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Family Subtree Diagram : Auld/Wright

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child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (three children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (four children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1912 - 1992 Iain Vardy Auld 80 80 Born in St Swithin St, Aberdeen, attended Ashley Road School and then Robert Gordons College. Apprenticed to Barry Henry and attended Technical College. Helped with deliveries from Family Grocer Shop. Moved to India as Engineer on Tea Plantation. Learnt Hindi. Was in Iraqi during the war. Returned to India. After 17 years returned to Aberdeen on leave. Married at Harrow-on-the-Hill in 1951. Returned to manage Tea Estates. UK leave May 1961, refused a Directorship, returned to UK in 1968. Settled at Anderson Drive, Aberdeen. Worked for Camping Club at West Runton and Barns Ness. Then at Crabston Agricultural College until retired. 1925 - 2016 Audrey Kathleen Jennings 90 90 Born in Wealdstone, resided at Dukes Avenue. Worked as short hand secretary in London. Married in 1951, moved to India, learnt Hindi. Returned to UK in 1968, settled at Anderson Drive Aberdeen. Worked at Teachers Training College, medical department. After husband death, joined daughter in Tewkesbury.

Married 16th September 1950 at Harrow on the Hill Church, Margaret and Coop, Pop and Mum Auld, Leslie, Pat and Jackie, Phyllis and Mrs Jennings. After went to Theater Golders Green "Lilac Time" Bob, Pat, Mother Auld, Phyllis, Margaret (Brides Maid) and Mrs Jennings.
Next day Leslie took Phyllis home to Sale, Manchester wher Sandy had stayed at home to look after Joyce and Sandy
1952 Colin Leslie Auld Born in India, came to Harrow to start school, stayed at Lowlands Road with Ron & Ellen Jennings (1958). Moved to Aberdeen, Ashley Road School for 6 months then to Seabank Road Nairn (1964). Parents returned from India, moved to Aberdeen and Robert Gordons College. Started an Electronic & Electrical Degree course at RGIT moving to first job at Redifon Simulation Systems Crawley; lived in Smallfield (1974).
Three years working in South Africa. Firm closed, moved to Daniel Doncasters HQ Sheffield and married 1980. Relocated to South Queensferry in 1981, worked with Marconi Systems in Fife and setting up the Rosyth project office for the build of the largest aircraft carriers for the Navy. Obtained MSc from Heriot Watt University. Move to new house in 1984. Worked in Karachi and Soul, plus Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Faslane, Kinloss.
Ancestory: Crest:Auld (Scottish). Reading:The rising sun out of a cloud. Motto: Major virtus guam splendor. Translation: Virtue is greater than splendour.
1954 Susan Audrey Auld 1871 - 1949 Alexander Auld 78 78 Married Amy Jane Vardy the 16th September 1906 at the Central Hotel, Bridge Street, Aberdeen.
Left Wardie, a poorer upland farm, eventually taking over a grocer shop in St Swithin St in Aberdeen. Provisional Permission granted  23 October 1902, agreement with George Reid regarding shop at 40 St Swithin Street.  In 1905 purchased house in Street from George A Wilson. When stressed would return to family around Maud area for a few days. Horses stabled in Stanley Street. Registered address for telegrams was Auld, Aberdeen. Early phone installed for shop (number1980), switched through to house. Purchased a car but enclosure built by joiner was too heavy for limited power. Eventually purchased an Essex which was still around in the 60’s. Aulds owned about seven different houses in the town including the two flats above the shop.
Excise Certificate granted 22 May 1902
Number 25 St Swithin Street was build in 1885-6, owned by Mrs And. Gray, bought by George A Wilson a Solicitor in 1895-6. Number 40 St Swithin Street was buillt in 1894-5, owned by George Reid a Grocer.
1878 - 1961 Amy Jane Vardy 82 82 Married Alexander Auld of Aberdeen the 16th September 1906 at the Central Hotel, Bridge Street, Aberdeen
1881 in Chirton, Northumberland.
Grandfather CAPT MICHEAL CHARLTON, master Captain Ticket No. 36.833, of the "Welcome Home". Capt J.B. Reed of the Brig "Stephen Wright" presented him with a 1782 Atlas after being frozen in. The ships bell at 25 came off the "Welcome".

The drawing of the "SAXON PRINCE" was done by George Vardy in Amy's autograph album. George had been at Gordon's College, went to a Bank in North Shields, saw the ships on the Tyne and went to Swan Hunter.
He was also connected with Sir James Knott who owned PRINCE LINE. There is a block of flats in North Shields named after him.

In the "Boat Inn" at Aboyne , there is a model of a sailing ship, the "Welcome".

When I am gone, Release me, let me go
I have so many things to see and do,
You must not tie yourself to me with tears,
be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love, you can only guess,
how much you gave me in happiness,
I thank you for the love you have each shown,
but now it is time I travelled on alone.
  So grieve a while for me, If you must,
then let your grief be comforted by trust,
It is only for a while that we must part,
So bless the memories within your heart.
I will not be far away, for life goes on,
So if you need me, call and I will be come,
Though you cannot see or touch me, I will be near,
and if you listen with your heart you will hear,
all my love around you soft and clear.
Then, when you must come this way alone,
I will greet you with a smile and ' Welcome Home".

In 1881 11 Jacksons Buildings
1849 - 1929 John Vardy 79 79 In 1881 11 Jacksons Buildings, Chirton, Tynemouth
in 1891 at Old Machar Aberdeenshire - could be Bank Street
Married at Wallsend in 1871?
One son born still-born
John Vardy was an engine man on the tugs on the river Tyne, he became part owner of a vessel which latterly sank at the Quay side on the Tyne. As the boat insurance had not been renewed he lost all he had, and about this time steam ships were coming into their own, and were able to move in and out of the Tyne under their own power, tugs were no longer required. They diverted their work to fishing and landed their fish at Aberdeen. Because of this John Vardy moved from North Shields to Aberdeen in the year 1887
?? In 1881 lived at Ryde, Hampshire

MAURETANIA, launched 20/9/1906, length 780ft, breadth 88ft, draft 37 ft, displacement 45,000 tons, launch weight 17,000 tons
1847 - 1928 Sarah Jane Charlton 80 80 Married at Wallsend in 1871?
One son born stll-born
Lived at 24 Bank Street, Aberdeen
1851 Pipemaker Bank, North Shields, Tynemouth
1871 Pipemaker Bank, North Shields, Tynemouth
1840 - 1926 Leslie Auld 86 86 In 1841 Census, SCT1841/236, Rayne-Aberdeenshire, Kirktown of Rayne, aged 1
Married 4th July 1868 at Tocher, parish of Rayne, Aberdeenshire, the home of the bride, described as a farmers son aged 28 of Newton of Rothmaise, parish of Rayne
Leslie had been a farmer at Wardhead and also been at the Mill at Durno. Latterly lived at 146 Crown Street Aberdeen. Buried at Old Rayne Church yard where his fathers an others of the Auld family are buried.

