A soldier during the Revolutionary War with the North Carolina Militia and fought at the Battle of King's Mountain. He was a Private then Sergeant and received a pension of $130 in 1833. He is listed in the 1782 Wilke's County, NC Tax List showing 260 acres of land, 2 mules, 5 cattle, and no slaves.
On December 23, 1799, Alexander recorded 50 acres of land on Brushy Mountain (NC Grant No. 1948).
Alexander Gilreath migrated from Bute County, NC to Wilkes County,NC
with his brother William Gilreath, Jr. and, perhaps, three Jones
brothers, William, Thomas and James. After arriving in Wilkes County he
became active in land transactions, making several land entries for land
in what became the town of Wilkesboro, NC.
He served in the Revolutionary War as a Private and a Sergeant in both
North Carolina and South Carolina. He received a pension for his war
He was also a tax collector, constable, justice of the peace and member
of a school board for Wilkes County, North Carolina and the town of
Wilkesboro. Most of his life in the county was spent in the area of
Brushy Mountain near the crossroads still marked on current maps as "Old
Revolutionary War Pension Application S8564
Alexander Gilreath
Born 15 Nov 1755 in Bute County, NC. Moved to Wilkes County, NC in 1776.
Served in Cpt Richard Allen's Company in 1779 under Colonel Hampton until discharged 24 Mar 1780.
Served from July 4, 1780 under Colonel Ben Cleveland at the Battle of Ramseurs Mill. As a scout under Cleveland in Sep 80 and in Feb 1781 served as a private and sergeant in Cpt Allen's Co in Colonel Locke's regiment.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Alexander Gilreath, of the Co. aforesaid being weak and feeble in body but of perfect mind and memory, calling unto mind the mortality knowing it is appointed for all men to die, do make this last Will and Testament and as respects such worldly estate as has pleased God to help me with I give and demise and dispose of in the following manner:
1st -- I give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth all my lands and my negro man, stock and farming utensils, and all my property of every discription during her natural life or widowhood and after her death or intermarriage, to be divided among my children.
2nd -- I give to my daughter Mary Marlowe, my negro girl Samira for her use during her lifetime and after her death to go to my son George's wife for her use and her heirs forever.
3rd -- I give and bequeath to my son Noah all my lands except 200 acres together with one half of my farming tools. Also my negro boy, Pormier, Andre, Enos, and Wesley to him and his heirs.
4th -- I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth two hundred acres of land to be set off at the discretion of my executors so as to include the dwelling house where I now live and the Spring and other conveniences which may be necessary. Also my negro boy Luke, Mary, and Amanda and also the other half of my farming tools and utensils to her heirs forever. The balance of my estate to be equally divided between my several children to wit: Rhoda Cook for her heirs forever. Lucy-Martin-Larkin-Harvey to them and their heirs forever and out of which surplus I give and bequeath to my son Jeremiah Ten Dollars, and no more to him and his heirs. I do hereby nominate and appoint my son George and my son Noah my sole executors to this my last will and testament and I do utterly disannul, revoke all and every other former Will and Testament and ratifying and confirming this my last Will and Testament in witness thereby I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13 day of August A.D. 1838. Signed and sealed in presence of William Hillaire Gilreath