
Family Subtree Diagram : Curnocks

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(four children) 1828 Poplar Marriage (five children) Budleigh 1818 Marriage Aug 1876 Marriage (two children) m. 28-Jan-1874 Marriage (six children) m. 12-Oct-1809 or 19 Nov 1809 Clifton Marriage (a child) m. 14-Feb-1795 Marriage (seven children) m. 25-Jul-1784 Marriage m. 13-May-1798 Marriage m. 16-May-1802 Marriage (nine children) Uley 11-Oct-1756 Marriage (seven children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (a child) Marriage m. 12-Jun-1671 Marriage (nine children) m. 8-Jul-1629 Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) m. 14-Jul-1875 Marriage (ten children) m. 13-Feb-1866 Marriage Marriage (five children) Bristol 1838 Marriage Jul 1832 Marriage Marriage Marriage (four children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (five children) Nov 1584 Marriage (three children) Second marriage May 1601 Marriage Charfield 1668 Marriage (nine children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) 1671 Marriage 1685 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage 1697 Marriage (five children) 1690 Marriage (two children) 1707/8 Marriage 1728 Marriage 1733 Marriage (a child) 1724 Marriage (seven children) 1756 Marriage (a child) 1789 Marriage (four children) Marriage (seven children) 1861 Marriage c 1937 Marriage (a child) Q2 1839 Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Q4 1883 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (four children) 1920 Marriage Aug 1954 Marriage (two children) Aug 1890 Marriage (four children) Q4 1892 Marriage (three children) Q1 1901 Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) 1901 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (three children) 1905 Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (three children) Aug 1943 Marriage Jan 1969 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (four children) 1917 Marriage 1939 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Q2 1924 Bristol Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Vancouver BC Marriage Marriage (four children) Q2 1924 Marriage (two children) Q1 1937 Battersea Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) 1959 Marriage (two children) Alexandria 194? Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Sep 1943 Marriage (three children) 1975 Marriage (four children) Marriage (two children) 1968 Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) 1945 Marriage (four children) 1971 Marriage Dec 1997 Marriage 1988 Marriage 1977 Marriage (three children) 1987 Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Mar 1973 Marriage Aug 1972 Marriage (two children) Jul 1963 Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Jun 1949 Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Mar 1921 Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Q2 1969 Droxford Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Apr 1974 Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) 1987 Marriage (three children) 1974 Marriage (a child) 1790 Stepney Marriage 1999 Marriage (six children) 1818 Marriage Marriage Q3 1871 Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) Newington Bagpath 1723 Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) 1688 Slimbridge Marriage (a child) 1689 Cam Marriage (a child) Cam 1650 Marriage (a child) 1999 2000 Marriage (six children) Great Torrington 1778 Marriage (three children) Woodbury 1786 Marriage (a child) Marriage East Budleigh 1814 