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Female Harriet Jane Mather Click to view Harriet Jane Mather in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Harriet was born in June 1864 in Little Hulton and her baptism took place on September 3rd, 1864 at Peel Chapel.1 2  Harriet's father was Henry Mather and her mother was Deborah CromptonHenry Mather and Sarah (Sally) Swindels were her grandparents through her father's adoption. She had six brothers and two sisters, named James, Joseph, Thomas, Winnifred, William, Herbert, <female> and Sarah.  She was the second oldest of the nine children.  She died at the age of 60 in June 1924 in Bolton.3 

Harriet's family with Thomas Sixsmith

‌Harriet and Thomas were married in a civil ceremony in March 1886 in Bolton.3  They had a son and two daughters, named William, Lily and Janet.  There are no more children.

1 1871 UK Census
2 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)

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