
Family Tree Diagram : Bailey Family (known 02-01-2019)

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? This is an image of the geneaology of Bernard Holbrook Bailey, Jr (b. 1920, d. 2009) It can be viewed in detail by selecting the tree icon on the top menu. The family tree image can be expanded to see individual names. By clicking on a name, that person's information will open in a new window. There is a second family tree for Thomas Kent that shows a continuing family tree extending back to Noah. This geneaology is continued on the PDF of Thomas Kent (B. 1530) ===> with a family line going back through Charlemange and along two lines to Noah. 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(two children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (five children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Love Affair (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (three children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) Divorce (two children) (two children) Marriage (three children) (four children) 1891 - 1972 Bernard Holbrook Bailey 80 80 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Graduated from Sharon, MA High School which did not have a good school system at the time. He then went to Andover Prep School to help him better prepare for the exams to get into college. He graduated from Yale in three years working his way through college, paying everying himself. He then got a masters degree from Yale in Chemistry. As a young man,  he worked for a German dye company in NYC, then went to war in WW I as a Lt. He was considered to be an excellent machine gunner, going to France in WWl. He was asked to come back and teach gunnery at Ft. Devons, MA. He was on the docks to go back to France when the Armistace came through. He came back to work for the same German dye company for a short time, then worked for Bird & Son in Sharon, MA. Both he and his wife lived  in Islington, MA, until his move to Lyndonville, New York to be near his daughter and  son-in-law, Ellie and Bob Whipple, where he died. As a yound man he had a serious accident at Bird & Son.  A water line burst and sent Lynceed oil burning most of his body. He turned black from head to toe and was not expected to live, but managed to do so, but with multiple sores on his head that did not heal for the rest of his life. From book "Phillips Academy, Andover, in the Great War" by Claude Moore Fuess, page 286 Bernard Holbrook Bailey: enl. May 15, 1917, O.T.C., Plattsburg; com. Aug. 15 as 2nd Lt., and as. to 307th Inf.; pro. July 30, 1918, to be 1st. Lt., Inf,; dis. Jan. 28, 1919. 1861 - 1943 Arthur Allen Bailey 81 81 Went to sea for a short while but didn't like sea life, then worked in the granite quaries in Cape Anne. His fingers showed the wear of a granite worker, spayed out at the ends and flattened. Then he worked as a meat cutter at Petty's Market in Sharon. Lived at Highland Srett according to Sharon Historical Society book page 45 list of members United States Census, 1880 for Arthur A. Bailey Name:     Arthur A. Bailey Residence:     Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Birthdate:     1862 Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Relationship to Head:     Son Spouse's Name:      Spouse's Birthplace:      Father's Name:     Joseph Bailey Father's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Mother's Name:     Nancy Bailey Mother's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Race or Color (Expanded):     White Ethnicity (Standardized):     American Gender:     Male Martial Status:     Single Age (Expanded):     18 years Occupation:     Quarryman NARA Film Number:     T9-0529 Page:     582 Page Character:     D Entry Number:     370 Film number:     1254529      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Joseph Bailey     M     56 Parent     Nancy Bailey     F     50       Arthur A. Bailey     M     18     Levi E. Bailey     M     11     Joseph H. Bailey     M     10     Margiannie Wheeler     F     24     George Wheeler     M     27     Francis Thayer     M     24     Clemie Duby     F     9 1823 - 1893 Joseph Bailey III 69 69 Lived at 115 Pleasant Street, Sharon in 1910 census Lived at 115 Langsford Street in 1880 census Went to California in the Gold Rush Lived at 29 Langsford Street, Lanesville, Gloucester/Essex County, MA in 1884 city directory in goldrush according ti 1850 census records of Rockport Made sailboat, still in possession of the family         Household Record      1880 United States Census  Joseph BAILEY       Self       M       Male       W       56       MA       Butcher       MA       MA   Nancy BAILEY       Wife       M       Female       W       50       MA       Keeping House       MA       MA   Arthur A. BAILEY       Son       S       Male       W       18       MA       Quarryman       MA       MA   Levi E. BAILEY       Son       S       Male       W       11       MA       At School       MA       MA   Joseph H. BAILEY       Son       S       Male       W       10       MA       At School       MA       MA   Margiannie WHEELER       Dau       M       Female       W       24       MA       Keeps House       MA       MA   George WHEELER       SonL       M       Male       W       27       MA       Butcher       MA       MA   Francis THAYER       Other       S       Male       W       24       MA       Teamer       MA       MA   Clemie DUBY       Other       S       Female       W       9       MA              MA       MA  Source Information:       Census Place     Ward Seven Lanesville, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts      Family History Library Film      1254529      NA Film Number      T9-0529      Page Number      582D   1892 - 1982 Beatrice Eleanor Phinney 89 89 m. 25-12-1917 West Roxbury, Massachusetts, Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 and  William L. Phinney journal Lived in Westwood, Massachusetts for many years. Moved to Lyndonville, New York in 1955. Mayflower Society #31261 Society of Mayflower Descendants #4849 1870 - 1932 Joseph Henry Bailey 62 62 b. Probably Lanesvillr, MA United States Census, 1910 for Gardner S Bailey Name:     Gardner S Bailey Birthplace:     Massachusetts Relationship to Head of Household:     Son Residence:     Danvers, Essex, Massachusetts Father's Birthplace:     Massachusetts Mother's Birthplace:     Massachusetts Family Number:     216 Page Number:     11      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Joseph H Bailey     M     39y Parent     Lucy M Bailey     F     35y     Mildred L Bailey     F     14y     Sumner J Bailey     M     12y     Bertram S Bailey     M     9y       Gardner S Bailey     M     4y United States Census, 1900 for Joseph H Bailey Name:     Joseph H Bailey Titles:      Residence:     Beverly city, Essex, Massachusetts Birth Date:     May 1870 Birthplace:     Massachusetts Relationship to Head-of-Household:     Self Father Birthplace:     Massachusetts Mother Birthplace:     Massachusetts Race or Color (expanded):     White Gender:     Male Marital Status:     Married Years Married:     5 Estimated Marriage Year:     1895 Enumeration District:     0266 Sheet Number and Letter:     10A Household ID:     218 Reference Number:     50 GSU Film Number:     1240640 Image Number:     00000689      Household    Gender    Age       Joseph H Bailey     M      Spouse     Lucy M Bailey     F      Child     Mildred L Bailey     F      Child     Sumner J Bailey     M  1880 Census: United States Census, 1880 for Joseph H. Bailey Name:     Joseph H. Bailey Residence:     Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Birthdate:     1870 Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Relationship to Head:     Son Spouse's Birthplace:      Father's Name:     Joseph Bailey Father's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Mother's Name:     Nancy Bailey Mother's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Race or Color (Expanded):     White Ethnicity (Standardized):     American Gender:     Male Martial Status:     Single Age (Expanded):     10 years Occupation:     At School NARA Film Number:     T9-0529 Page:     582 Page Character:     D Entry Number:     372 Film number:     1254529      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Joseph Bailey     M     56 Parent     Nancy Bailey     F     50     Arthur A. Bailey     M     18     Levi E. Bailey     M     11       Joseph H. Bailey     M     10     Margiannie Wheeler F     24     George Wheeler     M     27     Francis Thayer     M     24     Clemie Duby     F     9 1856 - 1933 Marianna R Bailey 77 77 m. Jan. 29, 1876 Gloucester, Massachusetts from marriage record, married by Rev. CS Andrew Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for George W. Wheeler Name:     George W. Wheeler Event:     Marriage Event Date:     29 Jun 1876 Event Place:     Gloucester, Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     23 Estimated Birth Year:     1853 Father:     Charles A. Mother:     Eliza Barker Spouse:     Marianna Bailey Spouse's Father:     Joseph Spouse's Mother:     Nancy Trout Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms:      Record Number:     174 Film Number:     1433036 Digital Folder Number:     4279600 Image Number:     00176 Children: 1. Charles Wheeler b. abt. 1878  Boston, MA 2. Mabel Louise Wheeler b. Nov. 24, 1895 Hyde Park, MA m. Lawrence Chester Cole 3. JOSEPH WHEELER. Born Dec. 12, 1773. Married March 17, 1808, Anna Nancy Douglas, who was born Dec. l4, 1772, moved to New Jersey 1920 Boston, Massachusetts Census: Household    Gender    Age       George W Wheeler     M     67y Spouse     Marinna B Wheeler     F     63y Child     Charles B Wheeler     M     32y Child     Mabel L Wheeler     F     24y     Abbie L Wheeler     F     62y 1868 - 1952 Levi Edward Bailey 83 83 b.probably Lanesville, MA Lived at 2 Pembroke Street in 1920 census, Medford Ward 7, Middlesex, Massachusetts 1910 Medford, Massachusetts Census:     Household    Gender    Age Parent     L Edward Bailey     M     40y Parent     Bertha M Bailey     F     36y     Ester M Bailey     F     12y       Adin B Bailey     M     6y   1769 - 1847 Thinnothy Standley 78 78 m. (2) Beverly, MA 1731 - 1809 Joanna Thorndike 77 77 b.  Beverly,Essex,MA  Burial: 20 FEB 1809 Beverly,Essex,MA  bur. Feb. 20, 1809 Children: 1. John STANDLEY b: 17 APR 1754 in Beverly,Essex,MA  2. Hannah STANDLEY b: 29 DEC 1755 in Beverly,Essex,MA 3.  William STANDLEY b: 25 DEC 1757 in Beverly,Essex,MA  4. Herbert Thorndike STANDLEY b: 11 JUN 1760 in Beverly,Essex,MA  5. Abigail STANDLEY b: 10 APR 1762 in Beverly,Essex,MA 6.  Nicholas STANDLEY b: 7 MAY 1764 in Beverly,Essex,MA  7. Sans STANDLEY  8. Sands STANDLEY b: 2 MAY 1767 in Beverly,Essex,MA 9.  Timothy STANDLEY b: 3 JUN 1769 in Beverly,Essex,MA  10. John M. STANDLEY b: 6 JUN 1771 in Beverly,Essex,MA 1733 - 1818 William Standley 84 84 b. Beverly, Essex, MA 1797 - 1893 Nancy Standly (Stone) 95 95 m. (1) Edward Stone m. (2) Abraham Trowt, 9 Jan 1827 in Beverly, Essex, MA (second marriage of Abraham Trowt) Children: 1. Nancy Trowt was born on 22 Dec 1829 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Nancy d. Abraham, jr., and Nancy (Standley), 2d w., Dec. 22, 1829. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #341). 2.  Ruth Ober Trowt was born on 29 May 1832 in Beverly, Essex, MA., was baptized on 3 Nov 1833 in Beverly, Essex, MA., and died on 12 Mar 1837 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Ruth Ober, d. Abraham and Nancy (Standley), bp. Nov. 3, 1833, C.R.3. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #342).         Ruth Ober, d. Abraham and Nancy, Mar. 12, 1837. P.R. 144. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #584). 3.  Abigail P. Trowt was born on 15 Jun 1836 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Abigail P., d. Abraham, jr. and Nancy (Standley), 2d w., June 15, 1836. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #341). 4.  Ruth Ober Trowt was born on 9 Aug 1840 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Ruth Ober, d. Abraham, jr., and Nancy (Standley), 2d w., Aug. 9, 1840. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #342). 1795 - 1857 Abraham Trout Jr. 62 62 1829 - 1902 Nancy Trowt 72 72 m. (2) Nancy Trout by death certificate after 1848, death of first wife Living with daughter Margiannie in 1910 census Children: 1. Nancy Trowt was born on 22 Dec 1829 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Nancy d. Abraham, jr., and Nancy (Standley), 2d w., Dec. 22, 1829. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #341). 2. Ruth Ober Trowt was born on 29 May 1832 in Beverly, Essex, MA., was baptized on 3 Nov 1833 in Beverly, Essex, MA., and died on 12 Mar 1837 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Ruth Ober, d. Abraham and Nancy (Standley), bp. Nov. 3, 1833, C.R.3. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #342). Ruth Ober, d. Abraham and Nancy, Mar. 12, 1837. P.R. 144. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #584). Name:     Arthur A Bailey Estimated Birth Year:     1862 Gender:     Male Age in 1870:     8y Color (white, black, mulatto, chinese, Indian):     White Birthplace:     Massachusetts Home in 1870:     Massachusetts, United States      Household    Gender    Age     Joseph Bailey     M     47y     Nancy Bailey     F     40y     Marianna Bailey     F     14y       Arthur A Bailey     M     8y     Leonard Edward Bailey     M     1y     Joseph Bailey     M     1m 1769 - 1825 Hanna Woodbury 56 56 was born in 1769 in Beverly, Essex, MA. and died on 6 Jan 1825 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Source: Vital Records of Manchester, Massachusetts, to the End of the Year 1849  By Manchester (Mass ). Anna, and Abraham Trout [Trowt. int.] of Manchester, m. Oct. 20 or 02, 1789.* Beverly V.R. (Pg. #342). m.  Beverly, Oct. 2, 1789.  Manchester V.R. (Pg. #226, 221). Hannah married Abraham Trowt on 20 Oct 1789 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Abraham was born in 1757 and died on 6 Feb 1826 in Beverly, Essex, MA.  Abraham [consumption C.R.1.], Feb. 6, 1826, a. 69 y. [bur. Feb. 6, a. 62 y. C.R.1.] Beverly V.R. (Pg. #584) Children from this marriage were:  1.  Rebecca Trowt was baptized on 12 Sep 1802 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Rebecca, d. Abraham, bp. Sept. 12, 1802. C.R.1. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #340). 2. Anna Trowt was born on 14 Feb 1790 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Anna, d. Abraham and Anna (Woodbury), Feb 14, 1790. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #341). 3.  Betsey Trowt was born on 2 Apr 1792 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Betsey, d. Abraham and Anna (Woodbury), Apr 2, 1792. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #341). 4.  Abraham Trowt was born on 16 Feb 1794 in Beverly, Essex, MA. and was buried on 17 Feb 1794 in Beverly, Essex, MA. ____, s. Abraham, bur. Feb. 17, 1794, a. 1 d. C.R.1. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #584). __________________________________ Children: Children    1.  Anna TROWT b: 14 FEB 1790 in Beverly, Essex, MA    2.  Elizabeth TROWT b: 2 APR 1792 in Beverly, Essex, MA    3.  TROWT b: 16 FEB 1794 in Beverly, Essex, MA    4.  Abraham TROWT , Jr. b: 27 APR 1795 in Beverly, Essex, MA    5.  Hannah TROWT b: 27 MAY 1797 in Beverly, Essex, MA    6. Molly TROWT b: 27 MAY 1797 in Beverly, Essex, MA    7.  Jacob TROWT b: 24 MAY 1799 in Beverly, Essex, MA    8.  Rebecca TROWT b: 12 SEP 1802 in Beverly, Essex, MA all born in Beverly, Essex, MA 1757 - 1826 Abraham Trowt 69 69 m.20 Oct 1789 in Beverly, Essex, MA Came from England at age of 17, ran away because he would not go into the army. He was very wealthy, belonged to the Lords of England. Moved to Beverly, MA # Census: 1800 Beverly, Essex, MA, pg. 295, line 34; living next door to widowed mother-in-law, Hannah Larcom Woodbury # Census: 1810 Beverly, Essex, MA, pg. 44, line 5 # Census: 1820 Beverly, Essex, MA, pg. 205;     1796 - 1824 Ruth Obear Haskell 27 27 m. (1) 30-11-1817 in Beverly, Essex, MA Edmund Stone 1739 - 1832 Hannah Larcom 92 92 b.Beverly, Essex, MA children: 1. Jacob Woodbury was baptized on 7 Aug 1774 in Beverly, Essex, MA. and was buried on 24 Jan 1774-1775 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Jacob, s. Jacob, bp. Aug. 7, 1774. C.RI Beverly V.R. (Pg. #393). 2.  Hannah Woodbury was born in 1769 in Beverly, Essex, MA. and died on 6 Jan 1825 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 3. Jacob Woodbury was born on 6 Mar 1776 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 1740 - 1779 Jacob Woodbury 39 39 b. Beverly, Essex, MA, bap. on 23 Aug 1741 in Beverly, Essex, MA,  1st Church Records, Beverly, MA Essex Historical Collection Vol. #39; Pg. #335. 1701 - 1775 David Larcom 73 73 b. Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts m. 22 JAN 1723, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts children: 1, Abigail LARCOM Birth: 26 NOV 1724  2. Margaret LARCOM Birth: 4 JUL 1726  3. Susanna LARCOM Birth: 1 JAN 1728  4. Cornelius LARCOM Birth: 21 JAN 1730  5. David LARCOM Birth: 27 MAR 1732  6. Benjamin LARCOM Birth: 7 APR 1735  7. Lucy LARCOM Birth: 5 APR 1737  8. Hannah LARCOM Birth: 15 DEC 1739  9. Jonathan LARCOM Birth: 30 APR 1742  10. Thankful LARCOM Birth: BEF. 11 DEC 1743, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts  11. Asa LARCOM Birth: BEF. 23 MAR 1746  1663 - 1706 Abigail Balch 43 43 b.Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts  Children: Jonathan LARCOM Birth: 8 MAR 1691  Cornelius LARCOM Birth: 15 FEB 1698  Benjamin LARCOM Birth: 6 FEB 1700  David LARCOM Birth: 28 OCT 1701, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusett 1653 - 1747 Carnelius Larcom 94 94 8 FEB 1681, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts Jonathan LARCOM Birth: 8 MAR 1691  Cornelius LARCOM Birth: 15 FEB 1698  Benjamin LARCOM Birth: 6 FEB 1700  David LARCOM Birth: 28 OCT 1701, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts    Mardecai Larcom 1796 - 1876 Esther Lane 80 80 m. Dec. 26,1816, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, vol. 2, page 76 Massachusetts Marriages Was of Lane"s Cove, Gloucester. Gloucester death record of Joseph Bailey lists his parents as being Joseph Bailey and Esther Lane, VRM 75 Living with daughter Esther in 1855. Children: 1. Mary Bailey b.01 MAR 1819  Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts     2. Esther Bailey b. 16 SEP 1820  Gloucester, Essex,  3. Joseph Bailey b. 13 JUL 1823  Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 4. Abigail Bailey b. 30 OCT 1825  Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 5. Horatio Bailey b. 02 NOV 1828  Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 6. Julia A. Bailey b. 02 OCT 1834  Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, d. 18 OCT 1834   Source: Gloucester VR Vol. 1, pg 411, 81, Vol. 2 pg 75 1852 George William Wheeler GEORGE WILLIAM WHEELER, son of Ancel (11757) and Eliza (Barker) Wheeler. Anne Babcock b. Manchester, Essex, MA m. July 27, 1739. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #352) Children: 1. Ezra Woodbury was born on 2 Jan 1740 in Beverly, Essex, MA and was baptized on 26 Jul 1741 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Ezra, s. Ezra and Anne (Babcock), Jan. 2, 1740. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #376).         Ezra, bp. July 26, 1741, 1st Church Records, Beverly, MA         Essex Historical Collection Vol. #39; Pg. #335. 2.  Jacob Woodbury was born on 23 May 1741 in Beverly, Essex, MA, was baptized on 23 Aug 1741 in Beverly, Essex, MA, died in Mar 1779 in Beverly, Essex, MA, and was buried on 19 Mar 1779 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 3. Eunice Woodbury S was born on 13 Mar 1743 in Beverly, Essex, MA and was baptized on 20 Mar 1743 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Eunis, d. Ezra and Anne (Babcock), Mar. 13, 1743. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #375).         Eunice, bp. Mar. 20, 1743, 1st Church Records, Beverly, MA         Essex Historical Collection Vol. #39; Pg. #338.         Eunice, wid., influenza, Dec. 31, 1831, a. 88 y. C.R. Manchester V.R. (Pg. #281).         Eunice married Benjamin Ober, c S son of Hezekiah Ober and Anna (3) Morgan, on 15 Sep 1793 in MA. Benjamin was born on 14 Jun 1724 in Beverly, Essex, MA, baptized on 9 Aug 1724 in Beverly, Essex, MA, and died on 27 Nov 1818 in Manchester, Essex, MA.          Benjamin, s. Hezekiah and Anna (Morgan), b. June 14, 1724. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #238).         Benjamin, bp. Aug. 9, 1724, 1st Church Records, Beverly, MA         Essex Historical Collection Vol. #38; Pg. #263.         Ben[jamin], jr. of Beverly, and Abig[ai]l Foster, int. July 23, 1747. Salem V.R. (Pg. #135).         Benja[min], and Abigaill Foster, of Salem, m. Aug. 12, 1747. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #223).         Benja[min], and Anne Foster of Manchester, at Manchester, m. Sept. 20, 1750.* Wenham V.R. (Pg. #149).         Benja[min], of Wenham, and Anne Foster, m. Sept. 20, 1750.* Manchester V.R. (Pg. #202).         Benjamin, d. Nov. 27, 1818, in his 93d y. G.R. Manchester V.R. (Pg. #281). 4.  Jeremy Woodbury was born on 27 Dec 1744 in Beverly, Essex, MA and died on 19 Sep 1745 in Beverly, Essex, MA.         Jeremy, s. Ezra and Anne (Babcock), b. Dec. 27, 1744. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #379).         Jeremy, bp. June 9, 1745, 1st Church Records, Beverly, MA         Essex Historical Collection Vol. #39; Pg. #341.         Jeremy, s. Ezra and Anne, d. Sept. 19, 1745. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #610).  5.  Jeremiah Woodbury was born on 8 Jun 1746 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 1720 - 1746 Ezra Woodbury 25 25 b.Beverly V.R. (Pg. #376). bp. Apr. 1, 1722. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #392). 1693 - 1780 Priscilla (Prisila)(Prisilah) Ellingwood(Elingwood) (Ellenwood) 86 86 b. Beverly,Essex,Massachusetts cr.3 Mar 1696 Salem,Mass m. Nov. 2, 1715. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #353). Ezra Woodbury  was born on 5 Oct 1720 in Beverly, Essex, MA, was baptized on 1 Apr 1722 in Beverly, Essex, MA, and died on 23 Sep 1746 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Children: 1. Ezra, Beverly    1694 - 1746 Cpt. Robert Woodbury Jr. 52 52 b. Beverly, Essex, MA,  V.R. (Pg. #389) bap. on 1 Sep 1695 in Beverly, Essex, 1st Church Records, Beverly, MA  bur. 1st Parish Cemetery, Beverly, MA Children from this marriage were:  1.  Ezra Woodbury was born on 5 Oct 1720 in Beverly, Essex, MA, was baptized on 1 Apr 1722 in Beverly, Essex, MA, and died on 23 Sep 1746 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 2. Robert Woodbury III was born on 28 Oct 1722 in Beverly, Essex, MA, was baptized on 17 Feb 1723 in Beverly, Essex, MA, died in Oct 1786 in Beverly, Essex, MA, and was buried on 30 Oct 1786 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 3.  Malachi Woodbury was born on 27 Mar 1726 in Beverly, Essex, MA, was baptized on 12 Jun 1726 in Beverly, Essex, MA, died in Beverly, Essex, MA, and was buried on 17 Jun 1778 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 4. Anne Woodbury was born on 3 Oct 1729 in Beverly, Essex, MA and was baptized on 14 Dec 1729 in Beverly, Essex, MA. 5. Priscilla Woodbury was born on 22 Jun 1733 in Beverly, Essex, MA and was baptized on 24 Jun 1733 in Beverly, Essex, MA 1896 - 1912 Frederick Trout Bailey 15 15 Massachusetts Births, 1841-1915 for Frederick Trowt Bailey « Back to search results     * View image     * Save image     * Search collection Name:     Frederick Trowt Bailey Titles & Terms:      Event:     Birth Event Date:     17 Nov 1896 Event Place:     Sharon, Norfolk, Massachusetts Gender:      Race:     White Registration Date:      Registration Place:      Christening Date:      Christening Place:      Christening Age:      Death Date:      Death Age:      Father:     Arthur A. Bailey Father's Titles & Terms:      Father's Birthplace:     Lanesville Father's Age:      Mother:     Minnie C. Holbrook Mother's Titles & Terms:      Mother's Birthplace:     Sharon Volume/Page/Certificate Number:     P. 597, L. 23 Film Number:     1843693 Digital Folder Number:     4341221 Image Number:     603 1828 - 1849 Elizabeth W Allen 21 21 m. (1).March 21, 1848, wife #1 Gloucester, Massachusetts, Vol. 2, page 75, Joseph, 3d, a. 24 y., mariner, b. Rockport, s. Joseph and Esther, and Elizabeth W. Allen, a 21 y., d. Daniel and Susan, Mar. 21, 1848.* John Haskell 1820 - 1882 Esther J Bailey 61 61 m. Feb. 24, 1841 Gloucester, Massachusetts, Gloucester marriages, Vol. 2, Page 75, Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lavonia Sargent Children: 1. Esther Sargent  Sept. 26, 1841 2. Mary Abba Sargent March 16, 1843 3. Amanda Sargent Jan. 6, 1846 4. nn b.Nov. 9, 1852 5.Lizzie A Sargent     F     14y 6. Levina Sargent     F     9y 7. Herbert Sargent     M     6y, 8. Edith Sargent     F     1y 1855 Massachusetts State Census:                 Kilby Sargent     M     56y     Esther Sargent     F     45y     Mary A Sargent     F     21y     Amanda Sargent     F     19y     Lizzie A Sargent     F     14y     Levina Sargent     F     9y     Herbert Sargent     M     6y     Edith Sargent     F     1y     James Ford     M     32y     Frederic Farr     M     17y     Esther Bailey     F     68y  1825 - 1905 Abigail Lane Bailey 79 79 m. Gloucester, MA,  Dec. 10, 1845, Gloucester marriages, Vol. 2, Page 75 m. (2) Joseph L. Andrews 1866 Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 Groom's Name:     George Young Groom's Birthplace: Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Bride's Name:     Abigail L. Bailey Bride's Birthplace:     Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts Marriage Date:     10 Dec 1845 Marriage Place:     Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     M00408-3 System Origin:     Massachusetts-EASy Source Film Number:     864862 Reference Number:     Vol, 9, page 23 1769 - 1769 Anna Lefavour (Woodbury) m. Mar. 24, 1796. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #288), intention also recorded 1702 - 1752 Hannah Stone 50 50 b.Beverly, MA m. 2-9-1724 Children: 4 Hannah Stanley b: July 27, 1724 in Beverly, Essex co, MA d: Abt. 1725 in Beverly, Essex co, MA  ............. 4 Keziah Stanley b: February 15, 1726/27 in Beverly, Essex co, MA  ............. 4 John Stanley b: May 01, 1730 in Beverly, Essex co, MA  ............. 4 Hannah Stanley b: September 17, 1733 in Beverly, Essex co, MA  ............. 4 William Stanley b: September 17, 1733 in Beverly, Essex co, MA d: June 27, 1818 in Beverly, Essex co, MA  ................. +Joanna Thorndike b: April 23, 1731 in Beverly, MA d: Feb 1809 in Beverly, MA m: Nov 28, 1753 in Beverly, Essex co, MA 1700 - 1778 William Standley 78 78 b. Beverly, MA bur. Oct. 17, 1778, a. 78 y. C.R.1.  1673 - 1734 Rebecca Larcom 61 61 b. abt 1673 d. Beverly, MA m. abt. 1699 Children:  1. William STANDLEY b: 31 AUG 1700 in Beverly,Essex,MA  2. Rebecca STANDLEY b: 30 SEP 1703 in Beverly,Essex,MA  3. Bethiah STANDLEY b: 25 FEB 1706/1707 in Beverly,Essex,MA  4. Rebecca STANDLEY b: 6 MAR 1708/1709 in Beverly,Essex,MA  5. Elizabeth STANDLEY b: 5 DEC 1712 in Beverly,Essex,MA 1670 - 1758 John Standley 88 88 b. 1670/71 in Beverly, MA 1652 - 1706 Bethiah Lovett 54 54 b.  in Salem, Essex co, MA  m. Abt. 1670 Children:  1.John STANDLEY b: 24 FEB 1671 in Beverly,Essex,MA  2. George STANDLEY  3. Bethia STANDLEY  4. Sands STANDLEY  5. Jonathan STANDLEY  6. David STANDLEY b: 6 JUN 1681 in Beverly,Essex,MA  7. Dorathy STANDLEY b: 2 MAR 1683/1684 in Beverly,Essex,MA  8. Samuell STANDLEY b: 29 OCT 1686 in Beverly,Essex,MA  9. Roda STANDLEY b: AUG 1688 in Beverly,Essex,MA  10. Kezia STANDLEY b: 17 AUG 1690 in Beverly,Essex,MA 11.  Mary STANDLEY b: 16 MAY 1693 in Beverly,Essex,MA 1627 - 1698 George Standley 71 71  b: Abt. 1627 d: Abt. 1700 in Beverly, Essex co, MA  1867 - 1963 Katherine Hamilton Thompson 95 95 m. 23-8-1891 Exeter, New Hampshire by family journal records of William Lewis Phinney Source: Exeter Annual Report 1891 DAR National Record 357806 1870 Lee, Strafford. New Hampshire 1870 census Josiah Thompson      34 Sarah A Thompson 24 Kate Thompson     2 Mary E Thompson     1 Deborah Thompson 68  1880 Kings (Brooklyn), New York City-Greater, New York Josiah D. Thompson  44 Susan E. Thompson  35 Katy T. Thompson       12 Mary E. Thompson    11 Chas. Pike       23  Was a student of Robinson Female College(Seminary), Exeter, New Hampshire, established in 1867 and previously known as the Exeter Female Academy (established in 1826). Its landmark Second Empire schoolhouse, completed in 1869, burned in 1961. Was a student of Robinson Female College, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1 May 1875 Was in state census for Minnesota 1865 - 1956 William Lewis Phinney 90 90 lived at 54 Elm St., Exeter, New Hampshire in 1892 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Mayflower Society #31261 DAR National Record 357806 1895 - 1988 Irene Hamilton Phinney 93 93 m. Nov. 7, 1919 by journal of William Lewis Phinney Lived in Middlebury, Vermont and Middleton, Conneticut Lived at 14 Main Street Middleton, CT  1896 - 1994 William Lewis Phinney Jr. 98 98 b. Boston, MA Lived in Phoenix, Arizona 1901 - 1996 Josiah Thompson Phinney 94 94 Lived in Delmar, New York 1902 - 1972 Henry Phinney 70 70 1845 - 1875 Sarah Anne Hamilton 29 29 m.  Oct. 17, 1866 by family journal records of William Lewis Phinney and military pension records DAR National Record 357806 Children: 1. Kate Thompson born NH 2. Mary E Thompson born NH; Deborah Thompson 68 f b NH [census]. Source: Genealogy of the Clark family of America : descended from Major Stephen Clark of Kittery, Maine CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:   1843 Jan 1 - Mr Elijah Hamilton of Cambridge ME & Miss Katharine Langley of Lee publ to marr & certified [Lee VR p33 mss #68793 NHHS].   1860 Jun 21 - Lee NH - 50/56 Elijah Hamilton 37 m farmer 2900/800 bME; Irene Hamilton 40 f bNH; Sarah A Hamilton 13 f school bME; Catherine L Hamilton 12 f school bME; Simeon Hamilton 19 m bME; Henry Clay 11 school bNH; James Langley 80 m bNH; Ann Langley 76 f bNH [census].   1870 Jun 4 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - 90/97 Elijah Hamilton 49 m farmer 2500/700 bME; Erena Hamilton 57 f bNH; Joseph B Davis 25 m farmer bNH; Kate E Davis 22 f bME; Anna L Davis 6/12 bDec bNH; Timothy Murray 22 m farm laborer bNH both parents foreign born [census].   1880 Jun 8 - Lee NH - 102/113 Elijah Hamilton m 69 farmer ME/ME/ME; Irena Hamilton f 66 wife NH/NH/NH; Joseph Casey m 15 farm laborer MA/MA/MA [census]. 1835 - 1911 Josiah Dearborn Thompson 75 75 Lived at 22 Elliott St, Exeter, NH at death, now the grounds of Exeter Academy DAR National Record 357806 Member:  Irene Hamilton Phinney Brown    Nat'l #: 357806     Ancestor #: A022693 1. William Lewis Phinney born on 21 - Sep - 1865 at Machias ME     died at _______________ on - - and his ( 1st ) wife  Katherine H Thompson born on 22 - Aug - 1867 at Lee NH  died at _______________ on - - married on 23 - Aug - 1891   2. The Said Katherine H Thompson was the child of Josiah D Thompson born on - - 1836 at Middleton NH     died at Exeter NH on 18 - Apr - 1911 and his ( 1st ) wife  Sarah Ann Hamilton born on 12 - Aug - 1845 at Ornesville ME  died at Minneapolis MN on 17 - Jan - 1875 married on 17 - Oct - 1866   3. The Said Sarah Ann Hamilton was the child of Elijah Hamilton born on 24 - Feb - 1823 at Cambridge ME     died at Exeter NH on 22 - Dec - 1898 and his ( 1st ) wife  Catherine Langley born on - - at _______________  died at Ornesville ME on - Sep - 1847 married on 1 - Jan - 1843   4. The Said Elijah Hamilton was the child of Johnathan Hamilton born on 15 - Jul - 1801 at ______________    died at MN on 18 - Aug - 1885 and his ( 1st ) wife  Sarah Clark born on 1 - Jan - 1802 at _______________  died at _______________ on 23 - Feb - 1885 married on - - 1820   5. The Said Sarah Clark was the child of John Clark born on 21 - Apr - 1770 at _______________    died at _______________ on 2 - Feb - 1817 and his ( 1st ) wife  Hannah Norton Clark born on 11 - Jan - 1776 at _______________  died at _______________ on 4 - Jul - 1870 married on 4 - Jul - 1790   6. The Said John Clark was the child of Stephen Clark born on - - 1724 at Kittery ME     died at London Center NH on 21 - Dec - 1801 and his ( 2nd ) wife  Sarah Barton born on (c) - - 1725 at _______________  died at _______________ on 2 - Feb - 1822 married on - - 1754   Lived in Minnapolis, Minn 1873 to 1879, Brooklyn, NY from 1879 to 1883, Lee, NH from 1882 to 1886, Exeter, NH  from 1886 to 1904, Height 5' 7-9", 130 pounds,, blue gray eyes, gray hair, berry mark on right arm near elbow and tear on back from war, Ella Chesley and Starr K Chesley widnesses for pension records Granted $10, then $12, then $15, then $20 a month pension, from June 15, 1904 Lived at 22 Elliott St. Exeter, NH at time of pension Soldier in Civil War D company, private 15th Regt New Hampshire Volunteers.; enlisted September 2, 1862 by military pension records,  enl. Oct. 8, 1862; disch. Aug. 13, 1863, Concord, NH, Stackpole, Hist Durham NH 2/109 and Military pension records. Enlisted again in Company D, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment  Sept. 1, 1864,Later transferred to Co. B, dis ch Sept. 11, 1865, Lee. NH, by military pension records Living in Lee, Stafford County, Wadley's Falls, New Hampshire in 1870 census Living in Minneapolis, MN in 1876, marriage intention filed Living in Brooklyn, Kings, New York in 1880 census     CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:       1862 Oct 8 - Josiah D Thompson enl Co D 15th Reg; disch 13 Aug 1863 [Hurd,     Hist of Rock & Straf Cos NH, 1882, p640].       1864 Sep 4 - Josiah D Thompson enl Co B or Co D, H A; disch 11 Sep 1865     [Hurd, Hist Rock & Straf Cos NH, 1882, p 641].       1866 Oct __ - Mr Josiah D Thompson of Lee & Miss Sarah Hamilton of Lee filed     intentions to marry [Lee VR p51 mss #68793 NHHS].       1870 Jun 6 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - 129/138 Josiah Thompson 34 m farmer     4500/1500 bNH; Sarah A Thompson 24 f bME; Kate Thompson 2 f bNH; Mary E     Thompson 1 f bNH; Deborah Thompson 68 f bNH [census].       1876 May 10 - Mr Josiah D Thompson of Minneapolis MN ae 40 & Miss Susan E    Davis of Lee ae 30 filed intentions to marry [Lee VR p56 mss #68793 NHHS].       1909 - summer res Lee Hook and Exeter [Lee Directory, 1909].       1912 - summer res Lee Hook & Exeter [Lee Directory, 1912].     Sources:     Other : Stackpole, Hist Durham NH 2/109 Co. B, H. A.; enl. Sept. 4,1864; diach. Sept 11, 1865 Quoted in the Book-"Guns of Port Hudson" by David C. Edmonds, page 67 _________________________________ 1880 US Census, New York, Kings (Brooklyn), District 57 Josiah D. Thompson      44 Susan E. Thompson     35    Wife Katy T. Thompson     12    Daughter Mary E. Thompson     11    Daughter Chas. Pike         23    Nephew (Son of Josiah’s sister, Eliza J) -On same Census page is his brother: Wm. O. Thompson      53 Anna L. Thompson     28    Wife Nellie Thompson     15    Daughter Adda Thompson     13    Daughter Alice Durant         35    Sister-in-law Olive C. Durant     8    Niece Wm. H. Pike         27    Nephew (Son of Josiah's sister, Eliza J) =============== 1900 US Census, Exeter, NH, District 244, Sheet 8 (Susan E is incorrectly listed as Lucien however the original records show: Address:  22 Elliott Josiah D Thompson    64 Head    NH father NH mother NH Susan E.    55 Wife NH  NH NH Rhoda Davis (sister of second wife)        59    Sister-in-law    NH              NH        NH * Also on same page John N Thompson    53    Head    born NH    father NH    mother NH Mary            56    Wife            NH              NH        NH Mary A            26    Daughter      NH              NH        NH ** Josiah’s brother, William O., was also back in NH in 1900 Census. =============== 1910 US Census, Exeter, NH, District 244  (He is incorrectly listed as Howard Thompson on search however the original records show: Josiah D Thompson 74    Head    Head    NH    father NH    mother NH Susan E.        64    Wife        NH              NH        NH Rhoda Davis        69    Sister-in-law    NH              NH        NH *They are all listed as born in NH, as well parents of each being born in NH. * Also on same page is: John N Thompson    Head Mary            Wife Mary A            Daughter *Also on same page: J___ Hamilton     Head Jennie L        Wife James            Son Nancy            Daughter Marriage of second wife shows he was of Exeter __________________________________ Fought on 27 May 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 3 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 6 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 10 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 11 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 13 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 14 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 15 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 21 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 27 Jun 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 1 Jul 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 3 Jul 1863 at Port Hudson, LA. Fought on 4 Jul 1863 at Baton Rouge, LA. Defence of Washington U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 about Josiah D. Thompson Name:     Josiah D. Thompson Side:     Union Regiment State/Origin:     New Hampshire Regiment Name:     15 New Hampshire Inf. Regiment Name Expanded:     15th Regiment, New Hampshire Infantry Company:     D Rank In:     Private Rank In Expanded:     Private Rank Out:     Private Rank Out Expanded:     Private Film Number:     M549 roll 12 Application # 1,318.847,  certificate # 1,088.573 New Hampshire Pension # 964696, certificate # 727024 Was a student of Robinson Female College, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1 May 1875 Was in state census for Minnesota 1845 - 1915 Emma Jane Inglee 70 70 m. Nov. 29,1864 Machiasport, Washington County, Maine, Vital Records Town of Machias Washington County Maine, page 346 minister L F Chase Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 William L. Phinney journal (see Drinko, page 483) Was living with son William Phinney in 1880 census. Children: 1. William Lewis PHINNEY 2.  John Inglee PHINNEY b. 1869 Found in History of Machias, ME, p. 483 Certified Gravestone 1841 - 1925 William Henry Phinney 83 83 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Found in History of Machias, Maine, p. 483 Certified Gravestone 17,358/4485 Built house at 31 Centre Street, Machias, Maine 1814 - 1899 Lucy Thaxter Drew 84 84 m. 5-12-1837 Machias, Maine, Machias Town records reference #R6-7. Lucy was also listed as a mother in William Henry Phinney's household on the 1880 census in Machias, Washington County, Maine, Certified Gravestone 17,358/4485 are listed as being from Machiasport, both William and Lucy.  William L. Phinney journal Husband died a year after son, william was born. Widow Lucy probably had a hard time making ends meet. She is found in the 1850 census of Machiasport along with member of the Drew family with her mother Zilpha and then she is not found again until the census of 1870 when she is living with her son, William Henry Phinney and wife Emma. By 1881 William was living in his new house on  31 Centre St. in Machias. Children:    1. Charles Webber Phinney b. 31 Oct 1838 Machiasport, Maine, d. 31 Jul 1870. Charles Webber Phinney, d. 1871 (lost at sea aboard the Cosmos) Charles was the son of William Phinney and Lucy Drew and m. Ann Marie Parsons, dau of Thomas R. Parsons of East Machias, Maine. Charles lived with the Thomas R. Parsons family for a period of time and certainly may have studied under Thomas' direction.    2. William Henry Phinney+ b. 24 May 1841, d. 7 Feb 1925 1796 - 1842 Capt. William Phinney 45 45 Listed as head of family on the 1840 census in Machiasport, Washington County, Maine, Certified Gravestone 17,358/4485, master of schr.OREGON 1767 Sarah Messerve m. March 19,1789 in Machias, Maine by Rev. James Lyon, married 1788/1789 by Earliest Records of Machias  marriages, reference pg. 38, Memorail of the Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Machias, pg. 173, Vital Records Town of Machias, Washington County Maine, pg 234 EARLIEST MARRIAGES RECORDED IN MACHIAS, from loose papers in Town Clerk's Office, copied by Rev. Chas. H. Pope, paper No. 1 - Marriages by Rev. Jas. Lyon.-"Joseah Phinney and Sarah Meservey, March 19,1789. m. date is listed as 2 AUG 1788 in Machias, Washington, Maine Maine Families in 1790 Volume 5 Author: Anderson, Joseph Crook II Abbrev: Anderson, Joseph Crook II Publication: Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2001 Abbrev: Maine Families in 1790 Volume 5 page 16 of the 'Earliest Records of Machias, Maine (1767-1827) compiled by Beulah G. Jackman there is a William Phinney born September 4, 1796 to Josiah & Sarah Phinney Children:    1.Nathan PHINNEY b: 26 SEP 1789    2. Susan PHINNEY b: 12 APR 1790    3. Thankful PHINNEY b: 1791    4. PHINNEY b: 1792    5. James Smith PHINNEY b: 7 DEC 1793    6. Jane PHINNEY b: 1794    7. Sarah PHINNEY b: 5 APR 1796    8. Lydia PHINNEY b: 12 JUL 1799    9.Josiah PHINNEY b: 1804   10. William PHINNEY b: 1809 See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1767 Josiah Phinney He purchased 250 acres of land with deed recorded in Machias, Maine March 1786 from Isaac Larrabee, bounds of this property are not real clear but believe the land to be what is now in Machiasport.  Kicked out of the Church of Christ church. See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1740 - 1800 Thankful Tupper 60 60 m. (2) Thankful Tupper in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massaxhusetts 13-1-1764,  "Memorial of the Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Machias", page 172, resided in Machias, Maine by "The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-1996, pg. 123 Children: 1. Nathaniel, b. July 11, 1765, Sandwich, MA 2. Josiah, b. Sept. 1, 1767, Sandwich, MA 3. Jirah cr. Mar. 4 1770, Sandwich, MA 4. Hannah cr. Mar. 27, 1774, Sandwich, MA 5.Samuel cr. Dec. 1, 1776, Sandwich, MA 6. Hannah Phinney cr. Mar. 27, 1774 7. Sanuel Phinney cr. Dec. 1, 1776 8. Alvin cr. July 12, 1778 , Sandwich, MA 9. Betsey (Elizabeth) Jun. 23, 1782, Sandwich, MA See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1733 - 1809 Nathaniel Phinney 75 75 m. (2) Charity (Bryant (Holmes} moved to Machia before May 1786 See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1821 - 1853 Mary Elizabeth Brown 31 31 m. 29-12-1843, Machias, Washington, Maine, Maine State Archives county marriages roll 7, volume 1, page 72.,  Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Found in History of Machias, ME, p. 483, Certified Gravestone 17,358/4485 (see Drisko, page 483) Children: 1. Emma 2. Charles 3. Willie (William) Brown Inglee 4. Paley 1817 - 1909 John Inglee 92 92 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Children: 1. Emma Jane INGLEE 2. Charles E. INGLEE 3. William B. INGLEE 4. Paley G. INGLEE Found in History of Machias, ME, p. 483 Certified Gravestone 1779 - 1860 Elizabeth Otis Smith 81 81 m. Nov. 1, 1800 Machias Maine, Machias town records, FHL ref. #0011562,  Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983. She was the daughter of Stephen Smith one of the members of the leading lumber firm in Machias, Smith, Stillman, Avery & Co. Children: 1. INGLEE Charles, b. Abt 1801, Machias, Washington, ME 2. INGLEE Anna, b. Abt 1803, Machias, Washington, ME 3. INGLEE William, b. Abt 1806, Machias, Washington, ME 4. INGLEE Betsey, b. Abt 1807, Machias, Washington, ME 5. INGLEE Jane, b. Abt 1809, Machias, Washington, ME  6. INGLEE Lewis, b. Abt 1813, Machias, Washington, ME 7. INGLEE John, b. Abt 1817, Machias, Washington, ME 8. INGLEE Charles, b. Abt 1821, Machias, Washington, ME Found in History of Machias, ME, p. 480, 483, 541 Halifax VR p. 37, Certified Gravestone filed with Gen. # 17, 358/MA 4485 1764 - 1856 Ebenezer Inglee 92 92 He entered the Revolutionary War as a private in 1780 in a Company of "State Contingents" and was participator in several battles. He was one of the provost guard at the execution of Majot John Andre at Tappan, NY who was hung as a spy Oct. 2, 1780, he was one of the four soldiers who marched to the gallows with the condemned Andre. After the was he came to Machuas and became a member of the firm, Smith, Stillman, Avery & Co., the leading lumber manufactores of Machias. He became a member of Warren Lodge of F. and A. M., June 17, 1879 and was W.M., December 27, 1803 to June 24, 1809 and from June 24, 1811 to June 24, 1813 and from Dec. 27, 1820 to Dec. 27, 1821. He was deacon of the Congregational church for many years, major in the militia, justice of the peace and town officer, representative to the general court from 1809 to 1819 with the execption of 1813, Revolutionary pensioner under the act of June 7, 1832. Found in History of Machias, Maine, p. 480, 483, 541 Halifax VR p. 37 Certified Gravestone 1736 - 1825 Deborah Ellis 88 88 m. December 23, 1762, Plymouth, MA Children: 1. Stephen SMITH. born 6 Nov 1763 and died 15 Apr 1846 2. Deborah SMITH born 22 Feb 1766 and died 2 Mar 1847 3. William Ellis SMITH born 8 Dec 1767 and died 1841/1847 4. Samuel SMITH born 28 Dec 1769 and died 18 Jun 1834 5. Dr. Joseph Otis SMITH born 31 Jan 1772 and died 20 Jul 1853 6.  Jane SMITH born 6 Nov 1774 and died 19 Aug 1851 7.  Lydia SMITH 18 Jan 1777 and died before 26 Jun 1850 8. Elizabeth Otis SMITH born 11 Aug 1779 and died 31 Aug 1860 9. George Stillman SMITH born 10 Sep 1781 and died 22 Jul 1853 Mayflower Society # 31261 History of Machias, Maine, p. 541 Freeman's Cape Cod 2:84 Maine Historian Magazine, 8:83 __________________     1McCourt, Martha Fletcher, The American Descendants of Rev. John Smith, who married 13 June 1643, Susanna Hinckley (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1997.), p. 43, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.2 S642-66.     2"Brief Memoirs," NEHGR 6:3 (Jul 1852) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 272, Los Angeles Public Library.     3Colton, Margaret Kelley Ashe, Margaret Colton Collection of Records, Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1990.  Film #1,597,746 Item 6., Family History Library.     4Memorial of the Centennial Anniversary of the Settlement of Machias (Machias: C. O. Furbush, 1863.), p. 176, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974.12 M14Ma.     5Lamson, Darryl B. and Leonard F. Tibbetts, Early Narraguagus River Families of Washington County, Maine (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2002.), 2:1050, Family History Library, 974.142 D2L.     6Gray, Ruth & Joseph Crook Anderson (Editors), Maine Families in 1790 (Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1988-), 8:473, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974.1 M2255-1.     7Colton, M., Colton Collection. 1739 - 1806 Stephen Smith 67 67 m. 25-12-1762 Plymouth. MA,  Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 History of Machias, Maine, p. 541 Freeman's Cape Cod 2:84 Maine Historian Magazine, 8:83 Mayflower Society #31261 Society of Mayflower Descendants #4849 Captain in the colonial Forces with headquarters at Buck's Harbor and he was placed in charge of a small fleet of guard boats to cruise among the islands of Machias Bay, Maine often going as far west as Moosepark Reach. They captured the English schooner "Diligenesa, 80 tons burden and compelled the captain, Knight, to take the vessel and crew to Massachusetts where it was held and the crew made prisioners. Several other schooners were also captured. 1736 - 1810 Anna Ransom 73 73 m. 10-11-1757 Halifax. MA Children: 1. INGLEE Solomon (INGLEY), b. 18 Oct 1758, Halifax, Plymouth, MA  2. INGLEE Sarah, b. 5 Apr 1760, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 3. INGLEE Abigail, b. 14 Jul 1762, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 4. INGLEE Ebenezer, b. 7 Mar 1764, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 5. INGLEE Moses, b. 25 Jun 1766, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 6. INGLEE Sarah, b. 23 Mar 1768, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 7. INGLEE Charles***, b. Abt 1769, (really uncertain of this) 8. INGLEE Anna, b. 2 Feb 1772, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 9. INGLEE Lemuel, b. 4 Mar 1774, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 10. INGLEE Olive, b. 23 Feb 1776, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 11. INGLEE Jesse, b. 14 Mar 1778, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 12. INGLEE Robert, b. 30 Mar 1784, Halifax, Plymouth, MA 1720 - 1809 Moses Inglee 88 88 b. prob. Middleboro, MA m.10-11-1757 Halifax, MA Mother never maried father, he was a bastard son. Large number of decendants prominemt in Halifax and Dorchester, MA as merchants and sailors in Machias, ME in the lumber industry. 1692 - 1748 Jonathan Ingley 56 56 Never married  Abigail Thompson 1754 Petition - Division of Land (spelling corrected:) "To the Honrbl. George Leonard, Esqr. Junr.(?) of Probate of Wills for and in the County of Bristol. The humble petition of Martha Ingle and sum of the children of Jonathan Ingle late of Taunton in said county humbly showeth that the sd. deceased died ____ of about thirty acres of land, most of it very poor and in cause a division be made of the same it will cost good part of the land to pay the cost for there is nine children and it must be set in to eleven parts with the thirds to the widow and sum of the children are of age and have bought [or brought?] out others, and in case the same were(?) to remain but a short time it would be much better then to divide it for it will in a manner ruin the whole to cut it in to strips or in case your honor will settle the whole on the eldest son or two of the oldest for it may be much better then may(?) be in case every part be set out single and your petitioners us in duty bound shall ever pray(?). June 1st Day 1754" (Signed Martha Ingell, James Ingell, Deborah Ingell, Martha Ingell (her mark), Mary Ingell, & Joseph Ingell) Division of Jonathan Ingley's Land (WARNING: LARGE FILE!) Four page document outlining the division of the land owned by the deceased Jonathan Ingell/Ingley among the widow and several of the children, namely Martha (Read) Ingley, Mary Babbitt, Martha Ingell, Waitstill Ingell, Timothy Ingell, Jonathan Ingell, John Ingell, Joseph Ingell, Deborah Phillips, & the heirs of James Ingell (deceased). According to the 1754 documents, it looked as if they were trying to avoid dividing the land in this manner (rather uselessly in thin strips), but it must have become necessary for some reason or another. 1661 - 1728 Waitstill Ellmes 67 67 b.  FEB 1661, Scituate, MA (if Waitstill Ellmes)  m.ABT 1680, Scituate, MA?  d.14 NOV 1728, Hingham, MA  children:John MARBLE  Ephraim MARBLE  Mary MARBLE  David MARBLE  Nathaniel MARBLE  1690 - 1749 Benjamin Engell 59 59 1674 - Was a witness for the will of Joan Stone (wife of John, dec.), dated 10/19/1674, Hull, MA, as "Benjamin Ingel" - other witnesses: Abraham Jones and Zachariah Whitman. The following is a chronological list of instances where a Benjamin Ingell/Inglee is mentioned in records, except in the first two, where there is a John, and an unnamed Inglee.     * 1638 — "John [INGLEE], yeoman. Duxbury, brought suit in court 7 June, 1636; planter and propr. 5 Nov. 1638, atba. 1643, constable 1645. Of Taunton, Dec. 26, 1651, bought land at Dux. of Wm. Brett." [I can't presently find the source for this quote, but will work hard on that.]     * 1642 — In John Winthrop's writings there is the following entry (year 1642, "Mo. 3. 9."): "The ship Eleanor of London, one Mr. Inglee master, arrived at Boston. She was laden with tobacco from Virginia, and having been about 14 days at sea, she was taken with such a tempest, as though all her sails were down and made up, yet they were blown from the yards, and she was laid over on one side two and a half hours, so low as the water stood upon her deck, and the sea over-raking her continually, and the day was as dark as if it had been night, and though they had cut her masts, yet she righted not till the tempest assuaged. She staid here till the 4th of the (4) and was well fitted with masts, sails, rigging, and victuals at such reasonable rates as the master was much affected with his entertainment, and professed that he never found the like usage in Virginia where he had traded these ten years."     * 1674 — "Benjamin Ingel" was a witness for the Will of Joan Stone (wife of John Stone), dated October 19, 1674, Hull, MA. The other witnesses were Abraham Jones and Zachariah Whitman.     * 1675 — Some people have in their databases that Rose French (bc. 1587, and three times widow) married Benjamin Engell in RI around 1675.     * 1681 — "Benjamin Ingell" signed on as one of the 77 members of the newly-formed town of Bristol, RI.     * 1682 — "Benjamin Engell" married the widow Mary Tripp (b. 1611) on April 4, 1682 in Portsmouth, RI.     * 1684/5 — "Benjamin Angell" - his cattle's ear marks recorded in the 10th month of 1684, in Portsmouth, RI. [Note that there was a more prominent family by the name Angell that lived in Providence, which may be whom this refers to, but more likely is simply a confusion over the name.]     * 1685 — "Benjamin Ingell" listed as witness for the statement of the death of an Indian (of drunkenness), whose corpse he discovered, in Portsmouth, RI.     * 1686 — Benjamin Ingell/Inglee did not sign the Oath of Fidelity in Bristol, RI, which included the right to vote.     * 1687/8 — Mary (Paine), wife of Benjamin died February 12 in Portsmouth or Bristol, RI     * 1689 — Census of Bristol, RI shows "Benjamin Ingles" with a wife, but no others.     * 1690 — Will of Benjamin Ingell/Inglee, of Bristol, RI, sailor, dated October 4, 1690, probated November 19, 1690. Mentions son Benjamin, minor, and wife "Weightstill." It implies she was pregnant. In one copy, the phrase used is "such child or children t__ Sd. Executrix [wife "Waightstill Ingoll"] is now in child with..." and in the other copy "... & bring up my Child that I now have or such Child or Childreen she is now in child with, will they are able to Get their(?) Loving God Permitting them Life..." The spelling of the last name varies. The original copy uses "Ingell" & "Ingoll." The copy spells it "Ingols," yet, importantly, on the second sheet, there is the label "Inglees Will." (Benjamin no doubt could not read or write.)     * 1690 — Inventory of the Estate of "Benjamin Ingell," deceased, dated October 13, 1690, sworn by his widow "Weight Still Ingle." Benjamin must have died sometime in the week prior.     * 1697 — The widow Waitstill "Ingle" married Gershom Marble on the 29th of December in Scituate, MA.     * 1697-1728 — Gershom & Waitstill Marble had at least 5 children, born in Scituate, and later lived in Hingham, MA.     * 1728 — Waitstill died in Hingham, MA on the 14th of November. 1681- signed as a member of the town of Bristol, RI, newly forming 1686 - was not on the list of those who took the Oath of Fidelity (includes right to suffrage) - Bristol 1689 - Census of Bristol, Plymouth Co., RI in 1689 show Benjamin INGLES w/ wife, no children or servants (no children points to the elder Benjamin, but who is this wife? since Mary PAINE died in 1688)   1690 - Listed as a "saylor" in his will: dated 10/4/1690 + proved 11/19/1690... mentions wife 'Weightstill" 'who is now with child', and son, Benjamin under 21. Witnesses: John CARY, William HOAR, and Richard SMITH  Benjamin wanted as overseers Samuel BABCOCK of Milton (died 1690), Joseph WHITE of Scituate, and Richard SMITH of Bristol, RI. from Torrey - Ingell, Benjamin of Br. RI who died 1690, w/ a wife Waitstill who married Gershom Marble 12/29/1697 and died in 1728   Inventory of the Estate of Benjamin Ingell of Bristol, RI. Dated October 13, 1690. Benjamin was a sailor. House, 11 acres of land, 3(?) small sloops, 1 mare, 2 swine & 3 little pigs, books, wearing apparel, corn, periwig, gun sword w/ ammo, ship carpenter's tools, saddle, beds & linen, yarn, 3 chests, etc.     Page 1 of copy(?) of the will of Benjamin Ingell/Inglee of Bristol, RI. The spelling here is "Ingols" in the will itself, but note the very important label on page 2 that says clearly "Inglee's Will."     Page 1 of original will of Benjamin Ingell/Inglee of Bristol, RI. Dated October 4, 1690. Mentions son Benjamin and wife "Weightstill" as being with child and appoints her executrix. Overseers named: Samuel Babcock of Milton, Joseph White of Scituate, & Richard Smith of Bristol.     Page 2 of copy(?) of the will of Benjamin Ingell/Inglee of Bristol, RI. Labeled as "Inglees Will."     Page 2 of the original will of Benjamin Ingell/Inglee of Bristol, RI. Proved November 19, 1690. Witnesses: John Cary, William Hoar, & Richard Smith. Sarah Chyles m. 27-5-1729 Middleboro, MA Children: 1. RANSOM Mary, b. 9 Aug 1730, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 2. RANSOM Mary, b. 2/3/1730-1, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA (1731) 3. RANSOM Lemuel, b. 1/25/1731-2, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 4. RANSOM Deborah, b. 3/4/1733-4, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 5. RANSOM Anna, b. 7 Apr 1736, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 6. RANSOM Samuel, b. 10 Apr 1738, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 7. RANSOM Ebenezer, b. 5 Apr 1740, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 8. RANSOM John, b. 21 Dec 1742, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 1695 Robert Ransom b.Middleboro or Plymouth, MA m. 27-5-1729 Middleboro, MA 1620 - 1668 Catherine Whitcomb 48 48 m. 24 DEC 1641, Scituate, MA  d.ABT 26 MAY 1668, Scituate, MA  1620 - 1711 Rodolphus Ellmes 91 91 b.1620, England; aka "Elms"  d. 19 MAR 1711, Scituate, MA  1618 - 1687 Mary Paine 69 69 m.(1) John Tripp; 2)Benjamin Engell) b.Suffolk,England m.Benjamin Engell  4 Apr 1682 in Portsmouth,,RI d.Portsmouth,Newport,RI. She was buried in ,Newport,RI.   1615 Benjamin Engell/ Engley/Ingell/ Ingley children with Trip: M i John Tripp     M ii Peleg Tripp     M iii Joseph Tripp     F iv Mary Tripp s    F v Elizabeth Tripp    F vi Alice Tripp     F vii Isabel Tripp    M viii Abiel Tripp    M ix James Tripp    F x Martha Tripp     M xi Sylvanus Tripp  1660 - 1725 Gershom Marble 65 65 b.1660, Charlestown, MA  m.Waitstill in 1697 in Scituate, lived in Hingham, MA d.6 AUG 1725, Hingham, MA 1697 - 1726 Deborah Morton 29 29 m.27-2-1723/24 Middleboro m. (2)  Jonathan Packard Children: 1. Jonathan INGLEE b. 1721     Prob Middleboro, , Mass 2.  John INGLEE b.1725 Middleboro, Mass. D. 1727 Martha Reed 2nd wife of Jonathan Ingley m.5-9-1727 Middleboro, Plymouth, Massachusetts Children: 1. James 2. Timothy 3. Martha 4. Joseph 5. Deborah 6. Mary 7. Waitstill 1706 - 1746 Hannah Fish 40 40 See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1691 - 1772 Samuel Elisha Tupper 81 81 4 MAR 1691/92-18 AUG 1772 m.14 OCT 1726 See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited Mary Turner Seth  ffish and Mary ffish his wife had children: Peleg ffish born the 16 day of Aprill 1703 Ambros ffish Born 23rd July 1704 Hannah ffish Daughter Born fifth day of June 1706  Mary ffish Daughter Born 28th day of february 1707/8 Seth ffish Born 29th day of may 1709 Jirah Fish Born  second day of March 1712/13 Abia Fish Daughter Born the Last day of may 1715 Mehetabel Fish Daughter Born the 13th day of March 1716/17  William Fish Born the 17th day of February 1718 Ephraim Fish Born the 30th of Decemr 1720 Benjamin Fish Born the 14th Day of November 1722 Seth Fish m.30-12-1702 Seth #2445 ffish and Mary ffish his wife had children:          Peleg ffish #2449 born the 16 day of Aprill 1703          Ambros ffish Born 23rd July 1704          Hannah ffish Daughter Born fifth day of June 1706          Mary ffish Daughter Born 28th day of february 1707/8          Seth ffish Born 29th day of may 1709          Jirah Fish Born  second day of March 1712/13          Abia Fish Daughter Born the Last day of may 1715          Mehetabel Fish Daughter Born the 13th day of March 1716/17          William Fish Born the 17th day of February 1718          Ephraim Fish Born the 30th of Decemr 1720          Benjamin Fish Born the 14th Day of November 1722 John Tripp 1629 - 1686 Sarah Gardner 57 57 b. 1639 or 1641 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts d. Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts Marriage: 1650, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts  Child: Samuel BALCH Birth: 16 MAY 1651, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Benjamin BALCH Birth: 1653, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: John BALCH Birth: 1654, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Joseph BALCH Birth: 1658, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Freeborn BALCH Birth: 9 AUG 1660, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Sarah (Sara) BALCH Birth: 1661, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Abigail BALCH Birth: 1663, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Ruth BALCH Birth: 1665, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Mary BALCH Birth: 1667, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Jonathan BALCH Birth: ABT. 1670   Child: David BALCH Birth: 9 JUL 1671  1628 - 1715 Benjamin Balch 87 87 b.Sagamoreship of Naumkeag b. ABT. 1629, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts  d. AFT. 31 JAN 1715, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts  Marriage: 1650, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts  Child: Samuel BALCH Birth: 16 MAY 1651, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Benjamin BALCH Birth: 1653, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: John BALCH Birth: 1654, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Joseph BALCH Birth: 1658, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Freeborn BALCH Birth: 9 AUG 1660, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Sarah (Sara) BALCH Birth: 1661, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Abigail BALCH Birth: 1663, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Ruth BALCH Birth: 1665, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Mary BALCH Birth: 1667, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: Jonathan BALCH Birth: ABT. 1670   Child: David BALCH Birth: 9 JUL 1671  1597 Margaret Fryer b.England d.ABT. 1641, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts  d.1659, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts  Marriage: 1615  Child: Miriam GARDNER   Child: Joseph GARDNER   Child: Thomas GARDNER   Child: Richard GARDNER   Child: John GARDNER Birth: 1624   Child: Samuel GARDNER Birth: 1627   Child: Sarah GARDNER Birth: 1629, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: George GARDNER Birth: England   Child: Seeth GARDNER Birth: 25 DEC 1636  1592 - 1674 Thomas Gardner 82 82 Birth: 1592, Sherborn, Dorset, England Came from Weymouth, Dorset   Death: 29 DEC 1674, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts  Resided in Cape Ann, Salem  Came to New England with the Cape Ann Group in 1624 First spose died in  c1636)  Marriage: 1615  Child: Miriam GARDNER   Child: Joseph GARDNER   Child: Thomas GARDNER   Child: Richard GARDNER   Child: John GARDNER Birth: 1624   Child: Samuel GARDNER Birth: 1627   Child: Sarah GARDNER Birth: 1629, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts   Child: George GARDNER Birth: England   Child: Seeth GARDNER Birth: 25 DEC 1636  1579 - 1648 Elizabeth White 69 69 Birth: ABT. 1574  Death: (Date and Place unknown)  Born: 1579, Stanton, St. John, England Died: 29 March 1648, Dorsetshire, England Marriage1:    About 1585, England to GARDNER, Thomas (1579-1635) 1574 - 1635 Thomas Gardner 61 61 Birth: 1579  Death: (Date and Place unknown)  D. 1635 Sibell John Fryer 1581 - 1636 Margary\ Margaret Lovett 55 55 Birth: ABT. 1581, Somerset, England   Death: 31 JAN 1636, Massachusetts  Marriage: 12 SEP 1625, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts  Child: Benjamin BALCH Birth: 1628, Sagamoreship of Naumkeag   Child: John BALCH Birth: 1630   Child: Freeborn BALCH Birth: 1631, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts    Descendents of Margary\Margaret  1579 - 1648 John Balch 69 69 Birth: 1579, Horton, Somerset, England   Death: 25 MAY 1648, Essex County, Massachusetts   Partnership with: Margary\Margaret LOVETT Marriage: 12 SEP 1625, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts  Child: Benjamin BALCH Birth: 1628, Sagamoreship of Naumkeag   Child: John BALCH Birth: 1630   Child: Freeborn BALCH Birth: 1631, Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts     Partnership with: Annis PATCH   Ancestors of John BALCH 1550 Jane Ashford Birth: ABT. 1550  1549 - 1574 George Balch 25 25 Birth: ABT. 1549, England   Birth: ABT. 1574, England   Death: (Date and Place unknown)    1504 Henry Balch William Allen 1552 - 1601 Elizabeth or Isabel Bawle 49 49 mother. Elizabeth or Isabel BAWLE (1552 - 1601)  1550 - 1618 John White 68 68 John WHITE (1550 - 30 SEP 1618)  1774 - 1824 John Lane 49 49 1754 - 1840 Sarah Hannah Merchant 86 86 dau. of Daniel and Hannah (Woodbury) Merchant, and granddaughter of Jabez and Mary (butman-Babson) Merchant, who is supposed to have descended from John Robinson, pastor of Plymouth Colony in 1620.  m. Nov. 12, 1772 Gloucester, Massachusetts Children: 1. Tillman LANE was born 1762 in <Of Washington Co., TN. 2. Adrian LANE was born 1764 in <Of Washington Co., TN 3. Edward LANE was born 1766 in <Of Washington Co., TN  4. Jemima LANE was born 1768 in <Of Washington Co., TN 5. John LAYNE was born 21 AUG 1774 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, was christened 21 AUG 1774 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, and died 27 FEB 1824 in Third Church, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. He married Esther WHITE 3 DEC 1795 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. 6. David LAYNE was born 14 JUL 1776 in Annisquam, Essex, MA, was christened 14 JUL 1776 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, and died 15 MAY 1844 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. He married Abigail LANE in Gloucester, Essex, MA. He married Abigail LANE 24 JAN 1798 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, daughter of Samuel LANE and Mary AMMONS. She was born 23 FEB 1725/26 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, was christened 15 MAY 1726 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. He married Abigail LANE 24 JAN 1798 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. 7. Judith LAYNE was born 1777 in Jackson, Haywood, Tennessee, and died 18 JAN 1801. 8. Robert David LAYNE was born 1778 in Of Washington Co., TN, and died 20 NOV 1827 in Barren Co., KY. 9. Ephes LAYNE was born 16 APR 1778 in Annisquam, Essex, MA, was christened 16 APR 1778 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, and died 18 FEB 1860 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. He married Susanna YOUNG 8 FEB 1800 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. He married Susanna YOUNG 8 FEB 1800 in Annisquam, Essex, Massachusetts. 10. Hannah LAYNE was born 4 JUN 1780 in Annisquam, Essex, MA, was christened 4 JUN 1780 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. 11. Polly LAYNE was born ABT. 1782 in Annisquam, Essex, MA. 12. Abigail LAYNE was born ABT. 1782 in Johnston, , TN.  13. Judith LAYNE was born 1789 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, and died 18 JAN 1801 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  14. Polly LANE was born SEP 1789 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, and died 20 JUN 1824 in Annisquam, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. She married William LAYNE SEP 1811 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, son of Robert David LAYNE and Polly Or Mary CHAPMAN. He was born BET. 1798 - 1811 in Washington Co., TN, and died in died young. She married William LANE 21 SEP 1811 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. 15. Caroline LAYNE was born ABT. 1792 in Annisquam, Essex, MA, and died BEF. 1831. She married Joshua TUCKER SEP 1813 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. 16.Samuel LAYNE was born 27 APR 1794 in Annisquam, Essex, MA, and died 29 MAR 1873 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. He married Sally Wilcome HARRADAN 10 SEP 1816 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts.  1750 - 1825 David Lane 74 74 American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) about David Lane Name:     David Lane Birth Date:     1750 Birthplace:     Massachusetts, Volume:     99 Page Number:     433 Biographical Info:     fifer, private Reference:     soldiers and sailors of the Rev. War. Comp. By secy. Of the commonwealth, Ms. Boston. 1896-1908. (17v.):9:470 1722 - 1777 David Layne 55 55 1696 - 1741 Mary Riggs 44 44 m. 1 Jan 1711/12 Gloucester, Massachusetts Children    1. Mary LANE b: 13 MAR 1713/14 in (Lanesville) Gloucester Ma    2. Patience LANE b: 12 JUL 1715 in (Lanesville) Gloucester Ma    3. Sarah LANE b: 18 JUN 1716 in (Lanesville) Gloucester Ma    4.  Ruth LANE b: 21 APR 1718 in (Lanesville) Gloucester Ma    5. Dorcas LANE b: 14 JUN 1719 in (Lanesville) Gloucester Ma    6. John LANE b: 21 MAR 1720/21 in (Lanesville) Gloucester Ma    7. David LANE b: 27 MAY 1722 in (Lanesville) Gloucester MA    8. Comfort LANE b: 18 AUG 1724 in Penobscot ME 1688 - 1724 John Lane 36 36 b. Parpoodock Point, ME See duplicate records Ruth Wheeler m.1 Jan 1689/90 1670 - 1747 John Riggs 76 76 1639 - 1694 Mary Millett 54 54 m. 7 Jun 1658 1631 - 1721 Thomas Riggs 90 90 b. Bet. 1631 - 1635 England Marie Blake m. 1612 England  John Riggs b. England   1638 - 1696 Abigail Allen 58 58  b. 4 Jan 1638/39  Salisbury, Essex, Mass  m. 1659 Salisbury, Essex, Ma  1633 - 1684 (From England) Henry Wheeler 51 51 b. 8 Feb 1633/34 St. Edmunds,Salisbury,Wilts,England 1606 - 1682 (From England) Mary Greenaway 76 76 b. Stains-Chester, Surry, Eng m. 1 May 1629  England  d. Brookfield,Ma 1605 - 1675 (From England) Thomas Millett 70 70 b. Chertsey, Surry, Eng Mary NN John Greenoway 1623 - 1678 Ann Goodale 55 55 b. Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England m. 1638      1610 - 1686 William Allen 76 76 b. 23 Mar 1610/11 Yarmouth, Norfolk, England      Richard Doodale 1725 - 1766 Abigail Lane 41 41 m.  Oct  31, 1743  Gloucester, Essex, MA  Children:    1. John LANE b: 21 AUG 1774 in (Annisqum) Gloucester MA    2. n David LANE b: 14 JUL 1776 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    3. Ephes LANE b: 16 APR 1778 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    4. Hannah LANE b: 4 JUN 1780 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    5. Polly LANE b: ABT. 1782 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    6. Judith LANE b: ABT. 1789 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    7.  Caroline LANE b: ABT. 1792 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    8. Samuel LANE b: 27 APR 1794 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA 1700 - 1789 Mary Ammons 88 88 m. 23 Oct 1722 , Glen, Maine Children: i Samuel Lane ii Mary Lane 1 was born 4 Sep 1724 in Glouster, Essex, Ma. iii Abigail Lane iv Elizabeth Lane 1 was born 26 Mar 1728 in Glouster, Essex, Ma. v Zebulon Lane vi Hannah Lane vii Judith Lane 1 was christened 13 May 1732 in Gloucester, Essex, Ma. She died before 1736 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. viii Daniel Lane ix Judith Lane 1 was born 16 Jun 1736 in Gloucester, Essex, Ma and was christened 13 May 1732 in Gloucester, Essex, Ma. x Susanna Lane 1 was christened 23 Oct 1737 in Gloucester, Essex, Ma. xi Issacher Lane xii Zakeus Lane 1 was christened 31 Aug 1740 in Gloucester, Essex, Ma. xiii  Mary Lane 1701 - 1765 Samuel Lane 64 64  b. 1665 born in of Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts 1664 - 1707 Abigail NN 43 43 m. 1707, Cape Ann, Massachusetts Children    1. Samuel LANE b: ABT. 1701 in Gloucester MA    2. LANE b: 21 JAN 1691/92 in (Salem Village) MA 1660 - 1724 Samuel Lane 64 64 m. (2) Rachael 1659 Sarah White m. 1676 Children: i. JOHN6 LANE, b. 1653, Bellerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts; d. January 24, 1737/38, Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts. 7. ii. SAMUEL LANE, b. 1660, North Yarmouth, , Ma; d. December 30, 1724, Lanesville, Essex, Ma. Inherited land from father that was of Bateman & Brown with J. Phips. 1626 - 1688 James Lane 62 62 1590 - 1654 Katherine Russell 64 64 m. Wft Est. 1610-1639 Richmansworth Hertsford, England Children    1. Job LANE b: ABT. 1624 in Richmansworth Hertsford England    2.  James LANE b: 1626 in Richmansworth Hertsford England    3. John LANE b: ABT. 1629 in Richmansworth Hertsford England    4.  Edward LANE b: ABT. 1630 in Richmansworth Hertsford England 1598 - 1688 James T Lane 90 90 NN 1564 - 1627 George Lane 63 63 b. Abt. 1564 Richmansworth, Hertsford, England Alice 1530 - 1586 Thomas Lane 56 56 b. Rickmansworth,Hertfordshire, England/Rickmansworth, England  NN 1504 Robert Lane b.  Abt. 1490  1722 Hannah Woodbury  b: in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts m. 19 NOV 1744 in Gloucester Children  1. Daniel MERCHANT b: 16 AUG 1745 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  2. Rebecca MERCHANT b: 21 DEC 1746 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  3. Jabez MERCHANT b: 25 APR 1749 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 4.  William MERCHANT b: 6 SEP 1751 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  5. Hannah MERCHANT b: 17 FEB 1754  Mary MERCHANT b: 27 MAR 1756 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  6. Cornelius MERCHANT  7. Eunice MERCHANT b: 21 AUG 1763 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 1721 Daniel Merchant b.  in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 1695 Jabez Merchant  b.  in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  1790 - 1853 Joseph Bailey II 63 63 m. (2) Esther Lane  "Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worchester County" by Ellery Bicknell Crane 1907 1850 Rockport, MA census: Name:     Joseph Baily Residence:     Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts Age:     60 years Calculated Birth Year:     1790 Birthplace:     Massachusetts Gender:     Male Race (original):      Race (expanded):      Death Month:      Death Year:      Film Number:     443534 Digital GS Number:     4199344 Image Number:     00272 Line Number:     23 Dwelling House Number:     1563 Family Number:     2213      Household    Gender    Age       Joseph Baily     M     60y     Esther Baily     F     54y     Joseph Baily     M     27y     Huatic Baily     M     22y     Martha Woodbury     F     73y died October 10, 1833, a month after his father.  He resided in Gloucester for a few years, then  bought a place a mile north of his grandfather's  house in Pigeon Cove, Gloucester, where he lived the  remainder of his life. He was a soldier in the war  of 1812 and was twice taken prisoner, first from a  small trading vessel off Capes of Virginia by an  English fleet going down the coast, afterwards on  the privateer "Harpy" taken from a prize ship they  had taken and which he was helping to sail. He  was held on a prison ship at the Bermuda Islands,  also at Halifax, Nova Scotia, finally at Dartmoor in  England, where he remained until the end of the  war, when he was sent home and had to walk to  Gloucester from New York.  1762 - 1818 Mary Woodbury 56 56 m. (2)  int. to Joseph Bailey Jun.  21, 1787 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, by private record 53, Gloucester VR 2:75, published May 5, 1787 and "Historic Homes and Institutions and Genealogical abd Personal Memoirs of Worchester County" by Ellery Bicknell Crane 1907 and Dar National Record 410467 Mary [Polly, int.], and Joseph Bailey, June 21, 1787. p. r. 53 Vital Records of Gloucester showing Joseph was their son and Mary was married to Joseph m. (1) Joseph Bagley Children:    1.  Mary BAILEY b: 28 MAR 1788 in Gloucester Essex MA    2. Joseph Bailey JR b: 16 MAR 1790 in Gloucester Essex MA    3.Samuel BAILEY b: 11 JUL 1795 in Gloucester Essex MA    4. Chorotte BAILEY b: 1 APR 1797 in Gloucester Essex MA    5.  Andrew Woodbury BAILEY b: 6 DEC 1798 in Gloucester Essex MA    6.  William BAILEY b: 19 MAR 1801 in Gloucester MA    7.  Levi BAILEY b: 30 MAR 1804 in Gloucester Essex MA Living with son, Joseph in 1850 census. Source: Gloucester Vol. 1, pg790, 81, Vol. 3 pg.66, Vol. 2 pg. 75 and 1790 census Massachusetts 1788 - 1850 Mary Bailey 62 62 Marriage Intention 5 Oct 1833, Gloucester, Essex, MA. 1795 - 1825 Samuel Bailey 29 29 1797 - 1797 Charlotte Bailey 8m 8m 1798 - 1876 Andrew Woodbury Bailey 77 77 Brothers Andrew, William and Levi living on same street in 1860 census, Pigeon Cove, Massachusetts United States Rockport, MA Census, 1850 for Andrew W Baily Name:     Andrew W Baily Residence:     Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts Age:     51 years Calculated Birth Year:     1799 Birthplace:     Massachusetts Film Number:     443534 Digital GS Number:     4199344 Image Number:     00272 Line Number:     20 Dwelling House Number:     1563 Family Number:     2212      Household    Gender    Age       Andrew W Baily     M     51y     Abagail N Baily     F     42     Edward Carter     M     17y 1801 - 1877 William Bailey 75 75 b. in Gloucester, Essex, MA Lived next door to his brother Levi in 1880 census 1697 - 1778 Mary Butman 80 80 b. in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts m. 12 JAN 1720/21 in Gloucester, Essex, MA d.  in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Children: Daniel MERCHANT b: 16 NOV 1721 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Mary MERCHANT b: 13 AUG 1723 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Lois MERCHANT b: 14 JUL 1729 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Martha MERCHANT b: 20 JUN 1725 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Lemuel MERCHANT b: 1725  Jabez MERCHANT b: 2 AUG 1727 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Samuel MERCHANT b: 1 AUG 1731 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  John MERCHANT b: 11 JUL 1733 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Eunice MERCHANT b: 1735 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 1671 Sarah Robinson b. in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts m. 30 JUN 1690 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children: Jeremiah BUTMAN b: 7 NOV 1690 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Sarah BUTMAN b: 1693 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Abigail BUTMAN b: 1695 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Mary BUTMAN b: 18 JUL 1697 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Hannah BUTMAN b: 10 NOV 1700 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  John BUTMAN b: 18 SEP 1703 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Jonathan BUTMAN b: 27 JAN 1707/08 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Samuel BUTMAN b: 28 APR 1711 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 1669 - 1742 John Butman 73 73 Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  1638 Hester Lambert b.1638 in Salem, Essex, Ma m. 8 OCT 1659 in Salem, Essex, Ma Children: John BUTMAN b: 1669 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 1631 - 1692 Jeremiah Butman 61 61 b.  1631 in Thorpe, Suffolk, England  Mehetabell NN 1649 - 1725 Mary Harridaine 76 76  b: ABT. 1649 m. 7 JUL 1668 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children:  Mary ROBINSON b: 20 JUN 1669 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Sarah ROBINSON b: 17 SEP 1671 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Elizabeth ROBINSON  Abigail ROBINSON  Abraham ROBINSON  Andrew ROBINSON  Stephen ROBINSON  Ann ROBINSON  Dorcas ROBINSON  Deborah ROBINSON  Hannah ROBINSON  Jane ROBINSON 1644 - 1724 Abraham Robinson 80 80 b. bet. 1644 - 1645 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Mary NN m. 1644 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children:  Abraham ROBINSON b: BET. 1644 - 1645 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Zebalon ROBINSON b: 1646  Samuel ROBINSON b: 1648  Jonathan ROBINSON b: 1650  Stephen ROBINSON b: 1652  John ROBINSON b: 1654  Andrew ROBINSON b: 1656 1603 (From England) Abraham Robinson b.1603 in England  Burial. 23 FEB Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts 1630 - 1699 Sarah NN 69 69 b. ABT. 1630  Children:  Mary HARRIDAINE b: ABT. 1649  Elizabeth HARRIDAINE  Andrew HARRIDAINE b: 13 JAN 1658/59 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  John HARRIDAINE  Ann HARRIDINE  Sara HARRIDAINE b: 1665 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Thomas HARRIDAINE b: 8 SEP 1665 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Joseph HARRIDAINE  Sarah HARRIDAINE b: 30 JUL 1670 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts  Benjamin HARRIDAINE m. (2) Edward HARADEN Children  Benjamin HARADEN b: 11 JUL 1671 1624 - 1683 Edward Harradaine (Haraden) 59 59 b. 1624 in Ipswich, Essex, Ma  1625 b: in Salem, Essex, Ma m.: abt. 1650 in Salem, Essex, Ma Children:  Hester LAMBERT b: 1638 in Salem, Essex, Ma  Hester LAMBERT b: 1644 in Salem, Essex, Ma  Elizabeth LAMBERT  Unknown LAMBERT b: 1655 in Salem, Essex, Ma 1608 - 1657 Richard Lambert 49 49 St. Leonard, Colchester, England  1694 - 1731 Hephzibah Lane 36 36 b. in Gloucester, Essex,Ma   Burial: FEB 1731/32 Children:  Hannah WOODBURY b: 17 FEB 1722/23 in Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Marriage 2 Caleb WOODBURY b: 20 JUL 1690 in Beverly, Essex, Ma 1689 - 1772 Caleb Woodbury 83 83 b. MAR 1689/90  1656 - 1693 Hannah Haskell 37 37 b. ABT. 1656 in Rochester, Plymouth, MA  m. 20 NOV 1676 in Beverly, Essex, MA Children:  Caleb WOODBURY b: MAR 1689/90 1662 - 1725 William Woodbury 63 63 b.  in Salem, Essex, MA  1642 - 1687 Hannah Dodge 44 44  b:  in Beverly, Essex, MA m. 2 DEC 1661 in Salem, Essex, Ma Children:  William WOODBURY b: 17 SEP 1662 in Salem, Essex, MA  Samuel WOODBURY b: 1662  Thomas WOODBURY b: 3 JUL 1667  Israel WOODBURY b: 23 MAY 1670  Hannah WOODBURY b: 25 FEB 1671/72  Child WOODBURY b: 20 JAN 1678/79  Susannah WOODBURY b: 7 MAR 1679/80  Jonathan WOODBURY b: 12 SEP 1682  Elizabeth WOODBURY 1639 - 1718 Thomas Woodbury 79 79 b.  in Salem, Essex, MA  1614 Elizabeth  b.  in Budleigh, Devon, England m.1638 Children:  Thomas WOODBURY b: 1639 in Salem, Essex, MA  John WOODBURY b: 24 OCT 1641  Issac WOODBURY b: 4 DEC 1641  Humphrey WOODBURY b: 8 MAR 1645/46  Susanna WOODBURY b: 4 FEB 1647/48  William WOODBURY b: 4 MAY 1651  Peter WOODBURY b: 28 MAR 1653  Richard WOODBURY b: 28 FEB 1654/55  Elizabeth WOODBURY b: 28 APR 1657  Christian WOODBURY b: 20 APR 1661 1608 Humphrey Woodbury b.  in Budleigh, Devon, England  1612 - 1706 Mary Conant 94 94 b. in Salem, Essex, MA Children:  Hannah DODGE b: 24 JUL 1642 in Beverly, Essex, MA  John Capt. DODGE b: 29 DEC 1631 in Middlechinnook, East Coker, Somerset, England  Cap DODGE  William DODGE b: 19 SEP 1640  Josiah DODGE b: ABT. 1644  Joseph DODGE b: 1675 1604 - 1685 (From England) William Dodge 81 81 Middlechinnook, East Coker, Somerset, England  Margery Children:  Michael DODGE  Mary DODGE  Richard DODGE b: Abt. 1602  William DODGE b: 1604 in Middlechinnook, East Coker, Somerset, England D. 1636 John Dodge Burial. Church Yard, Middlechinnook, East Coker, Somerset, England  1656 Elizabeth Stone  b: Abt. 1656 in Rochester, Plymouth, MA 1613 Roger Haskell  b. Bef. 6 Mar 1613/14 1694 - 1732 Dorcas Wallis 37 37 see duplicate records 1775 - 1853 Esther White 78 78 m. 3 Dec 1795 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children:    1. Esther LANE b: 14 OCT 1796 in Gloucester Essex MA    2.  Peely LANE b: ABT. 1798 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    3. Martha LANE b: ABT. 1800 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    4.  Elizabeth White LANE b: 31 DEC 1804 in (Annisquam) Gloucester MA    5.  John LANE b: ABT. 1804 in (Annisquam) Gloucester Essex MA    6. Henry White LANE b: 7 DEC 1810 in (Annisquam) Gloucester Essex MA    7. Charles Hodgkins LANE b: ABT. 1814 in (Annisquam) Gloucester Essex MA    8. Thomas Low LANE b: ABT. 1816 in (Annisquam) Gloucester Essex MA 1743 - 1818 Esther Annis 75 75 m. 7 Jun 1774 Children:    1.  Esther WHITE b: 1775 in Gloucester Essex MA    2. Henry WHITE b: 27 SEP 1779 in Gloucester Essex MA    3. Elizabeth WHITE b: 1784 in Gloucester Essex MA 1745 - 1823 Henry White 78 78 Served several years in the Revolutionary War, was an officer as part of 26th Reg't. under Col. Baldwin. He was raised to degree of Mastor Mason at the garrison at West Point while serving there. Appointed Ensign August 10,1776, promoted lieutenant 1779 of the Continental line. He was transferred  to the Eighth Massachusetts regiment, 1781 and retired in 1783. He served at Valley Forge in May 10, 1777. Served as paymaster. Fought in Trenton. Daughters of the Revolution #15624, Lineage book (Volume 16) . (page 18 of 30) 1718 Elizabeth Munsell m. 1739 Litchfield, New Hampshire Children:    1. n William WHITE II b: 1745 in Litchfield Hillsboro NH    2.  Henry WHITE b: 5 FEB 1745/46 in Litchfield Hillsborough NH    3.  Jean WHITE b: 1747 in Litchfield Hillsboro NH 1714 - 1755 Henry White 41 41 b. in Litchfield, N.H.  1700 Jane Graham Children: Henry (1710-1755)  Jane (1715-1803)  James (1724-)  Robert (1735-)  David (1738-1776)  Thomas (1740-)  William (1740-1829)  1687 - 1740 William White 53 53 1712 Experience Haraden m.  22 Jan 1729/30 Gloucester, Massachusetts Children:  Experience ANNIS b: 29 Jan 1729/30  Issac ANNIS b: 28 Mar 1733  Deliverance ANNIS b: 7 Nov 1735  Sarah ANNIS b: 23 Jan 1736/37  Daniel ANNIS b: 16 May 1740  Hannah ANNIS b: 15 Sep 1743  Esther ANNIS b: 15 Sep 1743  Ebenezer ANNIS b: Aug 1745  Ebenezer ANNIS b: 18 Feb 1745/46 1702 Isaac Annis 1675 - 1748 Rebecca Bailey 72 72 m. abt. 1699, Newbury, Massachusetts Children:    1.  Mary ANNIS b: 22 MAR 1699/00 in Newbury Essex MA    2. Ellenor ANNIS b: 24 JAN 1700/01 in Newbury Essex MA    3. Jane ANNIS b: 1702 in Newbury Essex MA    4.  Isaac ANNIS b: 3 JAN 1702/03 in Newbury, Essex, MA    5. Priscilla ANNIS b: 13 NOV 1707 in Newbury Essex MA    6. Kerzia ANNIS b: 1 MAY 1711 in Newbury Essex MA 1672 - 1712 Isaac Annis 40 40 b. in Newbury, MA  1647 - 1726 Sarah Chase 79 79 b:  in Newbury, MA m. 15 May 1666 in Newbury, MA Children:  Isaac ANNIS b: 12 Apr 1672 in Newbury, MA  Abraham ANNIS b: 8 Aug 1668  Joseph ANNIS  Sarah ANNIS  Ann ANNIS  Hannah ANNIS  Priscilla ANNIS 1638 - 1717 (From Ireland) Charles Cormac Annis 79 79 b. in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ulster Province, Ireland  1629 - 1687 Anne Wheeler 57 57  b:  in Hampton, Rockingham, NH m.1644 in Newbury, Essex, MA Children:  Sarah CHASE b: 6 Jul 1647 in Newbury, MA  Ann CHASE b: 6 Jul 1647  Priscilla CHASE b: 14 Mar 1648/49  Mary CHASE b: 3 Feb 1650/51  Aquilla CHASE b: 26 Sep 1652  Thomas CHASE b: 25 Jul 1654  John CHASE b: 2 Nov 1655  Elizabeth CHASE b: 13 Sep 1657  Ruth CHASE b: 18 Mar 1659/60  David CHASE b: 9 Dec 1661  Moses CHASE b: 24 Dec 1663 1618 - 1670 (From England) Aquilla Chase 52 52 b in Willesden, London, England  Event: Discovery Unknown First to Navigate the Merrimack River  Burial: Oldtown Cemetary, Newbury, MA 1580 Aquilla Chase b.  in Chesham, Bucks, England  1590 Sarah Robinson  b: Abt. 26 Jul 1590 in Chicheley, Buckingham, England Children:  William CHASE b: 1613 in Willesden, London, England  Thomas CHASE b: 1615 in Willesden, London, England  Aquila CHASE b: 1618 in Willesden, London, England Joan Bishop m. 16 Apr 1562 Children:  Aquila CHASE b: 14 Aug 1580 in Chesham, Bucks, England 1542 Richard Chase NN Thomas Chase 1480 Elizabeth Bould  b: Abt. 1480 Children  Thomas CHASE 1465 Matthew Chase b Abt. 1465 NN 1430 John Chase b. abt 1430 NN 1400 Thomas Chase b. abt. 1400 1677 - 1762 Deborah Norwood 84 84 m. 15 Jan 1694/95, Gloucester, Massachusetts Children:    1.  Solomon HARRADEN b: 23 DEC 1696 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    2.  Deborah HARRADEN b: 19 JUL 1698 in Gloucester Essex MA    3.  Caleb HARRADEN b: 23 DEC 1700 in Gloucester Essex MA    4. Ebenezer HARRADEN b: ABT. 1704 in Gloucester Essex MA    5. Joseph HARRADEN b: 26 DEC 1705 in Gloucester Essex MA    6.  Patience HARRADEN b: 25 JAN 1706/07 in Gloucester Essex MA    7. Bejamin Harraden JR b: 1 MAR 1708/09 in Gloucester Essex MA    8.  Experience HARRADEN b: 3 APR 1712 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    9.  Ruell HARRADEN b: 11 MAY 1714 in Gloucester, Essex, MA   10.  Ebenezer HARRADEN b: 31 AUG 1716 in Gloucester Essex MA   11.  Edward HARRADEN b: 1717 in Gloucester Essex MA   12.  Moses HARRADEN b: 10 APR 1719 in Gloucester Essex MA 1671 - 1724 Benjamin Haraden 52 52 1630 - 1699 Sarah? 69 69 m. abt. 1650 Gloucester, Massachusetts Children:    1. Edward Harraden JR b: 5 FEB 1647/48 in Ipswich, Essex, MA    2.  Mary HARRADEN b: 1650 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    3.  Elizabeth HARRADEN b: 1656 in of Gloucester, Essex, MA    4.  Andrew HARRADEN b: 13 JAN 1658/59 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    5. Ann HARRADEN b: 2 MAR 1660/61 in of Gloucester, Essex, MA    6.  Sarah HARRADEN b: ABT. 1663 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    7.  John HARRADEN b: 7 AUG 1663 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    8. Samuel HARRADEN b: ABT. 1665 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    9. Thomas HARRADEN b: 8 SEP 1665 in of Gloucester, Essex, MA   10. Joseph HARRADEN b: 18 AUG 1668 in of Gloucester, Essex, MA   11.  