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Female Anna (Annie) Westpfahl Click to view Anna (Annie) Westpfahl in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Anna, known as Annie, was born on May 7th, 1854 in Bremen and her christening took place there on July 30th, 1854.1 2  Annie's father was Heinrich Christian Frederick  Westpfahl and her mother was (Juliane) Charlotte Focke.  Her paternal grandparents were Christian Westphal and Rebecca Fricken. She had two brothers and a sister, named Frederick, Carl and Engle.  She was the second oldest of the four known children. She had three half-brothers and three half-sisters, named Christian, Heinrich, Johann, Sophie, Bertha and Louise.  She died at the age of 74 in March 1929 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.3 

Annie's family with John Askew

‌Annie and John were married in a religious ceremony on April 16th, 1882 in Durham. They had two sons and two daughters, named John, William, Dora and Florence.

1 1881 UK Census
4 1891 UK Census
5 England & Wales BMD Index (1916-2007)

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