Mary Ellen's obituary appeared on 3 February 1899 in the The World, Bloomington, Monroe Co., Indiana, and it read; "Mrs. William Shields died at noon yesterday after a three weeks illness of lung trouble which was brought on by the grip. Deceased was in her 76th year. Mrs. Shields resided with her family on Moore's Creek. Her husband is one of the best known citizens of the county, and the deceased was beloved by all her friends. She was mother of nine children as follows: Mrs. A. J. Lampkins, of this city; Mrs. Phillip Bond, Morgantown; Mrs. Allen Carter, Mrs. Wampler, Mrs. Hall, David P., James H., William W., and Jown W. The funeral will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Friendship Church. The remains will be buried in the Shields graveyard."