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Family Subtree Diagram : GenoMap1

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Marriage (a child) (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) (three children) (two children) (a child) (six children) (a child) (a child) (a child) Michelle June Sibson Harry Charles Webb Alycia Castell Webb Alfie Ray Frank Webb Daisy Webb Walter Earnest Webb Audrey Beatrice Castell David Francis Sibson Daphne Crawley Raymond Sibson 1890 - 1966 Frank Charles Castell 76 76 1894 - 1974 Beatrice Harriet Didcock 80 80 Philippa Webb 1922 Charles John Castell 1889 - 1970 Arthur Ernest James Webb 81 81 Born and raised in Ireland Joined 12th Royal Lancers aged 18
Served in India and Egypt pre 1914-18
Mobilizied on 16/8/1914.   12 days after war was declared as part of C Squadron. Took part in one of the last British Cavalry charges at the Battle of Moy August 28th 1914. A Didcot news paper later printed his account of this action
                                                                                               " It was a sweltering hot day and the three squaderns of the 12th Lancers were having a swim when the bugle sent them hurrying to thier horses. Two squadrens were posted to cover the flanks while the third, in which Mr Webb was serving as a trooper charged over a hill behind which a detachment of Uhlans were formimg up in a field of stooked corn.
With lances lowered the cavalry swept across the field and Mr Webb recalls how he lost his lance in his first thrust. He dismounted and re-equipped himself with a Uhlan lance bearing the red and black pennant. "

He made the rank of Corpral during the War, and was awarded the Milatry Medal
After the Regiment were mechanised Arthur stayed with the horses as a mounted trooper being in charge of tentpegging and polo equipment.
Arthur served in the 12th lancers for 27 years  
1890 - 1968 Christina Louise Kemp 78 78 1852 Goerge Charles Castell 1901 George Castell shoemaker and parish clerk,father Charles living with them 1854 Lucy Mary Radborne 1816 Charles Smith Castell ~1818 Charlotte Prater 1920 - 1970 John Goerge Webb 50 50 Joined 12th Royal Lancers. Served in N Africa. Transfered to Airbourne wounded in foot whilst paracuting into Kos Island Greece. Discharged 1945. Rejoined as Recruitment Seargent for Scots Grays 1918 - 1976 Betty Webb 58 58 Served in ATS  RA Ack Ack Guns in Hull
Agent for Abingdon Consistuancy Labour Party.Later became Political Agent for Sydney Irvine Deputy Speaker MP for Dartford Kent
Eva Kathleen Webb 1924 - 2008 Arthur Richard Webb 83 83 Served in the 5th Royal Inniskillen Dragoon Guards. Deployed to France D-Day + 7
Joined Civil Service MOD & then Environment
1934 - 2001 Veronica Ann Webb 67 67 ~1855 - 1910 John George Cecil Webb 55 55 According to his son Arthur's marriage certificate, He was a Sanitary Superintendant ~1864 Mary Sutton 1776 - 1845 John Castell 69 69 1784 - 1854 Ann Smith 70 70 1849 Alfred George Didcock 1852 - ~1922 Maria Hunt 70 70 1812 - 1877 Richard Didcock 65 65 1815 Ann Woodey 1783 Richard Didcock ~1785 Elizabeth Green 1730 Tomas Didcock 1741 Sarah Alexander 1704 - 1777 William Didcock 73 73 1708 Mary Heyward 1812 - 1888 Ephraim George Webb 75 75 1828 - 1865 Louisa Millar Crossley 37 37 1760 Rev John Webb ~1762 Marianne Harper 1729 - 1800 George Webb 71 71 George went over to Ireland with The Lord Chancillor Joscelyn in 1745 and soon after by the interest of Lord Shelburn, to whom he was an Agent, obtained the appointment of Postmaster of Marybrough in Queens County. He was also appointed to the then newly created office of Distributer of Stamps for the County and was also an agent for managing the Estates of several familys of rank and wealth including those of the Lord Shelbourne and Wellerleyd
He died at Roebuck Co Dublin where he had an Estate in the Year 1800 and is buried in the church of Marybrough.
