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Female Joan De Somery Click to view Joan De Somery in the family tree

Joan was born about 1232 in Of, Dudley, Staffordshire, England.1   Joan's father was Roger De Somery and her mother was Nicole D'Aubigny.  Her paternal grandparents were Ralph De Somery and Margaret Fitz Gilbert Marshall; her maternal grandparents were William D'Aubigny and Mabel De Meschines. She had three sisters named Margaret Margery, Mabel and Maud. She had a half-brother named Roger.  She died in 1282 in ,Knockin, Warwickshire, England.1 

Joan's family with John Le Strange

‌Joan and John were married in a religious ceremony about 1252 in Ellesmere, Shrop, England.1   They had a son and a daughter, named John V Le and Hawise.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
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