Sarah HARRADEN b: 30 JUL 1670 in of Gloucester, Essex, MA   12. Benjamin Harraden SR b: 11 SEP 1671 in of Gloucester, Essex, MA 1630 - 1683 Edward Haraden 53 53 Edward arraden was born in Devonshire England. He came from Ipswich England to Ipswich Mass. in 1654. In 1657 he bought a house, barn, and all of Robert Dutch's land in Gloucester. Part of this land was on Planter's Neck where Harraden had a fishing stage. He was the first permanent srttler in that section of Gloucester. His son Edward had land on Plum Cove, and received one of the soldier's lots at Kettle Cove in 1679 for service in King Philip's War. A descendent, Jonathan Born 1744 was lieutenant of the "Tyrannicide" during the Revolutionary War, and later commander of a privateer. 1645 - 1711 Elizabeth Coldam 66 66 m.15 Oct 1663 in Lynn, Essex, MA Children:    1. Thomas NORWOOD b: 10 DEC 1664 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    2.  Francis NORWOOD b: 9 OCT 1666 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    3. Elizabeth NORWOOD b: 17 FEB 1667/68 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    4.  Mary NORWOOD b: 7 MAR 1670/71 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    5.  Stephen NORWOOD b: 24 NOV 1674 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    6. Deborah NORWOOD b: 4 SEP 1677 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    7. Hannah NORWOOD b: 8 NOV 1679 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    8. Josiah NORWOOD b: 2 FEB 1681/82 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    9.  Caleb NORWOOD b: 12 AUG 1685 in Gloucester, Essex, MA   10.  Abigail NORWOOD b: 30 JAN 1688/89 in Gloucester, Essex, MA 1636 - 1708 Francis Norwood 72 72 Francis Norwood fled England with his father at the restoration of Charles II in 1660, "on account of the trouble in which the father feared they might be involved for the part he had taken in the civil wars of that period." This statement is in the "History of Gloucester" by John J. Babson, and why didn't he just come right out and say that Charles II had promised to seek out and hang everyone who had any part in the death of his father, once he was restored. He did just that, too, to all he could catch up with. Francis was in Gloucestrer, at Goose Cove, in 1663. He was a very wealthy man for his day, and at his death in 1709, he owned a considerable amount of land. His father was one of the Judges who condemned King Charles I. It is possible that he is the son of Capt. Thomas Norwood 1612-1703 who emigrated to America 1648. He had a son Francis born 1638 in Gloucestershire. Captain Thomas Norwood fought in the battle of Edgehill in 1642 in Col. Sir John Bryant's Regiment, taken prisoner at Beachley 28 August 1642. NN 1618 Thomas Norwood Event: Military Service Captain 1613 - 1704 Mary Pierce 91 91 m. 1638 Gloucester, Massachusetts Children:    1. Clement Coldom JR b: 1641 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    2. Elizabeth COLDOM b: 1645 in Lynn, Essex, MA    3.  Judith COLDOM b: 1649 in Gloucester, Essex, MA 1623 - 1703 Clement Coldam 80 80 Clement Coldom is supposed to have come from Lynn where the name is found among the early settlers. He was in Gloucester "the last of the last month" when his daughter died. Pope in "Pioneers of Mass." says he was the son of Thomas, a miller, who was a Freeman in Lynn 14 May 1634. Savage in his "First Settlers of N.E." says; Clement, Lynn 1630, a miller, had Clement and others. In Gloucester he served on a committee that built a church for the Rev. John Emerson that cost forty pounds, not including labor. Torry: Clement married Mary (Pierce) (-1705) born 1647. The born 1647 does not mean Mary was born in 1647, it means her first child was born in 1647. It takes a bit of getting used to. Newhall in the "History of Lynn" Clement b 1622 d 1703. Clement in Lynn 1630, member of Ancient & Honorable Artillary Co. in 1645. Choosen in 1691 to look after the great guns. A Brother of Thomas? Thomas, proprietor of Lynn, 60 acres, d 8 Apr. 1675 ae 74yrs. Freeman May 04, 1634 Lynn, Essex, MA Johanna Children:  Clement COLDAM b: Abt. 1623  Enoch COLDAM b: Bef. 1630  Martha COLDAM b: Abt. 1630  Mary COLDAM b: Bef. 1636  Thomas COLDAM b: Abt. 1638 1602 Thomas Coldam 1585 Elizabeth Stoker (Trull) m. Apr. 22, 1610 Children:    1.  Anthony PEIRCE b: 28 APR 1611 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    2. Esther PEIRCE b: 6 AUG 1612 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    3. Mary PEIRCE b: ABT. 1613 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    4.  Barbre PEIRCE b: 4 FEB 1614/15 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    5.  John PEIRCE b: 19 MAR 1616/17 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    6.  Robert PEIRCE b: 21 OCT 1621 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    7.  Elizabeth PEIRCE b: 11 APR 1624 in Norwich, Norfolk, England    8.  Judith PEIRCE b: 8 FEB 1626/27 in Watertown, Middlesex, MA 1588 - 1661 John Pierce 73 73 1653 - 1737 John Lane 84 84 b. in Bellerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts see duplicate record 1803 - 1883 Levi Bailey 80 80 Lived at 2662 , No name street Pigeon Cove, Massachusetts in 1880 census m. (1) Rebecca Dunbar 1736 - 1772 Judith Bootman 36 36 m.  20 Nov 1754 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,   Children: 1. Susanna Woodberry b. 24 Nov 1760 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  2. Mary Woodbury b. 25 Aug 1762 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  3. Walter Woodbury b. 21 Oct 1764 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  4. Sarah Woodbury b. 15 Aug 1766 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  5. Andrew Woodbury b. 4 Sep 1768 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit 6. Asa Woodberry b. 6 Oct 1769 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  7. Peter Woodberry b. 23 Apr 1772 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  8. Patty Woodbery     b. 27 Jul 1774 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  9. Judith Woodbury b. 2 Sep 1779 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  1729 - 1807 Andrew Woodbury 78 78 had twin Caleb 20 Mar 1730 in Gloucester, Essex, MA 1694 - 1732 Hepzibah Lane 37 37 m. on 27 Nov 1718 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children:  i. William Woodbury was born on 19 Feb 1721 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  + 488 F    ii. Hannah Woodbury was born on 24 Feb 1723 in Gloucester, Essex, MA and died on 19 May 1779 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.     489 F    iii. Rebecca Woodbury was born on 18 Sep 1726 in Gloucester, Essex, MA and died on 2 Sep 1743 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  Rebecca, d. Caleb and Hephzibah (Lane), b. Sept. 18, 1726. Gloucester V.R. (Pg. #786). Rebecca, d. Caleb, d. Sept. 2, 1743, a. abt. 17 y. Gloucester V.R. (Pg. #330). + 490 M    iv. Caleb Woodbury Jr. was born on 20 Mar 1728 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  + 491 M    v. Andrew Woodbury <twin> was born on 20 Mar 1730 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  + 492 M    vi. Peter Woodbury <twin> was born on 20 Mar 1730 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  + 493 F    vii. Rachel Woodbury was born on 13 Jan 1732 in Gloucester, Essex, MA and was baptized on 16 Jan 1732 in Gloucester, Essex, MA.  Caleb married Abigail (4) Morgan, c daughter of Ens. Robert (3) Morgan and Anna Ober, on 14 Sep 1732 in Beverly, Essex, MA. Abigail (4) Morgan was baptized on 19 Apr 1702 in Beverly, Essex, MA and died on 22 Jan 1738 in Gloucester, Essex, MA. Another name for Abigail was Abigail.  Abigail, d. Robert and Ann (Ober), bp. Apr 19, 1702. Beverly V.R. (Pg. #227). Abiel, w. Caleb [child birth. dup.], Jan. 22, 1737-8, in her 36th y. G.R.3. Gloucester V.R. (Pg. #330). 1690 - 1772 Caleb Woodbury 82 82  baptized on 30 Mar 1690 in Beverly, Essex, MA and  1694 - 1732 Dorcas Wallis 37 37 See duplicate records John Lane See duplicate record Joannah Wheeler 1661 William Woodbury b. Salem Elizsabeth Curtis 1639 Thomas Woodbury b. Salem Family came from Southern England 1921 - 2005 Katherine Bailey 84 84 m. May 21, 1943 William Lewis Journal 1923 - 2005 Eleanor Bailey 82 82 m. Islington, Massachusetts 12-9-1943 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 1923 - 1991 Robert Hugh Whipple 67 67 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 1921 Sven Rune Johnson Anna Thomas Bailey Whelpley m. September 22, 1821, of Newburyport, MA, intention filed August 20, 1821 (newspaper record) m. (1) Apr. 19, 1794 Elijah Parker m. (2)  Apr. 19, 1799Aaron Wealthy m. (3)  Sept. 17, 1821 Joseph Bailey, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 Sally Griffith Hannah Haskell 1905 - 1994 Esther Smead 89 89 m. Sept. 1, 1934 by journal of William Lewis Phinney 1892 - 1974 Theodore Gates Brown 81 81 b. MA 1885 - 1964 Rachel Fellows Pike 78 78 m. Sept. 19,1917 Worcester, Massachusetts by journal of William Lewis Phinney 1903 Elizabeth Farley m.  15-6-1923,  journal of William Lewis Phinney Isabella Hanscom 1706 - 1750 Lucy Downing 43 43 b.  Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA Marriage: 22 Jan 1732 in Beverly, Essex, MA, Children: Abigail Larcom      F      26 Nov 1724 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA       Edit Edit Margaret Darkis Larcom     F     4 Jul 1726 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Susanna Larcom     F     1 Jan 1728 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Cornelius Larcom     M     21 Jan 1730 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit David Larcom     M     27 Mar 1732 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Benjamin Larcom     M     7 Apr 1735 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Lucy Larcom     F     5 Apr 1737 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Jonathan Larcom     M     30 Apr 1742 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Thankful Larcom     F     22 Dec 1743 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Asa Larcom     M     23 Mar 1746 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA 1692 - 1759 Mary 67 67 b. abt 1672 Salem,Essex     cr.12 Jun 1692 Beverly,Mass           1668 - 1731 Benjamin Ellingwood 62 62 b. Salem,Essex,Massachusetts       cr. 17 May 1668 Salem,Essex bur. Anc Burying Gr,,Beverly,Mass Eleanor (Ellen) (Elizabeth) 1607 - 1673 Ralph Ellingwood 66 66 b. Beverly,Essex,Massachusetts       bur. Beverly,Essex,Massachusetts 1676 Mary West b. Beverly, Essex, Ma m. 11-12-1693  Beverly, Essex Co., Mass. Children: 1.  Robert WOODBURY b: 4 SEP 1694 in Beverly Essex MA  2. Ruth WOODBURY b: Feb 21 1714/5 in Beverly Essex MA 3.  Mary WOODBURY b: 18 APR 1697 in Beverly Essex MA 1672 Robert Woodbury b. Beverly, Essex Co., Mass. 1642 - 1708 Elizabethe Jackson 66 66 b. Ipswich, Essex, Ma cr. 12 Jan 1642 Ipswich, Essex, Ma m. 12 Dec 1661  Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 1640 - 1723 Cpt. Thomas West 83 83 b.  IPSWICH, E, MASS  1617 (From England) Margaret Machias Taft b.St Dunstans, Stepney, London, Middlesex, England. cr.18 Mar 1618 St. Dunstan, Stepney, London, England m. 21 FEB 1640/1641 in Newton,Middlesex Co,MA bur. Aug 1684 Centre St., Newton, Middlesex, Ma Children: 1. Hannah JACKSON b: 7 JUN 1646 in Newton,Middlesex Co,MA  2. Margaret JACKSON b: 20 JUN 1649 in Newton,Middlesex Co,MA 3. Abraham JACKSON b: 14 AUG 1655 in Newton,Middlesex Co,MA 1602 - 1675 (From England) Dea. John Jackson 73 73 b. St Dunstans, Stepney, London, Middlesex, England cr. 6 Jun 1603 St Dunstans, Stepney, London, Middlesex, England bur. 1674/1675 Centre St., Newton, Middlesex, Ma John Jackson's purchase of 18 acres of land and a dwelling house in what was then Cambridge Village, now Newton, MA, was the first viable settlement of that town. He is alleged to have brought a "good estate" with him from England. He bought the property from Miles Ives of Watertown, situated on the Roxbury road, very near the line which divided Newton from Brighton in 1854. He took the Freeman's oath in 1641 and was one of the first Deacons of the church. He gave one acre of land for the church and cemetery, upon which the first meeting house was erected in 1660 and which is the oldest part of what was the Centre Cemetery in 1854. His old home was pulled down about 1800, on land occupied by Edwin Smallwood in 1854. He was a proprietor of the Cambridge lands and, in the division of 1662, he had 3 acres, in 1664 he had 30 acres. In the division of the Billerica lands in 1652 he had 50 acres. He petitioned the General Court and others to have Cambridge Village esablished as a separate town, but died before this was accomplished. 1579 - 1633 Susan Johnson 54 54 b. 1581 Stepney, Middlesex, England m. 20 Oct 1602  St. Dunstan, Stepney, London, England cr. 8 Mar 1579 St. Dunstans, Stepney, London, England Children: 1. John (Dea.) JACKSON b: ABT 6 JUN 1603 in Stepney,London,Middlesex,England 2. Edward JACKSON b: ABT 3 FEB 160 Stepney, London,Middlesex, England -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children - Source: Red MacDougall + 1. Christofer JACKSON b: 17 AUG 1593 in London,Middlesex,England 2. Elizabeth JACKSON b: 17 AUG 1593 in London,Middlesex,England 3. Anne JACKSON b: 5 MAY 1604 in London,Middlesex,England 4. John JACKSON b: 6 JAN 1602 in Stepney, London, Middlesex, England 5. Edward JACKSON b: 3 FEB 1604 in Stepney, Whitechapel, London, England 6. Myles JACKSON b: 28 JUN 1607 in London,Middlesex,England 7. Dorety JACKSON b: 21 APR 1611 in London,Middlesex,England 1575 - 1633 Christopher Jackson 58 58 b. Of Mile End, Stepney, London, England bur. 5 Dec 1633 Whitechapel, Stepney, London, England 1544 Elizabeth Wytham b. 1544 West Bretton, Yorkshire, England m. 1579 in St Dunstan, L, England  Children: 1. Elisabeth Jackson b: 1566  2. Margaret Jackson b: 1568 3.  Mary Jackson b: 1572  4. Ann Jackson b: 1574 5.  Christopher Sr. Jackson b: 1575 in 6. Stepney, London, England  7. John Jackson b: 1576 1540 - 1579 George Jackson 39 39 b. 1540 Bedale, Yorkshire, England 1516 Alicia Hunter b. Abt 1516  Darnton, Yorkshire, England m. Abt 1543  Of Bretonby, Yorkshire, England 1512 Mathew Wytham b. Abt 1512 Of, , Yorkshire, England 1549 Sarai Berry b. Of St Dunstans, Stepney, London, Eng 1538 Phillip Johnson b. Abt 1538 Of St Dunstans, Stepney, London, Eng cr. 14 Dec 1538 1510 NN b. Abt 1510 Of, Stepney, London, Eng. 1505 NN Johnson b. England 1590 Margaret Milner b. Radcliffe,Lancashire, England m. 1-1-1608  Dunstans, Stepney, London, England.               1584 - 1608 Nicholas Taft 24 24 b. Abt 1584 Of Limehouse, St Dunstans, Stepney, London, England. 1562 NN       Birth:       Abt 1562         Of Huyton By Rob, Lancashire, Eng 1558 George Milner b.Abt 1558 Of Huyton By Rob, Lancashire, Eng     NN m. (1) Children: 1. Elizabeth Jackson b: 12 JAN 1641/42 in Ipswich, Essex, Ma. 2. Theodocia Jackson b: 1644 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma. 3. Grace Jackson b: BET 1641 AND 1665 4. Caleb Jackson b: 12 OCT 1645 5. Hannah Jackson b: 7 JUN 1646 in Newton, Middlesex, Ma. 6. Ann Jackson b: 1 AUG 1647 7. Abigail Jackson b: 14 AUG 1648 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma. 8. Margaret Jackson b: 20 JUN 1649 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Ma. 9. Edward Jackson b: 14 JAN 1649/50 10. Mary Jackson b: ABT 1652/53 in Newton, Middlesex, Ma. 11. Abraham Jackson b: 14 AUG 1655 12. Deliverance Jackson b: 5 NOV 1657 in Newton, Middlesex, Ma. 13. Joshua Jackson b: 15 SEP 1659 in Newton, Middlesex, Ma. 14. Isabel Jackson b: 12 FEB 1661 in Newton, Middlesex, Ma. 15. Sarah Jackson b: 10 JUN 1662 in Newton, Middlesex, Ma. Note:  1615 - 1675 Mary NN 60 60 b. Beverly, Essex, Mass Children 1.Thomas WEST  b. 1646 Duxbury, Plymouth, Ma d. 6 Sep 1706 Homes Hole, Dukes, Ma bur. Tisbury, Dukes, Ma, Us 2. Twyford WEST  b. 1640 Prob. Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts d. 11 Jan 1685      3. Joseph WEST b. 1644 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts d. 1 Jan 1660     4.  John WEST b. 1647 Prob. Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts d. 26 Jul 1668   1616 - 1648 John West 32 32 b.  Of, Sussex, England 1615 Elizabeth NN 1643 - 1725 Isaac Woodbury 81 81 b. SALEM, ESSEX, MASS  1614 - 1689 Elizabeth 75 75 b.  Of, Budleigh, Devonshire, England m. 1637/1638  Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts        Children: 1. Thomas WOODBURY  b.1639 Salem, Essex, Ma d. 1718 Beverly, Essex, Ma 2. John WOODBURY  b. 24 Oct 1641 Salem, Essex, Mass cr.24 Oct 1641 Salem, Essex, Ma d. 2 Jan 1716  No. Beverly, Essex, Ma 3.  Susannah WOODBURY  b. 4 Feb 1648 Beverly, Essex, Ma cr. 4 Feb 1649 Salem, Essex, Massachusetts d. 9 Apr 1716 Bradford, Essex Co, Ma bur. Bradford, Essex Co, Ma 4.  Richard WOODBURY b. 28 Feb 1655 Beverly, Essex, Ma d. 20 Nov 1690 Boston, Suffolk, Mass. 5.  Humphrey WOODBURY b. 8 Mar 1646 Beverly, Essex, Ma cr.8 Mar 1646 Beverly, Ess., Mass. d. 9 Apr 1727 Beverly, Essex, Mass bur. 10 Apr 1727 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 6.Peter WOODBURY  b. 28 Mar 1653 Beverly, Essex, Ma d. 8 Sep 1675 Deerfield bur. Under Capt., Thomas Lathrop 7. Christian WOODBURY b. 20 Apr 1661 Beverly, Essex, Ma 8. Christian WOODBURY b. 20 Apr 1661 Of Beverly, Essex, Ma d. 3 Jun 1689 Beverly, Essex, Ma bur. Comm.suicide 9. Elizabeth WOODBURY  b. 28 Apr 1657 Beverly, Essex, Ma cr. 30 May 1658      10. William WOODBURY  b. 4 May 1651 Salem, Essex, Mass cr. 4 May 1651 Salem, Essex, Ma d. 15 Feb 1710 Beverly, Essex, Ma 11.  Isaac WOODBURY  b. 4 Dec 1643 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts cr. 4 Feb 1643 Salem, Essex, Ma d. 10 Mar 1725 Beverly, Essex, Ma 1607 - 1637 Humphrey Woodbury 30 30 1750 - 1829 Anna Delleware (Dellaware) 78 78 m. Marblehead, MA Dec. 25, 1769 , intention also recorded Children: 1. Elizabeth (Betsy) b. May (March) 27, 1780 2. Nabby b. Oct. 1, 1775 3. Polly b. Dec. 11, 1774 4. Lydia b. Mar. 3, 1776 5. Mary b. Dec. 11, 1773, 6. Thomas b. 1782  7. Anna b. Oct. 14, 1769 8. John b. Jan. 26, 1784 (Feb. 26 PR 112), d. Sept. 5, 1808 at sea 1745 - 1795 Amos Lefavour 49 49 Amos Lefavour in the U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 served in the seige of Boston and served under General Washington 1712 - 1796 Abigail Ober 84 84 m. Feb. 4, 1730- Beverley, MA, 1. V. 2 page 223 Children: 1.  Joanna THORNDIKE b: 23 NOV 1731 in Beverly,Essex,MA  2. Nicholas THORNDIKE b: 2 OCT 1733 in Beverly,Essex,MA  3. Sarah THORNDIKE b: 13 JAN 1735/1736 in Beverly,Essex,MA 4.  Abigail THORNDIK b: 5 MAY 1738 in Beverly,Essex,MA  5. Emma THORNDIKE b: 7 APR 1741 in Beverly,Essex,MA  6. unnamed THORNDIKE b: 13 MAY 1743 in Beverly,Essex,MA  7. Bethiah THORNDIKE b: 8 SEP 1745 in Beverly,Essex,MA 1708 - 1757 Herbert Thorndike 49 49 b. 3 JAN 1707/1708 in Beverly,Essex,MA  1690 - 1786 Abigail Conant 96 96 b. Beverly,Essex,MA  cr. 3 JUL 1690 Beverly,Essex,MA  m. Jan. 16, 1710-11 Beverly, MA Vol 2 page 68 1686 - 1730 Nicholas Ober 43 43 b.  in Beverly,Essex,MA  m. (1)16 JAN 1710/1711 in Beverly,Essex,MA m. (2)  JUN 1732 in Beverly,Essex,MA Abigaile Woodberry m. Dec. 26, 1671. Vol 2 page 226 1641 - 1716 Richard Ober 74 74 b:  Abbotsbury,Dorset,Eng  cr. 21 NOV 1641 Abbotsbury,Dorset,Eng  bur. Ancient Bury. Grounds Beverly,Essex,MA  Richard Ober was "in all probability" the son of John & Elizabeth (Butcher) Ober of Abbotsbury, County Dorset, England and baptized there on Nov 21, 1641, for the record of this death at Beverly, Mass. on March 4, 1715-6 includes the statement that he was approximately 74 yrs of age and was b. in "Absbury" ... he came to New England in or before 1664 for in that year he was a resident of Beverly Richard and Abbigail are buried in the ancient burying grounds on Abbott Street in Beverly. These burying grounds were apparently covered when Abbott St. was constructed. Elizabeth Butcher of Abbotsbury, County Dorset, England John Ober of Abbotsbury, County Dorset, England 1674 John Throndike b.  in Beverly,Essex,MA 1657 - 1698 Abigail NN 41 41 1657 - 1744 Lott Conant 86 86 bap. 6 DEC 1933  Elizabeth Pride m. 14 JUN 1698 in Beverly,Essex,MA 1629 Elizabeth Walton Children: 1.Nathaniel CONANT b: 28 JUL 1650 in Beverly,Essex,MA 2.  John CONANT b: 15 DEC 1652 in Beverly,Essex,MA 3.  Lott CONANT b: 16 FEB 1657 in Beverly,Essex,MA  4. Elizabeth CONANT b: 13 MAY 1660 in Beverly,Essex,MA 5.  Mary CONANT b: 14 JUL 1662 in Beverly,Essex,MA 6.  Martha CONANT b: 15 AUG 1664 in Beverly,Essex,MA  7. Sarah CONANT b: 19 FEB 1666 in Beverly,Essex,MA  8. William CONANT b: 19 FEB 1666 in Beverly,Essex,MA  9. Rodger CONANT b: 10 MAR 1669 in Beverly,Essex,MA  10. Rebecca CONANT b: 31 JAN 1670 in Beverly,Essex,MA  11. Ruth CONANT b: 18 NOV 1702 in Beverly,Essex,MA  1624 - 1674 Lot Conant 50 50 b. abt. 1624 Essex,MA b. about 1624 (aged "about fifty years" in his will dated 24 September 1674 [EQC 5:431]); m. as her first husband Elizabeth Walton, bp. Seaton, Devonshire 27 October 1629, daughter of Rev. William Walton (her brother Nathaniel Walton names her "Elizabeth Conant" in his will [EQC 5:254; NEHGR 142:368]). She m. (2) Lynn 10 January 168[1/2] as his third wife Andrew Mansfield Sr. Elizabeth NN William Walton 1670 Mary Balsh bp. 10-Apr-1670 m.  26, 1689. CT.R. Vol 2 pag 28 Children: 1.  Josiah STONE b: 27 AUG 1691 in Beverly,Essex,MA  2. Nathaniel STONE  3. Nathaniel STONE b: 30 NOV 1694 in Beverly,Essex,MA 4.  Benjamin STONE b: 10 JUL 1696 in Beverly,Essex,MA  5. David STONE b: 1 MAY 1701 in Beverly,Essex,MA 6.  Hannah STONE  7. David STONE  8. Abigill STONE b: 9 MAY 1708 in Beverly,Essex,MA   Nathaniel Stone Jr. D. 1686 Sarah Gardner Children:  1. Samuel BALCH b: MAY 1651 in Beverly,Essex,MA  2. Benjamin BALCH b: ABT 1653  3. John BALCH b: ABT 1654 in Beverly,Essex,MA  4. Joseph BALCH b: ABT 1658  5. Freeborn BALCH b: 9 AUG 1660 in Beverly,Essex,MA  6. Sarah BALCH b: ABT 1661  7. Abigail BALCH b: ABT 1663  8. Ruth BALCH b: ABT 1665  9. Mary BALCH  10. Jonathan BALCH  11. David BALCH 1629 Benjamin Balch NN Nathaniel Stone Elizabeth NN Mordicai Larcom 1579 - 1605 Joanna Humphrey 26 26 b. Of Budleigh, Somerset, Devon, Eng bur. 5 Jun 1609 Burlescombe, Devon, England m. 21 Jun 1596  Burlescombe, Devon, England 1579 - 1641 John Woodbury 62 62 bur.1641 Burlescombe, , Devon, England 1598 - 1672 Agnes Napper 73 73 b. Of, Harding, Somersetshire, England cr.1 May 1598 Harding, Somersetshire, England m. (1) 19 Mar 1627     Salem, Essex, Mass. Children 1.  John WOODBURY b.Abt. 1606     Salem, Essex, Massachusetts 2.  Humphry WOODBURY b. Bef 1609 d.Bef 1709              3.  Lydia WOODBURY b. Abt 1645  Of Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts d. 1690       Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts bur. Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 4. Peter WOODBURY  b.Abt. 1647  Salem, Essex, Ma 5. Sarah WOODBURY  b.1634 Salem, Essex, Ma d. 1667      6. John Jr WOODBURY  b.1630 Salem, Essex, Ma cr. 1626 Salem, Essex, Mass d. 18 Jan 1672  London, London, Eng 7.  Hannah WOODBURY b.25 Oct 1636 Salem, Essex, Ma cr. 25 Dec 1636  Salem, Essex, Ma d. 1 Sep 1714 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts bur. 2 Sep 1714  Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 8. Abigail WOODBURY b. 12 Sep 1637 Salem, Essex, Mass cr. 12 Nov 1637  1st Ch Of Salem, Salem, Essex, Mass d. 1708 Beverly, Essex, Ma 9.  Peter WOODBERRY  b.19 Sep 1640 Salem, Essex, Massachusetts cr. 19 Sep 1640 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts d. 5 Jul 1704 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts bur.6 Jul 1704 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 1544 Agnes b. Of So. Petherton, Somerset, , England m. Abt 1572  South Petherton, Somerset, England 1543 John Woodbury b. Burlescomb, Devonshire, England 1580 b. Abt 1580 Of, Harding, Somersetshire, England Children: 1. Nicholas PATCH  b.Abt 160  Of, Harding, Somersetshire, England 2.  Agnes NAPPER  b.1 May 1598  Of, Harding, Somersetshire, England cr.1 May 1598 Harding, Somersetshire, England d.14 Feb 1672 Of Salem, Essex, Massachusetts Thomas Napper b.Abt 1580 Of, Harding, Somersetshire, England Derby Henry Ley m. 1 Jun 1675 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts 1570 - 1662 Cicely Shirley 92 92 b. Of Westneston, Sussex, England m. 1602  Eng. Children: 1.Jone WEST  b. Abt 1605 Southampton, England d. Abt 1650 Southampton, England 2.Anne WEST  b. Abt 1609 Southampton, England d. Abt 1660 Southampton, England 3. Cecily WEST b, Abt 1612 Southampton, England d. 1638 Southampton, England 4. Henry WEST b. Abt. 1613 Hants, Eng. 5. Lucy WEST b. Abt 1613 Of Newstead, Nottingham, England d. Abt 1660 Southampton, England 6. Catherine WEST  b. Abt 1616 Southampton, England d. Abt 1660 Southampton, England 7. John WEST  b. 1616 Sussex, England d. 1648 Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts 8. Elizabeth WEST b. 1606 Southampton, England d. Abt 1660 Southampton, England 9. Henry WEST b. 3 Oct 1603 Burgh Wallis, York, England d. 1 Jun 1628 Southampton, England Thomas West and Cicely's father, Thomas Shirley established Shirley plantation on the James River. She inherited the property after her husband died and never set foot on the property. She sold Shirley Plantation to the Hill family who constructed the plantation. 1577 - 1618 Thomas West (3rd Baron De La Warr of Wherwell) 40 40 Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Arrival of De La Warr at Jamestown Arrival of De La Warr at Jamestown Thomas West, 3rd (or 12th) Baron De La Warr (July 9, 1577 – June 7, 1618), was the Englishman after whom the state, river and the American Indian tribe now called "Delaware" (in the United States) were named. There have been two creations of Baron De La Warr, and West came from the second. He was the son of Thomas West, 2nd Baron De La Warr, of Wherwell Abbey in Hampshire, and his wife, Anne daughter of Sir Francis Knollys and Catherine Carey. West received his education at Queen's College, Oxford. He served in the army under Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, and, in 1601, was charged with supporting Essex's ill-fated insurrection against Queen Elizabeth, but he was acquitted of those charges. He succeeded his father as Baron De La Warr, in 1602, and became a member of the Privy Council. Lord De La Warr headed the contingent of 150 men, who landed in Jamestown on 10 June 1610, just in time to persuade the original settlers not to give up and go home to England. He had been given instructions by The London Virginia Company to kidnap Native American children. These instructions also sanctioned the murder of the Iniocasoockes, the cultural leaders of the local Powhatans. Lord De La Warr proceeded to initiate the First Anglo-Powhatan War, which has been described as an act of genocide. As a veteran of English campaigns against the Irish, De La Warr employed "Irish tactics" against the Indians: troops raided villages, burned houses, torched cornfields, and stole provisions. He had been appointed governor-for-life (and captain-general) of Virginia, and he outfitted their three ships and recruited and equipped those men at his own expense. Leaving his deputy Sir Samuel Argall (circa 1580 – circa 1626) in charge, Lord De La Warr returned to England and published a book about Virginia, The Relation of the Right Honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, of the Colonie, Planted in Virginia, in 1611. He remained the nominal governor, and he had received complaints from the Virginia settlers about Argall's tyranny in governing them for him, so Lord De La Warr set sail for Virginia again in 1618, to investigate those charges. He died en route, and it was thought for many years that he had been buried in the Azore Islands or at sea. In 2006, recent research had concluded that his body was brought to Jamestown for burial. A gravesite thought by researchers to contain the remains of Captain Bartholomew Gosnold may instead contain those of Baron De La Warr. [1] Preceded by Thomas West     Baron De La Warr 1595–1618     Succeeded by Henry West Preceded by Thomas Gates     Colonial Governor of Virginia 1610-1611     Succeeded by George Percy 1553 - 1608 Anne Knollys Knowles 55 55 b. 1555 Stanford, Berkshire, England cr.1553 Children 1.  Eleanor Elizabeth WEST b. 1593 Lansium, HantsEng 2. Robert WEST  b. 3 Jan 1575 Wherwell, Hampshire, England cr. 3 Jan 1575 Wherwell, Hampshire, England d. Bef 1601        3.  Francis WEST  b. 28 Oct 1586 Salisbury, Weltshire, England cr. 28 Oct 1586      d. 634 Will Proven, 28 Apr 1634, Eastern Shores, Virginia 4. Anne WEST  b. 21 May 1581 Westover, Honts, , Eng cr. 21 May 1581 Westover, Hants, Eng 5. Thomas WEST b. 9 Jul 1577 Wherwell, Hampshire, England cr. 9 Jul 1577 Wherwell, Hampshire, England d. 7 Jun 1618 Hampshire, England bur. At Sea 6.  Penelope WEST b. 9 Sep 1582  Westover, Hamptonshire, England cr. 9 Sep 1582 Westover, Hamptonshire, England d. 1619 Lincolnshire, England 7.  Elizabeth WEST  b. 11 Sep 1573 Wherwell, Hampshire, England cr. 11 Sep 1573  Wherwell, Hampshire, England d. 15 Jan 1632/1633 Northampton Co., Virginia 8.  Wakingham WEST b. 13 Nov 1579 Westover, Honts, , Eng cr. 3 Nov 1579 Westover, Hants, Eng d. Young 9. Letitia WEST  b. 24 Nov 1589  Clarington Parke, Wiltshire, England cr. 24 Nov 1589 Wherwell, Hants, Eng 10. Nathaniel WEST  b. 30 Nov 1592 Lansium, Hants, , Eng cr. 30 Nov 1592 Lansium, Hants, Eng d. 1623  West And, Shirley Hundred, Va. 11. CPT WEST b. 14 Dec 1590 Testwood, Wiltshire, England cr.14 Dec 1590 Testwood, Hants, Eng d. 1659 West Point, Va., Now King Wm Co. bur. Scout Hall 12. Helena WEST  b. 15 Dec 1587 Wherwell, Honts, , Eng cr.1588 Wherwell, Hants, Eng 13. Catherine WEST  b. 27 Dec 1583 Winchester, Honts, , Eng cr. 27 Dec 1583 Winchester, Hants, Eng Anne Knollys (known, after her marriage, as Anne West, Lady De La Warr) (1553–30 August 1608) was a lady at the court of Queen Elizabeth I of England. She was the third daughter of Sir Francis Knollys, Treasurer of the Royal Household (1514–1596) to Queen Elizabeth I, and his wife Catherine Carey. Her maternal grandparents were Sir William Carey and Mary Boleyn. Mary was a sister of Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII of England. Anne Knollys' mother was thus a first cousin of Queen Elizabeth, daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. On 19 November 1571 at Wherwell in Hampshire where they subsequently lived, she was married to Thomas West, 2nd Baron De La Warr, with whom she had several children:     * Walsingham West, died young.     * Elizabeth West (b. 1573), married 1. Sir Hebert Pelham of Michelham; and 2. Richard Saltonstall.     * Robert West (b. 1574), married Elizabeth Coks. Predeceased his father.     * Margarey West (b. 1576), married Samuel Johnson.     * Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr (1577-1618), married Lady Cicely Shirley.     * Lettice West (b. 1579), married Sir Henry Ludlow.     * Anne West (b. 1581), married John Pellet (Esq.).     * Penelope West (b. 1582), married Herbert Pelham (Esq.).     * Catherine West (b. 1583), married Nickolas Strelby.     * Francis West, Governor of Virginia (b. 1586-1634), married 1. Lady Margaret Reeves; 2. Lady Temperance Flowerdew; and 3. Lady Jane Davye.     * Helena West (b. 1587), married William Savage.     * John West, Governor of Virginia (1590-1659), married Lady Anne Percy.     * Nathaniel West, (Lt. Col.) (1592-1623), married Frances Greville. [edit] Sources     * "The William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd Ser., Vol. 18, No. 1 (Jan., 1938), pp. 137–138"     * "Southside VA Families by John Bennett Boddie Vol 1, Genealogical Pub. 1955, pages 398–402"     * "De La Warr, Thomas West, 12th Baron." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007."     * "The Noble Lineage of the Delaware‑West Family of Virginia", by Ann Woodard Fox"     * "Colonial Virginia, by Richard L. Morton; University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1960, pp 123‑125" 1555 - 1602 Thomas West (2nd Baron De La Warr of Wherwell) 47 47 Thomas West, 2nd Baron De La Warr From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thomas West, 2nd (or 11th) Baron De La Warr (c. 1556–1602) of Wherwell Abbey in the English county of Hampshire was a member of Elizabeth I's Privy Council and High Sheriff of Hampshire. Thomas was the only son of William West, 1st Baron De La Warr and Lady Elizabeth Strange. He succeeded his father, who had been created Baron De La Warr by letters patent. In 1597 he petitioned the House of Lords to have the precedence of the original barony, 1299, on the basis that he actually held the ancient peerage. After his claim was admitted, he sometimes referred to himself as 11th baron. On 19 November 1571 at Wherwell in Hampshire, he was married to Lady Anne Knollys, daughter of Sir Francis Knollys and Lady Catherine Carey, with whom he had several children:     * Walsingham West, died young.     * Elizabeth West (b. 1573), married 1. Sir Hebert Pelham of Michelham; and 2. Richard Saltonstall.     * Robert West (b. 1574), married Elizabeth Coks. Predeceased his father.     * Margarey West (b. 1576), married Samuel Johnson.     * Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr (1577-1618), married Lady Cicely Shirley.     * Lettice West (b. 1579), married Sir Henry Ludlow.     * Anne West (b. 1581), married John Pellet (Esq.).     * Penelope West (b. 1582), married Herbert Pelham (Esq.).     * Catherine West (b. 1583), married Nickolas Strelby.     * Francis West, Governor of Virginia (b. 1586-1634), married 1. Lady Margaret Reeves; 2. Lady Temperance Flowerdew; and 3. Lady Jane Davye.     * Helena West (b. 1587), married William Savage.     * John West, Governor of Virginia (1590-1659), married Lady Anne Percy.     * Nathaniel West, (Lt. Col.) (1592-1623), married Frances Greville. [edit] Sources     * "Middle Peninsula Historic Marker "Cockacoeske"     * "The Powhatan Indians of Virginia: Their Traditional Culture. Rountree, Helen C., University of Oklahoma Press, 1989.     * "Cockacoeske, Queen of Pamunkey: Diplomat and Suzeraine." W. Martha W. McCartney.     * "Powhatan's Mantle: Indians in the Colonial Southeast by Peter H. Wood. 1544 - 1622 Anne Kempe 78 78 b. Abt 1544 Sussex, England d. 1622/1623 Children: 1. Isabel SHIRLEY  b. Abt 1562 Wiston, Sussex, England d. 6 Aug 1630       2. Elizabeth (Margaret) SHIRLEY b. Abt 1568 Wiston, Sussex, England d. 6 Aug 1630      3. Cecily SHIRLEY  b. Abt 1570 Wiston, Sussex, England 4. Anne SHIRLEY  b. 1 Jan 1573 Wiston, Sussex, England 5.Robert SHIRLEY b. Abt 1578  Wiston, Sussex, England d. 13 Jul 1628      6. Thomas SHIRLEY  b. 1564 Wiston, Sussex, England 7.  Anthony SHIRLEY b. 1565 Wiston, Sussex, England d. Aft 1627  Spain 8. Maria SHIRLEY b. 1566 Wiston, Sussex, England d. 13 Mar 1649         Place:       bur. 13 Mar 1649 Saxham Parva, Suffolk, England 9.Cicely SHIRLEY  b. 1570 Westneston, Sussex, England d. 31 Jul 1662 Southampton, England 10.  Jane SHIRLEY  b. 22 Sep 1571 Wiston, Sussex, England cr. 26 Sep 1571 Wiston, Sussex, England 1542 - 1612 Thomas Shirley 70 70   1517 - 1550 Cecily Katherine Cheyney 33 33 b. Abt 1517 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. Bef 1550 Children: 1.  Ellen KEMPE  b. Abt 1542 Wye, Kent, , England d. 1548         Place:       2. Anne KEMPE  b. Abt 1544 Sussex, England       3. Margaret KEMPE  b. Abt 1546 Wye, Kent, England 4.Alice KEMPE  b. Abt 1548 Wye, Kent, England 5. Fryswyde KEMPE  b. 26 Dec 1544 Wye, Kent, England Edmund Stone Nancy Trout was widow of Edmund Stone 1944 Marsha Whipple 1947 John Walter Whipple 1952 Julia Whipple 1955 Laura Whipple 1945 Rune Dean Johnson Rune and Sandy Johnson's wedding, father Rune is third from the left, Nancy Johnson is to his right, Bobby is the youngest 1947 Nancy Johnson Sandy 1958 Robert(Bobby) Johnson 1846 - 1923 Mary Frances Estey 77 77 m. June 16, 1867 by Sharon Marriage Records, vol. 200, p. 342 1843 - 1904 Levi Frederick Holbrook 60 60 Lived in Sharon, MA by 1880 census resided in San Diego, California Enlisted as a Private on 18 July 1862 at the age of 18 Enlisted in Company B, 33rd Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 05 August 1862. Received a disability discharge Company B, 33rd Infantry Regiment Massachusetts on 25 April 1864 in Boston, MA Regimental History THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT  MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY THREE YEARS The 33d Regt. Mass. Vol. Inf. was organized at Camp Edwin M. Stanton, Lynnfield, in June and July, 1862. It was at first a twelve company regiment, and early in August was mustered  into the service as such with Alberto C. Maggi as its colonel.  On August 14 the regiment left Camp Stanton for the seat of war  numbering 1200 men. Companies L and M remained with the  regiment until November when they were transferred to the 41st  Regt. as Co's. I and K. By boat and rail the 33d proceeded to Washington, arriving  Aug. 17. Next day the regiment established its camp at  Hunter's Chapel on the Virginia side of the Potomac. During  the latter part of the month it did patrol duty at Alexandria,  and on October 10 was sent to Fairfax C. H. where it was  attached to Smith's (2d) Brigade, Von Steinwehr's (2d)  Division, Sigel's Corps which later became the 11th. After  movements to Thoroughfare Gap and White Plains in November, the  regiment went into winter quarters near Falmouth just after the  battle of Fredericksburg. About April 1, 1863, Col. Underwood succeeded Col. Maggi  in command of the regiment. In May, as a part of Barlow's  Brigade, Von Steinwehr's Division, Howard's (1lth) Corps it was  present at Chancellorsville with only small loss. At  Gettysburg,, July 1 to 4, 1863, the 33d was posted on East  Cemetery Hill and later between that and Culp's Hill. From  this latter position it helped to repel the attack of the  brigades of Hays and Hoke just at dusk on the 2d of July. In  this action the regiment lost 8 killed and 38 wounded. After  this battle the 33d was encamped for nearly two months in the  vicinity of Catlett's and Bristoe Stations on the Orange and  Alexandria Railroad. Here it received orders to proceed to  the west, and on the last day of September it detrained at  Bridgeport, Tenn. Both the 11th and 12th Corps had been  ordered to Tennessee to cooperate with the Army of the  Cumberland. At Wauhatchie, Oct. 29, 1863, in a very severe engagement  the 33d lost 35 killed, 58 wounded, and one missing. After the  battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge the regiment  went into winter quarters in Lookout Valley. In April, 1864, the 11th and 12th Corps were consolidated  to form the 20th Corps commanded by Gen. Joseph Hooker and  later by Genl. J. A. Mower. As a part of the 3d Brigade, 3d  Division, 20th Corps, Army of Georgia, the 33d started on its  famous Atlanta campaign early in May, 1864. At Resaca, May 15, it was heavily engaged, losing 82 men,  of whom 23 were killed or mortally wounded. At Dallas, May 25,  it was in action, losing 13 killed and 35 wounded, and again at  Kenesaw Mountain, June 22, losing 8 killed and 18 wounded. he  regiment participated in the siege of Atlanta, the occupation  of the city, the March to the Sea, the operations around  Savannah, and in the northward march through Georgia and the  Carolinas. Averysboro, N. C., fought March 16, 1865, and  Bentonville, fought March 19, were the last battles of the  regiment. When Johnston's army surrendered, April 26, the  33d Regiment was doing guard duty at Raleigh, N. C.  It then marched back through Petersburg, Richmond, and  Spottsylvania C. H. to its old Chancellorsville field, thence  onward to Fairfax C. H. and the outskirts of Washington  City. Here on the 24th of May it participated in the Grand  Review of Sherman's army. On June 10 the regiment was mustered out of the United  States service. Returning to Readville, Mass., the members of  the regiment were furloughed until July 2, when they were  assembled for the last time and paid off and discharged.  Battles Fought Fought on 02 May 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Fought on 03 May 1863 at Chancellorsville, VA. Fought on 15 May 1863. Fought on 09 June 1863 at Beverly Ford, VA. Fought on 02 July 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Fought on 03 July 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Fought on 04 July 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. Fought on 16 July 1863 at Waterford, VA. Fought on 19 July 1863. Fought on 15 August 1863 at Catlett's Station, VA. Fought on 29 October 1863 at Wauhatchie, TN. Fought on 30 November 1863 at Parker's Gap, TN. Fought on 14 May 1864 at Resaca, GA. Fought on 15 May 1864 at Resaca, GA. Fought on 19 May 1864 at Cassville, GA. Fought on 25 May 1864 at Dallas, GA. Fought on 26 May 1864 at Dallas, GA. Fought on 15 June 1864 at Lost Mountain, GA. Fought on 16 June 1864 at Lost Mountain, GA. Fought on 19 June 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 21 June 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 22 June 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 27 June 1864 at Big Shanty, GA. Fought on 30 June 1864 at Kenesaw Mountain, GA. Fought on 04 July 1864. Fought on 25 July 1864 at Atlanta, GA. Fought on 09 December 1864 at Springfield, GA. Fought on 05 February 1865 at Columbia, SC. Fought on 12 February 1865 at Windsor, SC. Fought on 14 February 1865. Fought on 18 February 1865. Fought on 22 February 1865. Fought on 25 February 1865. Fought on 28 February 1865. Fought on 10 March 1865. Fought on 16 March 1865 at Averysboro, NC. Fought on 19 March 1865 at Bentonville, NC. Fought on 21 March 1865 at Bentonville, NC. Fought on 26 March 1865 at Goldsboro, NC. Fought on 02 April 1865 at Goldsboro, NC. 1878 Emma Frances Holbrook b. Sharon, MA m. Sharon, Massachusetts, Vol. 572, p. 113 1873 Winfred Clifton Holbrook 1882 - 1965 Frank H Glover 83 83 b. NH 1880 - 1968 Janet C 88 88 b. in Canada 1910 Edward Glover b. MA Had a child out of wedlock, then married the women. 1914 Mary Francis Glover b. MA Moved to Maine after she got married. 1915 Carlton Holbrook m. Francis? Evelyn 1905 W. Clifton Holbrook 1873 Melvin L Holbrook b. Sharon, MA Middle initial may have been a "T" 1868 - 1921 Minnie Caroline Holbrook 52 52 m.10-June-1889  Sharon, MA, From Bailey Family Bible 1877 and Minnie Holbrook Bailey family records, marriage certificate 10 Jun 1889, Massachusetts, Town and Vital Records, 1620-1988 1900 Census:     Household    Gender    Age       Arthur A Bailey     M      Spouse     Minnie C Bailey     F      Child     Bernard H Bailey     M      Child     Frederic S Bailey     M  1910 census:     Household    Gender    Age       Arthur A Bailey     M      Spouse     Minnie C Bailey     F      Child     Bernard H Bailey     M      Child     Frederic S Bailey     M  1598 - 1677 Thomas Holbrook 79 79 Thomas Holbrook was born about 1590, the son of William Holbrook.  It is believed he had six siblings:  Joane, Basell, John, Elizabeth, Rebecca and William.  He married Jane Powyes September 12, 1616 at St. John the Baptist parish church in Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England. Thomas came from Broadway, County Somersetshire England.  He and wife Jane with four sons and daughters aged 11 to 1 year sailed from Weymouth on or near 20 Mar 1634/5 on the ship "Marygold" with Rev. Joseph Hull's Company of families who were going to settle together in New England to form a town.  They came ashore at Dorchester the 7th of June 1635, remained a "fortnight" and then they went to the place now called Weymouth and built a house, etc.      The family settled in the northern part of Weymouth on the Tide-water.  Ten acres were granted to Thomas in the first division, and 30 acres in the second, in that part of Weymouth called "Old Spain."  They lived next door to Thomas' sister Rebecca and her husband Clement Weaver.  Thomas was a grantee of Rehoboth, Massachusetts in 1643 although he forfeited the grant two years later by remaining at Weymouth.  He owned the salt meadows at Kingman's Neck. Thomas  was made a freeman of the Massachusetts Bay Company in May 1645 and served as selectman at Weymouth six times (1641-1654).  In 1649 he was appointed a member of a commission to lay out a highway from Weymouth to Dorchester.  Thomas made a statement November 7, 1666, giving his age as 77 years.   His will reads "being sick and weak" he made his will on 31 Dec 1668 and divides his goods between children and grandchildren.  He stated his grandson Peter had been "serving him and his wife in their old age for about 8 yrs for which he was to have his dwelling in Weymouth with orchard and arable land." But he did not die until 1675.  He owned 40 A. in Weymouth in 1663. Children living when he died:  John b. 1622, Thomas b. 1624, William b. 1627, Anne b. 1629, Elizabeth b. 1633, & Jane b. 1656. Thomas and Jane became ancestors of Presidents GARFIELD, BUSH and TAFT (the latter through three lines). Citations    1. [S1298] Dorothy C. and Gerald E. Knoff, Thirty-One English Emigrants Who Came To New England By 1662 (Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 1989), pg. 124. Hereinafter cited as 31 Emigrants.    2. [S1003] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms 1853-1892 Sir Bernard Burke, compiler, Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry Including American Families with British Ancestry (London, England: Burkes Peerage Limited, 1939), pg. 2745. Hereinafter cited as B:LG.    3. [S441], by Stephen M. Lawson, online Hereinafter cited as    4. [S1003] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms 1853-1892 Sir Bernard Burke, B:LG, pg. 2745, "1601".    5. [S1298] Dorothy C. and Gerald E. Knoff, 31 Emigrants, pg. 124 - the mistaken age (born 1601) stems from a mistake made on the ships list..    6. [S1298] Dorothy C. and Gerald E. Knoff, 31 Emigrants, pg. 127.    7. [S832] Parish Register Copies in the Library of the Society of Genealogists as of December 1994 (or Not), online, yes: GLASTONBURY, St Benedict 1607-63 Ext 1670-1805 [17,87]; St John 1597/8 Ext 1653-1796 [17,87]. Hereinafter cited as Parish Register Copies at the SOG, or not.    8. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain History of Weymouth, Massachusetts, I - IV (32 Derne Street, Boston: Wright and Potter Printing Company, 1923), Vol I - pg. 72-75. Hereinafter cited as Weymouth History.    9. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain Weymouth History, Vol I - pg. 73.   10. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain Weymouth History, Vol 3 - pg. 268.   11. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain Weymouth History, Vol 1, pg. 174.   12. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain Weymouth History, Vol 1, pg. 199.   13. [S803] William Richard Cutter       New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Third Series, Vol I-IV (New York: ., 1915), Vol 1., pg. 108. Hereinafter cited as NEFGM.   14. [S1003] C.B., LL.D., Ulster King of Arms 1853-1892 Sir Bernard Burke, B:LG, pg. 2745, "1677".   15. [S1298] Dorothy C. and Gerald E. Knoff, 31 Emigrants, pg. 125.   16. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain Weymouth History, Vol 3 - pg. 270.   17. [S803] William Richard Cutter       NEFGM, Vol I, pg. 108.   18. [S245] LDS, online, LDS (.).   19. [S260] M.S. George Walter Chamberlain Weymouth History, Vol I - pg. 74.   20. [S819] Elizabeth French, "Hatch," in English Origins of New England Families, 1500s-1800s, From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., Series 1, Vol I-III, 1984; Series 2, Vol I-III, 1985). Hereinafter cited as "EO: Hatch".   21. [S111] Frederick A. Virkus, First Families of America, the Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, The Standard Genealogical Encyclopedia of The First Families of America (440-442 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, IL: F. A. Virkus & Co. Genealogical Publishers, 1925), pg. 3475. Hereinafter cited as Virkus Comp.. 1562 - 1612 Edith Coles 50 50 b. abt. 1562 in St. Johns Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England  m: 1586 in St. Johns Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England  Children: 1. Joane (born abt 1587, St. John's, Glastonbury; married (1) in 1605 to Nicholas Bennett, who died in 1606, and (2) in 1690/10 to Randall Gylles. 2. Basell (married 1625/6 to Phillip Wrinkmore) bullet     Thomas (see #5 below.  Immigrated to New England) 3. John (born abt 1595, died abt 1644 at Weymouth, Massachusetts; married Sarah Loring.  Children:  Richard, William, Daniel, Thomas, Margaret. Immigrated to New England) 4. Elizabeth (married 1611 to Thomas Tylye at St. John's, Glastonbury.  Son: Edmund. Immigrated to New England) 5. Rebecca (born abt 1597; married 1617 at Glastonbury to Clement Weaver.  Son: Clement. Immigrated to New England) 6. William (born abt 1599; married [--]. Daughter: Mary) 1568 - 1626 William Holbrook 58 58 b. Glastonbury, Somerset, England. He lived in the parish of St. John the Baptist at Glastonbury, and died there in 1625/6.  His will was dated December 11, 1625 and proved February 1, 1625/6.   William Holbrook's 1625 will provided for the following: * My son Thoams Holbroock shall have my two Kyne in lieu and recompense of £7.10.0 I owe him. * My Bay Mare to be sold and my daughter Bosill Holbroock to have 4 marks of the money which I owe her and the residue to my son Thomas if said two Kyne be not of the value of £7.10.0 *To each of my children as well men as women 10/- *To my son John Holbroock my ground at the Moor if dead then to Thomas Holbroock the younger Edmund Eyle and Clement Weaver the younger my three Grandchildren. *Residue to my son William Holbroock the younger and appoint him executor, Thomas Eyle, Clement Weaver the elder my son-in-law and Thomas Holbroock the elder my son shall have the use of said ground together with the custody of the Conveyance for the use of my son John Holbroock if he be living as also for this of my said three Grandchildren to whom I have given the said ground in case my son John be dead. Overseers: Thomas Holbroock, Clement Weaver the elder and Thomas Eyle. 1533 - 1570 Constance Thayer 37 37 b: Abt. 1533 in Thornbury, Glouchester, England m.  February 19, 1559/60 in Thornbury, Gloucestershire,England. Children:  i. WILLIAM16 HOLBROOK, b. 1562. ii. JOHN HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1564. iii. MARGERY HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1566. iv. ROBERT HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1568. v. JOHN HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1570. 1531 - 1571 Thomas Holbrook 40 40 b. Glastonbury,Somerset,England His will, which was dated January 11, 1571, names his sons Thomas, William, John the Younger, Robert and "my eldest son, John."   Brenda Jean Flynn m. 21-8-1969 Cassandra Marie Whipple m. 13-2-1993 Alexander Clinton Sprague 1819 Mary Frances Sprague m. 13-4-1845, Vital Records of Marshfield, Massachusetts to the Year Was living with daughter Mary Frances and son-in-law Frederick Holbrook by Massachusetts 1880 census.  1850 by Robert M. and Ruth Wilder Sherman, 1969, page 334, 73-85851 Marriage intention filed 6 Apr 1845 Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts,  Vital Records of Marshfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 by Robert M. and Ruth Wilder Sherman, 1969, page 310, 73-85851 Vital Records of Sharon, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, page 92, by Thomas W. Baldwin, 1909 Lived in Sharon, MA by 1870 census    Children: of JEREMIAH EASTY and DOLLY GRIFFEN are:  i. WARREN AUGUSTUS10 EASTY, b. August 14, 1834.   ii. DOLLY ABBA EASTY, b. July 18, 1837.  iii EPHRAIM FULLER EASTY, b. April 07, 1838.  iv. RUBY ANN EASTY, b. March 19, 1840.  v. MARY HOWARD EASTY, b. January 27, 1842.  vi. JULIA ELIZABETH EASTY, b. February 21, 1844. Children of JEREMIAH EASTY and MARY SPRAGUE are:  vii. MARY FRANCES EASTY, b. January 21, 1846.  viii. JEREMIAH EDWARD EASTY, b. October 04, 1847; d. January 20, 1848.   ix. MELVIN TILDEN10 EASTY, b. August 01, 1853; married MARGARET DRISCOLL January 01, 1882 in Mansfield, Massachusetts.  Children: LAURA M., b. 1883. MELVIN S., b. 1885. RALPH T., b. 1888. HUBERT, b. June 24, 1891 4.  Hannah Estey 1810 Jeremiah Augustus Estey Jr m. (1) Dolly Griffen Apr. 18, 1833 1775 - 1855 Jeremiah Augustus Estey 80 80 1775 - 1854 Judith French 79 79 Marriage intention filed 19 Mar 1808, Vital Records of Sharon, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, page 92, by Thomas W. Baldwin, 1909 m. (2) 13 Mar 1808 Sharon, Norfolk, GWEstey 1733 Estey family Bible Buried: in: Cemetary at 385 E Foxboro Rd. Sharon, MA  Children:  1. Judith Estey was born on 6 Sep 1808. She died on 3 Nov 1853.  Judith married 1 Elisha Earl on 17 Apr 1831 in Walpole, MA.  2. Jeremiah Estey was born on 21 Jun 1810.  3. Abigail Estey 1 was born on 5 Dec 1811. Abigail married Warren Capen on 28 Apr 1848 in Stoughton, MA.  4. Hannah Estey was born on 16 Sep 1816 and died on 14 Jun 1845.  5. Elijah Estey was born on 4 Dec 1812. He died on 29 May 1855.  Elijah married  6. Unknown. born on 13 Sep 1818.  7. Fanny Estey was born on 4 Mar 1820. She died on 10 Dec 1854.  Fanny married Jesse Gay.  8.  Warrren Estey was born on 11 Sep 1821.  9.  John Estey was born on 6 Jun 1823. He died on 14 Dec 1823. 10. Rebecca S Sprague 1826 –   Edward French  A note in grandfather George Estey's hand below states: Edward French, buried in Chestnut Grounds, Father of Judith French Estey, Old singing book belonging to him Played the fife at        Bunker Hill and in        Continental Army. Music teacher and writer               (   ?   ) "Stoughton Collection"        with Old Stoughton        1741 - 1816 Abigail Gould 75 75 m. 28 Dec 1762 Sharon, Massachusetts, Vital Records of Sharon, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, page 92, by Thomas W. Baldwin, 1909 Children: 1. John Estey  b.3 Jul 1763 d.  24 Aug 1764. 2. Elizabeth Estey  b.15 Dec 1765. 3. Abigail Estey b. 1 Dec 1770. 4. John Estey  b. 3 Jul 1773. 5. Jeremiah Estey b. 9 Sep 1775. 6. Eleanor Estey b. 17 May 1768. 7. Lucy Estey b.  26 Aug 1779. 1733 - 1811 John Estey 77 77  Son of Jacob, "Isaac Esty of Topsfield and Some of His Descendants" by Gay Esty Bangs, page 8. m. 28 Dec 1762 Sharon, Massachusetts, Vital Records of Sharon, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850, page 92, by Thomas W. Baldwin, 1909 In February of 1771, John Estey bought a parcel of land in Stoughton, County of Suffolk, Province of Massachusetts Bay. This parcel of land embraced a portion of Mowhawk Meadow which yielded iron ore for Paul Revere to cast cannon for the colinsts. George W. Estey has copy of deed and land survey for this Mowhawk Meadow. His brother John S. Estey has the original.  In 1792 John purchased more land in what had, at that time, become Sharon, County on Suffolk, Commonwealth of Massachusetts - a portion of the town of Stoughton having become Sharon. The passing years had also brought the change from Province to Commonwealth. In 1802 John, Yeoman of Sharon, County of Norfolk ( A change in county name) conveys some 30 acres of land to Jeremiah Estey John's gravesite is located in a small cemetary at 385 E. Foxboro Rd. in Sharon, MA. His gravestone reads: In Memory of John Estey who died Nov. 27 1811 in the 78th year of his age. he fought in the Revolution. from Sharon. Ref - GWEstey family documents, JEstey (1733) Bible, GEBangs, RSchaffer 1702 - 1770 Mehitable Porter 68 68 m. 16 Jun 1770 in Sharon, Worcester, Massachusetts Children: 1. Jacob Estey b. 5 Oct 1731 d. 1790. 2. John Estey  b. 14 Dec 1733 d. 27 Nov 1811. 3. Elijah Estey b. 3 Aug 1736 d. 14 Sep 1824. 4. Mary Estey  b. 27 Apr 1739. 1690 - 1777 Jacob Estey 86 86 1654 - 1702 Jane Steward 48 48 m. 2 Jun 1682 Topsfield, Massachusetts, "Isaac Esty of Topsfield and Some of His Descendants" by Gay Esty Bangs, page 7 Children: 1. Isaac Estey b. 12 Mar 1681/1682 d.  30 Apr 1683. 2. Mary Estey b. 22 Feb 1683/1684. 3. Joseph Estey b. 1688  d.  6 Feb 1765. 4. Jacob Estey  b. 15 Oct 1690 d. Apr 1777. 5. Samuel Estey  b. 1691 d. 25 Dec 1779. 6. Elizabeth Estey b.  bef. 13 Mar 1691/1692. m. Samuel Jackson 12 Jun 1712 in Dorchester, MA. 7. Edward Estey b. 16 Jul 1693 d. 11 Mar 1789. 8. Lydia Estey  b. 21 Mar 1695/1696. 9. John Estey  b. 26 Aug 1697. m.Katherine Ayers 1719. 10. Benjamin Estey  b. 9 Oct 1701 d. on 23 Oct 1756. 1657 - 1739 Joseph Estey 82 82 The following is from "Isaac Esty And Some Of His Descendants" by Gay Esty Bangs Joseph was raised in Topfield MA. He was a surveyor of highways in 1683. About 1705, he moved with his family to a new settlement in Dorchester, that part is now known as Stoughton. His name appears with that of his brother Benjamin as one of the signers of the original covenant of the church of which Rev. John Davenport was minister. In 1706 he obtained land of the Indians, some of which is now located in the town of Canton. In 1712 he conveyed seventy acres to his son Joseph Jr.. The Karl Gelpke book has Jane's maiden name as Stewart and family legend claims that this line goes back to the English Royal House of Stewart. 1634 - 1692 Mary Towne 58 58 m.1655 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Her sister Rebecca Nurse was also found guity and executed for witchcraft in Salem Children: 1. Isaac Esty b. 1656 d. 1714 2. Joseph Estey b. 2 May 1657  d. 25 Oct 1738 3. Sarah Esty b. 30 Jun 1660 d. 29 Jun 1749 4. John Esty b. 2 Jan 1661/1662  5. Hannah Esty b.1667 d.  5 Nov 1741 m. George Abbot  21 Jul 1707 Topsfield, MA. 6. Benjamin Esty b.29 Apr 1669 d. 28 Mar 1750 7. Samuel Esty b. 25 Mar 1672 in Topsfield, MA d. 1708. 8. Jacob Esty b. 4 Jan 1673/1674 d.  3 Oct 1732 9. Joshua Esty b.  2 Jul 1678 d. 25 Apr 1718 10. Mary Esty  11. Abigail Esty Mary Easty was the daughter of William Towne, of Yarmouth, Norfolk County, New England, where she was baptized on August 24, 1634. Two of Easty's sisters, Rebecca Nurse, and Sarah Cloyse were also accused of Witchcraft during the Salem outbreak, although there is ample evidence that all three were innocent.  At the time of her questioning, Easty was about 58 years old and was married to Isaac Easty, with whom she had had seven children. Isaac owned and lived upon a large valuable farm. Her examination followed the pattern of most in Salem: the girls had fits, and were speechless at times, and the magistrate expostulated with her for not confessing her guilt, which he deemed proven beyond doubt by the sufferings of the afflicted.  "How far have you complied with Satan?" "Sir, I never complied with him but pray against him all my days. What would you have Easty do?" "Confess if you be guilty" "I will say it, if it was my last time, I am clear of this sin." During the exam, when Easty clasped her hands together, the hands of Mary Lewis, one of the afflicted were clenched and not released until Easty released her hands, and when she inclined her head, the afflicted girls cried out to have her straighten her neck, because as long as her head was inclined their necks were broken.  Easty was committed to prison after her examination. For a reason not disclosed in any of the remaining records, Easty, after spending two months in prison, was discharged on the 18th of May. She and her family believed she would now be safe from further accusations. They were wrong. The release seems to have been very distasteful to the afflicted girls, they became determined to not let the matter rest, and redoubled their energies to get her back into prison. On the 20th, Mary Lewis spent the entire day experiencing fits of unprecedented severity, during which time she said she was being strangled, and claimed "they will kill Easty out right." Several of the other afflicted girls claimed that they could see the apparition of Easty afflicting her, and people came from all around to see the fits. That evening a second warrant was issued for Easty's arrest. At midnight, after experiencing two days of liberty and being reunited with her family, Easty was rousted from her sleep by the marshall, torn from her husband and children, and taken back to prison where she was loaded with chains. Once Easty was back in prisons with chains, Lewis's fits stopped.  Easty was tried and condemned to death on September 9th. She was executed on September 22, despite an eloquent plea to the court to reconsider and not spill any more innocent blood. The court had long since ceased to pay any attention to anything that was said by the condemned. On the gallows she prayed for a end to the witch hunt.  Easty's parting communications with her husband and children were said by those who were present to have been "as serious, religious, distinct, and affectionate as could be expressed, drawing tears from the eyes of almost all present."  In November, after Easty had been put to death, Mary Herrick gave testimony about Easty. Herrick testified that she was visited by Easty who told her she had been put to death wrongfully and was innocent of witchcraft, and that she had come to vindicate her cause. Easty's family was compensated with 20 pounds from the government in 1711 for her wrongful execution.  PETITIONS FOR COMPENSATION AND DECISION CONCERNING COMPENSATION, 1710 -1711  (Account of Isaac Easty -- Case of Mary Easty)  Topsfield Septemb'r 8 th. 1710  Isaac Esty of Topsfield in the county of Essex in N.E. having been sorely exercis'd through the holy & awful providence of God depriving him of his beloved wife Mary Esty who suffered death in the year 1692 & under the fearfull odium of one of the worst of crimes that can be laid to the charge of mankind, as if she had been guilty of witchcraft a peice of wickedness witch I beleeve she did hate with perfect hatered & by all that ever I could see by her never could see any thing by her that should give me any reason in the lest to think her guilty of anything of that nature but am firmly persuaded that she was innocent of it as any to such a shameful death-Upon consideration of a notification from the Honored Generall Court desiring my self & others under the like circumstances to give some account of what my Estate was damnify'd by reason of such a hellish molestation do hereby declare which may also be seen by comparing papers & records that my wife was near upon 5 months imprisioned all which time I provided maintenance for her at my own cost & charge, went constantly twice aweek to provide for her what she needed 3 weeks of this 5 months she was in prision at Boston & I was constrained to be at the charge of transporting her to & fro. So that I can not but think my charge in time and money might amount to 20 pounds besides my trouble & sorrow of heart in being deprived of her after such a manner which this world can never make me any compensation for.  I order and appoint my son Jacob Esty                              Isaac Esty sen'r   to carry this to the Honored Committee                            aged about 82 years  Appointed by the Honored Generall  Court & are to meet at Salem  Sept 12 1710 Dated this 8th of Sept. 1710  (Reverse) Mary Easty of Topsfield Condem'd & Executed  (Account of WIlliam Good - Cases of Sarah Good and Dorcas Good)  To The Honourable Committee  The humble representation of Will'm. Good of the Damage sustained by him in the year 1692. by reason of the sufferings of his family upon the account of supposed Witchcraft  1    My wife Sarah Good was In prision about four months & then Executed.  2    a sucking child dyed in prison before the Mothers Execution.  3    a child of 4 or 5 years old was in prison 7 or 8 months and being chain'd in the dungeon was so hardly used and terrifyed that she hath ever since been very chargeable haveing little or no reason to govern herself. - And I leave it up to the Honourable Court to Judge what damage I have sustained by such a destruction of my poor family- And so rest                                      Your Honours humble servant                                      William Good  Salem Sept. 13 1710  [And in another hand:] 30 lbs. proposed for to be allowed  (Governor Dudley's Order for Payment)  By his Excellency the Governor  Whereas the Generall Assembly in their last session accepted the report of their comitte appointed to consider of the Damages sustained by Sundry persons prosecuted for Witchcraft in the year 1692 viz't          To lb. s. d.   lb. s. d.  Elizabeth How 12 0 0 John Procter and Wife  150 0 0  George Jacobs 79 0 0 Sar[a]h Wild    14 0 0  Mary Easty    20 0 0 Mary Bradbury  20 0 0  George Burroughs 50 0 0 Abigail Faulkner   20 0 0  Giles cory & wife  21 0 0 Anne Foster 6 10 0  Rebeccah Nurse  25 0 0 Rebeccah Eames 10 0 0  John Willard 20 0 0 Dorcas Hoar 21 17 0  Sarah Good     30 0 0 Mary Post  8 14 0  Martha Carrier   7 6 0 Mary Lacey   8 10 0  Samuel Wardwell & wife 36 15 0             _____________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                     578      12     0  The whole amounting unto Five hundred seventy eight poundes and twelve shillings.  I doe by and with the advice and consent of Maj'tys council hereby order you to pay the sum above of five hundred seventy eight poundes & Twelve shillings to Stephen Sewall Esq'r. who together witht the gentelmen of the committe that Estimated and Reported the said damages are desired & directed to distribute the same in proportion as above to such of the said persons as are Living. and to those that legally represent them that are dead according as the law directs & for which this shall be your Warrant.  Given under my hand at BoSton the 17th day of December 1711                      J. Dudley  (Reverse) Allowance to persons who were prosecuted for witchcraft  [To Mr Treasurer Taylor By order of the Governor & Council Isa Addington Secrty.]  _____________________________________ Mary Towne was born to William Towne and Joanna (née Blessing) in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. One of eight children, she and her family moved to America around 1640. Mary married Isaac Eastey in 1655 in Topsfield, Massachusetts; Isaac, a farmer, was born in England on November 27, 1627. Together the couple had twelve children: Joseph (1657-1739), Sarah (1660-1749), John (b. 1660), Isaac (1662-1714), Hannah (b. 1667), Benjamin (b. 1669), Samuel (b. 1672), Jacob (b. 1673), Joshua (b. 1678), Jeffrey (b. ca. 1680), Mary, and Abigail. [edit] Accusation and trial Like her sister Rebecca, Mary was a pious and respected member of Salem, and her accusation came as a surprise. During the examination on April 22, 1692, when Eastey clasped her hands together, Mercy Lewis, one of the afflicted, imitated the gesture and claimed to be unable to release her hands until Eastey released her own. Again, when Mary inclined her head, the afflicted girls accused her of trying to break their necks. Mercy claimed that Eastey's specter had climbed into her bed and laid her hand upon her breasts. When asked by magistrates John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin how far she had complied with Satan, she replied, "Sir, I never complyed but prayed against him all my dayes, I have no complyance with Satan, in this....I am clear of this sin.[1]" For reasons unknown, Eastey was released from prison after two months, and discharged on May 18. However, on May 20, Mercy Lewis claimed that Eastey's specter was afflicting her, and was supported by the other girls. A second warrant was issued that night for Eastey's arrest. She was taken from her bed and returned to the prison; Lewis's fits ceased after Mary was chained. Eastey was tried and condemned to death on September 9. The following is Mary's petition to the judges:     The humbl petition of mary Eastick unto his Excellencyes S'r W'm Phipps to the honour'd Judge and Bench now Sitting in Judicature in Salem and the Reverend ministers humbly sheweth     That whereas your poor and humble petitioner being condemned to die Doe humbly begg of you to take it into your Judicious and pious considerations that your Poor and humble petitioner knowing my own Innocencye Blised be the Lord for it and seeing plainly the wiles and subtility of my accusers by my Selfe can not but Judge charitably of others that are going the same way of my selfe if the Lord stepps not mightily in i was confined a whole month upon the same account that I am condemned now for and then cleared by the afflicted persons as some of your honours know and in two dayes time I was cryed out upon by them and have been confined and now am condemned to die the Lord above knows my Innocence then and Likewise does now as att the great day will be know to men and Angells—I Petition to your honours not for my own life for I know I must die and my appointed time is sett but the Lord he knowes it is that if it be possible no more Innocent blood may be shed which undoubtidly cannot be Avoyded In the way and course you goe in I question not but your honours does to the uttmost of your Powers in the discovery and detecting of witchcraft and witches and would not be gulty of Innocent blood for the world but by my own Innocency I know you are in this great work if it be his blessed you that no more Innocent blood be shed I would humbly begg of you that your honors would be plesed to examine theis Afflicted Persons strictly and keep them apart some time and Likewise to try some of these confesing wichis I being confident there is severall of them has belyed themselves and others as will appeare if not in this wor[l]d I am sure in the world to come whither I am now agoing and I Question not but youle see and alteration of thes things they my selfe and others having made a League with the Divel we cannot confesse I know and the Lord knowes as will shortly appeare they belye me and so I Question not but they doe others the Lord above who is the Searcher of all hearts knows that as I shall answer att the Tribunall seat that I know not the least thinge of witchcraft therfore I cannot I dare not belye my own soule I beg your honers not to deny this my humble petition from a poor dying Innocent person and I Question not but the Lord will give a blesing to yor endevers.[2] Robert Calef, in More Wonders of the Invisible World, described Eastey's parting words to her family "as serious, religious, distinct, and affectionate as could be expressed, drawing tears from the eyes of almost all present." She was hanged on September 22, along with Martha Corey, Ann Pudeator, Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Wilmot Redd, Margaret Scott, and Samuel Wardwell. On the gallows she prayed for an end to the witch hunt. In November, after Eastey had been put to death, Mary Herrick gave testimony about Eastey. Herrick testified that she was visited by Eastey who told her she had been put to death wrongfully and was innocent of witchcraft, and that she had come to vindicate her cause. Eastey's family was compensated with 20 pounds from the government in 1711 for her wrongful execution. Her husband Isaac lived until June 11, 1712. [edit] References    1. ^ "Examination of Mary Easty" (HTML). The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Verbatim Transcriptions of the Court Records. Retrieved 2007-12-10.     2. ^ "Petition of Mary Easty" (HTML). The Salem Witchcraft Papers, Verbatim Transcriptions of the Court Records. Retrieved 2007-12-10. 1628 - 1712 Isaac Esty(Easty) 83 83 Settled in Topsfield by 1660. In 1661 he was one of the commoners appointed to share in the Topsfield common land on the south side of Ipswitch river. In 1669, in the casting of lots he was given the 15th share. He was one of the selectman of the town in 1680,82,86 and 88 and juryman of the trials of Ipswitch in 1691 and 96 and chosen grand juryman. 1595 - 1682 Joanna Blessing 87 87 b. abt. 1595 in England m.  25 Apr 1620 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Children: 1. Rebecca Towne  b. 13 Feb 1621/1622 d. 19 Jul 1692. 2. John Towne b. 16 Feb 1622/1623. 3. Susan Towne b. 26 Oct 1625 d. 29 Jul 1630 in St.Nicholas Parish, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England. 4. Edmund Towne b. 22 Jun 1628 d. bef. 3 May 1678. 5. Jacob Towne b. 11 Mar 1631/1632 d. 27 Nov 1704. 6. Mary Towne b. 24 Aug 1634 d. 22 Sep 1692. 7. Sarah Towne b. 1636 d. 1703. 8. Joseph Towne b. 1639 d. 1713. 1598 - 1673 William Towne 75 75 b, 18 Mar 1598/1599 in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England.  Margaret Pett(Pott) (Pote) b. Freston, England m.  29 May 1606 Freston, England Children: 1. Isaac Esty, baptized on 17 Nov 1627 in Freston, England. Married to Mary Towne (1634-1692) c. 1650. Will is dated 11 June 1712, written in Topsfield, MA. Isaac and Mary had 9 children (Isaac Jr., Joseph, Sarah, John, Hannah, Benjamin, Samuel, Jacob, and Joshua). 2. Catherine Esty (no date or place of birth available), married twice, first husband Henry Scudder of Salem (will dated Jan 25, 1661) and second husband Thomas Jones of Huntington, NY (will dated Feb 16, 1669). No record of children from either marriage. 1587 - 1657 Jeffrey Esty 70 70 1570 Ann Denton b. abt 1570 m. 16 Feb 1589 Eng. 1568 Richard Towne b. abt 1568 D. 1854 Mary Fisher Preston m. (1) Buried: in: Cemetary at 385 E Foxboro Rd. Sharon, MA  children: 1. Judith Estey was born on 6 Sep 1808. She died on 3 Nov 1853.          Judith married 1 Elisha Earl on 17 Apr 1831 in Walpole, MA. 2. Jeremiah Estey was born on 21 Jun 1810. 3. Abigail Estey 1 was born on 5 Dec 1811.           Abigail married Warren Capen on 28 Apr 1848 in Stoughton, MA. 4. Hannah Estey was born on 16 Sep 1816 and died on 14 Jun 1845. 5. Elijah Estey was born on 4 Dec 1812. He died on 29 May 1855.                             Elijah married Unknown. 6. Willard Gould Estey was born on 13 Sep 1818. 7. Fanny Estey was born on 4 Mar 1820. She died on 10 Dec 1854.         Fanny married Jesse Gay. 8. Warrren Estey was born on 11 Sep 1821. 9. John Estey was born on 6 Jun 1823. He died on 14 Dec 1823. D. 1623 Anne(An) Arnold b. Chattlsham, England  m. 1 May 1586 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  bur. 31 May 1623 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  Children: 1. Jeffrey Esty  b. 1586/7 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  d. 4 Jan 1657 in: Little Neck, LI, Colony of New York  2. Esty  b. 589  m. George Brett 1615  3. Christopher Estye  b. abt. 1592  m. Mary King  4. George Estye  b. 1594  bap. 10 Dec 1594 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  5. Edmond Estye  b. 1597  bap.18 Oct 1597 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  6.  Elizabeth Estye  bap. 4 Jun 1601 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  7.  Thomas Estye  b. 23 Jun 1605 in: England  d. 1605  1552 - 1621 Christopher Esty 69 69 Children: 1. John Estye  2. Edmond Estye  3. William Estye  4. Thomas Estye  bur. 25 Apr 1609 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  m. Eastie  5. Richard Estye  6. Jeffrey Estye  7. Ann Estye  8. Christopher Estye  b. 552 in: Hintlesham, Suffolk Co., England  d. 7 Nov 1621 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  bur. 10 Nov 1621 in: Freston, Suffolk Co,. England  m. An Arnold d. 26 May 1623  m. 1 May 1586 in: Freston, Suffolk Co., England  1515 - 1592 Jeffrey Esty(Estye) 77 77 b.  England  Some Speculation on the ancestry of the Estey name:  Information recieved from Ralph B. Esty speculates that Jeffrey's father was a Richard son of Richard who died in 1484 in the county of Essex, England. His will made in Kilmedon leaves his property to his son Richard. Further information from Karl Gelpke's book puts Richard's death at June 7, 1484 leaving a wife, Joan, son Richard and two daughters, Joan and Agnes. His will was proved on October 11 that year according to records at the Archdeaconry of Essex.  Speculation on the ancestry of the Estey line has the possibility of Italian roots in the 10th century.  A common story that seems to be told by many people of Estey lineage is that they descend from the House of Este` or Villa d'Este` in Italy. The following is from information sent to me by Ralph B. Esty and the World Book Encyclopedia [Author(s) unknown]:  "THE ITALIAN ESTE FAMILY GENEALOGY  (Este, Estie, Easty, Estey, Esty)  Early History Records from Italy  Este-City of Italy, in the Provence of Padua. It stands on the slopes of the Euannanean Hill, 20 miles south-west of Padua. It is enclosed by medieval walls, has a ruined castle, a cathedral, and two other churches, one with a leaning bell tower. A Roman town, it became the seat of the Este Family in the 10th century, and in 1408 it surrendered to Venice. The House of Este ( Villa d'Este` ), a noble Italian family, ruled in Ferrara.  D'Este; House of Padova, Ferrara, Modena, Reggio. One of the most famous families of Italy. Origin of name, Ateste, the "At" was dropped. The power was given by the Emperor Ottona in the year 981. Their government was spread from Padova to Ferrara, Reggio and Modena. Power ended in 1806 and the last personality of the family was Beatrice, wife of Ferdinando of Austria. She died in 1806. Members of the family were also Dukes of Baviera, and Sassonia. Duke Brunswick York of Cambridge Cumberland. Dukes of Modena, Reggio and Mirandola. They were great warriors and poets. They built the Villa d'Este` in Rome.  I Alberto (Oberto) Azzo II Margrave (b. 996 d. 1097 in Burgundy, France) was the true founder of the Este' family, which took its name from the township and castle of Este. He married Kunegonda, a sister of Welf III, Duke of Carinthia. Welf being without children adopted their son, Welf, as his heir. Alberto married second, Gersende, daughter of Herbert I Count of Maine. They had a son Folco I.  II Family power passed to Folco I (d. ca. 1136)  III Succeeded by Obizzo I (d. 1193). During Obizzo's time the Estensi first acquired political importance through a marriage contract with the Marcheselli family one of the two families who were in contention for power in Ferrara. The Torelli family was the other and for the years to follow were the rivals of Este for control of the city.  IV Azzo VI (1170-1212) Obizzo's grandson was the next to take the seat of Este power and expanded its sphere of influence to include Pope Innocent III, who created him margrave of Ancona. Azzo's early death saw the family power weakened and the Torelli's took advantage of this when Azzo's son Azzo VII was expelled from Ferrara in 1222. In this void Salingguerra Torelli siezed power.  V Azzo VII (1205-1264) regained power in 1240 with an alliance with the Guelph League formed by Pope Gregory IX. At the end of a four month siege of the city it was occupied and Salingguerra Torelli was imprisoned.  VI Obizzo II an illegitimate son of Azzo's son Rinaldo, who died a prisoner of Emperor Frederick of Apulia was the next to recieve power. He was made perpetual lord by the people of Ferrara and also the first of the Este to chosen lord of Modena in 1288 and of Reggionell'Emilia in 1289.  VII Obizzo's son Azzo VIII (d. 1308) caused the family power to fade due to his designs on Parma and Bologna. This drove Modena and Reggio into revolt in 1306 compormising the Este` authority at home and excluding his brothers Aldobrandino and Francesco from all share of power, thereby making them his enemies. Azzo had aligned with the Venetians, the brothers were supported by Pope Clement V, who was overlord of Ferrara. Power was fully returned to the Estensi by 1317 .  VIII Information I have at this point is a little vague, (a possible French side of the family took power here for a time) a Francesco D'Estee.  IX Niccolo III (Nicolas) ( in power 1388-1441) completed the establishment of the Este` Dynasty through wise and prudent rule.  X Leonello d'Este ( in power 1441-1450) d. 1450 was able to devote his time to creating a colorful court and introducing Renaissance culture.  XI Francesco d'Este` in 1434 migrated to Burgundy, France and thence to England. This migration is believed by some to be the beginning of the Estee family in England.  **************** **************** **************** ****************  The following excerpt is from Karl A. Gelpke's book "Esteys of England and America" and gives a convincing argument that the Estey name or derivatives thereof existed in England before the time of Francesco d'Este's migration from Burgandy to England in 1434.  " THE ENGLISH EASTIES  The name Esty ( Easty, Eastie, Eastye, Estye, Eastdye) is not a common one in England, nor is it a very ancient one. It is a geographical surname and refers to those who lived in or came from the East. When more than one person in a village bore the same given name, an additional entry was made in the records to distinguish between them. One such place names were preceded by a preposition as "de, atte, or in", i.e., de Este or East. By the 14th and 15th centuries, these prepositions had been dropped or absorbed into the name.  The geographical position of East Anglia, home of the Esteys, prompts interesting speculation as to the origin of the English Easties, some of whom were blond people. This part of England took the brunt of marauding and invasion by blond savages of Denmark and the Scandinavian countries in the pre-Conquest era. It is also the area where Flemish workers relocated to pursue their textile skills when the royal decrees of Edward III prohibited exportation of unfinished cloth, which previously had been finished in Flanders -- then too, the French Huguenots fled persecution, with many emigrating to East Anglia during the reign of Elizabeth I. They were craftsman and textile workers with notable concentrations in East Anglia, e.g., Colchester in Essex. Franche Comte (Burgundy) where the Esty name was of sufficient importance to warrant a coat of arms (1) is close enough to the Rhine River to encourage emigration to the Netherlands, Flanders, Belgium, and East Anglia by this route, if the forces of economics, politics, or religious persecution were burdensome enough.  It has been suggested that the name is of Italian origin and related to the illustrious and powerful medieval house of d'Este whose family seat was at Este , Venetia, Italy. This ancient town is older than Rome and was established by Ateste after the taking of Troy. The d'Este dynasty was founded by Albert Azzo II in 1097 and flourished until the 17th century. It was renowned as a patron of the arts; Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Mantegna were at one time court painters for the family. The portraits of Isabella and Beatrice d'Este by da Vinci testify to the beauty and nobility of the women of this ancient house. The history of medieval and renaissance Italy saw much of this family, which first reaches prominence in the wars between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. The Guelph cause supported by the d'Este s triumphed and the family glory reached its peak in the 13th century. In the 15th century Leonello (1407-1450) became ruler and reigned wisely and virtuously, the while supporting art and literature. It is Leonello's natural son, Francisco, born 1434, who fled to Burgandy, France and thence to England about 1470, who raised interesting speculation as to the Italian origin of the English Esteys. Similar ideas have been prompted by the presence of Italians in England before Henry III (1216-1272) at which time they operated as tradesmen, merchants, bankers, silk workers, and engineers. In 1290 a serious racial conflict arose between this group and the money-lending class at Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk. The Italian merchants were victorious and the county came under their control and domination.  Any or all of these facts could have contributed to the Eastie name (2) or family, but the documented history of the family commences in Essex and Suffolk Counties in the 14th century, where we find their economic status to be that of yeoman, farmer stock, which in the next several generations, occasionally produced alderman, guild leaders and divines. The successes of Edward III in this century, including victories at Crecy and Poitiers produced the patriotic pride which melted away the lingering jealousy and hatred separating the Normans and Englishmen since the conquest. Now they became a united people and given names originating with both races were used in the same family, e.g. the Esteys used Jeffrey, William Richard (of Norman origin), and Edmund of Anglo-Saxon origin. First names, therefore, are not a useful clue to the Estey genesis but it is interesting to note the complete lack of Italian names .  Early reference is made in England to an Esthy family who lived in Colchester, Essex County about 1300, at the East Hedges. John, who lived at the East Hedges, became John Easthy, later John Easthey (See Colchester Red Book, Gurney). In the Subsidy Return of 1327 for Berghholt, Suffolk (Villat De Bergholte) Johanne Est was taxed 2 shillings 6 pence.  The name Atte Esthey or de Esthy is noted at this time in the Kelvedon, Essex area. Nicholas Esthey was vicar of St. Mary's Dedham, Essex in 1368, thereby preceding Francisco's flight by four generations. Dedham is only 8 miles from Freston/Ipswich/Hintlesham/Woolverstone (Samford Deanery) area, where the yeoman family lived before (and after) the Puritan Migration. Richard (Ricus)Esthey of Kelvedon, Essex County, died there on June 7, 1484, with his will being proved on October 11 of that year (Archdeaconry of Essex). He left his wife, Joan, a son Richard, and two daughters, Joan and Agnes. One Thomas Estey of Alverston, Essex, died on August 26, 1517, leaving a widow, a son William, and other unnamed children. A widow, Agnes Esty, of Southease, Sussex, died there in 1562 (Lewes' Book A - No. 122). Those families later appearing in Kent, Sussex, Suffolk and Cambridge may have come from Essex, for the same given names are used throughout and give a thread of continuity to the procession of generations ( 3 ).  ______________________________________________________________________________  1 Rietstaps General Armory -- blue field with gold lions standing on their rear paws facing each other, with a red cross above them.  2 * The name is not included in the 5 volumes of Gipp's Publication of the Suffolk Institute of Archeology nor in P. Reavey's HISTORY OF ENGLISH FAMILY NAMES. In Robert Surtee's HISTORY OF DURHAM, London, 1840, an Este pedigree is noted and the statement made that George III was a descendant. From C.G. Leland's ETRUSCAN MAGIC AND OCCULT REMEDIES - Esta, connected with light. Greek Dictionary - ESTIA = hearth, fireside, altar. If the name is of Saxon origin, its derivation as follows is suggested: EAST = Esth, Island = Eye.  Burke's GENERAL ARMORY - Estee or Estele (Leicestershire) - a red lyon (rearing) on a silver shield with a silver cinquefoil on its shoulder.  The material marked (*) and the reference to Nicholas Esthey on page 3 supplied by Mrs. Julia Cooley Altrocchi.  3 Mildred Campbell - ENGLISH YEOMAN, page 267, cites an Este viz. Thomas East's (Este) - THE PASSIONS OF THE SPIRIT, 1594. ";  1713 James Randall Roger D. Joslyn, "The Descendants of John Stockbridge," New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., page 133 and following, (1979) "The Genealogical Advertiser", Greenlaw, page 64 (974.05, FHC\SM) "Randall and Allied Families" by Frank Alfred Randall, page 110, Reveret Publishing Co., Chicago, IL 1943(SR)(929.2R188-4 LAPL) 1673 - 1727 Elias Magoon 54 54 b. Scituate, Massachusetts bap. 4 Jul 1675 at the Second Church of Scituate Elias resided in Duxbury Magoon, Magoun, McGoun, d M'Goun, or Magoune 1624 - 1711 Thomas Oldham 86 86 Thomas came on the Elizabeth and Ann in 1635 with his brother. He was a member of the Duxbury Company in b. All Saint's Parish, Derby Aug 1643 with Captain Miles Standish, constable 1691. Thomas Oldham was a householder in Scituate 1650. His house was probably near King's landing Thomas Oldham was a householder in Scituate 1650. His house was probably near King's landing. NN Children: 1. John (ca1623-) 2. Thomas (1624-1712) 1592 - 1636 John Oldham 44 44 b. ca 1592 at Derby, Derbyshire. bap. 14 Jul 1592 at All Saints, Derby, Derbyshire.4  John came to Plymouth in the Anne in 1623 with his wife and sister, Lucretia who married Jonathan Brewster in 1624. John and his associate Lyford were tried and banished in 1625 criticism of the church and Plantation. Later he travelled to Virginia and to England, and returned to New England in 1630. John was a partner with Richard Vines, formerly of London, in the Patent of Saco, Maine in 1629; they engaged in trade along the coast of Maine with Isaac Allerton. John was a resident of Watertown, Massachusetts. On Apr. 1, 1634 he was granted 500 acres of land on the Charles River [Mass. Rec., 1:114]. He was a deputy to the first General Court (1634-5) and a member of the church in Watertown. He was propounded a freeman May 18, 1631. In July, 1636 John embarked on a voyage to Block Island where he planned to engage in some trade with the resident Indians. While on this trip, his vessel was attacked by Pequot Indians and, on July 20, 1636, John was murdered. Two young boys who had accompanied John on his trip were rescued and, although there was no proof, were assumed to be his sons. His brutal death sparked the beginning of the Pequot War and brought about the extinction of that tribe by the following year. The Massachusetts Court appointed a committee to oversee the settlement of his estate on Sept. 6, 1636 1568 Philippa Sowter b. England m. 17 Nov 1588 All Saints Parish, Derby Children: 1. John (ca1592-1636) 2. Mary (ca1599->1634) 3. Lucretia (ca1600-1679) D. 1636 William Ouldham(Oldham) Alice Turner Thomas Sowter 1637 Rebecca Hobart bap.  