~1730 Jane Swords ~1700 George Webb ~1700 Elizabeth (Mother) 1755 - 1836 Richard Webb 80 80 Was in Holy Orders and for Fifty years Rector of Ringsone near Kinsale.  1754 Daughters Stillbourn 1756 George Webb 1856 Mary Anne Frances Webb 1858 - 1907 Ernest Richard Robert Webb 48 48 1860 - 1957 Ella Louisa Crossley Webb 96 96 ~1861 Ann Louisa Crossley Webb ~1730 Ephraim Harper (Mother) 1762 - 1841 William Webb 79 79 1763 - 1790 Arthur Webb 27 27 1765 - 1823 Robert Webb 57 57 1766 - 1767 Joseph Webb 10m 10m 1768 - 1818 Stephen Webb 49 49 1770 - 1770 Pierce Webb 2m 2m 1759 - 1806 Elizabeth Webb 47 47 1757 - 1820 Thomas Webb 62 62 1771 - 1844 Joseph Webb 72 72 ~1757 Eliza Browne 1794 Richard Webb Was in Holy Orders and Rector of Caheragh, Diocese of Cork ~1797 Mary Beamish Youngest daughter of The Reverent Samuel Beamish of Mount Beamish Co. Cork and granddaughter by her Mother Mary Hamilton of Joshua Hamilton of Kerry first cousin of Lord Boyne, and great granddaughter of Sir Richard Cox Bart Lord High Chancellor of Ireland 1819 - 1878 Richard Webb 59 59 Appointed in 1845 Agent for managing the Estates of Sir Alan Billingham Bart of Castle Billingham Co. Louth 1821 Samuel Beamish Webb ~1822 Mary Hamilton Webb ~1824 Eliza Webb 1827 - 1904 John Henry Webb 77 77 1831 - 1877 Henry Hamilton Cox Webb 46 46 ~1720 Francis Browne Captain in H.M.28th Regiment (Mother) ~1765 Samuel Beamish ~1767 Mary Hamilton ~1796 Eliza Webb 1798 - 1839 Catherine Webb 41 41 ~1795 - 1839 Rev Jonas Favers Jones 44 44 Vicar of Kilmacabea in the Disces of Ross ~1820 Harry FaversJones ~1821 Richard FaversJones 1822 Jonas Favers Jones ~1824 Eliza FaversJones ~1800 Georgina Webb 1803 Rev John Webb Rector of Dunderrow Co. Cork ~1808 Maria Maxwell ~1770 Robert Maxwell (Mother) ~1805 Robert Maxwell ~1760 - 1830 Caroline Elizabeth Boyd 70 70 1785 - 1838 Charles Campbell Webb 53 53 ~1787 Elisa Henrietta Parke ~1750 Major Parke (Mother) ~1785 Roger Parke 1822 George Charles Grant Webb ~1824 Elizabeth Webb ~1825 James Charles Webb ~1827 Anne Webb 1786 Hugh George Webb ~1790 - 1824 Louisa Bond 34 34 ~1810 Caroline Elizabeth Webb 1811 Ambrose Webb ~1813 Horalia Webb ~1815 Arthur Webb ~1817 Hugh George Webb ~1800 Anna Congleue ~1770 Ambrose Congleue (Mother) 1788 Arthur William Webb ~1790 Ellen Catherine Campbell ~1760 Charles Campbell (Mother) 1823 Arthur William Webb 1827 Charles Philip Campbell Webb 1829 Fredrick Auguster Webb ~1830 Caroline Elizabeth Webb 1789 Saint Lawrence Webb 1792 - ~1835 Elizabeth Ellen Culoden 43 43 ~1810 Caroline Webb ~1815 Ellen Boyd Webb ~1810 Forster Shaw 1839 - 1840 Caroline Shaw 1 1 1841 Unknown Shaw ~1816 - 1885 Saint Lawrence Webb 69 69 ~1840 - 1932 Margaret Furlong 92 92 ~1882 Catherine Webb William Cox ~1817 George Webb ~1819 William Webb ~1821 Richard Webb 1790 Richard Ponsonby Webb ~1793 Dorathia Robinson 1827 Cecil Webb ~1828 Thomas Webb ~1829 Elizabeth Webb ~1831 Annie Webb ~1833 Mary Webb ~1834 Dorathia Webb 1792 Thomas Montgomerie Webb ~1795 Annie Cranston ~1755 William Cranston (Mother) 1830 John Gregory Webb ~1833 Mary Caroline Webb ~1836 Ellen Catherine Webb 1839 Thomas William