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Male Benjamin Buckley Click to view Benjamin Buckley in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Benjamin was born on November 16th, 1770 in Bury and his baptism took place on December 25th, 1770 at St. Mary-the-Virgin (Bury).1 2  Benjamin's father was Benjamin Buckley and his mother was Sarah Ogden.  His paternal grandparents were James Buckley Jnr and Sarah Cooper. He had three brothers and three sisters, named Joseph, Josiah, John, Mary, Anne and Ann.  He was the fourth oldest of the seven children. He had two half-brothers and two half-sisters, named James, Abraham, Sarah and Betty.  He died at the age of 1 on February 3rd, 1772 in Oldham.  He was buried on February 3rd, 1772 at St. Mary-the-Virgin (Bury).3 

1 Manchester CoE Deaths & Burials
2 Manchester CoE BMB (1541-1812)
3 England Select Deaths & Burials (1538-1991)

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