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Male Nathan Mather Click to view Nathan Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Nathan was born in 1752 in WestLeigh and his baptism took place on March 16th, 1752 in Cross Street (Presbyterian).1  He died at the age of 79 on April 28th, 1831 in Pennington.  He was buried on April 28th, 1831 at St. Mary-the-Virgin (Leigh).2 3 

Nathan's first family with Betty Green

Family Pictures
‌Nathan and Betty were married in a religious ceremony on February 27th, 1781 at St. Mary-the-Virgin (Leigh) by Vicar John Barlow and witnessed by Thomas Hope & Isaac Turner.4   They had four sons and a daughter, named John, Abraham, Abraham, James and Peggy.

Nathan's second family with Jane (Jenny) Birchenhead

Family Pictures
‌Nathan and Jenny were married in a religious ceremony on December 5th, 1793 at St. Mary-the-Virgin (Leigh) by Curate Daniel Birkett and witnessed by Isaac Turner & William Partington.4   They had three sons and three daughters, named Matthew, Abraham, Thomas, Sarah, Betty and Mary.

1 England & Wales Non-conformist Registers (1567-1970)
2 Manchester CoE Deaths & Burials
3 Lancashire CoE Deaths & Burials (1813-1986)
4 Manchester CoE Marriages & Banns 1753-1930
5 Lancashire CoE BMB 1538-1812
6 Manchester CoE BMB (1541-1812)
7 Manchester CoE Births & Baptisms
8 BMD-Lancashire

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