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Family Subtree Diagram : Mather, Ann Ellen

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this text instead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svg pages correctly. see for information on how to correctly configure a web server for svg files. ? Acquaintance: Being of similar ages, Kath and Annabelle were close friends in their youth. Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child Biological Child Marriage (two children) Dec-1901 (Port Sunlight) No more children Widowed (two children) 9 Aug 1930 (Rock Ferry) No more children Marriage (a child) 1934 (Birkenhead) No more children Widowed (two children) 1960 (Wirral) No more children Marriage (three children) 1961 (Middlesex) Islington No more children Marriage (two children) Q3-1960 (Bebington) No more children Marriage 1964 (Wirral) No more children Widowed (a child) Jun-1891 (Birkenhead) No more children Marriage (four children) 1858 (Stoke) No more children Other: Shared CADDY connection (but not a DNA bloodline)  1866 - 1954 Ann (Nell) Ellen Mather 88 88 Known as Ellen or Nell or Nellie.

In 1871, Ann E (5) was living at 48 Brassey St., Birkenhead with both parents, sister Sarah (2) and two lodgers..

Ann (Ellen) had possibly left home by 1881 (aged 15) as missing from census, but may have been an omission, as I cant trace her anywhere else.

Ann Ellen had left home with sister Sarah to work as a servant for George and Rachael Dalby and family at 40 Mather Road, Claughton, Birkenhead in 1891.  Pregnant, she married her first husband Tom Robinson, who was much older than her in Birkenhead, and moved to live in Rumworth, where son William was born 31-Jan 1892.  This may have been a big family secret (as Aunt Norah recalled).  They had returned to Birkenhead by 1901.

In 1901, living with William and two servants at 96 Greendale Road, New Ferry, Lower Bebington.

Married at least twice (3 times ?).  Why did she marry Tom Robinson, a man almost twice her age in 1891?  Perhaps it was a bit of a rush job.

In 1911, Ann Ellen and Ephriam Hopwood (45 & 51) were shopkeepers living at 74 Patten Street, Birkenhead with Edith and Florence (8 & 5)

My father (Walter Mather) remembers visiting his old and excentric aunt Annie somewhere near Huddersfield (after he was married I think). This may have been her.
1860 - 1941 Ephraim (Eph) Hopwood 81 81 Living at 12 Mount Grove, Birkenhead in 1901, married later that year.  2nd Husband of Nell 1902 - 1994 Edith (Boodie) Mary Hopwood 92 92 1905 - 2002 Florence (Flo) Elllen Hopwood 96 96 Note:  Name was recorded as Florene Helen Hopwood in the 1911 census, but Christened Florence Ellen. 1902 - 1958 Norman Turnbull 56 56 Govinder Turnbull on 1911 census! 1931 - 2010 George Anthony Turnbull 78 78 Annabelle Florence Turnbull 1907 - 1973 Alexander (Alec) James Connely 65 65 Flo and Al lived in Bebington, and used to have a holiday cottage in  Penmachno where the family would often go and stay.  My dad and Al used to go trout fishing there.  One year we found a hedgehog on the doorstep, and adopted it. On another visit Al took the lid off a bin in a field to look inside.  It was a beehive, and the bees swarmed and covered his bald head.  The rest of the day was spent in the village hospital. 1937 - 1997 Kathleen (Kath) Edith Connely 59 59 (James) Campbell Miller Lynne C Miller Louise Jayne Miller Ann F Gray Nicola M Turnbull Michaelle Turnbull Juliet A Turnbull James (Jim) D Grey Mark J Grey Mathew G Grey 1907 - 1976 Norman Caddy 69 69 If Norman married Edith when he was 57, then he had probably been married before.  Ancestry family trees have the same Norman Caddy married to Jane Stephenson (b.1901).  Records confirm this is an earlier marriage, but here are no records for Jane's death, so maybe divorced.

If she did divorce, then there is another marriage for Jane Caddy, and its in Cockermouth, so most probably her.  Se married William B Messenger in 1975.

The same tree has Norman's mother as Lucy (b.1882).
~1849 - 1899 Thomas (Tom) James Robinson 50 50 1st Husband of Great Aunt Nell.

The family married and moved to Port Sunlight in 1891, but there is no sign of Tom on the 1891 census for Birkenhead.  There is however, an unmarried Thomas at Thingwall of the correct age.
1831 - 1904 Mary Howell 72 72 Living at 63 Union St, Hanley, Staffordshire in 1861

Living at 23 Morpeth Buildings, Birkenhead in 1871

Living at 156 Cathcart St, Birkenhead in 1881

Living at 7 Craven St., Birkenhead in 1891.

