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Male George Blackburn Click to view George Blackburn in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

George was born on August 12th, 1805 in Newsome and his baptism took place on September 22nd, 1805 in Almondbury.1  George's father was Michael Blackburn and his mother was Hannah Eastwood.  His paternal grandparents were Michael Blackburn and Hannah Scover. He had three brothers named John, Joseph and Uriah. He had a half-sister named Hannah.  He died at the age of 64 in March 1870 in Dewsbury.2 

George's first family with Martha Sykes

Family Pictures
‌George and Martha were married in a religious ceremony on August 20th, 1837 in Kirkheaton.3   They had three sons and three daughters, named Jonathan, John, George, Hannah, Elizabeth and Lydia.

George's second family with Phebe Oldham

‌George and Phebe were married.  They had three sons and three daughters, named Henry, Joseph, Michael, Hannah, Mary and Ellen.

1 West Yorkshire BMB 1512-1812
3 West Yorkshire Marriages & Banns (1813-1935)
4 1841 UK Census
5 West Yorkshire Births & Baptisms (1813-1910)
6 West Yorkshire Deaths & Burials (1813-1985)

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