1901 Cencus (CSSCT1901_64, Line 21, Household 44)
Mill of Durno, Chaple of Garioch, Aberdeenshire
Farmer, Miller Meal & Basler
1842 - 1930 Isabella Smith 88 88 Married 4th July 1868 at Tocher, parish of Rayne, Aberdeenshire, the home of the bride, aged 25 was daughter of Alexander Smith, farmer at Tocher. 1817 - 1877 Alexander Auld 59 59 Married 11 June 1843
1841 Census:-Piece: SCT1841/195 Place: Foveran-Aberdeenshire Enumeration District: 1,Civil Parish: Foveran Ecclesiastical Parish, Village or Island: -Folio:1 Page 5
Address: Newburgh
Surname First name(s) Sex Age Occupation Where Born
AULD Alexander M 25 Labourer Aberdeenshire
AULD Margaret F 35 Aberdeenshire
AULD John M 6 Aberdeenshire
AULD Thomas M 3 Aberdeenshire
AULD Alexander M 1 Aberdeenshire
MUTCH Ann F 78 Aberdeenshire
COLLIE David M 10 Aberdeenshire
GREIG George M 23 Mason Aberdeenshire
MORRISON James M 22 Mason Outside Census County (1841)
Married 11 Jun 1843 in Rayne
11/06/1843  AULD ALEXANDER  ANNE WHITE/  M  RAYNE  236/00 0003
1851 Census
1851 AULD ALEXANDER  M  34  RAYNE /ABERDEEN 236/00 006/00 006
1812 - 1859 Anne White 47 47 Errected by Alexander Auld in Newton of Rothmaise in memory of his wife, Ann White, who died 6th July 1859 aged 42.
Newton Rothmaise Farm, Married 24/6/1843
11/06/1843  AULD ALEXANDER  ANNE WHITE/  M  RAYNE  236/00 0003
Census 1851 - Newton of Rothimase

1814 - 1902 Alexander Smith 88 88 They lived at Kirkton of Rayne and came to Tocher, Aberdeenshire.

Errected by Alex. Smith in memory of his wife Isobel Allen, who died at Tocher Cottage on 20th January aged 87 years and the said Alex. Smith died at Tocher Cottage on 21st April 1902 aged 88 years.
1808 - 1895 Isobel Allan 86 86 They lived at Kirkton of Rayne and came to Tocher, Aberdeenshire.
Her father was John Allan, a crofter.
Isobel Allan was twice married, her first husband’s name was Allan, was related to the Laird of Warthell. She was a sister to Allan of Templand, father of the Mt Templand we knew. Mrs Florence and (        ) were her first family while Mrs Auld and Mrs Reid were the second as well as the three sons. She had three brothers and a sister, William, George, John, and Jean
Errected by Alex. Smith in memory of his wife Isobel Allen, who died at Tocher Cottage on 20th January aged 87 years and the said Alex. Smith died at Tocher Cottage on 21st April 1902 aged 88 years.
1951 Wendy Elizabeth Wright Crowder Road, Sheffield
Married 31/5/1980
1922 - 2006 John Leslie Wright 83 83 Married 15/10/1949
Permature baby (4weeks). Pye Bank School, Burngreave School. Worked for Walker & Hall, silver smith and cuttler. In forces, served in Italy. Forwarding Clerk at Hatfields, steel works. Then to John Bedfords. Redundant, then G Turton Platts as clerk.
I had a hectic and happy Christmas with the family. It went something like this – on the 23rd, Colin picked me up and took me over to Wendy’s for a meal. Then two packed set off for Aberdeen, where Alexander is staying whilst studying Accountancy at Robert Gordon’s University. Colin’s mother, sister had come up from Tewkesbury, to spend Christmas day in “the family” house.

Colin had inherited it from his uncle. It is a Victorian town house, down stairs the rooms are all 14ft high with lovely moulded ceilings which are progressively smaller by the 5th floor. It does not have central heating. In the kitchen there are 10 brass bells, each wired to a different room in the house. There’s the butlers pantry, scullery, maids room, jam press… You name it they have it. There is a beautiful staircase, just brill for floating down in an evening or ball gown. Colin and Graham worked until one in the morning on the 25th to complete the central heating installation which necessitated some cleaning up before mum etc arrived for dinner but everything went off fine in the end. Then back to Wendy’s at South Queensferry and then home to Tranent. It will be over to Jill’s for New Year day, then back to Wendy’s on the 3rd for Alexander’s 21st birthday.

New Year, no celebrations, just lay in bed watching the same display in the distance simultaneously with the television close ups. In November, Betty’s brothers and sister invited me down to one of their family get togethers. Whilst there we all booked to fly out for an 8-day holiday in Spain in February. This necessitated a new passport and a supply of Euros. This will be my first flight – not bad! Life must begin at 80.

Les Wright
19th Jan 1993
1925 - 2001 Elizabeth Mary Hogg 75 75 Married 15/10/1949, Andover St, Sheffield 1844 - 1877 Helen Auld 33 33 1848 - 1883 Elspet Auld 34 34 Could be Elsie
Married: 24 Aug 1872 in Rayne, ABD 
1851 Ann Auld Mrs Beaton Married 27 Nov 1875 Old Machar, Aberdeen, Scotland Became Mrs Beaton, lived at Brechin
Check 1871 Scottish Census against Ann J Auld, residence city, Aberdeenshire
Census 1881 Colpy Village, Culsamond Baliffs Wife
1853 - 1888 James Harvey Auld 34 34 Farmer, Newton of Rothmaise aged 34, also of his wife, Grace Anne Hunter, who died at Bearsden, Glasgow, 18th October 1915 age 59. Interred at Broomhill, Stonehaven.
Married 11/12/1880, Cookney Kincardine
1861 Newton of Rothmaise, Rayne Aberdeenshire Scholar
1881 Newton of Rothmaise, Rayne Aberdeenshire, Farmer of 220 Arable Employing 4 men, 1 woman, 1 boy
1856 Robina Auld 1861Newton of Rothmaise, Rayne Aberdeenshire
1871 Newton of Rothmaise, Rayne Aberdeenshire Scholar
1901 Farmers Wife, Greenfold, Cluny, Aberdeenshire
1786 Alexander Auld Married 29th July 1817, in Parish of Forgue, Aberdeenshire (inch) Could have been 20th 1803 - 1873 Jean Mellis 70 70 Married 29 Jul 1817 in Inch Aberdeen
1841 Scottish Census, Overtown, Inch Aberdeenshire
Jean Mellis (60)
Jean Mellis (20)
James Dallas (40)
Jessie Brown (14)
1751 - 1793 William Auld 42 42 Garriesford