Dec 1637 at Hingham, Massachusetts Children: 1. (a daughter) (Died young) (1663-) 2. (a child) (Died soon) (1665-1665) 3. James (1666-<1705) 4. John (1668-1739) 5. Hannah (ca1671-) 6. Elias (1673-ca1727) 7. Isaac (1675->1732) 1625 - 1709 John Magoon 84 84 b. abt 1625, Scotland John, a Scotchman, was an early resident of Hing. The chris. name of his w., whom he m. Nov. 7, 1662, was Rebecca. John removed with his fam. ab. 1666, to Scit., where he was a freeholder. In 1673 he was one of those who received a portion of the common land. at his will of 20 May, 1697, proved 27 June, 1712, names w. Rebecca, four sons and one dau."36 John Magoon (early Mc Goun) was a freeholder 1666. He lived in 'the Two mile.' He had also a considerable tract of land on the west side of North river, near Hugh's cross, and Cornet's pond. D. 1648 Anne Plomer m. 2 Jun 1629  at Wymondham, Norfolk Children: 1. Caleb (ca1633-1711) 2. John (1635-) 3. Rebecca (ca1637-ca1709) 4. Joshua (ca1638-1713) 1605 - 1689 Thomas Hobart 84 84 b. 1605/6 at Hingham, Norfolk, Massachusetts bap. 23 Feb 1605/6 at Hingham, Norfolk, Massachusetts Thomas "came from Windham, a village adjoining Old Hingham, to Charlestown in New Eng. 1633, and to our Hing., the same yr. It is doubtful, however, whether he came here to live permanently until 1635. The chris. name of his wl, prob. his 2d wife, was Jane. ... Freeman, 14 May, 1634. Resided on West St. Jane 2nd wife, had 8 children by Jane 1574 - 1634 Margaret Dewey 60 60 b. Wymondham, Norfolk, England 1572 Edmund Hobart b. 1572/3 at Hingham, Norfolk, England bap. 1 Jan Religion: admitted to Charlestown church 19 Oct 1633 From Lincoln's History of the Town of Hingham:36       "Edmund, from Hing. County of Norfolk, Eng., and b. at that parish, ab. 1570, was the ancestor of all who have borne this surname by birth in our Hing. or its vic. He arrived at Charlestown, 1663, and with his s. Thomas, and several others, came to 'Bare Cove,' the same yr. (See Lincoln's History of Hingham, pp. 41 and 156), prob. for the purpose of assisting in establishing a new plantation or township. It is generally thought, howerer, that he did not locate here permanently until the arrival of his s. the Rev. Peter Hobart, and those who came with him. He was one of the early settlers who drew their house-lots on Town (North) St., on the 18th of Sept. 1635; Edmund's lot being the 17th, while Nos. 18 and 19 were granted to two of his sons. His first w., Margaret Dewey, was the mother of his ch. His sec. w., whom he m. at Charlestown, Oct. 10, 1634, whas Mrs. Srarh Lyford, the wid. of Rev. John Lyford. The dates of his, and of his sec. w.'s decease, are recorded in [their son, Peter] Hobart's Diary as foll.: 'March 8, 1646, father Hubbeard dyed.' 'June 23 1649, mother Hobart dyed.' He, therefore, at the time of his decease, was ab. 76 yrs. of age. Resided op. Hobart's Bridge, North St. Freeman, March 4, 1634; constable the same yr.; and in 1639, 1640, and 1642 a deputy to the Great and General Court." Check out the two Hobart genealogies. (1) L. Smith Hobart, William Hobart his Ancestors and Descendants (Springfield, MA, S.G. Otis & Co., 1886), and (2) Margaret Griffith, Hobart Genealogy: The Descendants of Edmund Hobart of Hingham, Mass. (San Francisco, California Genealogical Soc., 1952). Margaret Stasye b. Hingham, Norfolk 1548 - 1600 Robert Dewey 52 52 1552 - 1641 Dorothy Bell 88 88 b. Beaupre, Norfolk, England m. 22 Apr 1570 1553 - 1625 Henry Hobart 72 72 b. abt. 1553 at Plumstead, Norfolk, England 1538 - 1602 Dorothy Beaupre 64 64 b. abt. 1538 Blicking, Norfolk, England 1539 - 1577 Sir Robert Bell 38 38 b. Blicking, Norfolk, England Audrey Hare Children: 1. Henry (ca1553-1625) 2. James (1555-) 1537 - 1600 Thomas Hobart 63 63 b. abt. 1537 at Plumstead 1541 Alice Rugge b. abt. 1541 1515 William Hare b. abt. 1515 NN Check out the Magoun Memorial by Samuel Brock, 1893, Hingham, MA. Children: 1. John (ca1625-ca1708) 2. Henry (ca1635-1684) 3. Jonathan (ca1625-) NN 1692 - 1716 Mercy Stockbridge 24 24 m. 2nd marriage, 19 Dec 1709 Scituate, Massachusetts,  MFF Richard Warren, Vol. 2 by Robert Wakefield pge 104 Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, NEHGS, Boston, 1909, two volumes Children: 1. Samuel (ca1711-) 2. Nehemiah (1711-) 3. James (1713-) May have had a fourth child Nehemiah 1688 - 1745 Capt. Nehemiah Randall 57 57 On 30 Aug 1716 Nehemiah second married Ruth Stetson 1666 - 1716 Abigail Tilden 50 50 b. Scituate, MA m. probably 24 Dec 1689 Scituate, MA MFF page 72 Mayflower Society G72230 Children: 1. Rachel (1690-<1785) 2. Mercy (1692-ca1715) 3. Abigail (1695-<1754) 4. Hannah (1698-1788) 5. Ruth (1700-1784) 6. Experience (1704-1785) 7. Judith (Died young) (1706-1708) 8. Charles (Died soon) (1709-1710) 1663 - 1731 Charles Stockbridge 68 68 b. 4 Feb 1663/4 at Scituate, Massachusetts bur.  Second Church Cem., Norwell. Charles was one of the first selectmen of the new town of Hanover, set off from Scituate in 1727 1637 - 1710 Hannah Little 73 73 b. abt 1637 MFF. page 19 m. 15 Jan 1661 Scituate, Massachusetts MFF page 19 Mayflower Society G72230 Children: 1. Hannah (1662-) 2. Stephen (1663-1727) 3. Abigail (1666-1710) 4. Mary (1668-) 5. Judith (1670-1714) 6. Joseph (1672-1712) 7. Mercy (1674-1743) 8. Ruth (1676-) 9. Isaac (1678-1771) 10. Ephraim (1680->1727) 11. Ebenezer (1682-<1764) 12. David (1685-1756) 1629 - 1711 Stephen Tilden 82 82 b. abt Oct 1629 at Tenterden, Kent. bap.11 Oct 1629 at Tenterden, Ken Mayflower Society G72230 Stephen came in the boat "Hercules" with his family in 3-1634/35 from Sandwich, Kent. Stephen took the oath of fidelity in Scituate in 1657. Stephen and Joseph Tilden, probably his brother, petitioned the Plymouth court June 7, 1653 to lay out a way for them "unto the island commonly called Hatch's Island, and unto the island called Cooper's Island." 1612 - 1676 Anna(From England) Warren 64 64 b. abt 1612 m. 19 Apr 1633  at Plymouth, Massachusetts Mayflower Society G72230 Children: 1. Abigail (ca1635-<1660) 2. Patience (ca1637-1723) 3. Ruth (ca1639->1676) 4. Hannah (ca1641-1710) 5. Mercy (ca1645-1693) 6. Isaac (ca1646-1699) 7. Ephraim (1650-1717) 8. Thomas (<1655-1676) 9. Samuel (ca1656-1707) 1608 - 1671 Thomas Little 63 63 b. abt .1608/1613 at England  bur. 12 Mar 1671 in Marshfield, Massachusetts Mayflower Society G72230 Thomas came from Devonshire, England. Thomas resided in Plymouth in 1632, then removed before 1662 to that part of Marshfield called Littletown, when he was constable of that town in 1662. He was also "Keeper of the Colony of New Plymouth books" 1583 - 1673 Elizabeth Walker 90 90 b. abr.1583 at Baldoc m. probably England prior to 1610, MFF page 1 On 14 Apr 1610 Richard married Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Augustine Walker (-Aug 1614), at Great Amwell, Hertfordshire.114 Born ca 1583 at Baldock, Hertfordshire. Baptized in Sep 1583 at Baldock,  Hertfordshire.114 Elizabeth died at Plymouth, MA, on 2 Oct 1673.3 "Mistris Elizabeth Warren an aged widdow aged above 90 yeares Deceased on the [twenty-] second of October 1673 whoe haveing lived a Godly life Cam to her Grave as a shoke of Corn fully ripe shee was honoralby buried on the 24^th of October aforsaid". Buried on 24 Oct 1673 in Plymouth, MA. Elizabeth arrived at Plymouth July 1623 in the ship "Anne" with her five daughters: Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah, and Abigail. Elizabeth outlived her husband by 45 years. She never remarried, but was allowed to succeed to her husband's rights as "Purchaser." She was honored with the title "Mrs.", as most women were called "Goodwife." For more information on Elizabeth, see Edward J. Davies article "The Marriage of Richard  Warren of the Mayflower" in The American Genealogist 310 (2003): 81-86. Children: 1. Mary (ca1611-1683) 2. Anna (ca1612->1676) 3. Sarah (ca1614->1696) 4. Elizabeth (ca1616-1670) 5. Abigail (ca1618->1693) 6. Nathaniel (1624-~1667) 7. Joseph (ca1626-1689) 1578 - 1628 Richard Warren(Mayflower) 50 50 Society of Mayflower  5G volume 18 pt 2, page104, #403, covers through James Randall and Mayflower Families Through Five Generations, Richard Warren, by Robert S. Wakefield Mayflower Society G72230 Born ca 1578 at England Richard came to America on the Mayflower. He was not one of the Puritans fleeing religious persecution for Leyden Holland, but rather was one of the "strangers" picked up in London by the ship (the "strangers", over 30 men and families, comprised more than half the Mayflower passengers). The Mayflower, having departed Plymouth, England, on 6 September 1620, landed in America later that year. Richard's wife and five daughters came later aboard the Anne in 1623. He was not one of the Leyden, Holland Pilgrims, but instead had been a merchant at Greenwich, county of Kent, England. He joined the Pilgrims in Southampton and, upon their landing at Plymouth, was one of ten men chosen to be in the exploring party, and was one of those surprised by the Indians in "The First Encounter". Though Warren appears to have been all but excluded from some Pilgrim histories such as Bradford's, it appears he was among the more important and accomplished of the Pilgrims. Richard was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact, the first establishment of civil government in America. He was given the prefix "Mr.", or Master, by Governor William Bradford, which indicates one of high birth or achievement. He may have had a period of illness before his death in 1628. Even so, he appears as a leader of one of twelve groups formed to own cattle in 1627. In that same year, he is listed as one of the 58 sole proprietors of land in Plymouth Colony. See Robert S. Wakefield's Mayflower families in Progress, Richard Warren of the Mayflower and his descendants for four generations, 1991 1714 Ruth Magoon m. 15 Jun 1737, "Early Massachusetts Marriages Prior to 1800", Middlesex, Hampshire, Berkshire and Bristol, Plymouth County Marriages 1692-1746, Bristol County(SCGS) "Marriages in the Town of Pembroke From 1724-1738", page 23 Roger D. Joslyn, "The Descendants of John Stockbridge," New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., 133 and following, (1979) "Early Massachusetts Marriages Prior to 1800" by Frederick W. Bailey Children: 1. Ruth (1738-) 2. Mercy (1740->1812) 3. Lydia (1744-) 4. Nabby (1749-) 5. Betty (1753-1799) 1635 - 1710 Mary Witherell 75 75 Children: 1. Mary (1658-) 2. Thomas (1660-~1734) 3. Sarah (Died young) (ca1662-) 4. Hannah (1665-1727) 5. Grace (1667-) 6. Isaac (1669-ca1736) 7. Sarah (1671-1753) 8. Ruth (1674-) 9. Elizabeth (1677-1747) 10. Lydia (1679-) 1604 Mary Fisher b. Boughton-Monchelse, Kent, England m. 26 Mar 1627 St Mildred's Cathedral, Canterbury, England Children: 1. Samuel (ca1628-1683) 2. Daniel (1630-1719) 3. Thomas (ca1633-) 4. Mary (1635-1710) 5. Theophilus (ca1638-1702) 6. Elizabeth (ca1640-1661) 7. John (ca1642-1691) 8. Sarah (1644-1731) 9. Hannah (Died young) (1646-) 1600 - 1684 Rev. William Witherell 84 84 b. abt. 1600 Witherell, also spelled Weatherwell or Witherle. In England William was a schoolmaster in Maidstone, Kent, England, having received his baccalaureate degree from Bennet (Corpus Christi) College, Cambridge University in Jan., 1623 and his A. m. at 1626. In New England he taught grammar school in Charlestown, MA in 1636. He preached for a time in Duxbury, and in Sept., 1644 became minister of the church in Scituate, MA; sworn a freeman June 1, 1658 William "was the first pastor of the Second Church in Scituate. He came in the ship Hercules of Sandwich, 200 tons, John Witherly, master, from Maidstone, England, with his wife Mary, three children and one servant, on certificates dated Mar. 1634. He had formerly resided in Sollolk. His house stood a few rods southeast of the meeting house, which was 'fifty rods east of Stony Cove Brook,' on the crest of Wilson Hill, and was his residence during the thirty-0nine years of his ministry. He died in 1684. Persons from neighboring towns brought their children to him for baptism, probably because their own ministers were opposed to infant sprinkling. Among them were the families of Rogers of Marshfield, Nathaniel and Josiah Winslow (the Governor), and Kenhelm Winslow (Governor Edward Winslow's brother) from Yarmouth."6 On 26 Mar 1627 William married Mary Fisher, daughter of Thomas Fisher (19 Nov 1564-2 Apr 1608) & Joan Lake (20 Dec 1576-), at St Mildred's Cathedral, Canterbury. Born on 17 Apr 1604 at Boughton-Monchelse, Kent. Mary died at Scituate, MA, bef 26 Mar 1684. 1576 Joan Lake 1564 - 1608 Thomas Fisher 43 43 1674 Ruth Oldham b. Scituate, Massachusetts bap. 18 Aug 1678 at the Second Church of Scituate Children: 1. Nathaniel (1713->1727) 2. Ruth (1714-) 3. Recompense (1716-1802) 1740 - 1812 Mercy(Mary) Randall 72 72 m. Mercy and Jesse Lapham of Scituate, Nov. 15, 1762.* [Randal, Nov. 25, P.R.191.]" (Pembroke VR 335) * - Intention not recorded P.R.191. - private record, from a copy of marriages by Rev. Thomas Smith, now in the possession of the New England Historic Genealogical Society Children: 1. Mercy (1763-1810) 2. Jesse (1767-) 3. Ruth 4. Charles (1769-) 5. James Randall (1772-1795) by  Jan Oldham, "Magoon On-Line Database," Dec 2002 6. Betsey (1775-) 7. Lydia Lincoln (1777-1846) 8. Prince (ca1781-1838) 9. Nathaniel (1783-1842) 1735 Jesse Lapham b. abt. 1735 at prob. Marshfield, MA. Jesse was of Scituate when he married Mercy 1795 - 1848 Lydia Lewis 53 53 m. 15 Jun 1815 Marshfield, Massachusetts, "History of Marshfield" by Lysander Salmon Richards Volume ll, 1905 page 182 Children 1. Lydia Sprague  b. 10 SEP 1816  Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts 2. Mary Sprague b.16 MAR 1819  Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts     3. Betsy T. Sprague b. About 1822 Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts 4. Edward Sprague b.  19 JAN 1824  Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts           d. 02 JUL 1903       5. Rebecca S. Sprague  Birth:      30 JAN 1826      Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts 6. Susan Sprague b. 27 MAY 1828  Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts 7. Buelah Sprague     b. 06 NOV 1832  Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts 1792 - 1842 Luther Sprague 49 49 of Marshfield and Boston, Massachusetts, "Sprague Genealogy" 1763 - 1810 Mercy Lapham 46 46 m. 4 Oct 1785, Vital Records of Marshfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 by Robert M. and Ruth Wilder Sherman, 1969, page 176, 73-85851 Marriage Intention published 26 Sept 1785, Vital Records of Marshfield, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 by Robert M. and Ruth Wilder Sherman, 1969, page 126, 73-85851 Children: 1. Mercy (1790-) 2. Lydia (1795-1848) 1761 - 1841 Bela Lewis 79 79 1722 Lydia Rogers b.  Marshfield, MA m. 1 Dec 1743  Children: 1. Lydia (1744-) 2. Achsah (1747-) 3. James (1750-) 4. Calvin (ca1752-) 5. Luther (ca1755-) 6. Joseph (ca1758-) 7. Bela (ca1761-1841) 1712 - 1785 James Lewis 73 73 b. Hingham, Massachusetts 1785. Education: Harvard 1731 1681 - 1718 Sarah Marsh 36 36 Children: 1. Sarah (1703-1781) 2. Joseph (1705-1786) 3. Thomas (1707-1787) 4. Paul (1710-1785) 5. James (1712-1785) 6. Jonathan (1714-1764) 7. Mary (1717-1746) 1676 - 1767 Joseph Lewis 91 91 b. Barnstable, Massachusetts 1638 - 1697 Sarah Lane 59 59 m. 17 Nov 1682 Children: 1. John (1683-1754) 2. Daniel (1685-1753) 3. Hannah (1688-) 4. Sarah (1690-1727) 5. Susanna (Died soon) (1692-1693) 6. Rachel (1694-) 7. Susanna (1697-) 8. Mary (Died early) (1700-1703) 9. Isaiah (1703-1786) ~1632 - 1713 Lieut. James Lewis 81 81 ca 1632 at England James, selectman of Barnstable in 1660 and subsequently 1600 Mary Doggett b. abt. Sep 1600 Horsmonden, Kent bap. 21 Sep 1600 at Horsmonden, Kent m. 1 Nov 1624 Horsmonden, Kent. Children: 1. Mary (ca1625-1665) 2. George (ca1627-) 3. Thomas (ca1630-1709) 4. James (ca1632-1713) 5. John (1638-1676) 6. Edward (ca1634-1703) 7. Ephraim (1641->1663) 8. Sarah (1644-1735) 1600 - 1662 George Lewis 62 62 b. abt. Aug 1600 at Brenchley, Kent bap. 31 Aug 1600 Brenchley, Kent Religion: joined Rev. John Lothrop's church in Scituate, 20 Sep 1635 George, freeman of Plymouth Colony on 3 Jan 1637 [Plym. Col. Rec., 1:48], moved to Barnstable by 1641, lived at times in Plymouth and Scituate, MA. George was among those freemen of Scituate granted land on Jan. 1, 1638, provided that they erect a ferry over the North River [Plym. Col. Rec., 1:72-3]. He was one of those Barnstable townsmen found fit to bear arms in Aug., 1643 [Plym. Col. Rec., 8:193].       "George Lewis (clothier) was one of those dismissed from Plymouth Church in 1634, 'in case they join in a body at Scituate.' He had lands here [Scituate] in 1633. His house lot was on Kent street, the first south of Meeting-house lane. He came from East Greenwich in Kent. He married Sarah Jenkins in England, sister of Edward Jenkins. There is no regular record of his children: some having been born in England, others in Plymouth, others in Scituate, and two in Barnstable."5 Check out Barbara Lewis Williams' book 400 years with a New England Lewes/Lewis Family, published in 1990 by Gateway Press, Baltimore. 1579 Dennis Forman b. abt. 1579 at England bap. 15 Aug 1579 at Brenchley, Kent m. 24 May 1596 Brenchley, Kent Children: 1. Margery (ca1597-1618) 2. George (ca1600-ca1662) 3. James (ca1603-) 4. John (ca1606-) 5. Elizabeth (ca1613-) 1575 - 1631 George Lewis 56 56 bur.  11 Jul 1631 in Brenchley, Kent as per Robert S. Wakefield, "George and John Lewis of Brenchley, Kent, England, and Scituate, Massachusetts," The American Genealogist, 68, 1993, 24-28 ~1624 - 1695 Sarah Harris 71 71 bap.13 Mar 1624/5 at Honiton, Devonshire m. Oct 1655 Barnstable, Massachusetts Children: 1. Sarah (ca1638-1698) 2. Hannah (ca1638-<1688) 3. Josiah (ca1641-1714) 4. Susanna (ca1644-) 5. Elizabeth (1646-) 6. Ebenezer (ca1650-1726) 7. Mary (1653-) 8. Peter (1656-1711) 1613 - 1689 George Lane 76 76 b. abt. 1613 "George was one of the early planters of Hing., and at the first distribution of land on Town (North) St., Sept. 18, 1635, a house-lot of five acres was granted to him. He also had a grant of ten acres at 'Nutty Hill,' and thirteen shares in the common lands. He d. 11 Jun3, 1689. Will proved 20 Aug. foll. "Shoemaker." Selectman in 1669 and 1678. Resided on North, near Beal St."36 (Although it has been stated that the father of the John Lane who married Mehitable Hobart of Hingham was either George or Andrew Lane of Hingham, Ellen Jeanette Lane showed in her article "Parentage of John Lane of Hingham and Norton, Mass." New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg. 83 (1929): 466-467, that John was the son of William and Mary (Kelloway) of Boston.) George married Sarah Harris (1371) , daughter of Walter Harris (453) (1590s-6 Nov 1654) & Mary Frye (-24 Jan 1655[/6]). Born ca 1624 at Honiton, Devonshire. Baptized on 13 Mar 1624[/5] at Honiton, Devonshire. Sarah died at Hingham, MA, on 26 Mar 1694/5.36 Although it has been stated that George and Sarah had a son John Lane who married Mehitable Hobart, Ellen Jeanette Lane showed in her article "Parentage of John Lane of Hingham and Norton, Mass." New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg. 83 (1929): 466-467, that John was the son of William and Mary (Kelloway) of Boston. D. 1671 Agnes Farnsworth Children: 1. Elizabeth (ca1606-) 2. Annes (ca1606-1683) 3. Mary (ca1608-1671) 4. William (ca1608-) 5. Andrew (1610-1675) 6. George (ca1613-1689) 7. Sarah (ca1614-1695) 1580 - 1654 William Lane 74 74 b. aby 1580 at Henlow, Bedfordshire From Lincoln's History of the Town of Hingham:36       "William, the ancestor of all who have borne this surname in Hingham and vicinity by birth, was probably from the western part of England, where, according to tradition, one or more of his daughters was married. The precise date at which he came to New England is unknown. It is certain, however, that he was a residnet of Dorchester as early as 1635, and probably a widower, as no mention is made of his wife either upon Dorchester or Hingham records. The following parcels of land were granted to him at Dorchester, in 1637, viz.: 'Jan. 2. It is ordered that Good: Lane shall haue one acre [at] the little neck towards the harbor.' On the 18th of March following, he had two additional grants of between six and seven acres; and at his decease he bequeathed to daughter Mary Long 'my great lot' of about 24 acres. He also bequeathed to Thomas Rider 'my Sonne in Law' and daughter Elizabeth his wife 'my new dwelling-house' in Dorchester with all the outhousing, gardens, etc. Also to his sons and sons in law, a specified sum to each, in silver. He died about 1654. His will, proved 6 July of that year, mentions two sons and four daughters, all probably born in England." D. 1656 Mary Frye Children: 1. Mary (Died young) (ca1621-) 2. Sarah (ca1624-1695) 3. Mary (ca1627-) 4. Gabriel (ca1629-1684) 5. Elizabeth (ca1631-1723) 6. Susanna (ca1634-<1656) 7. Thomas (ca1636-) 1590 - 1654 Walter Harris 64 64 b. 1590's Gale Ion Harris, "Walter and Mary (Fry) Harris of New London, Connecticut," New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., 156 (2002): 145-158, 262-279, 357-372, 392 1650 - 1738 Sarah Lincoln 87 87 b. Hingham, Massachusetts m. 6 May 1675 Children: 1. Thomas (1676-1726) 2. Caleb (1678-1763) 3. Sarah (1681-1718) 4. Mary (1684-1781) 5. John (Died soon) (1686-1686) 6. Jonathan (Died soon) (1688-1688) 7. Jonathan (1689-) 1651 - 1725 Thomas Marsh 73 73 Thomas was selectman in 1692, 1696, 1709, and 1710. he resided on the paternal homestead, North St 1625 - 1710 Sarah Beal 85 85 b. abt.  1625 at Hingham, Norfolk m. 22 Mar 1648/9 Children: 1. Sarah (1649-1726) 2. Thomas (1651-1725) 3. John (Died soon) (1654-1654) 4. Ephraim (1655-1715) 5. Mary (1658-) D. 1658 Thomas March Hingham, MA. resided on the paternal homestead, North St. His will was dated three days prior to his decease D. 1677 Elizabeth NN It has been suggested that Elizabeth was the daughter of William Key. Elizabeth married second Richard Bowen Children: 1. Thomas (-1658) 2. Onesephorus (ca1633-1713) 3. Elizabeth 4. Mary D. 1647 George Marsh From Lincoln's History of the Town of Hingham:36       "George, probably from old Hingham or some of the adjoining parishes in Norfolk County, England, came to New England, and settled in our Hingham with Rev. Peter Hobart and his comopany, 1635. On the 18th of Sept. of that year he drew a house-lot on Town (North) St., which was bounded and described in the town's first book of grants as follows: 'Given unto George marsh for a house-lot, five acres of land bounded by Richard Osborn, eastward; with the highway leading to Squirrel Hill, westwaard; with the Town Street, southward,' etc. But little is known concerning his active life or family history. Tradition, however, says that he was descended from the marshes in England, who trace back their ancestry more than two hundred years before America was first settled; and that before they came into england the surname was spelled 'Marisco.' The christian name of his wife was Elizabeth. She survived him, and married secondly, Nov. 1748, Richard Bowen. George was made 'freeman' 3 March, 1636, and was one of the selectmen, 1645. He d. 2 July, 1647. Will made on the day of his death." GEORGE, Hingham 1635, freem. 3 Mar. 1636, d. 2 July 1647, w. Elizabeth surv. His will, made tbe same day, provides for her, s. Thomas and Onesiphorus, ds. Elizabeth Turner, and Mary Page. Rev. John, of Wethersfield, H. C. 1761, S. T. D. was a descend.2 George married Elizabeth [Marsh]. Elizabeth died at Hingham, MA, on 11 Jan 1676/7 NN 1588 John Beal b. abt 1588 1620 - 1694 Margaret Langer 74 74 b. 1620 Children: 1. Caleb (Died soon) (1643-<1645) 2. Joshua (Twin) (ca1645-1694) 3. Caleb (Twin) (ca1645-1715)     6165     iv.     Susanna (1646-1730)     6166     v.     Mary (1648-)     6167     vi.     Sarah (1650-1738)     6168     vii.     Thomas (1652-1698)     6169     viii.     Daniel (Died young) (1654-1670)     6170     ix.     Elizabeth (1656-1741)     6171     x.     Ephraim (Died soon) (1659-1660)     6172     xi.     Ruth (1662-1751) 1622 - 1692 Thomas "husbandman" Lincoln 69 69 b.   Wymondham, Norfolk, Eng. Thomas "husbandman" died at .36 Occupation: husbandman. "Thomas, styled 'the husbandman,' and bro. of Stephen Lincoln, came from Wymondham in the County of Norfolk, Eng., and settled in our Hing. in the autumn of 1638. His name frequently occurs upon the early rec's of the town, and in every instance he is distinguished from the other Thomases by his occupation. His conveyances and titles to property acquired either by grant or purchase, also afford evidence of his vocation in life. None of his descendants bearing the surname in the male line reside in Hing. at the present [1923] time. They are, however, quite numerous throughout New Englane, and not difficult to connect with those who removed into Worcester County, and to the State of Maine."36 Thomas "resided on Fort Hill St., "on the upland by the highway side going to Weymouth mill. Joan NN Children: 1. Thomas "husbandman" (1622-1692) 2. Stephen (-1658) 1590 Stephen Lincoln b. abt. 1590 at Windham, Norfolk, Eng 1699 - 1766 Lydia Hatch 67 67 b. Scituate, Massachusetts bap. 8 Jun 1712 at the Second Church of Scituate 1690 - 1763 Timothy Rogers 73 73 b. abt. 1690 at Marshfield, MA.  Timothy, of Marshfield. His will was dated 3 Jan 1733/4, and probated 27 Dec 1763 1650 - 1728 Eunice Stetson 78 78 b.  at Scituate, Massachusetts Children: 1. Samuel (ca1670-1747) 2. Lois (ca1671-) 3. Bethiah (ca1674-) 4. Timothy (Died young) (ca1674-) 5. John (ca1675-1762) 6. Eunice (ca1677-) 7. Hannah (ca1682-1740) 8. Mary (ca1689-<1727) 9. Timothy (ca1690-1763) 10. Honor (ca1691-) 1650 - 1728 Timothy Rogers 78 78 b. Scituate, Massachusetts bap.19 May 1650  1612 - 1687 Frances Watson 75 75 b. abt. 1612 at London, England Children: 1. John (ca1631-1718) 2. Joseph (ca1632-1716) 3. [———] 4. Ann (ca1636-ca1712) 5. Mary 6. Abigail (ca1658-) 7. Timothy (1650-1728) 1595 - 1661 John Rogers 66 66 b. abt 1595 at England bur. 1661 in Wanton-Rogers burying ground (Norwell) From Deane's History of Scituate:5       "John Rogers came into Scituate with Rev. Mr. Witherell 1644, and from hence we conjecture that he was a descendant of the Martyr of Smithfield. Family tradition also asserts the same. .... His farm in Scituate was a half mile south of Stockbridge's mill (now [1831] James Briggs's, alias Clerk Briggs's)." (Deane confused John with another John Rogers who married Ann Churchman.) "John Roigers came into Scituate with the Rev. William Wetherell in 1644. He lived for a time in Scituate, but removed to the Marshfield side of North River in 1647."6 It is said that he sailed from London to Barbados in 1635; the ship lof of Falcon lists Rogers Jo-- age 34.102 Check out John Rogers of Marshfield and some of his Descendants, by Josiah H. Drummond, West Hanover, Mass.: R.B. Ellis, 1898, 192 pgs. John Roger's will was dated 1 Feb 1660, probated 5 Jun 1661. It mentions his wife Frances; his sons John, Joseph, and Timothy; his daughters Ann Hudson, Mary, and Abigail; and his grandchildren George and John Russell; wife Frances executrix. Elizabeth NN Robert Watson 1612 - 1684 Honor Tucker 72 72 b. abt. 1612 at Plymouth, England. bap. 1612 at St Andrew's Church, Plymouth Children: 1. Urith (ca1636-) 2. Joseph (1639-1724) 3. Benjamin (1641-1711) 4. Thomas (1644-1729) 5. Samuel (1646->1722) 6. John (1648-1690) 7. Eunice (1650-1728) 8. Lois (Died young) (1652-1660) 9. Robert (1654->1737) 10. Timothy (ca1657-) 1615 - 1703 Cornet Robert Stetson 88 88 b. abt. 1615 at Devonshire, England. bap. 18 Jun 1615 at Modbury, Devonshire From Deane's History of Scituate:5       "Cornet Robert Stetson received a grant of a considerable tract of land 1634, from the Colony Court, on the North River, which constituted his farm. His house was on a beautiful plain near the river. An unfailing and valuable spring, out of which eight generations of the family have been supplied, marks the spot. 'Cornet's Rocks,' in the river east of his farm, are well known to those who navigate the river. He was posessed of considerable wealth, an enterprising and valuable man in th plantation, a deputy to Court, a Cornet of the first light horse corps raised in the Colony, a member of the Council of war, a Colony commissioner for selling the patent line–in short, he lived long and left a good name at last. ... In 1660, and several years subsequent, 'Cornet Stetson was Commissioner to act for the country in all matters relating to the trade at Kennebec.' Also, 1665, for his services he had granted to him '200 acres south of Mr. Hathaerly's grant, above Accord pond.' Colony Record" Robert was a man of great public spirit, cornet of the first body of horse in Plymouth Colony, was representative 1654-1662, and often afterwards in 1664 a commissioner for settlement of bounds between the Colonies of massachusetts and Plymouth. In this perilous time, of the counil of war, befrore and after the great dangers of Philip's holtility during which his service was active.2 Since Robert & Honor's daughter Urith was baptized in England in 1636, they probably did not arrive in New England before then. Robert was appointed one of Scituate's two constables on 7 Mar 1643, so he probably arrived by 1642.246 Check out The Descendants of Cornet Robert Stetson of Scituate, Mass. by Oscar Frank Stetson. D. 1626 Urith NN John Tucker Argent Lukesmore m. 3 Mar 1604/5  Modbury, Devonshire Thomas Stitson 1668 - 1733 Elizabeth Hatch 65 65 b. Scituate, MA bap. 9 Sep 1683 at the Second Church of Scituate Israel and Elizabeth were second cousins; his paternal grandfather, William Hatch, and her paternal grandfather, Thomas Hatch, were brothers. m. 27 Jul 1699 Children: 1. Lydia (1699-1766) 2. Israel (1701-1772) 3. Elizabeth (1703-1788) 4. David (1707-1772) 5. Jonathan (1709-1775) 1667 - 1740 Israel Hatch 73 73 b.  Scituate, Massachusetts 1631 - 1674 Elizabeth Holbrook 43 43 See duplicate entry b. abt. 631 at Glastonbury, Somerset, England m. 6 May 1650 bap.13 Feb 1631 at St Johns, Glastonbury, Somerset Children: 1. Hannah (1651-<1699) 2. Samuel (1653-ca1734) 3. Jane (1656-1744) 4. Antipas (1658-1705) 5. Bethia (1661-1728) 6. John (1664-1737) 7. Israel (1667-1740) 8. Joseph (1669-1749) 1623 - 1699 Walter Hatch 76 76 b. abt. 1623 at England Walter bore arms 1643. He settled on a point of land northeast of Stoney cove, and southeast of the second Society's Meetinghouse He built the corn and fulling mills in the Two Mile (for his sons). He was killed by lightning in a stable. Walter settled in the part of Scituate, called "The Two Miles", which was joined to Marshfield in 1788; and built his house there. He was constable of Scituate. In 1652 George Russell was fined £3 for abusing the constable of Scituate in the execution of his office. In 1654/5 William and Elizabeth Randall were presented for abusing the constabler of Scituate, Walter Hatch, who, "when he strained for teh magistrates table, [the] wife tore the destresse out of his hand, and hurt his had soe as blood was sheed." Walter made one will in 1681/2 which was never proved; for after his will was made his son, Antipas, became of unsound mind, and Walter made a new will 3 Mar 1682, providing for the maintenance of Antipas, but leaving to his brothers the land formerly intended for him. Will abstract: [1: 335-338: OS Docket #9,609 contains the will and inventory.] The will of Walter Hatch, late of Scituate, provided for his wife, Mary and made bequests to his sons, Samuel (eldest), John (executor), Israel (executor), Antipas (to be cared for by John and Israel), and Joseph (youngest): daughters, Jane Sherman, and Bethyah Ford. He also made a bequest to "all my grandchildren that are born before my death." Wit: Thomas Ouldham, Joseph Lapham and Samuel Lapham (each of whom signed by a mark). The inventory was taken 1 April 1701 by Josiah Holmes, Thomas Macomber and Israel Hatch. Oath was taken by John and Israel Hatch on 2 April 1701 He married a second wife On 1 Aug 1674 Walter second married Mary Stable, at Marshfield, MA 1596 - 1653 Jane Young 57 57  b. 1596 at England m.  Jul 1624 (lic.) Canterbury lived in Thanington, Kent, England She married first William Hatch, second Thomas King. Children: 1. Walter (ca1623-1699) 2. John (ca1625-<1651) 3. Anne (ca1626-ca1697) 4. (infant son) (Died soon) (1628-1628) 5. William (ca1629-ca1654) 6. Jane (ca1631-) 7. Andrew (Died soon) (ca1633-1633) 1598 - 1651 Eld. William Hatch 53 53 b. Ashford, Kent, England       William, perhaps in Scituate in 1633, but if so, he went home, and in 1635 brought in the Hercules from Sandwich, Kent, his wife Jane, five children and six servants. He was first ruling elder of the Second Church, founded in 1644 for William Witherell, after long agitations following the removval of Lathrop to Barnstable.2       "Elder William Hatch settled in Kent street 1634. His house lot was the first south of Greenfield lane. He was the firest ruling elder of the second Chruch, 1643. He was an active and useful man in the settlement of the Town. His children probably were born in England."5 (Probably Deane was wrong in claiming William settled in Scituate as early as 1634.)       "About 1634 William Hatch and his family removed from Wye to Sandwich, co. Kent. The statement that he was at Scituate in the Plymouth colony in 1633 is incorrect, and is due to the assumption that the date after the names of the assistants in the records applied to all the names following. He embarked for America for the first time in Mar. 1634/5, sailing from Sandwich in the ship Hercules with his wife Jane, five children, and six servants. In the same ship sailed his cousin, Lydia (Huckstep) Tilden (7,i,7), with her husband, Nathaniel tilden, and their children. William hatch and his family settled at Scituate, where he built a house on Kent Street and was admitted freeman on 5 Jan. 1635/6. he returned to England, but came back to new England in Apr. 1638, in the ship Castle. It is probable that his brother Thomas with his wife and children and his sister Elizabeth Soan with her son William came with him on this voyage. In 1643 William hatch was chosen the first ruling elder of the Second Church of Scituate, and in august of that year he with his sons Walter and John appears on the list of those in scituate able to bear arms (that is, they were between 16 and 60 years of age). In the same year also he was lieutenanat of the trainband. 1570 - 1630 Ann Tilden 59 59 b. abt. Nov 1570 at Kent, England. bap. 5 Nov 1570 at St Mildreds, Kent Children: 1. John (ca1594-) 2. Thomas (ca1596-<1646) 3. William (1598-1651) 4. Judith (ca1602->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1605-ca1651) 6. Margaret (ca1604->1628) 7. Mary (ca1606-) 8. (a son) (ca1609-<1629) 9. Anne (ca1612-) 1563 - 1611 William Hatch 48 48 b. abt. 1563 at Tenterden, Kent. bap. 9 Dec 1563 at Tenterden, Kent William, of Sellinge, Kent, England. Joanne NN m. abt. 1552  Children: 1. Winifred (ca1553-1592) 2. John (ca1555-1629) 3. Katharine (ca1557-<1628) 4. Eleanor (ca1559->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1561-) 6. William (ca1563->1611) 7. Thomas (ca1565-ca1612) 1525 - 1568 Thomas Hatche 43 43 cab. abt. 1525 1545 - 1615 Patience Casslen 70 70 b. abt 1545 at England bur. 23 Nov 1615 in Tenterdon, Kent. Children: 1.Ann (ca1570->1630) 2. Rachel (-1573) 3. Richard 4. George (ca1573-1605) 5. Elizabeth (ca1576-) 6. Judith (ca1578-) 7. Samuel (ca1580-1624) 8. John (ca1582-) 9. David (ca1584-) 10. (infant child) (Died soon) (1587-1587) 11. Jonathan (ca1588-) 1543 - 1626 John Tilden 83 83 b.  bef 1543 at England bur. Jan 19 1625/6 in Tenterdon, Kent 1515 - 1585 Elizabeth Glover 70 70 b. ca 1515 Children: 1. Julyan (ca1548-) 2. Agnes (ca1550-) 3. Thomasen (ca1552-) 4. Mary (Died young) (1556-) 5. Thomas (<1541-1617) 6. John (<1543-1626) 7. Catherine (1554-) 8. Alice (Died soon) (1559-1560) 9. Mary (1561-) 1520 - 1565 Richard Tilden 45 45 b. Beneden, Kent, England. Obituary: The Will of Richard Tylden of Tenterden in the County of Kente, yeoman, 22 January 1565/6. My body to be buried in the parish where I die. To the poor people of Tenterden. To my wife Elizabeth half of my household stuff, and various articles, including barley due me from Wyllyam Gerrys, live stock, all woolen cloth not made into garments, and angle noble, a double ducat, and 20s. The residue of my household stuff to my four daughters, Julyan, Agnes, Thomasen, and Mary Tylden, equally divided, and to each 30 pounds at marriage of age of twenty years. To servant John Mills 30 pounds in satisfaction of an account between him and me, and a cloak. To son John Tylden four pairs of hose, two coats, one of marbyll and another of russet, two hats, two new leather jerkins, a dublet of chamblett, and my white dublet. To Thomas Tylden my son a coat to be had of Peter Peyrs, my next best hat and a pair of hose. To Richard Adams of Benynden a coat dublet and a pair of hose of Winchester russet. To Richard Peyris's widow. To Thomas Berry. To George Pellond. To Henry Meryote, Mother Crotholl, and John Ilverd. To my servant Richard Cheseman. To Richard Peyrs, son of Richard Peyrs of Tenterden deceased, Myldren Pyers, and Thomas Berry son of Thomas Berry. The residue of my moveable goods to son John Tylden, and I make him and Walter Bygge of Tenterden, tailor, my executors; my son not to meddle in the execution of my testament until he come to the age of four and twenty years, except it fortune Walter Bygge to die. If son Jone die before that age, son Thomas to have his legacy and take his place as executor. If both sons die before said age, then to my daughters. To Walter Bygge for his pains 20s. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerk and curate of Tenterden, Robert Ashenden, Wyllyam Marden yonger, and Peter Pyerse. This is my last will concerning my lands in Tenterden and Benynden. My wife Elizabeth to have during her widowhood the occupation of my parlor and buttery adjoining, two chambers over them, and the garret loft over, the buttery next the hall door, with use of bakehouse, brewhouse, malt house, the head of my barn called the tan house, east garden, and water (rights ???) of the pits or ponds. Also I give her eight loads of wood and two hundred faggots. My garden called new garden and fve pieces of land or wood containing twenty acres at the back side of my messuage in Tenterden, and three other pieces called pigge holes, containing seventeen acres of land and wood,to my wife until my son John Tilden shal1 accomplish the age of four and twenty years, if she remain my widow so long, and not else. Son John to have the said lands at the said age and pay to my wife 6 pounds 13s. 4d. a year during her life. I give to my wife toward the keeping of my children 6 pounds to be paid out of my lands in Tenterden until my youngest child come to the age of twelve years, and if she die before that time, then Walter Bygg my executor to have the bringing up of my children. To Thomas Tilden my son all my lands and tenements in the parish of benynden, when he shall accomplish the age of four and twenty years. My executor to take the residue of aU profits of my lands and tenements in Tenterden and Benynden until my son John come to his said age toward the performance of my will and paying my debts, and when son John accomplish the said age, then he to receive all the profits of the foresaid lands in Tenterden and Benynden before willed to Thomas Tilden until the said Thomas accomplish his said age, and the Johm to pay to Thomas 50 pounds. My executors shall take own and sell the long houses along the street of my tenement in Benynden, and make a pale and gate for the passage into said tenement, and build a barn there at my house where it stood before thirty-six feet by twenty feet. If either of my two sons die before the age of four and twenty years without lawful issue, the survivor shal1 pay to my daughters then living 20 pounds apiece. If all my children die without lawful issue, then the said lands and tenements in Tenterden to John Mills and his heirs, and my lands and tenements in Benynden as follows: to my brother-in-law Thomas Glouer of Benynden two pieces of land called Barnfild and Oxenlease lying betwwen a lane ther and his house, and the residue of my lands and tenements in Benynden to the relief of the poor of Tenterden and Benynden, to be letten and the profits distributed by the church wardens. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerke, Curate of Tenterden, Robert Asshenden, William Mardin yonger and Peter Pyers. Proven 15 May 1566 by Walter Bygge, on of the executors named in the will, with power reserved to grant a like probate of John Tilden the other executor names, at the age limited in the will. (Archdeaconry of Cantebury, Vol. 39, fo. 169)" (English Origins of New England Families, publised by NEGHS.) Thomasine Hand Thomas Glover 1637 - 1716 Mary Hewes 79 79 b. abt. 1637 1626 Jeremiah Hatch b. abt1626 at Wye, Ashford, Kent. bap. 23 Jul 1626 at Wye, Ashford, Kent Jeremiah "was an active citizen, selectman, rep. 1675, 6, 9, and 80."2 Jeremiah "was often deputy to the general court; was surveyor, selectman, and prominent in town affairs. He owned a large amount of land, granted him by town of Scituate. Jeremiah settled near Walter Hatch with whom he was engaged in ship building for many years. He was often a deputy to Colony Court, a surveyor, and selectman. In 1674 William Hatch and Jeremiah Hatch were fined for refusing to serve as constables. D. 1665 Lydia Gyles b. Tenterden, Ashford, Kent m. 11 Feb 1617 Tonbridge, Kent, England  After her marriage to John Spring, her second husband, Lydia lived for three or four years apart from him in Scituate when, on 6 Oct 1659, the court ordered that "she either repair to her husband with all convenient speed or repair to Duxburrow to the house of Mr. Alden on the 20th of the present month of October to give a reason why she does not." She was still living in Scituate in 1665. (Plymouth Colony Records, Court Orders, vol 3, page 174). Children: 1. William (ca1624-ca1702) 2. Jeremiah (ca1626-ca1712) 3. Thomas (ca1628-<1686) 4. Mary (ca1631-) 5. Alice (ca1636-) 6. Hannah (ca1638->1662) 1596 - 1646 Thomas Hatch 50 50 b. abt. Jun 1596 at Ashford, Kent, England Thomas was presented to the Bishop on 19 Nov 1627 by the churchwardens of Wye for teaching school without a license. He was presented at every subsequent court until 9 Jun 1628 when he procured the necessary license. The date of his emigration to New England is not known for certain, but he probably came with his brother William, on William's second trip to New England in the Castle in 1638. He settled at Scituate and was freeman 5 Mar 1638/9.67 "Thomas Hatch was an older brother, probably, of William. He settled in a part of the Town at that time but little cultivated, viz. three fourths of a mile west of the present Town-house, near a small brook that runs in the meadow, and twenty rods west of the road. He died early. His widow had an infant Hannah brought to baptism 1646, which was probably near the date of his death."5 (This Tohomas Hatch is not the one of Dorchester, MA, freeman 14 May 1634, later of Yarmouth and Barnstable.) 1563 - 1611 William Hatch 48 48 b. abt. 1563 at Tenterden, Kent. bap. 9 Dec 1563 at Tenterden, Kent William, of Sellinge, Kent, England. Joanne NN m. abt. 1552  Children: 1. Winifred (ca1553-1592) 2. John (ca1555-1629) 3. Katharine (ca1557-<1628) 4. Eleanor (ca1559->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1561-) 6. William (ca1563->1611) 7. Thomas (ca1565-ca1612) 1525 - 1568 Thomas Hatche 43 43 cab. abt. 1525 1545 - 1615 Patience Casslen 70 70 b. abt 1545 at England bur. 23 Nov 1615 in Tenterdon, Kent. Children: 1.Ann (ca1570->1630) 2. Rachel (-1573) 3. Richard 4. George (ca1573-1605) 5. Elizabeth (ca1576-) 6. Judith (ca1578-) 7. Samuel (ca1580-1624) 8. John (ca1582-) 9. David (ca1584-) 10. (infant child) (Died soon) (1587-1587) 11. Jonathan (ca1588-) 1543 - 1626 John Tilden 83 83 b.  bef 1543 at England bur. Jan 19 1625/6 in Tenterdon, Kent 1515 - 1585 Elizabeth Glover 70 70 b. ca 1515 Children: 1. Julyan (ca1548-) 2. Agnes (ca1550-) 3. Thomasen (ca1552-) 4. Mary (Died young) (1556-) 5. Thomas (<1541-1617) 6. John (<1543-1626) 7. Catherine (1554-) 8. Alice (Died soon) (1559-1560) 9. Mary (1561-) 1520 - 1565 Richard Tilden 45 45 b. Beneden, Kent, England. Obituary: The Will of Richard Tylden of Tenterden in the County of Kente, yeoman, 22 January 1565/6. My body to be buried in the parish where I die. To the poor people of Tenterden. To my wife Elizabeth half of my household stuff, and various articles, including barley due me from Wyllyam Gerrys, live stock, all woolen cloth not made into garments, and angle noble, a double ducat, and 20s. The residue of my household stuff to my four daughters, Julyan, Agnes, Thomasen, and Mary Tylden, equally divided, and to each 30 pounds at marriage of age of twenty years. To servant John Mills 30 pounds in satisfaction of an account between him and me, and a cloak. To son John Tylden four pairs of hose, two coats, one of marbyll and another of russet, two hats, two new leather jerkins, a dublet of chamblett, and my white dublet. To Thomas Tylden my son a coat to be had of Peter Peyrs, my next best hat and a pair of hose. To Richard Adams of Benynden a coat dublet and a pair of hose of Winchester russet. To Richard Peyris's widow. To Thomas Berry. To George Pellond. To Henry Meryote, Mother Crotholl, and John Ilverd. To my servant Richard Cheseman. To Richard Peyrs, son of Richard Peyrs of Tenterden deceased, Myldren Pyers, and Thomas Berry son of Thomas Berry. The residue of my moveable goods to son John Tylden, and I make him and Walter Bygge of Tenterden, tailor, my executors; my son not to meddle in the execution of my testament until he come to the age of four and twenty years, except it fortune Walter Bygge to die. If son Jone die before that age, son Thomas to have his legacy and take his place as executor. If both sons die before said age, then to my daughters. To Walter Bygge for his pains 20s. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerk and curate of Tenterden, Robert Ashenden, Wyllyam Marden yonger, and Peter Pyerse. This is my last will concerning my lands in Tenterden and Benynden. My wife Elizabeth to have during her widowhood the occupation of my parlor and buttery adjoining, two chambers over them, and the garret loft over, the buttery next the hall door, with use of bakehouse, brewhouse, malt house, the head of my barn called the tan house, east garden, and water (rights ???) of the pits or ponds. Also I give her eight loads of wood and two hundred faggots. My garden called new garden and fve pieces of land or wood containing twenty acres at the back side of my messuage in Tenterden, and three other pieces called pigge holes, containing seventeen acres of land and wood,to my wife until my son John Tilden shal1 accomplish the age of four and twenty years, if she remain my widow so long, and not else. Son John to have the said lands at the said age and pay to my wife 6 pounds 13s. 4d. a year during her life. I give to my wife toward the keeping of my children 6 pounds to be paid out of my lands in Tenterden until my youngest child come to the age of twelve years, and if she die before that time, then Walter Bygg my executor to have the bringing up of my children. To Thomas Tilden my son all my lands and tenements in the parish of benynden, when he shall accomplish the age of four and twenty years. My executor to take the residue of aU profits of my lands and tenements in Tenterden and Benynden until my son John come to his said age toward the performance of my will and paying my debts, and when son John accomplish the said age, then he to receive all the profits of the foresaid lands in Tenterden and Benynden before willed to Thomas Tilden until the said Thomas accomplish his said age, and the Johm to pay to Thomas 50 pounds. My executors shall take own and sell the long houses along the street of my tenement in Benynden, and make a pale and gate for the passage into said tenement, and build a barn there at my house where it stood before thirty-six feet by twenty feet. If either of my two sons die before the age of four and twenty years without lawful issue, the survivor shal1 pay to my daughters then living 20 pounds apiece. If all my children die without lawful issue, then the said lands and tenements in Tenterden to John Mills and his heirs, and my lands and tenements in Benynden as follows: to my brother-in-law Thomas Glouer of Benynden two pieces of land called Barnfild and Oxenlease lying betwwen a lane ther and his house, and the residue of my lands and tenements in Benynden to the relief of the poor of Tenterden and Benynden, to be letten and the profits distributed by the church wardens. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerke, Curate of Tenterden, Robert Asshenden, William Mardin yonger and Peter Pyers. Proven 15 May 1566 by Walter Bygge, on of the executors named in the will, with power reserved to grant a like probate of John Tilden the other executor names, at the age limited in the will. (Archdeaconry of Cantebury, Vol. 39, fo. 169)" (English Origins of New England Families, publised by NEGHS.) Thomasine Hand Thomas Glover 1570 - 1630 Ann Tilden 59 59 b. abt. Nov 1570 at Kent, England. bap. 5 Nov 1570 at St Mildreds, Kent Children: 1. John (ca1594-) 2. Thomas (ca1596-<1646) 3. William (1598-1651) 4. Judith (ca1602->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1605-ca1651) 6. Margaret (ca1604->1628) 7. Mary (ca1606-) 8. (a son) (ca1609-<1629) 9. Anne (ca1612-) D. 1671 Joan NN Children: 1. Abigail (ca1633-<1671) 2. Mary (ca1637-ca1715) 3. John (ca1653-1721) 1608 John Hewes b. abt.1608 at England John Hewes arrived in Scituate in 1632. He was a surveyer of highways in 1652 and 1653, constable in 1659. He built a 'small plain palisado house' in Scituate before September 1634, then build a second house in 1636 and sold the first one to John Cooper. (There was another John Hewes, junior to this one, in Scituate, probably the one called 'the Welshman.')4 John requested admission 6 Mar 1638 and was addmitted freeman 3 Dec 1639. Hew was surveyer of highways in 1652 and 1653, constable 1659 1730 - 1803 Sarah Jackson 73 73 m.  21 Feb 1748 First Parish Church, Scituate, Massachusetts Children: 1. Melzar (Died young) (1751-<1770) 2. James (1754-1836) 3. Sarah (1762-1818) 4. Luther (1767-1849) 5. Melzar (1770-1844) 1718 - 1807 James Sprague 88 88 b. Marshfield, Massachusetts 1688 - 1749 Hannah Black 61 61 m. 19 Nov 1717  Marshfield, Massachusetts  “The Vital Records of Marshfield, Mass.,” edited by George Ernest Bowman, Mayflower Descendant, 2: 3-7, 110-112, 179-183, 249-252; 3: 41-43, 187-189; 4: 125-126, 5: 233-237, 6: 18-21, 67-70; 7: 118-122, 131-134; 8: 42-44, 176-179; 9: 183-187. (Where is Hannah from? There seem to be no Blacks in Plymouth County of her time. Was Black, perhaps, her married name?) Children: 1. James (1718-1807) 2. Hannah (1722-1785) 1685 - 1766 James Sprague 81 81 b. abt. 1685. James sold the home in 1727-8 lot which he inherited from his father, to his brother Nathan and then purchases a part of the Baker estate near Mr. Skirgo. (Mem. of Marshfield, 1854) 1642 - 1725 Sarah Chillingsworth 83 83 m. 1665 Hingham, Massachusetts, Sprague Genealogy Children: 1. Sarah (1666-) 2. Hannah (ca1667-1723) 3. Mary (ca1670->1718) 4. Joanna (ca1672-1713) 5. Samuel (1674-1764) 6. . Nathan (ca1679-1758) 7.  John (ca1682-1739) 8. James (ca1685-1766) 1640 - 1709 Samuel Sprague 69 69 b. abt. 1640 at HIngham, Massachusetts bap. 24 May 1640 at Hingham, Massachusetts Samuel "moved from Hingham to Marshfield in 1663 and was town treasurer there in 1665. He may have gone there to live with his uncle, Anthony Eames, who setted in Marshfield as early as 1652. Sprague became a leading citizen; was highway surveyor in 1663; was deputy to the general court nearly every year between 1680 and 1704; was selectman in 1677-81-86-87-94-95-97 to 1706 and 1709-10. He held one or more public offices every year except four after he came to marshfield. He was sergeant in 1686 and afterward. In June, 1686, he was elected secretary of the general court and recorder of the court of assistants and served until the union of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies in 1692, except during the Andros regime. He was the last secretary of the Plymouth colony. Part of his duties was to act as register of deeds and wills. He was elected to office sixty-three times. He married, 1665-66, Sarah Chillingworth and went to live on the Chillinworth estate on teh north side of the South river William Cutter, Genealogical and Personal Memoirs relating to the families of the state of Massachusetts, 1910 1617 - 1695 Millicent Eames 78 78 m. 26 May 1635  Religion: Whiliam Sprague or his wife became a member of Hingham church, based on baptisms of several children there. Children: 1.Anthony (1635-1719) 2. John (ca1638-1683) 3. Samuel (ca1640-ca1709) 4. onathan (Died young) (ca1641-1647) 5. Persis (ca1643-1684) 6. Joanna (ca1645-1678) 7. Jonathan (ca1648-1741) 8. William (ca1650-1723) 9. Mary (ca1652-) 10. Hannah (Died young) (ca1654-1658) 1609 - 1675 William Sprague 66 66 "History of Marshfield Massachusetts", [V. II, Pp. 179 - 183] William arrived at Salem, MA aboard the Abigail in 1628, removing to Hingham in 1636. He was a selectman in 1645, and constable and collector of town rates in 1662. On 28 Mar 1651 Thomas Hammond of Hingham, planter, sold to William Sprague of Hingham 'my now dwelling house in the town of Hingham with my house lot containing five acroes more or less ... with a parcel of fresh meadow ... likewise a great lot containing twenty acres more or less' [SLR 2:255-56].4 William "came to New England, settling in Charlestown, where he was living until 1636. He removed to Hingham, whither he went in a boat, landing on the side of the cove, on a tract of land afterward granted him by the town, and he became one of the fist planters there. His house lot is said to have been the pleasantest in town. Many grants of land were made to him from 1636 to 1647. He was constable, fenceviewer, and held other offices at various times. He deeded to his son Anthony certain lands, February 21, 1673, for six and thirty pounds of lawful money of New England and nine pounds of merchantable corn."40 William Cutter, Genealogical and Personal Memoirs relating to the families of the state of Massachusetts, 1910. 1579 - 1651 Christiana Holland 72 72 b. 1579 at Fordington, Dorset.  m. 6 Jan 1597 Children: 1. Ralph (ca1595-1650) 2. Alice (ca1598-) 3. Edward 4. Richard (ca1605-1668) 5. Christopher 6. William (ca1611-1675) 1576 - 1614 Edward Sprague 38 38 b. abt. 1576 at Dorset, England bur. 6 Jun 1614 in Upway, Dorset.  Edward was a resident of Upway, Dorset, England. Later he lived at Fordington, Dorset. "In Prince's Chronology we read: 'Among those who arrived at Naumkeag are Ralph Sprague, with his brothers Richard and William, who with three or four more were by Governor Endicott employed to explore and take possession of the country westward. They travelled through the woods to Charlestown, on a neck of land called Mishawum, between Mystic and Charles rivers, full of Indians named Aberginians, with whom they made peace.' Hon. Edward Everett, in his address commemorative of the bi-centennial of the arrival of Winthrop at Charlestown, said: 'Ralph, Richard and William Sprague are the founders of the settlement in this place, and were persons of substance and enterprise, excellent citizens, generous public benefactors, and the head of a very large and respectable family of descendants.' Ralph Sprague was about twenty-five years of age when he came to New England. He had fours sons, John, Richard, Samuel and Phineas, and a daughter, Mary, who married, September 2, 1630, Daniel Edmands. John and Richard were born in England. Ralph was one of a jury impanled which seems to have been the first in Massachusetts. Ralph Sprague was a lieutenant in the train band. In 1631 Captain Richard Sprague commanded a company of the train band, and on Friday of each week exercises his command at a convienent place near the Indian wigwams. On February 10, 1634, the famous order creating a board of selectman, was passed and Richard and William Sprague signed the order. Richard left no posterity. His sword which is named in his brother William's will, was preserved in one of the old Sprague houses in HIngham in 1828 William Cutter, Genealogical and Personal Memoirs relating to the families of the state of Massachusetts, 1910 NN John Holland of Upway, Dorset, England 1599 - 1662 Margery Pierce 63 63 b. abt. Nov 1599 at Nayland, Suffolk. bap. 30 Nov 1599 at Nayland, Suffolk Religion: Admitted to church at Charlestown, MA 13 Sep 1635 m. abt. 1614  Children: 1. Millicent (ca1617-1695) 2. Mark (ca1617-1693) 3. John (ca1619-1641) 4. Persis (ca1621-1662) 5. Anna (ca1622-1692) 6. Elizabeth (ca1624-1692) 7. Justus (ca1627-<1706) 8. Margery (ca1630-1659) 1592 - 1670 Anthony Eames 78 78 b. abt. 1592 at St. George, Dorset, England Anthony was a churchwarden in the parish of Fordington, St George, and signed the Bishops Transcripts in that office in 1623 and 1627. He lived there to 1631. He departed Weymouth, England on the Recovery of London, Gabriel Cornish , master, in Mar 1634. He resided at Charlestown 1634, Hingham 1636, then Marshfield 1653. Freeman 9 Mar 1637. Deputy to General Court six years from 1638 to 1661 at Marshfield. Capt. in militia 1744-45. "Anthony, Hing. 1636, the same yr. had a house-lot granted him on Lower Plain; was a deputy 1637, 1638, and 1643; frequently a town officer, and involved in the military difficulties of 1644-1645."36 1553 - 1614 Millicent 61 61 b. abt. 1553 bur.23 May 1615 in Fordington, Dorset. Children: 1. Alice (ca1577-1618) 2. John (ca1586-) 3. Anthony (ca1592->1670) 4. Mark (ca1592-) 5. Anne (ca1597-) 6. Richard (ca1590-1634) 1548 - 1618 Thomas Eames 70 70 b. abt. 1548 at Fordington, Dorset. bur. 25 Jun 1618 in Fordington, Dorset 1612 - 1684 Joanne Hampton 72 72 m. 1637 Children: 1. Mehitable (ca1640->1706) 2. Sarah (ca1642-1725) 3. Mary (ca1643-1702) 4. Elizabeth (Died young) (-1655) On 17 May 1654 Joanne second married Thomas Doggett, at Marshfield, MA Thomas Chillingsworth Thomas was a prominent man in public affairs, and a large landholder. He was in Lynn in 1637, moved from there to Sandwich, and later to Marshfield NN John Chillingsworth 1711 - 1732 Sarah Damon 21 21 m. 16 Feb 1729 First Parish Church, Scituate, Massachusetts  Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, NEHGS, Boston, 1909, two volumes and  “Scituate Births, marriages, and deaths,” transcribed by George Ernest Bowman, Mayflower Descendant, various volumes. Children: i. Melzar Sprague (Died young) (7 Mar 1751-bef 1770) ii. James Sprague (17 Apr 1754-19 Nov 1836) iii. Sarah Sprague (30 Aug 1762-7 May 1818) iv. Luther Sprague (31 Jul 1767-26 Apr 1849) v. Melzar Sprague (23 Sep 1770-2 May 1844) 1685 - 1764 Jonathan Jackson 79 79 On 30 Oct 1732 Jonathan second married Deborah Stetson, daughter of Sergt. Samuel Stetson (Jun 1646-aft 1722) & Lydia Pickles(10 Apr 1662-), at First Church of Scituate.84 Born in Oct 1704 at Scituate, MA. 1674 - 1739 Sarah Litchfield 65 65 m. 1708 Children: John (1709-1735) Sarah (1711-1732) Ichabod (1713-) Josiah (1714-1787) Judith (1716-1790) 1668 - 1730 Icabod Damon 62 62 1778 - 1822 Elizabeth Tilden Ford 44 44 m.  Nov. 17, 1791 Marshfield, Massachusetts Children: 1. Luther Sprague1792–1842 2. Elizabeth T Sprague1795–1796 3. Seth F Sprague1798– 4. Elisha Sprague1801– 5. Joshua Tilden Sprague1804–1830 6. Harvey Sprague1807– 7. Eliza T Sprague1811–1822 1767 - 1849 Luther Sprague 81 81 1733 - 1813 Elizabeth Tilden 80 80 m. 6 Dec 1759 Marshfield, Massachusetts, Marshfield VR 148  Intention filed 25--7-1759, Marshfield VR 180 Children: 1. Abigail, b. 1762, d. 1782, m. 1759 Nathaniel Ford; 2. Elisha, b. 1764, m. Lydia Turner; 3. Joseph T. Ford, b. 1766, m. 1st Deborah Hatch (b. 1763, d. 1809), m. 2nd Nabby Simmons (b. 1776, d. 1838); 4. John, b. 1768, d. 1840, m. Marcy Baker (d. 1804); 5. Oakman, b. 1771, d. 1773; and 6. Elizabeth T., b. 1778 1734 - 1803 Elisha Ford Jr. 68 68 1701 - 1768 Elizabeth Oatman 67 67 Mayflower Society G16291 m. 11 Jan 1719 Marshfield VR 143 Children: 1. Lemuel (1720-1812) 2. Patience (1723-1800) 3. Bethiah (ca1723-1773) 4. Jerusha (1727-) 5. Priscilla (1730-1801) 6. Elisha (1734-1803) 7. Isaac (1738-) 8. Tabitha (1742-1785) 1696 - 1758 Elisha Ford 62 62 b. Marshfield, Massachusetts, Duxbury Vital Records bur. in Old Burial Ground, Cong. Ch., Marshfield. Mayflower Society G16291 The will of Elisha Ford of Marshfield, dated 4 Oct 1758, proved 11 Dec 1758, names wife Elizabeth, sons lemuel, Elisha, and Isaac, daughters Patience Sprague, Bethiah Turner, Zerviah [Jerusha] Howland, Priscialla Foord, and Tabitha Ford.267 1661 - 1728 Bethia Hatch 67 67 b. Scituate, Massachusetts bap. 12 May 1661 at Scituate, MA.  m. 29 Mar 1683 at marshfield, MA, "History of Marshfield" by Lysander Salmon Richards [V. II, Pp. 179 - 183] bur.  in Old Burial Ground, Cong. Ch., Marshfield "History of Marshfield" by Lysander Salmon Richards [V. II, Pp. 179 - 183] Children: 1. (infant daughter) (Stillborn) (1683-1683) 2. (infant daughter) (Stillborn) (1683-1683) 3. Thomas (1685-1769) 4. Deborah (1686-) 5. Bethiah (Died young) (1687-<1691) 6. Susannah (1689-1743) 7. Bethiah (1691-) 8. Ephraim (1693-1775) 9. Elizabeth (1694-) 10. Elisha (1696-1758) 11. Mehitable (1698->1751) 12. (1700-1768) 1643 - 1729 Michael Ford 86 86 m. Mar. 1st wife, Abigail, dau. of Anthony and Abigail (Warren) Snow in 1667."History of Marshfield" by Lysander Salmon Richards [V. II, Pp. 179 - 183] Michael was a resident of Duxbury, Marshfield, and Scituate. Constable in Marshfield, 1674 D. 1684 Anna bur.  1 Sep 1684 in Marshfield, Massachusetts Children:Settled early in Marshfield.   He was a miller.   Established the mill on the site at Marshfield known as "Dunham’s Mill," near Brown’s Blacksmith’s shop.   Mar. Anna. Children: 1. William (ca1634-1721) 2. Michael (1643-1729) 3. Millicent (-ca1696) 4. Margaret 1604 - 1676 William Ford 72 72 Check out Florence Barclay's definitive 1966 article on the Ford family in TAG 2:35-42. She concludes that this William Ford of Marshfield was not a son of Widow Ford who came on the Fortune in 1621. William settled in Marshfield on the east side of the North River near Gravelly beach about 1639.5 He was at Duxbury in 1643 and sold land there in 1661 to F. West.60 Freeman 3 Jun 1652. Established a mill in Marshfield at the site known as Dunham's Mill. While serving as constable in Marshfield in 1658, WIlliam, having arrested Widow Naomi Sylvester, was attacked by her daughters, Naomi and Dinah, who rescued their mother. As a penalty, their brother William was ordered to pay Constable Ford two pounds (The Pilgrim Republic). William Ford served as selectman, 1666, 1670, and 1675 and was an original proprietor at Bridgewater, Massachusetts "William Ford, the immigrant ancestor, was born in England, and settled in Duxbury, where his name appears on the list of those able to bear arms in 1643. He deposed October 30, 1671, that he was sixty-seven years old. He was admitted a freeman June 3, 1652. He removed to Marshfield. ... His will was dated September 12, 1676, when he was about seventy-two years old. He bequeathed to wife Anna, sons William and Michael, daughters margaret and Milicent, grandchildren John Ford, William and John Carver. 1631 - 1674 Elizabeth Holbrook 43 43 b. abt. 631 at Glastonbury, Somerset, England m. 6 May 1650 bap.13 Feb 1631 at St Johns, Glastonbury, Somerset Children: 1. Hannah (1651-<1699) 2. Samuel (1653-ca1734) 3. Jane (1656-1744) 4. Antipas (1658-1705) 5. Bethia (1661-1728) 6. John (1664-1737) 7. Israel (1667-1740) 8. Joseph (1669-1749) 1623 - 1699 Walter Hatch 76 76 b. abt. 1623 at England Walter bore arms 1643. He settled on a point of land northeast of Stoney cove, and southeast of the second Society's Meetinghouse He built the corn and fulling mills in the Two Mile (for his sons). He was killed by lightning in a stable. Walter settled in the part of Scituate, called "The Two Miles", which was joined to Marshfield in 1788; and built his house there. He was constable of Scituate. In 1652 George Russell was fined £3 for abusing the constable of Scituate in the execution of his office. In 1654/5 William and Elizabeth Randall were presented for abusing the constabler of Scituate, Walter Hatch, who, "when he strained for teh magistrates table, [the] wife tore the destresse out of his hand, and hurt his had soe as blood was sheed." Walter made one will in 1681/2 which was never proved; for after his will was made his son, Antipas, became of unsound mind, and Walter made a new will 3 Mar 1682, providing for the maintenance of Antipas, but leaving to his brothers the land formerly intended for him. Will abstract: [1: 335-338: OS Docket #9,609 contains the will and inventory.] The will of Walter Hatch, late of Scituate, provided for his wife, Mary and made bequests to his sons, Samuel (eldest), John (executor), Israel (executor), Antipas (to be cared for by John and Israel), and Joseph (youngest): daughters, Jane Sherman, and Bethyah Ford. He also made a bequest to "all my grandchildren that are born before my death." Wit: Thomas Ouldham, Joseph Lapham and Samuel Lapham (each of whom signed by a mark). The inventory was taken 1 April 1701 by Josiah Holmes, Thomas Macomber and Israel Hatch. Oath was taken by John and Israel Hatch on 2 April 1701 He married a second wife On 1 Aug 1674 Walter second married Mary Stable, at Marshfield, MA 1596 - 1653 Jane Young 57 57  b. 1596 at England m.  Jul 1624 (lic.) Canterbury lived in Thanington, Kent, England She married first William Hatch, second Thomas King. Children: 1. Walter (ca1623-1699) 2. John (ca1625-<1651) 3. Anne (ca1626-ca1697) 4. (infant son) (Died soon) (1628-1628) 5. William (ca1629-ca1654) 6. Jane (ca1631-) 7. Andrew (Died soon) (ca1633-1633) 1598 - 1651 Eld. William Hatch 53 53 b. Ashford, Kent, England       William, perhaps in Scituate in 1633, but if so, he went home, and in 1635 brought in the Hercules from Sandwich, Kent, his wife Jane, five children and six servants. He was first ruling elder of the Second Church, founded in 1644 for William Witherell, after long agitations following the removval of Lathrop to Barnstable.2       "Elder William Hatch settled in Kent street 1634. His house lot was the first south of Greenfield lane. He was the firest ruling elder of the second Chruch, 1643. He was an active and useful man in the settlement of the Town. His children probably were born in England."5 (Probably Deane was wrong in claiming William settled in Scituate as early as 1634.)       "About 1634 William Hatch and his family removed from Wye to Sandwich, co. Kent. The statement that he was at Scituate in the Plymouth colony in 1633 is incorrect, and is due to the assumption that the date after the names of the assistants in the records applied to all the names following. He embarked for America for the first time in Mar. 1634/5, sailing from Sandwich in the ship Hercules with his wife Jane, five children, and six servants. In the same ship sailed his cousin, Lydia (Huckstep) Tilden (7,i,7), with her husband, Nathaniel tilden, and their children. William hatch and his family settled at Scituate, where he built a house on Kent Street and was admitted freeman on 5 Jan. 1635/6. he returned to England, but came back to new England in Apr. 1638, in the ship Castle. It is probable that his brother Thomas with his wife and children and his sister Elizabeth Soan with her son William came with him on this voyage. In 1643 William hatch was chosen the first ruling elder of the Second Church of Scituate, and in august of that year he with his sons Walter and John appears on the list of those in scituate able to bear arms (that is, they were between 16 and 60 years of age). In the same year also he was lieutenanat of the trainband. 1570 - 1630 Ann Tilden 59 59 b. abt. Nov 1570 at Kent, England. bap. 5 Nov 1570 at St Mildreds, Kent Children: 1. John (ca1594-) 2. Thomas (ca1596-<1646) 3. William (1598-1651) 4. Judith (ca1602->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1605-ca1651) 6. Margaret (ca1604->1628) 7. Mary (ca1606-) 8. (a son) (ca1609-<1629) 9. Anne (ca1612-) 1563 - 1611 William Hatch 48 48 b. abt. 1563 at Tenterden, Kent. bap. 9 Dec 1563 at Tenterden, Kent William, of Sellinge, Kent, England. Joanne NN m. abt. 1552  Children: 1. Winifred (ca1553-1592) 2. John (ca1555-1629) 3. Katharine (ca1557-<1628) 4. Eleanor (ca1559->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1561-) 6. William (ca1563->1611) 7. Thomas (ca1565-ca1612) 1525 - 1568 Thomas Hatche 43 43 cab. abt. 1525 1545 - 1615 Patience Casslen 70 70 m. 23-Jan-1569/70 Tenterden, Ashford, Kent, England Children: 1.Ann (ca1570->1630) 2. Rachel (-1573) 3. Richard 4. George (ca1573-1605) 5. Elizabeth (ca1576-) 6. Judith (ca1578-) 7. Samuel (ca1580-1624) 8. John (ca1582-) 9. David (ca1584-) 10. (infant child) (Died soon) (1587-1587) 11. Jonathan (ca1588-) 1543 - 1626 John Tilden 83 83 1515 - 1585 Elizabeth Glover 70 70 b. ca 1515 Children: 1. Julyan (ca1548-) 2. Agnes (ca1550-) 3. Thomasen (ca1552-) 4. Mary (Died young) (1556-) 5. Thomas (<1541-1617) 6. John (<1543-1626) 7. Catherine (1554-) 8. Alice (Died soon) (1559-1560) 9. Mary (1561-) 1520 - 1566 Richard Tilden 45 45 b. Beneden, Kent, England. Obituary: The Will of Richard Tylden of Tenterden in the County of Kente, yeoman, 22 January 1565/6. My body to be buried in the parish where I die. To the poor people of Tenterden. To my wife Elizabeth half of my household stuff, and various articles, including barley due me from Wyllyam Gerrys, live stock, all woolen cloth not made into garments, and angle noble, a double ducat, and 20s. The residue of my household stuff to my four daughters, Julyan, Agnes, Thomasen, and Mary Tylden, equally divided, and to each 30 pounds at marriage of age of twenty years. To servant John Mills 30 pounds in satisfaction of an account between him and me, and a cloak. To son John Tylden four pairs of hose, two coats, one of marbyll and another of russet, two hats, two new leather jerkins, a dublet of chamblett, and my white dublet. To Thomas Tylden my son a coat to be had of Peter Peyrs, my next best hat and a pair of hose. To Richard Adams of Benynden a coat dublet and a pair of hose of Winchester russet. To Richard Peyris's widow. To Thomas Berry. To George Pellond. To Henry Meryote, Mother Crotholl, and John Ilverd. To my servant Richard Cheseman. To Richard Peyrs, son of Richard Peyrs of Tenterden deceased, Myldren Pyers, and Thomas Berry son of Thomas Berry. The residue of my moveable goods to son John Tylden, and I make him and Walter Bygge of Tenterden, tailor, my executors; my son not to meddle in the execution of my testament until he come to the age of four and twenty years, except it fortune Walter Bygge to die. If son Jone die before that age, son Thomas to have his legacy and take his place as executor. If both sons die before said age, then to my daughters. To Walter Bygge for his pains 20s. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerk and curate of Tenterden, Robert Ashenden, Wyllyam Marden yonger, and Peter Pyerse. This is my last will concerning my lands in Tenterden and Benynden. My wife Elizabeth to have during her widowhood the occupation of my parlor and buttery adjoining, two chambers over them, and the garret loft over, the buttery next the hall door, with use of bakehouse, brewhouse, malt house, the head of my barn called the tan house, east garden, and water (rights ???) of the pits or ponds. Also I give her eight loads of wood and two hundred faggots. My garden called new garden and fve pieces of land or wood containing twenty acres at the back side of my messuage in Tenterden, and three other pieces called pigge holes, containing seventeen acres of land and wood,to my wife until my son John Tilden shal1 accomplish the age of four and twenty years, if she remain my widow so long, and not else. Son John to have the said lands at the said age and pay to my wife 6 pounds 13s. 4d. a year during her life. I give to my wife toward the keeping of my children 6 pounds to be paid out of my lands in Tenterden until my youngest child come to the age of twelve years, and if she die before that time, then Walter Bygg my executor to have the bringing up of my children. To Thomas Tilden my son all my lands and tenements in the parish of benynden, when he shall accomplish the age of four and twenty years. My executor to take the residue of aU profits of my lands and tenements in Tenterden and Benynden until my son John come to his said age toward the performance of my will and paying my debts, and when son John accomplish the said age, then he to receive all the profits of the foresaid lands in Tenterden and Benynden before willed to Thomas Tilden until the said Thomas accomplish his said age, and the Johm to pay to Thomas 50 pounds. My executors shall take own and sell the long houses along the street of my tenement in Benynden, and make a pale and gate for the passage into said tenement, and build a barn there at my house where it stood before thirty-six feet by twenty feet. If either of my two sons die before the age of four and twenty years without lawful issue, the survivor shal1 pay to my daughters then living 20 pounds apiece. If all my children die without lawful issue, then the said lands and tenements in Tenterden to John Mills and his heirs, and my lands and tenements in Benynden as follows: to my brother-in-law Thomas Glouer of Benynden two pieces of land called Barnfild and Oxenlease lying betwwen a lane ther and his house, and the residue of my lands and tenements in Benynden to the relief of the poor of Tenterden and Benynden, to be letten and the profits distributed by the church wardens. Witnesses: Wyllyam Cocks, Clerke, Curate of Tenterden, Robert Asshenden, William Mardin yonger and Peter Pyers. Proven 15 May 1566 by Walter Bygge, on of the executors named in the will, with power reserved to grant a like probate of John Tilden the other executor names, at the age limited in the will. (Archdeaconry of Cantebury, Vol. 39, fo. 169)" (English Origins of New England Families, publised by NEGHS.) Thomasine Hand Thomas Glover D. 1677 Jane Powyes See duplicate entry D. 1677 Thomas Holbrook See duplicate entry 1673 - 1745 Elizabeth Doty 71 71 Mayflower Society G16291 m. before 03-Dec-1696, upon which date she was identified as Elizabeth, wife of Tobias Oakman, in the settlement of her father's estate (he died intestate 08-Feb-1689/90). Edward's wife Sarah was appointed administratrix, but died before the estate was settled, so it was re-administered, culminating in the 03-Dec-1696 agreement of the heirs. The transcription of Edward Doty's probate file is in MD (Mayflower Descendant) 5:210-214 Children:     9986     i.     Faith (1697-1758)     9987     ii.     Samuel (1698-1739)     9988     iii.     Elizabeth (1701-1768)     9989     iv.     Sarah (ca1704-1770)     9990     v.     Susannah (1705->1757)     9991     vi.     Mary (1707->1749)     9992     vii.     Mercy (ca1711-)     9993     viii.     Edward (ca1716-1791) 1664 - 1750 Tobias Oatsman 86 86 Tobias was made captive of the Indians. Later he removed to Marshfield. The will of Tobias Oakman of Marshfield, yeoman, dated 21 mar 1745, proved 29 Jun 1750 mentions his son Edward Oakman, grandsons Samuel and Tobias Oakman sons of his deceased son Samuel, grandson Jeddediah Eames, his six daughters Faith Foster, Eliza Ford, Sarah Randall, Susanna Collamer, Mary Shairman, and Mercy Hamilton 1631 Mary(From England) Boaden b.  Holburton, Devonshire, England. bap. 23 Oct 1634 at Holburton, Devonshire. m. abt.  1664 Scarsborough, Maine Children: 1. Samuel 2. Josiah 3. Tobias (ca1664-1750) Mary second married Walter Adams. 1630 - 1676 Samuel Oatman 46 46 b. abt. 1630 at England.  Samuel, immigrant ancestor, located in America on the Spurwink river in Scarsborough, Maine as early as 1657, and owned land there, including Oakman's island at the mouth of the river. He was a fisherman and owned a sailing vessel. He was a selectman of the town in 1672. After his death, his widow Mary was appointed administrix, and the estate was valued at fifty pounds Marie Lethebridge m. 28 Jan 1624 Holburton, Devonshire, England Children: 1. John (ca1630-1697) 2. Mary (1631-) 3. Ambrose (1632-1704) 4. Agnes 5. Grace (-1638) 6. Agnes (ca1639-<1692) 7. Abraham (-1641) 1589 - 1675 Ambrose(From England) Oatman 86 86 b. Holburton, Devonshire, England From the History of Scarborough:       "Ambrose Boaden was another of the early settlers under Cammock at Black Point. He had been captain and owner of the vessel in which Cammock came over from England, and had received from him, in part payment for the passage of himself and wife, a lot of land near the mouth of the Spurwink upon which he resided until 1675 the year of his death.* He was for many years the Spurwink ferryman, ans was first appointed such by an order of the Court held at Spurwink at the house of Robert Jordan, July 12th 1658. The following from the records of that Court is the appointment showing the price of ferriage in those days. 'Ordered yt Mr. Ambrose Boaden shall keepe the Ferry over the Spurwink River to Mr. Robt. Jordan, to ferry passengers from thence as occasion serveth. In consideration whereof the said Boaden is to have 2 pence for every person he ferryeth or carrieth over in prsent pay and 3d for each such pson as hee bookes downe. Ambrose Boaden willingly attempts of the Ferry on ye Tearmes by the Court appoynted.' He was also one of the Coroner's jury in the case of Charles Frost who was tride in 1646 for the murder of Warwick Head. This was the second trial for murder within the Province of Maine, and for twenty years the only one recorded. There is nothing further recorded of Boaden's public services. In 1670 he became blind and remained so until his death in the Spring of 1675.       "* [footnote] This lot is now the Higgins farm at Black Point. The names of its several occupants from the time of Boaden to the present have been fortunately preserved. Ther are in the order of their succession, Ambrose Boaden, Ambrose Boaden, Jr, Nathan Bedford, Mr. Cauley, Robert Elliot, Roger Perry, David Young, Wm. Watson: The last two were only lessees of the farm, and the ownership passed from the heirs of Perry to Mr. Fergus Higgins, the great grandfather of the present occupant."  1645 - 1695 Sarah Faunce 50 50 b. abt. 1645 Plymouth, Massachusetts m. 26 Feb 1663 Plymouth, Massachusetts, MD 1:143 Plymouth Births, Marriages and Deaths  P.5 Children: 1. Edward (1664-1692) 2. Sarah (1666-<1749) 3. John (1668-1689) 4. Mary (Twin) (1671-1715) 5. Martha (Twin) (1671-) 6. Elizabeth (1673-1745) 7. Patience (Died young) (1676-1690) 8. Mercy (Died young) (1678-1682) 9. Samuel (1681-1750) 10. Mercy (1684-) 11. Benjamin (1689-<1770) "My Sister Sarah the Wif of John Buck of Sittuat deceased on the 27^th day of June 1695" recorded by Elder Faunce On 26 Apr 1693 Sarah second married John Buck, son of Cornet John Buck & Elizabeth [Buck], at Plymouth, MA.121,30 Born on 6 Sep 1659 at Scituate, MA. 1637 - 1689 Edward Doty 52 52 Edward, freeman 1658. Mayflower Society G16291 "Elkanath Watson Edward doty Senior and his Son John doty Were all drowned on the 8th of February 1689 or 90 1617 - 1675 Faith Clark 58 58 b.  1617 at Ispswich, Suffolk, England m. 6 Jun 1634/5  bur. 21 Dec 1675 in Marshfield, Massachusetts Children: 1. Edward (1637-1690) 2. John (1639-1701) 3. Thomas (ca1642-1678) 4. Samuel (1643-1715) 5. Desire (1645-1731) 6. Elizabeth (ca1647-1742) 7. Isaac (1648->1729) 8. Joseph (1651-ca1732) 9. Mary (ca1653-<1728) On 14 Mar 1666/7 Faith second married John Phillips, at Plymouth, Eng.3 Born ca 1601 at England. John died at Marshfield, MA, bef 19 May 1692 D. 1655 Edward Doty(Doten) (Mayflower) Mayflower Society G16291 Is shown in list of passengers of the Mayflower. Edward was called 'of London'. According to Bradford's increasings & decreasings he was married twice, but nothing is known about the first wife.28       "Edward Doten was a London youth who came over in the Mayflower as an apprentice of Stephen Hopkins. The first account we have of Edward is in Cape Cod harbor where he signed the cabin contract. He was treated to all intents and purposes as one of the company. Stephen Hopkins was a tanner of London, and joined the Pilgrims at Southampton and did not go to the Low Countries. The Mayflower arrived at Cape Cod, November 11, 1620, and the first duty of the Pilgrims was to find a suitable landing-spot. The shallop they brought with them for shore explorations was out of commission, and a few hardy ones volunteered to make an inland journey. Sixteen in all went ashore, and they were the first Englishmen permanently to land in New England. In this party was Edward Doten. They started November 15, and were gone several days. A few Indians whom they met ran away from them, and they found some Indian corn, which they bore back to the ship, the first they had ever seen. On December 6th, the shallop being made ready, a party of ten set out by water, and of these Edward was one. The weather was extremely cold, the seas rough and boisterous, and they encountered much hardship. They beat off the Indians, discovered their stores of corn, their habitations, and graves. On Friday, December 8, in a terrible snowstorm, they reached a point of land now known as Clark's island. Here they rendezvoused all day of the 9th, and Sunday, as became men of their profession. It is said that Edward Doten attempted to first leap on the island, but was checked, the master's mate allowed to first land, after whom the island was named. On Monday December 11 (our 21st, Forefather's Day), they sounded the harbor, and sailed for the aminland, mooring at ½lymouth Rock. It was a hard winter for the Pilgrims, that first winter at Plymouth. They were little prepared for such rigorous climate, and their suffering was consequently great. Disease attacked them; death thinned their numbers. Edward Doten bore his part of the inconveniences with the others, but, being young and strong of frame, hw was carried through safely.       "The next allusion we find to Edward is when he fought a duel in single combat with sword and dagger with Edward Lister, both being wounded, the one in the hand, and the other in the thigh. They were adjudged by the whole community to have their head and feet tied together, and so to remain for twenty-four hours without meat and dring; bet after an hour, because ofr their great pains, tehy were released by the governor.This was the first duel fought in New England, and the first pardon ever issued by the hand of an American governor. It was also the second offense committed in the colony. Lister seems to have soon after, whether voluntarily or by compulsion, left the plantation, and died some years later in Virginia. Edward, it must be remembered, was not of the ascetic race, like the Scrooby farmers and Notinghamshire sectarists who composed the bulk of the Mayflower list. He had seen London life in abundance, his blood ran quicker, he possessed a spryer temper than they, and thus got into escapades which were rendered venal through the effervescence of youth. He sems later in life to have retrieved his somewhat lively character, and began to accumulate property. In January, 1631, he was rated at one pound seven shillings, and there were many lower ratings than this. He was made a freeman in 1633. He was a litigant, due, no doubt to his warm blood and a determination to stand up for his rights, January 1, 1632, John Washburne haled him into court for wrongfully taking his hog, but the jury brought in for Edward. In April, 1633, Will Bennet complained of Edward for divers injuries—that he sold him a flitch of bacon at the rate of three pounds, and that it was not worth above half that sum. This was referred to Robert Hecker and Francis Eaton, to decide as they should think meet between man and man. Edward called Bennet a rogue, whereat he brought him into court on a summons for slander, and Edward was fined fifty shillings. In 1634, at a general court, an apprentice of Edward's (this shows he was getting up in the world, to keep an assistant), John Smith, asked the court to free him from his master Edward, to whom he had bound himself for ten years, as the master did not keep him properly. At a court of assistants held March 24, 1634, Edward and Jason Cook were finded six shillings for breaking the peace. The got into a fistic altercation, and Edward drew the first blood. March 7, 1636, at a court of assistants, George Clarke complained against Edward for damages in a land trade. The court ordered Edward to repay Clarke eight pounds. At the same session, Edward was convicted for assault and battery and assessed twelve pence, and in another action of the same kind, smae parties, ten shillings. Up to 1650 he was in court either as plaintiff or defendant in twelve other causes. In 1624 the people requested the governor to set off land, and Edward received his share on what is now [1910] Watson's hill. In 1627 there was another allotment 'to heads of families, and to young men of prdence,' and Edward was given a share under this designation, though unmarried, which shows him to have gained the confidence of the governor. At a general meeting, March 14, 1635, he was given hay ground on Jones river, on High Clifford or Skeat Hill, near the present border of Kingston. In 1627 he sold land to Russell Derby for one hundred and fifty pounds. To this deed he made his mark, as to all other documents. In 1637 he was allotted sixty acres on Mount Hill; also, he owned land in Yarmouth, Cohasset, Dartmouth, Lakenham and Punckquasett, now Tiverton, Rhode Island. In 1638 he went bail for Samuel Gaston for forty pounds; in 1639 for Richard Derby in the sum of twenty pounds; in 1642 for John Hassel, of Seakonk; in 1643 for John Smith, of Eele river. He was a privat in the militia, and lived in the town of Plymouth, High Cliff, Plain Dealing, which is the name Thodore Roosevelt adoped for his Virginia country place."40 Edward Doty's alleged baptisms in Shropshire, England in 1599, and 14 May 1598 at St Mary le Strand, Thurburton Hills are fictional. See Neil D. Thompson's article "A false account of the birth and parentage of Edward Doty, Mayflower passenger, exposed," The American Genealogist 66 (1988), p. 215. 1598 - 1663 Faith 65 65 b. abt. 1598. Faith died at  Children: 1. Faith (ca1617-1675) 2. Frances (Died soon) (ca1619-1620) 3. Mary (Died soon) (1622-1622) 4. Abigail (Twin, died young) (ca1625-1637) 5. Thurston (ca1627->1695) 6. Henry (ca1629->1690) 1592 - 1661 Thurston(From England) Clarke 69 69 b. abt. 1592 at Ispwich, Suffolk, England  Thurston Clearke, aged 44, and his daughter Faith, aged 15, were on the list of passengers for New England dated 30 Apr 1634 sailing from Ipswich on the Francis. Probably his wife and younger children followed from England after Jan 1637 since his daughter Abigail was buried in England then. He settled in Plymouth where he was proprietor 1636. He removed to Duxbury where he was surveyor of highways 8 Jun 1655. Thurston died from cold and exposure. Two days after his death, 8 Dec 1661, a coroner's jury was impanelled. Their conclusion:       "the weather being cold and snowy, he came on that side of Joanes River which is on Duxburrow side, upon his return from Plymouth, endeavoring to come home, and came near home; and by his track in the snow we find that he had wandered to and fro and lost himself, and did so wilder that he came upon a flat nigh the place called the Longe Point upon the said flat, which is now in the possession of Josepth Andrews, and that he was found. Upon search being made by diverse, the first thing that was found was a basket, with diverse small commodities, some distance from him; and after that there was found his cap, with his staff and one mitten, somewhat nigher to his body; and after that his body was found, being covered with some ice upon him. His body was viewed by us, and we find the circumstances hereof, that the ice, with the cold and water, was the cause of his death." Plymouth Colony Records 4:12. Administration of his estate was granted to his widow Faith 4 Mar 1661/2. Faith died before 1 Jun 1663 when the estate was divided among their children. Faith Doty, widow, received 1/4 part, the remaining divided evenly between sons Henry Clark and Thurston Clark. Plymouth Colony Records 4:39. On 1 Apr 1690 Henry and Thurston were declared incompetent by the Plymouth Court: "being given to understand by the selectmen of the town of Duxborough, that two of the inhabitants of their said town, viz: Henry Clarke and Thirsten Clarke, by reason of their age, indiscretion & weakness of understanding, are incapable of making necessary provision for their own support, sustenance, and livelihood, notwithstanding they have an estate in lands sufficient, as is judged, to supply their necessity during their lives ... the Court do therefore order, that John Dotey, of Plymouth, their nephew," provide for their neeeds and in return he shall have "full satisfaction made him out of the lands of said impotent person." Plymouth Colony Records 6:236, 6:99. Later, on 29 Oct 1695 at a Duxbury town meeting, "the town have agreed with Wrestling Brewster for the feeding of Thurston Clark, a quarter of a year." Duxbury Town Records 185.12 1615 - 1691 Patience Morton 76 76 b. abt. 1615 at Leyden, Holland  "My deere Mother Whitteney deceased Agust the 16^th 1691 Being Entered into the 77 yeare of her age, [Recorded by Elder Faunce]". m.abt.1633  Plymouth, Massachusetts  Children: 1. Priscilla (ca1633-1707) 2. Mary (ca1638-1664) 3. Patience (ca1641-) 4. Sarah (ca1645-1695) 5. Thomas (ca1647-1741) 6. Elizabeth (Died soon) (1648-1649) 7. Mercy (1651-1732) 8. Joseph (1653-1728) Aft 9 Jun 1660 Patience second married Thomas Whitney 1607 - 1653 John Faunce 46 46 b. abt. 1607 at England John came on the Ann in 1623, probably when he was still young, for no wife or child is mentioned for ten years.2 He shared in the division of cattle at Plymouth on 22 May 1627 [Plym. Col. Rec., 12:9], and was a freeman at the time of the incorporation of Plymouth in 1633 [Plym. Col. Rec., 1:4] John came on the Ann in 1623, probably when he was still young, for no wife or child is mentioned for ten years.2 He shared in the division of cattle at Plymouth on 22 May 1627 [Plym. Col. Rec., 12:9], and was a freeman at the time of the incorporation of Plymouth in 1633 [Plym. Col. Rec., 1:4]. 