Webb 1841 Annie Charlote Webb 1841 Arthur Alexander Webb 1845 Unknown Webb 1794 - ~1816 Robert Boyd Webb 22 22 1796 - 1808 Bateman Webb 12 12 ~1770 Rebecca Smith 1753 - 1839 Abigail Manders 86 86 ~1730 Robert Manders (Mother) 1784 - 1816 Isaac Webb 32 32 ~1786 Mary Younghusband ~1750 Charles Younghusband (Mother) ~1808 Elizabeth Webb ~1810 Abigail Webb ~1811 Margaret Webb 1786 - 1825 Margaret Webb 39 39 ~1783 Walter Glascock ~1760 William Glascock (Mother) ~1784 W N Glascock ~1807 Eliza Glascock 1809 - 1829 William George Glascock 20 20 ~1810 Anna Glascock 1791 - 1814 John Webb 23 23 1792 Thomas Webb 1792 Elizabeth Webb ~1790 - 1843 William Horrick Reardan 53 53 ~1750 Unknown Reardan (Mother) 1823 Edward Reardan ~1825 Laura Graves ~1785 William Graves (Mother) 1795 - 1810 Jane Webb 15 15 1796 - 1836 Mary Webb 39 39 ~1790 John William Jenings ~1760 George Jenings (Mother) ~1816 Georgina Margaret Jenings ~1810 James Hallinan 1823 Sidney Jenings ~1824 Catherine Jenings ~1820 Unknown Harrich ~1826 John Jenings ~1827 Mary Jane Jenings ~1755 - 1836 John Foskey 81 81 ~1880 Connie Webb ~1881 Ephraim Webb ~1883 Eva Webb ~1885 Edith Webb ~1887 John George Cecil Webb ~1888 Richard Arthur Webb ~1891 Geraldine Webb 1783 - 1783 Laurana Foskey 1783 - 1783 Jane Caroline Foskey 1784 - 1784 Eliza Foskey 1787 - 1787 George Foskey 1788 - 1844 George Foskey 56 56 ~1790 Mary Rogers 1820 Sarah Bethiah Foskey ~1815 Frederick Scholer 1845 Agether Scholer 1825 John Henry Foskey 1830 Elizabeth Foskey 1790 Jane Foskey ~1790 Joshua Harman 1792 Arthur Foskey ~1794 Maria Field ~1819 Catherine Foskey ~1820 Eliza Foskey ~1822 Arthur Foskey ~1824 Maria Foskey 1794 Ellinor Foskey ~1790 Hugh Stokes ~1790 Unknown Lathem 1796 John Henry Foskey ~1780 Maria Birch 1822 - ~1826 Mary Jane Foskey 4 4 ~1824 George Foskey ~1826 Unknown Foskey ~1827 Unknown Foskey ~1799 - ~1810 William Foskey 11 11 1802 - ~1830 Richard Webb Foskey 28 28 1803 - 1803 Unknown Foskey ~1765 Mary Ann Palmer 1809 William Palmer Foskey ~1812 Mary Thompson 1815 Arthur James Webb 1820 Richard John Webb ~1765 Catherine Dilaney ~1720 Kevin Dilaney (Mother) 1797 Ellen Webb 1799 - 1817 Richard Webb 17 17 1800 - 1825 John Webb 25 25 1802 George Webb 1806 Mary Caroline Webb 1807 Arthur Webb 1808 William Webb 1811 - 1835 Stephen Webb 24 24 ~1765 Mary Lloyd ~1730 Benjamin Lloyd (Mother) ~1700 Rice Lloyd (Mother) 1786 Mary Webb ~1780 Unknown Hocter 1788 Caroline Webb ~1785 Unknown Kelly 1805 - 1836 George Kelly 31 31 1790 - 1792 Elizabeth Webb 2 2 ~1770 - 1813 Sarah Yarner Hill 43 43 ~1735 Abel Hill (Mother) ~1700 Abraham Yarner Hill (Mother) 1787 George Webb ~1790 Suzanna Bish ~1765 Thomas Bish (Mother) 1816 George Bish Webb George Bish Webb Compiled the Webb family tree
in 1850. It was passed down to Andrew Charles Webb in about 1980 as he was the last known Webb