Widowed, and living at 12 Mount Grove, Birkenhead in 1901.

Mary had moved from Birkenhead by 1911.
~1834 - 1898 John Hopwood 64 64 Born in Flintshire, North Wales, but John (and other family members) moved to Stoke, Staffordshire.  Both John and brother Edward were coal miners.

John was born about the time of the Gresford Disaster.  This was one of Britain's worst coal mining disasters which took place on September 22, 1934, just a few miles from where they lived.

Living at 63 Union St, Hanley, Staffordshire in 1861, with name recorded as John "Habbutt", but of correct age, born in same village as later census records, with wife and son Ephriam.

Living at 23 Morpeth Buildings, Birkenhead in 1871

Living at 156 Cathcart St, Birkenhead in 1881

Living at 7 Craven St., Birkenhead in 1891.
1864 Alice Hopwood Living at 23 Morpeth Buildings, Birkenhead in 1871 (aged 7)

Living at 156 Cathcart St, Birkenhead in 1881

Living at 7 Craven St., Birkenhead in 1891.

Living at 12 Mount Grove, Birkenhead in 1901.

Alice Beadle (born Flintshire) was still in the Wirral  in 1911, aged 46, with her husband James (same age) and his mother Elizabeth Beadle.  Alice's mother Mary Hopwood was not present.

1873 Arthur Howell Hopwood Named Arthur Howell Hopwood on 1911 census, confirming marriage to Mary Howell.

Living at 156 Cathcart St, Birkenhead in 1881

Living at 7 Craven St., Birkenhead in 1891.

Living at 12 Mount Grove, Birkenhead in 1901.

Living in Birkenhead, unmarried (and alone) in 1911, aged 37.
1868 - 1873 Emily Hopwood 5 5 Living at 23 Morpeth Buildings, Birkenhead in 1871 (aged 2), but died by 1881 1892 - ~1908 William (Willie) Robinson 16 16 Originaly thought to be named Ephriam (from old family tree), but 1901 census has him as William, age 9, living at 96 Greendale Road, New Ferry, Lower Bebington.  Ephriam was Ann's second husband, so that probably was a mistake on the tree.

1892 birth records confirms he's the son of Ann Ellen Mather, even though he's born in Rumworth, Bolton!

In 1901, William Robinson (9) was with his mother Ann E (35, Head) at New Ferry, Lower Bebington.

Was missing (died) by 1911.

Marriage 2004 (Poole) No more children Marriage (four children) 1894 (Tynemouth) No more children Divorce (a child) 1936 No more children Marriage Jun 1975 No more children Marriage (six children) 18 June 1825 (Mold) Marriage 1901 (Claughton) No more children Marriage (two children) 1853 (Stoke) No more children Marriage 1918 (B'head) No more children Marriage 1963 (Wirral) Marriage (three children) 3 July 1995 (London) No more children Denise C Gill 1868 - 1933 George Turnbull 65 65 1870 - 1952 Isabella Hepple 82 82 1896 - 1917 George Turnbull 21 21 Fourth Engineer Officer George Turnbull 1895 William Turnbull 1901 Jane Young Stephenson Norman S Caddy William B Messenger ~1801 - 1858 William Hopwood 57 57 William was a Shoe Maker

William was a widow in 1851, living with his Mother Sarah.
1840 Thomas Hopwood 1835 Francis Hopwood 1825 Jane Hopwood 1827 Edward Hopwood Edward was a collier (coal miner) in 1814, age 14.

Born in Flintshire, North Wales, but Edward, John (and possibly other family members) moved to Stoke, Staffordshire.  He was lodging with the Cliff family in 1851.

Edward and wife Mary were living at Longton Staffordshire in 1861 with their 6 year old daughter, Jane.  By 1871, Edward and wife Mary had returned to Mold, Flintshire.
~1801 - 1847 (Mary) Anne Codre 46 46 1866 James Beadle 1833 - 1887 Mary Hopwood 54 54 1855 Jane Hopwood Jane married James Jones.  It appears she and her family came to live with her father.  She had her father living with her in Nantmawr, Mold, Flintshire, Wales in 1891 1868 Thomas Hopwood 1831 - 1833 Margaret Hopwood 2 2 1875 Mary A Morton Morton (or Merton on one marriage index record) 1906 Isabel Turnbull Barbara D Bell Giles R Dealtry Felix Oliver Dealtry Oscar Thomas Dealtry Jake Alexander Dealtry Marlee Edmonds
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