1584 - 1665 Juliana Carpenter 81 81 b. abt 1584 at Somerset, England. bap. 17 Mar 1584 at Bath, m. 22 Jul 1612 Leyden, Holland Children: 1. Nathaniel (ca1613-1685) 2. Patience (ca1615-1691) 3. John (ca1616-1673) 4. Sarah (ca1620-1691) 5. Ephraim (ca1624-1693) "Julian Kempton Widdow aged fourscore and one yeare Died the 19^th Day of February Anno:Dom: 1664 and was buried the 20^th of the same; shee was a faithfull servant of God" 1584 - 1624 George Morton 40 40 b. abt 1584/1587 George was among the Separatists of Leyden, Holland. George and Juliana came in the Ann in 1623 with their children Nathaniel, John, Ephraim, Patience, and Sarah. "George Morton was one of the founders of the colony of New Plymouth in Massachusetts, having been of that company of Puritans who left England in the early part of the seventeenth century, found a brief asylum in Holland, and came to America to establish a Christian state." D. 1664 Priscilla Dillon Children: 1. Nathaniel (ca1582-) 2. Juliana (ca1584-1664) 3. Agnes (ca1585-1615) 4. Alice (ca1590-1670) 5. Mary (ca1596-1687) 6. Priscilla (ca1598-1689) 1551 - 1612 Alexander Carpenter 61 61 b. Somerset, England Alexander, of Wrington, Somersetshire, England. See Mary Lovering Holman's Scott Genealogy, pp. 284-285 1587 - 1672 Lydia Huckstepp 85 85 b. abt. 1587/8 at Tenterdon, Kent. bap. 11 Feb 1587/8 at Tenterden, Kent m. 1606 1583 - 1641 Elder Nathaniel(from England) Tilden 58 58 b.  Tenterdon, Kent bap. 28 Jul 1583 at Tenterdon, Kent, England  "Elder Nathaniel Tilden came from Tenterden in Kent, with his family, before 1628. He was chosen Ruling Elder of the first Church in Scituate 1634. His house lot was on Kent-street, the 3d. south of Greenfield lane. He had also lands at Long marsh: and lands also in 1640, on the east side of the North River, below Gravelly beach."5 Nathaniel arrived in New England in 1634 in the ship Hercules, of Dover, with his wife and children (Joseph, Mary, Sarah, Judith, Lydia, Stephen, and Thomas), and the following, who came under the designation of 'servants:' Thomas Lapham, George Sutton, Edward Ford, Edward Jenkins, James Bennett, Sarah Couchman, and Mary Perien. The Rev. William Witherell came on this same boat.6 "Nathaniel Tilden was among the earliest of the 'Men of Kent' who established plantations at Satuit before 1628, others being Anthony Annable, Thomas Bird, Edward Foster, William Gillson, Henry Merritt, Henry Rowley, Nathaniel Tilden, and Deane says, 'perhaps others.'" Nathaniel was a Magistrate in Tenterden, and elected to the office of Mayor.       "Elder Nath'l Tilden was the ancestor of nearly all the Tildens in Marshfield. He was one of three borothers, and they were called 'Men of Kent,' from ENgland. He came to Scitaute at that portion called 'Tow Mile' tract, now known as North Marshfield, in 1628. His farm extended both sides of North River, part of it being on 'Gravelly beach.'"25       Nathaniel came in the Hercules in 1635 from Sandwich, in Co. Kent, being one of an old family at Tenterden, near Cranbrook, in that shire, bringing wife Lydia, seven children and seven servan ts. He may have visited our country before and went home to bring his household; but it does not appear by any facts. He settled in Scituate. In May 1637, with his friend Hatherly, he was appointed by Plymouth Colony to settle the bounds between it and the Massachusetts Colony. He was ruling elder in the church and died 1641, the inventory being of 31 July, and his will of 25 May preceding in that year. It names his wife Lydia, perhaps daughter of Thomas Bourne of Marshfield, yet married in England to which he gives his home at Tenterden, all the seven children Joseph; Thomas, b. a. 1621; Mary, the w. of Thomas Lapham, m. 13 Mar. 1637; Sarah, the w. of George Sutton; Judith; Lydia; and Stephen; also two servants who should serve his eldest son..2 1546 - 1593 Alice Bigge 47 47 b. abt. 1546 at Beneden, Kent, Eng. m.  Mar 10 1576/7  bur.  13 May 1593 in Tenterdon, Kent. Children: 1. Nathaniel (1583-1641) 2. Hopestill (1588-1661) 1541 - 1617 Thomas Tilden 76 76 b. bef 1541 at Beneden, Kent, Eng. bur. 6 Jun 1617 in Wye, Kent On 13 Nov 1593 Thomas second married Ellen Hubbard, at Tenterdon, Kent. Born ca 1548 at Rolvenden, Kent, Eng. Ellen died bef 1603. Stephen Huckstepp bur. on 20 Jun 1633 in Tenterdon, Kent 1553 - 1592 Winifred Hatch 39 39 b. abt. 1553 at Tenterdon, Kent, England bur.  6 Oct 1592 in Tenterdon, Kent Winifred, widow Wills. m. 18 Jun 1576 Winifred first married Richard Wills, at Tenterdon, Kent m. (2)14 Feb 1583/4 Tenterden, Kent, Eng. Children: 1.Thomas (ca1584-) 2. John (ca1586-) 3. Lydia (ca1587-1672) Joanne NN m. abt. 1552  Children: 1. Winifred (ca1553-1592) 2. John (ca1555-1629) 3. Katharine (ca1557-<1628) 4. Eleanor (ca1559->1628) 5. Elizabeth (ca1561-) 6. William (ca1563->1611) 7. Thomas (ca1565-ca1612) 1525 - 1568 Thomas Hatche 43 43 cab. abt. 1525 1636 - 1710 Abigail Eames? 74 74  b. abt. 1636/38 Children: 1. John (Died soon) (1659-1660) 2. Abigail (1661-1743) 3. John (Died young) (ca1662-) 4. Charles (1663-1731) 5. Sarah (1665-) 6. Thomas (1667-1718) 7. Elizabeth (1670-<1698) 8. Joseph (1672-1773) 9. Benjamin (1677-1725) 10. Samuel (1679-1758) 1634 - 1683 Charles Stockbridge 49 49 b. abt. 1634 at England "Charles, the only son [of John] who survived, succeede to the possession of the mills and the Mansion-house near it. In 1665 he purchased George Russell's half of the mill. He also built, (by contract) the 2d. water mill in the town of Plymouth 1676. In 1673, he was allowed by the Town '30 acres of land on the 3d. Herring brook, on condition that he erect a Corn-mill on that brook and keep and tend the mill fourteen years.' That mill was built 1677, (now [1831] Jonah's mill, so called)." Charles "died intestate, his estate divided 1684, 'to Charles, oldest son, (surviving) land at 3d. Herring brook, and half the corn-mill and three fourths of the saw-mill there: To Thomas, land also on 3d. Herring brook, half the corn-mill, and one fourth of the saw-mill: to Joseph 50 acres of land in Duxbury, near Indian-head river, (mpw [1831] Pembroke–where late William Torrey, Esq. deceased,) also the reversion of a house of Hester Stockbridge in Scituate: to Abigail, wife of Henry Josselyn 18£. To Sarah and Elizabeth 17£ each. To widow Abigail, all the house, land, corn-mill and saw-mill on 1st Herring brook, until Samuel the youngest be of age, then Benjamin to ahve the above, except the Parlour.'"5       Probate record for the estate of Charles Stockbridge: [1: 344: OS Docket # 19,472 contain the appraisal/division]. The appraisal of the estate of Charles Stockbridge, deceased, which by settlement of his estate were to belong to Samuel and Benjamin Stockbridge, when the youngest son came of age, they rendering to their mother [now Abigail Turner] rent during her life time, was dated 1 August 1700. Appraisers: John Bryant, William Perry, Zachariah Damon who made oath to the appraisal/division on 15 March 1700/1.147 Ann 1608 - 1657 John Stockbridge 49 49 b. abt. 1608 John came in the Blessing from Lindon 1635, aged 17, with his wife Ann, 21, and son Charles Ann joined the church in Scituate 16 Jul 1637 "John Stockbridge, took the oath of fidelity in Scituate 1638. He was one of the Conihassett partners 1646. He had a house near to John Hollet's, (perhaps a few rods south-westr of Jessee Dunbar's). He had also a considerable tract of land, by purchase of Abraham Sutliffe, near Stockbridge's mill pond on the north and east. In 1656, he purchased half the mill privilege of George Russell, (with the saw mill, which Isaac Stedman had erected ten years before) and built a grist mill, in partnership with Russell. Nearly at the same time, (before 1660) he built the Stockbridge Mansion-house, a part of which is now [1831] standing, and is probably the oldest house in New-England, save one, viz. the Barker house at the Harbour. It was a garrison in Philip's war, and the port-holes may be traced in the back part of the house, even now. He had married about the time of his arrival in the country, but the name of his first wife we have not learned." "The will of John Stockbridge is dated at Boston, 1657. His will gives 'To eldest son Charles, my waster-mill at Scituate, house, ground and orchard belonging to it, he paying to his sister Elizabeth 10£ at marriage, or at 21 years of age. To wife Mary, my house and land at Boston, also the house that Gilbert Brooks lives in at Scituate, with the land belonging to it; and these to youngest son John after her decease, he paying 10£ to his sister Mary; but in case he do not survive his moother, to be equally divided to all my children. To daughter Hester, the house that William Ticknor doth now live in at Scituate, with the ground and orchard, also my land at Brushy hill and 4th Cliff. To daughter Hannah, wife of William Ticknor 40s. To daughter Sarah 10£ at marriage, or at 21 years of age. To wife Mary, all my household goods, and to eldest son Charles all my working tools.'" 1845 - 1914 Susan Elizabeth Davis 69 69 m. (2)1876 May 10 - Mr Josiah D Thompson of Minneapolis MN age 40 & Miss Susan E  Davis of Lee ae 30 filed intentions to marry [Lee VR p56 mss #68793 NHHS]. m. May 1, 1876 Lee, NH, source military pension records, Lee, NH, minister J. Walter Lees, pastor Strafford SS       1909 - summer res Lee Hook and Exeter [Lee Directory, 1909].       1912 - summer res Lee Hook & Exeter [Lee Directory, 1912].     Sources:     Other : Stackpole, Hist Durham NH 2/109  Marriage Notes for Josiah D Thompson and Susan Elizabeth 6 DAVIS-7537, his 2nd __________________ 1900 census: Josiah D Thompson      64 Susan E Thompson     55 Rhoda J Davis, sister     59 Widow benefits from Civil War application # 964696, certificate #727024 1869 - 1898 Mary Eleanor Thompson 29 29 died single, by death certificate 1870 Lee, Strafford. New Hampshire 1870 census Josiah Thompson      34 Sarah A Thompson 24 Kate Thompson     2 Mary E Thompson     1 Deborah Thompson 68  Source: Other : D - Exeter Annual Report 1898 Genealogy of the Clark family of America : descended from Major Stephen Clark of Kittery, Maine Was a student of Robinson Female College, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1 May 1875 Was in state census for Minnesota 1823 - 1888 Elijah Hambleton Hamilton 65 65 Lived in Lee, NH in 1860-70, Cambridge, Maine when married to Katherine DAR National Record 357806 From the History of Harmony: Among those who came as pioneers to Harmony may be mentioned also David Kimball, who made his settlement there more than 100 years ago, Isaac Hutchins, John Thurston, Nathaniel Parsons, Lemuel Baker, David Smith, Samuel Ham, ELIJAH HAMILTON, Stephen Clark, Elisha Tibbetts, John Gray,Robert Brown, Stephen Dore and others.   Elijah Sr bought Lot 3 of the fifth range in Harmony CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:   1843 Jan 1 - Mr Elijah Hamilton of Cambridge ME & Miss Katharine Langley of Lee publ to marr & certified [Lee VR p33 mss #68793 NHHS].   1860 Jun 21 - Lee NH - 50/56 Elijah Hamilton 37 m farmer 2900/800 bME; Irene Hamilton 40 f bNH; Sarah A Hamilton 13 f school bME; Catherine L Hamilton 12 f school bME; Simeon Hamilton 19 m bME; Henry Clay 11 school bNH; James Langley 80 m bNH; Ann Langley 76 f bNH [census].   1870 Jun 4 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - 90/97 Elijah Hamilton 49 m farmer 2500/700 bME; Erena Hamilton 57 f bNH; Joseph B Davis 25 m farmer bNH; Kate E Davis 22 f bME; Anna L Davis 6/12 bDec bNH; Timothy Murray 22 m farm laborer bNH both parents foreign born [census].   1880 Jun 8 - Lee NH - 102/113 Elijah Hamilton m 69 farmer ME/ME/ME; Irena Hamilton f 66 wife NH/NH/NH; Joseph Casey m 15 farm laborer MA/MA/MA [census]. 1802 - 1885 Sarah Clark 83 83 m.July 19, 1820 in Cambridge (Ripley), Somerset County, Maine by a Justice of the Peace DAR National Record 357806 1870 census Corinna, Penobscot, Maine, United States 1880 census Kingston, Meeker, Minnesota, United States Source: Genealogy of the Clark family of America : descended from Major Stephen Clark of Kittery, Maine Children : i.SIMEON HAMILTON, b. September 28, 1821, Ripley, Somerset, Maine; d. September 30, 1831, Ripley, Somerset, Maine. More About SIMEON HAMILTON: Date born 2: September 20, 1821, /Ripley records/Carolyn Philbrick Mcnally 8/2001 Died 2: 2001, /Ripley records/Carolyn Philbrick Mcnally 8/2001 ii. ELIJAH HAMILTON, b. February 07, 1823, Ripley, Somerset, Maine,  Dec. 25, 1888 in Exeter, Maine More About ELIJAH (Elijah) HAMILTON: Date born 2: February 04, 1823, /Ripley records/Carolyn Philbrick Mcnally 8/2001 iii. ROBERT LEWIS HAMILTON, b. September 09, 1825, Ripley, Somerset, Maine, married to Lucina Curtiss of Columbia, NY in the late 1850's by journal of Samuel Dart Hamilton, children: Lewis and Libbie. Lewis was born in New Haven, Conn. He was an artisan and lives in Brooklyn, NY and is unmarried in 1892.  Libbie was married to a Doctor and is herself a practicing physician in Brooklyn. Libbie's husband was: Dr.Edward Henry Muncie; children Edith M. Muncie born 06 Jun 1885 Babylon, Suffolk County,  New York & Dr.Curtis H. Muncie Born: Jan 1887 In NY NY.  Edith was married to: Dr.Louis St. Clair Eunson and they had two children.  Donald Hamilton Eunson born 03 Mar 1912 in NY NY and Edward S. Eunson born 31 May 1919 NY NY.  More About ROBERT LEWIS HAMILTON: Date born 2: 1904, /Ripley records/Carolyn Philbrick Mcnally 8/2001 iv.MARK FERNAL HAMILTON, b. June 19, 1826, Ripley, Somerset, Maine, d. 1805 v. HENRY WARREN HAMILTON, b. April 26, 1828, Ripley, Somerset, Maine; d. Bef. 1900. vi. JONATHAN ROBINSON HAMILTON, b. March 20, 1830, Ripley, Somerset, Maine, d. 1903. vii. ANGELINE CLARK HAMILTON, b. November 22, 1832, Cambridge, Somerset, Maine; d. Maine. viii. SAMUEL HART HAMILTON, b. August 07, 1837, Cambridge, Somerset, Maine; m. MARY A. HODSON, March 05, 1865, Cambridge, Somerset, Maine, d. 1919 More About SAMUEL HAMILTON and MARY HODSON: Marriage: March 05, 1865, Cambridge, Somerset, Maine ix. JOSEPH NOBLE HAMILTON, b. December 27, 1846, Cambridge, Somerset, Maine; d. 1924, Lake Francis, Minnesota. x. William H. (Knowles) Hamiltom, b.1849 xl. Jonathan H. (Knowles) Hamilton b. 1852 xll. Angeline Clark Hamilton d. 1867 1801 - 1885 Jonathan Hamilton 84 84 DAR National Record 357806 Elder Jonathan Hamilton was born in Harmony (Ripley), Maine on 15 July 1801. He married Sarah Clark in about 1820 and had a family of nine children. He became a preacher in the mid 1820s starting his own sect known as the Hamilton Christians. Under his leadership many new churches and preachers were added to his "Hamiltonites" in Maine.  Elder Hamilton became a follower of Elder William Miller, the founder of the Seventh Day Adventista (believing in the second coming of Christ in 1843) and as an Adventist preached in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia during these years.  He was expelled from his church for "gross immoralities" and did little preaching after this.  He resorted to farming and doctoring eventually moving to Minnesota in the 1870s with some of his children.  Mrs. Sarah Hamilton died at French Lake Township, MN on 23 February 1885.  Elder Jonathan Hamilton died at Aldrich, MN on 19 August 1885. Sources: Samuel H.. Hamilton journal; Stewart, History of the Free Will Baptists, 1862; Pamela Hamilton family information. More About JONATHON HAMILTON: 1860 Census 1: 49 years old, Lee, New Hampshire 1860 Census 2: Cambridge, Somerset, County 1860 Census 3: Church Elder 1870 Census 1: Corinna Penobscott ME-Mark not living there 1870 Census 2: 58 Years old 1870 Census 3: Cambridge, Somerset, County 1870 Census 4: Carpenter and 68 years old 1870 Census 5: Clergyman Christian Value 1870 Census 6: Has Wm K. Knowles and Jonathan Knowles living with him; says adopted 1885 MN Census 1: 84 years old; 1885 MN census 1885 MN Census 2: from Gull River or Motley, MN 1885 MN Census 3: Living in MN with Wm H. Knowles, Harriet; A.K.P. Knowles 1885 MN Census 4: Per Family tree unknown submitter Info from: FTM Vol 1 and FamilySearch (no parents but dates same)  From Samuel Hart Hamilton's Diary:   My father's family---JONATHAN HAMILTON--born in Harmony, Maine July 15, 1801 died August 18, 1885 at the Aldrich Hotel, Aldrich, Minnesota and lies buried on the farm of a Mr. Armstrong about 1/2 mile from the station.  (this is as of 1892 and his remains were taken up in 1987 and re-buried in the family cemetery on the old S. H. Hamilton homestead in Germania Township, Todd County, Minnesota.) SARAH CLARK his wife born in Epping, N.H. Jan 1. 1802.  She died at my brother J.N.'s (Jonathan Noble Hamilton) house Feb 29, 1885.  They were married in Ripley, now Cambridge, Maine in 1820 by Justice of the Peace.    Their children were SIMEON who did an infant; ELIJAH born Feb. 4, 1823, died Dec. 25, 1888 in Exeter, Maine.  His first wife CATHERINE LANGLEY died in 1840's.  They had 2 children, SARAH A. and CATHERINE L. both born in Ornsville, Maine.  SARAH married JOSIAH THOMPSON of Lee, N.H. in the 1860's; died in Minneapolis, Minnesota 1874 of diphtheria.  They left 2 children, KATE and ELLA: this should be they had 2 children as it makes it sound as both Sarah and Josiah died in 1874.  The 1880 census finds Josiah alive with a new wife.  ELIJAH's 2nd wife was IRENE LANGLY (this is the sister to Catherine Elijah's first wife.) Their 3rd child, ROBERT LEWIS HAMILTON was married to LUCINDA CURTISS of Columbia, N.Y. in the 1850's.  They had 2 children LEWIS and LIBBIE.  LEWIS was born in New Haven, Conn. He is an artisan and lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. & is unmarried (1892).  LIBBIE was married to a Doctor and is herself a practicing physician in Brooklyn.  They have 2 children. More About JONATHON HAMILTON: 1860 Census 1: 49 years old 1860 Census 2: Cambridge, Somerset, County 1860 Census 3: Church Elder 1870 Census 1: Corinna Penobscott ME-Mark not living there 1870 Census 2: 58 Years old 1870 Census 3: Cambridge, Somerset, County 1870 Census 4: Carpenter and 68 years old 1870 Census 5: Clergyman Christian Value 1870 Census 6: Has Wm K. Knowles and Jonathan Knowles living with him; says adopted 1885 MN Census 1: 84 years old; 1885 MN census 1885 MN Census 2: from Gull River or Motley, MN 1885 MN Census 3: Living in MN with Wm H. Knowles, Harriet; A.K.P. Knowles 1885 MN Census 4: Per Family tree unknown submitter Info from: FTM Vol 1 and FamilySearch (no parents but dates same) Source: Genealogy of the Clark family of America : descended from Major Stephen Clark of Kittery, Maine 1776 - 1870 Hannah Norton 94 94 m. July 4, 1790, by William Lewis Phinney journal  and IGI Ancestral File (AFN: 16FX-JQX) DAR National Record 357806 Source: Hannah Norton Clark Family Bible Hannah found herself a widow at 40, with eight children and a mother-in-law. But she was brave, courageous and pious. She cheerfully took up life's burdens and  responsibilities, and was never known to complain. She died 4 June, 1870, at the home of her daughter Hannah3 (Clark) Tyler, in Parkman, Maine, at the age of 94 years, 4 months and 23 days. Her eye never grew dim; she could read the finest print without glasses. She had no use for a cane or ear trumpet. Children 1.  Sarah CLARK b. 1 Jan 1802 Epping New Hampshire d. 23 Feb 1885  2. Robert CLARK b. 17 Apr 1804 Union, Maine d. 19 May 1880         Place:       3. Nathan CLARK b. 18 Apr 1799 Epping New Hampshire d. 28 Nov 1889          4.  John CLARK b. 23 Apr 1815 Union, Maine 5.  Hannah CLARK b. 11 May 1808 Union, Maine 6. Josiah CLARK b. 20 Sep 1791 Epping New Hampshire d. 10 Apr 1852  7.  Elijah CLARK b. 16 Nov 1796 Epping(London, NH?) New Hampshire d. 7 Apr 1867 Toledo, Lucas, Ohio 8.  Eunice Day CLARK b. 8 Dec 1811 Union, Maine 9. Edward CLARK b. 22 Dec 1793 Epping New Hampshire National number 193832 Documentary Authorities and References State Papers of New Hampshire 2. Vol. XXX-p.52 by Bacheller Vol. VlV-p.242 by Hammond Vol.lV-p24, 25 by Hammond Vol. lll-p.67 1770 - 1817 John Clark 46 46 National number 193832 Documentary Authorities and References State Papers of New Hampshire DAR National Record 357806 2. Vol. XXX-p.52 by Bacheller Vol. VlV-p.242 by Hammond Vol.lV-p24, 25 by Hammond Vol. lll-p.67  After the death of his father, John moved to Maine, then a part of Massachusetts, between the years of 1802 and 1804. He settled near the head of Senebec Pond, a beautiful sheet of water in Union, Maine and here he died. He is remembered by his children as a kind, affable, courteous, Christian gentleman.  Sources: Hammong, Rolls of the Soldiers in the Rev, War, NH State papers, v0l. 14, pg.242 Batchellor, Mics Rev. Documents of NH State Papers, vol.30 page 52 Service Desc.: NH Militia in the Continental Army, Dec 1775, Col Burhams Signed Association Test in Epping, NH 1813 - 1898 Irene Langley 85 85 m. June 21 1860, Lee, New Hampshire m. by family journal records of William Lewis Phinney Children: 1. Robert Lewis Hamilton  1.  IRENE DERBORN7 HAMILTON  (ELIJAH(2) JR.6, ELIJAH(1) SR.5, GABRIEL#24, GABRIEL#13, DAVID2, ANDREW1) was born December 13, 1822 in Ripley, Somerset, Maine.  She married DAVID J. BOYNTON March 05, 1845 in Penobscot, Maine.  He was born Abt. 1822. More About IRENE DERBORN HAMILTON: Residence 1: 1850, Augusta, Kennebec Co. Maine Residence 2: 1850, Next to sister Naomi More About DAVID BOYNTON and IRENE HAMILTON: Marriage: March 05, 1845, Penobscot, Maine      Children of IRENE HAMILTON and DAVID BOYNTON are: i.SUMNER H.8 BOYNTON, b. Abt. 1846, Maine; d. California. ii. ABBY L. BOYNTON, b. Abt. 1850. 1818 - 1847 Katherine Langley 29 29 m. Jan. 1, 1843,  Lee, New Hampshire, IGI Individual Record and by family journal records of William Lewis Phinney DAR National Record 357806 1843/44,  1001265 Film/fiche search results Index to marriages, early to 1900 IGI CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:   1843 Jan 1 - Mr Elijah Hamilton of Cambridge ME & Miss Katharine Langley of Lee publ to marr & certified [Lee VR p33 mss #68793 NHHS].   1860 Jun 21 - Lee NH - 50/56 Elijah Hamilton 37 m farmer 2900/800 bME; Irene Hamilton 40 f bNH; Sarah A Hamilton 13 f school bME; Catherine L Hamilton 12 f school bME; Simeon Hamilton 19 m bME; Henry Clay 11 school bNH; James Langley 80 m bNH; Ann Langley 76 f bNH [census].   1870 Jun 4 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - 90/97 Elijah Hamilton 49 m farmer 2500/700 bME; Erena Hamilton 57 f bNH; Joseph B Davis 25 m farmer bNH; Kate E Davis 22 f bME; Anna L Davis 6/12 bDec bNH; Timothy Murray 22 m farm laborer bNH both parents foreign born [census].   1880 Jun 8 - Lee NH - 102/113 Elijah Hamilton m 69 farmer ME/ME/ME; Irena Hamilton f 66 wife NH/NH/NH; Joseph Casey m 15 farm laborer MA/MA/MA [census]. Ralph Cousins Evelyn Catholic-got pregnant, had to get married m. by Minnie Holbrook Bailey family records 1821 - 1866 George Woodbury Young 45 45 m. 1788 - 1835 Nancy Gott 47 47 See duplicate record, daughter of Joshua and Deborah Pool m. Nov. 1, 1807 Gloucester, Massachusetts, Gloucester marriages Vol. 2, Page 239 1787 - 1863 Epes Young 75 75 see duplicate record 1918 - 2001 William Lewis Phinney IIl 83 83 m. Kathleen V McKilliys b. Apr. 11, 1921 journal of William Lewis Phinney Children: 1. Bryan Thomas Phinney b. Mar. 30,1945 2. Alan Douglas Phinney b. Feb. 7, 1950 1923 - 2010 Rhoderick E Brown 87 87 married Jane P. Servais by journal of William Lewis Phinney 1930 US Census: Name:     Rhoderick Brown Event:     CENSUS Event Date:     1930 Event Place:     Manchester, Hartford, Connecticut Gender:     Male Age:     7 Marital Status:     Single Race:     White Birthplace:     Connecticut Estimated Birth Year:     1923 Immigration Year:      Relationship to Head of Household:     Son Father's Birthplace:     Massachusetts Mother's Birthplace:     Massachusetts Enumeration District Number:     147 Family Number:     14 Sheet Number and Letter:     1A Line Number:     40 NARA Publication:     T626, roll 267 Film Number:     2340002 Digital Folder Number:     4531871 Image Number:     00590      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Theodore G Brown     M     38 Parent     Irene Brown     F     35     Theodore Brown     M     9       Rhoderick Brown     M     7     Janet Brown     F     5 1921 Kathleen V. McKilligs Children: 1. Bryan Thomas Phinney b. Mar. 30, 1945 2. Alan Douglas b. Feb. 7, 1950 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney 1925 Janet P Brown 1924 - 2001 Carol Stevens Phinney 77 77 m. July 17, 1943 Children: 1. Francis Paul Dion Jr. b. Jan. 10, 1944 2. Sandra Cecily b. Nov. 19, 1946 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney 1937 Sarah Smead Phinney 1920 - 2007 Theodore Gates Brown Jr. 86 86 married Virginia Holmes, journal of William Lewis Phinney Children: Darienne Lee, b. Feb. 11, 1951, m. Oct. 11, 1950 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney 1940 Anne Hamilton Phinney 1798 - 1880 Deborah Davis 81 81 m. (2)  Newmarket, Nottingham & Lee NH 1825 Dec. 12, by Rev Israel Chesley, mss at NH Hist Soc Libr, [Lee VR p21 mss #68793 NHHS], [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. Intention files Nov. 26, 1825 Lee, NH Sarah A Thompson Small   Nottingham N.H  family bible lists marriage date as December 14, 1825 living with son, Josiah,by 1870 census Living with grandson, Charles F. Thompson and wife, Ellen G. in 1880 census and grandchildren, Bessie C. Thompson 1880 census Jun 5 - Lee NH - 87/98  Charles F Thompson m 23 farmer NY/NH/NY;  Ellen G Thompson f 26 wife NH/NH/NH;  Bessie C Thompson f 9/12 Aug dau NH/NY/NH Deborah Thompson f 82 grandmother NH/NH/NH James Griffin m 46 farm laborer NS/NFL/NFL Susan Beckwith f 50 widow NS/NS/NS; Willie L Wright m 10 NS/NS/NS [census] ______________________________ On Deborah DAVIS... let me clarify what I'd found: 1) Yes, I found birth records (plural) on Deborah -  - One with parents Jacob and Deborah (TUTTLE) DAVIS [NH State Vital Records][no record at NEHGS] Deborah's date of birth 27 Sep 1798 matches the date on the birth record with parents Jacob and Deborah (TUTTLE) DAVIS. - And another with parents Obadiah and Deborah (LORD) DAVIS [NEHGS] [No record at NH State Vitals]. 2) The ONLY marriage record on Deborah DAVIS married to William THOMPSON, to be found, was at the NH Vital Records and it didn't have any parents listed. 3-a)  History of Durham states: Obadiah 5 DAVIS died 1774 in Lee, , NH. He married Deborah LORD.  He died in 1774 and Deborah was born in 1798. And, his death is sourced, along with naming his wife as Deborah LORD DAVIS in Probate records: 1774 Oct 12 - Lee NH - admin to Deborah Davis [Evans, Abstracts of the Probate Records of Strafford Co NH p 34].  Deborah LORD married Obadiah 5 DAVIS. They had the following children: M i Frank 6 DAVIS F ii Sarah 6 DAVIS M iii Obadiah 6 DAVIS was born 1767 and died 1834  Now, his age indicates that this Obadiah could have been Deborah's father also HOWEVER according to the Lee records and his burial at Town Cemetery, Lee NH, this Obadiah married a Sarah NEAL. I did find one other marriage record, at NEHGS, a - Deborah DAVIS married to James DEMERIT. Which I'd discussed at one time with  you, Norma... stating that because of William and Deborah's ages at the time of their marriage, I thought maybe it was their 2nd marriage and that they may have both had previous marriages. Which turns out to be in William's case. And which I now suspect even more to be the same case with Deborah.... and to add another twist.... IF Deborah was married to someone else before William - the last name of DAVIS may have been her married name at the time and not her given surname. My instincts say DAVIS was her surname but as a professional researcher, I have to keep ALL possibilities in mind until I find a record to prove whatever. As for the records you stated (Dover library and Lee Burial Places).. yes, I've seen those records, even to the point of having them come back to me via Hal, president of Strafford Historical, and a friend of mine, who went to Lee Historical and dug up an unpublished record on William and Deborah THOMPSON whereas he stated: "Get this, parents mentioned as being Obadiah and Deborah (LORD) DAVIS". I called Hal to discuss what I'd found versus what he'd found, and asked him what he would trust, and he said it's a tough call because... where it states that Obadiah and Deborah (LORD) DAVIS are Deborah's parents in the Lee Burial Places, was [quoted from Hal] "written in hand - as if an afterthought". I asked him what the hell does that mean... he said "someone wrote it in there, but we don't know WHO or WHERE the SOURCE came from. He advised me to keep looking for records to back it up, or discount it. With that said, and considering the facts we do have, and those we don't... who do we trust. We don't know which of those two records you/I found (Dover library and Lee Burial Places) came first.... Did Early Marriages of Strafford County take record from what was "written as an afterthought" in Lee Burial Places, or did Lee Burial write the info taken from Early Marriages later on. AND, it now leads me to question... that Deborah's parents are mentioned in the "Early Marraiges", why isn't there a copy of that at NH Vital Records. I combed through ALL the DAVIS records and there is no mention of PARENTS found on any marriage record associated with any Deborah DAVIS. 1791 - 1868 William J?(John?) Thompson 77 77 Living in Durham in 1830 census? of Epping at time of marriage, NH, Of Middleton Or, Brookfield, Strafford, New Hampshire, also lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota before 1876, 1909 - summer res Lee Hook and Exeter [Lee Directory, 1909]. 1912 - summer res Lee Hook & Exeter [Lee Directory, 1912]. Sources: Other : Stackpole, Hist Durham NH 2/109 Lived in Lee, New Hampshire by 1850 census Lived in Stafford (Bow Pond), NH in 1860 census, lived at 76 Bow Pond Road(Strafford), could not write as per census, but had $1200 of worth. 1860 census report from Strafford, NH with William Thompson and Deborah Davis living with the Caverno family: William Thompson      69 Deborah Thompson 63 Davis Thompson     27 Josiah D Thompson 24 Jeremiah Caverno     63 Dolly B Caverno     60 William M Caverno     30 Rosemond F Caverno 27   CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS: 1825 Nov 26 - Mr William Thompson of Epping & Miss Deborah Davis of Lee publ     to marr & certified [Lee VR p21 mss #68793 NHHS]. 1825 Dec 12 - William Thompson m Deborah Davis [Marr in Newmarket,  Nottingham & Lee, 1818-1866, by Rev Israel Chesley, mss at NH Hist Soc Libr]. 1850 census Jul 26 - Lee NH - 91/93  Wm Thompson 58 m farmer bNH, Deborah Thompson  52 f bNH,  Sarah A Thompson 20 f bNH school,  Eliza J 18 f bNH school,  Davis O Thompson 17 m farmer bNH school,  Josiah D Thompson 14 m bNH schoo MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Graves on William O Thompson farm, formerly Furber homestead, Lee NH - William Thompson - d 14 Dec 1868 ae 77y;  Deborah, wife/o William Thompson - d 10 Nov 1880 ae 82y (she was d/o Obadiah & Deborah (Lord) Davis);  Sarah A,  wife/o Orrin Small - d 19 May 1895 ae 67y 3m (d/o Wm & Deborah Thompson)     [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. 1510 Agnes Derrell b: Abt. 1510 in Glastonbury, Somerset, England  m: Abt. 1529 in England  m. Abt. 1529 in Glastonbury,Somerset,England Children:  i. THOMAS15 HOLBROOK, b. 1530, Glastonbury,Somerset,England. ii. JANE HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1532. iii. ISABELL HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1534. iv. RICHARD HOLBROOK, b. Abt. 1536. 1500 - 1559 Thomas Holbrook 59 59 b. Glastonbury,Somerset,England, and  Mary Phipps m. Bef. 1661 in Kennebec township, Maine Children: i. PAUL WHITE,  1681 lived Milton, Massachusetts7 ii. JOHN WHITE8, d. Bef. 17228. September 5, 1665;  "Sheepscot sent in William Dale, William Dyer, Christopher Dyer, Nathaniel Draper, Thomas Gent, William James, William Marks, John Mason, Thomas Mercer, Walter Phillips, Moses Pike, Robert Scott, A. Stolger, John Taylor, John White.  (Ancient Dominions of Maine - Sewall) "John White, and John Lee his son in law, sowed 10 bushells of wheat, planted 2 bushells of Indian corne, 5 bushells of peas, 17 hed of Cattell, 16 swine, one horse."  Indian losses  for attack of August 13, 1676. (Pioneers on Maine Rivers) "John White, planter on the east side of the Sheepscot River; the records of Scituate, where they took refuge in 1676, described the conditions of the abandoned farms of himself and neighbors at the Eastward.  John Lee was a son in law and Lydia, his only grandchild, married Thomas Leaworthy." (Pioneers on Maine Rivers) "Benjamin Bullivant, albeit a hostile commentator by virtue of his pro-dominion views, described in his journal an incident that took place within a few days of Phips's baptism. The background was the arrest several weeks earlier of Daniel Turrell and John White, a joiner and the younger half-brother of Phips, for debt at the behest of Joseph Smith. By 30 January 1690, Turrell and White had already escaped once from prison and had then been brought before the Massachusetts council to 'Shew Cause (if any there be) why they should not be remanded to Prison'. Although they successfully requested a two-day deferral, the two were subsequently returned to jail, whence they petitioned in March for a further hearing.  The representatives were willing to agree, but the council refused, as Bullivant noted: The Northend men headed by Sir William Phips, Milbourne and Way, apply to the Deputies for the discharge of Turrell and White in Execution for a Just Debt the Deputies vote for theyr discharge the magistrates Opposed, as being in custody under their Commitment.  Sir William Phips, etc. not Contented with the opinion of the magistrates go personally to the prison, proffer the keeper 3000 pounds verrily to bear him harmless if he would put them at large, the Keeper refused and gives as hard Language as he receives." "Bullivant's account carries a number of significant implications, especially since his journal found its way into the papers of the Lords of Trade. It is hardly surprising that Phips intervened on behalf of his younger half-brother, and Turell was also known to him. Daniel Turell (or Turill) was a name shared by a father and son - the son being the one imprisoned in 1690 - who had extensive real-estate transactions in Boston in this period, particularly in the North End. In 1687, when Mary Spencer Phips had heard of her husband's success, the property she bought as the site for their house had been part-owned by the elder Daniel Turell. Presumably, the purchase meant that an amicable settlement had been reached in the dispute of 1677 in which the younger Turell had successfully sued William Phips for 13 pounds/9/_. The imprisonment of White and Turell had its origins in a venture of 1684 that corresponded closely with the treasure-seeking activities being pursued by Phips at the time. Turell and White had formed a company - with Richard Wharton, Hezekiah Usher, Joseph Smith, Thomas Mitchell, and 'several others' - for a voyage to a wreck off the Bahamas. Wharton's kinsman Goodwin Wharton was an active treasure seeker in England, described by Keith Thomas as 'continuously engaged in a treasure quest for which he enlisted spirts, fairies and the latest resources of contemporary technology'. Although Richard Wharton was not known to share Goodwin's talent for speaking to angels and disembodied spirits, his many commercial and speculative ventures showed that he was equally zealous for treasure and profit. That Richard Wharton was also an investor in Phip's Caribbean activities and that Turell witnessed the agreement of 11 January between Phips and Robert Bronson are strands of evidence that strongly suggest a relationship between the Phips and White-Turell voyages in 1684. Indeed, on 14 January 1684, Turell sold a one-eight share of the sloop Rosebud to Hezekiah Usher, presumably as part of the undertaking. Some treasure had been raised by the White-Turell company by March 1684, when Thomas Mitchell received a doughboy worth 120 pounds from an individual named John Hand. By December 1684, Mitchell had returned to Charlestown and a series of legal proceedings had begun over the doughboy and the venture as a whole. Mitchell sued Joseph Smith, who sued Turell and White. The matter was still in the courts in March 1686 when Turell and White (as defendants in the civil case against Smith) pleaded guilty to charges of making an illegitimate approach to the foreman of the jury. Apparently this faux pas had no serious consequences, and Turell and White obtained a judgement against Smith in vindication of their claim that they were the injured parties. Smith's petition for a writ of scire facias was then dismissed, to all appearances bringing the affair to an end. However, under what Turell later described as 'the Unjust and Arbitrary Government of Sir Edmund Andros,' Smith made another application for the writ, and eventually obtained a judgement in his favor of 200 pounds. After the fall of the dominion, with Turell and White refusing to pay, Smith had them imprisoned for debt.  Thus, six years after they had begun a venture that had links with Phips, the two North End residents found themselves in jail for charges that seemed symbolic of the evils of the Andros regime.  That a crown led by Phips would descend on the jail is understandable in this context. The 'Way' referred to by Bullivant was undoubtedly Richard Way, an attorney and merchant who was a neighbour of the Phips and Turell families in the North End.  A member of the North Church, Way had well-established links with the Kennebec region and with associates of Phips. He had served at one time as attorney for John Hornibrook, a Kennebec fur trader who was later interpreter for Phips at the English-Wabanki peace conference of August 1693." (The New England Knight) iii. DAVID WHITE8, b. Abt. 1657, Maine; d. Bef. 17228.  November 1669;   David and John Sr. witnessed Miller to Pearson.  (Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire) 2. iv. SARAH WHITE, b. Abt. 1659, Maine. 3. v. PETER WHITE, b. Abt. 1660; d. January 23, 1736/37, Milton, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts - age 77.  vi. BENJAMIN WHITE8, b. Abt. 1662, Maine; d. Aft. 1729, of York, York Co., Maine. Occupation: husbandman 4. vii. PHILIP WHITE, b. Abt. 1662, Jeremisquam Neck, Kennebec, Maine; d. Aft. 1743, of Newton, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. viii.  WHITE m. William Farrington?   1604 - 1704 John White 100 100      THERE IS A THIRD JOHN WHITE BORN BEFORE 1615 WHO HAD A WIFE NAMED JOANE OR JOANNE WEST AS DID THE SECOND JOHN, THE ELD                    IT'S POSSIBLE THIS JOHN WHITE IS THE SAME AS JOHN WHITE, ELDER ARRIVED IN BOSTON ON THE SHIP LYON ON 9/16//1632. THAT J                    I DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE WHERE THIS JOHN (BCP) WHITE WAS BORN (1630 SEEMS PRETTY EARLY FOR SHEEPSCOTT, ME WHEN WE KNOW TH                    JOHN WAS THE PARTNER OF JAMES PHIPS IN THE EARLY PURCHASE OF A LARGE TRACT AT PEMEQUID (WISCASSET, WOOLWICH), MAINE NEAR                    JAMES PHIPS DIED FIRST AND JOHN MARRIED (FOR HIS SECOND WIFE?) JAMES PHIP'S WIDOW MARY (WELLS?). 1661 - 1754 Dorcas Wallis 93 93 See duplicate records m.  1680 Falmouth, Maine Children:  James LANE b: 1680 in Cape Elizabeth, NE (Cumberland)  Josiah LANE b: 1682 in Cape Elizabeth, NE (Cumberland)  David LANE b: 1686 in Cape Elizabeth, NE (Cumberland)  John LANE b: 1688 in Parpoodock Point, ME  Sarah LANE b: 1690 in Cape Elizabeth, NE (Cumberland)  Dorcas LANE b: 1692 in Cape Elizabeth,ME (Cumberland)  Hephzibah LANE b: 20 Jul 1694 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Mary LANE b: 8 Aug 1696 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Joseph LANE b: 15 Oct 1698 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Benjamin LANE b: 25 Jul 1700 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Deborah LANE b: 19 Feb 1702/03 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma  Job LANE b: 8 Feb 1704/05 in Gloucester, Essex,Ma 1652 - 1737 John Lane 85 85  LANE, John b. 1652 Maine x See duplicate record 1630 Sarah White see duplicate record Children    1. John LANE b: 1653 in Falmouth ME    2. Henry LANE b: 1657 in Nachigone ME    3. Samuel LANE b: ABT. 1660 in Machigonne (Parpoodock) ME    4. Job LANE b: 1667 in Billerica MA    5.  James LANE b: ABT. 1669 in Machigone ME 1626 - 1688 James Lane 62 62 see duplicate record 1627 - 1711 Margaret 84 84  b: Abt. 1627 Children:  Nathaniel WALLIS  John WALLIS b: Abt. 1656 in Cornwall, England  Bartholomew WALLIS b: Abt. 1657  Caleb WALLIS b: Abt. 1667  Joshua WALLIS  Mary WALLIS 1632 - 1709 Nathaniel Wallis 77 77 b. Abt. 1632 in Cornwall Co., England  1640 Mary Shephard  b: Abt. 1640 in Cornwall, England Children:  Dorcas WALLIS b: 1661 in Falmouth, Cumberland, Me 1656 - 1720 John Wallis 64 64 b. in Cornwall, England  1924 George Henry Phinney 1873 - 1971 Bertha May Bailey 98 98 m. June 30, 1898 Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for L Edward Bailey Name:     L Edward Bailey Event:     Marriage Event Date:     Jun 1896 Event Place:     Rockport, , Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     27 Birth Date:     1869 Birthplace:     Gloucester, , Massachusetts Marriage Registration Place:     Wakefield, , Massachusetts Estimated Birth Year:     1869 Father:     Joseph Bailey Mother:     Nancy Trout Spouse:     Bertha M Bailey Spouse's Father:     William J Bailey Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms:      Spouse's Mother:     Martha J Goday Record Number:     5641 Film Number:     1843696 Digital Folder Number:     4332396 Image Number:     00400 1920 Census Children: Levi E Bailey      50 Bertha M Bailey     45 Esther M Bailey     22 Adin B Bailey     15 Martha J Bailey     75 1897 - 1967 Esther Marion Bailey 69 69 m. Oct. 7, 1921, Medford, Massachusetts 1904 - 1994 Adin Burton Bailey 89 89 m. Margaret Ethel Soar, Nov. 2 1929 Pierrepont Rd. Winchester, Massachusetts 1812 - 1888 Elizabeth Chesley Jones 76 76 m. 10 Jun 1836, lived in Lee, by book History of Durham Children: 1.Mary Ann  DAVIS was born 1839 in , , NH. She died 1878 in Lee, , NH. 2. Rhoda J  DAVIS was born 1841 in Lee, , NH. She died 28 Apr 1915 in Lee, , NH 3.Susan Elizabeth  DAVIS was born 13 Oct 1845 and died 16 Dec 1913. 4.Thomas Jones  DAVIS was born 22 Oct 1849 and died 28 Oct 1921. 5. David DAVIS died young. Sources: Other : Stackpole, Hist Durham NH 2/109 1813 - 1885 Nathaniel Goodrich Davis 72 72     CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:       1836 May 7 - Mr Nathaniel G Davis of Lee & Miss Elizabeth E Jones of Durham     publ to marr & certified [Lee VR p28 mss #68793 NHHS].       1840 - Lee NH - Nathaniel Davis 1m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 30-40, 1f 5-, 1f     20-30, 1f 60-70 [Census].       1850 Jul 27 - Lee NH - 129/134 Nathl G Davis 37 m farmer $2500 bNH,     Elizabeth E 38 f bNH, Mary A 11 f bNH school, Rhoda J 9 f bNH school, Susan     Elizabeth 5 f bNH school, Thos Jones Davis 1/12 m bNH [census].       1860 Jun 26 - Lee NH - 155/172 Nath'l G Davis 48 m farmer 4000/1000 bNH;     Elizabeth E Davis 48 f bNH; Mary A Davis 21 f bNH; Rhoda J Davis 19 f bNH;     Susan E Davis 15 f school bNH; Thomas J Davis 10 m school bNH [census].       1870 Jun 3 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - Nathaniel G Davis 57 m farmer     4000/1200 bNH; Mary A Davis 31 f school teacher -/100 bNH; Rhoda J Davis 29 f     school teacher bNH; Susan E Davis 25 f bNH; Thomas J Davis 20 m farmer bNH     [census].       1880 Jun 4 - Lee NH - 61/67 Nathaniel G Davis m 67 farmer widowed NH/NH/NH;     Rhoda Davis f 39 dau school teacher NH/NH/NH; Gertrude A Green f 11 adopted dau     CT/?/?; Timothy O'Keefe m 26 farm laborer MA/Ire/Ire [census].       1915 Apr 28 - Rhoda J Davis d Lee ae 74-0-8 b Lee single teacher d/o     Nathaniel G Davis b Lee & Elizabeth Jones b Durham [Lee Annual Report].     MISCELANEOUS ITEMS:       Graves in the Capt Nathnaiel Davis Burial Ground, Lee Hook, NH, on the road to Packer's Falls in Durham NH.       Monument.  Nathaniel G Davis - b 1813, d 1885; Elizabeth F Jones, his wife -     b 1812, d 1888.  David Davis - b 1772, d 1823; Rhoda Chapman, his wife - b     1778, d 1841.  Rhoda J Davis - b 1841, d 1915.  Thomas Davis - b 1849, d 1921.       Lt David Davis - b 1730 and called in deeds "David Davis third" purchased  the farm in Lee Hook, now known as "Pine Row" as early as 1750.  He was Lt in the Rev, etc. (Hist Durham p109).  No dates on stone, bur flag.       Daniel W Davis - d 2 Apr 1859 ae 59y; Polly, wife/o Daniel Davis & wife/o     Asa Cloutman - d 1 Feb 1890 ae 75y 11m.  Mary A Davis - b 1839, d 1878.  David     Davis - 5m.  Thomas Jones Davis - b 1849, d 1921; Juliet B, wife/o Thomas J     Davis - b 5 Jan 1857, d 6 Jun 1886.       Josiah D Thompson - b 17 Oct 1836, d 18 Apr 1911; Susan E Davis, his wife - b 13 Oct 1844, d 16 Dec 1913; Nathaniel, s/o Josiah D & Susan E D Thompson - b. 4 Aug 1881, d 9 Oct 1881 [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938].     Sources:     Other : Stackpole, Hist Durham NH 2/109 Som of David Davis and Rhonda Chapman Burial Places of the Town of Lee, NH, Book including Old Parish Cemetery of Mast Rd and Town Cemetery on Lee Hill, NH by Lulu Walker, Martha Walker and E. Burpee fo Cicley Chapter DAR 1938 1881 - 1881 Nathaniel Thompson 2m 2m 1750 - 1832 Hannah Hill 82 82 m. (1) 1775 Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire, IGI Individual Record, Source: History of Rye, New Hampshire: From It's Discovery and Settlement to December 1903 by Langdon Brown Parsons, page 466 m. (2) Maxfield Moved to Maine after her second marriage, had a daughter Eleanor and son Nathan. 1730 - 1776 Nathan Norton 46 46 1680 - 1719 Susanna Roberts 39 39 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA, Marriage: 5 Nov 1701 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Children     Sex     Birth Hannah Downing     F     18 Sep 1703 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Lucy Downing     F     29 Nov 1706 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit John Downing     M     26 Jul 1708 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Jonathan Downing     M     1710 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Margaret Downing     F     23 Mar 1714 in Springfield, Hampden, MA, USA 1678 - 1723 David Downing 45 45 b. Ipswich, Essex, MA 1651 - 1721 Mehitable Brabrooke 70 70 b. 1651 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA Marriage: 2 Nov 1669 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Children     Sex     Birth Charles Downing     M     1670 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Sarah Downing     F     1673 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit John Downing     M     31 Oct 1675 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit David Downing     M     1678 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Margaret Downing     M     1678     Edit Edit Margaret Downing     F     2 Jul 1678 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Richard Downing     M     23 Dec 1683 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Nathaniel Downing     M     17 Nov 1699 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA 1640 - 1694 John Downing 54 54 b. Salem, Essex, MA, USA  1661 - 1717 Hannah Bray 56 56 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA,  Marriage: 4 Feb 1678 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children: Children      Sex      Birth Nathaniel Roberts     M     26 Mar 1679 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Susanna Roberts     F     1680 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit John Roberts     M     12 Dec 1680 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit William Roberts     M     1683 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Samuel Roberts     M     25 Mar 1685 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Thomas Roberts     M     2 Aug 1687 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Ebenezer Roberts     M     22 Jan 1689 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Mary Roberts     F     28 Oct 1696 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Jobe Roberts     M     19 Mar 1701 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Elizabeth Roberts     F     1703 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA 1655 - 1714 John Roberts 58 58 b.  Ipswich, Essex, MA, Joanna Braybrook Joanna Braybrook Born:     1615 Salem, [county], MA, USA  Died:     1681 Ipswich, Essex, MA,  Richard Brabrook Richard Brabrook Born:     1613 London, Essex, [county], England  Died:     1681 Ipswich, Essex, MA,  Susan Downing Susan Downing Born: 1622 in St Michael Corn, London, London, England Died: 25 Sep 1666 in Essex, [county], MA, USA     Edit Edit Marriage: 1642 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Children     Sex     Birth Robert Roberts     M     1648 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Elizabeth Roberts     F     11 Apr 1648 in Boston, Suffolk, MA, USA     Edit Edit Ephraim Roberts     M     1650 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Samuel Roberts     M     1652 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Susanna Roberts     F     1654 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit John Roberts     M     27 Apr 1655 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Hannah Roberts     F     1656 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Patience Roberts     F     20 Feb 1660 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Richard Roberts     M     1662 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA Robert Roberts Robert Roberts Born:     1617 Berkampsted, Hertfordshire, [county], England  Died:     19 Jul 1663 Ipswich, Essex, MA,  1673 Martha Eaton m. 19 Nov 1698 in Essex, Massachusetts Children: 1. Mercy Emmons 28 Nov 1700 in Gloucester, Essex, MA 2. Joseph Emmons 23 Jul 1708 in Glouchester, Essex, MA 3. Eunice Emmons 1709 in Gloucester, Essex, MA 1675 - 1759 Peter Emmons 84 84 Peter Emmons Born:     1675 Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA  Died:     1759 Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA  Martha Cooley 1655 Peter Emmons 1712 Judith Hudson m.  27 Dec 1732 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children : 1. Jonathan Bootman b. 21 Sep 1734 in Gloucester Essex, [county], MA, 2. Judith Bootman b. 24 Jul 1736 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  3. Samuel Bootman     b. 11 Jun 1738 in Gloucester Essex,  MA,  4. John Bootman b. 12 May 1740 in Gloucester Essex,  MA,  5. Deborah Bootman b. 31 Mar 1742 in Gloucester Essex, , MA,  6. Mary Bootman b. 18 Aug 1745 in Gloucester Essex,  MA,  7. Betty Bootman b. 5 Dec 1747 in Gloucester Essex,  MA,  8. Betty Whalen Bootman b. 6 Dec 1747 in Gloucester,  MA, 9. Rebecca Bootman b. Jun 1750 in Gloucester Essex, MA,  10. Sarah Bootman     b. 7 Aug 1752 in Gloucester Essex, MA,  1708 Jonathan Butman b. Gloucester, Essex, MA 1671 - 1697 Sarah Robinson 26 26 m. 30 Jun 1690 in Gloucester, Essex, MA Children:    1. Jeremiah BUTMAN b: 7 NOV 1690 in Gloucester Essex MA    2.  Sarah BUTMAN b: 1693 in Gloucester Essex MA    3. Abigail BUTMAN b: ABT. 1695 in Gloucester Essex MA    4. Hannah BUTMAN b: 10 NOV 1700 in Gloucester Essex MA    5. John BUTMAN b: 18 SEP 1703 in Gloucester Essex MA    6.Jonathan BUTMAN b: 27 JAN 1707/08 in Gloucester Essex MA    7. Samuel BUTMAN b: 28 APR 1711 in Gloucester Essex MA    8. Mary BUTMAN b: 18 JUL 1697 in Gloucester Essex MA 1667 - 1742 John Butman 75 75 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA  1638 - 1678 Hester Lambert 40 40 b. Salem, Essex, MA, USA Marriage: 8 Oct 1659 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Children     Sex     Birth Five Sons Butman     M           Edit Edit Mary Butman     F     4 Jul 1660 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Jeremiah Butman     M     4 Nov 1662 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Matthew Bootman     M     11 Sep 1665 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit John Butman     M     1667 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Benjamin Butman     M     1669 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Samuel Butman     M     15 Sep 1680 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Hannah Butman     F     29 Sep 1683 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA 1631 - 1693 Jeremiah Butman 62 62 b. Thorpe, Suffolk, England  1619 - 1683 Ann 64 64 m. Thorpe Suffolk, England 1614 - 1677 John Butman 63 63      1625 Marriage: 1650  Children :     Sex     Birth Hester Lambert     F     1638 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Elizabeth Lambert     F     1646 in Salem, Essex, MA, USA 1612 - 1657 Richard Lambert 45 45 b. Salem, Essex, MA, USA  1640 - 1725 Mary Harrandaine 85 85 m. 7 Jul 1668 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, Children:    1.  Mary ROBINSON b: 20 JUN 1669 in Gloucester Essex MA    2. Sarah ROBINSON b: 17 SEP 1671 in Gloucester Essex MA    3. Elizabeth ROBINSON b: 12 SEP 1673 in Cambridge Middlesex MA    4. Abigail ROBINSON b: 4 JAN 1674/75 in Gloucester Essex MA    5. Abraham ROBINSON b: 15 OCT 1677 in Gloucester Essex MA    6.  Andrew ROBINSON b: 2 OCT 1679 in Gloucester Essex MA    7. Stephen ROBINSON b: 8 DEC 1681 in Gloucester Essex MA    8.  Ann ROBINSON b: 12 APR 1684 in Gloucester, Essex, MA    9. Dorcas ROBINSON b: 27 JUL 1685 in Gloucester Essex MA   10. Deborah ROBINSON b: 22 OCT 1688 in Gloucester Essex MA   11. Hannah ROBINSON b: 27 JAN 1689/90 in Gloucester Essex MA   12. Jane ROBINSON b: 13 OCT 1693 in Gloucester Essex MA 1644 - 1724 Abraham Robinson 80 80 1603 - 1690 Mary Robinson 87 87 m. 1644 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  Children: 1. Abraham Robinson b. 1644 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  2. Zebalon Robinson b. 1646 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  3. Samuel Robinson b. 1648 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, 4. Jonathan Robinson b. 1650 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  5. Stephen Robinson b. 1652 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  6. John Robinson b. 1654 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, 7. Andrew Robinson b. 1656 in Gloucester, Essex, MA,  1603 - 1645 Abraham Robinson 42 42 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA, 1579 - 1643 Bridget White 64 64 b. Stourton, Le Steeple, Nottinghamshire, England m. 15 Feb 1603 in St Marys, Greasley, Nottinghamshire, England Children:      Sex     Birth Abraham Robinson     M     1603 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Ann Robinson     F     1604 in Sturton Le Steep, Nottinghamshire, [county], England     Edit Edit John Robinson     M     1606 in Norwich, Norfolk, [county], England     Edit Edit Bridgett Robinson     F     1608 in Amsterdam, Holland, [province], Netherlands     Edit Edit Thomas Robinson     M     1610 in Leiden, Zuid, Holland, Netherlands     Edit Edit Isaac Robinson     M     1610 in Leyden, Holland     Edit Edit Mercy Robinson     F     1612 in Leiden, Holland, [province], Netherlands     Edit Edit Fear Veer Robinson     M     1614 in Leyden, Holland     Edit Edit Fear Robinson     F     1616 in Leiden, Zuid Holland, [province], Netherlands     Edit Edit Jacob Robinson     M     7 Feb 1621 in Greasley, Nottinghamshire, [county], England 1576 - 1625 John Robinson 49 49 Minister who helped lead the Pilgrims to leave England and establish a base in Holland. Was considered one of the leading member of the Pilgrims Sarah 1624 - 1683 Edward Harraden 59 59 b. Ipswich, Essex, MA,  1656 - 1716 Elizabeth Harraden 60 60 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA, 1600 Jonathan Harraden b. Ipswich, Essex, MA,  Sarah 1624 - 1683 Edward Harraden 59 59 b. Ipswich, Essex, MA,  1656 - 1716 Elizabeth 60 60 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA  1600 Jonathan Harraden b. Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA  1630 - 1691 Sarah Haskell 61 61 b. Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA m. 1649 in Glouchester Essex   Children:      Sex     Birth Mary Harrandaine     F     1640 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Edward Harraden     M     1650 in Ipswich, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Elizabeth Harraden     F     1656 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Andrew Harraden     M     13 Feb 1658 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Ann Harraden     F     2 Mar 1661 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Thomas Harradaine     M     8 Sep 1665 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Joseph Harraden     M     18 Aug 1668 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Sarah Harraden     F     30 Jul 1670 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA     Edit Edit Benjamin Harraden     M     11 Sep 1671 in Gloucester, Essex, MA, USA 1624 - 1683 Edward Harradine 59 59 see duplicate record 1628 - 1693 Mary Tybott 64 64 b. Beverly, Essex, MA 1618 - 1693 William Haskell 74 74 b. Charlton Musgrove, Wincanton, Somersetshire, England  1587 - 1650 Elinor Foule 63 63 b.  Wincanton, Somerset, England m.  27 Jun 1600 in Berwick St John, Cranborn Chase, Dorsetshire, England      Children :     Sex     Birth Roger Haskell     M     6 Mar 1614 in Wincanton, Somerset, [county], England     Edit Edit Cecilie Haskell     F     5 Jun 1616 in Wincanton, Somerset, [county], England     Edit Edit William Haskell     M     8 Nov 1618 in Charlton Musgrove, Wincanton, Somersetshire, England     Edit Edit Dorothy Haskell     F     16 Nov 1623 in Charlton, Musgrove, Somerset, England     Edit Edit Elizabeth Haskell     F     30 Apr 1628 in Charlton, Musgrove, Somerset, England     Edit Edit John Haskell     M     1 Mar 1629 in Charlton, Musgrove, Somerset, England     Edit Edit Joan Haskell     F     1 Mar 1629 in Charlton, Musgrove, Somerset, England 1573 - 1630 William Haskell 57 57 b. Wincanton, Somerset, [county], England    1544 - 1573 Ann Hannah 29 29 b. Wincanton, Somerset, England, UK  William Haskell Edward Frowde Parsons b. Wincaston, England  1586 - 1681 Mary Walter 95 95 b.  Beverly, Essex, MA, USA m.  1609 in GloucesterEngland      Children :     Sex     Birth Agnes Tybott     F     1609 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, [county], England     Edit Edit Mary Tybbet     F     1618 in [city], [parish], [county], England     Edit Edit Elizabeth Tybott     F     1622 in Gloucester, [parish], [county], England     Edit Edit Mary Tybott     F     6 Nov 1628 in Beverly, Essex, MA, USA 1584 - 1651 Walter Tybott 67 67 b. Beverly, Essex, MA Elinor D. 1630 Walter Tibbot 1686 - 1760 Deborah Ford 73 73 m.  26 Apr 1705 in Boston, Suffolk, MA Children:    1. Deborah HUDSON b: 20 DEC 1706 in Newbury Essex MA    2. Mary HUDSON b: 24 MAR 1707/08 in Newbury Essex MA    3.  Rebecca HUDSON b: 24 FEB 1708/09 in Newbury Essex MA    4. Eliazer HUDSON b: 8 JUN 1712 in Newbury Essex MA    5. Judith HUDSON b: 8 JUN 1712 in Newbury Essex MA    6.  Hannah HUDSON b: 17 JUN 1715 in Newbury Essex MA    7. James HUDSON b: 21 OCT 1719 in Newbury Essex MA    8. Joseph HUDSON b: 6 MAR 1724/25 in Newbury Essex MA 1668 - 1736 Eleazer Hudson 67 67 b. Newbury, Essex, MA 1622 - 1665 Mary Ester 43 43 m. abt. 1654 Boston, Massachusetts Children:    1.  John HUDSON b: 26 JAN 1654/55 in Boston Suffolk MA    2.  Nary HUDSON b: 22 JUL 1656 in Boston Suffolk MA    3.  Lazarus HUDSON b: 21 OCT 1658 in Boston Suffolk MA    4.  Abigail HUDSON b: 13 DEC 1659 in Boston Suffolk MA    5. Bethia HUDSON b: 13 DEC 1659 in Boston Suffolk MA    6.  Samuel HUDSON b: 23 MAR 1660/61 in Boston Suffolk MA    7.  Ebenezer HUDSON b: 4 MAR 1661/62 in Boston Suffolk MA    8. Eliazer HUDSON b: 19 JUN 1668 in Boston Suffolk MA 1620 - 1672 James Hudson 52 52 1661 - 1725 Deborah Waldo 64 64 m. : 6 Dec 1683 in Bristol, Bristol, RI,  Children : 1. Deborah Ford b. 27 Sep 1684 in Boston, Suffolk, MA,  2. Joseph Ford b.26 Jul 1686 in Bristol, Bristol, RI,  3. Judith Ford b. 7 Dec 1690 in Bristol, Bristol, RI,  1652 - 1690 Joseph Ford 38 38 b. Weymouth, Norfolk, MA,  1633 - 1683 Eleanor Lovell 50 50 m.  1650 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts Children:    1.  Mary FORD b: 1648 in of Weymouth Norfolk MA    2.  James FORD b: 1650 in Weymouth Norfolk MA    3. Andrew Ford JR b: 1651 in plymouth Plymouth MA    4. Joseph FORD b: 1652 in Weymouth Norfolk MA    5.  Samuel FORD b: 13 JUL 1656 in Weymouth Norfolk MA    6.  Nathaniel FORD b: 31 MAR 1658 in Weymouth Norfolk MA    7.  Ebenezer FORD b: 28 MAR 1660 in Weymouth Norfolk MA    8.  Silence FORD b: 13 NOV 1661 in Weymouth Norfolk MA    9. Prudence FORD b: 22 DEC 1663 in Weymouth Norfolk MA   10. Jacob FORD b: 20 FEB 1664/65 in Weymouth Norfolk MA   11. Elizabeth FORD b: 2 NOV 1667 in Weymouth Norfolk MA   12.  Isreal FORD b: 7 JUN 1670 in Weymouth Norfolk MA   13.  Sarah FORD b: 28 MAY 1672 in Weymouth Norfolk MA 1632 - 1693 Andrew Ford 61 61 Job Randall MFF Richard Warren, Vol. 2 by Robert Wakefield pge 104 1690 - 1749 Joshua Tilden 58 58 D. 1758 Mary Remington Norcut m. 26 May 1720 Marshfield VR p. 143 Became members od the First Church of Marshfield(Mayflower Descendant 31:162.  The births of their children are in Marshfield VR p.180 1659 Stephen Tilden 1699 - 1740 Abigail Clapp 41 41 m.  before 1686 1668 - 1747 Joseph Clapp 79 79 Abigail Wright 1615 - 1670 Joseph Tilden 55 55 Elizabeth Twisden  m. November 20, 1649 in Scituate, MA, F. Apthorp Foster, ed., Vital Records of Scituate Massachusetts to the Year 1850, Volume II - Marriages and Deaths (Boston: NEHGS, 1909), p. 290, cites Plymouth Colony Records, "Tilden, Josepth and Ellice Twisden, Nov. 20, 1649" [intent not recorded] Nathaniel Tilden came on the 'Good ship Hercules of Sandwich' left Sandwich, England in1634 with her master, John Witherley with wife and children, Tilden Joseph, son,Tilden Thomas, son,Tilden Stephen, son,Tilden Marie, daughter Tilden Sara, daughter,Tilden Judeth, daughter,Tilden Lidia, daughter and several servants Lydia Huckstep Duncan Stewart Ann Winchurst 1871 - 1877 Marion Gardner Holbrook 5 5 1642 - 1666 Samuel Clapp 24 24 1645 - 1722 Hannah Gill 76 76 m. 13 Jun 1666  Scituate, Plym., Ma 1606 - 1704 Thomas Gill 98 98 1618 - 1676 Hannah Otis 57 57 1597 - 1684 Thomas Clapp 87 87 1617 - 1684 Abigail Holbrook 67 67 1634 - 1693 William Norcut 59 59 1645 - 1704 Sarah Chapman 59 59 1608 Daniel Norcutt 1615 - 1672 Ralph Chapman 56 56 1618 Lydia Willis  Lydia WILLIS (AFN: 8N3S-K6)      Pedigree     Sex:      F     Family Event(s):     Birth:      1618         Marshfield, Plymouth, Ma     Christening:                    Death:               Marshfield, Plymouth, Ma 1709 Joseph Lapham Abigail Joyce 1670 Joseph Lapham Abigail Sherman m. Laphams in America by Bertha Aldridge, p.408 1641 Thomas Lapham Mary Brooks m. Laphams in America by Bertha Aldridge, p.407 1641 Thomas Lapham Mary m. Laphams in America by Bertha Aldridge, p.407 1610 Thomas Lapham of Tenterden, England Came of the boat "Hercules" 4-Mar-1634 1610 Mary Tilden m. 13-Mar-1636, Laphams in America by Bertha Aldridge, p.407 Came of the boat "Hercules" 4-Mar-1634 1583 Nathaniel Tilden 1544 John Tylden 1510 Richard Tylden 1315 Thomas de Tylden 1293 Henry de Tildenne 1816 - 1877 William Pitt Holbrook 60 60 m. (2) Fanny E. Richards,  Horace R. Holbrook b: 1850 1820 - 1846 Caroline Esther Johnson 26 26 m. 19 Nov 1841 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA Children: 1.  Levi Frederic Holbrook b: 27 NOV 1843 2. Fanny E Holbrook b. abt. 1829 3. Horace b. 1850 4. Frederic L. see below Sources:    1. Title: homden 1st Gen.FTW       Repository:       Media: Other       Text: Date of Import: 9 Mar 2005  1766 - 1843 Nehemiah Holbrook 76 76 1772 - 1859 Sarah Thayer Wilde 86 86 m. 26 Aug 1782 Braintree, Massachusetts Children    1.  Caleb Jefferson Holbrook b: AFT 1795    2.  Nehemiah Randall Holbrook b: 24 NOV 1796    3.  Ludovicus Washington Holbrook b: 30 DEC 1798 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    4. Sarah Holbrook b: 13 SEP 1802    5.  Levi Wild Holbrook b: 13 JUN 1807    6. Jerusha Thayer Holbrook b: 11 JUN 1809    7. Asa Wild Holbrook b: 17 APR 1812    8. William Pitt Holbrook b: 15 JUN 1816 Sources:    1. Title: homden 1st Gen.FTW       Repository:       Media: Other       Text: Date of Import: 9 Mar 2005  1745 - 1779 Nehemiah Holbrook 34 34 1765 Elizabeth Hobart 1732 - 1780 Randall Wild 48 48 1736 - 1809 Jerusha Thayer 73 73 m. Dec. 16, 1755 Braintree, Massachusetts Children:    1. Asa Wild b: 25 FEB 1757 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    2. Levi Wild b: 23 AUG 1758 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    3.  Randall Wild b: 14 JUN 1760 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    4.  Esther Wild b: 5 SEP 1762 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    5.  Elisha Wild b: 4 APR 1764 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    6.  Richard Wild b: 4 SEP 1765 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    7.  Sarah Wild b: 26 APR 1772 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA 1791 - 1868 Ellis Johnson 77 77 1794 Hannah Estey m. Apr. 13, 1817 Children: 1. Hannah Johnson b. 21 MAR 1818      Of, Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts 2. Caroline Johnson b. 14 MAY 1821      Of, Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts 3. Charles Ellis Johnson b. 06 JUL 1824  Of, Sharon, Norfolk, Massachusetts d. 24 OCT 1875   4. Frederick Johnson b. 07 DEC 1826      Of, Sharon, Norfolk, Massachusetts  d. 30 OCT 1828   1722 Nehemiah Holbrook 1724 Christian Thayer m. 10 May 1744 Braintree, Massachusetts 1698 - 1727 Moses Thayer 29 29 1704 - 1747 Christian Aspinwall 43 43 m. 6-8-1723 Braintree, Massachusetts 1690 David Holbrook Moved to Braintree after 1730 by George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923. m. (2) Mary Jones 1696 - 1756 Mary Pettee 60 60 m.  2 Jun 1716 Weymouth, MA by George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923. Children:   i. David Holbrook, b. 26 Jun 1717, d. 26 Mar 1782 at Braintree, m. there 19 Nov 1741 Mary Hayden (b. 9 Jun 1722 at Braintree, d. 5 Mar 1809, dau. of Ebenezer & Mary (Hollis) Hayden);     ii. Ichabod Holbrook, b. 12 Mar 1718/9, d. 23 Feb 1788 at Braintree, m. there 6 mar 1745/6 Hannah Hayden (b. 8 Oct 1727 at Braintree, d. there 8 Apr 1775, sister of Mary who married Ichabod's older brother David);     iii. Nehemiah Holbrook, b. 16 May 1722, d. 6 Apr 1752 at Braintree, m. athere 10 May 1744 Christian Thayer (b. 12 Apr 1726 at Braintree, dau. of Moses & Christian (Aspinwall) Thayer);     iv. Mary Holbrook, b. 21 Nov 1726, m. at Stoughton, MA, 26 May 1753 Nathaniel Linfield (b. 7 Oct 1730 at Braintree, d. after 1796); and     v. Ruth Holbrook, bp. 30 Dec 1730, m. ca. 1749 Zebulon Howard (b. ca. 1725 at Braintree, d. 25 Apr 1803 at Randolph, son of Benjamin & Mary (Arnold) Howard (also spelled Hayward). 1661 - 1728 William Pittey 67 67 1663 - 1746 Mary Porter 83 83 1662 - 1718 Ichabod Holbrook 56 56 1665 - 1739 Sara Turner 74 74 m. abt. 1646 Weymouth Children: i. Albiezer (1689-1761) ii. David (1690-) iii. Lydia (ca1691-) iv. Sarah (1695-1725) v. Elisha (Died young) (ca1697-1700) vi. John (1699->1767) 1617 - 1699 John Holbrook 82 82 m. (1) Mary White m. (2) Sarah French m. (3) Elizabeth Loring m. (4) Sarah Heardman John was a freeman 13 May 1640; selectman 1648 and 1656; deputy from Weymouth six years from 1651 through 1673; Captain in King Philip's War 1676. He resided in 'Old Spain.'89 Will dated Jul. 12, 1699. Obituary: "Being weak of body"; he made his will 12 July, 1699, as follows: To his wife Mary Holbrook �5O, and �10, provided she give thereof �5 to her daughter Loring. To son John Holbrook his housing and lands in Scituate, and the use of one-half to his now wife Abigail after his decease; the other half to his grandson John, son of his said son John Holbrook. After the decease of son John and his wife Abigail the whole farm to his aforesaid grandson, John Holbrook, he to pay �40 to the six daughters of his said son John Holbrook. Unto his granddaughter Elizabeth, the wife of James Smith, �5. To his granddaughter Abigail Porter �10. To his daughter-in-law Lydia Holbrook, widow of his son Samuel Holbrook, deceased, for bringing up the children of his said son Samuel, use of land adjoining her dwelling house in "Kingman's Neck," etc.; also 40 acres near the "Physical Spring"in Weymouth, till his grandson Joseph Holbrook, son of his said son Samuel, attain the age of one-and-twenty. To said daughter Lydia Holbrook also �120, provided she pay her three daughters Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah each �40 at 21 years. To his grandsons Samuel, John and Joseph, sons of his said son Samuel Holbrook, his landsin Weymouth and Braintree, they paying their mother 30s. each per annum. for life. To grandson Abiah Holbrook, son of his son Samuel, one-half of his house and land in Boston at 21, he paying his mother, as his brother shall, 30s. per annum. To his daughter Lydia Holbrook salt meadow at Kingman's Neck that was formerly his father Thomas Holbrooke's. To his son-in-law Simon Whitmarsh �20. To his grandson Simon Whitmarsh �20. To his granddaughter Ruth Derby �15, and to his granddaughter Mary Jackson �15. To his daughter Hannah Pierce �50. To his grand son Azarikurn Pierce �15; also to Ephraim Pierce, Jr., �15. To his granddaughter Rachel Peck �5. To his grandson Joseph Nash �50, and to his granddaughter Elizabeth Nash �25. To his grandsons Benjamin Ludden, John Ludden and Joseph Ludden each �10. To his grandson James Ludden a meadow on the Eastern neck which was formerly his grandfather's James Ludden's. To his granddaughter Eunice Ludden �15 at marriage or 18. To his grandsons Joseph Edson and Josiah Edson each �15, and to his granddaughter Experience Edson �40 at 21 and 18. Unto his son Ichabod Holbrook his dwelling inWeymouth where he now lives, and 40 or 50 acres to him and his wife Sarah, and at their decease to Ichabod's son Abiezer Holbrook. To his grandson David Holbrook, son of his son Ichabod, and near "Physical Spring." To Elisha Holbrook, son of his son Ichabod, one-half of his house in Boston. To Rev. Mr. Samuel Torrey, Pastor of the Church in Weymouth, �5. His Indian servant Anthony to have his freedom in twelve years. Executors, his sons John Holbrook. Ichabod Holbrook and Ephraim Hunt, Esq., to whom he gave �5. His friends John Rogers and Joseph Dyer and his brother Stephen Fench, overseers; proved 14 Dec. 1699. (Suffolk Probate Records, 14: 3.) He deposed that he was 45 years of age or thereabout, 22 Aprp 1667. (Suffolk Court Files, 815.)89 John first married Sarah [Holbrook]. Sarah died at Weymouth, MA, on 14 Jan 1643[/4].13 Ca 1644/5 John second married Elizabeth Stream , daughter of John Stream ( ca 1585/1595-) & Elizabeth [Stream] (-1672/1676), at Weymouth, MA. Born ca 1624 at England. Elizabeth died at Weymouth, MA, on 25 Jun 1688 Joseph Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Originally published 1860 George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923 1624 - 1688 Elizabeth Stream 64 64 m. (5) 1654 Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts by George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923 Children: i. Sgt. Samuel (1644-ca1686) ii. Sarah (ca1646-<1699) iii. John (ca1648-1731) iv. Hannah (ca1650-1721) v. Abiezer (ca1652-1672) vi. Elizabeth (ca1654-) vii. Lois (Twin) (1658-) viii. Eunice (Twin) (1658-ca1716) ix. Experience (1661-ca1686) x. Ichabod (1662-1718) 1798 Mary Phinney 1789 Nathan Phinney 1792 Daniel Phinney 1794 Abagail Phinney 1799 Lydia Phinney m. "Maine Marriages, 1771-1907," database, FamilySearch( : 06 Mar 1815; citing , reference 17; FHL microfilm 11,562. 1790 Susan Phinney 1795 Sarah Phinney 1791 Thankful Phinney 1785 - 1837 Alexander Drew 52 52 1794 Zilpah Small m. December 25, 1813 in Machias, Maine Children: 1.Lucy Drew 2. Job Drew 3. Deborah 4. Stephen W. Drew 1842 - 1915 William J Bailey 73 73 1846 - 1936 Martha J Goday 90 90 1815 Sarah A Elliott Massachusetts State Census, 1855 for Levi Bailey Name:     Levi Bailey Age:     53 Estimated Birth Year:     1802 Birthplace:     Massachusetts Residence:     Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts Family Number:     721 Line Number:     40 Film Number:     000953980 Digital Folder Number:     004279394 Image Number:     00659      Household    Gender    Age       Levi Bailey     M     53     Sarah A Bailey     F     44     Levi T Bailey     M     21     Mary F Bailey     F     7 1844 Levi J or T Bailey 1858 Mary F Bailey 1809 - 1887 Elizabeth Thurston 77 77 m. Dec. 6, 1827 Gloucester, Massachusetts Children: 1. Charlotte Bailey  b    20 Apr 1828 in Rockport,  Massachusetts   2. Annis Thurston Bailey b. 18 Jul 1831 in Rockport,  Massachusetts, USA       3. Elizabeth Bailey b. 4 Jan 1835 in Rockport, Massachusetts      4. William Bailey b. 9 Apr 1842 in Rockport, Massachusetts 1822 Nathaniel Woodbury 1803 Abagail Newman Fitz 1803 Rhoda Griffin m. 31-8-1823 1906 Jean E Church (Humphries) Children: 1. Margaret J. Humphries, b. Oct. 11, 1929 from 1st marriage, married to James Nelson 2. Marsden J, Humphries, b. Nov. 3 1937, from 1st marriage 3. Jan Chipman Phinney b. Sept. 4 1942, d. Sept 14, 1967 4. Chad Thompson Phinney b. Aig. 26, 1944 5. Lisle Inglee Phinney  b. July 27, 1947 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney 1920 - 1972 Betty F White 52 52 m. Jul. 20, 1946  journal of William Lewis Phinney Children: 1. Paulina Suzanne Phinney b. JUne 14, 1947 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney 1708 - 1745 Joshua Phinney 36 36 m. (1) Elizabeth Pope See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1712 Hannah Bosworth Curtis m. 25-9-1727 Plymouth, Massachusetts m. (2) Jirah Fish, farmer,  July 28, 1745, had three more children: Jirah, Hannah and Lydia Children 1.  Joshua FINNEY (AFN:Z2XW-6R)      b. Abt 1728 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma     cr. 11 Apr 1736 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma 2.  Josiah FINNEY (AFN:Z2XW-7X)      b. Abt 1730 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma     cr. 11 Apr 1736 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma 3.  Nathaniel FINNEY (AFN:Z2XW-84)      b. Abt 1732 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma     cr. 11 Apr 1736 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma 4.  Elkanah FINNEY (AFN:Z2XW-99)      b. Abt 1734 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma     cr.13 May 1739 Plymouth, Plymouth, Ma 5. (poss) Francis Phinney See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1679 - 1739 Francis Curtis 60 60 1680 Hannah Bosworth m. 5-11-1700 Plymouth, Massachusetts Children:       CURTIS, Elkanah       CURTIS, James       CURTIS, Lydia       CURTIS, Nathaniel       CURTIS, Francis       CURTIS, Sylvanus       CURTIS, Hannah  1658 - 1717 Francis Curtice 59 59 1662 - 1723 Hannah Smith 61 61 Children:       CURTIS, Ebenezer       CURTIS, Benjamin       CURTIS, Francis       CURTIS, Elizabeth       CURTIS, Elisha  1661 - 1723 Josiah Phinney 62 62 Josiah and Elizabeth were admitted to the Plymouth church 28 May 1710 [Plym. Ch. Rec., 1:211]; their seven children were bp. 16 Jul 1710 [Plym. Ch. Rec., 1:240] See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited Sources:    1. [S325] NEHGR Volume CXLVIII, October 1994.    2. [S61] Finney Family, Finney, Howard , pg 2. 1662 - 1726 Elizabeth Warren 64 64 Children: i. Josiah (Died young) (1688-1696) ii. Elizabeth (1690-) iii. Robert (1693-) iv. Priscilla (1693-) v. Josiah (1698-) vi. John (1701-1791) vii. Phebe (1705-) viii. Joshua (1708-) See article done bt Brent M. Owen in Maine Genealogy Magazine, February 2007 where proofs  and source material are cited 1627 - 1689 Joseph Warren 62 62 Joseph Warren was a representative to the General Court from 1681 until 1686 and a member of teh Council-of-War of the colony in 1675 1633 - 1707 Priscilla Faunce 74 74 1600 - 1653 John Faunce 53 53 John came on the Ann in 1623, probably when he was still young, for no wife or child is mentioned for ten years.2 He shared in the division of cattle at Plymouth on 22 May 1627 [Plym. Col. Rec., 12:9], and was a freeman at the time of the incorporation of Plymouth in 1633 [Plym. Col. Rec., 1:4]. 1615 - 1691 Patience Morton 76 76 Patience came to New England on the Ann Children: i. Priscilla (ca1633-1707) ii. Mary (ca1638-1664) iii. Patience (ca1641-) iv. Sarah (ca1645-1695) v. Thomas (ca1647-1741) vi. Elizabeth (Died soon) (1648-1649) vii. Mercy (1651-1732) viii. Joseph (1653-1728) Aft 9 Jun 1660 Patience second married Thomas Whitney.5 See MD 14:234, and NEHGR 116:189. 1585 - 1612 George Morton 27 27 George was among the Separatists of Leyden, Holland. George and Juliana came in the Ann in 1623 with their children Nathaniel, John, Ephraim, Patience, and Sarah. "George Morton was one of the founders of the colony of New Plymouth in Massachusetts, having been of that company of Puritans who left England in the early part of the seventeenth century, found a brief asylum in Holland, and came to America to establish a Christian state." 1584 - 1664 Julian Carpenter 79 79 Children: i. Nathaniel (ca1613-1685) ii. Patience (ca1615-1691) iii. John (ca1616-1673) iv. Sarah (ca1620-1691) v. Ephraim (ca1624-1693) Bef 22 May 1627 Juliana second married Manasseh Kempton, son of George Kempton (bef 1569-aft 1595), at Plymouth, MA.153 Born ca 1589 at England. Baptized on 26 Feb 1589/90 at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland.153 Manasseh died at Plymouth, MA, on 14 Jan 1662/3.3 "Mannasses Kemton Died the 14^th of January 1662 hee Did much good in his place the time god lent him". Manassas moved from Colchester, Essex, to London, in 1620. He came to Plymouth Colony in 1623 on the Anne.153 They had no children. 1580 - 1626 John Faunce 46 46 1580 - 1627 Richard Warren 47 47  ANCESTRAL SUMMARY: More erroneous information has been published about Richard Warren than any other Mayflower passenger, probably because he has so many descendants (note that all seven of his children grew up and married).  It is time here to debunk many of the mistakes that have been published over the past hundred years. Common mistake #1.  Richard Warren's wife is not Elizabeth (Jewett/Jonatt/Juett) Marsh.  This is easily disproven.  Elizabeth (Jewett) Marsh was born in 1614, which makes her not only younger than Richard Warren's two oldest children, but also makes her only fourteen years old when Richard Warren died.  [Mayflower Descendant 2:63]. Common mistake #2.  Richard Warren is not a proven descendant of any royalty, whether it be Sir John de Warrene or Charlemagne.  Richard Warren's parents have not even been identified, despite extensive searches in the records of England (see the Mayflower Quarterly, 51:109-112 for a summary of one such search). The only concrete things we know about Richard Warren's ancestry are that he was a merchant of London--whether he was born there or not is an entirely different question.  We also know that his wife was named Elizabeth.  He had five daughters baptized in England somewhere, and perhaps the true records will some day be brought to light.   There is a Richard Warren who married an Elizabeth Evans on 1 January 1592/3 in St. Leonards, and a Richard Warren who married an Elizabeth Doucke on 1 November 1596 in Sidmouth, Devon.  However, since Richard's first child was born about 1610, a marriage in 1592 or 1596 seems most unlikely.   The I.G.I. lists the following baptisms of Richard Warrens from its parish register abstractions (1570-1588):     * 1 January 1570, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall (son of Lawrence)     * 25 March 1571, St. Matthew Friday Street, London     * 20 January 1572, Bishops Nympton, Devon (son of Baldwine)     * 18 January 1573, Burbage, Leicester (son of John)     * 2 October 1576, Phillack, Cornwall (son of John)     * 9 August 1580, Sandy, Bedford (son of William)     * 24 January 1580, St. Peter Cornhill, London (son of John)     * 12 June 1580, St. Giles Cripplegate, London (son of John)     * 1 October 1581, Harrow on the Hill, London     * 26 January 1583, Haughley, Suffolk (son of George)     * 11 August 1583, Darford, Kent (son of William)     * 28 August 1585, Redruth, Cornwall (son of Benet)     * 12 April 1585, Abbey, St. Albans, Hertford (son of William)     * 2 March 1586, St. Mary, Stoke Newington, London (son of Robert)     * 25 December 1587, Shillington, Bedford (son of Robert)     * 3 September 1587, St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, London  As should be plainly obvious, there were many Richard Warrens in England.  If the true Richard Warren is ever identified, it will almost certainly be because the baptisms of his five daughters which should be somewhere in England. There are a few other small clues which may aid researchers looking for records.  First, early Charlestown settler Ralph Spague married Joanna Warren, daughter of a Richard Warren from Fordington St. George, Dorset.  This Richard Warren died in Fordington, Dorset before 1638.  And early Watertown settler John Warren was baptized in Nayland, Suffolk, England in 1585, and he apparently had an uncle named Richard Warren. BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY: Richard Warren appears to have been a merchant, who resided in London, and became associated with the Pilgrims and the Mayflower through the Merchant Adventurers.  Richard Warren participated in several of the early explorations made by the Pilgrims in 1620, while looking for a place to settle.  He appears by land records to have been fairly well-to-do.   When he came over on the Mayflower, he left behind his wife and five daughters, planning to have them sent over after things were more settled in the Colony.  His wife and daughters arrived in America in 1623, on the ship Anne. Nathaniel Morton wrote in his book New England's Memorial, first published in 1669, the following about Richard Warren:   This year [1628] died Mr. Richard Warren, who was an useful instrument and during his life bare a deep share in the difficulties and troubles of the first settlement of the Plantation of New Plymouth. Richard Warren is an ancestor to many famous Americans.  Among them are Presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Franklin D. Roosevelt; and Alan B. Shepard, Jr., the first American in space and fifth man to walk on the moon.  A published lineage showing Winston Churchill as a descendant of Richard Warren has a questionable generation and is most likely in error.  However, Winston Churchill does appear to be a descendant of Mayflower passenger John Howland's brother Arthur. SOURCES: Robert S. Wakefield, Mayflower Families in Progress: Richard Warren for Four Generations (Plymouth: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1991). Ruth Berg Walsh, "The Search for Pilgrim Richard Warren's Parentage," Mayflower Quarterly, 51:109-112. Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony, Its History and Its People, 1620-1691 (Salt Lake City: Ancestor Publishers, 1986). Nathaniel Morton, New England's Memorial (Cambridge, 1669). William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation, ed. Samuel Morison (New York: Random House, 1952).  1604 - 1673 Elizabeth Walker 69 69 Mary      c1610, England      27 March 1683, Plymouth      Robert Bartlett, after 22 May 1627 Anna     c1612, England     after 19 February 1675/6, Marshfield, MA     Thomas Little, 19 April 1633, Plymouth Sarah     c1614, England     after 15 July 1696     John Cooke, 28 March 1634, Plymouth Elizabeth     c1616, England     9 March 1669/70, Hingham, MA     Richard Church, before 14 March 1635, Plymouth Abigail     c1618, England     after 3 January 1692/3, Marshfield, MA     Anthony Snow, 8 November 1639, Plymouth Nathaniel     c1625, Plymouth     between 16 July and 21 October 1667, Plymouth     Sarah Walker, 19 November 1645, Plymouth Joseph     c1626, Plymouth     4 May 1689, Plymouth     Priscilla Faunce, c1652, Plymouth 1609 - 1701 John Phinney 92 92 Volume 2, page 196, New England records m. (1) Christian Patten about 1636 in England m. (2) Abigail Bishop June 10, 1650 at Plymouth, Massachusetts John Finney was baptized at Lenton on 15 March 1603/4. He was living at Bristol, Massachusetts (now Rhode Island) as late as 7 February 1682/3, when he deeded his house and lands there to his son Jonathan. John married, first, at Lenton Christian Patten She was baptized 23 November 1608 in the parish of Sneinton, immediately east of the city of Nottingham and three miles from Lenton.       John Finney emigrated to New England between July 1637 and December 1638. He was assigned land at Webb's Field in Plymouth on 2 December 1639; the grant was confirmed on 6 July 1640. On 16 September 1641 John and his brother Robert were each granted six acres of upland abutting the brook that comes from Fresh Lake, and John received another grant of fifty acres at "Pausatuke" Neck on 5 June 1666. The court confirmed the grant at "Passuntaguanumcke Neck on South Sea," 7 July 1638.       John was admitted a freeman of the colony on 20 August 1644. He held many positions of trust, begining with his appointment as constable at Plymouth on 7 March 1642. The following year he was included on a list of those able to bear arms from the town of Plymouth. He was collector of the excise             John was a teacher of Latin. Probably lived in Plymouth for several years, his two sons by his first wife were born there. He next moved to Barnstable, Massachusetts, where seven of his children were born and eventually to Bristol, RI.                   A letter from Thomas Bishop to John Phinney of Barnstable:                   "Sonne Phinney my love to you Remembered hoping in God you bee in good health with all your children as I am at present your letter I Received wherein you write mee of my Daughters Death and alsoe that you had written a letter att large of all particulars to mee which letter never came to my hands; and therefore can not answer it Concerning my Grandchildren I shall send for my Cozen Abigail speedy to come home to mee for I propose to take her as a Daughter; for Thomas Coggen I doe Comite him to your care and trust that you Doe provide for him and keep him as your own child taking his meanes to help to his maintenance for John Coggen I desire hee may bee bound in Boston or Salem to that trade his Genes Doe best lead him to but if it could bee to a Seaman that he might come for England some time that I might see him or if you thinke good when I send for his sister to send him alsoe with her; for the younger boy Henry Coggen that you Doe keep him as your owne sonne to School and to Write and Read till hee bee fitt for a Master and for the fiting of John prentice and keeping that boy Henry that twenty pound you have in stocke of mine shall be assoared you for the breeding that boy I have sent to my Daughter holman by Mr. Straton by the way of Bristoll two shirts apeece for the boyes and 2 smockes for the Mayde; and if you send me Abigail Coggen proy you send her handsome apparelled in her Mothers apparel; and I shall pay for her frayght soe you agree to land her to Waymouth and Direct a letter with the Mayde to My Daughter Mis Sarah Lydds in Melcomb and there Abigail wilbee Received and the boy if alsoe you send him Now this I pray you to observe and soe I Command you to God with all my Grandchildren and I desire to Temayne            Your Loveing fatherinlaw  Sources:    1. [S325] NEHGR Volume CXLVIII, October 1994.    2. [S62] Phinney Genealogy, Phinney, Mary A. ,.    3. [S61] Finney Family, Finney, Howard , pg 1.    4. [S62] Phinney Genealogy, Phinney, Mary A. , pg 3.    5. [S170] NE Marriages Prior, Torrey, Clarence A. , pg 579.    6. [S61] Finney Family, Finney, Howard , pg 1. 1633 - 1683 Elizabeth Bailey 50 50 m. (3) 26 Jun 1654  Barnstable, Barnstable, Ma, Volume 2, page 196, New England records Children: 1. Jonathan: born August 14, 1655 – died Nov. 1728 m. Joanna Kinnicut 2. Robert: born April 13, 1656 in Barnstable, MA. He died in Canada 1690 3. Hannah: born Sept. 2, 1657 – died Feb. 18, 1734 m. Ephraim Morton 4. Elizabeth: born March 15,1659 5. Lt. Josiah: born January 11, 1660  married 1) Elizabeth Warren who was the granddaughter of Richard Warren – the 12th signer of the Mayflower Compact in 1620.  and 2) m. Mercy Ford 6. Jeremiah: born Aug. 15,  1662 – died Feb. 18, 1747/1748 m. Esther Lewis 7. Joshua:  born December 31,1665 and died September 7, 1714   Sources:    1. [S325] NEHGR Volume CXLVIII, October 1994.    2. [S62] Phinney Genealogy, Phinney, Mary A. ,.    3. [S61] Finney Family, Finney, Howard , pg 1.    4. [S62] Phinney Genealogy, Phinney, Mary A. , pg 3.    5. [S170] NE Marriages Prior, Torrey, Clarence A. , pg 579.    6. [S61] Finney Family, Finney, Howard , pg 1. 