D. 1826 Isobel Manson No Date Surname Forename Spouse Name/Frame No Sex Parish GROS Data
1 13/08/1759 AULD WILLIAM JEAN ROSS/ M ABERDEEN 168/A0 0013
1783 Jean Auld 1788 William Auld 1791 Isobel Auld 1794 Margaret Auld Peter White Rayne, Aberdeenshire Isabel Smith 1821 Jane White 1826 Leslie White 1826 Elspet White 1821 - 1879 John Auld 58 58 FLESHER, ALBION STREET, ABERDEEN 1908 - 1993 Leslie Auld 85 85 Quaker interst in Kinmuck commenced in the year 1662, it was not unitl 1680 that the Society of Frinds finally settled in the area.  in that year, a Quaker schoolmaster John Robertson, received a charter from Sir John Forbes of Craigievar and Fintray - the famous "Red Sir John" - conveying to him a piece of land known as "Allan's Croft" lying on the north side of the Fintrat Keith-Hall road. In 1710 he received a second charter - from Alexander Irvine of Drum - of a "yaird and littel toft of land" situated on the south side of the same road opposite "Allan's Croft".  Was WARDHEAD in this area?
Ashley Road School, Wardhead Sold, 1st World War, Gordons College, Entered Shop, Left Aberdeen joined Fortunums, Joined London Scottish, Joined Levers Edinburgh, Left for South Joined Unilevers Ltd, Jamacian tour, Nigeria Tour '56, Returned to UK '58, took over shop, July 1972 sold shop to Mr James Young of Banchory.
St Swithin St, nos 4 & 6 built 1882, Corner Shop 1886, East side 1887, West side 1888, John Robertson Solicitor work started 13 Sep 1893 to May 1894, Garden Tool House 1896, 40/42 St Swithin St Walker& Ross builder 39 Clarement St, 1900 part of Gladstone Rd & part of Devonshire Rd.
9th Nov 1951 W.R. Pennie took over 8, 10 & 12 St Swithin Street with rent for garage possible where horses were stabled.
1914 - 2006 Phyllis Auld 92 92 1983 Graham Michael Auld 1982 Alexandra Dawn Auld 1954 Jill Mary Wright Married 10/9/1977 Steve Hill 1980 Gedeon Vardy Roberts 1999 Fleur Alice Roberts 1910 - 1989 Alexander Merrie Hardie 79 79 2 Gladstone Place, Aberdeen
Left Aberdeen for Bristol, 8th September 1963.
83 Parry's Lane, Stoke Bishop, Bristol.
1976 moved to 49, Church Street, Cromarty.
1945 Alexander Hardie 1942 - 2002 Joyce Hardie 60 60 Joyce Tuhill Lived at the Cottage in Clatt. 1889 - 1970 Charles Edward Jennings 80 80 St Marylebone, Christchurch, London, Middlesex (1901)
4 George Street
Married 16th Oct 1915, St Peter, Paddington Greater London, Middlesex (John N Hicks, Edith A Ling)
1911 36 Chippenham Road, Paddington W
1892 - 1973 Beatrice Annie Bonnamy 81 81 Married 16th Oct 1915, St Peter, Paddington, Westminster aged 23
1901 William Bonnamy 42, Rhoda Bonnamy 43, William 23, Charles 18, George 16, Alfred 14, Ernest 11, Beatrice 9, Albert 7, Sydney 4, Erick 2, Harold 2
Audrey: At one time all Bonnamys in the London Phone directory were related and Rhoda still retaind her South-Western dialect. All her brothers were in the Army except Ernest who was killed in a submarine.
1917 - 1988 Ronald Jennings 70 70 From Aurdey, Ron was named after Ernest A Bonnamy who was killed in a submarine during the war. 1917 - 1997 Ellen Watt 80 80 1954 Keith Watt Jennings 1947 Rona Jennings 1949 Lynda A Jennings 1859 - 1916 William Samuel Bonnamy 56 56 (1901) 14 Westbourne Terrace North, Paddington
(1881) 12 Burfield St, Hammersmith, London
(1891) Paddington
Married 21 Oct 1877 at St Pauls, Paddington
1911 30 Chippenham Road, Paddington
Audrey: William was a painter, decorator.
1858 - 1941 Rhoda Timbury 82 82 1859 Married 21st Oct 1877 St Paul, Paddington, Westminster at 19
1901 Census (29) Uxbridge, Middsex
1881 Census Wife, 12 Burfield Fulham, St Paul Hammersmith, London
1878 Married
1915 Received WW1 British Army Pension
Audrey: Rhoda came from Bath and returned eadh year to take the waters
1854 - 1924 Charles Edward Jennings 70 70 1911 36, Chippenham Road, St Peters Park, Paddington W
1891 Lodger Totenham Court, St Pancras, Hugh & Annie M Ross. Also Emily C Jennings Lodging
1856 - 1940 Rebecca Atkins 84 84 1861 Goodmans Fields, Middlesex
1881 16 York Terrace mews
1911 36 Chippenham Road, Paddington W
1901 Whitechapel
Married 1885 or 1896 Marylebone
1830 Edward Bonnamy 1881 - 169 Queens Road Paddington London
1911 30 Chippenham Road, Paddington, London
1832 Ann Bermann 1796 - 1870 James Bonnamy 74 74 John Carter of High Holborn and Elizabeth his wife for stealing four pewter pots worth 8s., belonging to James Bonamy of High Holborn, vintner, at the same
1851 Cad Lane, Newton Abb Brewer
1803 - 1876 Elizabeth Jurden 73 73 D. 1855 Landley of Bath D. 1855 Elizabeth 1953 Nora Paterson 1991 Josh Jennings 1982 Lisa Jennings 1984 Graeme Jennings 1993 Alice Jennings Alton Morgans George Kersey Clair Kersey Sarah Kersey Gail Kersey 1781 William Allan His brother was a candle maker in Montrose. He died unmarried and left a considerable sum of money, a share of which should have gone to Mrs Smith and her family Catherine Mclean 1823 William Allan George Allan Had four sons John Allan Was unmarried and lived at Rayne Jean Allan Jean became Mrs Peter Glennie Alexander Smith Alexander Smith (farmer) married Margaret Clark and lived at Comscausway, Culsalmond, Aberdeenshire. They had three sons and two daughters. Alexander, William, Charles, Agnes, Sophia 1784 Margaret Clark William Smith Charles Smith Agnes Smith Sophia Smith ? Allan Alexander Smith D. 1927 George Smith In loving memory of George Smith who died at .. Dec. 31st 1927, age 82 years, and his wife Mary Peter who died July 30th 1930 aged 82 years.
Owned farm of FORTREE near Ellon
John Smith Died in infancy Robert Smith Took over Tocher after his farther died D. 1941 Margaret Smith Maggie Barclay Alex Smith James Smith Robert Smith George Smith Isobel Smith Helen Smith D. 1930 Mary Peter George Smith Alexander Smith Farmed BETHELNIE, 3 miles north of Old Meldrum George Smith Catherine Smith D. 1929 Peter Reid Farmed at Alpity by Arbuthnott (mr NO787770)
He latterly retired and lived at An-Darroch, Milltimber, while he lived there he purchased the house of Auchinhove, Lumphanan. Why he did this no one knows as he never went to live there. They had no family.
D. 1917 Leslie Auld Leslie of Inverurie
Had a gentlemans outfitter shop in the High Street, Inverurie
1882 George Auld If born 1882 - 1917 Joined Royal Garrison Artillery (32??75), 75 Fonthill Road, Aberdeen 1867 - 1952 Ann Isobella Auld 85 85 Married late in life
1901 Cencus at (CSSCT1901_64, line 22, Household 44)
Mill of Durno. Chapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire, B abt 1870
Annie White Isobel White Helen White Robina White Elsie White Jean White 1856 - 1915 Grace Ann Hunter 59 59 Married 11/121880, Beltcraigs Cookney Kincardine 258/02/0016 1881 James Douglas Auld 1887 Charles Alexander Auld 1883 Katherine Anne Craib Auld 1885 Isabella Walker Auld 1874 - 1929 George Vardy 55 55 Lived at Tynemouth
46, Percy Park, Tynemouth
Reported to have come out well in the mathmatical brain of Britian contest
George had been an Engineer and had a fair bit to do with the building of the first ‘Mauritania’ a ship which held the Blue Ribbon of the Atlantic for 29 years. Involved in sea trials which identified engine vibration problems