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Farringdon 1766 Marriage (three children) Aylesbeare 1735 Marriage (four children) Aylesbeare 1697 Marriage (seven children) Marriage (three children) Broadclyst 1659 Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (two children) Feniton 1653 Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Thorverton 1737 Marriage (a child) East Stoke 1743 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) 8 5 1768 Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (a child) East Budleigh 1812 (a child) (a child) (a child) 1850 - 1902 Mary Elizabeth Curnock 51 51 Aka, Minnie. 1881 @ Peatling Magna, Leicester Living @ Arnesby, Grove Park, Colwyn Bay 1891 Living at 71 Cannon Hall Road, Sheffield in1901 Aka, Minnie. Baptised by Rev. John Stevenson. 1820 - 1874 Mary Strickland 54 54 Living at Church Street Oldbury at birth of daughter in 1850 1817 - 1887 George Curnock 69 69 Living at Church Street Oldbury at birth of daughter in 1850 Occupation, Methodist Minister. Ordained 4 Aug 1847, Liverpool. Given Bible. Presentor of Methodist Annual Conference-led singing unaccompanied for years. A Rawlinson, "The History of Wesleyan Methodism in Swinton" writes "He was in many ways a remarkable man, of fine physique, tall broad-chested and square shouldered, a man whose "muscular Christianity" you would have been slow to challenge on a dark night. As a preacher, whilst by no means brilliant, yet nevertheless a good one, sound in doctrine, breezy in delivery, warm-hearted and sympathetic, always interesting with too much cayenne in his sermons to sleep. Eliza, on 14 Jul 1882, gets scroll giving appreciation of three years help to St. George's Wesleyan Chapel, Cable Street, London E. ladies work-meetings. Also receives Tea and Coffee Service. Signed by 36 ladies including Miss Jesson, Miss Mary Leslie (show married her stepson G. Dennis Curnock on 17 Aug 1885), and Miss Edith Leslie (who married Joseph Jesson). 1857 - 1911 George Dennis Curnock 53 53 in 1901 @ Kendalcroft Hartland Rd Epping George was baptised by Reverend West - President. His father was a Weslayan Minister, so they moved often.Liverpool to ?Leeds to Leicester to Bristol. In 1873 at 16 years, he became an apprentice dentist to Mr. Hayman, and lived with Aunt Sarah Clark. In 1878, he registered with new Dental Act giving practice as Finsbury Circus Ho., Bloomfield St., EC. He lived at "Chestnuts", Cleveland Rd., Snaresbrook, S. Woodford, Essex. In LDS RCS 1880. His occupation was Dental Surgeon. He and Mary lived at The Chestnuts, Cleveland Road, S. Woodford. In 1894, moved to "Kendalcroft" Epping. 1 Jan 1896, he wrote his resolution. He retired with ill health in 1907. 1863 - 1941 Mary Leslie 78 78 Living 29 Albert Square 1871 census She was a member of Hermon Hill Methodist Church. In 1884, her family 1884 moved to Wanstead. She married and became a housewife. In September 1934, her society class at Epping Methodist Church, or Wanstead & Woodford Circuit, sent a memorial certificate in appreciation of her leading over forty years of class meetings. 