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Male Charles Brooks Click to view Charles Brooks in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Charles was born on July 22nd, 1878 in Sharples.1  Charles' father was Charles Brooks and his mother was Ann Price.  His paternal grandparents were James Brooks and Alice Mather. He had six brothers named Joseph, James, John, George, William and Robert.  He was the fourth oldest of the seven children. He had three half-brothers and a half-sister, named Thomas, Samuel, Ernest and Mary.  He died at the age of 76 on December 2nd, 1954 in New Jersey (NJ).2 

Charles' family with Nancy Thornley

‌Charles and Nancy were married in a religious ceremony on November 8th, 1902 at St. John (Bolton) by S. B. Sumner and witnessed by Abraham Harrison & Sarah Jane Harrison.3  They had a daughter named Annie.  There are no more children.

1 1881 UK Census
2 Individual - Michael Telson
3 BMD-Lancashire

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