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Male Edward Millington Click to view Edward Millington in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Edward was born on April 22nd, 1763 in Pentrobin and his baptism took place on April 22nd, 1763 in Hawarden.1 2  Edward's father was John Millington and his mother was Susannah Bannion. He had two brothers and five sisters, named John, John, Jane, Elizabeth, Ann, Susan and Mary.  He was the third youngest of the eight children.  He died before 1863.

Edward's family with Ann Davies

‌Edward and Ann were married in a religious ceremony on December 25th, 1782 in Hawarden.2  They had four sons and three daughters, named Peter, John, Samuel, William, Ann, Susannah and Catherine.

2 Wales, Flintshire Parish Register (1538-1912)
3 Wales Select Parish Records (1541-1907)
4 Manchester CoE Deaths & Burials

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