1893 - 1958 Dennis Reginald Curnock 65 65 in 1901 census at Kendalcroft, Hartland Rd, Epping 1889 - 1961 Dorothy Rose 72 72 1918 - 2006 George Henry Reginald Curnock 87 87 1919 - 1999 Peter Ley Curnock 80 80 1921 - 1941 David Jackson Curnock 20 20 1886 - 1964 George Leslie Curnock 77 77 in 1901 census as George L at Kendalcroft, Hartland Rd, Epping 1887 - 1915 Lilian Irene Beckett 28 28 1913 - 2008 William Dennis Curnock 94 94 1903 - 1977 John Edgely Curnock 74 74 1933 Robin Curnock D. 1876 Mary Fairbairns Living 29 Albert Square 1871 census D. 1908 John Ashcroft Leslie Living 29 Albert Square 1871 census in 1901 census at Kendalcroft, Hartland Rd, Epping 1890 - 1922 Edith Mary Curnock 32 32 in 1901 census at Kendalcroft, Hartland Rd, Epping 1798 - 1871 Elizabeth ?Ashcroft 73 73 1794 - 1856 John Leslie 62 62 1791 - 1844 Sarah Mardon 53 53 1785 - 1826 Samuel Stickland (East Budleigh) 41 41 1834 - 1917 Eliza Ann Nuttall 83 83 Also called, Grandma Buxton. Probably in Bristol 1901 1856 - 1857 Stanley Curnock 11m 11m Christened by Nehemiah Curnock. Burial performed by Rev. West. Macgregor Keighley Hilda Keighley D. 1924 William C. W. Keighley William was a cloth manufacturer/director. Later he was the Sheriff of Caenarvonshire. 1854 Helen Curnock Aka, "Nellie". Helen was baptised by Rev. A Barrett. 1852 - 1895 Sarah (Trot) Baron Curnock 42 42 Aka, "Trot". 1848 - 1863 Annie Curnock 15 15 Married by Rev. John Rattenbury. Memoir for death appeared Jan 1865 in Christian Miscellany. 1859 - 1897 Wesley Strickland Curnock 38 38 ~1788 - 1854 Ann Edgley Hopkins 66 66 Greatniece of John Wesley. 1795 Arthur Curnock Elizabeth Mills 1806 Elizabeth Curnock 1802 - 1804 Charles Curnock 2 2 1798 George Curnock 1793 James Curnock 1791 Mary Curnock 1786 - 1853 Dennis Curnock 67 67 Occupation, Cordwainer. Dennis died at age 67 of chronic Bronchitis. He was buried at Memorial in Portland Chapel which has been demolished. He lived in 1840 at 29 Horse Fair, Bristol. Rev. Edgar Selby of Wesley's Chapel, Broadmead, Bristol has written the following story: Dennis, as a young man, was going down Portland Street in the rain and jumped into a doorway for shelter. The door gave way and he fell into a Methodist class meeting where he met Ann Edgley and shared her hymn book. 1784 - 1785 George Curnock 1 1 William Hawkins 1777 Dorothy Curnock Ann Evans 1775 - 1831 Nehemiah Curnock 56 56 Nehemiah Curnock was a drill sergeant, Army Infantry Volunteers at Uley in 1805. 1771 Elizabeth Curnock 1767 Edmund Curnock 1763 James Curnock 1761 - 1778 Arthur Curnock 17 17 1759 Mary Curnock 1756 - 1757 Ann Curnock 1 1 <1735 Amelia Baglin 1725 - 1778 Arthur Curnock 53 53 1722 Caleb Curnock 1718 Jemima Curnock 1716 George Curnock 1714 Rachel Curnock 1711 Jacob Curnock 1707 Elizabeth Curnock D. 1745 Ann 1680 Gabriel Curnock 1676 Mary Curnock 1672 - 1735 Edmund Curnock 63 63 Will proved, North Nibley 1735 of an Edmund Curnock. 1671 - 1736 Robert Curnock 65 65 Will proved, North Nibley of a Robert Curnock in 1710 & 1736. 1669 - 1670 Mary Curnock 1 1 1664 - 1664 ? Curnock 1663 Jane Curnock 1605 Rebecca Curnocke 1605 Sarah Curnocke 1565 - 1627 Elinor (Elene Eline Helene) Durswell 62 62 1644 - 1710 Robert Curnock 66 66 1642 Samuel Curnock 1640 Jane Curnock 1638 - 1639 Elizabeth Curnock 1 1 Nathaniel Tindall 1636 Joane Curnock Mary ? Legge 1603 Arthur Curnock Occupation, Fuller. 1677 Arthur Curnock Arthur John Curnock sold Nibley messuage to Thomas Pearce of N. Nibley. The propert included a fulling mill Sophia Curnock Henry Curnock Died at age 7, in Bristol. 1842 Lydia Ann Curnock 1840 Isabella Sophia Curnock Elizabeth Gradeley Sophia Powell 1815 Henry Curnock Occupation, Customs and Excise. Henry, also called Harry, joined Wesleyan Reform Society, which split from the Wesleyan Methodist Church in 1849. This caused him to be divided from the rest of his relatives. The Wesleyan Reformers, as they were more commonly known, split over the annual Conference's authority. James Everett led the criticism of the Wesleyan Methodist leadership by writing a series of articles entitled "Fly sheets from the Private Correspondent". 