 1440 Elizabeth Standish 64 64 ~1417 - 1458 Anne Boteler 41 41 ~1408 Alice Boteler ~1333 Ralph de Standish ~1337 Cecillia Bradshagh ~1360 - 1432 Lawrence Standish 72 72 Laurence de Standish, of Standish, son of Ralph de Standish by Cecilia, daughter of Roger de Bradshagh. [Burke's Peerage]
~1311 Roger Bradshagh Sources:
Title: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosley Editor-in-Chief, 1999
Abbrev: Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles Mosle y Editor-in-Chief, 1999
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Date: 2000
Date: 18 APR 2009
Page: 1924
Quality: 3
Title: Anchetil de Harcourt - emsuggs.ged
Merged 18/04/2009 06:31
Date: 19 APR 2009
~1315 Alice Osbaldeston ~1345 Bradshagh I agree with most people that Thomas Bradshagh, of Haigh, is descended from Roger Bradshagh, but the birth dates require more generations in between.
~1285 Ricahrd de Bradshagh ~1290 Holcroft ~1260 - 1333 William de Bradshaw 73 73 The Bradshaigh Family
In 1295 William de Bradshaigh, acquired Haigh and Blackrod Manors by marrying Mabel le Norreys de Haghe and Blackrode, which were Mabel's right as heir of the last-named Hugh le Norreys. William from his name is supposed to have been a descendant of the Bradshaghs of Bradshaw, near Turton.

In 1302 William de Bradshagh held the twelfth part of a knight's fee in Haigh of the Earl of Lancaster. Sir William absented himself from Haigh, for his share in Adam Banastre's rebellion against the Earl of Lancaster in 1315 and the death of Henry de Bury. He was outlawed for felony and by 1317 his manors of Haigh and Blackrod had been taken into the king's hands and demised to Peter de Limesey, but Mabel de Haigh intruded herself. Sir William appears to have been killed at Winwick in August 1333.

However, according to legend, ten years after leaving, Bradshaigh returned in 1324 - from the wars in Scotland - and promptly killed his wife's new husband, Sir Osmond Nevile, a Welsh knight. She had remarried, thinking Sir William had perished. Sir William made her walk barefoot and dressed in sackcloth from Wigan to Haigh Hall, once a week, for the rest of her life. The account was made into a novel by Sir Walter Scott, and the event is still marked by Mab's Cross, in Wigan Lane.

Mabel's title to the Norreys lands must have been recognized, for in 1336 and 1337, when a widow and childless, she arranged for the succession to the manors as absolute owner, granting them to her husband's nephews; Haigh to William, a son of John de Bradshagh, and Blackrod to Roger son of Richard, who was another son. In 1338 she founded a chantry in Wigan Church for her husband's soul and her own, as also for the soul of Edward II. In 1346 Mabel de Bradshagh, heir of Hugh le Norreys, held the manor of Haigh for the twelfth part of a knight's fee and by the service of 10d., yearly.

Early in 1365 Roger de Bradshagh of Westleigh demanded the manor of Haigh from William de Bradshagh and Sir Henry de Trafford, in virtue of the settlement of 1312. There may have been two Williams in succession, for William de Bradshagh, who died in 1380 seised of the manor of Haigh, left a son and heir Thomas only twelve years of age. Thomas de Bradshagh took part in the Percy rising of 1403 and was present at the battle of Shrewsbury; afterwards he received a pardon from Henry IV.

Apart from the Bradshaw family there do not seem to have been any important landowners. In 1540, an antiquarian called John Leland reported that Sir Roger Bradshaigh had discovered a plentiful shallow seam of smooth, hard, Cannel Coal on his estate. The deposit came to be known as the Great Haigh Fault. The shallow depth of the Cannel meant that it was suitable for the simple surface mining methods available at that time. It could be worked and carved, and was an excellent light fuel which burned with a bright flame, it was easily lit and left virtually no ash. Widely used for domestic lighting in the early 19th Century, before the incandescent gas mantle was available, it gradually lost favour; as the use of coal gas made it obsolete
Reported dead in the Crusades. On returning home from Crusades found hiswife, Mabel, had married Sir Osmund Neville, a Welsh Knight. Sir Osmondfled towards Wales, but was overtaken and slain near Neston Park inLancashire.
~1265 - 1348 Mabel de Norreys 83 83 ~1290 Adam de Bradshaw ~1239 John de Bradshaw ~1240 Agnes de Bromley ~1270 - <1337 John de Bradshaw 67 67 ~1210 - >1239 Thomas Bradshaw 29 29 ~1215 Agnes de Hoghton ~1190 John Bradshaw ~1195 Maud Musgrave ~1160 John Bradshaw ~1172 Emma de Harcourt 1083 - ~1141 William de Harcourt 58 58 ~1142 - 1223 William de Harcourt 81 81 ~1102 - >1153 Agnes Ambroise 51 51 1100 - 1160 William De Harcourt 60 60 ~1151 Ilger de Kilton ~1126 Roger de Kilton 1366 - 1426 James Strangeways 60 60 Sources:
Title: Tudor Place
Abbrev: Tudor Place
Author: Jorge H. Castelli
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