Lilburn Gardens, Gosforth.
1871 - 1913 Katherine Johnson 42 42 From North Shields 1899 John Drew Vardy 1911 - 1928 Katherine Thelma Vardy 16 16 Mabel Victoria Hodgson Second marriage Tonia Vardy(2) Denise Vardy(2) Maxine Vardy(2) 1815 - 1903 George Vardy 88 88 1871, 1881, 1891 Chirton, Northumberland
Ropery Banks, Chirton, Tynemouth
1814 - 1884 Jane T Drew 70 70 1871, 1881 Chirton, Northumberland 1841 William Vardy 1891 England Census Chirton, North SHields, Northumberland 1862 Jennie Vardy Jane Vardy also known as Jennie Vardy but recorded in 1891 Census as born 1862 - > Jennie Thomas 1820 Margaret Vardy Mrs Ralph Lambert 1838 Jane T Vardy Mrs Thompson 1891 Census shows Jennie (29)  and Husband Thomas Thompson (30) at Chirton, North Shleids with offspring Thomas A Thompson (6) and George E Thomas(6). Also There was William Vardy (53) and George Vardy (76). 1799 - 1873 John Vardy 74 74 Windmill Hills Margaret Pearson Lived at Windmill Hills Tom Vardy Barbara Vardy Phylis Vardy 1821 Isabella Gordon Smith 1886 Horace Leopald Jennings 1901 Errand boy William Timbury 1851 Somerset
1881 Brother in Law, William Timbury born 1864 Bath St Saviors, Window Blind Maker Labourer aged 17, St Paul Hammersmith; Married 21 May 18093 Horence Martha Ward, St James Norlands, Kengsington; her farther William Henry Ward; Died Dec 1952 aged 88 Wandsworth, London
Florence 1856 Elizabeth A Bonnamy 1878 - 1952 William Edward Bonnamy 74 74 1881 12 Burfield St, Fulham, St Paul Hammersmith
Married 4th Oct 1902, Bayswater, Westminister
7th Sep 1886 Fox School, Silver Street, Kensington and Chelsea - Fox School (0502) opened 1880, rebuilt 1937
20th May 1889 aged 11 admission to Holy Trinity with St Paul's School Westminster- Comber Grove School (0385) opened in 1877. Originally named Leipsic Road School until 1921, then renamed Comber Grove School. Closed or reorganised in 195-
1901 St MAry, Paddington, London
1911 67 Warwick Rd, Ealing W, Brentford Plumber
Audrey: He was a painter/plumber who took over  grandfather's business but drank all the profits.. Was a painter, decorator, builder 32 Chippenham Road. Married Lizzie an orphan who had been taken into the family, grew up and married William; had Lucy, William, Ted, Bunny, Vera.
1886 Alfred Frank Bonnamy Married 23 July 1910, St Peters Church, Paddington
Resided 48 Portnal Road, Paddinton West
Regimental No PW321 B Middlesex Rgt, Short Service attestation
1889 - 1916 Ernest A Bonnamy 26 26 1891 London
Audrey: Said that Ernest was killed in a submarine during the War. Ron was named after him.
Audrey: Ernest had a daughter Peggy Phelps, who has a daughter Silver who's husband is Fred. Fisher Road Harrow Weald.
1911 Charlotte Bennington 1884 - 1966 George James Raikes Bonnamy 81 81 Married Feb 1910 Paddington
1911 Shop Assistant, 115 Saltram Crecnt, Padington
1947 Jillian Hestin Rowlands 1974 Catriona Hardie 1973 Christopher Hardie 1978 Alexandra Hardie David Tuhill 1969 Emma Tuhill of Oldmeldrum 1971 Michael Dooley 2005 Alice Dooley 1869 - 1930 Alexander Hardie 61 61 1882 - 1961 Margaret Elizabeth Becc 79 79 1841 - 1899 James Hardie 57 57 of Oldmeldrum
Married 27-Nov-1868 or 27-Jul-1867
? Died 28, Desswood Place 1/7/1899, Tea Merchant
1850 James Strachan Married 24 Aug 1872 Rayne, Aberdeenshire 1872 - 1958 Alexander John Strachan 85 85 1876 James Strachan 1823 John Strachan Mary Cruickshank D. 1945 Christina Ingram James Ingram Jane Kiloh 1910 - 2000 Ella Strachan 89 89 1910 - 1955 James Strachan Shepherd 45 45 1869 - 1924 Peter Shepherd 54 54 1879 - 1964 Helen Milne 85 85 Christina Strachan 1893 Elsie Auld Strachan Douglas Strachan William Strachan James Strachan Shepherd 1939 Alan Robertson Finlay 1897 - 1969 John Findlay 71 71 1897 - 1997 Catherine Cruickshank Murdock 99 99 1869 - 1941 Robertson Alexander Findley 71 71 1876 - 1950 Margaret Campbell 74 74 Barron 1887 - 1982 Frank Edmund Hogg 94 94 Married 22/4/1915 in Pitsmore, Sheffield, Private, Solder
1901 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow
Source Citation: Class: RG12; Piece: 3831; Folio 77; Page 24; GSU roll: 6098941
1891 Pitsmore Brightside Bierlow

Investigate Mather connection 
1891 - 1984 Elizabeth Ann Woodhouse 93 93 Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 2505; Folio: 66; Page: 9.
1901 in Bitterley, Herefordshire, England
Marriage 1915 Sheffield, Volume 9c, Page 1125
1911 at Ellerslie, Didsbury, Manchester
1894 - 1972 George Wright 78 78 9 April 1917 Married, United Methodist Church Andover Street
Two sisters died young in invancy
1911 at 1 Shelf St, Sheffied
1917 78, Edgar Street, Sheffield
1890 - 1974 Ada Cheetham 84 84 1917 34 Rock Lane, Sheffield
When married, first lived at 22 Rock Lane, Sheffield. Then lived at No 1 Rock Lane, for a short while, moving to 8 Cranworth Road. Latterly at 53 Neville Drive, Sheffield
1953 William Fulton 1978 Ewen William Fulton 1854 Samuel Wood Hogg Brightside Bierlow, Pitsmore, Yorkshire
Source Citation: Class: RG12; Piece: 3831; Folio 77; Page 24; GSU roll: 6098941.
Born Belper? 1854 (Apr-Jun)
Married Sheffield
1901 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow
1901 Servant Harriett Preatorex (65), Eagle, Lincolnshire, England
1891 Servant Elizabeth L Otter (19), Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
1881 65 Penistone Rd, Sheffield
1861 Clara 1901 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow
1891 Pitsmore Brightside Bierlow
Took over the removal business from farther when he when bankrupt as the result of bein sued.
Eventuallly wheelchair bound and was blind
1917 Frank Eric Hogg Married 16/4/1940 1920 - 2005 Herbert Edmund Hogg 85 85 Married 8/8/1956, Stockport 1921 - 1987 Donald Leslie Hogg 66 66 Married 1/5/1948 1930 Margaret Hogg Married 12/12/1959 Sheffield 1927 John Arthur Hogg Married 25/9/1948 1934 - 2016 James Hogg 81 81 Married 9/6/1956 1936 Kenneth Hogg Married 5/6/1962 1918 - 1919 Kenneth Wright 11m 11m 4 Rock Lane
Died in infancy
1894 Gladys Jennie Hogg 1891 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow

Mrs G Eason 226 Hartley brook Road Sheffield S5
1882 Maud Annie Hogg 1901 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow
1891 Pitsmore Brightside Bierlow
1855 - 1920 William Cheetham 65 65 1901 75 Fitzalan St
1891 90 Neville St
1860 Sarah Jane West The West family came from Deepcar, North of Sheffield.
There was also a Mary West who relocated to Norfolk.