1568 - 1638 Robert Phinney 70 70 Sources: Title: Will of Ellen [Smedley] Phinney, 1606 Abbrev: Will of Ellen [Smedley] Phinney, 1606  1570 - 1650 Catherine 80 80 m. aby 1595 in England Children:-     Katherine Finney b. c 1590, d. 7 Jun 1673     Joyce Finney     Anne Finney     John Finney+ b. c 1610, d. a 1683     Robert Finney b. c 1608, d. 7 Jan 1687/88     Anne Finney  1532 - 1586 Jeffrey Phinney 54 54 m. (1) Katherine Jackson Sept. 19, 1558 Parish Lenton, Nottinghamshire, England [S325] New England Historic and Genealogical Society, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Tracy A. Crocker, October 1994 V. CXLVIII. 1540 - 1606 Ellen Smedley 66 66 m. abt. 1560 Lenton, Nottinghamshire, England Children:    1.  Edward PHINNEY b: 1561 in Lenton,Nottinghamshire,England    2. Anne PHINNEY b: 1566 in Lenton,Nottinghamshire,England    3.  Robert PHINNEY b: 1568 in Lenton,Nottinghamshire,England    4.  Sicile PHINNEY b: Abt 1570 in Lenton,Nottinghamshire,England    5.  Isabella PHINNEY b: 157X in Lenton,Nottinghamshire,England.  [S325] New England Historic and Genealogical Society, New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Tracy A. Crocker, October 1994 V. CXLVIII. DEATH: "In the name of God Amen the Eighte daie of Auguste in the year of o'lord god 1606/ I Eline Finnye of Lenton in the county and Archdeaconrye of Nott' widdowe sicke in body but of good and perfect remembrance laude and praise be given to god therfof doe ordain and make this my last will and testam' in manner and forme follinge that is to witt Firste and principallie I commed my soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my onelie Savior and redemer and my body to the Earthe from whence it came to be buried in the parish Churchyard of Lenton aforsaid as neare to my husband Jeffery Finnye as may be. And for the Dysposition of my worldly goods my will is that they shalbe bestowed as follows Viz. Firste I give and bequest to my sonne Robert Finnye my ride Cowe Item to my daughter Anne the wief of William Fletcher my blacke CoweItem to my daught Siscille Finnyr my browne heffer Item to my daught Issabell Finnye my black heifer my cupboard and the greatest brasse pan over and above the childes part of goods due to her by the last will of Jeffray Finnye her father desceased Item I give to my said daught Siscille Finnye the good will of my house and I humblye beseche the hornerable the Lo' Wharton that it may please him to admitt her servant therunto, and tha she may quietly enjoy the same after my death. Item my will is that my sonne in Lawe William Fletcher shall have the kitchine and the parlo to dwell in until he can provide himself elsewhere. Item I give to everie one of my sonne in Lawe William Fletcher his children to witt Henry Fletcher Alice Fletcher Margerye Fletcher and Anne Fletcher om monye and to everie one a henne. Item to Marye and Elizabeth Finnyedaughts of my sonne Edward Finnye to either of them in money and to either of them a henne. Item to my daught in lawe Anne Finnye wief of my said sonne Edward Finnye xijd in full satisfaction of any porion wch shee can challenge under coulo of her said husbandes righte All the rest of my goods unbequeathed [my funeral expenses dischaged and my debts paid] I will shalbe equalle divided amonge my Children Robert Finnye Anne the wief of William Fletcher afforesaid and Issabell Finnye if that my said daught Siscille Finnye have the house but yf she have it not then my will is that my said goods unbequeathed shalbe equallie divided amonge them all to witt Robert Finnye Ann Fletcher Siscille Finnye and Isabell Finnye Joynte excutos of this my lasst will and testam and I request my loving neighbs and friens John Wood Cler my brother Thomas Smedley and James Pares to be supervisors of this my last will to see it performed. DEATH: Winnesses John Wood Cler' and James Pare with others Et Eisdem et anno [decima sexto die mensis Januar' anno dne Milles imo sexcennio sexto] Roberto Cicillae et Isabellae Finnie Exect'" Prell [NI1343] Sources:    1. Title: Will of Ellen [Smedley] Phinney, 1606       Abbrev: Will of Ellen [Smedley] Phinney, 1606  1725 - 1822 Sarah Barton 97 97 m.  about 1754  Children: 1) Robert Clark, Captain born 28 qqqMay 1756 in Epping, New Hampshire married Mehitable Smith. 2) Stephen Clark born 5 September 1760 3) Josiah Clark born 4 July 1766 4) Ebenezer Clark born 7 June 1768 5) John Clark born 21 April 1770 in Epping, New Hampshire and died 2 February 1817 at Senebec Pond, Union, Maine I have the book Genealogy of the Clark Family of America, Descended from Major Stephen Clark of Kittery, Maine compiled by L. W. Gray in 1889  After the death of her husband she went to live in Maine with her son, John Sarah Barton said in the Clark Book: "When I was fifteen I married the youngest son of the then rich Major Clark, of Epping, New Hampshire, and we went to live in a big white house on a large farm. Your grandfather was the youngest son, and his parents wished us to stay with them, as the other sons had chosen professions and gone. We did so, and in less than two years Continental money was worthless and Major Clark found himself a poor man. We left the big farm and they went to live with us in less pretentious quarters." She was very aristocratic.She did not accept the Saviour as her Saviour until she was ninety-six years old. She lived six months after, and died happy, only regretting that she had delayed so long. When her husband, Stephen Clark, was elected Major, probably near the close of the  Revolutionary War, her townsmen came to show their respect for Major Clark's wife by firing guns around her.  She was dressed in a pink silk, which she gave to a Mrs. Nancy Eastman, of Union, Maine, just before her death. My aunt Eunice Bartlett remembers the dress, and that her grandmother was proud of the attention she received, and kept the dress as a memento. 1724 - 1801 Major Stephen Clark 77 77 born in Kittery, Maine. We find recorded in a Bible given to Mrs. Mariah H. (Clark) Tyler by her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah (Norton) Clark, this: "Major S. Clark died 22 Dec, 1801, aged 77 years." This would make him born in 1724. It is certain that he was buried in the cemetery at Loudon Centre, N. H. Susanna, wife of John3 Clark, has visited his grave. He was major in the Revolutionary army, but the date of his commission has not been found. He was captain of the party who made a cup of tea for his Britannic Majesty in Boston Harbor; this proves his bravery and loyalty. His death was caused by a wound  received in the army. He was at one time in his life considered wealthy, but became poor when the Continental money became worthless. In 1789 he transferred two lots of land to Phillips Exeter Academy, Exter, NH and with other Clarks also deeded other lots. He was mustered out of the Army as Major. He was buried in London Center, New Hampshire. Stephen Clark of Epping, New Hampshire was an ancester who participated in establishing American Independence while acting as Captain of the 12th Company of those raised by the Committee of Saftey of New Hampshire and which was sent to Winter Hill, Massachusetts. (From the journal of William Henry Phinney) There are records in Rockingham County, New Hampshire which mention his name as one of the signers to petition William Plummer to Justice of the Peace and again in 1785 See National Number 193832 Documentary Authoritites and References State Papers of New Hampshire Vol. XXX-p.52 by Bacheller Vol.. XlV-p.242 by Hammond Vol. lV-p.24, 25 by Hammond Vol. lll-.p.67 See National Number 193832 Documentary Aithorities and References, State Papers of NH VOL XXX-p.52-by Bacheller VOL XIV-p.242 by Hammond VOL. IV-p.24,25 by Hammond VOL. III-p. 67,M1 Source: Genealogy of the Clark Family of America, Descended from Major Stephen Clark of Kittery, Maine compiled by L. W. Gray in 1889 1702 - 1756 Hannah? Frost 54 54 b. Billerica, , Ma m. 12 Jan 1724 Haverhill, Mass. 2nd Marriage For Both Children: 1. Nathaniel CLARK b.1726 Haverhill, Mass. 2. Hannah CLARK b. 1728 Haverhill, Mass. 3. Rachel CLARK b. 1730 Haverhill, Mass. 4.  Elizabeth CLARKb. 1732 Haverhill, Mass. 5.  David CLARK b. 1734 Haverhill, Mass. 1699 - 1761 David? Clark 62 62 1677 - 1753 Hannah Mascraft 76 76 b. Of Billerica Christening: 6 May 1677 Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass m. 5 Jul 1701           Place:       Billerica, Middlesex, MA      1670 - 1755 Samuel Frost 85 85 b.  Billerica, Middlesex Cty., MA. He  1641 - 1703 Mary Gordon 62 62 b.Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass. Christening: 3 Jul 1641 Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass. m. 23 May 1665 Roxbury, Suffolk, Ma Children 1.Mehitabel MASCRAFT 2.  Elizabethe MASCRAFT     3. Samual MASCRAFT 4.  Mary MASCRAFT              5. Mary MASCRAFT 6.  John MASCRAFT 7. John MASCRAFT 8. Hannah MASCRAFT          9.  Infant MASCRAFT  10.  Daniel MASCRAFT 1637 - 1703 Daniel Mascraft 66 66 b. Abt 1637 Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass. 1618 Margaret Wheaton b. Abt 1618 Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass. Children 1.Sarah GORTON 2. Hannah GORTON     ,   3. Alice GORTON      4.  Elizabeth GORTON     5. Abraham GORTON     6. Mary GORTON 7.  John GORTON      8.  Mary GORTON 1615 - 1714 John Gordon 99 99 b. Abt 1615 Gorton, Manchester, England 1608 - 1677 Elizabeth 69 69 b. 12 Mar 1608/1609 St. Lawrence, Lancanshire, Eng Children: 1. John GORTON             2.  Elizabeth GORTON     3. Samuel GORTON 4.  Mary GORTON 1592 - 1677 Samuel Gordon 85 85 b. Manchester, Lancaster, Eng, Eng Christening:12 Feb 1592 Cathedral Chr, Manchester, Lancashire, England FAMILY HISTORY AND STORY OF SAMUEL GORTON First governor of PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS of Rhode Island, and founder of Warwick and Providence, Rhode Island. Samuel Gorton is my immigrant ancestor. He was baptized on February 12, 1592 in the Cathedral Church, Lancashire, Manchester, England. He was probably born there in the Parish known as Gorton. His father was Thomas Gorton and his mother was Thomas' second wife, Anne. Samuel's parents were influential and well to do, "not entirely unknown to the heraldry of England," wrote Judge George A. Brayton, Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island. Samuel had private tutors who taught him the classics. His fluency in both Greek and Hebrew enabled him to study the Bible's original text. All around Samuel, the world was torn by religious wars. Samuel was caught in the unrest. He befriended a Separatist elder who later moved to Holland. The Separatists were the people who chose to separate themselves from the Church of England; some were eventually known as Pilgrims, others were known as Puritans. Samuel Gorton was neither a Pilgrim nor a Puritan. He was a nonconformist. He was a man of deep, strong feeling, keenly aware of every injustice inflicted on the humblest of God's creatures. An excellent preacher, he was also a profound thinker who, in his spiritual meditations, wandered off into infinity often forgetting his earthly surroundings. The Honorable Job Durfee, Chief Justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court, thought that Samuel, "did indeed clothe his thought at times, in clouds, but then it was because they were too large for any other garment." Yet, in ordinary life, no one was more plain, simple, and unaffected than Samuel. He was courteous, friendly, and elegant. He is said to have looked like a Saxon, tall and thin, with blue eyes and light brown hair. Early records say he was a clothier in London. This is where he might have met his wife, Mary Maplett. Incidentally, her brother was to become a famous personal physician for King Charles I. An articulate and passionate man, he was able to preach for hours at a time. A convincing speaker, Gorton spoke openly whenever he could get people to listen to him. His enemies complained about his charismatic language. Searching for religious freedom, Samuel, his wife Mary, the first three of their eventual nine children, and Samuel's brother Thomas sailed to America aboard the Speedwell, landing in Boston in 1636. Samuel found the world of the Boston Puritans no better than the one he had left behind in England. He soon became involved in many disputes with the Puritan government in Massachusetts, so much so that they tried to imprison him. His every thought and word was an issue with the Puritan rules. His maid was put in jail because she smiled in church. Samuel went to jail for his maid and was later thrown out of Boston. It is believed that he went on to Portsmouth, Rhode Island with his family and spoke out against the magistrates there, call them all "asses." William Arnold (Benedict Arnold's father) was against Gorton and his followers settling near what is now Portsmouth. Samuel didn't sense this animosity and he unwisely built homes. The Arnolds' appealed to Massachusetts to help rid themselves of the Gortonists, as Samuel and his followers had become known. Massachusetts enlisted two Indian chiefs, Ponham and Soconoco, to get Gorton out. They raided Samuel's home and burned it down. The Gortonists retreated to a block house. Then Governor Winthrop, a friend of Gorton, had Mr. Chad Brown try to mediate. He was unsuccessful. The Massachusetts soldiers came and entrenched themselves. They started firing and Samuel hung out the English flag, which was promptly shot to shreds. The Gortonists surrendered and were put in jail. Governor Winthrop had to abide by this although he did not want to. They were brought to trial and escaped death by one vote. After repeated persecution and prosecution, the court banished Gorton and his followers to other towns. They had to wear leg irons. Since Samuel had always been a friend of Governor Winthrop, he appealed. By March, 1644, the Massachusetts Bay authorities found that Gorton and his company did harm in the towns where they were confined and not knowing what to do with them, set them free and gave them fourteen days to make themselves scarce. This miraculous escape enabled Gorton to obtain the submission of the Narragansett Sachems Indians, an achievement which contributed in no small measure to the Independence of Rhode Island. He and about 100 other Gortonists braved a blowing snowstorm to walk and ride horses about 90 miles to the area now known as Providence. Moving on was no new experience for the Gortonists. Each of them had been cast out of Massachusetts and most of them from other Rhode Island settlements. Gorton himself had been cast out of Boston, Plymouth, Aquidneck, and Newport before seeking refuge in Providence. By 1642, an English historian commented, "Gorton might almost be said to have graduated as a disturber of peace in every colony in New England." All of the settlers of Providence were outcasts from Massachusetts. Of all those who were banished because they dared to express opinions in conflict with the ruling hierarchy, Roger Williams is the most famous and Samuel Gorton is the most notorious. Samuel Gorton had the power to inspire fear, loathing, and wrath among his enemies. Samuel and his followers purchased land from the Great Chief Miantonomo. This tract of land was to become known as the Shawomet Purchase. Other names on the deed, dated January 12, 1642, were: William Hutchinson, John Wickes, Sampson Shotten, and Robert Potter. In April, 1642, Samuel was elected Deputy Governor of the Land. They became friends with the Indians and Gorton and his older brother, Thomas, became adept in the Indian tongues. Even after the group became the owners of the land, there were problems. The Massachusetts Magistrates kept sending Gorton letters stating that the land was still under the rule of Boston. The magistrates even charged Samuel with blasphemy and burned the family home. They arrested and jailed him. His wife and children went to stay with friends and several Indian families. Samuel eventually cleared his name and was released from jail. However, he was told to leave Shawomet. He left, all right! Samuel decided to rid himself of the yolk of the Massachusetts Magistrates once and for all. He headed to England, but had to detour through the New York area, since he was still a wanted man in Massachusetts. He left his family for three years and sailed to England and presented his written manuscript, "Simplicities Defense Against a Seven Headed Policy," London, 1649 (a copy of this is in the U.S. Library of Congress). With the help of his friend, the Earl of Warwick, Gorton obtained hearings from Parliament since King Charles I had left power. Finally, Samuel was granted a royal charter with the help of the Earl of Warwick. Once he had the charter, he also got an order of safe passage and conduct given to him from the Earl. Upon sailing back into the Boston Harbor, he showed the magistrates the grant and they were very angry because they had to give Samuel safe passage back to Rhode Island. The charter also said that the Massachusetts government had to help Samuel set up his government. Never were they allowed to again interfere with Samuel Gorton. Once charter government was established in Warwick, Gorton was satisfied and we hear no more of him making trouble. He was continuously honored by fellow citizens. Also, the town of Warwick was formed, and named after the Earl of Warwick. Records show that in March 1664, Samuel was still active and appointed Administrator of John Smith's will. Happily, he lived to see religious freedom secured to the colony in its Constitution. In 1649, Samuel Gorton was elected general assistant to the Governor, and in 1651, was elected the first President over the two towns Warwick and Providence, called the Providence Plantations. Mr. Gorton was from this date the first citizen of Warwick, and his name stands at the head of the Warwick Commissioners for several succeeding years. He was elected a Deputy Governor in 1664, 1665, 1666, and 1670. The Massachusetts Magistrates had often denounced Gorton as an anarchist, a blasphemer and rogue. This was not the real Gorton. Gorton's moral character was of the highest caliber and though he differed from the Orthodox Puritans he was never a blasphemer. He was an independent thinker and a true champion of liberty. He was a graduate of Pembroke College and Cambridge and was a minister of the Gospel. Throughout his life he was a close friend and devoted admirer of Governor John Winthrop. The Gortonists beliefs have been described as a type of Christian Transcendentalism. The group believed Jesus Christ was divine, but they did not believe in the Trinity. They didn't think preachers should be paid, felt women were equal to men, were totally against slavery, and thought each individual had a right to read and study the scriptures for himself. Gorton staunchly believed that people should pay the Indians for their lands. Gorton's political creed may be stated briefly: true liberty can be found only within the framework of the law, which protects the civil right of the individual and the minority from the passing whim of the majority. He believed that government should be limited to civil affairs. By about 1670, Gorton was in his advanced years and had retired from official cares. He died on December 10, 1677 at the age of 85. Samuel's grave is in Warwick behind a home off Warwick Neck Road. There are several Gorton cemeteries there. To this day, several lines of Gortons live in the area. Much has been written about Samuel and his chair is in the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum in Washington, D.C. Samuel can be called a forgotten founder of liberty.       1553 - 1578 Elizabeth 25 25 b. Abt 1553 Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England Children 1. Elizabeth GORTON Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England 2.  Nicholas GORTON 1566 - 1610 Thomas Gordon 44 44 b. Abt 1566 Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England      1518 Anne b. Of Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England Children: Children 1.      Sex      Name          M     Nicholas GORTON (AFN:8Q4F-Z0)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1544         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England     Died:      Aft 10 1581 Jul         Place:       2.      Sex      Name          M     Richard GORTON (AFN:8Q4G-19)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1548         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England     Died:      Bef 1587         Place:      Wp     Buried:      23 Jan 1588         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire 3.      Sex      Name          M     James GORTON (AFN:8Q4G-2G)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1550         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England 4.      Sex      Name          M     Nicholas GORTON (AFN:1652-NBQ)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1551         Place:      Manchester, Lancaster, England 5.      Sex      Name          F     Alica GORTON (AFN:NJLK-00)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1552         Place:      Of Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England 6.      Sex      Name          F     Alice GORTON (AFN:9WCN-L5)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1552         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancs., Eng 7.      Sex      Name          M     James GORTON (AFN:1130-3B0)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1554         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancastershire, England 8.      Sex      Name          M     Richard GORTON (AFN:MWSX-WH)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1555         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancaster, England 9.      Sex      Name          F     Alice GORTON (AFN:1130-4JD)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1556         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancastershire, England 10.      Sex      Name          M     James GORTON (AFN:MWSX-XN)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1557         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancaster, England 11.      Sex      Name          F     Alice Or Alica GORTON (AFN:MWSX-ZT)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1559         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancaster, England 12.      Sex      Name          M     Thomas GORTON (AFN:9LSV-80)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1566         Place:      Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England     Died:      3 Jan 1610/1611         Place:      Gorton, Lancashire, , England     Buried:      3 Jan 1610         Place:      Cathedral Church, Manchester, Lancashire, England 1526 Thomas Gordon b. Gorton, Manchester, Lancashire, England 1646 - 1726 Elizabeth Foster 80 80 b. Billerica, Middlesex, MA       1640 - 1711 James Frost 71 71 b. Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA       1594 Mary b. abt 1594  Ipswich, England m. 3 Aug 1616 Sanstead, Suffolk, England 1593 - 1672 Edmund Frost 78 78 b. England       1617 - 1694 Elizabeth Whitmore 77 77 b. Ispwich, Suffolk, England       1600 - 1682 Thomas Foster 82 82 b. Ispwich, Suffolk, England       1573 - 1638 Abigail Wimes 65 65 b. Ipswich, Suffolk, England      D. 1638 Thomas Foster 1557 - 1619 Dorothy Austen 62 62 b. abt 1557 England      1555 - 1585 Thomas Foster 30 30 b. abt 1555  England       1558 Matthem Wimes b. abt 1558 Ispwich, Suffolk, England Anne m. abt 1548  Biddenden, Kent, England 1525 - 1570 Henrye Austen 45 45 b. abt 1525 near Biddenden, Kent, England      1653 - 1705 Joseph Clark 52 52 1657 Mary Davis 1622 - 1681 Edward Clark 59 59 1626 Dorcas Bosworth 1596 - 1675 Edward Clark 79 79 1780 James Langley 1850 Jul 24 - Lee NH - 26/26 James Langley 70 m farmer $1300 NH; Anna Langley 65 f NH; Elijah Hamilton 27 m farmer ME; Irene Hamilton 35 f NH; Sarah Hamilton 4 f ME; Catherine Hamilton 2 f ME [Census]. 1785 Anna Williams   1850 Jul 24 - Lee NH - 26/26 James Langley 70 m farmer $1300 NH; Anna Langley 65 f NH; Elijah Hamilton 27 m farmer ME; Irene Hamilton 35 f NH; Sarah Hamilton 4 f ME; Catherine Hamilton 2 f ME [Census]. 1781 Ephram Langley married to Anna, lived next door to brother in 1850 census unknown Hamilton Robert Lewis Hamilton Lucinda Curtiss of Columbia, New York m. 1850's by diary of Samule Hart Hamilton Lewis Hamilton unmarried in 1892 Libbie Hamilton by Samuel Hart Hamilton Diary two children 1697 - >1776 Abigail Thompson 79 79 b. Middleboro, MA Abigail Tomson, a "Singlewoman" of Middleborough, is noted for her complaint before the June 1721 session of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace in Plymouth. In that session she accused Jonathan Inglee, a Middleborough cooper, of being the father of her illegitimate child, Moses Inglee.[1] Abigail later married Jonathan Packard in Middleborough on November 27, 1723.[2] In the early editions of Mayflower Families In Progress for the Francis Cooke family, Abigail's death was given as probably in Bridgewater occurring after 20 February 1776.[3] On that date "Abigail Packard Widow relict of Jonathan Packard Late of Bridgewater" deeded land in Middleborough to "My Son Moses Inglee of Halifax."[4] A footnote in those early editions of MFIP Cooke stated that "She is apparently the Mrs. Abigail, widow of Mr. Jonathan Packard who died May 19, 1766 in 91st yr. (BRIDGEWATER EPITAPHS p. 15), but the year or age is surely wrong." The citation of Bridgewater Epitaphs refers to a circa 1882 transcription of her gravestone in the Old Graveyard on South St. in West Bridgewater, which reads in part "In memory of Mrs. Abigail, widow of Mr. Jonathan Packard, who departed this life May ye 19, 1766, in ye 91st year of her age."[5] The same date is given as a gravestone record in the published vital records of West Bridgewater,[6] and that record appears to have been taken directly from Latham's published transcription. This footnote does not appear in Abigail's entry in volume twelve of Mayflower Families Through Five Generations,[7] which follows the MFIP booklet in giving the date of the 1776 deed as an early limit for her death. The year on Abigail's gravestone, as published by Latham, is in error. Her stone still stands in the Old Graveyard, and, as transcribed by the author during a 2004 visit, reads in part "In Memory of Mrs / Abagail wido to Mr / Jonathan Packard, who / departed this life may / ye 19th 1786 in ye 90th / Year of her Age." The gravestone's date and age at death agree with Abigail, daughter of Jacob3 (Mary2 Cooke, Francis1) and Abigail (Wadsworth) Tomson, born in Middleborough on 14 February 14 1696/97.[8] Photographs of Abigail's gravestone are included in the Farber Gravestone Collection at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester, Mass. They are also available in the online collection of Farber photographs where all can now plainly see the correct date of death.[9] Dale H. Cook is a member of the Mass. Society of Mayflower Descendants in the line of John Alden. He serves as Plymouth County Coordinator for the USGenWeb Project, and specializes in Old Bridgewater families. 1 David T. Konig, ed., Plymouth County Court Records 1686-1859 (Wilmington, Del., 1978), 7: 35-36. 2 Barbara Lambert Merrick and Alicia Crane Williams, eds., Middleborough, Massachusetts Vital Records (Boston, Mass., 1986-90) [hereafter Middleborough VR], 1: 27, that would be his second wife. 1699 Bertha Chipman m. 6-10-1717, Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983  Children: 1. Thomas 2. 2. Samuel 3. Bethis 4. Mary 5.John 6. Rebecca 7. Shuabel 8. Deborah 9. Stephen 10. Lucy 11. Lydia Chipman's of America p. 14 Freeman's Cape Cod 2:83, 84, 290 Otis Barnstable Family, 1:164 Machias Centennial Memorial, p. 176 Mayflower Society #6954 1688 - 1742 Samuel Smith 54 54  of Sandwich, Massachusetts Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Chipman's of America p. 14 Freeman's Cape Cod 2:83, 84, 290 Otis Barnstable Family, 1:164 Machias Centennial Memorial, p. 176 Mayflower Society #7024 1671 - 1711 Mary Skiff (Skiffe) 39 39 m. 1693  Sandwich, Bristol, Massachusetts Mayflower Descendants 3:182, 183, 4:121 Chipman's of America p. 10, 13 Freeman's Cape Cod 2:86, 289,  290 Otis Barnstable Family, 1:164 Mayflower Society #19026 1670 - 1756 John Samuel Chipman 85 85 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 Mayflower Descendants 3:182, 183, 4:121 Chipman's of America p. 10, 13 Freeman's Cape Cod 2:86, 289,  290 Otis Barnstable Family, 1:164 Mayflower Society #7024 He resided in Sandwich from 1691 to 1712, when he removed to Chilmark  and stayed a couple of years. Returning to Sandwich, he lived there  from 1714 to 1720 and again settled here. He was a man of  distinction, versed in legal knowledge which he exercised in a  professional way, though calling himself a 'cordwainer.' While here  he was local agent for the Society for Propagating the Gospel. He  removed to Newport, R.I., about 1727, soon acquried political  prominence and became one of the Goveror's assistants. He died in  1756, aged 86 years. He was thrice married (1) to Mary Skiffe, (2)  widow Elizabeht Russell and 3 to a Miss Hookey of Rhode Island.  The will of John Chipman dated Oct. 17, 1749, proved Feb. 2, 1756,  names sons James, Handley, and John Chipman; dau. in law Mary Chipman  and her son William Chipman; son Perces; daus. Bethia and Deborah;  Perces son of son James Chipman; dau Rebecca Moore dec.  1629 - 1683 Hope Howland 53 53 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 m. 1646 (Chipman's of America" by Alberts L. Chipman, page 10) Children: 1. Elizabeth CHIPMAN   b.  24 Jun 1647[2523]  at:  Plymouth, Massachusetts   2.  Hope CHIPMAN   b. 13 Aug 1652[1181]  at:  Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   Died:  10 Nov 1678 m.  John HUCKINS   3. Lydia CHIPMAN   b. 25 Dec 1654[2525]  at:  Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   4.  John CHIPMAN   b. 2 Mar 1656 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts d.  at:  3 months old  4. Hannah CHIPMAN   b. 14 Jan 1658  Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   d. 4 Nov 1696 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts  m.  Thomas HUCKINS  5. Samuel CHIPMAN   b. 15 Apr 1662 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   d. Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts  m. Sarah COBB   6. Ruth CHIPMAN   b. Dec 1663 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   7. Bethia CHIPMAN   b. 1 Jul 1666 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   8. Mercy CHIPMAN   b.  6 Feb 1667 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   9. John CHIPMAN  b. 03 MAR 1669/70 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts   d.  4 Jan 1756 Newport, Rhode Island  m. Mercy SKIFFE , Elizabeth HANDLEY , Hannah HUXLEY  10.  Desire CHIPMAN   b. 26 FEB 1672/73 Barnstable, Cape Cod, Massachusetts  Mayflower Society #19026 1621 - 1708 John Chipman 86 86 Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 A John Chipman was added to the list of freeman in Sandwich,  Massachusetts in 1679. Listed as a freeman in Sandwich in 1702.  Invested as a ruling elder in the church, 4/14/1670.   John Chipman, Barnstable, had been at Plymouth or Yarmouth a few years before 1650, and may have redided at other towns, since he said, 8 Feb. 1652, it was 21 years ago that he came from England and was now at 37 years old. So that it seems probable he came with Allerton in the White Angel or in the Friendship, that had sail, at the same time, from Barnstaple in Devon, but had put back and so reached here a few days later. He married Hope, second daughter of John Howland, and had Elizabeth, born 24 June 1647, at Plymouth b aptised at Barnstable 18 Aug. 1650, beside one or two more, for he speaks of more than one before Hope; Lydia; John; Hannah; Samuel;  Ruth; Bethia; Mercy; John; Desire. His father Thomas had good estate  near Dorchester in County Dorset. He was long ruling Elder and representative 1663 to 1669 every year except 1667. Rev. John Smith came from the country around Dorchester as well, and the two were close associates.  1607 - 1687 Elizabeth Tillie 80 80 birth Gravestone record birth certified, 17,358/4485 ,Mayflower Society Descendants # 48632, state #7776, Oct. 11, 1983 bap. 30-8-1607 Henlow, Bedforshire, England m. 24-3-1623, Plymouth Colony Mayflower Society # 19049 "From the Mayflower Quarterly" Also on the Mayflower was a silk-weaver named John Tilley, his wife Joan and daughter Elizabeth.. During the first winter in Plymouth John and Joan Tilley died in the general sickness as did about half the Mayflower Pilgrims including Jon's brother Edward Tilley and his wife Agnes. The orphan, Elizabeth (then about thirteen or fourteen years old) was taken into the household of Governor John Carver. However, before the first year was completed both Governor and his wife Katherine also died. This left John Howland responsible for waht was left of the Carver household. Two years later John married Elizabeth. Children:    1. Desire Howland           * b.  c1623-1625 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  13 October 1683 at Barnstable, Plymouth Colony (now Barnstable Co., MA)           * m.  c1643 to Ralph Gorham at Barnstable, Plymouth Colony (now Barnstable Co., MA)    2. John Howland           * b.  24 April 1627 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  after 18 June 1699 at Barnstable, Barnstable Co., MA           * m.  26 October 1651 to Mary Lee (c1632-aft 6 May 1693) at Barnstable, Plymouth Colony (now Barnstable Co., MA) and had children Mary Howland, Elizabeth Howland (17 May 1655-aft 17 Dec 1686), Isaac Howland (25 Nov 1659-), Hannah Howland (15 May 1661-bef Feb 1710/1), Mercy Howland (21 Jan 1663-), Lydia Howland (9 Jan 1665-6 July 1717), Experience Howland (28 July 1668-), Anne Howland (9 Sep 1670-aft 27 Apr 1741), Shobal Howland (20 Sep 1672-1737) and John Howland (-14 Feb 1738)    3. Hope Howland           * b.  30 August 1629 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  8 January 1683/4 at Barnstable, Plymouth Colony (now Barnstable Co., MA)           * m.  13 September 1646 to John Chipman at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA) and had children Elizabeth Chipman (24 June 1648-aft Feb 1712), ___ Chipman (stillborn Sep 1650), Hope Chipman (31 Aug 1652-26 July 1728), Lydia Chipman (25 Dec 1654-2 Mar 1730), John Chipman (2 Mar 1656/7-29 May 1657), Hannah Chipman (14 Jan 1658-4 Nov 1696), Samuel Chipman (15 Apr 1661-1723), Ruth Chipman (Dec 1663-8 Apr 1698), Bethia Chipman (1 July 1666-aft 12 Nov 1702), Mercy Chipman (6 Feb 1668-12 June 1724), John Chipman (3 Mar 1670/1-4 Jan 1756) and Desire Chipman (26 Feb 1673-28 Mar 1705)    4. Elizabeth Howland           * b.  c1631 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  3 October 1692 at Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York           * m.  13 September 1649 to Ephraim Hicks (c1615-12 Dec 1649) at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * m.  10 July 1651 to John Dickinson (c1630-Oct 1682) at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA) and had children Elizabeth Dickinson (11 Oct 1652-1695), Joseph Dickinson (24 Dec 1654-), Mercy Dickinson (23 Apr 1657-), Jabez Dickinson (29 Sep 1660-), Lydia Dickinson (5 Oct 1662-), Samuel Dickinson (26 Mar 1665-), Mehitable Dickinson (Apr 1667-), Hannah Dickinson (6 Mar 1671-) and James Dickinson (27 July 1675-)    5. Lydia Howland           * b.  1633 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  after 11 January 1710/1 at MA           * m.  c1654 to James Brown (1623-29 Oct 1710) and had children James Brown (4 May 1655-15 Apr 1718), Jabez Brown (c1667-bef 7 July 1747), Dorothy Brown (29 Aug 1666-2 June 1727) and Joseph Brown (9 July 1668-)    6. Hannah Howland           * b.  1637 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  1708 at Swansea, Bristol Co., MA           * m.  6 July 1661 to Jonathan Bosworth (1636-bef 1717) at Swansea, Plymouth Colony (now Bristol Co., MA) and had children Mercy Bosworth (30 May 1662-), Hannah Bosworth (5 Nov 1663-31 July 1723), Elizabeth Bosworth (6 June 1665-31 July 1676), Jonathan Bosworth (24 Dec 1666-c16 July 1676), David Bosworth (15 Sep 1670-12 June 1747), John Bosworth (6 Apr 1671-bef 10 Nov 1719), Jabez Bosworth (14 Feb 1673-), Ichabod Bosworth (18 Mar 1676-), and Jonathan Bosworth (22 Sep 1680-bef 3 Apr 1759)    7. Joseph Howland           * b.  1639 at Rocky Nook Farm, Plymouth (now Kingston), Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  January 1703/4 at Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA           * m.  7 December 1664 to Elizabeth Southworth at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA) and had children Thomas Howland (-2 Dec 1739), James Howland (bef 29 Dec 1669-), Sarah Howland (-bef 23 Dec 1703), Lydia Howland (-aft 1739), Elizabeth Howland (-aft 15 Feb 1723/4), Mercy Howland (-c1721), Nathaniel Howland (c1670-29 Dec 1746), Benjamin Howland (-7 Ssep 1689) and Joseph Howland (-8 July 1689)    8. Jabez Howland           * b.  c1644 at Rocky Nook Farm, Plymouth (now Kingston), Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  between 14 May 1708 - 21 February 1711/2 at Bristol, Bristol Co., MA (now in RI)           * m.  c1668 to Bethiah Thacher (c1642-7 - 19 Dec 1725) at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA) and had children Jabez Howland (15 Nov 1669-17 Oct 1732), John Howland (c15 Jan 1672-later in Jan 1672), Bethiah Howland (3 June 1674-1676), Josiah Howland (6 Aug 1676-), John Howland (26 July 1679-died young), Judah Howland (7 May 1683-), Seth Howland (5 Jan 1684-c12 Apr 1685), Samuel Howland (16 May 1686-15 May 1748), Experience Howland (19 May 1687-), Joseph Howland (14 Oct 1692-16 Aug 1737) and Elizabeth Howland           * The Jabez Howland House in Plymouth, MA is now a museum    9. Ruth Howland           * b.  1646 at Rocky Nook Farm, Plymouth (now Kingston), Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  between 1672 - 16 October 1679 at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * m.  17 November 1664 to Thomas Cushman (16 Sep 1637-23 Aug 1726) at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA) and had children Robert Cushman (c1664-7 Sep 1757), Thomas Cushman (c1670-9 Jan 1726/7) and Desire Cushman (bef 16 Oct 1679-8 Feb 1762).  Thomas Cushman married second 16 October 1679 to Abigail Fuller (c1652-31 May 1734)   10. Isaac Howland           * b.  15 November 1649 at Rocky Nook Farm, Plymouth (now Kingston), Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * d.  9 March 1723/4 at Middleboro, Plymouth Co., MA           * m.  c1676 to Elizabeth Vaughn (8 Apr 1653-29 Oct 1727) at Middleboro, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA) and had children Seth Howland (28 Nov 1677-26 Oct 1729), Isaac Howland (6 Mar 1678/9-26 Feb 1723/4), Priscilla Howland (22 Aug 1681-3 Mar 1746), Elizabeth Howland (2 Dec 1682-01 Apr 1685), Nathan Howland (17 Jan 1687-), Jael Howland (13 Oct 1688-9 Nov 1745), Susanna Howland (14 Oct 1690-1 Oct 1720) and Hannah Howland (6 Oct 1694-25 Mar 1792) 1602 - 1672 John Howland 70 70 Society of Mayflower Descendants #4849, birth Gravestone record birth certified, 17,358/4485 Beatrice Eleanor Bailey Signer of Mayflower Compact John Howland - was born on 16 Jan 1602 in Ely, Cambridge, England and died on 23 Feb 1673 in Plymouth, Mass. . He was the son of Henry Howland and Anne-Margaret Aires.  John married Elizabeth Tilley on 4 Aug 1623 in Plymouth, Mass.. Elizabeth was born on 30 Aug 1607 in Scroobay, Nottingham, England. She was the daughter of John Tilley and Joan Hurst. She died on 21 Dec 1687 in Swanzey, Bristol Co., Mass. and was buried in Brown lot, Little Neck, Riverside, Ri. .  Elizabeth - came to America on the Mayflower with her parents and future husband.  John - was the only one of the three HOWLAND brothers to come on the Mayflower, the other two brothers came over in 1624.    His was the 13th name of 41 persons who signed the memorable compact in the cabin of the Mayflower in "Cape Cod Harbor" in Nov 1620. He signed on as a manservant Mr. John Carver. "A profitable instrument of good; the last man that was left of those that came over on the ship called the May Flower..." - Plymouth Col. Recs.    From "One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families" by John Osborne Austin - 'A lusty young man (called John Howland) coming upon some occasion above the grating was with a seele (Sail) of the ship thrown into the sea, but it pleased God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards which hung overboard, an ran out at length, yet he held his hold (though he was sundry fathoms under water) till he was hauled up by the same rope to the brim of the water, and then with a boat hook and other means got into the ship again.'    When the Mayflower was yet in Cape Cod Harbor, ten of her "principal men", including John, were sent out in a boat, manned by eight sailors, to select a place to establish a longed-for home for the weary band. A storm drove them into Plymouth harbor, and Plymouth was selected as the place of settlement. Children:  i.  Desire Howland was born on 13 Oct 1623/1625 in Barnstable, Mass. and died on 13 Oct 1683 in Barnstable, Mass. .  Desire - married Capt. John Gorham who was chr. at Benefield England on Jan 28, 1621. He died about 1675. They had 11 children.   ii.  John Howland was born on 24 Feb 1627 in Plymouth, Mass. and died on 6 May 1693 in Barnstable, Mass. . See #3. below.   iii.  Jabez Howland was born in 1628 in Plymouth, Mass. and died in 1712  Jabez - occupation: Town Clerk - married Bethiah Thatcher - 11 children. Another source (LDS) had death date as Apr 7, 1708. Blacksmith by trade, served as Lt. in King Phillip's war.   iv.  Hope Howland was born on 30 Aug 1629 in Plymouth, Mass. and died on 8 Jan 1683/1684 in Barnstable, Mass. and was buried in Lothrop Hill .  Hope - married John Chipman about 1646 - 11 children. One of them, Ruth Chipman married Eleazer Crocker, the son of William Crocker.   v.  Elizabeth Howland was born about 1632 in Plymouth, Mass. and died in 1683 .  Elizabeth - married 1) Ephraim Hicks 1n 1649, 2) John Dickarson in 1651 - 9 children born at Oyster Bay, Long Island.   vi.  Lydia Howland was born about 1628 in Plymouth, Mass. and died on 11 Jan 1710/1711 .  Lydia - married John Brown - settled in Swanzey, Mass - 3 children.   vii.  Ruth Howland was born in Rocky Nook, Mass..  Ruth - married Thomas Cushman Jr. - 3 children.   viii.  Hannah Howland was born about 1635 in Rocky Nook, Mass. and died in 1687 in Swansea, Bristol Co, Mass. .  Hannah - married Jonathan Bosworth in 1661 - 7 children.   ix.  Joseph Howland was born about 1637 in Rocky Nook, Mass. and died Jan 1703/1704 .  Joseph - occupation: Surveyor - married Elizabeth Southworth in 1664 - 9 children. Became a military office during the Indian Wars.   x.  Isaac Howland was born on 15 Nov 1649 in Plymouth, Mass. and died on 9 Mar 1724 .  Isaac - married Elizabeth Vaughn of Middleborough, Mass in 1724. - 8 children. Settled at Millboro - was an officer during the Indian Wars. Kept an "ordinary" or Inn in 1684.   Jogn Howland of Fenstanton, Huntingdon, England was the son of Margaret and Henry Howland. He was hired by John Carver (to become Governor of Massachuestts) and identified as Carver's indentered manservant. D. 1635 Ann- Margaret Aire Children:    1. Arthur Howland           * b.  1587 at Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England           * d.  c30 October 1675 at Marshfield, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * m.  before 1643 to Margaret Walker at Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England and had children Mary Howland and Arthur Howland (1640-)    2. Humphrey Howland           * d.  between 28 May - 10 July 1646 at London, England           * m.  Annie (-bet 10-20 Dec 1653)    3. John Howland           * b.  1592 at Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England           * d.  23 February 1672/3 at Rocky Nook Farm, Plymouth (now Kingston), Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * m.  c25 March 1623 to Elizabeth Tilley at Plymouth, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)    4. Simon Howland           * b.  c19 August 1604 at Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England    5. George Howland           * d.  10 February 1643/4 at London, England    6. Henry Howland           * b.  1608 at Fen Stanton, Huntingdonshire, England           * d.  16 or 17 January 1670/1 at Duxbury, Plymouth Colony (now Plymouth Co., MA)           * m.  c1628 to Mary Newland at England (-bet 8 May 1674-8 Apr 1675)    7. Margaret Howland           * d.  after 31 July 1629           * m.  Richard Phillips 1564 - 1635 Henry Howland 71 71 Elizabeth Handley Hannah Huxley 1596 Joan Hurst Rogers Society of Mayflower Descendants #4849, birth Gravestone record birth certified, 17,358/4485 Beatrice Eleanor Bailey m.(2)Joan Hurst  Died first winter in Plymouth 1593 John Tilley Society of Mayflower Descendants #4849, birth Gravestone record birth certified, 17,358/4485 Beatrice Eleanor Bailey Signer of Mayflower Compact Died first winter in Plymouth William Hurst Henry Hurst 1800 Sarah Pennell m. Oct. 9, 1820, Topsham, Maine, Vital records of Topsham, Maine and intention Sept. 24, 1820 of Lisbon, Maine (see Vital Records of Topsham, Maine "Sally (Pennell) born 1800, married William Brown, 1820) 1796 William Brown 1759 - 1818 Mary Cotton 59 59 b, Brunswick, Cumberland, Me m.  3 Oct 1778 Brunswick, Cumberland, Me Children: 1. Agnes PENNELL Abt Jan 1788 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me cr. 21 Jul 1790 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me d. 26 Apr 1873 Bowdoin, Sagadahoc, Me bur. 1873 So Bowdoin Cem, Bowdoin, Sagadahoc, Me 2. Apphia PENNELL b. 1779 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me bur. So Bowdoin Cem, Bowdoin, Sagadahoc, Me 3. Thomas PENNELL 1791 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me 4.Annis PENNELL b. 1793 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me d. 13 Mar 1878 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me 5. Hannah PENNELL b. 1797 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me d. 28 Feb 1858 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me 6. Sally PENNELL b. 1800 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me 7.Infant PENNELLb. 7 Mar 1794 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me 8.Isaac Cotton PENNELLb. 27 Mar 1784     Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me cr. 21 Jul 1790 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me d. 14 Jan 1861 Machias, Washington, Me bur. 1861 Court St Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Me 9. Joshua PENNELL b. 31 Jul 1782 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me cr. 20 Mar 1817 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me d. 8 Feb 1861 Topsham, Sagadahoc, Me 1752 - 1822 Stephen Pennell 70 70 of Topsham Agnes Smith (Hinckley) m. (2) Nov 5, 1757 Brunswick, Maine, fist husband Isaac Hinckley was killed by the Indians The family is nearly related to to Sir Rowland Cotton, one of the grantees of Virginia, 1609 and also to the late Admiral Sir John Cotton who is claimed to be the brother of Leonard Cotton Jr. (Bangor, Maine, Historical Magazine, vol. 4, p.93 "Marriage Intentions" Dec. 3, 1749 of Isaac Hinkley and Alfred Smith Vol.14, p. 147 of Widow Hinkley and Thomas Cotton of Falmouth, Maine) 1724 - 1781 Thomas Cotton 57 57 b. Hampton Falls, New Hampshire of Brunswick (see Bangor, Maine Historical Magazine Vol. 4 p.93, "Marriage Intentions" Smith. Dec. 3. 1749, of Isaac Hinckley and Agnes Vol. 14, p.147 if widow Hinckley and Thomas Cotton of Falmouth, Maine.) NOTE: His 2nd G-grandson was Joseph Potter Cotton, Assistant Secretary of State and close confidant of Herbert Hoover. An American Loyalist New England Registers, Vol. 39, page 64 D. 1766 Mary Freeze note this is the only name for his spouse as listed in Hampton Falls and Newbury V.R. Children: 1. Thomas Cotton (b. Mar 15, 1724 Hampton Falls, New Hampshire d. Dec 29, 1781 Lewiston, Maine) m. Nov 5, 1757 Brunswick, Maine, Agnes Smith (widow of Isaac Hinckley) NOTE: His 2Ggrandson was Joseph Potter Cotton, Assistant Secretary of State and close confidant of Herbert Hoover. 2. Leonard Lisle Cotton bap. Jul 3, 1726, Newbury, Massachusetts, married June 10, 1749, Rochester, Massachusetts, Nema Coombs. 3. John Cotton bap. Dec 24, 1727, Manchester, Massachsetts. He was the Loyalist. 4. Bridgert Hannah Cotton bap. May 2, 1731, Ipswich Massachusetts, m. Sep 17, 1747, Brunswick, Maine, Samuel Coombs. 5. Benjamin Cotton bap. Apr 2, 1732, Ipswich, Massachusetts, apparently died young. 6. Jacob Cotton bap. Apr 2, 1732, Ipswich, Massachusetts 7. Benjamin Cotton bap. Sept.1, 1734, Ipswich, Massachusetts 8. Dorothy Cotton b. Dec. 18, 1736, Newbury, Massachusetts 9. James Cotton b. Aug. 3, 1739, Newbury, Massachusetts 10. Mary Cotton bap. Oct. 31, 1742 Newbury, Massachusetts 11. Alicia Cotton bap Feb. 17, 1744-5 Newbury, Massachusetts 1690 Leonard Cotton Jr. Settled in Newburyport, Massachusetts and removed to Virginia Married Mary Freeze. At the time of the Indiam Wars he moved to Virginia with the younger portion of his family. The posterity of his sons Jacob, Benjamin and James are still found in Virginia, North Carolina, Alicia Lisle Leonard Cotton 1610 - 1685 Lady Alice Beasousarve (Beaconshaw) 75 75 LADY ALICE BECOMSAWE LISLE Lady Alice Becomsawe Lisle is one of our most interesting ancestors. Her husband, John Lisle, was assassinated for his role in the execution of England's King Charles l.  Lady Alice herself was beheaded for harboring fugitives.  She was 71 years old.  Moyles Court, the ancestral home of Lady Alice, today  houses a school. Her trial and it's subsequent reversal have been a well documented part of English history.  There has also been some interest in the "haunting" by Lady Alice of Moyles Court. "The sound of her silken dress, and the tapping of her feet, were heard long afterwards in the corridors of Moyles Court, and she was also seen on several occasions riding down Ellingham Lane in a driverless coach. Although Lady Lisle has not been observed in recent years at Moyles Court, the sound of the coach and horses has been heard in recent times, riding up the drive to the house. Lady Lisle also haunts the Eclipse Inn, at Winchester, where she spent the last few days of her life whilst awaiting execution."   -Linda- Moyles Court was the home of Lady Alice Lisle before she married Lord Lisle, and the home to which she returned after the assassination of her husband in Switzerland in 1664. She lived there until her arrest, on a charge of harbouring fugitives from the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685. Formerly much larger than the present building, probably surrounded by a moat, traces of which still exist on two sides, whilst a brook ran near to the house and gave an ample supply of water in case of siege.       St. Mary's Church, Ellingham, Lady Alice Lisle buried in the yard.         A brief history of Moyles Court by Paul Hughes Alice of Moyles Court fame was born about 1614. Since records of births at Ellingham Parish are only extant from the end of the 17th century it is difficult to be exact. Her marriage to John Lisle in 1630 brought two eminent families of the gentry together. John Lisle (1610-1664) was the son of William Lisle of Wooton.  John was a Colonel in the Army, a prominent parliamentarian, Judiciary and an Assessor to Bradshaw at the trial of Charles I  He was MP for Winchester in 1640 and a member of the bar - the middle temple. He was a rigid puritan and a fervent politician. He was an active supporter of Parliament during the English Civil War (1642-1646) and was later made a Viscount by Oliver Cromwell. He appears to have been a prominent member of the Commonwealth serving on Cromwell's Privy Council. He was a member of the Long Parliament and had some responsibility for the execution of Charles I  although his name does not appear on the list of signatures on Charles' death warrant. The English Civil War was devastating for the people of England. There was a division of support throughout the country. Those who supported the King, Charles Stuart, were known as Royalists or Cavaliers and those who opposed the King were known as Parliamentarians or Roundheads. This conflict between Crown and Parliament permeated throughout the land, divided regions, North from South, West from East, father from son, mother from daughter, sister from brother. A whole host of communities, relatives, neighbours and friends on good terms before the war were now enemies. The argument usually revolved around loyalty to one's King or to one's God. Politics and Religion became entwined and were for many historians the real cause of the outbreak of the war. I do not wish to discuss this theme any further since there is a wealth of information from this period of history. My intention for mentioning the conflict is simply this; the Lisle household also became a divided one. The father was for Parliament whilst the son was for the King. This put Alicia in the middle of a very awkward situation. She was not interested in or involved in politics. She was a religious woman but not a fanatical Puritan, disliking many rituals at her own church in Ellingham. As for Alicia, her sentiments about the execution of Charles I are made clear by her comment that she 'shed more tears for Charles I than any woman then living did'. Lady Lisle did not share the extreme views of her husband, and was much grieved at the King's death.  It would appear that Lady Lisle did not grieve too deeply over her husband's death. According to Burnett, quoted in the Salisbury Journal, 'She was not easily reconciled to her husband on account of his association with the regicides.' After her husband's death she lived quietly as a widow at Moyles Court and showed some sympathy with the dissenting ministers in their trials and ordeals during Charles II's reign. The Presbyterians were disappointed with the Restoration. The Cavalier Parliament preserved the Church of England for which Charles I had died. Moreover, the Clarendon Code persecuted nonconformist ministers, forbidding them from all public office. The Act of Uniformity 1662 authorized a new edition of the prayer book and many Puritan teachers were dismissed from office for refusing to use it. The Conventicle Act was introduced making it a crime to worship anywhere but in a Church of England church. Furthermore, the Five Mile Act stopped nonconformist clergy living within a five mile radius of a town or old parish. The reign of Charles II, far from being merry, was an unhappy time for many sincere Christians like Alicia Lisle. Charles II was married to Catherine Braganza of Portugal. She did not bear him any children and as a result, James his Catholic brother was due to succeed him. There was support for Charles's illegitimate son, James, Duke of Monmouth, to become King instead of James. The Duke's mother, Lucy Walter, had been one of Charles's mistresses. After the death of Charles in 1685 and the succession of James to the throne, the Duke of Monmouth, who was in Holland, plotted to overthrow James II. Alicia Lisle spent the first week of July in London during the Monmouth rebellion, but some days later returned to Moyles Court. 'On 20th July 1685 she received a letter from John Hickes, the dissenting minister, asking her to shelter him.' Hickes had fled the battle of Sedgemoor seeking refuge from the King's Army. Unbeknown to Alicia, he was a Monmouth man! The two fugitives were found after a search of Moyles Court by Penruddock's soldiers. Hickes was found in the malthouse and Nelthorp in a hole by the chimney in one of the rooms which presumably is the cupboard hole situated in the present staff room at Moyles Court School. Lady Alicia was arrested and conveyed to Winchester for trial before Judge Jeffries. Hickes and Nelthorp were taken to Glastonbury and after trial were hung, drawn and quartered. On 27 August 1685 she was tried by special commission before Judge Jeffreys at Winchester, on the capital charge of harbouring Hickes, a traitor. No evidence respecting Hickes's offences was admitted, and in spite of the brutal browbeating by the judge of chief witness, Dunne, no proof was adduced wither that Mrs. Lisle had any ground to suspect Hickes of disloyalty or that she had displayed any sympathy with Monmouth's insurrection. She made a moderate speech in her own defence. The jury declared themselves reluctant to convict her, but Jeffreys overruled their scruples, and she was ultimately found guilty, and on the morning of the next day (28 Aug) was sentenced to be burnt alive the same afternoon. Pressure was, however, applied to the judge, and a respite till 2 Sept. was ordered. Lady Lisle petitioned James II (31 Aug) to grant her a further reprieve of four days, and to order the substitution of beheading for burning. The first request was refused; the latter was granted. Mrs. Lisle was accordingly beheaded in the market-place of Winchester on 2 Sept., and her body was given up to her friends for burial at Ellingham. On the scaffold she gave a paper to the sheriffs denying her guilt, and it was printed, with the "Last Words of Colonel Rumbold," 1685, and in "The Dying Speeches...of several Persons.   The Last speech of Madam LISLE, beheaded at Winchester, September 1685 Gentlemen, Friends and Neighbours, It may be expected that I should say something at my Death, my Birth and Education being near this Place ; my Parents instructed me in the Fear of God ; and I now die of the reformed Religion ; always being instructed in that Belief that if Popery should return into this Nation, it would be a great Judgement. I die in Expectation of Pardon of my Sins, and Acceptation with the Father, by the imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ : He being the End of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believeth. I thank God, thro' Christ Jesus, I depart under the Blood of Sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel ; God having made this Chastisement an Ordinance to my Soul. I did as little expect to come to this Place on this occasion, as any person in this Nation ; therefore let all learn not to be high-minded, but fear. The Lord is a Sovereign, and will take what Way he seeth best to glorify himself by his poor Creatures ; I there for humbly desire to submit to his Will, praying of him, that in Patience I may possess my Soul. The crime was, my entertaining a Non-conformist Minister, who is since sworn to have been in the Duke of Monmouth's army. I am told, if I had not denied them, it would not have affected me : I have no Excuse but Surprise and Fear ; which I believe my Jury must make use of to excuse their Verdict to the World. I have been told, That the Court ought to be Council for the Prisoner : Instead of Advice, there was Evidence given from thence, which (tho' it was but Hearsay) might possibly affect my Jury. My Defence was such as might be expected from a weak Woman ; but such as it was, I never heard it repeated again to the Jury. But I forgive all persons that have wrong'd me ; and I desire that God will do so likewise. I forgive Colonel Penruddock, altho' he told me, He could have taken those Men, before they came to my House. As to what I expected for my Conviction, that I gave it under my Hand that I discours'd with Nelthrop ; that could be no Evidence to the Court or Jury, it being after my Conviction and Sentence. I acknowledge his Majesty's Favour in revoking my Sentence ; and I pray God he may long reign in Peace, and that the true Religion may flourish under him. Two things I have omitted to say, which is, That I forgive him that desir'd to be taken from the Grand Jury, and put upon the Petty Jury, that he might be the more nearly concern'd in my Death ; and return humble Thanks to God, and the reverend Clergy, that assisted me in my Imprisonment.   Sept 85. ALICIA LISLE D. 1664 Lord John Lisle b. County Southhampton, England, lived in Isle of Wright of Moyles Court, County South Hampton See duplicate record in Goodwin Genealogy John Lisle, 1610-64, was an English lawyer and one of the Regicides of King Charles I of England. Younger son of Sir William Lisle of Wootton on the Isle of Wight, Lisle was educated at Oxford and the Middle Temple and was called to the bar in 1633. He married Elizabeth, the daughter of Lord Chief Justice Hobart, then after her death in 1636 he married another rich heiress, Alice Beconshaw (who as Alice Lisle became a famous martyr for aiding the rebels of Monmouth's Rebellion in 1683). Lisle was elected Member of Parliament for Winchester during the Short and Long Parliaments and was active on the Hampshire county committee during the First Civil War. In the Parliament of England, he was chairman of the committee that investigated Oliver Cromwell's allegations against the Earl of Manchester in December 1644. He also chaired the committee that framed the ordinance to create the New Model Army early in 1645. Lisle voted against continuing negotiations with the King after the Second Civil War (1648) and was appointed a commissioner of the High Court of Justice for the King's trial in January 1649. He sat beside Lord-President John Bradshaw during the trial to advise him on points of law. He also helped to draw up the sentence, but he was not a signatory of the King's death warrant. With the establishment of the Commonwealth of England, Lisle was one of the commissioners who framed the new republican constitution. He sat on the five-man committee appointed to select members of the Council of State, and in February 1649 he was made a commissioner of the Great Seal. Lisle was active as a law reformer, but he also gained a reputation for acquisitiveness and sharp practice. Lisle continued to hold high office after Cromwell's dissolution of the Rump Parliament in April 1653, and administered the oath of office when Cromwell became Lord Protector. He supported the offer of the Crown to Cromwell and was appointed to the controversial Upper House in December 1657. When the Rump was restored in May 1659, Lisle was dismissed from most of his lucrative offices. He escaped abroad at the Restoration and settled at Lausanne in Switzerland with other exiled republicans. In August 1664, as he was leaving the church at Lausanne, Lisle was shot and killed by an Irish Royalist known as Thomas MacDonnel. Jonathan Mores m. 7-11-1766 Newburyport, MA 1904 - 1964 Gladys G. White (Warner ) 60 60 Children: 1. Irving E Warner from 1st marriage of Gladys b. Mar. 17, 1926, WW2 vet, married Oct. 1, 1949 to Barbara Mayrand 2. Francis Lane Phinney b. Apr. 25, 1951 3. Everett. B Warner  from 1st marriage, b. May 16, 1924, WW2 vet, m. Barbara H. Peterson m. Sept. 10, 1949 4. Beverlee Barbara Phinney b. Apr. 12,, 1956 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney 1922 Lois Fellows Phinney Children: 1. Leslie Barbara Ross Probabso b. Aug, 31, 1946 Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney She says that she lived at the Bernard  Bailey home for a time while she attended Boston U. - the same time as Bernard Bailey Jr. She joined the army during W.W. 11 and got her training there as a physical therapist - which was what she did for the rest of her working life.  After the war she married  Lloyd Ross, and they moved out west - first to California then up to Oregon where they built a house and raised their family - which was Leslie, and her sister Joan's children, Isabelle and Mike Balfe. Lloyd Ross 1923 Francis Paul Dion 1928 Joan Phinney m. Nov. 17, 1947 by journal of William Lewis Phinney Children: 1. Isabella Rachel Balfe b. Dec. 22, 1948 2. Mcihael Balfe Source:  Journal of William Lewis Phinney and cousin Leslie 1930 Kathleen E Phinney 1736 Sarah Demeritt 1733 Daniel Meservee b. or 1734, Daniel's family was written up in Maine Families 1790, volume 5 1710 Abigail Ham Children: 1. Joseph b. 4 Oct. 1729; m. Ruth ____. Deborah b. 14 May 1732; m. Maj. Joseph Smith, (2) Capt. James Gilmore.  She d.          18 May 1790. 2. Daniel b. 18 March 1734; m. Sarah Demeritt. 3. Jonathan b. 4 March 1738; m. Mary Davis. 4. Clement b. 23 Jan. 1741; m. Lois Torr. Abigail b. Aug. 1745; m. Nicholas Durrell, (2) Anthony Pickering. 1720 Daniel Meserve bap. bapt. 8 Jan. 1720/1 Tamsen Meserve of Dover Joseph Ham of Dover Deborah Otis m.  December 01, 1701 settled at Oyster River.  Both were admitted to church 29 Jan. 1720/1.  His will, 1 May 1747-30 June 1758, names wife, Deborah and the following children: 1. Daniel bapt. 8 Jan. 1720/1; m. Abigail Ham. 2. Elizabeth bapt. 8 Jan. 1720/1; m. 29 Oct. 1720, Joseph Libby. 3. Mary bapt. 8 Jan. 1720/1; m. Daniel Meader 4. John bapt. 8 Jan. 1720/1; m. Sarah Clark. 5. Clement bapt. 9 Feb. 1720/1; m. _____ _____ 6. Anne bapt. 9 Feb. 1720/1; m. James Nute. 7. Tamsen bapt. 9 Feb. 1720/1; m. Stephen Pinkham. 1679 - 1756 Daniel Meserve 77 77 settled at Oyster River.  Both were admitted to church 29 Jan. 1720/1.  His will, 1 May 1747-30 June 1758, names wife, Deborah Elizabeth Children: i. CLEMENT9 MESERVE, b. 1678, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire; d. October 1746. ii. JAMISON MESERVE. iii. ELIZABETH MESERVE, b. 1672, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire; m. MICHAEL WIDDEN, January 06, 1693/94. 9. iv. AARON MESERVE, b. 1676, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire; d. January 1704/05. 10. v. DANIEL MESERVE, b. 1679; d. June 30, 1756. 11. vi. MARY MESERVE, b. 1679, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire. 12. vii. TAMSON MESERVE, b. 1680, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire. viii. EDWARD MESERVE, b. September 26, 1683; d. January 10, 1715/16. ix. JOHN MESERVE, b. 1705; d. 1710. Clement Messervey  The family of Messervey flourished in the Island of Jersey, especially in the parish of St. Martin, as early as the beginning of the fourteenth century.  An ancient coat of arms is, "Or 3 cherries gu. stalked, vert, Crest; _A cherry tree proper."  Motto: "Au valereux coeur rien impossible." Clement Messervey, thought to have been son of Jean and Marie (Machon) Messervey of the Isle of Jersey, born 1655, was a taxpayer in Portsmouth, N. H. in 1673.  He conveyed his homestead in Newington to his son Clement, 6 Aug. 1710.  He and wife, Elizabeth, died before 1720.  Children were: Aaron m. Susanna ____; 1. in Salem, Mass.   Widow m. John Batten.  Sons by first marriage were William and Aaron. Daniel m. Deborah ____. John mentioned 1705; prob. d. young. Elizabeth m. Michael Whidden; 6 Jan. 1694. Tamsen m. Joseph Ham, 1704. Clement m. Elizabeth Jones, 24 Sept. 1702.   Rem. to Scarboro, Me. "To The Valiant Heart Nothing Is Impossible" Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook The earliest known home of the Meserves or Meserveys was on the Isle of Jersey, largest of the Channel Islands. It was this place that Clement Meserve, our common ancestor and six known generations of his predecessors made their home, going back to 1500. Clement Meserve was born in 1645 in Gorey Grouville, on the Isle of Jersey. He was a farmer and raised cattle with his father. It was he who decided to leave a good life with security and venture forth to the New World. Around 1670, Clement came by ship that arrived at Strawberry Banke, which was the early name for Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A few years later he married Elizabeth (last name not known) from Welch Cove, a section of Kittery and started a family. They had six children, named John, Elizabeth, Clement, Daniel, Tamsen and Aaron. They lived near Portsmouth Harbor for some time. In 1693, he and his family had a pew in the North Church at Portsmouth. Later we find that the family moved to Newington, a town located between Portsmouth and Dover. Several years later he signed an agreement, giving his home, land and orchard to his son Clement, who in return would care for his parents as long as they should live. Clement Meserve, the progenitor of most of the Meserves in America today, had died by 1721. The American branches of this family spell the name in various forms. We find Mesharvy, Meservie, Meservey, Maserve, Messervey, Meservee, and Meserve; the latter spelling the most common. His descendents settled in towns of Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, making up the different branches of the family tree. Present generations now stretch across America and Canada.  1770 - 1864 Edward Small 93 93 1772 - 1859 Hannah Colby 86 86 1740 - 1828 Joseph Colby 87 87 1737 Sarah Thurlow m. Mar. 27, 1760 Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire 1743 - 1824 Job Small 80 80 settled at Small's Cove, now called Sunset, Deer Isle, ME, was a Revolutionary War Soldier from Soldiers, Sailors and Patriots of the Revolutionary War Maine, Carleton E. Fisher and Sue G. Fisher, The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Louisville, KY Mercy Wescott Edward Small went to Cape Elizabeth, ME Abigail Barnaby Daniel Small settled in Truro, Cape Cod, MA 1620 Francis Small Edward Small received grant of land in Kittery, ME., built a house there.  Francis Small traded with the indians and had land in what is now Portland, Falmouth, Harpswell and also Ossipee, NH Edward Small came Bideford, England, Devon County, about 1634 Andrew Wescott Deborah Webber 1707 - 1745 Elijah Colby 38 38 1711 - 1785 Elizabetth Davis 74 74 m. May, 21, 1734 m. (2) Nov. 26, 1746 Abraham Chase of Plaistow, New Hampshire    1. Elijah Colby, Jr. b.Apr. 12, 1734 d.May 27, 1734    2. Anthony Colby b.Nov. 1, 1735 d.Nov. 23, 1736    3. Anthony Colby b.Oct. 19, 1737 m.Sarah ______ [had 9 children]    4. Joseph Colby, b.Dec. 1, 1740 bapt. Dec. 28, 1740 in Second ch. of Amesbury; d.1828 m.March 27, 1760 at Deer Isle Sarah Thurlow; emigrated to DI 1766-7  Hoyt ref says "A mistake in some of these dates 1669 - 1734 Anthony Colby 65 65 m. (2) Elizabeth West 1675 - 1719 Mary Currier 44 44 m. Oct. 23, 1701 Children:    1. Anthony Colby, Jr. b.Nov. 1, 1704    2. Elijah Colby b.Sept 14, 1707 d.abt. 1746    3. Richard Colby b.Jan. 18, 1709/10 m.(1)Hannah Davis [5 children]m.(2)Tabitha Ely [2 children]    4. Isaac Colby b.Mar. 23, 1711/12 m.(1)Sarah Davis [11 children]m.(2)Hannah Heath, widow of Timothy Colby    5. Moses Colby bapt.May 24, 1713  Samuel Currier Mary Hardy (Thomas) 1640 - 1684 Isaac Colby 43 43 1649 - 1730 Martha Parrat 80 80  m. Martha Parratt (or Parret); d/o Francis Parrett and Elizabeth Northend and sister of the wife of Deacon Ezekial Jewett; and also sister of Mary wife of John Sawyer--BLN.    Children: 1. Anthony Colby b.Jan. 24, 1669/70    2. Elizabeth Colby b.Oct. 30, 1671 m. Henry Dow of the Thomas Dow Family of Newbury and Haverhill    3. Martha Colby b.Feb. 7, 1672/3 prob.d.y.    4. Sarah Colby b.Jan. 28, 1674/5 m.Samuel Silver    5. Rebecca Colby b.bef.1684 m.Jeremiah Fowler    6. Dorothy Colby b.June 15, 1677 m.Samuel Hadley    7. Isaac Colby, Jr. b.July 15, 1680 m.Mary Fowler    8. Abraham Colby b.Oct. 7, 1683 m.Sarah Buckman  Francis Parrett Elizabeth Northend 1605 - 1660 Anthony Colby 55 55 D. 1689 Susannah Haddon? (Waterman) m. (2) Waterman m. (3) William Whitridge CHILDREN:    1. Joseph/John Colby bapt. Boston Sept. 8, 1633 d.1675 m.Jan. 14, 1655/56 Frances Hoyt    2. Sarah Colby m.Mar. 6, 1653/4 Orlando Bagley    3. Samuel Colby, b.abt.1638 d.1715/6 m.bef.1668 Elizabeth Sargent dau. of William Sargent (progenitor of Ambrose Colby, pioneer to Deer Isle about 1768-BLN)           * CHILDREN of Samuel and Elizabeth: Dorothy Colby, b.abt.1669; m.1688 Wm. Hoyt           * Elizabeth Colby, b.June 1, 1670 (Savage); not in will 1716           * Samuel, b.Mar. 9, 1671, Amesbury, "1st son", m.Dorothy Ambrose; ancestor of Ambrose Colby of Deer Isle                 o Children of Samuel and Dorothy (all b. Amesbury): Elizabeth b.Dec. 7, 1694 m.John Rowell                 o Keziah b.May 11, 1696 d.1754 m.(1)David Currier (2)Jacob Hagley                 o Samuel b.Apr. 19, 1698 m.1718 Nanna Nichols                 o Ambrose b.May 11, 1700, a blacksmith, m.1720 Elizabeth Lawrence and had 10 children                 o Enoch b.Nov. 7, 1702 m.(1)Abial Sanborn (2)Sarah Sargent; had 10 children                 o Susannah b.Aug. 15, 1705 m.Micah Hoyt                 o Obidiah b.July 15, 1706; living 1748 Boston                 o Dorothy May 25, 1708 m.Samuel Watts                 o Hezekiah b.March 25, 1710 moved to DI, ancestor of the Ambrose Colby line                 o Ruggles b.June 10, 1711 move to Wiscasset, Me. where he was a shipwright. By Abigail Davis he left a family.                 o Abigail b.Apr. 29, 1713 m.(1)David Blaisdell, (2)Titus Wells.            * Daughter, b.Apr. 3, 1672, in Haverhill; not in will 1716           * Philip b. ?, pub. 1705 to Anne Webster, d.before 1715 had 5 sons and one dau.     4. Isaac Colby b. July 6,1640 d.1684 m.Martha Parrat (progenitor of the Joseph Colby line, settler in the No. Stonington part of DI not far from 1766-BLN)    5. Rebecca Colby b.Mar.11, 1643 m.1661 John Williams at Haverhill    6. Mary Colby b.Sept. 19, 1647 m.1668 William Sargent    7. Thomas Colby b.Mar. 8, 1650 d.bef.March 30, 1691 Amesbury, MA m.1674 Hannah Rowell b.Jan. 1652/23 Salisbury, MA d.Aug. 9, 1707 Amesbury,MA  NOTES: Anthony Colby came to America from England with John Winthrop's fleet in 1630. Near the end of her life, Susannah Wittredge was described by the selctmen of Amesbury as: an ancient and helpless widow belonging to the town of Amesbury...notwithstanding a comfortable and competent maintenance being allowed unto her out of the estate of her former deceased husband Anthony Coleby...yet she being a woman attended with many infirmities both of body and mind, is utterly incapable of doing anything that may contribute to her livelihood or comfortable subsistance...she living alone, wanting such help and attendance as may be convenient, continually laboring under such infirmities of body as usually attend old age often times sick and many times destitute of (divers?) necessaries and always of the conveniences of life, any otherwise than she is supplied by one or two of her children, whose families in the meantime want the same at home, and very much defective and decayed in her understanding...September Term 1682. The court ordered that her sons, Samuel, Isaac and Thomas Colby, provide for her and sell what land was necessary to maintain her from the Colby estate. [Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts. 1636-1686, 9 volumes (Salem 1911-1975) 8:388] From Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families 1620-1700 by Holmes: COLBY, ANTHONY: Came with Winthrop from the eastern coast of Eng. to Boston, 1630; removed to Cambridge, Mass., 1632, and to Salisbury, Mass., 1634, finally to Amesbury, Mass., 1647. ARTHUR, a brother to the preceding, was at Ipswich, Mass., 1637.  1567 - 1624 Thomas Colby 56 56 NOTES: From The Great Migration Begins by Thresfall: Anthony Colby, born 1605 (bp 8 Sept. 1605) at Horbling, Lincolnshire. Horbling is next to Sempringham where the Colby ancesors had lived for several generations. He was apparently named for his uncle Anthony Jackson. Thomas Colby (Matthew) was baptized on 20 December 1567 at Sempringham, Lincolnshire. 4 May 1596 at Horbling, he and Anne Jackson were married. She was born probably about 1571 the daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Jackson of Horbling. There are no surviving baptismal records for Horbling from 1567 throught 1575. From his will and burial record, we learn tha Thomas was a tailor. He made his will 10 December 1625 and was buried 11 December 1625. His wife survived him. THE WILL OF THOMAS COLBIE of Horbling 10 December 1625---the will of Thomas Colbie of Horbling, County of Lincoln, taylor, sick of my five sons William Colbie, Richard Colbie, Anthony Colbie, Mathew Colbie and Robert Colbie half of my good to be equally divided amongst them, but my will is that my son William Colbie shall have my house at Donington for part of his portion of goods aforesaid, which cost me eight pound...if any of these my sons die before age 21 at which time the legacies shall be due unto them, then his or their shares to be divided amougst the overlivers. Residue to wife Agnes Colbie whom I make exectrix. Robert Allen supervisor. Witnesses: Rob't Allen, Thomas Baxter. Signed by mark. Proved 21 April 1626. (Lincoln Consistory Court Wills 1626/292) (The names Anne and Agnes were used interchangeable in those days, as are Elizabeth and Betty now.) Nowhere is there any mention of Anthony or Matthew after their father's will of 1625. 1571 Anne Jackson of Horbling m. May 4 1596 Children:    1. Margaret bapt.Sept. 25, 1597 at Aslackby, "dau. of Thomas" prob.d.y.    2. William prob. b.1598, named first in father's will. m.Oct. 12, 1626 at Horbling, Anna Sewell, widow of Anwick.    3. Abraham bapt.Sept. 13, 1600 at Aslackby, bur. Sept. 2, 1625 at Horbling.    4. Richard bapt. Jan. 30, 1602/3 at Horbling; m.Ann ______    5. Anthony Colby bapt. Sept. 8, 1605 at Horbling. d.Feb. 11, 1660/1 Amesbury, MA    6. Arthur    7. Matthew bapt. dec. 13, 1607 at Horbling    8. Robert b.prob. abt.1609, named last in his father's will of 1625. There is a possiblity that he [Robert] was actually an adopted nephew, his mother having died when he was about 11 months old.  Richard Jackson of Horbling Elizabeth 1530 - 1591 Matthew Colbie 61 61 Of Sampringham, England NOTES: The first record of a Colby in Sempringham is a deed dated 3 February 1421/2 by which William Stanenstone of Pointon conveyed to John Oche and his wife Alice three selions of land in the fields west of Pointon, two of which parcels were bounded by William Colby. This William Colby was undoubtedly an ancestor of the Colbys who lived in the village of Pointon in the parish of Sempringham several generations later. On 7 May 1505 Robert Rogerson of Pointon granted to John Huchyson and Robert Colby of Pointon "one messuage and 20 acres of land and meadow with all of the appurtenances in the village and the fields of Pointon, which lately was inherited after the decease of William Rogerson his father and Alice his wife." This Robert Colby was probably the great grandson of the above william Colby and was probably the grandfather of Matthew Colby, the father of Thomas, and grandfather of Anthony. The name of the father of Matthew is a mystery. Mary Children:    1. William Colbie    2. Agnes Colbie    3. Thomas Colbie "Senior" (older brother of the father of Anthony) m.May 18, 1590 Joan Booth    4. Elizabeth Colbie bapt. May 30, 1563 d.y.    5. John Colbie bapt.July 26, 1565 m.Oct. 23, 1593 Elizabeth Davye    6. Thomas Colbie "Junior" bapt.Dec. 20, 1567 bur.Dec. 11, 1625 m.May 4, 1595 at Horbling, Anne Jackson    7. Edward Colbie bapt. Oct. 5, 1570 bur.Dec. 31, 1591    8. Elizabeth Colbie bapt.March 14, 1572/3 bur. Jan. 10, 1591/2  1701 - 1789 Thomas Thurlow 87 87 m. (2) Susanna Swett Dec. 21, 1759 Johanna Pike m. (1) Henry Springer Oct. 5, 1719 Newbury, Massachusetts m. (2) Mar. 12, 1722 Newbury, Massachusetts Children 1.      Sex      Name          M     John Thomas THORLA (AFN:S1SV-JP)     Pedigree     Born:      5 Oct 1726         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 2.      Sex      Name          F     Hannah THORLA (AFN:S1SV-BN)     Pedigree     Born:      26 Oct 1730         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 3.      Sex      Name          F     Hannah THURLOW (AFN:1DM7-JD1)     Pedigree     Born:      26 Oct 1730         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 4.      Sex      Name          F     Mary THURLOW (AFN:S1SW-2F)     Pedigree     Born:      16 Feb 1728         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 5.      Sex      Name          M     Tristram THURLOW (AFN:S1SV-F6)     Pedigree     Born:      12 Mar 1740         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 6.      Sex      Name          F     Tristram THORLA (AFN:1K2K-CXF)     Pedigree     Born:      12 Mar 1740         Place:      Newbury, Ma 7.      Sex      Name          F     Judith THURLOW (AFN:S1SV-75)     Pedigree     Born:      24 Mar 1724         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 8.      Sex      Name          M     Joseph THURLOW (AFN:S1SW-79)     Pedigree     Born:      30 May 1734         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 9.      Sex      Name          F     Sarah THURLOW (AFN:D04T-X3)     Pedigree     Born:      6 Jun 1737         Place:      Of, Kingston, Rockingham, New Hampshire 10.      Sex      Name          F     Sarah THORLA (AFN:S1SV-D1)     Pedigree     Born:      6 Jun 1737         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 11.      Sex      Name          M     Abraham THURLOW (AFN:S1SV-GC)     Pedigree     Born:      14 Jul 1743         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      31 Aug 1786         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 12.      Sex      Name          F     Lydia THURLOW (AFN:S1SV-HJ)     Pedigree     Born:      11 Nov 1747         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 1650 - 1732 Thomas Thorley 82 82 1653 - 1689 Judith Marsh 36 36 m. Apr. 13, 1670 Newbury, Massachusetts Children 1.      Sex      Name          M     Simon THARLAY (AFN:S1ST-SX)     Pedigree     Born:      20 Feb 1672         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      24 Jul 1690         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Jul 1690         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 2.      Sex      Name          M     George THURLOW (AFN:94T6-T9)     Pedigree     Born:      12 Mar 1670         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Died:      17 Mar 1714         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Buried:      Jan 1713         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 3.      Sex      Name          F     Judith THARLAY (AFN:S1ST-XM)     Pedigree     Born:      14 Apr 1685         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 4.      Sex      Name          F     Mary THURLOW (AFN:19W0-TZQ)     Pedigree     Born:      1 May 1682         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 5.      Sex      Name          F     Judith THARLAY (AFN:S1ST-V9)     Pedigree     Born:      12 Nov 1679         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      15 Oct 1682         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Oct 1682         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 6.      Sex      Name          F     Judith THARLAY (AFN:S1ST-T4)     Pedigree     Born:      13 Dec 1675         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      24 Jul 1677         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Jul 1677         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 1606 - 1685 Richard Thorlow 79 79 1636 Jane Children 1.      Sex      Name          M     Frances THORLEY (AFN:HR64-8M)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1632         Place:      , , England 2.      Sex      Name          M     Frances THORLEY (AFN:ML6J-98)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1636         Place:      , , England 3.      Sex      Name          M     Thomas THORLEY (AFN:HR64-C5)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1646         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Mass. 4.      Sex      Name          F     Mary THURLOW (AFN:FWV9-SC)     Pedigree     Born:      1636         Place:      , Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      24 Oct 1661         Place:       5.      Sex      Name          F     Mary THORLEY (AFN:17Q3-B65)     Pedigree     Born:      1636         Place:      Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      24 Oct 1661         Place:       6.      Sex      Name          F     Martha (Thorla) THORLEY (AFN:HQD7-LB)     Pedigree     Born:      1646         Place:      Rowley, Essex, Ms     Died:      29 Jun 1700         Place:      Rowley, Essex Cty., Mass. 7.      Sex      Name          M     Thomas THORLEY (AFN:GLHT-T1)     Pedigree     Born:      1650         Place:      Rowley, Essex, Ms     Died:      23 Jun 1732         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 8.      Sex      Name          F     Lydia Or Thurlley THORLEY (AFN:GLHT-QH)     Pedigree     Born:      1 Feb 1640         Place:      Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      4 Jul 1669         Place:      Ipswich, Essex, Mass 9.      Sex      Name          M     John THORLEY (AFN:GLHT-RN)     Pedigree     Born:      19 May 1644         Place:      Rowley, Essex, Ms     Died:      4 Jul 1659         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Jul 1659         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 10.      Sex      Name          M     Francis THORLEY (THURLO) (THORLAY) (AFN:8LRJ-PP)     Pedigree     Born:      Nov 1630         Place:      Rowley, Essex, Ma     Died:      26 Nov 1703         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Buried:      Nov 1703         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 1670 - 1714 George Thurlow 44 44 1672 - 1714 Mary Adams 42 42 m. Nov. 26, 1694 Newbury, Massachusetts Children 1.      Sex      Name          F     Mary THORLA (AFN:S1SV-4M)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt. 1706         Place:      <Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts>     Died:      Apr 1775         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Apr 1775         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 2.      Sex      Name          F     Mary THURLOW (AFN:S1SV-14)     Pedigree     Born:      11 Apr 1699         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      11 Nov 1708         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Nov 1708         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 3.      Sex      Name          M     George THURLOW (AFN:QWXW-C4)     Pedigree     Born:      5 Jun 1704         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 4.      Sex      Name          M     George THORLA (AFN:S1SV-3G)     Pedigree     Born:      5 Jun 1704         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 5.      Sex      Name          F     Judith THURLO (AFN:1K2K-D11)     Pedigree     Born:      6 Sep 1672         Place:      Prob Newbury, Ma 6.      Sex      Name          F     Judith THURLOW (AFN:S1SV-0X)     Pedigree     Born:      6 Sep 1696         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 7.      Sex      Name          M     Thomas THURLOW (AFN:S1SW-9M)     Pedigree     Born:      11 Dec 1701         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      28 Oct 1789         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Buried:      Oct 1789         Place:      Prob Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 1618 - 1693 Hugh Marsh 75 75 m. (2) Dorcas Blackleach May 29, 1676 m. (3) Sarah Healy Dec. 3, 1693 1618 - 1675 Judith Knight 57 57 m.  Children 1.      Sex      Name          F     Judith MARSH (AFN:GLHT-ZP)     Pedigree     Born:      3 Jan 1653         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma (?)     Died:      11 Jul 1689         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Buried:      Jul 1689         Place:       2.      Sex      Name          M     James MARCH (AFN:GTXZ-8G)     Pedigree     Born:      11 Jan 1664         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma (?)     Died:      12 Dec 1721         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Buried:      Bef 21 1721 Dec         Place:       3.      Sex      Name          M     George MARSH (AFN:RP2S-38)     Pedigree     Born:      14 Jan 1646         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Died:      1699         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 4.      Sex      Name          M     Captain George MARCH (AFN:GTXP-BP)     Pedigree     Born:      14 Jan 1651         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma     Died:      1699         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 5.      Sex      Name          M     John MARCH (AFN:GTXZ-79)     Pedigree     Born:      10 Jun 1658         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma (?)     Died:      1712/1713         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Ma 6.      Sex      Name          M     Hugh MARCH (AFN:P1JT-ZV)     Pedigree     Born:      3 Nov 1636         Place:      <Newbury, Essex, Ma> 7.      Sex      Name          M     Hugh MARCH (AFN:9QJD-TF)     Pedigree     Born:      3 Nov 1656         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts     Died:      27 Feb 1727         Place:      Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 1639 - 1714 Abraham Adams 75 75 Mentioned in his father's will as executor. Abraham purchased a valuable tract of land west of Cart Creek that was a part of the large Sewall grant. Mrs. Pike's statement in the Adams genealogy says that she herself, her mother, her grandfather and great grandfather Robert (4) were all born on the "long barn farm" which was the home of Robert (1). This leaves the inference strong that Serj. Abraham, son of Robert,, built and lived in the house on the west side of the road, 30 or 40 rods northwest of his father's and the one that was taken down about 1887. 1652 - 1705 Mary Pettengill 53 53 m. Nov. 10. 1670 Children (all born Newbury,MA):    1. John Adams b.March 7, 1664    2. Mary Adams b.Jan. 16, 1672 d.Jan. 17, 1714 Newbury, MA m.Nov.26, 1694 at Newbury, MA George Thurlow    3. Robert Adams b.May 12, 1674 d.Feb. 3, 1769 Newbury, MA    4. Abraham Adams b.May 2, 1676 d.Apr. 8, 1763 Byfield, MA    5. Isaac Adams b.Feb. 26, 1679 d.Mar. 27, 1738 Boxford, MA    6. Sarah Adams b.Apr. 15, 1681 d.March 22, 1735 Andover, MA    7. John Adams b.March 7, 1684 d.May 8, 1750 Georgetown, MA    8. Matthew Adams b.May 25, 1686 d.Nov. 24, 1755 Newbury, MA    9. Isreal Adams b.Dec. 25, 1688 d.Dec. 12, 1714 Waltham, MA   10. Dorothy Adams b.Oct. 25, 1691 d.1715   11. Richard Adams b.Nov. 22, 1693 d.Nov. 2, 1777 Newburyport, MA  1602 - 1682 Robert Adams 80 80 m. (2) Sarah Glover Feb. 6, 1678 Came to New England about 1635. 