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Family Subtree Diagram : Petrus Franciscus

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Parent Parent Biological Child Biological Child (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (seven children) 1831 Marriage (nine children) 1884 Marriage (ten children) (seven children) Marriage (a child) 1890 (a child) (a child) (a child) (six children) 1828 Marriage (eight children) 1849 Marriage (three children) 1852 (a child) 1852 (a child) Marriage (two children) (a child) (five children) 1801 (a child) (a child) 1824 (a child) Marriage (a child) 1842 Marriage (nine children) 1877 (five children) 1903 (a child) (six children) 1813 (a child) (a child) (a child) 1898 (a child) (nine children) 1862 (a child) (nine children) 1885 (a child) (two children) 1859 (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1870 (a child) 1898 (a child) (a child) 1899 (a child) (a child) 1917 (a child) (a child) (two children) (five children) 1899 (a child) (a child) 1902 (six children) 1868 (a child) (a child) (six children) 1903 (five children) 1905 (a child) (two children) (five children) 1925 (two children) (two children) (two children) (two children) (three children) (two children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (a child) (a child) (two children) (two children) (four children) 1918 (six children) 1908 1940 1922 (a child) (four children) 1909 1922 (a child) 1903 1897 1906 (a child) (a child) (a child) 1928 (a child) (two children) 1906 (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1892 (two children) 1890 (a child) (five children) 1902 (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) (a child) 1938 (a child) (three children) (a child) 1935 (a child) (a child) (a child) 1913 (three children) (two children) 1779 - 1832 Petrus Franciscus 52 52 1818 - 1843 Coleta Snyers 24 24 1834 - 1908 Karel Gaethofs 73 73 genaamd "Kwaje Karool".
Karool die een zeer schoon schrift had, bracht het weldra tot een welstellende boer.Hij bezat een boerderij van 6ha62a30ca, meerdere koeien en paarden, was de uitbater van een watermolen, en volgens akten, verlegd voor Meester Wilsens, notaris van Zolder, leende hij gelden uit. De boerderij die hij betrok na zijn verblijf op de watermolen, aan de zwarte beek te Paal, was insgelijks gelegen te Paal aan de Gelebergstraat, daar waar nu de wip van de STJans Gilde staat.
1840 - 1840 Casimir 1m 1m 1837 Rosalia 1837 - 1879 Ludovica Van der Heyden 41 41 1857 - 1915 Josephus Gaethofs 58 58 1881 Maria Hortentia Gaethofs 1883 - 1952 Victor Josephus Gaethofs 69 69 1802 - 1825 Maria Christina Gaethofs 23 23 1859 Dorothea Stephania Pluckers 1894 - 1977 Carolus Leopoldus Gaethofs 83 83 1900 - 1973 Doris Ladysmith Hill 73 73 1922 Pauline Rosalie Gaethofs 1923 Sybil Antonette Gaethofs Moved to England in 1924 1924 Dorothea Freeda Gaethofs 1924 - 1993 George Frederick Peett 69 69 1955 Roger Christopher Peett 1956 Carolyn Patricia Peett 1959 Jennifer Melanie Peett 1803 - 1855 Josephus Gaethofs 51 51 1805 - 1854 Jean (Joannis) Gaethofs 49 49 1808 - 1842 Carolus Gaethofs 33 33 1812 - 1870 Marie Clara Gaethofs 58 58 1807 - 1874 Maria Christina Van Eerdewegh 66 66 1844 - 1858 Atalia Gaethofs 14 14 1847 - 1854 Maria Theresia Gaethofs 6 6 1863 - 1864 Rosalia Seraphina Gaethofs 7m 7m 1878 - 1879 Maria Clara