Took over Williie's shop when he died, changed it from Cobbler shop to sweets and tobaconist shop
1881 in Bradfield, Yorkshire, England
1897 John Cheetham 75 Fitzallan Street, Pitsmoor, Sheffield (1901) 1900 Sarah Ellen Cheetham 1893 Minnie Cheetham 1880 - 1971 Alice Cheetham 91 91 Ruth Key 1937 Keith Cheetham Married 6th July 1968 1942 Graham Cheetham Married Oct 1968 Elaine Cowling Married 6th July 1968 1969 Anna Margaret Cheetham 1972 Hilary Joy Cheetham Karl Dene 1999 Oliver Dene 2002 Emily Dene Lynne Vessey Married Oct 1968 Jonathan Cheetham Matthew Cheetham Frank Harrison D. 1920 Alan Harrison Alan died in infancy Leslie Mitchell William Leslie Mitchell Barbara Salter Linda Mitchell Julie Mitchell 1865 George William Wright 1891 - Relocated from Marlebone, Middx to Rotherham
1901 - Relocated from Rotherham Emanual Parish to Wicker Holy Trinity
Edgar Street Sheffield
1901 Labourer in Steel Works
1868 Emma J Brownhill 1881 Edmond St D. 1974 Mary Wright 1898 Edith Mary Woodhouse Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 2505; Folio: 66; Page: 9.
1911 Upper Ledwyche Near Ludlow
1900 Kathleen Daisy Woodhouse Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 2505; Folio: 66; Page: 9
Married 10/8/1922
Jack Williams 1900 Alfred Jordan 1919 Eileen Sheneld 1945 Eric Geoffrey Hogg Married 5/6/1971 (Deal, Kent) 1947 Jennifer Hogg Married 29/6/1969 1950 Julia Eileen Hogg Married 5/19/1970 1945 Pauline Gambles 1974 Peter Allan Hogg John Metcalf 1973 Sarah Jayne Metcalf 1976 Keeley Metcalf Ryan Smith 1950 Paul Milner 1914 Margaret Case 1928 Muriel Pearce Edwin Emett 1/04/1933
Partner to Muriel 
1948 Linda Hogg Married 1/1/1972 Andover St, Sheffield 1949 David Anthony Hogg 1958 Rodney Saxton 1979 Ben Saxton 1977 Jenny Saxton 1983 Ruth Hogg 1928 Vera Sidebottom 1953 Diane Hogg Married 30/9/1972, divorced 1949 Stephen Hogg Married 1/8/1970, divorced 1980? 1932 Derek Hardwick 1960 Carolyn Hardwick 1962 Christine Hardwick 1966 Pauline Hardwick 1958 David Redman 2001 Hannah Louise Redman 1964 John Hobson 1993 Daniel Hobson 1964 Tim Birch 2003 Ellie Birch Hardwick 1933 - 2000 Marion Crossland 67 67 1964 Andrew James Hogg 1967 Kathryn Susan Hogg 1964 Helen Hogg 1996 James Callum Hogg 1998 Georgina Leigh Hogg Richard Phillips 1993 Jack Phillips Troy Chadwick Ashley Chadwick 2003 Isobelle Chadwick 1936 Barbara Cutts 1965 Christopher Simon Hogg 1964 Veronica Mouritz 1987 Christopher Mouritz 1981 Mathew Mouritz 1890 Alice Mary Hogg 1901 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow
1891 Pitsmore Brightside Bierlow
1886 Samuel Bernard Hogg Born (Jul-Sep)
1901 Pitsmoor Christchurch, Brightside Bierlow
1891 Pitsmore Brightside Bierlow
1865 Mary Beddoes Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 2505; Folio: 66; Page: 9.
1871 Peaton Hall, Shropshire
1881 in Church Stretton, Shropshire, England
1891 in Bitterley, Shropshire, England
Married 1888
1911 Upper Ledwyche Near Ludlow
1865 - 1945 Herbert Woodhouse 79 79 Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 2505; Folio: 66; Page: 9.
Born (Oct-Dec)
1881 Stoke Gors, Ludlow
Married 1888 (Apr-Jun), Ludlow
1891 in Bitterley, Shropshire, England
1901 in Bitterley, Herefordshire, England
1911 Upper Ledwyche, Near Ludlow, Salop
1890 - 1949 James William Woodhouse 58 58 Source Citation: Class: RG13; Piece: 2505; Folio: 66; Page: 9.
1891 Bitterley, Shropshire, England
1841 George Wright Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 183; Folio: 8; Page: 8; GSU roll: 823308.
1841 - 24 North Street, Marleborne, Middx, London Ref HO 107/680/12
1881 - 8 Thurlow Tce, Marlebone, Middx, London
1836 Mary Ann 1875 Arthur T Wright Source Citation: Class: RG11; Piece: 214; Folio: 112; Page: 30; Line:  ; GSU roll: 1341047 1893 Jane L Wright 1836 Ann Wright 24 North Street, Maryleborn 1837 Margaret Wright 1832 - 1897 William Beddoes 65 65 Aged 19, Lodger with falmer Richard Downes and his wife Mary, Acton Scott, Shropshire (1851)
Peaton Hall, Shropshire (1871)
Bromfield, Shropshire, England (1881)
Bitterley, Shropshire, England (1891)
Married (Apr,May,June) 1856, Ludlow

William Beddoes was believed to be a foundling even though the records state that he was born a Cummington Shropshire.

At Hillhouse, Corfton which is near Diddlebury. There is a record of William Beddoes (11) working as a farm labourer at Hillhouse, Crofton which is near Diddlebury.

At age 19, he lodged with Richard and Mary  Downes, at Henley Rd/Street, Acton Scott working as a sawyer of wood.

Married in (Apr,May,June) 1856, at Ludlow to Elizabeth Smith.

Aged 28 lived at Peaton Hall with Elizabeth (23). Their childred were William (4), Jane (2), Thomas (2 weeks).  He was an agricultural labourer.

As the age of 39, he lived at Peaton Hall, Peaton, Diddlesbury with Elizabeth (33). His profession recorded as an Agricultural Labourer and Elizabeth a farm labourer. Their children were Eliza (8), Mary (6), Annie (19months). Their previous three children have either move away or not survived.

It appears that William worked for Thomas Harris who farmed 433 acres and employed 6 men and two boys.

1881Poles, Broomfield, Shropshire Farm Labourer
1838 Elizabeth Smith Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 2728; Folio: 40; Page: 9; GSU roll: 835391.
Married 1856
1863 Eliza Beddoes Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 2728; Folio: 40; Page: 9; GSU roll: 835391
1871 Peaton Hall, Shropshire, England
1871 Annie Beddoes Source Citation: Class: RG10; Piece: 2728; Folio: 40; Page: 9; GSU roll: 835391.
1871 Peaton Hall, Shropshire
1783 Richard Downes Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 1984; Folio: 168; Page: 10; GSU roll: 87385

