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Male Peter DeSpain Click to view Peter DeSpain in the family tree

Peter was born on January 9th, 1764 in Halifax Co.,North Carolina.  Peter's father was John DeSpain and his mother is Susan Scott. He had a brother named Benjamin.  He was the younger of the two children.  He died at the age of 86 on March 31st, 1850 in Brush Creek,Green Co.,Kentucky.  He was buried in Taylor Co.,Kentucky.

Peter's first family with Nancy Skaggs

‌Peter and Nancy were married in a religious ceremony on December 15th, 1791 in Nelson Co.,Kentycky.  They had thirteen sons and four daughters, named John M., Hiram, William Marshall, Stephen, Mark, James Simpson, Harrison, Silas, William Joseph, George Washington, Andrew Drury, Thomas, Edmund, Susanna Elizabeth, Mary, Nancy and Lucy Ann.

Peter's second family with Unknown Possible Granddaughter

‌Peter and Unknown Possible were married in a religious ceremony on October 2nd, 1812.  They had a son named William Perry.

Peter's third family with Rachel Lynn

Peter's fourth family with Polly House

Sources/Citations, KENTUCKY WARRENS,, Ancestry World Tree Project Ingram & Related Families,, abeggskaggs1, Karen Goodwin,,, Five Generations of John and Susan DeSpain, Kendall Despain,, 1810 Census: Green Co., Kentucky, 1820 Census Green Co., Kentucky, 1830 Census: Green Co., Kentucky, 1840 Census: Green Co., Kentucky, Listed Source: Early Advantures with Western Warters Vol. 1, Author Mary B. And F.B. Kegley, pub. 1980, 1800 Tax List, Green Co., Kentucky, 1787 Census: Montogomery Co., Virginia, Listed Source: Ancestral File-LDS Library,, Debbie Raque,,, Ancestors of Becky Nix, Becky Nix,

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