Seraphina Gaethofs 1m 1m 1874 Pieter Jan Gaethofs 1868 - 1892 Regina Gaethofs 24 24 1887 - 1945 Henricus Edgard Gaethofs 57 57 1882 Maria Antonia Gaethofs 1896 Rosalia Maria Gaethofs 1915 Rotterdam : volkstelling 1885 Maria Coleta Gaethofs 1899 - 1933 Joannes Eugenius Gaethofs 34 34 1865 - 1895 Maria Philomena Gaethofs 30 30 Guilaume Peeters 1883 Maria Leonia Peeters 1890 Regina Cleiren Maria Suzanna Millo Kenneth Brown 1890 Bernardina Melania Gaethofs Ludovicus Pluckers Maria Blondina Bervoets Sebastiaan Vanderheyden Marie Elisabeth Meyen 1760 - 1826 Jan Vaneerdeweg 65 65 1765 - 1830 Catharina Vrancken 65 65 1832 - 1863 Maria Clara 31 31 1809 Susanna Schraijen 1854 Maria Albertina Van der Heyden 1834 - 1868 Clara 34 34 1838 Maria Philomena 1842 - 1897 Remigius 55 55 1832 - 1833 Karel Gaethofs 8m 8m 1829 - 1904 Regina Gaethofs 74 74 1822 - 1896 Jan François Huybrichs 73 73 1830 - 1908 Pieter Lodewijk Convents 77 77 Pieter Convents Angelika Lemmens Joseph Huybrigts Anna Elisabeth Meyen 1929 - 2009 Adolf Emile Mathilde Jozef Piedfort 80 80 Eric Jan Piedfort Monique de Graef Hildegarde Doris Piedfort André Hellemans 1852 Joseph Auguste Huybrichs 1778 - 1812 Catharina Elizabeth Theunis 33 33 Jacobus Theunis Gertruda Houmeijers Pieter Scraijen Elizabeth Ceysens D. 1834 Hendrik Van Herk Jan Van Herk Catharina Wendelen 1817 - 1847 Casimir 30 30 1842 - 1894 Petrus Lambertus 51 51 1855 Maria Philomena Vanheel 1878 Maria Ludovica 1883 - 1885 Maria Theresia 1 1 1882 - 1950 Ferdinandus 67 67 1885 - 1907 Leopoldus 22 22 1888 Petrus Franciscus 1891 Felix 1893 Alphoncius 1879 Maria Carolina Berings Augustinus Berings Josephine Put 1824 - 1863 Lodewijk Gaethofs 39 39 1785 - 1829 Catherina Bervoets 43 43 1845 - 1866 Petrus Alphonsius Gaethofs 20 20 Marie Thérèse Vertessen 1862 Peter Jan Hoogmartens 1887 - 1906 Marie Elisa Hoogmartens 18 18 1877 - 1877 nn Gaethofs 1870 - 1876 Maria Catharina Mathilda Gaethofs 5 5 1873 - 1873 nn Gaethofs Leopold Convents Anna Elisabeth Vermeyen 1826 - 1862 Pieter Hendrik Gaethofs 36 36 1841 - 1912 Pieter Hendrik Gaethofs 70 70 1870 Philomena Gaethofs 1863 Augustinus Claes 1842 - 1909 Ludovica Vander Graesen 67 67 Josephus Claes Franciska Liberloo D. 1809 Polycanpus Vandergraesen Maria Theresia Huybrighs 1860 - 1950 Antonius Hendrik Gaethofs 89 89 1837 - 1899 Theresia Vanmeert 61 61 1866 - 1940 Maria Regina Noels 74 74 Petrus Ludovicus Noels Coletta Bervoets 1886 - 1888 Maria Theresia Gaethofs 1 1 1862 Joannis Corneilis Gaethofs Cornelis Vanmeert Clasina Devries Peter Jacobus Hoogmartens Maria Gertrudis Kerfs 1857 Francisca Theresia Obreno 1896 Laura Henrietta Hoogmartens 1860 Petrus Henricus Gaethofs 1836 Lambertine Elisabeth Vanderheijden Jean Vanderheijden Marie Dymphe Schuermans 1870 - 1903 Marie Louise Susanne Gaethofs 32 32 1867 Firmin Leclercq Gusmar Joseph Leclercq Marie Claire Bracqueniez 1867 - 1937 Jean Alphonse Gaethofs 69 69 1874 Euphrasie Achtergael Charles Louis Achtergael Barbe Leroy 1820 - 1839 Henrika Gaethofs 19 19 1813 - 1813 Henry Gaethofs 6d 6d Guillaume Bervoets Marie Sneyers Maria Helena Vandenbosch 1895 Alphonsine Marie Louise Ernest Jean Ernest Marie Antoinette Colemonts 1825 Regina Vanherk 1858 Amelia De Smet Joseph De Smet D. 1882 Francisca Stevens 1822 - 1857 Regina 35 35 1895 - 1918 Petrus Alphonsus Gaethofs 23 23 1874 Pierre Louis Gaethofs 1877 