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Female Marjorie (Madge) Nugent Click to view Marjorie (Madge) Nugent in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Marjorie, known as Madge, was born on January 28th, 1908 in Birkenhead.1  Madge's father was Alfred James Nugent and her mother was Mary (Polly) Mather.  Her paternal grandparents were John William Nugent and Margaret Jane Cairns; her maternal grandparents were Joseph (Joe) Mather and Ellen Tomlinson. She had three brothers and a sister, named Will, Jim, Jack and Ellen.  She was the second oldest of the five children.  She died at the age of 81 in May 1989 in Birkenhead.2 

Madge's family with Herbert (Bert) Victor Lewis

‌Madge and Bert were married in a religious ceremony in September 1940 in Birkenhead.5  They had a son named Brian.  There are no more children.

2 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)
3 1939 Register Transcription
4 1911 UK Census
5 England & Wales BMD Index (pre 1984)
Further source/citation:
Lil Mercer's Birthday Book

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