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Male Arthur Abraham Brereton Click to view Arthur Abraham Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Arthur was born on December 15th, 1874 in Tattenhall and his baptism took place there on January 7th, 1875.1 2  Arthur's father was John Brereton and his mother was Elizabeth Manley.  His paternal grandparents were Thomas Brereton and Catherine Rushton. He had seven brothers and seven sisters, named Thomas, William, John, Richard, Robert, Charles, Frederick, Catherine, Florence, Sarah, Margaret, Ellen, Gertrude and Lucy.  He was the fourth oldest of the fifteen children.  He died at the age of 75 in January 1950 in Somerset.3 

Arthur's family with Harriett Hartley

‌Arthur and Harriett were married in a religious ceremony in January 1899 in Havant.4   They had a son and a daughter, named Eric and Dorothy.

1 1881 UK Census
2 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
3 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)

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