~1818 May Charolette Webb ~1820 Elizabeth Webb 1824 Francis Hughes Webb ~1826 Ellen Webb 1828 Fredrick Charles Webb 1789 - 1814 Julia Webb 25 25 1791 - 1813 Arthur Webb 21 21 1795 John Webb 1796 Sarah Webb ~1790 William Shortt ~1760 Charles Shortt (Mother) 1833 William Charles Webb 1834 Francis John Webb 1835 Harrich Elizabeth Webb ~1797 Sophia Webb ~1798 Harrich Webb ~1780 Mary Glendenning ~1770 Sophia Lambert ~1740 John Lambert (Mother) ~1773 Harriot Hill ~1750 Abels Hill (Mother) ~1793 George Dudley Webb ~1795 Anna Campbell ~1815 Harriot Caroline Webb ~1816 Francis Webb ~1818 Dudley George Webb 1819 Edward Joseph Webb ~1820 Alfred Russel Webb 1821 Fredrick Webb 1822 Georgina Elizabeth Webb ~1795 Sarah Webb ~1793 Unknown Harding ~1813 Joseph Harding ~1814 Francis Harding ~1815 Henry Harding 1816 Edmond Harding ~1817 Joanna Harding ~1796 Joseph Webb ~1798 Sophia Lane ~1831 Eliza Webb ~1832 George Webb ~1833 Emma Webb ~1798 Harriet Webb ~1796 John Luck ~1825 Ann Luck ~1826 Harriot Luck ~1827 Francis Luck ~1828 John Luck 1805 Richard Webb ~1807 Emma Bruce Pearson 1807 - 1843 William Webb 36 36 ~1700 Richard Swords (Mother) ~1725 Thomas Swords Captain H.M.55th Regiment ~1740 Joshua Hamilton (Mother) ~1740 William Castell 1742 Mary Gregory 1808 William Castell 1810 John Castell 1812 George Castell 1814 Ann Castell 1818 Mary Castell 1820 - 1820 Gabriel Castell 1822 Robert Castell 1824 Elizabeth Castell 1813 Eliza Turner 1833 Gabriel Castell ~1768 Edward Turner ~1775 Mary Brasher 1844 - 1909 John Castell 65 65 1846 William Castell 1848 Ann Castell 1850 - 1909 Charles Castell 59 59 1854 Charlotte Castell 1813 Richard Gregory 1844 Betsy Gregory 1855 Richard Gregory 1818 Sarah Collins 1836 - 1902 Robert Collins Castell 66 66 1846 Ann Ellaway 1863 Kate Castell 1866 Martha Castell 1869 Emma Castell 1872 - 1957 Elizabeth Castell 85 85 1874 William Castell 1876 Kate Castell 1879 John Castell 1881 Albert Harry Castell 1884 Charles Robert Castell 1887 Constance Mary Castell 1891 Edith Amy Castell 1879 Emily Padfield Constance Ida Castell Eric Charles Colin Castell ~1705 Abraham Gregory ~1710 Hannah Cobb 1662 Andrew Gregory ~1675 Sara Gray ~1640 Andrew Gregory ~1642 Ann Feeld 1618 Nicholas Feeld 1618 Joan (Mother) ~1598 Richard Feeld (Mother) 1821 Jesse Radbourne 1815 Eliza Herring 1850 John Herring Radbourne 1852 Elizabeth Ann Radbourne 1856 Emma Jane Radbourne 1859 James Edward Radbourne 1880 Lillian Frances Mary Castell 1882 Annie Sophia Katherine Castell 1884 James George Castell 1893 Dora Lucy Castell 1855 - 1939 John Thomas Carter 83 83 Ran away to sea but was bought out. Ran away and enlisted as boy trumpeter and was bought out again. Married Mums: she was 'Black Protestant' and he was RC: she insisted he became Protestant. He joined Leics Regt, but transferred to Northants Regt. Later transferred to Pay Corps and became Director General of Pay Duties. Devised demobilisation plans for which he received KCMG. Never saw a shot fired in anger until he went off to France on leave to see the trenches. Known as 'Pater' 1882 - 1964 Edward George Webb Carter 81 81 1884 - 1969 Ernest Albert John Webb Carter 84 84 Served in Merchant Navy and Royal Navy Reserve. Known as 'Bertie' 1886 - 1937 Louis Alfred Latimer Webb Carter 50 50 Served in France, Salonika and Palestine in WW1. Received DSO as Lieut or Capt. Army Service Corps. 3 MID's. Played Cricket for Europeans (India) in 1923/24 as Wicket Keeper.  