Church Stretton
1789 Mary Downes Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 1984; Folio: 168; Page: 10; GSU roll: 87385.
1821 John Downes 1857 William Beddoes 1879 James Beddoes ?Married Oct-Dec 1905 Stockport, Cheshire 1859 Jane Beddoes 1861 Thomas Beddoes 1832 Samuel Woodhouse 1881 - Lodger, Henrey Welsh, Taylor (50), Stoke St Milborough
1881 - Visitor, Sarah Woodhouse (47), Clee St Margarett, Shropshire
1891 Stoke, Shropshire
1860 Married Anne (Aug 1859)
1851 Servant at Leintwardine to Thomas (48) & Mary (60)  Wall + son John (19)
1861 - born 1835
1911 at Stoke St Milburgh, Ludlow, Slaop
1837 - 1927 Ann Welsh 90 90 1881 Stoke Gors, Ludlow
1861 Spelt as Anne
Married 1859
1861 - 1943 John Richard Woodhouse 82 82 1881 Stoke Gors, Ludlow 1862 Theresa Jane Hogg 1881 65 Penistone Rd 1825 Samuel Hogg 19 Brothers Place(1881) 1830 Mary Jane Deaking 1881 65 Penistone Rd (Windower)
Married Sheffield 1852 (Jul-Sep)
Mary Jane Hogg 51 
Samuel Wood Hogg 27 
Theresa Jane Hogg 19
1881 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
1871 in St John The Baptist, Gloucestershire, England (another Mary)
1841 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England
1808 Thomas Woodhouse 1829 Thomas Woodhouse 1840 Mary Woodhouse 1821 Hanah Woodhouse Hales Owen, Brimstree (Hales Owen Division) 1897 Ernest Cheetham Originally went into the Navy, then after training went into the Army and was a Prisioner of War. 1881 - 1923 Herbert Cheetham 42 42 Wicker Holy Trinity, Brightside Bierlow 1884 - 1956 Lily Cheetham 72 72 1889 Willie Cheetham 1830 George Cheetham Wharncliffe Side 1834 Mary Ann Bradwell, Derbyshire - Bakewell, Tideswell 1857 Emma Cheetham 1853 Joe Cheetham 1860 Sarah Ellen Cheetham 1806 Samuel Cheetham Hilltop, Bradfield (1841) - Crofter 1811 Elizabeth 1839 Samuel Cheetham 1840 William Cheetham 1834 Mary Cheetham 1836 Isaac Cheetham Aberdeenshire 1881,1901 1831 John Cheetham 1849 Ellen Cheetham Stephen Natalie 1897 Herbert Raymond Jennings 1842 William Timbury 1851 Somerset
1881 Born 1864, Brother-in-Law
1865 Mary A Woodhouse 1890 George Woodhouse 1886 John R Woodhouse 1888 Samuel T Woodhouse 1896 Sarah A Woodhouse 1900 Florence M Woodhouse 1831 Charles Hunter 1861 Beltcraigs, Cookney, Kincardinshire Catherine Thom Edward Beddoes 1789 - 1870 Mary Downes 81 81 1943 Gillian Hogg 1973 Jason Hogg Naomi 1975 Debbie Caren Milner Andrew Milner Neil Harris Lauren Hogg 1975 Simon Hogg Alan Hilton 1975 Samantha Hilton Crossland 1920 Sarah Ann Lawrence 1940 Kathleen Crossland 1972 Richard Crossland Ethel 1916 Samuel Bernard Hogg Samuel Bernard who were SB Hoggs Removals Charles Godson Dibney Charles Godson Dibney 1920 Olive Job Married in 1943 to Bert Job, was Dawson originally
He was pilot Officer during WWII and was shot down over Jugaslavia dropping supplies
1952 Susan Dibney Village in Leicestershire Janet Dibney Stays in Bristol 1896 Ada Scorah Came from Carlton in Lindrick, and also the Worksop area.
Then moved next door to the Cheethams, where she met up with Ernest, who she married.

Lived at 22 Rock Lane, Sheffield
1920 Kathleen Patricia Cheetham 1927 June Iris Cheetham First marrage Alan Presswood (later divorced)
Second marriage Monsieur Jean Mark Menu
1922 Marjorie Rita Cheetham 1921 Walter Webster 1922 Herbert Blackshaw 1952 Andrew John Blackshaw Alan Presswood 1952 Anne Lesley Preswood John Hamilton Andrew Richard Cheetham Guy Married 26th April 1975
Jean Marc Menu Ivy from Teeside Alexander Dawson James Innes As he had been a railway guard was reputed to measure everything by his watch to the minute. Helen Robert Smith Isobel Smith Bessie Smith Margaret Smith Charlotte Smith Helen Grammie Sadie Smith Murdo MacDonald Gammie 1846 - 1930 Isabella Auld 83 83 Check 1901 Scottish Census against Ann Isabella Auld
1861 Newton of Rothmaise, Scolar
1809 - 1883 Michael Charlton 74 74 Captain of the "Welcome Home"
Capt Ticket No 36.833

13, Pipemakers Bank, Tynemouth
1814 Sarah Bull Married Nov 1840, Epping Essex
Associated Thomas Cox, Ann Flack, John Foster, Mary Perry, Mary Rowland
Antonia Vardy At West Avenue Methodist Church Gosforth on April 3, Ernest Ridge, A.R.I.C.S., A.M.T.P.I., son of Mrs Ridge and late E.A. Ridge o Sheffield, to Antonia daughter of Mrs Vardy and late George Vardy, M.B.E of Tynemouth. Ernest Ridge 1912 Maude Elizabeth Fowler 1944 - 2013 Jacqueline Ann Menage 69 69 6 Square Albin Cachot, Paris, 13 France
Met on Finland holiday 1974, Married 25 Oct 1975
Spring 1984 move to 13, New Street, Berkhamsted, Herts

Wedding to Leslie G Cooper 10:15 hrs, 25th Oct 1975 at Canterbury Registry Office. Leslie dis not attend as was recovering from influenza but sent three telegrams and present of two red tartan rugs brought from warehouse in Elgin.
Leslie Cooper Lilly Margaret D. 1965 Helen Mary Robertson Were married at the Kintore Arms Hotel, Inverurie 1912 or 1913. They has a son and daughter who had a shop in Inverurie.