Marie Philomene Spronck 1898 Anna Spronck 1900 Joseph Louis Gaethofs 1881 - 1966 Catherine Elisabeth Gaethofs 85 85 1876 Henri Charles Alphonse Lafontaine Charles Joseph Lafontaine François Guillaumine Josephine Allemans 1884 Cornelius Gaethofs 1846 - 1891 Jan Franciscus Gaethofs 44 44 1846 Catherine Elisa Vanderheyden Jan Vanderheyden D. 1849 Maria Catharina Ceelen 1872 - 1892 Henricus Gaethofs 19 19 1880 - 1880 Henricus Franciscus Gaethofs 9m 9m 1874 Ludovicus Gaethofs 1877 Remigius Gaethofs 1881 Maria Gedula Reijns 1839 - 1903 Eduardus Reijns 63 63 1841 - 1905 Constantia Bolssens 63 63 1898 Anna Marie Hélène Gaethofs 1913 - 1985 Petrus Ludovicus Gaethofs 71 71 Julia Janssens 1883 - 1929 Augustinus Pluckers (Gaethofs) 45 45 Ship manifest record :
First Name:          August
Last Name:          Gaethofs
Ethnicity:                 Belgium Dutch
Birth :                   Pael, Belgium
Last Place of Residence: Paris, France
Date of Arrival:    Jul 28, 1919
Age at Arrival:     35y    Gender:  M    Marital Status:  M 
Ship of Travel:     La Lorraine
Port of Departure:     Le Havre, France
Manifest Line Number:     0004
1882 - 1946 Karel Gaethofs 64 64 1885 - 1975 Maria Mathildis Vanherle 90 90 1908 - 1979 Petrus Henricus Gaethofs 71 71 1907 - 1907 SN Gaethofs 1911 - 1985 Maria Virginia Josephina Gaethofs 73 73 1856 - 1939 Lodewijk Huybrichs 82 82 1905 - 1980 Petrus Ludovicus Gaethofs 75 75 Julia Volders D. 1901 Ludovicus Vanherle Anna Gertrudis Swerts 1907 - 1971 Louise Gaethofs 64 64 Joseph Remy Jean Remy 1901 - 1966 Leopold Henri Gaethofs 65 65 Cools Leontine Pletinckx 1907 - 1995 Maria Bertha Gaethofs 88 88 1901 - 1964 Jozef Geens 62 62 Henri Geens Louis Geens Madeleine Geens Gerard Geens Georgine Geens 1924 - 2003 Louisa Engelen 78 78 Jos Geens Kris Geens Jos Peeters Joke Peeters Mietje Peeters Kris Ceustermans Jef Ceustermans Lies Ceustermans Wim Nijs Paula Claes Evelien Geens Katleen Geens Josée Van Puyenbroek Erik Geens Albert Geens Maria Geens Dina Delamper Tom Geens Mieke Geens Elza Van Hove Lidwina Geens Karel Maes Karolien Maes Kristien Maes Urbain Wouters Els Wouters Jimmy Thielens Kenzo Thielens Frans Cools Wilfried Cools Willy D'Haese Ria Dielemans 1874 - 1921 Maria Matilia Blanca Gaethofs 46 46 1898 - 1936 Maria Bibiana Gaethofs 38 38 1894 - 1954 Alphonsus Senekens 59 59 Maria Augustina Bertha Seuckens Simone Francisca Seuckens Henri Remy 1892 Maria Martha Carolina Gaethofs 1892 Ludovicus Jospehus Petrus Gaethofs 1893 - 1963 Emilius Gaethofs 69 69 1905 Jean Joseh Gaethofs 1890 - 1967 Maria Theresia Gaethofs 76 76 Ludovicus Oeyen 1909 - 2002 Maria Clementina Stephania Oeyen 93 93 1903 - 1970 Henricus Saenen 67 67 1920 - 2006 Maria Seuckens 86 86 1889 - 1889 SN Gaethofs Franciscus Benedictus Helsen 1919 - 1969 Maria Bertha 50 50 August Wouters 1916 - 1987 Alfons Gaethofs 71 71 Bertha Meynckens 1898 Johanna Van der Baan Johannes Van der Baan Arnolda Barendina Duiveman 1892 Maria Elisabeth Gaethofs 1885 Frans Geyskens 1910 Maria Louisa Antoinette Geyskens Louisa Geyskens Elisa Herteweg 1854 Petrus Joannes Huybrichs 1862 Alphonsus Huybrichs 1864 Philomena Huybrichs 1867 Maria Octavia Huybrichs 1850 Constantia Huybrichs 1870 Matthias Huybrichs 1896 Zoë Bertha Bruyneel D. 1910 Joannes Geyskens Maria Helena Vanierschot 1879 Jeanne Gemoets 1878 Marie Joséphine Du Bois 1866 Maria Louise Debels 