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Female Mary Ann Postans Click to view Mary Ann Postans in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Mary was born in June 1854 in Tenbury and her christening took place there on July 25th, 1854.1 2  Mary's father was William Clement and her mother was Ann (Anne) Postans.  Her maternal grandparents were John Postans and Martha Reynolds. She had three brothers and three sisters, named William, James, John, Jane, Jane and Ellen.  She was the oldest of the seven children. She had two half-sisters named M and Elizabeth.  She died at the age of 74 on May 8th, 1929 in Ludlow.3 

Mary's family with Thomas Brown

‌Mary and Thomas were married on August 22nd, 1875 in Ludlow.2  They had four biological sons and four biological daughters, named Thomas, John, Mathew, Arthur, Mary, Nell, Elizabeth and Jane.  They also had an adopted daughter named Evelyn.  There are no more children.

1 1861 UK Census
4 1871 UK Census
5 1881 UK Census
6 1891 UK Census
7 Certificate - Death
8 1901 UK Census
9 1911 UK Census

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