1886 Nk Carter 1893 - 1917 Ion Hastings Webb Carter 23 23 Died in the Battle of Passchendaele 1897 - 1916 Desmond Patrick Webb Carter 19 19 Died of pneumonia in France 1901 - 1982 Brian Wolsey Webb Carter 80 80 DSO 1943/44. MID 1945. Organised Defence of Malta in 1935. Joined St Johns Ambulance after War. 1759 Elizabeth Castell 1762 Mary Castell 1764 William Castell 1767 Gabriel Castell 1872 - 1934 George Dolton 61 61 1840 Mary Ann Norrey 1870 William Samuel Castell 1873 - 1943 George James Castell 70 70 1880 Louisa Dawes 1876 Gertrude May Castell 1881 Charlotte Castell 1896 William Thomas Wells 1878 George Yates 1878 John Mose Hollick Eileen Dane ~1852 John Thomas Dandridge 1847 - 1930 Mary Ann Loder Hodges 83 83 1865 John Kemp 1866 Maria Hasted 1840 - 1897 Mary Ann Savery 57 57 1866 Charlotte Ann Castell 1866 George Courtier 1891 Alice May Courtier 1869 William George Castell 1873 Agnes Winnie Witney George Harold Castell Edwin Gilbert Castell 1871 Sarah Ann Castell 1868 Henry Rusher 1891 Mercy Rusher 1873 - 1873 John Charles Smith Castell 1874 - 1939 Charles John Castell 65 65 1876 Annette Holloway 1896 - 1968 Charles William Castell 72 72 1897 - 1975 George William Charles Castell 78 78 1892 - 1978 Lily Beatrice May Bucksey 86 86 Alfred John Castell Dorthy Clinton Dorothy Elsie Castell 1904 - 1968 Joseph Castell 64 64 1908 - 1995 Florence Jane Castell 87 87 Joseph and Floss were cousins 1912 - 1987 Stanley Reginald Castell 75 75 Marjorie Irene Castell Arthur William Daniels ~1881 - 1954 Caroline Alexander nee Slade 73 73 1874 - 1930 Alice Castell 56 56 1876 - 1947 Edith Emily Castell 71 71 1868 - 1920 Edward Ernest Greenshaw 52 52 1879 Charlotte Francis Castell 1881 - 1913 Edmund Charles Castell 32 32 Census 1901 clerk $200 living with sister Edith & husband Edward & thier children at Shoal Lake Manitoba  1897 - 1948 Olive Maud Greenshaw 51 51 1890 - 1946 Neil Taylor Munn 56 56 1898 - 1918 Arthur Henry Greenshaw 20 20 1900 - 1918 Ernest Charles Robert Greenshaw 18 18 Thora Greenshaw 1902 - 1903 George Howard Greenshaw 9m 9m Vera Lilian Greenshaw Edith Madeline Greenshaw 1886 Olive Whitney ~1820 Annie Townsend 1865 Townsend G Webb ~1823 Elizabeth White ~1842 - 1868 Julia Connelly 26 26 1863 - 1899 John Henry Webb 35 35 1864 - 1940 Harriet Sophia Penny 76 76 1864 - 1890 Julia Webb 25 25 1866 - 1944 Henrietta Mary Webb 78 78 1870 - 1939 Ernest Alfred Martin 69 69 1885 John Henry Webb 1888 - 1888 Edith Harriet Webb 9m 9m 1889 - 1954 Walter James Webb 65 65 ~1890 Alice Smith Barbara Grace Webb 1890 - 1945 Herbert Alfred Webb 54 54 1895 - 1980 Doris Evelyn Clark 84 84 1916 - 1982 Leonard Edwin William Webb 66 66 Living Wilson 1939 - 1957 Terrance Leonard Webb 18 18 1942 - 1967 Leonnie Lynette Webb 25 25 1892 - 1956 Charles Edgar Webb 64 64 Georgia May Smith 1893 - 1965 Ernest Harold Webb 72 72 1895 - 1973 Evelyn Grace Sophia Webb 78 78 ~1890 William John Anthony ~1914 - 1929 Francis Xavier Anthony 15 15 1915 - 1972 Gordon Ernest Anthony 57 57 1896 - 1896 Ivy Ada Edna Webb 4m 4m 1897 - 1898 Claude Leslie Webb 1 1 ~1890 Annie Fredricka Martin ~1892 