1613 - 1677 Eleanor Wilmot 64 64 Children:    1. John Adams b.1632 of Ipswich, Hunting Field, Suffolk, England d.1703 Newbury, MA    2. Joanna b.1633/34 Hunting Field, Suffolk, England d.Sept. 3, 1689 Suffield, CT    3. Alice Adams b.abt.1635 of St. Botolph, W O Aldgate, London, England    4. Abraham Adams b.1639 Salem, MA d.June 14, 1714 Newbury, MA    5. Mary Adams b.Sept. 1, 1642 Newbury, MA d.Nov. 15, 1660 Newbury, MA    6. Elizabeth Adams b.1641/1642 Newbury, MA d.May 4, 1718 Lancaster, MA    7. Isaac Adams b.1647 Newbury, MA d.1680 Newbury, MA    8. Jacob Adams b.Apr. 23, 1647 Newbury, MA d.Aug. 12, 1647 Newbury, MA    9. Hannah Adams b.June 25, 1650 Newbury, MA   10. Jacob Adams b.Apr. 13, 1651 Newbury, MA d.Nov. 1717 Boston, MA  1568 - 1602 Robert Adams 34 34 1574 Elizabeth Sharlon m. abt. 1601 Thornbury, Gloucester, England 1535 - 1603 Richard Adams 68 68 1539 Margaret Armager Children:    1. William Adams b.1555 Trent, Somersetshire, England d.1624 Somerton, Somersetshire, England    2. Mary Adams b.abt.1558 of Trent, Somersetshrie, England    3. Margarett Adams b.abt.1561 of Trent, Somersetshire, England    4. Thomasine Adams b.abt.1564 of Trent, Somersetshire, England d.Feb. 4, 1596/7 Barton Davis, Somersetshire, England    5. John Adams b.1566 of Trent, Somersetshire, England d.Feb. 2, 1611 Barton Davis, Somersetshire, England    6. Robert Adams b.1568 of Trent, Somersetshire, England d.1602 Lymington, South Hampton, England  1502 John Adams 1504 Margery Squier Children:    1. Richard Adams b.1530 Bartton, Somersetshire, England d.March 19, 1603 Barton, St. David, Somersetshire, England    2. Henry Adams b.1531 Trent, St. David, Somersetshire, England d.Aug. 12, 1596 Barton, St. David, Somersetshire, England    3. Johanna b.abt.1533 Trent, Somersetshire, England  1482 John Adams Catherine Stebbing Children:    1. John Adams b.1502 of Beverston, Somersetshire, England    2. Nicholas Adams b.abt.1512 of Beverston, Somersetshire, England    3. George Adams b.1514  1452 John Adams Jane Bannelegh CHILDREN included (all born Beverston, Gloucestershire, England):    1. Robert Adams b.abt.1480 d.1557 Butleygh, Somersetshire, England    2. John Adams b.abt.1482  1422 Thomas Adams Marie Upton 1392 Roger Adams Jane Ellyott John Ap Adams Clara Powell John Ap Adams Miliscent Besylis Thomas Ap Adams Jane Inge John Ap Adams William Ap Adams John Adams John Ap Adams The Adams family of Newbury, Massachusetts claim to have decended from the John Ap Adam, who was summoned to parliament as a Baron of the Realm from 1296 to 1307. He decended from a family in Wales whose record runs back several centuries. He was the encestor of John and John Quincy Adams. 1620 - 1695 Richard Pettingell 75 75     Settled at Salem, Massachusetts, before 1641, admitted freeman June 2, 1641. He had a grant of 10 acres at Enon (now Wenham), Massachusetts in 1642 and was a witness to the will of Samuel Smith of Enon in December of that year. He soon married Joanna Ingersoll, daughter of Richard Ingersoll of Salem who names him as one of his sons-in-law in his will of 1644. He was still a member of Salem church when on July 7, 1644, he and his brother-in-law John Ingersoll were appointed "to walke forth in the time of Gods worshippe to take notice of such as either lye at home or in the fields without giving good account thereof" and report them to the magistrates. This duty fell to them on every seventh Sunday from the date of the order. He was constable of Wenham in 1648, and in that year he was a witness against George Norton for "scandalizing" the church. After Wenham had a church Pettingill was received by letter from that of Salem on August 4, 1649.     In 1651, having sold his Wenham house and land to Samuel Foster, Pettingill moved to Newbury where he obtained various grants of land. He was chosen by Newbury as a trial juryman in 1654 and 1671 and grand juryman in 1658, 1665 and 1672. He took the Oath of Allegiance in 1678. In 1654 he, regrettably, acknowledged that he was sorry that he had signed the petition to the General Court in favor of Lieut. Robert Pike. His first judgement was the better.     In 1669 Pettingill, aged about 45, deposed in the case of Ingerson v. Barney that John Knight came home to Newbury and told his wife (Joanna Pettingill's mother) that he had sold to Mr. Pain some timber on the lot at Frost Fish river. She was much troubled and asked him why he had sold her timber, whereupon Knight said that she should have 20s. for it and acknowledged that he had no right in the land. [Records and Files, IV:111].     During the PArker-Woodman controversy which rocked Newbury in 1671 Nicholas Noyes said that he had heard Richard Pettingill say that he had had dismission from the Salem to the Newbury church. It was decided that, although Richard was listed as a member of the Newbury church, he was not so. "richard petinggill never desmision from Salem." The Wenham church was ignored. [Records and Files, IV:357, 360-362].     A most interesting deposition is that of October 14, 1673. Pettingill, aged about 52, said "I being very well acquainted with Giles Fuller of Hampton, deceased, & with Mrs. Fuller of Bastable [Barnstable], doctor, both in old England & here in new england & both told mee they were of Kinn : & ye sd Giles Fuller have told me in old England & new that Marth. Fuller Doctor now of Barnstable was ye nearest kinsman he had." [Records and Files, V:244]. Dr. Matthew Fuller was a son of Edward Fuller who was a Mayflower passenger, and followed his father to Plymouth. The Fullers were from Redenhall, co. Norfolk. [Register, 55:102].     In King Philip's War Richard supplied for the troops cheese at 19s., a pair of bandoleers 3s., bullets 6d., a pound of powder and a worm 2s., a horse for 20 weeks 30s., a knapsack 2s. 6d., a saddle and bridle 22s. He asked 5s. for curing a horse. [Records and Files, VI:448, 449, 454].     Richard Pettingill did not make a will but divided his houses and lands between his three "loving and dutiful" sons by deeds. On July 15, 1695, he granted to his son Matthew the two acres on which Matthew then dwelt, several other small acreages, and a one-third interest in the third of the farm of 70 acres in Salem which his father-in-law Richard Ingersoll had conditionally willed to him. Two days later, on July 17, he granted to his son Samuel the upland where Samuel then dwelt and similar small lots, but the one third of one third of the Ingersoll farm was to go to the grantor's grandson, Samuel's son Samuel. On the same day his own homestead of five acres and other small lots went to his youngest son Nathaniel together with a third of a third of the Ingersoll farm in Salem. [Essex Deeds, 10:184; 13:33; 14:282].     Savage, Vol. 3, p.403: Came from Staffordsh. tradit. says, was first at Salem.  1622 - 1693 Johanna Ingersoll 71 71 Children: 1. Pettingell, Samuel (<1644 - 1711) 2. Pettingell, Matthew Ingersoll (~1648 - <1714) 3. Pettingell, Mary (1652 - 1705) 4. Pettingell, Nathaniel (1654 - ~1718) 5. Pettingell, ? (1657 - 1657) 6. Pettingell, Henry (1660 - 1660) 1585 Matthew Pettengill 1589 Mary Cooke 1833 Obadiah Davis Thompson in 1860 census 1880 Brooklyn, NY census:  Obadiah THOMPSON   W  49   NH  Builder  NH  NH   Sarah THOMPSON       W  42   MA Keeping House MA  MA   Mammie THOMPSON    W  16   MA At School   NH  MA   William THOMPSON      W   12  MA At School   NH  MA  1827 - 1913 William O Thompson Sr. 85 85 He married Anna L _____. She was b. 1852 in NY.  They are in the 1880 Census in NY: Wm. O. Thompson      53    Head Anna L. Thompson     28    Wife Nellie Thompson     15    Daughter Adda Thompson     13    Daughter Alice Durant     35    Sister-in-law Olive C. Durant     8    Niece Wm. H. Peak (should be PIKE) 27 Nephew     *Note: same Census, living right next door in Josiah Thompson’s household - there is also a Wm Pike, age 23 born in NH. (look  under Josiah’s info on his 1880 census). Mary Vankauren     24     =========== They are in the 1900 and 1910 Census in NH. William O’s brother, Josiah D., was also back in NH in 1900 Census.  * Note: Wonder if this is the Sarah, where there is a William O Thompson, born in NH, and listed in the same household. Also interesting – William has a daughter ADELIE mentioned in the 1880 Census in NY with Anna L as his wife…  1860 United States Federal Census > Iowa > Muscatine: Luel Foster Head    48    b. NH Sarah J    Wife    35    b. NY Adelie    Dau    6    b. Iowa William O Thompson 22    b. NH Children of William O and Anna L THOMPSON or Sarah:  Adele        b. abt 1862 in NY Nellie        b. abt 1865 in NY  1. 1900 US Census, NH, Strafford, Lee, District 231  In the 1905, 1909, and 1912 Lee Directories it states that William O Thompson Sr. lived at "Riverside Farm" at Wadley Falls m1 bef 1856, m2 c1872 Anna L/S ___, or b Epping? CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:   1900 Jun 4 - Lee NH - 31/31 William O? Thompson head m Mar 1827 73 m29 NH/NH/NH farmer owns/mortgage;  Anna L Thompson wife f Apr 1852 48 m29 0-0   NY/NY/NY;  James Griffin lodger m Sep 1835 64 s NS/NS/NS RR flagman [census]. 1901 May 17 - Delle H Thompson d Lee ae 35y 6m 28d b Brooklyn NY single d/o Wm O Thompson b Middleton & Adelia S Thompson b Petchogin NY, phthisis pulmonis  [Lee Annual Report]. 1905 - farmer, "Riverside Farm," Wadleys Falls [Lee Directory, 1905]. 1909 - Helen C Thompson, teacher, South Lee school, h W O T [Lee Directory,  1909]. 1909 - farmer, "Riverside Farm" at Wadleys falls [Lee Directory, 1909]. 1910 Apr 25 - Lee NH - 68/71  William O Thompson Sr head m 82 m2-38 NH/NH/NH farmer owns/free;  Anna S Thompson wife f 58 m1-38 0/0 ch NY/NY/NY; Nichols  Linna V servant f 13 s ME/ME/ME farm laborer [census]. 1912 - farmer, "Riverside Farm" at Wadleys Falls [Lee Directory, 1912]. 1905, 1909, and 1912 Lee Directories it states that William O Thompson Sr. lived at "Riverside Farm" at Wadley Falls John FURBER, was b. 1771 in Lee, NH; and d. 21 May 1844 in Lee, NH. He married Comfort TUTTLE, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (BENNETT) TUTTLE, on 13 MAR 1816 in Lee, NH by Rev John Osborne. She was b. abt 1787 in Lee, NH; and d. 24 Oct 1830 in Lee, NH. ========= John was a farmer in the 1830 and 1840 Lee Census.           ========= MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Graves on William O Thompson farm, formerly Furber homestead, Lee NH -  John Furber - d 21 May 1844 ae 73y;  Comfort, wife/o John Furber - d 24 Oct 1830 ae  43y (born Tuttle);  John, s/o John & Comfort Furber - d Sep 1826 ae 3m;  Eliza Ann, wife/o W L F Gage & d/o John & Comfort Furber - d 13 Apr 1849 ae 23y  [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. 1900 census living close to Jerome and Hannah Tuttle. 1831 - 1915 Eliza Jane Thompson 84 84 Middle name from 1850 census m. Oct. 9, 1850  (Middleton) Epping, Stafford County, New Hampshire, The Family of John Pike of Newbury, Massachusetts (Some Descendants) 1635 – 1995” (Penobscot Press, 1995).  Thompson, Eliza (1831 - 1915) - female  b. 15 FEB 1831 in Wakefield, Middlesex, Massachusetts (NH?, no records in Massachusetts) d. 5 JUN 1915 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire  spouse: Pike, John Henry (1829 - 1884)  - m. 9 OCT 1850 in Middleton, Strafford, New Hampshire  ----------child: Pike, Charles E. (1857 - 1930)  1860 record shows Eliza Jane Thompson Pike was living next door to her sister Sarah A Thompson Small 1900 Epping census. Albert, Madge, and their son Henry H are living with Eliza J Pike Eliza Jane THOMPSON    b. 15 Feb 1831 in Middleton, NH; d. 9 Jun 1916 in Epping, NH.[1] She married John Henry PIKE, son of William and Elizabeth Folsom (HILTON) PIKE on 09 OCT 1850 in Epping, Rockingham, NH.[2] He was b. __unreadable on picture of monument ___; and d. 1884 in Epping, NH.[3] Children of John Henry and Eliza Jane (THOMPSON) PIKE: Wiilliam H     b. 8 Dec 1852; d. 13 May 1937 in Epping, NH.[4]  This MAY be "Harry" (middle initial "H")          He married Mary V ____. She was b. 1 May 1854; d. 17 Apr 1939[5] in Epping, NH.          Children of William H and Mary V PIKE:          Edith PIKE PAYNE   b. 25 Dec 1883 in Epping, NH; d. 10 Mar 1963[6]         Edna E PIKE           b. 18 Oct 1887 in Epping, NH; d. 24 Aug 1889 in Epping, NH.[7] Charles E     b. 5 Jun 1857 in Epping, NH; d. 21 Oct 1930 in Concord, NH John O         b. 1855;  This MAY be John Henry - and there's a typo in the records with his middle initial as "O".          He married Lenora M ________. She d. 17 Oct 1882 in Epping,  NH.[8] Emma J       b. 1859[9] in Epping, NH; d. 18 Sep 1862 at 3 yrs old.[10] Listed on the side of “William H Pike” monument as “dau. of J.R. and Eliza J. Pike”.[11]           Albert H       b. 1864; d. 14 Jul 1932 at 68 yrs old.[12]  [1] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [2] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [3] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [4] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [5] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [6] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [7] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [8] Listed as wife on Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [9] 1860 United States Federal Census [10] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [11] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH [12] Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH 1828 - 1895 Sarah Abigail Thompson 67 67 m.  1855 Children: Mary D 1856- ? Charles S 1857-1858, 1yr Julia S 1860-1876, 16 yr Ruth Ann 1861-1917 married Frank McDaniel (1854-1928)  Nellie O 1863-1938 married Edson Tuttle (1874-1963) Everett J 1864-1867, 3 yr Joseph O 1866-1866 Eliza Jane 1868- ? W Irving 1870-1870 1829 - 1884 John Henry Pike 55 55 Lived in Epping and Concord, New Hampshire Parents William Pike and Elizabeth Folson (Hilton) Pike M. (1)Eliza Jane  09 OCT 1850 in Epping, Rockingham, NH. b. 15 Feb 1831 in Middleton, NH; d. 9 Jun 1916 in Epping, NH. 1857 - 1930 Charles E Pike 73 73 1852 Anna L Durant m. (2) abt. 1872 mother born in Rhode Island and father born in New York, by 1880 census, 1900 census says mother, father and self born in NY There was an Alice Durant, listed as sister in Law and an Olive C. Durant listed as niece living in the household in 1880 census in Brooklyn. Sarah Adelia Smith m. Oct. 24, 1853 New York City, NY Oct. 24, 1853 New York City, NY In some records her name is shown as Adelia S. Thompson 1852 - 1937 William H Henry? Pike 84 84 Living with uncle William. O. Thompson by 1880 census in Brooklyn, New York The marriage situation with William is very strange. In the 1910 census in Epping it shows Eliza J Pike as the head of household with her 2 divorced sons living with her AND William's ex-wife Mary! In 1920 Eliza is living in Concord with her son Charlie and his family while Albert is living alone in Epping and William and his ex-wife Mary are still living together in Epping. Mary is listed as his housekeeper! Then, I found on a 1930 census in Newton MA a William H Pike b. about 1853 in NH married to a Mary V Pike b. about 1854 in NY---everything matches our couple. But the 1910 and 1920 census shows they were divorced. Did they remarry? Also, the census says they were the grandparents to the head of household, Jack Sharkey. I'm wondering if their daughter married a Sharkey. 1836 - 1921 Orrin W Small 84 84 [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938] CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS: 1870 census Jun 1 - Lee NH, Wadleys Falls PO - 20/22  Orrin W Small 33 m farm laborer 100/200 bNH;  Sarah A Small 41 f bNH;  Mary D Small 14 f bNH school; Julia S Small 10 f bNH school;  Ruth A Small 8 f bNH school;  Ellen O Small 6 f  bNH school;  E Jane Small 3 f bNH;  Irving Small 1/12 bApr bNH 1895 Nov 19 - Sarah A Small d Nottingham ae 67-3-5 [Nottingham Annual  Report]. 1921 Jun 26 - Orin Small d Brentwood ae 85 widowed farmer [Lee Annual Report]. MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Town Cemetery, Lee NH - Row 3 Lot 10 -  Orrin W Small - b 1836, d 1921;  Sarah  A, his wife - b 1828, d 1895;  Charles S - b 1857, d 1858;  Julia S - b 1860, d  1876; Everett J - b 1864, d 1867;  Joseph O - b 1866, d 1866;  W Irving - b 1870, d 1870;  Nellie (Small) Tuttle - b ?, d 1938  [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. On Jan 14th 2011 I spoke with Grace (McDaniel) Haley who told me that her father, George McDaniel, told her about his grandfather, Orrin Small. They called in Grandsire. He suspected that Orrin Small was depressed or mentally ill. That during family gatherings he sat in a cornor in a rocking chair and wouldn't speak to anyone unless they came to him. Depression/Mental Illness seems to run in the family. Orrin had 9 children. All 4 of his sons died before the age of 3. He had a daughter Julia who died at age 16. 3 out of his 4 daughter's that lived into adulthood, died in mental institutions. Delia and Jennie in Danvers, MA and Nellie in Concord NH. Ruth (my great, great grandmother) was the only one who did not. She died at the age of 56 due to pneumonia, before any of her grandchildren were born. Grace talked about how depression currently runs in her side of the family.  1837 - 1919 Samuel Hart Hamilton 82 82 White Beasousarve Thomas Cotton Thomas Pennell Thomas and two of his brothers came to America from the Isel of Jersey in the English Channel about the year 1740. They are supposed to have decended from a Huguenot family who fled from the French on account of religious persecution. It is said that these three brothers were orphans who owned property in England and were sent here by their Uncle who had charge of the property under pretense of giving them an education. They landed at Scituate, Massachusetts with no money. After stopping there awhile, they moved to York and then to Capisic, near Portland, Maine, where Thomas and one of his brothers bought each a farm. Thomas is aid to have lost his on account of an incumberance upon it when he purchased it. His brother remained on his farm and his decendants are scattered over Gray, Westbrook, Portland and neignboring towns.. The other brother went to Kinfston, Canada where his decendants are to be found. Thomas married Rachel Riggs. He moved from Capisic to Gorham, Maine and afterwards in 1760 to New Meadows, Brunswick. He died Nov. 12, 1812. Children 1526 - 1596 Francis Knollys 70 70 Knollys, the name of an English family descended from Sir Thomas Knollys (d. 1435), Lord Mayor of London. The first distinguished member of the family was Sir Francis Knollys (c. 1514–1596), English statesman, son of Robert Knollys, or Knolles (d. 1521), a courtier in the service and favour of Henry VII and Henry VIII. Robert had also a younger son, Henry, who took part in public life during the reign of Elizabeth I and who died in 1583. From the time of Sir Francis, the family were associated with Greys Court at Rotherfield Greys and Caversham Park, then in Oxfordshire, as well as the nearby town of Reading in Berkshire, where the family's private chapel could once be seen in the church of St. Laurence. He became custodian of Wallingford Castle in 1551. Francis Knollys, who entered the service of Henry VIII before 1540, became a Member of Parliament in 1542 and was knighted in 1547 while serving with the English army in Scotland. A strong and somewhat aggressive supporter of the reformed doctrines, he retired to Germany soon after Mary became queen, returning to England to become a privy councillor, vice-chamberlain of the royal household and a Member of Parliament under Queen Elizabeth, whose cousin Catherine Carey (d. 1568), daughter of William Carey and niece of Anne Boleyn, was his wife. After serving as governor of Plymouth, Knollys was sent in 1566 to Ireland, his mission being to obtain for the queen confidential reports about the conduct of the lord-deputy Sir Henry Sidney. Approving of Sidney's actions, he came back to England, and in 1568 was sent to Carlisle to take charge of Mary, Queen of Scots, who had just fled from Scotland; afterwards he was in charge of the queen at Bolton Castle and then at Tutbury Castle. He discussed religious questions with his prisoner, although the extreme Protestant views which he put before her did not meet with Elizabeth's approval, and he gave up the position of guardian just after his wife's death in January 1569. In 1584 he introduced into the House of Commons, where since 1572 he had represented Oxfordshire, the bill legalizing the national association for Elizabeth's defence, and he was treasurer of the royal household from 1572 until his death on 19 July 1596. His monument may still be seen in the church of Rotherfield Greys. Knollys was repeatedly free and frank in his objections to Elizabeth's tortuous foreign policy; but, possibly owing to his relationship to the queen, he did not lose her favor and he was one of her commissioners on such important occasions as the trials of Mary Queen of Scots, of Philip Howard, earl of Arundel, and of Anthony Babington. An active and lifelong Puritan, his attacks on the bishops were not lacking in vigour and he was also very hostile to heretics. He received many grants of land from the queen, and was chief steward of the city of Oxford and a Knight of the Garter. Sir Francis's eldest son Henry (d. 1583), and his sons Edward (d. 1580), Robert (d. 1625), Richard (d. 1596), Francis (d. 1643), and Thomas, were all courtiers and served the queen in parliament or in the field. Richard's family continued to live at Rotherfield Greys, while Francis Junior's descendants held Battle Manor in Reading. The latter's daughter, Lettice (d. 1666), was the second wife of the parliamentarian, John Hampden. Francis Senior's daughter, Lettice (1540–1634), married Walter Devereux, earl of Essex, and then Robert Dudley earl of Leicester. She was the mother of Elizabeth's favorite, the 2nd earl of Essex. Some of Knollys's letters are in T. Wright's Queen Elizabeth and Her Times (1838) and the Burghley Papers, edited by S. Haynes (1740); and a few of his manuscripts are still in existence. A speech which Knollys delivered in parliament against some claims made by he bishops was printed in 1608 and again in W. Stoughton's Assertion for True and Christian Church Policie (London, 1642). Sir Francis Knollys's second son William (c. 1547–1632) served as a member of parliament and a soldier during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, being knighted in 1586. His eldest brother Henry, having died without sons in 1583, William inherited his father's estates in Oxfordshire, becoming in 1596 a privy councilor and comptroller of the royal household; in 1602 he was made treasurer of the household. Sir William enjoyed the favor of the new king James I, whom he had visited in Scotland in 1585, and was made Baron Knollys in 1603 and Viscount Wallingford in 1616. But in this latter year his fortunes suffered a temporary reverse. Through his second wife Elizabeth Howard (1586–1658), daughter of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Knollys was related to Frances, Countess of Somerset, and when this lady was tried for the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury her relatives were regarded with suspicion; consequently Lord Wallingford resigned the treasurership of the household and two years later the mastership of the Court of Wards, an office which he had held since 1614. However, he regained the royal favor, and was created earl of Banbury in 1626. He died in London on 25 May 1632. His wife, who was nearly forty years her husband's junior, was the mother of two sons, Edward (1627–1645) and Nicholas (1631–1674), whose paternity has given rise to much dispute. Neither is mentioned in the earl's will, but in 1641 the law courts decided that Edward was earl of Banbury, and when he was killed in June 1645 his brother Nicholas took the title. In the Convention Parliament of 1660 some objection was taken to the earl sitting in the House of Lords, and in 1661 he was not summoned to parliament; he had not succeeded in obtaining his writ of summons when he died on 14 March 1674. Nicholas's son Charles (1662–1740), the 4th earl, had not been summoned to parliament when in 1692 he killed Captain Philip Lawson in a duel. This raised the question of his rank in a new form. Was he, or was he not, entitled to trial by the peers? The House of Lords declared that he was not a peer and therefore not so entitled, but the Court of King's Bench released him from his imprisonment on the ground that he was the earl of Banbury and not Charles Knollys a commoner. Nevertheless, the House of Lords refused to move from its position, and Knollys had not received a writ of summons when he died in April 1740. His son Charles (1703–1771), vicar of Burford, Oxfordshire, and his grandsons, William (1726–1776) and Thomas Woods (1727–1793), were successively titular Earls of Banbury, but they took no steps to prove their title. However, in 1806, Thomas Woods's son William (1763–1834), who attained the rank of general in the British army, asked for a writ of summons as earl of Banbury, but in 1813 the House of Lords decided against the claim. Several peers, including the great Lord Erskine, protested against this decision, but General Knollys himself accepted it and ceased to call himself earl of Banbury. He died in Paris on 20 March 1834. His eldest son, Sir William Thomas Knollys (1797–1883), entered the army and served with the Guards during the Peninsular War. Remaining in the army after the conclusion of the peace of 1815 he won a good reputation and rose high in his profession. From 1855 to 1860 he was in charge of the military camp at Aldershot, then in its infancy, and in 1861 he was made president of the council of military education. From 1862 to 1877 he was comptroller of the household of the Prince of Wales, afterwards King Edward VII. From 1877 until his death on 23 June 1883, he was Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod; he was also a privy councillor and colonel of the Scots Guards. His son Francis Knollys, 1st Viscount Knollys (b. 1837), private secretary to Edward VII and George V, was created Baron Knollys in 1902; another son, Sir Henry Knollys (b. 1840), became private secretary to King Edward's daughter Maud, Queen of Norway. D. 1568 Catherine Mary Carey Catherine Carey, later Lady Knollys (c. 1524/1529 - 15 January 1568) was Chief Lady of the Bedchamber to Elizabeth I of England. Catherine Carey was the daughter of Sir William Carey, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and Esquire of the Body to King Henry VIII of England, and his wife Lady Mary Boleyn, who had once been mistress of King Henry VIII. She was married to Sir Francis Knollys. Her husband was named a Knight of the Garter in 1593, but he had been knighted in 1547. From that date, Catherine became known as Lady Knollys. They had a total of twelve children:     * Lettice Knollys (c. 1540 - 25 December 1634). She married first Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex, secondly Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester and thirdly Sir Christopher Blount.     * Sir Henry Knollys (c. 1542 - 1583). He was a Member of Parliament representing first Shoreham, Kent (1563) and then Oxfordshire. Esquire of the Body to Elizabeth I. He was married to Margaret Cave (1549 - 1600), daughter of Sir Ambrose Cave and Margaret Willington.     * Elizabeth Knollys. She married Sir Thomas Leighton, son of John Leighton of Watlesburgh and Joyce Sutton, in 1578. Her husband served as governor of Jersey.     * William Knollys, 1st Earl of Banbury (c. 1544 - 25 May 1632). He was married first to Dorothy Bray and secondly to Elizabeth Howard, daughter of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk and his second wife Catherine Knyvett.     * Edward Knollys (1546 - 1580). He was a Member of Parliament.     * Sir Robert Knollys (1547 - 1626). Member of Parliament representing Reading, Berkshire (1572 - 1589), Brecknockshire (1589 - 1604), Abingdon, Oxfordshire (1604, 1624 - 1625) and finally Berkshire (1626). He married Catherine Vaughan, daughter of Sir Rowland Vaughan of Porthamel.     * Richard Knollys (1548 - 21 August 1596). Member of Parliament representing first Wallingford (1584) and then Northampton (1588). Married Joan Heigham, daughter of John Heigham of Cliffords.     * Sir Thomas Knollys (d. 1596). Better known for service in the Eighty Years' War (1568 - 1648). Governor of Ostend in 1586. Married Odelia de Morana, daughter of John de Morada, Marquess of Bergen.     * Sir Francis Knollys "the Young" (c. 1552 - 1643). Member of Parliament representing first Oxford (1572 - 1588) and then Berkshire (1597, 1625). Married Lettice Barrett, daughter of John Barrett of Hanham. Father-in-law of John Hampden.     * Anne Knollys (c. 1553 - last reported alive 30 August 1608). Married Thomas West, 2nd Baron De La Warr. Mother to Thomas West, 3rd Baron De La Warr.     * Catherine Knollys (c. 1560 - 20 December 1620). Married first Gerald Fitzgerald, Baron Offaley and secondly Sir Phillip Butler of Watton Woodhall, a possible descendant of James Butler, 3rd Earl of Ormonde.     * Cecily Knollys. No known descendants. Her niece was Katherine Carey, who became Countess of Nottingham. 1520 - 1595 William West (1st Baron De La Warr) 75 75 William West, 1st Baron De La Warr, of the second creation (c. 1520 – 30 December, 1595) , was nephew and adopted heir of Thomas West, 9th Baron De La Warr. William West was the eldest son of Sir George West, the third of four brothers, and of Elizabeth Morton, daughter of Sir George Morton of Lechlade . He was attainted, 1 February, 1550 of attempting to poison his uncle, and was deprived of all honors. His uncle died four years later, so far as we know of natural causes. William West was convicted of treason in 1556, for assisting the plot of George Dudley against Bloody Mary. (He argued that he was a peer, and should be tried in the House of Lords; but was refused.) He was nevertheless a captain in the siege of St. Quentin in 1557. In 1563, he was restored in blood (i.e. to his rights of inheritance by descent); he was knighted, and created Baron Delaware, on 5 February, 1570. He took part as a peer in the trials and convictions of Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk and, later, his son, Philip Howard, 20th Earl of Arundel. He was junior peer in his lifetime, as latest created. However, his son and descendants have been seated with the precedence of 1299, as though they had inherited his uncle Thomas's title. By the modern rules of the House of Lords, his uncle's title fell into abeyance between the daughters of William West's second uncle, Sir Owen West, or their heirs; however, as Cokayne notes, such rules are at best modern approximations to actual medieval practice. What seems clear is that some, but not all, writers treat the letters patent as clarifying the descent of the ancient title, rather than creating a new one, hence William is sometimes referred to as 10th baron. Style: In this article days of the year are Julian; but the year is counted as beginning January 1. Source:    1. [S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume IV, page 159. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.    2. [S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume IV, page 158.    3. [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. 1534 - 1600 Elizabeth Strange 66 66 m.  1551 Offington, Sussex, England Children: 1. Thomas WEST (2º B. De La Warr) 2. Elizabeth WEST 3. Jane WEST 4. Mary WEST 1510 - 1538 George West 28 28 1512 Elizabeth Morton Source:    1. [S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume IV, page 158. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.    2. [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. 1489 Frydeswith Frowich b. Abt 1489 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England bur. Trinity Church, Isle Of Sheppey, Kent, England Children: 1. Anne CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1510 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 2. John CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1513 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. Bef 1558 Boulogne,  France 3.  Frances CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1513 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 4. Cecily Katherine CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1517 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. Bef 1550  1485 - 1558 Thomas Cheyney 73 73 b. 1485 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England     Burial:               Trinity Church, Isle Of Sheppey, Kent, England 1468 - 1515 Elizabeth Barnefelde 47 47 b. Abt. 1468  Gunnersbury, Middlesex, England 1.Frydeswith FROWICH b. Abt 1489 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England bur. Trinity Church, Isle Of Sheppey, Kent, England 1464 - 1505 Thomas Frowich 41 41 b. 1464 Gunnersbury, Middlesex, England Thomas Jakys Joan Bardville 1464 - 1487 Agnes Yonge 23 23 b. Abt 1464 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England              Burial:               St.mich.paterno., London, Middlesex, England Children 1.      Sex      Name          F     Johanne CHEYNEY (AFN:FK4K-3V)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1486         Place:      Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 2.      Sex      Name          M     Edmund CHEYNEY (AFN:FK4K-42)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1486         Place:      Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 3.      Sex      Name          M     John CHEYNEY (AFN:FK4K-57)     Pedigree     Born:      Abt 1487         Place:      Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 4.      Sex      Name          M     Thomas CHENEY (AFN:9GVL-H1)     Pedigree     Born:      1485         Place:      Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England     Died:      15 Dec 1558         Place:      , Minster, Kent, England     Buried:              Place:      Trinity Church, Isle Of Sheppey, Kent, England 1443 - 1487 William Cheyney 44 44 b. Abt 1443 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 1425 Eleanor Shottesbroke b. Abt 1425 Woodhay, Berkshire, England      Children: 1. William CHEYNEY Abt 1443 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. 8 May 1487      2. Edmond CHEYNEY Abt 1449 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 3.  Roger CHENEY Abt 1452 West Woodaye, Berkshire, England d. Bef 1499       4. Margaret CHEYNEYAbt 1453 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 5. John CHEYNEY Abt 1457 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. 30 May 1499       bur. Salisbury, Cathedral, Wilts, England 6.Edward CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1459 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 7.  Robert CHEYNEY b. Abt 1461 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 8.  Alexander CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1463 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 1415 - 1467 John Cheyney 52 52 b. Abt 1415  Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England  m. Abt 1442  Woodhay, Berkshire, England 1403 Edith Stourton b. Abt. 1403  Woodhay, Berkshire, England Children: 1. Eleanor SHOTTESBROKE  b. Abt 1425 Woodhay, Berkshire, England 1403 Robert Shottesbroke b. Abt. 1403 Woodhay, Berkshire, England 1379 Eleanor Salerne b. Abt 1379 Iden, Sussex, England Children 1.  Isabel CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1412 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 2. Margaret CHEYNEY z b. Abt 1413 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 3.  John CHEYNEY b. Abt 1415 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. Abt 1467  1386 - 1442 William Cheyney 56 56 b. Abt 1386 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 1357 Agnes NN b. Abt. 1357  Iden, Sussex, England> 1356 Margaret De Cralle Children: 1. Joane CHEYNEY b. Abt 1381 Shurland House, Kent, England 2. Miss CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1383 Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 3. Elizabeth CHEYNEY b. Abt 1384  Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 4. William CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1386  Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. Abt 1442        5.Simon CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1388 Of Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England d. Abt 1455         Place:       6.  Alice CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1390 Shurland House, Kent, England 7. Margery CHEYNEY  b. Abt 1392 Shurland House, Kent, England 1362 Richard Cheyney  b. Of Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England 1304 - 1362 Robert Cheney 58 58 1274 - 1334 William de Cheney 60 60 Margaret Shurland m. about 1303, Shurland House, Eastchurch, Kent, England Children: 1. Robert CHENEY 2. William CHENEY 3. Peter CHENEY ?4. Henry CHENEY? 1248 Alexander De Cheney 1250 Agnes De Saye William De Saye 1218 Alexander De Cheney Children: 1. Alexander De CHENEY 2. John De CHENEY 1482 Robert Morton Alice Markham D. 1479 John Markham Nicholas Morton Elizabeth Wentworth Robert Morton Alice Bozom Robert Morton Cicely Kniveton of Mercaston, Co. Derby  Charles Morton Robert Morton Robert Morton The family of Morton derived it's surname from the Morton, (anciently written as Marton,) a hamlet in the parish of Harworth, in the confines of Nottinghamshire, at the utmost boundary whereof, near to Beutrey Town, in the Yorkshire, an hospital was founded by the Mortons and a chapel wherin they were buried, in consequence of which they were styled indifferently Beutrey or Morton. D. 1479 John Markham John Markham John Markham Nicholas Kniveton Joan Richard Bozom of Cotham, Norrs Thomas Wentworth 1508 Thomas Strange of Chesterton 1505 m. abt. 1526 William Carey 1481 - 1520 Robert Knollys 39 39 of Rotherfield Greys 1435 Robert Knollys 1414 Richard Knollys  TCP identifies the progenitor of this family as this Thomas who was Lord Mayor of London 1399-1400 and 1410-1411. BE1883 mentions a Sir Robert Knollys who died in 1407 but it is not clear how that Robert fitted into this family. 1.     ?? Knollys     TCP (Banbury) reports that the Sir Francis who married Mary (Catherine) Cary was 5th in descent from the above Lord Mayor Thomas. The intermediary generations below are as reported by 'Tudor' which, on the assumption that Thomas was not a young man when the following Richard was born, appears to miss out one generation as above. 'Tudor' continues with ... William Shirley of Westneston or Wiston Mary Isley Thomas Isley of Kent, England D. 1543 Richard Shirley of Westneston or Wiston Anne Shelley John Shelley of Michelgrove Ralph Shirley  of Westneston or Wiston Jane Belingham Thomas Belingham of Lemyster D. 1517 Ralph Shirley pf Ettington, Shirley and Staunton D. 1485 John Shirley of Ettington Eleanor Willoughby Hugh Wiloughby  of Wallaton Ralph Shirley of Ettington, Shirley and Staunton (constable of Melbourne Castle) Margaret Staunton John De Staunton of Staunton Harold Ralph Shirley Joan Basset Thomas Basset of Braylesford D. 1403 Hugh Shirley Beatrix De Braose  sister of John de Braose of West Neston Thomas Shirley Isabel Basset sister of Ralph Basset, Lord of Drayton D. 1327 Ralph De Shirley D. 1278 James De Shirley and Ettington Agnes De Walton Simon De Walton 1167 Sewallis De Shirley Isabel Meynell Robert Meynell of Langley Meynell D. 1165 Henry De Shirley Johanna John De Clinton D. 1129 Sewallis of Shirley Sewallis and the next few generations may well have been known as 'de Ettington' rather than 'de Shirley'. Matilda Ridel of Halaughton Henry ancestor of Shirley of Ireton and families named Ireton D. 1105 Fulcher (of Ettington) D. 1085 Sasuallo of Ettingtom or Sewallus 1600 - 1677 Jane Powyes 77 77 b: Abt. 1594 in England  m. September 12, 1616 at St. John the Baptist parish church in Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England Thomas and Jane became ancestors of Presidents GARFIELD, BUSH and TAFT (the latter through three lines).   Children living when Thomas died:  1. John - bap. Apr. 6, 1618, St. John's, Glastonbury, England; d. Nov. 23, 1699, Weymouth, Norfolk Co., MA. Gravestone indicates he was age 82, whereas passenger list gives age of 11 in 1635. was born by 1644, and John took the Freeman's oath 1640. Holder of various public offices, property holder, lender. Served during King Philip's War. Captain. Will dated Jul. 12, 1699. Married first Sarah (d. Jan. 14, 1643/4, Weymouth, Norfolk Co., MA); second Elizabeth STREAM (b. 1624; d. Jun. 25, 1688), daughter of John STREAM and Elizabeth WHITMAN; and third Mary JACOB (b. 1637), widow of James OTIS, Jr. (d. about 1683), step son of Elizabeth (WHITMAN) STREAM OTIS. Thus, the second wife of John HOLBROOK was the step-sister of the first husband of John HOLBROOK's third wife. Children of John and Sarah HOLBROOK: John married Abigail PIERCE (daughter of Capt. Michael PIERCE); Abiezer did not marry; Hannah married Ephraim PIERCE (son of Capt. Michael PIERCE); and Samuel married Lydia. Children of John and Elizabeth HOLBROOK: Sarah married Simon WHITMARSH; Elizabeth married Joseph NASH; Mary; Lois married Mr. NASH; Eunice married Benjamin LUDDEN; Experience married Joseph EDSON; and Ichabod married Sarah TURNER. 2. William - bap. Jun. 12, 1620, St. John's Church, Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England; d. Jul. 3, 1699, Scituate, MA. 3. Thomas - b. about 1625, England; d. Jul. 22, 1697, Braintree, MA. Resided at Scituate, Weymouth, and Braintree, MA. Owner of vast real estate. Will mentions sons Peter, William and Thomas. Married 1650 Joanna KINGMAN (b. 1624; d. after 1696), daughter of Henry and Joanna KINGMAN. Children: Thomas married Deborah DAMON; John; Peter married Alice GODFREY (ancestors of Pres. William Howard TAFT); Joanna married Uriah CLARK; Joseph died young; Mary; Susanna married Andrew WILLET; and a daughter died in infancy. 4. Ann - b. about 1630, England. Married John REYNOLDS. Daughter: Mary. 5. Elizabeth - bap. Feb. 13, 1630/1, Glastonbury, Somersetshire, England. Married May 6, 1650, Scituate, MA Walter HATCH (d. 1701), son of William and Jane HATCH. Children: Hannah; Samuel; Jane; Antipas; Bethiah; John; Israel; and Joseph. 6.  Jane - b. about 1637, Weymouth, Norfolk Co., MA; d. about 1679. Married about 1656 in Weymouth, Norfolk Co., MA to Thomas DRAKE (b. Sep. 13, 1635, Colyton, Devonshire, England; d. Sep. 23, 1692, Weymouth, MA), son of William DRAKE and Margaret WESTOVER. Thomas was married second on Mar. 9, 1680/1 at Marshfield, Plymouth Co., MA to Millicent (FORD) CARVER, and they were the parents of Experience. Children of Jane and Thomas: John married Sarah; William married Sarah NASH; Joseph married Elishama; Amy; Elizabeth; and Benjamin married Sarah POOL. Thomas and Jane became ancestors of Presidents GARFIELD, BUSH and TAFT (the latter through three lines). Elizabeth 1565 - 1626 William Powyes 61 61 b. abt.1565  Glastonbury,Somersetshire,England   m. abt.1593  .Glastonbury,Somersetshire,England   1585 John Stream D. 1672 Elizabeth George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923 Children: i. Elizabeth Stream (ca 1624-25 Jun 1688) ii. Thomas Stream (-1662) iii. Benjamin Stream iv. John Stream 1624 - 1687 John Turner 63 63 m. about 1688 George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923 "Young son John (so named probably at request of a godfather) lived north-east of Hick's swamp, (near now [1831] Leonard Clap's)." (Samuel Deane, History of Scituate, Massachusetts, from Its First Settlement to 1831) “Although an active man he was not physically strong, and was freed from military duty or training. He was active in town affairs on various committees with his elder brogher, John, Sr.; ws one of the local Council of War, and a colonial collector of the excise on ‘tarr, borads and oysters.’ He lived northeast of Hick’s Swamp, on the Country Way, near the old Clap mansion-house at Greenbush.” (L. Vernon Briggs, History and Genealogy of the Briggs Family, 1254-1937, 1938, Three volumes.) John’s will, dated 25 Oct 1686, proved 8 Jun 1687, mentions sons Japheth and Israel (executors), Jacob, David, and Philip, and daughters Miriam Turner, Anne Green, and Sarah Turner. Wit: Thomas Turner, Thomas Plamer Sr, and Thomas Palmer Jr. (Marya Myers and Donald W. James, Jr., “A new look at the family of Francis and Philip James of Hingham: immigrant ancestors,” New Eng. Hist Gen. Reg. 151 (1997): 61-86) 1629 - 1687 Anne James 58 58 m. Apr. 25, 1649 Schituate, Massachusetts, Vital Records of Scituate, Massachusetts to the Year 1850, NEHGS, Boston, 1909, two volumes Children: i. Japheth Turner (9 Feb 1650-1690) ii. Israel Turner (14 Feb 1654-bef 8 Aug 1689) iii. Miriam Turner (8 Apr 1658-) iv. Samuel Turner (ca 1661-prob. bef 25 Oct 1686) v. Ann Turner (23 Feb 1662-Sep 1711) vi. Sarah Turner (25 Jul 1665-20 Dec 1739) vii. Dea. Jacob Turner (10 Mar 1667-29 Nov 1723) viii. David Turner (5 Nov 1670-3 May 1698) ix. Caleb Turner (ca 1672/3-) x. Philip Turner (18 Aug 1673-aft 6 May 1735) xi. Ichabod Turner (9 Apr 1676-) George Walter Chamberlain, History of Weymouth, Boston, 1923 1626 - 1668 James Lane 42 42 1630 - 1727 Sarah White 97 97 m. 1651 Malden, MIddlesex Massachusetts 1596 - 1684 John White 88 88 m. (2) Mary Phillips m. (3) Joane West 1629 Mary W 1560 - 1617 Robert White 57 57 Bridget Allgar 1588 - 1654 James T Lane 66 66 Katherine Russell m. 1618, Rickmansworth, Hertsford, England 1564 - 1627 George Lane 63 63 1530 - 1586 Thomas Lane 56 56 Alice 1504 - 1542 Robert Lane 38 38 1684 - 1774 Richard Thayer 90 90 m. Apr. 21, 1730 Branintree, Massachusetts Children    1.  Richard Thayer b: 18 MAR 1730/31 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    2.  Sarah Thayer b: ABT 1733 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    3.  Ruth Thayer b: 1 AUG 1734 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    4.  Jerusha Thayer b: 18 JAN 1736/37 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA 1690 - 1741 Sarah Ford 51 51 m. Jan. 26, 1684/85 Braintree, Massachusetts Children:    1.  Richard Thayer b: 18 MAR 1730/31 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    2. Sarah Thayer b: ABT 1733 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    3.  Ruth Thayer b: 1 AUG 1734 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA    4.  Jerusha Thayer b: 18 JAN 1736/37 in Braintree, Norfolk, MA 1655 - 1705 Richard Thayer 50 50 1659 - 1732 Rebecca Micall 73 73 1658 - 1733 Nathaniel Ford 75 75 1662 Johanna Bicknell Children    1.  Joanna Ford b: 27 JAN 1682/83 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    2. Mary Ford b: 7 JAN 1683/84 in Weymouth, Plymouth, MA    3.  Joanna Ford b: 19 OCT 1686 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    4.  Lydia Ford b: 1 APR 1688 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    5.  Ruth Ford b: 20 NOV 1689 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    6. Sarah Ford b: 11 FEB 1690/91 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    7.  Nathaniel Ford b: 10 OCT 1694 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    8.  Nathaniel Ford b: 21 NOV 1695 in Weymouth, Plymouth, MA    9.   Elizabeth Ford b: 14 DEC 1697 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA   10. Joseph Ford b: 16 JAN 1698/99 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA   11.  Joseph Ford b: 30 OCT 1700 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA   12.  Israel Ford b: 21 OCT 1702 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA   13.  Israel Ford b: 23 NOV 1704 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA   14.  Ann Ford b: 6 NOV 1706 in Weymouth, Norfolk, MA Sources:    1. Title: Descendants of Andrew Ford of Weymouth, Ma. - PART I       Author: Elizabeth Cobb Stewart       Publication: Capital City Press, Montpelier, VT, 1968       Repository:       Media: Book 1620 - 1692 Andrew Ford 72 72 1628 - 1683 Ellinot Lovell 55 55 Children:    1. Mary Ford b: 1647 in Weymouth, Massachusetts    2. n James Ford b: 1649 in Weymouth, Massachusetts    3.  Andrew Ford , Jr. b: ABT 1650 in Plymouth, Weymouth, Norfolk, MA    4.  Joseph Ford b: 1652 in Weymouth, Massachusetts    5. Samuel Ford b: 30 JUL 1656 in Weymouth, Massachusetts    6.  Nathaniel Ford b: 31 MAR 1658 in Weymouth, Massachusetts    7.  Ebenezer Ford b: 28 MAR 1660 in Weymouth, Massachusetts    8.  Silence Ford b: BET 13 NOV AND 16 DEC 1661 in Weymouth,  m. 1646 Massachusetts    9. Prudence Ford b: 22 DEC 1663 in Weymouth, Massachusetts   10. Jacob Ford b: 20 FEB 1664/65 in Weymouth, Massachusetts   11.  Elizabeth Ford b: 2 NOV 1667 in Weymouth, Massachusetts   12.  Israel Ford b: 7 JUN 1670 in Weymouth, Massachusetts   13.  Sarah Ford b: 28 MAY 1672 in Weymouth, Massachusetts Sources:    1. Title: NEHGR "The Joseph Hull Congregation"       Text: "Robert Lovell, age forty, "Husbandman," with his wife, Elizabeth, age thirty-five, and his children, Zacheus, fifteen; Ann, sixteen; John, eight; Ellyn, one; and James, one (the latter two twins) with one or more servants, sailed from Weymouth, England on March 20th, 1635."    2. Title: Descendants of Andrew Ford of Weymouth, Ma. - PART I       Author: Elizabeth Cobb Stewart       Publication: Capital City Press, Montpelier, VT, 1968       Repository:       Media: Book  1595 - 1682 Robert Lovell 87 87 1600 Elizabeth Silvester Children    1. Ellinor Lovell b: 1628 in Wookey Parish, Somerset, England    2. James Lovell    3.  Zacheus Lovell b: 1620    4.  Ann Lovell b: 1619    5. John Lovell b: 1627 1670 - 1738 Cornelius Thayer. Sr. 68 68 Abigail Hayden 1624 - 1705 Richard Thayer 81 81 1630 - 1705 Dorothy Pray 75 75 m. Dec. 24, 1651, of Kittery, Maine 1601 - 1695 Richard Thayer Jr. 94 94 1603 - 1640 Dorothy Mortimore 37 37 1562 Richard Thayer 1565 Joane Dimery m. June 6, 1595 Thornbury, England 1594 - 1667 Quinton Pray 72 72 1599 - 1665 Joan Valliance 66 66 1531 - 1584 Johannes Thayer 53 53 1535 - 1611 Mary Roberts 76 76 1503 - 1561 John Thayer Sr. 58 58 Constance m. abt. 1528 Thornbury, England 1580 - 1626 William Mortimore 46 46 Margaret m. about 1602 Thornbury, England 1553 John Mortimore 1565 Richard Pray m. 1594 England 1476 - 1552 Richard Tylden 76 76 or John Tilden Joan m. 1515 Kent, England 1440 - 1480 Robert Tylden 40 40 1470 Alice 1406 - 1443 John Tylden 37 37 Joane m. about 1429 Benenden, England 1378 - 1450 Thomas 72 72 or John 1383 - 1463 Jane Johanna 80 80 m. abt. 1402 Benenden, England 1350 - 1420 Thomas Tylden 70 70 m. about 1377 of Benenden, England 1523 - 1592 George Casslen 69 69 1525 - 1592 Anne? 67 67 1695 - 1761 Joseph Norton 66 66 Settled in Hampton Falls with his father and then later settled in Seabrook, NH 1698 Abigail Gove m. Jan. 6, 1720/21 Hampton Falls, Rockingham, New Hampshire, William Henry Gove, The Gove Book, History and Genealogy of The American Family of Gove and Notes of European Goves, Sydney Perley, Publisher, Salem, Mass., 1922, p. 57.Warren Brown, History Of The Town of Hampton Falls New Hampshire; From The Time of the First Settlement Within Its Borders 1640 until 1900 (Manchester, N.H.: 1900). Source: History of Rye, New Hampshire: From It's Discovery and Settlement to December 1903 by Langdon Brown Parsons, page 466 Children: 1. Sarah Norton, m. William Cate 2. Daniel Norton, d. Portsmouth, New Hampshire 3. John Norton, b. 1722, Hampton, New Hampshire, was a tanner 4. William Norton, b. May 9, 1728, Hampton, NH 5. Jonathan Norton b. 1735 Hampton, NH, d. 1791 Rockingham, NH 6. Joseph Norton b. 1737, Hampton Falls, NH, d. 1818 Chester, NH 7. Nathan Norton 8. Samuel Norton b. 1740 Hampton Falls, NH 9. Abigail Norton b. 1746 Hampton, NH, m. Nathan Goss 1658 - 1719 Bonus Norton 61 61 Settled near Hampton causeway (turnpike). It is said he brought from England, packed in boxes, his apple trees, which were of choice quality. Source: History of Rye, New Hampshire: From It's Discovery and Settlement to December 1903 by Langdon Brown Parsons, page 466 1665 - 1742 Mary Goodhue 77 77 m. abt. 1691 Ipswich, Massachusetts Children: 1. Mary Norton b. 1691 Hingham, Massachusetts 2. William Norton b. May 9, 1691, Ipswich, Massachusetts, m. Elizabeth Cotton and Esther Dearborn Lovering 3. John Norton b. 1694 Hingham, Massachusetts 4. Sarah Norton b. 1695 Hampton, Massachusetts 5. Joseph Norton b. Nov. 17, 1695 Hampton, New Hampshire 6. Samuel Norton b. 1700 Hampton, New Hampshire 7. Elizabeth Norton b. Mar. 31, 1704, Hampton, New Hampshire 8. Lucy Norton b. Sep. 10, 1707, New Hampshire, m. John Jenness 9. Anna Norton b. Mar. 20, 1708/09 Hampton, New Hampshire, m. Jonathan Towle 1611 - 1695 William Norton 84 84 1628 - 1697 Lucy Downing 69 69 m. 1650 Ipswich, Massachusetts 1639 - 1697 Deacon Joseph Goodhue 58 58 1641 - 1681 Sarah Whipple 39 39 m.  13 Jul 1661, Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts     1.  Joseph Goodhue (13 May 1662 - ____)    2. +Mary Goodhue (ABT 1664 - AFT 30 Apr 1719)    3. +William Goodhue (ABT 1666 - 10 Jul 1722)    4. +Sarah Goodhue (ABT 1667 - AFT 1726)    5. +Joseph Goodhue (1668 - 1768)    6.  Elizabeth Goodhue (ABT 1668 - ____)    7. +Margery Goodhue (ABT 1670 - 1704)    8. +John Goodhue (ABT 1674 - ____)    9. +Susanna Goodhue (ABT 1676 - ____)   10.  twin Goodhue (20 Jul 1681 - Shortly after birth)   11.  Hannah Goodhue (20 Jul 1681 - 1724)  VALEDICTORY of Sarah (Whipple) Goodhue (Note: Sarah Goodhue, of Ipswich, New England, was the youngest daughter of Elder John Whipple; she married Joseph Goodhue, July 13, 1661, and died July 23, 1681, three days after giving birth to two children.) Dear and loving Husband, if it should please the Lord to make a sudden change in thy family, the which I know not how soon it may be, and I am fearful of it. Therefore in a few words I would declare something of my mind, lest afterwards I should have no opportunity. I cannot but sympathize and pity thy condition seeing thou has a great family of children and some of them small, and if it should please the Lord to add to thy number one more or two, be not discouraged, although it should please the Lord to deprive thee of thy weak help which is so near and dear unto thee. Trust in the living God, who will be an help to the helpless, and a father to the motherless. My desire is, that if thou art so contented, to dispose of two or three of my children. If it please the Lord that I should be delivered of a living child, son or daughter, my desire is that my father and mother should have it, if they please; I freely bequeath and give it to them. And also my desire is that my cousin Symond Stacy should have John, if he please. I freely bequeath and give to him for his own if thou art willing. And also my desire is that my cousin Catharine Whipple should have Susannah, which is an hearty girl, and will quickly be helpful to her, and she may be helpful to the child, to bring her up. These, or either of these I durst trust their care under God, for the faithful discharge of that which may be for my children's good and comfort, and I hope to thy satisfaction. Therefore, if they be willing to take them, and to deal well by them, answer my desire I pray thee, thou has been willing to answer my request formerly, and I hope now thou wilt, this being the last, so far as I know. Honored and most loving father and mother, I cannot tell how to express your fatherly and motherly love towards me and mine. It hath been so great and in several kinds, for the which, in a poor requital, I give you hearty and humble thanks, yet trusting in God that he will enable you to be a father and mother to the motherless. Be not troubled for the loss of an unworthy daughter, but rejoice in the grace of God that there is hope of rejoicing together hereafter in the place of everlasting joy and blessedness. Brothers and sisters all, hearken and hear the voice of the Lord, that by his sudden providence doth call aloud on you to prepare yourselves for that swift and sudden messenger of death; that no one of you may be found without a wedding garment; a part and portion in Jesus Christ; the assurance of the love of God, which will enable you to leave this world, and all your relations, though never so near and dear for the everlasting enjoyment of the great and glorious God, if you do fear him in truth. The Private Society to which, while here, I did belong, if God by his providence come amongst you, and begin by death to break you, be not discouraged, but be strong in repenting, faith and prayers, with the lively repeatal of God's counsels declared unto you by his faithful messengers. I pray, each for another, and with one another, that so in these threatening times of storms and trouble you may be found more precious than gold tried in the fire. Think not a few hours time in your approaches to God misspent, but consider seriously with yourselves to what end God lent to you any time at all. This surely I can through grace now say: that of the time that there I spent, through the blessing of God, I have no cause to repent, no not in the least. O my children all, which in pains and care have cost me dear, unto you I call to come and take what portion your dying mother will bestow upon you; many times by experience it hath been found that the dying words of parents have left a living impression upon the breasts of children. O my children be sure to set the fear of God before your eyes; consider what you are by nature, miserable sinners, utterly lost and undone; and that there is no way and means whereby you can come out of this miserable estate, but by the mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ. He died a reproachful death that every poor humbled and true repenting sinner, by faith on God through him, might have everlasting life. O my children, the best counsel a poor dying mother can give you is to get a part and portion in the Lord Jesus Christ that will hold when all these things fail. O let the Lord Jesus Christ be precious in your sight. O children, neighbors and friends, I hope I can by experience truly say that Christ is the best, most precious, most durable portion that all or any of you can set your hearts' delight upon. I forever desire to bless and praise the Lord that he hath opened mine eyes to see the emptiness of these things and mine own, and to behold the fullness and riches of grace that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. To that end, my children, I do not only counsel you, but in the fear of the Lord I charge you all to read God's Word, and pray unto the Lord that he would be pleased to give you hearts and wisdom to improve the great and many privileges that the Lord is at present pleased to afford unto you; improve your youthful days unto God's service, your health and strength whilst it lasteth, for you know not how soon your health may be turned into sickness, your strength into weakness, and your lives into death; as death cuts the tree of your life down, so will it lie; as death leaveth you, so judgment will find you out. Therefore be persuaded to agree with your adversary quickly, whilst you are in the way of these precious opportunities; be sure to improve the lively dispensations of the Gospel; give good attention unto sermons preached in publick, and to sermons repeated in private. Endeavor to learn your father's hand, that you may read over those precious sermons that he hath taken pains to write and keep from the mouths of God's lively messengers, and in them there are lively messages. I can, through the blessing of God, along with them say, that they have been lively unto me; and if you improve them aright, why not to all of you! God upbraideth none of the seed of Jacob that seek his face in truth. My children, be encouraged in this work, you are in the bond of the covenant; although you may be breakers of covenant, yet God is a merciful keeper of covenant. Endeavor as you grow up to own and renew your covenant, and rest not if God give you life, but so labour to improve all the advantages that God is pleased to afford you, that you may be fit to enjoy the Lord Jesus Christ in all his ordinances. What hath the Lord Jesus given himself for you? if you will lay hold of him by true faith and repentance. And what will you be backward to accept of his gracious and free offers, and not to keep in remembrance his death and sufferings, and to strengthen your weak faith. I thank the Lord in some measure I have found that ordinance a life-making ordinance unto my soul. Oh, the smiles and loving embraces that they miss of that hold off and will not be in such near relation unto their Head and Saviour. The Lord grant that Christ may be your portions all. My children, one or two words I have to say more: In the first place, be sure to carry well to your father; obey him, love him, follow his instructions and example, be ruled by him, take his advice, and have a care of grieving him. For I must testify the truth unto you, and I may call some of you to testify against yourselves, that your father hath been loving, kind, tender-hearted towards you all, both for your temporal and spiritual good. You that are grown up cannot but see how careful your father is when he cometh home from his work to take the young ones up into his wearied arms; by his loving carriage and care towards those, you may behold as in a glass, his tender care and love to you every one as you grow up. I can safely say, that his love was so to you all, that I cannot say which is the child that he doth love the best. But further I may testify unto you, that this is not all that your father hath been doing for you, and that some of you may bear me witness that he hath given you many instructions, which hath been to the end your souls might enjoy happiness; he hath reproved you often for your evils, laying before you the ill event that would happen unto you if you did not walk in God's ways, and give your minds to do his will, to keep holy his Sabbaths, to attend unto hearing it preached with a desire to profit by it, and declaring unto you this way that he had experienced to get good by it; that was to pray unto the Lord for his blessing with and upon it, that it might soak into the heart and find entertainment there; and that you should meditate upon it; and he hath told you meditation was as the key to open the door to let you in, or that into your heart, that you might find the sweetness of God's word. Furthermore, my children be encouraged in this work. Your father hath put up many prayers with ardent desires and tears to God on behalf of you all; which if you walk with God, I hope you will find gracious answers and showers of blessing from those bottled tears for you. O carry it well to your father, that he may yet be encouraged to be doing and pleading for your welfare. Consider that the Scriptures holdeth forth many blessings to such children that obey their parents in the Lord, but there are curses threatened to the disobedient. My children, in your life and conversation live godly, walk soberly, modestly and innocently; be diligent, and be not hasty to follow new fashions, and the pride of life, that now too much abound. Let not pride betray the good of your immortal souls. And if it please the Lord you live to match yourselves, and to make your choice: Be sure you choose such as first do seek the kingdom of heaven. My first, as thy name is Joseph,     Labor so in knowledge to increase As to be freed from the guilt of thy sins     And enjoy eternal peace. Mary, labor to be so arrayed     With the hidden man of the heart That with Mary thou mayest find     Thou hast chosen the better part. William thou hadst that name     For thy grandfather's sake, Labor so to tread in his steps     As over sin conquest thou mayest make. Sarah, Sarah's daughter thou shalt be     If thou continuest in doing well. Labor so in holiness among the daughters to walk     As that thou mayest excel. So my children all, if I must be gone     I with tears bid you all--Farewell.                The Lord bless you all. Now dear husband, I can do no less than to turn unto thee; and if I could I would naturally mourn with thee. And in a poor requital of all thy kindness, if I could, I would speak some things of comfort to thee, whilst thou dost mourn for me. A tender hearted, affectionate, and entire loving husband thou hast been to me several ways. If I should but speak of what I have found as these outward things; I being but weakly natured in all my burthens thou has willingly with me sympathized and cheerfully thou hast helped me bear them, which although I was but weak-natured, and so the more unable to go through those troubles in my way, yet thou hast by thy cheerful love to me helped me forward in a cheerful frame of spirit. But when I come to speak or consider in thy place, thy great pains and care for the good of my soul; this twenty years experience of thy love to me in this kind hath so enstamped it upon my mind, that I do think that there never was a man more truly kind to a woman. I desire forever to bless and praise the Lord, that in mercy to my soul, he by his providence ordered that I should live with thee in such a relation; therefore, dear husband, be comforted in this (although God by his providence break that relation between us, that he gave being to at first), that in thy place thou has been a man of knowledge to discharge to God and my soul that scripture commanded duty, which by the effects in me wrought through the grace of God, thou mayest behold with comfort our prayers not hindered, but a gracious answer from the Lord, which is of great price and reward. Although my being gone be thy loss, yet I trust, in and through Jesus Christ, it will be my gain. Was it not to this end that the Lord was pleased to enable thee and give thee in heart to take (as an instrument) so much pains for his glory and my eternal good, and that it might be thy comfort. As all thy reading of scriptures and writing of sermons, and repeating of them over to me, that although I was necessarily often absent from the public worship of God, yet by thy pains and care to the good of my soul, it was brought home unto me. And blessed by the Lord who hath set home by the operation of his spirit, so many repeatals of precious sermons and prayers and tears for me and with me for my eternal good. And now let it be thy comfort under all; go on and persevere in believing in God and praying fervently unto God. Let not thy affectionate heart become hard, and thy tears dried away; and certainly the Lord will render a double portion of blessing upon thee and thine. If thou couldst ask me a reason why I thus declare myself, I can answer no other but this, that I have had of late a strong persuasion upon my mind, that by sudden death I should be surprised, either at my travail, or soon after it; the Lord fit me for himself. Although I could be very willing to enjoy thy company and my children longer, yet if it be the will of the Lord that I must not, I hope I can say cheerfully "The will of the Lord be done." This hath been often my desire and prayer. Further, if thou couldst ask me why I did not discover some of these particulars of my mind to thee before, my answer is, because I knew that thou wert tender hearted towards me, and therefore I would not create thee needless trouble. Oh, dear husband, dearest of all my bosom friends, if by sudden death I must part from thee, let not thy trouble and cares that are on thee make thee to turn aside from the right way:     O dear heart, if I must leave thee and thine here behind,     Of my natural affection here is my heart and hand. Be courageous, and on the living God bear up thy heart in so great a breach as this. SARAH GOODHUE Dear husband, if by sudden death I am taken away from thee, there is unfolded among thy papers something that I have to say to thee and others. July 14, 1681. Source: Jonathan E. Goodhue, History and Genealogy of the Goodhue Family in England and America (Rochester, N.Y.: E.R. Andrews, 1891), pp. 293-297. 1580 William Norton Alice Browest Children: 1. RICHARD8 NORTON. 2. THOMAS NORTON. 3. MARTHA NORTON, m. UNKNOWN WOOD. 4. MARY NORTON, m. UNKNOWN YOUNG. 5. JOHN NORTON, b. 06 May 1606, Starford, Hertford, England; d. 05 Apr 1663, Boston; m. MARY; d. 17 Dec 1677, Boston John Browest William Norton lived at Sharpenbow m. (1) Margery Hawes Margaret Hawes D. 1566 Richard Norton Margery Wingar  of Sharpenbow John Norton of Sharpenbow, England Jane Cowper John Cowper John Norton of Sharpenbow, Bedfordshire, England John Norton Ann Grey of Ruthm Gray de Ruthyn Sir de Noruile married daughter of Mons. Bassingbourne Sir de Noruile daughter of Sir John Hadscoke Sir de Noruile Jouca daughter of Sigr. Dampre de Court Sir de Noruile Aureline daughter of Neuil of Raby Sir de Noruile married into the House of Dalbemonte Sir de Noruile married into the House of Barr Signieur de Noruile came to England with William the Conqueror 1060 and was his constable. married into the House of Valois 1596 - 1669 Elder John Whipple 72 72 1595 - 1661 Susanna Stacy (Clark) 66 66 m.  Jan. 16, 1619/1620 Many genealogies claim John married Sarah Hawkins; others Susanna Stacy or Clark. The parish records at St. Mary's Church in Bocking, Essex Co., England, where John was baptized 29 August 1596, do not record his marriage. Abraham Hammatt (1) refers to her as Sarah and states she died 14 June 1658 in Ipswich.  Clarence Torrey (2) refers to her as Susanna Stacy/Clark. John's first child was a daughter named Susanna, born in Bocking 1 July 1622. (3)  His last born child, also a daughter, was named Sarah, born 3 Nov. 1641 in Ipswich. Naming patterns at the time suggest the first born was named after her mother. Those who contend his wife was Sarah Hawkins are probably relying on John Hawkins, Jr.'s will dated 3 Sept. 1633 (proved 18 October). Hawkins of Braintree, a town on the Blackstone River immediately adjacent to Bocking, mentions sister Whipple, sister Kent, sister Edes, sister Archer, brother Francis. (4) John's father, John Hawkins, Sr., was married at least twice. His first wife is unknown. He had at least two daughters by her: Eleanor, baptized 6 Mar. 1595, buried in 1610; and Mary, married Wm. Wright 8 Nov. 1610. John, Sr. married Mary Levitt 21 Feb. 1603/4 and had daughters Ann who married Matthew Whipple 7 May 1622 in Bocking (Matthew was the older brother of John) and Sarah who married William Coppin 26 Sept. 1622 in Bocking. (5) Parish records include the marriages of Ann and Sarah to Matthew and William. This evidence strongly suggests that when John Hawkins, Jr. referred to "my sister Whipple," he meant Ann, wife of Matthew. His will was so specific in other instances he would have distinguished between them if he had two sisters married to a Whipple. That John's first wife's name was Susanna Stacy or Clark is suggested by the nuncupative will of Elizabeth Stacy. Elizabeth's maiden name was Clerke (sometimes spelled Clark). This will, "as received from her own mouth" by her children Simon, Sarah, and ANN in Ipswich, was proved 29 March 1760. (6) Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Clerk, yeoman of Theydon Garnon, Essex Co., married Simon Stacy, a clothier from Bocking 6 Nov. 1620. (7) The Stacys immigrated to New England at the same time as Matthew and John Whipple, and Simon was granted "six acres of planting ground beyond the swamps next to John Whipple" in 1638. (8) ANN Stacy's will, dated 13 Feb. 1681/2, names her brother Simon, sister Sarah, and appoints "my cuzen John Whipple (son of John of Bocking) senior executor." John, Jr., later presented the inventory of the estate to the court. (9)  "Cuzen" meant the children of your aunt or uncle. Additionally, it was generally used to claim kinship or a relationship. (10) Other Whipple-Stacy relationships are suggested by the fact that seven of the 12 persons named as heirs to Simon Stacy Jr.'s estate sold their rights to Col. Francis Wainwright of Ipswich, husband of Sarah Whipple, daughter of "cuzen John Whipple." (11) Also, Matthew, Jonathan, and James Whipple, grandsons of John, Sr.'s brother Matthew, were in possession of land in 1709 that had belonged to Thomas Stacy, son of Simon Stacy, Sr. (12) Lacking a primary source for John's first marriage, the above evidence, while not conclusive, strongly suggests that John married Susanna Stacy/Clark and not Sarah Hawkins. John married (2) in Ipswich after 1662 Jennet Dickinson, widow of Thomas Dickinson of Wenham, MA.  1 Abraham Hammatt, The Hammatt Papers. Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Massachusetts 1633-1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1980), p. 405. 2 Clarence A. Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1985), p 803. Melinda Lutz Sanborn compiled a Supplement to Torrey's work in 1991 which includes corrections, deletions, new entries, and additional details to the original work. Also published by the Genealogical publishing Co., Inc. 3 Parish Records of St. Mary's Church, Bocking, England. Salt Lake City: Family History Library, film #1471886, items 12 and 13. Original records at the Essex Record Office, Chelmsford. 4 Henry F. Waters, Genealogical Gleanings in England (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1969), pp. 466-7. See also Rev. Philip Morant, The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, published in two volumes between 1763 and 1768, p. 398. 5 Mary Lovering Holman and George R. Marvin, eds., Abstracts of English Records Gathered Principally in Devonshire and Essex in a Search for the Ancestry of Roger Dearing c. 1624-1676 and Matthew Whipple c. 1560-1618 (Boston: 150 copies privately published, 1929). 6 Essex County, MA, probate files, No. 26069. 7 Joseph Foster, ed., London Marriage Licenses, 1521-1869 (London: Bernard Quaritch, 1887), p. 1273. 8 George A. Schofield, ed. and publisher, The Ancient Records of the Town of Ipswich, vol. I (Ipswich: Chronicle Motor Press, 1899), pages unnumbered. 9 Essex County, MA, probate files, No. 26052. 10 See The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, vol. II (New York: The Century Co., 1911), p. 1315 for definition of cuzen. 11 Essex County Probate Records, vol. 310:435; Essex County Deeds, vols. 14:26, 28; 16:4-6. 12 Essex County Deeds, vol. 21:88. 13 Torrey, p. 803. 14 T.H. Breen, The Character of the Good Ruler (New York: Norton), p. 592. 15 Wills at Providence were sometimes proved at once upon execution. Irving Berdine Richman, Rhode Island: Its Making and Its Meaning, 1636-1683 (New York: Putnam, 1908), pp. 186-8. 16 Charles M. Whipple, Jr., Sons and Daughters of Jesse: a 360 Year History of the John Whipple Family (Oklahoma City: Southwestern Press, 1976), p. 12. 17 Collections of the Rhode Island Historical Society, vol. 5 (Providence: Knowles and Bose Printers, 1843), p. 184. 18 Donald D. Breed, "North Burial Ground Also Serves City as Recreation Area,"  Providence Journal-Bulletin, date unknown but probably after 1979. 1576 - 1619 Matthew Whipple Sr. 42 42 Joan m.Aug. 29, 1612, St. Mary's Church, Bocking, England 1612 - 1688 William Goodhue 76 76 D. 1668 Margaret Watson  Children: 1.  +Joseph Goodhue  (1639 - 2 Sep 1697)    2.  William Goodhue (1645 - ____)    3.  Mary Goodhue (____ - ____)  Emanuel Downing Lucy Winthrop 1661 - 1737 John Gove 76 76 1661 Sarah Blake Children: Mary GOVE John GOVE  Hannah GOVE Jonathan GOVE Sarah GOVE Abigail GOVE Sarah GOVE 1710 - 1762 Samuel Hills 51 51 m. (1) Rebecca Thurston Elizabeth Swaine m. 18-11-1743 Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire 1684 - 1762 Benjamin Hills 78 78 1690 - 1769 Rebecca Ordway 78 78 m. 7-11-1709 Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts 1602 - 1688 Joseph Hills 85 85 1604 - 1674 Hannah Smith 70 70 m.  24 Jun 1651  Malden,Middlessex,Massachusetts 1571 George Hills 1575 Mary Hawes  m. 13 Oct 1587 Great Burstead,Billericay,Essex,England Edwin Hawes Samuel Smith Hannah 1665 - 1758 Hanniah Ordway 92 92 twin Abigail Merrill 1621 - 1667 James Ordway 46 46 m. (1) Joanna Davis Anne Emery 1591 - 1653 Edward Orsway 62 62 Jane Webb Thomas Ordway Margaret Agnes Dacle 1636 - 1691 Edward Gove 55 55 Historic Homes and Places and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Volume 3, page 1088,  By William Richard Cutter 1639 - 1712 Hannah Partridge 73 73 m. m. 1659/1660, Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, William Henry Gove, The Gove Book, History and Genealogy of The American Family of Gove and Notes of European Goves, Sydney Perley, Publisher, Salem, Mass., 1922, p. 14. Children: Ens. John GOVE < William GOVE [Died as Infant] Hannah GOVE Mary GOVE Abigail GOVE [Died as Infant] Penuel GOVE [Died as Child] Abigail GOVE Ebenezer GOVE Edward GOVE [Died as Child] Jeremiah GOVE Rachel GOVE [Died as Infant] Ann GOVE Sarah GOVE 1592 - 1673 Jasper Blake 81 81 1628 - 1678 Deborah Everard 50 50 m. abt, 1645 Children: Timothy BLAKE Deborah BLAKE Israel BLAKE John BLAKE Sarah BLAKE [Died as Child] > Sarah BLAKE < Jasper BLAKE Samuel BLAKE Dorothy BLAKE > Philoman BLAKE < Maria BLAKE 1601 - 1647 John Gove 46 46 Settled in Charlestown, Massachusetts, where he was admitted a freeman May 22, 1638. He was admitted to the church May 3, 1638. He was a dealer and worker in brass. His will dated Jan. 22, 1647, bequeathed to wife, sons, John and Edward, daughter Mary to be adpoted with wife's full consennt by Ralph Mousall and his wife and to the latter he bequeathed a silver porringer and five pounds in money; legacies to be paid out of the brass in the house or that which was to come from England. Gove bought his house and land in Charlestown, September 29, 1647. Historic Homes and Places and Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Volume 3, page 1087,  By William Richard Cutter 1609 - 1681 Mary Shard 72 72 6 Feb 1630/1631, St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, England Children: Edward GOVE  Mary GOVE Humphrey GOVE [Died as Infant] Benjamin GOVE Rachel GOVE 1582 Humphrey Shard D. 1637 Margery m. 1607 Children: Mary SHARD < William SHARD Jane SHARD Thomas SHARD Robert SHARD D. 1614 William Shard D. 1617 Elizabeth m. 1575 Children: Dorothy SHARD Joyce SHARD > Humphrey SHARD < John SHARD Daughter SHARD D. 1654 William Partridge D. 1689 Ann m. bef 1638, Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts John Partridge Frances m. m. bef 1638, Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts Children: John PARTRIDGE Rachel PARTRIDGE > Hannah PARTRIDGE < Elizabeth PARTRIDGE Nehemiah PARTRIDGE Sarah PARTRIDGE Rachel PARTRIDGE William PARTRIDGE 1597 - 1682 Richard Everard 84 84 1595 - 1630 Sarah Dalton 35 35 m. m. 24 Sep 1623, Woolverstone, Suffolk, England, Sanborn, George F. and Sanborn, Melinde, "The Dalton Cluster: Timothy Dalton, Philemon Dalton, Richard Everard and Deborah Everard Blake," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 154, July 2000. Dick Marston, "Marston Family Genealogy and History,", viewed 26 Dec 2003 Children: Children Israell EVERARD Timothie EVERARD > Deborah EVERARD < John EVERARD [Died as Infant] 1564 George Everard 1564 Mary Pearse m. 16 May 1564 Children: George EVERARD William EVERARD Mary EVERARD Richard EVERARD  Edward EVERARD James EVERARD Elizabeth EVERARD Pales EVERARD 1535 - 1614 William Everard 79 79 1539 - 1615 Elizabeth Squire 76 76 m. 30 May 1559, Holbrook, Suffolk, England, Sanborn, George F. and Sanborn, Melinde, "The Dalton Cluster: Timothy Dalton, Philemon Dalton, Richard Everard and Deborah Everard Blake," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 154, July 2000. Children: George EVERARD Robert EVERARD Alice EVERARD William EVERARD Faith EVERARD John Everard D. 1566 Rose Greenleafe Children: William EVERARD  Unknown EVERARD Unknown EVERARD John Greenleafe Avice D. 1532 William Everard Agnes Children: 1. John EVERARD  2. Anne EVERARD William Hawes 1878 Catherine ? Bailey? 1810 - 1876 Kilby P Sargent 65 65  may have been married a second time to Mary and had another child Lizzie A Massachusetts Deaths, 1841-1915 for Kilby P. Sargent Name:     Kilby P. Sargent Titles & Terms:      Event:     Death Event Date:     11 Jul 1876 Event Place:     Gloucester, Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     66 Estimated Birth Year:     1810 Father:     Epes Father's Birthplace:      Mother:     Martha R. Volume/Page/Certificate Number:     vol 283 p 178 cn 230 Film Number:     960209 Frame Number:      Digital Folder Number:     4221424 1875 - 1960 Lucy Mildred Saunders 85 85 m. Jan. 8, 1895, Gloucester, Massachusetts 1783 Elkes Torrey 1761 - 1834 Lemuel Estey 73 73 Hannah Belcher 1731 - 1790 Jacob Estey 59 59 D. 1810 Mary Holmes m. Sep. 18, 1756 1690 - 1777 Jacob Estey 86 86 see duplicate entry in this tree 1702 - 1770 Mehitable Porter 68 68 see duplicate entry in this tree 1762 - 1832 Obed Johnson 69 69 1765 - 1851 Lucy Holman 85 85 m. Apr. 26, 1787 Children 1. Obed Johnson b. 28 SEP 1787  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d. 12 NOV 1796       2. Hobbs Johnson b. 09 APR 1789  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d. 19 MAY 1829       3. Ellis Johnson b. 13 APR 1791  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d. 24 AUG 1868       4. Luther Johnson b. 23 MAY 1793 Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts     5. Lucy Johnson b.     21 AUG 1795  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d.     31 JUL 1876       6. Fanny Johnson b. 05 FEB 1797  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d. 31 JUL 1876       7. Cynthia Johnson     b. 06 APR 1799  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d.  07 NOV 1799       8. Cynthia Johnson b. 11 SEP 1800  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts     9. Obed Johnson b. 08 DEC 1802  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts d. 23 MAR 1845           10. Ebenezer Johnson b. 10 DEC 1804      Of Hingham, , , Massachusettsd. 17 JUL 1876       11. Harvey Johnson b. 02 JUL 1807  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts           12. Elvira Johnson     b. 16 APR 1809  Of Hingham, , , Massachusetts 1725 - 1791 Isaac Johnson 66 66 1730 - 1810 Hannah Hobbs 80 80 m. May 28, 1754 Ebenezer Holman Jemima Lyon Matthew Hobbs Hannah Gay 1696 - 1760 Benjamin Johnson 63 63 1698 - 1764 Ruth Beale 66 66 m. Feb. 4, 1720 Caleb Beale Ruth Hersey 1657 - 1707 Benjamin Johnson 49 49 1663 - 1711 Rebecca Hersey 47 47 m. Jun. 11, 1683 1635 - 1691 William Hersey 56 56 m. (1) Ruhannah Hallett Rebecca Chubbuck 1620 - 1692 Humphrey Johnson 71 71 m, (2) Abigail May 1626 - 1678 Eleanor Cheney 52 52 m. Mar. 20, 1643 William Cheney Margaret Cule 1588 - 1659 John Johnson 71 71 Mary Heath m. Sept. 21, 1613, Ware, Herts, England 1596 - 1658 William Hersey 61 61 1610 - 1671 Elizabeth Croade 61 61 m. 1632, Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts 1624 Cornelius Waldo 1624 - 1704 Hannah Coggswell 80 80 m. May 1, 1645 Ipswitch, Essex, Massachusetts Children:    1.Judith WALDO b: 12 JUL 1644 in Ipswich Essex MA    2. Elizabeth WALDO b: 1652 in Ipswich Essex MA    3.  Daniel WALDO b: 19 AUG 1657 in Ipswich Essex MA    4.Martha WALDO b: 27 FEB 1657/58 in Ipswich Essex MA    5. Cornelius Waldo JR b: 24 FEB 1658/59 in Ipswich Essex MA    6.  John WALDO b: 24 FEB 1658/59 in Ipswich Essex MA    7. Deborah WALDO b: 16 JAN 1660/61 in Ipswich Essex MA    8.  Rebecca WALDO b: 28 JAN 1661/62 in Ipswich Essex MA    9.  Mary WALDO b: 9 SEP 1665 in Chelmsford Middlesex MA   10.  Jonathan WALDO b: 1669 in Chelmsford Middlesex MA 1612 John Ford 1648 - 1723 Joseph Bailey 75 75 1656 - 1704 Priscilla Putnam 48 48 Children:    1. Rebecca BAILEY b: 21 OCT 1675 in Newbury Essex MA    2.John BAYLEY b: 16 SEP 1678 in Newbury Essex MA    3.  Priscilla BAILEY b: 31 DEC 1676 in Newbury Essex MA    4.  Joseph BAILEY b: 28 JAN 1679/80 in Newbury Essex MA    5. Hanna BAILEY b: 9 SEP 1683 in Newbury Essex MA    6. Daniel BAILEY b: 10 JAN 1685/86 in Newbury Essex MA    7.  Mary BAILEY b: 9 JUN 1688 in Newbury Essex MA    8.  Judith BAILEY b: 11 FEB 1689/90 in Newbury Essex MA    9.  Lydia BAILEY b: 25 NOV 1695 in Newbury Essex MA   10.  Sarah BAILEY b: 14 FEB 1697/98 in Newbury Essex MA 1613 - 1690 John Bailey 77 77 1624 - 1700 Eleanor Emery 75 75 m. May 22, 1649 Chippenham, Wilts, England Children:    1.  Rebecca BAILEY b: 24 NOV 1641 in Salisbury Essex MA    2.  John BAILEY b: 18 MAY 1643 in Salisbury Essex MA    3.  Joshua BAILEY b: 18 MAY 1643 in Newbury Essex MA    4.  Sarah BAILEY b: 17 AUG 1644 in Newbury Essex MA    5. Joseph BAILEY b: 14 APR 1648 in Newbury Essex MA    6. James BAILEY b: 12 SEP 1650 in Salem Village Essex MA    7. Joshua BAILEY b: 20 APR 1657 in Newbury Essex MA    8. Rachel BAILEY b: 19 OCT 1662 in Newbury Essex MA    9. Judith BAILEY b: 13 AUG 1665 in Newbury Essex MA   10.  Isaac BAILEY b: 22 JUL 1654 in Newbury, Essex, MA 1590 - 1651 John Bailey 61 61 1587 Eleanor Knight m. 1612, Chippenham, England 1607 Jonathan Harraden 1612 Mary? m. Devonshire, England 1864 - 1932 Albert H Pike 68 68 1855 - 1884 John Q Pike 29 29 maybe son or brother. He was living with his father and mother in 1880 census in Epping, NH m. Lenora M Cutting who died Oct. 17, 1882 Epping, NH and Sadie A  Rowe In the old lettering the Q is sometimes translated to look like the letter L 1859 - 1862 Emma J Pike 3 3 1695 - 1768 William Ellis 73 73 1697 - 1762 Jane Gibbs 64 64 m. Mar. 19, 1718 Plymouth, Massachusetts Children: 1. William ELLIS was born 10 Jan 1719 and died 15 Jan 1795. 2. Experience ELLIS was born 15 Jul 1722 and died 3 May 1799. 3. Eleazer ELLIS was born 18 Apr 1724 and died 4 Aug 1806. 4. Thomas ELLIS 1, 2 was born 20 Jun 1726 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts. He died before 30 Jul 1744 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 5. Elizabeth ELLIS was born 1736. 6. Deborah ELLIS was born Jan 1740 and died 4 Mar 1825. Sources:     1Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Lt. John Ellis and Elizabeth (Freeman) Ellis of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 120:1 (Jan 1966) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 31, Los Angeles Public Library.     2Colton, Margaret Kelley Ashe, Margaret Colton Collection of Records, Salt Lake City: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1990.  Film #1,597,746 Item 6., Family History Library.     3Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 123:1 (Jan 1969) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 62, Los Angeles Public Library.     4Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 123:2 (Apr 1969) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), pp. 130, 134, Los Angeles Public Library. 1670 - 1717 John Gibbs 47 47 Parents:     1Barclay, Mrs. John E., "Swift, Tobey, Fish Connections, Sandwich, Mass.," The American Genealogist 35:1 (Jan. 1959), p. 40, Los Angeles Public Library.     2Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 123:1 (Jan 1969) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), pp. 58, 61, Los Angeles Public Library.     3Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Lt. John Ellis and Elizabeth (Freeman) Ellis of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 120:1 (Jan 1966) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), pp. 31, 34, 36, Los Angeles Public Library.     4Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 123:2 (Apr 1969) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 134, Los Angeles Public Library.     5Kardell, Caroline Lewis, Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1996.), 1:27, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974.42 S221Ka.     6Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.), p. 300, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 T694. 1668 - 1737 Esther Swift 69 69 m. 1689 Plymouth, Massachusetts, Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.), p. 300, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 T694. Children: 1. Joshua GIBBS 1 was born 20 Dec 1690 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts. 2. N.N. GIBBS 1 was born 1693 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She died 1693 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts. 3. Mercy GIBBS was born 21 Jan 1695 and died after 27 Jun 1746. 4. Jane GIBBS was born 13 Mar 1697 and died after 2 Apr 1762. 5. John GIBBS was born 16 Feb 1699 and died after 20 Nov 1767. 6. Hannah GIBBS was born 24 Feb 1701 and died after 7 Jun 1770. 7. Experience GIBBS was born 19 Feb 1703. Sources:     1Barclay, Mrs. John E., "Swift, Tobey, Fish Connections, Sandwich, Mass.," The American Genealogist 35:1 (Jan. 1959), p. 40, Los Angeles Public Library.     2Cutter, William Richard, New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial (Baltimore: Clearfield Co., 1997.), 3:823, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.274 C991 3d. series 1997.     3Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 123:1 (Jan 1969) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 61, Los Angeles Public Library.     4Fiske, Jane Fletcher, "William Swift, Citizen and Leatherseller of London...," The American Genealogist 77:3 (Jul 2002), p. 172, Los Angeles Public Library.     5Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Lt. John Ellis and Elizabeth (Freeman) Ellis of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 120:1 (Jan 1966) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), pp. 31, 34, 36, Los Angeles Public Library.     6Swift, George Henry, William Swyft of Sandwich and Some of His Descendants, 1637-1899 (Millbrook, New York: Round Table Press, 1900. FHL US/CAN Film #393,288.), pp. 3, 7, Family History Library.     7Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.), p. 300, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 T694. 