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Male Leonidas (Lee) Ranson Mather Snr Click to view Leonidas (Lee) Ranson Mather Snr in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Leonidas, known as Lee, was born on October 2nd, 1892 in Hampden.1   Lee's father was William Gibson Mather and his mother was Mary (Fannie) Frances McCauley.  His paternal grandparents were William Mather and Helen (Ellen) Cunliffe. He had five brothers and four sisters, named Robert, William, Joseph, Charles, Ira, Nell, Irma, Fannie and Martha.  He was the fifth youngest of the ten children.  He died at the age of 66 on January 22nd, 1959 in Maryland (MD).1 

Lee's first family with Josephine Brown

‌Lee and Josephine were married in a religious ceremony on March 10th, 1917 in Baltimore County.1   They had a son named Lee.  There are no more children.

Lee's second family with Alethia Gladys Craumer

‌Lee and Alethia were married in a religious ceremony on February 22nd, 1920 in Baltimore County.1  They had two sons named Lee and Doug.  There are no more children.

1 Individual - Sean Mather
3 US Social Security Records

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