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Male Thomas (Tom) Hale Click to view Thomas (Tom) Hale in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Thomas, known as Tom, was born in September 1880 in Rock Ferry and his baptism took place on January 23rd, 1881 at St. Mary (Birkenhead).1 2  Tom's father was Thomas Hale and his mother was Ann Brereton.  His paternal grandparents were David Hale and Mary Millman; his maternal grandparents were Richard Brereton and Esther Eddowes. He had six brothers and four sisters, named George, Dave, Jack, Ted, Bill, Henry, Mary, Aggie, Annie and Flo.  He was the third oldest of the eleven children.  He died at the age of 76 in 1956.3 

Tom's first family with Margaret Winslade

‌Tom and Margaret were married in a civil ceremony in October 1903 in Birkenhead.6  They had a son and two daughters, named Thomas, Annie and Margaret.  There are no more children.

Tom's second family with Sarah (Sally) Ann Williams

‌Tom and Sally were in a committed relationship  They had two daughters named Doreen and Marjory.

1 1911 UK Census
2 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
3 Individual - Les Thomas
4 1881 UK Census
5 1901 UK Census
6 BMD-Cheshire
7 National Probate Records
9 UK & Ireland Obituary Index

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