1627 - 1706 William Swift 78 78 Sources:     1McCourt, Martha Fletcher, The American Descendants of Rev. John Smith, who married 13 June 1643, Susanna Hinckley (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1997.), p. 441, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.2 S642-66.     2Banks, Charles Edward, The History of Martha's Vineyard, Dukes County, Massachusetts (Boston: G.H. Dean, 1911-25.), 3:448, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974.41 M37Ba.     3Barclay, Mrs. John E., "Swift, Tobey, Fish Connections, Sandwich, Mass.," The American Genealogist 35:1 (Jan. 1959), p. 40, Los Angeles Public Library.     4Cutter, William Richard, New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial (Baltimore: Clearfield Co., 1997.), 3:823, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.274 C991 3d. series 1997.     5Brownson, Lydia B. & MacLean W. McLean, "Thomas Gibbs of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 123:1 (Jan 1969) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 61, Los Angeles Public Library.     6Fiske, Jane Fletcher, "William Swift, Citizen and Leatherseller of London...," The American Genealogist 77:3 (Jul 2002), p. 171, Los Angeles Public Library.     7Preston, Belle, Bassett-Preston Ancestors (New Haven, Connecticut: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1930.), p. 260, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.2 B319.     8"Memoirs: Edward Foster Swift," NEHGR 88:1 (Jan 1934) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 74, Los Angeles Public Library.     9Brownson, Lydia B., "Ezra Perry of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 115:2 (Apr 1961) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 98, Los Angeles Public Library.     10Brownson, Lydia B., "The Reverend Richard Bourne of Sandwich, Mass.," NEHGR 118:3 (Jul 1964) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 205, Los Angeles Public Library.     11"Memoirs: Robert Wesselhoeft Swift," NEHGR 105:2 (Apr 1951) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 145, Los Angeles Public Library.     12Swift, George Henry, William Swyft of Sandwich and Some of His Descendants, 1637-1899 (Millbrook, New York: Round Table Press, 1900. FHL US/CAN Film #393,288.), p. 3, Family History Library.     13Parke, Nathan Grier, The Ancestry of Lorenzo Ackley & His Wife Emma Arabella Bosworth (Woodstock, Vermont: N.G. Parke, 1960. FHL US/CAN Film #1,015,822 Item 9.), p. 250, Family History Library.     14Noyes, Charles Phelps, Noyes-Gilman Ancestry (St. Paul, Minnesota: C. P. Noyes, 1907.), p. 380, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.2 N95-1.     15Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.), p. 724, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 T694. m. 1650 Sandwich, Massachusetts, Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.), p. 724, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 T694. Children: 1. Hannah SWIFT was born 11 Mar 1651 and died Mar 1721. 2. William SWIFT was born 28 Aug 1654 and died 17 Jun 1700. 3. Ephraim SWIFT was born 7 Jun 1656 and died Feb 1742. 4. Mary SWIFT was born 7 Apr 1659 and died 5 Mar 1683. 5. Samuel SWIFT was born 10 Aug 1662 and died 25 May 1733. 6. Jirah SWIFT was born 1664 and died Apr 1749. 7. Temperance SWIFT was born 1666 and died 8 Oct 1746. 8. Esther SWIFT was born 1668 and died 3 Mar 1737. 9. Josiah SWIFT was born 1670 and died Dec 1757. 10. Dinah SWIFT was born 1672. 1644 - 1725 John Gibbs 80 80 1650 - 1715 Jane Blackwell 65 65 m. 1669 Sandwich, Massachusetts Children: M     i     Lieutenant John GIBBS was born 28 Jul 1670 and died 1717.           M     ii     Benjamin GIBBS was born Dec 1673 and died Sep 1757.           M     iii     Job GIBBS was born 27 Apr 1676 and died 1716.           M     iv     Joshua GIBBS 1 was born 2 Apr 1679 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts.           M     v     Caleb GIBBS 1 was born 2 Aug 1681 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts.           M     vi     Barnabas GIBBS was born 24 Jun 1684 and died May 1724. 1620 - 1710 Michael Blackwell 90 90 1650 - 1710 Mordecai Ellis 59 59 Sarah Clark 1620 - 1676 John Ellis 56 56 1624 - 1714 Elizabeth Freeman 90 90 1698 - 1756 Jonathan Wild 57 57 m. (2) Jerusha Thayer 1699 - 1755 Sarah Randall 56 56 1673 - 1730 John Randall 57 57 1678 - 1761 Susanna Benson 83 83 1666 - 1732 John Wild 66 66 1668 - 1724 Sarah Hayden 55 55 1612 Peter Wylde 1615 Margaret Hume 1638 - 1676 Samuel Hayden 38 38 1641 - 1672 Hannah Thayer 31 31 1596 - 1665 Thomas Thayer 68 68 1697 - 1774 Eli Demeritt 77 77 Tabitha Pitman Francis Pitman Elizabeth 1646 - 1745 Eli Demeritt 99 99 1677 1675 - 1760 John Thorndike 85 85 1676 - 1716 Joanna Larkin 40 40 1715 - 1753 Thomas Favour 38 38 1727 - 1727 Mary Furnace m. 26 Apr 1743 Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts Marblehead Vital Records 1620-1988 1695 Thomas Furness 1699 Prudence Hubard D. 1755 Wilmott Hubard 1666 - 1727 David Furness 61 61 1661 - 1728 Sarah Fluent 67 67 m. (2)2 June 1692 Marblehead, Essex, Massachusetts U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700 m. (1)  8 Feb 1680 Phillip Brimblecom Marblehead, MA 1592 - 1679 Roger Conant 87 87 1600 - 1620 Sarah Horton 20 20 John Larkin Joanna Hale Matthew Stanley 1610 - 1686 John Lovett 76 76 1610 - 1695 Mary Grant 85 85 1572 Alexander Lovat Mary 1708 - 1799 Jeremiah Gould 91 91 1723 - 1804 Keziah Morse 80 80 1751 - >1799 John C Thompson 48 48 Marriage record in Newington, mentions he was of Portsmouth, NH 1790 living in Newington, NH American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) about John C. Thompson Name:     John C. Thompson Birth Date:     1750 Birthplace:     New Hampshire Volume:     177 Page Number:     102 Reference:     miscellaneous Rev. docs. Of NH. Ed. By Albert Sillman Batchellor. Manchester, NH, 1910. (17,658p.):422 Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 19 Apr 1934, 8326 1758 - 1791 Elizabeth Walker 33 33 m. Jan. 12, 1779 both of Portsmouth, New Hampshire Source: The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, 1847-2011 for John Tompson Volume 022 (1868) m. 21 NOV 1776 Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire History of the Town of Durham, New Hampshire- Everett S. Stackpole, Lucien Thompson, Winthrop S. Meserve, New Hampshire Publishing Co., Somersworth, 1973- pp. 16-29 Children: 1. Anna Walker  2. Gideon Walker  3. Seth Walker  4. Seth Walker  5. Samuel Walker            1742 – 1829 6. John Walker            1755 –  7.  Elizabeth Walker            1758 – 1793 1647 Jonathan Jackson Children: 1. Hannah Jackson 2. Sarah Jackson 3. Jonathan Jackson1685–1764 1648 - 1707 Josiah Litchfield 58 58 Lawrence died and the ALLEN'S adopted Josiah they came on the boat, ' ABIGAIL 1635' John and Ann Allen from Kent Eng. Josiah was 2 SHOEMAKER CONSTABLE SURVEYOR children baptized by Rev William Wetherell pastor of 2ndchurch of Scituate 1645 - 1695 Sarah Baker 50 50 m. Feb. 22, 1671 Scituate, Massachusetts Children: 1. Hannah (1672-1748) 2. Sarah (1674-1739) 3. Josiah (1677-1717) 4. Nicholas (1680-1750) 5. Experience (1683-) 6. Judith (1687-1725) 7. Samuel (1690-1767) 1610 - 1678 Nicholas Baker 68 68 1603 - 1661 Elizabeth Richards 58 58 m. before Oct. 1638 Hingham, Norfolk, England Children: 1. Nathaniel Baker 2. Samuel Baker1638–1714 3. Mary Baker1640–1657 4. John Baker1642–1678 5. Elizabeth Baker1644–1644 6. Sarah Baker1645–1695 7. Thomas Baker1646–1695 8. Thomas Baker1648–1678 9. Nicholas Baker1650–1695 10. Deborah Baker1652– 1585 - 1617 John Baker 32 32 1584 Margery Madistard 1614 - 1649 Lawrence Litchfield 35 35 Judith Dennis m. 1641 Schituate, Massachusetts William Dennis went to Barnstable 1639 Judith 1550 - 1630 Tristram Sprague 80 80 1554 - 1630 Elizabeth Colt 76 76 Children: i. Richard Sprague (Died soon) (ca 1575-Dec 1575) ii. Edward Sprague (ca 1576-Jun 1614) iii. William Sprague (ca 1578-) iv. Anne Sprague (12 Sep 1583-) v. Rebecca Sprague (7 Feb 1584/5-) vi. Elizabeth Sprague (8 May 1589-) vii. Grace Sprague (30 Oct 1591-) viii. Martha Sprague (1 May 1593-) ix. Mary Sprague (1 May 1593-) x. Dorothy Sprague (6 Oct 1599-) Oliver Colt 1600 - 1638 Philip James 38 38 Philip came in 1638 in the Diligent with his wife, four children, and two servants William Pitts and Edward Mitchell, from Hingham, England. (Joseph Savage, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Originally published 1860) 1606 - 1688 Jane 82 82 m. abt. 1627, Marya Myers and Donald W. James, Jr., “A new look at the family of Francis and Philip James of Hingham: immigrant ancestors,” New Eng. Hist Gen. Reg. 151 (1997): 61-86 Children: i. Anne James (ca 1629-bef 1687) ii. Francis James (ca 1632-29 Nov 1684) iii. Jane James (ca 1634-ca 1662/3) iv. Sarah James (ca 1636-30 Jun 1664) 1854 - 1939 Mary Vankauren 84 84 Source: Listed as wife on Gravestone Inscription – Prospect Cemetery, Epping, NH Carter Stephen Gates Brown Rita M Children: 1Alec  2Rachel  3. Clare 4. Danielle  1855 - 1922 Mary Adelia Small 67 67 m.  Mar 26, 1874 1857 - 1858 Charles S Small 1 1 1860 - 1876 Julia S Small 16 16 1861 - 1917 Ruth Ann Small 56 56 m. Frank McDaniel May 29, 1884 Children: 1. Arthur William McDaniel  b. 24 Apr 1885 Nottingham, New Hampshire     d. 1975       2. Walter Small McDaniel b. 26 June 1887 Nottingham, New Hampshire     d. Feb 1982 3. Jasper, Walker, Alabama,       4. John Frank McDaniel b. 7 Sep 1889 Nottingham, New Hampshire, United States      5. Cora Elizabeth McDaniel b. 21 April 1891 New Hampshire d. 7 Jan 1892 6. Bertha May McDaniel b. 29 Nov 1892 New Hampshire d. 1962 7. George True McDanieb. 3 Sept 1895 Nottingham, New Hampshire, United States d. 14 Feb 1984 8. Andrew Herbert McDaniel b. 29 March 1899 New Hampshire     9. Ruth Ann McDaniel b. 3 July 1901 New Hampshire d. 4 Mar 1995 Somersworth, Strafford, New Hampshire 1863 - 1938 Ellen O Small 74 74 m. Edson Tuttle Feb. 1, 1922 1864 - 1867 Everette J Small 3 3 1866 - 1866 Joseph O Small 1867 - 1931 Eliza Jane Small 63 63 m.  July 27, 1894 Children: 1. Julian Small Cate            1900 – 1972 2. Sarah Thompson CATE  1870 - 1870 Washington Irving Small 1856 - 1902 Charles Frank Thompson 46 46 CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS: 1877 Apr 2 - Mr Charles F Thompson of Lee ae 20 & Miss Ellen G Cartland of Dover ae 23 filed intentions to marry [Lee VR p57 mss #68793 NHHS]. 1880 census Jun 5 - Lee NH - 87/98  Charles F Thompson m 23 farmer NY/NH/NY;  Ellen G Thompson f 26 wife NH/NH/NH;  Bessie C Thompson f 9/12 Aug dau NH/NY/NH Deborah Thompson f 82 grandmother NH/NH/NH James Griffin m 46 farm laborer NS/NFL/NFL Susan Beckwith f 50 widow NS/NS/NS; Willie L Wright m 10 NS/NS/NS [census] 1892 - householder in Lee [Dover, Great Falls & Straff Co NH Directory 1892]  1900 census Jun 1 - Lee NH - 12/12 Nellie Y Thompson head f Nov 1853 46 m23 4-4 NH/NH/NH farmer rents;  Bessie C Thompson dau f Aug 1879 20 s NH/NH/NH;  William O Thompson son m Apr 1883 17 s NH/NH/NH; Josephine A Thompson dau f Aug 1884 15 s NH/NH/NH; Helen H Thompson f Sep 1886 13 s NH/NH/NH [census]. 1902 Nov 2 - Charles F Thompson d ae 46 [Lee Directory, 1905]. 1902 Nov 2 -  Charles Thompson d Lee ae 46-2-16 b Brooklyn NY married farmer s/o William O Thompson b Epping & Sarah A Smith b Patcho... NY?, aibasis? [Lee Annual Report]. MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Town Cemetery, Lee NH - Row 6 Lot 4 -  Charles F Thompson - b 17 Aug 1856, d 2 Nov 1902;  Ellen G Cartland, his wife - b 4 Nov 1853, d 22 mar 1937; Bessie C Thompson, their dau - b 17 Aug 1878, d 11 Aug 1928 [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. By 1900 census, not in household? He is living with his mother by 1902 1853 - 1937 Ellen Gertrude Cartland 83 83 m. abt. 1877, of Dover, NH as of marriage intention, Apr. 2, 1877 Children: 1. Bessie Cartland THOMPSON was born 17 Aug 1879 in , , NH. She died 11 Aug 1928 in Lee, , NH.  2.  William O Jr THOMPSON was born Apr 1883.  3. Josephine A THOMPSON was born Aug 1884 and died 24 Aug 1922.  4. Helen Hunt THOMPSON was born Sep 1886 and died 16 Nov 1967. 1905 - Nellie G Thompson, h South Lee & Lee hill rd [Lee Directory, 1905]. 1880 Lee, Strafford, NH census: Charles F. Thompson 23 Ellen G. Thompson       26 Bessie C. Thompson 9M Deborah Thompson   82 James Griffin       46 Susan Beckwith       50 L. Willie Wright       10 1910 census Apr 21 - Lee NH - 33/35 Nellie G Thompson head f 56 widow 4/4 ch NH/NH/NH own income rents John E Buzzell servant m 72 s NH/NH/NH farm laborer  1920 census Jan 2 - Depot Rd, Lee NH - 10/10  Nellie Y Thompson head f 66 wid NH/NH/NH farm overseer;  Edward J Conghlin hired man m 56 single MA/Ire/Ire farm  laborer 1937 Mar 22 - Ellen C Thompson d ae 83-4-18 d/o Moses Austin Cartland & Mary P Gove [Lee Annual Report].      1901 - 1936 Delle H Thompson 35 35 died single 1879 - 1928 Bessie Cartland Thompson 48 48 1928 Aug 11 - Bessie Cartland Thompson d ae 48-11-25 d/o Charles F Thompson & Ellen G Cartland [Lee Annual Report]. Unmarried 1854 - 1928 Frank McDaniel 74 74 1874 - 1963 Edson Tuttle 89 89 1901 - 1995 Ruth Ann McDaniel 94 94 Joseph T Beudoin 1925 - 2003 Paul A Beudoin 78 78 Rita E Cofflin Sheila Ruth Beudoin Steve Bryant Heather Marie Bryant 1845 Alice Durant Sister in law living with brother in law William O Thompson in 1880 census, Brooklyn, NY 1872 Olive Durant 1771 - 1844 John Furber 73 73 John FURBER, was b. 1771 in Lee, NH; and d. 21 May 1844 in Lee, NH. He married Comfort TUTTLE, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (BENNETT) TUTTLE, on 13 MAR 1816 in Lee, NH by Rev John Osborne. She was b. abt 1787 in Lee, NH; and d. 24 Oct 1830 in Lee, NH. =========           John was a farmer in the 1830 and 1840 Lee Census.           ========= MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Graves on William O Thompson farm, formerly Furber homestead, Lee NH - John  Furber - d 21 May 1844 ae 73y; Comfort, wife/o John Furber - d 24 Oct 1830 ae  43y (born Tuttle); John, s/o John & Comfort Furber - d Sep 1826 ae 3m; Eliza  Ann, wife/o W L F Gage & d/o John & Comfort Furber - d 13 Apr 1849 ae 23y  [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. War of 1812 COMPANY:      WALDRON'S COMMAND, NEW HAMPSHIRE MIL. Rank - Induction:     PRIVATE Rank - Discharge:     PRIVATE Roll Box:     77 Roll Exct:     602  1787 - 1830 Comfort Tuttle 43 43 John FURBER, was b. 1771 in Lee, NH; and d. 21 May 1844 in Lee, NH. He married Comfort TUTTLE, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (BENNETT) TUTTLE, on 13 MAR 1816 in Lee, NH by Rev John Osborne. She was b. abt 1787 in Lee, NH; and d. 24 Oct 1830 in Lee, NH. =========           John was a farmer in the 1830 and 1840 Lee Census.           ========= MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Graves on William O Thompson farm, formerly Furber homestead, Lee NH - John Furber - d 21 May 1844 ae 73y; Comfort, wife/o John Furber - d 24 Oct 1830 ae  43y (born Tuttle); John, s/o John & Comfort Furber - d Sep 1826 ae 3m; Eliza Ann, wife/o W L F Gage & d/o John & Comfort Furber - d 13 Apr 1849 ae 23y  [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. 1753 - 1829 Joseph Tuttle 76 76 1787 - 1830 Sarah Bennett 43 43 m. March 13, 1816 Lee, NH by Rev. John Osborne Children: 1. Comfort Tuttle 2. Joseph Tuttle b. 1788 Lee, NH 3. Benamin B Tuttle b. 1790 Lee, NH 4. Sally Tuttle b. 1794 Lee, NH 5. Daniel Tuttle b. 1796 Lee, NH 6. Thomas Tuttle b 1798 Lee, NH 1826 - 1826 John Furber 1826 - 1849 Eliza Ann Furber 23 23 John FURBER, was b. 1771 in Lee, NH; and d. 21 May 1844 in Lee, NH. He married Comfort TUTTLE, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (BENNETT) TUTTLE, on 13 MAR 1816 in Lee, NH by Rev John Osborne. She was b. abt 1787 in Lee, NH; and d. 24 Oct 1830 in Lee, NH. =========           John was a farmer in the 1830 and 1840 Lee Census.           ========= MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Graves on William O Thompson farm, formerly Furber homestead, Lee NH - John  Furber - d 21 May 1844 ae 73y; Comfort, wife/o John Furber - d 24 Oct 1830 ae  43y (born Tuttle); John, s/o John & Comfort Furber - d Sep 1826 ae 3m; Eliza  Ann, wife/o W L F Gage & d/o John & Comfort Furber - d 13 Apr 1849 ae 23y  [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. WL F Gage John FURBER, was b. 1771 in Lee, NH; and d. 21 May 1844 in Lee, NH. He married Comfort TUTTLE, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (BENNETT) TUTTLE, on 13 MAR 1816 in Lee, NH by Rev John Osborne. She was b. abt 1787 in Lee, NH; and d. 24 Oct 1830 in Lee, NH. =========           John was a farmer in the 1830 and 1840 Lee Census.           ========= MISCELANEOUS ITEMS: Graves on William O Thompson farm, formerly Furber homestead, Lee NH - John  Furber - d 21 May 1844 ae 73y; Comfort, wife/o John Furber - d 24 Oct 1830 ae  43y (born Tuttle); John, s/o John & Comfort Furber - d Sep 1826 ae 3m; Eliza  Ann, wife/o W L F Gage & d/o John & Comfort Furber - d 13 Apr 1849 ae 23y  [Walker et al, Burial Places in Lee NH, DAR, 1938]. 1817 - 1893 Daniel Furber 76 76 1795 - 1824 Sally Dearborn 29 29 m. source: The Dearborn Family by E. B. Dearborn, Feb. 8, 1816 and New Hampshire Genealogical Records 1823 - 1825 Josiah Dearborn Thompson 2 2 1817 - 1851 Mary Norris Thompson 34 34 m. Sept 24, 1843 Epping, New Hampshire Source: The New Hampshire Genealogical Record marriage records New Hampshire Society of Genealogists Children: 1. Albert Parker  Cross b. abt. 1846 2. Nelson William Cross b. abt. 1848  Source: 1850 census record Boston, Massachusetts ALBERT P. CROSS:Franklin, Grand Isle Counties, Vermont Directory, 1883 Cross, Albert P. St.Albans .  1850 Census Residence     Boston Ward 2, Suffolk, Massachusetts       Living with her husband and 2 sons. Running a "public house" 1819 Eleanor W (Wadleigh?) Thompson m. June 1839 Source: Mary Thompson Small family Bible Children:    1.  Albert Daniels b: ABT 1847 in New Hampshire    2.  Ada Daniels b: ABT 1850 in New Market, New Hampshire    3.  Mary Daniels b: ABT 1852 in New Hampshire    4. Sarah Ellen Daniels b. Sept 24, 1844 New Market, New Hampshire 1865 - 1901 Nellie H Thompson 36 36 Helen C Thompson George R Cate Joseph J Cheney 1883 - 1963 Edith Pike 79 79 25 Dec 1883 in Epping, NH; d. 10 Mar 1963 1887 - 1889 Edna E Pike 1 1 Margaret Albert, Madge, and their son Henry H are living with Eliza J Pike in 1900 census was divorced and married (2) Burton Saunders 1864 Harry H Pike lived in Epping, New Hampshire 1777 Samuel W (Walker?)(William?) Thompson 1780 Gideon W (Walker?) Thompson 1782 Elenor Thompson 1785 John Thompson 1788 Elizabeth Thompson 1588 - 1643 William Swift 55 55 Sources: 1Barclay, Mrs. John E., "Swift, Tobey, Fish Connections, Sandwich, Mass.," The American Genealogist 35:1 (Jan. 1959), p. 40, Los Angeles Public Library. 2Cutter, William Richard, New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial (Baltimore: Clearfield Co., 1997.), 2:823, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.274 C991 3d. series 1997. m. (1) Sara 3Savage, James, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, showing three generations of those who came before 1692 (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1860-62.), 4:241, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.274 S264. 4Fiske, Jane Fletcher, "William Swift, Citizen and Leatherseller of London...," The American Genealogist 77:3 (Jul 2002), pp. 161-172, Los Angeles Public Library. 5"Memoirs: Edward Foster Swift," NEHGR 88:1 (Jan 1934) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 74, Los Angeles Public Library. 6"Memoirs: Robert Wesselhoeft Swift," NEHGR 105:2 (Apr 1951) (New England Historic, Genealogical Society.), p. 145, Los Angeles Public Library. 7Swift, George Henry, William Swyft of Sandwich and Some of His Descendants, 1637-1899 (Millbrook, New York: Round Table Press, 1900. FHL US/CAN Film #393,288.), p. 1, Family History Library. 1597 - 1662 Joan 65 65 m. (2) Jan. 3, 1626, St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England, Fiske, J., TAG 77:3, p. 169 Children: 1. William SWIFT was christened 25 Apr 1627 and died 7 Jan 1706. 2. Esther SWIFT was christened 28 May 1629 and died 1691. 3. Sara SWIFT 1 was christened 7 Aug 1631 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England. She died Sep 1631 in Bermondsey, Surrey, England and was buried 8 Sep 1631 in St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England. Samuel Smith Susannah Hinckley Samuel Hinckley P Last name initial found on a thimble still in the family, ETP, home 1897 1809 - 1892 Aberdeen D Daniels 82 82 Father: Jonathan Daniels b: 22 DEC 1760 in Holliston, Massachusetts Mother: Sarah Clark b: 1774 in Holliston, Massachusetts Living in Brockton, Plymouth, MA in 1880 census, next door to son, Albert 1811 - 1872 Gilman Cross 61 61 m. Sept. 24, 1843, Epping, New Hampshire, name was listed as Crofs but mariage records show Cross which is the newer spelling, not the old English way of spelling Cross Source Mary Thompson Small family Bible and marriage records Parents listed in family tree as Parker Cross and Judith Chadbourn Grandparents came from Salem, New Hampshire, were William Chadbourn, private Scammon's Regiment SScammon's New Hampshire Regtource: National Register of the Sons of the Revolution 1835 Sarah A Sargent m.  Jan. 18, 1861, Sarah A Thompson Small   Nottingham N.H family bible Children: 1. Mamie 2. William 1864 Mammie Thompson 1868 William Thompson 1744 Consider Drew 1751 Jenny Ellis m. 14 Jan 1768 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Children    1.  Ellis DREW b: 15 JAN 1769 in Duxbury,Plymouth,Massachusetts    2.  Lucia DREW b: 16 JUN 1771 in Duxbury,Plymouth,Massachusetts    3. John DREW b: 1773 in Machias,Washington,Maine    4.  Otis DREW b: 1775 in Machias,Washington,Maine    5.  Pelham DREW b: 22 NOV 1778 in Machias,Washington,Maine    6.  Alexander DREW b: 1785 in Machias,Washington,Maine 1713 Samuel Drew 1715 Anna White Children: Children    1.  John Ellis DREW b: 15 Jan 1768 in Duxbury,Plymouth, Massachusetts    2.  John DREW b: ABT 1770 in Duxbury,Plymouth, Massachusetts    3.  Lucia DREW b: 16 Jun 1771 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts    4.  Otis J. DREW b: ABT 1772 in Duxbury,Plymouth, Massachusetts    5.  Pelham DREW b: 22 Nov 1778 in Duxbury,Plymouth, Massachusetts    6.  Alexander DREW b: ABT 1780 in Duxbury,Plymouth, Massachusetts 1642 - 1697 Paul Thorndike 55 55 Mary Patch m. 28 Apr 1668 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Source: Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849 (Topsfield, Massachusetts: Topsfield Historical Society, 1906-07.), 2:305, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974.42 B57Be. 15Torrey, Clarence Almon, New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.), p. 739, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 974 T694 John Thorndike Elizabeth Stratton 1793 - 1890 Sarah Davis 96 96 1791 - 1866 John Caverno 75 75 History of the Town of Durham 1732 - 1803 Thomas Davis 71 71 Abigail Burnham (Jones) widow of Benjamin Jones of Barrington Elizabeth Roberts 1693 - 1789 Samuel Davis 96 96 settled in Madbury on land belonging to his father Martha Chesley m. before 1719 1835 - 1901 Jeremiah Caverno 65 65 1855 Ellen Chesley 28 Nov 1872 in Strafford, Strafford County, New Hampshire  1766 - 1825 Jeremiah Caverno 59 59 1768 Margaret Brewster Children:    1. John Caverno b: 9 Feb 1791 in Strafford, Strafford County, New Hampshire    2.  Sarah C. Caverno b: 25 Jun 1792    3.  Lydia Caverno b: 15 Feb 1795    4.  Jeremiah Caverno b: 17 Mar 1797 in Strafford, Strafford County, New Hampshire    5. Mary (Polly) Caverno b: 4 Feb 1799    6. Arthur Caverno b: 6 Apr 1801 in Strafford, Strafford County, New Hampshire    7.  George W. Caverno b: 29 Jul 1803 in Strafford, Strafford County, New Hampshire    8.  Margaret Caverno b: 23 Mar 1805 in Strafford, Strafford County, New Hampshire    9.  Sullivan Caverno b: 21 Mar 1807   10.  David B. Caverno b: 21 Oct 1809 1797 - 1872 Jeremiah Caverno 75 75 1799 - 1870 Dorothy Kingman Balch 70 70 1830 - 1901 William Matthew Caverno 71 71 1833 - 1886 Rosamond Fabens Furber 53 53 1802 Benjamin Coleman Furber 1798 Olive Hussey 1735 - 1803 Thomas Tuttle 68 68 1735 Comfort Nute Children: 1. Joseph Tuttle  b.20 JUL 1753 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire, d.1829 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire      2. Elizabeth Tuttle b. 13 Feb 1760 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire     3. Paul Tuttle b. 25 Sep 1766 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire 4. Judith Tuttle b. 15 Mar 1770 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire 5. Tamsen Tuttle b. 7 May 1773 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire 6. Hannah Tuttle b. 29 Apr 1777 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire 7. John Tuttle b. 13 Nov 1781 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire d. 1868 8. Levi Tuttle b. 23 Nov 1783 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire d.  1847 9. Benjamin Tuttle b. 11 Feb 1786 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire       1764 Anna? Miriam (Mary?) Walker? 2nd marriage for John m. Newington, NH 1794 Children: 1. James Thompson b. 15 Nov 1793 2. Temperence Thompson b. 10 Oct 1895 3. Charles Thompson b. 20 Nov 1798 4. Daniel Thompson b. 14 Oct 1800 5. Marriam? Mary? 1793 James Thompson 1795 Temperance Thompson m. Brighton Plantation, Somerset, Maine 25 Jun 1836 1798 Charles Thompson Found in Small Family Bible 1850 census, living in Epping: 1850 United States Federal Census about Charles Thompson Name:     Charles Thompson Age:     51 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1799 Birth Place:     New Hampshire Home in 1850 (City,County,State):     Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire Family Number:     303 Charles Thompson     51 Hannah Thompson     52 Charles Thompson     10 Daniel Thompson     14 Marrian Thompson     24 Sarah Thompson     26 James Thompson     17 1800 Daniel Thompson found in 1880 census living in the household of Abraham Lord with his sister Miriam in Wellington, Picataquis, ME Appears to have never married. 1798 Mariam? Thompson twin to Charles? Appears to have never married. was found in 1880 census living with Daniel and Abraham Lord Abram LORD       Self       M       Male       W       60       ME       Farmer       ME       ME   Olive F. LORD       Wife       M       Female       W       53       ME       Keeping House       ME       ME   Charles F. LORD       Son       S       Male       W       24       ME       Boarder       ME       ME   Eva LORD       Dau       S       Female       W       17       ME       Teaching School       ME       ME   John W. LORD       Son       S       Male       W       14       ME       At School       ME       ME   Fred L. LORD       GSon       S       Male       W       9       ME              ME       ME   Carrie M. LORD       GDau       S       Female       W       6       ME              ME       ME   Daniel THOMPSON       Other       S       Male       W       80       NH              NH       NH   Mariam THOMPSON       Other       S       Female       W       82       NH              NH       NH  Source Information:       Census Place     Wellington, Piscataquis, Maine      Family History Library Film      1254487 1870 United States Federal Census about Miriam Thompson Name:     Miriam Thompson Birth Year:     abt 1800 Age in 1870:     70 Birthplace:     New Hampshire Home in 1870:     Ashland, Grafton, New Hampshire Race:     White Gender:     Female Value of real estate:     View image Household Members:      Name     Age R R D Dearborn     42 Lucy A Dearborn     33 Mary A Dearborn     65 Miriam Thompson     70 1756 - 1818 Mary Gould 61 61 m. September 29, 1785 Maine Berwick, York, Maine (LDS individual record) Children: 1. Elijah Hamilton 2. Stephen Hamilton 3. Margaret Hamilton, b. 2 Jan 1787, Berwick, York, Maine 4. Elijah Hamilton, II, b. 19 Sep 1788, Coxhall, York County, Maine 5. Simeon Hamilton, b. 6 Jan 1791, Lyman, York, Maine 6. Mary Hamilton, b. 22 Dec 1794, Harmony, Somerset County, Maine 7. Jesse Hamilton, b. Abt 1795, Coxall, York, Maine 8. Foss Hamilton, b. 21 Feb 1797, Lyman, York, Maine 9. Dorcas Hamilton, b. Abt 1799 10. Johnathan Hamilton, b. 15 Jul 1801, Harmony Summerset County, Maine 11. Stephen C Hamilton, b. 6 Nov 1805, Cambridge, Somerset, Maine 12. Lydia Hamilton, b. Abt 1807, Abbot, Piscatiquis County, Maine 13. John Hamilton, b. 17 Jan 1808, Ripley, Somerset, Maine 14. Judith Hamilton, b. Aft 1810 source: Ripley,Maine town Records as recorded on Film#0012049 by LDS (S515) 1759 - 1837 Elijah Hamilton Sr. 77 77 m. (1) Lydia Joy July 08, 1779 in Maine, died by 1785 m. (3) Nancy (Anna) Leighton Watson (perhaps a wife) by 1820 Cambridge census, no marriage record found Came from Berwick area of Maine. By the 1810 U.S. Census, Elijah Sr. is living in Harmony, Somerset County, ME. From the History of Harmony: Among those who came as pioneers to Harmony may be mentioned also David Kimball, who made his settlement there more than 100 years ago, Isaac Hutchins, John Thurston, Nathaniel Parsons, Lemuel Baker, David Smith, Samuel Ham, ELIJAH HAMILTON, Stephen Clark, Elisha Tibbetts, John Gray, Robert Brown, Stephen Dore and others. Elijah Sr bought Lot 3 of the fifth range in Harmony. This may be the parcel of land which in 2002 is located along Highway 150 going into Harmony. Along side his property is a 'stone wall' that use to be the old road to Athens, ME. Carson Road "T" intersects with highway 150 at this area. Farming the land in August 2002 was Derek Thomas. Another section of land that Elijah Sr. owned was in Ripley, ME. This is found off north of highway 154 'east' of Harmony. On this land are apple trees and a well that might have been on that property when Elijah lived there. It appears that this land was sold to one of Elijah Sr.'s sons Stephen (1805-1874)by 1837. Elijah Sr. died on April 13, 1837. The land information states Anna as Elijah Sr.'s wife. Nancy Leighton Watson was also known as Anna in various Watson family trees and it is then believed Elijah Sr. married the third time to Nancy Leighton Watson(B: November 16, 1770-June 25, 1852)in Cambridge, ME. A Nancy is found in the 1840 census and 1850 census as Nancy Hamilton and the only feasible Hamilton man of that area that would have been old enough to be married to her was Elijah Sr. Elijah Sr. also shows up in the 1820 census with what appears to be another wife whose age matches closely to what Nancy was. Both Elijah Sr. and Nancy's gravesites are found in the Cambridge Gardens Cemetery in 2002. Elijah is buried with Mary Gould and sadly their stone has fallen down flat to the land. Only a row or so away is Nancy buried as Nancy Watson next to the headstone of her first husband Jonathan Watson. More information: From Samusl Hart Hamilton'd Diary:     ELIJAH HAMILTON, my Grandfather, was born in Berwick, Maine in the 1700's (I do not know the exact date). His first wife was LYDIA JOY.  They had three children; James, Lydia, and Sarah.  James and Lydia died of the Colored Fever about the close of the Revolutionary War.  SARAH  lived to be over 90 years old and died in Cambridge, ME.  ELIJAH, the father of the above 3 children, also died in Cambridge, Maine in 1837.  He had married his second wife Mary Gould soon after the death of his first wife and shortly after they moved to the Township of Harmony, Somerset County, Maine which was at the time an unbroken wilderness.  He was in the city of Bangor, Maine when there were but 3 long houses containing as many families.  In 1812, he moved from Harmony to the north part of Ripley Township, lying east of Harmony Township where he died on the same farm upon which he first settled.  He had 11 children by his 2nd wife who died in the 1800's.  (don't know the exact date). I cannot call their names in rotation but they were MARGARET, FOSS, SIMEON, MARY, ELIJAH, DORCAS, JESSE, JONATHAN, JUDITH, STEPHEN and JOHN.  The last 5 were the 5 youngest and in rotation.        MARGARET (daughter of ELIJAH HAMILTON)lived to be 90 years old.  She married to EPHRAIM KNOWLES by whom she had several children.  POLLY, SUSAN and ABIGAIL.              POLLY married REUBEN DREW and lived to be 80 years old and had a large family of boys and girls.  They both died in Wellington, Piscataquis County, Maine.               SUSAN married a Mr. Mann. They lived together a few years before he died.  They had 2 children-both dying young.  SUSAN'S second husband was MOSES LEIGHTON and she was his second wife.  He was older then SUSAN'S mother! They had one child, Elmira who died of consumption at 13 or 14 years of age the death being the same day as her father's.  SUSAN married her 3rd husband LEVI CORBIN in March 1858 an old bachelor.  My father married them.  I attended the "serenade" in the evening at which time I caught pneumonia and came near dying.  It was the last serenade I ever attended!  He was 50 and she 49 and for aught I know are still living at this time.  (1892)             ABIGAILmarried EPHRAIM JOHNSON and had a large family, two of whom died in the Army in 1862 at Detroit, Maine.       MARGARET'S second husband was Rev. William Knowles, brother to Ephraim Knowles and his second wife. They had 3 children.  ALBION KING PARRISH, JOSEPH SPRAGUE and ELISHA all of them now living in 1892.             ALBION married my sister ANGELINE HAMILTON who died at Rochester, Minnesota March 25, 1867 of consumption.  They had 3 children:    **see more about him below the listing of his children.                  WILLIAM KNOWLES born August 10, 1849 in Northampton, Massachusetts and who now lives unmarried at Pillager, Minnesota Cass County.                  JONATHAN (Hampton) born Sept. 9, 1851 in Cambridge, Maine.  He now lives (1892)in Pillager, Minnesota.  He was married to ABBY CURTISS in 1876.  They have 4 children.  ELMER, ANGELINE, RALPH and MARGARET.                  ALMA was born in Cambridge in 1853 and died at Pillager in 1886 unmarried. (note: other names for her could be Harriet or Hattie as found in the censuses.)            ALBION KING PARRISH KNOWLES enlisted in Company C 2nd Maine Regiment in 1861.  He was left on the field of battle for dead at the fight at White House Landing in Virginia.  He however revived and was taken to the hospital where he recovered sufficiently to be sent home in April 1862.  He was in the First Battle of Bull Run.  He regained his health so he was able to re-enlist on Sept. 10, 1862 and was made a 2nd Lt. and came home August 7, 1863 as Captain of his Company D.  ELISHA his brother enlisted at the same time in the same Company and was appointed one of its Sergeants.     SIMEON (son of Elijah Hamilton) married POLLY DREW and of the children I have heard of ABIGAIL, CASSIOR, LORINDA, ELBRIDGE, MILTON, and MARY.                  ELBRIDGE married a KNOWLES (Mehitable).  They had 7 children.  I do not remember all their names.  On died in the Army in 1863 or 1864.  But there were MARY, SIMEON, ISIAH.  MARY married ELIJAH CLARK my mother's brother.  She died in 1846.  They had several children of whom I have heard mention of Abel and Louissa.  Louissa married a Mr. Sawyer, both now dead--one child Mary who married a Mr. Trapp of Houston, Texas.     ELIJAH HAMILTON JR. (son of Elijah Hamilton Sr) married HANNAH (Dore) of Athens, Maine.  In 1837 he went to Ohio where he soon died.  Their children: James, Barzilla, Naomi, Irene, Lydia, Ann, Jason, Freeman, Augusta and Sumner. JAMES married Emily Hooper of Cambridge, Maine.  They had 3 girls, the names of whom I have forgotten.  She died about 1850.  He then moved to Wisconsin and married a second time.  SUMNER a Homeopathic Physician was killed while making a blast in Connecticut.  FREEMAN (Geo. F.) was in the Army in 1863 and a prisoner of Andersonville Prison.  AUGUSTA was a nurse in the Army.  JESSE was a lumberman in Michigan.  The rest I know nothing of.      JONATHAN HAMILTON my father was the next whom I will speak hereafter.     JUDITH died at about 3 years of age.     STEPHEN was married to SALLY MORRILL and had 3 children.  Mary, Huldah Maria, and Salome.  MARY married Ischer Dore. Huldah died when about 15 or 16 and Salome about 1 year of age.  Their mother died in the 1850's.  STEPHEN'S 2nd wife was OLIVE FURBISH a widow.  They had 2 children Stephen and James (they had another son via 1880 census and that was Albert).  Stephen (JR)married Flora Stewart and STEPHEN was drowned in 1889.  They had no children.  James is married and lives in Aroostock County Maine.  Olive died in 1870.     JOHN HAMILTON married RUTH WENTWORTH.  He died of cancer in the neck in 1880's.  Their children--Edwin, Emily, Betsy Jane, Josiah, Abby and Manter.  Josiah was in the navy in the time of the Rebellion. More information found in book "Hamiltonons of Waterborough" by Samuel King Hamilton for lineage lines Elijah Jr./ Elijah Sr./ Gabriel #1/ David Hamilton and David's ancestors Then from the Kennebec Gazette dated April 7-1803 Elijah Hamilton's name is signed asking that Hallowell Academy area he is living in become Harmony.  This was sent to the Honorable Senate and House of Rep of the Commonwealth of Massachusettes.  This is Elijah SR. 1723 Sarah Jane Grant m. (2) July 17, 1746, Berwick, Maine Children:    1.  Lydia HAMILTON b: 29 OCT 1748 in Berwick,York,Maine    2. James HAMILTON b: ABT 6 JUL 1750 in Berwick,York,Maine    3.  Jonathan HAMILTON b: ABT 8 APR 1752 in Abbot,Piscataquis,Maine    4. Margaret or Margery HAMILTON b: ABT 11 AUG 1754    5. Patience HAMILTON b: ABT 26 NOV 1755    6.  Elijah Sr HAMILTON b: 25 AUG 1759 in Berwick,York,Maine    7.  Basil HAMILTON b: ABT 1769 1704 - 1783 Gabriel Hamilton ll 79 79 m. (1) Margaret Hodson More links: 1684 - 1718 Mary Hearl 34 34 b. by 1684 m. Bet. 1702 - 1705 in Berwick, York, Maine Children: 1. GABRIEL  HAMILTON, b. Bet. February 10, 1704/05 - 1708, Berwick,York,  Maine; d. Bet. 1780 - November 06 1783, Berwick,York,  Maine; m. (1) MARGARET HODSDON, 1728, Berwick, York, Maine; b. Abt. 1708, Berwick,York,  Maine; m. (2) SARAH GRANT, July 17, 1746, Berwick, Maine; b. Bef. April 23, 1723, Berwick, York, Maine; d. Maine. 2.  MARY HAMILTON, b. Abt. 1707, Maine. 3. HANNAH HAMILTON, b. Abt. 1709; m. JEREMIAH PAUL, Bef. June 05, 1731, Kittery, York, Maine. 4. JOHN HAMILTON, b. 1711, Maine; d. Bef. July 1762, Maine. 5. PATIENCE HAMILTON, b. Abt. 1713; d. 1737; m. SHADRACH WEYMOUTH, March 05, 1735/36, York, Maine; d. Bef. 1740. 6. JONATHAN HAMILTON, b. 1714, Berwick, York, Maine; d. February 24, 1776, Horton, Nova Scotia; m. ELIZABETH STRICKLAND, July 26, 1735, New London, Connecticut. 7.  CATHERINE (KATHERINE) HAMILTON, b. Bef. May 29, 1718; m. SAMUEL MOULTON, January 22, 1735/36. 8. MARTHA HAMILTON b. 1722 9. MARGARET HAMILTON b. 1723 10. MARY HAMILTON b. 1724 11. OLIVE HAMILTON b. 1731 1668 - 1729 Gabriel Hamilton 61 61 b. Rollinsford NH ca 1670 Married to (2) Judith Meads   1641 - 1669 Anna Jackson 28 28 b. abt 1642 Probably Dover, NH m. 14 Jul 1662  Biddeford, Maine Children: i.DAVID3 HAMILTON, b. 1664, Rollinsford, (Dover), NH; d. Maine. ii.SOLOMEN HAMILTON, b. August 10, 1666, Rollinsford, (Dover), NH. iii.GABRIEL#1 HAMILTON, b. Abt. 1668, In Rollinsford (Dover) N.H.; d. Abt. September 22, 1729, Berwick, York, Maine. iv.BIAL (ABIAL) HAMILTON, b. Abt. 1670, Rollinsford, (Dover), NH; d. Bet. 1758 - 1763, Maine. v.JONATHAN HAMILTON, b. December 20, 1672, Rollinsford, (Dover), NH. vi.ABEL(ABIEL) HAMILTON, b. 1676, Rollinsford, (Dover), NH; d. March 28, 1736. vii.JONAS HAMILTON, b. Bet. 1678 - 1679, Rollinsford, (Dover), NH. 1625 - 1691 David Hamilton 66 66 From the book "Old Kittery and Her Families", it states that "David Hamilton came over as a Scotch prisoner in 1651.  He bought 20 acres above St. Alban's cove in 1669".  This name is often written Hambleton. A David Hamilton came over as a Scotch prisoner in 1651. See Suffolk Deeds, I. 5, 6; also N. E. Reg. XLIV. 361-4. David Hamilton married, 1662, Anna Jackson and lived in what is now Rollinsford, N. H. He bought 20 acres above St. Alban's cove in 1669. "David Hamilton, Senr., dec'd" is mentioned in 1689, when the selectmen of Dover granted 20 acres to Thomas Pots "for keeping and maintaining David Hamilton, oldest son of David Hamilton the whole term of his life." ..     From "New England Families Genealogical and Memorial: Volume IV:  "David Hamilton, the immigrant ancestor of this branch of the family, lived in the township of Hamilton, near Glasgow, Scotland.  He was taken prisoner by Cromwell at the battle of Worchester, September 3, 1651, and with many others he was sent to this country by Cromwell as prisoner of war and sold into slavery.  David sailed on the ship "John and Sarah" from Gravesend near London November 8, 1651 arriving in Charlestown, MA in April 1652.  He worked for 5-10 years for his liberty, and then went to Dover, NH and settled in what is now the town of Rollinsford on the east bank of the Salmon Falls River, at a place called Newichawannock.  He bought land in 1669.  He lived here until killed by the Indians September 28, 1691 NOTE: another record shows he died in Maine).  His name appears February 20, 1689 on a petition for defense against the enemy.  He married at Saco, Maine, July 14, 1662 to Anna Jackson, daughter of Richard Jackson who came to America on the same ship and who was also a prisoner."   On the John and Sarah there were two other Hamilton men.  Rory and James.  These potentially could be the brothers of David BUT there is not documentation found for this. Another link: 1600 Andrew Hamilton b. abt 1600 of Forrance, , Wigtown, Scotland Abigail Nathaniel Gould 1640 Richard Jackson b.  abt 1640 Near Glasgow, Scotland 1658 - 1730 William Hearl Sr. 72 72 m. (2) Sarah (Thompson) Goodwin, widow m. (3) Elizabeth (Grant) (Landers) Turner The Author: Delbert L. Earle 16090 W. Starlight Dr. Surprise, AZ 85374 WILLIAM HEARL1 was born by 1660 if he was at least in his early twenties when his first child was born. He was alive on 13 May 1730 but dead by 10 June 1730 when his will was proved (York County Court of Common Pleas, hereafter York County CCP, "William Hearl vs. John Hooper," Box 38, 8-133; York County Probate, #9032). He married, first, after 29 February 1675/6 PATIENCE ETHERINGTON, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Spencer) Etherington (Noyes, Libby & Davis, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire [Baltimore MD, reprint 1988], hereafter NLD, 323). Patience died about 1697 (York County CCP, "Nathan Lord vs. Thomas Hearl et al.," Box 40, 8-200). Laid out to William Hearl on 6 June 1702 was land "granted to his father-in-law Thomas Etherington" on 15 December 1659 (NLD, 323). William married, second, about December 1703 SARAH (THOMPSON) GOODWIN, the widow of James Goodwin and a daughter of Miles and Ann ------ Thompson (NLD, 681). On 8 December 1703, William and Sarah executed an "ante-nuptial contract" (York County deeds, hereafter YCD, 7:4). The contract stipulated that, during her marriage to William, Sarah would retain control over "the land that was my late Husbands James Goodings at Sluts Corner & four cows, one feather bed and bedding belonging to it and all other household goods and utensils. William married, third, and probably by 1709, as her third husband, ELIZABETH(GRANT) (LANDERS) TURNER who survived him. She was the daughter of either James Grant or of his brother Peter Grant, both of whom married the same woman named Joan (see NLD, 281, for a most interesting discussion of Elizabeth's uncertain parentage and the odd circumstances surrounding her birth). The date of Elizabeth's marriage to William Hearl is determined from the fact that William and Elizabeth's son, Richard, was a soldier (therefore he was at least sixteen years old in 1725. Elizabeth had married, first James Landers and, second, John Turner (NLD, 281). She owned the covenant and was baptized at the First Church of Berwick on 5 August 1714 (NEHGR, 82:77). In April 1731, Elizabeth, now a widow, sued her stepson, Etherington, over a dispute for her thirds of William's personal estate (NLD, 323). NLD states William was "nearly related" to the John Hearl of Kittery who bought land in Berwick on 2 June 1679. "This John Hearl, husbandman, sold land on 27 August 1681, one Thomas Hearl being a witness (YCD 3:130). John was alive and probably living at Berwick as late as 1695 (NLD, 323). On 9 November 1747, two of William's grandchildren sold property that was "granted unto John Hearl by the town of Kittery 28 July 1679" which they stated was an "Estate of inheritance" (YCD 28:112). William named a son John, possibly his eldest son. William was also seemingly related to one Allen Furs/Virrs, an early planter at Newichawannock whose estate William administered in 1718 (York County Probate #6456). On 8 April 1713, Furs gifted to William "for the love I bear unto my loving cousin William Hearl Sr." 15 acres in Berwick (YCD 20:220). Another William Hearl, born circa 1614, was a fisherman at Richmond Island from 1638 to 1640, then reportedly went to the Piscataqua in 1641 and was a resident of Portsmouth from 1657 onwards (NLD, 323). He dated his will 17 May 1689 in which he named only one child, a daughter Sarah (ibid.). William first appears in the records in 1678 when he was questioned for failure to assist the constable (NLD, 323). He bought land south of the Great Works river in Berwick in 1690 (ibid.) and, on 5 April 1699, he purchased 24 acres in Berwick, bounding property owned by Richard Nason, Thomas Spencer and Daniel Goodwill (YCD 6:69). In 1703 he received a grant from the Town of Kittery of 50 acres in Berwick (NLD, 323). In his will, William named his wife Elizabeth, his sons Athrington [i.e. Etherington], Thomas, James, John, William and Richard, and his daughter Margaret Lord.. He also referred to the "children of my daughter Mary Hambleton dec." and left bequests to his granddaughters, Patience Hambleton and Martha Lord. His son Etherington was named executor and "my loving Friends" Mr. Humphrey Chadbourne and Mr. James Grant were appointed trustees and overseers of the will. The inventory of his estate included 24 acres of land comprising the homestead and 50 acres of outland (York County Probate, 4:80), obviously the same properties that William acquired in 1699 and 1703. The 24-acre homestead, which included "20 acres of woodland near Nathl. Goodwin's land ... being my part of Thomas Spencers 100 acre lot," was left to son Etherington. Sons Thomas and James were left the 50-acre grant near to Gellisons place" to be equally divided between them. The other living children were left small monetary sums, with son Richard to receive 10 Pounds "when he becomes 21 years." The two granddaughters each received a feather bed. William HEARL1 was born Abt. 1658 in Berwick, York, ME, and died 1730 in Prb Berwick, York, ME. He married (1) Patience Etherington Aft. February 28, 1675/76 in Prb. Berwick, York, ME, daughter of Thomas Etherington and Mary Spencer. She was born Abt. 1657 in Prb Berwick, York, ME, and died Abt. 1697 in Kittery, York, ME. He married (2) Sarah Thompson December 1703 in Prb. Berwick, York, ME, daughter of Miles Thompson and Ann Tetherly. She was born Abt. 1668 in Of Kittery, York, ME, and died Bef. 1714. He married (3) Elizabeth Grant Abt. 1716, daughter of Peter Grant and Joanna Ingersoll. She was born Abt. 1675 in Of Kittery, York, ME, and died Aft. 1731 in Prb Kittery, York, ME. 1657 - 1697 Patience Etherington 40 40 m. after 28-2-1675/76, probably Berwick, York, Maine Children: 1. JOHN2 HEARL, b. Bef. 1682, Kittery, York, ME; d. 1743, Kittery, York, ME. 2. MARGARET HEARL, b. 1683, Kittery, York, ME; d. January 22, 1772, Kittery, York, ME. 3. MARY HEARL, b. Abt. 1684, Kittery, York, ME; d. Abt. 1719, Berwick, York, ME. 4. THOMAS HEARL, b. Abt. 1690, Kittery, York, ME; d. Aft. 1769, Prb Berwick, York, ME.  5.  WILLIAM HEARL, b. Bef. 1692, Kittery, York, ME; d. Bef. 1725, Prb. Berwick, York, ME. 6.  JAMES HEARL, b. Bef. 1692, Kittery, York, ME; d. Aft. 1760. 7.  ETHERINGTON HEARL, b. Bef. 1697, Kittery, York, ME; d. May 07, 1770, Berwick, York, ME. Child of WILLIAM HEARL1 and ELIZABETH GRANT is: 8. RICHARD2 HEARL, b. Abt. 1704, Kittery, York, ME; d. Aft. 1771.  Thomas Etherington Mary Spencer 1696 - 1756 Peter Grant ll 59 59     The following is a compilation from different sources, including the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Grant Family website, and various encyclopedias on the internet.  Verify by "Googling":  "Battle of Dunbar", "Battle of Worchester", "Oliver Cromwell and the Scottish", "Cromwell and the Stuarts", and "Commander David Leslie of the Scots", to name but a few.     These facts are taken from "Scottish Battle" by C. Stewart Black, publlished by Brown Son & Ferguson, Ltd; Wikipedia:         The Presbyterians of Lowland Scotland had the strongest objection to King Charles I as a religious dictator because of his Catholic sympathies.  But, they were entirely loyal to the House of Stuarts.  So, when Oliver Cromwell captured Charles I and had him executed for high treason, the Scots openly defied Cromwell.  They crowned Charles II King of Great Britain, France and Ireland on Jan. 1, 1651 in Scotland.  (At this time Cromwell had declared himself ruler of the Commonwealth of England.  He had considered crowning himself, after the execution of Charles I.)         Cromwell was furious with the Scots' defiance.  He crossed the Scottish border with 16,000 men and marched to Edinburgh.  The Scots had organized an army lead by the competent and experienced Scottish General, David Leslie.         Unfortunately for Leslie, his army was controlled by a Scottish parlimentary committee composed largely of ministers and clerics.  These godly men had little military experience, but didn't hesitate to over-rule Leslie's experienced judgement whenever they saw fit.  Even so, Leslie met Cromwell and his men between Leith and Edinburgh with 26,000 Scottish soldiers.  His soldiers had been put under severe scrutiny by the parlimentary committee which determined that each man be "strong in the word" as he was with the sword.  Some 4,000 men were expelled from Leslie's army for lack of Godliness.  These expelled men were probably the most experienced fighters.  Leslie was left with the clerics' and ministers' sons.         Yet, Leslie drove back Cromwell's forces to the harbor at Musselburgh.  This harbor was not a good base and prevented Cromwell from getting supplies.  In one month, Cromwell lost 5,000 men due mostly to disease brought on by exposure and insufficient food.          Cromell was forced to move south.  He fell back on Dunbar.  On the same day, Leslie's troops took command of Doon Hill which overlooked Cromwell's forces.  Cromwell admitted it would take a miracle if his troops got out of this trap.         The next day, the Scottish committee told Leslie to attack.  They saw victory in their grasp and they wanted it, now.  Nothing Leslie said could persuade them to wait.  Some of the preachers began to lead their companies down the hill.  Leslie had to follow.         The English couldn't believe their eyes, and their luck!  Cromwell and his men defeated the Scots.  At Dunbar, 4,000 Scots were killed and 10,000 were taken prisoner."       Some of the officers were sent to Virginia as indentured servants.  About a 150 were sent to New England on the ship "Unity" to work in a couple of ironworks.  Peter Grant is listed as working at the Lynn ironworks.  Also, in Kittery, ME, there is a Unity Parish which served prisoners who worked at the sawmills.  Peter is included in this list, too.  A few years later another small group was brought to a place in Maine called Scotland.  James Grant, possibly Peter's brother, was in that group.  After the Battle of Worcester, Cromwell sent more prisoners to New England in the ship "John and Sarah", John Green, master.  The spelling of the names is challenging but there were several Grants listed as "Graunt".  Alester, Alexander, Daniel, James, a 2nd James, a 3rd James, 3 Johns, Patrick, Thomas, and William; from "A List of Scots prisoners sent to New England around 1651" by Janice Farnsworth, internet.     On January 6, 1657, Peter and James were among those who formed the Scots' Charitable Society for the relief of Scottish prisoners in the New World.  In 1661, Peter and James were ordered by a local court in Kittery, to return to their wives in Scotland which they did not, being exiled, or for other reasons. 1705 - 1729 Lydia Frost 24 24 m. 24 FEB 1717, Berwick, York, Maine  Children:    1.  Sarah GRANT b: BEF 23 APR 1723, Berwick,York,Maine    2.  GRANT b: BEF 24 JUL 1720    3.  Landers GRANT b: BEF 11 SEP 1726    4.  Alexander GRANT b: BEF 6 AUG 1727    5.  Daniel GRANT b: BEF 6 AUG 1727    6.  Silas GRANT b: BEF 13 AUG 1745    7. James GRANT    8. Mary GRANT b: BEF 19 JUL 1719 1672 - 1735 James I Grant 63 63 m. (2) Mary Nason 1680 - 1724 Rachel Stone 43 43 Children: 1. Daniel GRANT b: BEF 22 MAY 1709 in Berwick,York,Maine 2. Elias GRANT b: BEF 6 JUN 1712 in Berwick,York,Maine 3. Joshua GRANT b: BEF 10 APR 1715 in Berwick,York,Maine 4. Rachel GRANT b: BEF 15 JUN 1717 in Berwick,York,Maine 5. Elisha GRANT b: BEF 25 OCT 1719 in Berwick,York,Maine 6. Elijah GRANT b: BEF 15 JUL 1722 in Berwick,York,Maine 1631 - 1712 Peter Grant 81 81  Residence: prior to 1659 Nantasket,Ma 1 Residence: 1659 Kittery,York,Maine from google books, p 166, of "Biographical sketches of representative citizens of the state of Maine": "WILLIAM S. GRANT, who after a long and strenuous career of useful activity, connected in part with some of the most stirring events in our national history, is now spending his declining years in Farmingdale, was born in Hallowell, Me., February 18, 1825, son of Samuel Clinton and Elizabeth (Vaughan) Grant. He comes of hardy stock that has furnished to America many men of ability and force, foremost among them being President Ulysses S. Grant, who was a lineal descendant of Matthew Grant, one of the early settlers of Dorchester, Mass., and afterward of Windsor, Conn. The Grant family appears to have been flourishing and influential on British soil at least two hundred and fifty years before Columbus discovered America. Keltie's "History of the Highland Clans" states that "the first of the name on record in Scotland is Gregory de Grant, who in the reign of Alexander II. (1214 to 1249) was sheriff of the shire of Inverness. The slogan, or gatheringcry of the clan Grant, was 'Stand fast, Craigellachie!' the projecting rock of that name being their hill of rendezvous." On the Grant coat of arms, represented in the same book, the motto is "Stand sure." Mr. William S. Grant, of Hallowell, is a representative of that branch of the family founded in New England by Peter Grant, who was one of the twenty-seven original members of the Scots Charitable Society, which was organized in Boston, Mass., January 6, 1657 (the list also including James and Alexander Grant). The line of descent is: Peter,1 Captain James,2 Lieutenant Peter,3 Captain Samuel,4 Major Peter,5 Samuel Clinton,6 William Sullivan.7 Peter1 Grant in 1659 bought land in Kittery, Me., and there became a resident. He married about the year 1664 Joane, or Joanna, widow of his brother James, of York, Me. She was a daughter of Lieutenant George Ingersoll and grand-daughter of Richard1 Ingersoll, who came from Bedfordshire, England, in 1629, and settled in Salem, Mass. Lieutenant George Ingersoll was living in Falmouth, now Portland, Me., as early as 1657. His house was burned by the Indians in 1675, and he removed to Salem. Peter1 Grant's will was dated October 19, 1709, and proved October 30, 1718. James,2 son of Peter and his wife Joanna, married in October, 1693, Mary, daughter of Jonathan Nason. He served as Representative in the General Court in 1725-28 and 1732. Peter,3 born in 1696, resided in Berwick, Me., and died in 1756. He was a Lieutenant in the Louisburg expedition of 1745. He married first, in 1717, Lydia Frost. His second wife was Mary, daughter of Captain Samuel Lord, of Kittery, and widow of Joseph Stuart." 1644 - 1712 Joan Ingersoll 68 68 m. 28 NOV 1664 in Kittery,York,Maine Daniel Stone Patience Goodwin 1768 - 1849 Josiah Dearborn 80 80 1770 - 1827 Sarah Wadleigh 57 57 Children:    1. Sarah Dearborn b: 20 MAY 1795    2.  Eliphalet Dearborn b: 18 DEC 1797, m. Sarah S. Hilton    3. James Dearborn b: 25 JAN 1800 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire, m. Nov. 4, 1832 Sally Blake Prescott    4.  Mary Dearborn b: 16 MAY 1802, m. Joseph French    5.  Abigail Dearborn b: 2 AUG 1807, m. Lowell N. Clifford Source: The Dearborn Family by E. B. Dearborn 1740 Eliphalet Dearborn 1741 - 1825 Mary Chase 83 83 Source: The New England Historical & Genealogical Register Henry Fritz-Gilbert Waters Children: 1. Mary Dearborn  17 Apr 1766 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire 2. Josiah Dearborn 2 Apr 1768 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      3. Sarah Dearborn 14 Jul 1775 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire    1718 - 1782 James Chase 63 63 m. (1) Anne Goodridge b. Jun 10, 1716 Newbury, Massachusetts m. (2) Mary Dearborn, b. Jun 11, 1723 North Hampton, NH m. (3) Alice Anthony b. May 22, 1705 Middletown, Newport, Rhode Island 1713 - 1759 Mary Dearborn 46 46 Children: 1. Mary Chase b. 12 Oct 1741 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      2. Anna Chase b. 29 Oct 1743 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire  3. Jonathan Chase     b. 29 Mar 1746 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      4. Josiah Chase b. 11 Jul 1751 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      5. Lydia Chase b. 21 Sep 1755 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      6. Sarah Chase b. 10 Aug 1757 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      7. Joanna Chase b. 26 Sep 1760 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire      8. Abigail Chase b. 23 Nov 1763 in Epping, Rockingham, New Hampshire 1727 V. Simon Dearborn,M1 Martha Haven Benjamin Bennett 1715 - 1785 Mary Gilman 69 69 Jacob Gilman Mary Ladd 1675 - 1754 Abraham Bennett 79 79 1680 Sarah Chesley 1674 - 1783 Ebenezer Tuttle 109 109 1687 - 1783 Hannah Abbott 96 96 Children: 1, Ebenezer Tuttle b. 1716 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire d. 26 Jun 1783 Berwick,York,Maine,USA       2. Esther Tuttle b. 7 Nov 1723 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire d.  9 Oct 1831 Fryeburg, Oxford, Maine       3. Meribah Tuttle b. 1726 Berwick,York,Maine     4. John Tuttle b. 1732 d. 1796 5. Thomas Tuttle b. 01 JAN 1735 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire d. 1803 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire 1744 Eli Furber Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots about Eli Furber Name:     Eli Furber Cemetery:     Field Location:     His Farm, Wadleighs Falls-Lee Hill Rd, Lee NH 36 Reference:     Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Vol.2, p.  Serial: 10094; Volume: 5 Keziah 1816 - 1904 Elizabeth J Burleigh 87 87 Children: 1.Mary Frances Furber  b. 25 NOV 1839 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire d. 2 Mar 1912 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire As reported to me bt another relative: My great grandmother Mary Frances Furber was the granddaughter of John Furber and Comfort Tuttle.  I live in New Hampshire about 35 miles from the farm in Lee inherited by Mary Frances Furber (now known as the Burley Demeritt Farm and owned by the University of New Hampshire).    2. John F Furber b. 1843 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire d. 26 Sep 1846 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire      3. Franklin Burleigh Furber b. 17 Aug 1847 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire d. 1878 4. Joseph Furber b. 1847 Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire 1708 - 1761 Jethro Furber 53 53 1713 Phebe Fabyan Children: 1. John Furber  b. 27 Oct 1742 New Hampshire d. 1 Mar 1821 Wolfeboro, Carroll, New Hampshire      2. Eli Furber b. 1744 d. Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire USA BEF 1810 1883 William O Thompson 1910 census living in Lee, New Hampshire with his wife and next door to his grandfathe and his second wife and several doors away from Henry Small, a cousin and his sister Helen. He is living close to Frank J, Sarah and Moses N. Davis. 1884 - 1922 Josephine A Thompson 38 38 m. 1909 James W Robinson 1886 - 1967 Helen Hunt Thompson 81 81 m. 1912 Arthur Dana Wiggin Children: 1. Hebert Leslie WIGGIN was born 9 Oct 1914 in Lee,  NH 2. Charles Cartland WIGGIN was born 21 Apr 1918 in Lee, NH 1910 census Apr 23 - Lee NH - 64/67  J True Bartlett head m 60 widower NH/NH/NH farmer owns/free Carrie A Bartlett dau f 23? s NH/NH/Can teacher public school Pauline E Bartlett dau f 18 s NH/NH/Can George Gregory? servant m 16 s MA/MA/MA farm laborer Helen H Thompson ??? f 23 s NH/NH/NH telephone operator  Alice P 1910 Lee, NH census. 1662 - 1726 Jacob Thompson 64 64 1670 - 1744 Abigail Wadsworth 73 73 m. Dec. 28, 1693 Barnstable, MA Children: 1. THOMSON Jacob, b. 17 Apr 1695, Middleoboro, MA 2. THOMSON Abigail, b. 14 Feb 1697, Middleboro, Plymouth, MA 3. THOMSON Mercy, b. 13 Oct 1699, Middleoboro, MA 4. THOMSON John, b. 19 Mar 1701, Middleoboro, MA 5. THOMSON Lydia, b. 22 Apr 1703, Middleoboro, MA 6. THOMSON Barnabas, b. 28 Jan 1705, Middleoboro, MA 7. THOMSON Esther, b. 18 Feb 1707, Middleoboro, MA 8. THOMSON Hannah, b. 10 Mar 1709, Middleoboro, MA 9. THOMSON Mary, b. 19 May 1711, Middleoboro, MA 10. THOMSON Caleb, b. 4 Nov 1712, Middleoboro, MA 1719 - ~1793 Gideon Walker 74 74 History of Durham, NH 1732 Eleanor Bickford of Newington m. 04 JUN 1752      Durham, Strafford, New Hampshire, Source: The New Hampshire Genealogical Record, Vol. II, July 1904-April 1905, Dover, NH, p. 176 and History of Durham, NH Stackpole, page 27 Children: 1.  Anna Mary (Mariam) Walker  b. june 7, 1762 2.  Gideon Walker, b. Oct. 30, 1764 3. Seth Walker, bap. May 31, 1767 4. Seth Walker  b. Sept. 9, 1770 5. Samuel Walker March 25, 1742 – 1829 6. John Walker bap.Jan. 19, 1755 –  7. Elizabeth Walker  1688 - 1755 Edward Walker 67 67 1690 - 1760 Deliverance Gaskins 70 70 m. 6 Sep 1710 Kittery,Maine, Performed by Rev Jeremiah Wise. [SDCRW p.29]. Upper Kittery is now Berwick., Maine     Children: 1. York, Maine 2. John WALKER b: ABT 1713 in Berwick, York, Maine Province 3. Elizabeth WALKER b: in Berwick, York, Maine 4.  Gideon WALKER b: 1717 in Berwick, York, Maine 5.  Lydia WALKER b: ABT 1720 in Berwick, York, Maine 6.  William Seth WALKER b: APR 1725 in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire 7.  Deliverance WALKER b: in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire 8. Mary WALKER b: in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire 9.  Olive WALKER b: ABT 1728 in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire 10.  Martha WALKER b: 1733 in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire 11.  Ebenezer WALKER b: 1733 in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire 1692 - 1774 Thomas Bickford 82 82 1691 Sarah Simpson m. Jul. 26, 1711, Greenland, Rockingham, New Hampshire by William Allen Children: 1. John Bickford,   b. Abt 1713, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire   d. Aft 10 Sep 1753 2. Ebenezer Bickford,   b. Abt 1716, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire   d. Aft 1763 3. Thomas Bickford,   b. Abt 1718, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire  4. Jonathan Bickford,   b. Abt 1721, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire  d. Bef 1770 5. Joshua Bickford,   b. Abt 1723, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire d. Bef 1758 6. Benjamin Bickford,   b. Abt 1725, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire 7. Joseph Bickford,   b. Abt 1726, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire  8. Samuel Bickford,   b. Abt 1727, Newington, Strafford,  9. Ichabod Bickford,   b. Abt 1729, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire    d. 1800 10. Sarah Bickford,   b. Abt 1730, Newington, Strafford, New Hampshire   d. Aft May 1805 11. Eleanor Bickford,   b. Abt 1732, Newington, Strafford,  Source: FAHNSTOCK: "350 Years Of The Bickford Family" 24 ' HISTORY OF DURHAM 1738. He had wife, Deborah, who joined the same church, 29 March 1743. He united with the church, 22 April 1753. A Joseph Bickford died of apoplexy in Dover, 11 Feb. 1776. His will, 2 Aug. 1762-13 March 1776, names sons, Joseph and Ephraim, and daughter, Sarah. Children baptized in Dover were: Sarah bapt. 24 June 1731. Mary bapt. 12 Sept. 1736. Sarah bapt. 7 May 1738. Joseph bapt. 22 May 1743. 8. Ephraim bapt. 13 May 1744; m. Sarah Bickford. Fourth Generation 6. Samuel Bickford (Thomas^, John-, Thomas'), in 1765^ lived at Epsom Center, on the west corner of the New Orchard road, where he died in April or May 1773, leaving wife, Mercy, and at least seven children. Mercy died in 1824. Benjamin m. 13 Jan. 1779, Hannah Locke, dau. of Francis of Rye. He d. bef. Aug. 1790. Wife d. after 1803. Ch.: Samuel b. 13 May 1779, d. 8 May 1863, Benjamin b. 30 Nov. 1781, and Thomas b. 26 Feb. 1785, d. 9 Sept. 1865. Samuel m. Abigail ; 1. in Epsom. Ch.: Rebecca b. 29 Dec. 1789, m. John Yea ton, Mehitable b. 13 Aug. 1783, Abigail b. 14 Aug. 1787, Joseph b. 4 Jan. 1793, Margaret b. 11 Nov. 1785, Benjamin b. 11 Sept. 1789, Samuel b. 25 Oct. 1795, and Mercy b. 7 March 1798. Mehitable (?) m. 11 Nov. 1779 Simeon Page at Deerfield. She d. 17 March 1846, aged 87. Thomas bapt. 15 April 1764; m. 23 Nov. 1786, Olive, dau. of John Haines; d. 1819. She d. 8 Oct. 1848, aged 83. Ch.: John b. Oct. 1790 m. Eliza Lane and d. 18 Jan. 1858, Samuel W. b. 1795 m. Lucy C. Learned and d. 29 Feb. 1858, Nathan b. 2 Dec. 1797 m. Elizabeth W. Dickey and d. 17 Jan. 1879, Daniel, Dearborn, Mehitable and Olive. Mary bapt. 11 Aug. 1765; m. 3 April 1798 Jonathan Elkins, later of Gilmanton (?). John bapt. 29 May 1768. Joseph bapt. 14 July 1771. 7. Jonathan Bickford (John^, John^, Thomas^), baptized in Dover 12 Jan. 1752, married, 26 May 1757, Sarah Wilmot of Somersworth. He is said to have been born 2 Jan. 1730 and to have died ii May 1818. She was born 20 April 1739 and died 19 March 1823. He died in Wolfeboro. HISTORY OF DURHAM 25 Rebecca b. 12 March 1758; m. 6 June 1802, Benjamin Young of Tuftonborough. John b. 12 May 1759; d. 27 July 1762. James b. March 1761; d. 5 Sept. 1762. Abigail b. 27 Feb. 1763; d. Oct. 1777. Elizabeth b. 20 June 1765; m. 18 March 1783, Nathaniel Hayes. Jonathan b. 18 June 1767; m. 19 Feb. 1799, Abigail, dau. of Aaron and Sarah (Tibbetts) Roberts. Thomas b. 23 Oct. 1769; d. Oct. 1777. WiLMOT b. 24 Aug. 1771 ; m. 15 July 1798, Dorothy Willand of Dover. He lived in Wolfeboro. Nathaniel b. 8 Dec. 1773; m. 19 Feb. 1801, Mary Bean; d. in Tuftonborough i Dec. 1854. Sarah b. 8 May 1776; d. Oct. 1777. Judith b. 6 June 1779; m. 11 Aug. 1823, Thomas B. Wiggin of Wolfeboro. Gershom b. 29 Jan. 1781; m. (i) 7 April 1808, Elizabeth Bean, (2) 2 May 1853, Mary Jackson. Richard b. 24 Jan. 1784; m. (i) 10 March 1817, Ruth, dau. of Jacob and Ruth Haines, (2) 4 April 1848, Mrs. Polly E. Oilman of Tamworth. 8. Ephraim Bickford (Joseph^ John-, Thomas^) married, 22 March 1772, Sarah Bickford and died in Dover 31 May 1823, aged 80. Children recorded in Dover: Aaron b. 29 June 1773. Deborah b. 9 Dec. 1774. Joseph b. 14 Sept. 1776. Mary b. 11 March 1779. Hannah b. 14 Feb. 1781. Sarah b. 14 July 1783. Ephraim b. 8 Nov. 1785. Susanna b. 8 Sept. 1788. Thomas b. 8 Aug. 1791; m. 1816, Olive Ann Estes. BICKFORD Benjamin Bickford, in 1694, had a grant of thirty acres next to his house on the highway leading from Bloody Point to Green- land, over against John Hudson's house. He was constable about this time. Dec. 7, 1702, he and wife Sarah, deeded to John Knight sixteen acres now in his actual possession, formerly the land of the said Benjamin Bickford's father, lying betwixt Pine Point and Bloody Point, bounded by the river on the east, by road on the west, on the north by land of Henry Langstaff 26 HISTORY OF DURHAM and on the south by land of said Knight, formerly of Richard Cator, with one fourth of a sawmill between Knight's and the land now sold. This looks as though Benjamin Bickford might have been son of the — Bickford who married a daughter of Richard Cator. The will of Benjamin Bickford of Newing- ton, 4 April 1724-2 June 1725, is signed by the same mark as the above deed, a well drawn capital B. The will mentions "wife" and the following children: Mary m. Joshua Crockett, 8 Dec. 1707. 2. Benjamin, prob. of age in 1711; m. Deborah Baur (?). 3. Thomas m. Sarah Simeson, 26 July 1711. Abigail m. Zebulon Dam, 16 Aug. 1716. Elizabeth m. John Dam, 20 Feb. 1718. Deborah m. Joshua Babb, 12 Dec. 1720. 4. John m. Sarah Hodgdon, 23 Feb. 1725. 5. Joseph m. Margery . Was there also Hannah, who m. John Carter, 2-] July 1721 and d. bef. her father's will was made? 2. Benjamin Bickford (Benjamin) married, 23 Oct. 1718, Deborah Baur, as some have read the original record. Others say Deborah Bickford, or Bean or Babb. He was of Durham i^ 1733- He was a grantee of Barnstead and of Nottingham. The will of Benjamin Bickford of Durham, 22 June 1766-30 Sept. 1767, together with baptisms in Newington, indicates the following children : Samuel bapt. 16 June 1721. Sarah bapt. 12 May 1722; m. Clark. Abigail bapt. 10 Dec. 1722. Not named in will. Benjamin bapt. 17 Oct. 1726; m. 26 Dec. 1751, Sarah Pit- man (?). Not named in will. Andrew bapt. 10 Aug. 1727. Solomon b. abt. 1734; m. 23 Nov. 1758, Susan Fox; d. in Northwood, 3 Feb. 1830. She d. 25 Oct. 181 7, aged 91. [See History of Northwood, pp. 641-5.] John m. 4 April 1751, Mary, widow of Thomas Trickey, of Newington. He s. in Northwood, near to his brother, Solomon. Had second wife, Elizabeth, in 1801, when they sold homestead in Northwood and rem. elsewhere. Deborah. Hannah. 3. Thomas Bickford (Benjamin) married in Greenland, 26 July 1711, Sarah "Simeson" (Simpson?). He was baptized and admitted to church at Newington 12 Dec. 1736. His will, 3 HISTORY OF DURHAM 2J Jan. 1770-22 Feb. 1775, and the baptisms at Newington indi- cate the following children: John bapt. and owned the covenant at Newington 10 Sept. 1753, and children of John and Mary bapt. same day viz., Sarah, James and Margaret. Ebenezer bapt. 18 Oct. 1741 and owned the covenant; m. I Feb. 1741, Ann Quint. He was of Durham 22 March 1763, when he had a deed from his father of land in Barnstead. Ch. bapt. in Newington, George* 21 March 1741/2, Anna 30 Sept. 1744, Eleanor 9 Feb. 1745/6, and Samuel 14 Sept. 1747. Jonathan bapt. and owned covenant 18 Oct. 1741; m. 8 Nov. 1743, Lydia Brown. Had dau., Sarah, bapt. 29 April 1745. He is not named in his father's will. Joshua bapt. and owned covenant 18 Oct. 1741 ; m. 30 March 1742, Mary dau. of John and Elizabeth (Lang) West- combe, granddaughter of John and Grace (Brookin) Lang of Portsmouth. He removed to Durham Falls, and his widow m. (2) 21 May 1758, Paul Willey. Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph and Samuel all bapt. 12 Dec. 1736. IcHABOD bapt. 12 Dec, 1736; m. 18 July 1762, Rebecca Bickford. He had the homestead in Newington. His will, 23 Sept.-I5 Oct. 1800, names wife Elizabeth and ch., Nathan, Thomas, John, Joseph, Ichabod, Sarah and Eleanor. Sarah bapt. 12 Dec. 1736; m. 28 Nov. 1749, Joseph Pearl of Rochester. Eleanor bapt. 12 Dec. 1736; m. 4 June 1752, Gideon Walker. 4. John Bickford (Benjamin) married, 23 Feb. 1725, Sarah Hodgdon. He and wife and daughter, Sarah, of Newington were baptized at Oyster River, 24 Dec. 1727. He removed to Rochester, where he was one of the selectmen twelve years. Sarah bapt. at O. R. 24 Dec. 1727. Alexander bapt. at O. R. 31 March 1727/8. Abigail bapt. at Newington 3 Aug. 1729; m. 23 June 1748, Abraham Pearl of Rochester (?). Ann bapt. at Rochester 27 June 1731. Probably others. * George Bickford was an official in Durham in 1765 and signed a petition there in 1768. He is said to have removed to New Durham and there to have married Annie Granville and to have had children, Judith who married William Leavitt, Rhoda, George, Stephen, Thomas, James, Ichabod and Ebenezer. He removed thence to Parsonsfield, Me., in 1777 and there married (2) Sally Oilman of Gilmanton. N. H., and had one child, Gideon. [See History of Parsons- field.] The Rev. Warren F. Bickford of Muskegee, Okla. (Bowdoin, '72), published in the Lewislon Journal, Maine, about 191 1, an extended genealogical account of the descendants of George Bickford. 28 HISTORY OF DURHAM 5. Joseph Bickford (Benjamin) married Margery . She was admitted to church at Newington, 26 March 1742. He died before 15 Nov. 1754. Children baptized in Newington: Lydia bapt. 9 May 1742. Daniel bapt. 23 May 1742; m. Elizabeth Hodgdon, 7 Aug. 1766 (?). They were then both of Portsmouth. Dennis bapt. 23 May 1742. He was over 14 but not of age, 15 Nov. 1754. BICKFORD Henry Bickford of Portsmouth, perhaps son of Thomas of Scarborough, where Henry had a grant of land in 1720, bought a house lot in Portsmouth in 1704. He is called weaver and mar- iner. He had wife, Sarah, probably the one admitted to the North Church, 9 Aug. 1708. He deeded to Titus Salter, mariner, 12 April 1760, "all my dwelling house, with all the land belong- ing." It may here be said that Nathan Bickford had land at Blue Point, Scarborough, about 1680. Nothing more is known of him, Henry Bickford had children: 2. Thomas bapt. 26 Sept. 1708; m. Elizabeth Furber. Sarah bapt. 26 Sept. 1708. Rachel bapt. 16 Aug. 171 1. Hannah bapt. i Nov. 1713; m. Arthur Waterhouse, 15 Jan. 1737/8 (?). Aaron bapt. 26 Oct. 1718; Mary, wife of Aaron Bickford, d. 3 Oct. 1752, in her 26th \ear, as says an inscription at Portsmouth. Aaron was in military service, 14 July 1748. Abigail bapt. 2 Oct. 1720. Eliza bapt. 6 May 1722; m. William Hopkins, 24 Oct. 1755 (?)• 2. Thomas Bickford (Henry) married, 4 Oct. 1727, Elizabeth, daughter of Jethro Furber, granddaughter of William Furber of Newington. He is called schoolmaster. The inscription on his tombstone says that he died in Portsmouth, 18 Dec. 1772, aged 68. Children baptized at the North Church. William bapt. 17 Oct. 1731; not named in his father's will. Thomas bapt. 3 March 1733/4; d- young. Elizabeth bapt. 7 March 1735/6; m. Benjamin Mackay. Hannah bapt. 18 Feb. 1738/9; m. Samuel Waterhouse, 16 Oct. 1760. Thomas bapt. 29 July 1739; schoolmaster in 1798. Leah bapt. 6 Feb. 1742/3; m. Joseph Moulton. HISTORY OF DURHAM 29 Henry, named in his father's will, 9 Sept. 1768; m. Eliza- beth Gerrish, 30 April 1774; d. in Portsmouth, 6 Jan. 1798, aged 47. Dorothy, named in will; m. John Salter. There was a John Bickford of Portsmouth, who married Eliza- beth Britten, 15 Sept. 1718. She renewed her baptismal cove- nant, 22 July 1722, and they had children baptized at the South Church. John bapt. 23 Sept. 1722. Mary bapt. 31 March 1733/4 Sarah bapt. 31 March 1733/4; twin to Mary; m. Francis Peters, 4 Aug. 1765. Ann bapt. 25 July 1736. Hannah bapt. 3 Oct. 1742. Unclassified Moses Bickford born 16 June 1780. m. Sally Ellison, of Barrington, 1802. m. 7 Oct. 1792, Benjamin Bickford and Peggy Mitchell, m. 19 Aug. 1804, Samuel Follet of Lee and Mrs. Peggy Bickford. m. 16 March 1794, John Bickford and Sally Bracey. m. 10 May 1795, Sally Bickford and Benjamin French Brown, m. 21 April 1799, Reuben Bickford and Deborah Durgin. He d. 12 Oct. 1838, aged 78. m. 17 Nov. 1803, Andrew Bickford and Susannah Follett. She d. 13 Apr. 1836. m. 28 Nov. 1782, Abraham Bickford and Elizabeth Langley. m. I May 1803, Josiah Bickford and Polly Crommett. m. 15 Dec. 1805, Joseph Arlin and Miss Abigail Bickford. m. 1807, Abraham Mathes and Love Bickf6rd. m. 20 Aug. 1820, David Bickford and Elizabeth Jenness. m. 20 Aug. 1820, Ephraim L. Bickford and Sally Davis, m. II May 1823, James Bickford and Ann Arlin. m. Nov. 1825, John S. Whitehouse and Abigail Bickford. m. II Feb. 1841, Asa Dame and Lucia Bickford. James Bickford d. 19 July 1808. Thomas Bickford d. 4 Oct. 18 18. Bickford, pauper, d. 15 Dec. 1842, aged 73. John Bickford d. 15 Aug. 1845, aged 33. Widow Deborah Bickford d. in Durham, 15 Nov. 1855, aged 80. 30 HISTORY OF DURHAM BODGE Henry Bodge and wife, Elizabeth, were living in Kittery, near the head of Spruce Creek, as early as 1669. He died in 1696, leaving wife, Rebecca. He had six children, of whom Henry went to Charlestown, Mass. Benjamin Bodge, another son, settled at Oyster River about 1714. He and wife, Sarah, and their children were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams. He was living in Lee in 1781, when he made his will, from which and the baptisms we learn of the fol- lowing children. He bequeaths land in Lee and Madbury. John bapt. 27 Oct. 1723; went to Falmouth, Me., and thence to Windham, Me., in 1743, where he reared a family. Elizabeth bapt. 27 Oct. 1723; m. Randall. Mary bapt. 27 Oct. 1723; unm. in 1781. ICHABOD bapt. 9 Sept. 1724; m. Mary Swaine. Benjamin bapt. 26 Sept. 1725, "about 12 years old." Sarah m. Rawlins. Hannah m. Mark Meader. Samuel. Josiah. Children of Ichabod and Mary (Swaine) Bodge: John b. abt. 1754; m. 20 Dec. 1785, Abigail Neal of New- castle. He served in the Revolution and was a prisoner in the "Old Mill Prison." He had ch., John who m. Miss Somerby and 1. in Portsmouth, William who m. (i) Elizabeth Wentworth, (2) Phebe Sherburne, and Mary who m. Robert Neal. Benjamin b. 11 Oct. 1755; m. 17 Oct. 1780, Meribah Hall of Gilmanton, and had family there. He served in the Revolution. Richard b. April 1757; m. 1802 Bridget Daniels, (2) 1805 Lydia Daniels. He had a family in Barrington. MiCAjAH m. Abigail Bunker of Lee and had ch. b. in Bar- rington, viz., James Bunker b. 1781, who m. Anne Cald- well and s. in Marblehead, Mass., Joseph b. 1799, who m. (i) Charlotte Verrill, 20 Jan. 1822, (2) Sarah T. Burley and 1. in Portsmouth, and Isaac who m. Hannah Pearl of Rochester, N. H. Daniel m. 22 Oct. 1789, Mary Cram of Newmarket and 1. in Barnstead. Ichabod died in infancy. Ichabod m. Avis Odiorne of Madbury and had five ch. James m. Mary Foss, 1801, and 1. in Barrington. Rem. bef. the Civil War to Pawnee, III. HISTORY OF DURHAM 3I BOODY Tradition says that Zechariah Boody came over in a French ship and deserted it in Boston. He had wife, Elizabeth, who was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 31 March 1716/7. He died about 1755. [Cf. Boody Genealogy.] Elizabeth bapt. 31 March 17 16/7; m. Ebenezer Pitman; widow in 1758. Charity bapt. 31 March 1716/7; m. Abednego Leathers. Mary bapt. 31 March 1716/7. Sarah bapt. 7 Sept. 1718; m. Benjamin Jenkins. Azariah, alias Hezekiah bapt. 10 Sept. 1721; m. Bridget Bushbie. Hannah m. Robert Huckins. Abigail in. David Drew. Kezia unm. 13 Nov. 1758. Betsey (?) m. James Rowe (?). Azariah Boodey, born 15 Aug. 1720, lived in Madbury. He married Bridget Bushbie and died, 26 Feb. 1803. She died in Barrington 30 July 1785, aged 70. Rev. Robert b. 3 April 1743; m. Margery Hill b. 23 Apr. 1744; he d. 21 April 1814, Limington, Me. Zechariah b. 12 Aug. 1745; m. Mary Demeritt, b. 28 Nov, 1743. He s. in New Durham and d. 14 June 182 1. Wife d. 3 Oct. 1835. John b. 23 June 1749; m. Susanna Langley, b. 6 March abt. 1750. He d. in Barrington, 23 April 1815. Molly twin to John; m. Peter Hodgdon. Rev. Joseph b. 16 May 1752; m. Olive Drew, b. 3 June 1742. Sarah b. 8 March 1755; m. Isaac Waldron. Hannah b. 29 March 1758; m. Aaron Waldron. Azariah b. 29 Nov. 1761. Betsey b. 2 Nov. 1763; m. John Caverly. BUNKER James Bunker, born about 1628 according to a deposition, is incidentally mentioned in the court records of York County in 1648. In 1652 he bought land below Johnson's Creek, on the north side of Oyster River. His will, 14 Oct. 1697-24 June 1698, names wife, Sarah, and three sons. 2. James m. prob. (i) Anne Thomas, (2) Martha Downes. 3. Joseph m. 32 HISTORY OF DURHAM 4. John m. Dorcas Field. Mary m. Thomas Drew. Sarah who signed a deed in 1718. Unm. 2. James Bunker (James) seems to have married (i) Anne, daughter of James and Martha (Goddard) Thomas. [See Huck- kins.] He married (2) Martha, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Lord) Downes, who was born in 1691. By the second marriage there was one child. James Bunker had the homestead, and his 236 acres were divided, 15 May 1759, p^nong seven surviving children. His estate was administered, in 1724, by his sons, James and Joseph. Before 8 Dec. 1725 the widow had married John Mackelroy. She married (3) after 1750 Philip Stackpole. James Downes, in his will, 1755, gave ten acres to his "sister, Martha Stackpole, wife of Philip Stackpole." She died at Dover, 24 Sept. 1792, aged loi years. Mary prob. ; m. 1705, Richard Denbow. 5. James m. Sarah Giles. Clement m. Rebecca Drew, 24 March 1738/9. L. in Dur- ham, 1765. Love m. Thomas Millett; d. 3 Nov. 1763. Patience m. John Drew, Jr. Hannah. 6. Joseph m. Ann Giles, (2) Elizabeth . 7. Elijah m. Judith . Benjamin m. Abigail . Both were of Brunswick, Me. , 26 Nov. 1740, when they sold to James Bunker of Durham right in estate of James Bunker. > 3. Joseph Bunker (James) married . He died before 4 March 1719/20, when his son-in-law, Joshua Davis, was appointed administrator of his estate. He left homestead of thirty acres. He was of the Society of Friends. A deed, dated 13 Nov. 1748, shows the following family: Esther b. April 1693; m. Joshua Davis, (2) Dam. Mary b. June 1697; m. Clement Drew, 20 May 1718. Lydia b. Oct. 1699; unm. in 1748. Sarah b. Dec. 1702; m. Clements. Relief m. James Burnham, 6 July 1725. 4. John Bunker (James) married Dorcas, daughter of Zech- ariah Field. He was killed by Indians, 8 July 1707. Estate administered by son Zechariah, 1737. 8. John b. 16 July 1696; m. Hannah Drew. Sarah b. 20 Oct. 1699. HISTORY OF DURHAM 33 Daniel b. 22 Oct. 1702; m. Elizabeth . L. in Dover, 1752. 9. Zechariah b. 25 Feb. 1707; m. Deborah Varney. Elizabeth twin to Zechariah. Dodavah b. about 1708; 1. in Barnstead. Had sons, Daniel and Dodavah. 5. James Bunker (James-, James^) married Sarah, daughter of Mark Giles, born 9 April 1711. She is named in his will, 14 May 1759. Children were: , Thomas taxed in 1760. 10. Ephraim b. 1730; m. Sobriety Drew. Enoch m. Dolly . He was living in 1802. He had son, William R. of Epping, and daughters, Sally who m. Gotham, and Esther who m. David Tuttle of Back River, Dover. Bridget m. Thomas Sparling. Abigail unm. Benjamin m. Phebe Fernald of Lee. Dodavah b. 3 Nov. 1754; m. Martha Smith and 1. in Pitts- field; d. 12 Dec. 1828. 6. Joseph Bunker (James^, James^) married Ann, daughter of Mark Giles, born i Oct. 1702. His will, 9 Sept. 1778-Aug. 1784, names wife, Elizabeth, and the following children. He was buried 18 July 1784. 11. Benjamin m. Betty Barnes of Portsmouth. • James m. Polly Batchelder of Deerfield, 13 Oct. 1785 (?). 12. Jonathan b. 1729; m. Sarah Runnels. ■ Anna m. (i) Lemuel Drew, (2) Joseph Stevenson. Patience m. Job Clements. She was a widow in 1766. ■ — ■ daughter m. JohnT wombly. His father-in-law adm. his est. 1764. 8. John Bunker (John^, James^ born 16 July 1696, married, 5 Feb. 1720/21, Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Bun- ker) Drew, born 2 mo. 1699. Is this the John Bunker who lived in Barnstead to age of 80? His widow lived to age of 95. Two children are recorded in Dover: Silas b. 5 June 1723; accidentally shot and killed, 4 July 1746. Elizabeth b. 28 April 1726. 7. Elijah Bunker (James^, James^ married Judith , who joined the church in Dover, 25 July 1756 and was dismissed to Sanford, Me., 9 Oct. 1791. The following children were bap- tized in Dover: 3 34 HISTORY OF DURHAM Martha bapt. 17 Oct. 1756, Betty bapt. 17 Oct. 1756. Esther bapt. 17 Oct. 1756; m. 13 Jan. 1777, Joseph Ricker of Somersworth. Abigail bapt. 17 Oct. 1756; m. 9 Oct. 1775, Gideon Walker of Berwick, Me. Judith bapt. 17 Oct. 1756; m. 2 Dec. 1776, Simeon Brock of Berwick. Hannah bapt. 23 Oct. 1757; d. young. Susanna bapt. 5 Oct. 1760; prob. d. young. SusEY bapt. 16 May 1762; m. 6 March 1784, Mark Ricker of Cogshall, Me. Hannah bapt. 27 Sept. 1767. Mary bapt. 21 Sept. 1767. James bapt. 5 Jan. 1769; m. Ehzabeth Libby, 1798. 9. Zechariah Bunker (John^, James^), born 25 Feb. 1707, married Deborah Varney. Both were baptized in Dover 24 Jan. 1742. His estate was administered by his brother Doda- vah, in 1757. John bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. Dorcas bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. Stephen bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. Philip bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. 13. Zechariah bapt. 13 Nov. 1744; m. 15 Jan. 1770, Mary Bean, both of Madbury. Elizabeth, named in adm. of est. Fourth Generation 10. Ephraim Bunker (James, ^ James", James^), born 1730, married Sobriety, daughter of Lemuel and Anna (Bunker) Drew, who was born 15 May 1752, and died 3 Dec. 1833. 14. Samuel b. Nov. 1774; m. Polly Garland. 15. John b. 1777; m. Polly Babb. Ann d. 29 March 1866, aged 87. Unm. Mary, d. unm. Abigail, m. at Farmington. 16. James b. i Nov. 1789; m. Lois Foye. Andrew m. Polly Bickford of Lee, Dec. 18 14. 17. Sarah b. 2 March 1799; m. William Bunker, her cousin, son of Valentine Bunker of Kittery; d. 9 Sept. 1889. He was b. 22 Dec. 1798 and d. 15 Nov. 1845. 11. Benjamin Bunker (Joseph^, James^ James^ married Betty Barnes of Portsmouth. He died 2 Oct. 1827, aged 87. She died 21 Jan. 1833, aged 94. HISTORY OF DURHAM 35 i8. Aaron m. 1805, Sally F. F'ernald. He d. 10 Jan. 1838 aged 56. She died 7 Oct. 1861. Valentine m. 30 Sept. 1794, Hannah Phillips of Kittery. Catherine m. 30 Jan. 1792, Capt. Edmund Grover of Portsmouth. Eliza or Elizabeth m. Wni. Campbell, 7 Nov. 1793. Polly, unm. Joseph pub. 21 Jan. 1807, to Betsey Hawkins of Barring- ton (?). 12. Jonathan Bunker (Joseph^, James^, James^) married, Dec. 1749, Sarah Runnels of Lee, daughter of John and Hannah (Clark) Runnels, born 4 Aug. 1731. He died Sept. 1796, aged 67. She died 26 Jan. 1826. He was a tanner. Removed to Barnstead in 1770. Isaiah b. Oct. 1750; m. Judith Smith; rem. to Maine. Bradbury b. 1752; m. Sarah Tibbetts; d. in the Revolu- tionary Army. Sobriety b. 1755; m. 7 April 1777, Samuel Williams of Barnstead. Sarah b. 7 Jan. 1756; m. 26 June 1777, Bradbury Sinclair, (2) 15 Dec. 1778, Henry Tibbetts of Northfield. She d. 22 Dec. 1834. Joseph b. 1757; d. 1776 in the Revolutionary Army. Eli b. 22 April 1760; m. 30 Jan. 1783, Anna Gordon of New Hampton. He d. 3 Aug. 1842. Settled in Barnstead. Ch., Abraham, Joseph, Elisha G., Gordon, Timothy, and Anna G. Some have changed surname to Banchor. Jonathan b. 1768; m. 29 March 1787 Betsey Rand. Went to Canada. Hannah b. 1767; d. 1780. Obadiah b. 1770; m. Judith Collins in Berwick, Me. He s. in Starksboro, Vt. She was b. 14 June 1774 and d. 11 Sept. 1851. Elijah b. 23 June 1772; m. Betsey Smith; d. 5 Jan. 1850. Rem. to Anson, Me. Ch., Reuben, Elijah, Daniel, Ich- abod, Moses, Betsey, Mary, Deborah D., Nancy, Sylvia, Hannah. u^^^o h-u^c^x^ ii^.^.^.-.^'^j ] 13. Zechariah Bunker (Zechariah^, John^, James^) married, 15 Jan. 1775, Mary Bean of Madbury. He was a Revolutionary soldier from Wolfeboro. Died 11 Oct. 1816 (?). She died 11 Dec. 1 82 1, aged 71. Deborah m. Eli Demeritt, Jr., 19 June 1800. 19. Zechariah b. 15 Oct. 1790; m. Mercy Varney. 20. Remembrance m. Rachel Pendergast, 1807. y 36 history of durham Fifth Generation 14. Samuel Bunker (Ephraim\ James^ James-, James^, born Nov. 1774, married, 4 Sept. 1800, Polly daughter of Jacob Garland of Madbury. He died 6 Sept. 1856, aged 81. She died 8 Nov. 1866, aged 85 years 2 months 24 days. He passed his last days with his son, Jacob, in Barrington, but died in Durham. Martha b. i Nov. 1801; m. 4 Dec. 1834, Samuel Stevens, his second wife. She d. in 1883. Love b. 1804; m. Jan. 1826, Levi Cram: d. 2 Sept. 1875. Ch., Sylvester, Mary, Samuel, Rufus. 21. Ephraim b. 21 Jan. 1806; m. Dolly Merrill; d. 8 Feb. 1867. Mary b. 8 March 1808; m. 30 Sept. 1832, Calvin Pickering, who d. 24 Oct. 1856, aged 47-10-8, leaving son, John Wil- liam Pickering, who d. 3 Dec. 1861, aged 26-9-20, a sol- dier in the Union Army. She m. (2) Henry Johnson, (3) Stephen Kendall and d. 23 Oct. 1890. Jacob b. 23 May 1812; m. 31 March 1836 Hannah Carlisle of York, Me.; d. s. p. Samuel b. 1810; d. 11 Nov. 1874, aged 64. LiLLAS b. 6 Apr. 1816; m. 16 March 1847, Andrew D. James; d. 20 Apr. 1901. Ch., Mary, Martha J., Ivory. Susan b. June 1818; m. 4 Nov. 1862 George Mathes; d. 25 March 1900. John b. 4 March 1821; m. Malinda, dau. of George and Betsey (Garland) Smith. Had dau., Addie. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1756 Abigail Qames m. Oct. 9, 1775 1665 - 1726 John Walker 61 61 Of Chelmsford, MA, Berwick, ME & Newington, NH abt 1723 to spend last years with or near sons who had preceded him, (PNHF WAL, 69). Lived in Ipswich for a short while after his marriage to Lydia. 1666 Lydia Colburn m. ABT 1685 in Chelmsford, Essex, Mass Bay Colony  Children: 1, John WALKER b: 9 AUG 1686 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Mass Bay Colony 2.  Edward WALKER b: 9 JAN 1688 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 3. Andrew WALKER b: 25 NOV 1691 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 4.  Lydia WALKER b: 4 FEB 1694 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 5. Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 6.  Joseph WALKER b: 11 AUG 1698 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 7. Sarah WALKER b: 23 FEB 1701 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 8. Richard WALKER b: 14 JUN 1703 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 9.  