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Female Agnes (Aggie) Hale Click to view Agnes (Aggie) Hale in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Agnes, known as Aggie, was born on September 26th, 1890 in Birkenhead and her baptism took place there on October 15th, 1890.1 2  Aggie's father was Thomas Hale and her mother was Ann Brereton.  Her paternal grandparents were David Hale and Mary Millman; her maternal grandparents were Richard Brereton and Esther Eddowes. She had seven brothers and three sisters, named George, Dave, Tom, Jack, Ted, Bill, Henry, Mary, Annie and Flo.  She was the fourth youngest of the eleven children.  She died at the age of 60 on January 24th, 1951 in Bebington.3 

Aggie's family with Albert Thomas

‌Aggie and Albert were married in a religious ceremony on August 29th, 1919 at Brunswick Methodist (Birkenhead).6  They had a son and a daughter, named Albert and Margaret.  There are no more children.

1 1891 UK Census
2 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
3 National Probate Records
4 1901 UK Census
5 Individual - Les Thomas
6 BMD-Cheshire
7 England & Wales BMD Index (pre 1984)

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