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Male William (Bill) Brereton Click to view William (Bill) Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

William, known as Bill, was born on July 12th, 1893 in Birkenhead and his baptism took place on August 2nd, 1893 in Birkdale.1 2  Bill's father was John Brereton and his mother was Eliza (Lizzie) Batho.  His paternal grandparents were Richard Brereton and Esther Eddowes; his maternal grandparents were George Batho and Elizabeth Kirkham. He had two brothers and four sisters, named John, George, Ada, Florrie, Ettie and May.  He was the second youngest of the seven children.  He died at the age of 58 on October 3rd, 1951 in Birkenhead.3 

Bill's family with Charlotte Eleanor Gittins

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Bill and Charlotte were married in a religious ceremony on August 25th, 1915 in Bromborough.7  They had a son and a daughter, named William and Margaret.  There are no more children.

1 1901 UK Census
2 Cheshire CoE BMD (1696-1923)
3 National Probate Records
4 1911 UK Census
5 1939 Register Transcription
6 1921 UK Census
7 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
9 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)

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