1877 - 1928 William McGregor Curnock 50 50 1836 Jane Matthews 1840 - 1921 Sarah Baron Corderoy 80 80 Living at 14 Prittlewell Sq, Southend on Sea 1901 1847 William Anderton Curnock William Saunders 1845 Annie ?Ann Curnock Emmigrated and died in America. Living at Park Green Macclesfield 1851 1841 - 1847 Mary Curnock 5 5 1840 - 1915 Nehemiah Curnock 75 75 Living at 14 Prittlewell Sq, Southend on Sea 1901 Occupation, Methodist Minister. Ordained Reverend in 1860. Educated at Woodhouse Grove School and Didsbury College. Discovered the shorthand code of John Wesley's Journal and edited it for publication in 1909. Author of "The History of the National Children's Home", and many other works. Editor of the Methodist Recorder 1886-1906. Memorial at Gravesend Methodist Church. In 1901 @ 61 Stafford Gt Bridge Prittlewell Weigher His son-in-law, Rev. J. Edward Harlow presided over burial. 1839 - 1839 Sara Curnock 1806 - 1891 Mary Whereat 85 85 Living at Park Green Macclesfield 1851 1810 - 1869 Nehemiah Curnock 59 59 Occupation, Methodist Minister. Died of Smallpox. Ordained Reverend in 1834. Gifted in speaking to children. Author of "The Father of Methodism" - Life of John Wesley, written for children. He preached at an early age and later showed earnestness and power. He was kind and gentle and had a rare gift of attracting the attention of children. He contracted smallpox when visiting and died as a result thereof. Living at Park Green Macclesfield 1851 Alice Marian Curnock D. 1900 William Henry Aldridge 1844 - 1911 Edith Alice Curnock 66 66 Lived , May Bank, Leigh Woods, Bristol. Her second interment was in her late husband's grave. 1839 - 1891 James Jackson Curnock 52 52 Occupation, Bristol Landscape Artist. James Jackson Curnock died of thigh sarcoma. He had over 300 works exhibited from 1858-1892 with 17 at the Royal Academy between 1873-1889. All his works are landscapes, mainly of North Wales, and done in watercolours with the exception of two oil paintings. Ruskin in Royal Academy Notes 1875 gives the appraisal that his work was "skillful and affectionate to a high degree." Edwin Hilton Naish Isabelle Wilson Curnock Died from an ectopic pregnancy. 1812 - 1900 Sarah Wilson 88 88 Her will dated, 26 Jan 1892. 1812 - 1862 James Curnock 50 50 Occupation, Portrait and genre artist. Died at age 49 of Tuberculosis. Ethel Bale Lindsey Bale Edith Bale James ?Charles Bale Jessie Clark Marion Clark Alice Clark Clara Clark Annie Clark Died at age 17 of tuberculosis. Charles ?William Clark 1827 - 1914 Annie Curnock 87 87 1819 Sarah Curnock Robert Darney 1568 - 1640 Arthur Curnocke 72 72 Second Husband, as Elinor was widowed. Occupation, Fuller. 1648 Mary Pulsworth Elizabeth 1634 - 1677 Thomas Curnock 43 43 1630 Arthur Curnock 1631 - 1643 Mary Curnock 12 12 1633 John Curnock 1667 Anne Curnock 1671 - 1672 Arthur Curnock 1 1 Margaret Pearce 1673 - 1673 Curnock 1674 Anne Curnock 1679 James Curnock 1657 Arthur Curnock 1659 Mary Curnock 1662 John Phillpott 1662 Sarah Curnock 1664 Jean Curnock 1667 - 1669 Elizabeth Curnock 2 2 1668 Thomas Curnock 1672 Abel Curnock 1675 Edward Curnock Rebecca Purnell 1697 Margaret Hannis Mary Norris 1691 Joanne Curnock 1693 John Curnock 1694 Hestor Curnock ? 