Taken from newpaper cutting:
Auld, - At Inverurie Hospital, on August 13, 1965, Helen Mary robertson. Wife of the late Leslie Auld. Funeral on Monday, August 16, at 2:30 p.m. from "The Lea" Old Port Road, Inverurie to Inverurie Cematery. All friends respectifully invited. No callers or leters please. Family flowers only, by request.
Leslie Auld Edith Auld Olga Bernard Woodhouse Thomas Turner Ted Blackwell 1902 Samuel Blackwell Ethel 1930 Mavis 1906 Roland Blackwell 1905 Stanley Blackwell Lillie 1930 Marjorie Blackwell Teddie Blackwell Jim Eason Norman Eason Stewart Eason Irene Freddie Abson 1926 Kathleen Mary Jordan 1929 Dorothy 1935 Brenda 1942 Christine Anne 1939 David Alfred Jordan 1944 Michael Jordan Has a restaurant & pub in Buxton Alan Williams John Purser Reg Mayo Dennis Fisher Eva 77 Hartley Brook Road  Sheffield S5 Doris 2007 Abigail Chadwick John 1948 Joan Evans Amelia Milner- Harris Florrie William Woodhouse Herbert Woodhouse Herbert from Hyde Marion Mary 1904 William Wragg Blackwell MAy not belong to family  Lizzie Herbert Blackshaw Completed Naval Training and was in Marines during the War. Ida Elizabeth Roy Blackshaw Margaret Bunting? Peter Blackshaw Susan Blackshaw 1831 James West Sarah J West D. 1943 Bert Job Married in 1943 to Olive Dawson,
He was pilot Officer during WWII and was shot down over Jugaslavia dropping supplies
Robert W Dawson Dorothy Hawley David Victor Edward Hartnell Roger Grew Robert David Hartnell Rebecca Jane Hartnell Linda Grew Steven Grew Helen Grew Florrie Wright Nellie Wright Died in her 20's, was an Opera singer Len Ward 1786 Samuel Hogg 55 Lower street, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England (1851)
197 Brothers Place (1871)
19 Brothers Place (1881)
1789 Sarah Hogg 1829 John Hogg 1825 Hannah Hogg 1831 Ellen Hogg 1831 Sarah Hogg 1844 Francis Hogg 1854 Mary Ann Simpson Charlton Could be also known as Margaret A Charlton also 1842 Isabella Charlton 1861 Thomas Thompson 1881 May have been a Solicitor at 48, Jesmond Rd, Newcastle Upon Tyne 1896 - 1984 Thomas A Thompson 88 88 1890 - 1984 Jane Ann Wilkinson 93 93 1920 - 1988 John Thompson 67 67 Lillian May Nisbett 1871 Robert Forman 1866 Elizabeth P Forman 1894 Elizth Foreman 1896 John T W Foreman 1899 John W Forman 1829 Henry O Thompson 1881 48 Jesmond Street 1832 Constantia Thompson 1858 Henry Thomas 1861 Thomas W Thompson 1870 Septimus I Thompson 1874 Norman O Thompson 1815 Alexander Thompson 1788 - 1872 Thomas Thompson 84 84 1851 At Berwick Upon Tweed, Bankhill
House servants were Margaret Patterson and Catherine Main
1817 Mary Thompson 1851 Daughter of household head 1828 Richard Thompson 1829 Henry Thompson 1780 John Mellis Possibly from Huntley Rachel Harvey George Mellis Helen Miln 1820 Helen Auld James Auld Janet Auld 1746 - 1775 James Auld 28 28 Tochar 1749 - 1835 John Auld 86 86 Tochar 1743 Isobell 1718 Janet Auld 1880 - 1957 James Auld 76 76 18/7/1836 sometime residing at Auchoach in the parish of New Deer SC1/36/13
James of Forres
1910 Census:
Mill of Durno, Chapel of Garioch, Aberdeenshire
Meal & Barley Miller
Jean Harvey 1980 Alison Heather Fulton Alison Tait from Invernes, married 12/5/2007 2010 Rhuairdh John Fulton at 20:10hrs 7lbs 3oz 1981 Helen Judith Pearce Helen Pearce from Jersey 1981 Matthew Thomas James Bagworth 1946 Peter Pearce Born in Jersey in 1946 and educated at various local schools then University in the UK, Peter Pearce has successfully run the family business in King Street for the past 46 years. He lives in Vauxhall Street with his wife and youngest daughters. Peter’s long association with the Parish started in 1973 when he became a Constable’s Officer, a Centenier from 1974 to 1992, and to the present day as a member of the Roads Committee, Accounts Committee and Bad Wurzach and Avranches Twinning
Committees. Treasurer of both the Avranches and Bad Wurzach Twinning Committees and for the past 3 years as Procureur du Bien Public. Procureur du Bien Public candidate.
Aside from working with the Parish of St Helier I have worked in various other voluntary roles all over the Island, such as helping to run a youth club and some professional and amateur theatre work including stage manager at the Opera House, in addition to serving as Secretary of various boat owners associations, the Sark to Jersey Rowing Race, Friends of Bonne Nuit and currently Secretary of the Island Procureurs’ Forum.
I am married with 5 children and 1 grandchild and live in Vauxhall Street. I have retired from our family business after 46 years of balancing the books and keeping the business running smoothly through good and bad times, the skills required for this job are many and varied and they certainly stand me in good stead for the work of Procureur du Bien Public.
The Constable, with the advice of the Procureurs, performs many functions that in England are the task of a town council. In Jersey we lack many of the powers essential to react to the Parishioners ever-changing requirements quickly and efficiently. For many years Parish officials have been attempting to improve this situation but is a matter that cannot be changed at Parish level, it is one for the States Assembly. Together we continue to press for the necessary improvements through gentle persuasion and continued dialogue with the States Members.
The Procureurs’ job is to help and advise the Constable but we have no mandate to lead policy changes. We simply provide, as the Constable describes it, “a steady hand on the tiller”
Tel: 01534 722536 Email:
1946 Jean Pearce 1979 Pamela Pearce D. 1955 Margaret Beattie Dawson Janet Morrison 2012 Isla Niamh Auld- Bagworth Katy Ladbrook Married 21 August 2010 1846 Mary Cheetham 1873 - 1955 Samuel Isaac Cheetham 82 82 1883 Jeane Cheetham 1838 Eliza Ann Draper 1911 Lodger
1891 Lodger, Gould's at Dulwich, Pimlico
1881 Laundry Maid, 1 Blacklands Court, Chelsea
1871 Servant, Moon's Chelsea St Luke
1861 Wife of Edwin Draper, St Peter Walworth Newington
Henry G Atkins Sophia Atkins 1891 - 1951 Ellen Atkins 60 60 1911 3 Grange Road, Harrow on the Hill, Harrow
Neice also stayed at 36 Chippenham Road
Married Alexander Thomas Mackenzie 11th Aug 1915, at St Luke, West Kilburn, Westminster
Ellen Mackenzie when died in Winchester in 1951
Alexander Thomas Mackenzie Married 11 August 1915, St Luke, West Kilburn, Westminster 1882 Charles Henry Bonnamy Married 25 Feb 1905, St Peter, Paddington 1894 - 1939 Albert Victor Bonnamy 45 45 Married Nov 1926, Paddington
1934 55 Goldney Road, Paddington, Westminster
1897 - 1970 Sydney Reginald Bonnamy 73 73 1915 at 30 Cheppen Ham Road, Paddington aged 19
10944 Reg Number, Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex) Regiment, Short Service attestation
Married 8 Nov 1919, Holy Trinity, Kilburn, Brent
Audrey: Sydney was an Accountant. A brother of Nan (Beatrice Annie Bonnamy) next to Leonard. All were in the Army except Ernest, the one killed in a submarine.
1899 - 1982 Eric Stuart Bonnamy 82 82 1921/22/23 at 30 Chippenham Road, Paddington
1929/30 at 121 Constantine Road, Hampstead, Camden
1936/38 at 202 Meadvale Road, Ealing
1939 202 Sutton, Robert Henry George
Aug 1923 Married in Paddington
1899 - 1964 Harold Bonnamy 64 64 1936 29 Nightingale, Willesden West
Audrey: He was at 32, Chippenham Road and known as Leonard Harold Bonnamy
1897 Daisy Mary Morrison Robert Alexander Morrison Mayle Or Liddington Howard 1875 Elizabeth Barton Lizzie was an orphan who was taken into the family, grew up and married William, had Lucy, William, Ted, Bunny, Vera. George Barton Gertrude Rose Boggie 1918 at 77 Charles, Westminster
1936 at 73 Katherine, Willesden East
Alfred Boggie Gertrude Alice Huckle 1912 Beatrice Rhoda Bonnamy 1936/38 10 Uneeda Drive, Harrow 1914 Doris Gertrude Bonnamy 1915 Alfred Frank Sydney Bonnamy 1921/31 at 114 Feknhead Road, Paddington, Westminster 1918 - 1944 William Albert Bonnamy 26 26 Married Nov 1943
1939 67 Warwick Road, Ealing
Eileen Hewthorne of Greenford 1811 Richard Welsh 1806 Sarah Welsh 1829 Henry Welsh 1836 Richard Welsh 1838 Thomas Welsh 1893 Elizabeth A Woodhouse 1800 Thomas Smith 1813 Elizabeth Smith 1849 Eliza Smith 1850 Edwin Smith 1855 Joseph Smith 1822 Horatio Brownhill 1824 Mary Ann Hogg 1851 Eldon Street 1854 - 1931 Henrietta Brownhill 77 77 Married as Henrietta Jepson ~1881 1858 Charles Hogg Brownhill 1863 Alice Brownhill 1866 Mary A Brownhill George Hogg 1802 Jane Hogg Michael Carlton Elizabeth Snowdon 1801 Isabella Charlton 1892 John F Watt Married Glasgow
1916 2 Jane Place, 45 Pollok Street, Glasgow SS
1194367 Royal Engineers, Short Service Attestation, enlisted age 24
Mary Ellen Riley 1916 2 Jane Place, 45 Pollock Street, Glasgow SS 1831 Henry Jennings Married 25Th Dec 1856, Aston, St Peter and St Paul, Warwickshire, England aged 25
1901 still at Middleton with Elizabeth Jennings
1835 Elizabeth Fedgcon Married 25 Dec 1856, Aston, St Peter and St Paul, Warwickshire, England
1858 Emily Jennings 1881 5 Church Terrace, Wandsworth, Batersea
1861 Fazeley, Tamworth
1859 Elizabeth Jennings 1861 Fazeley, Tamworth Thomas Fedgcon D. 1843 Elizabeth Frigeon 1772 - 1854 William Jennings 82 82 1796 Sarah Briggs Married 26 Aug 1814, Middleton, Warwickshire 1826 - 1848 Julia Jennings 21 21 Married Middleton 26 Jan 1846 1821 Sarah Jennings 1881bWills St 22, Aston, Erdington, Warwickshire
1841 poss Leamington, Warwickshire
Joseph Spooner 1828 - 1852 Philip Jennings 23 23 1842 Robert Jennings Grandson D. 1789 Philip Jennings Married 12 Aug 1772, Middleton, Warwick, England
Apprentice 29th Feb 1786 John Drakley, Duties paid for Apprentices' Indentures
9th Apr 1783 Wm Robertson
2 Jly 1781 Jos Penny
3rd Jan 1778 Jno Taylor
19th Jan 1788 Saml Gee
17th Jun 1779 Rob Wilson
Julia Jennings 1799 George Hardie 1871 5 King St, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire 1799 Jane Hardie 1871 5 King St, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire 1831 Ann Hardie 1861 Longcauseway, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire 1839 John Hardie 1861 Longcauseway, Old meldrum, Aberdeenshire 1833 Elizabeth Hardie Long Causeway, Old Meldrum 1835 George Levison Gower McKay Longcauseway, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire Donald McKay Mary Campbell 1860 George Hardie McKay Longcauseway, Old Meldrum
1871 King Street, Old Meldrum, Scholar
1881 20 Watson Street, Old Machar, Lodger
1862 John McKay 1901 5 King Street., Old Meldrum 1866 Donald Livingstone McKay 1868 Maggie Jane McKay 1870 Alexander C McKay Roberts 2015 Elizabeth Margaret Auld 2013 Alasdair James Fulton William Auld 2015 Seth Roberts 1849 Alexandra (James) Beaton 1871 Farme Servant, Sunnyside of Folla Farm, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire
1881 Farm Baliff Colpy Village, Clusamond, Aberdeenshire
1891 Farm Overseer, Wellside, Premnay, Clusalmond, Aberdeenshire
1901 Farm Overseer, Auchatie Farm, Banchory Ternan, Kincarkinshire
1876 Agnes Beaton 1881 Scholar Colpy Village, Culsamond, Aberdeenshire
1891 Wellside, Premnay Scholar
1881 Annie Anchella Walker Beaton 1891 wellside, Premnay, Culsamond, Aberdeenshire Scholar
1901 Auchatie Farm, Banchory Ternan, Kincardinshire General Domestic Servant
John Beatton Helen McHardy Alexander Findlay Isabella Angus Charles William Hunter 1859 Catherine Hunter 1809 Ann Thom John Thom 1781 Mary Cawie Gaccuportskill Auld 1897 - 1961 William Milne Auld 64 64 1911 Departed London, England on ship 'Perthshire' arrived Brisbane 5th Jun 1911 1898 Jessie Michell Auld 1911 departed London arrived Brisbane 5th Jun 1911
12 Apr 1911 departed London on ship 'Perthshire' destination Cannes, Master J N Thompson
27 Mar 1918 Married Henry Nauton Thomas in Qeensland
1919 as Jessie Mitchell Thomas, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
1980 Gordonvale, Queensland, Leichart, Australia
Henry Naunton Thomas Married 27th Mar 1918 Queensland, Australia John Bonemy Jane 1861 Ellen Louisa Bonnamy Married 20th Jun 1885 Bayswater, Westminister, London
1901 St Matthew, Paddington
1864 Clara Alexandra Bonnamy Married 5th Sep 1888 St Mary Magdalene, Paddington, London James Pearce Bailey Married Aug 1888 Paddington, London Robert Pearce Bailey 1861 Fedrick George Durham 1911 12 Lancaster Road, North Kensington W 1887 Frederick A Dunham 1892 Lillian Rose Dunham Married 4th Oct 1918 Bayswater, Westminister, London
1911 12 Lanaster Road, North Kensington W
Archibald Edward Connell Oliver Robert Connell 1894 Florence Alice Dunham Married 19th Jly 1919 Bayswater, Westminister, London
191112 Lancaster Road, North Kensington W
1895 Ralph William Watson Ralph Watson 1903 - 1985 Lucy Elizabeth Bonnamy 81 81 1911 67 Warwick Rd, Ealing W
Married Nov 1938 Brentford, Middlesex
Ford 1905 - 1978 Bernard Cecil Bonnamy 73 73 1911 67 Warwick Rd, Ealing W
Married Nov 1928, Brentford, Middlesex
1939 Electroral Reg says Harrow, Wembly South East
Peggy L Burns 1907 - 1989 William Arthur Bonnamy 82 82 1911 67 Warwick Rd, Ealing W
Married Nov 1943 Brentford, Middlesex
Hewthorne 1927 Alan Bonnamy Audrey: Lives in Winchester, a Jewelller, two years older than Audrey. Lives in Winchester and has two daughters. She had his address an phone number.