Elizabeth WALKER b: 12 SEP 1706 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts 1637 - 1721 Richard Walker ll 84 84 Resided Reading as a young man. Moved to Ipswich, MA. (Portsmouth, NH Families, Walker, 16). There is prevalent assumption that this Richard lived with Captain Richard in Reading as a child. But, according to Robert Charles Anderson in "The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633", this Richard is not a son of Captain Richard of Lynn. That conclusion is not indisputable in my opinion; This Richard may still be the son of Captain Richard. The same given names and residences suggests that a father-son relationship might have existed.  This Richard is known as Richard of Ipswich. Several unverifed sources show a DOB of 6 Jan 1637 and a DOD of 29 May 1723. I have not found any source information to verify either of these  1641 - >1720 Sarah Story 79 79 m. 29 Oct 1661 Ipswich,,Massachusetts 1611 - 1687 Richard? Walker? 76 76 1614 - 1640 Jane? Talmadge? 26 26 1614 William Story 1620 Sarah Foster m. abt 1640 Ipswich,,Massachusetts, some records show  Exeter, Devon, England 1618 - 1712 Edward Colborne 94 94 Hannah Rolfe 1670 - 1715 Jonathan Simpson 45 45 Caleb Woodbury 1729 1457 - 1525 Thomas West (8th Lord la Warre) 68 68 Sir Thomas West, 8th Lord la Warre succeeded to the title of  5th Lord West [E., 1322] on 10 March 1475/76. He succeeded to the title of  8th Lord la Warre [E., 1299]  on 10 March 1475/76.1 He was invested as a Knight on 18 January 1477/78.1 On 5 March 1485/86 he was granted the Sussex estates of the attainted Duke of Norfolk.1 In 1497 he helped quell the Cornish uprising in support of Perkin Warbeck.  He was invested as a Knight Banneret on 18 August 1513. Source:    1. [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.    2. [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 105. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family. Eleanor Copley Children: 1. Sir  George West  d. Sep 1538 2. Sir Owen West d. 18 Jul 1551 3. Leonard West Roger Copley  Sir Roger Copley lived at Roughway, Sussex, England Source: [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. 1430 Richard West (7th Lord la Warre)  Richard West, 7th Lord la Warre succeeded to the title of  4th Lord West [E., 1322] on 27 August 1450.1 He succeeded to the title of  7th Lord la Warre [E., 1299] on 27 August 1450. Source: [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. Catherine Hungerford D. 1450 Reynold West (6th Lord la Warre)    Sir Reynold West, 6th Lord la Warre succeeded to the title of  3rd Lord West [E., 1402]  on 30 September 1416. He was invested as a Knight before 22 November 1416. He held the office of Captain of St. Lô in 1417/18.2 He held the office of Captain of St. Lô in 1421.  He succeeded to the title of  6th Lord la Warre [E., 1299] on 7 May 1427. Source:    1. [S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume XII/2, page 845. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.    2. [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.    3. [S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume II, page 134.    4. [S1916] Tim Boyle, "re: Boyle Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 16 September 2006. Hereinafter cited as "re: Boyle Family." Reginald West, 6th Baron De La Warr and 3rd Baron West (7 September 1395 – 27 August 1450) was the second son of Thomas West, 1st Baron West and Joan La Warr, half-sister and heiress of Thomas la Warr, 5th Baron De La Warr. He inherited the title Baron West in 1416 when his brother Thomas West, 2nd Baron West died during the Agincourt campaign, and the title Baron De La Warr in 1427 upon the death of his uncle. Reginaldus (dative Reginaldo) is the Latin form of his name; the French and English was Reynold. His summonses to Parliament were addressed first to Reginaldo La Warr 1427–1429, then to Reginaldo West 1431–1449; he was not summoned before his brother-in-law died. Modern genealogists sometimes refer to him as West-De la Warr. Reginald was primarily important as the juncture between two important families, and for the politically-important connections that he and his children formed, and from which later holders of the title would profit; although he did go to the wars, commanding garrisons in France from 1418 to 1421. He had to petition the Crown that he might sit in Parliament with the precedence of his la Warre ancestors, but the Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, then regent, granted it. The rules for inheritance of titles in the fifteenth century were not as definite as they are now; or he would not have had to petition. He married Margaret Thorley of Tybeste, Cornwall c. 1424, which created a connection with the Earl of Suffolk. She bore him at least two sons, Richard West, 7th Baron De La Warr (birth date variously given as 1430 or 1432) and John West of Waith, (c. 1432). This latter son in turn married Eleanor Neville, thus establishing another important connection for the family. She also bore him two daughters, Margaret (c. 1424) who married Thomas de Echyngham and Anne (c. 1426) who married Maurice Berkeley and was the mother of one of the Sir William Berkeleys. Margaret died in 1433. Either in that year, or in 1443, Reginald married Elizabeth Greyndour. (The earlier date would make her twelve or thirteen, which is not impossible, but Cokayne gives the latter date.) She bore him two daughters, Elizabeth, who in 1466 married William Berkeley, 1st Marquess of Berkeley, 2nd Baron Berkeley and Mary born 1415 married about 1472 to Sir Roger Lewknor. A son, William, of uncertain date, appears to have died in infancy. In 1446 he was granted license to go to Rome and thence to the Holy Land, but whether for pilgrimage or crusade is unclear; there is no evidence he went. He is buried at Broadwater, Sussex (now part of the town of Worthing. 1424 - 1443 Margaret Thorley 19 19 connection with Earl of Suffolk D. 1405 Thomas West Joan la Warre 1321 - 1386 Thomas West 65 65 knighted in 1399. He married Joan,  sister of the half-blood and, in her issue, heiress to John and Thomas, 4th and 5th Lords Ia Warre. She was married for the first time to Ralph De Wilington of Sandhurst, co. Gloucester. He died on 16 Aug. 1382 v.p. She was married for the second time, with pardon for marrying without licence dated 2 May 1384, to Thomas West, Knt., of Oakhanger, co. Northampton, son and heir of Thomas West, Knt., of Hampton Cantilupe. They had three sons. He was summoned to Parliament from 19 Jun 1402 by writs directed Thome West. His wife died 24 Apr 1404. Thomas West, Lord West, died testate on 19 Apr 1405 seised of the Manor of Harby (will dated 8 Apr. 1405 requesting burial in "the new chapel of' Christchurch Priory). Nichols 2(1):210 (1795). C.P. 12(2):520, 649 footnoted (1959). Comber (1933), p. 304. Alice Fitzherbert 1251 - 1343 Thomas West 92 92  In 1322 he was granted the manor of Sharnbrook, Bedfordshire, by Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke. He held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.) for Warwickshire in 1324. He was invested as a Knight in 1326.1 He held the office of Keeper of Christchurch Castle between 1330 and 1343.1 He held the office of Keeper of Southampton Castle between 1330 and 1343.  In October 1330 he took an active part in the arrest of Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March. He held the office of Keeper of the King's Stannary, Devon between 1337 and 1343. Source: S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. Eleanor Cantelupe John Cantelupe Sir John Cantelupe lived at Snitterfield, Warwickshire, England. He lived at Hempston Cantelupe, Devon, England. Source: [S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1075. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition. Margaret de Mohun Thomas West Reginald Fitzherbert of Midsomer Norton, Somerset, of Magna Carta Surety descent and descendant of Charlemagne) John de Cantelou Mesceline de Braci 1870 - 1933 Anna L (Langley?) Davis 62 62 never married 1847 Katherine E Hamilton m. 14 OCT 1868       Chicago, Cook, Illinois Living next door to John and Elizabeth Caverno in 1870 census. CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:   1843 Jan 1 - Mr Elijah Hamilton of Cambridge ME & Miss Katharine Langley of Lee publ to marr & certified [Lee VR p33 mss #68793 NHHS].   1860 Jun 21 - Lee NH - 50/56 Elijah Hamilton 37 m farmer 2900/800 bME; Irene Hamilton 40 f bNH; Sarah A Hamilton 13 f school bME; Catherine L Hamilton 12 f school bME; Simeon Hamilton 19 m bME; Henry Clay 11 school bNH; James Langley 80 m bNH; Ann Langley 76 f bNH [census].   1870 Jun 4 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - 90/97 Elijah Hamilton 49 m farmer 2500/700 bME; Erena Hamilton 57 f bNH; Joseph B Davis 25 m farmer bNH; Kate E Davis 22 f bME; Anna L Davis 6/12 bDec bNH; Timothy Murray 22 m farm laborer bNH both parents foreign born [census].   1880 Jun 8 - Lee NH - 102/113 Elijah Hamilton m 69 farmer ME/ME/ME; Irena Hamilton f 66 wife NH/NH/NH; Joseph Casey m 15 farm laborer MA/MA/MA [census]. Lived in Minnapolis, Minn with sister, Sarah ather sister's death. 1844 - 1870 Joseph B Davis 26 26 1864 Sep 4 - Joseph B Davis enl Co D H A; disch 15 Jun 1865 [Hurd, Hist Rock & Straf Cos NH, 1882, p 641]. CHRONOLOGICAL ITEMS:   1843 Jan 1 - Mr Elijah Hamilton of Cambridge ME & Miss Katharine Langley of Lee publ to marr & certified [Lee VR p33 mss #68793 NHHS].   1860 Jun 21 - Lee NH - 50/56 Elijah Hamilton 37 m farmer 2900/800 bME; Irene Hamilton 40 f bNH; Sarah A Hamilton 13 f school bME; Catherine L Hamilton 12 f school bME; Simeon Hamilton 19 m bME; Henry Clay 11 school bNH; James Langley 80 m bNH; Ann Langley 76 f bNH [census].   1870 Jun 4 - Lee NH, Wadleys Fall PO - 90/97 Elijah Hamilton 49 m farmer 2500/700 bME; Erena Hamilton 57 f bNH; Joseph B Davis 25 m farmer bNH; Kate E Davis 22 f bME; Anna L Davis 6/12 bDec bNH; Timothy Murray 22 m farm laborer bNH both parents foreign born [census].   1880 Jun 8 - Lee NH - 102/113 Elijah Hamilton m 69 farmer ME/ME/ME; Irena Hamilton f 66 wife NH/NH/NH; Joseph Casey m 15 farm laborer MA/MA/MA [census]. 1816 Weir Davis 1860 United States Federal Census Name:     Nyre Davis Age in 1860:     44 Birth Year:     abt 1816 Birthplace:     New Hampshire Home in 1860:     Lee, Strafford, New Hampshire Gender:     Male Post Office:     Lee     Name     Age Nyre Davis     44 Sarah Davis     45 Mary A Davis     19 Stephen H Davis     18 Joseph B Davis     16 Gordon Haley     79  1817 Sarah Dockman Children: 1. Mary A DAVIS was born about 1841 in , , NH. 2. Stephen H DAVIS was born about 1842 and died 23 Aug 1924. 3. Joseph B DAVIS was born about 1844 and died 15 Aug 1870. Moses Davis Anne Dame Children: 1. Weir DAVIS was born about 1816 and died 22 Jul 1893. 2. Abigail Dame DAVIS Towle was born about 1821 and died 7 Nov 1894. 3. Hannah H DAVIS was born about 1819 and died 18 Mar 1868. 4. Lucy A Davis D. 1690 John Gaskins 1663 - 1740 Joanna Crocker 77 77 Children: 1. Elizabeth Gaskin b. 1685 2. Deliverance Gaskin b. 1690 D. 1692 Daniel Crocker 1640 - 1692 Sarah Balden 52 52 1797 Hannah 1850 Census: Household    Gender    Age Charles Thompson     M     51y Hannah Thompson     F     52y Charles Thompson     F     10y Daniel Thompson     M     14y Marrian Thompson     F     24y Sarah Thompson     F     26y James Thompson     M     17y 1870 Census: Charles Thompson     M     72y Hannah Thompson     F     75y David Thompson     M     35y Caroline Thompson     F     36y Charles J Thompson M     33y Anna B Thompson     F     11y Joseph L Andrews 1906 - 1983 Margaret Ethel Soar 77 77 Vernon Howland Hall 1906 Gardner Stanley Bailey 1896 Mildred Lucy Bailey 1897 - 1976 Sumner Joseph Bailey 79 79 1900 Bertram Saunders Bailey Hazel James E Harris Marguerite R Eva L Letoureau John Belson Nitzsche 1865 Adin Bailey m. Rose Silva 1867 Fred Herbert Bailey 1869 Edward Bailey 1871 - 1887 Cora Ellen Bailey 16 16 1875 - 1908 Andrew Woodbury Bailey 32 32 also had manic depression insanity Lived in Meredith, NH at death 1878 Charles B Wheeler 1895 Mable Louise Wheeler  m. Lawrence Chester Cole 1773 Joseph Wheeler m. March 17, 1808, Anna Nancy Douglas, who was born Dec. l4, 1772, moved to New Jersey 1912 Grace Ellen Bailey Florence A House m. 29 Jan 1901 — Wakefield, Massachusetts Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for Fred H. Bailey Name:     Fred H. Bailey Event:     Marriage Event Date:     29 Jan 1901 Event Place:     Wakefield, Massachusetts Age:     33 Marital Status:     Single Birthplace:     Rockport, Mass. Estimated Birth Year: 1868 Father:     William J. Bailey Father's Titles & Terms:      Mother:     Martha J. Goday Spouse:     Florence A. House Howes Spouse's Father:     Harold L. House Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms:      Spouse's Mother:     Sarah F. Cobb Spouse's Mother's Titles & Terms:      Record Number:     124 Film Number:     2057534 Digital Folder Number:     4254651 Image Number:     00221 Ezraetta Woodbury 1831 - 1870 Sarah Young 38 38 Children: 1. Elmer E. Dennison b. abt. 1861 Gloucester, MA,  d. 08 Sep 1861 Lanesville, Massachusetts 2. George H. Dennen. b. abt. 1850 3. Arthur Dennen b. abt. 1863 4. Levi Dennen b. abt. 1847 1822 Levi Dennen United States Census, 1870 for Levi Dennen Name:     Levi Dennen Estimated Birth Year:     1822 Gender:     Male Age in 1870:     48y Color (white, black, mulatto, chinese, Indian):     White Birthplace:     Massachusetts Home in 1870:     Massachusetts, United States      Household    Gender    Age       Levi Dennen     M     48y     Sarah Dennen     F     34y     George H Dennen     M     20y     Arthur P Dennen     M     7y     William F Dennen     M     3y     Gilman Welch     M     23y     Jessie Mcquarrie     F     24y     Walter Graham     M     38y     Emma Graham     F     30y     Lavinia Graham     F     11y     Bethiah Graham     F     9y     Blanche Graham     F     6y     William Graham     M     1y 1828 - 1870 Albert Young 42 42 1824 - 1894 Eliza Young 70 70 Haraden 1828 - 1905 Horatio K Bailey 76 76 Moved to Lancaster, Massachusetts in 1865 and was station agent at the South Lancaster of the Worchester & Nashua Railroad.. Later he was assigned to the Lancaster station.. He manufactured boots and shoes for a number of years. He was well educated  and began life as a school teacher. He removed  to Lancaster in 1865 and for some time was station  agent at the South Lancaster station of the  Worcester & Nashua Railroad. Later he was  assigned to the Lancaster station. He manufactured  boots and shoes for a number of years. During his  last years he carried on his farm and raised garden  truck for the market.  He and his wife joined the Lancaster Evangelical  church in 1865 and he was an active and earnest  member of the church and Sunday school. He was  a teacher in the Sunday school for many years and  was clerk of the church until within two years of  his death, when failing health obliged him to re-  sign. He was a member of the parish and church  committees and was on the building committee for  the parsonage, in which he took great interest. For  many years he sang in the choir and was always  much interested in music. He was a Republican in  politics and served the town for a time on the school  committee. He was a man of strong personality  and of decided convictions. He was one of the most  esteemed and influential citizens of the town.  United States Census, 1880 for John E. F. Bailey Name:     John E. F. Bailey Residence:     Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts Birthdate:     1863 Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Relationship to Head:     Son Father's Name:     Horatio Bailey Father's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Mother's Name:     Sophronia Bailey Mother's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Race or Color (Expanded):     White Ethnicity (Standardized):     American Martial Status:     Single Age (Expanded):     17 years Occupation:     At Home NARA Film Number:     T9-0563 Page:     308 Page Character:     B Entry Number:     428 Film number:     1254563      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Horatio Bailey     M     51 Parent     Sophronia Bailey     F     51     Etta E. Bailey     F     18       John E. F. Bailey     M     17     George T. Bailey     M     16     Marybell Bailey     F     8     Marion Fuller     F     10     Lucy Puffer     F     84 1834 - 1834 Julia A Bailey 16d 16d 1836 - 1909 Sophronia M Fuller 73 73 daughter of John Fuller of Lancaster, Massachusetts, of the Dr. Samuel Fuller line of the Mayflower m. Oct. 30, 1856 Lancaster, Massachusetts Thayer Memorial Library has lace made by her framed on the wall 1871 Mary Isabella Sophronia Bailey many of the family records were found to be with her Living with brother John in 1910 and 1920 census Mary B S Bailey 1861 Henrietta Esther Bailey was she is San Francisco in 1920 census? 1862 John Edward Fuller Bailey United States Census, 1900 for John E F Bailey Name:     John E F Bailey Residence:     Lancaster Town, Worcester, Massachusetts Birth Date:     Oct 1862 Birthplace:     Massachusetts Relationship to Head-of-Household:     Son Father Name:     Horatio Bailey Father Birthplace:     Massachusetts Mother Name:     Sophronia M Bailey Mother Birthplace:     Massachusetts Race or Color (expanded):     White Head-of-household Name:     Horatio Bailey Gender:     Male Marital Status:     Single Enumeration District:     1640 Sheet Number and Letter:     1A Household ID:     8 Reference Number:     21 GSU Film Number:     1240692 Image Number:     00699      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Horatio Bailey     M      Parent     Sophronia M Bailey     F            John E F Bailey     M          Mary B S Bailey     F  United States Census, 1880 for John E. F. Bailey Name:     John E. F. Bailey Residence:     Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts Birthdate:     1863 Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Relationship to Head:     Son Father's Name:     Horatio Bailey Father's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Mother's Name:     Sophronia Bailey Mother's Birthplace:     Massachusetts, United States Race or Color (Expanded):     White Ethnicity (Standardized):     American Gender:     Male Martial Status:     Single Age (Expanded):     17 years Occupation:     At Home NARA Film Number:     T9-0563 Page:     308 Page Character:     B Entry Number:     428 Film number:     1254563      Household    Gender    Age Parent     Horatio Bailey     M     51 Parent     Sophronia Bailey     F     51     Etta E. Bailey     F     18       John E. F. Bailey     M     17     George T. Bailey     M     16     Marybell Bailey     F     8     Marion Fuller     F     10     Lucy Puffer     F     84 Living with sister Belle in 1910 and 1920 census 1864 George Thomas Bailey United States Census, 1900 for George T Bailey Name:     George T Bailey Residence:     Lancaster Town, Worcester, Massachusetts Birth Date:     Apr 1864 Birthplace:     Massachusetts Relationship to Head-of-Household:     Self Spouse Name:     Eva C Bailey Spouse Birth Place:     Canada Eng Father Birthplace:     Massachusetts Mother Birthplace:     Massachusetts Race or Color (expanded):     White Gender:     Male Marital Status:     Married Years Married:     6 Estimated Marriage Year:     1894 Enumeration District:     1640 Sheet Number and Letter:     7A Household ID:     159 Reference Number:     19 GSU Film Number:     1240692 Image Number:     00711      Household    Gender    Age       George T Bailey     M      Spouse     Eva C Bailey     F      Child     G Horatio Bailey     M 1868 Eva Clayton Kempt m. 04 Sep 1893 — Kempt, Queens, Nova Scotia Canada Marriages, 1661-1949 Groom's Name:     George T. Bailey Groom's Birth Date:     1864 Groom's Birthplace:     Stoughton, Mass. Groom's Age:     29 Bride's Name:     Eva C. Freeman Bride's Birth Date:     1868 Bride's Birthplace:     New Albany Bride's Age:     25 Marriage Date:     04 Sep 1893 Marriage Place:     Kempt, Queens, Nova Scotia Groom's Father's Name:     Horatio Groom's Mother's Name:     Sophia Bride's Father's Name:     Elkanah Bride's Mother's Name:     Sarah Groom's Marital Status:     Single Bride's Marital Status:     Single Bride's Previous Husband's Name:      Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     M53464-2 System Origin:     Canada-EASy Source Film Number:     1298993 Reference Number:     p 160 cn 49 1895 George Horatio Bailey 1809 Deborah Young 1810 Nancy Young 1812 Nancy Young 1815 - 1860 Epes Young 45 45 1819 Mercy Gott Young 1826 Lucy Maria Young m. 30 Nov 1848 — Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for Levi Dennen Name:     Levi Dennen Event Date:     30 Nov 1848 Event Place:     Gloucester, Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     26 Estimated Birth Year:     1822 Father:     Job Dennen Spouse:     Lucy Maria Young Spouse's Titles & Terms:      Spouse's Race:      Spouse's Marital Status:      Spouse's Father:     Epes Young Record Number:     230 Film Number:     1428257 Digital Folder Number:     4332356 Image Number:     00288 Number of Images:      Rhoda Woodbury m. 11 Sep 1836 — Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     M00408-3 System Origin:     Massachusetts-EASy Source Film Number:     864862 Reference Number:     Vol. 7, page 48 Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for Levi Dennen Name:     Levi Dennen Event Date:     30 Nov 1848 Event Place:     Gloucester, Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     26 Estimated Birth Year:     1822 Father:     Job Dennen Spouse:     Lucy Maria Young Spouse's Titles & Terms:      Spouse's Race:      Spouse's Marital Status:      Spouse's Father:     Epes Young Record Number:     230 Film Number:     1428257 Digital Folder Number:     4332356 Image Number:     00288 Number of Images:      Levi Dennen Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for Levi Dennen, 2nd marriage Name:     Levi Dennen Event Date:     30 Nov 1848 Event Place:     Gloucester, Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     26 Estimated Birth Year:     1822 Father:     Job Dennen Mother:     Lucy Dennen Spouse:     Lucy Maria Young Spouse's Father:     Epes Young Record Number:     230 Film Number:     1428257 Digital Folder Number:     4332356 Image Number:     00288 Number of Images:      Rhoda Tarr m. 02 Feb 1853 Rockport, Massachusetts Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for Epes Esq Young Name:     Epes Esq Young Event Date:     02 Feb 1853 Event Place:     Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts Gender:     Male Age:     65 Estimated Birth Year: 1788 Father:     Daniel Mother:     Mehitable Spouse:     Rhoda Tarr Spouse's Father:     Solomon Spouse's Father's Titles & Terms:      Spouse's Mother:     Nancy Record Number:     1324 Film Number:     1432878 Digital Folder Number:     4279741 Image Number:     00766 Number of Images:      Nancy Bailey 1876 Ruth Anne Howland m. 26 Aug 1901 — Orono, Maine Massachusetts Marriages, 1841-1915 for Andrew Woodbury Bailey Name:     Andrew Woodbury Bailey Event:     Marriage Event Date:     26 Aug 1901 Event Place:     Orono, Maine Gender:     Male Age:     26 Marital Status:     Single Birthplace: Rockport, Mass. Estimated Birth Year: 1875 Father:     William J. Bailey Mother:     Martha J. Goday Spouse's Marital Status:     Single Bride's Father's Name:     Richard S. Howland Bride's Mother's Name:     Virginia Willett Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     I00650-9 System Origin:     Maine-EASy Source Film Number:     11723 1758 - 1843 Jacob Davis 85 85 placed on a pension for his one year of service in Rev. War as a private, DAR record 47714, came out a Col. 1764 Deborah Tuttle m. SEP 1758 in Durham, Strafford, New Hampshire Children: 1. NATHANIEL(Nathan) DAVIS b. 25 Jan 1784 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 2, SUSAN (Susannah) DAVIS b. 13 Oct 1784 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 3. DRUSILLA DAVIS b. 18 Jan 1786 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 4.  BETSEY DAVIS b. 06 Feb 1788 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire 5.  LYDIA DAVIS b. 27 Jun 1790 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire 6. JACOB DAVIS b. 02 Jul 1792 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire, m. Comfort Jones 7. HANNAH DAVIS b. 06 Oct 1796 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire 8. DEBORAH DAVIS b. Date of Birth: 27 Sep 1798 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States 9. THOMPSON (Tamson) DAVIS b. 13 Sep 1800 Nottingham, Rockingham, New Hampshire 10. JOHN DAVIS b. 1803  Of  New Hampshire 11. IRA DAVIS b. 1805 Of  New Hampshire        1838 Sarah P Young 1839 James P Young Selina? 1840 Ann Bailey Young 1842 William Young 1799 Nancy Children: 1. Sarah E Thompson 2. James H Thompson Benjamin Bickford of Durham in 1733 grantee of Barstad and Nottingham Deborah Baur m. Oct. 23, 1718 Benjamin Bickford Sarah John Randlett 1859 - 1933 Herbert K P Sargent 73 73 1864 - 1915 Alice M Roberts 50 50 m.  12-24-1884,  Dar National Record 410467 1901 Herbet K P Sargent 1904 Jean Trenholm m. 12-24-1929,  Dar National Record 410467 Maxfield of  1841 - 1915 Rhoda J Davis 74 74 witness on pension application for Josiah Thompson, knew Josiah for 30 years 1772 - 1823 David Davis 51 51 parents  listed on Nathaniel's death record 1770 - 1841 Rhoda Chapman 71 71     *             *       David E. Davis             – 1889     *             *       Nathaniel Goodrich Davis            1813 – 1885 1726 - 1801 Jonathan Davis 74 74 Hannah Stephensen m. 14 APR 1757 in Durham, Strafford, New Hampshire 1739 - 1812 Stoughton Tuttle 73 73 D. 1807 Lydia Stevens Children: 1. Olive Tuttle (12 Oct 1761 - 26 Aug 1831) & Samuel Dame (18 Feb 1746 - 13 Sep 1810) 2.  Deborah Tuttle (7 Feb 1764 - ) & Jacob Davis  3. Joseph Tuttle (26 Jul 1766 - ) & Hannah Lucy  4. Hope Tuttle (10 Jun 1769 - ) 5. Samuel Tuttle (17 Jul 1771 - ) & Eunice Lucy  6. John Tuttle (7 Jan 1773 - ) 7. Lydia Tuttle (28 Feb 1775 - ) & Benjamin Lucy  8. Nicholas Tuttle (25 Jan 1778 - 29 Nov 1826) & Rachel Lucy ( - 13 Nov 1868) 9. Stoughton Tuttle* (20 Mar 1780 - 21 Jul 1850) & Deborah Stokes (24 Feb 1776 - 6 Jan 1811) 1848 Nelson Cross 1846 Albert P Cross 1920 - 2009 Bernard Holbrook Bailey Jr. 89 89 1930 Census Westwood, Islington, Norfolk,  Massachusetts DNA Testing showed Haplo Group T, test # 398607,  member group I-M253 Born in Brooklyn from an old New England family, Dad graduated from Oberlin College with a degree in Chemistry. He worked for Boston Paint and Varnish Co, went to work in Paducah, KY duringnthe war to work on the cemistry or munitions. The moved to Cambridge , MA and then Melrose Highlands, now Melrose, then Fanwood, New Jersey where he rose to Vice President of Magnus Chemical Co, working in industrial cleaning chemicals, then Malvern, PA working for Econo Labs. Then came a change  to owning a country store called the Pedler's Shop located 2 places in PA and 2 in Ocean City, New Jersey and Cape May, New Jersey. They then moved to Afton, VA and opened up 2 shops in Charlottesville, VA.  1924 Ruth Lillian Fischer m. 7-7-1945 1947 Norma Bailey b. Cambridge, MA m. Keene, NH 27-1-1968 l. Lynchburg, VA, Hartford, CN 1950 Donald Holbrook Bailey b. Boston 1953 Barbara Bailey 1947 Nancy Bailey Twin to Norma Bailey Brandsberg 1946 David Donnelly b. Paterson, NJ m.7-1968 divorced 1945 Timothy Andrew Brandsberg 1950 Lynn Davies William Walters 1971 Jennifer Kristin Brandsberg m. New York City 12-1999 1973 Erik Timothy Brandsberg 1968 Knut Engelmann 2001 Maxmilian Andreas Engelmann 2006 Till Johannes Engelmann Jeanne Zamberlain 1969 Laura Leanne Donnelly b. Keene, NH m. 11-9-1992 Nellysford, VA 1971 Michelle Donnelly b. Bryn Mahr, PA m. Charlottesville, VA 3-9-1994 1957 Jeffrey Morgan m. Sep-1992 1969 David Patterson 1998 Benjamin David Patterson b. Airforce Hospital, Washington, DC 2000 Emma Bryn Patterson b. Airforce Hospital, Washington, DC Rolf Engelmann Asta Klaus Engelmann Kai Engelmann Renata Julia Nitzsche Jessica Nitzsche Toby Nitzsche 1930 - 2009 Burton Edward Bailey 78 78 1931 - 1998 Martha Bailey 66 66 Paul E Bailey 1668 - 1748 Robert Graham 80 80 1672 - 1748 Janet Hume 76 76 Children: Agnes (-)  Ann (-)  Jean (-)  Mary (-)  William (-1747)  Robert (1680-1766)  Esther (1702-1784)  Jane (1710-)  1646 Thomas White Alexander Hume Janet Harlow 1809 - 1880 Eleanor Langley 70 70 1601-1605 - 1683 James Grant ~1611 Agnes Richard S Harris 1766 - 1853 Joseph Bailey 86 86 DNA testing of Bernard Bailey shows that the lineage has to go through James Bailey or his brother, Richard Bailey. Joseph Bailey, son of Joseph Bailey (5),  born at Pelham, New Hampshire, or Weare, 1766.  When a small boy he lived in the family of Dr.  Muzzy. He was a soldier in the revolution for three  months near the close of the war, as a drummer boy,  being too small to enlist. He had his right shoulder  crushed by a falling building at a fire in Newbury-  port when he was a boy. Owing to this injury his  courtship of Ann Bailey, his second cousin, was in  vain. He married Mary Woodbury (published May  5. !/87), and they settled about a mile north of  Pigeon Cove, opposite the pasture of the Babson  farm in Gloucester, Massachusetts. In the mean-  time his cousin married Elijah Parker, April 19,  1794, who died and she married (second), April ig,  1 799> Aaron Wealthy. After the death of his first  wife Joseph Bailey married, September 17, 1821,  Ann (Bailey) (Parker) Wealthy, of Newburyport,  who for a second time had become a widow. His  mother was living in 1800 in Pelham, and he walked  from his home to Pelham with his son Joseph in  that year to pay her a visit. He died at Rockport,  Massachusetts, September. 1853, aged eighty-seven  years.  1612 - 1677 James Bailey 65 65  He settled in New England at Rowley about 1640.  Large land owner, overseer of the poor and selectman  James Bailey, born about 1612, was living in Rowley as early as 1641, and had land laid out to him soon after. He married Lydia _ ; and died in Rowely Aug. -, 1677, being buried on the 10th. His estate was appraised at £586. His wife survived him, and died, his widow in Rowley. Her death is recorded on the church records in the following words: "The widow aged good sister Bayly, Alass! died April 29, 1704," In 1669 he agreed to bring up as a father Priscilla, daughter of WIlliam Law of ROwley, deceased. Children born Rowley John Bailey b. 2 Feb. 1642; m. 16/17 Jun. 1668 Rowley, Ma. Mary Maghill d.       10 May 1693 to 27 Mar. 1694 d/o Thomas. He d. 19 Nov. 1690  Lydia Bailey b. Nov. 1644; m. 8 May 1672 Abel Plattes  Jonathan Bailey b. Sep. 1646; bur. 27 Mar. 1665 Rowley, Ma. unm. aet 20  Demarius Bailey b. 17 Jan. 1648/9; m. 8 May 1672 Thomas Leaver Jr.  James Bailey b. 15 Jan. 1650; m. 12 May 1680 Elizabeth Johnson b. 16 Jan.       1659 d. 12 Sep. 1743 d/o John and Hannah Crosby) Johnson He d. 20       Mar. 1714/5. Res. Rowley, Ma.  Thomas Bailey b. 1 Jun. 1653; probably. probably d. before 1677  Samuel Bailey b. 10 Aug. 1655; bur. 28 Nov. 1657  Samuel Bailey b. 6 Nov. 1658; probably. probably d. before 1677. 1612 - 1704 Lydia 92 92 m.  1642 , fist marriage ti take place in Rowley 1. John Bailey,   b. 2 Feb 1642, Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 19 Nov 1690  (Age 48 years) 2. Lydia Bailey,   b. Nov 1644 3. Jonathan Bailey,   b. Sep 1646 4. Damaris Bailey,   b. 17 Jan 1648 5. James Bailey,   b. 15 Jan 1650 6. Thomas Bailey,   b. 1 Aug 1653 7. Samuel Bailey,   b. 10 Aug 1655 8. Samuel Bailey,   b. 6 Nov 1658 1642 - 1690 John Bailey 48 48  John Bailey was a prominent man in the town government, and volunteered in the service of the colony as a member of Sir William Phipp's expedition of 1690 against the French settlement of Port Royal to Acadia, and of the larger expedition the same year when thirty-four vessels and two thousand men were sent by the Massachusetts Bay Colony against Quebec, and on the return of this unsuccessful expedition John Bailey was among them who lost their lives, November 19, 1690, when nine of the vessels of the fleet were wrecked and lost. He had left at home his wife and eight children, and his widow gave birth to their ninth child after learning of his death. She administered his estate in Salem, and died about 1693 1649 - 1693 Mary Mighill 44 44 m. June 16, 1668 , Rowley, Essex, MA Children: 1.Jonathan, born August 31, 1670. 2. Ann, born Eebruary 24, 1673; died December 17, 1690.  3. Nathaniel, born 1675.  4. Thomas, born October 7, 1677.  5. James, born 1680.   6. Mary, born February i, 1683; died about 1722. It is  supposed that she lived in Boston.  7.  Elizabeth, born November 15, 1685 ; died January 26,  1780. She married Daniel Tenney, January 2,  1722, and lived at Newbury, Mass.  8. Lydia, born April 14, 1688 ; married Daniel Ritterand  lived in Lunenburg, Mass.  9. John, born January 12, 1691. 1701 - 1761 Joseph Bailey 59 59  He settled at Rowley and like many others  of this family learned the trade of potter.  According to Early Settlers.  They were dismissed in 1735 from the Rowley Church to the church in Newbury 1703 - 1754 Sarah Goss Jewett 50 50 m. (2) 12 Jun 1725, Intention filed Rowley, Essex, MA Massachusetts, Marriages, 1633-1850 book Children: 1. Elizabeth Bailey, born December 27, 1725 2.Nathaniel Bailey, born March 17, 1727 3. David Bailey, born June 27, 1729,  d. 15 Jan 1798 - Hollis, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States, no marriage found 4. Amos Bailey, born September 12, 1731, m. Lydia Ross 5, Joseph Bailey b. June 26, 1737 1737 - >1799 Joseph Bailey 62 62  Joseph Bailey, son of Nathaniel Bailey  (3), was born at Rowley, Massachusetts, October  17, 1701. He settled at Rowley and like many others  of this family learned the trade of potter. He mar-  ried Sarah Jewett, June, 1725. Their children were :  Elizabeth, born December 27, 1725 ; Nathaniel, bom  March 17, 1727; David, born June 27, 1729; Amos,  born September 12, 1731 ; Joseph, born about 1733,  of whom later.  May have been in the Rev. War 1734 Deborah Hardy m. Feb. 24, 1757, int. filed Dec. 25, 1756, Deborah of Bradford Children: 1. Joseph Bailey, born in Pelham, New Hampshire, 1766 2. Ann Bailey, born August 6, 1768 3. Thomas Hardy Bailey, born September 3, 1771, sailed with John Paul Jones in "Bon Homme Richard," in the revolutionary  war. The two latter are recorded on the town books, the former is a family record.  4. Charlotte Bailey, married Fox 5. Elizabeth Bailey, married Stephen Knight, February 3, 1788 6. Samuel Bailey, resided at Newburyport.  Ordway, Samuel Blanchard, Ancestry of, p.307 (from Newbury and Bradford VR) 1606 - 1654 Thomas Mighill 48 48 whose prominence made him a deacon on the formation of the church at Rowley <1612 - 1641 Ellen 29 29 m. Rowley, York, England  bef 1632 1675 - 1722 Nathaniel Bailey 47 47  Nathaniel Bailey, son of John Bailey (2),  was born in Rowley, Massachusetts, March, 1675.  He settled there. He married, January 2, 1700,  Sarah Clark. He died July 21, 1722. The children  of Nathaniel and Sarah Bailey were : Joseph, of  whom later; Nathaniel, born October 27, 1703;  Josiah, born November 3, 1705; David, born Novem-  ber 11, 1707; Samuel, born November 25, 1709;  Mercy, born November 18, 1719.  1673 - 1749 Sarah Clark 76 76 m.  January 2, 1700, Rowley, Essex, MA Massachusetts, Marriages, 1633-1850 History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America; a record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding Chiildren: 1. Joseph 2.  Nathaniel, born October 27, 1703, m. Mary Wooster 3. Josiah, born November 3, 1705, m. Elizabeth Stevens 4, David, born November 11, 1707 5.  Samuel, born November 25, 1709 m. Jane Rogers January 9, 1733 6. Mercy, born March 31, 1711 7. Sarah born Nov. 18, 1719 1680 - 1769 James Bailey 89 89 Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, Volume 1 1681 - 1769 Hannah Wood 88 88 m. 14 July 1702 1708 - 1781 Joseph Bailey 73 73 moved to Tewksbury about 1735 and was a member of the church there.He was something of a musician. Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Boston and Eastern Massachusetts, Volume 1 1709 - 1755 Sarah Goss 46 46 Apphia Bartlett 1736 - 1761 Joseph Bailey 25 25 Eleanor Harris m. Nov. 29, 1759 1745 - 1830 Luther Bailey 85 85 Experience Bailey 1784 Joseph Bailey 1590 - 1651 Godfrey Christofori Baylaye 61 61 Children: 1. Ann, born 1608 Bradford Bush, Yorkshire 2. John, born 1610 Bradfrod Bush, Yorkshire 3. James Bayley, born 1612 and died 1677 in Rowley Essex, Ma.  1535 - 1620 Christopher Baylaye 85 85 (Berie) (Chapman?) married Monday 1562 at age of 26, 1562 Calne, Wiltshire, England Children:  1. Christofori "Christopher", 9 December 1593 Pontefract 2. Janie, 1590 Pontefract 3. Godfrey Bayelye, 30 August 1590 4. Christopher Bayley, 1560 England died 30 June 1620 in Pontefract <1622 - 1694 Ann Parrat 72 72 m. (2) Aft. July 12, 1640 Children: 1. Ezekiel Mighill 1642 - 1694 2. Timothy Mighill 1644 - 3. Nathaniel Mighill 1646 - 1677 4. Mary Mighill 1649 - 1694 5. Stephen Mighill 1651/52 - 1687 6. Anna Mighill 1654 - 1654 1822 - 1895 Mary Lane (?) Bailey 73 73 m. 5 February 1839, Gloucester, Essex, MA Family has coin silver spoons with the initals MLY 1851 - 1900 Elizabeth A Sargent 49 49 ~1841 - 1915 William T or L (Thurston?) Bailey 74 74 1768 Anne Bailey 1771 Thomas Hardy Bailey sailed with John Paul Jones Charlotte Bailey Elizabeth Bailey Samuel Bailey 1703 - 1750 Nathaniel Bailey 46 46 m.  25 Jul 1726 Mary Wooster in Bradford, MA 1. Hulda Bailey, b. Abt 13 May 1728, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  2. Timothy Bailey, b. 19 Mar 1729/30, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  3. Sarah Bailey, b. 09 Apr 1732, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  4. Eliphalet Bailey, b. 05 May 1734, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  5. Nathaniel Bailey, III, b. 30 May 1736, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  6. Joshua Bailey, b. 12 Dec 1737, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  7. Nathan Bailey, b. 17 Jun 1740, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  8. Benjamin Bailey, b. 23 Dec 1746, Bradford, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts  1705 - <1798 Josiah Bailey 93 93 HISTORY On April 26, 1727 Josiah purchased Lot 19 of South part of town, Turkey Hill area for 50 pounds. In the early records of Lunenburg, the Town Clerk's entry of March 4, 1731/2 described the layout of a road in the town that went through several lots including the one owned by Josiah Bailey and at the "fore Side of his new dwelling houfe (house)." At the March 5, 1732/3 Annual meeting, Josiah Bayley was chosen as one of the Fence viewers for the town. At the legal meeting of freeholders and other inhabitants of the town on March 3, 1734/5, Mr. Josiah Bailey was chosen as a surveyer of the highway. Josiah Bailey was voted and chosen as one of the tything men at the Sept. 15, 1735 legal meeting of the freeholders of the town. On March 6, 1737/8, Josiah was chosen as constable.  March 13, 1738/9 Josiah was chosen as Surveyor of Shingles. May 19, 1740, Constable Josiah Bailey received the alloted payment amount of 21 pounds =9 shillings =3d. At the June 2, 1740 meeting of the Freeholders, they voted that they abate 4 pounds-16 shillings-3d of Josiah Bayley's rates who was the constable for the year of 1738. At the Sept. 29, meeting of 1740, Josiah Bailey was put on the committee to build the North End School House. Several more times over the next few years, he served as a surveyor of fences, shingles, and highways. In 1750, Josiah Bayley was chosen as one of the town selectmen. In 1752, he was chosen again to serve as a town selectmen. He served a moderator of the May 25, 1752 meeting of freeholders. At that same meeting, he was chosen to be part of the committee to Seat a New Meeting House and it was voted that the New Meeting House would be seated upon the Real Estates toward the building of the House. After those with real estate were seated, then those that had no real estate could be seated according to their pay and that all polls had been paid. At the May 13, 1755 meeting, Josiah was chosen to serve as a member of the committee to provide a house to set idle persons to work in (interesting!). SOURCES OF INFORMATION History of Jaffery NH Early Records of Lunenburg, MA 1707 - 1769 David Bailey 61 61 He was a weaver and was a deacon of the church m. (1st)Mary Hodgkins 07 Dec 1727 Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts Children: 1. John Bailey, b. 1728, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  2. Jacob Bailey, b. 16 Apr 1731, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  3. Sarah Bailey, b. 1733, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  4. David Bailey, b. 15 Feb 1734/35, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  5. Pierce Bailey, b. 1738, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  6. Amos Bailey, b. 22 Jan 1739/40, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  7. John Bailey, b. 09 Sep 1741, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  8. Nathaniel Bailey, b. 04 Sep 1743, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  9. Mary Bailey, b. 1744, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  10. Ezekiel Bailey, b. 05 Jan 1745/46, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  11. Mary Bailey, b. 1752, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  m. (2nd) Mehitable Smith, December, 1759. She died August 20, 1789, no children 1709 - 1796 Samuel Bailey 86 86 m. Jane Rogers January 9, 1733 Children:  1. William Bailey, b. 03 Nov 1734, Newbury, Essex, Massachusetts  2. Samuel Bailey, b. 16 Nov 1735, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  3. Jane Bailey, b. 26 Feb 1738/39, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  4. John Bailey, b. 15 Jul 1741, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  5. Thomas Bailey, b. 05 Nov 1742, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  6. Anne Bailey, c. 23 Dec 1744, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  7. Sarah Bailey, b. 20 Feb 1745/46, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  8. Samuel Bailey, b. 1750, Essex, Massachusetts  9. Mary Bailey, b. 21 Feb 1749/50, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  10. Samuel Bailey, b. 04 May 1757, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts  1670 - 1733 Jonathan Bailey 63 63 D. 1702 Hannah Walker m. 7 March 1694 Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts Children: 1. Jonathan, born February i, 1694-5  2. Shubael, born February 22, 1695-6. 3. John, born July i, 1698 4. Ann, born February 4, 1701 ; married first, Thomas Wicom, April i, 1728; married second, Daniel Tenney.  5. Benoni, born December 9, 1702; died November  21, 1703 1694 Jonathan Bailey He died January 15, 1770, and was buried at Byfield, Mass., where his gravestone is  said to be now standing; was a son of Capt. Jonathan Bailey and Hannah (Walker) Bailey.  He went to Lancaster, Mass., to live about 1722.   He married first, Bridget Boynton, at Lancaster, March 28, 1734. She was admitted to the  church in Lancaster by letter from Rowley in 1735 or 1736. He was admitted to the church  in Lancaster in like manner in 1740. She died April 15, 1746 Children: 90 Bridget  Bailey born January 29, 1736 7.  91 Jonathan Bailey born March 21. 1737-8.   92 Shubael Bailey born June 6, 1740.   93 Elizabeth Bailey born February 28, 1742-3.  94 Hannah Bailey born March 26, 1746. married second, Abigail Whitney, March 26, 1747. She died February 2, 1771. He had five  children, all by his first wife. He was a farmer.  The records of the Second or West  Precinct Church of Lancaster (now First Church in Sterling) begin with the usual covenant,  and the name of Jonathan Bailey appears as one of the 18 subscribers.  1695 - 1728 Shubael Bailey 33 33 He went to Lancaster, Mass., to live  about 1722. m. Anna Houghton 19 November 1728, Rowley, Massachusetts Children: 1. Joseph Bailey b. May 11, 1730,  m. Lydia Parker,  Children of Joseph a.  Joseph, baptized October 21, 1759.  b. Stephen, baptized October 21, 1759.  c. Shubael, born March 22, 1761.Enlisted in the Revolutionary Army in 1778 at the age of 18 1698 John Bailey m. Elizabeth Crosby 17 January 1722, Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts Children : 1. Jonathan Bailey born July 28, 1724 ; died August 21, 1724.  2. Elizabeth, born August 15, 1725; died September 8, 1725.  100 Hannah Bailey (baptized Elizabeth), born January i, 1726.  3. Jedediah Bailey born October 31, 1729,  m. Martha Thurlow.  4. John Bailey born August 8, 1732,  m. Mary Holman d. 1657 5. Jonathan Bailey born June 1, 1735 ; died 1755.  6. Elizabeth Bailey born June 4, 1738. Anna Houghton 1730 Joseph Bailey Lydia Parker Children: 1. Joseph Bailey b.  21 October 1759 Lancaster , Worchester , Massachusetts 2. Stephen Bailey b, 1759 3. Shubael Bailey b. 1761 1759 Joseph Bailey 1691 - <1722 John Bailey 31 31 1677 Thomas Bailey Metitable Center Children: 1. William, born about 1714. 2. Benjamin, born October 4, 1716, lived in Boston and was a shipwright.  3. John, born August 30, 1718, lived in Haverhill and was a cordwainer.  4. Sarah, born August 30, 1718.  5. Samuel, born May 24, 1721 D. 1705 Samuel Bailey He married first, Mary Rolf, Pebruary 2, 1727-8. He moved  from Bradford to Andover, Mass., about 1735 and settled on the bank of the Merrimack river near the Tewksbury line. His  house lot now forms a part of the famous Hood stock farm. He married second, December, 1774, Dorcas Abbott, of Andover.  She was born October 2, 1735 and outlived her  husband. He died January 5, 1784, of a cancer. Mary Rolf m. Feb. 2, 1727-28 1735 Dorcas Abbott m. (2) December, 1774 ~1680 - 1771 Eunice Walker 91 91 m. December 8, 1700 in Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts Children: 1. John, born March 24, 1701 2 2. Jane, born February 4, 1706 3. Jeremiah, born August 14, 1709. 4. Sarah, born December 27, 1711 5. Elizabeth, born December 22, 1713. She married Deacon John Smith.  6. Mary, born December 4, 1715.  7. Susanna, born -May 7, 1717-18.  8.  Humphrey, born May 26, 1719 9. Rachel, born August 19, 1721.  10. Joanna, born December 22, 1723 Sarah Jewett Josiah Clark Mary Boynton 1681 - <1727 Daniel Jewett 45 45 He was dismissed from the Rowley Church to the Byfield Church in 1710-11. 1688 Elizabeth Hopkinson m. Feb. 25, 1700-1701 History and genealogy of the Jewetts of America; a record of Edward Jewett, of Bradford, West Riding John Hopkinson Elizabeth Pearson John Jewet Elizabeth Cummings Ezekiel Jewett Elizabeth Caldwell of Lynn, Massachusetts 1719 - <1760 Elizabeth Stevens 41 41 m. 31 Oct 1728 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts 1. Isaac Bailey, b. 08 Aug 1729, Lunenburg, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, USA  2. Elizabeth Bailey, b. 4 Mar 1730/1 m. Jackman 3. Josiah Bailey, b. 14 Jul 1734, Lunenburg, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, USA  4. John Bailey, b. INT 1736 (ca. 16 May 1736), Lunenburg, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, USA  5. Ruth Bailey, b. 07 Jan 1740/41, Lunenburg, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, USA  m. Carlton Decago 1738 - <1779 Mary Reid 41 41 m. 15 Apr 1760 by Rev. David Sterns Early Records of the Town of Lunenburg 1703 - 1760 Hanah Seever 57 57 m. (4) 16 Dec 1779    of Townsend widow Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910 1680 - 1769 Mary Bacon Bradford 89 89 m. 22 Nov 1733 No children by this wife. 1734 - 1815 Josiah Bailey 81 81 1736 - 1818 Sarah Carter 82 82 Sarah Rollins m. 18 DEC 1760 in Newington, Rockingham, New Hampshire, church records of Newington, New Hampshire. Daniel Rolfe Hanah Bradstreet Humphrey Bradstreet 1714 - 1760 William Bailey 46 46 1716 Benjamin Bailey 1718 - 1778 John Bailey 60 60 1721 Samuel Bailey 1738 Mary Rideout Ann Mornay m. 2/17/1756 Boston, Massachusetts Dudley Bailey George Bailey 1762 - 1836 John Bailey 74 74 1760 - 1778 William Bailey 18 18 1765 - 1840 Elizabetg Emerson 75 75 m. abt.1787 Abigail Kilbourne m. 1 May 1756 1758 William Bailey 1760 George Bailey Mehitable Humberton of Newburyport ~1840 Charles Thompson ~1836 Daniel Thompson ~1826 Marrian Thompson ~1824 Sarah Thompson ~1833 James Thompson >1717 William Tompson of Newington, "Newington New Hampshire Families in the Eighteenth Century" by Henry W. Hardon, Stackpole's Kittery, p. 770 Deacon [Seth] Ring and Mr. Jno Walton goe & treat with William Tompson who is under Church censure to inquire into the reasons of his Practice that he does not seek for Restoration t his former privileges. 4 May 1751. IV: 63. William Tompson & Anna his wife made a confession 26 May 1754 upon which he was Restored to Communion in this church & she owned the Covenant & had their Children baptised (Vol. IV:106): 1. Antony Tompson 2. William Tompson 3. John Tompson 4. Sarah Tompson 5. Rachel Tompson Enoch Barker Tompson s/o Willm & Anna Tompson was baptised 12 Oct. 1755. IV:107. Anna Barker m. May 4, 1744, Newington, New Hampshire, married by Rev. Joseph Adams, 1716 - 1782, Newington Vital Records "Newington New Hampshire Families in the Eighteenth Century" by Henry W. Hardon and Stackpole's Kittery, p 770,+New+Hampshire&source=bl&ots=TdURoX8Xxb&sig=1I5-ZUXaJTTIroj9ac_M_nPAhw4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKkd2n183LAhVI4CYKHSKlB68Q6AEIIzAB#v=snippet&q=Tompson&f=false Children: 1. Anthony Thompson bp May 26, 1754, records of Newington 2. William  Thompson bp. May 26, 1754, records of Newington 3. John Thompson bp. May 26, 1754, records of Newington 4. Sarah Thompson bp. May 26, 1754 m. James, records of Newington 5. Rachel  Thompson bp May 26, 1754, records of Newington "Newington New Hampshire Families in the Eighteenth Century" by Henry W. Hardon William the father and his wife was centured by the church and his kids were not allowed to be baptised until he made a confession. page 106 of link below. New Hampshire Genealogical Record, volumes 3-4, volume 4 6. Enoch Barker Thompson bp. Oct 12, 1755, records of Newington 7. Samuel Thompson bp Jan. 16, 1757, records at Newington 8. Solomon Thompson bp. Jan. 16, 1757, records at Newington 1685 - >1758 Samuel Tompson 73 73 Stackpoles Kittery, p 770 1681 - ~1717 Elizabeth Cotton 36 36 m. abt. 1705 Portsmouth, NH, "Newington New Hampshire Families in the Eighteenth Century" by Henry W. Hardon, Stackpole's Kittery p 770 Will of John Cotton names Elizabeth Tomson as his daughter Children 1. Elizabeth bp Newington, NH May 9, 1715 2. Noah Thompson? of Newington, NH  m. Susanna, children, Mary and Lydia Father John Cotton of Portsmouth, will dated September 14, 1714 mentions his daughter,  Elizabeth Tomson ~1655 - <1702 John Tompson 47 47 of Portsmouth and Newington, New Hampshire aka "The Scotchman" Sources: Other : Noyes, Libby & Davis, Geneal Dict of ME & NH, p681 John Thompson, called the "Scotchman" and "of the reach" becasue he lived in LOng Reach was born in 1655 as a desposition shows. He married Sarah, administration was granted to Christina Remick on the estate of his son-in-law John Thompson, deceased. His widow m. (2) John Sloper (3) Moses Worster Sarah Remick m. July 16, 1684 Kittery, York, Maine Children: 1. Samuel Thompson 2. John Thompson, d. 1751, m. Elizabeth Paul in 1695 in Kittery, Maine 3. Mary Thompson d. 1739 m. Thomas Fernald on Nov 28, 1700 4. Hannah Thompson d. 1751 m. Clement Hughes 5. Paul Thompson  bap. Feb. 16, 1726 in Portland m. Margaret and moved from Kittery to Scarborough in 1727. Margarent was  Ch /Bap at Kittery Oct. 13, 1723, m. Eleanor Winslow July 5, 1753, Nathan Winslow was made guardian of Charity, Mary and Sybil, daus of Paul Thompson of Scarborough, Apr. Apr. 11, 1759 6. Sarah bap. March 14, 1724 D. >1761 Mary Bickford Crockett m. (1) Joshua Nathaniel Crockett, Portsmouth 8 Dec 1707 m. (2) Apr. 16, 1717, Newington, New Hampshire, second marriage for her, "Newington New Hampshire Families in the Eighteenth Century" by Henry W. Hardon, Stackpoles Kittery, p 770,+New+Hampshire&source=bl&ots=TdURoX8Xxb&sig=1I5-ZUXaJTTIroj9ac_M_nPAhw4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKkd2n183LAhVI4CYKHSKlB68Q6AEIIzAB#v=snippet&q=Tompson&f=false Children: 1. William Thompson b. Portsmouth, NH? 2. Samuel Thompson b. Portsmouth, NH? 3. Ame, bp 4 Oct. 1761 4. Benhamin bp 18 April 1757 "Newlington, N. H. Church Records," New Hamshire Genealogical Records. Volumes and page numbers as shown. Volume I (1903) Volume II (1904-1905); Volume III (1905-1906); Volume IV (1907) 1709 - 1792 Charles Thompson 83 83 m.  1. Lucy Fox 2. Sarah Beebe Lucy Fox Sarah Beebe 1581 - 1640 George Alcock 59 59 ~1586 Ann Hooker Children: 1.Elizabeth (Alcocke) Hutchins, 2. Ann (Alcock) Foster  3. Sarah Alcock, 4. Thomas Alcock 5. George Alcock 6. John Alcock 7. Samuel Alcock ~1550 - 1610 John Alcock 60 60 ~1568 - 1633 Alice Alrich 65 65 1553 - 1635 Thomas Hooker 82 82 1564 - 1631 Susannah Pym 67 67 m. 1584 in Tilton, Leicestershire, , England D. ~1530 George Alcock 1525 - 1601 John Vowell Hooker 76 76 1524 - 1558 Rachel Alice Stanyerne 34 34 1466 - 1537 Robert Vowell Hooker 71 71 ~1505 - 1525 Agnes Dobell 20 20 ~1480 John Dobell ~1447 - 1493 John Hooker 46 46 The Hooker English line had been surnamed Vowell. They had originally been in Wales but moved to England (primarily the Exeter area) and in the 15th century on were known as Vowell AND Hooker at various times. "A Hooker heiress, and the last of her line, married into this Vowell line. To honor her father the Vowell male took the name Hooker. So from the 1500s on they were known by both names but then finally by Hooker." 1447 - 1493 Alice Druitt 46 46 1476 Richard Druitt 1480 - 1537 Joan Kelly 57 57 m. 1501 England 1450 - 1481 John Kelly 31 31 1454 Julian Wilsford 1431 - 1500 Robert Wilsford 69 69 1400 - 1498 William Wilsford 98 98 1392 - 1421 Margaret Corneus 29 29 1370 James Wilsford 1366 Walter Corneus 1345 Walter Corneus 1926 - 1980 Sumner Joseph Bailey 53 53 1937 - 2014 Mary Elizabeth Fallis 76 76 m. 22 Dec 1957 Perquimans, North Carolina, USA Israel Stevens Lydia 1695 - 1755 Soloman Davis 60 60 married his niece 1705 - 1791 Elizabeth Davis 86 86 m. 4 Feb 1724, Oyster River, Strafford, New Hampshire Children: 1. Robert Davis (b. ) 2. Jonathan Davis (b. , 1 May 1726 d. 5 Apr 1801) 1682 - 1749 John Davis 67 67 1682 - 1737 Abigail Meader 54 54 m. 1705, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts Children:  1. Hannah Davis (b. , 1726d. 1754) 2. Nathaniel Davis (b. , 15 Jan 1715d. 10 Feb 1806) 3. Joseph Davis (b. ) 4. John Davis (b. , 1702d. 1797) 5. Elizabeth Davis (b. , 1705d. 12 Mar 1791) 1660 - 1736 John Meader 76 76 1654 - 1725 Sarah Follett 71 71 D. 1724 Moses Davis John’s son Moses was another Indian attack victim. He escaped the massacre of 1694 and accompanied his brother James in some of the expeditions to Maine and Port Royal. He lived in a clearing of the forest about a mile from Oyster river falls, where, 10 Jun 1724, he and his son Moses Jr. were killed by a party of Indians, who lay in ambush to attack the settlement. He was then sixty-seven years of age. A negro slave of his avenged their murder by pursuing the Indians and shooting one of the leaders. Love Davis, daughter of Moses, in view of the fidelity of this slave, gave orders that at his death he should be buried at her feet. This was done, and their graves are still pointed out at a short distance from Durham village. The Indian thus slain by the servant of Moses Davis is now generally supposed to have been a son of the Baron de St. Castin, who had married the daughter of an Indian sagamore of Maine. Dr. Belknap, whose account of the affair was derived from the Rev. Hugh Adams * —a man of extreme malevolence— His equipment, moreover, proves that he held the rank of a chief. Dr. Belknap thus describes him : ” The slain Indian was a person of distinction, and wore a kind of coronet of scarlet-dyed fur, with an appendage of four small bells, by the sound of which the others might follow him through the thickets. His hair was remarkably soft and fine, and he had about him a devotional book and a muster-roll of one hundred and eighty Indians.”  The scalp of this young chief was presented to the New Hampshire General Assembly at Portsmouth June 12, 1724, by Robert Burnham, son of Jeremiah before-mentioned, and a bounty of one hundred pounds was ordered to be paid to the slayer. A few weeks later Father Rale himself, the deliverer of Mary Anne Davis from the Indians, was slain at the foot of his mission-cross in the attack on Norridgewock by the Massachusetts forces, August 12, 1724, and his chapel pillaged and burnt to the ground. Love Davis may be considered an important link in the chain of  Davis  traditions, for she did not die till 1805, when she was about one hundred years ot age. Her nephew, Jabez Davis, furnished Dr. Belknap, the New Hampshire historian, with considerable information concerning his native town. 1663 - >1717 Ruhamah Dow 54 54 Stephen Dow Phebe Latly 1620 - 1685 John James Davis 65 65 John’s son Moses was another Indian attack victim. He escaped the massacre of 1694 and accompanied his brother James in some of the expeditions to Maine and Port Royal. He lived in a clearing of the forest about a mile from Oyster river falls, where, 10 Jun 1724, he and his son Moses Jr. were killed by a party of Indians, who lay in ambush to attack the settlement. He was then sixty-seven years of age. A negro slave of his avenged their murder by pursuing the Indians and shooting one of the leaders. Jane ~1650 - ~1714 John Cotton 64 64 ~1654 Sarrah Herle George Tomson m. 1st George Tomson, 2nd Samuel Tomson Joshua Crockett 1709 - 1802 Jeremiah Bailey 93 93 1715 - 1801 Mercy Burbank 86 86 Children: 1. Benjamin Bailey 1747-1830 2. Joanna Bailey  3. Joanna Bailey 1742-Unknown 4. Mercy Bailey 1750-1751 5. Joseph Bailey 1753-Unknown 6. David Bailey 1756-1762 1747 - 1830 Benjamin Bailey 83 83 1747 - 1793 Mehitable Johnson 46 46 Reynaldo Tomas Ramirez 1985 Robert Bailey 1689 - 1771 Thomas Hardy 81 81 Thomas had five children by his first wife Rose. They were admitted to the Bradford Church 19 September 1713/4. There were three adult Thomas Hardy's in Bradford in the 1720s and the use of Jr., Sr., and 3rd appears to be inconsistent among them. The Ancestry of Samuel Blanchard Ordway has much more to say about him.(643) Jonathan Packard 1616 - 1696 John Tomson 79 79 1625 - 1714 Mary Cooke 88 88 1638 - 1700 John Wadsworth 62 62 1647 - 1723 Abigail Andrews 76 76 m. 25 Jul 1667 Duxbury, Plymouth, Massachusetts 1583 - 1663 Francis Cooke 80 80 Francis Cooke. He was a Leiden Separatist who came to America in 1620 on the Pilgrim ship Mayflower and a signer of the Mayflower Compact 1585 - 1675 Hester Mahieu 90 90 m. 19 Jun 1603 Jan Mahieu Jennie 1609 Christopher Wadsworth 1597 - 1679 Joseph Andrews 82 82 Elizabeth 1701 - 1739 Deborah Wallingford 38 38 m. 14 May 1719 to Thomas Hardy Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts, United States James Wallingford Deborah Hazeltine Samuel Hazeltine Deborah Cooper D. 1708 James Bailey 1721 - 1762 Rachel Berry 41 41 Mary Kincaid 1758 - 1758 Abijah Bailey 1708 Joseph Bailey Apphia Bartlett 1760 Mary Sawyer 1784 - 1855 Samuel Bailey 71 71 Lydia Parsons John Hardy Mary Jackman 1759 - 1763 Tristram Bartlett Bailey 4 4 1754 - 1761 Timothy Bailey 7 7 1921 - 1982 Edith Kemmerzell 61 61 m. Aug. 16, 1942, Baltimore, Maryland, Martin Luther Lutheran Church 1915 Charles Opdyke Davies 1909 Mary Louise Lewis (Hewlett) m. (1) June 21, 1932 m. (2) Aug. 17, 1985, Newville, PA 1907 - 1979 Tolbert D Hewlett 72 72 1869 Leonard Edward Bailey Yoder Mariam Thompson ~1744 John Brackett 1515 Godfrius (Spofori ) Bayllye ~1515 - 1585 Alice? Pollarde? 70 70 m. about 1533 Almondbury, West Yorkshire, England 1490 G. Ballye 1470 Baiulivus Baylle Beginning in England yr 1020 Setting the Stage:  Richard I of Normandy, Son of William The I, “ Duke of Normandy 942-996” Baileys' in the beginning were reported to have decent from the last name Lacy. Which originated in Lassy, present-day French département of Calvados.  The main English estates of the senior branch of the family, descended from Ilbert de Lacy, forming the Honor of Pontefract in South Yorkshire, and the estates of the younger branch, descended from Walter de Lacy, centered on Weobley in Herefordshire.   De Lacy is an old Norman noble family originating from Lassy (Calvados). The first records are about Hugh deLacy 1020-1049.  Descendants of Hugh de Lacy left Normandy and came to England along with William The Conqueror.  Walter and Alber de Lacy fought in the Battle of Hastings. The family took a major roll in the Norman Conquest of England and Ireland. The family is linked to the Scottish Royal Family. Elizabeth de Burgh, whose Great Grandfather was Walter de Lacy, married Robert the Bruce  Another link exists to the Royal Windsor family by Sarah Fergusa Vera Wingfield, Meade O'Brian, Fitzgerald, De Burgh, and therefore back to Watler de Lacy and Hugh de Lacy. The first descendent I am able to research in England is: Hugh de Lacy Born 1020-1049, married Hilbert de Lacei ... and had 7 children:  1. Illbert de Lacy, born 1090/95 ( who took part in the Conquest of England in 1066) 2. Robert de Lacy, born 1108/29 3. Hugh de Lacy 4. Matilda 5. Helwise 6. Walter de Lacy, born before 1040 and died 27 March 1085 7. Ansfrid de Cormeilles   Walter de Lacy Born 1040 and died 1085, married Emma he was Lord of Lassy Normandy and companion of William I of England. William The I was also known as "William the Great", "Duke of Normandy", and William the Conqueror". Walter de Lacy came to England in the year 1066 to fight in the "Battle of Hastings." Walter was buried at Gloucester Cathedral “famous for Harry Potter” movie Walter de Lacy and his wife had (8) children:  1. Roger de Lacy, born 1068/70 and died 1107/22 2. Walter de Lacy, born 1072/73 and died 8 February 1139 3. Hugh de Lacy, born before 1121 4. son unamed 5. son unamed 6. daughter unamed 7. Emmeline de Lacy 8. Emma de Lacy Sir Robert de Lacy Eldest son of Sir Ilbert de Lacy, married Planto Genet, Ida ( Isabel) who's Father was the Ancient Parish of Mitton. Sir Ralph de Mitton ( aka Ralph the Red ) Born a bastard in Lancashire possibly about 1100 died after 1141.  Ralph Mittons Manor  He was known as Lord of the Manor in Mitton, in which he became the founding father of the "de Mitton" Family.  He can be found in the Doomesday Book (book)(video) for purpose of taxation in 1086 under Mayor of Grindletor. Ralph de Mitton had (3) children:  1. Jordan de Mitton who married Wymarka de Eland 2. Otto de Bailey ( de Mitton) Otto de Bailey (de Mitton) Otto, the second son, married Avota, daughter of Jordan de Cliderow. Hugh conveyed Bailey manor to his brother Otto de Mitton sometime around the end of 12 century. Otto then took the surname name de Bailey to reflect his manor holding. Jordan de Mitton Born possibly about 1240. Married Wymarka, daughter of Hugh de Elond.  ( “ U.S President George Washington's 16th Great Grandfather. / Winston Churchill's 20th Great Grandfather ) had a son: 1. Walter de Bayley Walter de Bayley Born 1270 and died after 1323 married Matilda and had a son:  1. John of Stonyhurst de Bayley, who was born about 1300 and died about 1372.  John of Stonyhurst married Isabel.   John and Isabel had 1 son: named John of Stonyhurst Bailey.  John of Stonyhurst Bayley Born 1330 and died about 1391.  Marrying Mabel Knoll. Had a son named Richard de Bayley Sherburne. Richard de Bayley Born 1358 in Stonyhurst, Clitheroe, Lancashire, England  Wigan Saints Castle, Lancashire   died in 1391, buried at Great Mitton in Ribble Valley Lancashire England.  Richard and his wife Margaret had a son also named Richard who was born at Stonyhurst on the Feast of St. Wilfred, 5 Richard II, or 12 Oct 1381 and was baptized in the church of Mitton. Margaret was a widow in 11 and 12 Richard II, or 1388/89,  Along with a daughter named D. Martha who would carry on and marry into George Washington's Family.  Richard Sherburne (de Bayley) Married Agnes Stanley Patrick Whipple Jeremiah? Parsons? m. "Maine Marriages, 1771-1907," database, FamilySearch( : 06 Mar 1815; citing , reference 17; FHL microfilm 11,562. Benjamin Bickford 1693 - 1748 Sarah Barsham 55 55 m. Apr. 12, 1717 Newingham, NH Christian Remick Christian Remick was born circa 1631 in Holland.1,3 He married Hannah (?) circa 1655 in Kittery, Massachusetts Bay Colony, now York County, Maine.1,2 Christian Remick died after 5 December 1718 in Kittery, Province of Massachusetts Bay, now Maine 1663 - 1738 Metitable Weymouth Stacy 75 75 m. JUne 22, 1709 Sarah Emery m. June 22, 1709 1627 - 1703 Miles Thompson 76 76 Miles is mentioned in the court records of Boston 27 May 1643 and was fined in the Middlesex court in Apr. 1651 for playing cards after 9:00 PM.[3] He was a carpenter and lived on the first lot north of Thompson's Brook in South Berwick in 1655 where he had a grant of land 15 July 1656. He was on the grand jury in 1656 and was a Sergeant in 1659. [4] He signed the petition to Cromwell in 1657[5] and was one of the selectmen in 1659 and in 1661.[6] Miles bought land adjoining to some previously possessed of John Morrall, plasterer, 12 May 1673: "I John Morrall of... Kittery Playsterer... have sould unto Miles Tomson of Pischataq... Carpencer, all my meddow & fence liing & being in bla : cricke, between the Land of the aforesd Myles Tomson & the upland of John Heard, of Sturgeon Cricke known by the name of the ould ground poynt, the which Prcell of Meddow I formerly bought of Mr Hattavill Nutter of Dover... 14 : Septembr 1668... this Twelth day of May 1673: John Morrall... in ye psence of, Willi : Gowen, Thomas Abbet"[7] He then bought more land in partnership with Israel Hodsdon from Abraham Tilton and his wife Mary: "I Abraham Tillton with ye Consent of Mary my wife, have for... Twenty two pounds in hand payd... have sold unto Myles Tomson Senjor & Israell Hodgsden in Joynt Partnershipe all that Tract of upland & Meddow bought of Nathan Lord, as by a bill of sayle undr his hand beareing date Octobr 31 : 1668 : the upland Contayneing fourty Acers, & liing at the East end of the heathy Marsh, & wch was granted unto Renald Junkines by the Town of Kittery & stands upon ReCord beareing Date ye 18th of Decembr 1672... this eight day of March... one thousand six hundred seaventy one seaventy two- Abra : Tillton, Prsence of us- Christopher Banefeild, William Gowine".[8] He deeded land to his sons for maintenance of himself and his wife Ann 4 Dec. 1694: "I Miles Thompson Senr Carpenter of ye town of Barwick... for the Love that I beare unto my Naturall Son Bartholomew Thompson, have given... All that Tract of Land both upland & Meadow lieing and being in the Towne... abovesaid Containing forty Acres... which I bought of Abraham Tilton as may Appear by a bill of Sale from sd Tilton bearing Date March ye Eighth 1671/2... This Decembr ye fourth one thousand Six hundred Ninety and four. Miles X Thompson, Ann X Thompson... In the presents of us- Edward Tompson, Benony Hodsden, James Neaull"[9] "I Miles Thompson Senr, of Barwick... for a Certain Sum... have granted... unto my Son Thomas Thompson... the whole of my Home Lot with ye Addition belonging to it Lying in ye Town... abovesaid... containing... four score Acres... bounded... by the Land of Benony Hodsden... James Heard... the Town Comons... by the River... Likewise my housing barns orchards Cattle Swine sheep Husbandry Tackling, And all my working tooles, only I doe reserve my two old oxen to be at my Disposall... on these conditions That my Son Thomas Thompson doe pay... Annually well and truly two fiveths of ye Product of ye grain Cyder wooll Cattell Swine shall be raised upon ye sd Land, Alsoe that he shall not make Sale of any Cattle that shall be raised on the said Land without my consent Likewise that my abovesd shall Provid us or either of us if we see cause convenient habitable house room, procure ye grinding of our corn And Provide for us a Sufficiency of Suteable wood and draw it Home to us, the abovesaid conditions to be performed unto me ye said Miles Thompson dureing my Naturall Life And if God by his Providence shall take me away by death before Ann Thompson my wife, then my Son Thomas Shall truly pay or cause to be paid the thirds of ye above Specified things and shall bring ye abovesaid product to my said wife in any convenient place near Piscataqua River And likewise keep her two Yews which said Yews shall be at her Disposall And likewise I doe reserve all my household Moveables to be for ye Use and Disposall of my abovesaid wife my Son Thomas Thomas fulfilling ye abovesaid Conditions... This Decembr ye third one thousand Six hundred Ninety and four. Miles Thompson, Ann X Thompson... In the presents of us. Edward Tompson, Thomas Rhodes, Samuel Small."[10] Miles and his wife were absent from church in 1663, 1671 and in 1675.[11] "Miles Thompson of Kittery... Carpenter and Ann his wife... for and in consideration of the naturall love and affection which we have to our Grandson John Tompson Son of our son John Thompson Deceased of ye Same town... Have... given... a certain tract of land granted to me the said Miles Thompson by the town of Kittery April the thirteenth one thousand Six hundred Seventy one... one hundred Acres... next Jonathan Nasons land on South of York pond... on the East with Comons near York line And on the west with the Brook that runs out of York Pond... this Six day of March... one thousand Seven hundred and two three... Miles Thompson, Ann X Thompson... in prsence of us- Bartholemew B Thompson, Thomas Penny, Daniel Emery... Kittery June 30 1708... Ann Thompson above named Appearing Acknowledged the above Instrumt to be her and her Deceased husbands Act and deed." [12] "The Deposition of John Nason Aged Seventy seven years or thereabouts Testifieth & Saith that he very well remembers that mr Richard Leader lived in ye Now Town of Berwick at a place Called ye great Workes & had a dwelling house there & a Sawmill on ye falls Called Assabumbedock falls and was in the possession & Improved ye mill house & ye Land in sd place And Afterwards which is Now above Sixty years agone Left ye house Mill & land in ye possesson of the Hutchinsons and Mr Edward Rishworth And is Now in ye possession of John Plaisted Esqr and his Son Elisha Plaisted Esqr & Mrs Mary Hill. In Testimony of what is above written I have hereunto Set my hand ye 19th day of Sept Anno Domini 1717 John X Nason... James Emery Aged About Eighty Seven years & Anne Tompson Aged about eighty five years made Oath to ye Truth of ye within Affidavit of John Nason..."[13] His wife, Ann,was born in 1635 as a deposition shows. He was living in 1702 and she in 1717. He was fined for absenting himself and his wife from public meetings. Civic duties were performed under difficulties. See references Old Families of Kittery, Maine: Piscataqua Pioneers. Alternate death date may be 1708. ↑ Kittery and Her Families, by Everett S. Stackpole, published 1903, page 19 ↑ Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire, by Charles T. Libby, Volume 5, page 681 ↑ Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire- pp.681-2 ↑ Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire- pp.681-2 ↑ Mass. Archives- Vol.3, p.242 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. II, fol. 97 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. II, fol. 141 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. II, fol. 141 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. IV, fol. 96 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. VI, fol. 45 ↑ Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire- pp.681-2 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. VII, fol. 102 ↑ York Deeds- Vol. VIII, fol. 237 ~1635 - >1717 Ann Tetherly 82 82 m. 1652 in KIttery, Maine Children: (1) Miles Thompson, who was killed by Indians in 1724, when his son was taken captive and returned after a year. (2) Thomas Thompson, married about 1698 to Sarah Furbish.They had five children and she was made administrator of his estate on September 27, 1715. (3) Bartholomew Thompson lived in Berwick, Maine and was father of Miles and Bartholomew II. (4) Amy Thompson mrried Daniel Goodwin, December 17, 1682.They had ten children. (5) Sarah Thompson married James Goodwin, Daniel's brother on December 9, 1686. James was killed by Indians July 29, 1697.Sarah and James Goodwin had Margaret, Daniel and Miles. (6) Mary Thompson married Thomas Roades in 1619.They were parents of six children. (7) John Thompson married Sarah Emery and died before 1702.They were parents of Mercy, Elizabeth, and John.John is connected to our Place ancestors. (8) Ann Thompson William Tetherly Christian Thorne m. 1619 Children: 1.Ann Tetherly 1632, Kittery, Maine, d. Aft. September 19, 1717 2. Gabriel Tetherly, b. January 04, 1621/22, d. date unknown. 3. John Tetherly, b. 1630, d. date unknown. 4. William Tetherly, d. date unknown. Adrian Belson 1513 - 1590 Thomas Kempe 77 77 b. 1513 Olantigh, Wye, Kent, England d. 22 Mar 1590 Wye, Kent, England bur. 22 Mar 1590 Wye, Kent, England 1747 Joseph Bailey Sarah Children: 1. John Bailey b. July 28, 1761 2. Anne Bailey b. Mar 6-1763 3. Sarah Bailey 1764 4. Joseph Bailey Dec. 7, 1766 5. Rhoda  Bailey Jan 1, 1769 6. Hannah Bailey Aug 13, 1771 All born in Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts 1669 - 1755 Joseph Boynton 86 86 1672 - 1757 Bridget Harris 84 84 m. Jan. 30, 1693 Rowley, Essex, MA 1714 - ~1793 Joseph Bailey 79 79 1714 - 1736 Elisebath Boynton 21 21 m. Jan. 1, 1735 Rowley, Essex, MA The New England Historical & Genealogical Register and ..., Volume 18, Early Marriages in Bradford, Massachusetts, page 276 Children: 1. BAILEY, ELISABETH Birth : 26 JUL 1739 BRADFORD , ESSEX , MASSACHUSETTS 2. BAILEY, RICHARD Birth : 9 MAY 1745 BRADFORD , ESSEX , MASSACHUSETTS 3. BAILEY, ALLES Birth : 25 FEB 1745/46 BRADFORD , ESSEX , MASSACHUSETTS 4. BAILEY, JOSEPH Birth : 8 JAN 1746/47 BRADFORD , ESSEX , MASSACHUSETTS 5. BAILEY, JOB BAILEY, SPENCER Birth : 20 OCT 1753 BRADFORD , ESSEX , MASSACHUSETTS Death : 2 JUN 1776 BRADFORD , ESSEX , MASSACHUSETTS 1675 - 1748 Richard Bailey 73 73 NOTES: "Richard Bailey, who died sometime between 1647 and 1650, owned an estate in Rowley, Massachusetts, and was one of the company that set up the first cloth mill in America, which was in Rowley, where the mills stand that are owned by a Drummer at the present time. There is a tradition in the family to the present day that he came from Yorkshire, England, sometime about 1630 or 1635; and Joshua Coffin says, Richard Bailey came with Richard Dummer, in the ship Bevis, 150 tons, Robert Batten, in April, 1638, when he was fifteen years old. It is said that he was a very pious person, and in a storm when coming to America, the company would call upon him to pray for their safety." 1692 - 1757 Joanna Webster 65 65 m. February 14, 1710, Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts Children: 1. Jonathan Bayley, born December 9, 1706, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts and married September 25, 1733 to Rebecca Hardy. 2. Nathan Bayley, born December 13, 1708, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married on October 16, 1721 to Mary Palmer (She was born 1712, and died October 5, 1800.). Nathan Bayley died January 18, 1775, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts. 3. Abigail Bayley, born April 7, 1711 and married June 1, 731 to John Day. 4. Richard Bayley, born on March 24, 1712/13, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts and died in May 1715. 5. Joseph Bayley, born January 28, 1713/14, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married on January 1, 1735/36 to Elizabeth Boynton (She was born in of Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts.) Joseph Bailey’s Will was proved September 3, 1792. 6. Richard Bayley, born May 9, 1717, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married August 18, 1741, Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts to Rachel Page (she was the daughter of Lewis Page and sister of Benjamin Page. She was born about 1719 in Massachusetts.) Richard Bayley died after 1807 probably in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire 7. Ebenezer Bayley, born April 16, 1719, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married on April 3, 1740 to Sarah Palmer (died May 1813.) Ebenezer Bayley died November 17, 1815. 8. Amos Bayley, born January 27, 1720/21, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married on April 1, 1745 to Sarah Cottle (She was born in of Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts.) Amos Bayley died February 28, 1801. 9. Joanna Bayley, born March 9, 1726/27, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts and died May 31, 1814.  ~1646 - 1712 Joseph Bailey 66 66 Notes: "Joseph, son of Richard and Ednah Bailey of Rowley, settled in the north part of Rowley on the Merrimack not far from the western border of Newbury, Mass. At the time when several of the Rowley families first began to settle there; which part was at first called the Merrimack lands, but soon incorporated by the name of Bradford; and in 1850 the east part of the town in which his farm was situated was incorporated by the name of Groveland, and most of his original lot is owned by D.W. Hopkinson, and M.M. Palmer. Mr. Hopkinson, is one of his descendants and purchased the house and land on the southerly side of Main Street, and lives in the house which stands on the site where the original one was built; and Mr. Palmer has built a house on the northerly side of the street, and nearly opposite the old residence. "He was one of the leading men of the town of Bradford, accordingly was chosen to fill Civil, Military, Ecclesiastic and other offices of trust:-was one of the selectmen of the town twenty-three years between 1675 and 1710, and one of the Deacons for the formation of the church until his death, October 11, 1712. His wife was Abigail, who died November 17, 1735, but who her father was, we have not been able to learn. Their children were first, Abigail, who married Samuel Tenny, and died November 28, 1689, leaving a daughter Abigail born 22d of the same month, who married previous to 1716, a Haseltine; second, Elder Richard, born 1675, who lived in Bradford; third, Anne, born 1678, who married Jonas Platts; fourth, Elizabeth, born 1681, who married Robert Hastings; fifth, Joseph, jr., born 1683, who settled in W. Newbury; sixth, Ednah, born 1686, who married John Hastings; seventh Dea. John, born 1691, who settled in Methuen; and eighth, Sarah, born July 6th, 1694, who married March 29, 1716, James Davis, but we know nothing else of them, excepting that the following of their children are on the records of Haverhill, Mass. viz: Elisha, born Oct. 13, 1718, died 1721; Ruth, born Aug. 14, 1720; Richard born Sept. 1, 1721, d. y., and Sarah, born March 18,1722."  1651 - 1735 Abigail Trumble 83 83 m. March 9, 1669, Rowley, Essex, Massachusettsprobably 1670  He married Abigail Trumbull, who survived him and died November 17,  1735.  Children: 1. Abigail Bayley, born on March 9, 1671/72, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married to Samuel Tenney and died before 1713. 2. Richard (Deacon) Bayley, born on September 20, 1675, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married February 21, 1705/06, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts to Joanna Webster (born August 26, 1682, Bradford, Massachusetts and died September 17, 1757, Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts. Her parents were Nathan Webster and Mary Haseltine.) Richard Bayley died on November 19, 1748, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts. 3. Anne Bayley, born on September 24, 1678, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married September 10, 1702, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts to Jonas Platts (He was the son of Jonathan Platts and Elizabeth  Johnson. He was born August 9, 1668 bapt Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts.) Anne Bayley died before 1713. 4. Elizabeth Bayley, born April 19, 1681 and married on March 18, 1705/06 to Robert Hastings. 5. Joseph Bayley, born on February 13, 1682/83. Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married February 14, 1710/11 to Abigail Webster (She was the daughter of Nathan Webster and Mary Haseltine. She was born March 3, 1684/85 in Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, and died on February 5, 1767.) Joseph Bayley died on April 4, 755. 6. Ednah Bayley, born June 26, 1686, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts and married May 2, 1717 to John astings. 7. John (Deacon) Bayley, born November 26, 1691, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts, married in about 1712 to Susanna Tenney and died after 1763. 8. Sarah Bayley, born July 6, 1694, Bradford, Essex County, Massachusetts and married March 29, 1716 to James Davis. 1619 - 1647 Richard Bailey 28 28 NOTES: "Richard Bailey, who died sometime between 1647 and 1650, owned an estate in Rowley, Massachusetts, and was one of the company that set up the first cloth mill in America, which was in Rowley, where the mills stand that are owned by a Drummer at the present time. There is a tradition in the family to the present day that he came from Yorkshire, England, sometime about 1630 or 1635; and Joshua Coffin says, Richard Bailey came with Richard Dummer, in the ship Bevis, 150 tons, Robert Batten, in April, 1638, when he was fifteen years old. It is said that he was a very pious person, and in a storm when coming to America, the company would call upon him to pray for their safety."  1 Check the Halstead Genealogy for information about Ednah’s family and her second marriage to Ezekiel Northend. 3 "His wife's name was Ednah, by whom he had one child, whom they called Joseph; born about 1635 or a little later: for, when he made his will, 1647-8 his son Joseph was under 14 years of age. Her maiden name perhaps was Holstead, for their son Joseph acknowledged the receipt of £9 4s in 1667, which was his portion of £46 given to the 'child or children' of Ednah his mother, by Wm. Holstead, whom he calls his uncle. After the death of Mr. Bailey, Ednah, his widow, married before the 15th of the 9th month in 1649, Ezekiel Northend of Rowley, who probably took possession of the homestead, and it has been in the Northend family from that time." "BAILEY---Among the early Massachusetts families which have contributed much to the moral, intellectual, and material development of New England and the United States, this is numerously represented in Maine. It has been conspicuously identified wit scientific research and with all the forces of human progress." "Richard Bailey, the ancestor of a very numerous progeny, was born about 1619, and is said to have come from Yorkshire, England. According to 'Coffin's History', he came from Southampton, in the ship 'Bevis', a vessel of one hundred and fifty tons, commanded by Robert Batten, being then at the age of fifteen years. According to Savage, this was in 1638; other authorities place it at 1635. He settled in Rowley, Massachusetts, and was a man of recognized piety and infulence in the community. He was one of the company to set up the first cloth mill in this country, at Rowley. He died there February, 1648, being buried on the sixteenth. His wife, Edna Holstead, survived him, and after his death was married September 15, 1649, to Ezekiel Northend, of Rowley." *Henry, a tanner, age 26, Mary age 22, James 20 and Richard age 15 left England in 1639. Alternate spellings for Bailey - Baily, Bayly, Ballie "(1619-1647), from Eng. in the "Bevis", to Lynn, Mass., 1638; later at Rowley; one of a company to set up the first cloth mill in America; selectman and overseer of the poor several yrs.; m Edna (Lambert) Holstead(?), perhaps sister of William Holstead." There is a theory that Richard was the son of John and Elizabeth Emery Bayley, born about 1572, Chippinham, Wiltshire County, England and married about 1611 from a Merton Alexander. His will dated 15 Deec 1647 mentions as legatees, "wife Edna; son Joseph; Brother James Baly; nephew John Baly; Thomas Palmer; the poore of the Towne" also mentions "Michael Hobkinson; Mr.Rogers, Ipswich, and Mr. Johnson" His widow, Edna married (2) Ezkiel Northend. Ezekiel Northend, as guardian of Joseph Bailey,15 Sept 1649; mentions a gift from William Halstead. "Rowley 15 of the last 1647. I Richard Baly sick in body but of perfect memory praysed be God doe ordeine and make this my last will and Testament first I commende my soule into the hands of God in faith of a ioyfull resurrection throw our Lord Jesus Christ And as concerning my outward estate ffrst my minde and | will is that all my | lawfull debts be paid and discharged. Ite my will is that fforty and tow pounds I giue vnto my sonn Joseph Baly but in case my wife should be with Child then my will is that the said sum of tow and forty pounds be deuided, and one third part thereof my other child shall haue it Item my will is that my Child shall haue a fether bedd in part of the saide protion also one Great Bible and Practicall Catachisme Ite my will and minde is that if my wife Edna Baly marry againe and hir husbande proue vnlouing to the Child or Children or wastefull then  4 I giue power to my Brother James Baly and Michael Hobkinson with my wife hir Consent to take the Child with his portion from him and so to dispose of it for the Best behoofe of the children with my wifes consent Ite I giue my house and lott vnto my son Joseph Baly after my wife hir dissease Ite I gue to my Son tow stuffe Sutes of Cloaths and my best Coate, and a Cloath sute and my best hatt, and I giue to my Brother James Baly a great Coate one paire of buck lether Breches and a paire of Bootes one little Booke I giue to my nephew John Bally I giue vnto Thomas Palmer one Gray hatt one Cloath dublit and an old Jackit and a paire of Gray Breeches Ite I make my wife Edna Baly executrix of this my last will and Testament Memoradad and I giue eleuen shillings which is owing to me from Mr Rogers Ipswich and mr Johnson vnto the poore of the Towne" Richard baly Witness: Humfrey Reyner, William Cavis Proved 28:1:1648, by Humphry Reynor, and 29:1:1648 by Jeames Bayley. ~1625 - 1706 Edna Halstead 81 81 m. (1) Richard abt. 1645  (not of record) m. (2) Ezekiel  Dec. 1, 1648 Children: 1. Joseph Bailey (only child) His will mentions his wife, Edna and child Joseph. 1590 Godfrey Baylaye Godfrey Bayley (Christopher1 ) Born: August 30, 1590, Almondbury, Yorkshire, England Married: 1606 Parents: Father: Christopher Bayley Mother: Elizabeth (Berry/Barry) Berie Children: 1. Ann Bayley, born in 1608, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 2. John Bayley, born in 1610, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 3. James Bayley, born in 1612 in England, married in 1642 to Lydia (born about 1616 and died April 29, 1703, Rowley, Massachusetts.) James Bayley died in 1704, Rowley, Massachusetts. 2 4. Richard Bayley, born in 1614, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, married to Ednah Halstead (born about 1625 in England and died February 3, 1705/06, Rowley, Massachusetts). Richard Bayley died on February 16, 1647/48, Rowley, Massachusetts. 5. Mary Bayley, born in 1616, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 6. William Bayley, born in 1618, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 7. Martha Bayley, born in 1620, Bradford, Yorkshire, England. 1560 - 1620 Christopher Baylaye 60 60 Christopher Bayley (Bailey) Born: 1560, England Died: June 30, 1620, Pontefract, Yorkshire, England Parents: Unkown Spouse: Elizabeth (Berry/Barry) Berie Born: 1562 Parents: Father: John Berie Child: 1. Godfrey Bayley, born August 30, 1590, Almondbury, Yorkshire, England and married in 1606 to unknown spouse 1562 Elizabeth Berie 1535 Christopher Baylaye 1612 - 1677 James Bailey 65 65  He settled in New England at Rowley about 1640.  Large land owner, overseer of the poor and selectman  ~1621 - 1698 Ezekiel Northend 77 77 1644 - 1730 Joseph Boynton 86 86 1646 - 1717 Sarah Swan 71 71 Children: 1. Joseph b. March 22, 1669-70; m. Bridget Harris, Jan. 30 1692-93.  2. Sarah, b. Jan 11, 1671-72; m. Dea Samuel, son of John and Mercy (Parrot) Tenney of Bradford, Dec. 18, 1690. He was b. in Rowley, Nov. 10, 1667. (He m. 1st, Abigail Bailey.) [11 children listed]  3. Ann, b. Aug. 14, 1673. Probably d. July 4, 1737.  4. Richard, b. Nov 11, 1675; m. Sarah Dresser, Dec. 24, 1701.  5. John, b. April 9, 1678; m. Bethiah Platts, Apr. 17, 1707.  6. Benoni, b. Feb. 25, 1681; m. Ann Mighill, Apr. 4, 1706.  7. Jonathan, b. Aug. 19, 1684; m. Margaret Harriman, June 6, 1711.  8. Hilkian, b. Nov. 19, 1687; m. Priscilla Jewett, Feb. 2, 1708-9.  9. Daniel, b. Sept. 26. 1689; d. Oct. 8, 1690 Elizabeth Wood 1612 - 1704 Lydia 92 92 m.  1642 , fist marriage ti take place in Rowley 1. John Bailey,   b. 2 Feb 1642, Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 19 Nov 1690  (Age 48 years) 2. Lydia Bailey,   b. Nov 1644 3. Jonathan Bailey,   b. Sep 1646 4. Damaris Bailey,   b. 17 Jan 1648 5. James Bailey,   b. 15 Jan 1650 6. Thomas Bailey,   b. 1 Aug 1653 7. Samuel Bailey,   b. 10 Aug 1655 8. Samuel Bailey,   b. 6 Nov 1658 John Trumble Parents of Abigail: Ann Hopkinson Parents of Abigail:: Nathan Halsted Isabel Denton Nathan Webster Mary Haseltine 1979 Jody Lynn Bailey m. June 20, 2009 Charlotte, NC 1980 Alex Ledezma 2012 Thiago Alejandro Ledezma 2013 Luna Sagelynn Ledezma 1982 Jason Holbrook Bailey b. Waynesboro, Virginia twin to Jeremy Bailey 1982 Jeremy Charles Bailey b. Waynesboro, Virginia twin of Jason Bailey 1982 Ali Danielle Bell m. 17-7-2004  2007 Charles Jackson Bailey 1984 Kiley Douglas 2010 Mindy Spencer Douglas Bailey 2009 Rosetta Joy Bailey 2012 Genevieve Lynn Bailey   Bailey arrived at 3:28am this morning. "Evie" weighed  2018 Winsome Douglas Bailey 2018 Atticus Holbrook Bailey Ester Grace Bailey Created using GenoPro® Click for details.

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