- b.Bet 1095 and 1096 in Berkeley or Bristol, Gloucestershire, England d.5 Feb 1170/71 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England

- b.~ 1120 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England d.16 Jun 1189 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England

- b.Bet 1090 and 1100 in Gloucestershire, England d.12 Mar 1169/70 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

- b.1170 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England d.29 Nov 1243

- b.Bet 1094 and 1105 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England d.~ 1170 in Dursley, Gloucestershire, England

- b.Bet 1133 and 1135 in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England d.12 Mar 1170/71 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England

- b.> 1124 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England d.> 1156 in Dursley, Gloucestershire, England

- b.1218 d.04 Apr 1281

- b.~ 1137 in Little Crawley, Buckinghamshire, England d.< 1195

- b.Bet 1142 and 1164 in Dudley, Worcestershire or Staffordshire, England d.1211 in Dudley, Staffordshire, England

- b.~ 1139 in Dudley,Staffordshire, or Little Crawley,Buckinghamshire,England d.1208

- b.Bet 1191 and 1211 in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England d.22 May 1276 in Wotton-under-Edge

- b.Bet 1105 and 1126 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales or Normandy, France d.1165

- b.Bet 1146 and 1167 in Warwick, Warwickshire, or Wiltshire, England d.> 1243

- b.Bet 1127 and 1139 in Pembroke, Pembrokeshire, Wales or Wiltshire, England

- b.Bet 1232 and 1245 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.23 Jul 1321

- b.25 Mar 1133 in Le Mans, Sarthe, Maine or Anjou, France d.06 Jul 1189 in Chinon Castle, Indre-et-Loire, Anjou, France

- b.24 Dec 1166 in Beaumont Palace, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England d.19 Oct 1216 in Newark Castle, Newark, Nottinghamshire, England

- b.1123 in Chateau de Belin, Guinne, France d.~ 1203 in Fontevrault, Anjou, France

- b.Bet 1186 and 1193 in Chilham Castle, Kent, England d.06 Aug 1270 in Chilham Castle, Kent, England

- b.1130 in Normandy, France d.05 Jul 1202 in England

- b.~ 1166

- b.1137 d.12 Jul 1203

- b.Bet 1217 and 1220 in Chilham Castle, Kent, England d.07 Jul 1276

- b.Bet 1160 and 1185 d. in Chilham Castle, Kent, England

- b.~ 1188 in Chilham Castle, Kent, England d.1265 in Chilham Castle, Kent, England

- b.1145 in Stoke, Devonshire, England d.Bet 1226 and 1232 in Devonshire, England

- b.Bet 1180 and 1184 in Stoke, Devanshire, England d.<10 Jun 1233

- b.~ 1149 in Stoke, Devonshire, England d.24 Mar 1216/17
- b.Apr 1271 in Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, England d.31 May 1326 in Wallingford Castle, Berkshire, England

- b.> 1100 in Derbyshire, England d.1240 in Merevale/Merevele, Warwickshire, England

- b.~ 1136 in Ferrers, Derby, England d.<21 Oct 1190 in Siege of Acre, Jerusalem, Palestine

- b.~ 1114 in Nottingham, England d.> 1130

- b.1162 in Ferrers, Derbyshire, England d.22 Sep 1247

- b.1100 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.1192 in England

- b.1147 in Bramber, Sussex, England d.Aft 4 Feb 1226/27

- b.~ 1130

- b.Bet 1193 and 1200 in Ferrers, Derbyshire, England d.24 Mar 1253/54 in Evington, Leicestershire, England

- b.1099 in Castle, Gernon, Normandy, France d.16 Dec 1153 in England

- b.~ 1147 in Kevelioc, Monmouth, Merionethshire, Wales d.30 Jun 1181 in Leeke, Stafford, England

- b.~ 1120 in Gloucestershire, England d.29 Jul 1189

- b.~ 1174 in Tutbury, Staffordshire, England d.28 Oct 1247

- b.~ 1121 in Montfort-Sur-Risle, Eure,Normandy, France d.13 Mar 1180/81

- b.1155 in Chester, England d.12 Jul 1189 in Evreux, Eure, Normandy, France

- b.~ 1126 in France d.1168

- b.~ 1252 in Ilfracombe, Cornwall d.19 Mar 1308/09

- b.Bet 1110 and 1130 d.< 1198

- b.~ 1155 in Buckley, England d.03 Nov 1219 in Damietta, Egypt

- b.< 1130 d.<30 Jun 1203

- b.Bet 1174 and 1195 in Winchester, Hampshire, England d.25 Apr 1264 in England

- b.Bet 1121 and 1135 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England d.31 Aug 1190 in Duraz/Durrazo, Greece (returning from pilgrimage to Jerusalem)

- b.1154 in Leicester, Hampshire, England d.12 Jan 1234/35

- b.~ 1134 in Leicestershire, England d.01 Apr 1212 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England

- b.Bet 1218 and 1222 in Winchester, Hampshire, England d.Bef 12 Mar 1280/81

- b.~ 1135 in Galloway, Wigtown, Scotland d.19 Dec 1200 in Northamptonshire, England

- b.~ 1174 in Runnemede, Scotland d.1234

- b.~ 1153 in Kircudbright, Scotland or Kirkoswald, Cumberland, England d.11 Jun 1217 in Northamptonshire, England

- b.Bet 1195 and 1208 in Carrick, Ayrshire, Scotland d.>21 Nov 1245 in Brackley, England

- b.< 1149 d.Feb 1242/43

- b.~ 1190 d.< 1209

- b.< 1175