Roland Richard Yates-Hale is the grandfather of Keith Hale with whom I have a 30.5 cM DNA match (over two segments).
In 1936, Roland Richard Yates Hale and Eleanor were in Fulham, a year after he married Eleanor Gillies.
In 1937 and 1938 they were at 240a Malvern Court, South Harrow.
In 1940, '42, '44 and '46 Roland R. Yates-Hall (not Yates-Hale) was in the Thom's Directory at Riverside, Rosemount, DunDurum, Ireland (but may not be the same person).
Roland and Ella were married in a religious ceremony in September 1935 in Birkenhead.1
Marriage/Union Notes
Marriages Sep 1935 (>99%) Gillies Eleanor A Hale Birkenhead 8a, 1879 Hale Roland R Y Gillies Birkenhead 8a, 1879
They had two biological sons named Ian and Peter. They also had an adopted daughter named Heather. The family line is yet to be completed. Ian and Peter are twins.
Family Notes
Cheshire Marriage indexes for the years: 1935 GILLIES Eleanor Agnes HEALE Roland Richard Yates Birkenhead, Mount Tabor Methodist Chapel (Holt Road)
Name: Roland R Y Hale Registration Date: Jul-Aug-Sep 1935 Registration district: Birkenhead Inferred County: Cheshire Spouse: Eleanor A Gillies Volume Number: 8a Page Number: 1879