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Male Samuel Brereton Click to view Samuel Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Samuel was born in June 1876 in Over (nr. Winsford).1  Samuel's father was Samuel Brereton and his mother was Ellen Bebbington.  His paternal grandparents were William Brereton Jnr and <unknown>; his maternal grandparents were George Bebbington and Jane HancockHannah Warburton was his grandmother through his father's adoption. He had seven brothers and two sisters, named William, John, Ernest, Frank, Thomas, George, Chris, Annie and Helen.  He was the fifth youngest of the ten children.  He died at the age of 87 on April 19th, 1964 in Nantwich.2 

Samuel's family with Ethel Annie Pigg James

‌Samuel and Ethel were married in a religious ceremony on August 2nd, 1915 in Hertfordshire.4  They had a son named Samuel.

1 1891 UK Census
2 National Probate Records
3 1911 UK Census
4 Certificate - Marriage

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