1699 Thomas Curnock 1702 John Curnock Mary Webb Abraham Curnock Mary Millard Abel Curnock Mary Purnell Hestor Brown 1730 Thomas Curnock D. 1768 Esther Hitchins 1757 Robert Curnock 1759 William Curnock 1761 Margaret Curnock 1762 - 1836 John Curnock 74 74 1762 - 1763 Esther Curnock 1 1 1764 Esther Curnock 1768 - 1833 Thomas Curnock 65 65 Hannah Close 1792 Samuel Curnock Moved to Wales c. 1825, lived in Witson Rachel 1826 Elizabeth Curnock 1831 - 1883 Samuel Curnock 52 52 1831 Hestor Curnock 1834 William Curnock 1842 - 1930 Lucy Harris 88 88 1862 - 1924 Samuel Curnock 62 62 1866 - 1866 Hestor Curnock 2m 2m 1868 - 1959 Mary Curnock 91 91 Lived at Westbury Road, Little Pannell, Devizes 1871 - 1952 George Curnock 81 81 1874 William Emigrated to USA 1877 - 1970 Elizabeth Curnock 93 93 1881 - 1959 David John Curnock 77 77 Edward Corderoy Sarah Henson Baron Probable wife; FreeBMD data of marriage 1867 - 1935 Mary Baron Curnock 68 68 1868 - 1955 Clement Corderoy Curnock 87 87 1868 - 1868 Edith Baron Curnock 2m 2m 1869 - 1951 George Corderoy Curnock 81 81 Ancestosonboard       Last     First            Year of    Departure    Destination  Destination name     name     Age     Sex     departure port         country     port CURNOCK George  36     M     1907     Southampton     USA     New York CURNOCK Grace      31     F     1907     Southampton     USA     New York 1870 - 1940 Gertrude Annie Curnock 69 69 1872 - 1872 William Macgregor Curnock 6m 6m 1873 - 1961 Ella Baron Curnock 88 88 1873 - 1874 Maud Baron Curnock 5m 5m 1876 - 1973 Mabel Hewson Curnock 96 96 Living at 14 Prittlewell Sq, Southend on Sea 1901 1879 - 1968 Ruth Whereat Curnock 88 88 Living at 14 Prittlewell Sq, Southend on Sea 1901 George Sawday Mary Ann Burt 1864 - 1897 Ellen Sandys 33 33 Married name Ellen Sandys. George Curnock had the name as Helen Sanderson 1884 - 1908 George Wesley Curnock 24 24 Emigrated to Canada 1902 (probably 1901 - see Contact) 1889 Gladys Mary S Curnock Living with uncle George Curnock 1901 Emma D. 1990 Dorothy Curnock Jim Butler Rod Butler Ruth Skemp George E. Curnock 1899 - 1986 Arabella Gertrude Wadman 87 87 1921 - 1942 Samuel David John Curnock 20 20 1861 - 1923 Josiah Edward Harlow 62 62 1896 - 1977 John Curnock Harlow 80 80 1898 Edward Leslie Harlow 1893 - 1917 George Ashwin Curnock 24 24 1894 - 1905 Manley Ashwin C Curnock 11 11 1896 - 1971 Arthur Clement Curnock 75 75 1902 - 1977 Godfrey Nehemiah Curnock 74 74 1874 - 1946 Grace Georgina Katherine Cooke 72 72 1901 - 1967 Grace Charlotte Curnock 65 65 1905 - 1997 Rose "Magdalene" Alice Curnock 91 91 1909 - 1956 George Charles Debrisay Curnock 46 46 1888 - 1978 Gene Olive Emma Glandfield 90 90 1920 - 1992 Desiree Lolette E. V. Curnock 72 72 1922 - 2007 Richard St. Helier Curnock 84 84 D. 1949 John William Allcock 1903 - 1983 Ruth Allcock 80 80 D. 1956 George Frederick Bush 1921 - 1995 Catherine M. Steadman 74 74 1882 - 1972 Edith Ada Tiller 90 90 1907 - 2001 Paul Anderton McGregor Curnock 94 94 1907 - 1995 Marjorie Joyce Billiter 88 88 1910 - 1999 David Benjamen Curnock 89 89 D. 1943 Peggy Laidlaw 1910 - 1993 Henriette Jeanne C. Harding 83 83 1916 - 1966 Margaret Sten Mortimer 50 50 Guy Bantoft 1908 - 1992 Elizabeth Jessamine Gowland 84 84 1918 - 2010 Ethel Lilian Mary Curnock 92 92 1921 - 1999 John Leslie Frederick Curnock 77 77 1923 - 1972 Isobel Alison Curnock 49 49 1891 - 1986 Herbert Frederick Kent Dearlove 94 94 O.B.E. D. 1997 Margaret Dearlove 1914 - 1997 Francis Granville Bullimore 83 83 D. 1959 Gladys Curnock 1889 Gladys Curnock Niece living with George Curnock 1901 1585 Elisabethe Darney 1587 Johane Darney 1590 Marie Darney 1593 Thomas Darney 1596 - 1602 Catherine