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Male John Mather Click to view John Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

John was born in 1822 in Manchester and his baptism took place on June 22nd, 1823 at Manchester Cathedral.1 2  John's father was John (Mechanic) Mather and his mother was Ann Thompson. He had three brothers and three sisters, named Joseph, John, Thomas, Jane, Martha and Ellen. He had a half-brother and two half-sisters, named Thomas, Betty and Sarah.  He died at the age of 70 in February 1892.  He was buried on February 10th, 1892 at the Cheetham Hill.3 

John's first family with Eliza Smith (nee Jackson)

Family Pictures
‌John and Eliza were married in a religious ceremony on May 13th, 1849 in Heaton Park witnessed by Thomas & Sarah Ann Adams.6   There are no children.

John's second family with Margaret Hughes

Wife's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌John and Margaret were married in a religious ceremony on April 8th, 1882 in Heaton Park.7 

1 1861 UK Census
2 Manchester CoE Births & Baptisms
3 Burial Records - Cheetham Hill
4 Certificate - Marriage
5 1871 UK Census
6 Lancashire CoE Marriages & Banns (1754-1936)
7 BMD-Cheshire

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