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Male Richard D'Avranches Click to view Richard D'Avranches in the family tree

Richard was born in 1025 in ,Avranches, Normandy, France.1   Richard's father was Vicount Of Hiesmer Le Goz Thurston and his mother was Judith of Montanolier.  His paternal grandfather was Ansfred II Unfroi Le Goz. He had a brother named Robert.  He was the younger of the two children.  He died at the age of 57 in 1082.1 

Richard's family with Emma De Conteville

They had two sons and five daughters, named Hugh, Arnold, Maud, Emma, Albreda, Judith and Arbella Loup.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
daveanthes.FTW, daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW

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