Peggy Bonnamy Audrey: Family history Fred Phelps Silver Phelps Audrey: Lived at Fisher Road, Harrow & Wealdson Elsie Bonnamy Audrey: Elsie died at two years old Ted Bonnamy Bunny Bonnamy Vera Bonnamy 1874 - 1959 Herbert James Pearce 85 85 3 King Street, Jersey - Shoemaker in 1880
in 1880, it was occupied by shoemaker George Thomas Gellender, who lived there with his wife Cordelia and family. Ten years earlier the family was living at 15 Gloucester Street and George Thomas Gellender's elder brother Edward was living and trading at 3 King Street. He was one of the signatories to an 1871 petition by merchants and seamen calling on the States to improve St Helier's harbour facilities.
George remained at No 3 until the 1890s, but by 1900 the premises were occupied by Herbert Binet, the first watchmaker to trade here. In the 1901 census he is shown, aged 37, and living with his wife Selina, daughters Ethel, Olive and Matilda and son Cyril. Although Herbert and Selina were born in Jersey, all four of their children were born in Guernsey, suggesting that the young Herbert learned his trade in the sister island.
Pearse Family
His stay at No 3 was a short one because by 1903 John Edward Hocquard was trading there, also as a watchmaker. Perhaps he came into money because by 1911, at the age of 32, he was no longer living and trading at No 3 King Street. He is listed in the census of that year as being of independent means and living at Lynton, St John's Road, with his wife Ada and twin sons John and Raymond.
Perhaps he was a descendant of the Jersey silversmith of the same name who is known to have been in business a century earlier.
The business at No 3 was taken over in 1909 by Herbert James Pearce, who lived at the premises with his wife Elizabeth Ann and children Paul and Barbara.
The business remained listed as H J Pearce until 1955, but by 1960 it was trading as P M Pearce, owned by Herbert's son Paul, and continues to be run by his sons Peter and Paul Pearce today.
1875 - 1935 Elizabeth Ann Huxham 60 60 1907 - 1964 Paul Murray Pearce 57 57 Samantha Pearce Katie Pearce Charlotte Pearce 1905 Barbara Doreen Pearce Percy Redvers Johnson Roberts 1909 - 1983 Kathleen Elsie Vibert 74 74 1919 - 1999 Elizabeth Maude Pearce 80 80 1908 - 1986 Francis de Lisle Bois 78 78 1851 - 1912 James Richard Pearce 61 61 1848 - 1939 Mary Ann Ester Le Breton 91 91 Married 1874, St S 1823 - 1903 George Le Breton 80 80 1830 - 1915 Elizabeth Davey 85 85 1786 - 1847 Philippe Joshua Le Breton 61 61 1796 Esther Le Breton Robert Pearce
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