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Female Jane Mather Click to view Jane Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Jane was born in 1856 in Little Hulton.1   Jane's father was Levi Mather and her mother was Sarah Aldred.  Her paternal grandparents were Henry Mather and Sarah (Sally) Swindels. She had four brothers and three sisters, named Henry, James, William, Levi, Harriet, Mary and Sarah.  She was the second oldest of the eight children.  She died at the age of 30 on January 29th, 1886 in Salford.  She was buried in February 1886 in Little Hulton.2 3 

Jane's family with William McMellon

Husband's Pictures
‌Jane and William were married in a religious ceremony on December 15th, 1877 in Charlestown by Curate William Rudge and witnessed by Henry & Ellenor Mather.4  They had a son and three daughters, named William, Annie, Mary and Eva.  There are no more children.

1 1871 UK Census
2 FindAGrave
4 Certificate - Marriage
5 1881 UK Census
6 Manchester non-Conformist B&B (1758-1912)
7 Headstone
8 1891 UK Census

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