[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
OCCU E.of Mercia c. 1002-59...
SOUR The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier says BEF 1003
SOUR BAOSE.TAF (Compuserve) says AFT 1062
HAWKINS.GED says 1059; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says ABT 1063
Temple, NH by Blood, p. 268
Gyrth was given East Anglia when AElfgar, Earl Leofric's son, who had
succeeded Harold in this area, became earl of Mercia after his father -
The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier, p. 31; Earldorman of East Anglia -
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 258; Algar, Earl of Mercia,1053
-Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 331; Earl of the East
Saxons, son & heir, took that title upon Harold's quitting it for the Earldom
of the W. Saxons, after Earl Godwin's death-Temple, NH by Blood, p. 268
OCCU E.of Mercia c. 1002-59...
SOUR The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier says BEF 1003
SOUR BAOSE.TAF (Compuserve) says AFT 1062
HAWKINS.GED says 1059; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says ABT 1063
Temple, NH by Blood, p. 268
Gyrth was given East Anglia when AElfgar, Earl Leofric's son, who had
succeeded Harold in this area, became earl of Mercia after his father -
The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier, p. 31; Earldorman of East Anglia -
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 258; Algar, Earl of Mercia,1053
-Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 331; Earl of the East
Saxons, son & heir, took that title upon Harold's quitting it for the Earldom
of the W. Saxons, after Earl Godwin's death-Temple, NH by Blood, p. 268
OCCU E.of Mercia c. 1002-59...
SOUR The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier says BEF 1003
SOUR BAOSE.TAF (Compuserve) says AFT 1062
HAWKINS.GED says 1059; gendex.com/users/daver/rigney/D0001 says ABT 1063
Temple, NH by Blood, p. 268
Gyrth was given East Anglia when AElfgar, Earl Leofric's son, who had
succeeded Harold in this area, became earl of Mercia after his father -
The Norman Conquest, C.T. Chevallier, p. 31; Earldorman of East Anglia -
Royalty for Commoners, Roderick W. Stuart, p. 258; Algar, Earl of Mercia,1053
-Americans of Royal Descent, Charles H. Browning, p. 331; Earl of the East
Saxons, son & heir, took that title upon Harold's quitting it for the Earldom
of the W. Saxons, after Earl Godwin's death-Temple, NH by Blood, p. 268
GIVN Alfgar III Earl Of
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
REPO @@REPO1097@@
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 6 OCT 2000
TIME 19:00:37
DATE 7 MAY 2000