Darney 6 6 D. 1969 Kathleen E Taylor 1902 - 1996 Rodney Meredith Thomas 93 93 D. 1980 George William Pollard 1923 - 2017 Gwendoline Leech 94 94 Curnock / Leech Family Tree 1917 - 1997 Eric Aylen Thorn 79 79 Barbara Coleman D. 1985 Ralph Chapman 1914 - 1980 George William Enever 66 66 1917 - 1993 Mary Elizabeth Tanner 75 75 1861 Robert Leslie Living 29 Albert Square 1871 census 1907 Ivy Riches 1833 William Leslie Wm on 1851 census 1835 Elizabeth Leslie 1861 census has daugter Mary Ann Stepah[e] living with widowed mother, same age as Elizabeth of 1851 census 1859 John W. Leslie 1866 Edith Leslie Living 29 Albert Square 1871 census 1793 Robert Fairbourne Living at 248 High Street Wapping 1851 1794 Isabella Harley Living at 248 High Street Wapping 1851 1789 Anna Purvis Living with John Leslie as aunt 1861 1832 - 1914 William Elgar Leslie 81 81 Robert Fairbairn 1820 Ann Fairbourne Christened as Ann Living at 248 High Street Wapping 1851 Ann in 1861 census Sarah Fairbourne Living at 248 High Street Wapping 1851 Isabella Fairbourne Living at 248 High Street Wapping 1851 1839 Thomas Fairbourne Living at 248 High Street Wapping 1851 1841 Alice Ann Woodfin D. 1833 Joseph Whereat 1698 - 1743 John Baglin 45 45 1705 Mary Peglar 1593 Agnes Curnocke John Curnocke 1636 Margaret Curnocke 1639 Anne Curnocke 1769 - 1810 Ann Curnock 41 41 1814 William Nuttall 1724 John Baglin 1725 Thomas Baglin 1725 Mathew Baglin 1739 Danuell Baglin John Pegler Hannah Hickes <1659 Jonathan Baglan Sarah Stone 1704 - 1719 Thomas Pegler 14 14 1703 - 1703 Richard Pegler 2m 2m 1619 Richard Baglan Elizabeth Hickes 1861 Mary Elizabeth Ashwin <1752 - 1818 Samuel Stickland 66 66 ~1755 - 1841 Grace Leigh 86 86 >1766 Sarah Buttson Hitt 1789 Elizabeth Merdon ~1761 - 1801 William Mardon 40 40 D. 1740 William Hitt (Aylesbeare) 1710 Mellany Saunders William Saunders ~1782 - 1817 Ann Petty Townsend 35 35 <1779 John Stickland <1654 John Pegler (Stone) Joseph Pegler John Bagglin <1740 Elizabeth Butson <1739 John Hitt D. 1794 Melony Sanders <1735 Eliana Hitt <1743 William <1736 Sarah Hitt >1698 John Hitt 1670 - 1712 Dorothy White (Feniton) 42 42 >1699 Mary Hitt >1702 Sarah Hitt <1709 William Hitt (Aylesbeare) Joane 1714 Dorothy Hitt >1719 Thomas Hitt >1721 Henry Hitt >1723 Philip Hitt >1725 Charles Hitt >1730 Elizabeth Hitt 1667 William Hitt (Clyst Hydon) William Hitt Susanna Rugg 1592 Wylliam Hitt ~1660 Susanna Hitt <1704 William Hitt (Clyst Honiton) Ursula Hitt <1704 John Hitt (Clyst Honiton) <1691 William Manneton Hitt 1630 John White (Feniton) 1654 John White John White >1628 Mary white <1740 Elizabeth Butson Samuel Buttson Jane Hosegood 1738 Samuel Butson Samuel Stickland Mary Seamer 1854 - 1943 George William Sawday 89 89 George was a Methodist Reverend. He was a missionary in Mysore, India. Returned to Mysore in 1901 after death of wife where he founded an orphanage, a school for girls, the Sawday Methodist Memorial Chapel and a hospital <1762 - 1837 Sarah Dowdell 75 75 Sarah 4 months pregnant when married, with parents consent. <1796 William Stickland 1787 Ann Stickland <1789 Elizabeth Stickland D. 1827 Isabella Stickland John Hopkins Elizabeth Edgley 1793 William Merdon 1633 Elizabeth Palmer John Palmer ~1818 - 1898 Sarah Mardon Stickland 80 80 >1793 Isabella Stickland Mentioned in father's will William Mardon (of Topsham) 1854 - 1944 George Sawday 90 90 Lapage-Browne Family Tree 1824 Samuel Stickland 1822 Lydia Stickland Created using GenoPro® Click for details.

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