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Male Allen Kelly Daniel Click to view Allen Kelly Daniel in the family tree

Allen Kelly was born on August 31st, 1898 in Neshoba County,Mississippi.  Allen Kelly's father was William Allen Daniel and his mother was Nellie Barrier.  His paternal grandparents were William Simmons Daniel and Permintia Wesley Stewart. He had two sisters named Ettie Bulah and Cora Lee.  He was the youngest of the three children. He had five half-brothers and four half-sisters, named Willie Perry, Ethel Whittle, Ollie Junice, Jasper Jay, Tommy Binford, Nellie Estell, Jessie Mae, Era Lucille and Mildred Ruth.  He died at the age of 87 in April 1986 in Greenwood,Leflore,Mississippi.  He was buried in Greenwood,Leflore,Mississippi.

Allen Kelly's family with Leta Moore

‌Allen Kelly and Leta were married in a religious ceremony in December 1924.  They had a son and three daughters, named Allen Kelly, Pauline, Christine and Living.

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