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Female Amicia De Meschines Click to view Amicia De Meschines in the family tree

Amicia was born in 1167 in Chester, England.1   Amicia's father was Hugh De Meschines and her mother was Bertrade Montfort.  Her paternal grandparents were Ranulph De Gernon De Meschines and Maud Fitz Robert De Gloucester; her maternal grandparents were Simon II Le Chauve De Montfort and Maud Montfort. She had a brother and five sisters, named Ranulph, Mabel, Beatrix, Agnes, Alice and Hawise.

Amicia's family with Rafe Ralph De Mainwaring

‌Amicia and Rafe Ralph De were married in a religious ceremony in 1179 in ,Warmingham, Cheshire, England.1   They had two sons and a daughter, named Roger, William and Beatrice.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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