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Male John Albert Brereton Click to view John Albert Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born in March 1873 in Tattenhall.1  John's father was John Brereton and his mother was Elizabeth Manley.  His paternal grandparents were Thomas Brereton and Catherine Rushton. He had seven brothers and seven sisters, named Thomas, William, Arthur, Richard, Robert, Charles, Frederick, Catherine, Florence, Sarah, Margaret, Ellen, Gertrude and Lucy.  He was the third oldest of the fifteen children.  He died at the age of 62 on January 4th, 1936 in Crewe.2 

John's family with Sarah Bebbington

Family Pictures
‌John and Sarah were married in a religious ceremony on November 22nd, 1900 in Acton by Nantwich.3   They had a son and two daughters, named John, Mary and Annie.  There are no more children.

1 1881 UK Census
2 National Probate Records
3 Cheshire CoE BMD (1696-1923)
4 1911 UK Census

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