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Male William Stocks Click to view William Stocks in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

William was born on February 17th, 1805 in Huddersfield and his baptism took place on March 1st, 1805 in High St. Chapel Methodist New Connexion.1  William's father was Charles Stocks and his mother was Sally (Ann) Tiffany.  His paternal grandparents were William Stocks and Sarah Brook. He had three brothers and four sisters, named Joseph, John, Richard, Sally, Sarah, Hannah and Mary.  He was the second youngest of the eight children.  He died at the age of 54 in 1859 in Huddersfield.2 

William's first family with Eliza Croft

Family Pictures
‌William and Eliza were married in a religious ceremony on May 18th, 1826 in Almondbury by R. Jones and witnessed by James Haigh & Nathan Croft.4   They had three sons and four daughters, named Allin, Hamor, Charles, Sarah, Mary, Martha and Ann.

William's second family with Sarah Hargreaves

Family Pictures
‌William and Sarah were married in a religious ceremony on December 13th, 1838 in Almondbury by David Edward and witnessed by William Rudcliff & Joshua Nobel.4   They had a daughter named Hannah.

William's third family with Alice Oldfield

‌William and Alice were married in a religious ceremony in July 1843.  They had three sons and two daughters, named Oldfield, Luke, Alexander, Martha and Eliza.  The family line is yet to be completed.

1 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
3 Certificate - Marriage
4 West Yorkshire BMB 1512-1812
5 West Yorkshire Non-Conformist Records
7 National Probate Records
8 1851 UK Census

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