Eleanor Martin ~1893 Godfrey Edward Martin Phebe May Martin Robert Henry Martin Ernest Martin 1901 - 1901 George Martin Richard Webb Martin ~1829 - 1920 Emily Sarah Lumsden 91 91 1868 James Lumsden ~1870 Emily McLean 1890 Emily Sarah Lumsden 1870 - 1943 Ada Eliza Webb 73 73 1861 - 1942 Fredrick Warren 80 80 ~1885 Ruby Doris Warren ~1875 Bill Blenheim ~1875 Stan Taylor ~1888 Gladys Warren ~1888 Ted Johnston ~1889 Myrtle Warren ~1889 Alan Lineham 1891 - 1971 Clarice Elsie Olive Warren 79 79 ~1891 Frank Williams 1893 - 1973 Fredrick Thomas Webb Warren 80 80 ~1893 Mary Wilson Andrew Charles Webb 1894 - 1982 Ada Eileen Warren 87 87 ~1894 Walter Norris 1895 - 1900 Arthur Webb Warren 4 4 1897 - 1967 John Henry Webb Warren 70 70 Mary Moxson 1898 - 1996 Marie Alice May Warren 98 98 Titch McCraw 1899 - 1994 Edith Maggie Maud Warren 94 94 S Pastullo 1901 - 1964 Victoria Mary Warren 63 63 Bert Hutchinson 1902 - 1982 Vera Charolette Warren 79 79 Cliff Gardiner Raymond Albert Webb Warren 1904 - 1982 Raymond Albert Webb Warren 77 77 Jessie Wheeldon 1905 - 1972 Ernest Webb Warren 67 67 Marjorie Lloyd 1906 - 1982 William Webb Warren 76 76 Rene Tolley 1907 - 1989 Leslie Webb Warren 82 82 1910 - 1980 Rita Myrtle Warren 69 69 Jim Ross 1913 - 1913 Reginald Webb Warren 7d 7d 1913 - 1913 Ivy Warren 2d 2d 1915 - 1983 Albert Geoffrey Warren 67 67 1871 - 1871 Henry Richard Webb 2m 2m 1872 - 1911 Emily Louisa Webb 39 39 1875 - 1927 Francis Thomas Henry Claringbold 52 52 Marion Francis Claringbold Peter Sharples Augustus Henry Francis Claringbold Emily Amilia Claringbold 1874 - 1961 Harriot Hamilton Maud Webb 87 87 1876 - 1958 Charles Taylor 82 82 ~1894 Raymond Francis Taylor John Alexandra Taylor 1903 - 1960 Charles Henry Taylor 57 57 1876 - 1928 Mary Webb 52 52 1877 - 1938 Richard Francis Webb 61 61 1880 - 1967 Bertha Rose Chibnall 87 87 Henry Francis Webb Eileen Webb Kelvin Richard Webb Leonard Arthur Webb 1906 - 1980 Elsie Myrtle Webb 74 74 1910 - 1978 Clarice May Webb 68 68 nk Kirk 1879 - 1911 Samuel Beamish Webb 32 32 1881 - 1959 Elizabeth Kathleen Webb 78 78 1872 - 1939 Louis Albert Gunsser 67 67 Living Gunsser Living Gunsser 1912 - 1971 Albert Samuel Gunsser 59 59 1913 - 1921 Thelma Elizabeth Gunsser 8 8 1882 - 1882 William Webb 1884 - 1902 Henry Hamilton Webb 18 18 1886 - 1908 Alexanda Webb 22 22 1887 - 1887 Robert Webb 15d 15d 1893 - 1927 Myrtle Violet, May Webb 34 34 1891 Ivan Mase Adams Kennith Walter Adams Geoffrey Merton Thomas Adams Marie Mackenzie 1811 - 1811 nk Webb 1813 Christina Jane Webb 1816 - 1816 nk Webb 1889 - 1974 Anne Clare (Angel) Lang 84 84 Living Carter Living Hyde 1916 - 1981 Kathleen Dorothy Murray 65 65 Living Carter 1944 - 1993 Patricia Hayes 49 49 Living Carter Living Lawrence Living Pickford Living Reid 1969 - 1969 Terry- Anne Reid 3m 3m Living Carter Living Roberts Living Carter Living Carter Living Carter 1918 - 2003 William Austin Fredrick Maynard 85 85 Nora P nk 1915 - 1979 Mary Ellie Carter 64 64 1915 - 1996 Geoffrey Hugh Penderil John 80 80 1885 - 1975 Magdalene (Madge) Cummings 90 90 1914 - 1980 Orrok Edward Cummings Carter 65 65 1917 - 1999 Katharine Sophia