Custom Field:<_FA#> Mt. Pleasant, Crenshaw Co. AL.@@S726784@@Date of Import: Jul 31, 2003
1830 Census, Kershaw County, South Carolina, Page 35
Household of Warren Spradley born in 1804, Page 35 Kershaw Co. South
Age 20 to 30 Warren Spradley born 1800 to 1810
Age 20 to 30 Female (wife, Alsey)? born 1800 to 1810
Age 70 to 80 Female (Mary)? born 1750 to 1760. ?wife of
James, Sr.
Age 5 to 10 Male (John)? born 1820 to 1825
Age 5 to 10 Female born 1820 to 1825
Age Below 5 Two Males born 1825 to 1830 ?Michael &
May 1824 Kershaw County, South Carolina, Book K, Pages 334,335 & 336.
Indenture made by Warren Spradley in May 1824 with James Deas, John
Boykin and Zachariah Cantry, executors of General Zachariah Cantry,
deceased. Owed $80 to Cantry and signed over to the executors 80 acres
situated on Long Branch Waters of Pine Tree Creek consisting of two
tracks originally granted to General Zack Cantry, bounded by lands of
Solomon Bradley, J.E. Vit, Z.Cantry and John Myes and Col.Joseph
Kershaw. It is the intent of all parties that if Warren Spradley pays
the $80 ....Witnessed by Thomas Welch and by Thomas Salmond.
November 1831 Kershaw County (?) South Carolina Book M pages 316 and 317.
Warren Spradley sold in November 1831 to Maria Parish for $120, 80 acres
situated on Long Branch waters of Pine Tree being composed of two tracts
originally granted to Gen. Z. Cantry boarded by Solomon Bradley, General
Cantry,and John Myers and by estate of Col. Joseph Kershaw. Witnesses:
Felix Labauve and John B. Mengy. Signed by Warren Spradley and by Alsey
Spradley (her mark).
Date: 28 07 1838
Location: AL,
Document #: 33892
Serial #: AL1800__.031
Acres: 40.0750
Meridian or Watershed: ST STEPHENS
Parcel: Township 12N, Range 18E, Section 27
According to family tales, the Spradley and Boone (Boon) families came to
AL from SC on a 2 wheel ox cart led by a cousin of Daniel Boone. They
settled in a community called Live Oak in Crenshaw Co. In the later years
of Warren and Elsie's lives they moved to Honorville to be near daughter
Frances. Moved to Winsboro SC and in 1832 to Montgomery AL.
Page 158, Household # 105 of 1850 Census of Montgomery Co., AL.
Warren Spradley, 46, M, Farmer, $400, SC
Elsey, 49, F, SC
Chapman L., 21, M, Farmer, SC
James J?, 18, M, Farmer, SC
Caroline A., 15, F, AL
Frances J., 10, F, AL
Bryant A., 8, M, AL
Zachariah Tucker Spradley, 6, M, AL
Amelia's listing:
page 158/ HH#104
Amelia Summerlin, 42, F, SC
Matilda, 22,F,SC
Eliza Jane, 20, F, SC
William R., 18, M, Farmer, AL
Abner James, 16, M, Farmer
Madison P., 14, M, AL
Polly A., 11, F., AL
Redin Columbus, 8, M
1870 Federal Census of Crenshaw Co., AL
139 SPRADLEY Warren 67 wm SC
" Alisy 68 wf SC
DICKEY Jane 22 wf AL
Buried in Honoraville Cemetery in northern Crenshaw Co., AL
Frances Spradley Morgan 1839 to 1918
Charles H. Morgan pvt 59 Ala inf CSA Oct. 11, 1835 to Sept. 27, 1921
Frank Morgan Dec. 28, 1875 to Feb. 13, 1936
Rufus Henry Morgan pvt Co I 59th Ala inf CSA June 17, 1839 - March 12,
Posted by MR Reagan <> on Thu, 02 Jul 1998 Searching for
parents of Warren Charles SPRADLEY, b. 1801 - 4 in Kershaw Co. , and his
wife Elsie MALONE. b. 1801-4 in Kershaw Co. Were in Kershaw Co. in l830
census, moved to Montgomery Co. Al between l835 and 1840 with 4 children.
Others born in AL.