1886 Pieter Joannes Gaethofs Maria Adriana Bartels 1904 Karel Philemon Gaethofs 1864 - 1902 Alphonse Convents 37 37 Maria Rosalia Van Buggenhout 1902 Fransiscus Josephus Claes 1906 - 1981 Maria Berthilia Quintens 75 75 Simone Maria Mathilda Claes 1894 - 1961 Regina Helena Camilla Gaethofs 66 66 1896 Aloysius Antonius Rogge Francisca Cornelia Van Praet 1899 Elisa Nathalia Gaethofs 1895 Augustus Antonius Gaethofs 1901 Maria Carolina Rosalia Gaethofs 1907 Franciscus Gaethofs 1908 Augustinus Gaethofs 1907 Jan Baptist Melania Gaethofs 1899 Madeleine Angèle Albertine Bolle 1876 Ludovica Van Eycken Joseph Bolle Elvian Carolina De Bois 1898 - 1971 Josephus Armandus Maria Gaethofs 73 73 geboren als Van eycken en gewettigd in 1906 Joannes Van Eycken Maria Theresia Van Put Louis Spronck Marie Hélène Vlekken 1896 Anna Maria Felecie Gaethofs 1900 : volkstelling Hoensbroek Fkorent Ramakers Camille Huyze Jean Aloisius Seuckens Anna Maria Ackx 1915 Antonius Henricus Geyskens 1917 Clementina Gaethofs 1917 Maria Emma Geyskens 1868 Hendrik Convents 1865 Rosalia Demulder 1896 Alphonsius Convents 1876 - 1896 Joseph Gaethofs 20 20 1865 Maria Rosalia Gaethofs 1864 Leopoldus Kennes Alexander Kennes Antoinette Peeters 1887 Eugenius Gaethofs 1890 - 1916 Petrus Henricus Kennes 26 26 1862 - 1918 Augustinus Gaethofs 56 56 1872 Eduard Gaethofs 1880 - 1946 Clementina Swijgers 66 66 1907 Martha Julie 1905 - 1906 Maria Ludovica Gaethofs 1 1 1911 Maria Melania Ludovicus Swijgers Regina Volders Willem Thones 1922 Hendrik Lodewijk Gaethofs 1889 Joannes Franciscus Gaethofs 1884 - 1951 Marie Barbe Fransen 67 67 1916 - 2003 Maria Bibiana Juliana Gaethofs 87 87 Cyriel Rubens 1902 - 1977 Maria Stephania Gaethofs 75 75 1899 - 1995 Camiel Van Geel 96 96 Julius Rayen Maurits Alfons Rayen Lutgarde Marie Therese Ramaekers 1911 - 1979 Henricus Augustinus Oeyen 68 68 1912 - 1967 Dominicus Henricus Oeyen 55 55 1915 - 1995 Josephus Franciscus Oeyen 80 80 1917 - 1990 Albertus Josephus Oeyen 72 72 1922 Joanna Alphonsina Oeyen Juliana Ceunen 1916 - 1921 Augustinus Albertus Kennes 4 4 1864 Leonardus Gaethofs 1917 - 1959 Maria Seraphina Gaethofs 42 42 1911 - 2003 Achille Rayen 92 92 1874 Felix Engelbertus Rayen Amelia Naelten Anna Maria Simons Irène Thérèse Joanna Gaethofs Victoire Wats Linda Gaethofs Paul Gaethofs Pierre Gaethofs Henri Joseph Gaethofs Henriette Joséphine Stecker Anne Marie Henriette Gaethofs Adelin Vandebeek Marie-Pierre Jacqueline Léopoldine Vandebeek Jonas Fortemaison Didier Dominique Nadine Fortemaison 1889 - 1961 Irma Francisca Rosalia Icots 72 72 1888 Peter Ludovicus Gaethofs 1918 - 1988 Walter Victor Louis Gaethofs 70 70 Julia Buermans Herman Gaethofs Lieve Gaethofs Gerd Gaethofs 1914 Maria Gudula Gaethofs 1912 Elisabeth Constantia Gaethofs 1918 Georgius Gaethofs 1919 Leo Albertus Theresia Gaethofs 1920 Maria Theresia Leonardus Gaethofs 1908 - 1912 Franciscus Edouardus Gaethofs 3 3 1911 Franciscus Gaethofs 1928 Georges Gaethofs Arrival Date:      10 Oct 1954
Age:     26
Birth Date:     28 Jul 1928
Gender:     Male
Ship Name:     Alca
Port of Arrival:     Brownsville, Texas, USA
Port of Departure:     Walton
25 Nov 1956
Ship Name:     Purfina
Port of Arrival:     Brownsville, Texas, USA
Port of Departure:     Curacoa, Dutch West Indies
1879 - 1970 Maria Rosalia 91 91
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