Eyton-Williams 81 81 1917 - 1997 Brian Webb Cummings Carter 79 79 Moved to Canada 1917 - 1994 Myrtle Pauline Seymour 77 77 1919 - 2004 Ellie Say Carter 84 84 1888 - 1948 Evelyn Norah Abbot Anderson 59 59 Stewart Louis Anderson Carter Celia Buchanan 1913 - 1948 John Henry Anderson Carter 34 34 Franc Wavell Biddulph Carter 1924 - 1995 Dina Francesca Maria Tomiani 70 70 Daughter of Italian Admiral ~1750 Charles Smith ~1751 Elizabeth (Mother) 1768 Elizabeth Smith 1769 - 1780 William Smith 11 11 1771 James Smith 1774 Carolina Smith 1776 Sarah Smith 1780 Robert Smith 1781 Mary Smith 1781 Martha Smith 1785 John Smith ~1881 - 1947 Albert Percy Crawley 66 66 1895 - 1977 Selina Elizabeth Butterfield 81 81 William Crawley Joan Barnet Albert James Crawley Doris nk Phylis nk Susan Crawley James Percy Crawley Josie nk Joan Doris Crawley Stan Yates Elsie Gladys Crawley Bert nk Victor nk Dennis Ronald Crawley Vera nk Fredrick Charles Crawley Freda nk Virginia Crawley ~1935 - ~1935 Bernard Crawley David Derek Stanley Crawley 1894 - 1955 Frank Sibson 61 61 Railway Stores Clerk Violet Beatrice Grigson 1770 Robert Castell 1772 Jane Castell 1773 Lucy Cutter 1795 - 1797 John Castell 2 2 1797 John Castell 1799 George Castell 1801 Charles Castell 1803 William Castell 1806 Mary Castell 1807 Sarah Castell ~1800 Frances Cannon 1838 George Castell 1839 Charles Castell ~1812 Sarah Elizabeth Lailey 1850 Sarah Ann Castell 1854 Robert Richard Castell 1852 Edward Laily Castell ~1856 Elizabeth Walter ~1860 Elizabeth Drew 1886 - 1959 Winifred Elizabeth Castell 73 73 ~1888 Florence Mary Castell ~1890 Robert Castell Moved to France after marriage ~1891 Jessica May Castell no issue ~1893 Archibald Harold Castell no issue Edward Percy Castell ~1890 Marie Unknown Robert Castell Mireille Castell Florence Guigas Robert Castell Albert Castell Jean Marot ~1865 Elizabeth Perrin ~1866 James Sidney Butterfield Barbara Sibson William Sibson Mavis Sibson Sylvia Sibson Raymond Sibson 1829 Charles Butterfield 1871 with wife and children, Aspenden. Labourer. 1881 ditto. Married daughter Mary Ann is with them entered as wife of soldier 1828 Selina Savage ~1783 Thomas Butterfield ~1783 Ann Doleman 1809 John Savage 1809 Maria Darton 1776 William Savage ~1780 Sarah Hollingsworth ~1750 Henry Savage ~1753 Sarah Game ~1730 Mary Draper ~1730 Thomas Game ~1708 John Draper ~1710 Ann Cannon ~1772 Joseph Darton ~1780 Elizabeth Wilson ~1750 John Darton ~1750 Martha Smith 1871 - 1955 Alfred William Grigson 84 84 Train Driver (Mother) ~1850 William Grigson Game Keeper ~1852 Mary Beckett ~1865 - ~1917 Frank Sibson 52 52 Cheesemonger (Mother) 1854 Louisa (Mother) (Father) 1759 William Butterfield ~1760 Mary Robertson 1715 Francis Butterfield ~1717 Hesther Butler Nora Hayes Susan Webb Sally Webb Jacoeline Webb Arthur Thompson Robert Thompson Jane Thompson Margaret Arnold Peggy Ann Webb William Pratt Penelope Jane Pratt Gillian Pratt Patricia Pratt Francis Pratt Pamela Pratt Alan Pratt Aimee Nicole Bird George Joseph Alfie Webb Ellie Liscus Bonnie Liskus Webb William James Bird Carole Wright
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