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Female Lois Shuttleworth Click to view Lois Shuttleworth in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Lois was born on October 13th, 1889 at 9 Nell Street and her baptism took place on November 6th, 1889 at St. Paul's (Astley Bridge).1 2  Lois' father was Samuel Shuttleworth and her mother was Lois Pollitt.  Her paternal grandparents were Phineas Shuttleworth and Happy Mather; her maternal grandparents were William Pollitt and Esther Holt. She had four brothers and five sisters, named Phineas, Miles, Samuel, Albert, Happy, Annie, Jessie, Mary and Alice.  She was the fifth oldest of the ten children.  She died from a stroke, Cerebral Haemorrhage, at the age of 67 on August 15th, 1957 in Bolton.2 

Lois' family with John Wilkinson

‌Lois and John were married in a religious ceremony on July 10th, 1920 in Bolton.2  They had a son and two daughters, named Reginald, Joyce and Lois.  There are no more children.

1 Family Tree - Waterson
2 Individual - Lois Mason
3 1891 UK Census
4 1901 UK Census
5 1911 UK Census

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