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Male Thomas Brereton Click to view Thomas Brereton in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Thomas was born in 1746 in Burland and his christening took place on July 6th, 1746 in Acton by Nantwich.1  Thomas' father was John Brereton and his mother was Maria (Mary) Blackmore.  His paternal grandparents were Ranalphus (Randle or Ralph) Brereton and Amy Bettiley. He had four brothers named John, John, Thomas and Randle.  He was the second youngest of the five children.  He died at the age of 74 in 1820.

Thomas' family with Hannah Vicars

Family Pictures
‌Thomas and Hannah were married in a religious ceremony on July 29th, 1769 in Acton by Nantwich by Curate Frances Bromley.2   They had five sons and eight daughters, named Randle, Thomas, George, John, George, Ann, Elizabeth, Betty, Hannah, Sarah, Frances, Catherine and Jane.  The family line is yet to be completed.

1 Cheshire CoE BMD (1696-1923)
2 England Select Births & Christenings (1538-1975)
3 Cheshire Select Bishops Transcripts (1576-1933)
5 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
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