REFN: 3261AN REFN: P3262 The half-brother of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn of Deheubarth, Bleddyn fa ced the advance of the Normans after the conquest in 1066. He gave support t o the Mercians, assisting Edric "the Wild" in 1067 and Edwin and Morcar in 1068. In 1070, at the battle of mechain, he slew two sons of Gruffydd who ch allenged his succession, but was subsequently under great pressure on his nor th-eastern border from the marcher lords. He was killed in 1075 by Rhys ap O wain of Deheubarth, but his descendants continued to rule Powys. The Chronic le of the princes lavished praise on him as "the most mild and clement of kin gs". Acceded to the thrown of Powys and Gwynedd in 1063. Source: Oxford Kin gs & Queens of Britian, John Cannon and Anne Hargreaves.