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Female Jane Richards Click to view Jane Richards in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Jane was born in 1777 in Tilston, St Mary and her christening took place there on January 7th, 1777.1  Jane's father was Richard Richards and her mother was Anne Phythian.  Her paternal grandparents were Joseph Richards and Hannah Large; her maternal grandparents were Charles Phythian and Anne Falconer. She had two brothers and two sisters, named Charles, Richard, Margaret and Mary.  She was the second youngest of the five children.  She died whilst giving birth at the age of 31 in August 1808 in Shocklach.  She was buried on August 18th, 1808 in Shocklach.1 

Jane's family with Richard Mullock

Husband's Pictures
Family Pictures
‌Jane and Richard were married in a commitment ceremony on February 17th, 1797 in Shocklach.2   They were also married in a religious ceremony on February 15th, 1798 in Shocklach by Curate Thomas Apperby and witnessed by William Povey & Elizabeth Mullock.3   They had five sons and two daughters, named Richard, George, Thomas, James, Robert, Mary and Jane.  There are no more children.

1 Cheshire Parish Records (1538-2000)
2 Certificate - Banns / License
3 Certificate - Marriage
5 Wills - Cheshire
6 Burial Records - Shocklach
7 FindAGrave
8 National Probate Records
9 Cheshire Select Bishops Transcripts (1576-1933)
10 UK Census Collection

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